Open Thread – Weekend 28 Jan 2023

Sailboat at Le Petit-Gennevilliers, Claude Monet, 1874

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January 30, 2023 4:50 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
January 30, 2023 at 12:14 pm


January 30, 2023 at 11:50 am

It is clear you have not actually bothered to look but it was third date ..

Third … first. Whatever.
First line of the Oz report …

“The worst first date ever unfolded somewhere in Brooklyn, New York, last week.”

I was looking on my phone which had some overlays which looked like they related to his credentials but were too small to read.

What are you, 12?

It was on my phone and the letters were tiny, so it doesn’t count?


Bar Beach Swimmer
January 30, 2023 4:50 pm

Bourne1879 says:
January 30, 2023 at 1:00 pm
…but pretty sure it was third

Yes it was.

January 30, 2023 4:53 pm

The indigenous youth “justice” crisis in QLD isn’t limited to the north.

I’m sure, Roger. In fact, this is starting to look like a massive political own goal for Albo. One which the leftist power brokers will be none too happy with.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 4:54 pm

Tom, … is there a chance of giving a hint, a one line at least, what the ‘toon is about?

Heheh …. heheh ..
You funny, Gabor.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 4:54 pm

…but pretty sure it was third

What is this a Seinfeld script?
George enters [stage Left]

January 30, 2023 5:01 pm

OldOzzie says:
January 30, 2023 at 3:51 pm

By Michael Rubin – – January 27, 2023

Future U.S.-Ukraine defense cooperation need not depend on NATO membership, given how unreliable Germany is and Turkey’s penchant for blackmail.

A modern defense industry could also help Ukraine pay back its allies in a post-conflict future as its factories could help replenish prepositioned stocks across northwestern Europe. Putin might lose, but Putinism is deeply engrained in the Russian psyche and all Russian neighbors will continue to face the Russian threat for decades. Never again should Europe be as unprepared as it was in the run-up to Russia’s 2022 invasion.

When Ukraine defeats Russia, it will mark the end of a bloody chapter but not the end of the story. It will cost Ukraine billions of dollars to rebuild its infrastructure. Much of these funds will come from the donor community, while some certainly should come from Russian reparations. Still, Ukrainians will need to pay a great deal out-of-pocket, so any industrial foundation will be valuable.

Building and upgrading Ukraine’s own defense industry could be an important component not only against the backdrop of the current war, but also into a post-war future.

This bloke is either a halfwit or taking the piss.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 5:02 pm

The indigenous youth “justice” crisis in QLD isn’t limited to the north.
But it is limited to Labor Voting areas.
Which means that Peter Dutton can’t afford to be stampeded into a No position on the Referndum by Labor Shills or the debate becomes Labor v Liberal and Labor wins easily.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 30, 2023 5:02 pm

H B Bear says:
January 30, 2023 at 4:54 pm

As Mr Bennett said to Lizzie, “read on…” For you, HB, it’s the other way – it’s back up the thread.

January 30, 2023 5:03 pm

feelthebern says:
January 30, 2023 at 4:21 pm
The short sellers are really having a crack at Adani.

It sounds like there’s a little bit of smoke there. But you can never trust the shorts.

January 30, 2023 5:03 pm


Do you have access to the short interest figure?

January 30, 2023 5:05 pm

Geert states that more virulent strains of Omicron are inevitable
Geert Vanden Bossche is an international expert in vaccine development and first warned about the risks of mass vaccination in a pandemic since March 2021.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 5:06 pm

For you, HB, it’s the other way – it’s back up the thread.

Scrolling up is for losers.

January 30, 2023 5:06 pm

David Sacks @DavidSacks History proves that wars have a tendency to escalate out of control. By the end, the costs exceed the participants’ wildest dreams at the beginning. People know this and yet they cheer on every escalation.

Correct, ‘Cassus Belli’ and ‘home by christmas’ does rather tend to turn into helicopters off the roof of the embassy in Saigon or Kabul 20 years later, doesnt it?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 5:07 pm

This bloke is either a halfwit or taking the piss.

He’s having a lend about Ukraine becoming an Industrial Powerhouse, but not about them winning the war.

Putin hasn’t shown any interest in winning the war, so, eventually, Ukraine will win.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 5:09 pm

duk – a lot like litigation. The writ is the easy part.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 30, 2023 5:09 pm

ABC Radio National host ­Patricia Karvelas has been “cautioned” over a social media post that included a selfie with the federal Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney, whom she described as a “legend”.

On the night of last year’s federal election on May 21, Karvelas posted a selfie alongside Ms Burney and wrote: “This woman is a legend and looks like she will be the next Indigenous affairs minister #UluruStatement”.

On Sunday, the post ­remained on Karvelas’ Twitter account with more than 300 ­retweets and 5700 likes.

In November, ABC managing director David Anderson was questioned by Liberal senator Sarah Henderson about the ­appropriateness of the post and whether it breached the ABC’s personal use of social media code, which requires that employees “do not damage the ABC’s reputation for impartiality and independence”.

In a recently published response to a question on notice about the matter the ABC said: “We can disclose that Ms Karvelas was cautioned following the social media post in question.”

However, the ABC said due to “privacy considerations” it did not “disclose the detail of confidential staff reviews of investigations”.

The response is at odds with Mr Anderson’s comments at the Senate Estimates hearing in ­November where he said: “I don’t think it (the post) suggests that there was political bias there at all.”

He added that he did not see it as a breach of the ABC’s personal use of social media.

Senator Henderson was ­critical of the ABC’s response on Sunday and said the public broadcaster “refused to confirm if it stands by Mr Anderson’s ­evidence that this tweet does not breach the ABC’s social media code”.

“The ABC is clearly trying to cover up what happened here,” she said.

“If there’s no issue with Ms Karvelas’ tweet as Mr Anderson claimed, why was she cautioned?”

The ABC and Karvelas would not comment.

In 2021, ABC staff were given a stern warning about their use of social media after Mr Anderson said in an email the public broadcaster had been forced to deal with a “few high-profile defamation cases” involving senior journalists.

This included Four Corners’ reporter Louise Milligan, who defamed former federal Liberal MP Andrew Laming in a social media post on her Twitter ­account, falsely accusing him of taking an “upskirting” photograph of a woman.

The ABC agreed to pay Milligan’s legal costs which amounted to more than $200,000, ­including court-ordered damages to Dr Laming.

January 30, 2023 5:09 pm

…this is starting to look like a massive political own goal for Albo. One which the leftist power brokers will be none too happy with.

If it fails they’ll hang it around his neck like an albatross.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2023 5:13 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 30, 2023 at 5:02 pm
The indigenous youth “justice” crisis in QLD isn’t limited to the north.
But it is limited to Labor Voting areas.
Which means that Peter Dutton can’t afford to be stampeded into a No position on the Referndum by Labor Shills or the debate becomes Labor v Liberal and Labor wins easily.

Richard Cranium thinks (to use the word loosely) that because indigenous youth crime is confined to Liars areas, if Dutton mentions the subject, the voters in those areas will forget about the crime wave and vote “Yes” because eeeeeevillll Liberals?


January 30, 2023 5:13 pm

I know a chap who’s ex – wife tried taking out a DVO against him because he wouldn’t write her a blank cheque by way of a property settlement…

In big property FL matters the DVOs making allegations against wifey, to quote head prefect, or the milko’s kiddies, to reference dickless, flow like champers on cup day.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2023 5:15 pm

January 30, 2023 at 5:09 pm
…this is starting to look like a massive political own goal for Albo. One which the leftist power brokers will be none too happy with.

If it fails they’ll hang it around his neck like an albatross.

An Albo-tross?

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 5:18 pm

The Liar Centre Right haven’t had many wins of late either.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 5:19 pm


China doesn’t need to leak into Russia.I read years ago that China was leasing millions of acres of unused land from Russia for farming.
I am sure both sides know that the land will not be returned.

I’m not talking about the leased stuff, I’m talking about the steady leak of civilians just wandering across the border into Amur Province and setting up shop.
The Russians will occasionally move them along but remember the Amur River battles just before the Russo/Sino split in the 70’s? There were divisional sized battles fought there when the Amur River changed its course and the Chinese decided they’d take the bits that advantaged them, and ignored the bits that didn’t.
The Chinese will always take that which isn’t tied down despite Treaties they sign with mugs.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 5:21 pm

They’re all holidaying in the Swiss Alps with the Office Girl.

Ya gotta make the most outta va 1 Term Government.

January 30, 2023 5:23 pm

Do you have access to the short interest figure?

Short answer no.
There are so many parts of the Adani universe that are listed, some on more than one exchange.
It’s got some pong about it.

January 30, 2023 5:23 pm

I know a chap who’s just had a DVO taken out against him.
Ex-wife said he verbally abused her when he picked up the kid.

I know a chap who’s ex – wife tried taking out a DVO against him because he wouldn’t write her a blank cheque by way of a property settlement…

It is asserted by a counsellor I know, based on what her client base has experienced, that the FC has swung like a pendulum, and fathers get it mostly their way these days.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 5:26 pm


The Australian has been told Ms Rugg is still employed in Dr Ryan’s office, despite the legal action, in which the Commonwealth is also listed as a respondent.

Can I hear the subtle sounds of Money?

January 30, 2023 5:28 pm

Gays just can’t keep their mouths shut – narcissists most of them. That’s why they were considered a security risk.

What a stupid statement. So, all those gay men who stayed in the closet for decades, often their whole life, ‘just can’t keep their mouths shut?’

They were considered a security risk for two reasons. One, they faced legal and social sanctions – both pretty much gone in the Western world.

Two, those of them who embraced the promiscuous lifestyle were open to blackmail and extortion, and that was and is a very real concern. It also applies to heterosexuals who screw around indiscriminately, to a lesser extent. The MSM has covered for philandering politicians and celebrities forever, and they certainly weren’t (until recently) publicising homosexual affairs.

Well, not all gay men are like that. The ones you don’t hear about are living quietly among us and causing no commotion.

‘All pooves are untrustworthy blabbermouths’ is a ridiculous statement.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 30, 2023 5:28 pm

It is asserted by a counsellor I know, based on what her client base has experienced, that the FC has swung like a pendulum, and fathers get it mostly their way these days.

You mean tha Family Law Court is no longer the Married Woman’s Protection Society?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 5:29 pm

What are you, 12?

It was on my phone and the letters were tiny, so it doesn’t count?

On the piss early today?
The video flashed up a couple of what looked like written examples of his job spec or LinkedIn. It was hard to stop the vid right on the spot and zoom in on the docs.
So I asked a simple question.
Put the Bombay Sapphire down and wind your neck in.

January 30, 2023 5:30 pm

Bombay Sapphire

What the hell is that?

January 30, 2023 5:32 pm

If it fails they’ll hang it around his neck like an albatross.

To lose a supposedly unloseable election, a la Shorten, is one thing, but at least the party gets another crack in 3 years, but to lose a supposedly unloseable referendum…I doubt he’d even be invited back to the tennis.

January 30, 2023 5:35 pm

that the FC has swung like a pendulum, and fathers get it mostly their way these days.

Maybe it has.
I was only referring to what happened last week to a chap I know.

January 30, 2023 5:37 pm

I can’t recall the exact rules, but isn’t it devilishly hard to get rid of a liar as a party leader these days? I think they changed the rules after the Rudd, Slapper, and Rudd abortions.

January 30, 2023 5:38 pm

Speaking of booze, I’ve only had alcohol once this month.
Quite proud of myself.

January 30, 2023 5:40 pm

The voice is just another trough for fake aborigines, half of them 15/16 European, to get their snouts into. It will do nothing for the poor sods in the Alice.

How dumb do you have to be not to see this?

January 30, 2023 5:41 pm

I wonder what Chris Minns has to say about his Catholic education, and how the Marist educational doctrine varies from that at Redfield.

But LM and the ABC are not interested in such things.

January 30, 2023 5:41 pm

The last drink I had that evening was a Kentucky Mule.
Quite a nice drink.
Very refreshing.

January 30, 2023 5:42 pm

What the hell is that?

Fancy gin that comes in a pretty blue bottle, JC.

January 30, 2023 5:43 pm


Fancy gin that comes in a pretty blue bottle, JC.

January 30, 2023 5:44 pm

that the FC has swung like a pendulum, and fathers get it mostly their way these days.

I find that difficult to believe

January 30, 2023 5:45 pm

Orban said that the West needs to understand that Putin cannot afford to lose, and will not lose, because he’s up for re-election next year, and he cannot run as the president who lost a war. What’s more, he said, Russia cannot allow NATO to establish a presence in Ukraine. The time has long passed when Russia might have been able to conquer Ukraine, or install a friendly regime. Had Russia won a quick victory, that might have been possible, but it’s hopeless now. Therefore, said Orban, Russia’s goal is to make Ukraine an ungovernable wreck, so the West cannot claim it as a prize. At this, they have already succeeded. “It’s Afghanistan now,” he said. “The land of nobody.” (Meaning: No Man’s Land.)

The headline here is that Russia is not going to win, and the best they are hoping for is a draw. Much like the Kaiser in WW1. That didn’t end so well for Wilhelm II.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 5:47 pm


January 30, 2023 at 5:30 pm

Bombay Sapphire

What the hell is that?

It’s like blue kerosene, but slightly less tasty.
Much favoured by old dears who favour quantity over quality with their booze intake.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 5:48 pm

Fancy gin that comes in a pretty blue bottle, JC.

January 30, 2023 5:48 pm

Well, the “conservative” side of politics in WA is utterly rooted.

Not only do they only have 6 seats out of 58 in the Lower House, the Libs have just elected a leader who is not that sharp, is wet and is going to launch an all-out war with some true conservatives in the party.

The Nats also lost their leader and have a newbie today also. I’ve had a fair bit to do with newbie and he’s a good Catholic boy who doesn’t buy the climate BS and wokeness but I just don’t think he will cut it (though I hope and wait to be proven wrong).

Labor will be govt until 2029 (at least!!!)

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2023 5:48 pm


The headline here is that Russia is not going to win, and the best they are hoping for is a draw. Much like the Kaiser in WW1. That didn’t end so well for Wilhelm II.

I very much doubt that Wilhelm went to war in 1914 hoping only for a draw. Perhaps do a bit more research, if you learned that process while failing Economics 1. It certainly would not have been part of the j’ism course.

January 30, 2023 5:52 pm

Fancy gin that comes in a pretty blue bottle, JC.

Well…it looks fancy!

Not a gin drinker myself.

January 30, 2023 5:52 pm

Streaming giants — such as Netflix, Disney and Amazon Prime — will be required to invest in making local Australian content under new rules set to be imposed on the industry.

just what we need some shit local content to go with the existing shit streaming content

It will done on the cheap. Expect to see lots of “Reality” TV like MAFS, The Bachelor, Big Brother, Survivor, Cooking with Stars, Dancing with the Crims etc.

Under the current rules these count as local “drama”

January 30, 2023 5:55 pm

“Fancy gin that comes in a pretty blue bottle, JC.”

Not sure about the contents of the bottle but the bathtub it was brewed in is likely to be spotless.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 5:55 pm

Much favoured by old dears who favour quantity over quality with their booze intake.

It’s hardly Woodstock. Quantity is a perfectly acceptable measure when it comes to alcohol, except perhaps 30 blocks of Emu Export. That should definitely be export only.

January 30, 2023 5:59 pm

This doesn’t resemble Musk taking over Twitter, does it?

Laura Tingle to run for ABC board as government prepares shake-up

High-profile ABC journalist Laura Tingle has rebuffed her union-backed colleagues to campaign for a position on the public broadcaster’s board in an attempt to provide staff with a more independent voice.

ABC’s 7:30 chief political correspondent has nominated herself for a staff-elected seat on the board, but has not requested an endorsement from the media union like other candidates. The process coincides with the Albanese government deciding to replace Turnbull board appointee Joseph Gersh from the board once his first term expires.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 30, 2023 6:00 pm

Afternoon. Work finished. Raindrops pattering against the windows. The scenery beyond leeching colour and detail in the rain look like wraiths in fog. Everything greyed except for the Aberlour in the glass with such deep rich colour you would think I photoshopped it into the glass rather than poured.

Life can be pretty damned good.

January 30, 2023 6:01 pm
January 30, 2023 6:04 pm

“Fancy gin that comes in a pretty blue bottle, JC.”

Side effects known to include spending the next day crouched over the toilet while expelling gin sodden bile at irregular intervals. Weeping.

Hanging seemed appealing but it renders you too retarded to tie a knot.

Apparently the offending article was likely to have been a Chinese counterfeit, according to a bottle shop attendant I asked about it. Nothing is sacred, would not recommend.

January 30, 2023 6:04 pm

I dunno about others, but gin gives me a really fast, big high, but boy, you quickly get to the equivalent negative side. You just drop like a rock.

January 30, 2023 6:08 pm

I dunno about others, but gin gives me a really fast, big high, but boy, you quickly get to the equivalent negative side. You just drop like a rock.

Same here, which is why I avoid it.

January 30, 2023 6:08 pm

Buzz Aldrin certainly confirms the health benefits of an abstentions lifestyle.
Apparently there was more than one day when he couldn’t get to a bar – amazing.
Good on him, he has had fun.

January 30, 2023 6:09 pm

LOl Frank.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 6:10 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:

January 30, 2023 at 4:49 pm

I know a chap who’s just had a DVO taken out against him.
Ex-wife said he verbally abused her when he picked up the kid.

I know a chap who’s ex – wife tried taking out a DVO against him because he wouldn’t write her a blank cheque by way of a property settlement…

This doesn’t really make sense.
What did he mean “blank cheque”?

January 30, 2023 6:11 pm
January 30, 2023 6:11 pm

bons says:
January 30, 2023 at 6:08 pm

Buzz Aldrin certainly confirms the health benefits of an abstentions lifestyle.
Apparently there was more than one day when he couldn’t get to a bar – amazing.
Good on him, he has had fun.

How do you know it wasn’t the accrued benefits of going around the moon that has given him a long life. That side of things has been explored fully. 🙂

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 30, 2023 6:15 pm

The Nats also lost their leader and have a newbie today also. I’ve had a fair bit to do with newbie and he’s a good Catholic boy who doesn’t buy the climate BS

Wiki tells me the WA opposition leader is female. Who is the new one?

Wiki editors are usually quick on such things. Mysteriously not in this case.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 6:18 pm

Somehow I suspect an Albo government shakeout of the ALPBC wasn’t want most Cats were calling for. La Tingle sniffs the breeze. Old man Ramsay would approve.

January 30, 2023 6:18 pm

JC says:
January 30, 2023 at 6:04 pm

I dunno about others, but gin gives me a really fast, big high, but boy, you quickly get to the equivalent negative side. You just drop like a rock.

Go with Vodka – at Russian Employee’s Wedding Reception marrying Italian (no seats in Russian Orthodox -standing throughout ceremony), all tables had bottles of Vodka, Gin, Whickey etc and her Father drank a Toast at all Tables – Then going to give presents to Wedding Couple, Father drank Toast with every gift couple

2 weeks later when returned for Honeymoon – said Your Father must have Hollow Legs – Her Response – Years of practice in Russian Winters

January 30, 2023 6:18 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

What did he mean “blank cheque”?

Let us know if you ever manage to work it out.
It’s a total mystery.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 6:23 pm

I very much doubt that Wilhelm went to war in 1914 hoping only for a draw.
Willie was supporting the A/H Empire and had no territorial ambitions in Europe.
Perhaps do a bit more research, such as looking at a map of the Reich in 1914.

January 30, 2023 6:24 pm

Bruce – WA Opposition Leader was Mia Davies (also leader of the Nats cos the Nats got more seats in the lower house than the Libs).

She quit the role on Friday. Shane Love is her replacement.

January 30, 2023 6:27 pm

China’s nuke agency using US computer chips, semiconductors on blacklist since 1997 | Latest | WION
Alarm bells are ringing in the United States of access by China’s top nuclear weapons lab to American computer chips decades after a ban. According to reports, in the past two and a half years China bought dozens of sophisticated US computer chips.

January 30, 2023 6:27 pm

Why don’t you just f— off and go clean the pool, Driller? You’re always getting in the way of things with your annoying stoush trolling when it doesn’t concern you. Go on, piss off, you dishonest blowhard.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 6:30 pm

that the FC has swung like a pendulum, and fathers get it mostly their way these days.

Whoever said that, you funny.
As a matter of fact, Albanese is abolishing the presumption of Shared Residence.

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2023 6:31 pm

“Labor will be govt until 2029 (at least!!!)”

I think it’s more likely 2059.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2023 6:32 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 30, 2023 at 6:23 pm
I very much doubt that Wilhelm went to war in 1914 hoping only for a draw.
Willie was supporting the A/H Empire and had no territorial ambitions in Europe.
Perhaps do a bit more research, such as looking at a map of the Reich in 1914.

“No territorial ambitions”, but a plan to capture Paris, defeat the Frogs, and then turn on the Wussians. Purely for practice, of course! That’d make those Serbs think again.

Idiot. Go back to researching Teddy Roosevelt’s family tree.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 30, 2023 6:33 pm

Shane Love is her replacement.

Only one possible answer to that…

Love Is All (1974)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 6:33 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:

January 30, 2023 at 6:23 pm

What did he mean “blank cheque”?

Let us know if you ever manage to work it out.
It’s a total mystery.

Well, it goes like this.
In divorce settlements, there might be a bit of to-and-fro with ambit claims for this and that.
But they will always specify given property and a proportion being requested.
Example … “100% of the holiday house, super aggregated and split 50:50, principal residence valued and split 60:40”
The words “blank cheque” are never used.
The thing is, there are a vast number of people who claim they were “ripped off” in a settlement, which would be regarded by independent observers as reasonable.

January 30, 2023 6:35 pm

Brian Loughnane encapsulates everything that is wrong with the SFL.
Arrogant, bullying, sneering and contemptuous in the manner that typifies the contemporary political animal.
It was entirely predictable that the conclusions of his report on the collapse of the Party when under his leadership was that it was everybody’s fault except Brian Loghname’s.
No doubt a number of Cats have shared joys of having to associate with him.
The start point for any return from the wilderness is to stomp on the bullying culture which resides in the federal and state offices and flows out to the branches like a poison tide.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 6:35 pm

I can’t recall the exact rules, but isn’t it devilishly hard to get rid of a liar as a party leader these days? I think they changed the rules after the Rudd, Slapper, and Rudd abortions.

The background was that the Murdochs had been completely blindsided by Rudd’s ouster and didn’t want it happening again to their fully owned asset.
All positions are still declared vacant after an Election loss though, otherwise they’d still be stuck with PeanutHead.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 6:37 pm

JC :

Sinc notified me of The Turtlehead’s threat on October 16, 2020, at 8:53 p.m by text. Incidentally, I was mocking him ( Turtlehead) about his ridiculous comment that the Chinese could perform a takeover of Australia simply by flying commercial airliners into Melbourne Airport filled with military personnel.

The timeframe was a wild guess. It seems like that long ago. Nevertheless, put up the email from Sinc (which is the first time you’ve mentioned it) stripped of all identifiers.
Here’s my copy of the email I sent to Sinclair and the two events that preceded it. Unfortunately, I will have to send it separately as it came from my other computer and will be under my Winston Smith persona.
I’ll let Dover Beach adjudicate.
.1 Either ban me.
.2 Ban JC.
.3 Ban both of us.
.4 Ban neither of us.
.5 Ignore the whole damn thing.

January 30, 2023 6:42 pm

that the FC has swung like a pendulum, and fathers get it mostly their way these days.

I find that difficult to believe

Me too. Remember, this is from females who feel they have been hard done by and thus only one side of the story.

When was the last time you trusted anyone, even a family member or good friend, when they were talking about their recent ex and how the split went down? I just assume that any story I hear is self-serving and only somewhat correlated with the facts.

January 30, 2023 6:43 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
January 30, 2023 6:45 pm

In other career/life moments, Ol’ Buzz was once locked up by the local police for breaking down a girlfriend’s door, and also spent some time selling new cars. Apparently for this gig he didn’t sell any – people were too interested in talking about expeditions to the Moon and so on.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Why don’t you just f— off and go clean the pool, Driller? You’re always getting in the way of things with your annoying stoush trolling when it doesn’t concern you. Go on, piss off, you dishonest blowhard.

Maturity on display, again.

January 30, 2023 6:49 pm

Gin snobs.

January 30, 2023 6:50 pm

Pray for me

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 6:52 pm

For some reason the old computer isn’t allowing connection to Catallaxy Files. I’ve sent the original to Dover Beach via email, he has my permission to put it on the Open Thread – or not, as he wishes.

January 30, 2023 6:54 pm

Gin snobs.

I know, right?
Bombay Sapphire is very nice in G&T.

January 30, 2023 6:55 pm

Lachlan Murdoch has court win in defamation battle against online publisher Crikey
Mr Murdoch’s barrister, Sue Chrysanthou SC, told the Federal Court today Crikey gained $1 million from new subscribers and donations after the lawsuit was launched.

The Fox Corporation chief executive alleges a June 2022 article — by political editor Bernard Keane — defamed him in referring to his family as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the US Capitol riots.

January 30, 2023 6:56 pm

All a bit Hogarthian really…welcome to Gin Lane.

I brought back a nice Star of Bombay once, but the normal stuff isn’t bad at all. Malfy gin is a bit louche but utterly delicious. I keep the Hendricks for my best buddies. 😀

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 7:01 pm

Solved that problem – it’s Newcatallaxy Files. Which is why I wasn’t connecting.
Here’s the email.

Posted on Catallaxy Files:
#3619940, posted on October 15, 2020 at 11:31 pm

Funny old world.
Our ironing lady, who is a complete lunatic, was badgering wifey this morning about reading crap on what she describes as the “dark web”. The story-line was virtually the same as the “scenario” (as he called it) that Nurse Betty (aka Turtlehead) was peddling here last evening.
That, there is or will be Chinese military called in by Hunchback. To assist China’s takeover of Victoria and they have or will arrive at Melbourne airport.
Unless Turtlehead made up this swill himself and posted it on some doofus conspiracy site, then the Turtlehead is lifting this shit and posting it here as his own thoughts and ideas. Not only is this crap turgid bullshit, it’s actually lifted turgid bullshit. FMD.
It’s incumbent on the Turtlehead to tell the readership exactly where he got this “scenario” with an available link.

My reply:

JC has publicly called me a liar about winning $25k on a bet that Trump would win the Presidency.
After the fact, I posted a copy of the receipt to you to witness. I didn’t put it on the Blog, because identifiable financial information.
But two years later, I am being called a liar.
I ignored the rehashing of the Presidential elections win, but I have seen JC get his teeth into his opponents – Mk50 seems to have taken a long term lease in JCs head. – and I have to protect my reputation and cannot let this slide.
I appreciate the existence of Catallaxy Files – it was a great distractor while I was waiting for, and getting over my cardiac ‘adventures’.
There is a difference between having a ‘stoush’ and abuse.
The scenario I came up with was mine, and mine alone. If JC is trying to make a link of plagiarism, I will take action.
I would appreciate you asking JC to stop this vendetta against me.
Winston Smith/Robert Sewell

The only alteration I made were to remove the double spacing so it didn’t take up as much room.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 7:03 pm

Sounds like the next 6 month maintenance on Rupe’s yacht are on Crikey. How sweet.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:05 pm

In Guardian Australia news:

But Carlo Carli, the chair of Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (Fecca), the peak body representing people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, …

Carli said Fecca supported the voice and the Uluru statement, and called Mundine’s proposal “surprising”.

“We had a major conference last year, 800 delegates from ethnic communities around the country, and the endorsement was for the voice,” he said. “There was nothing about adding migrants to the constitution.

“We’ve gone to our membership and there’s no dissent here. Everyone wants it to happen. As an organisation, we are allies of the constitutional change.”

Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia [FECCA] are onboard with changing the Constitution, eh?

FECCA has been quiet for a while.
From memory, their last sighting was when they publicly told Tony Abbott that they didn’t support Repeal of S 18[c] of the Racial Discrimination Act.
Tones folded later that day.

January 30, 2023 7:06 pm

Every man and his derg has a distillery these days. There’s one at Tumbulgum called Ink. The gin is dark purple and good with Fevertree or plain old Schweppes tonic.

Gin for Goths.

January 30, 2023 7:09 pm

Close call for animal rights protester after neck chained, pinned to duck slaughter line in Petaluma
PETALUMA, Calif. (KGO) — Officials now say approximately 80 protesters attempting to stop operations at a duck farm in Petaluma were arrested on Monday.

Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department, with help from several nearby police departments, arrested members of Direct Action Everywhere (DXE), after they trespassed onto Reichardt Duck Farm.

January 30, 2023 7:12 pm

Sloe gin is quite nice. It feels as if it would ward off scurvy for some reason.

January 30, 2023 7:12 pm

Funny story about a yacht allegedly owned by a questionable Russian disappearing from somewhere in old Yugoslavia. Apparently another, inferior and definitely not owned by the alleged Russian oligarch vessel is now parked in its spot.

Ya get that.

January 30, 2023 7:13 pm

As a matter of fact, Albanese is abolishing the presumption of Shared Residence.

That’s the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility.

Now STFU about things you know nothing about crotchless and regale us with your unfettered support for Israel.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 7:16 pm


No, what I was doing was ridiculing a foolish comment from someone who has no clue about Russia – “Russians are still bastards” or some such.

If you think I said that, then you’ve obviously misread my post.
I prefer to think you’ve misread my post because your reply is way out of character for any of our conversations.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:18 pm

You’re a Family Law practitioner, Mr Sulu?

I knew there was something off about you.
Aside from the obvious.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 30, 2023 7:19 pm

PETALUMA, Calif. (KGO) — Officials now say approximately 80 protesters attempting to stop operations at a duck farm in Petaluma were arrested on Monday.

Someone should ask them about the egg farm which burned down yesterday.

And maybe also the electricity substation attacks.

January 30, 2023 7:20 pm

The timeframe was a wild guess.

Yep, 15 years is almost equivalent to 2 years, 3 months, and 14 days. It’s “a wild guess” because it sounds kind of like 15 years; it could happen to anyone.

Sinc texted me. There’s no email exchange between us, as I’ve mentioned before, and frankly, after your continual defamatory comments and lies, I wouldn’t trust anything coming from you. It would have to come from Sinc himself.

Here’s the main point: you know what I think of you, and this will never change. Of that, you can be 100% certain. You obeyed Sinc’s rule for a time, and of course I did too. You then violated the agreement by grovelling to me. When that didn’t work, you again became all bitchy.

It’s time you took some iodine, you clown.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:21 pm

Have a squiz at this creepazoid?
Director of National Intelligence. Avril Danica Haines.

January 30, 2023 7:21 pm

Don’t try to butter me up with your nicknames crotchless. We’re still waiting for that declaration of being against anti-semitism.

January 30, 2023 7:21 pm

Every man and his derg has a distillery these days. There’s one at Tumbulgum called Ink. The gin is dark purple and good with Fevertree or plain old Schweppes tonic.

the elderflower fevertree is quite moreish

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 30, 2023 7:22 pm

You’re a Family Law practitioner, Mr Sulu?

Your record keeping sucks Groogs. That should help kittehs sleep better at night.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 7:23 pm


January 30, 2023 at 6:49 pm

Gin snobs.

Guilty as charged.
I don’t drink much of the stuff – one or two before dinner on a hot day – so I am a bit fussy, yes.
Both with the gin and the tonic.
Four Pillars Rare Dry plus Fever Tree sugar free tonic is the current tipple.
Mixed to about 8% alcohol with ice and lemon.

January 30, 2023 7:24 pm

Mr Sulu, the OG flamer spook.

January 30, 2023 7:25 pm

If you think I said that,

No, I was referring to another who I directed my original comment at , which you picked up. Looks like crossed wires.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 7:25 pm

the elderflower fevertree is quite moreish

Haven’t tried it.
I like it to be sugar free.
Sweetness destroys what the drink is all about.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I keep something like 30 types of Gin on hand in the bar. (Could be more, haven’t counted ’em lately)
Nothing above $30 a nip.
I claim no particular expertise, though try to remember which ones are the better, & which are the turkeys so as to not order those again.

Bombay Sapphire isn’t all that bad, for a basic gin.
Twenty years ago it was among the better gins available.
It is far superior to the basic Gordons & Gilbeys – which were the only gins available for yonks (er.. plus the extra downmarket Vickers, which really was in a class of its own)
However, a silk purse cannot be made from a sow’s ear. Bombay Sapphire is a basic gin, not a flash.
This cannot be changed by any amount of fancy marketing.

Times have changed. Now there are internet sales & specialist importers.

In the mid-1990s I went to a liquor retailing seminar, where it was explained that Gin was “finished” & there’d be less of it available. Gin consumption, never very high, was declining – mostly older folk from another era – gin drinkers are literally dying on us, there’ll never be money invested into gin production.

Haha, now look at the Gin “scene”

January 30, 2023 7:27 pm

Contain your jealousy dickless. And we’re still waiting for your anti anti-semite declaration.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:30 pm

Man dies in Telescopic Urinal accident.
Apparently London has had these Pop Up Urinals for 20 years, built to cater for Englishmen with a propensity to piss in the street.

January 30, 2023 7:31 pm

Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling? Has he now got voice coaches on top of correctional dentists?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Sancho et al are clearly people of fine taste & some distinction.
The fevertree is a classy tonic.
Alas it is not available nationwide.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Elderflower tonic into gin is very similar to opening a bottle of red wine made from irrigated grapes.
You may as well just squirt a fluid oz of Chanel No. 5 into your glass.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 30, 2023 7:35 pm

Mr Sulu, the OG flamer spook.

That’s homophobic Monty.
Mr Sulu won’t be happy with you.
He’s very sensitive. And loud.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:35 pm

Mr Sulu has a habit of grabbing crotches and demanding Bumsex, which is quite legal in California, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not evidence of antisemitism?

January 30, 2023 7:35 pm

“People in the masses are very different to the individual and that’s one of the curses of the mob.”

The very unfashionable author C P Snow had a lot to say about that in the 1940s and 1950s. He said that in committees, people preferred the boring and banal to the firebrands and dissenters. Every time.

Snow and later, John le Carre, contributed a lot to the understanding of meeting dynamics.

January 30, 2023 7:38 pm

fine taste & some distinction.

No, not me. I was being naughty and pretentious. 😀

January 30, 2023 7:38 pm

Gin is hip, eh?

I suppose there’s a lot of botanicals to experiment with.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 30, 2023 7:38 pm

Anthony Albanese has been slammed for spending more time “relaxing and chugging beers” at the Australian Open than he did on the ground in Alice Springs.

The Prime Minister visited the crisis-ridden centre for several hours last Tuesday before spending three nights in Melbourne – attending both men’s and women’s finals, as well as Friday night’s semi-final at Melbourne Park.

Northern Territory Senator Jacinta Price and Indigenous leader Warren Mundine say the move was insulting as the violence and crime continues in Alice, with Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley adding it didn’t pass the pub test.

“It’s an insult and a kick in the guts for the people of Alice Springs to see the PM spending more time relaxing and chugging back beers at the tennis than what he did on the ground in Alice Springs,” Senator Price said.

“The threats and mayhem haven’t stopped.

“We locals are subject to no longer being able to shop after 7pm as our shopping centres and town goes into lockdown.”

Former Australian Labor Party president and businessman Warren Mundine said he was “really angry about it”.

“You’ve got all these people who are being abused … assaulted in the Northern Territory, and he (Albanese) spent three days lounging around the tennis courts, drinking beer and having a great time with mates.

“This is a bloke who wants to have a legacy about how he treats Aboriginal people and how he’s going to make the world better.

“And here he is – the visual of that really, really made me sick.”

Mr Mundine said the Prime Minister and Minister for Indigenous Australians, Linda Burney, should return to Alice Springs and get outcomes.

Newly appointed Central Australian regional controller Dorelle Anderson will on Wednesday report back to Mr Albanese and NT chief minister Natasha Fyles about potential changes to alcohol restrictions, beyond reduced trading hours and sale limits.

Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley said the people of Alice Springs needed more leadership from Mr Albanese.

“If he wants to go to the tennis that’s up to him and there’s no issue with that,” Ms Ley said.

“But the fact he’s seemingly spent three days watching the tennis in Melbourne and just four hours in Alice Springs doesn’t pass the pub test, you don’t get to be a part-time Prime Minister.”

The comments come as Mr Albanese rubbed shoulders with Australian artists at the launch of Labor’s new cultural strategy in Melbourne on Monday, where he called on them to get behind an Indigenous voice to parliament.

The Prime Minister’s office was contacted for comment.

January 30, 2023 7:39 pm

shatterzzz says:
January 30, 2023 at 1:28 pm
My mother had a bunch and 2 dollar notes socked away, which I found after she passed away, and the bank took them without a whisper.

Should have gone with Ebay .. a fair/good condition/new $2 note upwards of $10 each .. same for $1 notes .. in demand .. sell very quickly ……!

My husband tucked $1 and $2 notes and even the old paper $5 notes into the books throughout our book collection. The grandkids think it’s a hoot when they find them.

January 30, 2023 7:41 pm

There it is: crotchless lamely distracting by rabbiting on about urinals and piss-stains and ignoring his festering anti-semitism.

January 30, 2023 7:41 pm

Put a curl of finely sliced cucumber in the mix. Pretty good, especially if it’s in one of those enormous gin balloons. Fancy schmantzy.

January 30, 2023 7:41 pm

Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling?

A growl to go along with the scowl that seems to lurk just beneath the surface.

“Just go home.”


Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:41 pm

Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling?
Albo got elected as the Low T/non threatening male Option.
While he is Low T, the rest is Fake.

Has he now got voice coaches on top of correctional dentists?

No, he’s abandoned the Voice Coaching.
This is The Real Albo.

January 30, 2023 7:43 pm


It’s true, I never believed you won 25K, and I also don’t believe you lost the same amount in the 2020 elections. Call me cynical, but that’s what I believe. At the time, I did ask you to post evidence of the win on Instagram to prove it. You didn’t of course.

It’s also true that the cleaning woman mentioned that very same story to my wife around the time you posted that laughable nonsense about the Chinese military landing at Melbourne Airport in a surprise invasion using commercial flights. Coincidence? It’s about as coincidental as the “15 years vs 2020” bullshit, but okay coincidences do happen.

Anyhow, what does that have to do with the fact that you whined to Sinclair? You whined to Sinclair and then broke the agreement? Incidentally, that deal will never again be offered to you, and every time you post a ridiculous story, it will be commented on.

You pushed and pushed the Brian incident to the nth degree and you continued to push it here at the New Cat, even though it was bullshit that I was forced to prove. That was defamatory.

No respect and never will.

January 30, 2023 7:44 pm

Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling?

Is he actually the Batman?

January 30, 2023 7:45 pm

Oh lord, he’s pubbling now. I blame myself for even asking the question about gin.

January 30, 2023 7:45 pm
January 30, 2023 7:45 pm

Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling?

The moon is waxing, transition complete on the 5th. Will he bite someone, and who will it be?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:46 pm

Hey, Mr Sulu:

Why are you asking me about antisemitism?

Why would you think I offer any expertise on the matter?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Anyhow, what does that have to do with the fact that you whined to Sinclair? You whined to Sinclair and then broke the agreement? Incidentally, that deal will never again be offered to you, and every time you post a ridiculous story, it will be commented on.

Maturity continues unabated.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 30, 2023 7:47 pm


Gold Logie winner Craig McLachlan is fighting Victoria Police to pay for his legal fees after he was acquitted of serious sex offences.

The former Neighbours star successfully fought to clear his name after being hit with 13 charges relating to allegations he indecently assaulted his Rocky Horror Picture Show co-stars while playing the role of Frank-n-Furter in Melbourne in 2014.

In December 2020, after a four-week contested hearing in Melbourne Magistrates Court, which heard evidence from the four complainants, magistrate Belinda Wallington sensationally struck out all 13 charges against McLachlan.

Ms Wallington said the prosecution had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt key elements in the charges, including that McLachlan did not know the women were not consenting and whether the acts were indecent.

She ordered police to pay McLachlan’s legal costs in an amount to be agreed.

It is estimated the legal fees to run such a case, in which he was represented by top criminal lawyer Stuart Littlemore, KC, would exceed $1 million.

It is not known how much of that McLachlan is seeking, or what the police have offered to pay.

But the Australian actor launched Supreme Court action in June last year after police had failed to cough up a cent.

The Herald Sun has been refused access to the civil court documents, with the mediation hearing last year also heard behind closed doors.

But a Supreme Court mention on Monday for the case was held in open court and heard the parties had failed to come to an agreement during mediation.

McLachlan’s lawyer told the court his client was prepared to reconvene the mediation.

“I think it’s always worthwhile to keep talking,” he said.

But Antonella Terranova, for the Chief Commissioner of Police, Shane Patton, said the respondent’s position will not change.

She said she had been instructed that holding further mediation would not resolve the matter.

Costs Registrar Roger Walton said he would be “reluctant to force the respondent to the mediation table” and adjourned the case to be heard by a judicial registrar at a later date.

“I would encourage the parties to keep on speaking to each other,” Mr Walton said.

“But in these circumstances there seems no point in reconvening a formal mediation.”

Victoria Police charged McLachlan in January 2019 with multiple offences including attempted indecent assault, indecent assault and common assault.

He was accused of exposing himself in his dressing room, inappropriately touching a co-star’s genitalia live on stage and giving unwanted and unscripted kisses and hugs.

Referring to an allegation he touched and tickled up the leg of one woman while she was performing, Ms Wallington said it was McLachlan’s “egotistical self entitled sense of humour” that led him to believe “she would either not mind or find it funny”.

McLachlan had always vehemently denied the allegations.

January 30, 2023 7:47 pm

My continuing to comment should not be construed as condoning the rampant antisemitism of crotchless and dickless. Finland contributes to world lunacy by including transwoman in their skating team who spends more time on their fat arse then on their skates:

WATCH: The World’s First National Trans Figure Skater In An Unforgettable Performance

January 30, 2023 7:50 pm

Albanese has been advised to lower his voice to drown out the whine
There’s no doubt

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2023 7:51 pm

“You should really read this Cats.”

We really shouldn’t.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2023 7:51 pm

January 30, 2023 at 7:44 pm
Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling?

Is he actually the Batman?

More like the Ratman.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 7:52 pm


January 30, 2023 at 7:45 pm

Oh lord, he’s pubbling now. I blame myself for even asking the question about gin.

I blame you too.
Poor form and entirely preventable.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 30, 2023 7:55 pm

Top Endersays:
January 30, 2023 at 5:09 pm

ABC Radio National host ­Patricia Karvelas has been “cautioned” over a social media post that included a selfie with the federal Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney, whom she described as a “legend”.

On the night of last year’s federal election on May 21, Karvelas posted a selfie alongside Ms Burney and wrote: “This woman is a legend and looks like she will be the next Indigenous affairs minister #UluruStatement”.

On Sunday, the post ­remained on Karvelas’ Twitter account with more than 300 ­retweets and 5700 likes.

In November, ABC managing director David Anderson was questioned by Liberal senator Sarah Henderson about the ­appropriateness of the post and whether it breached the ABC’s personal use of social media code, which requires that employees “do not damage the ABC’s reputation for impartiality and independence”.

In a recently published response to a question on notice about the matter the ABC said: “We can disclose that Ms Karvelas was cautioned following the social media post in question.”

However, the ABC said due to “privacy considerations” it did not “disclose the detail of confidential staff reviews of investigations”.

Poor thing, she must’ve been quivering in her boots as she sat down for afternoon tea with the MD.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 30, 2023 7:56 pm

This doesn’t really make sense.
What did he mean “blank cheque”?

The “lady” in question was demanding a property settlement many times then she was entitled to under the Family Law Courts own guidelines. Her argument was that she had become accustomed to a certain level of lifestyle during the marriage, and was entitled to be maintained in that lifestyle. Her ex – husband didn’t see things in that light.

January 30, 2023 7:56 pm

I blame you too.
Poor form and entirely preventable.

99% it’s my fault, but you share 1% for mentioning that freaking Bombay Sapphire junk.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 30, 2023 7:59 pm

Okay, Mr Sulu.
Have a nice day in the Family Court.

January 30, 2023 8:00 pm

China is already ‘leaking’ its citizens over into Russia to found towns in the Amur region.
Working on the principle of a hut becomes an outpost becomes a village becomes a Chinese town, any stealth invasion by a Chinese family or business should be treated as the land grab it is.
It’s why I get so damned steamed up about the 4 Chinese weather bases ON AUSTRALIAN SOIL/ICE in the Antarctic. A weather base is a military base.

I am very much against China having any presence on the Australian sector of Antarctica. US or the Kiwis can give them some of their territory if they like them that much.

The second thing about creating a foothold along the Amur, how are they going to establish settlements there when their owns cities are half empty? Of course they can try but it’s not likely to be permanent.

January 30, 2023 8:01 pm

Not at all. Orban outlined three different ways Russia could win, either 1. Defeat and occupy Ukraine, 2. Defeat then install friendly regime, or 3. Occupy the south and/ or east of Ukraine and leave a defeated, terminally weak rump state in the West. 1 and 2 were always long shots, 3 is still achievable and would constitute a ‘win’.

Orban was certainly right that the prospect of NATO troops joining the fray is very much in play, and is probably not talked about enough. If that supremely difficult political consensus is able to be engineered by the US, then it’s all over and the Russians are done.

One big problem with Putin threatening nukes is that if he uses them, the Yanks have a far easier job getting NATO boots in theatre. Hell, a Gulf War style UN coalition would probably be formed, the Japanese would even join in. Putin’s bluster rings hollow, because everyone knows he is bluffing.

If it comes down to NATO troops being decisive as to who wins… well, let us hope it doesn’t come to that, because the pressure on Europe to pull its finger out will be immense and all sorts of mayhem could result.

Bar Beach Swimmer
January 30, 2023 8:02 pm

January 30, 2023 at 7:47 pm

I bet all the male skaters were thankful there was no need for a partner. Reminds me of this…

January 30, 2023 8:03 pm

Another nice one is Sipsmith. A bit sweet so not to everyone’s taste. As mentioned up thread, goes nicely with the Chanel 5.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 30, 2023 8:05 pm

Is it my imagination or is Albo lowering his voice and practically growling?

Is he actually the Batman?


It’s running for a Senate seat too.

She’s probably not as bad as Butt Boy though.

January 30, 2023 8:05 pm

Enough of Gin Lane. Beer Street recommendations from the boys now.

January 30, 2023 8:07 pm

Gin is hip, eh?
I suppose there’s a lot of botanicals to experiment with.

The real reason is right up JC’s street; NPV.
Dig peat. Pile in drying shed for a long time. Get barley, crack it and add secret sauce, pile on floor made of used 20 pound notes. Turn with shovel made of the Ark of the Covenant. Wait, turn, wait. Simmer in the water of an expensive highland stream. Add secret sauces of yeast and allow to seethe while three generations of drusophila mutate in the Congo. Distil. Store in barrels made from the hulls of sunken Napoleonic warships. Wait 18 years. Decant, add more water, bottle, label and sell.
Elapsed time: About 19 years. Net present value at time of distilling: roughly nil.

Contrast with:

Distil alcohol. Add grass or other bits of plants. Put in bottles, slap on a label and sell.
Elapsed Time: about six minutes. Net present value at time of distilling: 80% of sale price.

All those boutique distillers needed cash to stay in business while their first generations of single malts hibernate!

January 30, 2023 8:10 pm

Makka says:
January 30, 2023 at 4:08 pm
It’s the personal vs the nation.
No, what I was doing was ridiculing a foolish comment from someone who has no clue about Russia – “Russians are still bastards” or some such.

In order to sidestep the points I was making:
1. They are still expanding into other countries.
2. They are threatening everyone with nuclear annihilation.
3. Still the same KGB types in charge.
4, They’re still attempting to interfere and influence opinions in the West using the exact same type of naive useful idiots.
It’s a change in name only.
They had a chance to turnabout in the 1990s, but after Western authors began diving into their archives they decided open and honest contemplation of Soviet history was too embarrassing. The curtain on the archives slammed back down. The gulags, the Comintern, the wholesale expulsions of entire races from one region to another. All too embarrassing.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
January 30, 2023 8:11 pm

I read it, custard. Best post of the day. By the way, why are both Jill Biden and Chelsea Clinton
both quoting Q word for word? Ordinary folk think it’s something to do with the football. Ha!

January 30, 2023 8:12 pm

Despite a huge amount of information coming in pretty much daily our expert and political class are still saying boost boost boost.

Not one has been asked to comment about UK dropping boosters for all under 50’s.

That’s because we no longer have a free media, the so-called journalists a nothing more than throne sniffers.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 8:18 pm

The “lady” in question was demanding a property settlement many times then she was entitled to under the Family Law Courts own guidelines. Her argument was that she had become accustomed to a certain level of lifestyle during the marriage, and was entitled to be maintained in that lifestyle. Her ex – husband didn’t see things in that light.

Ambit claims are not unusual.
A good lawyer will take the heat out of it.
But the thing is, even an ambit claim will be specific, albeit unreasonable.
Not really a “blank cheque”.

January 30, 2023 8:18 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
January 30, 2023 at 2:58 pm
“Three or four Catholic primary schools have taken over the Liberal party.”

Gosh, that explains the very liberal NSW abortion laws and the push to legalise euthanasia.

That encompasses all but two MPs, Tanya Davies and another MP I don’t recall at the moment. Davies has paid a heavy price for her objections to the abortion and euthanasia laws by being kicked out of the cabinet. Ironically, I think she is actually Catholic, a real Catholic.

January 30, 2023 8:18 pm

All crotchless has to do is declare how much he admires Israel, a beacon or democracy in an otherwise putrid islamic swamp of misery; but no, he pathetically dissembles and sprays around his admirable sobriquet for me which regrettably I now have to reject. His crotchless underwear are no doubt emblazoned with all sorts of unmentionable images and symbols of antisemitism.

January 30, 2023 8:19 pm

“The moon is waxing, transition complete on the 5th.”

One of those fluffy miniature ornamentals with the bottom row of teeth that go sideways, always trying to shag you leg.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 8:19 pm


It’s hardly Woodstock. Quantity is a perfectly acceptable measure when it comes to alcohol, except perhaps 30 blocks of Emu Export. That should definitely be export only.

There is only one beer better than or equal to XXXX Bitter. And that’s Emu Bitter.*
Anyone who denies this essential truth is just auditioning for Hell.
*And I’ve been told you can’t get Emu Bitter in Queensland even though I’ve tried and tried.
Personally, I reckon they see me coming and hide it.
Then fill the space with Stella Artois.

January 30, 2023 8:21 pm

How is the US any better than the former USSR with people imprisoned without trial for supporting Trump?

January 30, 2023 8:22 pm

According to Australia’s Winston Peters, Chris Kenny, opposition to the voice is “scare mongering”.
Sky is a living example of why diversity is death.
FFS conservatives, be like the liars: no consessions and no dissent.

January 30, 2023 8:24 pm

The US’s no 1 export now is bad ideas- CRT, genderfluidity that has done so much harm here.

January 30, 2023 8:25 pm

All those boutique distillers needed cash to stay in business while their first generations of single malts hibernate!

Ah…I’ve tried Starward & quite enjoyed it.

January 30, 2023 8:26 pm

According to Australia’s Winston Peters, Chris Kenny, opposition to the voice is “scare mongering”.
Sky is a living example of why diversity is death.
FFS conservatives, be like the liars: no consessions and no dissent.

Yeah I couldn’t really be bothered with any legacy meja.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 8:26 pm


January 30, 2023 at 7:56 pm

I blame you too.
Poor form and entirely preventable.

99% it’s my fault, but you share 1% for mentioning that freaking Bombay Sapphire junk.

Ambit claim!
I’ll allow 0.1% maximum!

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
January 30, 2023 8:28 pm

today’s gin

January 30, 2023 8:28 pm

Moscow) – Law enforcement authorities across Russia have dramatically escalated the nationwide persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the past 12 months, Human Rights Watch said today. One year after President Vladimir Putin said that the crackdown against them should be “looked into,” the numbers of house raids and people under criminal investigation have more than doubled, and 32 Jehovah’s Witnesses worshipers are behind bars for peacefully practicing their faith.

At least 313 people are facing charges, are on trial, or have been convicted of criminal “extremism” for engaging in Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activities, or are suspects in such cases. About two-thirds of them found out about their status as suspect or accused in 2019. Authorities have carried out at least 780 house raids since 2017 in more than 70 towns and cities across Russia, more than half of them in 2019. Courts convicted 18 people in 2019, nine of whom received prison sentences ranging from two to six years, for such activities as leading or participating in prayer meetings. Verdicts are expected in several cases later in January.

– Human Rights Watch, 2020.
Detaining people who most of us would view as relatively harmless pests.

January 30, 2023 8:31 pm

Thanks for the hat tip shy Ted.

Everyone should read it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 30, 2023 8:31 pm

Ah…I’ve tried Starward & quite enjoyed it.

Some of what was laughingly called “single malt”, produced by Australian distillers in the early days was fit only for treating blowfly strike in Merino sheep, but “Limeburners” is up there with the best.

January 30, 2023 8:32 pm


Let’s assume:

1. That was the email you sent to Sinc.
2. Let’s also assume, for the sake of argument, that one could legitimately threaten legal action while existing under an alias. 
3. Let’s also ignore those times you denied threatening legal action when I brought up the issue of you whining to Sinc.

How far do you think your tawdry lawsuit would have gone when there was a countersuit filed against you for the countless (and it was countless) times you lied about the Brian incident—in that I dobbed on Brian? Ironically, the accusations of dobbing in Brian were the very similar you did to me with the email to Sinc. Just disgusting.
You so disgust me that I find it repulsive even to talk to you.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

But the thing is, even an ambit claim will be specific, albeit unreasonable.
Not really a “blank cheque”.

All comments on the cat are to be specific to the cent.
Hyperbole, rounding, or any other normal conversational gambit will attract the attention of Sancho of the upticks, who shall be very cross & deflect from the original point into a discussion on how lollies in circa 1970 weren’t “a few cents per bag” but were in fact 0.33333 (recurring) cents per tiny jellied boomerang, of which 60 were in a bag, unless there were some little tar babies, the jellied/jube version of which were 1/2 cent each, thus there would only 40 per bag, blah blah blah.

Message understood. (Compliance may not match directive, for there are some Australians remaining on this blog)

January 30, 2023 8:35 pm

… were the very similar to what you did to me ….

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

You so disgust me that I find it repulsive even to talk to you.

You can imagine how little impact this has.

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2023 8:38 pm

“How is the US any better than the former USSR with people imprisoned without trial for supporting Trump?”

And as reported this morning, government departments/units spying on Covid critics, yes you read that right, UK government units department spied and kept dossiers on critics of lockdowns and vaccine mandates, such as Toby Young and Peter Hitchens.

To be fair, unlike Putin, the US and UK aren’t killing critics yet but you know what, I won’t dismiss that possibility in the future. Anyway, we don’t live in the west of the 1980s with giants such as Reagan and Thatcher. I find little to defend in the west anymore, maybe I’m being too pessimistic but a society that indulges and entertains the idea that men can be women, and that a male who raped two women could and should be put in a female only prison, well…I’m sorry but that society doesn’t deserve to survive.

January 30, 2023 8:38 pm

“Limeburners” is up there with the best.

I’ll bear that in mind.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 8:39 pm


No, I was referring to another who I directed my original comment at , which you picked up. Looks like crossed wires.

OK, fair enough.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

UK government units department spied and kept dossiers on critics of lockdowns and vaccine mandates, such as Toby Young and Peter Hitchens.

That was the moment the entire country should have stood up & said “I oppose lockdowns & vaccine mandates!”

Where’s the barmy army when they’re actually needed?

January 30, 2023 8:41 pm

Moreover, the USCIRF noted, “in Russian??occupied para??states of eastern Ukraine, religious freedom is at the whim of armed militias not beholden to any legal authority.” As war zones, the “People’s Republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk “remain heavily militarized war zones policed by parallel ‘Ministries of State Security.’” Unsurprisingly, “basic human rights, including freedom of religious belief, are under intense pressure in these territories.” Churches must register, but no churches that are non??Orthodox or that belong to the Kiev patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been approved. Members of non??favored denominations “have been subject to arrest, torture, and murder. Churches were seized or destroyed, and parishioners were intimidated.” Whatever Russia’s justification for intervening in Ukraine, the suppression of freedom of conscience cannot be justified.

No surprise, the Soviet Union was one of the great religious persecutors. There is nothing more fearsome to totalitarian dictatorships than being challenged by those claiming loyalty to a transcendent realm that lies well beyond the political one.


Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 8:43 pm

Top Ender:

Anthony Albanese has been slammed for spending more time “relaxing and chugging beers” at the Australian Open than he did on the ground in Alice Springs.

He’s a very good example of a trotskyist who has lived in that bubble all his life and now he’s finally landed the job in the big chair, he doesn’t recognise the need to expand his political horizons.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 8:45 pm


It’s true, I never believed you won 25K, and I also don’t believe you lost the same amount in the 2020 elections. Call me cynical, but that’s what I believe. At the time, I did ask you to post evidence of the win on Instagram to prove it. You didn’t of course.

That’s why I emailed the statement to Sinclair. I don’t have an instagram account.

January 30, 2023 8:46 pm

Post 4891

Dated October 18 2020

I don’t say that Q posts are proof. They are interesting. I’ve always said that.

How do you inform your target(s) [‘business partners’] what you have?
Why would H. Biden have such material on his laptop?
How was the content *originally* received?
Why would H. Biden risk turning over such material to a computer repair shop? [contents unrestricted?]
On purpose [years of being treated poorly by ‘Pop’] or simple negligence?
If such information existed on laptop why wouldn’t contents be claimed?
Several attempts made to contact to claim?
Messages left?
Why wouldn’t H. Biden want to reclaim *knowing* the contents on the drive could bury *Pops* & family.
A troubled life?
A troubled family?
Looks can be deceiving.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 8:46 pm

I was glad to see Novax Djokovic win the Australian Open after last year’s bullshit.
But then I start reading that he won because all the other players have vax-toxin in their veins.
Spare me.
Prior to covid, Novax pretty much only had two serious competitors – Federer and Nadal.
Federer is retired and Nadal went home early this time so, apart from a few flea bites from a couple of up-and-comers, this one ran strictly to form.

January 30, 2023 8:46 pm


Stop lying dickhead , it seems to have a big impact seeing you’re always initiating stoush trolling towards me.

January 30, 2023 8:48 pm

We should be using the examples of the CCP and Putin’s Russia and the old Soviet Union as examples of what not to become and fighting tooth and nail against those who want to draw us closer to their practices.
Not suffering some crisis of conscience because some have succeeded in doing so.
And not hoping for our own demise because “no longer worthy”.
That’s sick.

January 30, 2023 8:48 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Stop lying dickhead , it seems to have a big impact seeing you’re always initiating stoush trolling towards me.

Maturity on display, again.

Robert Sewell
January 30, 2023 8:52 pm


It’s also true that the cleaning woman mentioned that very same story to my wife around the time you posted that laughable nonsense about the Chinese military landing at Melbourne Airport in a surprise invasion using commercial flights. Coincidence? It’s about as coincidental as the “15 years vs 2020” bullshit, but okay coincidences do happen.

I’ll have a hunt for my original scenario about the Chinese Police being able to fly in in civvy gear in response to other posters talking about Dan withdrawing from the Federation and inviting in Chinese peacekeepers. . The one that you’ve warped out of all proportion to reality.

January 30, 2023 8:55 pm

That’s why I emailed the statement to Sinclair. I don’t have an instagram account.

Oh yea, it would take 15 years to start an instagram account. I forgot.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

It is perfectly normal to base one’s human interactions on what their personalcleaning lady told them last night.

January 30, 2023 8:57 pm

I’ll have a hunt for my original scenario about the Chinese Police being able to fly in in civvy gear in response to other posters talking about Dan withdrawing from the Federation and inviting in Chinese peacekeepers. . The one that you’ve warped out of all proportion to reality.

“All proportion to reality”
Lol. Seek help.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

A betting win of $25,000 would be incomprehensible to someone who hasn’t got what it takes to cover a bet.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 8:59 pm

Remain calm, Sal.
It is not about precision.
No doubt you see these types crying in their beer all the time.
Complaining about being “robbed blind” and paying “blank cheques”.
When you ask what that actually means it is usually “she got ‘arf of everyfink” … after thirty years of marriage and popping out four kids.
Firstly, forget the ambit claims at the start. Where did it actually end up?
Secondly, there are people who reckon any concession in a divorce below 100% their way is robbery. That is why I always ask what exactly people mean when they use terms like “robbed blind” and “blank cheque”.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

No doubt you see these types crying in their beer all the time.
Complaining about being “robbed blind” and paying “blank cheques”.

No doubt“?
From where do you get this concept of “No Doubt”?

January 30, 2023 9:01 pm

So far this morning I’ve been approached by six beggars.
Three in ten minutes while I’ve foolishly sat outside for a coffee.
Sticking to my resolution to only donate money via the church.
And the io mangios, I don’t believe.
The €3 entry fee at the Cappuccini was for feeding the hungry and I saw a nun with a clipboard talking to welfarians gathered outside one institution early this morning, and more of them waiting outside a St Giles facility too.

No-one goes hungry.
There was a young woman ‘sleeping’ at the back of the church this morning, then a disturbance during mass and paramedics in the church.
Melbourne CBD is a paradise in comparison, if beggars and homeless are your criteria.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 30, 2023 9:01 pm

I do remember the “sinister unmarked jets landing in the middle of the night with furrin troops” thing.
KD in particular had a lot of sport with that one.

  1. We’ll end up doing that. The only reason we got involved in the racket was because it was rammed down…

  2. At this time, it doesn’t really matter. Simply knowing that he was awesomely on the correct side is enough.

  3. I think people will tire of Executive Orders in a few days. Orange Hitler might want to re-brand them. How…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x