Open Thread – Tues 16 Aug 2022

Mount Aetna from Taormina, Thomas Cole, 1843

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Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Good Morning Cats.

August 16, 2022 12:03 am

Well, we needed this!

August 16, 2022 12:15 am

It must be Tuesday. I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.

August 16, 2022 12:26 am
August 16, 2022 12:29 am

A pretty decent great reset wrap up:

August 16, 2022 12:38 am

Poor kids, now poor dogs, victims of the monkey pox via…..

August 16, 2022 12:47 am

So the Federal and VIC state Governments are funding a Moderna facility that can produce 100 million vaccine per year. Presumably it will generate income for them.

I wonder who will be taking the vaccines. Oh wait, I think I know.

Victoria is naturally the pick of sites as investors can be assured that the population won’t be given a choice as to whether they use the vaccines or not.
Just who do they think will be taking
“Victoria is naturally the pick of sites as investors can be assured that the population won’t be given a choice as to whether they use the vaccines or not”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 16, 2022 1:55 am


August 16, 2022 3:21 am

Even the calender knows that after Tuesday it is W T F !

August 16, 2022 4:02 am
August 16, 2022 4:04 am
August 16, 2022 4:05 am
August 16, 2022 4:06 am
August 16, 2022 4:07 am
August 16, 2022 4:08 am
August 16, 2022 4:09 am
August 16, 2022 4:10 am
August 16, 2022 4:11 am
August 16, 2022 4:12 am
August 16, 2022 4:14 am

Lisa Benson. Brilliant.

August 16, 2022 4:15 am
August 16, 2022 4:51 am

This will get swamped by the passport news today, but The Federalist has a great column on presidential archives.

Regardless of what transpires with Trump there needs to be hard rules put in place regarding all administration staff & their records (not just presidential records).
It needs to be made public so there can be zero wiggle room.
And it needs to be applied retrospectively to all living former administration staff (by doing this it means that punitive rules couldn’t be put in place as it would catch the Clinton’s & Biden out).
This selective enforcement of rules/laws has to end.

August 16, 2022 4:57 am

Before ol’ talking points arrives, the DNC/FBI surrogates are all singing off the same song sheet on social media.
“First former president to have passports seized”.

August 16, 2022 5:05 am

PS, this alleged passport news has come via Trump on truth social that was screen shot & tweeted/retweeted.

August 16, 2022 5:10 am

My Shop & Auspost apps tell me I have three deliveries coming over the next 24 hours.
One from Japan, purchased last Monday.
One from US, purchased last Wednesday.
One from Melbourne, purchased 3 weeks ago.
All with what each retailer called “standard” shipping.

If they all arrive in the same window it shows that some logistics ecosystems are a little antiquated.

August 16, 2022 5:34 am

“LGB drop the T” keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists

Looks like trannies are getting booted off of the LGBT train, i.e. “the inevitable clash between gay ideology and transgender theory”.

“The T hitched a ride a few years back, invited itself for dinner, and is trying to make out that it always lived her. It didn’t.”

“I’m gay (the G part) which means I exclusively like men – not women who thing they are men.”

We promised it wasn’t the slippery slope (society) feared. Trannies took advantage of our good will and it has gone too far.

– Gay people

Lesbian and gay activists demanding an end to the madness for the sake of our children? Swinging pendulums and reaping/sewing come to mind.

August 16, 2022 5:52 am


– Canada socializes healthcare.
– Canada legalizes euthanasia.
– The Canadian government-controlled health care establishment realizes, “Hey, wait a minute, it’s cheaper if these people die, let’s pressure them into it.”
“Euthanasia” is now Canada’s sixth-leading cause of death.

At no point does it seem to have occurred to anyone that giving the government strong financial incentive to want you dead was a bad idea.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 16, 2022 6:08 am

Trump was unfit to be president, but the raid on his home moves the US closer to civil conflict.”
Greg Sheridan in The Australian.
No wonder we stopped our subscription to a paper that makes you pay for crap that you can get for nothing elsewhere.
As far as all the left leaning MSM is concerned, every Republican president in my lifetime has been flawed and unfit.
But Biden is ok?
The media are the enemy of the people in large part.

August 16, 2022 6:12 am

Any updates on the dead Canadian doctors?

August 16, 2022 6:14 am

Is Monty still The World’s Greatest Expert on what former Presidents are allowed to keep from their Presidential Days?

August 16, 2022 6:19 am
August 16, 2022 6:23 am

Greg Sheridan is unfit to call himself a journalist or columnist.

August 16, 2022 6:24 am

Lisa Benson’s still drawing the best donkeys…

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 16, 2022 6:27 am

Our Foxtel subscription is way better value that The Australian. $29 per month delivers a lot of content that we actually enjoy.
The Oz should stop doing lefty shit, especially stuff like Perry Williams climate change and renewable energy b/s. It’s unseemly misinformation.

August 16, 2022 6:29 am


Supplementary and essential viewing, (while it lasts):–QS_UyW2SY

August 16, 2022 6:30 am

A year ago the Taliban started moving into the presidential palaces in Afghanistan.
This week will be the one year anniversary of the Whitehouse dropping a bomb on a family to take attention off the clusterfuck.

I don’t know what’s worse.
The Whitehouse surrogates in the media promoting the ISIS-K horseshit for a week or so then for it to never be heard of again.
The fact that the CIA thought that was the best target to drop a bomb on.
Or that there have been exactly zero whistle blowers coming forward to shine some light on the decision making process.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 6:34 am

Greg Sheridan is unfit to call himself a journalist

The Australian is unfit for my money.

August 16, 2022 6:36 am

The launch codes angle is funny if you think about it.

What’s China gonna do?

Nuke themselves?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 6:39 am

I don’t even look at the Oz website anymore. Had a look at the Daily Telegraph last evening, it was hopeless. Even my old mum is now unhappy with it, but there’s nothing else on paper worth getting. News Corps seems to be in self-harm mode at the moment. She detests the SMH, they’re far worse.

August 16, 2022 6:42 am

Yeah, nah.

U.K. Approves Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine Targeted at Omicron

The U.K. became the first country to approve a Moderna Covid-19 vaccine that targets the Omicron variant as well as the original strain.

mRNA + corona virus = insanity

August 16, 2022 6:42 am

“Speculation circulating he was fully vaccinated”
More ridiculous nonsense, talk about trying to pin the tail on a donkey.

August 16, 2022 6:44 am

“Speculation circulating he was fully vaccinated”

Sounds like China paying $2 bn to nuke themselves!

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 6:48 am

“Anchor Whatsays:
August 16, 2022 at 6:08 am
“Trump was unfit to be president, but the raid on his home moves the US closer to civil conflict.”
Greg Sheridan in The Australian.”

This morning I opened the Oz, saw the latest Sheridan dribble on offer and read the first few paragraphs. I try not to read his shit in whole because I feel if I do I’m legitimising him.

Honestly, Dribbler Sheridan is an embarrassment, he needs to be put out to pasture. The man doesn’t know whether he’s Arthur or Martha. I’m all for legitimate criticism of any leader, including Trump, but all I’ve seen from Sheridan since 2016 is Trump derangement syndrome. And the coup de grace, earlier this year Sheridan described Biden as a “good man”. That description still makes me laugh out loud, if Joe Biden is a “good man” then I’m Santa Claus.

I despise Greg Sheridan.

August 16, 2022 6:51 am

Given the WHO quietly dropped Coronavirus recommendations, are we going to see Australia drop all of the draconian mask and vaccine mandate stuff now?

I have “Certsy” for my qualifications and also COVID shots. Need that for a lot of job applications.

Clown universe.

“Need” a booster soon, let’s see this madness and insane SIMPing for big pharma & their money grubbing end soon.

August 16, 2022 6:52 am

Cassie, from memory (meaning happy to told otherwise) Greg Sheridan referred to Joe Biden’s Catholic upbringing as one of the reasons he thought he would make a good president.

Now that’s analysis worth paying for @sarc.

August 16, 2022 6:54 am

Anyone complaining about Morrison being 57 different genders of Commonwealth Minister can kindly shut up.

No one complained until now that is constitutionally valid. “Legal advice”! No, the Governor General doesn’t need legal advice. Legal advice is weaker as an authority than convention.

Plenty of partisan boosters thought it was great when their favourite Premier declared they were also Arts Ministers or Treasurers.

Suck it.

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 6:55 am

To be fair to the Oz, it still has some good writers like Janet Albrechtsen, Peta Credlin, Graham Lloyd, Chris Kenny and a few others. And I don’t mind the Daily Telegraph, it has James Morrow, Tim Blair, Clarissa Bye, Peta Credlin, Miranda Devine and others writing for it.

Also, I think a few of the above names read The Cat, and if they are reading The Cat, perhaps they could note our words about the disgrace that is Dribbler Sheridan.

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 6:57 am

“Cassie, from memory (meaning happy to told otherwise) Greg Sheridan referred to Joe Biden’s Catholic upbringing as one of the reasons he thought he would make a good president.”

I don’t recall that Bern but such incisive writing from the Dribbler would not surprise me.

August 16, 2022 6:59 am

The Democrats may truly regret their Trump witch hunt.

In the back of my mind I am still contemplating that this is all kayfabe and Trump and Clinton work together (Whatdid he do? Remember now how we view Abbott???).

However, let’s say he is charged and there is a mistrial and the charges are dismissed or withdrawn later.

Then he goes feral and the first libertarian America first candidate.

Yeah, Democrats are going to love it if he walks and runs on agenda on making most of Washington unemployed. Forget drain the swamp.

More like “make the beltway look like post apocalyptic”.

August 16, 2022 6:59 am

dot, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick.
If they go after Morrison re COVID overreacharound then surely they’ll go after all the state premiers.


August 16, 2022 7:00 am

First, kill all the lawyers has now become, first, kill all the jismists then the lawyers.

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 7:01 am

Tim Blair has said it best on his blog re. Morrison and his collection of portfolios..

“Another confounding aspect is that Morrison ceded an enormous amount of power to state premiers during the pandemic – while at the same time concentrating power for himself.”

Quite so.

August 16, 2022 7:02 am

“Another confounding aspect is that Morrison ceded an enormous amount of power to state premiers during the pandemic – while at the same time concentrating power for himself.”

No Timmy.

He just proved how useless he was.

August 16, 2022 7:03 am

To die at your desk sounds an admirable achievement.


August 16, 2022 7:03 am

To all those politicians out there. We haven’t forgotten about you lot.

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 7:04 am

” if he walks “

The Demonrats and their MSM allies will make sure he doesn’t walk.

Their sole aim is to destroy Donald J Trump.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 7:04 am

Anyone complaining about Morrison being 57 different genders of Commonwealth Minister can kindly shut up.

Oh he way worse than that Dot.

Bill Shorten slams Scott Morrison’s ‘sick government’ as he compares former PM to Donald Trump amid Cabinet scandal (15 Aug)

Trump666! ScoMo 666½! If there was any truth in this I’d support ScoMo, but sadly he was a limp wet dishrag, and nothing like Trump.

The pile on ScoMo this week is weird though. Even Sky is right into it, and not from a right-wing perspective either.

August 16, 2022 7:06 am

Rickw, good video. Funny when the nazis did ‘Public Private Partnerships’ it was called Fascism. I posted on this the other day. Communism is dead, they all know it can’t work but it’s twin brother is fascism and as China knows, and the rest of the world is finding out, it works very well for the elites.

Hayek worked out fairly early that communism just wouldn’t last, it would eventually fall apart, complete gov ownership with central planning is just unworkable, especially at scale. So the question now is, will the new fascism fail due to its structure and if so how long will it take? If it can’t fail through internal weakness how do we the people make it fail? Fascism didn’t destroy the nazis, it worked pretty good for them, it was the madman in charge and his desire to dominate the world.

It seems to me that all the major nations are well on the way to full fascism, the US maybe not so far, it’s still our best hope. The battle is well underway there at the moment, the hard core fascists are attacking a battle hardened republican side that has many fascist sympathisers in it, could go either way. Here both sides of politics are looking to fascism for the future of the country, they just have different ways of going about it.

August 16, 2022 7:08 am
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 16, 2022 7:11 am

OSC, 12.08 this morning and apropos of Scott Fucking ‘I don’t hold a hose mate’ Morrison:

Now he refuses to talk about it. Scumbag.

This is potentially the worst part of this entire disastrous bolognese stain on the crisp white linen shirt of Australia. Even if:

1. There were provisions somewhere that allowed a Prime Minister to assume dictatorial powers (which, clearly, there are);
2. An actual crisis, rather than a manufactured crisis, were to occur; and
3. Said crisis actually justified this course of action (although I struggle to think of one, given that – I think – these powers were not utilised over the course of two world wars):

Where’s the accountability? Where’s the transparency? On top of the ‘secret’ National Cabinet horseshit, this kaleidoscope of unwarranted power-tripping should fire any remaining vestiges of governmental integrity into the Sun.

On top of the pensions and insider tips and trade secret sharing, this must be why people run for politics – the opportunity to one day, after dozens of sliding doors moments, finally have the chance to quite literally run the country.

This horseshit is that bad that Malcolm Turnbull is actually right when he said on the teev last night it was ‘astonishing’ Morrison had hit those buttons.

That’s how bad it fucking is. There are certain aspects of government that are secret, and I get that – but secretly assuming critical ministerial portfolios for reasons so far unknown, and then effectively telling the punters to get fucked once you’re out of office is a new low.

August 16, 2022 7:12 am

He just proved how useless he was.

The intellectually bereft are world class at uselessness. They wreak havoc while they’re practicing it. Some of it remains unfixable even after they are booted out.

August 16, 2022 7:14 am

Garrison’s toon of Hunter is amusing. A skinless banana doing…something or other.

As for a swathe of the others, looks like they’ve de-mothballed their Trump templates. Original thinkers all.

August 16, 2022 7:21 am

This is potentially the worst part of this entire disastrous bolognese stain on the crisp white linen shirt of Australia. Even if:

1. There were provisions somewhere that allowed a Prime Minister to assume dictatorial powers (which, clearly, there are);
2. An actual crisis, rather than a manufactured crisis, were to occur; and
3. Said crisis actually justified this course of action (although I struggle to think of one, given that – I think – these powers were not utilised over the course of two world wars):

This “god” complex wasn’t confined to Morrison during this shit show.
It was distributed throughout, at least in mindset.

And the scared shitless, drone masses enabled it to a very large extent.

August 16, 2022 7:22 am

earlier this year Sheridan described Biden as a “good man”.

If he did that before Biden assumed the presidency I could understand it seeing how Sheridan is disposed to the left but after the many Biden idiocies since then means that Sheridan is himself cognitively impaired. He seems to be operating purely from muscle memory.

August 16, 2022 7:22 am

It’s Sheridan a good Catholic who’s allowing his children to be raised as Sikhs?
I don’t recall that promise in nuptial vows.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 7:24 am

A tranny stole my unicorn.

What are you going to do about it?

August 16, 2022 7:25 am
August 16, 2022 7:28 am

GreyRanga says:
August 16, 2022 at 7:00 am
First, kill all the lawyers has now become, first, kill all the jismists then the lawyers.

No. Suburban conveyancers and estate matters lawyers are worth every penny. It’s the the ones who go into politics who give all the others a bad name. I’m not sure about the criminal defence and prosecution ones.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 16, 2022 7:28 am

This “god” complex wasn’t confined to Morrison during this shit show.
It was distributed throughout, at least in mindset.


It’s crystallised the concept of accountability, or lack thereof, in that particular stratosphere. It’s not leadership but dictatorship, and anyone that holds that particular brass ring either now or in future should know that the pubic will not take kindly to having that sword of Damocles over their heads when the next crisis du jour shambles into view.

August 16, 2022 7:28 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 7:30 am

So the question now is, will the new fascism fail due to its structure and if so how long will it take?

Sfw – It’s already failing. In China it’s “lying flat”. No surprise that with the flowering of fascism in the West, especially the US and Europe, we’ve started to see the lying flat syndrome spread to western countries. Why work hard for elite bosses who are basically Nazis inflicting all sorts of woke rubbish and nonsense onto you? “They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.”

This isn’t a new phenomenon. Italy suffered from it during WW2. In the Western Desert the Italian army guys would fire off a few rounds then surrender. They didn’t want to fight for fascism, so they laid flat. Rommel had huge trouble with them, and eventually made sure there was a German regiment on each side of each Italian regiment, with orders to shoot if they tried to surrender.

So fascism will die from ennui. You can’t make a man work hard if he doesn’t want to, unless you use force. And if you try to use force he’ll still drag his heels.

August 16, 2022 7:32 am

My body, my choice meets choose better.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 7:32 am

I laugh at these “kill all the lawyers” types. They tended to be the ones on the other side of your desk, up to their eyeballs in the shit and looking for a way out. Lawyers aren’t the problem – people are.

August 16, 2022 7:38 am

Bruce of Newcastle says:
August 16, 2022 at 7:04 am
Anyone complaining about Morrison being 57 different genders of Commonwealth Minister can kindly shut up.
Oh he way worse than that Dot.

Yes, he was way worse. The thing about ScoMo is that he is completely without principle. It was all about him being the PM and staying that way. He had no loyalty to anyone and trusted nobody, as proven by the multi-ministry grab. What he should have done is been honest with the population when things were bad and also admit when he got it wrong by correcting the wrong.

Instead of standing up for the people ScoMo spoke out of both sides of his mouth particularly regarding the vaccines. Premiers were decreeing and demanding vaccines or else while he insisted that they were not compulsory. At this point he was expected to lean on the premiers but he did not. In other words, a liar.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 7:41 am

Prof van Wrongselen condemns secret ministries. I’m convinced.

August 16, 2022 7:42 am

Lawyers aren’t the problem – people are.

That’s lawyer talk !

August 16, 2022 7:42 am

A sovereign citizen would never express bitterness towards lawyers.

Only the elite child abusing lawyers conspiring to have them fitted up with child abduction.

August 16, 2022 7:44 am

If you give away smoking monkeys, the public will love you.

Look at him go!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 7:44 am

This horseshit is that bad that Malcolm Turnbull is actually right when he said on the teev last night it was ‘astonishing’ Morrison had hit those buttons.

KD – Andrews, Sneakers and Palacechook all did the same things. I suspect ScoMo was acting on the same fascist advice from the health nazis.

What is clear though is the pile on ScoMo isn’t being applied to the Labor Premiers who if anything were worse. Instead they’re being lionized for ‘decisive action’. That’s the biggest crime here, breathtaking hypocrisy and double standards.

I wouldn’t mind ScoMo being hammered, but the relative unfairness of it gets up my nose. The health nazis and the Labor apparatchiks should all be deported to North Korea.

August 16, 2022 7:44 am

Anyone contemplating watching Westworld who hasn’t started, don’t bother.
Unless you’re ok with watching 4 series for a Neon Genesis Evangelion type ending.

August 16, 2022 7:45 am

Indolent – it just does my head in that despite the CDC raising the white flag regarding masks & the vaccines, here in Oz our medicos are still holding the line fiercely. Just saw an emergency celebrity (she had appeared on TV series)
complain about vaccine protesters out the front of a Melbourne hospital. My understanding is that many of those protesters are nurses who have been stood down because they refuse to accept an injection that they have seen damage others.

I don’t know why, in the era of the internet , we still seem to be subject to the “tyranny of distance”. I have been researching the vax issue since early 2021 & the amount of material available on the adverse effects is extraordinary. Yet the very people who need to know the latest research either don’t bother to know, or are selective in what they decide to accept.

August 16, 2022 7:46 am

So fascism will die from ennui. You can’t make a man work hard if he doesn’t want to, unless you use force. And if you try to use force he’ll still drag his heels.

This is inevitable when people realise that no matter what they do they cannot get ahead because of who they are, not what they do. In communist countries the favoured are the party elites. In the West now it’s all about diversity and if you are not diverse enough don’t bother trying.

The religious fervour of the environmentalists is just compounding the problem by convincing the remaining workers that they will have to give up all the good things in life to save the planet.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 16, 2022 7:46 am

A sovereign citizen would never express bitterness towards lawyers.

‘Take one step on my land! Trespass!

‘$10,000 per step! Maritime Law! Due in 21 days! I’ll see you in a court I don’t recognise!

Also, no junk mail! That’s assault!’

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 7:48 am

SloMo confuses dignified silence with cowardice. Unsurprisingly. He gives Happy Clappers a bad name.

August 16, 2022 7:48 am

You can’t make a man work hard if he doesn’t want to, unless you use force. And if you try to use force he’ll still drag his heels.

The spectre of starvation can be a great motivator.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 7:50 am

Good law stopped with the Magna Carta.

August 16, 2022 7:51 am

HB, I think you’re right, the malaise we see all around us, the people who no longer want to work and those who are ‘quite quitting’ etc. We know a lot about Germany after the war, what about Italy? Did the end of fascism there lead to a reinvigorated economy and people? I don’t know much about it. Looking at the way Italy has been for the last 50 years, is a bit confusing. There seems to be/has been some vibrant places but a lot of malaise as well, especially in the south.

So how does it play out in places like Australia and the UK?

August 16, 2022 7:51 am

Courier Mail has good article by Mike Connor about The Voice. Has a poll which is currently 92% against it.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 16, 2022 7:53 am

Andrews, Sneakers and Palacechook all did the same things

Dunno. They held their respective Health Ministers up as shields, and premiers are very conscious that State and Federal politics are very different pathways.

Morrison could have stopped the self-generated hysteria 18 months before he did by turning off the money tap to States, but he very conspicuously did not.

August 16, 2022 7:55 am

There are certain aspects of government that are secret, and I get that – but secretly assuming critical ministerial portfolios for reasons so far unknown, and then effectively telling the punters to get fucked once you’re out of office is a new low.

I think ScoMo is planning on writing a tell-all book so no point in giving it away for free. You will have to buy his book to find out what he was thinking.

August 16, 2022 7:57 am

What is clear though is the pile on ScoMo isn’t being applied to the Labor Premiers who if anything were worse. Instead they’re being lionized for ‘decisive action’. That’s the biggest crime here, breathtaking hypocrisy and double standards.

Bruce, true but he could have stopped them or at least moderated their excesses either by pulling funds or rebuking them yet he did none of it. The buck stops with him.

August 16, 2022 7:58 am

the pubic will not take kindly to having that sword of Damocles over their heads when the next crisis du jour shambles into view.

Actually, they will .. the majority of the “public” proved with their wholehearted embracing of lockdowns/work -from-home/ near compulsory jabs that they luv being told what to do! .
out here, where I am, Fairfield, NSW mask wearing is still running at 80% amongst the SE Asians …!

August 16, 2022 7:58 am

Oops KD, should have read your comment first but at least we agree.

August 16, 2022 8:03 am

Bruce, true but he could have stopped them or at least moderated their excesses either by pulling funds or rebuking them yet he did none of it. The buck stops with him.

Yep, it was always about the MONEY .. BRADBURY kept giving & giving whenever the State Premiers demanded … none of the various measures would have laste dmor ethan a coupla weeks, at most, if the Feds hadn’t bankrolled them cos none of the States would have worn those costs themselves …….!

August 16, 2022 8:04 am

I don’t know why, in the era of the internet , we still seem to be subject to the “tyranny of distance”. I have been researching the vax issue since early 2021 & the amount of material available on the adverse effects is extraordinary. Yet the very people who need to know the latest research either don’t bother to know, or are selective in what they decide to accept.

Modern journalists are first and foremost activists, they went into it to “make a difference” and any contradictory evidence must be dismissed. They judge others by their own standards, meaning that they expect the other side is also just pushing a narrative. They don’t recognise an objective truth.

On the other hand it could just be laziness, too much work to dig out the truth.

August 16, 2022 8:04 am

Late last night I popped over to Jo Nova and this post was in the 15 Aug open thread. It links to a letter by AMPS which has been sent to all medical associations and MP’s.

Perhaps Dover and Areff might copy the letter and give it its own thread. Needs to be spread far and wide.

Time for the silenced Dr’s to be given a voice.

Brenda Spence
August 15, 2022 at 10:30 am · Reply
Cant read the article because of the paywall but here is a group of Australian drs who have formed AMPS – Australian Medical Professional Society – who have written a succinct commentary of the injectables fiasco and mailed it to medical associations, parliamentarians etc.

Great letter, should be widely promoted, I wonder if Chris Mitchell got hold of it?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 8:04 am

Looking at the way Italy has been for the last 50 years, is a bit confusing. There seems to be/has been some vibrant places but a lot of malaise as well, especially in the south.

As I understand it the Americans accepted a tacit agreement in the south of Italy and Sicily with the Mafia, ‘Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra. For expediency since they were busy fighting the German Army. Once they were in charge it proved impossible to get rid of them, and that situation hasn’t changed since.

The Mafia are another sort of fascist aristocracy, and the effect on the population is the same – why bother to work hard when the elites steal what you produce?

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 8:06 am

“”So fascism will die from ennui. You can’t make a man work hard if he doesn’t want to, unless you use force. And if you try to use force he’ll still drag his heels.”

I’m pretty sure someone who has a gun pointed at his or her head won’t be dragging their heels.

August 16, 2022 8:11 am

Women in Scotland now have a legal right to free menstrual products

Surely no-one would be stupid enough to use a Government issue tampon (certain future Queens excepted).

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 8:12 am

“LGB drop the T” keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists

There was not really any conflict with Straights and Gays. Even SSM has been seized upon by far fewer people than we were told held razor blades hovering over their wrists because they could not be married, and of those that have availed themselves of it, I suspect, will be mostly those who were not too hung up before and merely ‘married’ because it became available.

There was a few activists who wanted it for reasons relating to power and hatred of straights, but there will always be a few loud mouths on the fringe of any group. The only reason it got up with because:

> Politicians are scared to death of Twatter
> The public service is always looking for a reason for more personnel and is a hotbed of mediocre people with nothing to do but imagine themselves smarter and more important than anyone else (doubtless encouraged by the fact that they are enabled to exercise the power of monarchs with laws, by-laws, fines and police which far exceeds the power of the people they prey upon).
> And large businesses with HR departments are always trying to show how hip they are and persuade the public (as it appears through the prism of Twatter) that they are on their side.

I have noted before that Gays and Lesbians are as certain that there are two genders as straights- the definitions make no sense otherwise – and the slide into this pestilent bog of T and Q and I (not me!) and the pregnant ‘+’ which covers everything not even imagined yet was going to create problems. Gays and Lesbians have had their legitimacy co-opted to serve a fringe agenda.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 8:13 am

The Green-Left Weekly Radio (now Half) Hour formerly known as AM and Lord Waffleworth aren’t happy with Secret SloMo.

August 16, 2022 8:15 am

Cassie “I’m pretty sure someone who has a gun pointed at his or her head won’t be dragging their heels.”

Not sure about that, in the USSR there was always the threat of execution and imprisonment over peoples heads, they pretended to work but that was about it. In the Gulags the risk of execution was high yet the prisoners did as little as possible while trying to make it look like they were working.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 8:16 am

I’m pretty sure someone who has a gun pointed at his or her head won’t be dragging their heels.

Cassie – That’s exactly the problem with fascism and communism. You can’t point a gun at the head of every person all the time.

An economy cannot support the number of thugs you need to do that. Thugs don’t produce anything, they’re a drain. That then hollows the economy out and you end up as North Korea and Venezuela, with the elites ringed by capos and the population living in misery.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 16, 2022 8:17 am

Queensland government to include truth-telling inquiry for First Nations people as part of Path to Treaty

The Queensland government will today unveil the steps it will take towards signing a treaty with First Nations people, which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process.

The road to reconciliation will be outlined by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as she releases her government’s response to a report about progressing the state’s Path to Treaty, which was completed in October last year.

The government will release the Treaty Advancement Committee’s final report after accepting all 22 of its recommendations either in full or in principle.

Ms Palaszczuk said this next step towards treaty was “an incredible moment”, with truth-telling about Queensland’s history an important part of the process.

“Treaty is about finding a place where we can face up to our shared history and be truthful about all of it – good and bad – and build a future together where we value, trust, and respect each other.”

The Palacechook Government has:

1) had no prior consultation with Queenslanders about this “incredible moment”; and

2) withheld the Path to Treaty report which it has accepted as the basis of something that is supposed to “build a future together where we value, trust, and respect each other”.

This Secret Politicians’ Business approach to ‘reconciliation’ is being rolled out all across Australia. Racial politics, done behind closed doors by experts and sectional interests, flying under the radar.

The fuckers don’t care that we know they don’t trust us.

Bar Beach Swimmer
August 16, 2022 8:22 am

Zatara @ 5:52am
At no point does it seem to have occurred to anyone that giving the government strong financial incentive to want you dead was a bad idea.

Many years ago in an ethics course I did, the lecturer told the class that his wife, a surgical nurse of many years, would not be an organ donor because in the event that her life needed saving, she was not sure the doctor would do everything to save her.

Cassie of Sydney
August 16, 2022 8:25 am

“In the Gulags the risk of execution was high yet the prisoners did as little as possible while trying to make it look like they were working.”

Oh, so that’s how the White Sea canal was built?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 16, 2022 8:26 am

Bruce of N

“So fascism will die from ennui. You can’t make a man work hard if he doesn’t want to, unless you use force. And if you try to use force he’ll still drag his heels.”

Fascism is “National Socialism”. Without the nationalism, “lying flat” is the inevitable result. Unfortunately for our would be fascist leaders, they are internationalists, and hate nationalism with a passion.

Failure looms for them.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 16, 2022 8:27 am

How long after he drops the kids off at school will m0nty-fa arrive here?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 8:30 am

“Trump was unfit to be president, but the raid on his home moves the US closer to civil conflict.”

Sheridan. What a mewling fop.

How was he unfit? America was going gangbusters, freedoms being restored, their armed forces being withdrawn from intractable conflicts so long removed from their original mission that the conflicts because their own justification, international alliances were being reinvigorated, peace was breaking out in the Middle East, and so on.

OK, he may have a problem with the first of the above, believing America’s role must be to obey the dictates of international groups like the UN and its feral bastard children like the ICCC. Maybe he dislikes the second because he thinks people cannot be trusted with too much freedom.

Maybe he dislikes the third for precisely the reason I put above. Maybe hates the fourth because he thinks all diplomacy should consist of ceding ground to strategic enemies: That no one should stand up to China, for example, but ensure peace by giving them whatever they want.

There is something else he may have in mind. He might have bought into that progressive tenet of faith so sacred it does not need to be true in a single particular to be true in general that Trump is a serial criminal. Like we saw with that poor drone in front of Trump tower talking about Trump’s provable crimes.

August 16, 2022 8:32 am

Fascism is “National Socialism”.

A small quibble Fascism is a nationalist form of Socialism, not capital N capital S National Socialism aka Nazism. International socialist conflate the 2.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 8:34 am

Fascism is “National Socialism”. Without the nationalism, “lying flat” is the inevitable result.

BJ – There’s a time dimension to this too. Italy was taken over by fascists in 1922, whereas the Nazis didn’t get in power until 1933. So the Italian people had eleven more years of time to get over the fad than the German people did.

August 16, 2022 8:34 am

Jab jab booster……..what would health minister Morrison say about this?

What if 1 in 23 individuals jabbed with the COVID bioproduct experienced an adverse reaction strong enough to trigger an insurance claim? Now consider the fact that 5.31 billion people in the world received at least one jab, with hundreds of millions receiving three or four jabs, and you will realize we are in uncharted waters in human history.

According to data from Techniker Krankenkasse, the largest German medical insurance company, there were a total of 437,593 insurance claims billed under the four diagnostic codes for vaccine injury in 2021. To put those numbers in perspective, the total numbers billed for a vaccine injury code in the two preceding years was 13,777 and 15,044, respectively. As the Daily Skeptic notes, given that TK insures 11 million people, that means 1 in 23, or 4.3%, had a medical treatment billed for vaccine injury. And that assumes all 11 million were vaccinated. The background vaccination rate in Germany is 78%, although most of the unvaccinated are children, so the rate of injury per vaccinated person is likely even higher (5.1%).

August 16, 2022 8:35 am

ML, you don’t have to delve too deeply into Sheridan’s mindset.

It’s unfashionable to appreciate Trump, and fashionable to “dislike” him.

The Tribe Has Spoken.

August 16, 2022 8:40 am

Cassie “Oh, so that’s how the White Sea canal was built?”

They did as little work as possible to conserve energy, the work still got done just not very efficiently, many died or were permanently maimed but they did what they had to and no more. I’m sure you’ve read “The Gulag Archipelago”, it lays it all out. An utterly demoralised population doing what they could to get by but no more than that. Slavery can work but it’s not particularly efficient.

The point is that a demoralised people will not work hard, they may make the appearance of doing so.

The same in Mao’s China, the cadres and party leaders worked very hard to achieve Mao’s goals, the population not so much, have a look at ‘Tombstone’ by Yang Jisheng, a sort of Chinese Gulag Archipelago. The people were starved, killed, tortured but they didn’t work as hard as they could, the system didn’t reward it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 8:41 am

How long after he drops the kids off at school will m0nty-fa arrive here?

He will need to scoff down a box of donuts – I would think he tells his kids that they must eat healthily and around them restrains himself as best his growling belly will allow him. He would have donuts hidden about the house to tide him over early morning and evening before the kids go to bed: Perhaps a few secreted into his golf bag in the garage, a few wrapped in plastic tucked into the cistern of the toilet, a few in an old ‘All Bran’ box marked “Daddy’s Cereal” on the top shelf in the pantry.

He can use his morning scoffing time to plug the jack into his head and download the latest updated talking points (although most remain unchanged from day to day, as evinced by his bringing them back up here even after having had them comprehensively demolished the day before).

August 16, 2022 8:43 am

“He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.”
George Bernard Shaw

Says everything about Australian politicians that needs to be said.

August 16, 2022 8:43 am

yet the prisoners did as little as possible while trying to make it look like they were working.”

Depends which gulag you were in.
Death rates varied.

August 16, 2022 8:45 am

Frog from Police Rescue died.
The episode of Frogger dying was one of the great moments in Australian television history.
Fell down the side of a mountain.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 16, 2022 8:48 am

yet the prisoners did as little as possible while trying to make it look like they were working.”

Based on Solzhenitsyn’s account it was a self preservation strategy, rather than a political statement.

The zeks were trying to survive on minimal calories in harsh conditions. Physical work was an existential threat.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 16, 2022 8:48 am

“Even Sky is right into it, and not from a right-wing perspective either.”
No surprises there.
Daytime Sky is marginally better than the commercials, but still a long way short of (in fact can’t hold a candle to) Fox News – e.g. Carlson, Ingraham and Watters.
When some of the “Sky After Dark” people hit the target we hear cries for them to be cancelled.

August 16, 2022 8:49 am

Fascism is a society in which a one party state controls everything but allows big businesses (not small) to operate as long as they cooperate with the state for state goals. That’s why it can work, there is a degree of freedom for businesses as long as they toe the party line. The price structure is still in place and goods and services are still available for the people. How long it can last is another question.

Still my definition sounds a lot like Australia, a uniparty in charge, it really doesn’t matter who you vote for you just get different degrees of the same policies. Small businesses persecuted and large ones encouraged with helpful laws and regulations.

There is a veneer of freedom as long as it complies with the government diktats. Opposition is crushed, forcing minor parties to change names and comply with onerous regulation, jailing opponents (Pauline Hanson), lots more there for those who care to look. In the end there is no opposition and none is permitted.

August 16, 2022 8:49 am

Unless you’re ok with watching 4 series for a Neon Genesis Evangelion type ending.

Funny story, Norm Macdonald said he whacked it to that.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 16, 2022 8:50 am

sfw there first.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 16, 2022 8:50 am

Is it only Rowan Dean, James Morrow and Rita Panahi on their weekend show Outsiders who are game to call The Voice for what it is?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 8:50 am

Frog from Police Rescue died.

Sarah Hyphen-Hyphen will ask her staff to send flowers to his widow, and then go ballistic when she finds out they instead sent flowers to the wife of some dead actor.

Same thing happened to the brave souls of Sea Patrol.

August 16, 2022 8:52 am

ABC RN AM lamenting the lack of transparency during the covid years.

Well…in regard to Morrison, at least.

August 16, 2022 8:53 am

The price structure is still in place and goods and services are still available for the people. How long it can last is another question.

sfw if you mean marketing pricing was still in place, that is exactly what didn’t happen in Germany.
TIK has done about a dozen videos on this.

August 16, 2022 8:55 am

Dr F “Based on Solzhenitsyn’s account it was a self preservation strategy, rather than a political statement.”

I never said it was a political statement, it was self preservation. The point is that the current people ‘quite quitting’ etc are not making political statements, they are just giving up and doing as little as possible to get by. It’s a form of self preservation where you no longer really se the point in trying to get ahead, you’re demoralised so you do enough to get by and that’s it.

Few in Soviet Russia made political statements, they didn’t last long if they did. They just bent into the shape the state wanted and did what they could to get by. Fascism and Socialism will end with demoralised people but one gets there faster than the other. My question is can Fascism survive if not what can kill it? Communism will always kill itself.

August 16, 2022 8:56 am

ftb it was in place up to the late 30’s, it was tampered with but with war it went away.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 16, 2022 8:57 am

The Queensland government will today unveil the steps it will take towards signing a treaty with First Nations people, which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process

I’ll bet good money that any attempt at signing a treaty with “First Nations” turns into a legal dogfight of monumental proportions. Some of those “First Nations” comprise clans who have been feuding for so long they can’t even agree on what day of the week it is, good luck in getting them to agree on the terms of a treaty.

August 16, 2022 8:58 am

[Isn’t] Sheridan a good Catholic who’s allowing his children to be raised as Sikhs?

All paths lead to heaven…or something.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 9:00 am

which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process

No one will have the nads to tell the truth about the truth-telling process and how it assesses truth.

That would be racist.

August 16, 2022 9:00 am

Sheridan. What a mewling fop.

While playing the role of even-handed weather vane (in his imagination), Greg Sheridan behaves like the rest of the leftwing media establishment in their beliefs:

a) most people are stupid.

b) the internet hasn’t been invented and this media pulpit is most people’s only source of information.

c) Trump Derangement is the default setting for people whose only source of information is the Australian MSM.

d) the Democratic Party’s daily talking points distributed via Twitter are the Australian MSM’s daily talking points about US politics.

I still have an Oz sub. I treat anything by Sheridan the same as anything by PVO and formerly interesting old farts like Henry Ergas: scroll on by.

Having abandoned the hard work of finding out what’s really going on, the Paywallian does little else but publish opinion. It’s worth it only for the Leak cartoons.

Anchor What
Anchor What
August 16, 2022 9:01 am

A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich focused exactly on the daily routine of prisoners building a power station in the frozen wastes of Siberia.

August 16, 2022 9:01 am

And the coup de grace, earlier this year Sheridan described Biden as a “good man”.

Spokin’ Joe is wheely spiteful –

By Miranda Devine

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 16, 2022 9:03 am

which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process

“Stories my Nanna told me..”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 16, 2022 9:04 am

BHP final dividend $1.75 – U.S.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 16, 2022 9:06 am

Can someone please explain to me why I should be so upset about Scott Morrison’s bizarre secret hijacking of some of his ministries? Yes, it is unprecedented yet I can’t see how it’s criminal, let alone unconstitutional. Where’s the victim? If he’d actually done anything especially damaging while he was the government shadow minister of these departments, then sure, this would be a problem. But what did he do? He cancelled some oil and gas exploration project off the NSW coast – okay, the Greens would be happy with that. Anything else? Because if there isn’t, this looks to me to be a storm in a teacup.

In fact, it makes me wonder what’s going down now that they don’t want us looking at or talking about.

August 16, 2022 9:06 am

Carrots always work better than sticks. We know that as parents, and some of us as employers.

When the carrot supply runs out, the stick is all that’s left. They’ll be quite happy to do it all again.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 9:08 am

Fascism is a society in which a one party state controls everything but allows big businesses (not small) to operate as long as they cooperate with the state for state goals. That’s why it can work, there is a degree of freedom for businesses as long as they toe the party line.

If you look at what is happening here in Australia the industrious ones are the tradies. They’re the guys who work Saturdays and aspire to get ahead.

Employees of big business are increasingly being strangled by woke, and consequently aren’t working as hard. They can’t be promoted unless they have all the right characteristics: black, female, qwerty etc. Not ability. That’s the problem – the same top down repression mindset increasingly infects big business, whose management then discourage industriousness because enthusiastic workers are a threat to them. Which is why the fascists persecute the middle class…like tradies.

August 16, 2022 9:09 am

lotocoti says:
August 16, 2022 at 7:32 am
My body, my choice meets choose better.

lotocoti ,

those statistics are really depressing ,

as someone who grew up in a Single Parent Household when my Father died when I was 14 months old , thankfully I had a loving Mother , did not get on with the Nuns, but moving to Marist Brothers in year 3, had superb Teachers and really enjoyed sport, as well as study

I feel for kids in those statistics

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 9:09 am

[Isn’t] Sheridan a good Catholic who’s allowing his children to be raised as Sikhs?


He isn’t a good Catholic.

(Well, I have not really checked but I sense he holds decorum higher than commitment.)

August 16, 2022 9:10 am

Lawyers aren’t the problem – people are.

All that value adding that accrues from letting them live.

August 16, 2022 9:10 am

sfw, one of the reasons why the Germans started the war was because of their disastrous economy policies.
So it didn’t go away because of the war.
It was a (one of many) reason for the war.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 9:12 am

ABC RN AM lamenting the lack of transparency during the covid years.
Well…in regard to Morrison, at least.

The ALPBC’s concern with personal freedoms does seem to be … um … selective.

August 16, 2022 9:13 am

Bear laws are written for lawyers not the people they’re they are supposed to be protecting. We have muppets in the High Court who are interpreting law. The law is not fit for purpose.

August 16, 2022 9:14 am

Gotta do some work

August 16, 2022 9:15 am

In fact, it makes me wonder what’s going down now that they don’t want us looking at or talking about.

Whenever the baying starts, it pays to look in the opposite direction.

– the “Voice”
– the mRNA lab for endless “vaxx”
– NDIS rorting
– voteherds

There are any number of righteous targets to focus attention upon. They have to be vewy vewy careful here though. Some mischievous people might remember Saint Gough of the multiple portfolios and draw some unkind comparisons.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 16, 2022 9:22 am

Bruce of N

“BJ – There’s a time dimension to this too. Italy was taken over by fascists in 1922, whereas the Nazis didn’t get in power until 1933. So the Italian people had eleven more years of time to get over the fad than the German people did.”

Good point. Early on, Musso could inspire the patriotic masses with mega projects like draining the Pontine Marshes.

By the time of the Ethiopia stoush, the gloss had worn off, 14 years after Musso took over.

Hitler’s Germany never made the 14 year mark.

There could be a good argument that after the Afghanistan and later parts of the many Iraq wars, that gloss has already worn off in major Western nations. However, I can’t see internationalism having any appeal away from our self selected so called “elites”, who are the only ones who benefit from it (apart from the vote herds they lurrrrve to import).


Good point about the capital letters, I was trying to emphasise the nationalism element.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 9:25 am

Re Sheridan melting into a small puddle of wet goo, let’s not forget our old friend Alan Kohler.

Aussie Journalist Celebrates President Biden’s Climate Change Deception (12 Aug)

A month ago I wrote here that this country, and the rest of the world, had a big problem because America was out of the carbon emissions reduction game, which would make most other countries think they might as well give up too. Without the US reducing emissions, we’re all cooked.

But Biden didn’t give up: This week Manchin and Sinema both voted for the renamed bill, and it passed.

Rebranding the legislation was an obvious, but brilliant piece of marketing – it’s called the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), but it’s in fact a climate bill with – as Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times, a “side helping of health reform”.

What’s more, on climate it’s aimed at helping households – not industry – reduce emissions, which is the other brilliant thing about it, and that’s why Manchin and Sinema voted for it.

Loves Slow Joe (check), hates the Orange Climate Criminal (check), believes in Worming (check), is a Krugtron acolyte (check), doesn’t mind lying for the cause (check). Amazing how climate religiosity rots lefty brains.

August 16, 2022 9:29 am
August 16, 2022 9:31 am

SMIC’s 7NM chip: NOT practical/Provoked by U.S. Chips Act, Beijing launched anti-corruption campaign
China Insights
244K subscribers

A week ago, we reported on a series of investigations into China’s chip industry, in which several chip industry leaders were abruptly taken away by the CCP’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, CCDI, for investigation and are now unaccounted for. The storm isn’t stopping there.
On August 9th, according to the website of the State Supervision Commission of the CCDI, three senior executives of China’s chip industry and Huaxin Investment Management Co. were added to the investigation list.
On August 9th, 2022, U.S.President Joe Biden signed the Chips and Science Act was passed by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives at the end of July. The Act provides significant funding incentives for the American semiconductor industry and grants for scientific research. The U.S. usually plays a leading role among its allies. When the U.S. assumes this stance, Beijing’s dream of building the chip will be even tougher to achieve.

August 16, 2022 9:32 am

premiers were decreeing and demanding vaccines or else while he insisted that they were not compulsory

Err, not quite. Goose Morristeen initially insisted that the quaccines would be as mandatory as possible (until the subsequent same day focus groups indicated they were not enthused by this prospect), before later coming out with the legendary statement “We didn’t mandate vaccines, except when we did”.

He never opposed mandatory quaccines, precisely because he was in favour of them. There is no other explanation.

Worst prime minister in this country’s history, with daylight second. A truly loathsome individual.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 9:38 am

Bear laws are written for lawyers not the people they’re they are supposed to be protecting. We have muppets in the High Court who are interpreting law. The law is not fit for purpose.

Try getting something done in Afghanistan or downtown Mogadishu and get back to me.

August 16, 2022 9:38 am

Can someone please explain to me why I should be so upset about Scott Morrison’s bizarre secret hijacking of some of his ministries? Yes, it is unprecedented yet I can’t see how it’s criminal, let alone unconstitutional.

As ludicrous as it is, I think this is being played out in the shadow of Trump.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 16, 2022 9:38 am

“because America was out of the carbon emissions reduction game, which would make most other countries think they might as well give up too. Without the US reducing emissions, we’re all cooked.”

Kohler is either ignorant or deliberately deceptive. It is China, not the US, that is the problem (if, indeed, CO2 is a problem).

Already the biggest emitter, China has already said that it will continue to increase its emissions for many more years. Nothing western nations can do will reduce world emissions.

August 16, 2022 9:40 am

Sean Davis

Biden’s corrupt AG Merrick Garland is going to use a corrupt DC grand jury taken from a pool of 95% hardcore Democrat partisans to indict Trump.

He’ll then use a corrupt DC trial jury from the same rigged pool to convict Trump. Dems want a constitutional crisis, so buckle up.

August 16, 2022 9:43 am

I’m not sure about the criminal defence and prosecution ones.

Go to court and you are surrounded by dishonest sleazebags who are prepared to use violence against you.
Then there are the criminals.

August 16, 2022 9:46 am

“which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process”

That would be smallpox blankets then.

August 16, 2022 9:47 am
August 16, 2022 9:55 am

“which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process”

By the end of which people will be thoroughly sick of it & Palaszczuk will no longer be Premier.

One can’t live without hope.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 16, 2022 9:57 am

That would be smallpox blankets then.

Don’t forget the “Maybe two, maybe three hundred people, shot and burned” when those allegations were fully investigated, and no forensic evidence to support those allegations was ever found..

August 16, 2022 10:02 am

which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process.

You were groups of stone age savages that have had to adapt to 60,000 years of progress in 2 centuries.

The end.

August 16, 2022 10:04 am

which will include a three-year Indigenous truth-telling inquiry as part of the process.

To paraphrase Sam Elliott…

You didn’t steal any sheep and I didn’t shoot any black fellas.

We’re good.

August 16, 2022 10:05 am

Lays out a trail of thot bait for dot….

Women Raised Standards, So Now More Men Are Single.

The problem is: There is no problem. It works out really well. Single women are happy. Even the single moms I know talk about how much easier their lives are since getting divorced*. It seems like being married is a status symbol that is more work than it’s worth.

Chad Chadlington the 3rd smiles as he swipes left….
*let me guess, daddy government or divorce bank rape keeping her in the manner to which she is accustomed?

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:05 am

That would be smallpox blankets then.

Not Peanut Head’s finest hour. Well, one of them.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 16, 2022 10:08 am

Not Peanut Head’s finest hour. Well, one of them.

Still rather aggro about the fact that he was never held to account for that claim.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:10 am

The irony of Albo getting a briefing from PM&C which presumably established Secret ScoMo will be lost on him. Caligula was unavailable for comment. Fuck off back to The Shire.

August 16, 2022 10:11 am

H B Bearsays:
August 16, 2022 at 9:38 am
Try getting something done in Afghanistan or downtown Mogadishu and get back to me.

They have lawyers.
Astute religious scholar types I believe.
Whole books of laws and precedents which pretty well amount to “I KEEEL YOU” or contain endless loopholes to be exploited.

Just because Western law dropped the religious justification doesnt make it any less self serving.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:17 am

Pretty much where I’m at on this too. I

If we are going to maintain the facade of Ministerial Responsibility surely this requires that we (the people) know who the relevant Minister is. Otherwise you might as well not bother at all and just let the APS get on with it.

August 16, 2022 10:19 am

Can someone please explain to me why I should be so upset about Scott Morrison’s bizarre secret hijacking of some of his ministries? Yes, it is unprecedented yet I can’t see how it’s criminal, let alone unconstitutional. Where’s the victim? If he’d actually done anything especially damaging while he was the government shadow minister of these departments, then sure, this would be a problem. But what did he do? He cancelled some oil and gas exploration project off the NSW coast – okay, the Greens would be happy with that. Anything else? Because if there isn’t, this looks to me to be a storm in a teacup.

I am kind of in that position too. Liberal leader is a weirdo with no concept of proper government… well duh, they all are. It’s something for the old bastards of the press gallery to harrumph over, but they should have gotten wind of it at the time if they were any good as journos. Mind you, some of them did get wind of it but sat on the info for a book, which is another story.

August 16, 2022 10:19 am

Narrative on the passports is changing.
The surrogates are changing their messaging in line with it.
It is amazing to watch real time.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 10:20 am

Samuel Johnson was reported to have said:

Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young.

I think the same of Elbow.

His hollowed out legs would have been great umbrella stands, his teeth all higgledy-piggledy could have made for a novelty saw, and the rest of his tissues used in scientific experimentation as an intermediary stage before trying things on human samples.

August 16, 2022 10:21 am

A man called Kennesaw police last week to complain about cold french fries at McDonald’s. When officers arrived, they discovered he had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear in a homicide case in which he is accused of setting a car on fire with a woman’s body inside.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:21 am

Today H B Bear will be playing the part of mUnty. He would like to say he passed Economics 101 ( with a B+ possibly).

August 16, 2022 10:22 am

Otherwise you might as well not bother at all and just let the APS get on with it.

Don’t they already? Now that’s “proper government” for you!

Bar Beach Swimmer
August 16, 2022 10:22 am

The Westminster system of government includes ministerial accountability. The system allows for another person to stand in on behalf of an absent minister, whether for sickness, being overseas or on leave – but it is always announced so that everyone knows who is in charge at any given time. Morrison becoming a secret minister across multiple portfolios removes the conventions and traditions of that process. Who is accountable? The minister or another “shadow” who the minister him/herself doesn’t even know about?

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:23 am

Iam kind of in that position too.

Oh dear.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:23 am

BBS gets it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:25 am

Don’t they already? Now that’s “proper government” for you!

Please calli, don’t spoil it for others.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 16, 2022 10:26 am


“they should have gotten wind of it at the time if they were any good as journos. Mind you, some of them did get wind of it but sat on the info for a book, which is another story.”

As a “qualified” j’ismist, you should have commented adversely on the second group, aware but hiding the info for personal gain. Is that ethical?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 16, 2022 10:28 am

Morrison becoming a secret minister across multiple portfolios removes the conventions and traditions of that process. Who is accountable?

The borg, which is why people are jacking up.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 16, 2022 10:28 am

A man called Kennesaw police last week to complain about cold french fries at McDonald’s.

Wasn’t there a case last week where some guy killed a server in McDonalds over his Mum getting cold fries?

People take their fries very seriously over there it would seem. If not calling the law, instead taking the law into their own hands.

August 16, 2022 10:34 am

How long after he drops the kids off at school will m0nty-fa arrive here?

Bloody hell, could you be any more pathetic.

August 16, 2022 10:35 am

“He might have bought into that progressive tenet of faith so sacred it does not need to be true in a single particular to be true in general”
Great wording and applies to much that is promoted by the left.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:36 am

Let’s put aside this stuff about Ministerial Responsibility. Did this swearing-in of Morrison mean that Hunt wasn’t any longer the Health Minister or only that in the event of Hunt’s incapacitation, Morrison could lawfully execute the powers of the Health Minister?

Who knows? Which is kind of the point.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:38 am

mUnty, make your kids catch the bus. It is good for them. But don’t feel you need to comment here in the meantime.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 16, 2022 10:40 am

Straight into ad hom by the 2nd comment.
We must be in a really bad mood today.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:41 am

The convention of Ministerial Responsibility is between the PM and the individual Ministers.

No. The Minister is responsible to the Parliament. In theory at least.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 16, 2022 10:42 am

Where’s the victim?

The Australian public who were treated like fools and kept in the dark.
The secrecy meant no public investigation into possible constitutional irregularity and no analysis of the procedural problems associated with dual Ministers.

August 16, 2022 10:43 am

Ministerial responsibility has become a pretense in our system.

You’d have to go back a long time to find a minister taking responibility for the failures of his department by resigning.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 16, 2022 10:47 am

Roger, much of this is honoured in the breach. It becomes important when things get pointy, November 11 say.

1 2 3 11
  1. True – but reburying / destroying priceless relics is an enormous crime. Why were the Mungo skeletons given to some…

  2. Maybe my email to the Qld Environment Minister has paid off in which I linked to an article in Quadrant…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x