Nightly Walk of the Monks to the Mountain Monastery Athos, Hermann Corrodi, 1888
It’s a wonder chess hasn’t been called out as racist.
Nightly Walk of the Monks to the Mountain Monastery Athos, Hermann Corrodi, 1888
It’s a wonder chess hasn’t been called out as racist.
whoops … black to play
Fegatini di Pollo was the Old Man’s favourite
removing the defender white to play
Brilliant strategy. Anyone hanging around the depots who does not love snow or crab will have had to have been an enemy agent.
We had Alberic Barbier along the drive. Even when not in flower looked great. Friends and family all took cuttings.
They need something like Australia Day to keep them occupied.
Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
January 9, 2023 at 5:26 pm
French President Emmanuel Macron has agreed to become the first Western leader to supply Ukraine with tanks following talks with Zelensky.
I look forward to reading Catallaxy’s comments on the French tanks!
AMX-10s, IIRC.
Wheeled 6X6 armoured vehicles, with a 105mm main gun. The design dates back to the 1970s/early 1980s. Not exactly M-1s.
At what point does support from an outside nation become so overt that it can only be counted as that country being at war.
I know the US has gotten pretty far claiming they have only supplied Zelensky with $100 bn worth of tight, muscle enhancing T-shirts, which seems credible to the bare-chested equestrian Vlad, but come on.
Magnificent summer’s day in Sydney today, Cats – 27 degrees max and not a cloud in the Azure sky. 🙂
♬ Is it as blue as your blue goodbye? ♬
In that very fashionable shade of “Olive Drab”. Rates alongside the German Feldgrau and of course, my personal favourite, Soviet Grey.
Lisa Simpson.
I’ll bet good money that any board, appointed or voted in, will be all fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed “Aborigines”.
Then, who will police the police?
I dunno, the Coast Guard?
I watched the movie ‘Unthinkable’ last night.
I don’t particularly like Samuel L Jackson, but he has an unerring talent for sniffing out ‘Samuel L Jackson movies’, and he is perfect in this one.
It was made in 2010 when the War on Terror was at its peak, and the morality of ways such a war might be fought was capricious, to say the least.
The version on Netflix, which foregoes a final scene, is I think the better of the two. Ends without a satisfying final resolution that would allow ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to fall into place – which would be kind of flat.
Scott Adams-Vaccine Shill, eh?
From the link:
He has a self-image that is based on the belief that he is right about everything,…
Yeah, that’s good ole Scott.
Yellow Banksia Rose?
I went to open garden of a gardening identity in Maldon I think. Had a magnificent one
For those who have been wondering, I’ve been able to track down Potassium Permanganate from Gold Cross Chemists in 50g lots. It’s a powerful antioxidant and WILL burn skin at dilutions even as low as 1:100,000.
Read the instructions from the manufacturer to treat fungal/bacterial growths in rain water tanks, and for the wound care stuff.
Better get out there and enjoy it. In Perth that would be a cool change and a chance to get some gardening done. You can put the umbrella away from September till May.
What about me? I have brown and white hair, olive complexion and brown eyes. I identify as Aboriginal and will be applying as soon as the Voice is law!!!!
Now for you doubters my mother was a pom, my father was aussie, my fathers parents were white australians and their parents were white Australians BUT my great grandmother had a fling with a quarter caste aboriginal, so I’m in.
Extreme gardening.
I planted a couple of Robinias (mop-tops) in an enclosed garden walled containers.
The brick and stone containers were broken and cracked anyway, but I put root barrier in.
I now have dozens of Robinias popping up everywhere.
I need to renew the garden walls and containers, but it has to be Robinia Roundup time before I re-build any walls.
Of course, by March you are wondering if you will ever feel cool again.
I rented that movie when it first came out. Tried to talk a lot of people into watching it. No go. I thought it was great. The rental also had an ambiguous ending.
US frequently surprises on the upside.
Ohio Judge tells the bureaucracy, Don’t make laws and courts don’t care a wit about your interpretation.
My God this place is dead, nothing open, no one walking around the main street, very odd.
Carpe, is there a bio-lab near by?
This is how Resident Evil began.
They will not be able to help themselves, Cats. Expect the hysteria to start being whipped up from early to mid March, with incessant braindead lamestream meeja screeching (supplemented by the profoundly profound pronunciations of “wrong, yet again” “public health experts”, as loudly and incessantly trumpeted on the ALPBC) demanding everything from immediate schlockdowns to face nappie mandates everywhere, immediately.
To paraphrase a certain imaginary angry personage, “if I had a gun, I would use it, I tells ya” and furthermore … 😡
January 9, 2023 at 5:50 pm
We had Alberic Barbier along the drive. Even when not in flower looked great. Friends and family all took cuttings.”
Grey Ranga,
do any of your family and friends still have an Alberic Barbier they wouldn’t mind sharing cuttings from? Asking for a friend. ;D
Sancho Panzer:
Aboriginal Australia doesn’t yet realise – although the thought has started to throw it’s malignant shadow across the political landscape – it just handed a chalice poisoned by the Canberra Mob to its biggest supporters, and no one is going to trust them with something of this magnitude for another 100 years.
And the ones who are going to become unmentionable?
The Canberra Mob.
The cleverest and most cunning people in the hypothetical bark gunya have just done a “Welcome to Country” on their own dicks.
Big mistake. There is a golden acacia they have used as a street tree on a rootstock that is suckering everywhere. Best wait 20 years and let others make these mistakes.
Yes calli, should have said about the grafts.
Speaking of roses, years ago I lived in a townhouse that had a problem with the local yoofs doing bad things and then hopping over the fences to escape. I happened on a few slips of briar rose (the feral stuff that grows along railway lines) at a market and planted them along the fence. With a bit of attention, which they don’t usually get, they covered the fence and hung over the other side in a couple of years.
Fence leaping yoof problem solved. They have millions of thorns, and they don’t let go. It was a bugger to control, through. Chainsaw material. 🙂
Actually, if it wasn’t for the $1 billion+ pa tab (and knock on costs), I’d be all in favour of the Voice clogging up the process of government in Canbra.
If they could do it for, say, $300 million, I’d probably go for it.
A couple of feet of bougainvillea usually discourages fence jumping. Little birds love it for nesting in it.The Australian thing is to grow a passionfruit which will do the same thing for a few years while providing topping for the pav.
The EPA has been the most prolific perpertrator of this sort of over-reach.
I’ll finally be going nookular on the Frangipani this winter. Extirpated, root and branch it will be – and the stupid bloody clown council won’t be able to do a thing about it. The Photinias are now just about at the right height to provide some actual cover and by Spring they’ll be energised by the absence of that sucking monstrosity.
Only two more months of putting up with its very brief flowering, not to mention all the daily cleaning up.
How on earth I ended up loving the seemingly banal activity that is “gardening” is a mystery, Cats.
Well, I know that now!
But I am confident that, between me and Monsanto, I’ll see the back of them.
That would come as news to a few at the ATO.
That’s $100 million cheaper than the Covid Quarantine Centre at Perth, built for $400 million, and has never been used.
Likely. My first thought was “Mermaid”.
Edna Walling for the Maldon garden I think.
One of the many admirable traits of American democracy that puts it far ahead of ours is that it seems more built from the ground up, while we have (inherited) a top-down style.
Decisions by an Ohio court reverberates outward and up.
In Australia a government, without missing a beat, would fly to the support of bureaucracy and amend existing laws granting bureaucrats the power to make such determinations without recourse.
How many Australians think that the Federal government is ‘senior’ to the states. Not that they have differing jurisdictions, but that the states must do whatever the Feds want. Any unpalatable decision by a state government has people demanding the Feds to overrule them. Any disaster in a state demands Federal action.
Flood in Victoria? Where is the Prime Minister?
And few look to their community any more.
Rabz…with the frangi…
Contact a few big landscrapers. They might remove it for free.
Not unless you’ve got some of the good stuff that was banned in the 70s. A couple of years should see them gone.
I’d bet a levy on the money mines pay out to the Big Men as Danegeld will be taken to support the day to day running of the voice – about 50%.
There’s an awful lot of it, just have a look next time you’re in one of the settlements when “Other Sit Down Money” comes around. Rolls of fifties that’d choke a racehorse.
No it was a he and he was there.
Peter something maybe?
My garden is clearly a Edna Walling inspired layout, gone to rack and ruin now.
Yeah, I need to demolish the old planter boxes anyway, so I will totally Rabz them, rootstock and all.
I guess then just nuke anything which pops up.
calli says: January 9, 2023 at 12:59 pm
Remember the first rule of bobcat safety – always, always, always drop the bucket to the ground. Never, ever leave it raised. Never.
More than 30 years my dads mate has been a quad because of this.
Dad and him were building some tennis courts on a scorching hot day. Place is all flat and level without an ounce of shade.
So the dodgy brothers decide to make some by putting the earthmover bucket into the air.
Dad went off for a minute and thats when the bucket came down because of burst hydraulics. Caught his mate right across the back of the neck.
Has about 20% use of one arm and 50% of the other.
Before the accident he was the pin up “solo man”, diving, rockclimbing, surfing, hangliding cocksman.
Afterwards, not so much.
It might affect the kid’s grades and they could grow an extra head but everybody needs to do their bit eh?
Sorry. On Walling, I was thinking Markdale.
Rabz, try Alpine Nurseries Dural also. They have an advanced tree nursery.
And up. And up. And up till one of you gives up.
Terrible story, mole. I know it by second hand, not first praise God.
Building sites are extremely dangerous and I have almost come to grief myself. A few times.
My guardian angel demanded a shift change because exhaustion. In the Palace of Casserta in Italy there’s a decorative lintel with an angel resting on a shovel. That one was mine.
Was Peter Cuffley I’m pretty sure.
I’d need to revisit by State but, from memory, only ~78% of Australians turned out to vote so the national vote for YES to SSM was around 47% of all eligible voters.
Meaning it wouldn’t have passed a referendum.
Wasn’t this the basis for Krudd’s BER?
Thanks, Calli – after all the grief it’s caused me over the years, I’ll be happily removing it myself, with extreme prejudice. Getting the stump out may provide some sort of temporary challenge until my mighty self righteous rage will prevail (again).
Ah, good ol’ gardening. I never let on to the hot chicks (all erstwhile one of them) that it is an activity I enjoy immensely. 🙂
We’ll never know Lysander. A plebiscite at an election, would it be compulsory or not to vote?
What is funnier is the indignation lefties had at the time that it was put to a vote.
Quick quiz: name the Australian higher education institute (HEI) which makes the following proclamation (which I have made generic as part of the quiz)
“The HEI acknowledges the XXX people of the YYY Nation, upon whose stolen land which we operate, gather as employees and live. We recognise this land was never terra nullius — the land belonging to these peoples was never ceded, given up, bought or sold. We pay our respects to Aboriginal Elders past, present and emerging, and we extend this acknowledgement to any other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.”
our future is indeed in safe hands, wot with so many severely educated young ‘uns ready to take the reins
Rabz…by all means burst a foo-foo valve. But make a couple of phone calls first.
Is it a white one, or coloured? You might be surprised.
Calli rule – Never pay retail. Never do work others will do for free.
It’s a powerful oxidant. Not antioxidant. It’ll also stain your skin brown for a week.
You can do all sorts of fun things with KMnO4. I won’t detail them as ASIO would be unhappy.
I was amused that my old mum bought a bottle of conc nitric acid one day by mail order, since she is an artist with an etching press. Out of the blue she got rung up by someone seriously official asking why she needed conc nitric? She explained. And then I explained to her what you can do with concentrated nitric acid…
Regarding the whole concept of the “Voice.”
ATSIC was said to stand for Aborigines Talking Sh!t In Canberra, it will be interesting to see if the Voice is any improvement.
Ignore the over the top heading. This is a longer, more detailed interview with Sasha Latypova from a couple of months ago. I linked a shorter one recently which was hair raising enough but this is really extraordinary. I think it goes a long way towards explaining what is actually going on and why there seems to be no redress, however much evidence of harm and actual malfeasance there may be.
Uncensored: BOMBSHELL Team Enigma Whistleblower! US DoD Plan to Exterminate Population – Sasha Latypova
I remember Michael Yeadon saying some time ago that large drug manufacturers were highly experienced and capable of producing large batches of vaccines to a uniform standard, which was why he thought the variances between batches were unlikely to be accidental. However, if there is no liability by the manufacturers then what need is there to maintain standards. Just look at the lack of proper handling and arbitrary extensions of use by dates, without any testing at all.
I’ve been toing and froing about who might be the most evil person on the world but Obama is fast climbing that list. He was put there to destroy America and did a bang-up job of it, and continues to do so to this day.
Sydney, Monash, Melbourne, Latrobe, Macquarie, UQ, Curtin, ANU and UWA. Probably also UWS, JCU and UCQ. Have I missed any out?
Some may be aware of the Drs Against Mandates group who were some of the ones who did not take the vax in Qld. They started a Supreme court case which was dropped by the Government soon after they had submitted their paper submissions. Also after submission the mandates that affected them were mainly dropped so there was little point to continue the case.
However as part of the preparation the CHO Qld did provide 2,000 pages of information. The Dr’s had a expert witness, Dr Andrew Madry, and he prepared a 111 page submission which covers a huge amount of subjects. For example there is a lot of reference to NSW figures.
The below is his summary but note compiled mid 2022.
As a data analyst, I have been astounded during this review by the lack of attention to detail for data
collected in what is the most important health emergency in living memory. When looking at the
performance of vaccines, based on real world public health agency data reports, it is clear no
attempts have been made to control for confounding variables. At the current time it appears that the majority of unvaccinated deaths are occurring in frail elderly people. It is possible an informed
conscious decision may have been made not to vaccinate. Those younger people (under 65) dying
with COVID typically have severe comorbidities.
It is now widely accepted, in the Omicron period, that vaccination does not prevent COVID infection.
From my investigation of data in the Australian context (for NSW and one limited dataset across
three Australian states) it is apparent that vaccination can increase the rate of infection in the
population. The term Negative Effectiveness refers to when an intervention makes a person more
likely to catch a disease. This concurred with what was found in data from the UK.
An issue found in the Australian data was an overestimation of the proportion of the vaccinated
population. Counts of doses were found to be greater than the population in certain age groups in the government data. This creates a large error in the calculated rates of COVID adverse outcomes (infection, hospitalisation, death) in the unvaccinated population, particularly when that population is small, as it is in Australia. This is unacceptable.
Health data reporting in Australia is deficient. It is inconceivable that with the resources being applied during the pandemic that data quality issues, albeit complex, could not be sorted out. On the other hand, I found that the Australian Bureau of Statistics data was of an exemplary quality and professional.
When looking at Australia’s performance, in the context of the world, it has performed poorly during
the Omicron period despite having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. There has likely
been a worse impact of Omicron, relative to other countries, due to the strict lockdowns in Australia
and no natural immunity built up in the community prior at the onset of the Omicron wave. The
second wave of Omicron has been exacerbated by coinciding with the Southern Hemisphere Winter.
A question that never appears to have been considered by public health authorities is the risk
entailed while vaccinating in the midst of a dominant wave of infection.
An analysis of adverse event reports following vaccination is worrying. The TGA adverse event reporting system is deficient, although a beta updated version has been available from June 2022. The only way to find relevant information has been through Freedom of Information requests to the TGA. Currently there are over 900 deaths reported following vaccination.
Myocarditis, heart inflammation, is observed as an adverse outcome following vaccination in young
people. Young males are the hardest hit. The incidence of myocarditis in young males in Australia
was found to be consistent with what has been observed overseas.
I have investigated “all-cause mortality” in Australia. After taking into account the COVID deaths
across Australia this shows worrying trends, with a signal of unexplained deaths in the age groups
from 60 upwards. There has been suggested that this is linked with a dose dependent response to
mRNA vaccines with the older population more likely to be “boosted”. The mortality data in
Australia is 3 months behind real time, so unfortunately the signals will appear before it is too late to
take appropriate action.
The main consideration in mandating vaccination by Dr Gerrard in his Affidavit (for previous Health
Directions No 2) was “mitigating the risk of spread of COVID-19” in Queensland, as reported in
Section 5.1. This appears to be based on legacy data and publications that do not reflect the
effectiveness of vaccines in the Omicron period.
I found no relevant data to justify vaccination mandates for workers in healthcare in the over 2,000
pages of information in Affidavits provided. No risk/benefit analysis for the individual or the
healthcare setting appears to have been performed. This is concerning. Based on data publicly available in Australia the imposition of mandatory vaccination appears to provide no benefit to the stated aim in the Queensland Health Direction to “reduce risk of exposure
to staff, patients and clients at the healthcare setting”
The full 111 pages can be seen in the resources section of Drsagainstmandates web page.
DeSantis Administration Looks Into Banning China From Purchasing Any Florida Property
Nashville Angela
This one broke me. Two years old. Moderna and a flu shot.
Pity, the place is generally in need of a good wash.
I think you’ll find that is mould.
Over Christmas, I spoke to a relative who was at Ascham with Allegra Spender.
Stupidly I sought her views on Allegra’s election and on her old school mates maintaining an ongoing election campaign in her support.
I’m such an idiot. The surgeon suggests that a couple more operations will restore my foot following the damage inflicted by my dear wife during this conversation.
I actually know Allegra. Not well, but well enough. She is likeable but her political stunt is arrogant and a class based outrage.
and most don’t even get reported or were discouraged from reporting.
Gonzalo Lira
A lot of this going around: “Suddenly“, a perfectly healthy young woman started to have symptoms very reminiscent of a stroke.
Elijah J. Magnier ??
#Ukraine’s Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov: Our soldiers fight #Russia on behalf of @NATO.
Finally, a straightforward confession we knew from day one.
So the dodgy brothers decide to make some by putting the earthmover bucket into the air.
Safer than the Indian version with a backhoe loader. Lift whole machine in air. Sit in shade underneath it.
Anybody know anything about an injunction, banning all negative comment about the Voice from social media? My informant wasn’t the most techno savvy…
Adam Rich, star of ‘70’s TV show “Eight is Enough”— “died suddenly” at age 54.
Nothing to see here folks, just your normal 50x increase. Move along!
Have a look at the first reply to the second one.
Dr Faustussays:
January 9, 2023 at 6:28 pm
Actually, if it wasn’t for the $1 billion+ pa tab (and knock on costs), I’d be all in favour of the Voice clogging up the process of government in Canbra.
If they could do it for, say, $300 million, I’d probably go for it.
$1 billion? Cheap, we are already being done for around $33 billion pa, plus whatever is being screwed out of mining companies.
The Proposed Amendments to The International Health Regulations
“I actually know Allegra. Not well, but well enough. She is likeable but her political stunt is arrogant and a class based outrage.”
Quite so, I would also add vacuous, that’s not saying she’s dumb, she isn’t. However Spender’s privilege has made her unable to think outside the eastern suburbs’ bubble. She doesn’t give a toss about anyone living outside a Teal electorate.
Davey Boy
Melbourne Uni?
They will not be able to help themselves, Cats. Expect the hysteria to start being whipped up from early to mid March, with incessant braindead lamestream meeja screeching (supplemented by the profoundly profound pronunciations of “wrong, yet again” “public health experts”, as loudly and incessantly trumpeted on the ALPBC) demanding everything from immediate schlockdowns to face nappie mandates everywhere, immediately.
If this shit is going on. I won’t be coming back.
Lysander said:
Asking whether it “would have” passed as a referendum presupposes it is conducted as a poll in which voting is mandatory, so the relevant comparison is the percentage of voters who voted yes. On the numbers all States (6) voted for it and 61% of voters voted for it, so yes it may have passed as a referendum.
But there is another difference between the way referendums are run and the way ABS ran the SSM plebiscite. Like elections, AEC runs referenda in such a way to credibly protect the privacy of the voter’s cast ballot, ensuring it is about as free a choice as one could get. Not so much for an online poll which piggy-backed off an earlier system used for Census which needed to know who was answering the questions. They changed how that system was operated to separate the voter names from the mailout addresses so that matching response to respondent later could not be done. Or that’s what they said. With referenda there is no such leap of faith required, you can see your physical ballot is confidential.
Difficult to know how much this difference biased the results.
Class warfare Cassie. The Eloi are too stupid to understand what gives them a high standard of living.
Bruce of N
And then I explained to her what you can do with concentrated nitric acid…
Make that heart medication now tactfully relabeled as “glyceryl trinitrate”?
AMX-10s, IIRC.
Wheeled 6X6 armoured vehicles, with a 105mm main gun. The design dates back to the 1970s/early 1980s. Not exactly M-1s.
I hope they send one example to the Cairns armour and artillery museum. Will be a rare machine by the time the Ukies have finished with them.
Just tried to copy and paste a bit more from the 111 pages. Section 6 on Stats. It is about Simpson’s Paradox where data can been misleading. Have never heard of the term before but the examples given show how stats can be used to give totally different perspectives.
It was obvious early on the virus affected the elderly and that most had comorbidities. Yet most times we were just told how many had died. Interestingly he does have graphs showing ages of deaths and obviously older age groups higher. The graphs for vaccine death reports to TGA are heavily weighted to the young.
Page 75 is interesting :
Data is provided in the Affidavit Volume 7 of 8 regarding Queensland deaths from 27 December
2021 to 4 Feb 2022. An analysis of this data is provided.
What is apparent is the progressive lack of attention to detail. For the first deaths in Queensland there is some detail provided, then less and less is provided as more deaths occur. This could be because it was considered too much work or resources not provided. This reviewer notes that these are not large numbers (ie 200) and there is no reason that the appropriate detail should not be
The only evidence I find of any investigation of COVID deaths is on page 1755 (vol 7), in two emails
from Dr Gerrard (19 Jan 2022) to his team. In the initial correspondence he requests information on
patients dying who had 3 doses, and what “unknown” status means.Dr Gerrard follows up by asking for detail on date of last dose of vaccine for those dying. This is a very relevant question. There is no response provided to these questions.
There is a death of a teenager in the list. Apparently, Dr Gerrard has knowledge that this death was a result of a car accident.
This one page is the only evidence I find of specific investigation by Qld Health of data related to
COVID health and vaccination.
Oh it will be, Ricky, it will be …
The Teals strike me as a bunch of Stepford Wives, selected against type carefully for purpose. Kate Chaney was knocking around UWA law school at the same time I was – mid 90s. Don’t remember her as overtly political but getting on for 30 years ago.
not seen this before
Jeffrey Epstein Speaking Footage
This will piss people off, but did it:
Could you restrict yourself to specific agreed times to lay down your barrages of vapid links so those of us who are more circumspect can huddle in our bunkers and sit out the grotesque pantomime-horse cavalry charges?
Ten or 12 of the damn things at a time. Sweet cheeses! We used to make fun of the ridiculous numbers from the covidists before. Being as sloppy in opposition now does not help.
Commencing with: “I’m a really big believer in the wondrous concept of Arkancide, I tells ya …”
Reminiscent of my battles with bloody privet in Canberra.
It’s a declared noxious weed, but there are many privet hedges in Old Canberra and the allegedly environmentalist ACT gubbmint is too gutless to take on the well connected locals. The birds eat the berries, and if you live in any of the old suburbs you will get privet coming up on your property all the time. A little plant will have a root three times its size, and a big one requires multiple applications of the pathetic poisons we are allowed these days. No doubt they are springing up all over the nearby bushland.
Just one example of how pissweak and dishonest the commitments of virtue-signalling public officials are.
I was on record as saying Chaney couldn’t get up in Curtin, which was wrong. It was easy to underestimate the strength of the anti SloMo feeling. We currently have a Liar representative in the State seat of Nedlands which jars me every time some gumph appears in the letterbox.
BJ – Amyl nitrite, which is used for heart disease. Nitroglycerine seems to me to be overkill.
I’ve made nitrobutane in the lab for an experiment (which worked nicely: there’s a paper). I can’t remember the conditions off hand but it did require conc nitric.
Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
January 9, 2023 at 5:26 pm
French President Emmanuel Macron has agreed to become the first Western leader to supply Ukraine with tanks following talks with Zelensky.
I look forward to reading Catallaxy’s comments on the French tanks!
It’s not the tanks themselves but the inability to obtain spare parts when the Frogs decide they don’t agree with how you are using them.
Hence the Israelis making their own Mirages (Kfir) from purloined plans and the Indians using a mix of Rafales and Russian jets, just in case.
U.S. poised to extend Japan security umbrella into space I English News I Latest WION News I WION
In a bid to protect satellites that are crucial in military surveillance operations, the United States of America is finalizing plans to extend its security umbrella for Japan into space. Watch to know more.
I said ‘sod’ it, but Siri is more genteel.
And dishonest.
Adam Rich, star of ‘70’s TV show “Eight is Enough”— “died suddenly” at age 54.
Nothing to see here folks, just your normal 50x increase. Move along!
Paging Rosie, paging Rosie! We urgently need another “this is totally normal” broadcast!
In 2013, after being elected, the new Abbott government’s first agenda should have been to disband the NDIS. It didn’t, one of many failures. The Liberals failed on many policy fronts, but one of its biggest and catastrophic failures was not disbanding the NDIS or at least reining it in. It’s now out of control and will continue so, choking government budgets.
Terrorist Attack on the Las Vegas Power Grid is Part of a HUGE Problem
I remember getting potassium permanganate in my chemistry set in the 1960s. Also, it being widely available from chemist shops for use on wounds. It was in many first aid kits.
Has it suddenly become haram?
Anything not in the Executive Summary is dead to me.
“H B Bearsays:
January 9, 2023 at 7:56 pm
I was on record as saying Chaney couldn’t get up in Curtin, which was wrong. It was easy to underestimate the strength of the anti SloMo feeling. We currently have a Liar representative in the State seat of Nedlands which jars me every time some gumph appears in the letterbox.”
Bear, I didn’t think Spender would get up, I didn’t think Josh would lose his seat. I was wrong. I believe some of the “teal” seats will be won back in 2025….maybe not all but some of them.
Scumbag was loathed and rightly so.
Second. After sacking Martin Parkinson.
Media Blackout Over Terror Incident At Vegas Power Plant
Mohammad Mesmarian, 34, rammed his car through the gate of a solar power generation plant outside Las Vegas on Wednesday and set his car on fire, intending to damage a massive transformer, 8 News Now reported.
“Mesmarian clarified he burned the Toyota Camry,” police said. “Mesmarian said he burned the vehicle at a Tesla solar plant and did it ‘for the future.’”
Long history of off the rails drug abuse and mental illness.
Topped himself, unfortunately.
FFS, do you read anything in depth.
Just for once, could you make a vague attempt at validation before jumping in?
Sometimes I’d love to drop someone like that into the shearer’s quarters & see if she even understands what the smoko conversation is about.
That sets a dangerous precedent.
Scumbag was loathed and rightly so.
Scotty is a top bloke.
The reality is that Joshie took 12 years to turn the Liberals safest seat into a Marginal and then lose it.
Labor tactical voting helped too, same as it does to keep Barnaby Joyce on the Public Teat.
there is going to be no happy ending here
“Sometimes I’d love to drop someone like that into the shearer’s quarters & see if she even understands what the smoko conversation is about.”
Well to be fair to Allegra, I wouldn’t understand either.
Sadly the words “died suddenly “ are words we are all hearing too often.
Rasmussen polling in the US has it at 28% Dems 22% Republicans who are vaccinated believe they know of someone who has died of the vaccine.
To begin with – “Ducks on the pond” means “No swearing – ladies present.”
Said it before. Saying it now. Sadly, will probably say it again.
The people desperate to attribute any death whatsoever, at any age, to any vax intake are every bit as duplicitous as those who tried to attribute suicides and car accident deaths to Covid two years ago.
As did the MMA fighter CL mentioned earlier, as intimated by her sister.
I’m no fan of the vaccines, but co-opting these deaths for that cause without proof strikes me as disrespectful to the dead and their families.
I suspect so. Permanganate (as Z-Stoff) was one of the oxidizers used to fuel the crazily insane Me 163 rocketplane interceptor the Germans developed late in WW2. ( The List of Stoffs is a fine wiki page of very excitable chemistry.)
I did a lot of work with those chemicals. Made some sodium manganate one day (Na2MnO4), it’s bright green rather than bright purple like permanganate. Filtered the reaction mixture through a filter paper…and was amazed that the filter paper wasn’t there anymore. The sodium manganate ate the paper instantaneously. These are really out-there compounds.
From CBS:-
“He had several run-ins with police related to drugs and alcohol — and sought treatment at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage.
Rich suffered from a type of depression that defied treatment and he had tried to erase the stigma of talking about mental illness, said publicist Danny Deraney. He unsuccessfully tried experimental cures over the years.“
But, of course, Indolent knows best, performing Post Mortems from across the Pacific.
“Knuckle Draggersays:
January 9, 2023 at 8:13 pm”
Well said.
Never interrupt smoko.
I shoulda said “politics & current affairs discussed at smoko”
Varies, a good expectation would be: Hard left red politics combined with extremely socially conservative, with very fixed views on welfare & on privilege.
(Individual results may vary)
Quick quiz: name the Australian higher education institute (HEI) which makes the following proclamation
All of them?
That explains the Umbrella Corp signs driving into town
Not to mention a tiny bit ghoulish in a circling buzzard kind of way, and totally counterproductive to any sensible discussion of vax side effects.
Interesting that someone also launches in with “come in Rosie”.
The only reason Rosie comments so frequently on Indolent’s half-cocked errors is that there is so many of them.
Seem to recall shearers were a fertile recruiting ground for the AWU back in the day.
TV reporter chick boasts about her Vax UpToDatedness, has Stroke on live TV
I upticked.
And at last roll call all pudenda were present and correct.
Give you an example. This is the X-stoff:
Tetranitromethane (wiki)
During Summernats the drag racers use nitromethane. Their exhausts glow white. This
stoffestuff is tetranitromethane. German chemists were off the planet.You what?
How dare you!!!
The people desperate to attribute any death whatsoever, at any age, to any vax intake are every bit as duplicitous as those who tried to attribute suicides and car accident deaths to Covid two years ago.
Gimme a fu##in’ break.
Suicides and car accidents are pretty obviously not COVID19.
How can you claim these sudden deaths of previously healthy young people aren’t vaccine related?
Are you claiming to be a Doctor now?
Membership was compulsory.
First action at a new shed** was to elect a union rep & ensure everybody was signed on to the union.
**Western Australia excepted. The union has never had much pull with shearers in Westoz.
The agent for the company who usually brought my wool was an ex shearer – his invaluable advice was that a copy of the terms and conditions of the award, displayed prominently in the shed, nipped most arguments in the bud…
Dunno about shearers, but I do get to overhear a lot of tradies’ conversations when they are having a beer or two on the balcony (and below) at the motel.
They never talk about politics. They talk a lot about work related stuff, like what equipment does what and is best for various jobs. Sometimes they talk about family. They reminiscence. They talk about sport. Blah, blah. But not politics.
We here are un-naturally interested in politics, a thing that is easy to forget.
Our culture is not like the old Grik men and Italians who sat in coffee bars and argued about politics and football.
They do care about rising prices and interest rates, though. Everybody does.
There is a lot of overthinking in Australian political debate. The Yanks call it ‘inside baseball.’ Nobody else cares.
For goodness’ sake, Cats, could we please go back to referring to any untimely death as a “mysterious fatal accident”?
Dropping dead of a massive fatal coronary after doing some gardening, putting the kettle on or attempting to tie one’s shoelaces just simply does not possess the same cachet, or je ne sais quoi, if you prefer. 🙂
Ed October:
Get your HMAS Sydney facts right prior to barking on any other subject.
You, sir, are a poltroon of the first order and a dunderhead in the mold of 8th Dan.
Regarding that long Sasha Latypova interview I linked earlier, in case you didn’t make it all the way through, towards the end she said something very striking but quite obvious if you think about it. If this had been only about making money, they would have rolled out placebo jabs. Covid would have run its course and disappeared, like always, and everyone would have thought what a great vaccine with no side effects and they could have carried on making money hand over fist ad infinitum. Therefore, there had to have been other motivations for pushing, and even mandating something so obviously dangerous that they’re even running adds trying to normalise young people dropping dead on the sporting field or dying in their sleep.
Yep, especially with suburban shearing, they catch up on gossip & what is happening around the district.
However, shearers have historically been unionised to a degree that would make the KGB look apolitical.
Tradesmen would never have experienced the degree of coercion, backed up by social ostracism & implied threats of extreme physical violence, that came with a heavily unionised industry in sparsely populated regions.
One had to be really careful lest an unfortunate phrase unlock the dragon.
(This is nowhere near as much of a risk with suburban shearing)
Much like the Rules of Pool over the table in the pub. Rio gave everyone a copy of the little red book which only seemed to set the bush lawyers off.
Let’s say the Good Ol’ Covid Vax was an innocent victim of a Thalidomide style misinformation campaign and got banned?
Would anyone outside BigPharma be any worse off?
In the comments:
You, sir, are a poltroon of the first order and a dunderhead in the mold of 8th Dan.
You’re a tedious Troll who’s desperately shilling for BigPharma.
[So, what else is new?]
From October 7 2020
This guy was not just gardening. He was a serial substance aniseed who drifted into and out of periods of sobriety.
This sort of stuff compromises your body’s ability to handle stresses such as any disease.
Saying that this guy’s death strongly suggests vaccine skullduggery simply beggars credibility.
If there are cases of death that strongly support the wicked vaccine narrative they should stand on their own. Bringing in dubious proofs makes all the argument dubious.
You’d have to use the union version.
They’ve condensed the crucial parts down to three pages & used very dickhead friendly terminology.
The Fair Work Ombudsman’s version is 65 x pages in A4
These are very salient points.
And yes, if that makes me some conspiracy hypothesist nutcase, then so be it.
On a brighter note, HOP Time™ awaits all those responsible for this (seemingly) inexplicable outburst of genocidal hitlerist insanity (BIRM).
My brief flirtation with a unionised blue collar environment at Hamersley Iron (albeit at the bottom of the food chain in the 80s) was that the award was always a matter of interest, particularly vis a vis your peers – railway guys, riggers etc.
The Sydney. Your thoughts.
Oh dear, I got in early with the sad story of Adam Rich’s suicide to ward off the usual suspects but the vultures still had to start gnawing.
It’s incredibly disrespect of families dealing with tragic deaths without social media allegations and in case of the ‘three young doctors ‘ phone calls to their practices from randoms.
You can do all sorts of fun things with KMnO4. I won’t detail them as ASIO would be unhappy.
Um, yeah. We used to make serious rockets using zinc dust and sulphur back in the mid 1960’s. I was ignitions systems engineer. Had to cut down severely on the potassium chlorate and icing sugar ignition fuel after the first one. The zinc dust and sulphur would short the torch bulbs (dual ignition) with the glass carefully smashed.
Poltroon and dunderhead?
Both barrels!
Abuser. Not aniseed.
Naughty Siri!
(Is that OK?)
If there are cases of death that strongly support the wicked vaccine narrative they should stand on their own
According to the Medical experts, every death was caused by coinciditis, Climate Change, Commotio Cornholio, you name it, they’ve got an explanation that defies credulity.
Bringing in dubious proofs makes all the argument dubious.
Are you a Doctor?
So pull your head in, you’ve got no idea.
Custard – The money from China dwarfed the money from Ukraine. Think about that.
MoLo – I wasn’t suggesting anything about the circumstances precipitatin’ the wallie’s death, but that if I was to suddenly drop dead tomorrow after a lengthy gardening stint, that my erstwhile friends might try and add a bit of glamour to the untimely demise by suggesting it was possibly instead a “mysterious fatal accident”.
“He went to his grave with as much dignity as the Hindenberg”, or something sufficiently vainglorious inscribed on my headstone would suffice. 🙂
Dr Gargooglery QC MD is in.
I think too much
Ah, OK.
I thought I had missed yet another piece of modern street slang.
Ah, CAPITALS DAY, when everything has to be written in capitals.
I rather liked
Ed Case is now a doctor.
The tragedy is Cats, Placebos would have been more “safe and effective”.
I never attribute nefarious motives when a simple cockup and coverup will do. Plus the opportunity to make lots of lovely money.
That’s without all the political advantages and skullduggery.
Eyrie – A fun thing is the Martian soil contains a lot of perchlorate, which with a fuel makes a damn fine rocket mix. I wonder if Elon has this in mind?
I’m enjoying MoLo’s adventures in Siri typing. Trying to remember the other commenter who tried it. They must have had an accent like Natasha Fatale.
Sorry, Rabz. It seemed uncharacteristic. I missed the obvious nuance.
I blame the vaccine.
Founded by Barry Andrews, an original member of XTC.
And yes, Cats, time to blast it again – Real by Reel
I never attribute nefarious motives when a simple cockup and coverup will do. Plus the opportunity to make lots of lovely money.
No one’s ascribed any nefarious motives.
The Vaccines are killing people and need to be halted now.
How hard is that to understand?
Some would say enthusiastic amateur upholsterer but who’s splitting hairs?
Easy Flower = Issy Folau.
Dead giveaway that it was a Saffie.
I’d be heading to the Hall of Mirrors, Indolent.
Ed Case is white-knighting you.
For shame.
She is such a serial aniseed.
Whoever designed her was an absolute buckwheat.
Thar was the advice I was given.
Started out with a dispute over “wet sheep.” It was Friday, we were hoping to finish, when the team arrived, shore two sheep each, and called “wet sheep.” Breathing fire, I pointed out that the sheep had been in the shed all night, where did they get “wet sheep” from?. “Nah, nah, nah, can’t shear wet sheep, we’ll be back Monday to finish.”
It later emerged that the lady woolclasser wanted to go to Perth for the weekend, and wanted to go to the hairdresser’s……I had the last laugh, when you’ve got the most modern shed in the district, and you pay the contractor’s bill by direct deposit as his car goes down the driveway after “cutout,” you have no difficulty in finding a new shearing contractor……………
It is entirely up to individuals over 30 to get a 2nd booster, or not.
In short, for most people the vaccine program is over.
here is the current Australian advice for boosters.
Not anymore. Think of all the backhanders from the billions and billions of taxpayers’ money sent.
You’d have to use the union version.
They’ve condensed the crucial parts down to three pages & used very dickhead friendly terminology.
How is an Award for Shearing going to extend past a couple of pages?
Getting a copy of the Union Rules is a different story.
I never knew of anybody who had even seen a copy.
Indolent – True. It’s a honeypot on steroids. But, as the Instapunditers often say, one of the defining features of Biden is he stays bought.
‘the other commenter that tried it’
The incomparable None, queen of garbled voice-to-text and hater of EmRat.
Before the Internet the first job of the new year was to sit down with the relevant Act, a pair of scissors, all amending Acts and a Uhu glue stick to bring it (hopefully) up to date.
no! no! no! these are safe and effective and we must keep taking them every 3 months for ever!
That is an admirable quality. Not like former Lieboral Premier Rocky O’Conner, who took a bribe payment (from Bondy (?)) and just trousered it. He found his niche,I think, in Northern Suburbs real estate after some thinking time with meals provided.
Back in ’49 when we moved into our new house my father stained all the floor boards with Condy’s crystals. Served well till we were able to afford a Feltex square for the lounge room and tiles for the kitchen/ dining room.
I again encountered potassium permanganate in the treatment room when a trainee nurse at the beginning of the ’60s. I just can’t remember what test/s we used it for then. I should.
Sancho Panzer:
And then doing Jack shit to curtail it’s own ecodisasters… 2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill
HB, the entire Shearing Award from the FWO, at 65 x A4 pages, is shorter than the pay rate grid table of the Hospitality Industry Award.
(The pay rate table for hospitality as published by the FWO is in rows 3.5mm high & is about 90 x A4 pages)
I know, I’ve got two bound copies in my office.
Haven’t seen Condy’s Crystals in years. As a boy scout had 2 uses, clean wounds or mixed with sugar could start a fire.
Great stuff
Bruce O’Newk:
Good pick up.
Not sure how I made that error – Brain is too highly trained, methinks, Majikthize.
All I know is that those images of Condi Rice in her high boots made George W Bush’s Presidency look waaaaay cooler than it actually was.
I can’t link to the video but it’s really good, from The Daily Telegraph. Kol hakavod to the man who confronted this group.
‘Show some respect’: Abrupt end to ‘unauthorised’ Catholic Church photo shoot as man chases group away
A man gave a “disrespectful” group — some dressed up as nuns — their marching orders from Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral after making them delete pictures from “unauthorised” photo shoot.
An unknown man is being applauded for chasing a “disrespectful” group from the grounds of St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney’s CBD after he caught them embarking on an unauthorised photo shoot on the grounds of the church.
The video, which was posted by Twitter user Charlie Bakhos on Monday, showed a group, some dressed as nuns, being chased off the grounds of St Mary’s Cathedral in the Sydney CBD and forced to delete the photos from their shoot.
In the video, a man is heard confronting the individuals who were dressed in a variety of costumes and asks if they have permission to film.
“This is a cathedral, show some respect, get out of here,” the man says in the video.
He also demanded that the group delete the photos they had taken with their camera.
Social media users applauded the man’s calm actions, with many saying “need more people like him” and “he did handle that well.”
A spokesman for the Church said that this was an increasingly common experience.
“St Mary’s Cathedral is a sacred space for the Catholic Church in Australia and many others who come to seek peace and solace within its walls. The Cathedral has been visited by three popes, three Catholic saints, and is a place of welcome for all, especially the poor, disadvantaged and disenfranchised.
“The unfortunate reality, however, is that as Australia’s Mother Church, it is regularly a magnet for malicious acts of vandalism, property damage and offensive behaviour.”
“We accept that not everyone shares our beliefs, but all people of religious faith should be able to expect that their places of worship will be respected, or at least not be treated with mockery and subjected to acts of indecency,” he said.
I should add, from watching the video, that one of the “nuns”, was half naked and had his/her bum showing.
Ed Casesays:
January 9, 2023 at 8:46 pm
If there are cases of death that strongly support the wicked vaccine narrative they should stand on their own
According to the Medical experts, every death was caused by coinciditis, Climate Change, Commotio Cornholio, you name it, they’ve got an explanation that defies credulity.
Bringing in dubious proofs makes all the argument dubious.
Are you a Doctor?
So pull your head in, you’ve got no idea.
Richard Cranium
Are you a doctor? If not, pull your (dick) head in, you’ve got no idea.
I am actually not surprised. This is from Crikey by way of Craig Kelly Twitter. The people who dont want McCullough here will be the TGA and the pro jab medical experts !
“Campaigners are calling on Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to deny a visa to influential anti-vaccine activist and COVID-19 misinformation spreader Peter McCullough.
The US-based former cardiologist is set to tour Australia next month, along with United Australia Party national director Craig Kelly and Senator Ralph Babet, as part of speaking events organised by Clive Palmer’s political party”.
Look out!
SpongeBob’s emerged from the basement.
Summernats update – Steve Trickler linked the winning burnout at Adam’s:
How he does that without being able to see a thing is a mystery. It’s an extreme sport with a lot of technology thrown in.
Anyway, apart from a story about the four arrests out of tens of thousands of punters, TheirABC has disdainfully ignored the whole event.
Also, usually everyone puffs up the revenue from events like this. TheirABC said $35 million. Bullshit.
The guy in the room next door, who has been coming for years, told me he budgets $2.5k for the event. He is not cheapskating, but not splurging. He said that a hamburger and a drink there costs at least $20.
Latest attendance figures are 125,000. That may include multiples, but most people go for the whole event.
So, to be sure that they were lying because they hate Summernats, I did a super conservative sum. I assumed that everyone there spent less than him – 2 grand.
Do it for yourself. It just shows how much they hate Summernats, and why the Net Zero crowd are coughing in the magnificent smoke of Jake Myers. 🙂
Money talks. Donors love Summernats.
Trump caught them all!
These guys saved SpongeBob!
Off to sleep.
Night all!
(No need to reply – I won’t see it until I wake up tomorrow.)
And took him to a Sanctuary!
When they pull the same stunt at a mosque, with burkas instead of nun’s habits (likewise with ass showing) it will make a handy comparison, to read about how bystanders handled it.
…. and how the authorities & newsmedia handle it.
LOL, KD, I’d forgotten about that sadly not missed contributor.
Cut snakes, come on down! 🙂
*Trigger warning – scantily clad womanage
Bet the gutless morons won’t do that at a mosque, dressed as mo.
Snap, Sal.
Both Calma & Synot have from what I can see no real world experience outside of academia or government. Calma despite being born in 1953 has no detail with his pre 1995 CV, has no research published from what I have searched which may not mean much but I have questions about how much we should listen to him. Synot is upfront with his CV being totally academic.
Hope the Uluru statement didn’t pay much for their services…
Campaigners are calling on Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to deny a visa to influential anti-vaccine activist and COVID-19 misinformation spreader Peter McCullough.
Unfortunately need to subscribe to the site to get the whole story.
It’s a fairly descriptive title to give a cardiologist no less.
I wonder who the campaigners are?
Cassie, I’ve been thinking about your interaction where you blasted a fellow guest. I notice that a lot of people applauded it.
I’m not so sure. Will you become ‘mad Cassie’ in the family lore?
While blasting people is satisfying personally, in most human relations it is best not to do so.
I wouldn’t like to be at a dinner party where you were blasting away. Might singe the croutons.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you mob.
Mme Zulu has announced she’s regained the weight she lost during the chemo and radiation treatment, so that’s a great step forward – she’s also pleasantly surprised on how much she’s saved by giving up smoking….
Arrest them all for trespassing and offload them after Friday Prayers in the front of the Surrey Hills Mosque.