Open Thread – Weekend 17 Dec 2022

The Luncheon, Claude Monet, 1873

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December 18, 2022 7:05 pm

JC – you’ll live. I’m not expecting you to become a soccer fan any time soon.

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 7:10 pm

He planted it to 240k , which is the fastest I’ve ever been on a road. At 240, scenery begins to look different as it’s hard to take in.

The first really fast car I drove was a modified Falcon F6E Turbo. Damn thing was a missile in a straight line. I went a bit above 240 in it and I know what you mean – I got stronger and stronger tunnel vision as I blasted past 150 and the thing just kept accelerating. I backed off well before it started to show signs of running out of puff. Probably if you spend a fair bit of time driving that fast, you get used to it.

December 18, 2022 7:13 pm


Like most Fords, they are a comfortable ride on good roads at legal speeds. Built for pensioners and self funded retirees.

The rear end sat way too high for adrenaline fuelled motoring.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 18, 2022 7:17 pm

Just, so it’s clear, does the Aussie soccer comp have Aboriginal century and gay pride rounds? I didn’t think they do.

Insufficient cultural and market penetration for the average wokewit to have any interest in.

And the teams and culture are populated by too many ‘poor’* and no-nonsense effniks who will never permit such bourgeousie fripperies. to stand between them and their foot ball..

*Relative term. But in Australia, the average fans and playerbase alike aren’t rich enough to properly exploit.

It is the one thing that appears to save low-level club Rugby and League from the depredations of the m0ntys in [Insert football code HQ here] as well.

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 7:23 pm

Built for pensioners and self funded retirees.

And they made great taxis. Cop cars, not so much – too slow. From the BA onwards, I felt the standard Falcs should have been faster than they were on the road. On paper, they had significant power and torque advantages over the Commodore, but the Commodore always seemed faster and more responsive than the Falc.

December 18, 2022 7:33 pm

Even the NYPost reported on the soccer incident. Some of the comments are funny.

S Keith
16 hours ago

Well, Australia was started as an English penal colony. Genes have long memories.

Edward Letkiewicz
17 hours ago

How could anyone get so riled up over the most boring game ever invented?

Khezo Xinyuan
16 hours ago

Because it’a so boring. Pent up energy.

Occam’s Taser
15 hours ago

I remember that time some NFL fans rushed the field and beat up one of the players right on the field. Oh, wait … nope, that was soccer, too. Sorry.

17 hours ago
You sure this isn’t Chicago?

Khezo Xinyuan
16 hours ago

Nah, everyone in these pictures are white.

Dread Pirate Roberts
16 hours ago

Would enjoy this here during NFL. Sweating, Morbidly obese, red-faced, diabetic adults wearing kids football jerseys tripping-stumbling-falling out of the bleachers trying to get on the field for some dumb reason……….paramedics/EMT’s running back and forth doing CPR, hooking up AED’s. Same things I saw on a cruise ship.

17 hours ago
Hey! That’s not cricket!

Paul Allen
16 hours ago
Thought this was Philly

17 hours ago

I thought they only cared about Aussie rules.

Beula Ballbreaker
15 hours ago

The outback’s version of a BLM/ANTIFA mostly peaceful protest

Damian Marrero
12 hours ago
Australia also imported a lot of problems, namely Lebanese clans who came in during the 80s and subsequently brought their vendetta with them.
A couple of years ago some of these clans rioted on a cruise ship in the south Pacific.

thomas Conway
15 hours ago

New York could use them to get rid of pesky squatters.

Anthony Amoroso
17 hours ago

HEE-HAW!!! America comes to Australia.

millicent squirrel hole
13 hours ago

What a riotous ending to the World Cup final..who won?

Big Steve
14 hours ago

I tried soccer once but I kept tripping on my dress.

Larry 718
16 hours ago
There’s a reason it was a penal colony!

Heywood Jablomee
14 hours ago
Soccer is stupid. Most boring game ever. Worse then golf. 3 hrs for a 0-0 tie? Meh.
Now if you add this in to the game then I’m definitely interested! Now this looks entertaining!

Eddy Waters
15 hours ago

What a bunch of maroons. ?

James O’G
15 hours ago

Has nothing to do with the game, where the matches are being played, etc. Just an excuse to riot, cause mayhem and be a bunch of punks. Perfect training for when the radicals on the left call on them to riot for marxism.

Heywood Jablomee
14 hours ago
Soccer goalie has to be the easiest position in all of sports. What do you face? 3 shots a game haha Big deal. I could do that. And I’d do it for half the huge salary. . Now if you add this stuff that fans attack the goalie that makes it interesting! Haha

John from Boston
12 hours ago

It was a mostly peaceful rushing the field

Glenn Vance
13 hours ago
See……just the word “ soccer “ gets everybody torn up. Red cards for all !

Sippycup Magoo
15 hours ago

The Australians call America the most violent country in the world. They need to take a look in the mirror.

george kelly
16 hours ago

bunch of animals

Bill Clark
14 hours ago
Makes Celtic v Rangers look like a dance competition ?

16 hours ago

Good thing they didn’t throw a couple of players on the “barbie”.?

12 hours ago

I thought this soccer tournament thing was over?

December 18, 2022 7:33 pm

This Match reminds me of one of Les Bleus mightiest warriors – le Zizou.

Now, there’s a legend. He’l be the frogs next Manager.

December 18, 2022 7:37 pm

the teams and culture are populated by too many ‘poor’ and no-nonsense effniks who will never permit such bourgeoisie fripperies to stand between them and their football

Indeed, Rex. I am one of those no-nonsense effniks.

December 18, 2022 7:37 pm

Far better than anything we have in Australia.

Sydney and Melbourne are like a dog chunder in comparison. Melbourne could have been so much better. But no coherent expansion plan and a pathological fear of different terminal buildings lest Victorians get lost….

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 7:38 pm

The Voice referendum

Putting aside my opinions regarding this particular initiative, it is interesting how this is being marketed. The Yes side, despite going into the campaign with a substantial lead over the opposition, is clearly aware of how vulnerable its position could become if the No camp adopt the right strategy. There are plenty of perfectly rational reasons to be concerned about the Voice and what it could become that have nothing to do with racial animus, and tarring people who hold such concerns as bigots who hate Aboriginals is just going to piss them off. It would be a disaster for the Yes campaign if too many Australians adopted those views.

It’s also been quite entertaining watching the Yes people’s attempts to make Marcia Langton likeable. That is a freaking difficult job.

December 18, 2022 7:40 pm

He’ll be the frogs next Manager.

I hope so, Makka. Despite his mighty achievements at Real, there are still question marks above his managerial ability.

However, he’s a better manager than the Guardiola.

December 18, 2022 7:41 pm

as Terminal 1 remains a bit dog-eared

Yeah, to be expected. I was in Singas for the T1 opening. There were a lot of Singaporean babies conceived around that area before the Govt occupied all that land. The ground cover of tissues on a Sunday morning was called “Singapore snow”!

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 7:42 pm

Perth Airport is not a transit airport of any note and travellers use it because they have to, so there’s no incentive to make it any better than what it is. However, I can see why JC loves it so much – the place must absolutely gush cash.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
December 18, 2022 7:45 pm

It’s also been quite entertaining watching the Yes people’s attempts to make Marcia Langton likeable. That is a freaking difficult job.

She is a horrible person who is a grifter, race baiter and trougher in the mould of Geoff Clarke and the rest of the ATSIC sponges

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2022 7:45 pm

“The Yes side, despite going into the campaign with a substantial lead over the opposition, is clearly aware of how vulnerable its position could become if the No camp adopt the right strategy.”

I’m not sure about the “substantial lead”. I think ordinary Australians, who are living in ordinary suburbs and ordinary regions across this country, it’s a very definite “NO”.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 18, 2022 7:46 pm

Singapore International is the best terminal in the world.

Frankfurt is the worst.

(Then again, Hobart has a big sign on it saying it’s “International” and it doesn’t even have airbridges…)

December 18, 2022 7:47 pm

Sydney Airport, OCO. The chairman allowed the pension funds to steal it from the shareholders and now I have a big cap gains liability to pay in May. A tax bill on a stock I never wanted to sell and was basically stolen by funds. Gonesky is a truly evil turd.

December 18, 2022 7:48 pm

Why would Longton even want to be a ‘professor’? It’s a whitefella’s title.

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2022 7:49 pm

“Gonesky is a truly evil turd.”

A truly evil fraudulent turd.

December 18, 2022 7:49 pm

Really, da voice yes is polling better than the no?

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
December 18, 2022 7:50 pm

Singapore International is the best terminal in the world.

Frankfurt is the worst

Sydney domestic terminal is the worst airport on the planet, it makes Groote Eylandt and KL look salubrious

December 18, 2022 7:51 pm

Frankfurt is the worst.

Yeah, it’s bad. A 3km walk out to customs on my last trip (felt like). But some parts of Thiefrow are a close comparison. I take it you haven’t been to Domadedovo.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
December 18, 2022 7:52 pm

Gonesky is a truly evil turd.

He is a catfish

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 7:53 pm

I reckon Changi must work hard to stay on top, though. KL clearly hoped to lure away a chunk of Changi’s transit market, as did BKK. KLIA is decent and Suvarnabhumi was a beautiful airport when it opened (haven’t been there for some years so not sure if they’ve maintained it) – but neither are a patch on Changi, which seems to pretty much have the whole package.

As for our airports – the fact you have to pay for trolleys tells you all you need to know.

December 18, 2022 7:54 pm

Marcia is Marcia; she won’t win over many
but Linda is a different kettle of bitterness; she’s the danger

December 18, 2022 7:56 pm
Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 7:57 pm

Really, da voice yes is polling better than the no?

I reckon it always will. Even if No goes on to romp it in.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2022 7:58 pm

Marcia is Marcia; she won’t win over many
but Linda is a different kettle of bitterness; she’s the danger

Linda Burney is on record as stating that, once the Voice is enshrined in the Constitution “they won’t be able to get rid of it, the way they did ATSIC.”

December 18, 2022 8:02 pm

Let me guess. The perp is milky white, with blue eyes and recently arrived from Denmark.

A suspect assaulted a 63-year-old man in New York’s Central Park earlier this week in what appeared to be an antisemitic attack, police said.

A man in his mid-40s allegedly attacked the victim from behind as he was walking through the park on Wednesday. The victim fell, chipping his tooth and breaking his hand.

The suspect allegedly yelled antisemitic comments at the victim and said “Kanye 2024.” The suspect, who remains at large, fled the scene on a bicycle with an attached trailer with a sign that said “Hungry Disabled.”

December 18, 2022 8:03 pm
December 18, 2022 8:04 pm
December 18, 2022 8:05 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
December 18, 2022 8:13 pm

Running a Referendum during the Term is like having a Half Senate Election – The Government won’t be happy with the result.
Better to call an early Election before Labor get’s totally on the nose,
have the Referendum at the same time and then claim a Mandate to Legislate.
The advantage there is that some Divisions of the Liberal Party won’t hand out No Voice literature, while Labor & Green drones at every booth will be handing out for Yes Voice.
Whitlam went for the 1974 DD in May, so I’d say Albanese will have to call it by October 2023 or he’ll leave it too late.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2022 8:14 pm

Lotta carols in Aboriginal.

Friday’s Gardening Australia almost made me miss the old Communist from Tasmania. Yes, it was that bad.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 18, 2022 8:17 pm

The suspect allegedly yelled antisemitic comments at the victim and said “Kanye 2024.” The suspect, who remains at large, fled the scene on a bicycle with an attached trailer with a sign that said “Hungry Disabled.”
Uh huh?
This sounds like the Jussie Smollett hoax, where they put a noose around his neck while saying
This is Trump Country
They were wearing Hawaiian shirts as well.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
December 18, 2022 8:17 pm


etter to call an early Election before Labor get’s totally on the nose,

I think that ship has sailed

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 18, 2022 8:19 pm

The old Communist is dead?
Hooray … uh, I mean, that’s so sad.

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 18, 2022 8:20 pm

KLIA probably threw in the towel after MH370 and MH17 torpedoed the national carrier.

I still rate Air Asia as a budget airline, though. Not that that has a lot to do with airports – just thought I’d toss it in there. Hell of a lot better than Scoot, anyway. We were forced to go with Scoot because it was by far the cheapest way to get to where we wanted to go (Hanoi, and the flights were still ridiculously expensive). You could fly Singapore Airlines there, but the tickets were absurdly more costly than Scoot – and the Singapore-Hanoi leg was on a Scoot plane! I realise that Singapore Air owns Scoot, but that’s just taking the piss.

Speaking of Scoot, it is attempting to adopt the fake corporate informality that Virgin Air pioneered. For instance, it calls its cabin crew “Scootees”, and its planes “Scoot” rather than fly to their destinations. Please, just stop. It’s unspeakably lame. If Scoot wants customers to like them, they could try being a bit less shit by allowing people to bring their own food on flights and adding a couple of inches of leg room between rows. At present, anyone who isn’t a dwarf has to sit with their knees by their ears.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2022 8:24 pm

So we were confined to the airport for 18 hours.

So glad to read further on that you managed to grab some recliner chairs. They have them in quite a few hub airports now and if you have four or five hours tansit they are a boon. Any longer though and you really want a proper bed, in a hotel. You have my sympathies OCO doing it with three kids; but at least they keep you busy. Sorry to hear Singapore is still crazy about masks and vaxxing. We will be doing a stopover there first week in January to relieve the trip to the UK, and I really dislike that charade this late into resuming world trips.

If you are tired enough you can snatch a kip anywhere. I have slept on the polished floors of certain airports in a lifetime of travel, using my handbag as a pillow, or on a row of seats when I was slim enough to fit under the fixed armrests. You can’t sleep on the floor of a plane anymore but in the past I have done that too. Last short sleep I had in an airport was one of the worst. I told about it here – on the way to the Cook Islands via NZ a few months ago and transiting in a passageway with no seating or even vending machines for six early morning hours beside the ‘Welcome to New Zealand’ archway which was blaring the same piece of Maori drumming and chanting over and over for the whole time. I was stretched out on the floor like the hundred other passengers, drummed into a sort of oblivion.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 18, 2022 8:27 pm

The winner:

Sweating, Morbidly obese, red-faced, diabetic adults wearing kids football jerseys tripping-stumbling-falling out of the bleachers trying to get on the field for some dumb reason……….paramedics/EMT’s running back and forth doing CPR, hooking up AED’s. Same things I saw on a cruise ship.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2022 8:29 pm

E Type Jaguars

Mate’s father had one of the old V12s. Looked like you’d spend all your waking hours adjusting carbies. Had one of the early M3s and the first M5. Was doing alright but a bit of a prick. One of the few parents who threatened to shoot us as 20 year olds.

December 18, 2022 8:31 pm


The purpose of those who argue for cultural diversity is to impose ideological uniformity.

— Theodore Dalrymple

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2022 8:32 pm


However, not since they dragged that 13 year girl out and interrogated her without the parents or guardian at a footy match because they claim she called that dickweed an ape have I bothered with Aussie rules. That was it for me. They took the kid for 2 hours! Since then, I haven’t criticized your affliction.

Agree. Those involved should have been charged with kidnapping (they took her from her carer (Granny?), or child abuse. Instead that great flog made a future career as AOTY from an act of gross cruelty.

December 18, 2022 8:41 pm

Is it a conspiracy theory or a coincidence that the Brunson petition is due for consideration on Jan 6th of the supreme court’s docket?

December 18, 2022 8:42 pm


Old swampy. Was told by an expat pom who worked for the airports authority in Thailand once that it wasn’t the preferred site but from what he knew some well connected families made a killing.

Got an awesome pic just after rotation out window of a B747 in 2004 of the water around the place in the wet.

As for the airport, IMO sterile compared to Don Meung (DMK) and don’t land on budget airlines as the walk to customs is literally a km or more. DMK however by 2006 was well past it’s useby date.

Changi is my pick for a top airport. Stayed in the sterile area more than once for an 8hr sleep to avoid clearing customs. Good set up.

Bloody cold day today for Thai standards, 17deg low and only managed 25deg. Tomorrow apparently cooler.

December 18, 2022 8:43 pm

Friday’s Gardening Australia almost made me miss

Footage of a certain personage, going nooklear on various plants and/or common or garden variety vegetables.

As one does … 🙂

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 18, 2022 8:44 pm

Instead that great flog made a future career as AOTY from an act of gross cruelty.


Post- Mark Donaldson VC, I cannot think of a single Australian of the Year who has not been some Left-pushed activist of some kind who subsequently ran about exploiting their alleged victimhood in the name of The Cause.

Which is a shame, because they cheapen it for every inventor, medico, community contributor (paid and volunteer alike), emergency worker and more who thoroughly deserve the recognition they get.

They are National Treasures. The actual AOTY that gets announced on telly, not so much…

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2022 8:53 pm

Whoever prepared the pitch (if it could be dignified with such a term) should be gifted with some Hop Time

Probably get a Yellow Card from the ICC. Still preferable to some of the drop in roads over the years. The Saffies would still be trying to get the Australians out in Perth if it was the good old days. Crowd figures would be about the same only most would be WACA members who had fallen asleep or died.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2022 9:02 pm

Sydney Airport also provided a good return for Macquarie and Max the Axe. Unsurprisingly.

December 18, 2022 9:03 pm

Tomorrow will never know, Cats …

December 18, 2022 9:03 pm

F*ck yeah! 🙂

December 18, 2022 9:05 pm


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 18, 2022 9:12 pm


Mark Donaldson was named Young Australian of the Year in 2010. However, the point remains valid. In the last decade alone, we have had inflicted on us:

2012 – Geoffrey Rush*
2013 – Ita Buttrose*
2014 – Adam Goodes*
2015 – Rosie Batty*
2016 – LTGEN David Morrison (‘guys’)*
2017 – Alan McKay-Sim, a biomedical scientist
2018 – Michelle Simmons, Professor of Physics at UNSW
2019 – Craig Challen and Richard Harris (Thai cave rescue divers)
2020 – James Muecke, eye surgeon
2021 – Grace Tame*
2022 – Dylan Alcott*

*Denotes flog status.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
December 18, 2022 9:18 pm
December 18, 2022 9:19 pm

No crowd would throw stuff at NFL players since it would just bounce off.

We enjoyed the Miami/Bills game this afternoon, plenty of falling snow such that the crowd were making snowballs and throwing them on the field. An announcement was made requesting the fans to stop else the Bills would be awarded a 15 yard penalty. It was a good game, Bruce.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2022 9:19 pm

Mark Donaldson was named Young Australian of the Year in 2010. However, the point remains valid. In the last decade alone, we have had inflicted on us:

Brittany Higgins for Young Australian of the year, anyone?

December 18, 2022 9:28 pm

Sacre bleu, Cats …

I don’t get to see Miss Emily again until the first week in January! 🙁

When she’ll be going Full Grace Kelly on the South Coast drive.

It’s enough to make you have a …

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 18, 2022 9:32 pm

Ferenc Puskas was second fiddle to di Stefano but was outstanding according to those old soccer scribes. Scored 3 for Real Madrid against Eintracht Frankfurt whilst di Stefano scored 4 in a European Cup final.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 18, 2022 9:34 pm

Sorry, Puskas scored 4, di Stefano 3

December 18, 2022 9:36 pm

BB – you are a true roundball fan, Squire.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 18, 2022 9:46 pm

Looking forward to the final of Argentina v France Rabz, it’s the best of the best. Messi wins, he’s in the conversation as top 3 of all time.
France win, first team in 60 years to go back to back. And if Kylian Mbappe scores decisively, he will be a legend already at age 23

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2022 9:47 pm

“Brittany Higgins for Young Australian of the year, anyone?”


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2022 9:50 pm


Remind her to wear knickers to the presentation?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 18, 2022 9:55 pm

“Brittany Higgins for Young Australian of the year, anyone?”

Promise her a priority entry wristband to the buffet and she’ll be camping out the front the night before.

December 18, 2022 9:55 pm

Sacré bleu, Cats – I don’t care how gay this might be alleged to be, but the Guardiola is a handsome man, especially given his absence of any bonce hair.

Yeah, yeah and then they all donned White Levi’s Jackets and White leather adidas boxing boots and marched off into the Soviet Unionionion … 😕

December 18, 2022 10:06 pm

If Scoot wants customers to like them, they could try being a bit less shit by allowing people to bring their own food on flights and adding a couple of inches of leg room between rows. At present, anyone who isn’t a dwarf has to sit with their knees by their ears.

I flew Sing-Mel on Scoot, the seat pitch was killing me. Everything else was ok, the Indians brought a lot of their own snacks which no one seemed to take issue with.

December 18, 2022 10:09 pm

Bloody cold day today for Thai standards, 17deg low and only managed 25deg. Tomorrow apparently cooler.

My missus reckons that’s what it was like when she was a kid, they all used to wear jumpers this time of year to school.

December 18, 2022 10:19 pm

What if it’s not meant to be?

Lerve …

Hey, Miss Emily, I’d like to get to know you

I’d like to take you out …

We’d go to Wilhelm and Mary

and afterwards make out …

December 18, 2022 10:23 pm

LOL having a The Castle moment watching Thai boxing on TV. Mate & mrs understand the rest of her family not so much. Eric Banna did some good roles…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2022 10:23 pm

Lisa Wilkinson’s new role: as a social media ‘influencer’

By Nick Tabakoff
Associate Editor
10:02PM December 18, 2022

A month on from her shock departure from The Project, and with no immediate prospect of any new on-air role at Ten, Lisa Wilkinson has time on her hands. So it’s probably no surprise to many that she seems to be preparing the ground for a new career — as a social media influencer.

An Instagram post that the Walkley-nominated Wilkinson put up in the wee hours of Friday morning may not be winning any journalism awards. But it certainly ticked a lot of boxes in the potentially lucrative influencer stakes.

In a lengthy multi-screen post by Wilkinson to her 365,000 Instagram followers, which has since disappeared all together from her Instagram Stories section, she heavily promoted her stay at five-star Melbourne hotel, the Marriott Melbourne Docklands after flying down with her husband, Peter FitzSimons, for Billy Joel’s blockbuster one-off concert at the MCG nine days ago.
Read Next

In one part of her story, she generously posted a large photo of the Marriott’s infinity pool, together with the message: “Thanks for the lovely stay @marriottmelbournedocklands”.

On the very next screenshot, she promoted a meal and cocktails she imbibed at the hotel’s rooftop bar, Sunset House – this time generously including the Instagram handle for both the bar and the Marriott as a whole.

With arrows pointing to the couple’s differing beverage tastes on the night (together with an attractive-looking meal), Wilkinson wryly wrote: “His tea. My margarita.”

She also ran footage of Joel and Tina Arena’s Uptown Girl duet from their clearly prime seats at the MCG concert on the night. Again, Wilkinson’s influencing skills were on full display as she also promoted the official Instagram handles of both Joel (“@billyjoel”) and Arena (“@tinaarena”). For a journalist, Wilkinson has certainly built up a lucrative track record in promoting well-known brands over the years.

Just before she left Nine for The Project in 2017, she became the chief brand ambassador for Vitaco, owner of prominent vitamin brand Nutra-Life, reputedly on a two-year deal worth $500,000 a year, Diary has been told by well-placed network sources.

Additionally, Wilkinson has for several years been an ambassador for luxury European car brand Audi: an association that has been frequently promoted by the company in its brochures, magazines and events. Meanwhile, Wilkinson will have plenty of time to develop her influencing skills in coming months. The latest word is that she is unlikely to return to her day job at Ten until well into 2023.

What does a “social media influencer” actually do?

December 18, 2022 10:31 pm

I must say The English is shaping up as a pretty good series too.

December 18, 2022 10:35 pm

Rickw if you don’t mind what region she from? I’m in Sa Kheo, hard on Cambodia but further north I’d be in Buri Ram. Locals here say very cold year.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 18, 2022 10:45 pm

2016 – LTGEN David Morrison

Ah. Him.

The only good that man ever did the Army was reinstating berets as an item of general dress, after his predecessor Kenneth Gillespie arbitrarily banned them for everyone outside of SOCOMD.

Apocryphally because he, as an Engineer, turned up at an All-Corps conference once upon a time and was the only person in attendance wearing a Slouch Hat.

Some Armoured Corps old boys went into bat for the blackhats, and finally managed to pry an admission out of Defence through FOI requests that the proffered justification of a study that had linked a high incidence of skin cancers to wearing berets, did not exist.

And that was where David Morrison peaked.

December 18, 2022 10:46 pm

The whacky world of islam:

This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen…. Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets.

“Leicester to be first city where white people are minority,” announced The Independent in 2007. Some understood that it would not end well.

What happened? Leicester became Islamized fast. In 2001, the Muslim population was 11%. By 2017, it made up 20%. Among children, Islam is dominant.

For the first time since the 7th century AD, England is no longer majority Christian.

A British bishop, the brave Michael Nazir-Ali, was attacked for denouncing the existence of “no-go areas” in the UK.

No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the UK and Europe could resemble Pakistan.

December 18, 2022 10:49 pm

While a guitar gently weeps, Cats …

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 18, 2022 10:53 pm

For the first time since the 7th century AD, England is no longer majority Christian.

Well, it’s not as if they weren’t warned.

December 18, 2022 11:04 pm

cohenite says:
December 18, 2022 at 10:46 pm

The whacky world of islam:

We must be on the same page at the mo, was reading that and thought, funny thing, not as anyone ever warned about it.

December 18, 2022 11:05 pm

FFS, let’s don the Soviet Grey Levi’s Jacket, peoples

it’s what I don when prone to blundering around. 🙂

Grey and corduroy.

A sacred cultural garment. 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2022 11:06 pm

2016 – LTGEN David Morrison

Ah. Him.

Michael Smith News ran an article, featuring LTGEN’S Morrison’s manly breast, bearing neither Infantry Combat badge, nor parachute wings…

December 18, 2022 11:16 pm

Having said that, the Butler is clad in black Levi’s, a tactical turtleneck and a soviet grey Levi’s jacket.

This is what happens when you(finally) realise you’re a personage with a fundamental disconnection with “{The West} “

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2022 11:18 pm

And that was where David Morrison peaked.

He peaked at the rank of Lance Corporal – unloved, unpaid and unwashed.

December 18, 2022 11:18 pm

Brittany Higgins for Young Australian of the year, anyone?

A dead set 1 to 10 on shoe in…

December 18, 2022 11:19 pm

Being blind drunk helps, Cats …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2022 11:20 pm

Good evening traitors, denialists and Nazi-pass carriers!
How are youse all?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 18, 2022 11:25 pm

Grey and corduroy.

A sacred cultural garment

You never struck me as a Howard Moon type, Rabz.

More an age-experienced Vince Noir


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 18, 2022 11:26 pm

Good evening traitors, denialists and Nazi-pass carriers!

You forgot sheep. Sheep because The Shop isn’t brimming with a diverse range of opinions on a variety of subjects.

I think St. Ruth fell into a schnitzel coma and had to have a snooze mid-rant though.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 18, 2022 11:35 pm


Found the right Vince Noir clip for above at 11.25pm:

December 19, 2022 12:09 am


Mark Dice

The dam is breaking. Operation Mockingbird is exposed to millions!

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 19, 2022 12:18 am

Adam Goodes could flog for Australia.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 19, 2022 12:20 am

What does a “social media influencer” actually do?

They’re unemployed. See also: freelance j’ismist.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 19, 2022 1:00 am

Seeing the trainwrecks which seem to propel them from their smartphone screens onto the headlines for fifteen minutes of fame, “social media influencer” is the female version of “aspiring rapper”.

December 19, 2022 1:12 am

Courier Mail article says Australian Education Union wants randoms Covid testing in schools and for teachers to be up to date with vaccines. This was in relation to parliamentary Inquiry into long Covid.

Wonder if Union consulted its members before it’s submission.

Meanwhile Dr Paul Griffin pushing for updated vaccines for teachers and students.

The mandates may be over for now but clearly there are still those who want vaccines to continue.

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 19, 2022 2:37 am

Mark Dice

The dam is breaking. Operation Mockingbird is exposed to millions!

I don’t mind Mark Dice but he’s a decade behind Alex Jones. That video was pretty remarkable. I’m starting to think Mark Dice may be an AJ avatar.

December 19, 2022 2:49 am

Black Ball says:
December 18, 2022 at 9:46 pm
Looking forward to the final of Argentina v France Rabz, it’s the best of the best. Messi wins, he’s in the conversation as top 3 of all time.
France win, first team in 60 years to go back to back. And if Kylian Mbappe scores decisively, he will be a legend already at age 23

Argentina 2 v 0 France – Argies well on top late in the 1st half.

Oh come on
Oh come on
December 19, 2022 3:34 am

Don’t care much about soccer but I dislike the frogs slightly less than I dislike the Argies*, so was going for the frogs. Oh well, who cares.

*whom I dislike immensely, admittedly for stupid reasons – their celebrating of Maradona’s blatant cheating in ’86, plus I like Brazil and the Argies are very snobby about Brazil so screw them

December 19, 2022 4:01 am
December 19, 2022 4:02 am
December 19, 2022 4:03 am

Oh come on says:
December 19, 2022 at 3:34 am

Ok who won?

December 19, 2022 4:03 am
December 19, 2022 4:05 am
December 19, 2022 4:06 am
December 19, 2022 4:08 am
December 19, 2022 4:09 am
December 19, 2022 4:10 am
December 19, 2022 4:11 am
December 19, 2022 4:13 am

Bob Moran. Brilliant.

December 19, 2022 4:14 am
December 19, 2022 4:16 am
December 19, 2022 4:17 am
December 19, 2022 4:18 am
December 19, 2022 4:19 am
December 19, 2022 4:20 am
December 19, 2022 5:13 am

Rickw if you don’t mind what region she from?

Nakhon Pathon.

December 19, 2022 5:24 am

Thanks Tom.

December 19, 2022 6:03 am
December 19, 2022 6:17 am
December 19, 2022 6:23 am

December 19, 2022 at 4:06 am
David Rowe.

what on earth is Rowe on about?
Australia is a pimple in world soccer.

December 19, 2022 6:31 am

December 19, 2022 at 6:05 am
A cancer vaccine based on the messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, provided alongside the checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab (Keytruda), has shown encouraging results in an open label phase 2b clinical trial. The trial found that the combination regimen reduced the risk of cancer recurrence or death among melanoma patients by 44% compared with pembrolizumab alone, according to the vaccine’s manufacturer Moderna.

After the last couple of years, I don’t care if it does cure cancer.

No. Just flat out no. I don’t have the trust any more.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 19, 2022 6:40 am

The soccer thing is the pitch invasion in Melbourne and a fan hitting a goalie with a metal bucket.

December 19, 2022 6:46 am

M’bappe scores hat-trick. Might have lost but still beat Messi. At 23, amazing.

December 19, 2022 6:58 am

Father Frank Pavone has been de-frocked by the Vatican. His response;

“He tweeted in response: ‘Hi friends… So in every profession, including the priesthood, if you defend the #unborn, you will be treated like them! The only difference is that when we are “aborted,” we continue to speak, loud and clear.’”

The fact that he was a Trump supporter also went against him.
Story at Daily Mail.

December 19, 2022 7:04 am

Forgot to add, Father Frank is an awesome dude.

December 19, 2022 7:06 am

I posted the other day about James Delingpole and what I see as his descent into the world of crazies. Now after the way science has been corrupted by PC, AGW and Wuflu etc, the utter loss of ethics in all professions, I saw the Tucker Carlson bit on the CIA and Kennedy. If what he says is true perhaps a lot of people I thought were nutters were right. If the CIA had a hand in the Kennedy assassination then what else were they doing? Perhaps they had a hand in Whitlam (he deserved to go)? James is at the stage that he believes the moon landings were faked, once I would’ve dismissed that out of hand, but if the CIA thing is true, perhaps the landings were faked.

I think that the world is in the grip of a lot of bad ideas, James thinks that there is a shadowy group orchestrating the madness. Again if the CIA stuff is true, I truly don’t know what to think. Depressing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 19, 2022 7:20 am

Given what we’re seeing the FBI was up to with Twitter it would seem a dead cert that the CIA assisted with stealing the 2020 and 2022 elections. Probably a lot of others also.

Cassie of Sydney
December 19, 2022 7:21 am

“I posted the other day about James Delingpole and what I see as his descent into the world of crazies.”

Like you, I’ve thought for a while that James Delingpole has gone down a rabbit hole. However, I’ll always have time for Delingpole. I disagree with some things he espouses and I agree with other things. But there’s one thing he’s 150% right about, and that is that the Covid lockdowns and the assault on our liberty was all deliberately and very minutely planned. It’s worked a treat. None of what accidental.

Cassie of Sydney
December 19, 2022 7:43 am

Here’s an example of the absolute decrepit state of the joke that is the Liberal Party in NSW. There’s a state election here in NSW at the end of March. The Liberals will almost certainly lose. Why? Several reasons, but primarily because it’s a do nothing hard-left government that’s twelve years old, tired and stale and because the Labor party here has a half decent leader. But the Liberals? LOL. It’s the same template as what happened prior to May federal election. There are no candidates on the ground in seats where the sitting member is retiring. Internal bickering is the norm, whilst green scum like Matt Kean rule the roost.

The Liberal Party is over.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 19, 2022 7:47 am


Meanwhile, Wilkinson will have plenty of time to develop her influencing skills in coming months. The latest word is that she is unlikely to return to her day job at Ten until well into 2023.

What does a “social media influencer” actually do?

Cash for comment?

December 19, 2022 7:53 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 19, 2022 at 7:43 am
Here’s an example of the absolute decrepit state of the joke that is the Liberal Party in NSW. There’s a state election here in NSW at the end of March. The Liberals will almost certainly lose. Why? Several reasons, but primarily because it’s a do nothing hard-left government that’s twelve years old, tired and stale and because the Labor party here has a half decent leader. But the Liberals? LOL. It’s the same template as what happened prior to May federal election. There are no candidates on the ground in seats where the sitting member is retiring. Internal bickering is the norm, whilst green scum like Matt Kean rule the roost.

The Liberal Party is over.

What Berejiklian, Elliot and Hazzard did was an illiberal disgrace.

*Made regulation so quickly it basically couldn’t be challenged.
*Enforced a made up vaxx mandate that coincided with her lover’s corruption investigation.
*Made regulation as a normal course of democratic government for months on end without Parliamentary oversight.
*Spoke to people like they were military strongmen.
*No comment about NSW police beating down unmasked Muslim bros in SW Sydney trying to buy masks at a servo.

Speakman and Upton are just idiots who lack long term thinking (misandry and grifting by scoring “points” off historical abuse cases).


December 19, 2022 7:55 am

If what he says is true perhaps a lot of people I thought were nutters were right. If the CIA had a hand in the Kennedy assassination then what else were they doing?

They are scum, and a truly well credentialed scum at that.

December 19, 2022 7:58 am


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Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 8:01 am

While riding my motorbike, I swerved to avoid hitting a deer, lost control and landed in a ditch, severely banging my head.

Dazed and confused I crawled out of the ditch to the edge of the road when a shiny new convertible pulled up a very beautiful woman at the wheel.

She asked “Are you okay?” As I looked up, I noticed she was wearing a low cut blouse with cleavage to die for…

“I’m okay I think” I replied as I pulled myself up to the side of the car to get a closer look. She said “Get in and I’ll take you home so I can clean and bandage that nasty scrape on your head”.

“That’s nice of you” I answered, but I don’t think my wife will like me doing that!” “Oh, come now, I’m a nurse” she insisted. “I need to see if you have any more scrapes and then treat them properly”.

Well, she was really pretty and very persuasive. Being sort of shaken and weak, I agreed, but repeated “I’m sure my wife won’t like this”.

We arrived at her place which was just few miles away and, after a couple of cold beers and the bandaging, I thanked her and said “I feel a lot better, but I know my wife is going to be really upset so I’d better go now”.

“Don’t be silly!” she said with a smile, while unbuttoning her blouse exposing the most beautiful set of boobs I’ve ever seen.

“Stay for a while. She won’t know anything. By the way, where is she?”.

“Still in the ditch with my bike I guess”.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 8:04 am

Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.

– Johnny Carson

December 19, 2022 8:09 am

Tim Blair in today’s Tele:

Tim Blair: Woke types are cancelling themselves
Climate change versus parrot protection versus solar colonialism.The woke need to sort out their priorities before they all end up cancelling themselves, writes Tim Blair.

Climate activist Violet Coco told to stay away from Harbour Bridge
The Daily Telegraph’s Tim Blair says Violet Coco’s required under bail conditions is to stay one kilometre away from the Sydney Harbour Bridge as she awaits her appeal in March.

It isn’t easy being woke. Eventually all of your causes and concerns begin crashing into each other, kind of like a tiny native bird colliding with the unforgiving force of a wind turbine’s whirling 35m blades.

Which is why a planned $1.6bn wind farm probably won’t proceed after Tasmania’s Environment Protection Authority ruled that it presented a terrible danger to rare orange-bellied parrots.

The EPA decided that if the Robbins Island project went ahead, it would have to shut down for five months every year so the birds could enjoy their usual migratory adventures without being minced.

This has effectively killed the project as efficiently as if it’d been, well, sliced in two by a wind turbine. Clean Energy Council generation and storage director Nicholas Aberle last week expressed bewilderment at the EPA’s woke vs woke ruling.

“(We) recognise the need to keep the environmental impact of the industry as low as possible, but we also need to recognise that climate change is a serious threat to very many species,” Aberle told The Australian. “Delaying clean energy projects puts climate goals at risk.”
The proposed site of the Robbins Island wind farm development. Picture: Chris Kidd

Save the planet by killing the parrots. Seems like a fair deal, except that there aren’t that many orange bellies flapping around out Robbins Island way.

“Sadly, orange-bellied parrots haven’t been sighted on Robbins Island since 2003,” Aberle said.

“In addition, nearby wind farms have 10 years of monitoring data with no evidence of orange-bellied parrot deaths.”

Aberle isn’t coping well with exactly the kind of environmental puritanism that blocks fracking and other means of energy extraction. Welcome to our world, pal.

And welcome also to our leftist friends who are discovering for the first time what it’s like to be banned on social media. Conservatives from former US president Donald Trump down have for years been routinely suspended or banned on Twitter, to the delight of censorious commies, but last week the tables were turned.

New Twitter owner Elon Musk shut down a bunch of lefty accounts that drew attention to real-time flight paths of Musk’s private jet, on the entirely reasonable basis that such information presented privacy and security concerns for Musk and his family.

Mainstream media, which has never been much bothered by conservative suspensions, erupted.

“The unprecedented suspensions evoked stinging criticism from government officials, advocacy groups and journalism organisations around the world,” the ABC wailed, “with some saying the microblogging platform was jeopardising press freedom.”

Unprecedented? Hardly. The entire New York Post was banished from Twitter in 2020 after it accurately reported the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and individual conservative Twitter accounts previously copped suspensions for the slightest perceived infringements.

Satire site the Babylon Bee, for example, was cut for naming US assistant secretary for health Rachel Levine – a biological male who began identifying as female in 2011 – as its “Man of the Year”.

Needless to say, the site’s suspension generated no “stinging criticism from government officials, advocacy groups and journalism organisations around the world”. Woke folk stick together.
An orange bellied parrot in Tasmania. Picture: Dejan Stojanovic

Musk reversed those blocks after just a couple of days, resulting in hilariously overwrought “I’m back!” posts from unsuspended lefties who apparently felt as though they’d survived something equivalent to the Bataan Death March.

“I want to thank everyone for all the support and kind words over the past day and some change,” wrote Aaron Rupar, a ridiculous online entity who might just be a little too invested in his Twitter world.

“I was pretty bummed about getting suspended initially but quickly realised it’d be fine because I’m blessed to have an amazing online community. Seriously, I appreciate it a lot.”

Over at Wikipedia, your original home of online misinformation, the suspensions were dubbed the “Thursday Night Massacre”. To place the “massacre” in a historical context, Wikipedia helpfully listed other similarly titled atrocities:

“Bloody Thursday on March 28, 1918, during the Battle of Tampere.”

Nearly 3000 killed.

“Bloody Thursday on July 5, 1934, during the 1934 West Coast waterfront strike in the United States.”

Nine dead, hundreds injured.

“The Chiquola Mill Massacre, on September 6, 1934, during the 1934 textile workers’ strike in the eastern United States.”

Seven dead, 30 injured.

“The Kossuth Tér Massacre, on October 25, 1956, during the Hungarian Revolution.”

Hundreds murdered.

“Bloody Thursday on February 17, 2011, during the fourth day of the Bahraini uprising.” Four dead, hundreds injured. And:

“December 15, 2022, Twitter suspensions.”

Someone named Aaron had his feelings hurt.

Riot police firing tear gas at Bahraini anti-government protesters during clashes in Daih, Bahrain in 2013. Clashes erupted after the burial ceremony for a 16-year-old boy killed by police fire on Thursday’s clashes when Bahraini anti-government protesters headed toward the heavily guarded site of the 2011, pro-democracy uprising. Picture: AP Photo/Hasan Jamali
Riot police firing tear gas at Bahraini anti-government protesters during clashes in Daih, Bahrain in 2013. Clashes erupted after the burial ceremony for a 16-year-old boy killed by police fire on Thursday’s clashes when Bahraini anti-government protesters headed toward the heavily guarded site of the 2011, pro-democracy uprising. Picture: AP Photo/Hasan Jamali
Back in Australia, Indigenous activist Marcia Langton recently realised that large-scale solar farms may be the next form of white colonialism.

“The massive solar farms that are being proposed and hydrogen projects will deeply impact Aboriginal lands. Some of them are enormous … on present plans if they’re built you will be able to see them from space,” Langdon said last month

“So this is a big challenge for Indigenous communities who are landowners or have rights and interest in land. The footprint of the green economy will be so much greater than anything that anybody has seen before. Bigger than mines, bigger than tourism, bigger than urban expansion.”

Langton lamented that many Aboriginal people would not have a choice about Big Solar’s land grab. “They will have these projects forced on them,” she said.

Sort out your priorities, wokens, otherwise you’ll all end up cancelling yourselves.

December 19, 2022 8:10 am
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 19, 2022 8:11 am

Watched the Falling Over Championship final ‘highlights’ on the picture wireless.

A prettier couple of dozen blokes you’ll never see. Amazing how they can get upright, let alone run after apparently having their femurs snapped by invisible gorillas with invisible baseball bats.

Hopefully all the players are recovering well today, and that the exfoliation is progressing as planned.

December 19, 2022 8:11 am

Hi dot, it is crowded in this rabbit hole. Move over a little bit please.

December 19, 2022 8:11 am

As it’s almost Christmas. For those, like me who have Cats and Dogs.

Cassie of Sydney
December 19, 2022 8:11 am



December 19, 2022 8:13 am
Cassie of Sydney
December 19, 2022 8:14 am

“As it’s almost Christmas. For those, like me who have Cats and Dogs.”

The proof of the existence of angels is found in the faces of dogs and cats.

Cassie of Sydney
December 19, 2022 8:15 am

“Berejiklian, Elliot and Hazzard did was an illiberal disgrace.”

In a just world all three would be behind bars.

December 19, 2022 8:18 am

The proof of the existence of angels is found in the faces of dogs and cats.

Cassie, too bloody right! I would also add small children to the mix.

December 19, 2022 8:20 am
December 19, 2022 8:21 am

The young man did not die due to vaccination, if you can’t tell from the context of my tweets or his obituary his cause of death then you are an insensitive asshole

anyone not as thick as a box of rocks will be able to work out Alan Exton’s cause of death.

Cassie of Sydney
December 19, 2022 8:25 am

The erudite and sublime Victor David Hanson accurately describes the abortion movement as a cult of death, and he equates the radical abortion movement and its evil religious rite of partial birth abortions (increasing in number in America, and no doubt here in Oz) to Aztec death rituals.

Progressivism is a descent into barbarism and evil.

December 19, 2022 8:27 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 19, 2022 8:32 am

Save the planet by killing the parrots. Seems like a fair deal, except that there aren’t that many orange bellies flapping around out Robbins Island way.

That’s the windfarm that Bob Brown famously opposed. He was rightly concerned that it would lay waste to his beloved white-bellied sea eagles. Which it certainly would. Probably also mutton birds as well.

Leon L.
Leon L.
December 19, 2022 8:34 am

I can’t see anyone has posted news about Mark Steyn.
He is in a French hospital after having, what he says is the second of two heart attacks, two weeks ago.
From his description, it is not minor.
You’ve gotta have heart is a link to his weekend clubland Q&A.
First 10 mins gives details.

He is an irreplaceable bright shining light in a dark world.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 19, 2022 8:34 am

Just checked the phone, which is being charged.

It was at 88%. OMG, my phone has been taken over by Nazis!

December 19, 2022 8:37 am

35-Year-Old Chief of Canada’s “Vaccine” Rollout Dies Suddenly

I haven’t read a word about that in the mainstream Australian news media.

In case you hadn’t realised, Australian journalists don’t vote or think like the public they’re supposed to serve.

Needless to say they also couldn’t give a shit about public health. For the past three years, they have seen their role as enforcing government policy, not informing the public about anything, least of all public health issues arising from compulsory vaccination programs.

December 19, 2022 8:37 am

Uh oh, Elbow:

Two thirds of Australians want more natural gas reserves opened up.

December 19, 2022 8:42 am

What does a “social media influencer” actually do?

Dunno, but they sure aren’t going to influence me, at least not in the direction they want.

December 19, 2022 8:42 am

I haven’t read a word about that in the mainstream Australian news media.

No you haven’t, possibly because he committed suicide and it’s not newsworthy.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 8:42 am


My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
“If you’re going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning”.

My mother taught me RELIGION.
“You better pray that will come out of the carpet”.

My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
“If you don’t straighten up, I’m going to knock you into the middle of next week!”

My father taught me LOGIC.
“Because I said so, that’s why”.

My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
“If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you’re not going to the store with me”.

My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
“Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you’re in an accident”.

My father taught me IRONY.
Keep crying, and I’ll give you something to cry about”.

My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
“Shut your mouth and eat your supper”.

My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
“Just you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!”

My mother taught me about STAMINA.
“You’ll sit there until all that spinach is gone”.

December 19, 2022 8:43 am

Progressivism is a descent into barbarism and evil.

Progressivism = Regressivism.

December 19, 2022 8:44 am

Two thirds of Australians want more natural gas reserves opened up.

In other news, 97.5% of Australians want to be warm in winter.

Cool in summer? No one cares, because we don’t have summer anymore.

December 19, 2022 8:44 am

possibly because he committed suicide

Worst deboonking ever.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 8:44 am

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

– George Carlin

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 8:47 am

December 19, 2022 at 8:37 am
Uh oh, Elbow:

Two thirds of Australians want more natural gas reserves opened up.

And only one third voted for Laybore in the Feral Election.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 19, 2022 8:47 am

Shane Warne, as great as he was, was not a god*.

He has had countless memorials attended by thousands since his death, and in both public and private settings. He has had grandstands named after him. My view is that this is enough.

It is not, apparently, a view shared by Cricket Australia who seem determined to wring every last piece of mileage out of Warne’s perch drop. Apparently, the Second Test at the G will stop at 3.50 p.m. on Boxing Day for a minute’s silence in his honour, and the number 350 will be painted on the turf next to the pitch.

350 is Warne’s cap number – that is, he was the 350th person to represent his country in Test match crikkit.

Just stop it. Let him rest, and let his family get on with it.

*Unless you count him porking Elizabeth Hurley to such an extent she thought it was a good idea to get herself engaged to him. That I can get behind.

December 19, 2022 8:49 am

act #4 : Claims Of People Dying From COVID-19 Vaccine Proven False

This is yet another example of anti-vaccination activists abusing deaths / injuries to create and propagate FAKE NEWS about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

So far, claims of deaths / injuries due to the COVID-19 vaccine have been proven false at

every instance.

Here are the latest dozen I personally fact-checked:

Jesus Christ that website is an absolute howler.

It is literally written like the Russian fake news we have been conditioned to be so fearful about.

December 19, 2022 8:50 am

Why dot?
Perhaps gateway pundit and others should stop feverishly scouring the media for deaths of anyone under the age of 60 and immediately claiming them for the vaccine death roll.
Laurence Costa was claimed yesterday too, couldn’t possibly be anything else.

December 19, 2022 8:51 am

So a bloke who “became the Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada, and was part of the leadership team that led Canada’s health response to COVID-19” commits suicide?

Enquiring minds might ask why.

December 19, 2022 8:53 am

David Jenkins Died From SADS, Not Vaccine!


SADS didn’t exist before COVID vaccinations, shit for brains.

“Ooh yes it did! Three people died from it in Canada in 1997!”

Like I said, “Techarp” and “Dr Adrian Wong”, are absolute howlers.

If someone dies from suicide, you can come out and say it. You’re not going to make them sad enough to kill themselves. “Oh his will said donate to X”, well, if I die, that means my nephew (in my will) killed me?

They’re not saying it because they’re far left wing vaxxies and they can’t admit they were ever wrong.

Furthermore, you can’t prove someone committed the mortal sin of suicide by insinuation.

December 19, 2022 8:53 am

Apparently, the Second Test at the G will stop at 3.50 p.m. on Boxing Day for a minute’s silence in his honour, and the number 350 will be painted on the turf next to the pitch.

Ticket sales not as good as expected?

December 19, 2022 8:53 am

Perhaps gateway pundit and others should stop feverishly scouring the media for deaths of anyone under the age of 60 and immediately claiming them for the vaccine death roll.

No they shouldn’t.

December 19, 2022 8:56 am

So what dot?
Western media have a long history of walking quietly around suicide deaths to avoid copy cats.
They should do it differently now to placate the ‘died suddenly’ nonsense?

December 19, 2022 8:56 am

No you haven’t, possibly because he committed suicide and it’s not newsworthy.

Rosie, did you just make that up?

There has been no reporting in any media that I can find about Adam Exton’s cause of death.

And you are the last person I would talk to if I’m trying to establish whether something is true.

Online idiots like you are part of the problem.

December 19, 2022 8:58 am

Yes they should because it’s blatant scaremongering nonsense.
I no longer take anything they have to say seriously.
It’s the boy that cried wolf.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 19, 2022 9:02 am

Another burst of 1970s adolescent Marxism from the ABC’s so-called business editor:

December 19, 2022 9:03 am

Sadly for you, Rosie, the ownership of Twitter has changed and they’re no longer looking for censors like you.

December 19, 2022 9:04 am

Western media don’t give a shit about anything other than pushing an agenda.

The truth matters; if “everyone knows” “donate to Beyond Blue” means “he killed himself” then it’s just a bullshit excuse. Why did they report Port Arthur or the Trains then?

Yes every death before someone’s “time” ought to be scrutinised. That’s just good criminal & coronial procedure.

How many people with Novavax or who are unvaccinated get SADS?

No, you don’t hear about that, don’t you?

Name one. Just one!

If the media were interested in the “troof” they wouldn’t have gone along with the following lies (a shortened list of many):

*Mask up.
*Don’t mask up.
*Wear two masks.
*Socially distance, it’s backed up by peer reviewed science.
*Just two weeks to flatten the curve.
*The virus strain definitely was only found in around Nov/Dec 2019 and not before.
*It’s totally safe AND effective to get a vaccine and up to five booster shots with an experimental, emergency use only vaccine in 18 months (WTF?! This is totally unprecedented and goes against all previously known immunology).
*The vaccine is better than natural immunity and doesn’t reduce immunity.

You can’t even come to terms with how we have been relentlessly gaslight for nearly three years straight on this issue alone.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 9:16 am

My innate immune system has been enough proof for me not to take the experimental (mental) gene therapy emergency approved drugs. And I have not yet contracted the ‘Rona’. Not that I know of anyway as I never got tested. Still alive and kicking at age 70 years.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 19, 2022 9:17 am

*the Novel Corona Virus will mean a sweeping pandemic of death unless you follow our instructions.

December 19, 2022 9:23 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
December 19, 2022 9:25 am

From spiked -on-line

But for the illiberal liberals of the American corporate press, the exploits of the Silicon Valley thoughtpolice were nothing to be concerned about, until about three days ago.

Such lack of principle really shouldn’t surprise us. This lot support me speech, not free speech, and they’ve made no secret of that over recent years, as their lust for censorship has proven insatiable. But the past few days have at least underlined the profound stupidity of these people.

m0nty=fa gets a sly mention!

December 19, 2022 9:28 am

I approve of Rosie’s scepticism. She is right to not trust the anti-vax movement, and there clearly is one. On the other hand, dot is also right to not trust the government propaganda, they have a lot to answer for.

Getting at the truth is very difficult, and not helped by the fanatics on either side.

Two things stand out for me: 1. The median age of death from covid, government figures, is around 84 years with an average of 2.5 comorbitities. That alone tells you there is no rationale for the government response. Even if you think it was a dry run for a virus with a far higher death rate, it has destroyed trust in the government and health system.

2. The banning of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatment made sense only if it was a determination to force mass vaccination. Which was stupid from every point of view except big pharma’s. Immunologically it was insane.

Together, this is enough to drive even me to see a conspiracy of sorts. The sort of half-arsed one where it’s more groupthink plus stupidity, greed and ignorance than a cadre of evil bastards, although evil bastards there are.

December 19, 2022 9:31 am

*Unless you count him porking Elizabeth Hurley to such an extent she thought it was a good idea to get herself engaged to him. That I can get behind.

Top men are already working on it. Top men.

December 19, 2022 9:31 am

That’s right. Call out each anomaly and scrutinise the claims explaining why is it so.

You might think this is how “science” once worked!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 19, 2022 9:38 am

it’s almost Christmas

We had our Christmas early yesterday, for the family is now dispersed and we only draw them into Sydney every two years. The family living in Sydney have three members departing overseas today to the US and elsewhere, and some are going away for the 25th, so on their request we declared Christmas to be on the 18th and had the big food festival and present giving around the tree on the 18th. I took it easy with the cooking, feeding nine adults and and two kiddies on already roasted chicken purchased that morning (thank you IGA), ham on the bone (thank you Woolies), frozen roast spuds (thank you freezer and no thanks to you oven for playing up), some Gravox (thank you memories of mum’s cooking), and frozen peas (everyone likes them). First course was a green salad and a couple of kilos of prawns. All followed by Woolworth’s delicious Orange Syrup Cake and their brandy custard for dessert. Lots of chips and lollies and dips and nibbles first off.

Nothing was the way it usually is, but those under forty said they preferred BBQ chook to turkey. So all was well, autistic kid in meldown miraculously calmed by two dinosaurs that flapped and roared. Hairy is well pleased with my present of “Lying for the Admiralty”, prequel to “Beating the French to Botany Bay” which he loved (both available from Quadrant). Heaps for all to drink, alcoholic and otherwise, thanks to Hairy who got it all in plus the chicken and prawns that morning. When the oven played up (the inner glass door sprang apart affecting the temp) I was worried that the frozen spuds wouldn’t roast till we turned the oven up way beyond what they said on the pack. Don’t worry, says Hairy, they’re all so alcohol primed and excited they won’t notice if you finish things off in the microwave. Luckily the spuds roasted well enough anyway.

I’m still stiff and tired today. Setting the table and orchestrating it all was quite a chore!

Thank goodness someone else is reponsible for another feast down south when we join my nephew and his family plus my sister and hers on the 25th.

December 19, 2022 9:39 am

enough to drive even me to see a conspiracy of sorts

Follow the money.

What you won’t hear:
And my colleague is here to announce the (effectively mandatory) vaxxing with a vaxx which my family company has just bought a lot of shares. We are also announcing mandatory face masks, I have a big share holding there, as well. I will keep you posted on other shares that I am buying, as they also become mandatory for you to buy.

December 19, 2022 9:42 am

You might think this is how “science” once worked!

Yes indeed. Dr. John Campbell was fooled by the pro-jab ppl initially, and has been red-pilled by the mounting evidence of government malpractice. The excess mortality rate concerns him and he, rightly, believes it needs investigation. The fact that it is not being investigated urgently feeds suspicions of malign purposes. I’m inclined always to the cock-up theory rather than the malignancy theory, but I’m being pushed towards the malignancy theory by this and other government moves.

December 19, 2022 9:44 am

The AMA is grateful for all the jab business sent its way. Money money …

December 19, 2022 9:46 am

Follow the money.

That’s a huge factor, and made worse by corruption, ignorance and stupidity.

December 19, 2022 9:49 am

What to buy? How to make a profit?

Was there a record number of Vic ruling party politicians retiring at the last state election? Asking for a friend.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 9:49 am


My mother taught me about WEATHER.
“This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it”.

My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
“If I told you once, I’ve told you a million times, don’t exaggerate!”

My father taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
“I brought you into this world, and I can take you out…”

My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION.
“Stop acting like your father!”

My mother taught me about ENVY.
“There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don’t have wonderful parents like you do”.

My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
“Just wait until we get home”.

My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
“You are going to get it from your father when you get home!”

My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
“If you don’t stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way”.

My mother taught me ESP.
“Put your sweater on; don’t you think I know when you are cold?”

My father taught me HUMOUR.
“When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don’t come running to me”.

My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
“If you don’t eat your vegetables, you’ll never grow up”.

My mother taught me GENETICS.
“You’re just like your father”.

My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
“Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?”

My mother taught me WISDOM.
“When you get to be my age, you’ll understand.

My father taught me about JUSTICE.
“One day you’ll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!”

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 19, 2022 9:49 am

Crash Craddock entirely correct. The Hun:

Who would have thought a strip of green grass could attract more ferocious scrutiny than Prince Harry?

Seriously, the way people are talking about the Gabba deck you would swear someone had dumped a bag full of thumb tacks on it.

Was it too moist at the start of day one? Yes. Did it favour the bowlers unfairly? Absolutely. Would you want more decks like it this summer. Probably not.

But … but … Test cricket has no issues when flat wickets give batsmen the chance to make 600 – yet when the bowlers rule … honestly folks, it’s an outrage.

In a world full of blandness bread rolls what’s wrong with the occasional hot curry?

Don’t suppose the result had anything to do with the fact that this is the weakest South African batting unit to leave their shores for 90 years, one with only one batsman averaging over 35.

South African cricket journalists were freely tipping their team would be slaughtered in 11 days in the series … they may have been ambitious!

Australia wobbled as well as teams do when facing world class fast bowlers.

Surely Australia can handle one seaming wicket a season.

This deck may have been titled too far in favour of the bowlers but each team had a genuine chance to win the game.

South Africa did not lose the match because of the pitch. They lost it because Australia handled hellfire conditions slightly better.

The wicket may have been too spicy by Australian standards but had it been in New Zealand or some parts of England there would have been far less drama.

“I thought it was ok,’’ said Lord Ian Botham, a nonchalant voice of reason amid the hysteria.

“It seamed a bit. It spun a bit which surprised me and there were indentations which made a different but generally it was alright. South Africa were just outplayed.’’

It’s true you might not want all five Test decks to be like this one – but there’s nothing wrong with having an occasional terror deck.

Test cricket needs vibrant plot twists to ensure its survival. Batsmen get everything their way in white ball cricket.

Why not occasionally tilt things the bowlers’ way in Test cricket?

There is no doubt batsmen are less equipped for old fashioned hard yakka innings than they used to be.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 19, 2022 9:50 am

BJ at 7:47.

What does a “social media influencer” actually do?

Cash for comment?

I’m so old I can remember when that was the most serious crime a j’ism could commit.

December 19, 2022 9:50 am

I’m inclined always to the cock-up theory rather than the malignancy theory, but I’m being pushed towards the malignancy theory by this and other government moves.

As I’ve said before, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but there’s no shortage of material about for those who are so inclined to work with.

Such times are ripe for unscrupulous people who seek to profit not just from the gullible but also from those who are rightly troubled about what they see going on.

In which case, question everything.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 19, 2022 9:50 am

Aircon has packed it it on the truck.
They’re about as reliable as a wet Lib backbencher.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 19, 2022 9:51 am

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

– Mark Twain

December 19, 2022 9:53 am

Bernardi haters scroll on by!

The pandemic response was the most shameful period in Australian history. It was a deliberate campaign of misinformation designed to instil fear and compliance into the public.

The most disappointing thing is just how many citizens fell for it.

It showed that most of our fellow citizens do not even recognise when they are being treated as mugs and obviously have little capacity for critical thought.

Incredibly, in obeying the irrational demands of government, they willingly surrendered their own freedoms. While those freedoms have mostly been returned, there is concern that this restoration of rights may be temporary.

  1. And if that were true, the South would have won the civil war, Ford wouldn’t have built the River Rouge…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x