Andromache mourning Hector, Jacques Louis David, 1783
Andromache mourning Hector, Jacques Louis David, 1783
Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
And when was the last Politician to fight…on the front line of any war?
Phillip Thompson (Herbert), 1 RAR MRTF 2 Afghanistan I believe.
regenerative grazing
Dot, I instinctively mistrust any neologism as the work of an egghead trying to put one over the common man and their common wisdom…
Climate Change
Rape culture
…sometimes for fun, I like to challenge people on the spot for a definition of what they’re saying, and/or an example. I mill about with a fair few soft-skinned public servants with embroidered chambray shirts, and none of them can define “regenerative farming”, even though the WA gov amongst others has re-aligning its grants program towards the nebulous utopia.
Sound advice that should have been given to one night stand Toowoomba man.
Putin had repeatedly asserted prior to the war that NATO and its military infrastructure were creeping closer to Russia’s borders by accepting new members from eastern Europe, and that the alliance was now preparing to bring Ukraine into its orbit too.
Ukraine’s application to join NATO was well known and widely reported. In December/January it was further reported that the US and the UK were urgently canvassing other NATO members for a quick response as a means to ‘snap shut’ any potential Russian invasion under the NATO doctrine of mutual defence.
But, despite earlier backing the negotiations, Putin made it clear when presented with Kozak’s deal that the concessions negotiated by his aide did not go far enough and that he had expanded his objectives to include annexing swathes of Ukrainian territory, the sources said. The upshot: the deal was scrapped. Asked about Reuters findings, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “That has absolutely no relation to reality. No such thing ever happened. It is absolutely incorrect information.”
Asked and answered.
Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president, said Russia had used the negotiations as a smokescreen to prepare for its invasion, but he did not respond to questions about the substance of the talks nor confirm that a preliminary deal was reached. “Today, we clearly understand that the Russian side has never been interested in a peaceful settlement,” Podolyak said.
The enmity between Putin and Zelensky is well established. Neither trusted the other and neither believed the other would uphold their part of the deal. Putin (may have) perceived the Ukrainians were ‘stalling for time’ given the US/UK efforts to bring Ukraine into NATO.
Two of the three sources said a push to get the deal finalized occurred immediately after Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion. Within days, Kozak believed he had Ukraine’s agreement to the main terms Russia had been seeking and recommended to Putin that he sign an agreement, the sources said. “After Feb. 24, Kozak was given carte blanche: they gave him the green light; he got the deal. He brought it back and they told him to clear off. Everything was cancelled. Putin simply changed the plan as he went along,” said one of the sources close to the Russian leadership.
The trouble with war is that once you start, it can be hard to stop. But what deal did he get? A re-hash of the old deal (if it even existed) or a new deal? It would have been politically unpalatable with constitutional hurdles to give up any part of Ukraine. Plus the populace would have not been ready to acquiesce with Russian soldiers crossing the border.
The third source – who was told about the events by people who were briefed on the discussions between Kozak and Putin – differed on the timing, saying Kozak had proposed the deal to Putin, and had it rejected, just before the invasion. The sources all requested anonymity to share sensitive internal information.
‘who was told about the events by people who were briefed on the discussions’. So, hearsay. This time the deal was before the invasion.
Even if Putin had acquiesced to Kozak’s plan, it remains uncertain if the war would have ended. Reuters was unable to verify independently that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy or senior officials in his government were committed to the deal.
See my comment above about the distrust between Putin and Zelensky.
After leading the Russian delegation in talks with Ukrainian officials in Berlin on Feb. 10 – brokered by France and Germany – Kozak told a late-night news conference that the latest round of those negotiations had ended without a breakthrough.
So, no deal according to the fellow who Reuters claim had a deal or someone else who said a deal was on the table prior to the invasion. Which?
Kozak also was one of those present when, three days before the invasion, Putin gathered his military and security chiefs and key aides in the Kremlin’s Yekaterinsky hall for a meeting of Russia’s Security Council. State television cameras recorded part of the meeting, where Putin laid out plans to give formal recognition to separatist entities in eastern Ukraine. Once the cameras were ushered out…… Kozak spoke out against Russia taking any steps to escalate the situation with Ukraine, said two of the three people close to the Russian leadership, as well as a third person who learned about what happened from people who took part in the meeting.
Maybe Kozak spoke out, maybe not – we will never know (and neither does Reuters). But at that point it was probably moot – I think the die was already cast. Again hearsay for the third person. Worthless.
There was so much going on at the time with US/UK, in particular, stirring the pot with NATO to hurriedly admit Ukraine. Also, Putin had pinned his colours to the mast about the Donbas, prior collapse of Minsk Agreement (1 and 2) meaning Ukraine couldn’t be trusted, deaths of Russians in the Donbas, encroachment of NATO despite assurances this wasn’t on the agenda…….
I don’t think it was quite as straight forward as Reuters would have us believe and even they contradict themselves.
Haven’t played any Greg Norman courses
Newcastle-Stockton is one.
Very hard.
Lost 8 balls there one day.
I ended the day, blistered & beaten.
Unless you can drive an accurate 250+ off the tee, you’re better off playing off the ladies.
The cack-handed ranga houso midget cheat’s appearance with bat in hand was mercifully brief tonight.
Two runs from three balls. Small man syndrome evident on his way off the ground.
Having “enjoyed” the inflation of the seventies and later the eighties, this is a novel approach.
It is now being blamed on people going on holiday.
Back then it was the price of fuel.
Frank says: January 25, 2023 at 8:10 pm
FedPlod wouldn’t stand for business vandalism, car torching, and violence in the streets for even five minutes if it happened in Canberra. NT First Minister said outside forces not needed, we’ve got a bit of a bad reactor leak, just give us some time to lock it down.
But courtesy of Mr Einstein, it’s all relative. Rounding up the usual suspects and bussing them into the centre of Civic would give the capital glitterati a master class in cultural enrichment. The Voice might seem like a reasonable concession once you’ve seen what they do with an Aboriginal Bus to Parliament!
You are absolutely right Roger, the only way things will improve for Aboriginal people is integration, if there are significant differences in intellectual ability that will be resolved by intermarriage and one hopes, the end of drinking heavily while pregnant.
As Snowden pointed out on twitter, having the docs is the crime.
Full stop.
That was the case against Reality Winner.
Meaning Obama’s troves & Trumps docs, in designated SCIF’s are fine.
Hillary, Biden, Pence have all broken the same law Winner was given a spicy sentence for.
Keep in mind, as per the discovery in the Sussman case, a computer terminal in an open plan office in a Democrat friendly law firm was a designated SCIF.
Miranda Devine had a Pulitzer winning day today.
I’m prepared to take full personal responsibility for fueling inflation.
Someone has emblazoned multiple buildings in central Naples with ‘tourists go home’.
Firstly have to assume the indignant few never go on holiday, only resent English speaking tourists and have no concern for the thousands of people employed in the tourist industry.
Quite a few beggars and half beggars here, nearly all male, some old Italians some New Italians if it’s not cap out, it’s trying to sell you socks or little packets of tissues.
And no hot water for me this morning, my host was quite cross as the gas hot water system that hides in a hole in the very thick wall behind a painting behind the bed is only three months old.
The Italian government obviously isn’t incentivising a switch to all electric just yet.
Maybe it simply isn’t viable in these densely populated cities.
Possibly Winston Churchill during WW I, on the Western Front, commanding an infantry battalion?
…and at a time when the casualty rate amongst junior leaders was greater than 80% (IIRC).
Gimme a break.
At no time was Churchill closer than 40 miles from the Front.
Wedding anniversary, actually.
Well, not on the actual day.
I don’t have a death wish.
Liz Storer was great on Chris Kenny’s tonight and simply left his other guest speechless. I can’t remember his name but he was all for moving the date of Australia Day. Liz explained to him that the date is not important but that celebrating Australia is the problem to objectors. He just kept repeating that he disagrees yet provided no other explanation. Yet that guy apparent has a column in some newspaper.
The resort courses usually aren’t too bad for “less gifted” golfers. Joondalup off the blue tees is a bit of a yawn as you tend to fly most of the fairway bunkers. Different story off the white. The issue with the Mandurah courses is always the wind.
She will never receive it though as she is going after the wrong target in
Hunter Biden as far as the judges are concerned. Any Republican target would have got her the prize even if untrue and especially if there was a Trump connection.
Rosie, I wonder if we are getting the first feelers from the Borg re the tourism? I may be wrong, but this may turn into the next demonisation with resonance on several levels – climate, inflation, “wasteful” energy use.
Of course elite types are exempt.
Golf is no fun if you feel you have to continually hit your best shots just to get around. I have only walked in twice – Dunsborough Lakes in the sea breeze after hitting a full 3 wood that just made the green on a 150m Par 3 having already retrieved a ball from a nearby building site and AlbanyGC after running out of balls.
One of the tricks the DOJ has up its sleeve is retroactively declaring a site a SCIF.
Hard to do with Pence & Biden now.
Another trick is classifying an unclassified document years after the fact.
Meaning the holder of the document is over a barrel because having the docs is the crime.
Some parts of the DOJ resemble the Gestapo.
Yes Walli the nuclear industry tax holiday would be much easier to implement.
The fact remains the CO2 accounting set forth in the Kyoto Treaty is inherently anti farmer.
I’ve posted academic articles outlining what regenerative farming can do and the common objectors are the likes of random vegans and Cathedral outlets like The New Republic etc.
I remember both previous inflation periods. The first one was fuelled by trade unions organising strikes for higher wages which then meant higher prices and then another rounds of strikes for wage rises until Whitlam was voted out* when things calmed down.
*As far as I am concerned Whitlam was not sacked, he was voted out. The GG simply insisted on a new election so voters could have their say.
Interesting to see if that would be challenged, if the USSC would view it as an expose facto law.
Rough. 220 is good from me, 240 if I crunch one.
Min, that all sounds fairly dreadful. All you can do is sell up and move out, or hold tight and hope for the best, keeping an eye on how they calculate further costs and being a nuisance to them, protecting whatever interests you can of the owners.
It certainly puts me off considering ever moving out of where we are, where we have only two other owners to consider and where we can purchase in assistance for our needs as we age, close to transport and facilities. With a very large property that will be quite a lot of maintenance but we can split it by three. That is what Hairy’s stepmother did in her older age, she was still living in her home at age 98 when she died. We have some steps but could install a step-riser chair if necessary – tho’ I hope to keep mobile throughout, Hairy too. Maintaining social contacts is important, but the internet helps there too. I think it might be harder if you have no family around.
Long live the Cat too, for many here are in their older years and the company is good.
I am glad people here have been able to assist you to at least know what you can and can’t do.
Ed Case writes:
At no time was Churchill closer than 40 miles from the Front.
Anyone able to prove differently?
Didn’t think so.
I have been of that opinion since the start of the Covid panic. We were prevented from travelling but the private jet set were still flying wherever they wanted.
Capitalism has been so good that ordinary people could afford to travel to rare and exotic places once only accessible to the very rich and famous. They did not like us crowding them out of their favourite places so mass tourism has to go.
Covid is no longer a relevant cause to keep us from travelling so the planet must now be protected from us.
Interesting scenario.
If the document that Hunter used in the email that Miranda Devine wrote about today end up in the NY Post’s hands, what happens then?
It doesn’t prove that Hunter had it (although it’s clear that he did).
But if it’s a classified document, the NY Post is in the poo.
Then the DOJ would have to make a decision.
If it is classified, the DOJ can un-classify it & Hunter’s and Joe’s legal problems go away.
But it would remain a political problem.
Fun times ahead.
Apologies Dot, I’ve missed those articles.
…I still reckon Regenerative Farming is new paint on an old bus, tho
Ten seconds later:
The Belgian salient of Ypres. Ploegsteert is 15km due south of Ypres, and bang on the 1915 front line.
A bit closer than 40 miles, paddle boy.
I’d prefer to hit it 200m and have it land where I want than 250m spraying everywhere.
Body positivity activist now Australian of the Year. What did we do to deserve this?
A Cabinet Minister and Grandson of a Duke was getting Trenchfoot in a ditch in Belgium?
Pull the other one, Hot Dog, it plays Jingle Bells.
Was leave from parliament on the same basis as previous wars?
This is a very strange question, Salvatore.
By the way, how’s the weather in Mackay?
Churchill was actually known for his habit of leading fighting patrols, into No-Man’s Land, at night.
I saw a great musical tonight, Come from Away. Fabulous cast, fabulous singing, fabulous dancing. I highly recommend it, no wokie gunk, just a good old fashioned feel good musical that tells a great true story.
Tees and greens.
A good golf course design is tough from the back tees but give the average hacker half a chance from the front tees.
Greens are easy. For championship play you can make them like glass and put the pin in awkward spots. The rest of the year you can relax the pin positions and lift the mower a bit.
Churchill saw action in India and during the Boer war. Is crotchless starting another kerfuffle?
I’m not convinced that travel for the hoi polloi is out. Countries like Italy Spain Portugal rely heavily on tourism to stay afloat.
I’m sure in some quarters they would like to quash it for the sake of gaia but it would mean great poverty for millions of people.
In the meantime I’m going to travel as often as I can.
We are already booked and paid for Japan in September and a family member wants to come to Italy with me in 2024, I’ll happily retrace steps to entertain them.
Google it, mate.
Google it.
Canadian State health jab gaslighting, part gazillion: Stroke Season.
Go to 1h:35m in Viva’s last vlog:
An emergency care doctor saying BOTH that his colleagues have noticed more strokes than usual lately, AND that there has always been a “stroke season” four weeks after flu season.
Soooo an event that was normally expected was also noticeably unusual. Hoo boot that ehh?
Nothing, everything.
I’m more than happy to see ‘Australian of the Year’ abolished, forthwith.
Albo caught lying about Assange.
Churchill was actually known for his habit of leading fighting patrols, into No-Man’s Land, at night.
Uh huh?
Probably misread question posed but Phil was elected after discharge like Hastie.
Coles and Woolies being very hit and miss with the Australia Day merch in the north this year. Hmmmm…
Taryn Brumfitt is Australian of the year; if I understand this right she went from being a body builder to being a fat slob. perfect.
“Churchill saw action in India and during the Boer war.?”
And Sudan.
You have to hand it to Rex Patrick.
He’s getting more results from FOI requests for Michael West than any corporate media journo.
He was the one who broke the Albo diary story.
Other outlets that picked it up used his work.
Can Ed- Mong top the whiiiite suuuub with a foray into Churchill history?
Why yes. Yes he can
And Sudan.
Against the Dervishes, who were unarmed compared to the British.
What about Churchill’s history against an enemy who had the Maxim Gun?
40 miles from the Front.
Martin Gilbert/Andrew Roberts/Geoffrey Best/Roy Jenkins/William Manchester biographies.
Watching the 7 Teev news tonight and up pops the Australian of the Year, a woman I have never heard of, famous for something I didn’t know existed. Ho hum.
All good, the AOTY has been a joke for years so I couldn’t care less who got the gong, but then the Teev panned over the nominations. Various ethnics, village people and weirdos all lined up grinning like loons.
I did a double take, it looked like the intergalactic bar scene from Star Wars. I was particularly impressed with the bloke wearing a bright green turban set off with a multi coloured scarf thing.
Australian of the Year? Yeah, right.
Ed Casesays:
January 25, 2023 at 9:18 pm
Possibly Winston Churchill during WW I, on the Western Front, commanding an infantry battalion?
…and at a time when the casualty rate amongst junior leaders was greater than 80% (IIRC).
Gimme a break.
At no time was Churchill closer than 40 miles from the Front.
Prove it.
AOTY chick doesn’t seem THAT deserving to be honest, just glad that flog Craig Foster didn’t get it. No doubt Uncle Tom Calma will get a re-run post Voice, but might have to share it with Aunty Marcia.
From mole’s link:
40 patrols. 40 miles away. Easy mistake to make.
Or not.
Against the Dervishes, who were unarmed compared to the British.
The extremely large calibre revolvers developed at the time made much of their dervish stopping power. Apparently quite a few found out they were under gunned the hard way,
Ed Casesays:
January 25, 2023 at 10:27 pm
And Sudan.
Against the Dervishes, who were unarmed compared to the British.
Which is why General Gordon was so successful at Khartoum.
Oh, wait, …
Churchill, in between Prime Ministerships, sought and found work as a carny.
Had a ballpeen hammer and everything.
Nearly 40 patrols, eh?
But he never got shot at, did he?
Do you know why?
Because the Germans were 40 miles away.
No wonder the men were pissed off.
Taryn Brumfitt is Australian of the year
Better a complete unknown than the usual socialist mong.
But he never got shot at, did he?
Of course not, that’s why he has a “getting shot at” quote attributed to him…..
Which is why General Gordon was so successful at Khartoum.
Oh, wait, …
Churchill was with Gordon at Khartoum when he was 11 years old?
Just no.
You. Do. Not. Conduct. Fighting. Patrols. In. No-Man’s-Land. With. The Enemy. 40. Miles. Away.
Seriously, you have a lower level of understanding of these things than mUnter. A bold statement I know, but nevertheless.
You. Do. Not. Conduct. Fighting. Patrols. In. No-Man’s-Land. With. The Enemy. 40. Miles. Away.
Winnie did.
Any closer, it made him nervous.
That’s what the Anzacs reckoned, anyway.
He served with a Scottish battalion, you giant flog.
Damaging anthropogenic climate change (if it is a problem at all) could be ended if Australia simply made regenerative grazing and anything nuclear industry related absolutely tax free for the 30 or so years.
“Regenerative grazing” sounds like a pile of bullshit.
Ed October is, without question, the Bruce Pascoe of blog posters.
Did you know there has never been a picture of Churchill and the captain of the whiiiite suuuub taken with them both in the same room?
I think you can work out the obvious implications of this yourselves.
No need for a Venn doughnut
Snork, snork..
Is that because… that’s literally how they do it?
“Hey man, I just sequester the carbon down. Who sends the carbon up is somebody else’s department.” – Farmer Von Braun, probably.
Everyone ready for Invasion Day?
The establishment, vegans, environmentalists like the Sierra Club and other Cathedral mouthpieces hate it. They’re reverse indicators.
Australian property owners have been urged to start paying a weekly ‘rent’ tax to indigenous groups based on their ancestral claim to the land.
Presumably you can send the invoices for the billions they pump out of the economy?
The establishment, vegans, environmentalists like the Sierra Club and other Cathedral mouthpieces hate it. They’re reverse indicators.
Definitely a promising sign!
You wouldn’t reckon that one small packet of “Bhuja Mix” could almost kill you.
Churchill, in between Prime Ministerships, sought and found work as a carny.
Had a ballpeen hammer and everything.
Steaming load of horse droppings.
Churchill was founding President of the Yorkshire Gypsum Miner’s Guild.
Boer war included?
Oi! The High Court ruled it was not an invasion, it can’t be called Invasion Day.
It is at the most Confusing-Combination-Of-Events-Marking-Cook’s-Claim-Then-Federation-And-Later-British-Independence-All-Rolled-Into-One-With-Native-Title-Intact-Only-Where-It-Was-Not-Concreted-Over Day.
This is perhaps more of a mouthful than simply “Australia Day”.
Webley 455 eh 😉
You got a loicence for that relationship, sir?
Pre Howard’s firearm 1996 theft I got to shoot one of the world’s most awesome heavy calibre revolvers.
Behold the the British .455 Webley – Fosbury.
“Regenerative grazing” sounds like a pile of bullshit.
The establishment, vegans, environmentalists like the Sierra Club and other Cathedral mouthpieces hate it.
Aussie Grazier discovers This One Simple Trick cuts your Methane Emissions IN HALF- ESG grifters hate him! Click for slideshow
Your answer deserves an answer in reply –
The severe population in decline has been brought about by government policy. Ukraine will recover if the breeding population is allowed to recover. Stop taxing them to buggery for Socialist goals. Hungary? is on the right track – tax relief for families without the bullshit tennis lessons, brunch with the girls, etc.
I suggest you change ‘Culture’ for ‘DNA’. Cultures change, they always do but they change at their own pace. Do-gooders ramming change down a cultures throat only gets peoples backs up. Look at how the west is bristling over the influx of blacks from strange cultures. It isn’t their colour that’s pissing us off, it’s their violent culture they brought with them.
The melting pot is a Furphy – it was always an excuse for the Left to dilute and change our society into an image that doesn’t exist outside their febrile and childish imaginations.
I bet Zelensky is regretting those nukes go to Russia, and I also bet he’s scabbing around the old nuclear dumps looking for enough material to make a dirty bomb. I strongly suspect that looking at past Soviet practises, there’s a fair bit to find.
Yes, that’s a dream, the problem is that Russia has nearly always been threatened from the west, and they have a trigger reflex for any incursions on their borders – even if they’re their neighbours borders.
The Russians are probably looking with glee the chance to add some Leopards to the collections of Panthers, Tigers, and other assorted cats in their museum.
Any comment on Steve Smith’s extraordinary feats recently?
101 off 56 balls vs Adelaide Strikers
125 not out off 66 balls vs Sydney Thunder
66 off 33 balls vs Hobart Hurricanes.
A great Australian cricketer who is steadily washing away the taint of the ball tampering scandal.
Good for him.
back to the future
Ed Case At no time was Churchill closer than 40 miles from the Front.
Britannica: In November 1915 Churchill resigned from the government and returned to soldiering, seeing active service in France as lieutenant colonel of the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Who to believe? It’s a tough question.
Old School Conservative says:
January 25, 2023 at 11:53 pm
I don’t think how it works in cricket.
In civvie life, a once only offender can redeem himself depending on the crime, but still not trusted completely.
In cricket, that foul stench always hangs around you.
It’s just not cricket. I suppose the more forgiving types see it differently.
Another incredible Nurse interview on Club Grubbery.
Qld Nurse Mary Jane vax injured after 2nd AZ and subsequently sacked. Had multiple injuries : hair loss, chest pains, numbness, could not lie straight in bed, brain fog, speach difficulties.
Saw many other people who were injured. Says she will never go to see a Dr or go to a hospital again.
Just three points :
New computer system which did not allow changes to previous entries. She noted changed so that previous notes could be edited or removed.
With many patients ambulance crew would say to triage in hospital vax related. However Dr would not make such a note.
She says batch numbers now wiped from individual records so cant check which batchg came from. I might call my GP to ask for batch number to see if has record.
All the nurses they have had on can’t be lying and good on Club Grubbery for highlighting their stories when mainstream media not.
I’m stunned by the Australian Of The Year selection. And no, not stunned in a “stunning and brave” way… it’s just appalling that they seem to be working their way through a list of woke, as opposed to recognising achievement or picking someone who might dedicate themselves to the task of getting a Mexican Wave going in the national psyche.
Morrisson was embarrasing, even before he got a gong for the embarrassing inclusivity guff.. Batty was sacred, but creepy for minimising her ex husband’s mental illness, and pivoting on shallow misandry… and not a good speaker by a long shot. Goodes was, and is, a flog, but now he’s a flog with a multimillion dollar company which sources and distributes military materiel with gold-plated “indigenous” requirements written in to policy. Tame was a nasty mistake. Allcott did bugger all- they should have known by his woeful attempts on-camera doing ABC stuff as an ABC staffer- read, diversity hire- sheesh his presentation game made his tennis game look effortless.
And now… we’ve got a “look at moi, I’m perfect JUST THE WAY I AM” chummy mummy. Here’s hoping that she’s too busy with her eyes on the prize, writing books and doing selfie thoughts vids on her morning beach walk to her 400 000 twitter followers, telling them what they want to hear- it’s absolutely ok to keep on doing exactly what you’re doing, if you can’t get a root or see your own belly button or need a new knee at age 50 there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s actually the fault of the dating app industry or the magazine industry or the medical industry or the big supermarkets.
“What if, instead of spending precious time and energy at war with their bodies, our young people were free to become the leaders, big thinkers and game changers the world needs more of right now?”
Yep, like a Pixar magic princess, youse young people all need to just become leaders. And Game Changers. And you’ll get what you want, because you’re young and you’re entitled to it and you’ll lead and the game will change… just like Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret”, but with, you know, breakfast smoothie hacks.
It’s Tik Tok THOT Trotskyism… with mütter dressed as lamb.
Like I was trying to say, here’s hoping she won’t do much AOTY stuff because she’s flat-out raking in cash from the very “body image industry” she’s pretending to fight against.
Can’t help feeling that the AOTY list reads like a succession of declarations saying “Australia’s been doing THIS wrong all along, but now THIS person is going to show us the light and the way.”
Wally Dalí says:
January 26, 2023 at 1:35 am
Had to look her up, bc I never heard of her.
Can’t see why she was chosen, but never mind.
In all fairness to the PM, he can only choose from those on offer, and that is out of his hand.
The system must change.
The Simulation is playing games. A sheila advocating for fat chicks and her name without the “r” is Bumfitt. You have to be kidding.
Patricia bring honest. Fascinating that people want to convince themselves everything is aok in Alice
Logging in at 3 in the morning, and seeing Churchill defended for his WWI record so well – just makes my Australia Day.
John Spooner.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Dave Brown.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Steve Kelley.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
A great Australian cricketer who is steadily washing away the taint of the ball tampering scandal.
Good for him.
Pull the other one its got sandpaper on it .. FFS!
Happy Civilisation Day!
Happy Australia Day to all Cats and Kittehs. It is still the evening of the 25th here in Bamburgh, the place Bernard Cornwall called Bebbanburgh and where he located Uhtred (my hero!) of his ‘The Last Kingdom’ novels, which also became a recent long-running TV series. The area around Bamburgh is still remote and rural, with vistas of rolling downs looking very pretty beside the North Sea, which for once looked blue and friendly. It has been a beautiful winter’s day here on the drive down from Scotland’s highlands Pitlochry and its baronial Cinderella’s Castle and its roomy accommodation. Only later, here in Bamburgh, as we walked around the town of Seahouses, where we are staying, did it turn ugly with waves spraying over the waterfront walls. We needed at 5pm to be well rugged up for our walk in the dusk after a day when it seemed that a British January was not all bad weather.
We’ve been here years ago, prior to Cornwell’s successes in reimagining this site, and toured the castle, for I was just starting researching some Arthurian references to this site and Holy Island nearby (in the legends of Urien of Rhegedd in particular), plus the Farne Islands where St. Cuthbert endured saintly privations that enhanced his reputation with locals and the Christianising Bernician Kings. Against this short day, we are now holed up in another pub room, small but comfortable, in a tourist pub overlooking the enclosed fishing harbour. They serve meals and it is all very gung ho for things fishing and also for things Grace Darling doing her daring rescue as the lighthouse keeper’s daughter on the Farne Islands.
Women like Grace captured the public’s imagination in 1836 for her daring feat rescuing shipwrecked steamer passengers. Indeed, her tale soon became greatly enhanced, turning her into the Maid of the Farne Islands. Rather like Flora MacDonald on Skye with Bonnie Prince Charlie. Grace was honoured as a heroine.
Today, we honour as heroines women who don’t ever appear to have done very much, as in the choice for Australia Day just announced. There is not much inspiration in saying stay fat and feel happy. We all eat too much, and me in particular, after feasting in Polynesia, the Panama, the Southern United States, and now England and, especially, Scotland. I had haggis, sausage, egg and beans as well as my whiskey porridge for brekkie this morning, Makkas chips and a chicken wrap for lunch, and now a pub meal threatens. Woe. I had to go up a size in my clothes shopping yesterday. Our Australian of the Year, whoever she is, because I’ve never heard of her, can go hang. I’m dieting when we return.
It would appear so. On the one hand we have the government re-running the old Life Be In It “Norm” ads about obesity and fitness, and…this.
Better than the maggot person but only just.
A lament for my country. A broken down husk that has seen better times. We appear to have been taken over by spivs and halfwits.
The dawn is breaking, the birds are stirring. Perhaps it isn’t “good night” after all. Not yet anyway.
Somewhere near Bamburgh in the rolling downs close to the North Sea we passed by a very modernist building in light colours, squat and rather cubist, positioned on a hill with the sea on one side and the downs on the other. It was a very new nuclear power plant. It looked great, attractive and interesting. All cabling was underground and it stood sentinal on its hill like some novel monument.
We could do that in Australia, and also have some smaller ones.
Seems so silly that we don’t.
Ahh..the penny has dropped regarding the Ukraine reconstruction notes.
Larry Fink gave a speech at Davos saying Ukraine will need $750bill to rebuild.
Happy Aus Day all Cats and Kittehs.
A yearly reminder to be grateful to my parents for escaping a Communist country and, when given the choice of migrating to Canada or Australia, they chose Australia!
I’ve been reading the Jan/Feb edition of Quadrant in odd waking hours of upsidedownness due to travel. Last nite I read the three who wrote on ‘How Woke Ideology is Suffocating the World’. N. S. Lyons argues that ‘the woke revolution is far from over’ and asks us to get real about how things are going from bad to worse. He is terrifying with evidence on the ‘wokeness’ of yoof (which is why I am certain that sixteen and seventeen year olds should definitely not vote). 61% have positive views of socialism. He also points to the ‘unrelenting edifice’ of wokeness across all societal institutions. He argues for a ‘parallel polis’ of non-woke media and institutions, underground if necessary, as happened in the old Soviet era. John O’Sullivan concentrates on US foreign policy and its ‘bafflegab’. Worryingly, the ‘values’ of such gabbing on gender and ‘diversity’ are attached to US foreign policy and funding, working financially against any democracy that defies the woke. The trio of articles ends with Christopher Akehurst being utterly depressing with ‘No signs of light in the West’. Akehurt thinks we may as well give up and take our only pleasure at being the last civilisational generation, watching our world disintegrate around us, for our civilisation ‘is not being handed on’. Rome is collapsing and we watch the barbarians at the gate. This is not a passing phase, something that will soon move on, he says, this is a geopolitical upheaval and I fear he is right.
Well, I did finally manage to get back to sleep, consoling myself that I am making the most of the time that is left to me before the axe of tourism credits comes down to create further chaos and separate people of different nations from meeting each other. I will also fly the flag for oppositions of minor sorts as well as major ones – which was the message of Amor Towel’s important novel ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’. Opposition never completely dies. There are subtle ways of making one’s protest and feelings known, of maintaining a certain standard to pass on, to recover at some future time. Gatherings of the quietly like-minded can add focus to inchoate distress, for a start.
Happy Aus Day all Cats and Kittehs.
A yearly reminder to be grateful to my parents for escaping a Communist country and, when given the choice of migrating to Canada or Australia, they chose Australia!
yes who would have thought such evil would engulf Canada.
Happy Australia day to all and again I say the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Woke city councils can be a lot of fun.
Massive Food Waste: City Council Goes Vegan, But Nobody Wants to Eat it (25 Jan)
“The Cambridge council phased out meat and dairy products at public events last year and switched to vegan food in an effort, they say, to fight climate change and was lauded for the policy at the time.
However, a new report to the council has revealed that the vast majority of the public has shown little interest in the vegan food options provided by the council when it laid on spreads and that nearly all the vegan food put out by the city at events had not been touched at all, the Times newspaper reports.
The report highlighted the Remembrance Day event last November, which contained half vegan and half meat and dairy sandwiches and cakes.
“There was extremely low uptake of plant-based food options: under 10 per cent of people tried these options whilst the vegetarian options and meat/dairy options were all eaten,” the report said and added, “The low uptake of the plant-based options resulted in an insufficient amount of food available at the event that people wanted to eat.”
They ate all the real food and didn’t touch Gaia’s holy nosh, even though it was free. Funny how that works.
Hey what was the story about the Anal diaries? Rex Patrick broke it?
Interesting travelogues Lizzie – keep posting.
I use two simple descriptions to argue with those who advocate for socialism – where government controls everything – and communism – where government owns and controls everything. From there it’s simple enough to point to some examples of government incompetence, and to ask “is this what you want?”
Then again, another one is “why are you arguing for the mass killers of the 20th century: Hitler, Stalin and Mao?”
Every time I visit dad’s grave I light a candle, say a prayer and thank him for bringing us to the new world and a wonderful life. How do we make sure our kids and their kids continue to enjoy the wonderful life?
The establishment really seem to want WWIII. May be that will be the old thief’s legacy along with a lawless, degenerate USA.
How do we make sure our kids and their kids continue to enjoy the wonderful life?
that is the challenge- the betrayal by our political class is palpable.
N. S. Lyons argues that ‘the woke revolution is far from over’ and asks us to get real about how things are going from bad to worse. He is terrifying with evidence on the ‘wokeness’ of yoof (which is why I am certain that sixteen and seventeen year olds should definitely not vote). 61% have positive views of socialism. He also points to the ‘unrelenting edifice’ of wokeness across all societal institutions.
Quite so. Conclusion: there’s no “softly, softly, catchee monkey” law abiding way to cure the entrenched leftism/marxism at every level, particularly in the USA. This is why Thatcher thought Pinochet a hero rather than a villain. But in the end Chile has reverted to a leftist government.
Delta Goodrem – Waltzing Matilda on board of Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth
How to run amok – even though you’re a bloke – in a woman’s prison in Scotland:
Step 1: commit a crime
Step 2: get binned into a male prison
Step 3: claim you’re female
Step 4: get transferred
And have a look at some of those who’ve done it.
Scotland, what have you become?
The only way out of the Ukraine war now would have to be a full withdrawal from the NATO countries.
If they continue to push forward and ‘win’ in Ukraine, it will push this to a nuclear war.
The U.S. and it’s allies really need to take a loss on this one…
Scotland, what have you become?
I’m sure as sh*t glad my ancestors emigrated. I can’t express how much contempt I have for modern Scotland.
So – the Australian of the Year is someone who decries body image. This is cultural Woke speech for it OK to be over weight. This is why that hideously overweight US singer Lizzie is now celebrated.
What happened to the medical research and concern of doctors for healthy eating and relatively lean body weight??
The West has gone quite mad. The rise and fall of all dominant and prosperous civilisations throughout history comes to mind.
Men in kilts transition to men in skirts.
Seriously though, the profile of most appears to be sex offences, including rape. Are they now lesbians with penises?
The Scots will blame England for losing their identity if what I observed there is any indication. They think they know what they are, but it’s all about historical derring-do and football and anger about their natural resources being used by the entire UK and not for them alone. They want their independence but the best they can come up with is Sturgeon. As many have opined the best cleared out long ago.
Yep. To see the future, look at what we are doing to educate the young.
We’ve been too rich to have to deal with reality; wokeness is about living in a fantasy world. Something a society can do only briefly as it squanders its wealth on lunatic dreams.
Hey Lizzie – just read your post re article in Quadrant by Lions which argues that we are indeed watching the demise of our civilisation.
Horrific – but true.
Lizzie the power station is Torness. Built in the 80’s. Expected to be decommissioned in 2028. There’s a new one being built nearby to be powered by unicorn farts to keep the greenies happy and the unicorn providers in dosh forever.
Fantasy world will soon hit reality. Inflation, lack of energy to power their lifestyle, cost of living , a real Utopia . There will be more unpleasantness to darken their world . How will they survive without social media , huddled in their rooms in the many blackouts . Believe Britain like this already.
Nice to see some government climate scientists acknowledge the ~60 year thermohaline cycle.
Top climate scientists predict decades of global cooling in study ignored by mainstream media (24 Jan)
“Whisper it quietly – and don’t tell Al “Boiling Oceans” Gore – but the Northern hemisphere may be entering a temperature cooling phase until the 2050s with a decline up to 0.3°C (~1.14°F). By extension, the rest of the globe will also be cooled.
These sensational findings, ignored by the mainstream media, were released last year and are the work of six top international scientists led by Nour-Eddine Omrani of the Norwegian Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. Published in the Nature journal Climate and Atmospheric Science, the scientists say that the North Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, an important sea current that has been pumping warmer water into the Arctic, is weakening and that’s leading to a cooler North Atlantic area and lower temperatures, as was observed in the period 1950–1970.”
The problem with this is that the IPCC has accentuated the temperature rise last century by starting their temperature series at the bottom of the cycle, with it at peak now. If you deduct the cyclical rise the remainder is so small that CO2 is proved to be harmless. Which is why this paper is being ignored, since it basically kills off a multitrillion dollar river of gold to the climate troughers.
Ease up.
She’s had four kids.
As for her award, no comment.
Any Scot with a brain that isn’t born into wealth gets out pretty quickly.
Today we reflect on the progression of a country – nay, continent – that went from Stone Age To First World, complete with tripled life expectancies and the ability to sustain all those who cannot or will not support themselves, in just 235 years.
Outstanding. Just outstanding.
The undeniable fact that it has – or had – the potential to be five times better than it already is were it not for our dunderhead ruling classes, is for today at least, an aside.
Knew a family that emigrated to Oz from Scotland, with their four kids.
Dad was an apparently brilliant maths teacher, but an alcoholic, who eventually died. Mum and kids went back to Scotland. Within five years, two of the boys were dead from drug overdoses. The remaining boy is still there, working in drug rehab. Mum and the daughter – a perpetual druggie – returned to Oz.
confirmed, Min
the missus has a mate over from Bristol who is a Aussie but has been OS for about 15 years now
she told us that for many people it is indeed a heat or eat situation
she marveled at Aussie Media’s way of making impoverishment and disempowerment appear like noble causes.
said the reality at home is nothing like that and than most people think the the UK and the EU are broken, corrupt, insane
Yes. Some women have bodies that go back to where they started post birth, for others the stretching and sagging just never goes away. From what I can see her focus is on reality not a perfectly toned celebrity shape, enhanced by the slew of Insta-loons and on line narcissists. I’m pretty sure she isn’t promoting fat as a lifestyle choice, just acceptance and good health.
This may seem small beer to some, but it’s a big deal for a lot of young women. Whether it’s AOTY worthy is another issue.
Graham Hood and John Larter should have been joint Australians of the year, not miss Bumfitt.
‘It’s shite being Scottish!’
‘I don’t hate the English. They’re just wankers!’
– the bloke from Trainspotting
Which is why the ‘optionality’ will be eliminated soon…..
Churchill disobeyed Orders at the Boer War.
Shoulda been shot for it, according to a few Diggers.
New World Odor™
Covid-19 booster jabs to end in the UK
Government is also preparing to wind down the open offer of the first two doses over the coming months due to dwindling uptake.
Hey @CPHO_Canada and @CDCDirector, is your “science” better than the UK’s?
Step up and do the right thing.
I’m not Australian and have no interest in becoming one. That said there is nothing I won’t do to protect Australia*. Australia has been very kind to me and my family. Looking after my family is the best way I know of helping to guarantee a better future. Not relying on government to support them. Government support is insidious in the manner of withholding support by making it difficult to find out what entitlements you have and jump through hoops to get it for those who genuinely need it and foisting it upon people who grift. I don’t lecture them but nudge in a conservative direction. No 2 son has just found out that being Anglo means he’s responsible for everyone whose had the same opportunities and not taken them, failing. Not a happy camper. He’s also a bit miffed he has to pay a higher proportion of tax now he earns more. I told him he could have continued in construction and had a much better life but it didn’t fit with his outlook at the time. I think he still hasn’t completed his degree that’s been compulsory for the last 3 positions he’s had in the same organisation.
* does not include politicians and those in authority positions who have shown complete failure in the care of Australians.
Action for Alice reports:
72 yr old females home invaded. Midnight. Mum’s home invaded in Gillen . 4 th time in 2 weeks. 3rd time this week. She is okay . Her Rav 4 ( black ) stolen .
Where is Albo?
This might go some way towards explaining Trump’s repeated assertion that he saved millions of lives with Operation Warp Speed. Can you even imagine?
Chief Nerd
Jeffrey A. Tucker Says the Gates Foundation Wanted Lockdowns Until Vaccines Were Ready
“I nearly dropped the phone. I said ‘you are going to vaccinate your way out of this pandemic?’ What are we going to stay locked down for 5 years?”
Old School Conservative:
Who to believe? It’s a tough question.
Ummm, Old School Conservative:
Lieutenant Colonels aren’t Junior Officers, as quite a few clowns claimed upthread, and they don’t spend their evenings leading patrols into No Man’s Land
or getting Trenchfoot in a ditch in Belgium.
BREAKING – NHS Doctor confirms young Children were Hospitalised after attempting Suicide due to Propaganda-Fueled COVID Fears & Lockdowns
Ed Casesays:
January 25, 2023 at 10:46 pm
Which is why General Gordon was so successful at Khartoum.
Oh, wait, …
Churchill was with Gordon at Khartoum when he was 11 years old?
Just no.
Richard Cranium
We all know that you have severe intellectual limitations, but this has plumbed depths worse that your usual.
The reference to Gordon at Khartoum was to the Dervishes, and your inane reference to their weapons. Clearly this comment, blunt as it was, was also far too subtle for your limited intelligence.
Go play on the freeway, it will give the police something to do.
AOTY is run by Women’s Weekly
Change my mind.
Rough handling.
McCarthy puts a bit of stick about.
Via Ace.
New peer-reviewed study: >217,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines in just the first year alone!
Verity Firth gets an Australia Day honour for being a one term state politician.
The bar is getting lower.
January 26, 2023 at 1:50 am
Wally Dalí says:
January 26, 2023 at 1:35 am
Had to look her up, bc I never heard of her.
Can’t see why she was chosen, but never mind.
In all fairness to the PM, he can only choose from those on offer, and that is out of his hand.
The system must change.
“Change” is a strange way to spell “be abolished”.
US Defense Unprepared for a China Fight: Report | China In Focus
00:50 U.S. Defense Unprepared for a China Fight: Report
01:47 War Game Simulates Chinese Invasion of Taiwan
04:27 China CDC: 12,000 More COVID-19 Deaths? Reports from Residents Cast Doubt
06:04 Death of Elderly in Rural China: Local Residents
07:23 SOS Video from Secretly Detained Beijing Protesters
08:50 Wuhan Residents Pay Tribute to COVID-19 Victims
10:29 Foreign Control: a Threat to Water Resources?
12:22 Chinese Battery Giant to Help Bolivia Develop Lithium
15:22 South Africa, China, Russia Joint Drills
And being OZ Day I’m off to spend the next hour doing something totally Australian ..
Cutting the BLOODY grass ..!
Nice looking couple. Lived in Gorokon.
Mum-to-be reveals her heartbreak as her husband dies suddenly in his sleep only days after they found out she was pregnant – and months after they tied the knot
Matt Gaetz: “They Had to Accuse Trump of Colluding with Russia Because He Was the Only One Who Wasn’t”
Something for the Indigenous of Alice Srings
Hey what was the story about the Anal diaries? Rex Patrick broke it?
Albanese and Dreyfus both claimed to have made high level representations to the United States over Julian Assange.
Rex Patrick made FOI Requests for the documentation and the request was denied because no such documentation could be found.
Obvious conclusion:
Julian Assange is a Spook and the entire thing is a long running Hoax
designed to give Old Leftists a DeepState Approved Issue to get all squawky about.
Dr. Ed Pascoe at it again.
Look at the first-person sources already quoted on the matter. Then look at how Lieutenant-Colonels in charge of battalions were most certainly in the mud when entire armies were concentrated along static fronts.
For someone whose entire family has a stated aversion to doing anything whatsoever related to military work, you seem to have a lot to say about it.
Dr Norman Swan checks into the Australia Day honours list.
I don’t know what to say. Here is someone who has finally accepted that the jabs are bad and is now lashing around looking for someone to blame. And, lo and behold, it’s not those who forced this poison on us but those who refused to comply in the first place.
They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us?
From the babbleverse
Math too ‘white’ and ‘cisheteropatriarchal’ says Vanderbilt prof
Look at the first-person sources already quoted on the matter.
There haven’t been any.
Just bluster and bloviation, yourself being an outstanding example.
Then look at how Lieutenant-Colonels in charge of battalions were most certainly in the mud when entire armies were concentrated along static fronts.
It was claimed upthread thatWinnie was “in the Trenches”, not
Winnie was “in the mud”.
shatterzzz says:
January 26, 2023 at 8:42 am
And being OZ Day I’m off to spend the next hour doing something totally Australian ..
Cutting the BLOODY grass ..!
Geez shatterzz, you are an unusial Houso – Actually Cutting the BLOODY grass . – around here you know the Houso’s (besides the standard triple fronted brick) by the unmown & unkempt gardens
I will raise a Glass to you when the Sun passes the Yard Arm , as I sit by the Pool. (Daughter & even wife, asked the New Gas Spa heater to be dropped to max 38C as too hot at 40 – against just replaced heater, which when said 40C was only 38C in Spa)
Happy Australia Day to you, and all Cat Bloggers – Beautiful Sunny Day here in Sydney – Life is Worth Living!
Worrying Swedish birthrate data analysis:
The money shots:
swedish birthrate data: november update
rates remain severely depressed and the associations on cause are provocative
I can’t be sure if that article is genuine or not, Indolent
Self professed “australians” defending Winston Churchill
on Australia Day.
300,000 Anzacs and 1st AIF will be turning in their graves.
Having the government validate your existence is very strange to me.
These awards and honours have got to go and the sooner the better.
Ok Grandkids already in the pool – splashing and sounds of delight as I type, PS Neurotic 18 Month Old Female Beagle (barking at moment) fell in the pool, and sank straight to the bottom, daughter had to jump in and get her up – no survival instinct – unusual for dog
Congratulations, Norman!
Dot says:
January 26, 2023 at 9:04 am
Having the government validate your existence is very strange to me.
Because you can’t teach a pig to sing opera.
I’m sensing satire there, PeterM.
As a piece of pot-stirring, it’s pretty good.
name any gov institution that isn’t infested with wokery?
Fat is the new black. The old black isn’t working.
Looks like Dr Norman Swan claiming Warnie and Kimberley Kitching dies of COVID/19 was a bridge too far for someone.
My guess, and it’s only a guess, but it’s an educated guess, and it keeps on looking more likely every day, is that both Warnie and Kimberley were vaccinated and that’s what killed them.
So, Swan is being finished up for bringing attention back to those unexplained deaths, rather than letting sleeping dogs lie.
Fat, out, proud. mUnty was ahead of the curve.
Good to see a handful of meals on wheels people getting Australia Day awards.
That’s what the things are really for.
Volunteer work.
Community building.
No ankles? No problem.
Right down to the ‘comments are closed’ bit
Ed Casesays:
January 26, 2023 at 8:26 am
Gimme a break.
At no time was Churchill closer than 40 miles from the Front.
Boer war included?
Churchill disobeyed Orders at the Boer War.
Shoulda been shot for it, according to a few Diggers.
A quote from some Kraut named Frederck:
“I made you an officer because I thought you would know when NOT to obey orders.”
Showing initiative is often a good thing. Churchill might just have been a better officer than Richard Cranium could ever hope to be.
I se our new AOTY is a body image campaigner. Good for her. I assume you all hate her, being a mother of four and with a powerful speaking voice.
Also I see the Pope has come out on the side of decriminalisation of homosexuality. Excellent!
Top Ender
Where is Albo?
To borrow the title of a old song, he’s “Leavin’ on a jet plane, don’t know when he’ll be back again …”
Scotland, what have you become?”
A progressive clown world. Coming to a place near you.
Here’s a story, a true story, in Scotland over the last few days a male predator by the name of Alan Graham, who sports a Mike Tyson face tattoo, now “conveniently” calls himself “Isla”. Alan Graham was charged in 2020 with violently raping two women, one in 2016 and one in 2019….but…but…but….since being charged with sexual assault, Graham now, conveniently, “identifies” as a women, he now wears women’s make up and he now struts about in tight fitting lycra women clothes, clothes which clearly show his dick protruding through the lycra. Throughout the trial, HE was referred to as SHE and HIS penis was referred to as HER penis. Graham has now has been sentenced and will be sent to a women’s only prison, no doubt to rape and assault women in that prison, but who cares about women in prison, actually I do, they are some of the most vulnerable women on the planet.
Isn’t it peculiar, isn’t is strange, how many males who are now charged with sexual assault suddenly “identify” as women? Why would they do that? What could it be? Oh I know Cassie of Sydney, they’re confused, they’re dysphoric, we need to be mindful of their feelings.
Scotland deserves to sink into the sea, but then again this is yet another example of the utter uselessness of the UK Conservatives, in power since 2010, who should have put the kybosh on devolution back in 2010. But instead, being the do nothing cowards they are, all they’ve done is sit back and watch the far-left Scottish Nationalists become ever more clownish, outlandish, tyrannical, totalitarian and Orwellian (actually, I’m not even sure Orwell himself could have envisaged this transperversion lunacy).
But back to the pervert and rapist Alan Graham, to slightly paraphrase the wonderful Sal Grover (Sal has also been the target of the transperverts) …..
‘if someone tells me a female can have a penis or has a penis, then that someone is lying and I’ll never believe another word that person says‘.
I think Sal says it best.
How green was my valley?
Not much, once it’s been covered with solar panels.
IMHO, this morning’s toon picks are Spooner and Blower.
You assume wrong.
I’ve only just found out about her and my opinion is still forming.
Seems like my diet starts tonight, because the Fish Pie ‘special of the day’ in the pub was inedible. It came red hot in a pottery dish. I toyed with it for a while, cracking the hard grey mashed potato crust and delving under it for the promised salmon, haddock and cod mixed in a bechamel sauce. It was a gluggy and dried up mess in there. I put some mayo in to soften it up a bit but it was still awful. I complained and the waitress said she would let ‘them’ know, but we heard nothing more. She came and took the plates away eventually, didn’t ask if we wanted anything else, and brought no news re my complaint. Spectacular disinterest. So as we left I let the guy at the reception/bar have it with two barrels. Hairy was embarrassed. It was already paid for upon ordering, and he’d prefer to leave it at that. But I’d got through less than half of it even though I was hungry, and I hate being gyped for eighteen quid for something not fit for human consumption. He’s fine because his twenty-five quid steak was quite good for pub food. Now we are back in the room and I’m munching on the biscuits that came on the tea tray while Hairy is saying you don’t need those given what you’ve already had today (of course I don’t, dumpkopf, but I’m hungry now).
It’s alright for some getting a little tubby though, who also had breakfast and lunch, and a nice steak dinner, and who won’t go to bed hungry, I mutter.
There, I’ve said it, and now he’s being nice to me again, with a plastic toothmug of Argentinian Melbec as a peace offering. He needs me to sympathise that the hotel he’s just booked for us in Korea for next week has closed their gym due to ‘Covid restrictions’. He’s threatened to cancel out if they don’t let him use their gym. So I’m not the only one who can kick up as needs be it seems. He now tells me enthusiastically from a Google search that Prime Minister Han Duk-Soo has decreed that from 30th Jan face-mask mandates are being dropped from indoor public places, so Hairy is hoping that our hotel booking may still stand, with an open gym, and that our flight will also drop any mask mandates.
Korea has taken a long time to catch up on Covid.
January 26, 2023 at 9:15 am
Good to see a handful of meals on wheels people getting Australia Day awards.
That’s what the things are really for.
Volunteer work.
Community building.”
Correct, Paul Keating said the same over twenty years ago.
“I assume you all hate her, being a mother of four and with a powerful speaking voice.”
Your assumption, as with everything, is wrong.
Oh and Happy Australia Day, fascist.
Not yet but as AOTY that is a working assumption.