Open Thread – Tue 20 Dec 2022

Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847

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Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 23, 2022 10:28 pm

First Nations ‘already have a voice’: Abbott
Laura Placella

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has argued that an Indigenous voice to parliament is not necessary because First Nations people already have a “voice”, positing that the country should find “better ways to recognise Aboriginal people in our Constitution”.

Mr Abbott, in an opinion piece published in the Daily Telegraph, said there is “all-but-universal support” for recognising Indigenous people in the Constitution.

“But this proposal for a constitutionally entrenched Indigenous voice to the government and to the parliament is way beyond recognition,” he said.

“Is that what we really want in our constitution: two classes of Australians, based on race? That’s why the coming referendum is almost sure to be the most important issue our country faces next year and why it deserves far more debate in detail than it’s had so far.”

Mr Abbott, in his piece, said the “voice” Indigenous people already have is the Australian parliament, which now has a record 11 Indigenous MPs.

“All of whom have been chosen and elected in the normal way. Because Australian voters have become so lacking in prejudice and are now so appreciative of the qualities of Indigenous people as to disproportionately put them into our national parliament,” he said.

“Although our country has never tried harder to give minorities a fair go, Indigenous people especially, that’s not enough for the Albanese government.

“Hence this push for a separate and special Indigenous body, over and above the Indigenous MPs already in the parliament, the national Indigenous “coalition of peaks”, and all the Aboriginal land councils that already cover the whole country and represent the traditional owners in whom authority used to rest.

“This can’t be because Aboriginal people currently lack a voice. Many Indigenous people speak out powerfully and effectively in our public life.”

He added that the Indigenous voice to parliament is not about “listening more closely to Indigenous views” or about “recognising in our constitution that Aboriginal people were here first”.

“It’s about introducing a kind of co-governance where nothing can be done for 100 per cent of the people without taking into account the concerns of that 4 per cent, some of whose ancestors came before 1788,” he said.

Concluding, Mr Abbott said unless the federal government plans to release more detail on the Voice, Australians will be expected to vote on the “vibe”.

“I hope you will join people like Senator Jacinta Price, a proud Celtic, Warlpiri Australian woman, not just to oppose this unnecessary Voice which would be wrong in principle and bad in practice, but in finding better ways to recognise Aboriginal people in our constitution and to have the original Australians participate more fully in the great life we have here.

December 23, 2022 10:29 pm

Rabz says:
December 23, 2022 at 4:45 pm

Version 1

Is that Kanye/Ye to the right?

December 23, 2022 10:29 pm

Hi Cats, Carpe rescued my friends and me from an horrendous situation , a group of oldies being done over in a cladding and building defects problem . Today management announced that there were variations in as built plan and how building constructed , 96 balconies with problems and leaks and black mould since 2008 . We are expected to pay for rectification so are looking for a hot shot young lawyer who would like to make his Mark in Melbourne . Carpe can probably explain better . I Isuggested as I found him on Catallaxy maybe I can smart lawyer here too

December 23, 2022 10:32 pm

Andrew gee is a woke POS. But he personifies the candidate selection problems in ostensible conservative political parties. One or 2 woke lefties can destroy them; look at kean.

It’s much simpler than that.
Think kayfabe.

December 23, 2022 10:33 pm

Is that Kanye/Ye to the right?

SBF was arrested in the Bahamas – so presumably the very large black personage on SBF’s left in the olive Idi Amin style uniform might just happen not to be the Yeezey.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 23, 2022 10:35 pm

The Doomlord dropped in?
Sorry I missed it.
I was going to commiserate with him about that crazy [Sancho, that’s quite enough of that sort of talk …

December 23, 2022 10:37 pm

Mr Abbott, in an opinion piece published in the Daily Telegraph, said there is “all-but-universal support” for recognising Indigenous people in the Constitution.


December 23, 2022 10:40 pm

Andrew gee is a woke POS

This cannot be stated enough, Cats.

For my sins I heard an audio grab of his “resignation speech” today on chipple jay – get a load of this utter crap:

“The National Agrarian Socialist Pardee is just no longer like the pardee I joined as an ignorant illiterate innumerate anti-scientific fact and evidence free ahistorical imbecile back in my teens, I tells ya …”

Hey, Gee – see that fat beetroot faced imbecile over there, yeah? He’d like to get to know ya …

December 23, 2022 10:44 pm

Mr Yabbott, in an opinion piece published in the Daiky Telepgraph, said:

“I am a mediocre sell out imbecile”

December 23, 2022 10:48 pm

We are expected to pay for rectification…

No way, Min. That can’t be right.
Phone Jackie Chiles. He’ll be shocked and chagrined… Mortified and stupefied.

December 23, 2022 10:56 pm
Louis Litt
Louis Litt
December 23, 2022 11:01 pm

CL 23/12 @ 6.24
To me your post nails it. One query I have is when the love affair of Russia ended.
I recall a post on here where Putin called O Bama an idiot for adapting socialism or wanting to harm his own people.
I like to know when that happened and when the “western press” started to pillor Putin.
I recall that Ewen Campbell of the abc attempting to humiliate an Ukrainian ambassador who would pick up a rife to fight for his country against Russia.
Then there was that show extreme worlds by some bald guy – Ross which documented the Ukraine. Showed the Ukraine as a nazi state – interviewed the sons of Avoz.
The Russians were the victims in the Donbas. It infuriated me.
Now I do not know what the truth is.

December 23, 2022 11:12 pm

Now I do not know what the truth is.

CL summed it …
“A new generation of leftists began to hate Russia because it wasn’t communist – like them.”

December 23, 2022 11:13 pm

Min have been through a bitter fight with a Body Corporate manager in VCAT. Bruising but eye opening experience.

We were self represented but had pro bono advice. In the end we were against a hot shot lawyer from Sth Yarra who used every trick in the book. Turns out he had a massive conflict of interest but had the balls to try & bill us $70K for his services to the Owners Corp. Our advice told us to ignore his demands as it was bluster and if it did end up in court after discovery he may be open to complaints to the licencing board. One thing to watch is these pricks will go after the weakest links who are usually infirm. Despite the appeal to instruments of the State on breaches of the Act’s with hard evidence and uncocionable conduct Ministers still shrugged shoulders.

Sorry can’t help legally, was a while ago but hope the above is some help. You sound like a strong person, trust me some of your fellow litigants are going to need that strength.

Good luck.

December 23, 2022 11:15 pm

you’e at war again with the same people
you just haven’t realized yet
that this time yr the baddies

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 23, 2022 11:33 pm

“Stop interrupting me, while I’m interrupting you! ” Winston Churchill.

December 23, 2022 11:54 pm

you’re at war again with the same people
you just haven’t realized yet
that this time you are the baddies

MT, I’ve tried to correct your awful bloody typos, particularly in the last line.

Bring it on. I’m perfectly happy to be portrayed as a (mighty indestructible) baddie while ticking off the many, many names on my very, very long list.

Arya Stark would be back at the house of many faces upon beholding it.

December 23, 2022 11:58 pm

your awful bloody typos

are numerous and uncorrected

the list of shit I don’t care about grows

bonfire of the give-a-fucks

December 24, 2022 12:03 am

You enjoy your comments being barely comprehensible?

Yes, yes, of course you do. Who gives a rodent’s about mere concepts such as comments remotely making any kind of sense, even accidentally or coincidentally, Squire?

Kool Thang … 🙂

December 24, 2022 12:05 am

One query I have is when the love affair of Russia ended.

I don’t know if there was a distinct event that heralded the change in a moment, Louis; more like a confluence of events and the advent of an attitude. The new leftist generations only saw Russia as a buffoonish, lawless anarcho-capitalist mess and are too young to have ever glorified it qua USSR. Say, by 2010-ish. This suited neo-con dinosaurs and a Biden administration in desperate need of a distraction after the collapse of Afghanistan and the Russia Hoax.

December 24, 2022 12:08 am

You enjoy your comments being barely comprehensible?


Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
December 24, 2022 12:20 am

Constable Rolfe really was, of course, Victor Keriakis.

Finkel is Einhorn! Einhorn is Finkel!

December 24, 2022 12:20 am

New Fred. Where for art thou?

December 24, 2022 12:23 am

He also makes this strange claim that the West has ‘no centre’ and yet Zelensky just visited Washington.

Washington is the capital of the leading power. It’s not the center of NATO! Neither the US nor other member states are not obliged to act in unison over international matters. Ukraine’s leader is visiting the US!

NATO’s head office is in Europe and the author goes on to describe that if something happened to Washington NATO could still go on. Not so for Russia if the center of Moscow was taken out.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 24, 2022 7:36 am

December 23, 2022 at 8:13 pm
I’m not sure why the West’s Ukraine policy is such a point of friction for us.
Not a damn thing anyone here thinks will make a shred of difference.
Assuming, which I think is pretty evident, that so much of the opinions shared originate from Moscow sponsored sites and accounts, it is still strange that the Russians would think that those influence efforts would matter a tuppenny damn. After all, even after all the actually true revelations about Biden and Clinton and the FBI are in the open, the cathedral bulldozes along completely unhindered.


Ukraine is an excuse for both sides to parade their prejudices.

It is also an excuse for the DemonRats to divert attention from their own corruption and incompetence. For confirmation, see the routine regurgitation of DemonRat talking points by m0nty-fa.

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  1. There’s a story in the family files that a GGGrandfather was the first man killed in a motor vehicle accident…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x