The Pont de Arts and the Institut de France, August Renoir, 1867
The Pont de Arts and the Institut de France, August Renoir, 1867
The Auditor General is on the case. However, if they own the land then NO. And I thought that in…
Mostly from twitter. Here’s the thread. The videos are always nice. Belugas Cafe – Ace (13 Mar)
Ace’s stuff Really. Who did he get it from?
Playing Chess. Checkmate.
Well I can download it I have a Subscription.
… nope
Good old Tucker. Stick it up them.
A full-blown “major war” between Russia and the West could possibly break out over Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned on Friday.-this deadshit seemsto be a germalist turned polimuppet. seems to want a war. What a turd.
“Da Science!”
Woke city chick’s do not represent the youth.
Younger Generations Are Becoming More & More Insane, When They Vote They Will Destroy The US
Timcast IRL
Tour de force time with the Belew, Cats 🙂
Again. The guy has form. What the “inappropriate” behaviour was is anyone’s guess. Probably being a dumb male alcoholically enhanced.
As for myself…no lampshades on the head and definitely wearing Bridget Jones granny undies. 😀
The “hangover” is more from trying to field multiple conversations in a diplomatic and kindly manner when I really wanted to either clock the speaker on the head with a cluebat or retire to the Ladies for the duration. But there were some delightful ones – especially the young mum of four who loves her littlies and motherhood regardless of the hard work.
Ed Casesays:
December 11, 2022 at 6:34 pm
I wish someone would flush monty down the toilet, …
Steady on.
Scrolling Franger & SpongeBob’s wheezing inanities is tiring too, but toilets are useful and plumbers are dear.
On the other hand, a Long Drop toilet …
Turds like you should be lowered by rope into the toilet bowl otherwise your ‘Ed’ will crack the bowl…………………………..
Monty, for the record I write real patents as in actual innovations. Been my calling in this life. A privilege which I have no words to describe. I am sad that science has so declined because there is so much out there to be discovered and developed. Yet stuff like the climate rubbish has distracted scientists from doing anything real. The science news is very sad lately, so much is rubbish of no practical use and no resemblance to reality. My profession is dying.
Rabz, I’ve been “hopelessly in love” for nearly 50 years. There is no cure, and…
You have no excuse. 😀
“Sky News and 2GB host Chris Smith is suspended over allegations he acted ‘inappropriately’ around female staff at Christmas party.”
Not the first time he’s faced such an allegation. Apparently his wife left him last week. He’s probably devastated, and got inebriated.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have such a long memory however I remember how Smith, after Pell was sentenced back in 2019, joined in the lynching, repeatedly calling Pell a pedophile on Sky prime time. It left a bad taste in my mouth.
Pauline Hanson’s wacky South Park-style cartoon series, Please Explain – which has lampooned everyone from Greta Thunberg to Malcolm Turnbull – will make a shock return next year.
And Diary can reveal that Lisa Wilkinson and Peter FitzSimons are about to become characters.
The satirical series – featuring Hanson as the teacher of an unruly class of politicians and other wannabe influencers in Canberra – was originally launched as a six-episode series ahead of the May federal election to boost the One Nation leader’s campaign.
But Please Explain became an unlikely social media hit, regularly luring a combined one million viewers a week across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in Australia and overseas.
And there is plenty for the new series – produced by Melbourne animation house Stepmates – to play with.
Diary hears the smartly produced two-minute cartoons will take full advantage of the radically altered cast of politicians in Canberra.
A new breed of progressives have invaded Canberra since the election, including Teals, Greens and Labor MPs, along with left-leaning media types.
Diary hears that mocking the more woke side of politics will be a key plank of the series.
The most prominent new cast members be Wilkinson, her equally high-profile husband FitzSimons (apparently featuring as a pirate with his trademark red bandana) and Magda Szubanski.
The new member for Kooyong, Monique Ryan, will also feature prominently, still tormenting her predecessor Josh Frydenberg, while the alleged champagne-socialist teal traits are also likely to cop the Please Explain treatment.
And yes, the Greens will be back in a big way. But while Bandt is set to figure prominently, he is likely to be surpassed in airtime by Greens deputy Senate leader Lidia Thorpe, who we’re told will repeatedly feature depicted with some of her bikie mates.
Meanwhile, from Labor, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will now be a lead characters, while Qantas boss Alan Joyce and Twitter supremo Elon Musk will star in dedicated episodes, we hear.
The new series is expected to cost about $500,000 to produce. To raise money for its latest run, Hanson is producing 20,000 bottles of a new limited-edition Please Explain Queensland Rum, featuring on its label everyone from Ryan pursuing Frydenberg, Bob Katter in his broad-brimmed hat, and even Scott Morrison as the latest ‘ghost’ of PMs past.
If the 20,000 bottles can be sold by February, the cartoon’s new run will start early in the parliamentary year. Could be epic.
Bruce, too many being busy rather than creative? Too many studies for the sake of publication rather than exploration? Too much trend driven research?
Read a new theory on why Biden swapped a Likely Spook for Brittney Griner.
The Russians threatened to out Griner as a Tranny and Biden’s handlers couldn’t risk the Narrative collapsing [and having to return 4 Gold Medals].
I can’t work out how fragile the You Go Girrrrrrl Wymynses are when faced with a dopey inebriated touchy feely male.
Quick, let’s report him to the Head Prefect! He’s soooooo horrid!
It’s as if they never left High School.
Vale Ms McVie.
I have always preferred her vocals to Stevie Nicks’s, although she’s fine. My favourite is the very pithy single Tusk, although that might be because I like gridiron.
Mme Zulu advises that, back in the day, the drill was a ringing slap to the face, followed by a loud “Keep your hands to yourself!”
Is there any reason these days as a male, to have anything beyond the minimum possible contact with women in the workplace? So many downsides, and I honestly can’t think of any upsides.
Yes, Zulu. And the next generation is a disdainful, “Seriously?”. Followed by walking away.
Weaklings squeal. Tomorrow the idiotic guy will be sober, but they will still be weaklings.*
*Paraphrasing Winston Churchill
Thanks, calli – I haven’t been hopelessly in love for many, many moons.
Hits you like the veritable cluebat.
Especially after three years of unrelenting shite.
Just don’t start buying her flowers or jewellery, Rabz.
Polls show that numpties will still vote in brain dead leftards no matter what polls on covid vaccines show.
He wasn’t the only one: ‘Pell is exactly where he should be tonight, and that is in jail’: Paul Murray.
Put aside the clear evidence of collusion between senior Twatter staff and government officials from Homeland Security, the FBI and the DNI?CIA, which certainly compromised (at the least) the First Amendment.
Let’s instead look at Yoel Roth, who had a major role in the political issue, but also a wider role in Twatter. Are you concerned that such a man, whose PhD thesis included discussion of ways to allow underage kids access to adult sites like grindr, had such a senior role there? He seems to have been, at best, dilatory in removing child exploitation material from Twatter. Might it have been better had he shown less interest in deleting photos of Hunter Bunter’s “nine inch hog” and more interest in removing material about much smaller “hogs”?
It is beginning to become clear that the pre-Musk Twatter might have lacked both political and moral standing.
Too many green grants and green sinecure funding.
The Jabs and the side effects……………………………….
I remember how Smith, after Pell was sentenced back in 2019, joined in the lynching, repeatedly calling Pell a pedophile on Sky prime time. It left a bad taste in my mouth.
Hubris followed by Nemesis.
Bespoke, you are a cynic. But smart advice for the unwary.
Exhibit A –
Exhibit B –
In these things we all stand on the razor’s edge.
Nein. A new silk scarf and some flash fifties sunnies for the South Coast drive.
From Gateway Pundit:
The narrative is falling apart as Musk cleans house.
I hope he’s covering himself by forwarding everything on to the Feds.
He wasn’t the only one: ‘Pell is exactly where he should be tonight, and that is in jail’: Paul Murray.
And how many Judges said that he is innocent? All of them in that Court. Wankers and Bigots NIL Case closed.
“Hubris followed by Nemesis.”
Quite so. Given Smith’s tawdry history he should have kept his mouth closed re. Pell, but just as he has a history of struggling to keep his zipper closed, he struggles to keep his mouth closed about certain things.
My comments are clearly being influenced by Roger Moore being charming (and deadly) to females in Moonraker.
Ugly and uncharming men – forget it.
Fatso Murray.
Could that male blandwhale be gifted with even less credibility if he tried?
The man cave, models of really uglee Ozzie super cars and his undying mateship with Goose Morristeen.
Yeah, no, Rupe.
“He wasn’t the only one: ‘Pell is exactly where he should be tonight, and that is in jail’: Paul Murray.”
I haven’t forgotten him either C.L. Both Murray and Smith seemed to delight in calling Pell a “pedophile” on prime time television. Neither man expressed any reservation about the verdict, and neither man, after the HC decision, had the decency to stand in front of the cameras and say “we were wrong about George Pell”.
the leftYay! I just struck out the left.
Thanks, Bruce of Newc.
Peter Smith:
Let’s just hang back a bit, O.K?
A few days will give us some information on what he’s supposed to have done.
Presumption of Innocence.
(Then we can hang him. 🙂 )
Bobbie – it’s Chris Smith and I’ve always thought he was a joke.
Remember when Musk accused that dude who saved the cave kids of being a rock spider, just because he refused Musk’s idea of a submarine? Yeah, he wasn’t a rock spider either.
The Yoel Roth stuff is extremely weak, and is straight out of the Qanon playbook.
It’s pretty off colour to be all paws when it comes to the ladies but exposing yourself is really beyond the pale. They invented clothes for a reason, that reason being middle age.
It is straight out of his PhD thesis.
Bots in for a surprise!
Daily Mail. No comments allowed.
WatchingtheHK Cup taken out by a horse piloted by Aussie hoop James McDonald.
Masks everywhere, though removed for presentation ceremony and photo.
Just before that McDonald had ripped off his mask, obviously exasperated, and just stopped himself throwing the damned thing on the ground.
Crowd all masked and in a celebratory mood after years of being shut out of the track.
Oh no, not another virus with no symptoms!
RIP my brother
With the passing of Jet Black this week, I have Stranglers in my brain that need to be let out. So here’s one of their’s:
Ice Queen – Stranglers (1984)
I’ve had Golden Brown and No Mercy going around in my brain all day. Dunno why.
I got my wife an early Christmas present. A two seater swing chair so she can read to owe granddaughter in the garden. Something of Intrinsic value last a lot longer and has deeper appreciation then vanity tokens.
Noice. Very noice. Nothing beats a beaut new scarf.
A Hermes square is popular, but horsey. Also check out Dior, Bulgari, Versace. Ditch Balenciaga.
Just don’t make it a long scarf for summer, bad news in a convertible. The Isadora factor.
Halls Creek in WA’s Kimberley region has been overrun with unruly teenagers
It’s clearly down to white supremacy and colonialism.
Remember when Musk accused that dude who saved the cave kids of being a rock spider, just because he refused Musk’s idea of a submarine? Yeah, he wasn’t a rock spider either.
Your lot loves to post about pedophilia. And practise it.
“Yeah, he wasn’t a rock spider either.”
Nor was Cardinal George Pell but I note you’ve never retracted that smear.
That’s a beautiful thing, bespoke.
These Christmas holidays, I’m teaching both my granddaughters to sew. I have projects in mind. They are both keen, bless them.
Christopher Rufo looks at Yoel Roth’s academic publications and concludes ‘dude’s research background is wild.’ (10 Dec)
Some of his tweets are included, and they’re decidedly not, um, bland.
Cassie I have mentioned this before, the climate change preoccupation is geographic and/or class-based. The young women you work with probably come from the eastern or northern suburbs and from upper income families. That preoccupation stops at Parramatta where most of the newcomers live and also where the region of young families starts. These residents have far more pressing problems like mortgages, power bills, shopping price rises and having a second car to ferry the kids around.
I am not despairing that all young people have been brainwashed but that the political parties are only polling the comfortably rich who can afford the climate change nonsense.
Nah, too narrow. The impact is wider than that. I see it in biomedicine with so many published studies being of such poor quality that actually use online surveys. And don’t get me start on food frequency questionnaires! Or the huge amount of money wasted on proposed neurological condition cures. Those therapies for Alz are just plain nonsense. The same is true of Parkinson’s, the only promising treatment for that is the one currently underway involving stem cell implants. Psychology is replete with poor quality studies. In theoretical physics for a time if you weren’t doing string theory you weren’t doing anything. Over the last few decades hundreds of predictions concerning particles have proved to be little more than stabs in the dark but hey it is another publication tick for the authors. If you think it is just about green stuff you haven’t even begun to realise the scope of the problem.
You didn’t read and/or understand what Roth wrote, did you?
Musk has the thinnest skin in the world.
The latest demand is for a juvenile detention center to be built in the Kinberlys – the offenders won’t have to suffer the trauma of being flown to Perth, in handcuffs, and they won’t feel so isolated, as their families will be able to visit them…
How did I miss this:
As one does. 🙂
Musk retracted those comments and apologised. All documented.
What, again? You would think he would learn after the 2GB debacle some years ago.
Monty what’s there to misunderstand about “gay bareback porn”?
Just checked online for you Rabz, there are lots of very nice scarfs (scarves) that aren’t as pricey as the brands I mentioned, from $50 to $150, not up there in the over $500. Google ‘luxury scarf brands’.
There is a lot of choice and all in good silk too.
Do you reckon he will retract and apologise this time too?
BoN – two of the original four have now departed this earthly existence. One of my favourite bands of all time.
“The Yoel Roth stuff is extremely weak, and is straight out of
the Qanon playbookRoth’s Phd thesis.”FIFY
There is plenty to understand, especially if you have a sense of humour. You are too dumb to grok it.
oops, Frank: Snap!
Thanks, Lizzie. 🙂
I don’t know m0nty. The usual question I ask is, “Is it true?”.
If it isn’t, shame on the accuser.
“You didn’t read and/or understand what Roth wrote, did you?”
And you did? But at least we agree it was in his thesis and not some QAnon noise.
Have you seen what women wear these days?
Glad I’m not a father to daughters these days. Swimsuits are scandalous.
I’ve said it before, but it is worth repeating.
If women can be in your face with their sexuality why is it wrong for a man to do so?
Yes yes I get there are degrees to it.
“You lot” are too dumb to understand humour.
I think I’ve got the talking point to explain away Roth’s proclivities.
From time to time I have occasion to hold/attend business meetings. In those meetings neither I nor anybody else sit around googling any of the following words: Gay, Bareback, Pron. In fact nobody googles anything. Nor do we joke about those same words or anything of the sort.
We talk, like adults. Coz it’s a … y’know.. .business meeting.
This is but one of the many differences between my circles & those of Roth & the (former) Twitter culture.
This is something we should all keep in mind should Monty make reference to being involved in a “humorous situation” or a “business meeting“
Murray is an atheist.
I wonder how that coloured his commentary.
Remember when Musk accused that dude who saved the cave kids of being a rock spider, just because he refused Musk’s idea of a submarine? Yeah, he wasn’t a rock spider either.
The Yoel Roth stuff is extremely weak, and is straight out of the Qanon playbook.
Dickless supports the pedo of course. How are the milkman’s kiddies going dickless.
Remember when
Musk… Monty … accusedthat dude who saved the cave kids… Cardinal George Pell … of being a rock spider, just becausehe refused Musk’s idea of a submarine?… a few wankers in Victoria said he was. Yeah, … The High Court of Australia unanimously ruled … he wasn’t a rock spider either.There is literally no limit to the scumbaggery of the left. Some student advocates for Abe’s statue to be torn down.
The student.
The snippet being quoted from Yoel Roth’s thesis that is doing the rounds.
Monty can help us to understand the inherent nuance.
My unemployed middle-aged son with bi polar issues plus a seriously damaged leg from being beaten up while living on the streets, now living in public housing, unemployed, has given his heart to a huge dog which he shares with the schizophrenic woman living alone who is mother to my grandson via my other son from my first marriage. Last night the son who cares half time for the dog rang me that the schizo woman had ignored the dog’s ear, which had developed a problem. He told me how he had carefully cleaned out the animal’s ear with swabs and disinfectant and put Savlon on it, and wondered if I could help. Who could not? He said the young dog was patient and loving throughout this painful process. The love he has for this dog is better healing for my son than any shrinks he has seen.
Looks like a trip to the vet tomorrow if there is no improvement.
Which reminds me, I am currently bedtime-reading a book I found in Queensland in one of those little exchange cubbies: Noel Fitzpatrick, Becoming The Supervet: Listening to the Animals. No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller. He’s apparently a TV Vet phenomenon, I’ve never seen his show, but his story of his childhood on a farm in Ireland and his self-analytic observations about how life under hard times in a very undemonstrative farming family is quite engaging. I am chosing more books like this to read, easy reading with a personal story, to take my mind off so many other things. It works.
Let me guess, Pol – because uglee ol’ dinobores? 😕
Make that – how ‘life and personality unfolds under hard times’
if it takes more than one
yr not doing it right
blurb says: Listening to the Animals is ultimately a story of love, hope and compassion, and about rejoicing in the bond between humans and animals that makes us the very best we can be.
True enough. He writes quite well too, for a vet.
It doesn’t matter if young women are scandalous at the beach, it is either a crass mistake or European, but old blokes pulling their bits out in public is always wrong. Young blokes pulling their bits out in public is quite possibly rapey and both should be discouraged in the strongest terms.
As it did not mine, Rog, because I always knew the charges against Pell were preposterous.
As most of you would know, I don’t have a lot of time for the “church” or the clerisy.
Just been watching this one:
Stranglers – Ice Queen – Brighton 26 Mar 2019
Damn near as good as the original single.
Yoel Roth is a vet? I thought it was plagiarism of The Thornbirds.
Heinlein … LoL
mUntu, I don’t think you grok what you think you grok
Reading through Lake’s lawsuit this evening. Will write a post on it tomorrow. Needless to say, the signature verification appears to have been a shambles again.
repeatedly headbutting a union rival
if it takes more than one
yr not doing it right
This is how you head-butt. Reacher.
Shorter mOron;
“It’s ok if the deviant left come after your kids. That’s the way our lot roll.”
December 11, 2022 at 8:00 pm
Remember when Musk accused that dude who saved the cave kids of being a rock spider, just because he refused Musk’s idea of a submarine? Yeah, he wasn’t a rock spider either.
The Yoel Roth stuff is extremely weak, and is straight out of the Qanon playbook.
Qanon contributed to Roth’s PhD thesis? Who would have guessed?
You idiot.
he wasn’t a rock spider either.
Is this an admission that you were wrong, wrong, wrong about Cardinal Pell?
Lizzie – James Herriot – “All creatures great and small“. Read the books when I was a teenager. Some of the most beautiful writing I’ve ever read. From laughter to tears in the space of a paragraph.
Amusing. I suspect I’ve read more Heinlein than you have.
Perhaps you could address what Mr Roth said, to the world and everyone. On Twitter and all.
Whenever someone mentions a ‘playbook’ they are just making shit up.
Do you reckon he will retract and apologise this time too?
Do you retract and apologise for Shannon Brandt? Of course you don’t apologise because he fits your narrative. What a prick of a human you are.
Huh? Why the distinction?
Cardboard cutout conservative model 4628 was at a private party, boozy, presumably only adults. (A drunk, older and unfit (bitch tits) [and baldcel] male is um, unlikely to impress…). Okay he might have done other stuff but I am not arguing the err, toss over that stuff.
Surely a public beach is different? (Why are they different? How would a man who did the same be treated?).
Modern swimsuits are deliberately and forcefully provocative. Believe it or not I was shocked when I saw Miranda Kerr first wear one.
Saw the village in Yorkshire, and the surgery – now a museum – where “James Herriot” practiced.
Yes yes yes Makka.
“It’s ok if the deviant left come after your kids. That’s the way our lot roll.”
Monty needs the ‘your lot’ thrown back in his fat cakehole.
Reading through Lake’s lawsuit this evening. Will write a post on it tomorrow. Needless to say, the signature verification appears to have been a shambles again.
This is the keypoint:
2. The number of illegal votes cast in Arizona’s general election on November 13] 8,202, far exceeds the 17,117 vote margin between Arizona Republican gubematorial , candidate Kari Lake and Democrat gubernatorial candidate Secretary of State Katie 16| Hobbs, certified at the official state canvass on December 5, 2022.
The Complaint has a lot hyperbole and reference to 2020; which is a pity. I would have distilled it down to a much shorter form.
December 11, 2022 at 8:14 pm
It is straight out of his PhD thesis.
You didn’t read and/or understand what Roth wrote, did you?
Clearly you didn’t understand it.
However, you have not responded to the main point. Do you agree that he seems to have been, at best, dilatory in removing child exploitation material from Twatter. Might it have been better had he shown less interest in deleting photos of Hunter Bunter’s “nine inch hog” and more interest in removing material about much smaller “hogs”?
Address the point, or concede it.
December 11, 2022 at 8:18 pm
Musk retracted those comments and apologised. All documented.
m0nty=fa has b=neither retracted his comments about Cardinal Pell, nor apologised for them.
I was thinking of Gerald Durrell today. Sort of emulate his stuff, what with the Cafe and all.
Today one of my currawong pairs arrived with their kid, who sat in the jacaranda and said arp? arp? Parents then came down and received mince, then went up and fed kid. Rarely I get this, usually I don’t see the young ones until January or so. It was nice.
teenagers used to have playboy, mutley has the Q playbook
December 11, 2022 at 8:21 pm
Monty what’s there to misunderstand about “gay bareback porn”?
There is plenty to understand, especially if you have a sense of humour. You are too dumb to grok it.
Enlighten us with the benefit of your expertise in “gay bareback porn”.
BB at 6.40
Just beautiful simplicity
Agree with that, BB. When I heard that Christine McVie died, that was the song that came to mind. My favourite Fleetwood Mac song.
Huh? It’s just a humorous jape.
If it has to be explained to you, then you’re working out of the wrong playbook & are too dumb to grok it dude. It’s the way we roll.
Not mixing in lefty circles I’m consequently not au fait with their humour, however using tonight’s revelations I deduce the following:
Left-wing humour is not as I had imagined it to be.
Indeed, of course you were, Squire.
As was I.
From Urban Dictionary
understand (something) intuitively or by empathy:
“corporate leaders seemed to grok this concept fairly quickly”
establish a rapport:
“nestling earth couple would like to find water brothers to grok with in peace”
Perhaps m0nty=fa could explain how we should “grok” underage access to sites like grindr. Not having ever visited them, I am puzzled.
Anyway Cats, before I sign off for the week, time for some pure art and beauty.
For my beloved Miss Emily. 🙂
No, this is how you head butt.
Also known as a “Liverpool kiss.”
There were a few hotties at the Sky party.
You have to admire m0nty=fa’s dedication to the fascist left, that he is so vigorously defending the indefensible.
Sponsored by the CIA.
You have to admire m0nty=fa’s dedication to the fascist left, that he is so vigorously defending the indefensible.
Not really John of Boambee. He/she/them/xe is just showing his true colours. And it is not pretty.
… I thought she must have got caught in a net
OK Dot, there is a double standard. Still, I would much rather have Miranda Kerr in a modern swimsuit assailing my sensibilities than Monty similarly attired.
Moonraker. Brings to mind the greatest ever console game on Nintendo. Which is GoldenEye
Drowning, in the sea of love …
Oxfordshire County Council APPROVES £6.5m traffic filter scheme | Niall Crowley discusses
The last two/bonus missions were dumb fun, Silo on 007 was the toughest.
Best of all was being Oddjob and just slapping the shit out of your mates in multiplayer. Beats a git who was a guru with remote mines.
Satellite basement/cavern was the best map for a mine only battle.
German coup targets political opposition. Merkel’s disastrous legacy
the duran
Any chance of a link? Asking for a friend…
Turning the sky a cold dark colour as they circled overhead …
What’s the matter now, lover boy
Has the cat run off with your tongue?
Are you drinking to get maudlin
Or drinking to get numb?
gave her a pilchard and threw her back
Any chance of a link?
She’s nowhere near as beautiful as Miss Emily.
Moonraker. Brings to mind the greatest ever console game on Nintendo. Which is GoldenEye
Moonraker has the greatest 007 double entendre ever.
Sir Desmond Gray “My God, what’s Bond doing?”
Q “I think he’s attempting re-entry, Sir!”
Brilliant stuff.
this bloke really was full of shit. There’s plenty of houses you can purchase on that wicket.
Maybe he needs to give up the daily soy frappacino, smashed avocado on toast and twice-weekly 3-hat restaurants.
mmmm.. reminds me of a work xmas do I attended where one of the (middle-aged) ladies became very proud of her boob job after a few drinks.
She was moved on at a later point, but I don’t think it had anything to do with the exhibitionism.
Space X
HOW the 747 carried a SPACE SHUTTLE? Explained by CAPTAIN JOE
BoN I was a little taken aback when you said you were going to nail munty. I got in touch with munty and he said it’s okay as long as it’s a 9″ nail.
Elon Musk
My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci
I could roll with that.
Based on reports appears Chris Smith will be lucky to continue his roles with Sky and 2GB. Had similar issues before going back quite a way.
Peter Gleeson of Courier Mail and Sky recently let go due to plagiarism.
Two “conservative” type commentators gone in a few weeks.
it’s a 9? nail.
Dark, brilliant. Rabz you could have this cover from Joy Division
From the Oz – I’ve posted the whole article.
Nine Inch Nails
Weaponised Trust
So, Higgins is a bit sloppy?
Roth is saying that underage kids are accessing hook up sites already, getting around existing barriers by lying about their age, so maybe it would be better to legalise it – for under-18s to only hook up with their age peers, not adults – and make it safe rather than let it run free for adult predators to roam.
In other words, he is arguing the opposite of what you say he is.
stfu mUnty
Photographs of the stunning Mt Warning summit near Byron Bay could soon be banned under a new plan by the Aboriginal group which now controls the site.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet handed over management of Wollumbin National Park and Mt Warning to the small Wollumbin Consultative Group who promptly banned visitors to the once popular hiking spot.
The group made of Indigenous families and community organisations caused an uproar when they claimed allowing females, including those of Indigenous heritage, on the site would ruin its cultural significance.
As part of the Wollumbin Aboriginal Place Management Plan the traditional owners now want to ban using photos or images of the mountain for tourism, advertising or business purposes.
Daily Mail – The Voice will fix all this!
Monty, you and your lot love posting shit about pedophilia. Shut up.
Gleeson’s infractions were egregious. He was clearly spread too thin and couldn’t come up with his contractual feature each and every week – in addition to his Sky work. I feel a bit sorry for him.
In three weeks’ time, Catholic hospitals in Queensland will be forced to enable on-site homicides of the elderly. The people who came up with this assault on conscience and private property rights are those protesters, more or less.
I guess it’s fun for you to join the fascists in their pile on of the gay Jewish bloke, but it just makes you look like one of them.
do you have daughters mUnty?
you ok with me … er… hooking up on line?
you should shut the fuck up, mate.
yr too stupid for words
It’s fun for your lot to be anti Semitic and post articles about pedophilia. Eh monty?
m0nty says:
December 11, 2022 at 11:21 pm
Roth is saying that underage kids are accessing hook up sites already, getting around existing barriers by lying about their age, so maybe it would be better to legalise it –
It doesn’t make sense, what’s stopping the adults to lie about their age to lure kids?
Same as kids do now.
your missus know what yr posting?
piece of shit
Access to parts of Australia, based on race? What comes next? War is jou pass, witman?
Age of consent here is 16 generally. Why not just kick their arses for getting on underage?
No. You can’t hook up on Tinder when you’re 14. GTFO the app and cop a shot to the ribs you little bastards.
If they send anything explicit they are using a carriage device to distribute child exploitation material.
Let’s not encourage them from smearing their own names for future vocations and professions.
mutley will be eating these words when his kids grow up
cats look like gay jewish blokes…. er okays….
Magic Marvin is one of the most useless, ill intentioned commenters to ever post at Cat.
There are already laws about that, which are enforced.
The anti-Semitism and homophobia on display on this issue is disgraceful. All the worst inclinations of the modern right in one story. The QAnon freaks must be laughing maniacally.
Gleeson and Smith gone from Sky is good news in my books. Couldn’t stand the sight of the greasy pointless pricks.
Daisy Cousins remains to assault our ears.
Can’t work out why Monty annoys people so much.
I don’t give him a thought. Just a silly bugger with too much time on his hands.
The obvious flaw in this plan is that if it is impossible to stop children impersonating adults on adult hook-up apps, what’s to stop adults from impersonating children on children’s hook-up apps??? The fact that Roth is even floating this idea shows that he knows nothing whatsoever about safeguarding, or that he doesn’t actually believe in it.
I just can’t get over the idea of a child-friendly hook-up app. Whoever even *thinks* like this has obviously got some interesting neural pathways VERY hard-wired, taking them to some dark places.
I shame them by defending principles that they abandoned in their partisan fervour.
His own attempt at setting up a blog sank without trace, some time ago…
I am not.
The debate over this is exactly the same as the debate over marijuana legalisation in Colorado, in which “libertarians” claimed it would magically abolish the black market and even reduce pot use. Nope!
DaFisk says:
December 11, 2022 at 11:55 pm
That was my point but m0nty dismissed it with ” we have laws against that”, as if laws ever prevented crime.
That’s part of it, but there is a much bigger problem with the messaging here. If you genuinely believe there is a problem with child sexual exploitation on the internett, the very first step you need to take on this is not to legalise apps that incentivise and monetise child sexual activity. That’s a pretty OBVIOUS way to start the race a lap behind, isn’t it? And it doesn’t actually take you a SINGLE step closer to preventing inappropriate interactions between adults and children.
The real starting point is to actually tighten both taboos and legal safeguards around adult-child relations. This is definitely more of a thing in the UK nowadays.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
December 11, 2022 at 11:57 pm
Just a silly bugger with too much time on his hands.
Ever met people personally who, just by looking at them, give you a negative vibe?
Works on the net too by the looks of it, takes a bit longer though.
Correct. You’re just the blowhard hotel employee who posts that he’s Labor Royalty and reckons a prince Andrew was a really good guy going after barely legal girls. In other words you’re a prince of the gutter.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Mark Knight #3.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Tina Norton.
None of that deserves a free pass.
What warming?
Forecast maxima for Goulburn NSW this week:
The ABC is just like Twitter.
No conservative host of a prominent program.
No climate scepticism allowed. Hostile to conservative views.
Pushes green agendum and is consistently an ALP cheer squad.
one of the stories by sparkles supposed to enhance her suffering victim status that just doesn’t. Her dad tried to make a buck getting some photos taken? It’s that her profession?
guardian still retrying the Canberra case
Herald Sun paywalled
Calls to stop City On A Hill church from using Phoenix Park community centre in Malvern East
Cash is king
ATO reveals it raided 35 properties suspected of using technology to evade paying tax
Well I was at lunch with some older women yesterday, comfortably well-off, well-travelled women in their late 60s and while both were away from the table their older husband (80)/partner (74)s confided that both were ‘climate change’ believers. we did not touch that subject but made sure to say the earth has seen 4.5 billion years of ‘climate change’
My local cafe, which I know used to pay staff off and on the books, because they handed out the cash envelopes less than subtly, have just added the dreaded efpos surcharge.
No complaints from me really, they’ve done it hard throughout covid.
I’ll just pay cash.
Higgins’ claim must be tested in open court
The Albanese Government cannot settle a compensation case involving Brittany Higgins behind closed doors.
Andrew Bolt
Justice demands the Albanese Government tests fully Brittany Higgins’ claim for nearly $3 million for a rape she has not proved.
Not just justice to taxpayers. How about justice to the man whose life is wrecked by an allegation he denies?
Higgins accused fellow Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann of raping her in Parliament House after a drunken night out.
That allegation will probably never be proved in the criminal courts after the first trial was aborted and the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions dropped the case, claiming the stress of a retrial could kill Higgins.
Yet Higgins was fit enough to immediately lodge this compensation claim against two Liberal ministers who employed her, and last week tweeted she was also prepared to be a witness “to defend the truth … in any potential civil cases brought by Mr Lehrmann” for compensation of his own.
I can understand why the criminal case, at least, became too stressful for Higgins. Claims she’d made to police about the alleged rape turned out in court to be false.
Some claims she made about the bullying and lack of support by the two Ministers, Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash, were denied.
Only then did Higgins become too fragile to continue.
That means the only court proceeding so far that Higgins can’t cope with is a criminal trial where the truth of what she claims must be established beyond reasonable doubt.
This compensation claim requires a lower standard of proof and can even be settled outside court by the Finance Department.
Indeed, the Government might find it politically convenient if Higgins is just handed the millions, without making her prove anything.
Labor has used her to smash the former Morrison Government as heartless and sexist, and the more she now gets for her alleged trauma, the worse the Liberals will seem.
What’s more, the Finance Department will probably argue it’s cheaper to pay Higgins than fight her in court.
But what price justice?
Every Australian must be presumed innocent until proven guilty, but if the Commonwealth simply hands Higgins millions, many will assume Lehrmann did rape her.
That is monstrously unfair, when Lehrmann has already been robbed of the chance of being found not guilty at his criminal trial.
The Finance Department cannot settle this highly politicised case behind closed doors.
It must test Higgins’ claim in open court, where Lehrmann, Reynolds and Cash get the chance to prove their innocence.
No more politics.
Let’s look for truth.
Straight up lie by Andrew Bolt.
Reynolds and Cash were notified months ago.
Is he trying to pretend that Higgins is running the claim from her place.
Gimme a fuckin’ break.
Lehrmann’s Legal team have made at least 15 Applications in various Courts for a Permanent Stay of Proceedings.
Including at least one on Mental Health grounds.
Now he claims he wanted the Trial to go ahead to clear his name?
Fuck off, and when you get there, keep going.