No mention of climate dooming?
No mention of climate dooming?
Deport them to North Sudan.
No mention of immigration numbers? Perhaps they weren’t asked.
One of the Chaney family has been some use – Wesfarmers shares have paid their dividend!
Someone is shocked that the crocodile ate them out of turn – and not the peasants. Katie is spot on…
They can pretend that it is an issue that might effect them and invite the assumption that they might be desirable.
For all their bombast declaring that they are beyond the inauthentic patriarchal chaining of women to the home by their own uteruses, it is actually a coping mechanism to manage the gnawing emptiness from never having had something their uni professors persuaded them to despise – someone who would take on the world for them and at the same time treat them with a tenderness verging on worship.
I’ll give you a report on Haneda in a couple of days. Japan was late to reality too. Probably will get more crazy the closer I get to home.
I’m coming around to Simon Bryant, the screaming queen* on SBS Food in the excellent The Cook and The Chef with Maggie Beer (weekdays at 4.30pm).
Bryant is the Alan Joyce of TV cooking pouves: he understands in intricate detail how much it costs to run a large capital city restaurant business turning out five-star tucker.
It’s a great show for learning short-cuts to producing top-class food for the family on a budget (Bryant is the chef in the title and Beer is the self-taught cook).
*Because cooking in an art, not a science, most of the male SBS food presenters are screaming queens.
I think Dan’s sells the genuine Scottish made ones (Glencairn) for a reasonable price.
Casey DeSantis ushers in the Handmaid’s Tale by … wearing a green dress
Indeed, as long as the apparatus are suitably suitable.
Whoops! Spoke too soon. Masked Avenger just entered the lounge.
Covid won’t get her the moment she pours that glass of champers.
Trust The Science.
Looks like a post apocalyptic vogue set coming
They do, indeed.
It is startling how adaptable one can be. Why, I once had nothing to drink but thrrrripple-distilled Irish whiskey, and I found that with addition of ice, I could enjoy the alcohol.
LOL. Is Ukraine winning yet?
When I was learning Russian in a previous life I mixed socially with friends of my teacher and had a great time. There was a Ukrainian lady in the group, and one fellow who had a Great Russian mother and a Ukrainian father. They didn’t appear to make distinctions between themselves. Perhaps they’d been though enough suffering to have left that behind.
Ignore them. Nothing good can come from it.
Vlad knows the co-ordinates of the Hunchback’s house.
Not easy if they your credit card details.
Paypal, in addition to the accounts now ostentatiously closed, is going to find a helluva lotta very very dormant orphan accounts. (i.e. no bank a/c or credit card attached)
Seems all the Ukraine shills are a bit quiet this evening 😉
But but but the TV told me Ukraine was winning!
I can cosplay one, if you send $ for my etsy expenses.
I’d try PayPal, but it seems everyone has closed their accounts…..
Between power prices and tax cuts I don’t think we’ll be seeing Albo for a while. The rubber is hitting the road. A$ and mortgage defaults still to come.
You have to seriously wonder if the pirates wife’s sub-judice grandstanding at the Logies was a desperate attempt to get the whole thing tanked before trial.
That’s the only logical explanation.
The Uniparty don’t want it to go ahead, and Brittany is surrounded by the sort of people who’d sell their mother for a bottle of Hundred Pipers.
I feel sorry for Brittany Higgins.
Beyond Blue reports that cost of living is now the number one issue keeping Australians awake at night.
If I were a betting man I’d wager that with Elbow & Co, it’s the fortunes of the republic.
You mean the rubber is leaving the tarmac.
I suspect it is less than 50:50 we ever see the inside of a ballot box on either the Voice or the Republic. The Liars don’t have that sort of political capital.
UKR media reporting the following number of missile strikes:
-47 in Nikolaev
-60 in Kyiv
-15 in Lvov
-27 in Vinnitsa region
-20 in Kharkov
-15 in Odessa region.
48 kamikaze drones launched from Belarus…
Large parts of UKR also now without power or internet.
The Poot isn’t going to die wondering.
This is a good chance for China to test out their ordinance on Woke West proxies.
To listen to them you’d think they got 52% of the primary vote, not 32%.
Or, if you prefer the Greek, hubris leading to nemesis.
Let’s not get too excited .
Missile strikes don’t gain or hold territory, which is what this war is about.
Zelensky has released a statement (so he’s not dead) along the lines of “stay strong, they are trying to wipe us off the face of the Earth.”
Let’s hope that’s not the next stage.
Maybe. In first instance.
Indeed HB.
Let’s hope this isn’t Operation Stone Age..
But a city without power or water is useless. I’d say that is a legitimate target.
Or, if you prefer the Greek, hubris leading to nemesis.”
The left have chutzpah in spades. And unlike the right, when in power they don’t waste anytime implementing their ideology, even when elected with only 32% of the vote.
This is Putin throwing his toys out of the cot.
The Russian army has proven itself incapable of taking and holding Ukrainian territory.
I don’t think the mass call up and replacing generals is going to change that.
In the end, he’s going to settle for what he can retain of the territories contested since 2014 and frame it as a victory.
Meanwhile, Xi’s patience with his bestie is wearing thin and he has his own internal problems to deal with.
Global warmening zealots have changed the words the MSM uses to describe the weather.
The Herald Sun isn’t reporting a correction in the long-term weather averages.
Victoria, according to the millenial clowns who misreport the news for Mudrock, will this week experience a “rain bomb”.
Brought to us by the academic Marxists who now decide what language journalists are allowed to use, replacing the old system where on-the-job cadets reported what was actually happening.
Cassie, that is why they get turfed so quickly. Luckily the Lieborals are happy to implement their policies in the following terms. Ask Martin Parkinson.
The most comforting aspect of the UKR/RUS situation is the positive leadership being provided by the UN. Those tens of billions are really paying off us.
Apparently the little brown SEC GEN is planning to send Sharyn Burrow, St Gillian Triggs, Joan Kirner and the Slapper to have a chat with Putin.
It will probably work. They terrify me.
Q. What’s the difference between Liberal and Labor?
A. About three years.
Haha, excellent!
Ignore everything I write. It’s crap.
Sun Tzu
Yes Parkinson is the very model of a cold humourless highly paid canbra egg head that’s never had a real job. Very fitting to wind up at the 10th rate intellectual cess pit known as Macquarie Uni.
But a city without power or water is useless. I’d say that is a legitimate target.
Not under the Geneva Conventions, to the extent that either side has taken any notice of those.
Can’t they both lose?
Pretty hard to tell what’s going on in UKR if everyone’s net is down…
Read one report that said Russia has “declared the special military operation as in a transitional stage.”
To, what?
Not sure sending Mother Russia will be much use. Should save an air fare though.
Accused Abbot of ‘damaging’ the pubic service. Don’t worry about damaging the country. Canbra filth
That’d be ideal.
But, unfortunately, I don’t think Vlag can, in his mind, afford to lose.
Medscape offer the following ‘research’ on ‘transgender men’. Two things of note – they speak about the insufficiency of fertility maintenance by taking ovarian tissue pre-puberty, before pre-pubertal females are ‘treated’ and they move on then to obtaining post-treatment eggs from hormone compromised post-pubertal females. Conveniently, they neglect to discuss the impact on any zygote or foetus of their ‘treatment’ of females with testosterone, merely reassuring patients that ‘children of transgender parents’ do well (a sleight of hand ignoring how these existing children were produced as they are most likely normally produced children prior to the parental gender transition; note the emphasis is on the psychological well-being of children in such families – a well-being not shown in research less biased towards positivity re ‘trans’ life).
One can forsee that affected babies born under these sub-optimal uterine conditions may be seeing lawyers when the grow up. Reading this sort of stuff is like reading some dystopian latter-day Dr. Mengele at work. Trying to turn women into men who can have babies is sheer madness – and note here how all of the emphasis is on the rights of the transitioning person and not the resultant child.
To actual “war”? Wow, that would be an amazing development. Almost unthinkable.
Naomi Smith
One year ago today I had my 2nd @pfizer vaccination and life as I knew it changed. The past year of suffering #vaccineinjuries has had a huge mental, emotional and financial toll. I celebrate today that I’m still here but I also shed a river of tears for the life I’ve now lost
Kherson is a bit like a trashed air-BNB
I’ll see Johnny Rotten and raise him
Targeting civilians certainly gives the lie to Putin’s framing of this as a Christian holy war.
Darwin was right.
This is about a former FBI senior officer but is still pretty enlightening.
FBI chief was found dead after exposing sickening truth about the elite
Still playing God.
Scientists Unveil ‘Contagious Vaccines’ That Infects Unvaccinated Against Their Will
Here are some other articles the interested medical professional can peruse.
Note that this is now a profitable avenue of practice for the enterprising surgeon, GP or allied health practitioner. The Laryngoplasty article is one that I bothered to read (changing the male voice to a female one). There is a very high rate of complications; also a moneyspinner. Sickening stuff. :
And who would you have them have a crack at, Razey-san?
Bad me. The next step up from a “special military operation” is a “police action”.
At least two or three more escalation levels before it’s a “war”.
WW2 was misnamed, it was actually only a “dustup”.
Only Dan Andrews speaks for God.
” Reading this sort of stuff is like reading some dystopian latter-day Dr. Mengele at work. “
Yep, the doctors and therapists who are engaging in this transgender scam, who are advocating for castration, hysterectomies, chest binding, chopping off breasts, pumping children with puberty blockers and cross sex hormomes, are modern day Dr Mengeles. I just can’t believe we live in a society that allows this.
Dan Andrews.
They can make you lose interest, but.
From: The Unz Review
Medscape is fully on board with all of this ‘gender affirmative’ ideology.
Comments are heavily monitored.
So the micro-dicked dictator lobs missiles at civilians in Kiev because his bridge got hit.
Winning hearts and minds for sure.
New Data PROVES the Wuhu Vaccine is Sickening
Targeting civilians certainly gives the lie to Putin’s framing of this as a Christian holy war.
Where did Putin say that?
EXCERPT: Died Suddenly, November 2022
Seems to work for Dan Andrews. They still vote for that freak.
Biden’s DHS Gives Cellphones to over 255K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens Released into U.S.
So the Chunks would take out their Belts and Roads guy?
Smart thinkin’, Razey-san.
October 10, 2022 at 6:07 pm
I’ll give you a report on Haneda in a couple of days. Japan was late to reality too. Probably will get more crazy the closer I get to home.
Potential big EQ coming your way. Remain vigilant.
Vlad needs to take Odessa. Ukraine doesn’t deserve access to the sea.
I’ll let him know, Razey-san.
Why Trump Must Run
The analysis includes some good observations about DeSantis:
The response to the raid ranged from incredulity and disgust from the voting public to a kind of mollusk-like belching from the current GOP leadership. Evidently, there is somebody named “DeSantis,” who is, believe it or not, the governor of Florida, where Mar-a-Lago is located. The DoJ, in defiance of law, tradition, and common sense, set out to persecute an innocent man living in Florida, which DeSantis purports to govern. He could have answered this in tones of thunder, demanding to know what the Hell they thought they were doing in his state. He could have ordered the local SAC (special agent in charge) to appear at his office, and when he didn’t show up, drove over to his office escorted by State Police and plenty of media, to publicly humiliate him. He could even have shut the office down and ordered the staff out of state, as used to occur with regularity in my hometown when I was a kid (granted, it was the Mob-controlled police force that was doing this in Utica, but the principle is sound).
But he didn’t do any of this. No, he released a “statement,” which I’m not going to bother to look up – reading it once was enough. But it went something like, “That wasn’t very nice… maybe you shouldn’t do things like that.”
So much for the young GOP lion.
We’ll see; thus far the Ukrainians, who are defending their homeland, aren’t for turning and neither are the Russians, although apart from relatives of dead or maimed soldiers the latter are yet to feel the impact of the war.
And I’ll stand by my prediction – for what it’s worth at this distance – that Putin will come away with all or some of the originally contested territories and frame it as a victory.
If he tries for more than that, hitherto more or less neutral leaders Xi, Modi and Erdogan will distance themselves.
121,882 Children as Young as 6 Tracked for ‘Transgender’ Treatment
Puberty blockers have been inflicted on as “at least 4,780 adolescents”.
This piece of excrement
gets a non-custodial sentence from the Victorian court that gave Cardinal Pell a head sentence of six years.
Comment is superfluous.
It is a very nasty escalation by Vlad targeting civilian infrastructure. But from a military perspective he wants to slow down the resupply lines from Western and Central Ukraine to the front lines in Eastern Ukraine. He wants the rest of Ukraine to have a much harder existence. Unfortunately there won’t be much left of Ukraine in a year or two if this keeps up. The US needs to get a peace process going. How are they going to do I don’t know.
Alinta boss says electricity prices will go up by over 35% next year. Nicholas Reece, kunt that he is, defends ruinables because they’re cheaper because business is investing in them instead of fossils. Canavan attempts to point out that ruinables are subsidised so business is just following government money and edicts and laws banning coal.
Fuuuuck! Ruinables can never be cheaper because they only work 30% of the time and no one can predict when.
Any so-called market signals have been irrelevant for over a decade. It’s all about gaming now.
The US needs to get a peace process going.
LOL! The US is not the slightest bit interested in stopping the war.
In the run up to the Victorian election, 2020 & 2021 have been retconned.
“The US needs to get a peace process going. How are they going to do I don’t know.”
Funny that. Current US leadership doesn’t seem to have any interest in a “peace process”, nor does the UN. In fact, this current US leadership under the Rotting Corpse, along with most other western leaders, have encouraged Zelensky the Clown’s belligerence. Only two leaders have urged the two sides to talk, one is Macron and the other is Pope Francis. If Ukraine thinks it’s going to get the Crimea back, they’ve got another thing coming.
In the meantime, pity the Ukrainian people. They’re the pawns of this war.
.. and aligned with the reserve bank, we have the clowns at the Australian Energy Market Commission
2020 Price trends report:
Who did that? Treasury?
Mother Lode, I get it. Many years ago I discovered the secret to drinking home brew beer is to decant it steadily into a large red wine glass, held up to the light and ensuring none of the sediment leaves the bottle. Super clean glass, chilled like the beer and tilted to get the best head. Hold it up to the light and marvel. Not all wine glasses are the same. Some are just right, others just don’t cut it. It’s like becoming a daddy when it all comes together. Broke my glass recently and unable to replace as no op shops. Long time til next trip to the city. Tall and bulbous it was. Shattered into a million tiny pieces. I get it.
I’m not even sure Teh Ponds Institute would put their name to that.
AEMC by the looks of it.
Read the link, it is very amusing.
More funnies
The govt’s primary vote will drop by the same percentage.
Not looking good when 32% is their starting point.
The picture becomes a little clearer:
Garbage in, garbage out.
The best drivers in descending order:
Rally drivers
F1 drivers
Speedway racers
Truck drivers
Garden variety drivers
It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future – Yogi Berra. No quicker way to make yourself look foolish.
Or, as women’s rugby superstar Ellia Green said recently when having the chop, “top surgery”.
Reading about her attempts to pretend to be a man, I was constantly bombarded by engineered language.
“She” was always written as “him”.
She and her female partner “had a child together”. No she didn’t!
“He” won a gold medal at Rio – in the women’s 7s!!!!
At birth, Her “gender” was “assigned”.
NSW households can look forward to lower electricity prices between now and 2023, with new modelling showing an expected 2% drop – a saving of nearly $30.
Modelling, is there anything (except deliver actual results) that it can’t do?
Bugger, part 2
The best drivers in descending order:
Rally drivers
F1 drivers
Speedway racers
Truck drivers
Garden variety drivers
I have driven rally cars (Escorts ;), Ambulances, Firetrucks and semis. All had their challenges: Rally cars, on dirt, are a hoot and are sliding all the time. Paradoxically, I found tarmac rally harder to do well (and more dangerous) because you were *not* sliding all the time – but when things let go, it was sudden and hard to catch. The main issue with ambulances and firetrucks was the propensity for civilians to not see/hear you, then, when they did, to brake and swerve – you had to leave quite a ‘bubble’ around you to compensate for that. On the other hand, you had to show intent … slow down to disobey a red, but don’t stop… if you did, civilians would move off. Heavy trucks have 3 main challenges – their physical size, low power to weight (including low braking power/reserve), but hardest of all, I found, was the need to ‘balance’ the drive train load. The clutch was used only to start from rest. After that, you didnt use the clutch, but to change gear it was essential to ‘unload’ the driveline by acellerating/lifting off or the gears would simply bind and not unmesh. Add to that double declutching and overall I found the heavy truck the hardest task.
Looks like an inverse Neil Ferguson.
Then pour the beer down the sink and fill the red wine glass with red wine.
The ones who regularly hit houses.
We are still several quarters from the need to drink home brew.
Seems about right.
Russia, under Putin, will be shunned by the West; it will become a client state of Emperor for Life Xi, and be picked at by lampreys like Iran, the Shitstans, and opportunists like Erdogan.
The US, wounded, will shuffle off into isolation – at least until its animal spirits recover.
The EU experiment is over.
Calli , I love your travel posts ( and possibly love you) and have travellled a fair bit myself , but have no desire to travel in the foreseeable future.
It all seems too hard
The what?
There’s a what now?
Old School Conservative at 8:41 – Orwell had them pinged on the use of language.
This is not an original thought, but doesn’t this prove that pedophiles are running things? What do puberty blockers do but trap people in an adolescent state?
About as rare as a male mother.
Everyone should make one batch of homebrew in their lives.
Anyone who makes another, however …
Not to be sniffed at.
Like kittens, the trouble is giving it away.
Winter is coming.
Over many years I’ve flirted with homebrew, researched the science behind it, and followed homebrew gurus. I’ve never got to the stage where XXXX doesn’t seem like nectar in comparison.
I know one person who can make an acceptable ale. He’s nearly dead.
When you have 30 laid down in the shed you fear they will explode and the brew will be lost.
When you’ve had two, you start wishing it on the remaining 28.
“121,882 Children as Young as 6 Tracked for ‘Transgender’ Treatment
Puberty blockers have been inflicted on as “at least 4,780 adolescents”.”
I’ve long argued that this whole transgender movement is, at its core, an ideology that aims to separate children from parents, and to groom children en masse for sexual purposes. The ideology of transgenderism is about the sexualisation of children and is about normalising adult/child sexual relationships. The scandal in the West is that this grooming has long been given cover by the progressive left and particularly by social media platforms and the MSM. But we are now seeing this dam beginning to crack wide open and it’s high time. Last week the UK Telegraph finally did something that the MSM should have been doing over the last decade, it launched an investigation into the UK transgender charity “Mermaids”, a children’s transgender charity that has numerous celebrities spruiking for it, even the Ginger and the Whinger. First the Telegraph reported that the charity were sending teenage girls chest-flattening devices (which can do serious damage to a young girl’s health), without parental consent and then the Telegraph revealed that one of its trustees, a Dr Jacob Breslow, had attended a paedophile-support conference and had written numerous papers advocating for “adult/minor attraction”, in plain parlance….pedophilia.
“but doesn’t this prove that pedophiles are running things? What do puberty blockers do but trap people in an adolescent state?”
I think the Coopers kits have taken a lot of the guesswork out of it. The old man used think a pint of home brew stout was adequate reward for a day’s labour when visiting the farm. I was usually too stuffed to argue.
Dr F.
You are destined to make one top quality batch of brew in your life.
The cruelty will be that you will not remember how you did it, or be able to replicate it.
Any news on who got called while Brittany is away?
This is philosophically true.
The cruelty is, 20 years ago, Mrs F advised me that was an unwise goal.
This is hardly a tantrum. RUS waited for about 8 months, didn’t immediately respond to the destruction of N1 and damage to N2, and, only, after the sabotage of the Kerch Bridge, struck in this manner.
It still holds Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhia, and is making steady advancements in Donetsk, the most fortified front since WW1.
They just appointed a overall commander of the SMO this weekend. Three days and this may mark a change in the wings. It’s not just the missile strikes, apparently they are countering Starlink which is degrading communications in the field.
I don’t think so.
Britnah is the assigned Cat name HB.
Brittany can only officially be used for for rhyming.
‘Brittany you’re shittin’ me.’
London City airport was designed by a mad person. No airbridges? No worries, nor does Coolangatta.
However, you must climb up the stairs to walk a few metres to climb down the stairs. All while laden with cabin luggage. I felt like I was in an Escher drawing. Then, with glacial slowness, the checked bags spring forth. Ours, marked “Priority” came out last. 😀
And, finally, the cabbie tried to rip us off £52 for a metered £25 fare. He picked the wrong big, burly, grey headed Aussie (the Beloved, not me) who is always vigilant about such things. Let’s just say he left with slightly less.
On the positive side of the ledger, the sun is shining and Greenwich is looking green and inviting. Almost time to check out the covered market and say hello to Cutty Sark.
Mr Wolf?
(The clean-up guy).
I got dragged out of the National Maritime Museum, and the Royal Observatory at the end of a rope…
This one sentence says so much:
during a botched arrest ???
Infantile choice of words. Once upon a time a cadet trying to put that past an editor would be reamed, and it would never see a pixel, let alone a printing press.
‘Brittany, don’t spew on me.’
The bloke was arrested.
The End.
Hope this dude is elected.
I always mentally pronounce Brittany as two syllables, chav silent t’s and with a rising inflection, as in, Bri’nee?
Good lord! What did you do? 😀
Been here before and loved it. They say never go back so I’ll let you know if it’s true or not. The place is very autumnal and soft, quite a contrast to the last high summer visit. Hopefully the pubs are just as good.
Brittany, just have some tea
That double voddy is not for thee
Those chockies – no no, they’re not free
Actually, I believe Eminem was thinking of Brittany Bingo Wings when he penned:
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little, controversy
‘Cause it feels so empty, without me
Interesting re today’s witnesses in the Britnah case.
Nothing in the Oz.
SMH closed play at 1:51 with nothing to say due to “non publication order”.
What a bleak, bastard of a film, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is. One of Buron’s best, arguably the best filmic depiction of governmental connivance. The irony is Burton made another movie, in every respect the complete opposite of In From The Cold even though it also dealt with double dealing by spies. That movie was Where Eagles Dare. A great sockum none stop action movie with a young Clint Eastwood definitely coming off as junior hero to Burton’s scheming spy who matched his intellect with thumps to the head of the Nazis. Unlike Cold Eagles had a very satisfying ending. I think I’ll have to rewatch Eagles after the dreary ending in the other.
Tribal elders should have been told to produce the culprit within twenty four hours, or the nursing staff would be withdrawn – permanently.
So that’s a No then? Special Ed must have spent the day on re-skinning. About time.
Try catching a tube from there into the City.
With luggage.
It seems something went on, Bear, but under a suppression order.
Could it be a psych running interference for Britnah?
“She can answer questions, but no hard stuff.”
London, 10 October – New research from Net Zero Watch reveals that a loophole in the rules governing the electricity grid allows renewables generators to charge consumers twice for the same electricity.
The loophole is centred around so-called constraints payments, which are triggered when the grid has insufficient capacity to take the power generated by renewables – mostly windfarms. While the soaring cost – more than £2 billion per year – has regularly hit the headlines in recent years, it has widely been understood as being a payment to get the windfarms to “switch off”.
But Net Zero Watch has now revealed that grid rules do not in fact force windfarms to switch off – they are free to sell or use the electricity so long as they don’t inject it into the transmission grid.
Net Zero Watch’s Andrew Montford explains:
“All over the country, batteries and flywheels are being installed next to windfarm grid connections, because the operators can get a constraint payment and still sell the electricity. The consumer is therefore paying twice for the same electricity – firstly in the form of a constraint payment to divert the power from the transmission grid and then a second time when the battery releases power to the grid at a later date.”
The scandal comes just months after Net Zero Watch revealed that another loophole in the rules governing renewables was allowing operators to ignore the contracts they had signed to supply low-cost power to the grid.
Net Zero Watch’s director, Dr Benny Peiser said:
“This couldn’t come at a worse time for the consumer. It’s clear that these windfarms are only being built because the rules allow them to rip off hard-pressed households. It has to stop”.
Reece and other pricks who say ruinables are cheaper should be strung up by their scrawny balls so they generate power when their nuts flap in the wind.
No doubt there are ads in the back of magazines offering, for a token sum, to provide modelling showing a guys dick to be 50% larger.
Presumably when women are underwhelmed by the marginal member you wave the results in front of them in pdf or excel format to convince them it was more exciting than they remember.
Try catching the Tube from Heathrow with a double board bag during the morning commute. I don’t think I made many friends that day.
Hi Callie
The Gold Coast Airport has FINALLY built some airbridges in their new extension – FOUR!
Sotry on it
We flew Jetstar to Cairns via the new link and as the picture shows those bridges are VERY long, but comfy.
What wasn’t comfy was the fact they had all of 8 charis in the waiting area – for flights with 200 people at a time. Also dreary colours, no artwork and not a very wide corridor. Hopeless design and colourless. Amazing the architects these days.
Enjoy your sojorn.
It would have been jealousy.
You don’t get many surfers heading into town for the Westminster Break.
My imagination was good enough to warn me not to . Hence Greenwich and the cab. We might pop up to Westminster tomorrow on the ferry, or there’s always Southwark and a peep at The Globe.
We appear to have attracted baggage like iron filings to a magnet, so it’s a set price transfer over to LHR on Wednesday. I’m just glad my manservant is tough as teak and handy with ports. Next time I’ll engage another for the sedan chair.
Lots of interesting stuff at Southwark.
The Tate Modern (just next door to the Globe – loads of crap and some awesome stuff), the Clink, Borough Markets (foodie central), the Old Operating Theatre opposite Guy’s (a little known horror story, the operating table carries the saw marks from 30-second amputations), and the southern entry to Tower Bridge.
I packed Mme Zulu off to Harrods – I lost myself in Foyles Bookshop on Charing Cross Road – the lead character in “Foyle’s War” was named after that bookshop..
How many more years until the overdraft is cleared?
I could be easily packed off to Liberty. But Regent Street is waaaay too far.
I allow her Harrods, she allows me Foyles and Waterstones bookshops…
Faustus said:
“Over many years I’ve flirted with homebrew, researched the science behind it, and followed homebrew gurus. I’ve never got to the stage where XXXX doesn’t seem like nectar in comparison.”
I started drinking XXXX when I was posted to Queensland in the military in 1967 as a 20 year old and I thought it was pretty good. Nowadays most stock pub beer is pretty ordinary.
I’ve been brewing my own for about 45 years now using these days Coopers products exclusively which I enhance with pelleted hops and off the shelf cordials such as Bickfords Red Grapefruit and Buderim Ginger depending on whether I’m brewing pale ales or lagers or darker beers such as English Bitter. I suppose my experimentation has paid off over so many years doing different things.
Try a bit harder.
Aboriginal culture prevents any action being taken because once you admit there is a problem, then it’s your job to fix it.
Some of the attempts to dodge problem ownership are quite amazing and subtle, but once the jaws of the trap are closed, there’s no way out of it.
Point taken, Winston, but what’s the answer to the security on the nursing and support staff in those Third World shitholes?
“She can answer questions, but no hard stuff.”
That’s what she said.
Once you get one of those naff carry bags what else is there to get? I think I saw a 60,000 quid barbecue.
Also got a great photo at the Di & Dodi shrine. Money can’t buy experience.
Don’t knock those carry bags – it drew a fair amount of attention in our local I.G.A…
Anyway “Sliante” – I’m reading Joan Beaumont’s book on “Australia’s Great Depression.” My great uncle said he spent three years on the road, with his swag on his back, looking for work, and the only reasons he volunteered in 1940, was for “Six bob a day, a pair of trousers with the arZe still in them, and the first new pair of boots he had ever owned. ” Two battles of El Alamein, Ruin Ridge, and the “Wasted campaigns” of 1944/45, in New Guinea..
Cohen, The Spy… Cold was a damn hard book to get excited about. I’d started with the Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy movie with Oldman as Smiley, which seemed a bit rushed compared to my memories of the BBC miniseries, so I read that book, which challenged but rewarded, though I was primed for the plot so to speak.
Went back to …Cold, and it read like the first novel by someone who might become something, but seemed to revel in it’s bleakness- I think it might even have been a bit of a confessional from Nom le Carre. Funny, right now I remember a meeting on a firebreak in the middle of some borsch forest- who knew forest fires were a thing in continental Europe 150 years before Catastrophic capitalism hot weather?
The Tailor of Panama was weak
The Constant Gardener was weak… funnily enough it included the scarytale of Big Pharma dumping dodgy drugs on the third world… which is just a fairytale… right?
Shame about that movie, because it was a massive talent pool. Lovely Rachael Weiss, Bill Nighy, Ralph Fiennes who was fine before I realised he’s played every effing role he’s ever done with the same voice and same pitch, only ever managing to look like someone new with eight kilos of latex on his head. And the toxic cad Old Eton bad guy, dunno his name, but what a face.
Glad to hear it, Calli. Our men deserve all the praise we can give them.
Rita Panahi had a segment in her show tonight about how masculinity is under threat.
Young men are losing their protector instinct re women and are unreliable in many other ways.
A Rabbi says on the show that a lot of it is dissociative, due to intense involvement with internet porn.
An interesting comment in one of the transgender links I put up above suggests there is evidence that frequent users of internet porn are more likely than non-users to turn trans-gender.
I suspect that could be a statistical artifact – internet porn addicted users are also likely to be confused social isolates. Often on the autism spectrum. These factors leave them prey to recruitment.
Our whole society has broken free from its moorings, lost its bearings.
Talk about Shakespeare’s ‘wandering barques’, that just meant lovelornness, not loss of manhood.
John Le Carre- forget his real name, David something- died a shocking reactive Trot. You can see the veer left to pinko delusion in his novels.
I’ve got my “Don’t Welcome Me to My Own Country” bumper stickers on order.
By the way, I call my man Hairy for a reason. He is male, and proud of it. And I am so proud of him and will say so here as often as I like, quietly – when he’s not around. For he is a modest soul.
As for geriatric lovers – Confessio. I came on here more than ten years ago in the guise of my younger self in my late thirties, perhaps early forties (telling nothing but truths in that context), in order to protect Hairy’s identity (which was a crucial requirement). Newbies don’t know that side of it nor the flirtatious ways of the old Cat back in those days, which some current disturbers of the peace, opprobriators and their recent-arrival followers, still allude to quite out of context.
We were a smaller group, and far less condemnatory than today’s scolding Kat Karens. I am no more prone these days than the next older woman to create a porn show of our marriage, which I have no hesitation though in saying is a loving one, so grow up, BBS. It is also no sin to want to look one’s best nor to relate life experiences from one’s eighties, especially if one enjoys writing as I do.
When Hairy retired, I quickly admitted my real age, ten years older than he, for it was possible to do so then without fear of damage from the probing doxxer/s who had been very busily ‘investigating’ us. Anyone who knows us personally is fully aware that my husband’s work entailed at that time a necessarily public profile, thus any doxxing of my husband via me would have been quite damaging and easily used against him in his politically-charged employment. There is a reason that this blog values anonymity. I also had my own privacy to protect.
As retired people we are both free agents now.
Weekend 50th, friend was relating with a bit of incredulity how her 12 y o boy had stepped in for his sister who was being intimidated by another boy at the friday night leisure centre pool whoop-up, given the shithead kid a shove and said lay off my sister. She crows, “I thought, where did that come from? That’s not my boy! Where’d he get that testosterone from?! Why’d he suddenly think it’s ok to shove other kids around?!!?!” and met by much supportive clucking and sunday supplement psychology from the assembled gals.
I took a cue from another bloke before I reacted- I’m on notice for serving up home truths to “our” friends a bit too mercilessly-
One, if your son isn’t going to protect your daughter from getting static from a strange kid at the pool, who the f do you expect to? The lifeguards, who are barely three years older and not paid enough for that shit? Or are they meant to come and dob to mummy, who’s actually counting on being left alone with a cheeky can of G&T far away from the splash radius, and would be rightly shit scared of intervening despite her mantra of “it takes a village to raise a child”?
Two- and most importantly- stepping up is exactly what men do, and exactly what they should do. They should be unafraid and rightly unthinking to automatically stick their neck out for their women, and either take the lumps or take the temperature down- all bullies will crumble when tested, it’s the nature of intimidation which is foremost psychological and supported in the breach by group assent.
The idea that he should take the heat and be told to check his testosterone is ridiculous. From womenfolk, it is turkeys praying for christmas.
In peak hour.
Never again.
If Australia insists on being idiotic, they’re the only ones left. Which is odd – we usually over-worry about what other countries think of us.
Sooner or later Australians are going to have to face the reality that the way they image themselves, and the way they are, parted company a long time ago.
They’re a mob of scared sheep easily herded into a corner by deranged mutts like Andrews, Gunner and McGowan.
That 12 y o boy deserves a medal.
An instinctive reaction showing all the “right stuff” – family loyalty, care of his sister, and the use of an appropriate level of force.
Probably too young to have his inherent decency emasculated by Karens, marxists, fellow travellers and useful idiots.
Hopeless design and colourless. Amazing the architects these days.
The architects on Adelaide’s new terminal apparently had a debate about whether or not to install glass walled aero-bridges, deplaning might be delayed by passengers being transfixed by the vista of the Adelaide Hills! FMD.
Yep OSC- a natural spur to action, then controlled force. That much is probably intuition- if his parents can let him get on with it, he’ll learn to take calculated risks, then he’s got the world at his feet.
New OT up.
Just doing our usual late pack, and I can no longer lift my own suitcase.
Travelling with my gym junkie is definitely the go. He can take one in each hand! Down stairs!
Excellent dinner last night with some former colleagues: