As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…
Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
A potential Pop Tart delivery mechanism …
God save the king.
If Prince Jug-Ears had chosen to be called King Edward IX, it would of saved them the cost of changing all the EIIR symbols on postboxes and Bobbies helmets.
Finally arrived at Dubrovnik – we passed over the new bridge (finished this July) that links Croatia with…Croatia. The original route used to go through the twelve kilometres of Bosnian coastline. The bridge is similar to the one in Normandy and very elegant and modern.
Visited Mostar – it’s the one with the stone bridge where you pay the locals EUR30 and they jump off. One idiot did just that as we watched from our restaurant table. About 30 metres and the water is freezing. Again, the water level is low for this time of year.
Our guide made an interesting observation. She had not been to Sarajevo for around six years. In that time, the Moslem population has shifted from mostly “secular” to orthodox and observant, made most obvious by the number of hijabis and letterboxes. Even our Moslem local guide expressed concern. It seems to be a worldwide trend.
Dubrovnik (like Venice) has been eaten alive by tourists. Moves are afoot to limit cruise ships which are the main culprits. The marina is packed with massive yachts. The Beloved calls them “Net Zeros”. I think that’s appropriate.
Had a glimpse at CNN when we arrived and quickly switched over to the BEEB.
It appears that the wise ones commenting in the USA don’t quite understand what the monarch does and what they can’t do. A casual observer would be surprised that Parliament actually exists.
It’s wall to wall coverage of the Queen’s death. Every single channel.
I’ll be over there in two weeks’ time. It may all still be going. Will report faithfully.
I also notice that all the masking and Covid crap is OVER. There is zero evidence here that it ever happened apart from general decay and business closures. And odd, forlorn, dirty stickers everywhere to wear masks, keep your distance and empty hand sanitiser bottles.
The caravan has definitely moved on.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight: best of QEII.
Mark Knight: best of QEII #2.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Graeme Bandeira.
Graeme Bandeira #2.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks, Tom. The Her Maj cartoons are excellent, but how good is Johannes Leak? That is beautiful, elegant, powerful, yet totally his personal style.
September 9, 2022 at 8:16 pm
They couldn’t build a functional reactor during wartime because the allies sabotaged the heavy water supply.
They didn’t need heavy water. The US team got a chain reaction in a squash court by stacking bricks of uranium with graphite blocks.
It is said von Heisenberg didn’t understand fusion.
Don’t know what that has to do with anything. We are talking fission here. BTW, his name was Heisenberg. No von.
I posit that he was capable of learning from mistakes.
I’m certain he was. The Germans were so convinced of the importance of nukes that they placed the program in the hands of the Post Office. OK it was the German Post Office so likely ran well, but still.
On top of this, by say 1947, or 1949, with continued development of the V2 system, Germany could have reasserted itself with little to no resistance.
Would have depended on the surrender terms wouldn’t it? Inspectors all over the place. US with atom bombs and delivery means (B-29). Americans who knew about V-2, with giant industrial capacity to produce similar. At least some of eastern Europe not in Soviet hands.
But go ahead and get tens to hundreds of thousands of your own people killed by insisting on unconditional surrender and winding up facing an enemy as bad as the Nazis.
Jordan Peterson on The Queens passing:
…and what functionality as a NUCLEAR REACTOR did that have? Is that the reactor they actually used at Los Alamos? Or the demonstration one at the U of Chicago?
The Germans needed heavy water. Now you’re saying the SOE and RAF, USAAF wasted their time bombing Trondheim?
Clearly a typo or two. Calm down. They also had von Weiszacker (no idea how to spell this). They weren’t stupid people.
??? You don’t think logistics is important during a war?
Sure, Hans Blix Snr swanning through Nazi Germany. A B-29 dropping one nuke compared to launching multiple ICBMs with nukes would have put Germany decades ahead of the USA.
The Nazis were only interested in a conditional surrender when their entire army was destroyed.
They never would agree to inspectors snooping around once the Holocaust started. Don’t be silly.
“Why can’t we go to Auswicz?”
“It is a military secret, but, no nukes, auslander!
That’s the difference between having to deal with everyday priorities and the west thirst for confected drama out off bordom.
Cheers Calli
Covid repression set the template for climate repression, and the Ukraine’s nuclear power plant is being used as a new scare campaign against nuclear power.
I mean, if we want to be hypothetical, Australia would have been better off at Federation unilaterally declaring a republic, sacking the GG and appointing a President (say Parkes or Dibbs if they were still alive) (this cutting diplomatic and military ties to empire) and setting us on a path of isolationism and military preparedness.
We may have had no reason to fight in any war thus far.
Rural Australia has been sick since World War One, we were also the richest nation per capita before the war.
As it has been proven here over and over again, Japan was not interested in Australia.
The most strident denialists actually feed off each other here.
As they embellish and exaggerate, they build on their own lies and believe them to be truths.
This is what happens when you live a lie.
No one talked about gas bar them.
No one.
Now there of course has been some whacky theories out there, but to try to group the obvious truth to these is what a sick mind does.
Over the last two years, we see those who are most cowardly at heart take offence at the world they find themselves in.
They see truth tellers as rebellion inciters.
They see the building of camps to hold innocent , once free citizens, as poppycock.
It’s just not happening …..but it is and it has.
Do not go down like these poor lost souls.
Accept the truth.
The globalists are at war with us, a different type of war, but one they have been preparing for and putting into place for decades.
They are communist in all but name.
Some are communist in name as well.
They have paid off and threatened and brainwashed the traitors in our parliaments.
Accepting this obvious fact is hard for many because you failed at the first hurdle and allowed them to inject you.
To believe the truth above means having to accept the truth of what you have done to yourself.
So you carry on in denial, becoming ever more removed from sanity by the day.
But when and if you ever do, you won’t be arguing about the piss poor performance of electric vehicles, you’ll see quite clearly that EV’s are only a way of getting you to own no car at all.
Many other issues are discussed here in lost gullibility due to denialism.
That’s right….our politicians are just stupid.
They’re just virtue signalling.
Yet those you mock told you many years ago now, that after covid comes the climate emergency propaganda in order to bring about the great reset.
It wouldn’t matter if the whole world other than the elites doing this to us, did not believe in Climate Change (by man)….they would continue the lie.
“They knew they were lying, we knew they were lying, they knew we knew they were lying, but they kept on doing it”
It only matters who has the guns….who has the ultimate power.
And they pulled this stunt, provoked by Trump, before they’d disarmed the yanks.
There is hope and a good chance we can win.
But not while even those that profess to be right wing, won’t allow the truth, the fucking obvious truth, to be told.
Sancho, Notafan, KD, the late choo choo (it seems) Notafan and a few others, are neither helping this nation nor doing anyone any good on this blog.
They never have.
They are nothing but sneering cowards.
Prior to UK joining the EU, imperial, then commonwealth, preferences were valuable to the Australian economy.
We may have had no reason to fight in any war thus far.
Australia is a country where the lost opportunities are only outweighed by the rent seeking.
ABC relentless
Look, we we wear white coats, that makes us special.
Except for the excess deaths.
Especially in the working age.
As Klaus told us.
The tyrannies to follow will be blamed on man made climate change.
Those tyrannies will see us without power, without fuel, without food, and none of it, not a cracker, has anything to do with Ukraine.
A cardiologist says she’s seeing a rise in 20-somethings with heart arrhythmias caused by herbal supplements
Hi Charlie
I don’t think the UK would have cut trade off with us. Before the US took over after WWII, the UK was the obvious largest foreign direct investor here.
They had enough interests here to keep trade open.
Stiglich had it right this morning “Grief is the price we pay for love”. It’s been two years and I am still overcome by grief at times.
Good morning, sneering cowards!
Whitewashed sepulchres.
They were activists before they became climate “scientists”. That’s why they went into the field.
I traded my white coat for overalls after I finish postgrad and got a real job.
I don’t understand Victorian Labor.
I know they are closing stations on the line near me, while at the same time allowing high density housing around the station area, what’s that think?
station elimination game , at the age, paywalled
White coats? Most doctors, either in their surgeries or in hospitals, just wear their normal clothes and scrubs when operating. The white coats are just theatre now.
By theatre I don’t mean operating kinds but the stage performance ones.
Fish oil in normal to high quantities leads to heart problems (AF). Why aren’t all the Eskimos keeling over? Seems like BS!
Many drugs have herbal origins, for example aspirin (willow trees), MDMA (sassafras root), Placitaxel (yew trees) and preparations like Quercetin supplements (flavonoid), Irish Moss (Carageen (sp?)) and cranberry tablets (from the spotted Cranberry mouse).
Everything has side effects. We’re not being told the stupid overdoses people take, contraindications (like those disgusting “energy drinks”), underlying conditions or latent variables. The AF problem from fish oil seems like an underlying condition.
I was thinking of you yesterday Crossie, it’s a hard thing that never completely goes away.
Family member that died recently lost their spouse 30 years ago, finally reunited.
Rosie, is it a safe Labor electorate? If it is they can do that because they will not be punished at the election.
LOL, Jimmy Dore refers to something as a “load bearing narrative”.
So true.
Injected “herbal suppliments”…………
After all you have done, Notafan, you have no shame and feverishly attempt to erase and deny your behaviour in the first two years of the coup.
One of the fuckwits here believes I won’t let go…..I’m like a dog with a bone.
You and yours, and the behaviour and things said in the first two years of this are not forgotten by those who have been of clear, unjabbed mind all along.
Let us relive those heady days back from the start of 2020, when this blog went psychotic and you were calling people like me Nanna Killers and asking how many people it was alright to kill so I can continue to play gigs in pubs.
Human detritus like you now expect the dog to leave the bone and come over for a pat.
Pure insanity.
I consider people like you traitors to my country.
Nazi pass traitors.
Our” ABC getting all upset over a remark from a foreign pollie ..!
Strange! .. considering they were totally silent during two years of plod brutality on homegrown Oz citizens ….
Thanks Rosie. I was amazed that mum was fairly sanguine when dad died but he had been seriously ill for years so she had time to prepare. It’s much harder to accept a sudden death.
That article links to a paper that says more than 1 g of fish oil a day can lead to AF.
I hate this sort of stuff.
What is the ratio of trans and saturated fats?
What is the ratio of nutrient omega oils?
What anti-nutrient oils/fatty acids are also consumed?
Pre existing conditions?
Caloric load and patient lean muscle mass/BMR?
Native Americans such as the Inuit, Denali, Salish etc could easily consume more than 1 g of fish oils or similar fats in a single meal.
Genetic predisposition is also a factor these papers hardly look into.
Your cellular DNA directly interacts with food chemicals such as caffeine.
So yes, everyone’s biochemistry is slightly different.
Well dun! .. Charles 111 great decision to start your reign off ..!
Another thing to consider is how CoQ10 is linked to heart health.
The Inuit eat offal and a lot of fish oil.
Offal is high in CoQ10 and micronutrients like zinc and magnesium, maybe it is a deficiency of this protective molecule or a lack of balance in intake, or a deficiency in cellular signalling? It could be as much as zinc or magnesium deficiency stopping hormone regulation pushing T2 diabetes which prevents proper utilisation of fatty acids in the bloodstream.
A lack of sufficient sample sizes and population comparisons creates a paucity in the data.
Why Shatterzzz
I thought the title upgrades are just the usual protocol as everyone shifts up a rank.
Camilla didn’t get Princess of Wales because of obvious circumstances.
Yes Crossie, my family are all in agreement, no long painful suffering or sudden death, a few weeks notice would be great.
Recent TV ads and nobody doctors.
Fish oil causes AF.
Get checked for shingles. ???
Yeah, they’re worried now. This isn’t normal.
I got a lot of shit at work for being the last holdout, but a few people got “Pfizer Arm”.
Fuck. That. Shit.
All I got from my army fall worm juice was a cold feeling and an intended itch during the night.
Another promising sign from King Charlie.
Meanwhile.. trouble in Scotland
One less pink adenochrome purveyor.
Millions of kids in tunnels rejoice.
Intended itch?
intense itch
These Apple products are bogus!
Strange how it went from something that was thought to reduce AF a few years ago..
largest consumers of mars bars in Scotland.
Victoria. The place to be.
If you are an undertaker.
Sounds legit.
The squash court nuclear reaction was at University of Chicago 1942. To go from a few watts of power to 15k tons of TNT in 3 years is an extraordinary feat. Only exceeded by the Sneerer in Chief ability to abuse everyone here almost daily. If only we could harness the potential power for good.
It sure is. Now what could a post conditional surrender Germany do in five years?
Also, no one has explained how a conditional surrender would have “worked”.
Are you okay?
I’d love to get my hands on the age distribution of the increased deaths.
Might be quite telling.
I have had too much fish oil.
Are you considering adopting?
If you think that a V-2 could have been “developed” into an ICBM by the late 1940s, you are dreaming.
Even with von Braun on the team, it took the US well into the 1950s to achieve that result. Ditto for the Soviets, with “their” German engineers.
I think Duncanm pointed out the other day that either Australian or was it NSW excess deaths were mostly due to covid.
He linked a page.
Why would Victoria be any different?
The spate of deaths of 52 year old celebrities seemed to have ended pretty abruptly.
Provisional Mortality Statistics at the ABS
The science is settled
Here in the USA, Government flags at half-mast everywhere for the Queen.
I had gall bladder problem in January and specialist told me that it was like the one Pregnant women get that is from by hormonal changes ! I believe . But seeing I am way past those hormones so vaccination ? I had a a mild dose of Covid a month ago did not take antivirals and only had first booster.
I have had 2 minor attacks where I get the pain in the back son a doctor purrs that down to diet I eat a low fat diet , high fibre etc,
In the UK people do not have copyright on their royal titles after death. The title Princess of Wales goes along now with the Prince of Wales as determined by the monarch, not by the tabloid press.
Are you people aware of the basics of nuclear fission weapons? It is quite difficult. The bomb engineering isn’t too hard at all for gun type weapons. The Hiroshima bomb was the first of its kind. However they require U235 which is 0.7% of natural uranium (except at Oklo where the natural nuclear reactor used up some of the fissionable U235). It cannot be separated by chemical methods. The Americans used the uranium hexaflouride diffusion method (horrible) and electromagnetic separation (vast quantities of electrical energy required). The third is the centrifugal method which the Americans considered but rejected. In fact by war’s end the diffusion method hadn’t made much enriched U235 and only 5% of the Hiroshima bomb was made that way. SF writer and physicist Greg Benford wrote “The Berlin Project” which is an alternate history where the US chooses the centrifuge method. Lots of real physics and engineering detail in it. The protagonist was Benford’s father in law IRL.
The other way of making a bomb is the plutonium route. Bombard U238 with neutrons of the right energy and get Pu239 which can be separated from uranium chemically. BoN will have details I’m sure.
The problem is you can’t make a gun type weapon as it fizzles unless the velocity of the bullet is very high, which was beyond gun technology at the time. Just maybe, not now IMHO.
The spherical implosion method is a more difficult engineering problem and took a while to solve. The Americans weren’t actually sure they had solved it, hence the Trinity test.
Richard Rhodes wrote two books about the development of nuclear weapons. Worth reading.
So what, in the interim they would have had short range and intermediate range missiles – no loss of research papers, resettlement etc.
No one thus far pushing this insane idea of a conditional surrender by Nazi Germany has explained how it would have worked, at least not how it would have created perhaps a German civil war between the “good, definitely not Nazi” Wehrmacht and the SS Waffen.
A weapons inspector wants to look at an extermination camp, what happens next?
The excessive deaths in queensland is due to the death camps. Ken runs interference but they still get through. Standing outside with his sign “the end end is nigh” doesn’t seem to do the trick. I know, berate unknown bloggers, that’ll do it.
Lizzie B
Take a break at the ‘yuk yuk’ furniture store,
The Germans (Nazis) wouldn’t have cared about how awful the processes were, they had disposable, “subhuman” slaves.
The stupid is running high on this OT already.
It sure is Eyrie, it sure is.
Can’t even do sneering well.
SEP 9 • 25M
How Joe Biden Lost My Vote
The Democrats have Opted for Corruption over Democracy
Sasha Stone
Very Long but well worth the read
Because the shit being pumped out by the government doesn’t add up.
I hear appendicitis is up since the jabs.
Why Shatterzzz
I thought the title upgrades are just the usual protocol as everyone shifts up a rank.
Camilla didn’t get Princess of Wales because of obvious circumstances.
Royal title upgrades are the prerogative of the reigning monarch not heriditary ..!
It’s a global appendicitis epidemic, Hallward. You know about this because for the past couple of years you’ve been peddling the view that every human malady can be walked back to the jabathon.
The Germans had plans for the A9-A12 rockets in 1944-45.
The A-9 was actually tested and the A-10 was set for 1946 test launches.
The A-12 had a planned 5,000 km range.
They had a so far unsuccessful uranium enrichment programme.
What if they realised their mistakes?
The allies could not afford to let the regime continue.
Not bad, not perfect, but much better than the choice between tonguebathing and vilification currently on offer.
I get the impression that Peterson has good days and bad days. This was a pretty good one.
I’ll wait for the double blind randomised clinical trial before I’ll comment on fish oil causing heart issues.
I think that was my point regarding Camilla not getting Princess of Wales.
It’s usual to get given the upgrades, why would the new King not follow tradition?
What’s your status JC?
Stapled up & waiting to go home?
How long before you can have a sweet sweet cigarette.
I’ll wait for the peer reviewed double blind block randomised clinical trial with country, income, gender and ethnic pairwise comparisons before I’ll comment on fish oil causing heart issues.
I prefer to withhold judgement until there are randomised double blind trials too.
LOL, I’d hate to be cooped up in a hospital craving the sweet sweet taste of tobacco.
It’s the third day and still waiting. They’re totally banked up. Hospitals, private or public, appear to be a shitshow with massive under-staffing. I was about the leave and head to another hospital but my GP reckoned they’re all in the same boat.
How it looks
ER is totally banked up. A significant percentage of ward beds are empty.
I tell you, we better start importing workers in otherwise we’re fucked.
Woman who smelled her husband’s Parkinson’s helps scientists come up with diagnostic test
The Queen when Meghan Markle comes to say her goodbyes
Let’s go with the premise that the stats haven’t been distorted into fairy floss, as the BOM does with temperatures, and let’s also go with an undisputed rise in all-cause deaths.
Age distribution, as noted by Mater will be the key.
It will be the key because the stupid and unnecessary lockdowns restricted access to medical treatment by the ordinary punter, who by the age of 30 onwards becomes more susceptible to the kaleidoscope of cancers, tumours, blockages and all the other things that will kill them.
These are also the things that early identification and medical intervention will keep at bay for years, and sometimes decades. The lockdowns gave all those diseases and medical conditions a two-year (at least) head start, and allowed them to become so established in the host that dropping off the perch became inevitable.
Add suicide, caused by the social isolation of people who were vulnerable to that anyway, and the feelings of hopelessness of those who saw Andrews and Pallashay and the others destroy their entire livelihoods, and those of their families that were lifetimes in the making.
And that will be why all-cause deaths are up. This particular curve won’t flatten for another five years or so.
At some future point, this will be identified and placed squarely at the feet of Morrison and the Premiers, of whom all will be retired or in the ground by then. The rationale will be ‘it was the best health advice at the time’, which is also what they said about taking eye of newt while staring at the full moon.
Don’t want the peasants revolting.
Bad enough when it goes in a family but strangers virtue singling, gross.
As dot later concedes, populations adapt to their diets. If it doesn’t work for them, they don’t thrive and the people who do thrive multiply. It’s not a difficult concept.
Dietics, which makes astrology look like nuclear physics, keeps generalising in the face of evidence.
‘Carbs are bad’ – tell that to billions of Chinese and South East Asians and Indians. Seriously, are you telling them that their staple food is poison? That their health is hanging by a thread?
If rice and noodles are fatal, there wouldn’t be many people left in SE Asia and China.
When it comes to food faddism, it’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry.
What a shit show.
KD – and then your RAT test can join the wrist gel mouse pad in the spare room.
I’m just sparking up now bern. Second of the day, out in the fresh air. About 26 degrees. Under cover. Slight breeze.
Man, that’s good.
“all the masking and Covid crap is OVER”
Not in Queensland. We’re still as backward as ever.
Eirie and Dot;
Regarding the WW2 German nuclear programme:
It was a lot bigger than most folk understand.
At least one “device” was “trialed”, successfully, (more of a “BIG fizzle” than an earth-shattering KaBoom), during the war. The location of that event is, to this day, a closed military “proving ground”. That one event was also an object lesson in the effects of radiation, even from a “fizzle” on living tissue.
There are also the remains, often quite substantial, of small reactor sites in several locations in Germany and also in what used to be “East Prussia”, now Poland.
The Post Office got the gig, probably because they had lots of interesting “innocuous” locations on their books, but they were also world leaders in electronic research, partnering with huge private firms like Siemens. Whole new fields of instrumentation and miniaturization were required for the nuclear projects and the rocket / “V” weapon programmes.
Both the US and the Soviets had more than in inkling of what was going on; Hence, the path followed by Patton’s army as it charged across southern Germany and beyond. Ditto some of the Soviet advances. The French and the Brits were also in the hunt. Furthermore, Italy was also a “player” in the nuke biz before the fall of Mussolini.
As to William becoming the Prince of Wales, that title belongs to the heir apparent, which he now is. It is not based on the monarch’s choice but on primogeniture (I think that’s the term but please correct me if I’m wrong). Young George has moved to heir presumptive, a position recently held by his father. If anything were to happen to him, the title would go to his sister, Charlotte.
Upgrades, people!*
*A line from one of my favourite movies, “Robots”.
Even Ebay has a condolence post up for the death of the Queen.
This will be good.
At least the chum is rich.
Yep…every housewife in the 1950s was raped every day.
Margaret Atwood didn’t write science fiction…she was the pre-eminent historian of a newly liberated America.
Thank god she documented the horrible crimes of the 1950s.
Sure, feminism is about choices…and being subsidised by men with a gun to their heads.
Because rape is bad.
JC are they making you fast every day in anticipation of surgery?
If so do they reset the clock each night?
Good and Faithful Servant Queen Elizabeth II
Have a look at Mark Felton’s video on those Germans. The Russians would not let them do much after an initial knowledge transfer because they didn’t want them knowing what they were doing. Unlike the Septics.
Only ever had the one Bear, and that was prior to getting on the plane to Vicco in early December for family reasons. nobody actually asked me for one on the way back, so I didn’t bother and haven’t since.
Colesworths here still flog them, although now they’re in bargain bins near the checkouts instead of in the ‘health’ aisle.
Don’t get tested and you’ll never get covid.
From now on, I will pronounce the name of King Charles the 3rd using an Irish accent.
So, King Charles the Turd it is then.
Oh my word.
I promise I’m not doing that fashionable ‘no capitals’ thing.
Probably none left!
Fascinating about the lady smelling Parkinson’s, Rosie.
I was at a boardroom breakfast during the week, about dozen or so were there.
I was the only one who hadn’t had COVID yet.
Also, I was the only one who didn’t have kids.
Based on that sample size, kids should be made to pay reparations for COVID.
I can’t bring myself to get a ‘free account’ for some of the ladypages.
I know I should though.
They all had their birthday and are now safely 53.
It’s an abortion. I was fasting for about 18 hours until lunchtime yesterday when it was obvious I wasn’t going to get on the slab. I had lunch, dins and now breakfast and I’m now fasting hoping to get in this afternoon. I just saw the doc and his “HOPING” there’s a slot. Even today is not a done deal.
It’s pretty funny.
Left whinging about the 1950s has been going on in the US since around 1988 and here in Australia since around 1990.
Hmmm…the best race on the Australian racing calendar is the QEII stakes in the Autumn (the Cox Plate is a close second).
So does that now become the Charles the third stakes?
Sneakers is giving away 20 free RATs to grateful sandgropers. Our Saviour.
Sure Ranga, but it’s pretty useless though because Parkinson is a slow locomotive coming at you and you can’t stop it.
So, a grand total of 14.000 deaths from/with covid in the last 2.5 years, mostly in the ‘elderly – comorbid’ demographic with little time remaining, explains an onging 20% spike in death rates amongst the young/middle aged group now?
Sounds legit.
Unless your child has just died in Emergency at the Perth Childrens Hospital.
Bonita Johnson at the CDC picked up the phone today
SEC chairman’s role in Steele dossier payments adds to questions about Trump probe conflicts
House Intelligence Committee testimony identified Gary Gensler as having final approval for funding discredited dossier.
Gary Gensler, President Joe Biden’s Securities and Exchange Commissioner, had final approval authority for the Hillary Clinton campaign’s payments for the discredited Steele dossier, according to congressional testimony that is adding to concerns about conflicts of interest as the SEC investigates Donald Trump’s social media firm’s merger request.
Questions surfaced last month about the SEC’s probe of Trump’s Truth Social when RealClearInvestigations journalist Paul Sperry reported that Gensler, as SEC chairman, previously served as the Hillary Clinton campaign’s chief financial officer.
In addition, Sperry reported that SEC Associate Director of Enforcement Melissa Hodgman was married to Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who led the much-criticized Russia collusion probe and was fired in 2018 for anti-Trump texts on his official bureau phone.
The SEC declined comment when Just the News inquired about Sperry’s report, the role, if any, that Gensler and Hodgman are playing in the Truth Social investigation or whether the two SEC executives offered to recuse themselves from the inquiry.
In addition to the connections to Trump, Truth Social is run by former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, who played a key role in exposing Strzok’s conduct during the Russia probe, the Clinton campaign’s connections to the Steele dossier, the inaccuracies of the dossier and the FBI’s reliance on the former British spy Christopher Steele to obtain FISA warrants targeting the Trump campaign and adviser Carter Page.
In the end, Nunes’ probe exposed that the FBI ultimately determined that most of the allegations Steele placed in the dossier and shared with the agents were disproven, uncorroborated or meaningless Internet rumor and that the FBI misled the court about the reliability of the information.
‘We’ll Steal Your Soul’ – Biden’s Monkeypox Spox Has a Penchant for Pentagrams, Occultism, and Satanism.
Well yeah, but at least the COWS knew their place then.
Right St. Ruth?
Meanwhile the perpetrators (Premiers, CHOs etc) in Australia are quietly trying to slink backwards into the bushes and avoid all mention of excess deaths, adverse reactions, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, bankrupt businesses, traumatised and backward children, proof that Ivermectin works, proof that masks don’t work, and proof that house detention was a retrograde step. Desperately trying to avoid the opprobrium that comes with launching a tyrannical rule over democratic Aussies.
If only we could go all Maximus Decimus Meridius, And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
I think you will find the gold standard for health research now is the ‘Randomised – double blinded – pal reviewed’ study now – as per klimate science
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Charlie Kirk
BOMBSHELL — Steve Bannon broke news that at least 35 Raids were conducted yesterday against Trump allies across the country.
Aunty and the UN show how you create a nuclear incident when you aren’t even at Fukushima levels of danger. Hint: revise your conditional verbs and adverbs. Maybe cut and replace some climate change reports.
As Neddy Smith explained, apropos of the ladeeees, in the timeless Blue Murder:
Meme;……………………………..substitute ASIO for CIA.
One of my favourite boss moments in movies!
As Neddy Smith explained, apropos of the ladeeees, in the timeless Blue Murder:
Women like it straight up. None of this continental stuff – it just makes them confused.
Who says romance is dead?
Breaking news from the Panthers Eels game last night ….. following on from the NRL delaying the suspension of Panthers player, TAYLAN MAY cos it wouldn’t have been fair on Panther ssupporters if he’d missed last night’s game …….. LOL!
the Eels will be petitioning the NRL to have the loss deferred to round 1 next season… for the fans
Regarding the WW2 German nuclear programme:
It was a lot bigger than most folk understand.
Bruce, do you have a link for that? Read “Heisenberg’s War”.
I remember when Parramatta were the best team that didn’t cheat in 2010 and still didn’t win a premiership.
(Even if they win next year)…it’s actually longer between drinks now as it was for the Tigers (1969 – 2005).
2009! Hello, senility.
Really, they should have won in 2002, 2005. Tigers in 2010.
BOMBSHELL: “Jack-Booted Gestapo Has to Show Up at Their Door!” — Steve Bannon Tells Charlie Kirk 35 Trump Allies Had Homes Raided by FBI on Thursday (VIDEO)
Steve Bannon: You saw from the demonic speech that Biden gave in Philadelphia that this is a dying regime. That was a primal scream. And here what they’re trying to do, no matter who it is whether Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. There were 35 FBI raids last night. Right. And there’s another grand jury coming together on January 6th, the Washington Post reported it. THIRTY-FIVE Senior Members of MAGA! of Republicans, supporters of Donald Trump that the FBI rolled in on. When they didn’t need to do it. Right? All these people have lawyers. The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.
This has never happened in American history!
The evil regime has gone rogue!
This is the Gestapo!
As Paul Sperry said back in August: “The FBI is now acting as both the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.”
UPDATE– Attorney Harmeet Dhillon confirmed the report.
Thanks for that – I’ve bagged a copy of that title.
Steyn on QE II.
From Rosie’ link to the ABS provisional-mortality-statistics –
2022 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code U07.1 COVID-19
U07.2: COVID-19, virus not identified
Leaving aside the fact that there’s no diagnostic test for Convid, a dodgy test that said you had Convid and a dodgy test that said you didn’t have Convid, well, you died from Convid.
But like the BOM erases those naughty high temperatures –
While I’m on a rant, deaths due to dementia in at no 2 again. Someone remind me how you die of dementia. Ooh, look at that, they don’t.
Woman BEHEADED Publicly In California Ignites CRIME WAVE Panic, Democrats Panic As Voters REVOLT
From Tim Pool.
And the scoffers.
Good morning scoffers and sneerers.
It’s gonna be a trainwreck. When the USD tops out, buy anything coming out of the ground.
Perhaps some analogy with Bell Labs in the USA. When the phone company produces 9 Nobel Prize winners, they’ve got something worth considering.
Early promise (the Tele):
Followed by a very thinly-disguised backhander during the King’s address:
Oho. KaBam.
You wonder what rates on Australian TV? Why the British royal family, of course. The Seven Network has six hours from midday today on the death of QEII, Nein has two hours from 2pm ‘til 4pm and Their ABC is running and rerunning a four-hour special on the life of QEII around the clock all day.
The only network that has no interest in the subject is US-owned Ten – the CBS network’s tax dodge Down Under which, since it’s a tax write-off, is chasing the financially disastrous millenial demographic .
The only competitor for Ten’s Australian audience is the ABC, whose funding by government is not tied to its ratings. Even the ABC has a better understanding of its audience than Ten, which does not even have an Australian program director.
A Tribute to My Queen
As a spiritual mother and grandmother to millions, it seems fitting that she should have passed on the feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Heaven.
70 years of Queen Elizabeth II
Watching her supremely dignified and gentle discharge of so many tedious official duties, one was put in mind of Belloc’s lines:
Of Courtesy, it is much less
Than courage of heart or holiness
Yet in my walks it seems to me
That the grace of God is in Courtesy.
St Ruth earlier ..
I see Dover’s call for higher standards is working.
It may be true because a lot of uneconomic loans are going to get called in.
It probably isn’t though. Why are we giving the Phillips Curve any credibility? It’s busted.
Of course Brookings are pushing the debunked inflation-unemployment tradeoff, they’re left wing Keynesians.
i’m not as well versed as you shatterzz in Royal titles, but I think this “decision” is more a formal, established process than King Charles’ personal decision.
Sine he has been “promoted” to King, then his former title of Prince of Wales is vacant and his heir moves up one peg and takes that title. Therefore Kate become Princess of Wales.
September 10, 2022 at 9:05 am
[I think Duncanm pointed out the other day that either Australian or was it NSW excess deaths were mostly due to covid.]
So, a grand total of 14.000 deaths from/with covid in the last 2.5 years, mostly in the ‘elderly – comorbid’ demographic with little time remaining, explains an onging 20% spike in death rates amongst the young/middle aged group now?
Sounds legit.
“With covid”. Quite. Anyone who happens to be covid positive when they die is automatically counted as a covid death unless it was a car accident or something like that.
If we’d kept common cold death stats in the past the way we’ve been keeping covid death stats for the last 3 years, we would have concluded that the common cold was the most lethal virus ever to afflict humanity.
By Q2 next year we’ll see dotty. The process may already be underway.
duk – I’m just going by the numbers which are publicly available. Yes – covid deaths account for a large chunk of the increase in deaths, but not all.
Look here: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/causes-death/provisional-mortality-statistics/latest-release
2022. Deaths peak at about 930/month above the average in Jan’22. 3870 vs. baseline 2940. That’s about 30% above average.
Further down – Covid deaths for Jan’22 are 501. So 55% of the increased mortality.
If you download the data and average it out, 30% of excess deaths for 2022 so far are ascribed to covid, and 20% for the second half of 2021.
From the notes on that page, it is clear that people are dying due to lack of healthcare during lockdowns. Cancer being the big one (+5.5% is about 200/month).
Or maybe those cancer deaths are the vaxx! \
Have a look at
comment filter mucked up by </sarc> tag
I am getting a report from Roszencrag.
I am accumulating oil & gas in my super. Made money on WDL on day 1.
Holding KAR, BPT, WDL & STO (and JMS, FMG, AMI…). Also moving to accumulate more CAD personally as they are cheap with good nickel mineralisation and a trial float separator with Mt B possibly being finalised/approved soon. Thousands of samples going to the labs from Highway (ni, cu, co, [pd!])& Roberts Hill (gold/silver).
HotCopper keeps on spamming me to buy Metgasco.
A bag, keys ect is all it takes to distract someone attacking another with a knife.
I hope players appeal ref’s decisions coz its not fair. Shirley the Fucking Useless NRL will back them up. FUNRL is not to be confused with the Stupid Fucking Liberals. Maybe hard to tell at times. In other news West’s Tigers didn’t come last, they won the race for the Wooden Spoon. Reminds me of Queen Victoria when observing the 100 Guinea’s Cup and America winning, asked who came second? Your Majesty, there is no second. The cup went on to being The America’s Cup.
I accidentally clicked on the Rowe cartoon – usually give him a miss. I found it quite touching.
Thanks for bringing us the toons every day, Tom.
a surfeit thereof
It is already underway as inflation is the problem, not nominal CB rates.
JC at 9:02.
I’ll get a copy of “Surgery For Dummies” and a really good socket set and we’ll give it a go.
Non-Chinese socket set please.
NSW COVID-19 cases, deaths and testing statistics
Changes to COVID-19 reporting
From Friday 9 September, routine COVID-19 reports will occur weekly. NSW Health also provides detailed reporting and analysis of the latest COVID-19 data in its weekly respiratory surveillance reports
once, common as muck
Variable Speed Drives
7.5 kW
gone from $1040 to $1340
lead time 8 Weeks
now rarer the rocking horse shit
people living 50 storey up a residential tower
best you start hording bottled water
just in case
I’ll donate a staple gun and some aluminium from my portfolio.
grr … rarer than
multi-focals have broken my keyboard
Have you seen more VSDs blow with increased dirty, solar power?
Raspberry Pi’s want from $120 to almost $400 in some places.
The chip shortage is a huge problem.
It’s somewhat of a surprise that ABC RN AM has been following and reporting on this.
A physician pointed out the obvious re undetected cancers & a geriatrician said the increased death by dementia rates were due to residents in nursing homes not being fed due to staff shortages.
No wonder the politicians don’t want a Royal Commission.
Dotty, I hadn’t thought about it
at a guess, I don’t think so
the DC side kinda filters that harmonic rubbish out
the capacitors flog out sometimes but mostly usual attrition down to dust, old thermo-conductive paste, failing IGBTs etc
just old and worn out
we still have some old ones in service … 20yr old …sometimes older
many new drives are IP54 or better and its rare to see a failure in a new drive.
I have no doubt Betty 2.0 left very explicit instructions about final visits, seating at the funeral, who gets Gran’s good doilies, etc.
Not just to Chuck, but everyone in the Royal Protocol food-chain.
And it appears the Firm are standing firm.
They know that, had she been at Balmoral, the Oprah stuff would have started up again:-
“Queen’s Deathbed Racism Confession”.
“Queen’s Final Plea to Meghan to Return”.
No false claims are possible if you keep her at arm’s length.
The process I refer to is rising IR driven UE. And you can bet nominal CB rates will become a very real problem at some point if CB’s maintain their current trajectory without Govt’s addressing the supply side.
How are ya, Dot ?
What does this mean ? Translate please.
For the first time since 1952 –
‘God Save The King’ Sung Officially for First Time
… and the Fed knows this of course..
Of course.
Only the best.
Is your appendix attached with metric or Whitworth fasteners?
Left or right hand thread?
Novavax. All I got was a cold feeling in my arm the first time and that night my scalp was very itchy, it woke me up in the wee hours.
The second shot, IIRC, I don’t think anything happened.
Preferably on another continent.
JIT aint soon enough
I said to the missus yesterday that we are all in some very deep trouble
and that people who dont understand electrical/electronic/programming have a clue quite yet
my private joy is that we can simply pass on the increases so that we always get future dollars
when the power goes off
the machine stops pinging
when the impeller fails to move the excreta
I am Lord
they dont know it yet but
us dumb sparkies rule the world
now, kiss my ring
September 10, 2022 at 9:58 am
If you download the data and average it out, 30% of excess deaths for 2022 so far are ascribed to covid, and 20% for the second half of 2021.
duncanm, your key phrase here is “ascribed to”. The Queensland health department instructions have been shown on this site a number of times and no-one has produced anything to suggest it’s different anywhere else. If someone is covid positive when they die then, unless it’s a car crash or something similar where it’s impossible for covid to be the cause, the death MUST be recorded as a covid death, and the certifying doctor’s only discretion is whether covid is listed as the cause of death or only as a “contributing factor”.
Or maybe those cancer deaths are the vaxx! \
Don’t dismiss the idea. The Queensland health department instructions have been shown on this site a number of times and no-one has produced anything to suggest it’s different anywhere else. Certifying doctors are forbidden from putting the vaxx as a cause of death or contributing factor without first contacting the government for “advice” – by contrast they’ve got total liberty to sign off without mentioning the vaxx, whatever the circumstances.
Charles III, translated:
‘That gold-digging publicity whore is coming nowhere near my mother on her death bed.’
The Kings indeed, but the village idiots in the town cesspits still get paid better.
The chip shortage is a huge problem.
Sure is. Mrs Eyrie scored some rather common voltage regulators the other day. Otherwise middle of 2023. These are not high end. They’ve been around for 40+ years.
They haven’t apologized and won’t stop. The Left are like terminators.
Oberlin continues its slander (9 Sep)
Baker peoples, it’s time to sell up and enjoy your money on a beach somewhere in Florida or Texas, far far away from the BLM dudes who will be coming with molotov cocktails soon.