It’s time to celebrate men and masculinity

There is a Yiddish word I am sure many here have heard of before. The word is “mensch”. Mensch, in its original meaning, is not a word to be used flippantly. Calling a man a mensch is a serious compliment, to be used sparingly, it’s a word of praise that extols the virtues of a man, a man who is good, who does good, who takes responsibility, who is physically, emotionally and mentally strong, who is loyal, who is kind, who uses his masculinity to love, protect, build, and nurture. As we know, not every male is a good man, just like not every female is a good woman. There is nothing worse than a weak man. If you want an example of a man who is the antithesis of a mensch, look no further than Harry Mountbatten-Windsor, who is revealing to the world just how weak, disloyal, treacherous, irresponsible, dissolute and narcissistic he is. For me personally, there is nothing more attractive in the world than a strong and masculine man comfortable in his own skin.

Sadly, in 2023, men of all ages are routinely demonised, disparaged, ridiculed, and smeared. Masculinity is denigrated. The appalling term “toxic masculinity” is used recklessly to the point now where it’s routine, nobody blinks an eyelid on hearing it, and it’s commonly used against white men of European background. Male masculinity is trivialised and mocked in advertisements, in media, in entertainment, in education, in academia, and in writing. Men are made fun of, and all men are presumed to be sexual predators. Men are now deemed guilty until proven innocent. This constant denigration and disparagement of masculinity starts early in life, so that we now live in a culture where boys are growing into adolescents and young men without purpose, they’re lost, bewildered, angry, sidelined, marginalised, and mocked. Too many boys are growing up without fathers and positive male role models. The consequences of this are catastrophic, we are witnessing teenage boys, and young and older men committing suicide in ever increasing numbers, we are seeing staggeringly high numbers of homeless men (young and old), boys’ educational outcomes are lagging significantly behind girls, and over the last decade we have seen the rise of the “incel”, young males who are socially awkward and are unable to communicate, preferring a relationship with a computer rather than a human being. What is an “incel”? The Oxford Dictionary describes “incels” as….

a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active.

I believe the online “incel” phenomenon is a version of an age-old male phenomenon, the gang. Marginalised, disaffected, socially alienated males have always been attracted to gangs, it is in those gangs that they find other males like themselves. The gang gives boys and young men purpose, direction, meaning, it provides them with a community of other males, and they depend on and feed off this community. It should surprise no one that in 2023 there are online gangs of young men who roam the internet, who play violent online games, and who watch pornography. These socially awkward and alienated males, many of whom have grown up without fathers and in highly feminised environments, have testosterone which has never been channelled into positive masculinity, and so an online community has mushroomed of males angry with the world and particularly with women. Many of these socially awkward and alienated males are highly susceptible to grifters such as Andrew Tate and Jack Murphy, to name just two. Tate, currently under arrest in Romania, has allegedly pimped young girls, US based Murphy pimped his wife. These grifters created businesses to extract money from lonely, impressionable and awkward young males, and once they received the money, they would provide pseudo masculinity recipes to young men which contained fraudulent elixirs to pursue their “positive masculinity”, except the recipes were made up of snake oil masculinity promoting misogyny, pornography and the emotional and sexual subjugation and abuse of women. That is not real masculinity, it is a perversion and debasement of masculinity. Snake oil masculinity is costly, fraudulent and misogynistic, real masculinity is free and character building.

If the West is to be saved, and I believe it can be, then the current demonisation of men and masculinity must stop NOW. And this initiative needs to come from women. Why? Because I believe that women have created this problem of disaffected, disillusioned and socially alienated males. I do not want to live in a culture dominated by females and where boys and men are smeared and ridiculed. I want a society where the masculine and feminine are complimentary to each other. I want men to be men, where the words “be a man” are mandatory and celebrated, where boys and men are provided with male role models who encourage them to be good, to do good, to take responsibility, to be physically, emotionally and mentally strong, to be loyal, to be kind, to use their masculinity, not to subjugate or manipulate women sexually, physically and emotionally, but to love, protect, build, and nurture.  In other words, we need to cultivate the mensch in men.

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Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 11, 2023 7:25 am


Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 11, 2023 8:04 am

Well said, Cassie. I couldn’t agree more. The last three sentences say it all. Whenever I get a (rare) chance with my grandson, these are the attributes I gently try to install in him.
BTW, in my ignorance, I thought incel meant involuntarily celibate, a term usually applied to males but sometimes to females.

January 11, 2023 8:17 am

On time and on target, Cassie.

+88 Upticks

January 11, 2023 8:36 am

Agree with the treatment of men , this is why Jordan Peterson is so popular with young men .Foe example, My handsome , thoughtful grandson for whom I bought Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations . He was studying Roman History pre VCE and of course the 4 good emperors . I also bought him 12 rules . His description of opposite sex in his age group , get aggressive when drunk and are sexually predatory . Sounds like BH
Harry is another issue , damaged and interviewers’ questions enable and do not help .
Here is what I would do
“ Harry when you think about …… how do you feel?”
My guess , Angry they should not treat me like that
Because they do what does that mean
Question on and on to the underlying belief
Bottom line will be I am not good enough , unloveable, not good enough etc.
Mothers leaving for whatever reason leaves kids with these beliefs ,just like his mum

January 11, 2023 8:41 am

Andrew Tate and Jack Murphy, to name just two. Tate, currently under arrest in Romania, has allegedly pimped young girls, US based Murphy pimped his wife.

No, Jack Murphy sold fairly expensive courses on masculinity but was also a literal bisexual CUCK with OnlyFans and PornHub content.

“I want my slippy slide”

Means the worst thing you can imagine with a MFM threesome (if you are not a cuck).

Jeremy from “The 1/4ering” paid respect and props to “Undead Chronics” “Warband” asking Sydney Watson on the chat to ask Jack about “cuck stuff”.

Truly an epic internet tale someone like Dankula, Whang or Internet Historian will tell for the ages.

January 11, 2023 8:41 am

Ps Will has sensible Kate . Harry needing constant love and approval to feel ok about himself and unfortunately a toxic relationship .

January 11, 2023 8:49 am

Tate is an idiot who can think fast. Some of his business advice is literally (very strictly construed) fraud: offer goods and services you cannot deliver to gauge customer demand THEN build your logistics or production base from there.

He’s secretly married and ALL of these “Pickup Artist Coaches” (Roaches) are weak chinless betas pretending they are something they are not.

But hey Tom Brady could have kept Giselle if he maintained frame and used the pheromone soap.

January 11, 2023 8:57 am

My point is that masculinity should not be sold in courses or cans

My point is simpler: It cannot be.

Men are men. What is important is that you act with morals, principles, ethics, values and dignity.

Secondly but equally important is that society has been constructed for at least 50 years to weaponise being female and punish men for existing and make them disposable. Men have to live in the modern world and in a chivalrous one too. It’s worse in America (a horrible mix of the draft, a terrible VA and downright evil divorce industry).

Yes you can be masculine growing up without a father, but not very likely in our current culture and education system.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 11, 2023 9:10 am

Thanks Cassie-
I’ve written on an OT before how I think that “incels” are a strawman- there is an undercurrent of violence and incurability to the term, and therefore you’ll see it mentioned around school shootings and rape accusations. Stretch out the acronym, “involuntarily celibate”- what an entitled and threatening idea. I doubt any man or boy would think of themselves as such without deliberate “radicalization”. There is the deliberate suggestion by the misandrous wing of academia and the media that “incel” is the resting mental state of young men if they are not subject to correctly applied thought control.
Contrast it to the much older terms which are applied to women in the same straits- simply G-rated “dateless”, “never been kissed” is at least romantically hopeful, even the traditional “spinster” sits and sticks to her knitting. No-one- and I mean no-one- suggests any more that young women will become hysterical if they do not get any action. Indeed, as Cassie writes they are supported by the Cathedral culture towards contempt for chivalry and maleness… and also encouraged towards promiscuity.

January 11, 2023 9:15 am

Ich bin Mensch , and make no apologies for publishing it as a fact . Deo Volenty .

January 11, 2023 9:21 am

I respect your opinion Cassie but I think the gory details are important; to wit, Cuck Murphy’s “career” ended at that moment.

Take Dan Blizerian as another example.

1. Father was a crook.
2. All his “gfs” were paid for.
3. Eventually lost his money.

Or Fed & Fraud (“Fresh and Fit”):

1. “Fit” literally LARPs as a black man.
2. He’s actually an Arab.
3. His family are from ME.
4. He is an FBI informer.
5. Caught out pay for play: multiple women have come forward stating they needed to give sexual favours to get airtime.
6. “Fresh Prince CEO” simped for an Instagram model who then friend zoned him. It is quite sad.

You know who people should take “dating advice” from: OLD MARRIED COUPLES.

These dating roaches have no credibility.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 11, 2023 9:25 am

Well done Cassie.
My son 19yo and a few of his mates have turned their backs on girls. He has his basketball, work, computer games and mates. The girls in his life are self centred, demanding, passive aggressive and essentially not worth the grief. You reap what you sow feministas. Fingers crossed reality bites the girls soon and they grow up. However throwing off 13+ years of Victorian Education dogma will be a challenge.

January 11, 2023 9:37 am

OK, I’ll say the magic words…

Take women’s rights away…
I won’t use Islam as the shining example as it has its own issues.

Research into Amish culture in the U.S. though.
They have a birth rate of 7 kids per family.
Women finish school once they are of breeding/marriage age and start having kids. The men are very much in charge of Amish households and the families are usually quite happy.

As for Western men. There needs to be skin in the game for them.
Men have no reason to fight for the society they are currently in, many would be happy to watch it burn.

We talk about women’s rights and the fight for equality over the last 100 years.
All rights and special privileges afforded to women now were a direct result in the reduction of men’s rights.

Allowing women the right to vote is what led to every other catastrophic left turn in western culture
Women’s right to vote came at the cost of the right of men to direct society in a stable and conservative way.

It’s OK though, once the system collapses, everyone will lose their rights, including women.

January 11, 2023 9:54 am

It’s OK though, once the system collapses, everyone will lose their rights, including women.

Not true – women need a source of male strength, and the last 50 years of neutering men* by outsourcing this to the government (welfare), food (soy really does contain plant oestrogens) and culture has left a void which will only be recognised and filled when the whole ‘Obama is your daddy’ structure comes crashing down.

I dont do facebook but have seen some of the things me daughter posts about me – its all about how much she respects me firefighting/fixing things/building things/ saying NO to government etc.

I cant wait for the collapse, for it is only then that a mans true worth will be visible again.

* and everything male – even domestic dogs must be castrated these days.

January 11, 2023 10:25 am

In Qld,
Chief Justice-woman
Police Commissioner-woman
Assistant Police Commissioner-woman
Education minister-woman [sort of]
Qld Governor-woman
Racq President-woman
The result is the men in the ALP turn out like Steven Miles, who at this stage he is allowed to be deputy premier, but after his balls have dropped will hopefully end up on the back bench.
I’m not saying they are all moon driven, hysterical, pre menopausal, vituperous harridans, but some of them seem to be. I’m all for balance so let’s have some. Bring back some real men.

January 11, 2023 10:33 am

The commenter on Sydney and Elijah’s livestream with Cuck Murphy who brought up “the cuck shit” had the “handle” of “DrDickenBallz”.

Imagine if your career ended on account of “Dr Dick & Balls”!

January 11, 2023 10:34 am

January 11, 2023 at 9:37 am
OK, I’ll say the magic words…

Take women’s rights away…
I won’t use Islam as the shining example as it has its own issues.


discussing Open AI with Grandson currently reading “Pride & Prejudice” for VEC in 2023 – Surprisingly today’s Thread discussion well summed by AI response to question

Question “analysing life during the period of Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen versus life in 2023”

Response “Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen in the late 18th and early 19th century, offers a glimpse into the social customs and expectations of the time period in which it is set. The novel takes place primarily in the rural society of Georgian England, and it centers around the marriage prospects of the five daughters of the Bennett family.

During this time period, societal norms dictated that marriage was an important goal for women, as it offered them financial security and social standing. The Bennett sisters are under pressure to find wealthy and respectable husbands, and much of the plot of the novel revolves around their various romantic entanglements.

In contrast, life in 2023 is quite different in many ways. Women have significantly more opportunities and freedoms than they did in the time period of Pride and Prejudice. For example, women today have the ability to pursue education and careers, rather than being limited to the roles of wife and mother.”

Marriage is still an important aspect of life for many people, but it is no longer the sole defining aspect of a woman’s worth, and the goal of marriage is more often seen as mutual happiness and love instead of societal status and financial security.

While these are general comparisons, it is important to note that the idea of social and economical inequality are present in every era and culture, also today exists a diversity of behaviors, customs and norms and probably in Georgian England existed a similar diversity within the society.

January 11, 2023 10:40 am

Marriage is still an important aspect of life for many people, but it is no longer the sole defining aspect of a woman’s worth, and the goal of marriage is more often seen as mutual happiness and love instead of societal status and financial security.

Well, I’m going to step away from society and take a view from nature here.

A woman’s worth is defined by how many children she has so as to continue the species.

Amans worth is defined by his ability to protect, provide for and reproduce with as many women as possible.

Read into Genghis Khan, probably the greatest Alpha male ever to walk the earth.

January 11, 2023 10:42 am

Here is a list of movies which I think explore masculinity.

No they aren’t all ages appropriate nor are the characters perfect. Some are much better movies than others. Some have a much stronger or important message than others.

If a kid is fatherless, they need a masculine influence. This is one way how to do it.

Chirin no suzu (Ringing Bell)
The Terminator
T-2 Judgment Day
Rocky IV
The Graduate
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
A Man for All Seasons
Tales from Earthsea
The wind rises
Space Marine
The Quest
Total Recall
Blade Runner
Star Wars IV-VI
Loaded Weapon
Beverly Hills Cop I-III
Rambo IV
Dead Poets Society
Jumanji (Original)
Scent of a Woman
The Godfather I + II
Hear no evil see no evil
Hard to Kill
Back to School
Never back down
Back to the future (I-III)
The Good, the bad and the Ugly
Princess Mononoke
Return of the Cat
An American Werewolf in London
To Live and Die in LA
The Lion in Winter

What a veritable body of work. Free too if you sail the seven seas.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 11, 2023 11:04 am

A Perth nightclub has banned its patrons from wearing red shoes.
Nightclub owner, Malcolm Pages, says the clientele who wear that type of footwear are often tough guys with an attitude to things.

OK Cassie, guys wearing red shoes, are they in or out?
Is this a permissible form of “demonised, disparaged, ridiculed, and smeared”?

January 11, 2023 11:13 am

When strong positive masculinity is absent, boys and young men will look to con artists like Tate, Murphy and others and the masculinity they sell is not healthy.

I blame gender equality. Women and men are told they need to be equal in a relationship and in every other respect, it’s a recipe for disaster. Throw in easy peasy no-fault divorce and the collapse of civilisation is well on its way.

January 11, 2023 11:16 am

“In Qld,
Chief Justice-woman
Police Commissioner-woman…”

Notice, too, that we have a Minister for Women, but not a Minister for Men!
And that men are actually in the minority (not much, but it’s there).

How can this be?
How can we have a sexist “one side only” arrangement where the minority does without?
And were this the other way around, how loud would the outcry be?

The answer, I believe, is that women are more “person oriented”, while men are more “things oriented” – men fix stuff, women fix relationships, if you like. So women are more likely to “get together” to complain about “bad” things, while men are more likely to say “Whatever…” and go do something else.
So when we started down the sexual equality path, this outcome was guaranteed. Adding a single mother pension even more heavily locked it in place. Not sure if these things ARE actually bad, but the RESULTS of them are. And the results that are bad are only apparent in the long term and are subtle, while the good they do is apparent short term and is obvious. That makes them politically hard to change, because when you “undo” them, the bad from that change is immediate and obvious, while the benefits are slow to arrive and subtle. And we have become such a “Me, me, me!” and “Now, now, now!” society, selling long term gain for short term pain is very, very hard.

Chris M
Chris M
January 11, 2023 12:00 pm

Good post Cassie!

2 Timothy 3 “But this know, that in the last days difficult times shall be there; for men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, evil speakers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, profane, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, of unsubdued passions, savage, having no love for what is good, traitors, headlong, of vain pretensions, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”

Mankind (M&F) is toxic, only Christ is without sin and He is returning very soon to sort this mess.

Mensch, in its original meaning, is not a word to be used flippantly.

Interesting, thought it was just ‘men’… how do we understand the uber/unter prefix thing or is that a crude Naz1 adaption of the word.

January 11, 2023 12:20 pm

“Beware the invisible angry women” SMH
Are they angry because they aren’t one of the countless women at the top? (in comment from bollux)

Or angry because they wield power at the top, but are “invisible” on the street?

Disappointment awaits girls presently being indoctrinated in schools. It’s cool to declare they don’t want to have children; they want to be warriors – of a kind.

January 11, 2023 12:24 pm

Too many boys are growing up without fathers and positive male role models. The consequences of this are catastrophic, we are witnessing teenage boys, and young and older men committing suicide in ever increasing numbers, we are seeing staggeringly high numbers of homeless men (young and old), boys’ educational outcomes are lagging significantly behind girls, and over the last decade we have seen the rise of the “incel”,

There has probably never been a time in history (I exclude the Victorian upper classes) where the rearing of infants from birth to 21 or so has been more controlled by females.

If men are dysfunctional WTF are the ladies doing to them for the 20+ years they are “educating” them?
Im revolted by confusingly small headed pimps being put up as “masculinity coaches”. Im equally revolted by sexual and societal “norms” being top down produced by raging lesbians/misandrists and sexual perverts who are funded by my taxes.

January 11, 2023 1:32 pm

Great post Cassie.

Is this the first of a regular weekly rant cough or should that be your articulated angry tirade against whatever insanity is prevailing ?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 11, 2023 1:42 pm

As a Man, I feel good. But with all this BS going on, I still feel good as a Man. I cannot give birth to life. But that is what Nature has said and is not for me. That is for the Woman. Isn’t that what God wanted?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 11, 2023 1:49 pm

January 11, 2023 at 10:33 am
The commenter on Sydney and Elijah’s livestream with Cuck Murphy who brought up “the cuck shit” had the “handle” of “DrDickenBallz”.

Imagine if your career ended on account of “Dr Dick & Balls”!

Dotty Dot of Dottiness, you really crap on about of shite……………………And Bad Language for a Tart,,,,,,,,

January 11, 2023 1:50 pm

“My point is simpler: It cannot be.”

I have watched a couple of Tate videos. Can’t see anything controversial in what he says. The pickup industry has been around for much longer and it exists because there is a demand. It’s basically a form de-brainwashing to reset male-female dynamics back to respect evolutionary biology.

The idea of “positive” masculinity is just a variation on the theme of the pussified male. That a male must be able to project power has been reframed as “toxic”. The reality is that the state and the woke state especially has usurped the rights to project any form of power in the name of peace and safety. To the point where you are not even allowed to protect your own property.

The woke state wants its males to be neutered, pacified and not capable of challenging its power. Nowhere is this more obvious than in its continuous efforts to disarm the population while militarising its own police forces.

January 11, 2023 2:30 pm

I’m not at all sure that males are particularly vulnerable to what the twisted sisters think and say. There are males whose need to belong gives them problems, but they aren’t the most masculine.

I’m not sure rôle models are necessary. Possibly for the collectivist hive mind, but as a child there were men I approved of and men I disapproved of. And the vast majority who didn’t affect more than my curiosity. I see m0nty, for example, as a sort of negative rôle model, children will look at him and promise themselves not to grow up like that. I’d guess I’ve been more influenced by negative rôle models to avoid than positive models to emulate.

I learnt early on that other human beans had their own agendas, and they sometimes told lies. I suspect that if I’d been brought up in the current social environment I’d be indifferent to being told I had toxic masculinity as a defining problem. It’s not difficult to see the need to control a bigger more powerful animal by language as being something women are prone to. I’m not dumb enough for it to work on me.

January 11, 2023 2:53 pm

Most young men and women I know are quite well adjusted. They tend to be concerned about the state of the world but not much about gender conflict. Then again they also seem to have given up social media. (And encourage me to do so.)

January 11, 2023 3:31 pm

This Debate Gets Heated With Andrew Tate

what’s controversial about Tate?

January 11, 2023 4:25 pm

Colonel Crispin Berka,
if you delve a little deeper into the Red Shoes issue, you will probably find the “men” wearing them are most likely Lebs, or roided dweebs which is where the attitude comes from. Also, they probably go out in groups.
Personally, I would never go out with a bloke who chooses to wear red shoes. Total lack of taste and class. I could almost forgive him if he were colour-blind. That is the only reason to wear said shoes, or if you lost a bet.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
January 11, 2023 4:29 pm

You’re a bloody good writer and conveyor of thoughts, Cassie.

January 11, 2023 4:43 pm

It’s times like this I think of Clint Eastwood and his character Dirty Harry in meetings.

Which reminds me of another Clint Eastwood:

Buford “Mad Dog” Tannen: You hear me, runt? I said that’s ten, you gutless, yellow pie-slinger!
Marty McFly: [seeing everyone looking at him] He’s an asshole! I don’t care what Tannen says! And I don’t care what anybody else says, either.

January 11, 2023 6:24 pm

My point is that masculinity should not be sold in courses or cans to impressionable young boys and men, it should come from strong male role models, be it the father (preferably) or other solid male role models, and mothers, in fact all women, should encourage and nurture strong male role models.

It’s a nice idea, but the reality on the ground these days is radically different. Lets look at mutley’s kids, what chance do his boys have (assuming he has boys) with him as a role model. They will need someone to de-program them from the women/equity BS, otherwise they are headed for a world of pain.

Mothers generally do not teach their boys the right way to interact with women, they teach them their idealised version of it, which is usually 180degree from what they in fact fall for.

January 11, 2023 10:43 pm

All rights and special privileges

imo, were given, rather than taken
but it was meant to be a two-way street, right?

the deal was
youse sheilas get some power because, you know better
us blokes get relieved of the burdens of labour, danger and heavy lifting
then everything is magically wonderful

didn’t work that way though did it?

best youse could do was make the smart ones lawyers and the dumb ones traffic controllers.

things were better when they were worse

January 11, 2023 10:45 pm

…and another thing

keep telling boys that they’re toxic, violent and useless

and that’s exactly the type of man you’ll get

…you’ve been warned

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 12, 2023 5:52 am

Well said, Cassie. I’ll just add that fathers are important of course, but don’t forget grandfathers. They can provide a time-length perspective and with age have the patience to nurture and encourage the young with genuine masculine strength and virtues. Most are also not milksops; they were brought up in a different era and it shows.
All power to them.

January 12, 2023 6:43 am

Mothers generally do not teach their boys the right way to interact with women, they teach them their idealised version of it, which is usually 180degree from what they in fact fall for.

Well, not all of us are Harry Markle.

Texas Jack
Texas Jack
January 12, 2023 8:29 am

My point is that masculinity should not be sold in courses or cans.

Nice to see the topic raised, and the various comments. Bettina Arndt has a piece in a similar vein here.

I’m instinctively opposed to “courses and cans”, and groupthink, so ticks there, Cassie. The gentle guidance of leaders, be they fathers or influential people in our lives, demonstrating the value of gentlemanly conduct can’t be overstated. Texas Jnr swears like a Banchee when he’s out mustering cattle. I can only pray that the guidance I’ve given him around the value of gentlemen in our world eventually pays the planet a dividend.

Unfortunately, they are exposed to a heck of as lot of diversions coming down the WWW, which makes me want to ban smart devices, but that would be hypocrisy wouldn’t it? I’m sitting on an iPad as I type.

Best to let the sands land where they land, and hope better men emerge.

January 12, 2023 8:51 am

Great writing, Cassie, and interesting thread. Hard to know where it’s all heading, but as many others have already said, it’s nowhere good.

January 12, 2023 9:33 am

All very well to talk about re-enforcing the role and strengths of men and women but the leftist woke have infiltrated the system with the deliberate purpose of confusing us on gender. The trans movement is now being institutionalized in our bureaucracies, sporting bodies and every other type of organization through new categories to describe men and women ( sorry I should have said people). The idea is to divorce people from “themselves” sexually and psychologically so they don’t develop a strong sense of self with principles and morals. A population comprised of confused people becomes far more pliable and accepting of propaganda.
The creep is everywhere. Take for example what I would have thought as a fairly benign health website on vitamin deficiency. From the advice,” Adult men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB) need between 400 and 420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium each day. For women and people assigned female at birth, the recommendation is 310 to 320 mg per day.” So now we talk about AMABs and AFAB’s like it was some sort of normal!
Enjoyed the article Cassie and its sentiments. I have always liked men and find them on the whole better company than women.

January 12, 2023 12:26 pm

A tour de force, Cassie. I’m glad you called out the phony masculinist con artists who are simply preying on disaffected young men.

One of the reasons George Pell couldn’t be ‘read’ by the contemporary Australian public is that his manner was literally indecipherable to people brought up in an oestrogen-drenched society where ‘good’ has become synonymous with girlish.

Brilliant post.

  1. I almost more offended by the sloppy language.Given that we are carbon based life forms and everything around us is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x