The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
Excellent TE.
Today’s Paywallion: Immigrants welcome to join us, but not change us Peta Credlin 2 hours ago How do societies dedicated…
Different set up. They are mostly in a defensive role. Last time I heard they were in their own segregated…
Hilarious! Spavined wombat Albo can’t get in to see Trump. But yesterday the PM of Ireland, yes bloody Ireland was…
The genocide of Alawites and Christians in Syria continues as the mainstream media continues to downplay the thousands of dead.…
Careful…they might make it compulsory if you resist “normalising cultural pluralism.”
And it’s a mixed bag. Fortunately I tend to remember all the lovely nurses and orderlies who have done their work with care and kindness, even though they’ve been dead dog tired.
As for the other ones, not so much.
Looking forward to…erm… an Aussie semiconductor fab being built? I guess?
Cats and Kittehs may have fun imagining what an Aussie computer chip factory would be called.
Why not just restart the Aboriginal one?
Chippy McChipface?
Semi McSemiconductorface?
Terms which have suddenly appeared over the last couple of days.
Who are they aimed at?
Or are they designed to get a reaction so the person who asks can be slapped down with a “It’s not always about you, dahling.” remark.
They seem peculiarly Leftist in origin…
Black Ball:
Maybe the sessions could be made compulsory? Then there would be more of both sexes?
Or are the women going to be able to demand gender matching at crime scenes?
“Cats and Kittehs may have fun imagining what an Aussie computer chip factory would be called.”
SillyCones R Us?
Well I did the “Concern Trolling” as an example of Benevolent Abuse. It definitely wasn’t aimed at anyone, just an exercise in looking for meanings of words.
As for the antithesis of “Narcissistic Abuse”, I posited “Earnest and wholehearted Encouragement”. I’d like to think that might be my default position to others here, but I’m sometimes tempted to snark. That’s when the iPad is put away and the stitching starts.
It sounds like the Chair has a problem. Is it possible the issues it raised have a financial/fiduciary impact on it?
Quite unusual for this sort of reaction over a matter that most likely will end up in the courts.
Bad news about Plimer; second only to Bob Carter. Jennifer Marohasy and Peter Ridd are still going well.
“Maybe the sessions could be made compulsory? “
Perhaps more sensibly, the number and length “men only” sessions. Why not, eh? The blokes may not care either way, but neither would some of the girls, and fair is fair…
“sensibly, the number and length “men only””
The SAME number and length…
More likely the Chairman has been payed off by way of no cost to them if he gets the owners to agree to the repairs. Seen it before in a different situation.
If true, I can see a lot of helicopters being bought by Brazil after the populace wakes up to its peril.
Kneel got it, Smith’s Chips.
Hmmmmm…neither of them have Rules. In an anarchic chip factory, anything goes. They could branch out into washing machines and electric shavers. Or both combined.
The idea has merit.
“I suspect Sky News is an example of you get what you pay for. The regular guests are probably on the cheap and they don’t call in others because of the cost. There is no in depth journalism where they go out and do the hard yards. Most of it is about a bunch of people sitting around a table blathering on. Another problem I have with it is the same old tropes being used again and again. They need to spread the subject coverage and stop trying to turn every subject into a political fight. Always whining about woke, AGW, the Left etc. Same old message that is very much preaching to the choir. There are plenty of interesting things happening in the world but Sky has tunnel vision. Sky News needs to stop making every subject it covers an opportunity for political rhetoric. Some things are just interesting, there is no need for a political slant but the poor sods can’t help themselves.”
Crikey, such condescension. Do you subscribe to Sky? I choose to subscribe to Sky and, whilst it isn’t perfect (I’m not aware of anything that is), I’m happy to spend my hard earned dollars on Sky because, on many issues, they speak for me and many others here. Outsiders is a highlight for many here. No other media organisation dares to speak for me, no other media organisation gives airtime to right of centre opinion, oh and no other media organisation defended Pell so robustly, gives Ian Plimer a platform, defends biological sex, and bravely gave a platform for Andrew Bolt to air his views and I thank God for that. Having spoken to quite a few people who work at Sky, I know for a fact that everyday they are under attack from activists who target their advertisers. Why? Because Sky dares to present alternative views, that is right of centre views, the views of many here. It actually believes in free speech, speech you won’t hear on any other free to air channel, be it about Pell, Porter, climate change, the Voice and so on.
Sky doesn’t have the budget of “their ABC” or Nine or Seven. As for “their ABC”, it’s an out of control organisation that doesn’t even bother to follow its charter, an organisation that spends lots of our dosh making Four Corners programmes that smears innocent people, from George Pell to Christian Porter. Their ABC spends lots of money doing fake docos about the Wussia Collusion and how Fox News is to blame for the 6 January riot (it wasn’t an insurrection).
Many here complain about Sky always featuring the “same”. Well, Sky is trying to refresh. And doing in depth documentaries costs money, which they don’t have. I really like Chris Kenny, I don’t agree with him on everything, particularly the Voice and canines (he doesn’t like our canine friends) but he’s good on so much else so I’ll tolerate him spruiking the Voice crap.
By the way, Sky gives much needed airtime to Pauline Hanson and Liberal and National politicians, who are ALL basically sidelined by their ABC and the free to air channels. Hanson’s been banished from all free to air, so she appreciates the Sky platform.
And if Sky goes under tomorrow, which is what the MSM, the left and Monty Pox are baying for, we on the right are left with nothing. I’ll say this about the left, they don’t jab and pick holes in their own, they follow the Alinsky maxim of always defending their own, regardless. Perhaps its time we on the right adopted a little of that, because, as we all know, we’re not winning the culture wars at the moment and our continued picking of scabs on our side isn’t going to help us win any war soon.
There is a horrible price to be paid for this mutilating surgery in ten years time when these brain washed kids realise what has been done to them in their innocence and naivety.
Oh, very good, Kneel!
Boambee John:
The Left are loving the flexibility that their new Fascist ideology grants them.
“The Left are loving the flexibility that their new Fascist ideology grants them.”
As Dan Bongino poinbts out, it’s never hypocrisy – it’s always hierarchy – “We’re in power, you’re not – suck it up princess!” Of course, the whining never stops when it gets done to them…
Leftists have ALWAYS been ‘flexible’
Philips used to make semiconductors (IC wafers) at their Hendon facility in the 70s and 80s.
Now known as Hendon Semiconductors, a rump staff currently design chips for military uses.
So some expertise remains. Labour costs and lack of scale speak against resumption of manufacturing here, though.
Which is currently happening in Israel. Lots of toys being chucked out of prams.
As in, bending over backwards for approval of their peers or more explicitly their own internal critic. Basically you don’t need a formal ‘struggle’ session if the censorship is so deeply ingrained that the prole doesn’t have to think, just automatically censors they-selves.
No-one should be amazed when the cancellers tear a leftist apart, because its more important to terrify their own foot soldiers into compliance, than engage with a person who actually disagrees due to free thinking.
With whose money? All of ours? This is completely unacceptable. The money should be recovered via rego fees, petrol users pay even more via levies for roads. How fair is this that people who can’t afford expensive virtue signal toys must subsidise the well heeled?
Piers Morgan would be no loss….plus a reshuffle at Sky will do no harm.
I suppose you Cats and condemners herein of the Sky format could always tune in to Koche and Krew….. or alternatively get your entertainment from the dribblers at the ABC… religiously pissing in the pockets of fellow travelers and passing on such garbage that somehow qualifies their incredulous opinions as being woke and of world wide worthiness. FFS
Its the latter action that supplies the Sky network with the material to survive…. be grateful
“Labour costs and lack of scale speak against resumption of manufacturing here, though.”
Lack of scale cuts both ways – if you want a small run for a custom application, about the only chance you have is a “proving” run, where the chip manufacturer guarantees your small run chip is made as you want, but not that it actually works. The big boys do these as a kind of calibration of large scale factories before they wind up to several million unit runs.
I haven’t checked but this sort of low volume run could be profitable, especially if you also were able to do low volume “backup” runs for people who must have the chips but can’t get ’em. With GM and Ford shutting down plants in the US for lack of chips, even a few 10’s of thousands per month would probably keep them out of the do-do. And this sort of thing (chips for cars, washing machines etc) are usually not “cutting edge”, so you don’t need the latest and greatest sub 15nm facility for the most part, just be flexible enough to provide CPU’s etc for consumer grade equipment.
And that might even be the cash cow – a kind of “fill the gaps” supplier. With China being cut off from first-line chip manufacturing machinery, now might actually be a good time to be that “fill in” manufacturer…
Robbing the poor to pay for the rich.
That’ll get the vote out for the Liberals.
The NSW government is promising to build more than 1,000 charging stations for electric vehicles
Robbing the poor to pay for the rich.
The same mindset that pays wealthy/middle class to install solar panels and high feed in tariff rates, while poor people cop the higher power prices up the blurter.
Said something like that to my boss referring to his solar panels.
Back to working by myself, excellent!
“You will clap for me.”
Pigs arse I will, vinegar tits.
Renee Geyer has died.
” Lots of toys being chucked out of prams.”
Buy ’em one of these and say “Let’s see you spit this bastard out!”:
Washington DC’s new Korean War memorial is riddled with 1,000 spelling mistakes, has the names of 400 dead left off and includes troops who survived the conflict, a historian has claimed.
Hal Barker, an expert on the war and founder of the Korean War Project, revealed he found the errors on the $22million monument that was unveiled in July.
Daily Mail
I wasn’t aiming at anyone, Calli. It’s just that when I see a particular meme arise from nowhere – like “Safe and Effective”, or “Flatten the Curve”, you get suspicious about where it’s going, who is driving that particular bus, and what the motive is.
Interesting that there is little room for Rita on Sky but Nicholas Reece is welcome. I refuse any program that has him as a commentator.
flyingduk says:
January 17, 2023 at 12:04 pm
Have we reached “peak meat”, like peak oil: so much livestock, so much local pollution, that the only sustainable future is in reduction? They’re questions the US, the world’s largest producer of beef, will also soon have to answer.
I am an obligate carnivore, for health reasons, if they try to stop me eating my optimal diet, they will find out why carnivores have fangs….
Tuesday Boys Geriatric Lunch Peter Pans’ Crows Nest – my red contribution to table – 1999 Majella Coonawarra Shiraz – still drinking well.
Said to Mine Host – Special – Veal Kidneys in White Wine, Cream, Mushroom Sauce with Mashed Potatoes plus Veggies, or usual Small 1/2 Supreme, 1/2 Meat Lovers Pizza with Tomato rather tha BBQ Sauce, plus extra anchovies and extra prawns.
Patron – you can always have your Pizza, but not always Veal Kidneys – They were excellent
Then Lemon Meringue Pie with Ice Cream & topped with Lemon Pieces – finished off with Affogato, a classic Italian coffee and ice cream dessert, with a shot of Sambuca and sprinkled with crushed chocolate anise biscotti.
Life is Good!
Similar circumstances to Pell as well. Complications following hip surgery.
Eat Meat –
Sky News should look beyond the establishment left-right spectrum. It should have post-liberals, populists, actual Leftist, and the like. Would be far more interesting and entertaining. Also, as others have said, more in-depth or long-form journalism and documentary-style fare.
Sky News should look beyond the establishment left-right spectrum. It should have post-liberals, populists, actual Leftist, and the like. Would be far more interesting and entertaining. Also, as others have said, more in-depth or long-form journalism and documentary-style fare.
Renee Geyer was a big talent. I saw her live back in the 80s.
I can’t believe that Renee Geyer was old enough to need hip surgery let alone die.
As a boy, I majorly liked Renee. And as an adult.
Talented, brassy, slightly uncontrollable, sexy and fun.
Her wild child ways probably caused her some trying times but I’m glad to read she died surrounded by loved ones.
Gina Lollobrigida – last of the Golden Age hourglass goddesses – has also died, aged 95.
I find it hard to comprehend turning the same age my Dad was, when he died.
This is a dickhead country at times. FMD, I’m against what Russia is trying to do in Ukraine, but banning the flag of the Russian players who are legitimately here. We’re not grown up enough to be able to place proper context? F off.
I was wondering if Rita has other projects in the pipeline, since she is regularly linked by OS righty sites like Powerline and Instapundit.
Checked her twitter feed to see but all it says is she’s (still) and opinion writer for the Hun. Scroll down for the beaver video from 13 Jan, it’s fun!
If it’s over a cliff, that’s me at the wheel. 😀
Cronkite will be heartbroken. When he’s not peddling men-gals, he’s pushing old time starlets.
Mellow on the joys of a Fine Red Lunch,
Time for some of the Beauty & Joys of Life
Delibes: Lakmé – Duo des fleurs (Flower Duet), Sabine Devieilhe & Marianne Crebassa
Close your eyes – sit back and enjoy
Different times:
A fan in New York greets Gina Lollobrigida on the opening night of one of her films.
I got this. 😀
Old Ozzie. Well done on a sumptuous lunch.
I’ll see your Flower Duet and raise you this.
” who is driving that particular bus
If it’s over a cliff, that’s me at the wheel. ?”
Oh, you mean: “I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus.”
That would be a major #Metoo incident now.
Mak Siccar says:
January 17, 2023 at 4:04 pm
Old Ozzie. Well done on a sumptuous lunch.
I’ll see your Flower Duet and raise you this.
Cosi Fan tutte 1996 – Trio “Soave il vento”
Mak as a commenter says
Pure perfection. I have never heard a performance of this with more balanced voices, the baritone supporting the sopranos so perfectly, felt, but not heard, until his moments, and then he soars, yet in such a perfectly, almost understated way. Who is he, by the way (forgive my ignorance)? He has the most mellifluous, fluid tone, like molten gold.
Old Ozzie, great singers, I prefer this pair, Anna is amazing in all her roles. Check her out as Carmen some time.
Renée Geyer, brown bread.
Renee Geyer, Heading in the right direction. Loved that song. Dusty couldn’t have sung it better. My friend had knee replacement done. 3 days later hit the floor dead. Blood clot in the lungs. I’ve had 20 ops in the last 9 years, could have been me any of those times. Looks likely another knee replacement as it is starting to clunk. Never was right from day one, think the surgeon stuffed up as I had to have him look at again. I’ll be really ticked off if I kick the bucket.
Speaking of which, British people who can’t afford to heat their homes this winter are being urged by their parliamentarians to make use of “warm spaces”, public buildings such as libraries which have central heating.
Because…and I quote, “Everyone has a right to be warm”.
Presumably when the library shuts everyone goes home to their freezing council house or flat.
“We’re all in this together.”
Let’s not look for innovative ways in dealing with the new tech, let’s just fine folks. After all, academics aren’t really paid to think these days.
It really is a dickhead country.
sfw, Elina does Carmen. Fabulous!
Here she is on Countdown. It feels like a million years ago.
I love this song and she made it her own.
Renee Geyer has died.
Similar circumstances to Pell as well. Complications following hip surgery.
When did hip surgery become so dangerous?
“When did hip surgery become so dangerous?”
Vicki, any kind of surgery can be dangerous, especially as one gets older.
I’ll be really ticked off if I kick the bucket.
And so will we be, Grey Ranga. Damn them all. I guess blood thinners are a “no-no” precaution if you are having surgery. Bloody hell.
sfw says:
January 17, 2023 at 4:14 pm
Old Ozzie, great singers, I prefer this pair, Anna is amazing in all her roles. Check her out as Carmen some time.
OPERA PLANET Anna Netrebko & El?na Garan?a – Flower Duet 4K ULTRA HD
yes I had seen that video before –excellent and I have a copy of El?na Garan?a in Metropolitan Opera Carmen 2010 (with Subtitles)
This Chris Minns chappie keeps making sense. He’s proposing to cut tolls for the poor blighters, the “squinters” who spend hours in peak hour on the M7 & M2 and now he is proposing that recently acquired demerit points should be revoked after 12 months if the motorist has a clean record in the subsequent 12 months, rather than the current mandatory 3 years.
Granted he is looking towards his natural constituents. And he is a “Leftie.” But given the alternative, he is looking pretty good.
January 17, 2023 at 12:04 pm
Expanding electric vehicle charging network requires more government funding, advocates say
‘It covers most of Australia but lots of locations only have one or two chargers,’ BP Pulse boss says, as others call for greater public spending to reduce queues
Boss of company selling car charging stations says government must spend more money on car charging stations.
Socialise the costs, privatise the profits?
Yeh, I got the names mixed up, Anna is better looking but Elina is the best to listen to.
Gee, it must be a really hard job for Docs at times. A person comes in for what appears to be routine surgery, dies and the doc has to inform the family. That would be really hard. I’d send in the nurse. 🙂
I read they found inoperable lung cancer whilst undertaking the Renee Geyer hip replacement surgery – seems like an odd thing to stumble across while working on the hip? nor necessarily immediately fatal, but no doubt details have been lost in the reporting…
After a fractured neck of femur for a start: 50% or so are dead within 6 months of that.
There is no in depth journalism where they go out and do the hard yards. Most of it is about a bunch of people sitting around a table blathering on. Another problem I have with it is the same old tropes being used again and again. They need to spread the subject coverage and stop trying to turn every subject into a political fight. Always whining about woke, AGW, the Left etc. Same old message that is very much preaching to the choir. There are plenty of interesting things happening in the world but Sky has tunnel vision. Sky News needs to stop making every subject it covers an opportunity for political rhetoric. Some things are just interesting, there is no need for a political slant but the poor sods can’t help themselves.
Disagree. Where else will we hear any dissent from the current political narrative? We need their dissent on Sky – however repetitive and vituperative. All power to them. The commercial channels on TV now compete with the ABC for Wokeism!!! I actually find myself watching the ABC in the morning for news rather than the pap and mindless Wokeism on the commercial channels.
Driving back from SA the other week. Middle if nowhere, Roadhouses chock full of peoples. Day was warming up. I look over to see a Tesla charging up. I thought oh boy that guy and his family are in for a shit day. Then I thought ‘suffer in your jocks Dickhead!’ and sped away with a full tank of planet killer.
Why would that be, Duk?
JC and I are in talks to present a show, the working title is The Spiv and the Spook.
who is driving that particular bus
If it’s over a cliff, that’s me at the wheel. ?
I want to die peacefully, in my sleep like my grandfather.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers.
I wonder if Pell had the jab. Geyer too.
Could Pell have avoided it with any sort of religious/moral exemption??
Asking for a friend…
a full tank of planet killer.
Hope you haven’t got copyright on that one, Fair Shake. My husband loves it & wants to use it.
I’m listening the Geyer’s songs on Youtube. She’s very jazzie and breezy, which I didn’t realize. I wonder if she ever sung at the Carlisle Hotel in NY as they have that sort of mood music playing there at night? We went there for a few drinks in late November and it’s a great experience.
Also, incidentally if you’re older and looking for a decent leg-over with a older but relatively good looker, there’s nowhere else to go in the world. Drinks are freaking expensive though.
A little boy and his grandfather are raking leaves in the yard. The little boy sees an earthworm trying to get back into its hole. He says “Grandpa, I bet I can put that worm back in that hole”. The grandfather replies “I’ll bet you five dollars you can’t. It’s too wiggly and limp to put back in that little hole”. The little boy runs into the house and comes back out with a can of hair spray. He sprays the worm until it is straight and stiff as a board. The boy then proceeds to put the worm back into the hole. The grandfather hands the little boy five dollars, grabs the hair spray and runs into the house. Thirty minutes later the grandfather comes back out and hands the boy another five dollars. The little boy says “Grandpa, you already gave me five dollars”. The grandfather replies “I know. That’s from your Grandma”.
I didn’t argue for a complete removal of political content. I argued for a broader approach because that will attract a wider audience. There is too much repetition. Too often one program ends only for the next to repeat the same message.
Its legal to sleep, pissing yourself/vomiting on a train… because racism..
The daughter of Tanya Day, who died in custody after being arrested for being drunk on a train, has welcomed a decision by the Victorian government not to replace the state’s public intoxication laws with new move-on powers, despite opposition from the police union.
The government on Tuesday confirmed it would not give police any new powers to arrest people for being drunk in public once the existing offence is decriminalised in November 2023.
The Police Association has argued it would be “negligent and reckless” to decriminalise public drunkenness without enacting other laws to “keep people safe”.
Lets play hypothetical.
What would a semi conscious woman have to be worried about if shes left in a public place while intoxicated?
Do they think there is no risk to people too pissed to look after themselves?
“The main reason to decriminalise public intoxication is to ensure that people who are drunk aren’t sobering up in police cells,” she said. “We know that there’s a disproportionate impact on our Aboriginal community.
“We have Aboriginal people who are arrested for the sole offence of being drunk in public and that is causing immense trauma and in some instances we know has resulted in people dying.”
The chief executive at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Nerita Waight, said about 30 to 40 Aboriginal people a month continue to be arrested in the state for being drunk in public.
She said the government’s decision to ensure police will not have new powers to respond to public intoxication is the “right” one and will have “a huge positive impact for overpoliced Aboriginal communities as well as other vulnerable communities across Victoria”.
Radical idea: Dont be drunk in public.
Organize a lift home.
These spastics think they are doing a good thing, what it will result in is people choking on their vomit/dying of exposure/ being assaulted because they hate assigning moral agency to their own kin.
I like having my hair and face done, but I’m not going to lose weight because someone tells me to. I make music to be a musician not to be on the cover of Playboy.
– Adele
January 17, 2023 at 4:50 pm
Sky News should look beyond the establishment left-right spectrum. It should have post-liberals, populists, actual Leftist, and the like. Would be far more interesting and entertaining. Also, as others have said, more in-depth or long-form journalism and documentary-style fare.
JC and I are in talks to present a show, the working title is The Spiv and the Spook.
I didn’t know that JC is a Spook. Does Dick Head know?
I’ve noted before that I am a fan of professional cycling, both men’s and the others.
Girly commentator coverage of womens’ events is however unbearable.
It is comparable to a bunch of genx mums at a Little A’s event heaping over the top, unstinting, undeserved, reality distorting praise on their little darlings.
For a viciously competitive sport both in practice and access, the ‘luuurve’ narrative is reflective of the cultural beliefs of the commentators, not the reality sport.
If Geyer were to sing at the Carlisle, Bobby Short would enjoy a first-hand lesson in the folly of man-on-man action. Renee, an ardent exponent of horizontalism, as many Australian musos can attest.
As the sheep turd cherry on the cow pie there is this as well.
Danny Hill, secretary of the Victorian ambulance union, welcomed the creation ofsobering-up centres with associated transport teams but said more clarity was needed on the responsibilities of paramedics when dealing with an intoxicated person in future.
Ambulances will be the drunk taxis.
Victorian patients languish longer in emergency departments and ambulance queues
Only one rational response to this sort of idiocy, voted for by Victorians.
Lets play hypothetical.
What would a semi conscious woman have to be worried about if shes left in a public place while intoxicated?
Do they think there is no risk to people too pissed to look after themselves?
Well, if the police or other public authorities do not move to protect her, recent precedent suggests the possibility of a $3 million payout.
Another loss. Dr. Jay Lehr, a noted climate sceptic has died unexpectedly.
Lehr had spoken in front of thousands of audiences on topics ranging from global warming and biotechnology to business management and health and physical fitness. He invariably received the highest scores for entertaining and energizing even the largest audiences.
He was featured in Parachute Magazine in March 2010 for setting a new world record, having jumped from an airplane each and every month for 32 years.
B John
Yeah, you didn’t know? I worked for ASIO and then the CIA for about 20 years. Fatboy is well aware of that.
Which reminds me, where’s Eddles and if he’s been around who’s he pegged as a flamer spook today?
Without Rita, there is not much on offer on Sky.
Given her skills and attractive presentation style, you would imagine that she has a positive future.
But of course she is forthright in a world in a world where honesty is probably a death sentence.
Sad place our times.
Cut tolls for commuters?
What are the odds those proposals are shelved once he’s elected because “the state’s finances are in a worse state than we thought”?
Given JC’s noted preference for Italian designer jeans, he is likely a flamer spook.
Yes, he wrote a lot of fine articles at CFACT. His was a thankless task to fight the climate religion.
On the plus side Walter Bingham is still writing strongly aged 99.
World’s oldest journalist Walter Bingham celebrates 99th birthday (13 Jan)
The British government has said it will block a new law that makes it easier for people in Scotland to legally change their gender, sparking conflict with transgender rights advocates and the nationalist Scottish administration in Edinburgh.
January 17, 2023 at 5:19 pm
Given JC’s noted preference for Italian designer jeans, he is likely a flamer spook.
This comment proves that you re the spiv. Anyone with any experience knows that Spooks need to blend in with the crowd, which does not mean always dressing like a slob, particularly on the golf course.
We all knew the kilt was a slippery slope. Just took a while.
(I typed that very…very quietly). 😀
Man, her and Dough Parkinson had great voices.
Always remember the story she told about breaking into the States. The producers or who ever didn’t want her to have her face on the album cover as it was such a strong R&B voice no one would ever believe she was white.
Unfortunately Ego won out and she lost out on the mystique when they found out she was white.
Full tank of planet killer…
i just presume everything on the cat is free to take or leave. Enjoy.
Ross Wilson & Renee Geyer – Touch Of Paradise (Concert For Max Merritt)
Young feller volunteers to drive the coach at his nanna’s old folks’ home.
They set out for a pleasant run in the country, stopping to take photos and even to have a picnic lunch.
But the young bloke’s getting a little bit tired of just tootling along, so when they come to a downhill winding road, he seizes his opportunity and floors the accelerator.
The coach winds up, swaying, tyres squealing as it hurtles down the hill.
Once back on the straight road at the bottom, the young feller slows down to a more sedate pace.
Turning to his nanna in the first seat he says, “Some speed, huh, Nanna?”
Nanna looks over the back of her seat.
“Yep”, she says, turning back. “Some’s peed and some’s pooed and two’s passed out.”
It’s a wonder he wasn’t clubbed to death in that attire.
A friend of ours died in his 50’s from a blood clot after a routine admission for a broken ankle. I got a blood clot in my leg after I broke my foot in 2020. These sorts of clots are called ‘provoked’, as I imagine are surgically-induced clots. Treatment is high doses of Xaralto, a thinner, slowly lowering the dose, for some months. After my major abdominal operation in 2021 I was given an injection of a blood thinner in my thigh the next day. I think this is routine, if not then it probably should be, unless there are contraindications in the person or the nature of the procedure.
Hairy has had serious coterminous multiple blood clots in both of his legs, requiring IV drip treatment on each occasion. He’s on the new form of Warfarin now, but was on Warfarin for years before that.
He still travels by air frequently, as it is not at all clear his clots are related to that. He has the ok from his specialist to fly. Hairy’s a big believer in getting on with life regardless, clots, heart stent and all.
Hey Calli,
you’ve been very cheeky today. Have you been at the cooking sherry again? 😀
Someone stole my Gravatar.
ps my darling husband is also a rooly excellent first time dog sled driver.
You have stand at the back of the sled and use your feet and legs a lot to do the braking that controls the dogs. He has, of course, a somewhat lamentable habit of speeding which also came into play. 🙂
Our resident expert on the big apple granny bars.
If you are lucky you might snag a real catch.
Time for brekky here, and then a visit to a Sami museum for some history of Lapland and Laplanders.
Lizzie have you met Santa and Mrs Claus yet? or are they on a WEB in the Bahamas?
Geyer should be fondly remembered for daring to sing the Liberals’ election ditty back when, I think, Malcolm Fraser was at the helm.
She copped all sorts of grief for that.
World’s most stupid countries:
Country number/name/IQ
189 South Sudan 58
190 Ghana 58
191 Ivory Coast 58
192 Guinea 53
193 Nicaragua 52
194 Gambia 52
195 Cape Verde 52
196 Guatemala 47
197 Sierra Leone 45
198 Liberia 45
199 Nepal 42
World population review
(Aussies are smarter than Brits, Yanks, and Kiwis)
It’s still dark of course. It doesn’t get ‘light’ here until after 10am, and such dim light as there is fades away after 3pm. In winter, the sun barely glows over the horizen, in summer it barely leaves the skies. Such is the axial tilt of the planet and the curvature of the earth. It’s actually a fascinating place to be in – for a while. Temps here, so a German woman told me re her own experience, can range from minus 37C in winter to plus 27C in summer. At the extremes it can get even more cold/hot. Currently it is quite warm at minus 3C, as the cloud cover of snow captures heat. Unless the weather clears we won’t see the northern lights tonight as we move from our hotel to sleep in an igloo with a glass viewing ceiling.
But we knew that.
January 17, 2023 at 6:08 pm
Aussies are smarter than Brits, Yanks, and Kiwis
But we knew that.
But as a Country we are not that smart to consider Nuclear Power in order to generate base load electricity………………………..Along with the Kiwis.
Hope the cloud clears and you have a great view of the lights, Elizabeth.
It was always on my bucket list, too, but it ain’t gonna happen now. Hopefully a fellow Cat can enjoy it for all of us.
Renee Geyer has died.
… The producers or who ever didn’t want her to have her face on the album cover as it was such a strong R&B voice no one would ever believe she was white.
Renee Geyer was White?
Are you sure?
Oh no, the tridemic has bred with thermageddon to create a new monster:
World Economic Forum Invents New Word To Describe The Extreme Chaos Gripping Our Planet (17 Jan)
We must panic about the polycrisis! Cthulhu must be feeling pissed off that they’ve stolen his/its limelight.
Top draw.
We’ve never really had a “national discussion” on it.
A recent poll of South Australians found a majority support nuclear power, which suggests the debate on fossil fuels may be having unintended consequences in regard to attitudes to this subject.
I call bullshit. An IQ of 58 is too low to learn to put on your own pants. Average for country? Just no.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
The Countries named are all African or had African slaves, the descendants of whom make up a large underclass.
The Native people of Central America also have very low intelligence.
Nepalis also have very low IQ.
So sad to know that both Renee Geyer and Jim Molan have died -never met Senator Molan but did meet Renee Geyer at a New Years Eve concert here in Sydney. What an immensely talented lady.
What we have at present is a policrisis, a politically induced crisis.
‘polycrisis’ – a cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, such that the overall impact exceeds the sum of each part”.
A group of ‘Pollies’ always causes a crisis. So what’s new about that?
I remember that areff! I wondered why her departure waited until half an hour through the bulletin. Implacable haters.
Toilet training may be a little iffy at those IQ levels.
That’s because Sky News Australia doesn’t actually do journalism 99 per cent of the time. Like The Australian, it just retails opinions not available on 99% of the Australian news media, which uses its “news” platforms to retail leftwing opinions, like those of 99% of Australian journalists from the academic journalism factories.
Australian journalists don’t think or vote like mainstream Australians. Ninety nine per cent of Australian journalism are political activists who despise mainstream Australians and are trying to convert them to the radicalism of the Australian Greens, which would destroy our prosperity and return us to the backward 19th century swamp of European socialism.
Journalism is finding out the stuff that big business and government are trying to conceal from us. The rest is advertising.
January 17, 2023 at 6:22 pm
I am not clicking on Dover’s links ever, ever, ever again!
And here it is.
Of course, the fact that the Libs won in a landslide is safely in the forgettory.
Shoulda gone to Specsavers. Brrrrrrrr.
Dovers link is mole approved!
Re “50% of fractured neck of femur patients are dead in 6 months….
Its because ‘breaking your hip’ in old age is *much more* than an orthopaedic injury – its a marker for a whole suite of end of life system failures: falls, osteoporosis, blackouts, collapses, syncopes etc
The rare case where it *is* just an orthopaedic injury (eg waterskiiing accident in a 28 year old) does so much better.
Please pardon the typos at 6.34pm.
Of course, the fact that the Libs won in a landslide is safely in the forgettory.
like 2013- the meja are evil and have become more so
Now that was funny.
Do better.
Fraser really blew it but it’s pretty minor now compared to the last 30 years.
Umm … phrasing pleese.
Not to mention the possibility of getting pneumonia during recovery.
PragerU takes on the whiteness of wokeness and CUE the white woke Lefty meltdown in 3 … 2 … 1
My mother, at 90 yo, fell and broke her hip*. She was in a semi coma and so the family came from near and far to be with her. At one stage she came around and saw all her clan gathered around and, turning to oldest brother (who had flown back from New York the day before) she asked, “Am I going to die?” Everyone other than big brother gulped and squirmed uncomfortably.
Not him. Without batting an eyelid he replied, “Do you want to die?”
“No!” she squawked.
“Then you probably won’t.”
And she didn’t for another happy six years.
*I might have told this story before. If so… sorry. I still find it quite instructive and inspirational.
Ed Case says:
January 17, 2023 at 6:21 pm
The producers or who ever didn’t want her to have her face on the album cover as it was such a strong R&B voice no one would ever believe she was white.
My, my aren’t you sharp today.
Be careful not to cut yourself.
I apologise for publishing stuff that I haven’t properly edited, Bespoke.
Areff is much better than me are presenting stuff that has been pored over by his inner pedant.
I may have mentioned this before but my flabber is gasted at the crescendoing guilt trips that are foisted on us:
Opera Australia recognises and acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the unceded land and waters, across Australia
Delta A says:
January 17, 2023 at 6:57 pm
Yes, you did tell it before, so what?
Still a good story.
Renee Geyer’s father was a Hungarian Jew and her mother a Slovakian Jew, who survived Auschwitz. Renee was always a proud Jew.
I love her video from 1981- great fun
Yeah I’m sure and so were her producers.
Anyway if you can find the story on her she explains it alot better than me.
Her voice is husky “and smoking doesn’t help”. “But it does what I want it to do for my style.
I thought we were “welcome to country”?
In which case, “can’t we all just get along” without this nonsense?
Opera Australia recognises and acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the unceded land and waters, across Australia
This is full on cultural marxism designed to demoralize the country- as that KGB guy warned in 1970 when he defected to the US. The implication is ‘we have no right to be here’- ok then let’s stop funding opera Australia and close down all the Body Shops whihch have notices saying they are on ‘unceded’ land.
The gurkha population acquit themselves well imh experience.
Contemporary Australia acknowledges the British Empire for turning this country into a hospitable land and the allowing of many cultures to live here under the superior and dominant Judaeo-Christian culture. The land did not need to be ceded by the previous occupiers as it was settled and improved upon. – Or words to that effect.
And you’re collectively welcome 🙂
But then cultural Marxism is the new state religion and has even been taken up by legacy churches.
As the great Infidel Tiger used to say, never fly with a pilot who doesn’t use a knife and fork.
Bruce O’Newk:
Oh, God.
They never shut up do they?
Back when Private Eye was clever ‘shock! Bishop admits relationship with God’.
One of the worst examples I heard was at a meeting where there was not just one welcome to country, but 4, each performed by representatives of different jobs.
That evil WEH is actually sponsored by the Swiss Guvment if I’m not mistaken
evil WEF
Nepalis also have very low IQ.
The gurkha population acquit themselves well imh experience.
There’s always one.
Nepal is a dump because it’s full of Nepalis.
It would be an even bigger dump but for money remitted by Nepali mercenaries attached to the British Army.
Why does the British Army use Nepalis?
Because of a peculiar trait they have, to wit, they never get tired of killing people.
Top Endersays:
January 17, 2023 at 6:04 pm
World’s most stupid countries:
Country number/name/IQ
189 South Sudan 58
199 Nepal 42
The low number for Nepal might relate to lack of Iodine in Himalayan salt deposits.
Renee sang like an angel –like British jew Amy
Winehouse, who drank herself to death.
We miss them — like we miss Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. Suicide was a career choice for some of our most creative people.
Richard Cranium
The Countries named are all African or had African slaves, the descendants of whom make up a large underclass.
Who knew that Nepal had African slaves?
Thanks for the story about your darling mother, Delta, and for your generous good wishes re our northern lights tonight. Fortunately, for I think they are a no go tonight unless something radically changes, we have seen them before, very well, on a remote hilltop in Iceland, where they were pretty spectacular.
They really add to the spacey end of the world feeling that these latitudes deliver in spades. At the Santa Village (which is really very pretty even though essentially a theme park) there is also a feature called Snowman World, which is an ice palace of sorts, where great framed igloos of ice provide domed reception areas, where there is a restaurant, a bar, and various ‘themed’ smaller ‘igloo rooms’. All are connected by corridors made entirely of ice. All seating is great blocks of ice with reindeer cushions on top, the bar is made of ice, serving hot toddies of loganberry juice and vodka. I sat in an ice armchair with large carved arms, and tried out, in the bedroom on display (showing what you can get in the real Ice Hotel 25km away which we will visit tonight for dinner) I led down on the ice bed with its ice bedstead and declared it unsleepable despite the reindeer skins. Glad we are going for the more restrained option of the glass igloo tonight, next to the real Ice Hotel. The restaurant tables and benches in Snowman World are of course made of ice, and along the corridors are kitchy ice sculptures, anything from Roman Centurians or Egyptian Pharaohs who stand sentinal in key entrances, or the black-eyed space ghost and Laika the first dog in space (in the ‘aliens’ themed igloo). Nothing melts, although it it does get a slick gloss sometimes as people move through. Hairy went into the Ice Labyrinth but I wasn’t game to submit myself to getting lost between corridors of high ice walls with shrieking teens trying to clamber over them as Hairy charged on ahead. Hairy emerged unscathed. There is also a skating rink and a seriously dangerous looking toboggan run, done in circular rubber tubes which end in a circular wall of death. It is very entertaining to watch the young men outcompete each other on them, but we weren’t tempted to join in.
You have to be astonishingly crass to put this kind of shit up to try to look virtuous. It’s purely symbolic, useless verbiage, and does bugger all for actual, real aborigines. Putting it up is a declaration that you’re a complete tosser and too stupid to realise it.
Good combination interview on YT. John covers most aspects and both say would not jab their kids with MNRA. Oz gets mentioned in relation to excess deaths and coming Moderna production facility.
Neil Oliver Interviews Dr. John Campbell
Why Alice Spring crime crisis is forcing locals to ‘leave in droves’
Alice Springs is in the grips of a crime crisis, with “brazen” youths running wild and residents leaving the town “in droves”.
Riley Walter/NT News
A crime scene was established in a Coles car park in Alice Springs after NT Police responded to disturbance reports at 2am.
The founder of a controversial social media account in Alice Springs says crime has “gone too far” as the town struggles in the grips of another crime wave.
Darren Clark, who started Action for Alice 2020, a Facebook page set up to raise public awareness of crime in Alice Springs in 2020, says the situation in the Central Australian town is the worst he has seen in 25 years.
“It’s out of control,” Mr Clark said. “It’s unbelievable.”
Mr Clark’s Facebook page, which shares Alice Springs residents’ photos and videos of alleged crimes and damage to properties in the town, has amassed almost 50,000 followers, with hundreds of messages being sent daily to the account.
A photo posted on the page recently shows the Woolworths supermarket in Alice Springs with its roller doors closed, leaving only one main entrance open for shoppers to enter and exit.
Mr Clark said the supermarket had closed its doors due to the number of youths entering the store and attempting to shoplift.
“The kids run in there and they take what they want and go,” Mr Clark said.
He said youths in the town had become so “brazen” they were approaching people in parked cars and banging on their windows with machetes.
“You can’t get out of your car,” Mr Clark said.
“These youths, they run the place.”
On Sunday, NT Police responded to a disturbance at the Woolworths, arresting a 13-year-old boy who was identified by security guards as allegedly being involved in the incident and in possession of a “small edged weapon”.
He was taken to the police watch house and issued a summons to appear in court.
Mr Clark said long-term residents were packing up and “leaving in droves” due to the crime wave.
“I don’t even go into the CBD anymore,” he said.
Mr Clark also said the 45 police officers deployed to the town as part of Operation Drina, which was launched in November with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour and associated crimes in Alice Springs, were no longer all there.
Commander Matt Hollamby said Operation Drina numbers had reduced but more than 30 members remained as part of the operation.
“Their expertise has greatly assisted in Alice Springs police operations during a period where we traditionally see a spike in property crime,” he said.
Mr Clark said he believed there was nothing the government or police could do to reduce the out-of-control crime levels.
“The writing’s on the wall,” he said.
“It’s too far gone.”
So, what’s the Stanford-Binet IQ Test actually measure?
Pattern recognition.
It doesn’t measure how well a person can play Soccer, compete in Heavyweight Boxing [Muhammad Ali’s IQ was never disclosed, but it was so low that it’s the most likely reason he wasn’t Drafted during American involvement in the Vietnam War] or be a mercenary for the British Army.
Ali was purportedly dyslexic.
The CDC could end all the COVID misinformation in a heartbeat… why aren’t they?
On IQ’s. I suspect there are many non-Westernised traditional countries where people simply don’t see the point of doing something incomprehensible demanded by unfathomably odd Westerners who arrive and make a nuisance of themselves disturbing village life by asking people bothersome questions.
Lee Fang
1. New piece from the TWITTER FILES.
How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.
The push included direct pressure from Pfizer partner BioNTech to censor activists demanding low-cost generic vaccines for low-income countries.
The two faces of Keir Starmer– another moral vacuum, another mediocrity, another effing lawyer
Perhaps, but how did he graduate High School in Louisville without being able to read or write?
Something he never learned to do.
In honor of the WEF meeting in Davos this week. Here’s a video I made last summer featuring the evil men behind the efforts to eliminate farmers around the world—featuring the #DutchFarmer protests, #KlausSchwab and #BillGates.
Kulvinder Kaur MD
New Cleveland Clinic study of 51,011 healthcare workers: graph depicting “cumulative incidence of Covid-19 infection for subjects stratified by the number of Covid-19 vaccine doses previously received”
Redux of my fears recently in a carpark in George Floyd riot-torn Selma, Alabama.
This is Australia, ffs.
This is Trump’s Achillies Heel. He seems incapable of admitting a mistake.
Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Vax Safety Claims, Says He Saved 100 Million Lives
It doesn’t measure how well a person can play Soccer, search for a photo of Renee Geyer, compete in Heavyweight Boxing [Muhammad Ali’s IQ was never disclosed, but it was so low that it’s the most likely reason he wasn’t Drafted during American involvement in the Vietnam War] or be a mercenary for the British Army.
Fixed for you Dick. No need to thank me.
Wake Up And Smell The CCP
Ah, IQ Tests don’t involve asking questions.
Are you claiming they intentionally flunk the IQ Test and Nepal really has an average IQ of, say, 105?
Why not. They’re copying China’s repression methods.
China expresses its admiration for WEF and ‘the Davos spirit’
The mainstream churches were infiltrated by Marxists long ago.
The World Council of Churches was under their influence in the 1970s.
The KGB’s man inside that organisation at the time is the current Patriarch of Moscow.
Make of that what you will.
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
Cassie of Sydney answered that query, SpongeBob.
Perhaps avoid picking fights, or people might realise you’re a clown.
Social Media and the Rise of Performative Mental Illness
The glamorization of mental illness as a social identity harms those who truly suffer.
There are a lot of human characteristics that IQ tests don’t attempt to measure. Kindness, decency, a sense of humour (although this may correlate with IQ), optimism, happiness, common sense, sanity… the list goes on. All of the above are much more important and valuable than a high IQ. Which isn’t even guaranteed to stop you being a fool.
It’s already happening
The Vigilant Fox
Narrative Collapsing, Unexplained Deaths: A Shift in the Story Is Coming Soon – @DowdEdward
“One of my sources in the government told me that … the White House is potentially preparing to declare an epidemic of sudden death and that they might blame long COVID …”
In which case, “can’t we all just get along” without this nonsense?
No- the left want divide and rule. Trump had a white-black-hispanic support base and the ‘rats didn’t like that. So they started a race war with the connivance of the meja.
There are a lot of human characteristics that IQ tests don’t attempt to measure.
Kindness, decency, a sense of humour (although this may correlate with IQ), optimism, happiness, common sense, sanity…
Maybe that’s why it’s called an Intelligence Quotient?
Rather than, say, a Kindness Quotient, or a Decency Quotient?
Malnutrition effects IQ