Open Thread – Tue 20 Dec 2022

Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847

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December 20, 2022 11:32 am

That’ll be the day. I don’t get it. I’ve never been with a woman and reacted like this offspring of Diana and Hewitt. Is the sex so good that whatever brains you have dribble out your arse? Does your dick grow internally and penetrate your frontal lobe? What happens to make a reasonable guy become a total cuck.

I suspect young harry has lived a coddled life with women throwing themselves at his feet and that he never had to fend off a skilful manipulative gold digger with his family and staff doing all that work for him. The gold digger was smart enough to drive a wedge between harry and his protective circle and lumber him with a sprog asap.

December 20, 2022 11:32 am

Phelps is so high up on the woke rankings that she’d be a saint if the woke had saints. And now she’s saying what we’ve been saying… Wow!

Timeline is correct … Conspiracy to confirmed = 6 to 12 months

December 20, 2022 11:33 am

Financial Stress Epidemic Plagues Biden’s America

The financial stress level in 2022 is at a 14-year high.

December 19, 2022

As 2022 winds down, Bidenflation has increased Americans’ financial stress to the highest level since 2008, the year of the financial meltdown.

The financial stress index in 2022 averaged 67.6 compared to the 2008 high of 68.4. The chart presented below shows the average stress index for each year.

President Biden deserves blame for skyrocketing food and energy prices in 2022 and raising Americans’ financial stress to a 14-year high.

The IBD/TIPP Financial Stress Index is a one-of-a-kind financial stress metric. In December 2007, we began using it to track financial stress. The index accurately indicates Americans’ financial concerns about paying bills and making ends meet. Consumer spending drives two-thirds of the economy. When people are stressed, they are hesitant to spend money.

Note: The Chart for Financial Stress was the Lowest under the 4 years of President Donald Trump reaching a low 51.0

December 20, 2022 11:34 am

No media is talking about it, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe.
Unfortunately, this only comes with a time delay again.

The mainstream news media, especially the Australian MSM, is as useless as tits on a bull.

It’s been at least 15 years since any of the Australian MSM was an advocate for the public interest — especially on public health matters.

The Murdoch papers haven’t yet run the story of the vaccine injury to Dr Kerryn Phelps’ “wife”. It’s been run only by Murdoch’s website for low-info people,, which today labels vaccine injuries a “taboo subject”.

The story hasn’t yet featured on the website of the country’s only remaining national broadsheet, The Australian, which is run by’s parent company.

Tits on a bull.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 11:34 am

however MPs were left with the impression they were to focus on core government business.

What a shocking standard to expect from ministers of the Crown! Actually to do their job. Parrottop seems to be some kind of fascist.

December 20, 2022 11:35 am

Rudd appointed US ambassador. What a fucking joke.

Not one that it is possible to laugh at. Or even raise a wry smile.

It’s diplomatic perversion. The best thing about former PM Rimmer is his ability to fuck up everything he is in the vicinity of.
Best of luck Washington.

December 20, 2022 11:38 am

The krudd appointment is just another example of the establishment thumbing its nose at the demos. They think they’ve seen off the populist revolt. Time will tell

December 20, 2022 11:40 am

Here is the smoking gun in that Phelps piece.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which oversees Australia’s 800,000 registered practitioners and 193,800 students, last year warned that anyone who sought to “undermine” the national Covid vaccine rollout could face deregistration or even prosecution.

AHPRA’s position statement said that “any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action”.

Prosecutions need to happen alright, just not the prosecutions these horrid little brown nosers and stooges envisaged.

December 20, 2022 11:42 am

…and Struth will appear in 3, 2, 1….

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 11:42 am

Heather Sellout.

Could always be trusted to come through – by both parties. The UniParty in action.

December 20, 2022 11:44 am

I don’t know about that Zipster. According to Pew Research, in 2010 there were 2.2 billion more Christians on the planet than in 1910.

the decline is undeniable

personally I don’t buy the projections for africa. either by religion or pop growth. As Africa modernises it will secularise as well and pop growth sill slow dramatically.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 11:47 am

Putting aside the known character defects … Bwahahahahaaaa … where’s my head?…oh, here it is … KRuddy’s appointment is no less cynical than Turnbull stooge Sinodinos.

December 20, 2022 11:48 am

Bruce of Newcastle says:
December 20, 2022 at 10:52 am
It’s sad to see good music die of old age. The current stuff is utter rubbish

The greatest rock band ever, how I love the Glimmer Twins!

December 20, 2022 11:48 am

Correct me if I am wrong kind reader, but wasn’t Phelps all hot and horny for mandated jabs and mask wearing, and isolation and whatever other society destroying measures were in play during the shamdemic?

she most certainly was. where is rosie to tell us long covid is just a psychological phenomena?

vaccine injury is a much more severe version of long covid.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 11:49 am

there is a growing sense of urgency about the need to push through 44 gigawatts of clean energy to replace the exit of older, ageing coal-fired power stations.

Atb what point will we start to hear about “older, ageing, wind and solar generators”?

December 20, 2022 11:50 am

Prominent doctor accuses NSW Premier of ‘SURRENDERING to Covid’ with ‘appalling’ decision to drop masks and QR codes days before Christmas – but another says 25,000 cases a day is a ‘gross overestimation’ – 16 Dec 21

. Former independent MP has blasted NSW Government over its Covid handling
. Dr Kerryn Phelps said axing restrictions as case numbers soar was unfathomable
. She branded politicians as ‘clueless, reckless or negligent’ in their response
. And she warned virus will rip families apart: ‘This is not freedom. This is denial.’


Covid ‘frightbat’ Kerryn Phelps urges Australians to wear masks – 17 Mar 22

Dr Kerryn Phelps tells Australians they CAN’T move back to ‘normal times’ and demands the return of TWO hated Covid restrictions High profile GP and ex-AMA boss says Australia’s Covid pandemic far from over

. Dr Kerryn Phelps encouraged everyone to wear masks amid rise in cases
. Urged people to avoid crowds to protect themselves and medically vulnerable
. Her comments on 2GB on Thursday sparked a furious response from listener


‘It’s a difficult one’: Sylvia Jeffreys shares vaccine concerns as doubt swirls around pregnant women – 2 years ago

Former Federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps told Today that pregnant women should be cautious about getting vaccinated.

“The point is vaccines haven’t been tested on pregnant women at this stage. If somebody is not with contraceptive cover, likely to get pregnant, they would need to be careful at this stage,” she said.

Dr Phelps advises anyone having doubts to seek the advice of their GP.

“Speak to your GP, get the reassurances you need, find out the facts from reliable sources,” she said.

“One of the worst things you can do is go to one of the conspiracy theory Facebook pages and be scared away from being vaccinated based on misinformation.

December 20, 2022 11:50 am

personally I don’t buy the projections for africa. either by religion or pop growth. As Africa modernises it will secularise as well and pop growth sill slow dramatically.

I actually don’t think the numbers matter. And i know it sounds like a cliché but the quality matters more.

December 20, 2022 11:51 am

Due to a confluence of unfortunate events at the weekend which required a trip in an ambulance but minus lights and sirens I find myself currently enclosed behind the high red walls and virtual barbed wire of Stalag 13 the covid ward of my local hospital.
I have no* symptoms and am feeling perfectly well but failed the RAT test before being transported, the first time I’ve encountered failure as a requirement to be admitted to any public institution.
I am happy to report from the front line if anyone has any questions about the experience.
I have to say my first two days here have brought back a flood of memories of my Reserve camps at Puckapunyal – slightly better showers but much thinner towels. Something I would not have thought possible. And a truckload of hurry up and wait.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 11:52 am

Not forgetting long time troughers Bomber Beazley and Joe Hockey.

December 20, 2022 11:52 am

Jorge says:
December 20, 2022 at 11:14 am

It’s sad to see good music die of old age

Jagger looks terrible on stage now as does Richards. It’s like the Mexican day of the dead reanimated ghouls.

In front of sell out crowds paying very high ticket prices.

December 20, 2022 11:52 am

Kevin Rudd appointed as US ambassador

US strip clubs revise gloomy future.

December 20, 2022 11:55 am


*as in none, zilch, zero, nowt, zip, nothing, not a brass razoo.

December 20, 2022 11:55 am

I’ve never been with a woman

Yes cohenite, we can tell.

December 20, 2022 12:04 pm

What a joke.

What happened to merit?

We’re talking here about the Liberal Party. Merit doesn’t apply.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 12:04 pm

In front of sell out crowds paying very high ticket prices.

Increasingly I think they do it for other reasons (although there is an industry of hangers-on no doubt keen to see them continue). I remember seeing a photo spread of Bowie’s Bahamas island spread in Architecture America. It was mind blowing. He sold his back catalogue for $300m or something via some innovative bonds issue. Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason has a Ferrari 250 GTO in a barn at his house. None of them are doing it for money at one level. The only celebrity I’ve heard that said about is John Cleese, which corresponds with what was written in the Palin diaries and what he himself has said at times.

December 20, 2022 12:04 pm

Dot says:
December 20, 2022 at 10:46 am

Police unions always buy out land where they’ve shot people, nothing to see here, moving on!

Happens all of the time!

If there’s nothing to it, it’s like they’re spoiling for future fights with nutters.

If I was a QLD plod, I’d rather that money go to my superannuation or lawyer’s fees etc to negotiate a better salary.

Again the civilian victim is ignored in favour of police worship.

How about throwing some $ to the families of the deceased – including the neighbour, who seems to keep getting forgotten in the orgy of predictable public grief-signalling.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 12:04 pm

To a very large degree the lower classes don’t matter to the woke, they have no political or economic clout and are viewed as surplus.

This is the current philosophy of Labor, formerly the party of the rural and urban working classes. This leaves a large demographic open to any party which will take up its cause.

December 20, 2022 12:05 pm

Zipster says:
December 20, 2022 at 11:32 am
I suspect young harry has lived a coddled life with women throwing themselves at his feet and that he never had to fend off a skilful manipulative gold digger with his family and staff doing all that work for him. The gold digger was smart enough to drive a wedge between harry and his protective circle and lumber him with a sprog asap.

I suspect that’s pretty close to the mark. Other than more senior Royals, everybody else would have been deferential to Harry – especially those women who might have thought they would be in with a chance to bag a genuine Prince. Yes, the staff would have guarded against the worst or most obvious gold-digging offenders but that sparkle woman is in a different category. The word ‘manipulative’ just doesn’t seem adequate.

And almost exactly a year after marriage, the first child was born remembering that sparkle was very near to 38 years old at the time.

But he’s stuck with her now. Any attempt to split with be met with ferocious demands for cash settlement and ongoing support, children residing in the USA, murderous howls slamming his white privilege by leftist women……

December 20, 2022 12:06 pm

Greater Sydney started 3 April 2021. The Xtra special Fairfield lockdowns started July. August 21 mandates for teachers. She appeared in front of ICAC in October.

Then as the year progressed the rules changed over and over and not being locked down, employed as a certain occupation, became contingent on vaccination.

No grand conspiracy. Just stage managing the timing to deflect attention.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 20, 2022 12:06 pm

Back to the Krudd days. But one journo has a long memory:

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd will become Australia’s new ambassador to the US.

Anthony Albanese made the announcement on Tuesday morning, saying his predecessor would bring “unmatched experience to the role”.

He will begin his posting in early 2023.

That’s despite the Prime Minister rubbishing suggestions in the lead-up to the May election that Dr Rudd would be the next ambassador in Washington.

Talking about the rumours in April, Mr Albanese said it was “complete nonsense” and part of a media obsession.

In making his announcement on Tuesday, Mr Albanese said Dr Rudd was an “outstanding appointment” – despite a journalist putting to him that his Labor colleagues had described the former prime minister as a “psychopath, a micromanager and a control freak”.

December 20, 2022 12:11 pm

According to Pew Research, in 2010 there were 2.2 billion more Christians on the planet than in 1910.

The golden rule of statistics.. If people quote numbers, look at percentages. If they quote percentages look at absolute numbers.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 12:11 pm

Black Ballsays:
December 20, 2022 at 11:10 am
Correct me if I am wrong kind reader, but wasn’t Phelps all hot and horny for mandated jabs and mask wearing, and isolation and whatever other society destroying measures were in play during the shamdemic?

If so, this makes her heresy even more compelling. And it will be difficult for the government/establishment to attack her (though not impossible, hypocrisy is one of their favourite tools).

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 20, 2022 12:11 pm

December 20, 2022 at 11:50 am

A fine round up in the, er, inconsistencies in Phelps’messaging.

Delta A
Delta A
December 20, 2022 12:13 pm

…and Struth will appear in 3, 2, 1…

Before that inevitability, I want it on record that I abhor and condemn Struth’s vile accusations and abuse directed in recent days towards calli. I know that other Kittehs have been victims of his vitriol – I condemn that, too – but the tirade against calli was especially brutal.

Calli prefers to fight her own battles, as do I, but it’s important to me that she and the Cat collective know where I stand on this issue.

December 20, 2022 12:15 pm

“not even with regards to certain professions…”

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 12:16 pm

Yes, KRuddy could struggle with the psychological testing.

December 20, 2022 12:16 pm

Good news in the family, niece who has or had endometriosis was having IVF when covid struck and missed out on completing the course. Few months later got preggers naturally. Is now preggers again naturally.

December 20, 2022 12:16 pm

“…colleagues had described the former prime minister [Rudd] as a “psychopath, a micromanager and a control freak”.”

Ah – so no different than any other politician that is able to get to the “top” then?
Can anyone name a prime minister that was NOT a psychopathic, micro-managing control freak?

December 20, 2022 12:17 pm

Charlie Watts’ wife died yesterday age 82, which also happened to be Keith Richards’ 79th birthday.

Keef made it to 79?


I love all those memes along the lines of one dinosaur saying to another (picture of Keef featured) – ‘I dunno, he was here when I got here.’

He certainly has the right genes for the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.

December 20, 2022 12:17 pm

So the turdy bird’s a doctor now like dr Jill

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 20, 2022 12:18 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 12:19 pm

It’s fun to imagine what would happen with Rudd if Trump wins in 2024.
Much throwing of toys out of prams I suspect.
Unfortunately no Republican can win in 2024, so the idea is moot. Fun but.

December 20, 2022 12:19 pm

But he’s stuck with her now. Any attempt to split with be met with ferocious demands for cash settlement and ongoing support, children residing in the USA, murderous howls slamming his white privilege by leftist women……

she didn’t chose california just for the weather. it has the most mysandrist divorce laws in the world. after 10 years marriage he is hooked to preserve her financial lifestyle for life.

December 20, 2022 12:20 pm

This Kerryn Phelps news is actually huge.

December 20, 2022 12:20 pm

I absolutely loathe and despise Canbra and foreign affairies is the worst of the worst.

December 20, 2022 12:23 pm

The Queensland Police Union wants to buy the property where two police officers were killed in the state’s Western Downs last week.

An ex army mate has a bunch of Rwanda vet mates, some at Kibeo. Most of these guys live like blockies and just want to be left alone. I’d imagine that most of the Tara blockies are the same. The ones that are a threat yes by all means keep tabs on and finding out about one of the Trains crossing Qld border with a car full of firearms as well as their rantings in nutter websites like Cairns News. I can’t believe these guys weren’t already on the radar of Police Intelligence. I used to work with an ex NSW Pol guy and had a cousin who was plain clothes in Qld. Both said the info they get is very good and usually from the community around said shitbags. Remember there would be some who wouldn’t want to draw the crabs especially if you are involved in small scale crime, thr Trains would have been cramping that.

Be interesting if anything comes out in the inquest. That said Levers needs to take a step backwards and take a breath. Not as if the police will be welcomed out there, so why needle?

local oaf
December 20, 2022 12:23 pm

I love all those memes along the lines of one dinosaur saying to another (picture of Keef featured) – ‘I dunno, he was here when I got here.’

I love the one where God admits to Adam and Eve that the old wizened guy in the garden of Eden “was there when I got here”.

December 20, 2022 12:26 pm

Kneel says:
December 20, 2022 at 12:16 pm

“…colleagues had described the former prime minister [Rudd] as a “psychopath, a micromanager and a control freak”.”

Ah – so no different than any other politician that is able to get to the “top” then?
Can anyone name a prime minister that was NOT a psychopathic, micro-managing control freak?

John Howard and Bob Hawke, who mostly left it to their Ministers. They only weighed in when there was a problem.


Sending Kevni to the US seems like a tophole strategy to undermine the alliance.

At least Kim could be counted on to behave at social occasions and be friendly to one and all. It’s a low bar, but that is what we are reduced to.

December 20, 2022 12:30 pm

December 20, 2022 at 11:21 am
H B Bear says:
December 20, 2022 at 11:10 am
I wouldn’t say it occurs regularly but it’s hardly unprecedented. Try buying the Moors Murderers place. Think there’s been a few in Perth over the years. Ideology has nothing to do with it, a notorious murder house is practically unsalable.

The irrational part is the part where in these stooge’s brains they apparently believe there is some mysterious group of Nazi anti vaxx gun nuts just waiting to buy the property and hold torch light rallies choreographed by Leni Riefenstahl

Not unlike the SFL buying Cough Witless home and turning it into a shrine. FMD.

December 20, 2022 12:33 pm

Another ranga!

December 20, 2022 12:34 pm

Come off it Stones fans. They’re just another version of Harry Markle now.

Ask them to play Brown Sugar or Under My Thumb.

December 20, 2022 12:35 pm

This none member of the ‘Cat collective’ agrees, Delta.

local oaf
December 20, 2022 12:36 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
December 20, 2022 at 11:17 am

Rudd appointed US ambassador. What a fucking joke.

Haven’t they suffered enough?

December 20, 2022 12:37 pm

OH F@CK OFF: Op-Ed Argues ‘Put Down the Burger’ to Protect Earth’s Biodiversity.

“Earth is in the midst of the worst mass extinction since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago — and this time, the asteroid is us.” So says Michael Grunwald, an environmentalist, in an opinion piece for the New York Times.

But his larger point is that “biodiversity loss is not that complicated a mystery.” The amount of area on planet earth devoted ot agriculture is now more than twice the size of North America.

We’re destroying and degrading the habitats of other species to grow food for our own. This means the fate of the world’s bugs, bunnies and other creatures and critters — and what’s left of the forests, wetlands and other habitats they call home — depends more than anything else on what we put in our mouths and how it gets made….

Humanity needs to start shrinking our agricultural footprint and expanding our natural footprint, after thousands of years of doing the reverse. This will be an extraordinary challenge, because we’ll also need to produce more than 7.4 quadrillion additional calories every year to feed our growing population, in an era when climate-fueled droughts, heat waves, floods and blights could make it harder to grow food…. If we are serious about cleaning up the mess we’re making for less influential species, there are four things individuals as well as nations and corporations can do. The first is to eat less meat, which would be a lot easier if meat weren’t so beloved and delicious….

But the inconvenient truth is that when we eat cows, chickens and other livestock, we might as well be eating macaws, jaguars and other endangered species. That’s because livestock chew up far more land per calorie than crops. Producing beef is 100 times as land-intensive as cultivating potatoes and 55 times as land-intensive as peas or nuts. Livestock now use nearly 80 percent of agricultural land while producing less than 20 percent of calories. Cattle are the leading driver of deforestation in the Amazon, followed by soybeans, another commodity, which get fed to pigs and chickens…. If Americans continue to average three burgers a week while the developing world starts to follow our path, it’s hard to see how the Amazon survives.

But it’s at least possible that we could shrink agricultural footprints by shifting our diets toward meat made without livestock, like the plant-based substitutes offered by companies such as Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat or maybe someday cultured meat grown from animal cells.

Grunwald also recommends wasting less food. “About a third of the food grown on Earth is lost or tossed before it reaches our mouths, which means a third of the land (as well as the water, fertilizer and other resources) used to grow that food is also wasted.”

The third way to ease the global land squeeze “would be to stop using productive farmland for biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel — and to stop burning trees for power.” And finally, “farmers will have to supersize their yields enough to make a lot more food with a lot less land.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 20, 2022 12:38 pm

To sum up the news.
We’ll be at war with the US soon and Kerryn Phelps won’t be able to buy land at Wieambilla QLD.

December 20, 2022 12:42 pm

Late Jagger:

“Shooting the vaccine/Bill Gates is in my bloodstream/It’s mind control,” Jagger sings on the track in a verse he calls “a piss-take on conspiracy theories.” “The Earth is flat and cold/It’s never warming up/The arctics turned to slush/The second coming’s late/There’s aliens in the deep state.” Elsewhere, though, the Rolling Stones frontman exudes optimism for another Roaring Twenties. “Everything’s gonna get really freaky,” Jagger sings. “It’s gonna be a garden of earthly delights.”

December 20, 2022 12:46 pm

johanna says:
December 20, 2022 at 12:17 pm

Keef made it to 79?

God made Eve and said to Adam, I have made this woman for you to be your wife. Adam was very pleased but he asked God who is that over there?
God said thats Keef he was here when I arrived.

December 20, 2022 12:46 pm

Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.

Someone please urgently call Queensland Police so they can go and kick the door in and correct this Wrongthink!

Big Brother would never hurt you!

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 12:46 pm

Being want to left alone is fine. Driving around town unlicensed in an unregistered car with unregistered guns (?) less so. Want to carry on like that – move to Somalia, even parts of it won’t wear it now I’ve found out.

December 20, 2022 12:47 pm

December 20, 2022 at 12:19 pm
But he’s stuck with her now. Any attempt to split with be met with ferocious demands for cash settlement and ongoing support, children residing in the USA, murderous howls slamming his white privilege by leftist women……

she didn’t chose california just for the weather. it has the most mysandrist divorce laws in the world. after 10 years marriage he is hooked to preserve her financial lifestyle for life.

I presume you’re talking about Sparklearkle and the Stupid Fucking Ranga ( aren’t they all). He will have very little money of his own. Daddy will make sure she gets SFA in the case of a divorce. The title can be removed by daddy and with it the money that goes with it. I for one couldn’t care less.

December 20, 2022 12:47 pm

Out and about in Melbourne:

Smells like vomit.

Looks like communism.

What a fucking shithole. Socialism fucks everything it touches.

December 20, 2022 12:48 pm

Earning your keep is passé according to the woke
The problem isn’t AI, it’s requiring us to work to live

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 20, 2022 12:50 pm

Kevin 07
The US ambassador gig just dropped in his lap. Speaking of laps, will Kevin’s VIP pass at Scores Nightclub still be valid?

December 20, 2022 12:50 pm

I presume you’re talking about Sparklearkle and the Stupid Fucking Ranga ( aren’t they all). He will have very little money of his own.

California law doesn’t care where the money comes from or even if it stops coming. If she has become accustomed to a particular lifestyle, he must by whatever means continue to provide it.

December 20, 2022 12:52 pm

Driving around town unlicensed in an unregistered car with unregistered guns (?) less so.

Let’s just remember that Qld Pol has claimed transportation of unregistered firearms across a state border, and thus far NSW Pol has specifically declined to comment.

The firearms claims are easily clarified, yet they’re deliberately choosing to leave the water muddy. Clarifying registered firearms does not serve the national firearms registry narrative.

December 20, 2022 12:52 pm

Keef and Mick as ragers ? Here’s a bloke whose pecker is still up. Van.

we dug up the 10 wackiest lyrics from Morrison’s latest album:

1. “They control everything you do”

They tell us that ignorance is bliss
I guess for those that control the media it is
They own the media, they control the stories we are told…
Believe it all and you’ll never get, n?ver get wise
To th? truth, ’cause they control everything you do
Everything you do, everything you do, everything you do

(from “They Own the Media”)

2. “Plan to start meetings in the forest”

Caretakers have taken over the main building
The governors have gone over the wall
Plan to start meetings in the forest

(“Western Man”)

3. “Mind control keeps us in line”

Mind control keeps us in line
That’s why we’ve got to think outside the blind l?ading the blind…
Have to?police everyone’s mind
Nowadays?you have to be careful of everything you say
But it’s all by design

(“Double Bind”)

4. “Mainstream media junk”

Got to get out of this blue funk
Stop listening to the mainstream media junk

(“Blue Funk”)

5. “Why are you on Facebook?”

Why are you on Facebook?
Why do you need second-hand friends?
Why do you really care who’s trending?
Or is there something you’re defending?…
Are you looking for a scapegoat to blame?
Because you’re a failure time and time again

(“Why Are You on Facebook?”)

6. “Used by the media”

Used by the media
Used by the media
For their agenda
For their agenda

(“He’s Not the Kingpin”)

7. “You’re too lazy to go out and work”

Gave you a million Euros
Said that it wasn’t enough
How come when you’re still fit and able
You’re too lazy to go out and work

(“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”)

8. “Four judges screwed me over”

I’m a targeted individual
Got to get to the bottom of who’s pulling the strings…
Tried to erase me as a father
Tried to get me to go away et al
Expect me to still pay through the nose
Think I don’t even have a choice…
Four judges screwed me over
Backed me up against the wall

(“The Long Con”)

9. “Control all your unconscious desires”

Who’s got the ball, is it Freud or Jung?
Or are you just too high strung?…
Can we help you change your life?
Control all your unconscious desires and drives

(“Psychoanalysts’ Ball”)

10. “Stop bitching”

Stop bitching, do something
Stop bitching, stop bitching right now
Stop bitching, stop bitching right now
Stop bitching, stop bitching right now

(from “Stop Bitching, Do Something”)

December 20, 2022 12:52 pm

H B Bear says:
December 20, 2022 at 12:04 pm
Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason has a Ferrari 250 GTO …….

Only ever seen one in my life and that was in Australia! The car was brought here as a showpiece and to compete in a touring rally. To the best of my knowledge, was the only time a 250GTO has ever graced our shores*. Want one? Sure, they come up for sale occasionally with the last sale at around $US70m.

* I don’t think a 250GTO is resident in this country (inc Lindsay Fox’s collection) – happy to be corrected.

December 20, 2022 12:53 pm

While modern capitalism has resulted in the massive technological progress that has enabled huge wealth creation and the advent of AI, it may cease to be the right tool for the job, if left unmodified. It isn’t AI that is the real problem here, it is capitalism as we currently know it requiring everyone to either work or suffer, whether their labor is really required to keep society running or not.

^ the key take away from the above link. this post-capitalist world is a recurrent theme in millennial and woke articles.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 12:55 pm


similar numbers exist throughout the west, christianity is loosing it’s grip by very roughly 1%/year in the west. Christianity will be close to extinct by the end of the century

Only in the west, Christianity is thriving in Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 12:56 pm

I expect the UK divorce courts would be a bit more sympathetic than they usually are when American women come a call in’.

December 20, 2022 12:57 pm

I have no* symptoms and am feeling perfectly well
Sympathy! .. I know how you feel .. several years ago whilst undergoing chemo for Cancer I used to get a once-a-week adverse reaction to the drug(s) so would take myself off to Fairfield Hospital (top of my street) and they’d, usually, give me the, necessary, injection and off home again ..
one night I got a ‘student” quack .. idiot admitted me for observation despite protests and they kept me in a single room for 5 days to do ‘tests” ..
I was never unwell but no one listened …
The most annoying factor was being able to see “home” from the hospital window and being stuck there!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2022 12:57 pm

An ex army mate has a bunch of Rwanda vet mates, some at Kibeo. Most of these guys live like blockies and just want to be left alone

There’s a small community of vets, here, like that. They just want to be left alone.

December 20, 2022 1:01 pm

Only in the west, Christianity is thriving in Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America.

Islamic charities are growing in popularity in south Africa evan among Christians.

December 20, 2022 1:03 pm

Victory is mine! After barely 36 hours in Covid ward I am being tossed out for looking perfectly healthy.

My Christmas plans resume after unneeded and unnecessary pestilence hiatus. Yay!

December 20, 2022 1:03 pm

The States commentators on the “Train Wreck” are so unhinged it’s pretty clear that the trains didn’t have a monopoly on crazy.

Looks to me like two groups of idiots spoiling for a death match, which they got, at the expense of the lives of two young police officers and a neighbour.

Based on The States commentators views about what is acceptable thought and speech, the entirety of The Cat’s commentators should be in prison, with the exception of Munty.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 20, 2022 1:05 pm

Somewhat surprised the UK courts touched the Charles and Diana divorce. I suppose they had to or he might have had to cut off her head or run her into the wall of a tunnel or something.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 1:06 pm

December 20, 2022 at 12:04 pm
What a joke.

What happened to merit?

We’re talking here about the Liberal Party. Merit doesn’t apply.

So, just like the KRudd appointment?

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 20, 2022 1:07 pm

In Victoriastan is fucked (but you already knew that) news, Herald Sun:

New Opposition leader John Pesutto, who takes over from Matthew Guy, vowed to work constructively with the government.

“We know that democracies flourish when people’s confidence in people who occupy public office is improved and enhanced,” he said.

“We will be able to do the people watching us proud and show that parliament can apply proper scrutiny.”

From a longer article in which Pauline Hanson took aim at the Liberals south of the Murray. Please stifle your smirks and giggles!

December 20, 2022 1:08 pm

I hope the AFP and ASIO have Kerryn Phelps and wife on a watch list. Recent events tell us where this will end up.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
December 20, 2022 1:08 pm

rickw says:
December 20, 2022 at 12:47 pm

Out and about in Melbourne:

Smells like vomit.

Looks like communism.

What a fucking shithole. Socialism fucks everything it touches.

I’m in Melbourneistan at the moment, had a look in the CBD, it’s filthy, smelly, homeless people all over the place & very downmarket.

The Mornington Peninsula is still nice, had a look at the old house at Flinders and a terrific lunch at the pub there.

December 20, 2022 1:10 pm

My yellow card report
Dr. John Campbell

December 20, 2022 1:13 pm

HB hope I didn’t come across making excuses for them. If I wasn’t my intention.

Didn’t know about the unreg car & firearms though. Only substance I know is what has been discussed here. I am overseas atm and apart from a pic of the opera house lit blue on closing credits to the Thai news the other day reporting here was breif.

December 20, 2022 1:16 pm

This Kerryn Phelps news is actually huge.

Absolutely, Dot.

Waiting to see what MSM will do with it.

December 20, 2022 1:17 pm

I am overseas atm and apart from a pic of the opera house lit blue

Let’s hope his comments were made lucidly about covering up child abuse aren’t true. That would be a terrible look.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 1:20 pm

The third way to ease the global land squeeze “would be to stop using productive farmland for biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel

This has always been a criminal act. Finally, the so-called “environentalists” have realised their culpability?

— and to stop burning trees for power.”

Then there needs to be a reliable, affordable, continuous source of power to replace the trees. I wonder what history suggests would do the job.

And finally, “farmers will have to supersize their yields enough to make a lot more food with a lot less land.

Perhaps banning or restricting the use of artificial fertilisers might not have been the smartest decision?

December 20, 2022 1:20 pm

John Pesutto

If wiki is right that he is “a moderate Liberal,” then the SFLs may as well shoot themselves.

December 20, 2022 1:21 pm

Is the sex so good that whatever brains you have dribble out your arse?

Ten speed vibrating box…

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 20, 2022 1:31 pm

“The last thing we want to see is the anti-vaxxers, pro-gun, conspiracy theorists to get this land and use it for their own warped and dangerous views,” Mr Leavers said.

“They are absolutely un-Australian and I don’t want it to be used for them to promote themselves.”

I am becoming weary of hearing people of no especial knowledge telling us what is and is not ‘Australian’.

Is this union leader someone with such vast experience of Australians in all their moods and habits?

For most people their interaction with the police a tiny fraction of their lives – police-y matters. Most of their lives being engaged in other areas. For the police, on the other hand, interaction with the public is largely a profusion of those police-y experiences and to the exclusion of the rest of citizens lives.

Add to this a union leader would be in bed with those self-absorbed cupidinous, power obsessed freaks in the union and the government.

I will bet this union leader did not rankle at all the additional powers granted police by the cretinous hams playing in the Covid theatre.

But here is what is perhaps most telling – for all of his imposture in pretending to be defending ‘Australianism’, he seems to have overlooked what the traditional Australian attitude toward police, indeed all authority, is.

We don’t trust you.

December 20, 2022 1:36 pm

Well gotta go. Today’s adventure is to some local markets then a long lunch Thai style. Back to lurking till tonight but I hear some Thai BBQ, laab & beers with close family planned.

December 20, 2022 1:40 pm

“… the traditional Australian attitude toward police, indeed all authority, is.

We don’t trust you.”

That’s a very diplomatic way to put it.

December 20, 2022 1:43 pm

m in Melbourneistan at the moment, had a look in the CBD, it’s filthy, smelly, homeless people all over the place & very downmarket.

What happened to ‘the world’s most liveable city.’

I used to go to Melbourne every year or two to refresh by work wardrobe. It was the fashion capital, especially for those living in cold climates. When I lived and worked in Canberra, it was ideal for making sure that when you went into a meeting, the clothes were unique. And, for getting a decent overcoat.

I got a beautiful Aquascutum trenchcoat for half price at a sale. Still a treasure.

Dunno what the COVID disaster has done to the Melbourne fashion industry. But, I’m pretty sure that those little shops I use to browse are no more.

Well done, Dan!

December 20, 2022 1:44 pm

Saw this on facebook and yep, they put a climate change tag on it.
-“The schedule has been released for next year’s Bledisloe Cup
At 6pm players will enter the field and line up either side of halfway.There will be a Welcome to Country and a smoking ceremony. They will then take a knee for 1 minute.
After that there will be a minute’s silence for everybody who has died.
They will then sing the National Anthems .
They will then go to the middle of the ground where the All Blacks will perform the haka. After that players will go into their religious groups to sing and pay homage to their friends in the sky.
Atheists will go into their own group to talk about what they have done to combat climate change.
Both teams will then come together in the middle of the field and hold hands while putting rainbow tape on each others’ arms.
The Wallabies will be wearing their new strip designed by Lisa Wilkinson. It will have aboriginal artwork along with black , blue , white , red , pink and brown ribbons printed on the front of the jumper. The jumper will have a large Z on the front for the team’s new sponsor, clean energy billionaire Zali Steggall.
The Wallabies will be captained by Bill Smith as Joe Bloggs is still serving a 10 game suspension after it was discovered his great uncle made a feminist remark to a barmaid in 1965.

The game will also have 2 minute time-outs after a try is scored so mental coaches can enter the field and talk to the players who have just been scored against, to discuss their emotions.

Purple cards will also be used in the match for players to be sent from the field for 15 minutes if they say anything mean. The game should finish around 11.45pm.

As the stadium is powered by 2 windmills and rooftop solar panels if there is no wind or sun in the 2 days prior to the game, it will be moved to an afternoon game starting at 12.30pm”

December 20, 2022 1:56 pm

Being pro gun is unAustralian?

Bob Katter is what, pro Indonesian?

Demented utter nonsense from Plod Union HQ.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 1:59 pm

New Opposition leader John Pesutto, who takes over from Matthew Guy, vowed to work constructively with the government.

They may as well join the Labor Party, they’re indistinguishable now.

December 20, 2022 2:02 pm

Wasn’t one of the shooters a pro black arm band left wing education department school principle trying to become a union official?
So plod union official, who is actually dangerous?
Seems to me we should ban union leaders from the internet at the very least …

December 20, 2022 2:04 pm

Is the sex so good that whatever brains you have dribble out your arse?

Must be! .. when Luigi was rationed to once -a-fortnight visits to the Marrickville “rub ‘n tug” he came across as a, probable, benign version of Bill Shitten for PM now he’s getting more regular “rub ‘n tugs” at home from his, tax payer funded, squeeze he appears to have gone the full Bill ……….

December 20, 2022 2:05 pm

This is why Ukraine will amp up next year. Can’t have this on the front page:

This Homebuilders Index reading is consistent with US unemployment rate at 6-7% in early 2024.

The Sahm rule says the US will be already in a recession if the jobless rate hits 4.1% in this cycle.

The sudden halt in the housing market sure isn’t consistent with a soft landing.

December 20, 2022 2:05 pm

What happened to merit?

The leftards banned it long ago because diversity, inclusion and equal pay.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Mr. Ian Leaver sees himself as being more Australian than blockies?
Try again Mr. Leavers.
Proportionally there’s nowhere near as many Australian born Qld police as there are Australian born blockies.

December 20, 2022 2:08 pm

I’ve never been with a woman

Yes cohenite, we can tell.

You got me there dickless; well pounced; like all eunuchs you’re on the ball; compensatory I guess.

December 20, 2022 2:09 pm

Proportionally there’s nowhere near as many Australian born Qld police as there are Australian born blockies.


Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

The 2022 prize for drawing a long bow may well have been won by Greg Sheridan in The Australian last week. (December 16th)
An article on the Tara ambush Sheridan managed to slip in mention of Donald Trump. (plus a photo of Trump) Sheridan mentioned Trump eight times, just in case anybody thinks the mention was peripheral.

December 20, 2022 2:16 pm

Cohenite, neither has munty. Still sits down to pee. How else do you get to be a fat lesbian.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

bespokesays: December 20, 2022 at 2:09 pm

Bespoke, QPlod seems to be chockers with Kiwis. There’s also poms, Irish (or could just be poms with an incomprehensible accent) the odd Taffy or Scot, plus a mild fruit salad of other tribes.

December 20, 2022 2:34 pm

Michael Grunwald, an environmentalist

what these fuckwits don’t realise is that if we raised the world’s wealth – in particular the third world – population growth would become a non-issue.

December 20, 2022 2:38 pm

This Kerryn Phelps news is actually huge.

too right it is. The ex president of the AMA belling the cat on vaccine injuries, AND the silencing of doctors, through her very own first-hand evidence.

I’m waiting for the inevitable pile-on. Surely she’s a foil-hatter from way back? What’s the term, cooker?

Where’s m0nty when you need him?

December 20, 2022 2:39 pm

Without immigration there is no population explosion in the west.
There is the reverse….before the jab!

December 20, 2022 2:41 pm

Libs begging for lab squandermonkies to splurge on their pet projects.

Following decades of inaction that has plagued Australia’s interstate rail lines, Anthony Albanese has talked up his ambitions for high-speed rail. Ahead of the May federal election, he pledged $500m for early stage works on the Sydney-Newcastle corridor, and in November, the government passed legislation towards establishing its promised high-speed rail authority.

However, McKenzie believes upgrading existing lines can bring more immediate benefits.

“While very fast trains has great appeal, the reality is that it is decades away from being built – even if governments were to get serious about it. In the meantime, there is so much we can be doing to improve existing lines that could decrease journey times significantly,” she said.

“An ambition for high-speed rail in Australia should not come at the cost of our continued investment strategy into existing rail networks, including the Melbourne to Sydney route.

“The Australian government is committed to supporting economic growth and social opportunity through faster rail connections between major capital cities and growing regional centres,” the spokesperson said.

The faster service proposed by Laird would only make a handful of stops at regional centres such as Albury and Wagga Wagga, as opposed to the more than 10 stops currently. Laird touts the emissions and environmental benefits of taking more travellers and, crucially, freight operations off the roads and out of the air and into faster trains.

Laird has estimated his plan would only cost “in the billions of dollars, not tens of billions” required for high-speed rail projects, and could be running within four years, even with current construction constraints and costs. However, governments would need to quickly embrace the plan.

December 20, 2022 2:48 pm

Latest out from Qld Police. ..

Donald Trump was actually reloading for the shooters.

December 20, 2022 2:54 pm

Where’s m0nty when you need him?

prolly at his weekly prostate massage, should be here bit later full of beans

December 20, 2022 2:56 pm

It doesn’t matter what Elon’s CEO poll looks like as there was a big ballot drop in favour of him at Twitter HQ at about 3am this morning.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Would this be the same Kerryn Phelps who for the past 3 years has been 200% sneering & derogatory about “anti-vaccine” & “medical misinformation”?

That Kerryn Phelps?

December 20, 2022 2:59 pm

“Still sits down to pee.”

Sure – doctor told me not to lift heavy weights, what else should I do?

December 20, 2022 3:01 pm

I’m sure people have spoken about it. If there’s one person who would be able to destroy the US/Australia alliance it will be Rudd.

These morons chose the biggest lunatic, one of the most preposterous individuals on the planet to be our ambassador in Washington. God help that city as I’m not sure it’s going to make it with that lunatic in residence.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
December 20, 2022 3:02 pm

I know we’re not meant to plagiarise, particularly from Fork Orners but when I read the Phelps article (thanks BB, take the rest of the day off) I said “and me with no champagne”. Let’s hope it causes great anxiety in that little bubble of wokesters.

“We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine”

No you didn’t. You’re a disgrace to the medical profession.

December 20, 2022 3:02 pm

Thanks DB… weird that she’s managed to get a court to hear her case and yet this is the headline:

Election Denier Kari Lake, 53, was the Republican nominee for governor in Arizona and has launched legal action to have her defeat overturned

December 20, 2022 3:03 pm
December 20, 2022 3:04 pm

Good read on Ukraine and the 120,000 dead Ukrainians:

December 20, 2022 3:05 pm

UK citizens stockpiling supplies due to shortage fear

blessed are the preppers for they shall inherit the earth

December 20, 2022 3:07 pm

will Kevin’s VIP pass at Scores Nightclub still be valid?

That location shut down not long after Rudd attended.

He has that effect on many things.

December 20, 2022 3:11 pm

The Dr Karyn Phelps Vax injury article at News com au is definitely the most significant Vax injury article in past 2 years. Over 650 comments so far.

Courier Mail has the article up but looks like suppressing comments as only one when I looked. Herald Sun and Daily Telegraph not got the article up yet.

Spread it far and wide as I am doing.

December 20, 2022 3:12 pm

The Lake election contest is going to trial.


SOS Offices.
Patriots in trusted positions.
Trust yourself.
You have seen the truth.
Time to show the world.

December 20, 2022 3:14 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
December 20, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Would this be the same Kerryn Phelps who for the past 3 years has been 200% sneering & derogatory about “anti-vaccine” & “medical misinformation”?

That Kerryn Phelps?

yes indeedy.. that one who was pushing vaccines on children.,15980

December 20, 2022 3:14 pm

Lysander says:
December 20, 2022 at 2:53 pm
Hmmm a theme with Democrats?

I am sceptical.

He was thrown under the bus in a pathetic attempt to Get! Trump!

NYCPD detectives in the other trial told complainants to delete evidence off their phones. He should have been let off, cops and complainants go to gaol. No, only he went to gaol.

Evidence and witness tampering by the cops. My god civilised countries don’t allow this.

From that trial, what was he guilty of? The low IQ press sees “sex offences” and assumes (Whoopi Goldbergeqsue rape-rape) rape. He was found guilty of at least “sex trafficking” or a similar offence. If there was no coercion, why were the gals not guilty of solicitation?

The LA trial was in part secret. You can call people out on social media, but you can’t be named during a trial?


December 20, 2022 3:18 pm

What’s R saying, Custard?

December 20, 2022 3:18 pm

Only in the west, Christianity is thriving in Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America.

Christianity may have started in the ME but it is a European religion.

If Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America come to dominate it will become something else.

December 20, 2022 3:21 pm

Thanks Dot – wasn’t aware of most of that!!!….

December 20, 2022 3:22 pm

The top rated comment at Phelps story on

So let me get this straight. 164 people got sick from spinach and the product rightfully gets recalled. A lot more than that die or have life changing injuries from vaccines and it’s business as usual.

December 20, 2022 3:26 pm

Custard, just received R’s comments.


NYPD head office
Apricot jam on toast.
Guys riding bikes in weekends
Prime Time
Austin Healey
Watch the boiling water.
Pita Bread
Pita Bread.


December 20, 2022 3:26 pm

Good read on Ukraine and the 120,000 dead Ukrainians:

It’s a tragic read.
The damage done to Ukraine will be at least as bad as what the holodomor did. They will never recover.

<a href="https://www.europarl.euGood to see the EU just finding out about it 5 days ago.

Holodomor: Parliament recognises Soviet starvation of Ukrainians as genocide

December 20, 2022 3:28 pm

This is old news but something on the wireless twigged my interest.

It is incredibly offensive the government decides what an adult can and cannot watch or read.

I can understand but not accept the argument for the massacre video being prohibited. Most people would simply lose any sympathy for the cause. Society is better for it to be legal. There are so many videoes on the net of people dying in war zones if they really want to consume this material they can.

As for banning literature, this is not only wrong but it is a fallacious argument as well.

If you really want to combat extremism, people have to be able to understand it.

What we have now is a privileged class of educated people who can read Mein Kampf* for example whilst the rest of us cannot.

(*Not banned as far as I know).

Like Jefferson said, I prefer dangerous freedom to safe authoritarianism.

December 20, 2022 3:30 pm

For any Cats that got triggered over Channel 10, it’s important to remember….

It has been revealed that the 30-minute breakfast program 10 News First: Breakfast, hosted by Lachlan Kennedy and Natasha Exelby, reached an all-time low last Wednesday when not even one viewer in Perth tuned in.

December 20, 2022 3:32 pm

Yeah sorry Zyno – it is a tragic read about Ukraine and a shame we don’t hear the facts in Lamestream media…

December 20, 2022 3:33 pm

Now Made it to the Daily Mail today

Top doctor reveals both she AND her wife suffered ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injuries – and slams ‘censorship of public discussion’ about adverse jab effects

. Dr Kerryn Phelps says she and her wife suffered ‘devastating’ vaccine injuries
. She claims medical authorities failed to follow up and have censored discussion
. Former premier Campbell Newman called the testimony a ‘watershed moment’
. A DJ previously claimed doctors were scared to go public over vaccine injuries

Dr Phelps has previously been an advocate of the vaccines.

‘There is definitely a highly significant reduction in death rates and severe acute disease if you have had three or four vaccines,’ she wrote in July.

She has also been outspoken throughout the pandemic about the importance of avoiding the virus.

In August, she wrote an article titled ‘dropping COVID safeguards is just a bad idea’ and has consistently warned about long Covid as a result of ‘even mild’ infections.

Dr Phelps became very high-profile president of the Australian Medical Association in 2000 making headlines by frequently clashing with then Howard Liberal government.

In 2018 she succeeded the retiring Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull by winning a by-election to become the member for Wentworth, the electorate covering Sydney’s wealthy eastern suburbs, which she lost in the 2019 federal poll.

In July award-winning DJ Tyson Illingworth claimed five doctors told him ‘privately’ that he was suffering serious health problems caused by an adverse reaction to two doses of Moderna – but they couldn’t say so publicly or they would be deregistered.

The DJ, who goes by the name tyDi, went through a lengthy rehab after waking up partially paralysed just weeks after he was administered his first Moderna shot on October 1 last year.

Illingworth claimed five doctors suggested a correlation between his Moderna vaccinations and his paralysis but refused to go on the record out of fear of backlash or deregistration from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).

‘I went from doctor to doctor to have them tell to me in private I would like to tell you what is happening to you, but I would be deregistered,’ Tyson told Daily Mail Australia.

In March 2021, doctors were advised by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and national medical boards to not ‘undermine’ the national vaccine rollout.

December 20, 2022 3:36 pm

As much as I despise Andrews, he can’t take all the blame for Melbourne. The rot began when Howard started ramping up migration and every government since has loved it and bought more in. That along with ever greener councillors and mayors and bike paths and speed cameras everywhere for the 40k limits.

Melbourne was once relatively uncrowded, safe and had many beautiful buildings. It was easy to get around with the wonderful wide streets that Hoddle left us. Best of all it had its own distinctive Aussie culture. No more, all gone, depending on where you are, you could be in Beijing or Mumbai and sometimes Somalia. There are idiots everywhere on E scooters and pushbikes screaming through the streets. The wuflu madness just capped it all off. It is a shithole, I cannot see any reason why one would enter the city proper.

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 20, 2022 3:36 pm

Posted two fairly reasonable comments on Rudd’s appointment in the Oz. No language, a little cynical and both rejected.

December 20, 2022 3:37 pm

So much for courts in the US helping fix election integrity

North Carolina’s Supreme Court rejected a state voter ID requirement, citing that it was unconstitutional and carried an intentionally racially discriminatory motive.

The state’s high court made a 4-3 decision on Friday to side with a lower court ruling that voided the photo ID law due to the violation of an equal protection clause of the North Carolina Constitution.

December 20, 2022 3:38 pm

December 20, 2022 at 3:28 pm


December 20, 2022 3:42 pm

Deon Jenkins told the first meeting of the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans that money given to black people in the California should be in-line with the average price of a home in the state, around $800,000.

Following that appearance at the public hearing in Oakland’s City Hall on Wednesday, Jenkins, who refers to himself as a ‘hip hop organizer’ said in an interview: ‘Either they’re going to comply or it’s going to be a serious backlash.’

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2022 3:46 pm

The irrational part is the part where in these stooge’s brains they apparently believe there is some mysterious group of Nazi anti vaxx gun nuts just waiting to buy the property and hold torch light rallies choreographed by Leni Riefenstahl

Anti-vaxx Nasti gun nutters got nothing on the Pikachu brigades…

#Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein


#Und das heißt:





Anti-vaxx nuts got nothing on

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 20, 2022 3:47 pm

Mother Lodesays:
December 20, 2022 at 1:31 pm

Add to this a union leader would be in bed with those self-absorbed cupidinous, power obsessed freaks in the union and the government.

The QPU sold out their members over the vax. I was told that all unions in QLD were called to a meeting with the Premier and when they came out, they all supported vax mandates. When my workplace avoided being mandated, our union secretary was venomous in an interview towards his members that were against the vax.

A pox on them all.

December 20, 2022 3:48 pm

Looks like Ukraine repelled the invasion at first:

There is little current news, so it must be bad for Ukraine now.

There are few maps being reported on with up to date commentary relevant to battle movements and actions.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2022 3:49 pm

that money given to black people in the California should be in-line with the average price of a home in the state, around $800,000.

From the generation that has never owned slaves to the generation that has never been slaves…….shouldn’t the cost of fighting the Civil War be deducted from any reparations?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2022 3:49 pm

(Oh, for an edit button to remove one’s accidental duplications…)


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 3:52 pm

The damage done to Ukraine will be at least as bad as what the holodomor did.

Russia also. Casualties are more or less similar as far as I can tell, which is to be expected when you’re pretty much fighting WW1 all over again. Trench warfare. Russia though has another problem: they’re running out of everything.

Russia’s Wartime Economy (19 Dec)

“When the heaviest sanctions were introduced in March, some economists predicted a rapid collapse in the Russian economy, perhaps by as much as 30 per cent. But that did not happen: oil and gas revenues continued to flow in and the currency soon recovered.

Instead, what is emerging is something different — not a dramatic decline, but a steady degradation of its productive capacity which economists in both Russia and the west argue is pushing the country back decades. Russia is trying to operate a modern economy without the ability to import many of the components, raw materials and technologies on which it depends.

The impact is being felt across the economy — from the banks that need servers to process payments to the country’s poultry industry, which had relied on the Netherlands as a supplier of the chicks from which broiler hens are grown for the mass production of eggs.

Agricultural firms are struggling to source tractor tyres, while airline companies are unable to secure foreign components to repair their planes.”

At least Russia has a lot of industrial capacity that can be used to make stuff. We by contrast have nothing much by way of industry, and what we do have is rapidly dying under the attack by green woke. Can you imagine what isolation due to a war would do to us?

December 20, 2022 3:59 pm

As much as I despise Andrews, he can’t take all the blame for Melbourne. The rot began when Howard started ramping up migration and every government since has loved it and bought more in.

Howard profoundly changed the direction of Australia in two ways. Immigration and Gun Laws. Very difficult to course correct on either of these issues.

Possibly Australia’s worst prime minister ever in terms of damage that lasts for perpetuity.

December 20, 2022 4:01 pm

Ummm … Gough Whitlam.

December 20, 2022 4:02 pm

December 20, 2022 at 3:37 pm
So much for courts in the US helping fix election integrity

North Carolina’s Supreme Court rejected a state voter ID requirement, citing that it was unconstitutional and carried an intentionally racially discriminatory motive.

The state’s high court made a 4-3 decision on Friday to side with a lower court ruling that voided the photo ID law due to the violation of an equal protection clause of the North Carolina Constitution.

Could not wait to start of next month

Two Republican justices will replace Hudson and Associate Justice Sam Ervin IV on the court early next month, giving the GOP a 5-2 seat advantage. Hudson is retiring and Ervin lost his reelection bid last month. Since the three Republican justices who dissented last winter wrote that the constitution doesn’t expressly bar or limit partisan advantage in mapmaking, it’s more likely for a majority going forward to reject last February’s 4-3 decision that defined illegal partisan gerrymandering.

December 20, 2022 4:04 pm

Ummm … Gough Whitlam.

What did Gough do that is still impacting Australia today?

Serious question! He was a skid mark that came out in the next wash!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 20, 2022 4:05 pm

There is little current news, so it must be bad for Ukraine now.

The ground hasn’t yet frozen enough for any side to make major moves simce the end of October, and all the large scale media focus is now on one single town and its outlying settlements where Vlad Bae, his annexed and press-ganged-to-near-extinction Ukrainian auxiliaries and his Wagner mercenary penal legions have been unsuccessfully flinging bodies at since March.

This reminds me of all the extremely confident predictions here of the ‘cauldron’ that was going to snap shut on the Donbas at any time between April and August, trapping and utterly destroying Ukraine’s army.

(And we’ll all agree to ignore the last month or so of incremental Ukrainian gains in the Svatove and Kreminna directions, and the multiple desperate attempts by the Russians to counterattack these and at Bilohorivka…)

December 20, 2022 4:07 pm

Say, what?

Just incase you didn’t already trust them, working on establishing their credentials as complete lunatics.

December 20, 2022 4:15 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
December 20, 2022 at 3:49 pm
that money given to black people in the California should be in-line with the average price of a home in the state, around $800,000.

From the generation that has never owned slaves to the generation that has never been slaves…….shouldn’t the cost of fighting the Civil War be deducted from any reparations?

No – The Black African Nations should be paying reparations for rounding up their own Citizens to be sold for Slavery to the World

British royals expert Hilary Fordwich stunned CNN anchor Don Lemon into silence with her argument that African slave owners owe “reparations” rather than the British Empire, in a viral clip from CNN’s coverage of the death of the queen.

Conservatives on Twitter found the clip hilarious, as it depicted Lemon getting swift pushback for trying to promote the narrative that the British crown owes reparations for slavery.

Observers noted Lemon meekly switching topics without protest after Fordwich’s unexpected response

CNN’s “Don Lemon Tonight” around a week ago, began with the host telling Fordwich that “you have those who are asking for reparations for colonialism, and they’re wondering, you know, ‘$100 billion, $24 billion here and there, $500 million there.’”

“Some people want to be paid back and members of the public are wondering, ‘Why are we suffering when you are, you have all this vast wealth?’ Those are legitimate concerns,” Lemon stated.

Fordwich agreed that the desire for reparations is alive and well, though those who want it can look to African slavers.

“Well I think you’re right about reparations in terms of – if people want it though, what they need to do is, you always need to go back to the beginning of the supply chain. Where was the beginning of the supply chain?” she asked.

“That was in Africa,” she continued. “Across the entire world, when slavery was taking place, which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery?” It was “the British,” Fordwich declared, adding, “In Great Britain they abolished slavery. 2,000 naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery.

Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people. They had them [in] cages, waiting in the beaches.”

She concluded, “I think you’re totally right. If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, ‘Who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages. Absolutely, that’s where they should start.”

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Tara blockies must be thrilled to learn they’re going to have a bunch of cops moving into the middle of them.

Mr Leavers said Queensland Premier Annastasia Palaszczuk has backed the idea to purchase and repurpose the property.
“Our first point of business is to purchase this block of land … and it could be used for many purposes – police who are suffering from PTSD may want a break in the bush, a training centre…

Not cops as neighbours mind you, but cops with jangled nerves & unpredictable PTSD “issues”
Just what a blocky would bludee-well-need.

December 20, 2022 4:20 pm

Tayler Hansen on Tucker Carlson: No Dads Were at the Christmas Drag Show – “Mostly Single Mothers Who Happen to Be Obese” (VIDEO)

Tayler, who has taken a lot of heat over his reporting, told Tucker, “If Dragphobia means that I am against full-grown men dressed as women sexually dancing and committing lewd acts in front of minors intentionally, then you can consider me ‘dragphobic’ to say the least.”

And Tayler also pointed out to Tucker Carlson that he did not see many fathers there, “I’m glad you mentioned the dads, Tucker. There actually is a common reoccurrence is there are no dads there 99% of the time. A lot of the people who bring these kids to the show are single mothers who happen to be obese. I don’t know if there is a pattern there, or what?”

That ought to ignite the crazy left tonight!

I learn a new word every day!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2022 4:22 pm

Serious question! He was a skid mark that came out in the next wash!

Took a nation of “Lifters” and turned them into “leaners.” Introduced the culture of “welfare dependency” that has lasted to the resent day.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 4:23 pm

Putin is in Belarus again today trying to get Luka to commit. Doesn’t seem likely as the Belarussian Army is quite hostile to the idea. It’s been interesting watching Luka thread the needle – balancing Russian demands and domestic troubles, which aren’t helped by the recent election he rigged.

December 20, 2022 4:23 pm

“Like Jefferson said, I prefer dangerous freedom to safe authoritarianism.”

Despite the outcries, I don’t think it’s about “safety” at all – more like unwillingness to find out the facts and make your own choice (which may be laziness, or may be because “time poor”) and the desire to follow the mob.
After all, even a cursory glance at history shows that authoritarian regimes are rarely “safe”, and even when they start that way, they rarely stay that way.

And confronting outre ideas and ideologies is uncomfortable – to refute them requires research and critical thinking, and most of all time.

It’s hard work to research both sides while suppressing your own biases, then poke and prod at the various “solutions” to find flaws, omissions and so on. And there are so many things that require your attention, even aside from day to day living! So people tend to listen to others who have done that work for them. And if they listen to the MSM “experts” then they will be part of the majority when they form their opinions. So they out-source the decisions to an “expert” on the MSM and viola! They “know” what is good and right to do after just a few minutes of paying attention to a talking head on TV or a few minutes reading a “trusted” newspaper.

Which worked fine when media ownership was diverse, and when those writing the articles had come up through the ranks and learned their trade in the school of hard knocks, and when people spent the time to hear or read multiple sources on the same “event”. But is now failing them, when just a few owners exist, when journalists are edumacated at left-leaning universities and want to “make a difference” and “tell a story” to “engage the audience” rather than just report the facts and what others have said about those facts without fear or favour, and when people only have the time for a quick synopsis from a single source.

And that state of affairs is easily exploited and then enforced by the unscrupulous.
And it has been, and is being so exploited.
I don’t know how to fix it – hell, I’m not sure it can be fixed any time soon.
And that’s going to be a problem some time soon.
I hope it’s not a “fatal” problem for my family, my country or my planet.

December 20, 2022 4:24 pm

UK citizens stockpiling supplies due to shortage fear

Two of my favourite scotch whiskys are in short supply at the usual outlets.
Things are getting serious!

Would it help if we invaded the UK?

December 20, 2022 4:25 pm

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

The vaccine is “safe and effective” according to our very own CDC, FDA and Federal government.

Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the 4,070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS system is the federal government’s method of monitoring vaccine injuries through real-time reporting. As reported through

Pfizer, the maker of one of the notorious mRNA “vaccines”, has recently come out and acknowledged that the vaccine may cause blood clots. As reported on by The Gateway Pundit yesterday, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets Janine Small admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on whether or not it prevented transmission of the disease before it entered the market.

The known effects of myocarditis and other cardiac injuries has not only been well documented in the public, it is now being acknowledged by the vaccine manufacturer and the FDA themselves. And now that Twitter allows “free speech” (kind of), the message is beginning to disseminate throughout the mainstream.

December 20, 2022 4:29 pm

“Our first point of business is to purchase this block of land … and it could be used for many purposes – police who are suffering from PTSD may want a break in the bush, a training centre…

So they’re going to turn it into a shrine?
Police PTSD sufferers going to the scene of a double police murder, for a break. FMD!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2022 4:31 pm

Would it help if we invaded the UK?

Just the Isle of Islay.

December 20, 2022 4:31 pm

JC – prease exprain…

The Bank of Japan shocked markets tonight.

After leaving policy rates unchanged, the ‘easiest’ bank in the world decided to dramatically modify its so-called Yield Curve Control framework and increase the quantity of government bonds it will buy each month (while the rest of the world is doing the opposite).

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 20, 2022 4:33 pm

If the California Reparations became law then I can see it being petitioned to be put to a vote at the next general election. I can’t see it getting a large ‘Yes’ vote from the whites and latinos.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2022 4:34 pm

Islay Whisky

Islay’s main features are its nine excellent single malt whiskies and white washed distilleries which can be found in the most beautiful settings. It’s often said that the introduction of whisky in Scotland started on Islay, which was used as a stepping stone for Scotland. Irish monks introduced the art of whisky distillation to Islay in the 14th century. It was Islay that had unlimited supplies of peat and rivers filled with pure water. The first official distillery on the island was in Bowmore which received its license in 1779. Nowadays nine distilleries are almost running full time on the island and their names are well known throughout the world. Islay’s whiskies are renowned for their smoke and peat and other excellent qualities. The southern distilleries of Ardbeg, Lagavulin and Laphroaig produce very strong peaty flavoured whiskies while the other distilleries on the north of the island, Bowmore, Bunnahabhain, Caol Ila, Bruichladdich and Kilchoman are less peaty.

Brian Boitano
Brian Boitano
December 20, 2022 4:34 pm

Has anyone here visited the Caspian Sea?

December 20, 2022 4:34 pm

Fucking hilarious; and by hilarious I mean every one of the corrupt, sleazy pieces of shit should be taken out and horse-whipped, how the Jan 6 shitheads have indicted Trump for doing exactly what they did to his election: dispute it: as Mark Rice explains:

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
December 20, 2022 4:42 pm

Oh well, I’ m a bit late on this but what the hell, There may have been previous comments on this that I haven’t seen. Kevin Rudd as Ambassador.
My Facebook post:

Absolute scandal!
This from a Government that campaigned on a platform of integrity.
Rudd appointed Ambassador to Washington.
There is a reasonable case to be made that this bloke should be in gaol.
Google ‘The Heiner Report’.
“Though both Rudd and Queensland Premier Peter Beattie claimed as recently as last week that the shredding of the documents needed no further investigation, it has never been fully examined. Both Rudd and Beattie also rejected the view of former chief justice of the High Court, Sir Harry Gibbs and an unprecedented plea from a former West Australian chief justice (David Malcolm), two retired NSW chief judges (Jack Lee, now deceased, and Dr Frank McGrath), two retired NSW Supreme Court justices (Roddy Meagher and Barry O’Keefe), one of Australia’s foremost QCs (Alec Shand) and a legal academic and barrister (Alastair MacAdam) that an independent special prosecutor be appointed to examine the matter.”

December 20, 2022 4:42 pm

Zyconoclast says:
December 20, 2022 at 3:26 pm
Good read on Ukraine…… It’s a tragic read. The damage done to Ukraine will be at least as bad as what the holodomor did. They will never recover.

No, they won’t. Almost a quarter of the population has left the country and I imagine a fair percentage of them will not return. Inflation is 30% and GPD has collapsed by 36%. Unemployment is also around 30%. Russia currently controls around 20% of the Ukraine’s arable land. Conservative estimates suggest a damage bill of $US700Bl+ to date and rising as more infrastructure is destroyed/damaged. By the time this is over, who knows – a trillion dollars? More?

Meanwhile, even Zelensky admitted (in June) that up to 100 Ukrainian soldiers are being killed each day and 500 wounded. Every day! That’s north of 200,000 killed or wounded per annum. Then of course, there are the civilian losses numbering in the many thousands and rising.

And today, we read that Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Defence Minister Shoigu are all in Minsk having a chat with Lukashenko. Apparently, they are discussing closer economic and industrial alignment and……the excitement of Sunday’s World Cup soccer final in Qatar. Despite the ‘nothing to see here’ stance, can we expect a reinvigorated Russian push in the New Year?

Ukraine is an incredible place with large tracts of beautiful scenery, exceptional architecture and a fascinating history. The Beatles were correct in their assertions about Ukraine girls. But it’s also one of the most manipulative and corrupt places on the planet in terms of government and officialdom. No matter what happens in this conflict with Russia, I think Ukraine is finished as a functioning independent country.

December 20, 2022 4:44 pm

Russia also.…

Not entirely, the Politburo consisted of
7 Russians
1 Ukrainian
1 Polish
2 Georgian including Stalin
1 Latvian

December 20, 2022 4:49 pm

No, they won’t. Almost a quarter of the population has left the country and I imagine a fair percentage of them will not return.

I did not mean a literal starvation/death.

Between those that have left and won’t return and the fact more that 100k of the baby making men are dead and many more injured, the long term prospects for Ukrainian demographics are bleak.
The birth rate before the war was terrible, afterwards it cannot recover.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 4:53 pm

And today, we read that Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Defence Minister Shoigu are all in Minsk having a chat with Lukashenko.

Yes. It was amusing that when Russia sent a division into Belarus recently for exercises the Belarussian Army took off to the Polish border to defend against those dastardly NATO-loving Poles.

Russia’s rhetoric hyping NATO as a dire threat has given Lukashenko a convenient excuse. He’s no fool, he needs his army in Belarus, not in Ukraine, to safeguard himself in power.

December 20, 2022 4:54 pm

For those who haven’t read the WA Public Health Act (in light of Phelps’ admission):

“the force that an authorised officer or police officer or person assisting may use includes any force that it is reasonably necessary to use in the circumstances to overcome any resistance to the enforcement of compliance with a requirement or direction (including enabling a medical examination or medical treatment to be carried out or a vaccination to be given)…”

December 20, 2022 4:58 pm

Zyconoclast says:
December 20, 2022 at 4:49 pm


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 20, 2022 4:58 pm

NSW Police officers stood down after idiotic photo shows them pointing loaded firearms at one another
Brianna DuganThe West Australian
Tue, 20 December 2022 1:51PM
Two NSW police officers have been stood down amid an internal investigation after they were pictured pointing their guns at each other in an idiotic act posted on a social media site.

NSW police are investigating after a female officer was captured pointing her loaded firearm at a male officer, who was pointing his own firearm to his head.

The senseless act was uploaded just a week after the tragic deaths of two police officers in Queensland who were murdered in cold blood while doing their duty.

The idiotic image was posted to the new social media app Be Real, which allows users to share daily photos of themselves with friends at sporadic times throughout the day.

December 20, 2022 4:59 pm


It’s a tightening move by the BOJ. It also has major global implications because:

1. The BOJ holds 50% of the outstanding Japanese debt.
2. Yen is used around the world as a funding currency because of its previous medium term weakness
3. The Japs are the largest holders of US bonds.

They had to tighten policy because they can’t allow the Yen to weaken much more as it impacts their inflation rate.
This means “risk off” and will adversely impact all asset classes around the world at least in the short term.

December 20, 2022 5:00 pm

Ah ok thanks JC… got it!

December 20, 2022 5:11 pm

Albanese Government gives America a smack in the mouth – Ambassador Rudd
Tuesday, 20 December 2022

What did the US do to deserve this?

I thought we were allies.

December 20, 2022 5:19 pm

in Melbourneistan at the moment, had a look in the CBD, it’s filthy, smelly, homeless people all over the place & very downmarket.

But enough about the anti-vaxx protestors.

December 20, 2022 5:20 pm

December 20, 2022 at 5:19 pm
in Melbourneistan at the moment, had a look in the CBD, it’s filthy, smelly, homeless people all over the place & very downmarket.

But enough about the anti-vaxx protestors.

That’s no way to speak about Kerryn Phelps.

December 20, 2022 5:24 pm

But enough about the anti-vaxx protestors.

Dickless humour.

December 20, 2022 5:25 pm

Ukraine is an incredible place with large tracts of beautiful scenery, exceptional architecture and a fascinating history. The Beatles were correct in their assertions about Ukraine girls. But it’s also one of the most manipulative and corrupt places on the planet in terms of government and officialdom. No matter what happens in this conflict with Russia, I think Ukraine is finished as a functioning independent country.

I visited Ukraine in the 1980s. They hated the Russians then, as they do now. But this conflict was always going to destroy Ukraine. There was an opportunity to surrender their claim over the Russian speaking areas, where conflict had killed so many – but which most of the population in the West seems still unaware of. What a shame there was not a diplomatic solution at the begging of this current debacle. So many lives lost.

December 20, 2022 5:30 pm

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

Such a tragedy. The first grandchild of a friend was aborted in the third trimester due to the unsurvivable damage to the foetus, which I cannot describe since it was so bad. Yes – this does occur from time to time. But my friend – a ex nurse – would not hear of the possibility of vaccine damage.

Thank the Lord, a subsequent baby reached full term and was delivered. A lovely baby, fully formed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 5:34 pm

Why isn’t the Western MSM promoting these gains?

Dover – You know the MSM is just a mouthpiece of the Left. They put out the talking points and nothing else. No actual reporting or investigation.

The last 6 or 7 months the MSM has been hyping the glorious victories of the heroic Ukrainians against the nasty slope-headed Russians because that got buy-in for the money that the Left sent to Ukraine. From which they got their cut (see Bursima, FTX).

Recently, oh about 6 weeks ago, there was a change in tone. There were noises coming from the left about the cost of supporting the Ukrainians. That lasted maybe two or three weeks. Then everything went quiet.

What I think is happening is that the Left has decided they want to keep the flood to Ukraine going (see US defense spending bill) but now think that it should be done below the radar. That way they get their baksheesh but don’t stir up their base too much. Hence the MSM has cut right back on reporting the war. At least that’s what it looks like to me.

December 20, 2022 5:34 pm

Brandis thrilled with Rudd appointment.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 20, 2022 5:34 pm

December 20, 2022 at 5:19 pm
in Melbourneistan at the moment, had a look in the CBD, it’s filthy, smelly, homeless people all over the place & very downmarket.

But enough about the anti-vaxx protestors.

HOW DARE you criticise Dr Phelps and her wife. What are you, some kind of homophobe?

December 20, 2022 5:36 pm


VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

The compulsory mRNA vaccination programme ought to be disavowed and those who don’t, “cancelled”.

December 20, 2022 5:38 pm

When the MSM go quiet on Ukraine’s wins, you know there are no wins.

Sun Tzu.

December 20, 2022 5:41 pm

McClowns grand solid gold cubic zircona encrusted codpiece with the hourly gush of money to the east has started to smoke and whine in the terrible, terrible heat…
Its thermogeddon in the West.

Western Australia’s first big battery will now cost an extra $19 million and not be available until after summer, adding further pressure to the state’s electricity grid.

More than two years in the making, the Kwinana battery project was announced in October 2020 as a way to strengthen WA’s power system, and will be capable of powering 160,000 homes for two hours.

The battery soaks up power from generators or sources like rooftop solar when demand is low but supply is high – like during the middle of the day – and distributes it when the opposite is true.

Celebrating the installation of the first battery units of the project in August, Premier Mark McGowan described it as a “pretty simple and neat solution to the problem we face”.

A spokesperson for the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), which is responsible for operating the grid that powers more than a million customers from Geraldton to Albany and out to Kalgoorlie, said the delays had been accounted for.

They said combined with coal supply shortages and other issues, AEMO had activated a process not used in WA since 2008, which provides “reserve capacity” on standby, either to generate more power or to cut back demand.

“These reserves will add further resilience to the grid during the challenging summer period when the power system is under increased stress,” AEMO’s executive general manager for WA, Kate Ryan, said.

“Battery suppliers originally advised that industry standards meant a passive fire design would be adequate for the project,” the spokesperson said.

“However, at the beginning of this year Synergy made the decision to install an impermeable firewater containment system to meet emerging understandings of the technology in other jurisdictions.”

December 20, 2022 5:49 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
December 20, 2022 at 3:52 pm
Russia though has another problem: they’re running out of everything.

Instead, what is emerging is something different — not a dramatic decline, but a steady degradation of its productive capacity …… Russia (doesn’t now have) the ability to import many of the components, raw materials and technologies on which it depends.

No so. Russia isn’t like most (all) western countries that are a spaghetti of inter-reliance or reliance on Chinese supply. Russia has been largely self-sufficient for most things as a consequence of 70 years of the the cold war and their capacity to produce is undoubted. The last 30 years has allowed Russia to gain access to some newer methodology and, as necessary, China is filling any holes. (China, who by the way, produce large quantities of components for the West and for whom copying is an artform.)

The impact is being felt across the economy — from the banks that need servers to process payments to the country’s poultry industry, which had relied on the Netherlands as a supplier of the chicks from which broiler hens are grown for the mass production of eggs.

Nonsense. Servers are ’10 a penny’ and I doubt the Russian economy will fall because of a lack of eggs.

Agricultural firms are struggling to source tractor tyres, while airline companies are unable to secure foreign components to repair their planes.

Russia has been producing tyres since (at least) the 1930s. Most international tyre companies set up operations in Russia in the 1990s and yes, those foreign factories have ceased production in the past few months. But, the majority of those tyres were exported for sale and Russian owned factories produce around 75-80% of domestic tyre requirements. To be fair, the local versions may not meet Euro standards but again, hardly a crisis.

As for the aircraft parts – some parts for foreign manufactured aircraft are near impossible to obtain. But, Russia have been manufacturing aircraft, and parts, for years. I know for certain that some hard to obtain foreign parts are now being manufactured (copied) in Russia.

Remember that Mrs Speedbox was in Russia just a few weeks ago and she didn’t report any shortages. Westerners always seem to overlook Russian inventiveness and capacity to overcome. Most westerners would shrivel up at the idea of ‘something’ not being available at a moment’s notice but Russians aren’t like that – they simply shrug and move on to the next thing. Or manufacture what is required. It’s a totally different mindset – think of Australia 50+ years ago when we just got on with the job using a different tool or method.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 20, 2022 5:51 pm

When the MSM go quiet on Ukraine’s wins, you know there are no wins.

That’s true. But Russia isn’t having any wins either. Trench warfare.

What the MSM does though has nothing to do with Ukraine or Russia and everything to do with what the Lefty deep state wants reported. Or not reported.

There’s a bit of a threat that the Hunter laptop stuff about Bursima will come out. Been some stories about this week. I think that’s another reason why the MSM is running dead on the war…to protect Biden, and by extension the others like the Pelosis who have fingers in the yummy Ukrainian honey jar. Not to mention the massive FTX money laundering operation which went through Ukraine and back to fund the Dems’ mid terms steal.

  1. Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x