The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
Posted Monday 12th at 11.02pm
Hi all still lurking & a bit busy in in different time zone.
Silver podium…
Comment 2.5
The second-place-getter so good, we had to add an extra half.
It’s called a price rise. It’s increased by rising operational costs and decreased supply.
Ah, but there is a “war on climate change”, right?
And mmwar profiteering is mmbad, `mmkay?
But the only organisations that cannot profit would be public services and NGOs… oh, right.
So any profits that continue to be made in spite of climate regulations forcing costs up will be deemed “war profiteering” and therefore the company has to be regulated into quasi-nationalisation.
Is that basically the plan?
Let’s forget the shareholders when capping energy prices.
So any profits that continue to be made in spite of climate regulations forcing costs up will be deemed “war profiteering” and therefore the company has to be regulated into quasi-nationalisation.
Is that basically the plan?
We’re well down the fascism on ramp. Companies said nothing about government covidiocy and then heartily sacked anyone who dared not take the clot shot. Why wouldn’t they acquiesce to part or total government control or ownership?
Special Operations police have shot dead three people in a firefight following the “extraordinarily distressing” deaths of two police officers and a neighbour in the western Darling Downs.
“Special Operations police have shot dead three people in a firefight following the deaths of two police officers and a neighbour in the western Darling Downs.”
“Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers confirmed Monday night that all offenders were dead.”
Courier Mail has an article about in depth interview with CHO John Gerrard. He is fully supportive of all Covid policies and has no regrets.
He is lucky he managed to avoid giving evidence in any court case as he would have been taken apart. How come Qld police only dropped their mandate yesterday when SA dropped theirs in March. Or how come a pregnant, through IVF, nurse in his former hospital could not get an exemption whereas pregnant cops did. Or how come different Government Departments had different Covid policies.
Surely the rules should have been the same for all Government employees?
The CHO’s are lucky the media has basically worked as propaganda arm of the Government for Covid policies. In most cases the editors and the journalists failed their readers and this does not give me confidence regarding future Covid vaccines which they are unlikely to question.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
David Rowe.
Morten Morland.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Bob Gorrell.
Ben Garrison.
A man hasn’t been feeling well, so he goes to his doctor for a complete checkup. Afterward the doctor comes out with the results. “I’m afraid I have some very bad news” the doctor says. “You’re dying, and you don’t have much time left”. “Oh, that’s terrible!” says the man. “How long have I got?” “Ten” the doctor says sadly. “Ten?” the man asks. “Ten what? Months? Weeks? What?” “Nine…”
A man walked into the doctor’s office. He had a carrot in one ear, a stalk of celery in his other ear and a grape in each nostril. He asks the doctor “Doctor, what’s wrong with me?” The doctor looks at the guy and says “Well, you’re not eating properly”.
You never realise how anti-social you are until there’s a pandemic and your life really doesn’t change that much.
BTW, that last joke relates to MontyPox Virus and Head Case very well IMHO.
Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
– Jimi Hendrix
Margolis is superb.
What a freakshow.
Terrible thing in Qld, whilst I’m disgusted with the politicisation of police and the brutality during wuflu, what the crooks did yesterday is unforgivable. I’m a bit sickened by some here who seem to approve, there’s no place for that.
That said, Labor, Libs and the rest of the anti gun mob will jump on this and use it to do an Ardern and further reduce or remove the right to gun ownership. A new federal Labor Gov and a gun crisis (they will call it that). Sounds a bit like Howard after Port Arthur, how long till Albanese pops up in public in body armour and declares new gun laws?
Hope it’s true.
US scientists have reportedly carried out the first nuclear fusion experiment to achieve a net energy gain, a major breakthrough in a field that has been pursuing such a result since the 1950s, and a potential milestone in the search for a climate-friendly, renewable energy source to replace fossil fuels.
It’s disgusting sfw.
There’s been a bit of that here of late.
they were murdered
New Zealand Herald with a more detailed story
prince ninny keeps talking about his wife’s nothingburger
From the charmless and delusional ‘renew’ site.
Policy makers and ministers have a similar problem. Just how far will the fossil fuel industry try to make them bend over the barrel before they are satisfied they are going to get their “just rewards” for their graceless and undignified exit from electricity grids and the transport fuels markets.
JC, true. In fact I’m not “a bit sickened” I actually feel sick in my stomach by what some have posted.
On the Qld police murdered yesterday.
No one deserves to die that way.
No one.
Keep going.
1. Dark matter has been effectively falsified.
2. String theory is known to be practically unfalsifiable and has no empirical evidence to support it.
(1. and 2. mean less research money will be wasted in the future.)
3. The Alcubierre metric (derived from GR) shows effective FTL is possible.
4. White has tweaked conditions and significantly less energy is needed than previously thought.
5. McCulloch has an explanation for how an EM drive could work for LTL travel.
6. We already have small scale sonic “tractor beams” and levitation.
7. 6. but for EM radiation is being researched.
8. We have excellent high resolution maps of nearby solar systems and previously unseen exoplanets.
9. Small scale, very low mass teleportation has been done in the lab.
10. Many exoplanets further out have been found with earth like conditions.
11. Lower temperature, safer nuclear fusion is being seriously researched (see Indian research or Widom and Larsen).
12. The theory of Einstein Rosen bridges is well understood.
13. NASA has observed particle teleportation in naturally occurring convergences of magnetic field flux from our own sun to earth.
We are living in very exciting times.
Your grandchildren may make it on the A-Ark!
It is funny seeing Brennan praising Fauci.
1. Torturing dogs.
2. He had a failure with AIDS.
“National hero, all class, remembered forever, he IS science!”
Yes. But will it have WiFi?
sfw, I don’t believe “in vino veritas”. People get a skinfull and say things that are completely out of character.
Calli, alcohol like wealth doesn’t change character it reveals character.
Of course. Romney’s own son was involved.
RINO Mitt Romney Calls For Investigations Into Hunter Biden to END – But There’s Much More to This Story
Authorities ignore published science proving Covid injections are Dangerous and “long Covid” doesn’t exist
Catturd ™
The anti-science COVID cult are circling the wagons desperately trying to protect their lord and savior – Evil Dr. Fraud
Former Virginia Tech women’s soccer player CAN sue school after coach ‘bullied and benched her’ for refusing to take the knee and criticizing BLM, judge rules
Thomas Cullen, a federal judge, ruled that Kiersten Hening may move forward with her First Amendment suit against Coach Charles ‘Chugger’ Adair for allegedly violating her First Amendment rights.
daily mail
John Rich??
If your house was on fire, and you were sound asleep, wouldn’t you want someone to wake you up? That’s what @elonmusk is doing.
“Terrible thing in Qld, whilst I’m disgusted with the politicisation of police and the brutality during wuflu, what the crooks did yesterday is unforgivable. I’m a bit sickened by some here who seem to approve, there’s no place for that.”
Replying to
@robbystarbuck and @StationCDRKelly
Many battles remain, but, yes, the tide is starting to turn on the mortal threat to civilization that is the woke mind virus
That’s a very dark rendering of The Censusyou have there, Dover.
This is a brighter, high res one.
A couple of things. Brueghel’s paintings are often like a “Where’s Wally?”, so much is going on in them. The central figure of the story is hidden deep in the folds of a cloak and not a single creature sees – not even the chooks. And even though it’s a typical European village scene with its stepped gables and distant church, there isn’t a cross. Except on a tiny building to the rear – the inn’s stable.
Biden official hid info about meetings with George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi from public
Buckle up: Bill Gates and the globalists quietly conducted a new exercise — ‘Catastrophic Contagion’
What happened in QLD was a tragedy and my thoughts are with the families of the policemen and policewomen.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Mitt Romney reassured supporters today that he would be remaining a faithful member of the Democratic Party.
“The Democratic Party can continue to count on me through thick and thin,” said Mr. Romney in a statement. “While Senator Sinema and I have both occasionally voted with Congressional Republicans, I want voters to rest assured that I will never go turncoat like her. I’m staying put.”
December 12, 2022 at 11:12 pm
Brilliant. These morons are that shit scared of dying from ‘climate change’ they now want to starve everyone to death into saving the planet.
The people actually running things are well aware that climate change is a fake. This is what you could call engineered famine.
Don’t leftards still babble on occasionally about ther eeeeevvviillll Poms “engineering” the 1943 Bengal famine? Yet here they are, engineering a bigger famine of their own.
“Yet here they are, engineering a bigger famine of their own.”
Nobody engineers a famine like the left.
Further to my claim last night that we are winning, I see it on so many fronts:
The exposure of Twitter gate/Elon/big pharmacy/Fauci/election interference
People who have not conceded
Trump, Bolsonaro, Lake, Finchem etc
Exposure of Hunters laptop, FBI, pizzagate
We are winning.
The forces of the big awakening are ascendant over the great big reset by a significant margin.
Russia, bio labs, the effective removal of the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world, the list is almost endless.
Have a great day everyone.
Steve Ticklers comments on the last blog were entirely unacceptable.
I blame a politicised police command for the bad behaviour during covid.
The poor buggers in Queensland didn’t in any way deserve their fate.
Questions you can’t ask at Latrobe Uni:
A university student has revealed how she was banned from class and subject to a ‘humiliating tirade’ from her lecturer, after she questioned the narrative presented in her ‘Politics of Indigenous Australia’ class.
Rae Rancie, a grandmother who is enrolled at Melbourne’s La Trobe University, spoke to Sky News Australia’s Andrew Bolt about the questions that got her kicked out of class and asked to take a reeducation course, as well as the Merry Christmas email that has led to ‘another disciplinary process.’
I have been banned from classes, I had to listen online to a recording, and I was shocked,” Ms Rancie said.
“To be the subject of a nine-minute humiliating tirade from the lecturer calling me ‘a difficult student’, ‘that person’, I was ‘making her go crazy,’ I was ‘a real life example of racism and disrespectful behaviour,’how she encourages speech in her workshops, but not my type of speech”
Ms Rancie’s crime had been to disagree with claims made by her lecturer, such as “Australia is a s***hole country”, that “what people think they are the most superior race on the planet,” and that “all of us of course baulked at the thought of Peter Dutton as prime minister.”
Ms Rancie also suggested that parents failing to look after their children might be a cause of the high number of aboriginal children in detention. And when discussing the stolen generation, she said “I don’t think they are stolen anymore. They get taken away from harmful situations… it’s the government’s responsibility to do it.”
Gez, the rot starts at the head. Same for any organisation. Naturally, there will be lickspittles and latent psychos embedded in an organisation as big as a police force who will only too happily go along with and further their bosses’ aims and objectives.
Not all of them though. Not by a long chalk.
Johnny Rottensays:
December 13, 2022 at 4:33 am
Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
– Jimi Hendrix
Love’s Philosophy
Percy Bysshe Shelley – 1792-1822
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea—
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
This Tweet sums up the 2 Sides of America today – “Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays”
“Steve Ticklers comments on the last blog were entirely unacceptable.”
Agree 100%.
Postcard perfect picture.
Perhaps with a touch of ye olde adobe.
In other news, it’s Saint Lucy’s Day today. A beautiful celebration in Sweden, where the little child of the family wears the candle-lit crown.
I’ll be there next year to celebrate it, and oddly enough, will have visited Syracuse a few weeks earlier, where Lucia was martyred during the reign of Diocletian.
I tend to agree, but for completely different reasons.
Bari Weiss
4:06 AM · Dec 13, 2022
well – there’s the other aim, which is to deflect blame.
Who’s been severely curtailing gas exploration and extraction the last ten years? – oh that’s right, the grubbinment.
any details on the ambushers?
If this is for real, it incredible. Wish it was done Texas or Florida instead of California.
Posted above.
They’re dead.
And, apart from the cost of an investigation, are no longer a drain on the community or the oxygen supply.
Unlike that thing lurking in Risdon prison, they can be dumped and forgotten.
cue calls for more aggressive “gun control” in 4…3..2…
Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden
In the first year of the pandemic, old people died. Yet it’s suddenly shifted to
working folks and, in particular, those working at Fortune 500 companies. Just
look at the disability data: Have we poisoned the most able-bodied among us?
Data Reveals Crimes Against Humanity
In his new book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and
2022,” former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd details data showing the
COVID shots are a crime against humanity
Insurance industry research in 2016 concluded that group life policyholders die at
one-third the rate of the general U.S. population, so they’re the healthiest among
us. Group life policyholders are those employed with Fortune 500 companies,
who tend to be younger and well-educated
In 2020, the general U.S. population had higher excess mortality than group life
holders, but in 2021, that flipped. Ages 25 through 64 of the group life
policyholders suddenly experienced 40% excess mortality, compared to 32% in
the general population. In short, a far healthier subset of the population suddenly
died at a higher rate than the general population
American disability statistics are equally revealing. In the five years before COVID,
the monthly disability rate was between 29 million and 30 million. After the
COVID jabs, the disability trend changed dramatically. As of September 2022,
there were 33.2 million disabled Americans — an extra 3.2 million to 4.2 million
— a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021
Since May 2021, the overall U.S. population has experienced an 11% increase in
disabilities, while the employed — which is about 98 million out of a total
population of about 320 million — experienced 26% increased rate of disability.
So, something was introduced into the workforce that caused working age people
to die.
And guess what that was? The Clot Shots of course………………………….
Farmer Gez says:
December 13, 2022 at 8:00 am
Spot on FG.
He has far too much time on his hands, and I suspect that there are other problems as well.
@ Cassie:
“Nobody engineers a famine like the left.”
Just ask a kulak, if you can find one.
Then, there was that famous Chinese swimmer; the all-time record holder.
JC, I’d love to see fusion work, unfortunately it’s always been ‘just a few years away’ for all my life. When they can use the process for hours, then days at a time then I’ll get excited.
Oh, and while we’re talking about the tragedy in Queensland yesterday, don’t forget the poor neighbour who went to investigate, only to be murdered as well.
The police wake up every morning and go to work, and in the back of their minds there is always the thought that they might not finish the day in one piece. Strapping on a firearm and all the other tools of the trade has that effect.
The neighbour was just being a neighbour.
I can understand the shock that two police officers were executed but the neighbour who was shot is just as dead and is being treated as an aside by the media and officials. He didn’t expect to be killed either.
On the same page as me Calli.
He was shot in the back.
Let’s see if this is correctTHE Caller can reveal one of the gunmen behind the terrifying fatal shooting of two police officers on Queensland’s Western Downs late yesterday was a man wanted by New South Wales police who’d last week been reported missing from his home at Dubbo.
The police were calling on the brother of a missing man from Dubbo.
The brother had only just moved to the area.
Radio news headlines have once again highlighted the dead police and ignored the death of the local man.
The media are despicable.
What must his family feel?
“sudden death from unknown cause”
quite a jump in the german data
This will be decried as two more deaths in custody of aboriginals.
I have a fairly good idea. Relief that the media aren’t concentrating on him and are bending their despicable gaze towards the more newsworthy victims.
I know a young policeman working at Chinchilla.
A very decent young man.
Thankfully he wasn’t the one shot. It seems funny to say that but that was my immediate reaction onc eI confirmed it. I’ve offered prayers for the parents of the officers who were.
We might surmise then that our mini-Rambos were all family members?
Twitter is atwitter with theories about conspiracy theorists, even stuff about CSG.
Might not be working out for them.
Tricky details for the media to juggle in that report Rosie.
After several months of design by Australia’s best, brightest, and most thoughtful bureaucrats and lawyers, the
Bowen Save My Sorry ArseEnergy Price Relief Plan consists of:• A contradictory media statement from Albanese – promising to safeguard LNG contracts while simultaneously invoking the AGDSM gas reservation mechanism;
• One Size Fits All price caps on new gas/coal contracts;
• $1.5 billion to be handed to the states to be distributed by some, as yet unknown process, to electricity consumers;
• A vague promise of compensation to coal producers;
• A vague threat to impose a regulated return on gas exploration and production;
• Secret legislation to ‘give teeth’ to the the ACCC – and allow direct market intervention by one of the Nation’s crappest and least accountable agencies.
• Industry consultation (producers and consumers): Nil. (That was done in 2018, apparently.)
• Formal industry advice: Nil.
• Energy consumers’ buy in: Nil.
In good hands.
Looking very thoughtful.
latest at the mail, not much
Mr Train in Walgett 2020
vaccine mandates?
Gee, again? “You can charge your EVs overnight using electrickery generated by your solar panels.”
The man is a moron. But then, everyone in his stinking goat rodeo shambles of a so called government is.
CL and Cassie – was wondering if anyone on Sky was going to mention Smith’s behaviour, or if it would be forgettery time. I’ll have to try and find Rita’s commentary.
A 14-YEAR-OLD boy who used a Sikh knife to stab another teen in a schoolyard fight, leaving his victim with life-threatening injuries, has avoided jail because a court ruled he was carrying the knife for religious reasons.
A NSW District Court judge sentenced the teen to a three-year community correction order on Monday saying she didn’t consider it to be premeditated because he was in possession of the knife as part of his faith.
The offender, who is now 16, pleaded guilty to recklessly causing grievous bodily harm after he used a Sikh knife, known as a kirpan, to stab another student twice in the chest and back during a fight at Glenwood High School last year.
The 16-year-old victim spent 12 days in hospital being treated for a punctured kidney, intestine and liver. He bears a scar down the front of his chest where 33 staples were inserted after doctors urgently opened up his chest to stem the bleeding.
His distraught mother screamed out in court “that’s so unfair” when Judge Sophia Beckett told the offender he would not face any jail time.
Outside court, the victim’s mother said the judge’s leniency flies in the face of all the work by NSW Police to stamp out knife crime.
“A knife is a knife, whether it’s a religious one or not, it’s a blade and it almost killed my son,” the mother said.
The victim’s father said the punishment provided no deterrent for other teenagers and sends the wrong message to the community.
“In other states you aren’t allowed to carry one of these knives (a kirpan) to school, but here you can…and it’s just so wrong you can stab someone and pretty much get a slap on the wrist,” he said.
Following the schoolyard stabbing on May 6, the NSW Government introduced a snap ban on religious knives in schools.
But the decision was overturned less than four months later when the Sikh community appealed it.
As part of their faith, Sikhs must carry a sharpened dagger known as a kirpan. The religion tells adherents they must also wear a turban and a metal bracelet, not cut their hair and carry a small wooden comb with them at all times to signify their commitment.
The court heard the fight between the two boys, who were in different grades and didn’t previously know each other, started when the offender was staring down the victim, and the victim went to ask why.
A brief punch on happened between the pair before the offender pulled out a 10cm knife from beneath his clothing.
“He chased the victim yelling “I’m going to kill you”…then stood over him and stabbed him twice before running away,” Judge Beckett said in her sentencing remarks.
In his victim impact statement read out in court, the now 17-year-old boy – who sleeps with a baseball bat beside his bed out of fear – said the attack caused him to lose 11kg in two weeks and left him feeling unmotivated and struggling at school.
“I suffer sleep paralysis and nightmares since this happened…I have managed to regain some control over my mental wellbeing, but still to this day have a level of anxiety and hypervigilance in stressful situations,” the victim said.
“School was an anxious place for me, being around all the kids and being near the place where it happened, made me feel like I was always on fight or flight mode,” he said.
Judge Beckett said the offender had been the victim of bullying for many years before the attack, although not by the victim, and she found he suffered from a depressive mental illness.
“The use of knives in schools is abhorrent….but this young person had it (the kirpan) in his possession as part of the five practices of his faith,” she said.
The teen was sentenced to a three-year community correction order and must abide by a night curfew for the next six-months where he can only leave home after 5pm in the company of his parents.
He covered his face with a bag as he left court with his parents and brother.
Any ideas on how Labors ridiculous caps on and payments re the coal and gas industry will play out on share prices? Just curious, I was lucky enough to buy some Whitehaven a while ago when they were at their bottom. Wish I’d sold everything and put the lot on buying more.
Someone should tell the Commish a hair tint that throws off
mal-de-mar green highlights lacks gravitas.
Word of the day – Iatrogenesis
That loud whirring noise you hear is the Train story being workshopped for a PC angle.
Like looking for a needle in a house sized haystack guys.
December 13, 2022 at 9:23 am
CL and Cassie – was wondering if anyone on Sky was going to mention Smith’s behaviour, or if it would be forgettery time. I’ll have to try and find Rita’s commentary.”
I didn’t watch it but apparently Andrew Bolt also had a piece on his programme last night….the Telegraph are reporting it.
Chris Smith snubbed by Sky colleague on-air amid lewd behaviour probe
Suspended Sky News and 2GB host Chris Smith has received a brutally honest assessment from a colleague on-air, after Smith publicly apologised to female colleagues left in tears by his behaviour after a work Christmas party.
Sky News host Andrew Bolt has spoken out about his colleague Chris Smith’s alleged behaviour at a recent Christmas party.
Suspended TV and radio personality Chris Smith has checked himself into a mental health facility and apologised to the female colleagues left in tears by his behaviour.
It comes as Sky News colleague Andrew Bolt said on-air on Monday night that Smith should focus on his recovery elsewhere, away from the TV network.
Smith, 60, was suspended from his Sky News Australia show and from Nine’s 2GB where he was due to fill in on the breakfast show after allegedly behaving inappropriately towards colleagues after a Christmas party on Saturday.
In segment on Monday, Bolt briefly addressed the incident.
“Chris, all the very best to you getting over what you say is your addiction and your bipolar condition, but your recovery must take place somewhere else … you chose to drink or did then and allegedly upset young women who work here,” Bolt said.
“We’re all good people here at Sky, we have a culture of looking after each other.
“I say to Chris good luck but goodbye.”
Bolt also hit back at some of media coverage around aftermath of the Sky News Christmas party when the alleged behaviour occurred saying, “the photos were of workers here smiling and posing with friends, and that’s because the team here is the most collegiate and kind that I have ever worked with in 45 years in this business, and they do not deserve to have what Chris (allegedly) did somehow sully the reputation of us all”.
It comes after Smith broke his silence on Monday following the news of his suspension.
“I am beyond gutted and devastated to know I have upset my colleagues after our Christmas party,” Smith told The Daily Telegraph.
“I apologise profusely to the women I upset. That’s not the man I am at work, ever, as they will all attest. They have been so supportive to me and do not deserve such drunken treatment.”
Smith had been with colleagues at the Sky Christmas party at The Ivy Sunroom on Saturday afternoon and kicked on with them afterwards at The Establishment.
Multiple eyewitnesses allege he made a series of lewd comments to female colleagues before inappropriately touching more than one woman, leaving one in tears and forcing another to strike him.
Smith has no recollection of the events and blamed the lapse on bipolar disorder and alcohol addiction – the same explanation he gave for allegedly harassing four female colleagues at the 2GB Christmas party in 2009.
“I have a recurring problem with alcohol … it sends me manic,” Smith said today. “I am in a facility receiving professional help to deal conclusively with my abuse of alcohol and solve this once and for all, without qualification … it can and will be done.”
Sky immediately suspended Smith after the incident on Saturday and has had to scramble to change publicity material for next year’s line-up, where he was due to have his own 5pm show.
“I am also terribly upset about humiliating myself with people I respect and admire. I have been blessed to call them close colleagues,” Smith said.
When news of his immediate suspension from Sky and then 2GB came through, his wife – celebrity nutritionist Susie Burrell – is understood to have moved out of the family home with their twin boys. She did not respond to requests for comment.
“I pride myself on my professionalism and work ethic but I have dropped the ball and embarrassed many people including those I love most – my family. I am very sorry,” Smith said.
Smith was due to stand-in for Ben Fordham on the 2GB breakfast slot on Monday morning but his suspension meant John Stanley was hastily brought in to cover. Stanley began the program by saying: “Until the end of this year I imagine I’ll be doing the breakfast show here.”
In 2009 Smith said he was drunk on champagne and red wine and “loaded on the wrong antidepressants” when he was accused of harassing four female colleagues at the 2GB staff Christmas party.
He was suspended and his then wife, Ali, left him with their two children. History now appears to have repeated itself just as Smith had rehabilitated his reputation and bought a new home in Sydney’s north based on the promise of his new shows.
He was also accused by former colleagues of fondling the breasts of a newspaper reporter at a boozy corporate event and exposing himself to staff at a farewell party while at Nine’s A Current Affair.
Friends who have spoken to Smith since the incident question whether he can stage another comeback.
“Chris is at rock bottom. I’ve never seen him this fragile,” one friend said. “He’s desperate to apologise to the people involved.”
“He’s just bought a house and is supporting four kids,” the friend said. “Suddenly he’s heading into Christmas with the prospect of losing both his jobs.
The ‘loud whirring’ will be a bombardment
Last nite we booked five days in Finland’s Lappland to relieve the dullness of a British winter in January.
Dog sleds, Sami history, reindeer sleigh rides, polar bear viewings and a night in a glass igloo watching the northern lights, weather permitting. Oh, and a visit to Santa’s village – totally naff but we are telling our tiny grandies that Grandma and Grandpa are visiting Santa to get him to start on next year’s presents, and we will send them photos of us right there at the ‘north pole’ with him.
After that we may visit Hairy’s old Cambridge mates in Copenhagen and then in Bristol.
Visiting Santa and old friends seems the best way to make good use of our ‘recovery’ time from the sudden flight to the UK for his stepmother’s funeral. Seeing the DMZ in Korea a good use of a flight respite on the way home.
It’s all called making hay while the sun shines.
Well, well… seems the government put funding in its budget for activist groups to take gas companies to court to stop new developments.
They’re of “aboriginal descent”, this is already on its way to the forgetery
Redneck racist angle is off the table for the media.
So sad about Chris Smith, but he does seem to have not learned to avoid Christmas parties, nor to moderate his drinking.
And now his second wife has taken their two children and departed, as did his first, and over the same public humiliation. I think it a shame that neither of them has found the heart to stand by him, but that is a judgement from afar. Perhaps they both put up with a lot of drunken behaviour at home and in each case this was the last straw. They will both need now to rework their finances.
It was quite clear last nite on both Bolt and Panahi that they were putting out the management line that he could no longer be employed; perhaps they even both agreed strongly with it, for they were not backward in coming forward with it.
I hope that Sky can give Chris Smith a reasonable payout. He is going to need it.
how is that even legal????
Enough of the virtue signalling for cops ladies.
They’ve killed and ruined millions of people’s lives enforcing the decrees of criminal tyrants.
Personal responsibility means the good cops left in 2020
I’m not for shooting them as that would lower us to their standard but there are no tears from me either.
I always thought Chris Smith was something of a conservative’s jobsworth, but I found him watchable enough when he did some fill ins. Times in 2009 were kinder, in that he was forgiven then for his drunken lapses. Not so today and certainly not for a serial offender.
I hope that he can get an off-air rehabilitation job somewhere with a conservative think tank etc.
The left look after their own, and so should we.
Cold-blooded murder is never acceptable, Struth.
He is 60 and has worked at a very high-paying job for decades. He’ll be right, unless he was a fool with his money.
The gunned down police were both under thirty. In the prime of their lives.
I’ll offer tears for the tragic loss of life to anyone in that horrific situation, police or otherwise.
Chris Smith has four young children and has just brought an expensive north shore house.
He’s going to need to keep working or his family will be in sell-up land and penury.
There was never, ever going to be a murder trial for those fuckwits.
Anyone can hide in scrub and pull a trigger. It’s the equivalent of a king-hit. It doesn’t take guts, and neither does standing over dying people and pulling a trigger as one would a cat on the side of the road – which also says something about the shooters’ initial accuracy.
Compounding their stupidity, they then evidently confused the ability to do that with the ability to take on piles of more heavily-armed cops who were inevitably coming for them, and who knew (roughly) what they were going into.
One of the crooks was evidently the subject of a missing person report. He was a teacher who went missing from NSW two months ago, and was supposed to be living with rellos in QLD. One of the said rellos was said to be strongly anti-jack, which explains why four coppers turned up.
Dying on a dirt track on Queensland’s one thing. Doing it to tick the box on a missing person report is quite the other.
Looks like the WSJ is about to die.
Wall Street Journal Names Emma Tucker Its First Female Editor-in-Chief (12 Dec)
Her CV is pretty good, but I’ve been looking through her twitter account. Not promising. Definitely wet and gooey looking. Just the sort of person the younger Murdochs and Paul Ryan might’ve sought.
You just knew the resident bandwagon-jumper would pop up.
Translated: They’ve given me a priceless opportunity to blame my own failings in life on something else.
Trickler-esque. Juvenile toy-throwing from some who’s never had skin in the game.
“Cold-blooded murder is never acceptable”
Quite so Lizzie, never ever acceptable.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
December 13, 2022 at 10:11 am
If you know your problem with addiction, don’t go where your addiction can get you into trouble.
At 60, you should have worked it out.
I feel sorry for his family but not him.
Young women have no business being in any force, but hey neo-marxist DEI
Weasel words. The perpetrator used the “object of his faith” to attempt to murder another schoolboy.
It left his victim with serious injuries and an ongoing anxiety.
But Sikh.
I wonder what the rest of his “community” thinks about this. Have any leaders come out and condemned the little creep?
that ‘s not how alcohol addiction works
I will also submit, just before flying back to D-Town today, that this is markedly different from the four Vic cops who got mown down by the iced-up witch-seeing chicken truck man.
Deliberate killings of the type are relatively rare. The last ones I can think of were the Victorian shootings in 1998 and 1988 before that, although I think there was at least one similar to yesterday in NSW as well.
That said, it is an occupational hazard and any cop who runs the line ‘I didn’t go to work to be killed’ is – to some extent at least – kidding themselves.
Those sanctions are working a treat on…Europe and drivers of diesel vehicles the world over.
I’m entertained by an ad campaign on righty sites. While I never click through I let the ads show because it means money for the bloggers. This graphic of the ad is the best of the series so far:
Elon’s Musk
Worthy of the WIP!
Zipster says:
December 13, 2022 at 10:23 am
I wouldn’t know, take your word for it, but I gave him a benefit of doubt of being at least a half intelligent person.
Concerned families file missing person report, missing person and brother kill fresh faced young people sent to ascertain safety of said missing person.
What’s not to crow about?
Look at their photos. Look.
They were young people doing their jobs.
Go back to your hideous, psychotic blog and grump there.
“We are living in very exciting times. “
You missed molecular nano technology – “chip” tech is already around the 10nm feature size, once we get to being able to place individual atoms where we want, then Drexler’s dream of a “universal assembler” is within our grasp.
While potentially more dangerous than fission/fusion or even bio-weapons, this tech results in the “technological singularity” – where tech is so advanced, most people cannot even begin to imagine what is possible.
Things like:
the equivalent of the entire internet’s information content stored in a device smaller than current SD/TF flash cards;
complex structures made of a single synthetic diamond, and thus 5 time stronger and 10 times lighter, and with the same stiffness as, the same structure made from aluminium;
such structures coated with saphire (crystaline aluiminium oxide, basically) the most heat resistant material known (think space ship re-entry heat shields);
“cellular surgery”, where each individual cell in your body can be “rebuilt” to the same state as when you were at your physical prime (“eternal youth” as it were);
a desktop “assembler”, that allows you to create any device at home (including complex machines) in hours;
“complete” re-cycling – nothing is ever “waste”, only input to be disassembled into its component molecules, ready for re-use.
And that is only the “passive” uses of that tech – machines (or people) could be “fitted” with the machinery used to create/repair, such that should you make some transportation device (car, plane, spaceship), as micro-fractures appear due to wear and tear, they are repaired and the structure even buttressed to prevent it happening again – continuously and in real-time; a “cloud” of “assemblers” (invisible to you) could surround you, instantly able to “harden” into a bullet-proof “shell”, move other items around you, recycle your body waste (exhaled breath and others) into air, food and water and on and on.
Many of these things certainly sound “impossible”, but Drexler and others have done the research, and while we lack a great deal of the knowledge required to actually make these things happen at this time, none of the above are actually physically impossible as far as we know – indeed, Drexler allowed for order-of-magnitude error margins for both size and speed, and still believed the arey “do-able”, at least in theory.
Of the course, the “flip side” of these (ie, weaponising this tech) could be very, very nasty and could easily and literally end all life on the planet (not just humans, everything!), so we need to exercise great care with it.
Hopefully, we are smart enough to be able to keep it under control, and while I have my doubts about that, these developments are, in the long run, inevitable as has been known since the 1950’s at least (see the lecture “There’s plenty of room at the bottom”, Feynman, Dec, 1959, which was the basis for Drexlers work and his book “Engines of Creation – the coming era of nanotechnology” – worth a read if you haven’t already)
Without wanting to sound churlish at all, bearing in mind that we are always being told about white privilege, male privilege, and so on, given that Sikhs are allowed to walk around with knives: Do I have any rights in Australia that a Sikh in Australia does not?
Looks like fear of the jab is more deadly than the actual injection.
Covid 19 vaccines and the misinterpretation of perceived side effects clarity on the safety of vaccines
In the era of Covid 19 and mass vaccination programs, the anti-vaccination movement across the world is currently at an all-time high. Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the alleged side effects that are perpetuated across social media from anti-vaccination groups. Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process. This brief review will offer data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine. A mini review of published literature has been conducted and found that mental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration. The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups. This paper does not aim to rule in or out every side effect seen, but it is highly likely that many apparent side effects seen shortly after a subject has received a vaccine could be the result of restricted or congested blood flow from blood vessel or arterial constriction caused by emotional distress or placebo based on fear around vaccines.
Why can’t the Sikh’s ensure that the ‘sharp knife’ is locked within its holder if it has been (in my view very wrongly) deemed acceptable for an Australian high school to allow Sikh children to carry knives?
Also, like the firm I work for, Sky management sent out a very specific email prior to the end of year function, a warning as to how to behave etc. I am very familiar with such emails, we get them before any firm function. They are very, very clear as to what kind of behaviour is NOT tolerated.
Chris Smith is 60 years old, he’s isn’t some 18 or 21 year old young lad off to his first company function. He’s just destroyed his career. Silly, silly man. I note he’s trying to deflect and blame it on “bipolar”. Rubbish, I know three people with bipolar disorders and they don’t go to functions and behave in such a manner.
The Sikh exception should be made illegal.
You want to live in Australia, bad luck.
It is up to our immigrants of differing religions to find ways of accommodating their customs to fit in with the Western norm. Muslim girls wearing special swimming costumes that allow them to compete in surf competitions, while a sad imposition on these young women, is at least a show by their religious elders of trying to make joining in Australian ways possible for their young women. Baby steps, but still a show of accommodation.
Knives for all high school children.
It’s only fair.
Well said Calli.
Oops, sorry, reported a comment accidentally.
I care not for Poor Widdle Chris Smith. When I’ve been drinking I get manic. No PWCS, you’re pissed. His second wife knew what he had done after the first one left. Oh, I’m so wonderful he won’t do it again. Being in the public eye doesn’t give you licence to do whatever you want. This applies to all of us. You’re being too kind Lizzie, doesn’t matter what he has or spent, his first responsibility is to his family. I hope he enjoys living in a bedsit in Macquarie Fields. Not likely to pick up another gig anywhere. That said I have fondled a young lady who was giving me the eye and continued to pursue me when the the guy she was with didn’t seem suitably interested. I was young and naive at the time, much younger than the Lying Slapper. The young lady cocerned did have a nice rack but that was before I realised it’s the character not the packaging that counts.
Public worship is a practice of the faith for Christians, but governments had no problems banning that.
The more intelligent the more jekyll and hyde and manipulative they become. Eventually they will destroy every relationship they are involved in. It takes a near death experience to bring them back to reality and often its only a matter of time before they revert.
a social media post from Gareth Train in September ‘Christian Morals’.
December 13, 2022 at 10:28 am”
Thank you.
Must go to Andrew O’Keefe’s GP. The mental elf strikes again. What these people do is real detriment to people with a genuine mental health issue trying to get on with their lives.
That was a post at Michael Smith news btw
Latho not impressed by Bolt’s condemnation of Chris Smith:
I am more interested in what they were armed with to take down 2 and wound a third, and send the other into hiding in the scrub. All 4 would be armed with glocks. The 4 were probably in the open, but it sounds like they were seriously outgunned.
Sending 4 for a missing person report sounds like they had checked the firearms register and criminal histories before leaving, and did expect potential trouble.
He has two younger children, the ones from his previous marriage would be teenaged or older.
I doubt he will be in penury… unless you count “not living on the North Shore” as penury, and I suspect you do.
From the UK
15 hours ago
11 hours ago
National Grid has stood down two coal plants that it had put on standby to generate electricity in case supplies were disrupted because of cold weather
What the media industry does do, as the Andrew O’Keefe case demonstrates, is they carry and cover up for people until the are either expendable or can no longer do their job. At 60, I expect Smith is the former. Maybe not if your name is Jones or Laws.
The Queensland police stopped mothers taking children to hospital that then died.
Thousands of atrocities were committed by them during the so called pandemic.
Any respectable person should be too embarrassed to be seen in their uniform.
They are armed thugs for criminal bosses.
Yes you grandstanding old trophy wife…murder is never ok but it was s shoot out between two criminal gangs so I shed no tears.
That says more about Mark Latham than Andrew Bolt. Not that I would defend either of them.
The Left does the tippy-toe with the Sikh community because they are dusky and ethnic, which is a plus, but are hostile towards Islam, which is a minus.
My grandad had a kukri*, which used to fascinate my brother and I whenever we went to visit them. I don’t know how he came by it, but I suspect it was a gift. As well as the knife itself it had two tiny knives in the same scabbard, maybe 5 cm in length. A very interesting and culturally rich piece. I don’t know if my mum still has it.
* Not the same thing as a kirpan, but likely has a historical linkage somewhere in the deepness of time.
Very good graphic. Breaks down the spending between military, government, and humanitarian.
I came within a whisker of buying the Beloved a sgian dubh, Bruce.
I can’t see him wearing it tucked into his golf socks. And thongs don’t have garters. 😀
McCulloch talks about “cosmic horizons” being used to harvest energy and basically be used as replicators, other boffins are working on light to matter conversion.
I should say…his formal thongs. As opposed to his garden ones.
It’s more than a mere custom for Sikhs; wearing it is an article of faith.
There’s the conundrum.
Iirc, the Sikh community in QLD agreed that an exemption to wearing the kirpan could apply to school students.
I hope I am not misunderstood here. This is not ‘rich crowing’ about travel (which should be no problem anyway on a blog where spending one’s own money is not a sin and many here also travel), but me expressing pleasure on a centre-right site that we can do so again, after having lost two of the few remaining best years of our older age to lockdowns; and before further climate cult travel crackdowns (or ill health) mean our travel savings stay unspent.
And welcome Christine. We need more kittehs on this site.
As the great Bill and Alfonso say – our job is to soften the testosterone a bit. 🙂
“JC, I’d love to see fusion work, unfortunately it’s always been ‘just a few years away’ for all my life. When they can use the process for hours, then days at a time then I’ll get excited.”
Bussard (while he lived) and his company EMCC, have been plugging away at IEC fusion for a decade or more, and they believe they have the science nailed – at the required scale, this should work, but undoubtedly there are engineering challenges left before it becomes commercially viable/usable.
Indeed, as much as four years ago they required only US$200M to build a “pilot” power plant of several hundred MW, after years of painstaking research funded by the US Navy. Alas, they never got the money, or we might be four years further along and looking for places to get lots of boron-11 at low cost (not that it’s rare or anything, but getting it cheap at scale would be key).
December 13, 2022 at 10:23 am
“The use of knives in schools is abhorrent….but this young person had it (the kirpan) in his possession as part of the five practices of his faith,” she said.
Weasel words. The perpetrator used the “object of his faith” to attempt to murder another schoolboy.
It left his victim with serious injuries and an ongoing anxiety.
But Sikh.
I wonder what the rest of his “community” thinks about this. Have any leaders come out and condemned the little creep?
I thought this issue was addressed awhile ago where to avoid this type of incident Sikhs could wear a small decorative dagger in its scabbard. Basically formed as a one-piece item where the knife consisted of the handle only and the scabbard were not able to be separated.
Obviously that wasn’t acceptable to their community or the government changed and rescinded a previous edict.
From the old thread….
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
December 12, 2022 at 10:35 pm
One day years ago I was in the queue at a bank & in front of me was someone with a vending machine business making a wheelbarrow-sized deposit in coin of every denomination.
Never used a wheelbarrow but I did use a hand truck simply because I couldn’t carry all the bags in one go – coins are deceptively heavy when you’re talking about large amounts.
December 13, 2022 at 7:03 am
US scientists have reportedly carried out the first nuclear fusion experiment to achieve a net energy gain, a major breakthrough in a field that has been pursuing such a result since the 1950s, and a potential milestone in the search for a climate-friendly, renewable energy source to replace fossil fuels.
We do live in exciting times Dot. And who do we have leading us: complete fucking idiots advocating a 16thC energy system, wind, and a failed system like solar.
At least one report I read over the last couple of days said Suzi Burrell left with the boys before the abhorrent party behaviour.
If that’s correct, it explains his resort to grog. Explains, not excuses.
Don’t forget cutting peat and wood. Where it’s not outlawed.
Hard to get excited about the nonsense at a Sky Christmas Party. Full of narcissists and poseurs and media go-getters, salted lightly with a few normal happy people.
Smith should forget the alcohol angle. Mental Illness is the New Black when it comes to groping thinly disguised as a social faux pas.
I give Rita a pass, though. On account of her sparkling, fun filled eyes that really mean it and her naughty laugh.
I wonder what the rest of his “community” thinks about this. Have any leaders come out and condemned the little creep?
Totally accidental! .. I meanz how can you stab someone twice in the back .. on purpose? ..
My grandad’s family is lowland Scot* going back to before that Bill the Norman guy. So no sgian dubhs and no tartan, sadly.
(* with an excursion to Jamaica and back in the 18th-19thC, as you do.)
lol. Glad to have been so, Struth, and still going strong.
I was a slimmer ‘in my sixties looking forty year old’ when that ‘trophy’ comment was made nearly fifteen years ago to the grapevine by a PR flack on meet and greet as I descended the aircraft steps to accompany Hairy across the tarmac to his new job. I wasn’t bad looking back in the day and they knew he’d been married before.
I think it was the hat wot did it.
Still got it. The hat, that is. 🙂
Sassenach, eh?
Had the works Christmas Party a few days ago, all the tradies present and accounted for. Not a single grope or blurt, no political urging, lots of laughter with a sprinkling of mild swearing and good humoured ribbing.
Beer and wine in abundance, all caught übers home.
Plenty of testosterone in evidence, as usual. Tempered with self-control. Shame their “betters” can’t be like them.
I now have this mental image of Scots in kilts wearing claymores in their socks.
(I saw some claymores in a museum in England once. I want one. 😀 )
1. Everything before a “but” is wiped out by the “but”.
2. Fuck off struth, and take your bitter twisted soul to hell.
So is wearing the Hijab full hair covering for Muslims, and no-flesh visible modesty; my point was that Muslims had a work-around on it for the surfing girls.
Seems like the work-around of knife stuck into scabbard wasn’t adhered to with this kid.
I’m not a big fan of booting a man when he’s down – especially with two nationally broadcast condem-natorials.
The young lady cocerned did have a nice rack but that was before I realised
it’s the character not the packaging that counts.Suspect you found out it was a bloke…
tick tick tick….
Where’s choo choo?
Old and alone KD of the hide out in Darwin club has nothing but personal abuse based on the fabrications of his vicplod mind.
Roger – Probably not. May even be original Scots, rather than those Pictish upstarts the Romans had so much trouble with.
The history seems much more indigenous than, say, viking. The Vikings were active in those areas but were the Norse ones. My mum and my step-father got their DNA done, it was interesting that the African heritage (via Jamaica) showed up in my mum’s DNA…but no Norse. Whereas my step-father had about 7% derived from the Vikings.
No, Lizzie, the hijab is not an article of faith for Muslims.
It’s an expression of modesty, the requirement for which which Muslim scholars apply differently.
Go away St Ruth
that ‘s not how alcohol addiction works
From someone who is now in their 42nd year alcohol free take it from me .. this alcohol “addiction’ is a rubbish excuse! .. if your full-blown alcoholic .. you ain’t working! .. period!
Your alcohol intake consumes you 24/7 .. you don’t hold down a job, raise a family or anything else .. you drink! ……
Far too much bandying about of the term “alcoholism” when the reality is these are folk that drink too much too often and can’t control their behaviour …
10 years a full blown “alcoholic” and I never had “behavioral” problems .. I was too busy drinking! ..
ya can’t get the mug punter to buy your booze if you annoy them … FFS!
I’m not a big fan of booting a man when he’s down – especially with two nationally broadcast condem-natorials.”
As always, you’re right C.L. I note the Daily Telegraph is continuing to put the boot in.
Apparently ethnic heritage can disappear entirely from DNA even though the historical connections are there.
I’ve got 12% Norwegian, which I had a fair inkling of before I did my test because of what I’d discovered in the family tree, although that relatively high figure did surprise me after all these generations, as it means I’m more “Norwegian” than English!), and 3% Dane.
It seems to be one in Iran, Roger.
I guess those girls might say ‘recollections may differ’, with regard to theologies.
I’m quite Norwegian, strongly ‘East Anglian’ (for which read Flemmish) and now Ancestry have improved my Scottish component! I think I get some Norse genes from my Welsh ancestry as well as a sprinkling of Danish from my maternal grandfather (his name is Danish).
Constant sampling causes some changes in their categories over time.
Re the incident in Queensland
I can guarantee you the consequence of this will be police being given more powers without oversight and another round of restrictions on weapons, even though it may very well be that this incident was not foreseeable just like so many other acts of random violence that get members of the public killed.
No one wants or really expects to be killed doing their job but it happens regularly. The meter inspector killed in Queensland last week isn’t going to get a parade.
Sorry, since COVID I don’t trust any cop I don’t personally know.
I’ve read that too Roger, it’s why DNA isn’t absolute for heritage especially as some types of heritage dominate.
Iirc sub Saharan African is dominant over all others, but Australian Aboriginal is trumped by most others, for example.
The Nipponese had a similar sort of thing.
A utility knife and pick.
Some kogai (pick) were split for use as chopsticks.
It’s a bit hard to plead Smith’s case when another editorial exec with roving hands copped it sweet.
By the age of around 27, I reckon, you should be able to get pissed as 40 men and still conduct yourself as a gentleman. Smith is 60. No reason he shouldn’t end up on the scrap heap beside the lefty Forbes.
Deputy sheriff news.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev takes aim at Australia in latest Kremlin threat about scale of Putin’s weaponry (13 Dec)
I remember when John Howard mentioned the deputy sheriff thing and the MSM went incandescent. I wonder whether they do the same with Albo?
December 13, 2022 at 9:51 am
Twitter is atwitter with theories about conspiracy theorists, even stuff about CSG.
Might not be working out for them.
They’re of “aboriginal descent”, this is already on its way to the forgetery
Unlikely. The new “narrative?|” will be troubled indigenes slaughtered by Queensland Police in scenes reminiscent of the brutal actions of the colonial era Native Police, further embedding inter-generational trauma.
Calls for tougher gun control will roll soon.
I fear the gun control mob in government will use this incident as an excuse to spy and track gun owners on social media for unclean thoughts as adjudged by paid expert operatives of the same government.
We’ve been talking about eating wombats, so this science report is fun.
True giant wombat gives Diprotodon podium a wobble (Phys.org, 12 Dec)
I know…
December 13, 2022 at 11:00 am
I should say…his formal thongs. As opposed to his garden ones.
Just to confirm, you are talking about footwear?
I remember the school stabbing case from when it happened. The NSW Guv did pass a law that forbade knives at school for any reason. Stabby’s local community appealed through the Courts and the law was overturned only four months later. Of course…
Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration. The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups.
What a ridiculous proposition!! I recall the very first victim of the vaccine in Australia (in this case AZ) died in her sleep from a brain clot. Now, this death was actually admitted as the product of her vaccination – well before the authorities closed now any further admissions of problems with the vaccines. Can’t see how this poor lady suffered from distress in her sleep.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
December 13, 2022 at 11:41 am
Sorry to butt in, but where is the Welsh bit you were talking about a while ago?
Not meaning to be nasty or anything, just curious.
Why does it take over week and still going for a parcel to get from Perth to the east coast, is auspost using camels???
Disagree CL, he got himself where he is by himself. Not being responsible for your own actions is bullshit, more so being a repeat offender. All the so called Elite and Wannabes seem to think responsibility is not within their mettle.