Sleep it is.
Sleep it is.
The change of weather in Perth has been a blessing.
Mark Dice: FEMA BUSTED – And More GREAT News! Haha!
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…
Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…
Zero truth in the rumour Hillary! sending her condolences led to the discovery.
Let’s see, in my case:
1) Medical career cancelled for making a personal health decision (on a matter I was well qualified for – safety of covid injections) … said decision being proven increasingly right as time goes on
2) Income extinguished
3) Can’t access super as too young
4) Sick pay denied (6 months in the bank) whilst in iso with Covid as ‘not vaxxed’ (pro tip … no one is, they ain’t vaccines)
5) Ineligible for any ‘assistance’ as too young/too many assets/unable to work due to personal choice (unvaxxed)
6) went to Canberra to protest the above, arrested on BS charges (then offered bail on condition I cease protesting) – refused – jailed for 6 days in solitary…
yep I’m going to go for ‘Australia is already a 3rd world fascist shithole…’
lol. That’s not news to me, Dillo.
I have raised teenagers. Give an inch and you’re gone. 🙂
Joe Rogan just done an interview with Facebook boss Mark Zukerberg.
Only listening to clip from YouTube headed Zuckerberg answers to Facebook’s moderation of controversial content.
That clip is specifically talking about how Facebook suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story. Zuck says FBI went to FBI and told them were concerned Russia might try to affect the election with misinformation. When the laptop story came out it fit the scenario and they reduced how the story might spread. Didn’t get how soon after their visit it happened !
Rogan showing why he is a good interviewer and some good issues raised.
You should start your own blog, mUnter. I’m confident it would be a roaring success, and you would receive all the attention you had ever hoped for.
mOnsbot is scared that he is going to show up on the payroll as a paid shrill for the left in Australia.
Hand over your tax returns, Fatboy. You have been demanding Trump disclose his for years.
See how this works?
Lawsuit Seeks Removal of Judge Who Approved Warrant for FBI Trump Raid
Tea Party Patriots Action filed a federal complaint against the judge who approved the FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home.
“Judge [Bruce] Reinhart has a conflict of interest and a pattern and history of hostility to President Trump,” said the filing (pdf).
The lawsuit then listed several examples including purported Facebook posts that show Reinhart had criticized Trump while praising the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.). Reinhart also reportedly donated to former President Barack Obama and to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush when he was running against Trump in 2015, the lawsuit said, citing publicly available reports.
The lawsuit seeks to have Reinhart, a U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida judge, removed from the case or even removed from his position.
“Judge Reinhart should be disciplined and removed as a federal magistrate because of his failure to meet the standards of ethical conduct and character necessary for the public to have confidence in the nonpartisan role of a judge in a matter of this extreme public interest,” the suit contended.
“Clearly,” it further said, “Judge Reinhart is a partisan and has publicly expressed his partisan views against former President Trump” and that his “antipathy for the former President is such that he should have recused when presented with the search warrant for the highly problematic search of President Trump’s home in Florida.”
Lady would have made a damnfine Kitteh….
Hear, hear ZK2A.
The Voice – seems the local “tribal elders” are claiming that the Voice will make up for the years before the 1967 referendum, when they were counted as “Flora and fauna” and not considered human beings… Words fail me, they honestly do.
What is it that Hunter Biden has done wrong, anyway? Did he rent a condo in Trump Tower?
Doing business with China is not itself a crime. You’ll have to try harder, particularly in light of Trump’s strong business ties to China.
Medical career cancelled for making a personal health decision (on a matter I was well qualified for – safety of covid injections) … said decision being proven increasingly right as time goes on
Sure looks like it. I know 2 blokes with 4 jabs who both got the coof. The second got a really bad flu (4 days unable to get out of bed – not usual for him), then the coof and then another bad flu. Great vax, huh?
Also amongst the vaxxed – 3 cases of severe vertigo (no history previous), one stroke/heart issues and a couple with eye problems. One a sudden cataract onset. This guy gets checked every 6 months because of a spot on one retina that they keep an eye on and from one 6 month check to next- get cataract op ASAP.
That might have some purchase if this story emerged weeks before Nov 3 2020 but was immediately and falsely discredited then systematically suppressed through collusion between big tech, big media and various deep state operatives.
But we first learnt about this Kushner business – which looks like pretty standard DC quid pro quo, I bet Pelosi’s jealous – a fortnight ago. So not at all comparable to Bunter’s laptop, really, which likely would have changed the result of the election if it was subjected to the media attention one would normally expect such an evidentiary goldmine of sleaze, crime and corruption to attract.
Keep trying.
Equality Court rules EFF ‘Kill the Boer’ song does not constitute hate speech
During the judgment, the court found the song did not constitute hate speech and found AfriForum had failed to prove the matter
Judge Edwin Molahlehi said he has no reason to reject the evidence given by Malema who testified earlier this year and explained the context and history of such struggle songs.
He further dismissed expert witnesses’ evidence brought before the court to testify by AfriForum.
Molahlehi dismissed the case against the EFF with costs.
There’s definitely a connection there.
I love the misdirection to the big guy rather than the Big Guy.
Just read back and noted Zuck interview been mentioned.
I note Monty thinks the story is about Hunters member. Probably too much for him to understand that the story is about his business dealings with China and Ukraine and his fathers involvement. One text from Hunter reveals he knew one of the guys he was dealing with was Chinese intelligence.
Anybody who saw the Tony Bobulinski interview by Tucker and the NY Post articles a month before the election could see there was something to the story which is now nearly two years ago.
“Geez, you lot still talking about Hunter’s nine-inch hog? Talk about obsession. Okay, the guy’s got a big unit, get over it”
Doing business with China is not itself a crime. You’ll have to try harder, particularly in light of Trump’s strong business ties to China.
Any second now m0nty is going to give us incontrovertible proof that “the big guy” of “10%” fame wasn’t incumbent Vice President Joe Biden.
Mother Lodesays:
August 26, 2022 at 11:26 am
Not fishing for innuendo or gossip, or lurid detail of dolor and hardship, but what does Biden’s daughter do?
And while Project Veritas declined to publish the diary (and were still raided by the Biden DOJ), the National File did publish excerpts on Oct. 24, 2020 – and the full diary two days later. While treated as potentially fake at the time, we now know that the contents are legit – including claims that Joe took ‘probably inappropriate’ showers with Ashley, and that she believes she was sexually molested as a child.
Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation. -National File
Read what she said
Note 1
following onto
Note 2
Uh… no. The NY Times reported it in May.
Yeah, your side did that once with the fake BUTTEREMAILZ rort, but we wised up.
Sometimes one can find their mood veering towards despondency. The state of things, all that, but remember… at least you (probably) aren’t the type to set your own arse on fire.
This is also a hilarious phrase coming from the side that is all “clean up the swamp”. No, Kushner is the chief swamp monster now, there was no cleaning.
Oh, you mean the boxes in locations the FBI was already aware of because Trump had shown them where they were and allowed the Feds to secure them? Those boxes? Yeah, that mole sure came in handy.
And I’m pretty sure Trump already knows full well who the mole is, assuming one exists. It wouldn’t be hard to analyse who knew what and crossmatch this with what the Feds were searching for. You’d quickly come up with a shortlist of names, if not a single individual.
Typical DemoCrap Voter “Outraged & Offended”
All that crack for a start.
mUnter’s FY taxable income – 2% of household breadwinning
Someone else’s income and assets – 98%
August 26, 2022 at 11:59 am
Sometimes one can find their mood veering towards despondency. The state of things, all that, but remember… at least you (probably) aren’t the type to set your own arse on fire.
Fat African 13% showing their intelligence perhaps?
What is it that Hunter Biden has done wrong, anyway
Smoked crack cocaine.
If all are equal under the law then this “teen” should be released.
SAN ANTONIO – Instagram photos filled with drugs, cash and guns led to the arrests of two men on the South Side this week, according to the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office.
BCSO said that on Tuesday, someone reported that David Guerra, 17, posted the photos on social media. The photos made it appear that he was in possession of THC cartridges, weapons and cash.
Many such cases.
Really? You want to bust Hunter for doing cocaine? That’s what this is about?
Weak as pish.
Nigeria has banned foreign models and voice-over artists in local advertisements.
the move is motivated by the Federal Government’s interest in developing local talent, inclusive economic growth, and growing the West African country’s advertising industry.
The Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON) issued the directive on Monday (August 22).
“All advertisements, advertising, and marketing communications materials targeted or exposed on the Nigerian advertising space are to use only Nigerian models and voice-over artists,” the council stated.
Yes. Attagirl.
Monty, is that the judge you said “Trump appointed?”
Just wondering aloud now for the 6th time. So how about you cease with fantasising over Hunter’s dick and answer if you got that most fundamental of facts, wrong.
I stand corrected on this. We first learnt about it in May 2022, not a fortnight ago. The remainder of what I wrote stands.
You’re giving off Jeb! vibes again, m0nts. Very low energy. That was pitiful. My point stands.
Calling Kushner the chief swamp monster is hyperbole, but sure – it looks like he benefited handsomely from his time there. Do I like it or think it’s right? No. Does it look grubby? Yes. Am I defending it? No. But then, I’ve never liked or defended Kushner, so I don’t give a shit.
Having said that, is Kushner profiting off of his stint in DC remotely comparable to the Bunter laptop scandal and the broad conspiracy to suppress it in order to influence the election outcome? No, the Kushner stuff is chickenfeed in comparison. As you well know.
As for Hillary’s emails – again, no comparison. Is anyone seriously suggesting this lost her the election? Please. Not even you are dumb enough to believe that, m0nts. Although, feel free to correct me again if you wish, because I could be mistaken.
On expensive “elite” education…I shelled out not so much for entree into classy jobs and the Upper Ton but for what the schools offered by way of subjects, activities and sports and discipline. Good teachers with high expectations of the pupils. There was all the dumb flummery like academic dress and “tradition”, but it was the marks that counted in the end.
The children, especially the son, took the lot for granted until they compared their experience to others who had not been so fortunate. They’ve all done well in their respective fields, but they had to work hard at it after a couple of false starts. All the grandies are going private for the same reason. They’ll all be expected to work, not just slither into something good because “elite” and “connections”.
It has been really interesting reading here about the American Ivy League experience and how far back it goes and where it’s expected to take you, regardless of talent. I suppose the same could be said for Australia and their sandstones but on a smaller, more provincial scale. Like the whole diversity and inclusion stunt, you’d always be left wondering – did I get there on merit or because of connection? Well, the honest ones would anyway.
Trump paid off a porn star with a six-figure sum to keep schtum about cheating on his wife, who had just given birth to their child, using money out of a secret slush fund paid into by Russians seeking influence with his government… days before the 2016 election. I don’t think your side has the high moral ground.
Makes no material difference to OCO’s point which is why you made it and moved on.
And on that last point, the Beloved has no doubt that he got his first job because of family and school. That was back in the late 60’s but perhaps not much has changed since then.
You think $2 billion in payments from a foreign government to the man who orchestrated a Middle East peace deal is chickenfeed… compared to a dude doing some blow off a hooker’s back in a hotel room?
Oh come on, Oh come on.
Bongino last night was great. He says DoJ/FBI were NEVER protecting Crooked. They were protecting Obama. Remember how Obama asked for his own personal Blackberry phone and it was reported as most unusual by the intelligence agencies who eventually gave into his request. Well, that comes with security risks so FBI would have had to “white-wash” all incoming emails (scan for viruses, threats, malware and to check the legitimacy of the sender – particularly given blackberry issues).
Now, are you telling me the FBI and Obama didn’t know Crooked was sending Obama emails (likely classified) from a private email address and server?
Dark and Stormy! 😀
1) Medical career cancelled for making a personal health decision (on a matter I was well qualified for – safety of covid injections) … said decision being proven increasingly right as time goes on
flying duk – small consolation that the “penny is dropping” & changes of heart seen every day amongst the populace & officials alike. There is a good article in today’s Australian Spectator by James Allan. He succumbed to early vaccination because he needed to visit close relations OS -his choice. He now understands the absolute chicanery of the whole disaster. Likewise Nick Cater & quite a few others. Steve Waterson, one of the OZ editors, was likewise vaccinated, but has opposed the mandates and the brazen authoritarianism right from the start.
You are probably aware of the recent formation of there AMPS – the Australian Medical Professionals Society (https://amps.redunion.com.au). They are holding an inaugural meeting on 10 September in Brisbane. This is a welcome start in attempting to liberate the medicos from the intimidation and coercion of the past, and to establish an alternate voice in the public domain.
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election
No, there is a tonne of evidence on Bunter’s laptops that suggests the Biden family is deeply corrupt and likely compromised by the intelligence services of the US’s strategic rivals. The Feds could, oh I don’t know, maybe investigate this because it could be a huge problem if the CinC and/or his family members are able to be blackmailed by the Chinese? Nah, better get those boxes of memorabilia off Trump instead.
Exactly. Boom.
Turning a blind eye to the foibles of the elites, years in the can for kids getting high; then Bill Clinton’s three strike laws for life sentences and death penalty drug kingpin laws.
It is feudalism compressed to two classes instead of five and only a few ranks of “nobility”.
It’s wrong, we all know it’s wrong but no one is willing to cut down the festering corpse of Lady Justice.
Okay, you are that dumb. Again, I stand corrected.
Uh… no. The NY Times reported it in May.
ROFLMAO, a thoroughly reliable and unbiased source.
Yeah, your side did that once with the fake BUTTEREMAILZ rort, but we wised up.
A rort so well known that it doesn’t turn up on a search.
Another Fat 13% African American expounding Failure
Chicago Public Schools website features appalling video justifying burning and looting
The Chicago Public Schools are doing a miserable job educating the children of that troubled city. As Matt Rosenberg of Wirepoints notes, the school system has every incentive to redirect anger over its failures onto society as a whole, specifically to white racism. It is via Wirepoints that I learned of the video embedded below and saw these basic statistics on the CPS’s abject failures:
Rosenberg ably excerpts some of the most remarkable assertions of the video, but in order to fully grasp the level of hatred being expressed, it is worthwhile listening to the almost seven minutes of the rant, in which the speaker, author Kimberly Jones, credits participating on Operation Push (Jesse Jackson’s old outfit) for her level of economic sophistication (such as it is).
She begins with a robust defense of rioting and looting as an entitlement for those presently at the lower end of the economic spectrum.
Of looters who struck in Chicago and other cities:
That’s bad enough. But then comes the endorsement of guerilla action and arson as a form of entitled social protest. Jones later in the video adds:
Watch and weep:
Anyway, I’m done playing with m0nts. Cheerio.
What you wanted was a ginned-up controversy based on vapours to swing the election in the last few days, just like BUTTEREMAILZ did in 2016. An October surprise, that was your goal. You didn’t care if it was all bullshit, you wanted to play the same trick on the media who fell for it the cycle before. This time they were awake to your rubbish, and stopped it at the source. You are going to squeal about it, but you have no moral authority to do so since your whole plan was just ratfscking anyway.
Joe Biden’s daughter’s diary displayed the confusions of a child raised in the often casually sexual atmosphere common to some families in the left during the 1970’s. ‘Hey, man’ often followed by the psychological advice of ‘let it all hang out’ is a memento of the carelessness and unconcern and sheer lovelessness of those times. I can’t stand it when Biden uses that terminology. The Hewett girls have written about this with regard to their mother’s virtual pimping of them. All in the name of sexual freedom and experience being a good thing at a very young age.
It scarred the children, of course it did.
Monty, for a 7th time (as i’ve seen you posting severally since I last asked):
Do you still stand by your most stupidest fundamental, 101-error that “Reinhart was Trump appointment.”
Please let me/us know, cos if you can’t get the most stupidest fact right, I think that sends a signal to Cats who’d like to engage you on post-pre-primary school complexities.
The first comment Monty can make about the laptop is Hunters Penis.
He is the Cats very own Mr Garrison. Do you have a Mr Hand or Mr Slave puppet as well Monty?
August 26, 2022 at 12:25 pm
Dark and Stormy! ?
Allow me to paraphrase Monty;
Monty: You lot are jealous of Hunter Biden’s oversized private parts. My source re the dimensions of Hunter Biden’s private parts is files on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
also Monty: The files on Hunter Biden’s laptop are bullshit, only an idiot would believe they or the laptop are real.
I’ll be happy to remind you every. single. day.
monty is putting up a convincing argument that he is no different to Sam Harris. He wouldn’t have cared if ‘corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared’, there was an election to win. We believe you, monty.
using money out of a secret slush fund paid into by Russians seeking influence with his government
.1 Evidence for the claimed “Wussian” payment?
Don’t all election donations seek influence in the future government? Can you state with absolute confidence that no DemonRat has ever, ever, received a “donation” from a foreign source? Before answering, note that the Obama campaign suppressed the links to non-US credit cards during one campaign, so that foreign payments could not be identified.
Stormy’s attorney, touted as a Pres candidate, ended up in clink for embezzlement or some such.
That whole episode was entertainment excellence. Until the Kavanaugh hearings and that other hideous blonde weirdo claiming…something.
Harlots gotta harlot.
Something’s missing in the Mar-a-Lago coverage
I am someone who has held a TS/SCI (Top Secret — Special Comparted Information) security clearance. Moreover, I have had a facility clearance for my home so that I could handle classified information there. Having had that experience, I get more than a little annoyed at the speculative misinformation that all parties in the Mar-a-Lago affair are spreading around. Granted, my security experience was before my retirement a decade ago, but I doubt much has changed since then.
I make three points. The first is that the Justice Department is blowing smoke. They are either completely incompetent or deliberately abusing their authority by lying to the court. The second point is that the investigative media (including Fox News) have not done their homework and have not found out how the security system actually works. The third point illustrates the first. In no legal sense is Donald Trump guilty of anything. This is because, as a former president, he has both a TS/SCI personal clearance and the same level of facility clearances for his various locations.
To complete the circle, the first two points follow from the third: the Justice Department has charged Donald Trump with violating security regulations by having inappropriate classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Well, as president, Trump’s home, and probably everywhere he may reside or work, automatically has a TS/SCI facility clearance. And so his home is appropriate for the safekeeping of classified documents.
I note that Mar-a-Lago is under 24/7 protection by the Secret Service. This automatically meets the requirements for the safety of a very high-level facility clearance. Moreover, an extra degree of protection was installed, at the government’s request, when a lock was put on the door where the documents were stored. The government cannot then legitimately claim that those documents were improperly secured.
In addition, unless there are extraordinary circumstances, high-level security clearances remain in effect for at least three years after employment. Donald Trump has been unemployed by the government for only a year and a half.
Then there is the question of whether the documents in question were even classified. Donald Trump, while he was still president, is said to have bulk-declassified the papers that were to be taken to Mar-a-Lago. Furthermore, Donald Trump did not personally supervise the transport of documents to Mar-a-Lago, and therefore he cannot be held responsible for their detailed contents.
What is interesting here is that Trump had specifically ordered the declassification of all materials related to the FBI’s involvement in Russiagate and related matters. But it seems this declassification was not carried out. In other words, the involved people in the Justice Department apparently refused a direct presidential order. I suspect that this is really behind what is going on. I suspect that the FBI and the Justice Department are trying to cover their tracks. Be prepared for a substantial number of documents to turn up missing.
Duk, look at Vicki’s AMPS link and do consider trying to must fellow medicos to support you and give you back your job and income now that so many failures of both vaxx and process are being recognised.
It is totally unfair that you should have suffered so much for your principled personal stance. At least try now to rebuild your career in some way, with help whever it can be found. If teachers and others can now ‘return’, albeit still being punished, then you should have some claim to better treatment now.
It won’t heal the anger, but it might help the finances. Think of it like that.
The natural world has a track record of coming “back to bite you” when you think you, as a mere mortal, have it under control.
A few days ago I mentioned, in a thread involving the bird fanciers, that husband had brush cut around a dam to take away the cover of a wily fox who was stalking the migratory dicks.
Well – that damn fox retaliated.
Yesterday we discovered that she had executed an amazing assault on our chook pen and had executed (piles of feathers) all the hens and carried them away. To do this she (I suspect it is a small vixen I have seen – maybe with cubs) had to remove a large rock to dig under chicken wire that was folded back into the yard and buried under soil!
All very upsetting. The fox definitely had the last laugh. But we are not finished yet. Husband is installing a single electrified wire around the entire perimeter of the chook pen at fox height. Let me see him/her try to repeat that performance when we restock the pen. This methodology defeated a determined wombat who wanted to feast on our gardens during the drought. We had tried all sorts of battle tactics – including reinforced mesh – to no avail. But an electrified wire at nose height worked a treat.
August 26, 2022 at 12:26 pm
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election
Suuuure, but it is more likely that Shrillary’s incompetence and arrogance cost her the election.
Pick the Mr Garrison quote that best fits (all actual quotes):
My pick:
No seat at jobs summit for nation’s biggest non-government employer
Ha! Ha! The last post should have read “migratory DUCKS”, not “migratory DICKS!
Damn that interpretive text function!!!
An October surprise, that was your goal. You didn’t care if it was all bullshit, you wanted to play the same trick on the media who fell for it the cycle before.
Indeed, m0nty-fa. HOW DARE another party use a standard DemonRat tactic that had worked wonders for the DemonRats in previous elections. HOW DARE THEY!
Did you see the link I posted yesterday from an article written in 1974 featuring a young Senator Biden not long after his wife was killed in a car accident? He was as revolting then as he is now. It’s no wonder his children are so messed up. Goodness knows what they went through growing up.
Biden is a psychopath. It’s not just his lies; it’s what he lies about. The way he uses people to get ahead, hell – he didn’t think twice before endlessly using the death of his first wife (and later his eldest son) to advance his political career at every available opportunity…this is someone who cares about the wellbeing of just one person in the world. Classic psychopath.
… that’s ‘muster’, and also, keep your anger for that is important to your self-esteem. You can use it to write up your experience and to try to help others who have been similarly knocked sideways by this Covid over-reach. I feel for those I personally know who refused the vaxx and who suffered familial ructions and other losses due to that. I also feel very deeply for those who lost their businesses and livelihoods in the crazy period. I couldn’t do much except make unvaxxed people welcome in our home, but I did put my name and reputation into signing the GB declaration. Get in touch with Rabz if you are in Sydney anytime and come to Cat drinks at the pub when they resume. We’ve met at ours lately too.
What Would the Devil Have to Do Today to Destroy America?
In 1965, columnist and commentator Paul Harvey wrote an interesting piece titled, “If I were the Devil.” This was basically a commentary on what Harvey would do if he were Satan and wanted to destroy America.
Nearly 60 years later, most of what Harvey predicted has come to pass. While America has not been completely destroyed, our nation is clearly in decline. In 2022, here’s what I would do if I wanted to finish the job.
– I’d Devalue the Currency
– I’d Develop Hyper-Inflation
– I’d Diminish Energy Independence
– I’d Defund the Police
– I’d Disarm the Citizens
– I’d Demolish the Voting System
– I’d Destroy the Education System
– I’d Destabilize the Mind
Why Would Anyone Want to Destroy America?
Why destroy this once great nation? In a word, globalism. Many of those in power, from politicians to organizations such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, are pushing us toward a globalist system. The globalists aren’t even trying to hide their agenda any longer. Klaus Schwab writes about the Great Reset at the World Economic Forum, while Joe Biden talks about how we’re going through an incredible transition in the push to radically change how we support our energy needs.
Unfortunately, by the time the globalist system is fully in place, many Americans will welcome it with open arms. They will gladly trade all their privacy and freedom for social justice and a monthly pittance in the form of guaranteed income from the government. Freedom of speech, religious liberty, property rights, and gun rights will be greatly diminished or gone.
Church bodies – not just the Catholics – which draw on government subsidies to run large education, medical and social work enterprises are supping with the devil.
It is feudalism compressed to two classes instead of five and only a few ranks of “nobility”.
It’s wrong, we all know it’s wrong but no one is willing to cut down the festering corpse of Lady Justice.
Monty believes in Sovereign immunity, at times.
Its telling that dickless still refers to the “rUssIAnS brought the election for TRUMP^^^”!!! as though it actually happened.
Investigated over 2 long years and turned up…. nothing.
Then compares it to ‘Illary where the agencies “that was bad”, but didnt investigate jack shit.
Even after she destroyed evidence 9wiped it with a cloth” trigger any memories?
I want every politicians kid/family etc hunted 24/7 by all relevant authorities for every crime and misdemeanor. If its good enough for Billy Bongsmokes kid its good enough for King Bidens.
Yes, OCO, I saw that link to Biden’s awful self-aggrandizement and sleaziness, very 70’s style.
That decade has a lot to forget, as well as being recalled as the one that style forgot.
It also forgot decency, responsibility and trust.
Q: “What is it that Hunter Biden has done wrong, anyway?”
A: “All that crack for a start.”
Channeling his best Kathy Newman.
“So what you’re saying is… all he did wrong was some blow.”
You really are a dishonest sack of shit you know.
More on
August 26, 2022 at 12:29 pm
Another Fat 13% African American expounding Failure
Chicago Public Schools website features appalling video justifying burning and looting
The Video was put out by Chicago Public Schools’ – radical agenda gets uglier: ‘Equity’ video promotes looting and burning
Looting and burning is a pathway to social justice. That’s the message from a video recently added by Chicago Public Schools to its website as a response to perceived economic injustice for blacks. The district calls the video an “equity tool,” but the reality is it promotes hopelessness. Titled “How Can We Win?,” the video’s message is clear: there is no way. Better to riot, loot, and burn. It sounds unbelievable, but in Chicago’s schools, it’s not.
Some CPS students have difficult lives. Too many face the possibility of violent crime and gang harassment, and loss of friends and family.
Schools, and CPS in particular, are meant to be places of hope and growth, where learning can be a ticket to a better life. CPS leadership and teachers are meant to push kids beyond where they are, to help them read and do math and to think and to succeed. There’s no question that’s a challenging objective. But there must be optimism, high expectations, and possibility running through it all.
Instead, with this video CPS is promoting a fatalistic, nihilistic message to kids. There is no hope in its message.
And that message also lets CPS hide behind its failures. It’s easier to blame society than have the public scrutinize the district’s failed student outcomes. That’s what makes this video so destructive.
Just like Communism then? Have a hope, remember how Communism turned out.
It may take longer, but people will always rebel in small ways, with humour, and then more openly as the corrupt systems starts to rot like a dead fish, from the head and its working inards.
Read Amor Towels’ novel, ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’, a fable of sorts, but a very good and at the end, very pacey, up-cheering read. Satire and humour, small disobediences, and, for those returning from the Gulags, the dropping the word ‘Comrade’ in favour of ‘Friend’. This was the start of the collapse.
It only takes time. And sadly, sadly, many deaths and heartbreaks on the way.
M0nty’s good at this.
Leftists who think of themselves as open and nice people do it a lot.
The rephrase that deliberately misinterprets. Agenda-setting.
Lunch time. Another morning gone. Where did that go??
Best thing is, the rant was to
HillaryRosie O’Donnell.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xms_oA2Jn6E
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
August 26, 2022 at 12:47 pm
… that’s ‘muster’, and also, keep your anger for that is important to your self-esteem. You can use it to write up your experience and to try to help others who have been similarly knocked sideways by this Covid over-reach. I feel for those I personally know who refused the vaxx and who suffered familial ructions
I made it through Unvaxxed despite non stop pressure from Family, GP, Health System, unable to fly, go to restaurants etc (save a lot of money) – have never ever used Covid app, always said give me a pen or paper and I will write down details if required
I had the luxury of being retired and no job at risk, and I feel for those who were threatened with Job loss- within Family, no longer pressure anymore, as I just refer to CDC Change of Vaccine Definition of 1 Sep 22 and the Bleeding Obvious – The Vaccines have not worked!
Will continue with now, well over 2 year AntiVirals, where back of house 5 have had Covid recently and currently lots of Flu
Just keep bouncing along
Trump paid off a porn star with a six-figure sum to keep schtum about cheating on his wife, who had just given birth to their child, using money out of a secret slush fund paid into by Russians seeking influence with his government… days before the 2016 election. I don’t think your side has the high moral ground.
Oh look dickless is lying again. Trump never fucked stormy, his high rollers did and she blackmailed them and instead of getting the cops in, after pleading from the high rollers not to, he commercially settled with the skank. And when the creepy porn lawyer later convinced the dumb whore to sue Trump guess who lost and had to pay Trump’s costs, a very rare award in the Yank system of litigation.
You’re such a fucking idiot, but keep posting since I reckon based on my vast experience of lefties that you’re about as good as the dickless fucktards get.
As to Kushner compared to Hunter. Kushner does business, hunter and his scumbag of a dad sell out their country; they’re traitors. Trump kept russia, the chunks, the mullahs and the mutant in NK under control. Biden does what they tell him.
It’s not just that it misinterprets but that it very often places the worst interpretation on another’s words.
As such, it is acting unjustly towards the other. Ironic, as prog-leftists imagine themselves to be paragons of justice and virtue.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
August 26, 2022 at 1:05 pm
Lunch time. Another morning gone. Where did that go??
It’s Cold Outside and F1 resumes tonight and over weekend after Summer Break at Belgian F1 Spa –Yeah from me – “Keep the Door closed and Noise level down” from Wife
Lizzie may be of interest
Migration, farming and language development across the Southern Arc revealed in vast paleogenetic study
University of Vienna
In a trio of papers, published simultaneously in the journal Science, Ron Pinhasi from the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology and Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences (HEAS) at the University of Vienna and Songu?l Alpaslan-Roodenberg from the University of Vienna and Harvard University, Iosif Lazaridis and David Reich at Harvard University — together with 202 co-authors — report a massive effort of genome-wide sequencing from 727 distinct ancient individuals with which it was possible to test longstanding archaeological, genetic and linguistic hypotheses. They present a systematic picture of the interlinked histories of peoples across the Southern Arc Region from the origins of agriculture, to late medieval times.
In the first paper the international team investigated the homeland and the spread of Anatolian and Indo-European languages. The genetic results suggest that the homeland of the Indo-Anatolian language family was in West Asia, with only secondary dispersals of non-Anatolian Indo-Europeans from the Eurasian steppe. At the first stage, around 7,000-5,000 years ago, people with ancestry from the Caucasus moved west into Anatolia and north into the steppe. Some of these people may have spoken ancestral forms of Anatolian and Indo-European Languages.
All spoken Indo-European languages (e.g., Greek, Armenian and Sanskrit) can be traced back to Yamnaya steppe herders, with Caucasus hunter-gatherer and Eastern hunter-gatherer ancestry, who ~5,000 years ago initiated a chain of migrations across Eurasia. Their southern expansions into the Balkans and Greece and east across the Caucasus into Armenia left a trace in the DNA of the Bronze Age people of the region.
As they expanded, descendants of the Yamnaya herders admixed differentially with the local populations. The emergence of Greek, Paleo-Balkan, and Albanian (Indo-European) languages in Southeastern Europe and the Armenian language in West Asia, formed out of Indo-European speaking migrants from the steppe interacting with local people, and can be traced by different forms of genetic evidence. In Southeastern Europe, the Yamnaya impact was profound and people of practically full Yamnaya ancestry came just after the beginning of the Yamnaya migrations.
Some of the most striking results are found in the core region of the Southern Arc, Anatolia, where the large-scale data paints a rich picture of change — and lack of change — over time. The results show that in contrast to the Balkans and the Caucasus, Anatolia was hardly impacted by the Yamnaya migrations. No link to the steppe can be established for the speakers of Anatolian languages (e.g. Hittite, Luwian) due to the absence of Eastern hunter-gatherer ancestry in Anatolia, contrasting with all other regions where Indo-European languages were spoken.
In contrast to Anatolia’s surprising impermeability to steppe migrations, the southern Caucasus was affected multiple times including prior to the Yamnaya migrations. “I did not expect to find out that the Areni Chalcolithic individuals, who were recovered 15 years ago in the excavation I co-led, would derive ancestry from gene flow from the north to parts of the southern Caucasus more than 1,000 years prior to the expansion of the Yamnaya, and that this northern influence would disappear in the region before reappearing a couple of millennia later. This shows that there is a lot more to be discovered through new excavations and fieldwork in the eastern parts of Western Asia,” says Ron Pinhasi.
“Anatolia was home to diverse populations descended from both local hunter-gatherers and eastern populations of the Caucasus, Mesopotamia, and the Levant,” says Songu?l Alpaslan-Roodenberg. “The people of the Marmara region and of Southeastern Anatolia, of the Black Sea, and the Aegean region all had variations of the same kinds of ancestry.”
– First farming societies and their interactions
– The historic period
Adjust your meds please cohenite. You are hallucinating.
Thanks Mr Corleone.
Medieval monks were riddled with intestinal parasites but still lived longer than general population – study
A new analysis of remains from medieval Cambridge shows that local Augustinian friars were almost twice as likely as the city’s general population to be infected by intestinal parasites.
This is despite most Augustinian monasteries of the period having latrine blocks and hand-washing facilities, unlike the houses of ordinary working people.
Adjust your meds please cohenite. You are hallucinating.
I wish I was; every time I read your dickless comments or anything else the rest of your consort are doing to fuck the West.
Yes. Thing is, I don’t think he’s changed. He probably acquired a few more minders after that article appeared who sat him down and told him that he would attract more public sympathy over his wife’s death if he didn’t brag about how much he satisfied her in bed, nor slobber over her physical appearance like a teenager with a lingerie catalogue. I doubt he understood why this would make others think less of him, because he said all of the things that would have made him think he was incredible. However, psychopaths are generally aware that they do not react to events like most other people do – they notice they feel nothing when they witness something that they see makes others emotional, and they practice and copy the reactions of others in order to replicate these reactions and fit in when it is expedient for them to do so.
Biden wouldn’t have had a problem being told that most people would regard him effusively praising his dead wife’s body as better than a Playboy bunny’s as being gross and macabre. Fine, he won’t tell the idiots that kind of thing if it means he’ll get ahead.
Biden’s disastrous plagiarising of Neil Kinnock’s speech that resulted in him bombing out of the Democrat POTUS primaries in 1986 is a great example of the kind of setback that’s quite unique to a psychopath. Biden obviously liked Kinnock’s back story and wanted it for himself, so he just took it and used it. Other people exist for him to advance himself, so what’s the big deal? Psychopaths aren’t able to intuit the reactions of others in unfamiliar situations- they need to learn them through observation. He hadn’t discovered that such shameless inauthenticity would be a total deal-breaker for most, so he didn’t think twice about assuming the past of another man. He no doubt thought everyone else was dumb as dogshit for caring about such things, and resented them – after all, he’s Joe Biden and that alone is more than sufficient for him to have whatever he wants. And they should just know that. It’s at points like this that psychopaths succeed or fail. They either learn and adapt and advance, or they don’t and end up in prison or dead. Biden learnt, and here we are.
at this point, he’s bare distinguishable from Bird
Russia and US reveal status of nuclear talks
Diverging statements left unclear if New START discussions continued or were “not happening”
Speaking at a State Department briefing earlier in the day, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins said that the conflict in Ukraine has disrupted the nuclear talks with Moscow.
“I think we all realize that discussions between the US and Russia about the next steps in relation to the New START treaty are not happening right now because of the situation we’re dealing with. And these talks will continue in the future when the situation for that is right,” news agencies quoted her as saying.
Contacts between Moscow and Washington on the topic of strategic arms reduction have not been interrupted, and the necessary information is being exchanged through the proper channels, Russian diplomat Andrey Belousov told reporters in Geneva on Thursday. Earlier in the day, however, his State Department counterpart said that further discussions on the New START treaty were not taking place at the moment.
“Interactions between Russia and the US as parties to the New START treaty have not been interrupted,” said Belousov, who is the deputy Russian representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva.
“We expect that such work will continue until the end of the treaty, which, as you know, was extended until February 2026,” he added.
Belousov was addressing a question about whether Russia’s recent decision to withdraw from the inspection regime could be interpreted as leaving the treaty. Earlier this month, Moscow pointed out that US sanctions created a disparity between the working conditions of American and Russian inspectors, which was not appropriate.
From the Comments – Note to Self “Stop having Wrong Thoughts”
– What an ugly woman! Why is the US hiring all these ugly black women to represent them?
Vicki that was funny about the duck. My daughter went into the local Thai restaurant to order duck red curry. Was making small talk about the food and came out with, I like dick. Poor young guy didn’t know where to look. People sitting nearby cracked up.
A wtf moment.
OOPs – as I just refer to CDC Change of Vaccine Definition of 1 Sep 2021
(READ) CDC changes definition of “vaccines” to fit Covid-19 vaccine limitations
Dated: September 8, 2021 by Sharyl Attkisson
There must be some additional context there that makes the reaction not batshit crazy. Surely…?
The Money Song – Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Keep this in mind re laptop story and FBI’s role in smothering the story before 2020 election:
FBI had an election to ‘fortify’.
Remember the goal is not to make you accept it, just to go along with it for the sake of peace, as they continue to ratchet the rhetoric.
August 26, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Really? You want to bust Hunter for doing cocaine? That’s what this is about?
Weak as pish.
m0nty, you still haven’t given us your irrefutable evidence exonerating Joe in relation to his taxpayer-funded trip with Hunter to China while he was VP, where Hunter sewed up a business deal under which Hunter would receive 20% for himself and “10% for the big guy”.
Come on, tell us that “the big guy” was Trump. You know you want to.
August 26, 2022 at 1:19 pm
Trump never fucked stormy, his high rollers did and she blackmailed them and instead of getting the cops in, after pleading from the high rollers not to, he commercially settled with the skank.
Adjust your meds please cohenite. You are hallucinating.
Kushner does business, hunter and his scumbag of a dad sell out their country; they’re traitors.
Thanks Mr Corleone.
Those are deep and convincing responses, m0nty-fa.
You keep referring to “the laptop story” like you used to about “Hillary’s emails”, but there is no story there. No crime has been uncovered, it’s all just smoke and mirrors.
That trick worked once, it wasn’t going to work again. Try something else.
Why you don’t use Google for Searches
CDC Change of Vaccine Definition of 1 Sep 21
The first attempt at tongue piercing missed.
It collected her brain instead. No wonder she’s cranky.
Tried my first book Amazon order late last night (using Dover’s link, natch) and it’s already in my hot little hands. How’d that happen?
August 26, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Poor old shiteater.
As for Hillary, deleting thousands of emails (and hiring a specialist IT company to obliterate any recoverable trace) after having been served with a subpoena might be considered a “crime” if a Republican had done it.
And you still haven’t explained why “10% for the big guy” isn’t evidence of a crime by Joe as VP, i.e. corruptly profiting from a business deal while holding public office.
Just for Monty – Just Double Death 44 Mins 44 Secs
Watch: ‘My Son Hunter’ Full Theatrical Trailer Premiere and Truth Social Panel Discussion Hosted by Devin Nunes with Donald Trump Jr., Robert Davi, Peter Schweizer, and Alex Marlow
Watch the world premiere of the full theatrical trailer for the highly anticipated feature film My Son Hunter broadcast tonight on Truth Social at 9:00 p.m. ET.
Stay tuned after the trailer debut for an all-star panel discussion hosted by Truth Social CEO and former California congressman Devin Nunes.
The panelists are: Donald Trump Jr.; My Son Hunter director Robert Davi (Licensed to Kill, Die Hard, The Goonies); Government Accountability Institute President, Breitbart Senior Contributor, and bestselling author of Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win Peter Schweizer; and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
By the way, Australia – this is coming down the pike for us, too. There will be influential groups calling out people for random displays of public happiness, as this is offensive and insulting in light of the fact we have not atoned for the racist past of our country, nor dismantled the structural racism that continues to plague our society. And since it is impossible to atone for the racist past of our country and the racist structures cannot be dismantled, we will never be allowed to be seen enjoying our lives. We will be expected to exist in perpetual sorrow and guilt. Our only speech should be to express unending remorse to those who we’ve wronged and continue to wrong by our very existence.
Yeah, this isn’t going to end well. The backlash against the people enforcing this mentality is going to be harsh and unpredictable and it could easily go to dark places.
That is not how evidence works in a court room. The prosecution has to prove that Joe got the money. So far there is no evidence of that.
She was only 21 when she joined as a pilot and learnt to fly 20 different planes, including Spitfires, Hurricanes and the Boulton Paul Defiant.
Twenty cutting edge aircraft that each had unique ways of trying to kill you.
but there is no story there. No crime has been uncovered, it’s all just smoke and mirrors.
Unlike your dicklessness, which is a crime against nature.
OldOzzie says:
August 26, 2022 at 1:19 pm
Good find.
Impermissible Notions
Or, Things That Will Not Be Tolerated On Twitter.
The thing in question this time is a cartoon, an illustration of an idea. It was shared, briefly, yesterday by biologist and Quillette contributor Colin Wright, and was promptly censored by Twitter’s moderators. Mr Wright has apparently been suspended from said platform until a confession of hateful wrongdoing – as yet unspecified hateful wrongdoing – has been extracted.
Given the cartoon’s scandalous properties, I’ll reproduce it below the fold. Do feel free to grip the arms of your chair.
This, apparently, is what’s verboten on Twitter. Note that no inflammatory commentary was added to the image. The image itself was deemed a basis for both indignation and speedy action. And so, the enormous list of things to which Twitter’s moderators take exception now includes the suggestion that strident activists often do harm to the cause they ostensibly champion. A phenomenon seen all but daily, and on many fronts.
The article that the illustration accompanies, by Eliza Mondegreen, can be found here.
Readers are welcome to comb through it in search of seething hatred or some great urge to oppress.
August 26, 2022 at 2:07 pm
That is not how evidence works in a court room. The prosecution has to prove that Joe got the money. So far there is no evidence of that.
Congratulations m0nty. We’re making progress. Now at least you’re admitting that the accusations about Hunter’s laptop aren’t just about drugs, hookers or Hunter’s dick (with which you seem to be weirdly obsessed).
So, what’s the standard for it to be permissible to express a strong suspicion that someone has committed a crime? Are you willing to apply the same standard to your Trump derangement syndrome as you are to the Bidens and Clintons?
[NB, glad you’ve dropped the farcical attempt to defend Hillary’s email crimes.]
Where are the solar panels?
Let’s apply m0nty’s brilliant logic to a different scenario – a building that’s on fire could not possibly be on fire because the fire brigade hasn’t arrived and is not trying to put any fire out, therefore there is no fire. It may appear to be a roaring inferno of flame, but it is definitely not on fire. In fact, there is nothing to even suggest there’s a fire; not a spark, not a whisp of smoke – even the ashtrays are clean and empty. Why do you morons keep talking about a fire? There is no fire.
A Montage of Idiocy: Joe Biden Slurs, Mumbles, Loses His Train of Thought, Wanders from Podium, and Screams During MD Rally (VIDEO)
From the Comments
– Joe Biden looks more confused than Michelle Obama’s gynecologist.
oh yeah?
which prosecution mUnty?
Even if there was a fire – which there isn’t, but if there was – the Russians definitely started it.
Interviewed by George Christensen
Nigel Farage on Trump, Brexit and Populism
At the end of the day, if you “sign up” 10,000 people for $1 a year subscription fee, it’s a good little earner. Power of 10, and you have a job. Power of 100 and you have a career.
I’m doing something like this with online Aviation Fuel handling training. Found an awesome platform (Australian) and have about 15 of the minimum of 80 modules completed. Just in the process of signing up the first client.
It could be huge. According to potential clients, makes all major oil co. online training programs look like shit.
Joe Biden: I Respect ‘Conservative’ Republicans, Not ‘MAGA Republicans’
I wonder what he considers a Conservative to be. If he even knows the meaning of the word, which is doubtful.
cohenite, seriously mate, get help.
China’s historic drought forces a return to coal
Tokyo | Faced with crippling power cuts and the worst drought in modern history, China is shelving plans to reduce its reliance on coal, as cities and factories around the country struggle to keep the lights on and stay open.
Record-high temperatures have dried up reservoirs and crippled the energy-generating capacity of giant hydropower schemes such as the Three Gorges Dam this week, throwing the focus back onto coal despite Beijing’s commitment to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
Images of mountain bushfires on the outskirts of the giant south-western city of Chongqing, dried-up riverbeds, parched crops and office workers using huge blocks of ice to stay cool have flooded Chinese social media this week. To add to the frustration, residents in many cities are still being forced to queue outside in searing heat for mandatory COVID-19 tests.
Experts blame climate change for exacerbating the drought in the world’s most populous country, which now faces a severe energy shortage and decimated crops on top of existing economic hurdles, including COVID-19 lockdowns and a collapsing property market.
“There is nothing in world climatic history which is even minimally comparable to what is happening in China,” weather historian Maximiliano Herrera told New Scientist this week. “This combines the most extreme intensity with the most extreme length with an incredibly huge area all at the same time.”
However, Chinese officials are vowing to keep the lights on no mater what it takes. With sources of renewable energy such as hydropower being hampered by two months of extreme heat and, in some regions, extreme floods, this increasingly looks like being achieved by a return to burning coal to generate electricity.
“Such a big gap can only be filled by turning thermal power back on,” Chen Guoping, general manager of State Grid Corporation of China, the country’s leading power distributor, was quoted as saying by Caixin.
State media said in Sichuan province, the rainfall flowing into the Yangtze River was 40 per cent below average this year, which meant hydropower plants had halved their generating capacity. This has resulted in electricity cuts to factories and homes, affecting more than 80 million people.
Car manufacturers, including Elon Musk’s Tesla, complained this week they could not obtain parts for their vehicles because the factories which make them in Sichuan province had been shut. Toyota and Contemporary Amperex Technology, the world’s top maker of batteries for electric vehicles, have shut their own factories.
After a coal shortage last year, which triggered widespread electricity curbs to factories throughout the country, China started to plan more coal power. China’s National Energy Administration said this week that 78.9 million tonnes of new coal mine capacity had been added since the beginning of this year, and raw coal output had increased by 1 per cent year-on-year.
As of the end of June, the nationally adjusted thermal coal inventory of power plants was 170 million tonnes, a year-on-year increase of 51.7 per cent.
A government official said efforts would be made to ensure storage and supply of thermal coal and gas and that the NEA would push for higher levels of coal production, the Global Times reported.
Coal stocks in China jumped on expectations that demand for the commodity would keep rising, despite Beijing’s commitment to be carbon-neutral by 2030. Shares in Shanghai Energy, Yankuang Energy and Shanxi Coking Coal all rose.
Still, there is no sign that China is about to ease restrictions on Australian coal imports. Some coal producers said soaring global demand meant they no longer needed access to China even if the ban was lifted.
China imported 6.118 million tons of coking coal in July, a year-on-year increase of 62.2 per cent, China Customs data showed. China’s coking coal imports rose for the fifth straight month due to an increase in imports from Russia, Mongolia, Canada and the United States.
Triple Crown Winner: Italian Man Goes to Spain, Returns With Monkeypox, HIV, and Covid
– Caution, that one is illustrated.
Munster when you get out of the basement have a little chat with the missus. Ask her who is the Father of her children coz we know you’re not and she knows you’re not, its just you that doesn’t know. That little world you live in is the same as fantasy football. Bullshit is what it is. Do everyone a favour, go play on the road.
August 26, 2022 at 1:58 pm
You keep referring to “the laptop story” like you used to about “Hillary’s emails”, but there is no story there. No crime has been uncovered, it’s all just smoke and mirrors.
That trick worked once, it wasn’t going to work again. Try something else.
Denial in respect of the Shrillary emails worked, m0nty-fa, denial of the Hunter corruption isn’t going to work this time. Try something else.
They’re welcome to it.
Scientists say cockroach milk is 3 times more nutritious than cow’s milk
Wow. Those scientists must have really teeny little teat cups to milk those cockroaches.
That is not how evidence works in a court room. The prosecution has to prove that Joe got the money. So far there is no evidence of that.
So far, the prosecution (FBI and DoJ) have shown a studied indifference to the whole case. It’s almost like FBI/DoJ collusion.
Or a two tiered system of justice. Matt Taibbi wrote an interesting book on the subject, called The Divide. He was not kind towards Eric Holder and Obama. Read it and weep.
You can milk anything with nipples.
Well now. Have a look at our rates of incumbency and the dominance of parties that extinguish the choice of 1/3 or more of electors.
Recall elections.
ThNkyou, I am aware of AMPS and other groups ( I signed the Great Barrington Dec in the day) but the last 2.5 years merely confirmed what I was well on the way to realising: medicine has long since ceased to be about healthcare, and is now all about sickcare – the doctors are now just paid actors … run the patients symptoms through the diagnostic sieve, select the nominated med to match the symptoms, prescribe for life… the whole profession has been captured by big government and big food/ big pharma. Most of my colleagues failed the test as ‘professionals’ by not seeing through that, and instead becoming nothing more than drug pushers. And even if they were ‘too busy’ to do their own due diligence on the science, what about the ethics? Was informed consent just an inconvenience to be discarded? Did patient autonomy ever really exist, or only when the patient did as they were told? They disgust me one and all, and I have no desire to be counted amongst them. My registration is due in a month and I will not renew … a Pox on the lot of them. You destroyed the profession I was once proud to be part of.
Record-high temperatures have dried up reservoirs and crippled the energy-generating capacity of giant hydropower schemes such as the Three Gorges Dam this week, throwing the focus back onto coal despite Beijing’s commitment to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
The commitment which comes into force on the 12th of Never (and that’s a long, long, time).
Stratified society, based on education and background, with some cracks for bright latecomers.
Who would have thought they were reducing their coal usage? They’ve been building hundreds of new coal fired power stations for years. Long before Gillard tried to tell us they weren’t even.
Ha! I’ve been looking for this quote; just appeared when I logged on:
Liberty Quote
Socialism always attacks 3 basic social institutions: religion, the family, & private property. Religion, because it offers a rival authority to the state; the family, because it means a rival loyalty to the state; & property, because it means material independence of the state.
— Joseph Sobran
One to commit to memory.
Monty is now telling us the FBI smothering the laptop story which he judges a ‘non-story’, completely avoiding that the public are entitled to make that determination in the midst of an election, is not part of the laptop story.
I note that the research is being done in India. They may have been spurred into action – pushing a new form of milk – after reflecting that the West has been molesting cows (fondling their tests, no less!) for millennia.
Some Hindu splinter groups believe soy beans and almonds are also sacred and if you run over an almond on the road they will surround your car and erase your sin by erasing you.
My…that’s bad luck.
I guess he was just in the wrong lane at the bowling alley.
Communism attacks religion because it offers hope. You cannot demoralise to set up for a violent revolution if people still hope.
“Also, sloppy attempt at a diversion from the drugs, shonky deals, and 10% for the Big Guy.”
Just push that to the side for the moment and ask: since there is clear evidence of illegal drug use, and he has a fireams license, how did he get that when they refuse you if you admit to ever being a drug addict (which he has also previously publicly admitted to)?
It’s a clear indication that either he lied on the application, or he got special treatment due to political connections (perhaps just a “delay it for a week so the time limit expires and he is approved”).
Potential Federal crime.
On tape.
I thought justice and the DoJ were blind and it didn’t matter if you were the president, if you broke the law, you got prosecuted. That’s what they’ve been saying, isn’t it? No-one is above the law and all that. That no-one was due any “special treatment” because of who they are, what position they hold, or who they’re related to. Just “by the book”, right?
Suuuuure – I believe you, why wouldn’t I? Politicians don’t lie, and public servants are never political. And Santa Claus is real too. And alien abductions. And the world is flat and is on the back of a giant turtle – and it’s turtles all the way down!
Tucker Carlson and Harmeet Dhillon Discuss Facebook Suppression of Hunter Biden Laptop Story
August 25, 2022 | Sundance
During a segment on his broadcast this evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Center for American Liberty founder and lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon about how Facebook censored and supressed he Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 election. {Direct Rumble Link}
According to the Global Coal Plant Tracker, there are worldwide 941 coal fired units either – announced, pre-permit, permitted or under construction.
515 of these are in China!
the chicoms just roast the whole thing
Communists have no shortage of reasons to attack Christianity.
This is Britain. I doubt it was much different here.
Izabella Kaminska
Everything I feared was happening was actually happening. It was the Milgram experiment all over again. It’s time for others who locked heads internally with colleagues to start coming out. Absolutely extraordinary.
“It’s Cold Outside and F1 resumes tonight”
MotoGP this sunday too…
the doctors are now just paid actors … run the patients symptoms through the diagnostic sieve, select the nominated med to match the symptoms, prescribe for life… the whole profession has been captured by big government and big food/ big pharma.
Recently a doctor expressed amazement that my husband – well past middle age – was not on any medication. Husband should have left it at that. But he replied that, “I am on a lot of vitamins”.
Doctor flew into a rage (I kid you not) and ranted that vitamin companies were ripping millions of dollars off the population – or words to that effect. Of course, I could not stand idly by (I was in the room) and listen to that, could I?
“And pharmaceutical companies aren’t?” I interjected. Well….said doctor wheeled around, and spluttered that I was right but “at least they do some good”. Not content with that, he demanded to know why he was taking vitamins, as they were useless. Stupidly, I pointed out that, for instance, studies had shown very ill Covid patients were shown to be Vitamin D3 deficient.
“So what?” he replied. At that point it was not in husband’s interest for me to continue the argument.
How the heck do they get the cups on the teats?
Gonzalo Lira Retweeted
Big Serge
Russia has contrived a way to attrit and degrade western militaries without directly fighting them. They’ve turned the Ukrainian proxy into a gravity well that sucks in military hardware so it can be sold off or blown up.
Gonzalo Lira
The point of all these robots is to have them be soldiers. So every time you go “Cool!” or “That’s amazing!”, what you’re really doing is praising the weapon that will be used to repress you or kill you.
Dr Tony Lin, Young and Healthy meets Safe and Effective:
Wrong link re robots.
anything with nipples
Gonzalo Lira
Subconscious cries for help and justice?
tractors have nipples too
Will continue with now, well over 2 year AntiVirals, where back of house 5 have had Covid recently and currently lots of Flu
You are a legend, Old Ozzie! Just keep on truckin’!! You are on the right track, my friend.
MatrixTransform says: August 26, 2022 at 3:54 pm
Same ones as ploughs have.
They’re a helluva lot larger than cockroach nipples.
Doctors discover Graphene is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, destroying Blood Cells & causing Blood Clots
UK excess deaths: ‘the NHS is in a bit of a crisis!’ says Jamie Jenkins
The Chinese only have to announce their desire to reduce their reliance on coal to win as much, well more actually, credibility than any other nation.
Afterward they just plead that they cannot also be expected to deny their people the benefit Western nations gained by two centuries of coal.
And you could go to the beach and watch the flimsy kelp bow and sway in subservience to the surging whims of the seas and still not see anything with less backbone than the politicians who proclaim the justice of the Chinese’s case.
Matt Kean is doing everything he can to destroy his own government. He pulled the rug from under the Transport Minister while he was negotiating with the striking transport union. This tells everyone who’s the boss, and it certainly is not Perrottet.
I seriously doubt it’s in your best interests to continuing seeing this doctor.
88% of South Australia’s energy coming from gas at the moment.
Keep up the good work there renewables!
Hillary Clinton Thrashed in Legal Quiz by Kim Kardashian, Loses 11-4.
Duk, my sister got a top Firsts in Medicine from Syd Uni in the 70’s and then did a lot of general practice in the country before specialising. She liked medicine then, but grew to be disenchanted later, feeling that diagnostic art was dying out. She specialised in an area she didn’t much enjoy but it was a good living, which is always important and she had kids. She avoided Big Pharma research although they chased her to do some. You are not alone in feeling the medicine is not what it used to be; but it is not all bad.
For yourself, the trauma of the way you have been treated has resulted in a desire to dismiss them all. And that is totally understandable. Take care not to let the worst ones win though. I have in mind for you two old but true proverbs: don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, and don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Why ignore the good that medicine can still do, especially in your field of anaesthesia? Or do a refresher course in some area you could find interesting. Once you let your Registration drop there is more paperwork then to get it back. And given time, you may find you want to do that.
what could possibly go wrong…
Thus the two children we had went to elite private schools and elite live-in colleges within elite universities and they now mix with and work with people who are similar in similarly hard-to-gain jobs.
Lizzie – whilst this does often play out this way, it is not always the case. I find it interesting at the moment to watch the development of our two grandchildren. The boy went to a very prestigious eastern suburbs private school. Being a “challenged” scholar, but a talented athlete, we financed his full time boarding to allow early morning training. While boarding, he developed terrific friendships with country boys, as well as with boys with overseas parents. These have continued to this day. But growing up on the lower North Shore, and since moving with his parents to the Northern Beaches, his social circle has expanded yet again, and includes young local tradies that he drinks with regularly. So this easy going, likeable, funny and very fit teen has friends in wealthy eastern suburbs households, as well as from families in the bush, overseas (Papua & China) & from households on the northern beach suburbs. We think this is terrific and hopefully will preclude too defined a spread of social and business contacts.
The girl has attended two lower North Shore schools, and has had some difficulties adjusting due to a fairly uncompromising head space (can’t understand where that comes from!). She will find like minded people of different backgrounds due to this independent world view. But I don’t think either kid will be circumscribed by the “elite” nature of their schooling.
“The prosecution has to prove that Joe got the money. So far there is no evidence of that.”
Tony Bobulinski has publicly stated that he was involved and that he is sure Joe is “the big guy” – that’s evidence. Not proof, but certainly evidence.
There is evidence that seems to indicate Hunter and Joe shared a bank account, and that Hunter gave his father half the money he “earned”.
Were this DJT instead of Creepy Joe, they’d all be falling over themselves demanding an investigation.
They said they were investigating Trump as soon as they started. Then leaked harmful bits like a sieve, only to eventually say “no evidence of collusion”. After 2 years and more than $50 million.
Not a single word of an investigation into the Bidens though – even though the FBI has had Hunter’s laptop since 2019. So if they have investigated and found nothing, why no statement of same? They are not even investigating, so how will there be a grand jury and indictment, then a trial so the prosecution can present their evidence and let a jury decide?
There won’t be because the FBI and DoJ are politicised, and Joe is on the “inside”, while Trump was ever an “outsider”.
Duk – to earn a quid – there’s dermatology, addiction medicine, occupational medicine, men’s health, remote community medicine, emergency room, and a flood of other niches where you won’t be much bothered. A current Netflix/Fox series called ‘This is going to hurt’ was well done about how medicine can stab its own good ones – hero is gay with a gay lover so you have to accept that, but the story is that he is an obs/gynae, and a good one, but done over by ‘the system’. You might enjoy it if you haven’t seen it already. It’s based on a real doc’s experience of same in the NHS, that great behemoth. My husband Hairy has had a similar disenchantment about his high-flying career too; plenty of people do when politics interferes with achievements.
If you listen to what Zuckerberg said to Rogan:
– the FBI warned Facebook of a pattern of election disinformation, it wasn’t specific that Zuck could recall
– Facebook engaged a third party to monitor this issue
– the Hunter stuff fit the pattern
There is no scandal here.
I fired my accountants today and will be going with another firm after I confirmed the other firm actually work from the office.
I’ve had this working from home bullshit. I contacted the accountants about a matter on Wednesday and never heard back. I contacted them again on Thursday leaving a message for the woman to call me back. She hasn’t.
Today I called, and I couldn’t hear the receptionist because her fucking dog was barking in the background. I subsequently called the partner and told him I was donesky and will be looking to appoint another firm who happen to work from the freaking office.
This working from home caper is codswallop. It’s crap and it’s just bullshit laziness.
Monty is now telling us the FBI smothering the laptop story which he judges a ‘non-story’, completely avoiding that the public are entitled to make that determination in the midst of an election, is not part of the laptop story.
m0nty-fa believes with all his heart that if he repeats a lie a dozen times a day, it becomes the truth. Not quite the George Costanza theory that “It isn’t a lie if you really believe it”, but similar.
I believe he later clarified that he meant on the British public.
lol, Vicki. Our two kids had my other two very challenging children as brothers so that was a lot of ‘difference’ to cope with, as well as my own family members, who were quite an eye-opener to them about the spread of circumstances in this country. Tell you more later, not here.
If you listen to what Zuckerberg said to Rogan:
– the FBI warned Facebook of a pattern of election disinformation, it wasn’t specific that Zuck could recall
– Facebook engaged a third party to monitor this issue
– the Hunter stuff fit the pattern
There is no scandal here.
AKA George Costanza.
Is ‘he’ her preferred pronoun?
August 26, 2022 at 4:19 pm
British Foreign Secretary vows to use nuclear weapons if necessary
British Foreign Secretary Truss said she was ready to use nuclear weapons if necessary
what could possibly go wrong…
Yes Prime Minister – Salami Tactics and Nuclear Deterrent
Only about 2% of Australia’s total power generation coming from wind at the moment. Renewables are unreliable.
Nah, time’s up on cloudy apple.
Communists have no shortage of (invented) reasons to attack Christianity.
50,000 years ago some pervert looked at a cow and said “I wouldn’t mind sucking on those”!
Fast forward to now and some pervert said the same about a cockroach.
But enough about Monty.
Yah. Zoze crazy Germans.
Who’s Andrew Tate and why was he banned from every place?
“My German has no nose.”
“How does he smell?”
“Awful. Try the schnitzel. I’ll be here all week.”
My company leapt upon Covid mania when it came out (like those feinting teenage girls at airports when the Beatles landed). They demanded everyone work form home, and negotiated cancellation of the lease of two floors out of five in the building. When they decided to let people come back in they instituted a protocol whereby every second seat had to be kept empty as a coof-buffer.
So they effectively reduced the number of desks to 30% of what it was pre-Covid, and now every desk is a hot desk – you cannot create a space for yourself with photos, trophies and awards you may have won, add non-standard items like you own desk-lamp, cannot be sure how many monitors you will get, or even get a keyboard that is worn in the way with which you are familiar. Docking stations disappear, the chairs have to be re-set everyday, you have no storage space because who uses storage for something you will only need for one day?
Now they are trying to entice people to come back to the office regularly with things like afternoon drinks on a Thursday (when, at most, only 30% of people will be there) or emails about how nice it is to work in the office with friends.
Do you remember those books from when you were a kid where they had blue and red pictures overlaid and you put a piece of red cellophane over the top to see the blue image underneath? I think there are countless shades in what makes people work and these fuckers have only got one piece of cellophane.
(Yes, I know the cellophane shows every colour other than its own, so if there are five colours it will show four, but I am on a roll.)
There is no scandal here.
AKA George Costanza.
Montys mantra…
Yes, there was a pattern of disinformation. The alphabet agencies sent out their superannuated figureheads to promote the lie that the laptop was not Hunter’s and insinuate that the ‘laptop story’ was Russian disinfo, even though the FBI had possession of the laptop since Dec 2019 and had very likely already determined its authenticity, in the month prior to the 2020 election. Your attempt to whitewash this is obvious nonsense. It’s in the same ballpark as ‘the knife went in’.
And ‘fainting’, not ‘feinting’.
A martial response to the Fab Four has not, to my knowledge, been documented.
To be fair to the FBI, they could be excused for being a little jumpy about Russian disinformation recycled by Trumpkins after 2016.
Particularly when it involves a blind computer repairman, or whatever. The details sounded bogus.
Gender is like an iridescent butterfly wing, a light-splintering diamond, the procession of hues in a day’s sky imprisoned in mollusk’s shell.
Damn thing changes as soon as you look at it.
She was a she when she spoke, which makes it almost certain she is a he now.
And they say comedy is dead.
They had the laptop since Dec 2019. You are just ‘playing’ dumb now.
The quote at the top right of this page a moment ago:
Why has dover placed this collectivist conformist creed of oppression under the banner of a “Liberty” quote?
Dover is a part of a church congregation, therefore the congregation owns him?
Dover is a part of the Visa Rewards Programme, therefore Visa owns him?
Dover is a part of South-East Asia, therefore South-East Asia owns him?
There are negotiated mutual obligations between the village and the individual, but let’s not jump straight to totalitarianism just by the fact of group membership.
But Dover’s favourite Saint said it, so it gets a free pass?
Sorry but seeing *that* as a “liberty” quote was just, ugh, right off.
And here we have it.
A carefully selected “Precedent” aimed at keeping the lawyers in clover.
Families of clergy abuse victims’ new legal precedent paves way for litigation
I cant wait for this to be extended to criminal trials.
Does this mean bondage dad can get victims of crime compo???
A Supreme Court ruling in relation to a lawsuit levelled against the Catholic Church has been heralded as a potential new precedent for loved ones of alleged victims of clergy abuse.
The court this week ruled the Catholic Church could not use a legal argument pertaining to the so-called Ellis defence.
The defence was named for choirboy John Ellis and prevented abuse survivors from suing unincorporated organisations such as the church.
The ruling came after a lawsuit levelled at the Church and Cardinal George Pell by a father of one of Pell’s accusers, who has since died of a drug overdose.
The court this week did not make any orders against Pell.
Ballarat lawyer and victim-survivor advocate Ingrid Irwin said it was “huge” development, especially in south-west Victoria where there have been many high-profile cases of clergy abuse.
“It can potentially open the floodgates to so many secondary victims now,” Ms Irwin said.
“The affects of child sex abuse don’t just stop at the institution’s door or with the individual victim … it bleeds into families, into communities, into sibling groups.“
Melbourne lawyer Judy Courtin said she was representing and had met with “secondary” victims of institutional sexual abuse.
Dr Courtin said more information was coming to light about the intergenerational effects of abuse on family members.
“I would strongly encourage any secondary victim who has suffered harm … to get some legal advice … to at least get an opinion,” Dr Courtin said.
She said the “power base” was shifting and warned it wouldn’t be easy for those considering their legal options.
“These claims are exhausting and … you have a secondary trauma,” she said.
She said they were “fought hard”.
“These claims are incredibly intrusive and the bar is high for proof,” she said.
“[But] some find they reclaim, bit by bit, the power that was stolen from them.”
Aquinas was not a totalitarian.
In fact, without Aquinas and the Christian tradition of which he is a representative, you wouldn’t have the modern notion of the individual.
This working from home caper is codswallop. It’s crap and it’s just bullshit laziness.
Will you give me a pass because being unvaxxed I’m still not allowed back to the office?
(Firm policy – not sure whether it’s global or just Australian.)
Well he’s sure fooled me with that comment.
I thought Andrew Tate might be a hoot like a Bongino or Carlson. I was never so wrong in my life.
He’s basically an uber rich 21 year old man who owns casinos (and brags about it), lays LOTS of chicks and brags about it, tells you why you’ll always be sad and poor and has lots of sports cars (and brags about it), is always on his jet (bragging about it) off to some exotic location (bragging about it) while telling viewers they have no dick like his and they’ll always be dumb and poor.
I wasn’t sure if it was irony or a masochistic form of self-motivation for viewers?
August 26, 2022 at 4:58 pm
To be fair to the FBI, they could be excused for being a little jumpy about Russian disinformation recycled by Trumpkins after 2016.
Particularly when it involves a blind computer repairman, or whatever. The details sounded bogus.
Weak, very weak, m0nyty-fa. “The details sounded bogus”, but then pretty much everything you post sounds bogus. Around fifty intelligence “eggspurts” declared the laptop to be “disinformation” after the FBI (Famous But Incompetent) had almost a year to examine it. Now it is accepted to be genuine, and you and your ilk are still stuck with your heads up your rectums (recta?).
**Satire** not **irony**
You slipped from ‘belongs’ to ‘owned’ without taking a breath. By the way, a Visa Rewards Programme or a geographical label aren’t communities.