Open Thread – Weekend 1 Oct 2022

View of Constantinople, Ivan Aivazoski, 1870

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October 4, 2022 8:46 am

I can’t remember the last time the UN called on central banks to stop raising rates.
It must be serious.

October 4, 2022 8:48 am

October 4, 2022 at 8:27 am
I do agree with her on this.

Sep 30
If a person is toxic, then they are not good for one’s mental health. This is regardless of whether they are a “friend” or family. Cutting contact can be the healthiest thing we do for ourselves.

Did this many years ago to a once friend and then to family member. Happy on both scores. Recently ex-friend got in touch with my son via faecesbook to get in touch with me. He seemed to forget about the money he stole off me. I didn’t. Nor all the lies and attempted manipulation. I’m far better off.

October 4, 2022 8:50 am

Cassie is gender non-specific lion

New attack meme – from now on I am going to mentally translate ‘gender non specific’ into ‘neutered’.

October 4, 2022 8:50 am

feelthebern says:
October 4, 2022 at 8:46 am
I can’t remember the last time the UN called on central banks to stop raising rates.
It must be serious.

The UN has a view on monetary policy. Gee, they’re really important.

October 4, 2022 8:52 am

The FDA Misled the Public About Ivermectin and Should Be Accountable in Court, Argues the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Dont tell AHPRA – their ‘show cause’ letter to me of last week included promotion of Ivermectin amongst my COVID crimes.

October 4, 2022 8:52 am


October 4, 2022 at 8:44 am

A Russian rapper has committed suicide to get out of being drafted.
He was anti gun according to his suicide video.

No loss, then.


Johnny Rotten
October 4, 2022 8:53 am

Bonds & the Fate of the Future

“The 30-year bond elected a major long-term Quarter Bearish Reversal on target. This confirms the long-term outlook that we had warned back at the high that we were establishing a 5,000-year low in rates (high in bond prices). The sell signals on bonds at the end of September are very profound. This is also why you have witnessed Klaus Schwab telling everyone you will own nothing and be happy because what he is really saying is that all debt will be wiped out trying to make it sound like they are doing this for you when it is the next sovereign debt default in history.

The last Sovereign Debt Default was 1931 when Europe, South America, and Asia defaulted. Even Britain went into a moratorium on debt payments. Our models turned up on this level in March 2021 and the next Sovereign Debt Default on a grand scale is likely to unfold by 2025.

The Quarterly closing was a confirmation that we are looking at both a liquidity crisis in addition to a banking crisis that is most likely with an epic center in Europe.

Here is the Yearly Chart from 1798 to 2015 that we published back in 2016. The peak came precisely during the 1st Quarter of 2020 with the major turning point on the ECM 2020.05 reaching 191.69 on the 30-year bond. We will be focusing on this triple crisis of liquidity, banking, and Sovereign Debt Crisis at the WEC on November 11-13th, 2022.

As I have said many times, what bottoms or peaks with the ECM major turning points is typically very profound. That has been vindicated once against by the bond market peaking the first quarter of 2020 with the turning point. We have entered the STAGFLATION mode since March 14th as we head into April 2023.”

For the Charts, go to –

October 4, 2022 8:53 am

Sounds like Eco Warrior Girl has been brought up in a climate emergency family but has stepped over a line, even for them.

October 4, 2022 8:56 am

A Russian rapper has committed suicide to get out of being drafted.
He was anti gun according to his suicide video.

*theres* your problem!

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 8:57 am

Being a happy clapper and going to church in an industrial area is now more socially acceptable than being the CEO of a Big 4 trading bank. You can even be PM.

October 4, 2022 9:00 am

With a hat tip to Top Ender above, I think the O’Neill piece in the Paywallian deserves to be reproduced in full:

Woke queen Jacinda Ardern wages war on free speech

Precede: Authoritarianism is well dressed now. It’s polite. It has a broad smile and speaks in a soft voice. It is delivered not via a soldier’s boot to the cranium but with a caring liberal head-tilt.

BRENDAN O’NEILL: Tyranny has had a makeover. It’s no longer a boot stamping on a human face forever. It isn’t a gruff cop dragging you into a cell for thinking or expressing a “dangerous” idea. It isn’t a priest strapping you to a breaking wheel. No, authoritarianism is well dressed now. It’s polite. It has a broad smile and speaks in a soft voice. It is delivered not via a soldier’s boot to the cranium but with a caring liberal head-tilt. And its name is Jacinda Ardern.
New Zealand’s PM, every online liberal’s favourite world leader, has gone viral over the past few days following the circulation of the shocking speech she gave at the UN last Friday. Before the assembled leaders of both the free world and the unfree world, Ardern raised the alarm about a new “weapon of war”. It’s a “dangerous” one, she said. It poses a grave “threat” to humankind. It threatens to drag us headlong into “chaos”. We must act now, she pleaded with the powerful, so that we might disarm this weapon and “bring (the world) back to order”.
Jacinda Ardern’s calls for censorship is a ‘war on freedom’
What is this terrible weapon, this menacing munition, that Ardern so passionately wants to decommission? It’s freedom of speech.
She was talking about words. Seriously. About ideas, disagreement, dissent. Her speech focused on the alleged scourge of “mis- and disinformation online”. We must tackle it, she said. She acknowledged some people are concerned that “even the most light-touch approaches to disinformation” could come across as being “hostile to the values of free speech”. You’re damn right we are. But global elites must nonetheless root out virtual bullshit because it can “cause chaos”, she said.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to the media in Wellington last month. Picture: Getty Images
Really getting into her stride, she said speech can sometimes be a “weapon of war”. Some people use actual weapons to inflict harm, others use words: “The weapons may be different but the goal of those who perpetuate them is often the same … (to) reduce the ability of others to defend themselves.” “War is peace,” said Big Brother. Big Sister Jacinda Ardern sees it a little differently: war is speech. Words wound, ideas kill – that’s the hot take of this globetrotting luvvie against liberty.
And she really is talking about ideas. Modern politicians who wring their hands over “misinformation” or “disinformation” are usually just talking about beliefs they don’t like. So at the UN, Ardern gave climate-change scepticism as an example of one of those “weapons of war” that can cause “chaos”. “How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?” she asked. Critiquing climate-change alarmism, calling into question the eco-lobby’s hysterical claims that billions will die and Earth will burn if we don’t drastically cut our carbon emissions, is an entirely legitimate political endeavour. In treating it as a species of Flat Earthism, as “disinformation”, the new elites seek to demonise dissenters, to treat people whose views differ to their own as the intellectual equivalent of warmongers. Barack Obama also claims that “misinformation” about climate change – which, in his view, includes painting the environmentalist movement in a “wildly negative light” – is a threat to the safety of humanity. Be mean about greens and people will die.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks at the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Investment Lunch at Morgan Stanley in Sydney earlier this year. Picture: Getty Images
Call me a “weapon of war”, but I believe freedom of speech must include the freedom to be negative – even wildly so – about eco-activists. Activists, by the way, whose hype about the end of the world could genuinely be labelled misinformation. But they are never branded with that shaming m-word. That’s because misinformation doesn’t really mean misinformation anymore. It means dissent. Deviate from the woke consensus on anything from climate change to Covid and you run the risk of being labelled an evil disinformant.
Indeed, one of the most striking things about Ardern’s speech was her claim that if the elites ignore “misinformation”, then “the norms we all value” will be in danger. This is the most common cry of the 21st-century authoritarian – that speech can have a destabilising and even life-threatening impact, especially if it concerns big crises like climate change or Covid-19. So “climate deniers” are a threat to the future of the human race and thus may be legitimately silenced. “Lockdown deniers” threaten to encourage the spread of viral infection and thus may be legitimately gagged. The spectre of crisis is cynically used to clamp down on anyone who dissents from the new global consensus. Images of Armageddon are marshalled to justify censorship of troublemakers. “Chaos”, as Ardern calls it – that’s what will unfold if your reckless, dangerous ideas are given free rein.
‘Smiling socialist’ Jacinda Ardern is trying to ‘shut down free speech’
To see how authoritarian the desire to clamp down on “misinformation” can be, just consider some of the other world leaders who likewise used the platform of the UN to call for tougher controls on speech. Muhammadu Buhari, the brutal ruler of Nigeria, focused on his nation’s “many unsavoury experiences with hate speech and divisive disinformation” and joined the calls for a clampdown on the “scourge of disinformation and misinformation”. Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, bemoaned the “disinformation” against his nation. The chattering classes cheering Ardern for standing up to “fake news” are implicitly cheering Buhari and Lavrov, too. They are as one with that woke queen when it comes to chasing “misinformation” from the public sphere.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to journalist Laura Kuenssberg on the BBC’s Sunday Morning political television show. Picture: BBC
Freedom of speech is in peril. And it isn’t only threatened by obvious strongmen – like the corrupt rulers of Nigeria or the theocratic tyrants of Iran – but also by a smiling PC woman who is feverishly fawned over by virtue-signallers the world over. Ardern’s UN speech exposed the iron fist of authoritarianism that lurks within the velvet glove of wokeness. From her brutal lockdown, which forbade even New Zealand’s own citizens from returning to their home country, to her longstanding war on “extremist” speech, this is a woman who poses as liberal but can’t even spell the word. If you want a picture of the future, don’t imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever – imagine Jacinda Ardern putting her arm around your shoulder and telling you you’re going to have to sacrifice your liberty to save the world from chaos.
Brendan O’Neill is chief political writer for online magazine Spiked.


October 4, 2022 9:00 am

Why is it so hard to get into a relationship with an SJW?
Because they have high double standards.

October 4, 2022 9:01 am

What is this terrible weapon, this menacing munition, that Ardern so passionately wants to decommission?


October 4, 2022 9:01 am

I await Speedbox’s explanation of how the West forces regime change on Russia.

October 4, 2022 9:05 am

faeces-pouring activist gets charged and has to go to court today.

But of course.

Cassie of Sydney
October 4, 2022 9:14 am

I await the fat fascist’s apology for calling Cardinal Pell a rock spider.


October 4, 2022 9:16 am

He was a rapper.

October 4, 2022 9:18 am

Via Berenson.

Batshit crazy: EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak just got a NEW federal grant to research coronaviruses

In breaking news, Cutco renews OJ Simpson’s contract.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 4, 2022 9:18 am

I see some prog is now calling franking credit refunds, the beloved of the self funded retiree ‘welfare’.

He’s a regular commenter on the Oz – he regards franking credits as being a tool of “the big end of town,”, for some reason self funded retirees don’t pay tax (Don’t I wish!) and Australia as being stolen land, which should be given back to the Aborigines.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 9:21 am

It is hard to escape the conclusion that Teh Paywallian regularly trolls it’s readers in the interest of maintaining circulation.

October 4, 2022 9:23 am

Franking credits are small potatoes.
If you go through the BRW rich list, if the states had a land tax it would have put a knife through about two thirds of their wealth.
But let’s complain about franking credits.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 9:26 am

States do have a land tax. It gets complained about regularly at the club.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 4, 2022 9:28 am

Franking credits are small potatoes.

Maybe so, but they prevent the double taxation of dividends, and still remain the only positive step that Paul Keating ever did for the economy.

October 4, 2022 9:28 am

Your home should be CGT free forever, even if it’s a 20mill plus behemoth.
But over a certain level it should be included in the assets test with zero discounts.
That is, above a certain value, it should be treated like any other asset.

October 4, 2022 9:29 am

A proper land tax.
Like the one Victoria is introducing.

October 4, 2022 9:32 am

There should be zero taxes on super contributions.
During the accumulation phase super should be tax free.
It should be taxed when it moves to pension phase.
But we have our whole super stack upside down due to greedy governments wanting to double & triple tax super.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 9:33 am

The real problem with including the principal place of residence in any assets test is you immediately capture everybody in Sydney. A threshold of 2x the LGA median value or something is needed.

October 4, 2022 9:35 am

BBC shocked.
Can’t imagine their reaction if someone suggested those forests would never have been pelletised without the six billion quid in green energy subsidies.

Johnny Rotten
October 4, 2022 9:35 am

Battle Ground Melbourne –

The video

October 4, 2022 9:36 am

Tax debates in Australia are fake fights over pennies here & there when the whole system is set up to benefit land owners & especially the land bankers.
This is the same in any post colonial system that didn’t see it for what it was.
The US had a revolution over it to replace the monarchy with their own oligarchs.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 9:38 am

I am in broad agreement that Australia taxes wealth too lightly and income too heavily. Spoken as a lifetime (reasonably well remunerated) PAYG taxpayer who in midlife has benefited heavily from the public health system and the NDIS.

October 4, 2022 9:40 am

Post colonial society.
Buy land.
Sit on land.
Wait for tax payers to increase value of land.
Sell land.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 9:44 am

Land banking is joined at the hip with housing affordability. Millionaire market gardeners and cow farmers through government fiat.

October 4, 2022 9:44 am
October 4, 2022 9:46 am

A flat tax is the only way to stop politicians picking winners and loosers.

October 4, 2022 9:47 am
October 4, 2022 9:49 am

I am in broad agreement that Australia taxes wealth too lightly and income too heavily.

“Wealth” is after tax. How many times are you going to stir that sauce?

We have a spending problem and all taxes are too high. Cap gains tax should never exist as it’s an abomination before God.

October 4, 2022 9:50 am

Key to marginal tax rates is continuing to raise the tax free threshold.
All tax payers benefit from that.
The monster step up in the tax free threshold was one of the handful of things Rudd got right.
Incredibly productive.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 4, 2022 9:51 am

Cap gains tax should never exist as it’s an abomination before God.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, for the benefit of the Opposition. A Labor Government will never introduce a capital gains tax.” Robert James Lee “Bawling Bob” Hawke.

October 4, 2022 9:52 am

H B Bear says:
October 4, 2022 at 9:44 am
Land banking is joined at the hip with housing affordability. Millionaire market gardeners and cow farmers through government fiat.

Easy to stop that. Stop assigning categories to land. No-one is going to build a fucking plant in Toorak or Vaucluse.

You own the land, then you do what the fuck you want with it.

October 4, 2022 9:53 am

We have a spending problem and all taxes are too high. Cap gains tax should never exist as it’s an abomination before God.

‘Capital Gains’ tax is there to prevent you hiding from the inflationary skim – it lets our wise rulers claw back the wealth that the wise hid in non inflationary assets.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 9:53 am

Wealth” is after tax. How many times are you going to stir that sauce?

Compare CGT rates with PAYG rates.

October 4, 2022 9:55 am

You own the land, then you do what the fuck you want with it.

But if you buy land 50km from no where & then the government builds a rail line & roads etc you’ve got to pay for that privilege.

October 4, 2022 9:57 am

Science has been unhooked by market forces and replaced by cargo cult science (Steve Patterson)
DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Are we in a Dark Age?

Bret Speaks with Steve Patterson on the subject of today’s world and what we face as time progresses. Some of us have begun to wonder, given the vast array of unscientific beliefs that recently echoed across civilization, are we entering a cryptic dark age? Might we be living in one already?

Steve Patterson, a philosopher and independent researcher, has reached an even more unsettling conclusion. Despite the remarkable pace of technological progress, we have lived our entire lives in the scientific dark.

October 4, 2022 9:57 am

Capital gains tax is too high.
Most people subsidise the land bankers with their CGT bill.

October 4, 2022 9:58 am
October 4, 2022 10:00 am

Australia needs to tax income & productive capital less.
Australia also needs to spend less.
And tax lazy assets (land banking is the laziest of assets) more.
But it will never happen.

October 4, 2022 10:01 am

But if you buy land 50km from no where & then the government builds a rail line & roads etc you’ve got to pay for that privilege

nonsense, that’s what general revenue is for .

October 4, 2022 10:01 am

My boss is asset rich but only brakes even some years.

So going after him will effect me first.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:01 am

That should probably be “CGT rates paid versus PAYG rates”. Yes, a $50,000 increase on the investment property is not exactly the same as $50,000 income but very often the impact on financial well being is. I know what I would rather have.

Johnny Rotten
October 4, 2022 10:03 am

Safe And Effective – A Second Opinion

Watch this video and then pass it on to others –

October 4, 2022 10:03 am

The ARM is poised to pick another middle aged rich white male to replace FitzSimons.

So much for “younger, more diverse” voices, eh Pete?

Be that as it may, there biggest problem is their hybrid model for electing a head of state.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 4, 2022 10:08 am

Bruce Lehrmann rape trial begins
Remy Varga

The trial of Bruce Lehrmann, the man accused of raping former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins, is due to begin at 9.30am.

ACT Supreme Court Chief Justice Lucy McCallum will preside over the highly publicised case, which is anticipated to run for four to six weeks.

Ms Higgins has alleged that she was raped by colleague Bruce Lehrmann in the office of her then boss and former defence minister Linda Reynolds after a night out drinking in Canberra on March 23 in 2019.

She went public with the allegations in February 2021 and made a formal complaint to the Australian Federal Police in June that year.

Mr Lehrmann has pled not guilty to charges of sexual intercourse without consent and has denied sexual intercourse took place at all.

October 4, 2022 10:08 am


H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:09 am

That said, there aren’t many tax fiddles left for the small PAYG taxpayer. Which is why you see too much Mum and Dad private capital flow into negatively geared residential property. The interest rate cycle might cure a lot of that.

October 4, 2022 10:10 am


Indeed, shame on you.

October 4, 2022 10:11 am

That’s quite a hand brake turn Truss & KK pulled overnight.

I understand a number of MPs were thrown out of the vehicle & ended up under a bus as a result.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:11 am

Is there a live feed of the Brittany trial for Groogs?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 10:12 am

BBC shocked.

The most interesting thing about that story is ‘why now?’

Ok the BBC may not be the sharpest knife in the draw, but to suddenly discover that Drax is burning Canadian forests to make electricity in the UK right in the middle of a ginormous energy crisis is curious. Do they want to shut it down and make the crisis even worse? That’s what it sounds like.

Drax Is Burning Virgin Forest (Paul Homewood, 3 Oct)

The BBC have finally caught up! There have been complaints for years about this

The government however finds itself in the horns of a dilemma. Without this pretend reduction in carbon emissions, it would be nowhere near meeting its climate targets.

If it decides to stop treating biomass as renewable, it will have to drastically ramp up wind and solar instead.

Bioenergy accounts for 13% of the UK’s electricity generation, which is more than onshore wind.

October 4, 2022 10:13 am

Indeed, shame on you.

I know…I’ve let my English teacher down badly.

Insert sad face here.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 4, 2022 10:13 am

Knuckle Draggersays:

October 4, 2022 at 7:48 am

Why is this relevant? the Hun:

New Essendon chief executive Andrew Thorburn is chairman of a church organisation which likens abortion to the operation of concentration camps and declares that homosexual behaviour is wrong.

The leader of the pack (a Greens councillor) just got his arse handed to him on 3AW.
One of Nanny Neil’s better efforts.

October 4, 2022 10:15 am


H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:16 am

The ARM is poised to pick another middle aged rich white male to replace FitzSimons

Being old and having a penis were two of Pirate Pete’s lesser flaws.

October 4, 2022 10:18 am

Compare CGT rates with PAYG rates.

Bear, assets are accumulated after tax. There should be zero tax on capital. It’s a mortal sin.

October 4, 2022 10:19 am

Unless I’ve missed something, Bob Moran’s cartoon is attempting to create an alternative narrative.

It’s not Biden who’s threatening to use nukes.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 4, 2022 10:27 am

Biomass = woodchips comes as a surprise to many an eco-warrior.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:35 am

JC, as someone who generally did 8 to 6 my beef is mainly with earned vs unearned income rather than income v capital per se. My philosophy is less government is generally preferable to more government and minimising taxes paid should help that.

October 4, 2022 10:35 am

October 4, 2022 at 9:50 am
Key to marginal tax rates is continuing to raise the tax free threshold.
All tax payers benefit from that.
The monster step up in the tax free threshold was one of the handful of things Rudd got right.
Incredibly productive.

I’m of the other persuasion, tax on the first dollar you earn. This idea you get something for nothing has to stop. Subsidise nothing. Let people see the real costs, not what they imagine. The harder you work the better off you should be, not paying for someone else to sit on their collective arses.

October 4, 2022 10:37 am

Steve Patterson, a philosopher and independent researcher, has reached an even more unsettling conclusion. Despite the remarkable pace of technological progress, we have lived our entire lives in the scientific dark.

Patterson is a shallow nong. His understanding of the Copenhagen interpretation is just wrong. His grasp of mathematics is based on metaphysical presumptions of “self evidence” which are rubbish. And I’d want a definition of a DarkAge before I’d start a discussion of this sort.

October 4, 2022 10:37 am

VDH yesterday: Pushing the Envelopes in Ukraine

[The Russian] idea of dissecting Ukraine by incorporating its eastern half and then gradually wearing down, whether economically or militarily, Western Ukraine, for now has failed.

But Vladimir Putin is not entirely foolish. He has pivoted by redefining victory as institutionalizing and declaring as “Russian” the disputed borderlands, and soon Crimea, that he grabbed in 2014. To fight there, he will allege, is to go on the offensive inside Russia. He believes his misadventure in a year or two will still be seen as worth the terrible costs to the Russian people and the thousands of Russian and Ukrainian dead—if he can brag that he still insidiously continues to reclaim lost lands of the Russian Empire.

In the mind of Putin, Russians’ current popular furor at his meat-grinder, at the sanctions, and at their global cultural ostracism will all fade—once Putin achieves his newly defined victory and brags that he turned back the intrusive proxy efforts of a decadent West.

Putin’s propaganda constantly escalates. Now it focuses on the idea that Mother Russia is threatened by Western Nazi-like aggressors. Like the duplicitous Stalin, Putin turns his own September 1939-like aggression into June1941-like victimhood.

So again, how do all these parties find pathways to their mutually incompatible versions of victory and thus see the war end?


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 4, 2022 10:41 am

H B Bearsays:

October 4, 2022 at 8:03 am

Sitting in Cafes, discussing how they lost a further 47 grams from the weight of their bike, by buying the latest $5000 Carbon Fibre Derailleur, …

Bike bores are worse than wine wankers or coffee snobs. The Venn overlap is significant.

Might have told this story.
Sitting in cafe a few years ago and can hear two blokes behind me. One (with a Pommy accent) is doing most of the talking and the talk is mostly about how heavy the bike is that his host has provided him with.
“Mah bahke, back ‘ome only weighs 8 key-lows …” and then proceeded to describe every lightweight component.
He was still talking as they passed me headed for the door.
I was expecting someone built like a Kenyan middle distance runner.
But, no.
He wasn’t quite Mr Creosote, but he was a good 1o-15 kegs overweight.
Or, two lightweight bicycles if you prefer.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:42 am

In general agreement with the sentiment Greg Ranga, however a meaningful tax free threshold should reduce the huge churn and cost of a tax-and-spend approach. When you are talking about child care subsidies to a family with a household income of $530,000 you are well down the rabbit hole.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 4, 2022 10:42 am

In Victoria of course….Greens want to ban sale of new petrol cars from 2030
A controversial election pledge from the Greens would see the sale of new petrol cars completely banned from 2030.
Mitch Clarke

The sale of new petrol cars would be completely banned from 2030 in Victoria, with rebates of up to $15,000 offered to people who buy electric vehicles under a Greens push to drive up usage levels.
The party’s Electric Vehicle Rapid Uptake Plan, to be launched on Tuesday, would see an additional 1000 chargers built, including at train station carparks and apartment blocks.

People with electric cars would also receive subsidies to purchase new bi-directional technology, which can charge electric cars through household rooftop solar panels, before then powering homes with the car’s remaining battery.

According to the RACV, the technology – also known as vehicle-to-home charging – takes power from the grid to charge the car’s battery. It can also supply power back to the grid.

Greens transport spokesman Sam Hibbins said Victoria needed to stand ready to embrace the technology, which isn’t yet fully established in Australia.

“The technology itself is still quite new. There’s still regulatory barriers and not that many models of cars have it available in Australia yet, but in the next year or so, it’s going to pop up so we really need to be ready for that,” he said.

“Bi-directional charging is really exciting technology. This would essentially enable people to charge their car off their solar panels, drive it around for the day and once you park it at home, you can use the excess energy in your car to power your home.”

Bi-directional chargers are expected to cost about $6000, with Mr Hibbins revealing the Greens would look to subsidise about half of the upfront cost.

Electric vehicle users would also save big under the policy, with automatic rebates of $10,000 for new purchases, and additional $5000 on offer as part of a scrap and replace scheme for people with older, more polluted cars.

“We’ve really got to send that signal to industry and manufacturers that they need to be building electric vehicles,” he said.

The Greens have promised to scrap the Andrews government’s “absolutely outrageous” tax on electric vehicles, with Mr Hibbins blaming the upfront cost as the “biggest deterrent” for people sticking with petrol and diesel cars.

The major policy announcement comes after Lexus revealed that a replacement for the battery in its UX electric SUV is $43,476 plus GST – more than half the price of the car, which retails for about $82,500.

An engine replacement costs about $12,000 for the popular Ford Ranger ute or roughly $6000 for a small hatchback such as a Hyundai i30.

But car makers argue the replacement cost is a moot point because most of the cars on sale have eight-year warranties and battery prices are expected to fall dramatically in the intervening period.

Strangely, the comments aren’t supportive – Herald-Sun

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 10:46 am


Box Office Endures Worst September in 26 Years (Excluding 2020) (30 Sep)

After a summer boom, domestic box office revenue for September 2022 plummeted to a projected $328.7 million, the worst showing for the month in a quarter of century, according to Comscore.

Also Hollywood.

Liberal Billy Eichner lashes out at straight people after his LGBTQ movie ‘Bros’ flops, blames homophobia for abysmal box office opening (2 Oct)

Despite massive promotion from legacy media and overwhelmingly glowing reviews from critics, “Bros” flopped. Eichner’s LGBTQ movie debuted to an abysmal $4.8 million at the box office despite playing in 3,350 theaters nationwide.

The Hollywood Reporter said the movie had done “little business in much of middle America and the south.”

How odd. I wonder if there’s a relationship between these two stories?

(via Powerline and Instapundit)

October 4, 2022 10:55 am

North Korea having a “bit of fun” now by flying a rocket directly over Japan…

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 4, 2022 10:55 am

How the F can the ACT trial of the century last 4-6 weeks?
“I was too drunk to remember but…”
“No I didn’t.”
Thrown out in 2 days. Bloody parasitic legal profession.

October 4, 2022 10:56 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 10:57 am

I’d be shorting anyone who financed a gay rom com.

October 4, 2022 10:58 am

Bruce, it has long been said that the ‘economics’ of Hollywood movies are very dodgy indeed. I’m talking money laundering on a big scale, not to mention accounting fiddles that make Enron look like BHP.

Hollywood would be, per capita, in the top ten cocaine users worldwide. It is not far fetched to suggest that some of these people know people who know people, IYKWIM.

There is no other explanation that comes to mind for the continual financing of flops, known in advance to any sentient being.

That they fawn over the wokerati is great cover.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 4, 2022 11:00 am


October 4, 2022 at 8:53 am

Sounds like Eco Warrior Girl has been brought up in a climate emergency family but has stepped over a line, even for them.

Not exactly.
She didn’t overstep the parent’s line philosophically, because she is only spouting what she has heard over the dinner table all her life.
Even the public attention wouldn’t be a problem, if it was Greta-Messiah type acclamation.
The real problem is that a significant amount of the public attention has focused on their hypocrisy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:01 am

Shy Ted – Groogs is listed for 2 days. I expect there will be much interest in Mz Higgins behaviour before leaving the ball. Cf: Cinderella.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 4, 2022 11:06 am


October 4, 2022 at 10:03 am

The ARM is poised to pick another middle aged rich white male to replace FitzSimons.

For Bandana-Man to be tipped out of the ARM, the focus group feedback must have been horrendous.
Watch this space.
He will not be able to resist.
Within six months he will be sniping at his successor non-stop.

October 4, 2022 11:06 am

Bear- there’s no such thing as unearned income. It’s leftwing crapola because all income is earned.

October 4, 2022 11:06 am

And are any Cats hoarding petrol?

Yes, but it’s hard to store really useful amounts.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 4, 2022 11:06 am

How the F can the ACT trial of the century last 4-6 weeks?
“I was too drunk to remember but…”

“I didn’t say anything to the security guard, who discovered me on the couch.”

“I didn’t report it to the cops for over two years.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:08 am

Movie making and throwing shit at a wall share many characteristics. That said, there is a big difference between a percentage of the gross and the net.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 4, 2022 11:08 am

Dover: As discussed last week, I’ve knocked up a post on the ESB report on the electricity market.

How would you like it? Posted here or via proton mail.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 11:09 am

Bike bores are worse than wine wankers

You might want to change your mind about that…

Police to crack down on drink riding as e-scooter deaths and injuries mount (Paywallian, 2 Oct)

Police will be empowered to conduct roadside breath testing of e-scooter riders amid mounting concern that lagging regulation is helping drive alarming rates of death and injury.

So when you get a blood alcohol limit imposed by Karenist government upon your treadly-riding, rollerskating, horseriding and skateboarding you can blame wine wankers and their e-scooters.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:10 am

… because all income is earned.

I’ll remember that when I see another photo of Packer on his yacht.

October 4, 2022 11:11 am

“Bi-directional charging is really exciting technology. This would essentially enable people to charge their car off their solar panels, drive it around for the day and once you park it at home, you can use the excess energy in your car to power your home.”

Someone explain to me how this unicorn fart works? If you’ve been driving your ev around, it’s gunna be flat and need charging…..

October 4, 2022 11:12 am

Sancho I think that’s the other Eco Warrior Girl.
I meant the one with a plastic bucket.

October 4, 2022 11:12 am

So who is the new ARM chief? Thomas Kenneally?

October 4, 2022 11:12 am

Within six months he will be sniping at his successor non-stop.

Craig “Fozz” Foster is said to be the front runner.

The way FitzSimons was talking about the need for “youth” and “diversity” I thought a young brown lady in a turban would be the go.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:12 am

e scooter wankers are more likely to enjoy a crisp IPA. And a wank.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 4, 2022 11:14 am
October 4, 2022 11:15 am

Ok Roger. I don’t know who that is which is probably a good thing!

October 4, 2022 11:15 am

Rom com guy should have gone with Top Gun: Gay if he wanted a box office success.

October 4, 2022 11:16 am

Genuinely confused at the messaging of Putinists right now. All Putinists promised us a years-long, grinding war of attrition a few months back because that was the “Russian way of war” or something. And now we certainly have a grinding war of attrition, but Putinists are now clamouring for an immediate end to the war or else nuclear armageddon! What changed??

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:16 am

The way FitzSimons was talking about the need for “youth” and “diversity” I thought a young brown lady in a turban would be the go.

You mean like a Teh Dumb panelist?

October 4, 2022 11:17 am

Greens and their upper middle welfare.
Tax the rich!

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 4, 2022 11:17 am

One of Australia’s most infamous murder cases has taken its final turn as a convicted killer is released on parole after spending 13 years in prison for the mysterious death of her partner.

Susan Neill-Fraser, 65, was convicted of murdering her partner Bob Chappell aboard their yacht, Four Winds, at Sandy Bay, Tasmania, on Australia Day, 2009.

Daily Mail

October 4, 2022 11:18 am

Reforming the calendar to squeeze more blood out of the proletariat
is just the sort of thing you’d expect from greedy capitalists.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 4, 2022 11:19 am

A Russian rapper has committed suicide to get out of being drafted.
He was anti gun according to his suicide video.

Please tell me he shot himself. Please.

October 4, 2022 11:21 am

The way FitzSimons was talking about the need for “youth” and “diversity” I thought a young brown lady in a turban would be the go.

Is she still in the UK?
That would be ironic not they care.

October 4, 2022 11:23 am

then the government builds a rail line & roads etc you’ve got to pay for that privilege

That’s government doing their fucking job. Do you get a rebate when government allows a bitumen road to lapse back to gravel?

October 4, 2022 11:23 am

You mean like a Teh Dumb panelist?

Chuckle. I gave up watching it when – in the name of diversity, mind you – literally every night one week they had a young brown lady in a turban on who spoke from the same prog-left script as everyone else.

Ok Roger. I don’t know who that is which is probably a good thing!

Former Socceroo, TV commentator and social justice advocate, milt.

October 4, 2022 11:25 am

At last Trump starts to use the court to hold the leftist media to the torch.

October 4, 2022 11:26 am

Is she still in the UK?

Last heard from living in Paris.

Seems all the positions on UK TV for ‘young brown woman in turban with attitude’ were taken.

October 4, 2022 11:27 am

Oh dear! Twitter propagandists “Russians With Attitude” is now endorsing the execution of Ukrainian POWs, which is of course a war crime. As Julius Streicher discovered, spreading only words won’t spare you from the gallows!

October 4, 2022 11:28 am

OK I thought it was that chick who got an AOT for picking up a spade once, Roger.

October 4, 2022 11:28 am

Knuckle Dragger says:
October 4, 2022 at 11:19 am

A Russian rapper has committed suicide to get out of being drafted.
He was anti gun according to his suicide video.

Please tell me he shot himself. Please.

Doubt I will get a better laugh than that today, or maybe this week!

October 4, 2022 11:28 am

I don’t understand the gripes about ‘unearned income’.
People shouldn’t be tax penalised for being prudent, saving and investing.
CGT ‘ discount’ was a simplification that replaced a formula that CPI indexed capital gains (still available to non companies flogging pre 1999 assets).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 4, 2022 11:30 am

Brendan O’Neill, quoted by TE and Tom earlier:

That’s because misinformation doesn’t really mean misinformation anymore. It means dissent.

As much as I (justifiably, in my view) put shit on stupid gongbanger sites favoured by some, it doesn;t mean they should be muzzled – let alone banned.

If the assembled muppetry, masquerading as the ‘editorial teams’ of these sites want to put forward claims of nanowires the size of fire hoses found in corpses, and identified as such by ‘doctors’ via photo from the other side of the world, then I believe they should be able to.

Equally, I should be able to access these collections of disassembled cat shit and criticise them.

A dissenting view is not negotiable.

October 4, 2022 11:31 am

Land banking is joined at the hip with housing affordability. Millionaire market gardeners and cow farmers through government fiat.

To Melbourne’s north there were plenty trying to “cash” their land and couldn’t because they couldn’t get it re-zoned. So they sold it and miraculously the new owners were able to get it re-zone, increasing the land value by a factor of 10. Not surprisingly the original owners sued.

Land zoning is one of the engine rooms of corruption in Victoria. It should be absolutely scrapped and all the planners sent to do useful and productive work.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:34 am

Seems all the positions on UK TV for ‘young brown woman in turban with attitude’ were taken.

They’re a dime a dozen over there. Talk about coals to Newcastle. Can we even say that?

Delta A
Delta A
October 4, 2022 11:36 am

A dissenting view is not negotiable.

Yes it is.

October 4, 2022 11:37 am

It would be very interesting to see the concept of zoning abolished.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 4, 2022 11:37 am

Ranga at 8.48:

He seemed to forget about the money he stole off me. I didn’t. Nor all the lies and attempted manipulation. I’m far better off.


A lifetime ago I was in Townsville, and went overseas for about six weeks with about a hundred other blokes. I’d been paid what was a considerable sum for the journey. I took some, and kept $700 in my locker.

A handful of the blokes I worked with didn’t go, far various reasons. On my return, I found my locker broken open and my carefully-stooked $700 gone. The bloke himself was nowhere to be seen, as he’d taken off for interstate while we were away. I had, however, heard from several reliable sources that this chap had been mouthing off about pinching my coin before he jumped the fence.

I knew his name, what he looked like, and where he lived*. And I waited. For decades. Unfortunately, it was communicated to me a couple of months back that the bloke had been killed in a motorcycle accident.

And I laughed, and laughed and laughed. It was almost worth it being $700 out of pocket.

*Adelaide. Naturally.

October 4, 2022 11:40 am

Someone explain to me how this unicorn fart works? If you’ve been driving your ev around, it’s gunna be flat and need charging…..

When you get home in the evening, your solar panels will recharge the car battery
so you can run your home off it at night.
When you are asleep, the electricity you’d normally use when you’re awake
can then recharge the car battery.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:41 am

Chuckle. I gave up watching it when – in the name of diversity, mind you – literally every night one week they had a young brown lady in a turban on who spoke from the same prog-left script as everyone else.

It still is the high water mark in ALPBC box ticking. No surprise with Julia Baird front and centre. It’s genetic.

October 4, 2022 11:41 am

If a person is toxic, then they are not good for one’s mental health. This is regardless of whether they are a “friend” or family. Cutting contact can be the healthiest thing we do for ourselves.

Can I cut contact with the Australian Government and all it’s bureaucracies? I feel like we’d both be better for it! 🙂

October 4, 2022 11:48 am

It still is the high water mark in ALPBC box ticking.

“We need a conservative for Monday’s show.”

“See if John Hewson’s available…or Amanda Vanstone.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 11:51 am

“See if John Hewson’s available…or Amanda Vanstone.”

“They’re on the speed dial. Or try Malcolm.”

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

So when you get a blood alcohol limit imposed by Karenist government upon your treadly-riding, rollerskating, horseriding and skateboarding you can blame wine wankers and their e-scooters.

BoN, please correct me where I’m wrong; There’s already a blood alcohol limit on cyclists, & horsemen.
Am unsure about roller-skates or skateboards – mainly coz it rarely crops up, the demographic engaging in those activities are unlikely to perform them whilst drunk (if those folk even drink)

October 4, 2022 11:58 am

Free Brittany!

They’re a handsome couple.

October 4, 2022 12:01 pm

Oh dear!

Too right.
That sort of thing is only understandable if you’re The Good Guys,
or NATO adjacent allies.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 12:05 pm

When you get home in the evening, your solar panels will recharge the car battery

So you need lots and lots of solar panels and a battery around 120 kWh capacity, minimum. The solar panels charge the 120 kWh battery, so that you can get home and then charge the 100 kWh battery in your car from your 120 kWh battery in your house. Simples.

Although if the government wants you to run their grid with your car battery that means you’d need now need a 240 kWh battery in the garage to charge your car battery from so that when the government extracts 100 kWh from your car you can then recharge your car battery again from your even bigger garage battery. It all makes perfect sense to me!!

Or we could all become Morlocks who sleep during the day, when our cars are charging, and work at night. Someone wrote a story about that once.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 12:06 pm

Free Brittany

I think that is contended.

October 4, 2022 12:11 pm

She warned on Tuesday that the trial had become a “cause célèbre” that had a “momentum of its own”.

To late.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 12:11 pm

BoN, please correct me where I’m wrong; There’s already a blood alcohol limit on cyclists, & horsemen.

SATP – There didn’t used to be a limit on cyclists in NSW, because out of curiosity I looked up the legislation maybe five years ago or so. It was only a sort of rubbery guideline. I think they may have quietly hardened it up now, but I’ve never seen a news story about that.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 4, 2022 12:12 pm

More Left hypocrisy:

The Democrat-led border city of El Paso, Texas, has been quietly working with the Biden administration to spend millions of dollars of federal money busing thousands of migrants to northern sanctuary cities, including New York and Chicago, can reveal.

While the Republican governors of Texas and Arizona – Greg Abbott and Doug Ducey – have made headlines sending migrants to liberal northern cities to spotlight the crisis on the southern frontier, El Paso is doing much the same, just without the fanfare.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 4, 2022 12:13 pm


October 4, 2022 at 11:12 am

Sancho I think that’s the other Eco Warrior Girl.
I meant the one with a plastic bucket.

Too many eco-warriors, not enough time.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

No licence or rego required – yet may be ridden only on the street.
Ride one drunk & you lose your driving licence – yet may continue to ride a bicycle on the street.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 4, 2022 12:17 pm

Tim Blair picks up something in a post comparing Meloni and Ardern.
One way her dutiful citizens are tackling climate change is by this year launching in Wellington a $7.4m all-electric ferry called the Ika Rere, a traditional Maori term meaning “nothing green ever works”.

“Passengers on Wellington‘s new electric ferry were rescued by a police boat,” the NZ Herald reported last week. “The Ika Rere had run out of battery in the harbour and all passengers on board were transferred to the police boat.”

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

H B Bear says: October 4, 2022 at 11:12 am
e scooter wankers are more likely to enjoy a crisp IPA. And a wank.

I’m led to believe the most common users are construction workers, and the most regular use is on large building sites.

Certainly that may be true in my town, where quite a number of users are construction trades.
The only serious crash to date in my town of an electric scooter has been a building site foreman on his way home at speed from the pub, missed a corner. Several days in hospital.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

BoN, as I understand it, NSW law says cyclists must carry photo ID with them at all times.
Not as easy as it sounds.

October 4, 2022 12:23 pm

More “Stick it to the slave-owning founding fathers!” fun…

The Bee:

NEW YORK CITY, NY — After musical artist and professional twerker Lizzo made waves by playing James Madison’s crystal flute on stage, Beyonce? upped the ante by performing in Times Square wearing George Washington’s false teeth.

“Howth ethyone doointh tonighth?” yelled out Beyonce? to the confused crowd while adjusting the lead-tin alloy and horse teeth dentures. “We haf a great showth for youf!”

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 4, 2022 12:23 pm

Lysander says:
October 4, 2022 at 10:55 am

North Korea having a “bit of fun” now by flying a rocket directly over Japan…

That’s to be expected. If the US is causing minor headaches to Russia by stirring up trouble in Georgia, Kazakhstan, between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and even between Serbia and Kosovo (Albania), then it’s to be expected that Russian client states (i.e., North Korea) will also start playing up.

October 4, 2022 12:25 pm

New OT at 12.30pm.

OK…that gives me an hour to duck out to the shops then.

October 4, 2022 12:26 pm

When you get home in the evening, your solar panels will recharge the car battery

Solar panels will be doing FA charging in the evening unless they’ve been charging a battery during the day?

October 4, 2022 12:29 pm

When you get home in the evening, your solar panels will recharge the car battery
so you can run your home off it at night.
When you are asleep, the electricity you’d normally use when you’re awake
can then recharge the car battery.

If you’re a vampire and sleep sunrise to sunset, at least.

October 4, 2022 12:29 pm

H B Bear says:
October 4, 2022 at 11:10 am
… because all income is earned.
I’ll remember that when I see another photo of Packer on his yacht.

Good for Packer inheriting all that (after tax) loot. I’m happy for him.

Bear- there’s 30 billion a year misspent on the NDIS. Most likely all the money is being stolen.

There’s now probably 40 billion a year spent on the original owners.

This is just a start to show we have a major spending problem.

And don’t forget the states. In Victoria infrastructure is the most expensive in the world because of Liars and union finagling.

We have a spending problem! Period.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 12:30 pm

On e-thingies: I was out walking this morning since it’s a nice day. Lying on the path was one of the purple electric dockless bicycles that someone has put out. The council? I have no idea, but they’re slowly migrating all over the suburb from their original locations. This one was on its side on the pedestrian path.

So I did as you do and went to stand it up and carry it off the path and prop it up against a post.

I could barely lift it! Must’ve been close to 40 kg, I’m not small. Eventually got the thing up at the post and off the path.

My humble treadly is no superlight svelt creature, at about 11 kg it’s twice the weight of my brother’s titanium one (he’s a tragic). But that e-bike was a huge purple beast by comparison weight-wise.

Not sure how long the purple dockless hire-bike brain fart will last before it collapses. So far it hasn’t gone too badly because we’re a polite law-abiding suburb, despite being one of the lowest on the economic totem poll in Ncl.

October 4, 2022 12:30 pm

October 4, 2022 at 11:11 am
“Bi-directional charging is really exciting technology. This would essentially enable people to charge their car off their solar panels, drive it around for the day and once you park it at home, you can use the excess energy in your car to power your home.”

Someone explain to me how this unicorn fart works? If you’ve been driving your ev around, it’s gunna be flat and need charging…..


Not only that, you’ve halved your EV battery life (2 charge/discharge cycles per day rather than one) and the thing will be flat in the morning when you want to drive to work.

October 4, 2022 12:31 pm

We have a spending problem! Period.


H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 12:35 pm

Did we ever here how Mandy Vanstone’s Italian lessons went when she was an Ambassador?

Anchor What
Anchor What
October 4, 2022 12:36 pm

Hands up all those who didn’t think we’d go down the Worst of Woke path.
Essendon CEO Andrew Thorburn has been attacked for belonging to a “controversial” Christian church.
It’s happening all right.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 12:36 pm

Bi-directional charging

Sounds like a Sydney thing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 4, 2022 12:40 pm

SATP – It’s as if they’re discouraging people from riding bicycles…

Amazing how governments can’t leave any sector of life alone. I don’t even ride on roads mostly – only half a k to the start of the shared path and back on the return leg. Then I stay on the shared-path as I quite dislike being run over.

October 4, 2022 12:43 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
October 4, 2022 at 12:21 pm
BoN, as I understand it, NSW law says cyclists must carry photo ID with them at all times.
Not as easy as it sounds.

pretty sure they dumped that law quick smart in 2017 a year after its introduction. There is no photo ID requirement any more.

Summary of NSW rider laws here:

Additional road rules for bicycle riders here:

Bicycle riders encouraged to carry ID

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 4, 2022 1:11 pm

October 4, 2022 at 11:40 am
Someone explain to me how this unicorn fart works? If you’ve been driving your ev around, it’s gunna be flat and need charging…..

When you get home in the evening, your solar panels will recharge the car battery
so you can run your home off it at night.
When you are asleep, the electricity you’d normally use when you’re awake
can then recharge the car battery.

So, essentially a Perpetual Motion Machine? Eureka, we have found it!

Johnny Rotten
October 4, 2022 1:22 pm

One afternoon a husband came home from work to find total mayhem in the house. His three children were outside, still in their pyjamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard.

The door of his wife’s car was open, as was the front door to the house. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess.

A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing.

In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.

He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she may be ill, or that something serious had happened. He found her lounging in the bedroom, still curled in the bed in her pyjamas, reading a novel.

She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked “What the hell happened here today?”

She again smiled and answered “You know every day when you come home from work and ask me “What in the World Did You Do Today?”

“Yes” was his incredulous reply. She answered “Well, today I didn’t do it”.

Johnny Rotten
October 4, 2022 1:24 pm

Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?

– George Carlin

Winston Smith
October 4, 2022 3:32 pm


The really chilling point was the media push about people remarking “How clean the air was” when people had to work from home.

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: New ‘Biomedical Security State’ Will Be Deployed to Tackle Other ‘Crises’ | CLIP
American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times

Watch this come into play in NSW/Victoria when the next bushfire season happens.
First will be the media campaign about rises in respiratory issues.
Then comes the rise in stories about childhood asthma.
State of Emergency will be declared.
Schools are closed because ineffective aircon/global warming.
Then will be the advice to work from home for the affected.
Then will be the lockdown to ‘flatten the curve.’

Remember that the legislation to enact this State of Emergency has never been repealed, and now you know why.

Winston Smith
October 4, 2022 3:33 pm


And are any Cats hoarding petrol?

And diesel, and food, and ammo.
Why do you ask?

October 4, 2022 5:17 pm

To Melbourne’s north there were plenty trying to “cash” their land and couldn’t because they couldn’t get it re-zoned. So they sold it and miraculously the new owners were able to get it re-zone, increasing the land value by a factor of 10. Not surprisingly the original owners sued.

Land zoning is one of the engine rooms of corruption in Victoria. It should be absolutely scrapped and all the planners sent to do useful and productive work.

Many years ago, the property development company I worked for bought 5 CBD derelict properties. In addition it bought a public laneway which serviced those properties. Because of the nature of the proposed development the laneway was no longer needed and would be amalgamated into the overall development. This process required what was called a “ministerial rezoning”.

Shortly after, there was a change of government and the new government suspended ministerial rezonings. As a result of this decision development and building applications could not proceed. The whole precinct was rendered worthless until such time the issues of zoning were resolved. This involved millions of dollars of investment which was subject to bank mortgages.

The delays in resolution spread over at least 3 years. In the meantime, the state government issued land tax assessments on the properties which effectively had no value. The local government also issued rate notices on the unimproved value of the land which again should have been zero.

So in addition to the financing costs there were huge land tax and rates on a property development that could not be progressed solely because of an ill thought out proclamation. This catastrophe very nearly destroyed the company.

Zonings are fraught with pitfalls and corruption. This was the worst that I have experienced but I’m sure there are many more horror stories.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 4, 2022 5:18 pm

And diesel, and food, and ammo

No tinned tuna?

October 4, 2022 5:39 pm

Basically zero masking in Scotland. There are still vestiges of labels for distancing and the like around but they are wearing off. Hand sanitiser dispensers stand empty.

One passenger wore a mask on the bus the first day. Next day it was off.

Australian. 🙁

October 4, 2022 8:20 pm

Trump lawsuit.

A lawsuit was filed today against CNN, the once prestigious news channel that has devolved into a purveyor of disinformation, defamation, and Fake News, at a level which the American Public, and indeed the World, will not even believe is possible. For years I have watched this take place, often in disbelief, but the time has finally come to hold CNN responsible and legally accountable for their willful deception and defamatory statements made about me and both, directly and indirectly, my strong, devoted, and patriotic supporters-People who love the United States of America, but have been treated very unfairly, at so many levels. “The Big Lie” that they constantly refer to is actually “The Big Lie” in reverse. They know that, and it will be proven in Court!

In the coming weeks and months we will also be filing lawsuits against a large number of other Fake News Media Companies for their lies, defamation, and wrongdoing, including as it pertains to “The Big Lie,” that they used so often in reference to their disinformation attack on Presidential Election of 2020.

Likewise, we may bring appropriate action against the Unselect Committee of January 6th because, notwithstanding overwhelming evidence, they REFUSED to investigate the massive Presidential Election Fraud which took place, but only investigate and harass the people and Patriots who complained and asked questions about it. The rigging and stealing of our Presidential Election was perhaps The Crime Of The Century, and look at what is happening to our Country now!

The Unselect Committee has refused to acknowledge, as was done by the Biden Inspector General at the Department of Defense, and others, that days ahead of January 6th, I recommended and authorized thousands of troops to be deployed to ensure that that there was peace, safety, and security at the Capitol and throughout the Country. That offer of National Guard was rejected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, D.C.-the law requires their request, they failed to make one, and in turn failed the Country.

I am proud to file today’s lawsuit in order to begin the process of standing up to Fake News and the Mainstream Media.

October 5, 2022 2:09 pm

Lots more goodies coming Ukraine’s way, including four HIMARs, 16 Howitzers, and countless rounds of ammo, courtesy of President Brandon. Only real hope for a speedy end to the war. ?

1 8 9 10
  1. I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…

  2. Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x