Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
Hopefully they discover that the meteorite killed the Wagyl and we can all just get on with fixing bridges over…
Both sprang from, and were nurtured to adulthood, by the same Marxist whore.
Bb Knuckles and other AFLers. Early but if the Hawks win the flag would consider this one of the all…
My personal belief is that – predictably – you are whistling past the graveyard. No personal animosity, but look at…
That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem. What a…
It is probably his worst. Very bad, awful.
Option 1) The ACT doesn’t want to look like Victoria’s legal system; or
Option 2) The ACT wants to look worse than Victoria’s legal system?
If this review doesn’t look into why two Ministers were told not to give personal evidence by the Attorney General who’d already declared his support for Britnah in Hansard, then it is Option 2.
Gun violence seems to follow a pattern
Last year, nearly two-thirds of gun deaths involving children — 2,279
Most homicides involved Black children, who make up a small share of all children…
Last year, suicides made up nearly 30 percent of child gun deaths — 1,078. Unlike homicides, suicides disproportionately involve white children, mostly teenage boys.
Battery of the Nation. If that doesn’t make Tasmanian’s chests fill with pride and stop leaving the joint I don’t know what will.
Rishi Sunak has requested an audit of UK military aid to Ukraine.
Whatever his rationale is, it’s made the warmongers in Whitehall anxious.
They are considered a geopolitical asset and countries are willing to pay to have those industries.
Stalin was prepared to starve half the country to leverage grain exports into a fledgling manufacturing base.
Has the advancement of technology made such attitudes outdated? Possibly.
But the point is moot when you take into account the billions of dollars now being wasted on crap like the jabs, rooftop solar rubbish and all those government nanny state adverts.
Bankrupt-Fraud laundered taxpayer money through Ukraine to both the Dems and the RINOs.
The place is a corrupt pollie’s wet dream. Which is why they’re doing their darndest to make Hunter’s laptop go away, seeing as it has the Bursima stuff on it. So many other leftist pollies will be caught up if the lid is lifted on the can of worms.
December 21, 2022 at 11:18 am
Some of the cash earmarked for renewables and related activities:
There is no generated real economy cash as it is all borrowed money. The taxpayer(s) are/is already overloaded. More debt, more debt, more debt as far as the eye can see…………………….
It makes more sense to pay UK politicians to clean out their duck moats on their country properties. At least that creates local work and the ducks aren’t swimming in muck.
Some of the cash earmarked for renewables and related activities:
$20 billion for upgrades to the electricity grid
From 2012…
At the weekend, Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a proposal that she says would cut household power bills by up to $250 a year. The Prime Minister said the plan would try to stop the so-called “gold plating” of the electricity network, which is the over investment in poles and wires.
Peru Uprising
From Armstrong Economics –
“The rise in inflation is causing riots around the world and people are also fed up with corrupt governments everywhere. As our model has been forecasting, the rise in civil unrest is the precursor to the collapse of governments. This is people chasing the military who was protesting the Peru Government. As in the Russian coup when Yeltsin stood on the tank and told the troops not to shoot their own people, once the troops backed down, the coup collapsed. It all depends on the military and whose side do they defend – the people or the corrupt politicians as they have done in Venezuela. Civil Unrest is what unfolds at times as Revolution.”
This is scary.
Paul Joseph Watson
That’s right ladies, you are still subsidising cars, only now the factories are elsewhere, and the cars are electric.
How do you feel? You went from complaining about subsidising Australians to make cars to complete silence about now subsidising other countries, including our biggest regional threat to make your cars.
Ken opines about this question in his usual subtle way.
Agian you’re assuming we wouldn’t have both I don’t, Arky. Look bottom line it’s the lack of cheep base load power that is the problem. Fix that manufacturing will return but not on a grand scale you like but it will.
I don’t assume anything.
I know that everything, everywhere is always, always, AWAYS corrupt.
If you are waiting for some hypothetical, pure, free alternative to begin, you will never do anything.
Both owe scenarios are hypothetical, Arky mine doesn’t add to the mess.
What future?
Three 13-year-old girls, three 14-year-old girls and two 16-year-old girls have each been charged with second-degree murder. They can’t be identified due to a provision in the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
The girls appeared in court on Sunday and are scheduled to appear in court again on Dec. 29.
They were remanded into custody.
Police haven’t identified the victim, who is from Toronto, as they are working to notify his next-of-kin.
Browne said what’s alleged to have happened is “swarming-type behaviour” but said he wouldn’t call the group a “gang.”
He said the group of girls met each other on social media and come from different parts of the city. It’s not clear how long they have known each other, he said.
Crossie says:
December 21, 2022 at 10:01 am
HT, I remember mid-80s we used to go on picnics on Labor Day weekend in short sleeves and shorts. Though only ten years earlier I wore my long winter coat the same weekend. It depends, 70s we’re cool, 80s and 90s were warm and we are back in the cool period again.
This cyclic pattern of warm and cool periods is what infuriates me about the climate change worshippers. The naive ones are used by the renewables carpetbaggers to push for their financial advantages. Always follow the money.
It’s the number one foreign policy priority, yes. Extremely good ROI for what it is: severely degrading the military capability of a hostile empire without having to risk one American life. The US could hardly envisage a more favourable scenario.
December 21, 2022 at 11:32 am
Some of the cash earmarked for renewables and related activities:
$20 billion for upgrades to the electricity grid
From 2012…
At the weekend, Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a proposal that she says would cut household power bills by up to $250 a year. The Prime Minister said the plan would try to stop the so-called “gold plating” of the electricity network, which is the over investment in poles and wires.
Note that the $20 billion is the taxpayer “co-investment” towards what the gummint said was an $80 billion project.
The CSIRO has since estimated the total could be up to $500 billion.
Also, this is not the “gold plating” that Gilliard spoke of. This is new networks to connect remote, low energy density, intermittent generators to their customer base.
Sorry, I didn’t pick up on what your alternative is.
Can you outline it quickly?
Prof. Doherty being a lefty probably has no idea what he means.
You have to read more um, widely for that.
GreyRanga says:
December 21, 2022 at 8:46 am
When I was a nipper the kid next door had one of those tops that spun and then would flip over on its axis.
Could happen!!!! (just messing with ya 🙂 ). Way back in 1976 American author Allan W Eckert wrote The HAB Theory. The guts of the story is that about every 6,000–7,000 years the Earth’s polar ice caps become over-burdened with ice, creating such an imbalance in the planet’s centre of gravity, that the Earth’s poles and the Earth’s equator shift positions. The former poles are consequently located somewhere between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Needless to say, you can imagine the devastation and mankind is all but destroyed – especially as the global capsize occurs in a single day. Only a few survive and…….
Anyway, if you can find a copy, it’s a cracking science fiction read.
Also this at Wikipedia.
Turns out Musk’s story about a crazed stalker jumping on the roof of his car was bulldust. Actually it was his own security team mowing the bloke down.
Cleo Paskal: Inside CCP Entropic Warfare, from Fentanyl to Bribery to Fueling Civil Wars | TEASER
American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times
A lecturer teaching medicine was tutoring a class on ‘Observation’. He took out a jar of yellow-coloured liquid. “This” he explained “is urine. To be a doctor, you have to be observant to colour, smell, sight, and taste”. After saying this, he dipped his finger into the jar and put it into his mouth. His class watched on in amazement, most, in disgust. But being the good students that they were, the jar was passed, and one by one, they dipped one finger into the jar and then put it into their mouth. After the last student was done, the lecturer shook his head. “If any of you had been observant, you would have noticed that I put my second finger into the jar and my third finger into my mouth”.
So Monty are you in favour of the Republicans’* intention to appoint an inspector general to audit and oversee Ukraine spending?
* Some of them, anyway.
As a rule, men worry more about what they can’t see than about what they can.
– Julius Caesar
Devin Nunes responds to report DOJ issued subpoenas to House intel staffers
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
– Mahatma Gandhi
December 21, 2022 at 11:48 am
McConnell: “Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians is the number one priority for the United States right now according to most Republicans.
It’s the number one foreign policy priority, yes. Extremely good ROI for what it is: severely degrading the military capability of a hostile empire without having to risk one American life. The US could hardly envisage a more favourable scenario.
m0nty=fa thinks that risking the start of World War III will not “risk one American life”.
m0nty=fa is a fascist idiot who is happy to see millions die to satisfy his urge to be the world’s greatest chickenhawk.
Sure, fine. Not as if the US has anything to hide. They are funding Ukraine’s war effort to a large extent, this is all out in the open.
Remove subsidies for ‘renewables’ and allow base load providers to complete unhindered, Arky.
It is peculiar that Putin chose to wait until after Trump left office and Biden was settled in to invade Ukraine. His timing was execrable; that was the worst possible time to start the war. Maybe he’s not a strategic genius?
I get the feeling that with the way capitalism is now being portrayed in the media and schools, that you will soon look back with fondness to the days when we had privately run factories making anything, subsidised or not.
The fashion now is to demonise any sort of production, and to either outlaw it or do a Dan and turn it into a state owned asset.
These aren’t your grandfather’s state run assets either. Bad as that was. In them days the excuse was that the working class was to share in the bounty. Now a days their story is that you, your history, your family and your future are Ill formed and evil and they are seizing the assets to save the world from your continued existence.
December 21, 2022 at 11:59 am
So Monty are you in favour of the Republicans’* intention to appoint an inspector general to audit and oversee Ukraine spending?
Sure, fine. Not as if the US has anything to hide. They are funding Ukraine’s war effort to a large extent, this is all out in the open.
Head firmly inserted in his fundament, m0nty=fa ignores recent events, including the FTX scandal, because they are not mentioned in the DemonRat talking points.
None so blind ….
Interesting article by Dr Phillip Altman and other Aussies over at Trialsite News.
Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety?
December 21, 2022 at 12:01 pm
It is peculiar that Putin chose to wait until after Trump left office and Biden was settled in to invade Ukraine. His timing was execrable; that was the worst possible time to start the war. Maybe he’s not a strategic genius?
Putin might not be a “strategic genius”, but you are definitely a strategic nincompoop.
Abolish excise, get rid of the state royalties on coal, the state gets their money when the coal is bought for electricity generation (and on it flows). In short, remove all extra taxes on energy and remove all the subsidies.
May the most reliable and cheapest provider win.
Kelly has some OK songs.
That is not among them.
It shits me that it has been turned into “a Christmas tradition” by Chipple-Jay (h/t Rabz) and his record company.
Yes it’s mess and the chance of a correction is getting slimmer every day.
Unsubsidised they don’t exist, at which point the question becomes nuclear or coal or gas.
But is any of this now politically possible, given that a large chunk of the population have bought the green scam?
Well strike me down with a feather! whod a thunk it, the ABC biased?
ACMA chair Nerida O’Loughlin said the national broadcaster did not give viewers the opportunity to “make up their own mind”.
“Both audiences and participants are entitled to the full picture. In this case, by omitting information the ABC did not do justice to the story or provide all relevant facts to its audience,” O’Loughlin said.
“Current affairs programs such as Four Corners are not precluded from presenting a particular perspective …but that needs to be balanced against requirements to gather and present information with due impartiality. The ACMA considers that ABC could have taken greater care in striking that balance in this program to avoid perceptions of partiality.”
The ACMA found two breaches of ABC’s Code of Practice, criticising the national broadcaster for “materially misleading” its audience by omitting relevant context about the appearance of two Fox News presenters at a campaign rally for Trump.
So Monty if the Republicans want an auditing Inspector General why is it that the Dems don’t?
Do you support the Democrats in their position of rejecting the appointment of one?
you have to hand it to him, like clockwork, smutley is always on point with the latest woke talking points.
ABC Teleprompter Reader Suffers Pericarditis After COVID-19 Vaccine, & The Karma Train Rolls On…
Abandon hope.
We are rooted.
Extremely good ROI for what it is: severely degrading the military capability of a hostile empire without having to risk one American life.
Would Russia annexing a chunk of the Ukraine hollow out Americas industrial base, steal massive amounts of its IP, embed spying capabilities in its equipment?
..oh wait thats China.
America is engaged in classic humiliated bully tactics. Having scuttled away from Afghanistan like a whipped cur its military saw Putins (unjust/unjustified) attack on Ukraine as a godsend to avoid having to run the post Vietnam experience all over again.
Monty is turgid thinking of dead Ukrainians and Russian conscripts, while the American political class and military make out like bandits.
I wish it wasn’t so but crises usually focuses people’s priorities.
It is peculiar that Putin chose to wait until after Trump left office and Biden was settled in to invade Ukraine.
Its a mystery..
The [mining] companies said ministers didn’t understand the tax
Once the regulations for the carbon tax came out the confusion was even worse. We were meant to estimate the emissions of methane, carbon monoxide & dioxide from a pit. Impossible task, the guy interpreting the regulations in the end said pluck a believable figure out of the air and use that as there was no guidence on any measurement metrics or any requirement to show workings.
I see that rotund dimwit Beazley featuring again. He epitomises Snrs quip about the dregs of the middle class. Before he opened his trap I heard there was anger in the veteran community which is likely to inflame now.
There was a farmer who had a brown cow and a white cow and he wanted to get them bred, so borrowed his neighbour’s bull and turned it loose in the pasture. He told his son to watch and come in and tell him when the bull was finished. “Yeah daddy, yeah daddy” said the little boy.
After a while the boy came into the living room where his father was talking with some friends. “Say, Pop” said the boy. “Yes” replied his father. “The bull just fucked the brown cow”.
There was a sudden lull in the conversation. The father said “Excuse me?” and took his son outside.
“Son, you mustn’t use language like that in front of company. You should say ‘the bull SURPRISED the brown cow’. Now go and watch and tell me when the bull ‘SURPRISES’ the white cow”.
The father went back inside the house. After a while the boy came in and said “Hey, Daddy”. “Yes, son. Did the bull surprise the white cow?”
“He sure did, Pop! He fucked the brown cow again!”
If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.
– Confucius
Over at the Oz, Ernie Dingo finds Australia Day “Divisive.” I’ve news for you, Ernie, I find “Welcome to Country” downright insulting.
No, I do not support the Democrats on that one.
They really should appoint one themselves rather than let the Republicans choose one.
Wonder if we’ll be getting any of this from k d wrong over the next few days.? If you want to be wrong for a day read the paper. If you want to be wrong for three years vote Liars. If you want to be wrong for a lifetime ask a teacher.
The humiliated bully here is Putin. His military planned for a Gulf War I style sprint to Kyiv and a quick round of victory medals for the generals. Instead it’s the Somme all over again.
Yes, Ukraine was a massively favourable opportunity for Biden. Why did Putin deliver it to him on a silver platter? Was it because Vlad believed his own bulldust?
Having gotten Monty to support the MAGA Republicans and condemn the Democrats, for my next trick I’ll get him to support Trump and damn Joe.
That red pill is looking very yummy Monty don’t you think?
But it is okay to have a day in Australia, thanks to P Kelly, dedicated to making a British “sauce” that covers meat?
Australian made.
I think the smoking ceremony was when the whitefella visited indigen lands and, as a way to open up a conversation, would say…
“Anyhow, have a Winfield.”
Sorry, I haven’t listened to Paul Kelly for many years now.
Bruce, you may think that you have to support every single thing your man does lest you be judged unworthy as a partisan apparatchik, but that kind of Stalinism is not how everyone thinks.
Yes, Ukraine was a massively favourable opportunity for Biden.
And here Monty of Malmo celebrates Biden starting a war by green lighting a “minor incursion” because he hates Russian/Ukrainian conscripts.
Monty is turgid thinking of dead Ukrainians and Russian conscripts, while the American political class and military make out like bandits.
Remember when letfards hated US “imperialism” and perpetual war? m0nty=fa doesn’t, and is now happy for the US to provoke Wussia, regardless of the number of casualties. He is relaxed that up to 120,000 Ukrainians might have been killed, and probably a similar number of Russians, with multiples of those numbers injured, including permanent mutilation.
No wonder modern leftards don’t care about the working class these days, they are too busy with corruption and warmongering.
Health experts ignored FDA data and didn’t read the vaccine nonclinical report. Senate 21.11.22
Senator Gerard Rennick
1,000+ Communist Priests Infiltrated the Catholic Church in America
The John-Henry Westen Channel
Some good letters from today’s Oz:
Just back from the UK where short days and bitter cold are bringing out the puffer jackets and the wealthy are turning up the home heating.
British news reports are concerned with the energy crisis causing average people to decide on increased debt, zero home heating, petrol for the car or a walk to the pub where the atmosphere is warmer. A lucky few are lighting wood or coal-burning fires at home to keep icicles and huge power bills at bay, and be damned with the air pollution.
Meanwhile, down in Devon and Cornwall, the rain, fog, calm and cloud make redundant the solar farms that cover thousands of hectares of fertile farmlands, and wind turbines stand immobile. It’s a calamitous situation for any country, especially those Western nations trying their best to balance net zero against the cost of people’s lives due to the cold or indeed the heat.
While so-called cheap renewables supply some power sometimes, any person capable of rational, non-activist, non-political thinking will realise the answer to true non-polluting power has not been discovered yet and the current crop are a great big failure.
Peter Robinson, Brighton, Vic
Len Cox (Last Post, 19/12) declared his solar panels generate up to 5500 watts; his power bills are never more than $7; he can charge any future electric car effectively for free. The next day no fewer than five correspondents queried his claims, but none appears to have checked the energy needed to charge an EV. On average, 40 kilowatt hours would allow him to travel 100km, requiring eight hours of sunshine. How would he power his fridge, stove and airconditioner that day? He doesn’t mention a (very expensive) battery – does he read by candlelight in the evenings?
Roslyn Phillips, Tea Tree Gully, SA
What will the Americans make of Kevin Rudd’s programmatic specificity?
David Crommelin, Strathfield, NSW
The Ego Has Landed.
Shaun Miller, Prahran, Vic
So we are sending Kevin Rudd to Washington. Haven’t the Americans suffered enough?
Shane Hughes, Shenton Park, WA
Most politically incorrect, but a bloody good laugh!
This is exactly the sort of thing that made America great.
Cronkite, just stop. You can’t interrupt court cases doing that stuff. Enuff!
December 21, 2022 at 12:56 pm
That red pill is looking very yummy Monty don’t you think?
Bruce, you may think that you have to support every single thing your man does lest you be judged unworthy as a partisan apparatchik, but that kind of Stalinism is not how everyone thinks.
Sez the fool who could never, ever, bring himself to make an unequivocal condemnation of the crimes of communism (over 100 million dead).
To quote m0nty=fa, LOL.
It’s called a mousetrap Monty. I caught you in it. I was having fun.
Bruce of N
Interesting that a mousetrap can be used to teach a leftard to tap dance. It’s fun to watch m0nty=fa desperately trying to avoid being cancelled by his maaaaaates (as happened when Steve from Brissy and Homer P effectively drove him from his own blog).
Folk in these parts always advise newcomers that first frost is around ANZAC Day.
So take that, you lot!
Woke film critic being mocked for accusing the movie Avatar of ‘cultural appropriation’
Ah yes, the callsign of the troll who just got caught out on his bullshit.
Frank Chung has another article at News com au about Phelps and her criticising AHPRA.
Best mainstream media journalist reporting on Covid for past 2 years.
Dr. Doug Corrigan
1/New study from Cleveland Clinic demonstrates that the risk of a COVID infection goes up with number of doses of the jab. See graph below. They admit that this is unexpected and they call into question the effectiveness of mRNA. What follows are direct quotes from their paper
You should all know that Gravy Day is a just consumerist appropriation of the ancient solstice rituals of eating rabbits and releasing scapegoats. Cmon you guys.
“…this is not the “gold plating” that Gilliard spoke of.”
They never wanted to “gold plate” it – they wanted to create redundancy so the entire grid was reliable and serviceable (as in: able to be maintained).
Look what happened to SA when a storm dropped an interchange feeder – statewide blackout. After that, they want to add extra lines just in case, but when they are looking for more cash for their pork barrelling, it’s “gold plating” the network.
New World Odor™
Government Bribes: Total Malfeasance
“…dollars freely flowing to all the physician societies, the medical colleges, Hollywood, (and so on),”
“Billions of dollars bought influence, and it worked.”
So does Ernie, he laughs and says it was “invented” recently and has no basis in Aboriginal heritage.
China is ‘opportunistic’ about what ‘concession’ Labor government can give them
[Seems that the Sky subeditors are fluent in Chinglish]
Straight off the bat: the ‘Uniquely unpleasant and inept’ Kevin Rudd is thrust into Australia’s official relationship with the USA.
In Beijing, Emperor Xi smiles slightly…
I note that yesterday AHPRA announced bureaucratic cuts to fast track foreign doctors, nurses & midwives into practice in Australia. But iirc, the bureucratic process was tightened some years ago after a number of dubious cases were revealed in the press and, in one notorious Qld case, in the criminal courts.
yeh, but ‘we did nuttin!’,
our internal review said it was A-ok!
China Health System Under Pressure From COVID Surge, Other Countries Fear Possible Virus Mutations
China in Focus – NTD
01:53 China Health System Under Pressure from COVID-19 Surge, Other Countries Fear Possible Virus Mutations
05:03 How One Chinese Man Became a Twitter Sensation Amid China’s Anti-Lockdown Protests
08:30 World Bank Cuts China Growth Outlook
09:14 Apple to Shift Macbook Production to Vietnam in 2023
10:00 Lighthizer Calls for ‘Strategic Decoupling’ from China
11:47 Taiwan’s President Meets U.S., EU Delegations
13:18 Foxconn Could Face Fine for China Investment
When I was a Trot in my younger days, I was such an elitist and thought “people are idiots.” I was so well-read and fashionable. I wore a red arm band.
It’s only taken me 15 subsequent years of ongoing conservatism to see that the Left don’t think people are just idiots. They just want people dead – and no generalisation: That’s all Leftists.
From the unborn (abortion), screwing up the young (pro pedos/trans), to the teens (“self realisation” = self harm), to the elderly (suicide) to those of us inbetwixt: Overpopulation, Heat Vs food, Cool Vs drive, Tax Serfdom Vs Outcast, Vax Vs Jobless,…
Some people may be idiots and now I’m pretty sure its the generic Left because all of these Left policies only support wealthy Leftists who want to live in trouble free cities and burbs devoid of any nuisances…like, other people.
Munt: That means the Left will eat you (and there’s plenty to go around) and you don’t even realise it. Sad.
gerbil warmongering what dunit!
JAPAN Stopped! Snow Tsunami throws the Residents into Chaos.
So one of them is less credible at assessing complaints. Who do we normally turn to for unbiased judgement? A person involved or a person not involved.
2020 election
#TheirABC has no link to Phelps vaxx injury.
Lots of Higgins popcorn will be required over the next few months.
Bruce Lehrmann is contemplating suing the ABC over its decision to live broadcast a statement made by Brittany Higgins outside court after his trial was aborted.
Lehrmann has personally asked the ACT bar to investigate ACT DPP.
ACT govt. inquiry into the whole sordid mess.
strange, isn’t it.
Just this September they were lauding her Covid advice: NSW Premier’s call to scrap COVID isolation rules is ‘dangerous’, says high-profile GP Kerryn Phelps
Then again just last month for promoting medicinal cannabis
LOL, I tipped this.
So did everyone else, you fat idiot. He was never going to hands on run Twitter. Get back in the basement and remain there until Brett Sutton says you can leave.
Mz. Wong is a woman of steel.
She’ll be right.
Hahahaha, you and the other jokers here were all in on Musk running it day to day.
He obviously got a tap on the shoulder from his investors, who pointed at the free-falling Tesla stock price and his upcoming margin calls.
December 21, 2022 at 2:11 pm
#TheirABC has no link to Phelps vaxx injury.
Heres the last story, according to their own search function, that mentions her.
Hemp research push begins with consortium keen for crop expansion
Posted Mon 7 Nov 2022
Professor Kerryn Phelps has been chosen as the cooperative research centre’s chair-elect due to her long-standing connection with hemp and medicinal cannabis as well as her support for the environmental benefits of the crop.
Professor Ash said Professor Phelps, a former federal member of parliament, would bring her expertise as a politician and author to the role.
Prior to that..
2 Nov 2022
15 Aug 2022
22 Jul 2022
2 Jun 20222
11 Mar 2022
And the article where shes still an expert on covid..
31 Dec 2021
And on 7 November they described her as the “renowned doctor” who was leading a consortium hoping to make hemp one of Australia’s top crops.
Snap, mole.
He will run it, but day to day doofus. He will call the big shorts.
Both snapped by duncanm
Just in time for it to make no difference whatsoever.
China is ‘opportunistic’ about what ‘concession’ Labor government can give them
Expect much kowtowing then.
FTX gave $18m to TOGETHER trial after ivermectin trial arm showed negative result
DarkHorse Podcast Clips
Wow Custard! That’s pretty big news in Georgia!!!
OMG, just had a skim through the Cat for today.
Despite each of these ID have differing characteristics, is there any end result difference between the sheer dickheadsmanship of M0nty, Ed Case & Bird?
(i.e. is there anything to gain by reading any of those three?)
Heading here today:
Apparently full of mines till recently. Also in a disputed area but unlike other complexes apparently Cambodia is relaxed with Thai presence there.
December 21, 2022 at 2:16 pm
Elon Musk @elonmusk
I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job! After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.
LOL, I tipped this.
You tipped that Twatter would collapse within a short period after Musk took over, too.
Yes, they are idiots, but they’re not embarrassing blowhards like you. They haven’t gone around defending plagiarists, lying about what others say, blowharding by telling us they’re Labor Royalty and predicting Prince Andrew would be treated like a hero.
Zelensky en route to Washington. I expect the Cat will enjoy seeing Republicans fawn all over him.
But not day to day..
December 21, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Zelensky en route to Washington. I expect the Cat will enjoy seeing Republicans fawn all over him.
You mean swamp RINOs, of course?
Tucker Carlson: This is a lie
Twitter has been collapsing. Certainly in revenue terms, as well as less tangible measures like brand value and public trust. Plus its resale value has plummeted. Admittedly, I was half expecting some site downtime by this stage, so good job on that one Egon.
Increased Excess Deaths at Home (England, Wales 2022)
The next question is who in their right mind would take on the job as CEO of Twitter. You have a fool as an owner, a braying mob of customers and a crater where the business model used to be.
Andrew Thorburn, come on down.
Evidence please.
Not so sure about this and its application to Christianity, and that is even setting aside the problems that falsifiability has within science. I’m pretty sure that if we found the body of Christ in a tomb in Jerusalem that would falsify the claims of Christianity.
December 21, 2022 at 2:46 pm
Twitter has been collapsing. Certainly in revenue terms, as well as less tangible measures like brand value and public trust. Plus its resale value has plummeted. Admittedly, I was half expecting some site downtime by this stage, so good job on that one Egon.
m0nty=fa is trying to muscle in on your financial reporting role, and he’s not doing a very good job.
Musk wouldn’t be stepping back if things were going well!
Certainly in revenue terms
But the 3 Million tipped in by the alphabet agencies has been offset by the 100,000 taking up the $8 a month fee..
Monty supports this.
Twitter colluded with Pentagon to run network of fake accounts around the world – including AI-created deep fakes – despite publicly claiming to delete government backed propaganda
Twitter worked with the Pentagon to promote a series of fake accounts claiming to be people based in the Middle East
The revelation comes from the latest installment in the Twitter Files – the eighth such installment, published this time by San Francisco-based reporter Lee Fang
Twitter ‘quietly aided the Pentagon’s covert online PsyOp campaign,’ Fang said, in a time frame spanning at least the years 2017-2020
The work was done to bolster 52 accounts tweeting in Arabic, which promoted the U.S. policies in the Middle East
Fang said it was done despite Twitter having ‘claimed for years that they make concerted efforts to detect’ and ‘thwart gov-backed platform manipulation’
That is certainly the talking point.
a braying mob of customers
No, he’s got rid of the DemonRats, FBI, CIA, and many of the other leftard braying donkeys. The rest provide the basis for a useful system, open to a wide range of opinion.
Of course he would. He doesn’t actively run any public company he’s involved with. on a day to day basis. Moreover, you’re a big fat idiot.
December 21, 2022 at 2:53 pm
Evidence please.
Musk wouldn’t be stepping back if things were going well!
LOL, this is what serves as “evidence” in leftard world.
It hasn’t even been two months yet and already Musk is stepping down. He literally gave it everything and the kitchen sink. He leaves the company a shattered husk of what it was. Who would take on that job? You would have to give that person a ton of equity to make it worth their while. And not just of Twitter stock, they would need something a bit less unstable.
So absent any actual evidence monty resorts to an inference derived from Musk’s ‘stepping back’.
Evidence please.
JC out himself as a white supremacist colonialist nazi sexist transphobe by doubting montys own truth.
If you don’t already understand that Twitter has been a disaster under Musk’s leadership given everything that has happened, it’s going to be hard to convince you. Since it’s a private company I can’t point you to canonical revenue reports or a share price – though Tesla’s plummeting stocks are a big red flag.
Rosie said:
I’m not at all impressed with Phelp’s public bleating now, when it pretty doesn’t matter any more because the mass vaccination program happened in 2021.
All we will perhaps see now is more people finding excuses to dip into the taxpayer’s pocket.
The partner was sick last year and, just a wild guess, her pre existing auto immune issues were exacerbated by the vaccine.
Maybe Phelps should have done a bit more research.
I predict that Perfesser Phelps will become an expert in COVID and COVID vaccine related “long” syndromes and will open a special clinic to treat unfortunate victims with permanent disability. Sufferers will flock to it from far and wide. She will be a sought after celebrity and spearhead the campaign for a special medicare item number to treat these conditions as well as government funding for ancillary services such as home help and income support etc.
But what would I know? – I’m just a cynical old former senior doc.
It is also hard to convince you lot because you still haven’t got the taste of billionaire boot out of your mouth, not that you even want to because it’s apparently so yummy. The stanning of the super-rich around here is out of control… and of course goes against the other talking point you like to front with, that the Right is on the side of the working class.
…and Deadlifts. Don’t forget the Deadlifts.
More stories Shantaram tells.
Just as with M0nty & his Musk/Twitter analysis – so too Shantaram will be unable to back up with actual evidence any of those claims.
Any of them.
goes against the other talking point you like to front with, that the Right is on the side of the working class.
Well the leftards certainly aren’t, they are too busy hobnobbing with the Big End of town, implementing actual, as defined, fascism. That leaves the working class to the right, or to One Nation. Which is your preference?
Field Marshall’s Rommel and Von Manstein would be turning in their graves…….
Some of us have actually run a business Monty.
Some have significant experience in pulling a business out of a tight spot.
Some have even taken over a distressed business & pulled it out of the hole.
Some have experience with running multiple businesses.
You’re not going to have any ‘cut-through’ with them.
You’ll just look like a naive twit, who has never walked the walk.
Something for you to reflect upon.
I note several people making that point here recently, but the problem lies with local government employees as much as councillors.
Typically council officers lean left, and Green-Left councillors often have public sector or union jobs which afford them considerable time to engage in political activity.
Conversely, conservative councillors often run businesses or work in the private sector and have limited time to devote to political manoeuvring. They will encounter a lot of foot dragging when they ask council officers to implement a conservative agenda, or even find recommendations being put forward by council officers which are diametrically opposed to the explicit intent expressed by councillors.
How do I know this?
I have just engaged in a six month battle trying to prevent several millions of ratepayers money being pissed away. OK, the battle was won in the end, but it was fucking exhausting.
This is true.
This is really, really true.
Conservative councillors have to treat it as they would their business:
Two options for them to choose from:
1) Musk – sack them.
2) Trump – fire them.
Easy for me to say. Nice theory of mine, reality may differ somewhat.
However, that is what it takes.
Sally, I’m sure your vast experience in vacuuming dried vomit off of carpets at 6am would come in really handy for Egon right now.
What a stupid comment.
Besides, Musk does not require my advice or assistance.
He’s sacking underperformers far more ruthlessly than I ever have.
He’s turning the business operation around very swiftly.
He just sacked himself, LOL.
Monty states that Musk is leaving the company which begs the question. ….just how thick do you have to be to be a leftist?
JC can you tell us if the Munster is as stupid in real life as he is on a blog. What did you talk about when you wining and dining him. Look if it’s too painful I understand.
Handing minutiae & leg work off to a subordinate is not “sacking yourself”
As said above, you’re not at a meeting of arts students now.
There are people on this page who run businesses.
Who have a shedload of skin in their own game.
You want to make stupid undergraduate level clueless comments about how a business operates, go to a union meeting or a gathering of arts students.
You just make yourself look clueless & naive.
On the road and listening to ABC Radio National this morning, I was mildly alarmed to hear the commentariat discussing the prospects for an imminent reawakening of trade with China. Apparently, the Chinese punters are still gagging for Australian lobsters and wine and barley – and they are taking their cues from the warming relationships between the XiXiP and the Abronese Government.
All that needs to be done, apparently, is for Australia to withdraw its WTO complaints against China, plus a few other tedious bits and pieces, and we’ll all be right. It seems that China is a huuuge potential market for all sorts of Australian goodness.
No sympathy for anyone who decides to build out a Springtime strategic dependency on Xi’s China. Darwin gotcha.
Not enough money to fix the deteriorating Hume Highway.
But enough money to install some new revenue cameras.
Buggeure. I have just had a run in with a massive garbage truck in one of Redfern’s narrowest streets, while backing out super-slowly from delivering food to my son and inspecting his dog’s messy ear. They were backing too fast (say I) all the way down this narrow street, for they have no hope of turning in it, and my vision was partially obscured by an illegally parked car. Have organised a vet for the dog but not any repairs yet to the poor little Sporty Beamer’s wonky right-side rear. I will try to put the tail light back together with some sticky tape and check everything still works so (with luck) we can still go down south in it on Christmas Day. Otherwise, travel plan B. I drove it home ok, a little in shock I think. It could have been worse. Hairy proffers a big hug when I get home, so that’s some consolation. Drive safe this Christmas, Cats, and I hope no unforeseen events such as mine happen to you.
Neither did Daily Telegraph or Herald Sun. Oz did have easy to miss article in paper edition today but Courier Mail only covered it online.
This should be getting much more attention than it has and is further proof of how media all in on the Vax narrative.
TheirABC has no link to Phelps vaxx injury.
This is true.
He owns it, LOL OMG OMFG ROFL.
lol. LOL.
This MontyPox Virus on the Cat after eating too much Junk food…………………..
Sal are you suggesting munty is The Lying Slapper in drag. Could be?
December 21, 2022 at 3:19 pm
Sally, I’m sure your vast experience in vacuuming dried vomit off of carpets at 6am would come in really handy for Egon right now.
Well, it is quite likely that many of the former leftard censors who got the sack for colluding with the FBI, CIA, DHS and other government organisations to deprive citizens of their Constitutional rights must have been spewing as they left the building. Strangely you seem uninterested in the occurrence of such minor illegalities under the “old” Twatter.
Major mUnty of Malmo making the CEO calls. Just another day in fantasy football offseason.
I run my own business Sally, have done for 18 years. You can’t get me with that one.
I run my own business Sally, have done for 18 years. You can’t get me with that one.
Yes, but are you running it into the ground with your business ‘wisdom’ being shown here on the Cat?
Also mUnty, I brought no assets to the marriage.
‘Transgender woman’ at center of Wi Spa protests arrested for indecent exposure after going on the run
I’d never heard of him until a couple of days ago. How can you possibly make the call as to who’s the best player ever.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
December 21, 2022 at 3:35 pm
Cars are just metal and plastic Lizzie, and the good news is, they’re still making them. As long as nobody was hurt, the rest will sort itself out.
You want to make stupid undergraduate level clueless comments about how a business operates, go to a union meeting or a gathering of arts students.
I’ll have you know, young Salvatore, that m0nty=fa is a BIG businessman. Despite failing Economics 1, he successfully runs one of Australia’s top fantasy football websites. Executives of Black Rock shudder and bow in respect when his very name is mentioned around the boardroom table.
Musk isn’t going anywhere. He’ll simply hand over the day to day running of Twitter to others. He can concentrate on other things. He’s successfully exposed how corrupt and censorious Twitter was prior to him taking over, and he’s enabled a clean up. Well done Elon.
Victor Davis Hanson, in his Youtube discussion the other night with Laurence Fox, compared Elon Musk to progressive hero and all round criminal Sam Bankman-Fried. Musk has built real and tangible things, he’s created companies that build products and create jobs. The progressive hero and all round crook Bankman-Fried has built nothing, although he did create something, an elaborate ponzi crypto scheme to scam money so as to give to progressive causes which earned him kudos. It’s interesting how the left, including the fat fascist fuckwit here, hate Musk because he opened a much needed window to Twitter yet they are still loathe to call out the real criminal here, Sam Bankman-Fried. The left’s hypocrisy knows now bounds.
I should add that Musk isn’t perfect, nobody is, but I’ll take a thousand Elon Musks over one slimy, slithering, duplicitous, criminal progressive named Sam Bankman-Fried.
Major mUnty of Malmo. Rake and Bar. How embarrassment. A dribbling idiot who never fails to stop dribbling.
Executives of Broken Hill and Wesfarmers go weak at the knees when his very name is mentioned.
I can’t imagine who that is, Cass. Don’t leave me in suspense.
Anyone who’s worked in a large sclerotic organisation, never mind one that is so political, can’t fail to be impressed with the astounding speed at which Musk has wielded the scalpel and exposed all the alphabet-agency criminality.
m0nty’s like the monkey at the zoo flinging shit at the keeper because his rubber toy which he’s been inappropriately abusing was taken away.
We need a musk at the ABC.
SBF is not a progressive. He is just a crook. His “effective altruism” philosophy is just Republicanism by another name, trickle-down economics with extra Peter Singer bullshit, dreamt up by rich people as a post facto justification for their immense wealth.
And don’t throw “oh but he donated to Democrats” at me, well yeah he also donated to dark money Republican PACs too, he was covering all his bases.
Kelly treats us to an essay on how previous governments have fucked up by not understanding the detail behind a complicated, easy to demonise, industry that props up the Australian standard of living.
He ends with this insightful analysis:
Similarly to the rest of the MSM, Kelly here assumes that the issue is simply that the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Gas Market) Bill 2022 imposes a 12-month $12/GJ cap on gas producers – who are whinging bastards.
So, no biggie.
What he (and the rest of his colleagues in the Opinion Writer industry) misses is the bigger issue of the Gas Market Code, whereby the Minister may, from time to time, as the fancy takes xer, make regulations covering:
– A positive obligation on the gas producers to negotiate with anyone who claims to be a ‘gas market participant‘ (whether the ‘buyer’ is a hopeful $12 gas buyer, a tyre-kicker, or a Greens activist seeking to clog up the works);
– An as yet undefined required contractual framework;
– Mediation by a government agency between the parties if things get sticky;
– If necessary price arbitration by a government agency – fixed on a price that suits government policy at the time;
– Any other shit that looks like a political goer – down to obtaining a Court Order enforcing supply of gas on imposed terms.
And all evergreen.
So, goodbye free market; hello commercial and operational uncertainty.
Kelly’s ABC colleague, Ian Verrender, agrees as he cheers Team Albanese:
When I last held an economic textbook, “many buyers and many sellers” was a characteristic of ‘perfect competition’ in a market – a different economic concept altogether. In Econ 101, a ‘free market’ is usually characterized by the absence of government control in setting key terms between participants.
We are so well served by our Free Market media.
“SBF is not a progressive. “
Confirmed, the fat fascist fuckwit is a clown, and that perhaps is unfair to clowns.
December 21, 2022 at 4:28 pm
Yes. As I said a few days ago, Musk will appoint a front-man, but his hand won’t be far from the controls. In my mind, Musk has done the world an enormous favour – at his own financial expense.
You’re right Munted, you have no evidence for twitter “going down.” So let’s hypothesize… Let’s say he lost the Nike account worth a few mill and a couple of other accounts (let’s be random) valued at, say, $50M in total (which I think is waaaaaaay overestimated).
Then let’s look at the 7500 employers he’s fired and presume they’re mostly young undergrads with some tech/social/policy background so am presuming an average of $117,000 as rated by Payscale: https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Employer=Twitter/Salary
Let’s drop that a little cos you’re probably only gonna get paid $30k-$40K as a secretary/admin but this doesn’t take into account twitter’s $17p.a. bonus so I’m going to settle on an average salary of $75K.
That’s a $562,000,000 saving straight up. So, over the course of an average budget cycle of four years, he’s going to save over $2,000,000,000Bn.
If you think I’m being to generous, even with an average salary at a paltry $30K (about your level) he’s still saving $252,000,000 (yes I know savings and earnings aren’t the same but hardly “going down the drain” fatboy).
Monty has ripped the SBF poster from above his bed and put in in the cupboard next to the Barbie & Ken holiday camper.
Then start acting like it. (just a tip)
Does the business have some capital value, or it is all the value in (snork) “Goodwill”?
How much capital do you have tied up in this “business”? (in multiples of average annual adult wage)
How many permanent staff do you employ?
How long before this #TheirABC presenter NT is cancelled?
“Musk has done the world an enormous favour – at his own financial expense.”
Yep, agreed. He comes from a family of hardcore Republicans. The fact that his parents are mentioned as left-wing Stamford academics is fakenews. He was a closet Trump supporter.
Oh God.
exposed all the alphabet-agency criminality.
We haven’t heard for days from m0nty=fa about the Twatter Files being a big nothingburger, nothing more than photos of Hunter Grunter’s “nine-inch hog”. Then the ex-FBI General Counsel was turfed when it became obvious that he had censored the first release, followed quickly by clear evidence of collusion (real collusion, not Wussia, Wussia, Wussia, pseudo-collusion).
Later releases exposed clear denial of Constitutional rights by a (genuine fascist) arrangement between Big Security State and Big Social Media, with the tentacles also going into FarceChook and other supposedly neutral companies. Had the bias been against the leftard users, there would have already been trials and executions.
Lysander, your analysis is a bit simplistic.
Musk himself has tweeted that the company is losing US$4M per day due (he said) to the drop in revenue. Now admittedly it was still losing around US$0.6M per day last year, so it was not profitable, but its operational losses are now additionally weighed down by the US$13B debt load that Musk himself brought in to finance the takeover.
Of course there are short-term hits from the severance packages for all those lay-offs, so that will ease off once those flow through (assuming he doesn’t stiff them, Trump style). But doing things like firing entire compliance teams leaves the company open to massive fines, particularly from the EU, for flouting their regulations. He is gambling that the fines will be lesser than the money spent to comply, but that’s a risky proposition because Europe does like to levy big fines and they can hurt his other businesses too.
Whoever the new CEO is – assuming that he can even find someone willing to take on the job – has a very long table in front of them with buckets of shit lined up for frequent consumption.
Oh God!
Bam. Snork.
December 21, 2022 at 1:10 pm
Cronkite, just stop. You can’t interrupt court cases doing that stuff. Enuff!
What are you talking about?
Oh look, it’s Angry Karen making an appearance.
Been tried with Howard and Sheir. It’s like punching custard. Pretty ineffective against the Hive.
The comment just above. This one I posted. I suspected it was you.
How many permanent staff do you employ?
I recall that m0nty=fa mentioned once that he employs casuals. This form of employment is anathema to the ALP and the unions, but m0nty=fa is clearly not committed to these annoying elements of leftard philosophy (just as he is not committed to the “difficult” elements of Catholic doctrine).
Clearly a genuine Kulak, they’ve got a little list, they’ve got m0nty=fa on their list.
Employ them full time in a secure job, you cheapskate exploitative wage thief!
You can employ 1000’s of people, B John. What matters is the marginal productivity you extract from each hire. I pretty much doubt an idiot sitting in the middle of FNQ posting jibes on a blog who claims to have had his twitter account stolen (wasting more time) is running the most productive business in the rain forest. That’s just me though.
Well well well. This could never, ever be foreseen (the Hun):
Nooooo. He would never.
The grift. It’s relentless.