The Surrender of Granada, Francisco Pradilla Ortiz, 1882
The Surrender of Granada, Francisco Pradilla Ortiz, 1882
You still think the Euros are going to build a pop-up armaments factory?
Keep me up to date with the new weapons shipments, Sancho.
Depends on the religion
Raising immunity? You have been exposing yourself to low doses of radiation and fallout by eating servo sausage rolls?
last try
Clinton judge. Figures. I looked him up this morning.
Inmates. Asylum. Running. etc.
Shatterzz you know as well as I that the Elite have mental health problems till they’re back in the trough. Lesser mortals have mental elf problems and are slackers.
National Cabinet, hard at work f’cking Australia and Australians:
Back in the beautiful UKV from sad Taree, High Summer and it’s 11 degrees and raining, bring on the AGW, reminds me of the 70’s cool wet summers, all turned around in the early 80’s culminating in the Ash Wednesday fires. It’ll happen all over again.
Anyway, dunno if anyone else has put this up but PHONS ‘Please Explain’ is out again. Do support it, I don’t drink rum but bought a bottle, there’s one thing all elites hate more than anything, be made the butt of a joke and this is good, get’s both Tennis Albo and useless Dutton.
Who thinks it will stop the Welsh Rugby supporters from singing Delilah. They will probably add the words F. U. Evans (new chairman).
If Please Explain wasn’t so true it’d be funny.
Remember our NSW Attorney General Paul Landa?
It was in the eighties I think, he was very fit, looked after himself because there was a history of heart disease in his family. At 42 he collapsed and died of a heart attack while playing tennis.
Was he even 42? I thought 38.
The bigger surprise was his leaving an Estate valued at $60 million in 1984 Dollars.
Even Askin only left $200 Grand.
Wasn’t Barbry Allen or somesuch banned because English fans kept singing it? (It may have been some other racist/sexist/homophobic/violent song – I’m not up to date with the dark & turgid history of songs I’d believed were innocuous)
The Libs/Nats are 57. The Liars are 77, Greens are 4 and the Centre Alliance and Katter with one apiece. Assuming the Centre Alliance and Katter wouldn’t always support the Liars on the left, it means Liars& greens are 81 plus one “independent” who is basically a leftwing idiot. The Teals morons are 10.
The breakdown is 82 Liars plus Teals = 92
Libs are 57.
Libs need 18 seats. That’s a hard slog in a house with 151 members to avoid the Teal seats. I know you suggested they could win back half.
Dutton is doing great work keeping the Liberals in line over the proposed Referendum to create a Third Chamber of Parliament superseding the present 2.
The only concern is that he may have blotted his copybook while Home Affairs Minister being briefed by the AFP during the Bruce Lehrmann Investigation, making him Electoral Poison.
The Col Elliot song sticks in the mind.
(During power strikes in NSW)
“Wran, hand another grant of land to Landa,
Throw a bit of light on the news”
I forget the remainder of the lyrics, but oh dear they were funny!
Butter. It is only recently that I “discovered” the joy of frying eggs in butter. Oh. My. God.
In a stainless steel frypan no less.
Singing of The Billy Boys by Rangers fans was made a Criminal Offence in Scotland.
I always remember reading about English people having to put a shilling in the meter
back to the future
Ranga , don’t forget to ingest a load of Draino to clean out the old arteries.
‘Fake news’ ABC report claiming an Alice Springs crime meeting was a gathering of ‘white supremacists’ is FINALLY acted on: ‘Rubbish reporting – throw the book at them’
A formal complaint against the ABC’s one-sided report of an Alice Springs crime crisis meeting has been filed with Australia’s media watchdog.
Liberal senator Sarah Henderson, who is a former ABC employee, filed a complaint about two reports the ABC filed about a crime meeting to the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
Daily Mail
also for electricity
Not sure if they have done this yet but it is close, and the Ukrainians are trying to get the hell out before the door closes. There is a lot of activity on the front line, including around Kremennaya towards Lyman, and around Ugledar. Looks like the Russians are trying to stretch the Ukrainians in multiple areas, in order to break the line/s, so they can exploit it and possibly go on the offensive. I think this month may be significant.
Don’t you love it when they turn on their own?
Why was the meeting called?
Aborigines have a Sugar Problem that manifests as Binge Drinking, why not make it a bit harder for them to indulge in the killer brew?
Oh, that’s right.
98% of the Whites in Alice Springs are only there to make a quid off itinerant Aborigines, and nothing should ever put that at risk.
I could think of more appropriate names for the good burghers of Alice Springs, but White Supremacist will do for now.
If closing the rotten stinking despicable ABC down requires too much balls- turn into a subscription channel/s.
The only pans worth using are cast iron and carbon steel, chuck the rest in the bin. Cast iron is great but heavy and expensive, but carbon steel is relatively cheap and lasts forever, as does cast iron. Never use stainless or non stick, there’s just no need for them.
When I was in the ARes one of my fellow platoon commanders worked as a policy advisor for him and said he did NOT die on the tennis court, but rather “on the job” – wink wink nudge nudge say no more.
The PS rumour mill at the time, named two married ladies.
The ABC’s been pretty much out of control all my life- liddle filth on this day tonight attacking the coalition. They got away with a lot then and so they push the boundaries further and further. Where it’s different from 40-50 years ago is it’s no longer needed AT ALL.
Here are the original Billy Boy lyrics courtesy some razor wielding psychopath on YouTube.
Hurrah! Hurrah! We are the Billy Boys;
Hurrah! Hurrah! We make a lot of noise;
We’re up to here, we never fear – we all are Billy’s sons,
We are the Glasgow Billy Boys.
We belong to Glasgow we’re Orange and we’re true
Scotland is our countr-ee our colours white and blue
We’re Protestants and proud of it we’re known near and far
Glasgow Billy Boys they call us.
On the 12th day of July you’ll find us in the walk
With our brother Orangemen, Sandy, Bill and Jock
Billy is our hero, he beat them at the Boyne
Glasgow Billy boys they call us.
We believe in Freedom, we won our right that day
At the Battle of the Boyne – we’re very proud to say.
James he was defeated – Justice had been done
Raise now a glass to King William.
Hoorah, Hoorah, we are the Billy Boys,
Hoorah, Hoorah, we are the Billy Boys,
Up tae yer knees in Finian blood – surrender or ye’ll die.
We are the Brigtoon* Billie Boys.
Anyone here talked about the Chinese spy balloon over the US right now?
If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.
– Winston Churchill
“The Libs/Nats are 57. The Liars are 77, Greens are 4 and the Centre Alliance and Katter with one apiece. Assuming the Centre Alliance and Katter wouldn’t always support the Liars on the left, it means Liars& greens are 81 plus one “independent” who is basically a leftwing idiot. The Teals morons are 10.
The breakdown is 82 Liars plus Teals = 92
Libs are 57.”
Actually, I think the Libs are at 58 seats, which, yes, is dismal. The Teals aren’t 10, they’re 7 seats, Wentworth, Warringah, North Sydney, Mackellar, Goldstein, Kooyong and Curtin. I don’t disagree that the Liberals will probably have to win back the Teal electorates but their long term strategy should be to look elsewhere. The Teal electorates are now fickle. Most of the seats won by Labor last May flip every election cycle or two. Here’s a smidgen of seats that flip in three years or six years, Bennelong, Reid, there are a few more in Victoria and there’s a swag of them in WA that’ll return to the Liberals. The thing is, the Liberals must choose good candidates and that’s a big IF. They should also install candidates months before an election.
Remember how many seats the Coalition won in 2013? And remember what Labor was reduced to in September 2013? A motley rump, they too were in dismal land. Shorten got lucky with the Abbott knifing and the instalment of the False Messiah from Point Piper, perhaps the laziest political campaigner in history and what happened, three years later in July 2016, the election came down to a knife edge, all because one leader, Bill Shorten, actually campaigned well, and another leader, Mr False Messiah, clocked off at 1.00 p.m. every day for lunch in his Point Piper mansion.
I don’t think Albanese is a good campaigner. He got lucky last year because he had the MSM behind him but more importantly, the electorate had had enough of the stupid Liberals and were desperate to get rid of Scumbag.
Anyone here talked about the Chinese spy balloon over the US right now?
Not yet. But Albo appeared on Erin Molan’s Sky show a short while ago & was prepared to state fairly blandly that the government was concerned about China and was shoring up security in our region. More importantly, he paid tribute to the late Jim Molan for making people aware of the threat we were facing.
BTW military forecasters now suggesting that hostilities with China could be underway by 2025. That previously suggested 3-5 year forecast is getting shorter by the day.
The Coalition loss was solely due to the perception that their handling of the Brittany Higgins Affair left a lot to be desired.
Of course, they’ll never admit to that.
No National Party Ministers were involved, they lost no seats.
Liberals lost 20.
Simple, down to earth common sense.
2023.02.02 Answering Scott Adams
On the Cat; Tom at 12.38
Not seen it mentioned anywhere else & had no idea until Tom’s mention.
Please stop rewriting history.
The Coalition was facing a massacre when they swapped Abbott for Turnbull.
10 months later, the white hot rage had subsided enough for Turnbull to squeak home with the loss of 14 seats.
If Abbott had stayed, it woulda been a 40 seat loss.
I could think of more appropriate names for the good burghers of Alice Springs, but White Supremacist will do for now.
You thinking crotchless, is still an ambition. But on the white supremacist BS; is that how you think of Israel too.
Banning the singing of a song especially Delilah will make the Rugby stands rock with it. I can’t wait for the next match at Cardiff Arms Park.
If the pathetic and corrupt US government won’t do anything I’m sure it won’t be long before some enterprising American fixes the problem themselves. Calling all amateur rocketeers!
Why would I think of israel, Mr Sulu?
Richard Vobes interview with William Keyte on Constitutional Law
My reaction to the Chinese Spy Balloon narrative was to initially disbelieve it as a military psy-op stoking support for war.
China has a space programme.
They put a rover on the moon.
They suppoedly conduct cyberwarfare against American hardware satellite-to-satellite.
You expect me to believe they are spying on the USA with… a balloon??
I’ll bet there’s even radar returns and a photo of it and everything.
A balloon.
What colour is the balloon?
Booktopia is still advertising PvO’s ‘How Good is Scott Morrison’ (2021) at full price.
The blurb assures readers Morrison “seems unassailable and sure to win the next election.”
Should’ve dropped into the Cat at the time, Peter.
So has anyone tested the chicken feed for contaminants or contaminant precursors?
That would be one of the first things to check.
Laborspook Ed firing up early.
I remember reading somewhere that the Irish population grew as quickly as England’s, despite no industrial revolution improvement in living standards.
If carbs are so bad, how come Ireland’s population went from around 1 million in 1570 when the potato arrived to 8 million in 1840 when it more or less made an abrupt departure.
Meat of any kind was almost non existent in the Irish diet, maybe, rarely, a pig might be fattened.
the humble potato
Liberals lost 20.
In the same way a man with gangrene loses a leg.
With maybe one or two exceptions, none of them worth mourning
Morrison had handled the “Pandemic” well.
There wasn’t much work around anyway, so he doubled the Dole.
People at risk of reduced hours or of being laid off ,he subsidised their wages.
He ordered the Super Funds to release money on application twice.
What killed him was Brittany Higgins going public and the circus that ensued.
We don’t see breakdown of Votes Cast by Gender anymore, but his handling of Higgins just killed him with women in Liberal Seats.
The Coalition loss was solely due to the perception that their handling of the Brittany Higgins Affair left a lot to be desired.
The coalition lost because Scummo betrayed the base when he signed up to Glasgow AND because he oversaw the premiers take away the rights and freedoms of Australians, spending billions to stop people going to work to earn a living and running a business. None of the politicians and public servants suffered in the way that private enterprise and small business did and in many circumstances still do, so it continued.
Scummo ensured that we would be divided and separated and now the taxpayer has to pay for this gargantuan disaster while he and the premiers suffer not.
He is a f*cking ares*ole.
And that’s why coalition lost the election.
I’m absolutely certain a company supplying chicken feed would deliberately alter its formula to destroy it’s own market.
Makes perfect sense.
There was a shortage of eggs in Australia last winter.
Could it have been a trial run?
Sounds legit.
here is a list of the different chicken feed products manufactured by Tractor Supply
Labor signed up to Glasgow too, yet they only lost 1 seat.
The Labor Premiers have the right to run internal affairs any way they want, and the Labor States were the most draconian, yet they lost only 1 seat and gained 10.
Higgins is what killed Scotty, nothing else.
You expect me to believe they are spying on the USA with… a balloon??
I’ll bet there’s even radar returns and a photo of it and everything.
A balloon.
Yep – photo on TV news – white balloon with some sort of structure underneath.
Carpe Jugulum:
If it needs fish sauce, why not just add a tin of tuna?
Correct BBS- not a wimmin problem but they seem to have a problem with the expectations of their former supporters.
Yeah, Dave Sharma was a poor Candidate in Wentworth and voters in Kooyong couldn’t stand Josh Frydenberg.
But the other 18 went down due to women’s wrath over what happened to Brittany Higgins.
They put a rover on the moon.
Not only that but it was landed on farside and is still operating.
I wonder if the balloon is a Chinese or other weather balloon or a superpressure balloon experiment by somebody. Just saw a snippet on the TV news. Balloon appears near spherical. Superpressure sphere.
Poul Anderson wrote an SF novel around that, ” Orion Shall Rise”.
Russell Brand
THIS GOES DEEPER THAN YOU KNOW | Whitney Webb Exposes Untold Secrets
Brittany Higgins’ grandfather was on HMAS Sydney.
Coincidence? YOU decide!
Why would I think of israel, Mr Sulu?
You don’t think crotchless; that’s the point: antisemites, wokists and groin chafe and crab sufferers don’t think.
From Indolent’s link at 1.46pm:
Zelensky has dictated that every male between the ages of 20 thru 55 years of age is to be conscripted, regardless of family status, profession, physical or mental health, or any other consideration. Lists are to be prepared by every employer, organization, or institution
A Schindler’s list in reverse.
And what has Jeffrey Epstein to do with it?
This is nuts.
“In one instance, debt agents were seen using a locksmith, during below-freezing temperatures, to break into the home of a single father with three children in order to install a prepayment energy meter, meaning that if the family failed to top up their payments, their heating would be shut off.”
I think it’s about time we realised the administrative structure of the West has been captured by the Bankers and Industrialists and needs to be brought to heel.
Violently, if that’s what it takes.
And yes, I’m serious.
antisemites, wokists and groin chafe and crab sufferers don’t think.
Which one are you?
And, by the way, how was your week in the Family Court?
Head Case and A Suitable Case for Treatment. No wonder you don’t get many accolades as you write such utter tripe so often. Do us all a favour and go and play in the traffic there’s a good it/whatever/whoever.
Look out, he’s calling for people to be taken out and shot in the head.
I believe Western countries have actively emboldened China in regards to its continued aggression towards Taiwan. Instead of standing strong with Taiwan and never wavering in our support, the West, including Australia, has, for the last few decades, bowed to China’s requests to delegitimise Taiwan, all for dollars and products. Year by year, bit by bit, governments, corporations, businesses have constantly prostrated themselves before China and acceded to the Chinese government demands that Taiwan be isolated diplomatically.
Almost all of our products are now made in China, be it white goods, furniture, clothes, pharmaceuticals, we’re so dependent on China it’s not funny. Nothing has changed since Covid, if anything it’s gotten worse. Now I know none of this is news to anyone here but what I’m trying to say is that if China launches an invasion of Taiwan, the West must also shoulder blame for the looming quagmire.
Which one are you?
Crotchless degenerates to the Pee Wee Herman defence to his antisemitism.
“With maybe one or two exceptions, none of them worth mourning”
Labor signed up to Glasgow too, yet they only lost 1 seat.
Liars supporters support climate change policies, like the greens.
The Labor Premiers have the right to run internal affairs any way they want, and the Labor States were the most draconian, yet they lost only 1 seat and gained 10.
People knew that the Labor premiers would not have got away with what they did unless Scummo supported it and allowed it to happen by way of the vax certs and the largess from the federal taxpayer.
In fact, at one point he said he thought Andrews was doing a good job! Unlike greens and to some extent, Labor voters, right of centre electors don’t like the destruction of free enterprise, tearing up freedoms, closing internal borders and stopping free movement anywhere in the country. You know, the sort of thing that a free society considers important.
When he was trying to justify his (secret) taking over multiple ministries he admitted that the first one – the health ministry – allowed for the health minister to become all powerful and be able to direct anyone – premier included – to do whatever the minister said because of initiating the national emergency. On that alone it doesn’t look like there wasn’t any power to stop the dictators in the states.
Unlike you, conservative and libertarians couldn’t let that pass.
Tucker: This is a problem
About the recycling of the ecocrucifixes.
There’s pictures of those damn things in their tens of thousands dotting the horizon, semi intact. Surely they can be disassembled for the magnets and copper at least?
Of course it’s obviously not economic, but why not?
Project Veritas
Almost 2,000,000 views!
Western firms have been pulling out, Cassie, not least because their expat staff don’t want to live there anymore. I can’t help but think that Xi’s about turn on covid was a desperate attempt to curb that trend. But too late. I recently bought some knock together book cases from an Australian retailer that used to outsource to China. They were made in Malaysia.
Come on Rosie – it was fairly obvious I was just taking the piss.
I’ve never seen/met the bloke. I wouldn’t know him from a bar of soap.
Pfizer Director of mRNA Research Raises Fertility Worries Over COVID-19 Vaccine
“Bar Beach Swimmersays:
February 3, 2023 at 7:21 pm”
I would like to give your comment 100 upticks!
Just pitiful…
Real Mark Latham Retweeted
Gammy Gimbal
Replying to
and 9 others
Did NSW Liberal & National Party politicians, or their party members Vote Yes to support the Voice?
The NSW Voters were again completely fooking ignored! SOP for Liberals!
Perrottet brave to support the Voice, but not attend a funeral
Leading to the legendary headline in the Sunday Telegraph: “PAUL LANDA DROPS DEAD”.
Subtle, it wasn’t.
The Sunbather has always maintained Paul Landa died of fright
The major problem is that it no longer responds to market signals which would temper some of its more blatant abuses of its charter.
The only way around the problem is selling it.
By what mechanism I couldn’t tell. But the Liberals won’t touch it and so it just reinforces my contention that the Liberal Party is just a blocking force determined to stop any meaningful conservative voice into the political arena.
1984 iirc
When my parents bought a terrace house in Erskineville in the early 70s it still had a coin meter in the front bedroom. We had to have a handful of 10 cent coins at all times or the dinner doesn’t continue cooking until someone pops to the corner shop to get some change. It was even worse if you were in the shower and home alone when the gas ran out.
My parents finally got fed up and asked me to pop over to the AGL in town and tell them that if they don’t install a proper meter we will convert all appliances to electricity. They were over the following week, installed a meter in the front veranda and removed the coin machine. Those sort of threats used to work when people had choices.
Good indicator of what rub and tug’s voice will be like can be gleaned from victoristan’s voice which has been going since 2019 under the moniker First Peoples’ Assembly. Initial demands by the white/black grifters include:
Having a number of seats in the Victorian Parliament that only members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community vote for.
Establishing a permanent representative body with meaningful decision-making powers – a black Parliament with oversight over the whitey parliament
A treaty and reparations.
First Peoples oversight of the Victorian Government and public service for the benefit of First Peoples.
About the recycling of the ecocrucifixes.
There’s pictures of those damn things in their tens of thousands dotting the horizon, semi intact. Surely they can be disassembled for the magnets and copper at least?
Of course it’s obviously not economic, but why not?
Round up blacks from democrat run cities in the US. Tell them the damn things are made of valuable metals. They’ll be stripped in no time.
“Perrottet brave to support the Voice, but not attend a funeral”
This is why I vote for Latham.
When my parents bought a terrace house in Erskineville in the early 70s
I bet they picked it up for a song too
Good analysis BBS, I’m with Cassie on that. Here have another 100 upticks. How does a Lady on a realitivly small blog succinctly describe what happened when everything from the MSM is a load of old cobblers. They’re taking their money under false pretences.
Cassie, you forgot the original Teal, Cathy McGowan. The utterly useless Sophie Mirabella turned a rock solid seat over to McGowan a supposed independent. McGowan dressed herself as an independents while voting left at every turn. When she retired she nominated Helen Haines, a waste of space with not much between her ears, but with good advisors and cunning. Helen is the template for the Teals even though her colour is Orange. Last election she romped home, this in a rural seat that has always been CP or Libs.
Just goes to show how a lousy local member can flip a seat.
Where does this stand compared to, say, “Burn in hell Pell“?
The silly bugger had been getting classic chest pains for hours and insisted on playing through it. He should have had his arse kicked for stupidity. That was a damned waste of a life.
I had a pommie mate years ago that was a gas inspector. The gas guy goes to houses to collect the money from the meter. House is warm, no money in meter, calls my mate, he goes roundand checks. Under the house the pipes have been cut and bicycle tubes are put over the pipes ti bypass the meter. Happened often.
Colonel Crispin Berka:
Oi’ve been rumbled!
Its ok, Rick Stein doesn’t know you either Robert even though you both have the same initials.
Aha! Colonel Crispy may be an agent of Big Egg.
Attempted deflection from egg to cow. [check]
Pins the initialising of the operation onto another. [check]
Normalises a minimum usage of eggs. [check]
Implants subliminal message of egg = breakfast = multiple eggs. [check]
Your cover is blown dude.
Huber didn’t have a Constitutional right to try to murder someone. Case dismissed Huber, and piss off you walrus, and buy a shirt with a collar that can be done up. And a tie.
I think I got my Media Watchdog reminder wrong by a day. Today is definitely Friday. Richard Dennnnisssssss and Teh Ponds Institute get a gong. Woof woof.
Egg spooks! That’s all we need.
Are the States able to enter into a valid treaty with their citizens?
Sipping on a Wild Turkey strong blend. Magnificent.
Rick Stein was mentioned upthread. He is brilliant and as was noted, his trip down the French canals to Marseille is must watch.
As well as a chef, he takes the time to absorb the local customs and traditions and gives a history lesson of the area or city.
I find his weekend trip to Bologna fascinating.
Are the States able to enter into a valid treaty with their citizens?
Victoriastan have already entered in one? Could be wrong of course
Damn you lot!
Corned beef and cabbage.
I think I’ve a few kilos of corn beef in the freezer…
OK. Into the sink and defrost overnight. IGA tomorrow for a couple of cabbages and 5 kilo of spuds.
Looks like Saturday will be a cooking day.
They paid $16,000 for it and sold it for $24,000 six years later. With that money they bought a federation house in Tempe and sold it for $48,000 seven years later. They moved west then and settled near us.
Scotty turning up in Parliament with a lump of coal one day and signing up to Glasgow’s net zero targets the next day of course had nothing to do with his demise.
Paying for the states to ruin peoples lives and livelihoods in the name of a pandemic response had absolutely nothing to do with the LNP loss.
Creating an unaccountable “National” “Cabinet” of course didn’t cause rusted on LNP voters to look for an alternative.
There may be just a few more reasons that Scotty lost……….
Thank you Cassie and GR!
GR, they see only what the want to see.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
? Upton Sinclair
By the way Miltonf, my parents were gobsmacked when I told them twenty years ago that their old terrace in Erskineville was sold again for half a million.
That it is. Goes down very easily, BB.
But at 101/50.5%, deserving of respect.
I speak from hard earned experience.
The Hun:
‘A former Melbourne nurse who was jailed for helping foreign fighters in Syria is back behind bars after he looked up violent porn and weapons videos after his release.
‘Adam Brookman, 46, was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment’
‘Brookman visited Syria in 2014 where he used his medical knowledge to help Chechen rebels who were in conflict with the Syrian government.’
Six years he got for that. Dumb as dogshit – expecting to go to somewhere like that, at that time, and cam back expecting to carry on as normal.
Evidently he remained a fan of violent porn and execution clips. Charming.
‘deserving of respect’
Not for the novice.
Don’t forget the butter.
Definitely not…they’d probably adulterate it with Coke for starters.
You’re right about the rise of Cathy McGowan, sfw. Sophie Mirabella had a freakish ability to alienate people who should have been her natural supporters. She wasted the double-figures electoral majority she inhabited by getting up people’s noses.
Joe McGirr, the independent who won Wagga after Daryl Maguire’s disgrace, is different from McGowan and Haines and has been struck off the list of ABC-approved ‘community’ ‘independents’. Why? The ABC has discovered that he is – shock/horror – a Catholic and – shock/horror, even worse – disapproves of abortion. That, for the wokerati, is a capital crime.
“Perrottet brave to support the Voice, but not attend a funeral”
(I’ll add a /sarc to Latham’s tweet, so it’s not missed).
Not brave; gutless.
Just as I suspected. It’s Rover from The Prisoner.
I thought there was a “First Peoples Assembly” voted in, with the task of negotiating a treaty? Sorry, I just see a treaty as an exercise in reverse racism. You have an Aboriginal great great grandmother? Here’s your reparations cheque.
Indolent says:
February 3, 2023 at 1:46 pm
This is Zelensky asking for a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.
Jack Posobiec
This is one of those celebrity voice things right
and not unrelated
Bakhmut has been encircled trapping nearly 25,000 Ukros and supplies cut off
Feb 3 – Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
The government of the Trans-Baikal Region of Russia will use the regional budget to finance and reward serviceman for the capture or elimination of the new NATO tanks during the SMO, the cap is set at USD 43,000 for an operating Leopard tank. The RF expects that at these prices the Ukrainians will personally deliver the tanks together with its NATO operator, the offer is open to Ukrainians. 17,200
Ukrainian troops are now deployed on the border with the Republic of Belarus. France and the republic of Australia agreed on joint production of shells for use in the Ukraine.
By Cossack Colonel YURI KOMONYISKI – The Colonel has just returned to active service, convalescing from wounds. He has lost many from his detachment.Translated Feb2
The main thing is not to put all your eggs in the one basket.
You’ll never catch meeee! Time to make my eggscape!
(Tilts vase and secret wall opens up.)
(Peddles a giant egg-on-wheels down the street as fast as he can)
Good colourisation.
I’m glad to see some of these old films being resurrected – a pity we can’t do the same with the men in them.
A pleasing return to form with a comment rejected at Teh Paywallian. I thought I was turning into an old softy.
re the Artillery film
Once I noticed there were roof tiles that would suddenly appear out of nowhere and hang in mid air for a half second before falling down, I realised this was CG-enhanced and so the entire film has to be questioned and it loses a lot of its historical value.
They shouldn’t tamper with old film like that.
A pleasing return to form with a comment rejected at Teh Paywallian. I thought I was turning into an old softy.
Please reproduce here!
OK, there was one thing about those early series which used to piss me off. He would constantly bag all things British … “This French food is just great. We wouldn’t get that back ‘ome. It would be all mooshy peas, soggy chips, overcooked vegetables.”
Why not just praise the local French food and shut up.
Quite strange for someone who owned a restaurant in the UK.
Fast forward twenty years and he is pumping up Brit food.
Richard Cranium
The only concern is that he may have blotted his copybook while Home Affairs Minister being briefed by the AFP during the Bruce Lehrmann Investigation, making him Electoral Poison.
Still shilling for Labor?
Last time I looked I think I was batting 2 to 1 rejections.
The Japanese during WW2 sent balloons over the US with anthrax payloads.
It’s about time the US military and especially General Milley were sacked and sent for trial for treason. The Obama presidency is casting an ominous shadow over the US.
.Mr Sulu thunders:
Initial demands by the white/black grifters include:
Having a number of seats in the Victorian Parliament that only members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community vote for.
Establishing a permanent representative body with meaningful decision-making powers – a black Parliament with oversight over the whitey parliament
A treaty and reparations.
First Peoples oversight of the Victorian Government and public service for the benefit of First Peoples.
Yeah, nah.
Andrews hasn’t done any of that shit and he won’t.
If the Referendum gets up, The federal Parliament won’t have any choice at all.
Indolent’s vid – Russell Brand – all about Geoffrey Epstein and his mates, Clinton and Gates et al. 14 minutes, worth watching.
As is the second part of Project Veritas’ sting on the Pfizer bastard – “There’s something irregular about their menstrual cycles. So people will have to investigate that down the line.”
Ed Casesays:
February 3, 2023 at 6:35 pm
The Coalition loss was solely due to the perception that their handling of the Brittany Higgins Affair left a lot to be desired.
Of course, they’ll never admit to that.
Is what you are smoking legal?
Ed Casesays:
February 3, 2023 at 6:40 pm
Please stop rewriting history.
The Coalition was facing a massacre when they swapped Abbott for Turnbull.
10 months later, the white hot rage had subsided enough for Turnbull to squeak home with the loss of 14 seats.
If Abbott had stayed, it woulda been a 40 seat loss.
Having now seen this, definitely not.
Robert Sewell says:
February 3, 2023 at 7:25 pm
About the recycling of the ecocrucifixes. There’s pictures of those damn things in their tens of thousands dotting the horizon, semi intact. Surely they can be disassembled for the magnets and copper at least? Of course it’s obviously not economic, but why not?
There’s no doubt the total sum of the components would have significant value and would be viable for recycling in one form or another. But…..the cost to do so is a major obstacle. There are a few recyclers that are making progress in this area but it appears the return on investment is miniscule (if it even exists).
Most need a degree of government (taxpayer) cash or the projects struggle to be commercially viable or, are skating on ice soooo thin that the slightest misstep will put them out of business. In fact, if you want to dispose of your solar panels to a recycler, you often have to pay them to take the panel.
Yet, the problem expands. By 2035 it is estimated that 5.5 million panels will have been discarded (just in Australia!) and that number will accelerate thereafter. Add to that EV batteries and assorted other ‘Green’ waste and recycling is going to become a gigantic issue.
There is a company called Neometals (ASX:NMT) that appear to be making some headway in recycling these items but it is a very long term investment* with uncertain returns.
(* Not investment advice).
Ed Casesays:
February 3, 2023 at 7:05 pm
Labor signed up to Glasgow too, yet they only lost 1 seat.
The Labor Premiers have the right to run internal affairs any way they want, and the Labor States were the most draconian, yet they lost only 1 seat and gained 10.
Higgins is what killed Scotty, nothing else.
At the time, you were telling us that Scummo was “playing Albo like a Stradivarius”. He must be a really bad player.
Yeah, nah.
Andrews hasn’t done any of that shit and he won’t.
You sure?
Be silent.
Thomas Sowell Quotes
Liberty Quote?
Well, we know that the AFP was briefing Dutton on the Lehrmann Investigation.
And we know that the AFP were very reluctant to prosecute.
We also know that The AFP is the major part of Home Affairs, Dutton’s responsibility at the time.
We also know that Senator Reynolds is so hostile towards Higgins that she was warned not to attend the recent Higgins/Government Mediation.
So, why did the Albanese Government settle so quickly with Higgins?
When normal practice is to drag it out until the Litigant gives up or dies?
Because the Sofronoff Inquiry into Criminal Justice Agencies roles in the disaster couldn’t start while litigation was still pending.
Maybe Dutton is in the clear anyway.
But, if he isn’t, then Albanese might as well go to the Polls this year and drag down another 20 Liberal Seats, courtesy of angry women voters.
Apparently the lunch special here is coffee granita.
That array under the balloon looks like some kind of radar set.
As I mentioned above, the Japanese sent balloons across the Pacific to light fires and drop anthrax spores/plague infected fleas on the US.
So any refusal to to remove this object by the military without knowing what it is doing in US airspace is tantamount to treason in my book.
Scotty wore the blame [in female voters minds] for what happened to Higgins.
Whether he was making those poor decisions or someone further up the totem pole was pulling his strings, who knows?
He hasn’t resigned from Parliament, so if it was Dutton’s Disaster, then Scotty might be able to make a Menzian comeback, particularly now he hasn’t got the albatross of Josh Frydenberg hanging round his neck.
Yeah, nah.
The thing is crotchless, being an antisemite means you have no authority in anything you dribble. It’s really sad because I really felt special when you called me Mr Sulu. Now it’s like dogshit. That’s what antisemitism does: dogshit.
Making the call:
The Lehrmann Prosecution is going to do to the Federal Liberal Party what the Lindy Chamberlain scandal did to the Country/Liberal Party in the Northern Territory.
Which was, to destroy the credibility of all it’s Parliamentary leaders of the time and make it unelectable.
Not you Robert.
Antisemitism makes you Dogshit?
Well, okay, pal, but, y’know, I’m not responsible for your feelings.
You do understand that, right?
February 3, 2023 at 9:25 pm
I accidentally upticked your comment.
Please disregard that uptick.
China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said Beijing is currently attempting to verify the reports of the surveillance balloon, adding that “until the facts are clear, making conjectures and hyping up the issue will not help to properly resolve it”.
“China is a responsible country and always abides strictly by international law. We have no intention of violating the territory or airspace of any sovereign country,” she said.
After watching tonight’s Sky News lineup all I can say is that Rita Panahi is light years ahead of their guys. James Morrow and Jack Houghton are rather pedestrian and boring, verging on leftism. Whoever gave them their programs is a poor judge of the zeitgeist.
This prompted me to scan through any comments I’ve had rejected.
Had three in the past year – for no fathomable reason.
Also found the comment that got me a life ban from the New York Times. (though strictly speaking, I had two suspensions, then got banned)
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
February 3, 2023 at 7:50 pm
Mr Ed:
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
Note that I said no such thing, Sal. Those are Mr Eds words. A fabrication but along the lines of the lies that get told here then continually repeated as fact. Which is why I record them.
This is Obama’s administration in all name, all of his personnel are in running the show. Biden is a glove puppet being manipulated by Obama’s people.
Cops in America shoot dead a Double Amputee who was
running away on his Stumps!
Humphrey B Bear:
Didn’t we have an egg marketing board? Are we going to get one?
All eggs are to be individually stamped and numbered.
All eggs will be accounted for in the Great Big Egg Book.
Oh boy, can I relate.
Had a cold call from a big-city based HR/recruiting dolly-bird today, to do a reference check on a past employee.
She was triggered by me asking for which employee was she seeking a reference (not a reasonable question apparently)
She defaulted straight to haughty/offended/condescending.
She terminated the call using well-rehearsed trigger-words to make it seem I was somehow at fault.
…. without obtaining the employment reference she sought – coz her feelings are more important than getting the job done.
So yep, she wasn’t faking it, she was a genuine HR/recruiting ponytail.
I think it would fail on the grounds of the citizens are citizens of Australia, not Victoria.
Huh? You expect the left-adjacent Cats to … use actual quotes, when a verballing will do?
I reckon that, with two dimmies (one steamed and one fried), would be a perfect hangover cure.
This got me thinking.
I graduated from medical school (UQ) in 1983.
In Australia and in the UK, we used a definition of brain stem death by 1981 at least.
We were taught in med school that the USA did not use this definition in 1982-83.
This article in the BMJ – The ABC of brain stem death, was required reading.
My memory is there were five of these in a series, but it is a while ago.
Renal transplants were being performed in the early 80s always on DCD (donated after circulatory death – they were called cadaver transplants then.) Life support was withdrawn and organ removal was not permitted until 5 mins post confirmed circulatory arrest. Immunosuppression was required and revolutionised by cyclosporin in the early to mid 80’s.
Other solid organ transplants didn’t start until later. Dr Russell Strong performed the first liver transplant in Australia at Princess Alexandra hospital in 1985 when I was in my second year of residency there.
Donors had to be aged less than 40 way back then. The main change in transplantation has been increase in the donor age. It seems they will take your spare parts up until at least age 65 now.
Summary of organ donation practice from 2012 from the UK.
Summary of Aust experience with DCD donors in heart transplantation from 2022.
I like to think that from prior to 1980 until at least 1995, medical ethics was still alive in the medical profession, so I don’t think brain stem death was introduced to meet a need for organ donation. The churches were actually involved in this process. It has all gone downhill this century. The introduction of euthanasia, let’s call it MAD (medically assisted dying), because it clearly is madness, as a source of organ donors is indefensible and a terrible evil.
Err, wut?
How do they do a reference check without telling you which employee you are reference checking?
They are, at least all the ones sold in supermarkets and fruit shops. I expect the eggs you buy from farm gate may not.
” James Morrow and Jack Houghton are rather pedestrian and boring,”
Disagree Crossie on both accounts. Plus I think Jack Houghton is an extremely good presenter for the media show. He’s very fair and very balanced.
Oh and Morrow was at Pell’s funeral yesterday.
Yeah right. How dare he try to defend the country he’s the President of?
I believe this age limit has been pushed even further. My husband was 69 when he died and I was asked to donate his corneas.
Have seen Messina’s main attraction, the cathedral clock tower at midday.
The lion roars, the rooster crows and they play Ave Maria.
Totally worth coming here.
The view across the straits of Messina to Calabria are also spectacular.
Cassie, I’m glad you enjoy Morrow and Houghton and that Sky are getting some viewers for them. Maybe I need a glass of wine to get in the right mood.
“Cassie, I’m glad you enjoy Morrow and Houghton and that Sky are getting some viewers for them. Maybe I need a glass of wine to get in the right mood.”
Sky isn’t perfect but what is? Imagine having to be dependent on their ABC? There are lightweights on Sky, I find Paul Murray to be unbearable at times, but at the end of the day we’re lucky to have Sky. It’s a service I’m willing to pay good money for. Oh and I’m looking forward to the relaunch of ADH-TV.
Yeah right. How dare he try to defend the country he’s the President of?
If they’re conscripting to defend the homeland, clearly many aren’t that enthusiastic about the idea of dying for Zelensky.
900,000 Russians left Russia after the invasion started.
Looks like most people don’t want to die for someone else.
Deadpool on Mate.
I had forgotten how outstanding it is.
“The Obama presidency is casting an ominous shadow over the US.”
Obama has been casting an ominous shadow over the US since January 2009. Even during the Trump years, he and his grotesque wife were destabilising the US.
I regard both Obamas as evil.
She was triggered by that question too.
All she gave was a shortform first name. “Sophy”
No full form of the name – eg, Sophia, Persephone, etc.
No surname. “Confidentiality prevents me from revealing those details”
No year of employment. (Ponytail did not even understand this question)
No length of employment. (as above, puzzled as to why I’d want to know)
No job description. (eg, butcher, baker, candlestick maker) “Confidentiality prevents me from revealing those details”
& so on “Confidentiality prevents me from revealing those details”
Yep, she wasn’t faking it, she was a genuine HR/recruiting ponytail.
I asked her if she was a “HR graduate” – this question seemed to trigger her properly. She went full Louise Milligan on me after that.
An Olympic standard buffoon.
White Burgundy, Crossie?
I still don’t get it.
This is nonsensical.
Someone rings up for a reference check but doesn’t give you the name of the employee they are reference checking?
“An Olympic standard buffoon.”
A fair-weather buffoon on everything.
Bwah ha ha ha.
A weather buffoon!
“She was triggered by me asking for which employee was she seeking a reference”
Surely she would have opened the conversation by saying “Hello, I contacting you to do a reference check on Sophie Shnaps”?
Ah, right.
Penny drops.
I think you meant “prospective employer“, not “employee”?
The world thought Obama was just a dumbarse with a large ego & not much clue.
We’re now seeing he’s evil, so evil he rates on the Lenin, Mao, Castro, Kim scale.
Musical interlude
“Confidentiality prevents me from revealing those details”
How about I give you feedback on the establishments pet cat and we call it done?!
I guess the question is, “Did the person deserve a good reference?”
A weather buffoon!
Nice! Top shelf Cationary!
Exactly Cassie.
Most ref checks go as thus:
“Hello, I’m so&so from X, calling for a reference check on Jane Smith”
If that’s not enough, more details are freely forthcoming, eg, she says she was employed for 4 months in 2018, as a typist.
Never before have encountered one who will not provide anything more than a nickname.
Looked the ponytail up, there is someone of her name at the firm she claimed to be from.
She was air-headed enough to be a genuine recruiter/HR. No way that degree of simultaneous vacuousness & Milliganism could be faked.
That question can be answered only if we know who the person is.
I agree, Paul Murray can grate on occasion or even often. I rely on his guests to make the program watchable.
And yes, we are lucky to have Sky, I shudder to think what a TV wasteland it would be without it.
Also looking forward to the ADH-TV relaunch. Wonder if Alan Jones will be back.
Thanks Wally, I will look for it next time I’m in Dan Murphy’s.
He (Scumo) is a f*cking ares*ole.
And that’s why coalition lost the election.
Quite so.
I should also add that we are lucky to have this forum and C.L.’s very good blog to vent, thanks to Dover.
Suppose negotiation is out of the question when the grift becomes industrial scale
Here’s BBS’s paragraph that came before the above.
Worthy of repeating:
A bit cross, I fished around to find a 10 euro note (only had a ten and a five on me, still have the five) to pay for my coffee granita (half whipped cream, not recommended) and a cannoli. Was €6 and she asked me for a euro, thought she was making it easy to make change but no, pretending I had only given her a five. Gave me back the one, oddly, I know I gave her a ten, it was pink. Ripped me off four euros, fine but I won’t go back will I?
Used to be a guy on Swanston St who used to pull a similar trick in the 80s, short change you a dollar if you gave him $5.
House Speaker Responds to China Over Taiwan Visit | China In Focus
00:45 House Speaker Responds to China Over Taiwan Visit
02:10 Taiwan House Speaker Calls China’s Opposition ‘Standard Operating Procedure’
02:50 Bill Aims to Protect U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Would Ban Sale of Oil Reserves to China
04:39 DOD Asked to Probe Private Schools for China Ownership
06:33 U.S. Senator Asks Apple, Google for TikTok Ban
07:19 Canadian Lawmakers Back Resettlement for Uyghurs
08:25 U.S. Secures Deal on Philippine Bases to Counter CCP
10:28 NATO Chief Warns of Chinese Military Build-Up
12:22 Australia, UK Ministers Hold Bilateral Talks
13:55 Former Shanghai Bookseller’s Wife Hit With ‘Exit Ban’
15:43 China, U.S. Tracking New Omicron Strain ‘Orthrus’
Yep I know that trick, Rosie. Showie short-changed my firstborn, brazenly… she knew exactly how much she’d handed over, we were cash budget… thought about squaring up to him, but then I thought, it’s a lesson that people will try it on. Now in the habt of, when a vendor says something like “that’ll be twelve fifty please”, saying out loud, “here’s a twenty”, with eye contact. After all, it’s polite, otherwise you’re treating a vendor like a paypass machine you don’t have to look at or talk to, right?
Crossie, that White Burgundy is not around no more, though it was the WA benchmark for good affordable wine- and collectable for cellar age, when everything else was ding metho or fungus-soaked Margaret River slime. I used to supply for it, back last century. Now called “white classic” because the Frogs demanded the word Burgundy back, and we capitulated for some unknown reason.
But just so we understand each other…
Houghton White Burgundy
Houghton, geddit?
The only way I hit those numbers is including Prof van Wrongselen. That’s an instant red card lest it catches on.
Senator Canavan on The Voice:
Alice Springs already has two Aboriginal MPs. They have both warned about the impact of removing alcohol restrictions. They have both been ignored.
Lol. It has to be the Driller spinning this crap. I swear I guessed who it was. Am I right?
He’s such a filthy thing.
Maturity on display, again.
Makes stuff up, gets challenged and then gets indignant. Such a filthy, disgusting strand of DNA.
This is reminiscent of the GST incident. It’s totally made up. He’s gone to a pub with a few beer bellies on legs who hang on every word, peddled a similar story to them and they believed it. Thinks the same will occur with folks here. Just low IQ crapola.