Open Thread – Weekend 18 Feb 2023

The White Horse, John Constable, 1819

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February 19, 2023 9:11 am

He reckons the US and Pakistan staged the bin Laden raid, and his Pakistani sources can confirm this!

Wasn’t it obvious? That’s if it was bin Laden and not some Pakistani the Paki government wanted offed who happened to look like bin Laden. The obscene haste to ditch the body at sea was suspicious. Win for Paki government and a win for Obama who could look like a tough guy. Most of the team were killed during an operation in Afghanistan not long after when the Taliban set up an ambush. Also suspicious.

February 19, 2023 9:14 am

Does anyone in the Biden Family look after America’s Interests?

Hunter Linked to Russian Oligarch Who Was Involved in Former FBI Indictment

Hunter Biden is connected to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is involved in former FBI official Charles McGonigal’s recent indictment for violating U.S. sanctions by agreeing to provide services to Deripaska.

The connection is notable because it is the second link between Hunter and the allegedly dirty FBI New York spy chief McGonigal.

Emails found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop show Hunter tried to sell information about Deripaska to a U.S. aluminum firm, Alcoa, which had just signed a two-year metal supply agreement with Rusal, a Russian entity. In 2000, Deripaska founded Rusal.

In 2011, Hunter offered to “provide Alcoa with statistical analysis of political and corporate risks, elite networks associated with Oleg Deripaska (OD), Russian CEO of Basic Element company and United company RUSAL.” Hunter’s emails show.

The information included a “list of elites of similar rank in Russia, map of OD’s [Deripaska’s] networks based on frequency of interaction with selected elites and countries.”

The price for the information was “$25,000 for phase one of the project [and] $55,000 for refined analysis.”

The deal apparently never came to fruition because the U.S. company’s representative did not “believe the data analysis is worth the full $55,000.”

Seven years later, in 2018, Deripaska “was sanctioned for having acted or purported to act on behalf of, directly or indirectly, a senior official of the Government of the Russian Federation and for operating in the energy sector of the Russian Federation economy,” according to a U.S. indictment. Notably, Deripaska was involved in the 2016 Russia Hoax.

The indictment charged former FBI official Charles McGonigal with aiding Deripaska in trying to evade U.S. sanctions, along with taking secret cash payments from a former Albanian intelligence officer in an alleged “shakedown operation on wealthy Albanians for personal profit.”

McGonigal’s indictment for his alleged involvement in Albania for a “shakedown operation” has opened up new questions about why Albanians were allegedly paying McGonigal in 2017 — the same year Hunter’s emails appear to mention payments to the Albanian prime minister’s adviser.

In the fall of 2017, McGonigal, the former FBI’s counterintelligence chief in New York, received a $225,000 payment from a former Albanian intelligence officer known as Agron Neza, according to U.S. prosecutors. In turn, Agron Neza introduced McGonigal to the former Albanian prime minister’s adviser, Dorian Ducka, and a former member of the Chinese energy company named CEFC or CEFC China Energy Co, the New York Post’s Miranda Devine reported.

In an email thread discovered on Hunter’s laptop, Hunter and his business partners had a conversation about a person named “Dorian.”

“Dorian was a real help early on so we should consider how we include him,” James Gilliar, Hunter’s business partner, wrote in a May 13, 2017, email.

“No way we don’t do it,” replies Hunter, “and if majority says no I’ll take it out of my salary.”

There is one more alleged link between Hunter and a person named “Dorian Ducka.” Hunter’s laptop also shows an email with the subject line, “Dorian Ducka (@dorian_ducka) has requested to follow you on Twitter!” It is unknown if the account belongs to the same Dorian Ducka, but the Twitter request shows the requesting account was from Albania.

February 19, 2023 9:21 am

Politicians of the World are some of our Greatest Intellectuals!

Putin must turn ‘360 degrees’ – German FM

Russia’s former president has ridiculed Annalena Baerbock’s grasp of geometry

Russian President Vladimir Putin must “change by 360 degrees” in order for Ukraine to be safe, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told the Munich Security Conference. In other words, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev pointed out, he must continue doing exactly what he is doing.

Appearing alongside American Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba on Saturday, Baerbock was asked whether there is “any chance of Ukraine being safe in the long term” if Putin remains in office.

“If he doesn’t change by 360 degrees, no,” the German FM replied.

“It’s hilarious that Europe is run by such ignorant people,” former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev wrote on social media. “There is no doubt, connoisseur of geometry, that it will be so,” he mocked. “We are holding our ground.”

Baerbock, Blinken, and Kuleba spoke at a panel entitled ‘Visions for Ukraine,’ in which the three attempted to sketch out an image of what the country might look like post-conflict. All three agreed that to get there, Russia must unconditionally withdraw from territory claimed by Kiev, which includes the Russian region of Crimea and the four formerly Ukrainian regions that voted to join Russia in September.

Echoing previous statements from Kiev, Kuleba said that a “long vision” of victory for Ukraine involves not only a Russian withdrawal, but “compensations for the damage inflicted, accountability for perpetrators of crimes, and most importantly, Russia must change.”

“As long as Putin is in power, we will be in trouble,” he claimed, adding that his removal or retirement would lead to “a period of opportunity for all of us.”

Ukraine’s Western backers are not unanimous on the topic of regime change. While US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland – who largely orchestrated the pro-Western coup in Kiev in 2014 – has explicitly called for this outcome, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that such an approach is doomed to fail.

“When I hear a lot of people advocating for regime change, I would just ask them: for which change? Who’s next? Who is your leader? How to implement it? We experienced several times in the past decade a lot of regime change in a lot of countries. It’s a total failure,” he told the Munich conference.

Perhaps Macron is thinking about the Stonking Success of Pantsuits Hilliary & Long Face Obama in Libya with Regime Change there?

February 19, 2023 9:22 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 19, 2023 9:24 am

February 19, 2023 at 9:21 am
Politicians of the World are some of our Greatest Intellectuals!

Putin must turn ‘360 degrees’ – German FM

If you turn 360 degrees, you are back where you started……………………..

February 19, 2023 9:24 am

It’s reasonable to ask whether US President Joe Biden is running the country or the people “who grant him the permission to speak”, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi.

Sky News host Rita Panahi says it’s “quite sad” to watch a clip in which the President picks a journalist to ask a question before realising he’s “not allowed to do that”.

“He says, and I quote, ‘I took control. I shouldn’t do that. I’m not allowed to do that’.

“And then the handlers come in and call an end to proceedings.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2023 9:26 am

Jimmy Carter near death: receiving ‘hospice care’ at home

By Adam Creighton
Washington Correspondent
Updated 9:16AM February 19, 2023, First published at 8:52AM February 19, 2023
No Comments

Jimmy Carter, the oldest ever living former US president at 98, has announced plans to leave hospital and see out his final days at home with his family in Georgia, his home state, according to a statement by his family.

Mr Carter, who was Democrat president between 1977 and 1981, devoted his post-political career to charity and was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 2002.

“After a series of short hospital stays, former US President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team,” the Carter Presidential Centre said in a statement on Saturday (Sunday AEDT)

“The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.’’

Mr Carter, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, is one of five living former US presidents, after George HW Bush, who was president from 1989 to 1993, died in 2018 at age 94.

He and his wife Rosalynn, 95, celebrated their 76th wedding anniversary last year. The Carters reside in Plains, Georgia.

February 19, 2023 9:26 am

Russia’s former president has ridiculed Annalena Baerbock’s grasp of geometry

She’s a Green. What do you expect?

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 9:26 am


Anyone here bought gold and silver in coin form? If so what was the premium over bullion?

A price list from ABC Bullion Gold.
& silver.
I’ve used them for years – reputable company.

February 19, 2023 9:33 am

OldOzzie with all the billions that’s gone into the Ukenazi pockets how much has made its way in armaments in the front line. 10-20% if lucky. This is only a guess on my part coz I know as much about this as anyone else, which is SFA. My mate who I was staying with in NZ is very smart but believes every crackpot theory about the Ukes beating the Russkies. He sees through the lies locally the politicians spout but still votes for them coz conservative bad, orangeman bad. I said Trump was the best since Reagan and Thatcher. The crazy thing is he is as conservative as all get out. Makes no sense to me. He would think munty was politically savy but think him a crackpot in every other sense. I don’t wind him up coz our friendship is more valuable but is testing. I’ll make one or two comments then leave it. I know he thinks about itbut then reverts to the narrative.

February 19, 2023 9:35 am

The old grub polluting the White House may be ga ga but the rich vein of viciousness and spite is still there.

February 19, 2023 9:36 am

What most people have heard about deaths and illness caused by COVID vaccines is just the tip of the iceberg. Medical research articles keep rolling out on a host of health impacts from the vaccines. Here a number of new articles are cited to better reveal how unsafe the vaccines are.

An important part of the message for the general population should be this. All the new research on vaccine impacts comes from just two years of vaccine use. Thus we still do not have good information on the long term health impacts. There is a reasonable probability that the negative health impacts will become even worse as more time for impacts on bodies and for research increases.

Another point is that even though the percent of people impacted may seem quite low it is important to remember that there are huge numbers of people vaccinated, hundreds of million people. This means that very large numbers of people may be impacted by a host of diseases that at first seem minor

Lastly, it is possible that some people may become victims of several vaccine caused health problems.. Juat another factor to consider when high excess death rates continue to be observed nearly everywhere.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 9:38 am

The journalist also pointed out how Kiev glorifies Stepan Bandera, “the great pro-Nazi who killed Jews like crazy during World War II.”

Sy Hersh is a spook mouthpiece.
The 3rd Reich put Bandera in a concentration camp.
The reason?
He was exterminating Poles.
They released him when he promised to stop murdering Poles.
Bandera then returned to Galicia to lead his Army to murder more Poles.

Basically, the present Ukrainian leadership is Galician/Ruthenian.
Their issue is with Poland, not Russia.
Since they’ve wasted a million Soldiers in a pointless war with Russia, they won’t be able to defend their country against Poland, which is preparing to invade.

February 19, 2023 9:42 am

RS thats only $116 premium. Not much as a percentage. Way to go, I’d say.

February 19, 2023 9:43 am

This morning’s Week in Pictures is absolutely brilliant, many memes I saved to pass on to family and friends.

Thanks, Tom.

February 19, 2023 9:45 am

Rita said this morning on The Outsiders that Peter Dutton still hasn’t made up his mind about the Voice. I believe he has, he is for it, but doesn’t want to lose the remaining Liberal voters.

February 19, 2023 9:47 am

Ron DeSantis – Governor

Joseph A.Ladapo, MD, PhD – State Surgeon General

To protect, prornote & improve the health
of all people in Flonda through integrated
state, county & cornrnunity efforts.

HEALTH – Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation

February 15, 2023
Robert M. Calif7 MD, MACC
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Springs, MD 20993

Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2877 Brandywine Rd, Room 2402
Atlanta, GA 30341

Drs. Calif and Walensky,

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges that the health and medical field have
never encountered. Although the initial response was led by a sense of urgency and crisis
management, I believe it is critical that as public health professionals, responses are adapted
to the present to chart a future guided by data and common sense.

As Florida’s Surgeon General, it was in the public’s best interest to issue guidance for using
mRNA COVlD-19 vaccines in children and in young men based on the absence of a health
benefit in clinical trials. This guidance followed preliminary data analyses by the Florida
Department of Health. We continue to refine and expand these findings, including addressing
methodological issues inherent to evaluating vaccine safety and efficacy.

In addition to Florida’s analysis of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, academic researchers
throughout our country and around the globe have seen troubling safety signals of adverse
events surrounding this vaccine. Their concerns are corroborated by the substantial increase
in VAERS reports from Florida, including life-threatening conditions. We have never seen this
type of response following previous mass vaccination efforts pushed by the federal
government. Even the HI NI vaccine did not trigger this sort of response. In Florida alone, we
saw a 1,700% increase in reports after the release of the COVID-I9 vaccine, compared to an
increase of 400% in vaccine administration for the same period. The reporting of life-
threatening conditions increased 4,400%.

This increase in adverse events, compared to the percent increase in vaccine use, further
explains the significant uptick we are seeing in VAERS reports. These findings are unlikely to
be related to changes in reporting given their magnitude, and more likely reflect a pattern of
increased risk from mRNA COVlD-19 vaccines. We need unbiased research, as many in the academic community have performed, to better understand these vaccines’ short- and long-
term effects.

According to a recent study, mRNA COVID-1 9 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of
serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy,
and encephalitis, to name a few. This risk was I in 550, much higher than other vaccines. To
claim these vaccines are “safe and effective” while minimizing and disregarding the adverse
events is unconscionable.

Communication between physicians and patients is a standard ethical practice that is
fundamental to public health. Health care professionals should have the ability to accurately
communicate the risks and benefits of a medical intervention to their patients without fear of
retaliation by the federal government.

The State of Florida remains dedicated to responding to COVID-I9 and other public health
concerns through data-driven decisions. We will continue to shed light on the safety and
efficacy of medications, including mRNA COVID-I9 vaccines, that could be an imminent threat
to those with preexisting conditions. We will also promote the importance of prevention by
supporting good nutrition, exercise, and other healthy habits. As a father, physician, and
Surgeon General for the State of Florida, I request that your agencies promote transparency in
health care professionals to accurately communicate the risks these vaccines pose. I request
that you work to protect the rights and liberties that we are endowed with, not restrict, and
diminish them.

I look forward to your responses and appreciate your support of our collective efforts to serve
the health and safety of Florida and our nation.

Joseph A. Ladap0, MD, Ph D
State Surgeon Genera

February 19, 2023 9:47 am

February 19, 2023 at 9:22 am

Posted in the comments.
Neil Oliver: ‘We are sleepwalking into a ZERO TRUST new world

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 9:48 am

Peter Dutton doesn’t have to make a call on The Voice.

All he’s gotta do is keep asking Albanese for straight answers about it.
Which is what he’s doing.

February 19, 2023 9:51 am

“The United States will support Ukraine for as long as it takes. We will always stand on the side of freedom, democracy, and justice.”

The Yanks are extremely hot on “democracy”. They know they can buy elections. Once they have the their people in place , they can then decide what “freedom” and “justice” looks like.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 9:52 am

Lizzie at 11:50

There are more, I don’t recall everyone, but Rabz is keeper of The List.

So Rabz is the door bitch keeping the riff-raff out.
Hi _eggster!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Crossie says: February 19, 2023 at 9:45 am
Rita said this morning on The Outsiders that Peter Dutton still hasn’t made up his mind about the Voice. I believe he has, he is for it, but doesn’t want to lose the remaining Liberal voters.

“I am only 80% in favour of the voice, so all you anti-voice voters have to vote for me.”

February 19, 2023 9:56 am

“The United States will support Ukraine for as long as it takes. We will always stand on the side of freedom, democracy, and justice.”

The dishonesty is Orwellian- people still jail in DC with no trial (as if they’d even get a fair one). They can FOAD.

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 9:57 am

Old Ozzie:

After Declaring Russia Has Committed “Crimes Against Humanity”, Kamala Harris Forced to Fly Military Cargo Plane Back to DC After Air Force Two Breaks Down on Tarmac in Munich

Symptomatic of the Biden administration…

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 19, 2023 9:59 am

Ed Casesays:
February 19, 2023 at 9:48 am
Peter Dutton doesn’t have to make a call on The Voice.

All he’s gotta do is keep asking Albanese for straight answers about it.
Which is what he’s doing.

Playing AnAl like a Stradivarius??

February 19, 2023 10:05 am

Rita said this morning on The Outsiders that Peter Dutton still hasn’t made up his mind about the Voice.

Having a referendum without first publishing the proposed new laws/statutes/constitutional changes for all to see is a great big fkg joke.

No politician in power can be trusted to put citizen’s best interests first. That place is coveted solely for themselves.

February 19, 2023 10:06 am

Sy Hersh is a spook mouthpiece.

As is everyone you dislike, or purport to.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2023 10:06 am

Playing AnAl like a Stradivarius??

Dutton knows that, as soon as he comes out and opposes the Voice, Albo and the howler monkeys of the Labor Party will play the race card loud and long.

February 19, 2023 10:08 am

Still makes me Laugh – I wonder where the Ford Lightning F150 EV has gone – brave leaving F150 by itslef there on the corner

Is Ford Lightning F150 EV our era’s Edsel?

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 10:08 am

I’m a little surprised Putin hasn’t tried to wedge the US Conservatives against the Biden administration.
“You actually voted for these incompetents?”

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 19, 2023 10:11 am

Thanks Bruce, for the comments regarding the bodies found when building Darwin hospital.

There have been stories regarding the final resting place of those killed in the first Darwin raid for a long time. A lot of casualties were buried temporarily at Mindil Beach – I have photos of the markers. Then they were disinterred and reburied at the Adelaide River War Cemetery.

Not all though. For example Sister Margaret de Mestre, the first nurse to die on Australian soil in the war, is an unknown. I helped out with an Army investigation into her whereabouts. Looks like she was buried with some others in the mudflat area of the harbour and the grave markers were swept away in a high tide.

The story of “many more” has been investigated, and historians researching into the area, including myself, are fairly happy it is 236 fatalities. This is from Carrier Attack, the book I wrote with Peter Ingman about the first raid:

Appendix 10.
Myth: Death Toll Cover-up

One of the most pervasive suggestions – repeated in the popular press even recently – is that far more than the approximately 250 “officially” counted died. The suggestion is many hundreds more, even thousands of people died in the two raids of 19 February. Further, hundreds of bodies were disposed of by surreptitious methods, with the identities of the fallen being left unknown, and that this was done with official sanction.

Perhaps it is not surprising that the myth is perpetuated. From early 1942 the accounts of the first attacks were distorted. For example, a sailor of the time reported in his diary: “Eleven of those (ships) seen in the harbour were lost in one raid and 875 merchant seamen found a watery grave”. Instead, there were six significant ships immediately lost in the harbour and around 235 people died.
But a soldier noted “We buried at least 300 bodies in one mass grave at Mindil Beach. From my estimation the losses were anywhere from six hundred to one thousand”.

Towards the end of the war a Queensland Senator, Herbert Yeates, visited Darwin. In July 1945 correspondence to Arthur Fadden, then Australian Country Party leader, Yeates wrote: “From the definite and reliable information I obtained whilst at Darwin….I am satisfied that about 1,200 people were killed but that includes Merchant and other seamen, such as men from foreign ports. How about you putting this over in the House on my behalf?”

It is easy to see, however illogically, how the fatalities numbers mounted. People in positions of authority made hurried assessments that doubtless were passed on with all the weight of their originators. For example, post-19 February the manager of the Commonwealth Bank wrote to the Governor of the Bank in NSW that: “I can assure you that between 600 and 1,000 lives were lost”.

Yet in the very same letter he charts his own progress, and that of his staff, over the hours following the first two raids, during which attacks he ventured no further from the bank than the bombed Post Office about 45-seconds walk away. His afternoon was full of meetings and decision making, during which the bank was closed and its cash, together with commercial papers, was loaded on trucks. At
0100 hours the day following the raids – that is, some 24 hours after the second raid had ended – he journeyed south down the main highway out of town to Adelaide River and beyond, never to return.

How the manager made his fatality assessment of the casualty numbers is unknown; according to this own accounting he went nowhere near the harbour and nowhere near Mindil Beach – some three miles away, where bodies were being temporarily buried. But doubtless it was the retained wisdom of the bank staff, repeated to anyone they encountered on their trip south and beyond, that “hundreds” had died in the first raids, and probably the figure of 600 and beyond was quoted. And these were witnesses who were there; they were people who had “been to see the elephant”, as American Civil War people said of those who had fought in battles: they knew what a mysterious and fabulous experience was – such as seeing a circus elephant, a great experience for a humble village lad – so
they must be believed. Thus are myths born.

Variations on this theme have been repeated in a number of publications. Over the past few years, perhaps as a result of the increasing publicity, this enemy attack –the biggest ever perpetuated against Australia – has received, the suggestions of a higher death count have received increasing prominence.

Even modern fictional accounts of life in the Northern Territory perpetuate the stories. The popular writer Judy Nunn’s novel Territory suggests in a foreword note that: “The true casualty figure is estimated to be in excess of 500.” Roland Perry says in his history book Centre Stage, that as many as 1,100 died and were buried in mass graves at Mindil Beach. The fictional 2008 movie Australia didn’t help matters by portraying Japanese forces landing in Darwin, which they never did. The body count in the film was at least unresolved. Its director Baz Luhrmann contributed further to the myth when he reportedly said: “The government disguised the truth and that 2,000 whites were killed and non-whites were not counted, so the toll was far greater.”

Several men who served in the military in the Territory have contributed. For example, one recent account is from Alex Peterson, who served with a medical supply unit slightly south of Darwin. He believes, in contrast to one “official figure” of 243, that: “…the number is higher, simply from the number of corpses he saw floating in the harbour that afternoon.” It must be asked if those bodies
were counted, and what total was arrived at.

Another claim is from Rex Ruwoldt, who was based at Lee Point during the raids. He says he received a news bulletin from his unit’s Field Headquarters a few days after the 19th. It mentioned “1,100 deaths” that had been based on “estimates from Army Intelligence.” Ruwoldt is of the opinion that a large number of those killed were part of the “approximately 2,000 or so itinerant workers in Darwin at the time of the attacks”. However, official reports of the time point out that: All Aboriginal women and about 20 per cent of Aboriginal men were moved out of the city. Of the Territory’s population of half-caste people, at least 500 women and children were evacuated to southern states.

On the morning of 19 February 1942 only 100 adult Aboriginal men remained in the Darwin area: 30 employed by the armed forces, 24 prisoners of Darwin’s Fanny Bay jail, and the rest in woodcutters’ camps on the edge of town. However, a group of 40 half-caste children from the Roman Catholic
mission on Melville Island had arrived at Darwin on 15 February and were still in port when the Japanese bombers struck. Ruwoldt also advised: “Jack Burton the Mayor of Darwin at the time estimated about 900 killed. Army Intelligence estimated about 1,100. Official figures about 250. Most of the civilians not counted were buried in two mass graves on Mindil Beach.” Further: “One Padre later the Bishop of Bendigo said “250? I buried more than that myself!”

Ruwoldt says the bodies can be found below the sand at Mindil Beach, near where the casino is today:
I’ve spoken to the fellas who dug those graves. It’s a very traumatic thing for them. They haven’t ever talked to their families about it. They’ve talked to other soldiers like myself. One fella told me, `We dug down to the water level and we stacked the bodies in.’ Another fella said he counted 300 in the
first grave – didn’t even look at the second one.

“Jack Burton” was not the “Mayor of Darwin” on 19 February – there was no position of mayor at the time, although Burton had indeed been prominent in local government. Historian John Bradford notes that Burton kept a record of all the raids throughout the period of bombing from February 1942 to November 1943, and his entry for 19 February stated “Estimate 900 killed on wharf and ships” is well in excess of the official figure. Further: “Apart from his dubious claims re the number of personnel killed, his credibility as a reliable eyewitness was not exactly enhanced when he claimed three Japanese submarines were sunk in Darwin harbour, one on 8 June 1942, and two more on 9 August 1942.” No such actions ever occurred. Further, Ruwolt’s “Army Intelligence” documents
showing such numbers have not been found.

Interestingly, the “Padre later the Bishop of Bendigo” [authors’ emphasis] may well have referred to Chaplain Charles Lawrence Riley, service number VX20306, who during the war was the fourth Bishop of Bendigo from 1938 to 1957; and concurrently Chaplain-General to the AMF from 1942 until 1957. His service record is open and available on the National Archives of Australia website, or physically in Melbourne under his full name. However, it shows that he served overseas in 1941; then returned to Australia and was given his high clerical rank in the new year. There is no reason to think he was in Darwin in February 1942; indeed, his record shows he was officially elsewhere.

There are several accounts of bodies being buried on Mindil Beach: none of them attest to religious personnel performing any sort of ceremonies. For example, Bill Dedman recalls:

At about one o’clock….We went around to Mindil Beach, and we worked until eleven o’clock that night [picking] the bodies up…at Mindil Beach, and we were putting them in holes about three foot, or four foot deep, and leaving them there. Of course, that was being controlled by the officers. And then we went ashore. The next day they came down and they arranged for them bodies to be removed…”

Burials occurred near to where death had been met, because as everyone knew then, there were no facilities in Darwin where corpses could be stored. There was on that day only practicality: no morgue attendants to collect the dead, no funeral directors, no bureaucracy to carry out the necessary practicalities – people were starkly realistic, as they had to be. RAAF pilot Kym Bonython noted briefly in his account of the raids that:

At ten o’clock that night, those of us remaining on the base attended a macabre funeral service. By lantern light, the unfortunates who had been killed that day were wrapped in army blankets and rolled into hastily-dug graves on the edge of the airfield.

But it is the inflated accounts of fatality numbers that were later the stuff of media attention – because these are controversial. Adelaide historian John Bradford has been told a story by a Ross Dack, who reports he was a member of a burial party that had buried “1,500 people” on Darwin’s Mindil Beach. Dack said that there were lots of bodies which were placed in a large hole dug by a bulldozer. Nobody counted the bodies, which were all black, as they were covered in oil. However, he
also expressed the belief to John Bradford that the bodies were later exhumed and relocated to Adelaide River War Cemetery.

An officer’s diary, quoted by Rayner, supports this story: “Police anticipate about 500 dead. Many are being washed up now and are being buried on the beaches”.

Another story is from a Harry Morgan, who was also in Darwin during the first attacks. In an article carried in The Age newspaper, he suggests that there was a deliberate and official coverup:

…this officer with a heap of ribbons walked past our captain, ignored him completely, and said to us all: `Keep your bloody mouths shut.’ We didn’t know who he was, we never found out who he was.

We cannot be sure who this officer was, who thought it necessary to wear ceremonial ribbonsi just after a battle, but he must have been a higher rank than a captain. Why at least a major – a rank important enough to command hundreds of men – should have the strange task of walking around talking to haphazard groups of working soldiers is unknown, but anyone familiar with military operations knows that if you wish to give soldiers a legal and important order, this is not the way to do it. The personnel are gathered together; given the order, and then made to sign to indicate – for later legal action if necessary – they were there and heard and understood it.

78 years of age when the article was printed in early 2001, Morgan was said to be “legally blind and living in a retirement village near Bendigo”. He said he “no longer feels like keeping his mouth shut”, and that the official 243 death toll is part of a cover–up. He suggested over 300 bodies were buried at Mindil Beach “in a bomb crater” – that would have been an enormous crater – but admitted they
could have been “later moved, and reburied in official graves”. He further alleged – although he did not say whether he observed this – bodies were taken to sea in “barges” and disposed of:

About three days after the bombing they had these barges down there [near the wharf]. Three of them were piled with bodies – I’d reckon 3–400 bodies at least on those three big barges. They were towed out to sea through the boom defence. They didn’t tell us how far – we’d presume about 15-20 miles – where they were sunk. Nobody knew who they were – they were all colours, races and sizes. Nobody knew where they came from. They were found in little old shanties where they were gathered up. I was there when they were loading them on. I saw it.

It does seem that bodies were buried on this beach after the first raids, a sandy strip about a kilometre long in between Myilly Point, about three kilometres from Darwin’s Central Business District, and Bullocky Point, where Darwin High School has been established on the site of what was once Vestey’s Meatworks.

Mindil Beach has been built over in recent years, first with the pyramid-styled Darwin Casino, and secondly with an esplanade complete with toilet blocks and substantial amounts of paving to host Darwin’s famous Thursday night Mindil Beach Markets

Aboriginal remains have been found in the area, and it seems that the site was a burying ground for the Larrakeyah Aboriginal tribe.20 But none of the excavations over the years have uncovered mass WWII graves.

However, while the possibility that some bodies from the 19 February attacks were buried on the beaches seems positive, it would seem this was a temporary means of coping with the reality of the situation. These remains were soon moved to a more respectful location. Colin Price, who was serving on board the corvette HMAS Katoomba at the time, confirms the burial of bodies recovered from the
harbour and taken to the beach: “On the 19th-20th-21st of February dozens of bodies were floating in the harbour. Manunda lowered one of her boats and went from corpse to corpse using ropes to attach them together and dragging them to the beach where they were buried.”

Author Robert Rayner, who penned that encyclopedic book The Army and the Defence of Darwin Fortress, interviewed 14th Anti-Aircraft Battery unit members who recalled burying bodies on Mindil
Beach, but he noted that these remains were later recovered for reinterment in cemeteries such as Adelaide River and sites dedicated to American personnel.

Mindil Beach was a temporary means of coping with the reality of the situation, for Darwin, a small town, lacked refrigerated mortuaries in which to place the dead. So any suggestion of mass burials has a basis in fact, but it was only a temporary measure. Modern construction activities have found no bodies in the Mindil Beach area except for in 1992 some local Aboriginal remains.

Morgan’s suggestion necessitates involvement with the Royal Australian Navy, given that they were in control of harbour craft at the time. If barges were used then they would need to be towed by a powered vessel, and that vessel’s log would show at least the movement concerned, even if the operation was secret. It is unlikely that such an action would have remained secret over the years – what would be the reason for the scores employed in the covert burial parties to keep the secret? Where too are the notes in the vessels’ Record of Proceedings – all available in archives now, even at the highest Most Secret level – to indicate vessels had this task?

Interviews with two RAN sailors who were in Darwin on the day do not confirm the story. Frank Marsh was on board the corvette HMAS Deloraine, and took part in the ship’s defence and also its duties later. He confirmed he “did not see hundreds of bodies being transported by barge”.23 Nor did his shipmate Clarrie Rogan, who recalled the ship raised steam the following day to visit vessels in need of help. The corvette then was refuelled at the Darwin wharf. There he did see: “…perhaps 30-40 bodies in sheets. We were under the impression they came from (the hospital ship) Manunda”. But there was no transportation of those bodies to their vessel or any other that he knew of. Rogan also notes: “We would have known about such a movement of bodies out to sea… any seaman would know
that disposing of bodies like that wouldn’t make sense – they would come back in on the tide and they wouldn’t have had time to weight them.”

It may well be that Harry Morgan saw the bodies from Manunda. Such a sight would be shocking, and indelibly etched upon one’s memory. The number of bodies sighted may well have created such an impression that Morgan thought there were many more than there were in actuality. Indeed, historian Robert Rayner believes this is the cause of many of these stories: “…what they saw was
indeed a lot of bodies which, to the young mind, stunned by the events in which they were all participating for the first time, might well have seemed larger than it in fact was”.

Just because someone – even a someone with the indelible veracity of having served in the armed force on the day – says they saw something does not mean they did. For example, during the action to sink the Japanese submarine outside Darwin the previous month Deloraine crewmember Stan Hale, loading depth charges on the ship’s quarterdeck, said he and his crewmate Fred Savage saw a periscope from a second submarine: “…about 30 ft. away in line with the port thrower….we saw it turn towards us. When it focused on the ship the periscope started to go down just as the buzzer sounded to drop a depth charge.”

The trouble with this account is that the other three submarines – by their own logs – were many kilometres away, and no other submarines were nearby. What they saw was probably a floating log, or a crocodile.

During the Darwin raids one witness attested to newspapers that he saw Japanese aircraft with British and American markings on them. Another said he saw “swastika markings” on an attacker.28 Does this mean that this was so?

The examination of the raids since then does not suggest that this is true. Should we place credibility on those reports? People make mistakes; hear accounts that become part of their own memories; think wishfully, or sometimes lie for various reasons.

If indeed there were many extra fatalities resulting from the first raid, where did they come from? The raid chronology is quite precise: 81 high level “Kate” bombers hit the wharf, town and ships; then left; 71 “Val” divebombers hit the ships and airfields, dropping their single bomb, with a number also doing some strafing; then left. The 36 Zero fighters combated the P-40s and strafed some
targets, mainly at the RAAF base; then they left too. Each of these attackers had a finite amount of ordnance and we have shown where and how it was expended. The fatalities resulting from each ship have been well documented. On shore the Post Office was almost completely destroyed but those who had died were tallied soon enough. Buildings such as the Police Barracks were also destroyed,although not to the extent that survivors were unable to give a good accounting.

The town was not heavily damaged in warfare terminology, although to those inexperienced in military attacks it certainly seemed devastating enough. Darwin today possesses many examples of buildings which were right in the target zone and yet survived: the Bank of New South Wales, the Commonwealth Bank, the Victoria Hotel, Cashman’s Newsagency, and so on. The documented casualties were relatively light: the Post Office was the main point of loss, but less than 10 other townspeople were killed.

This therefore means that “several hundred more” casualties must have come from somewhere else. But what buildings – damage known and assessed – and what ships can they be? It is not good enough to say that they merely existed and were “lost’ on the day.

On the grounds of logic alone, the suggestion of an “Official Cover–Up” must fail. Where is the motive for the armed forces concealing an enormous number of deaths? For the mass and secret disposal of bodies to have occurred would have taken scores of defence members, and none have come forward to make this admission.

Neither the officers and non-commissioned officers who would have had necessarily to oversee such work, nor the sailors, soldiers and airmen who would have carried out the traumatic physical labour, have appeared. Surely if this had happened, these people would have stepped forward, human nature seeking closure – to use a modern term – of such a troubling event.

Furthermore, to suggest an “official” cover-up is to belie the reality of military operations. Even in wartime administrative procedures are followed, and there has been no paperwork uncovered to show such a claim can be substantiated.

To suggest that the lack of such paperwork is proof itself of secrecy is the stuff of Roswell flying saucer theorists: lack of evidence does not in itself constitute evidence. Dr Peter Stanley, then the Australian War Memorial’s Principal Historian, noted in a public talk of 2002:

Darwin has attracted many myths, not the least being that news of it was suppressed. It was certainly diminished. The following day news reports put the death toll at 17, but word of the raids on Darwin was never suppressed, not least because it supported the Curtin government’s desire to mobilize
Australians into working, fighting or saving by frightening them about what could happen.

If thousands of people died as is claimed in the Darwin raids, where are the many more thousands of relatives who would have followed up the losses after the war? To claim that some 700 dead were itinerants who provoked no inquiries as to their loss seems a casual dismissal. Further, Aborigines in the Top End place great store by their kinship networks, and the loss of many members would be remembered by their families today.

While there is certainly evidence that bodies were indeed buried in temporary mass graves, the list of those fallen was made soon afterwards with reasonable accuracy. It might even be admitted that one or two wanderers were killed, but not many hundreds. In over 40 years of operation, the Darwin Military Museum – today’s most obvious source of information about the raids – report, no inquirers
researching mysterious disappearances.

February 19, 2023 10:11 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
February 19, 2023 at 10:06 am
Playing AnAl like a Stradivarius??
Dutton knows that, as soon as he comes out and opposes the Voice, Albo and the howler monkeys of the Labor Party will play the race card loud and long.

But it’s OK to call Dutton’s voters racists? That’s what he is agreeing to by not simply coming out against it.

February 19, 2023 10:13 am

Miltonf says:
February 19, 2023 at 9:56 am

“The United States will support Ukraine for as long as it takes. We will always stand on the side of freedom, democracy, and justice.”

The dishonesty is Orwellian- people still jail in DC with no trial (as if they’d even get a fair one). They can FOAD.

Gruesome Video Released of Trump Supporter Victoria White After DC Officer Jason Bagshaw Beat Her in Face with Baton and His Fist 40 Times on January 6


NEVER BEFORE SEEN VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection, DC Courts Too Biased


Judge Tim Kelly’s Court of Contempt
The D.C. District Court Judge is anything but impartial in the J6 cases coming before his court.

Following an armed FBI raid with SWAT vehicles that terrorized his neighborhood and pregnant wife, Zachary Rehl was arrested in March 2021 for his involvement in the events of January 6. A Philadelphia judge ordered Rehl, a member of the Proud Boys, to be released from custody pending trial.

But Joe Biden’s Justice Department immediately asked a D.C. federal judge to keep Rehl in jail indefinitely even though he was not accused of committing a violent crime. Claiming Rehl “abetted” the destruction of government property—“a federal crime of terrorism,” prosecutors wrote—the government argued that no condition of release could keep the community safe from Rehl, a former Marine with no criminal history.

Enter D.C. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly.

“The Court finds that the nature and circumstances of the offenses weigh in favor of detention,” Kelly wrote in his July 2021 order. “[Although] there is no evidence Rehl carried or used a weapon that day, or laid his hands on anyone in a violent manner, he said and did things that are highly troubling.”

After spending two years in jail not convicted of any crime, Rehl is currently on trial in Kelly’s courtroom along with four other Proud Boys charged with seditious conspiracy—an indictment filed a year after their initial charges. Kelly has kept all five defendants behind bars awaiting trial, repeatedly denying all subsequent motions for release while at the same time granting one delay after another.

Kelly, naturally, is invested in justifying his cruel decision to incarcerate innocent men (yes, the country’s jurisprudence still assumes the presumption of innocence) for two years.

Which only partially explains why he is running roughshod over the rights of the defendants to make sure they are found guilty.

What’s unfolding in Kelly’s courtroom is a mockery of justice—a politically motivated case heavily reliant on speech and activity that should be protected by the First Amendment rather than substituted for hard proof of any crime, let alone a plan to overthrow the government. For example, when FBI investigators raided Rehl’s home, they found no weapons or detailed plot to run Congress out of town on January 6 but instead recovered clothing and challenge coins produced by the Proud Boys.

Despite having no relevance to the merits of the case, Kelly allowed the government to enter the coins into evidence to show the “relationship” between the defendants.

Apparently nothing is too inconsequential, dubious, or political in nature to offend Kelly’s judicial sensibilities. Kelly has allowed prosecutors to play for the jury a clip of Trump’s comment during the September 2020 presidential debate instructing the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” a throwaway line that had nothing to do with January 6.

Prosecutors want the clip used in an overt attempt to portray the Proud Boys as “white supremacists,” a description offered by debate moderator Chris Wallace. (Six jurors are black.)

What the government wants, the government gets in Kelly’s courtroom.

February 19, 2023 10:16 am

No politician in power can be trusted to put citizen’s best interests first. That place is coveted solely for themselves.

Agree. I learnt that with Howard. The Trumble sh*t show is largely thanks to him.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dutton knows that, as soon as he comes out and opposes the Voice, Albo and the howler monkeys of the Labor Party will play the race card loud and long.

If Dutton is refraining from being Leader of the opposition, for fear ALP & media will call him names, then he’s already lost.

February 19, 2023 10:21 am

North Korea Defector Compares ‘Woke’ Education in America to Regime She Escaped

“At Columbia University they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.”

Author Yeonmi Park joined “Fox & Friends First” to discuss the parallels between far-left indoctrination within her Ivy League education at Columbia University and “brainwashing” in North Korea.

“The things that I was learning at Columbia University really shocked me because it was the exact same thing that my North Korean teachers were brainwashing me in the classroom,” Park told Todd Piro. “At Columbia University they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.”

“They were saying that we need to destroy this country, and we need to rebuild the country in the name of equality of outcomes, and that same ideology drove my home country into what it is that state North Korea,” she continued.

Watch the video below:

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 19, 2023 10:21 am

Luigi the Unbelievable is having his “modest” Voice undermined by the states with representation schemes that not only duplicate the federal proposal but impose consultation on all levels of government and business.
People will naturally expect that this meddling in all areas of their lives will add cost and enhance bureaucratic congestion for business and the economy.

February 19, 2023 10:23 am

Thanks OO- truth, justice and freedom what a f*ckin con. It’s fascinating too to look at all this right back to Eisenhower’s warning, the murder of JFK and the removal of Nixon.

Cassie of Sydney
February 19, 2023 10:25 am

Jimmy Carter near death, the worst president in US history until Obama. Carter’s legacy? Iran.

February 19, 2023 10:27 am

It’s fascinating too to look at all this right back to Eisenhower’s warning, the murder of JFK and the removal of Nixon.

The Devil’s Chessboard.

February 19, 2023 10:29 am

The betrayal of the Shah was despicable.

February 19, 2023 10:31 am

Corrupt New York Times Freaks Out Over Gas Stoves, Downplays Poisonous Chemical Spill In Ohio

According to the press, gas stoves are deeply hazardous, but a chemical spill equivalent to a World War I-era bioweapon is perfectly safe

There is perhaps no better example of how disingenuous and inconsistent our corporate press is than the comparison between The New York Times’ take on gas stoves vs. the fiery derailment of a train carrying toxic chemicals along the Ohio-Pennsylvania line in East Palestine, Ohio, last week.

According to the press, gas stoves are deeply worrisome and hazardous, but a chemical spill equivalent to a World War I-era bioweapon is perfectly safe.

“Gas stoves have ignited a debate in Washington, as mounting evidence shows potential health risks including a link to childhood asthma,” reads The New York Times in an article from last month. The column was one of many the corporate press published at the behest of Democrats to fan the flames of hysteria surrounding gas stoves.

Richard Trumka Jr. of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission began pushing to ban gas stoves back in December, calling it “a real possibility” that could happen quickly with enough public pressure. Shortly after, there was an outpouring of studies on the “science” of why gas stoves are hazardous, and Democrat lawmakers began throwing out every talking point from “gas stoves cause brain damage” to “gas stoves are racist.”

The gas stove panic has nothing to do with science. It’s wrapped up in a massive tyrannical power grab cloaked in environmentalism, and those who want your gas stove won’t stop there; they want to ban all gas-powered appliances.

The media never considered there were any negatives to a gas stove ban, though. Instead, they gleefully defended Trumka’s proposal and worked to convince the public that their gas stoves are an environmental and health liability. Then, shortly after, the media reversed course, assuring people there would be no ban, and the whole thing was a “right-wing culture war” topic once the White House backed away from the proposal.

Naturally, when duty called for the media to downplay an actual health crisis — the chemical spill in Ohio — they obliged.

After the freight train spilled a slew of toxic chemicals, the EPA evacuated East Palestine and burned the spill, causing a mushroom cloud of hazardous chemicals to plume over the area.

Two days after the burn, the EPA told citizens it was safe for them to come home, breathe the air, and drink the water. But since residents have gone home, they have reported experiencing headaches and irritated eyes and finding countless fish, pets, and wildlife dead or dying.

It’s fair to say that the whole situation was handled disastrously and likely because the climate fanatics working at EPA don’t really care about the environment.

All their time and money goes to “climate change,” which translates to gas stove bans and thermostats regulated by the government. Indeed, climate change hysterics are useful for making money and centralizing state power. A chemical spill impacting the natural environment and health of people living in a little village in fly-over America is not.

“I’m asking they trust the government,” said EPA’s administrator, Michael Regan. “Trust the government” also happens to be the exact message from The New York Times. “After a train carrying toxic material derailed in Ohio this month,” reads a New York Times article published yesterday, “right wing commentators have been particularly critical of the response using the crisis to sow distrust about government agencies and suggests the damage could be yours irreparable.”

No. The distrust does not come from “right wing commentators” it comes from the people who live in East Palestine — the people reporting the effects of living in poison at the recommendation of the EPA.

The article, titled “‘Chernobyl 2.0’? Ohio Train Derailment Spurs Wild Speculation,” also claims that those who say the “vital water reservoirs serving states downriver could be badly contaminated” are doing so “without evidence.”

Again, the “evidence” that the water in and near East Palestine could affect the water in surrounding states are first-hand reports, one of which comes from Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance. Vance traveled to East Palestine, where he recorded a video near a creek showing dead fish and worms, and even chemicals coming out of the ground from the bottom of the creek bed.

In the video, Vance also challenged Regan to drink the water in East Palestine if it’s supposedly safe to drink. Unsurprisingly, Regan has not taken Vance up on the offer. The same offer should be made to the members of the corporate press, who are parroting the talking points of the EPA.

Just like Regan, I doubt anyone in the corporate media would dare drink the water in East Palestine. The media’s reporting on public health, as with everything else, is selective and meticulously adherent to whatever talking points are most advantageous to its ideological allies. The press’s demonization of stoves and ambivalence toward toxic chemical spills is further affirmation that the corporate media is deserving only of our distrust and contempt.

February 19, 2023 10:31 am

McGonigal is incredibly corrupt and proves the deep state exists.

He’s utterly detestable like Clapper. Just awful.

February 19, 2023 10:32 am

People will naturally expect that this meddling in all areas of their lives will add cost and enhance bureaucratic congestion for business and the economy.

the polimuppett-meja establishment doesn’t like people who actually work. That’s what you get when you decision making is dominated by lawyers and economists (what they actually do).

February 19, 2023 10:34 am

(whatever they actually do- never quite worked it out)

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 19, 2023 10:35 am

Carter may have been inept but at least he wasn’t vain, corrupt and stupid like Joe.
It reminds me of the Cain/Kirner era in Victoria. The economic incompetence of those governments looks like a picnic compared to the year zero agenda of dictator Dan.

February 19, 2023 10:36 am

If Dutton is refraining from being Leader of the opposition, for fear ALP & media will call him names, then he’s already lost.

A lot of people in the village are avid viewers/listener of their ABC. Despite this many of those oppose the inVoice and are repeating Duttons lines ,”where is the detail”,”blank cheque” etc.

He is cutting through, and he is being quoted by appearing to be a voice of reason, rather than division.

February 19, 2023 10:37 am

Ohio’s Governor after Biden denied his request for Disaster Assistance

Rand Paul
I mean, it’s worth a shot

February 19, 2023 10:37 am

Agree Farmer

February 19, 2023 10:38 am

The fact that get up was trying to destroy Dutton must mean he has something going for him.

February 19, 2023 10:42 am


A regulated utility exists to benefit its customers (ratepayers) and ultimately is responsible to state government. It has always been understood that the purpose of a utility is to meet the needs of its customers for electricity, natural gas or water. Its fiduciary duty is to do so as economically and reliably as possible.

But that has changed, as utilities, aided and abetted by state governments, are printing billions of dollars in profits through the wind and solar scam. Utilities understand that wind and solar are ridiculously expensive–that is the point, from their perspective–and that intermittent energy sources can never provide reliable energy. So the burden is now shifting. Instead of utilities being required to provide adequate energy, customers are called on to reduce their energy consumption. Which is to say, reduce their standard of living.

Two cases in point popped up on my family’s chat line today. Xcel Energy, which serves most of Minnesota, declared today an “Energy Action Day.”

This is because the utility could see that it might not be able to meet its customers’ needs for electricity–in other words, there could be blackouts.

One might think that an “Energy Action Day” means Xcel will take action to maximize output of electricity. But no: the utility’s failure is taken as a given, and the “Action” consists of customers reducing their standard of living.

This second instance is even worse. It comes from Center Point Energy, which supplies natural gas to the Twin Cities.

So the gas company compares neighbors’ bills, and tries to shame some into using less gas.

This particular neighbor responded quite eloquently. But the situation is weird: you might think that any company would applaud those who use the most of its product, not try to embarrass them. But we are not living in a sane world when it comes to energy.

What I want to know is, how long are the American people going to stand for this?

February 19, 2023 10:42 am

Carter may have been inept but at least he wasn’t vain, corrupt and stupid like Joe.

but he and Ros were happy to have the old thief and ‘Dr’ Jill in their home.

February 19, 2023 10:45 am

What I want to know is, how long are the American people going to stand for this?

good question- they seem to have accepted the theft of the 2020 election

February 19, 2023 10:45 am

Jimmy Carter near death, the worst president in US history until Obama.

The current puppet president, installed in a rigged election by America’s radical left to execute a program no-one voted for, puts Carter in the shade.

Obama designed the Marxist anarchy now gripping America, but it is being executed by the faceless lunatics running the White House. So Obama is just the godfather of the Destroy America movement.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 19, 2023 10:46 am

I’m off to pull out bottle brushes that have grown into woody monsters with little visual appeal. The wife has put the red raddle on quite a few.
The tools are a 180hp front end loader tractor with a chain to rip the bastards straight out and onto the bonfire pile for a winter warmer.
I’m going to enjoy this.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 10:48 am

Knuckle Draggersays:

February 19, 2023 at 7:28 am

The day is filled with fear and dread.

Specifically, of encountering several thousand caravans travelling in convoy at 80kph en route to parts west, then north of Mongyang.

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

February 19, 2023 10:48 am

good question- they seem to have accepted the theft of the 2020 election

Not according to the polls.

February 19, 2023 10:52 am

The wife has put the red raddle on quite a few.
The tools are a 180hp front end loader tractor with a chain to rip the bastards straight out and onto the bonfire pile for a winter warmer.
I’m going to enjoy this.

Now that’s therapy I can relate to, Gez.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 19, 2023 10:52 am

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

Funny. That’s on the side of the spa too.

February 19, 2023 10:53 am

Glad to hear that Bespoke but they still seem to have got away with it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 19, 2023 10:59 am

The fact that get up was trying to destroy Dutton must mean he has something going for him.

Dutton’s USP was that he was not SloMo. At the time that was enough. Depending on how bad the next couple of years are he could still be the next PM.

February 19, 2023 10:59 am

An Australia Day celebration I’d missed.

February 19, 2023 11:01 am

Glad to hear that Bespoke but they still seem to have got away with it.

They have. The Swamp and their leftist minions have a firm grip on the Administration, DoJ,FBI,CIA , IRS , the Military, the Federal Bureaucracy (FDA, EPA etc), city and state Administrations, huge chunks of the judiciary the MSM, Fb, Google and any other primary source of information reaching the citizenry. So the corrupted election is being shoveled into the forgettery.

The only way out of this hole is another Trump presidency, from what I can see. De Santis is tainted I suspect.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 19, 2023 11:04 am

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

The worst thing you can do on the road is raise Barry and Bev.

You are either going to get an incoherent travelogue, Eric Oldthwaite on how road surfaces affect the towing characteristics of Bushluxe 4×4 caravans, or abuse from Bev for upsetting Barry while you pass them.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Diogenes says: February 19, 2023 at 10:36 am
A lot of people in the village are avid viewers/listener of their ABC. Despite this many of those oppose the inVoice and are repeating Duttons lines ,”where is the detail”,”blank cheque” etc.
He is cutting through, and he is being quoted by appearing to be a voice of reason, rather than division.

Fair point.
Dutton has held a marginal seat against all comers, which he took from Labor & had been held by Labor for 2/3 terms since it was created. Getup have tried like blazes to unseat him (nod to miltonf).

He clearly has some idea of how to win & bring the middle with him.

February 19, 2023 11:14 am

De Santis is tainted I suspect.

Possibly but I understand the story about soros endorsing him was BS.

February 19, 2023 11:16 am

Welcome news, milt.

February 19, 2023 11:19 am

Inside China’s Military Balloon Program

Years before a gigantic white spy balloon from China captured America’s attention, a top Chinese aerospace scientist was keenly tracking the path of an unmanned airship making its way across the globe.

On a real-time map, the white blimp appeared as a blinking red dot, although in real life its size was formidable, weighing several tons and measuring 328 feet (100 meters) in length—about 80 feet longer than a Boeing 747-8, one of the largest passenger aircraft in the world.

“Look, here’s America,” the vessel’s chief architect, Wu Zhe, told the state-run newspaper Nanfang Daily. He excitedly pointed to a red line marking the airship’s journey at about 65,000 feet in the air, noting that in 2019, that flight was setting a world record.

Named “Cloud Chaser,” the airship had been flying for just shy of a month over three oceans and three continents, including what appears to be Florida. At the time of Wu’s interview in August, the airship was hovering above the Pacific Ocean, days away from completing its mission.

Wu, a veteran aerospace researcher, has played a key role in advancing the Chinese regime in what it describes as the “near space” race, referring to the layer of the atmosphere sitting between 12 and 62 miles above the earth. This region, which is too high for jets but too low for satellites, had been deemed ripe for exploitation in the regime’s bid to achieve military dominance.

Despite having existed for decades, the regime’s military balloon program came into the spotlight recently when the United States shot down a high-altitude surveillance balloon that drifted across the country for a week and hovered above multiple sensitive U.S. military sites.

That balloon, the size of three buses, was smaller than Cloud Chaser.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
February 19, 2023 11:19 am

You know that Sharaz chap…
9 quick points. LNP incompetence or complicity? You choose

February 19, 2023 11:22 am

Carter was not great but he loved his country, a former USN submariner officer and multigenerational farmer.

Obama certainly did not and Biden is senile.

February 19, 2023 11:24 am

Peter Dutton doesn’t have to make a call on The Voice.

All he’s gotta do is keep asking Albanese for straight answers about it.
Which is what he’s doing.

Very good crotchless; it’s obviously your stopped watch time of the day.

February 19, 2023 11:26 am

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

Slanderous, slanderous I say.

That’s a big 10-4, good buddy.

February 19, 2023 11:28 am

the polimuppett-meja establishment doesn’t like people who actually work. That’s what you get when you decision making is dominated by lawyers and economists (what they actually do).

Actually you’re wrong.

They don’t take legal (constitutional) advice and don’t listen to reputable economists.

The answer they are looking for requires an ever more powerful state and public projects that have a positive ROI, no matter how dumb or shady.

February 19, 2023 11:32 am

In other words, they listen to chinless soyjaks like Davey Shiraz.

February 19, 2023 11:34 am

Actually you’re wrong.

oh really? Anyone with High School physics would know Snowy 2 is up there with perpetual motion

February 19, 2023 11:37 am

What do you think the ROI is on a busted perpetual motion machine?

What bad advice made Snowy II profitable?

Who did they choose to listen to? An echo chamber of second rate people.

February 19, 2023 11:40 am

As Michael Trumble said, the laws of Australia take precedence over the laws of mathematics.

February 19, 2023 11:43 am

Until they don’t.

February 19, 2023 11:44 am

Anyone with High School physics would know Snowy 2 is up there with perpetual motion

Better. Turdball should have a power chord rammed up his arse and he could power all of Australia with the bullshit cascading out of the mongrel.

February 19, 2023 11:45 am

Morn all.

Gawd NQ is wet. I’ve done more veh recovery with snatch straps and tow ropes over the last week than in years. Had no rain till Thursday for over a week and people still getting bogged. Some of the areas don’t look bad but as soon as the second car crosses liquification turns the sediment to mush. Yesterday Huey sent some more down, so we’ll be off that area for a while now.

LOL even had 1 car drowned fording a creek, hit too fast and the bow wave did it…

Even more fun when most of the area was outside mobile range.

February 19, 2023 11:47 am

Not sure whether this has been posted but Archbishop Virgano calls out the great Reset and Eco environmental cult as evil personified. Read his letter by scrolling down, He doesn’t mix his words.

February 19, 2023 11:52 am

Who did they choose to listen to? An echo chamber of second rate people.

Agree except 2nd rate is too kind.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 11:54 am


February 18, 2023 at 11:36 pm

Here’s another Queerslander – this one, forgetting religious radicalization from the time he was in office. He’s worried about right wing radicalization on the internet. (obviously).

Here’s the thing. I happened to find something on Facebook the other day which looked like it originated in Queensssland. They were calling themselves “Real Aussie Catholics” or “True Blue Catholics” or somesuch. I can’t remember exactly. They had a lot of slogans but I can’t find it again. Probably scrubbed by Zuckerberg.
I initially thought they might have been traditional old-school Latin Mass Catholics, but no. In fact it seemed they didn’t practice any formal rites of the Church at all (Mass, Communion, Rosaries etc). That struck me as funny, because these “loosey-goosey followers of Jesus” types normally just characterise themselves generically as “Christians” but this group explicitly referred to themselves constantly as “Catholics”. The only thing which distinguished them as “Catholics” was the more prolific commenters had a definite air of Papal infallibility about them.
Sounded more like Grampians Catholics to me.
Anyone heard of such a movement?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

This copied from Daily Mail (yeah yeah) however similar is in lotsa other newsmedia:

One of the three religious extremist gunmen who killed two police officers and a neighbour was able to purchase ammunition without a valid gun licence.

Later in the article:
The ammunition was lawfully purchased in Queensland at retail outlets
… police said dealers sold ammunition legally to Nathaniel Train

of course, subjective opinion by some cop was slipped in:
However, police revealed on Friday that none of the Trains … should have been able to buy or possess the ammunition or weapons used in the attack.

and to make sure readers don’t miss the about-as-subliminal-as-a-straight-left-to-the-jaw message:
police revealed a diary kept by Stacey … the Trains believed in a Christian fundamentalist premillennialism theology, which states Jesus Christ is set to return
Big deal. Just about every well dressed door-knocker who comes to my place selling religion has a spiel that very quickly gets to the Rapture.

February 19, 2023 11:57 am

Qpig is kind of desperate to form the narrative here. I doubt we will ever know what really happened.

February 19, 2023 11:58 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
February 19, 2023 at 10:25 am

Jimmy Carter near death, the worst president in US history until Obama. Carter’s legacy? Iran.

Quite right. Obama was dreadful but the rot stared with Carter, just as it did here with Whitlam.

Why do the Carters and Soroses of this world live so long – even the devil doesn’t want them any sooner than necessary.

I remember a cartoon of Hitler and Stalin being boiled in a cauldron in hell when Khomeini arrived. Hitler looks at Stalin and says : “There goes the neighbourhood!”

February 19, 2023 12:02 pm

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

My favourite is when Barry and Bev are heading north from Mongyang. You’re closing fast on Barry and Bev who are slipstreaming behind a refrigerated semi with the van doing it usual poorly loaded two two step from one side of the lane to the other.

Then Bev utters the fateful words: “You can take him Barry!”

In a rush of adrenaline, Barry pulls out in front of you without looking, you’re closing speed on them is at least 30km/hr. Barry floors the Pajero and one of things happens.

The Pajero effectively slows down as now it is sans truck slip stream, or it slowly winds up, at which point somewhere alongside the truck the van reaches two step critical velocity resulting in a death shimmy.

Barry and Bev retreat back to the relative safety of slipstreaming behind the truck.

February 19, 2023 12:04 pm

Farmer Gez says:
February 19, 2023 at 10:46 am

I’m off to pull out bottle brushes that have grown into woody monsters with little visual appeal. The wife has put the red raddle on quite a few.
The tools are a 180hp front end loader tractor with a chain to rip the bastards straight out and onto the bonfire pile for a winter warmer.
I’m going to enjoy this.

Have been doing a bit of the same but with a JCB telehandler.

Do you also prune roses with a chainsaw?

Cassie of Sydney
February 19, 2023 12:08 pm

The Carters, particularly Mrs Carter, feted Jim Jones.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

What the message – subliminal or otherwise should be:

Nathaniel Train had a firearms licence in NSW which was suspended in December, 2021, after he illegally dumped weapons at the NSW/QLD border, while crossing state lines

This whole Butch Cassidy/Sundance Kid end-it-all-with-a-bang scenario was triggered by Nathaniel Train having gone on the run because he was wanted for driving from Dubbo to Tara.

Compounded by getting bogged & couldn’t carry his guns with him when he had to continue on foot.

Scomo’s legacy.

February 19, 2023 12:09 pm

Hello fellow neck beards!

The best and most outrageously priced table top war game is back, baby!

Still wish I played 40k and Epic, is Warmaster the fantasy version of Epic?

What’s missing is an overarching war narrative. How you go from the Spess Mahrines fleet game to Epic to 40k to a single character RPG? There should be a “full story mode”.

February 19, 2023 12:09 pm

Archbishop Virgano calls out the great Reset and Eco environmental cult as evil personified

One longs to hear an Australian bishop calling out the gay pride celebration that extends over three weeks or so in Australian cities right now.

It has to be the most significant social development ever, yet they stay quiet.

I know there are good reasons for bishops to stay out of politics but this situation is a game changer and they need to far more militant about it all.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 19, 2023 12:12 pm

Do you also prune roses with a chainsaw?

Almost accepted practice nowadays.

February 19, 2023 12:15 pm

February 19, 2023 at 12:04 pm

Do you also prune roses with a chainsaw?

I recently bought this little beauty. Roses beware! Lol. It’s an awesome little saw. I can’t handle the big shears easily anymore so this saw is a lifesaver. Speaking of lifesaver, my son mentioned that it would be an excellent tool for self-defense. Must buy myself a hockey mask…

February 19, 2023 12:19 pm

Carter is an essentially good man but in failing to call out his own party for lurching to a baby-killing monstrosity from the 1970s onward, his vanity trumped his religiosity. He liked being the Democrat elder statesman too much. He was also a conspiracy theorist regarding the 2016 election – whose result he denied.

His so-called “malaise” oratory in the late 1970s has aged well.

February 19, 2023 12:20 pm

One longs to hear an Australian bishop calling out the gay pride celebration that extends over three weeks or so in Australian cities right now.

I suppose they would say they have to pick their battles, but there’s a fine line between that and moral cowardice.

Meanwhile, a Sydney CBD Kwik Copy franchise owner is facing discrimination action for politely refusing to print posters advertising the event, citing his Christian beliefs. Even the Kwik Copy CEO has promised retaliatory action.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 12:20 pm

Top Ender at 10:11.
The inflated death toll has a bit of a “Lancet – Iraq Body Count” feel to it.

February 19, 2023 12:24 pm

the Trains believed in a Christian fundamentalist premillennialism

Funny how the claimed indigenous identity of these characters is now forgotten.

Know it is Russia Today but Intelligence and Police seem to be fixated on the right wing boogey man when most of said nutjobs wouldn’t be able to mount a credible threat. I still think there is more to the Trains story than what has been released. Link below:

February 19, 2023 12:27 pm

wanted for driving from Dubbo to Tara

An absolute Mongocracy.

February 19, 2023 12:30 pm

Jimmy Carter near death, the worst president in US history until Obama. Carter’s legacy? Iran.

Look, in certain respects Carter was a terrible prez. Having said that, he also began the economic reforms that carried over to Reagan, which Reagan then pushed further. He also appointed Volcker who became the Fed chairman who supposedly tamed inflation. He also began to reduce the deficit!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 12:31 pm

rickw on cararavanners.
The worst is yet to come.
It won’t be on 110 kmh freeways.
It will be when you are behind them and they are trying to tow the van (loaded with Jason recliners and flat screen TVs) along the Great Ocean Road (or similar windy/hilly roads) with their F-150 EV. The range is dropping by 3 kms for every km travelled and they slow to 55 kmh to preserve battery charge.
They will happily trundle straight past every parking bay because, “Gee, Bev, if I pull in it will use a lot of charge to get back up to 55 again”.
That is when you’ll wish you had UHF.

February 19, 2023 12:33 pm

Ohio has seceded from the Union!

February 19, 2023 12:34 pm

…the Trains believed in a Christian fundamentalist premillennialism

Note well that the putative link between that belief and terrorist violence has not been explained by police.

As I’ve noted here before, premillenialsm is a distinctly minority view in Australian Christianity, but is prevalent in American Evangelical circles. Its adherents tend to be conservative voters.

While premillenialism believes the moral and social condition of the world will get worse before the second advent of Christ (a period of tribulation and suffering) and his millenial reign, there is no mainstream advocate for it who would maintain that adherents must actively contribute to the tribulation and, by doing so, hasten the eschaton.

February 19, 2023 12:35 pm

I recently bought this little beauty. Roses beware! Lol. It’s an awesome little saw.

That’s an Assault Saw!! Why do you need 12V when it would probably work on 6V?!

Best gardening device I’ve used was a stihl brush cutter Dad mounted a 6” saw blade on. Great for any branch up to 2” and you had plenty of reach. Mildly dangerous!

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 19, 2023 12:36 pm

Teh Paywallian “I paid Higgins “to make cow jibe go away””. If only tax funded drain,Reynolds, hands fitted into her own pockets.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2023 12:36 pm

That is when you’ll wish you had UHF.

Any auto accessories shop will sell you a handheld UHF radio. Invaluable tool for drivers.

February 19, 2023 12:37 pm

Obama certainly did not and Biden is senile.

The only thing Biden has ever loved in his life is himself. He’s been a known pathological liar for decades and just look at his family.

February 19, 2023 12:42 pm
February 19, 2023 12:43 pm

there is no mainstream advocate for it who would maintain that adherents must actively contribute to the tribulation and, by doing so, hasten the eschaton

Indeed. I think having armed police turn up to make an arrest for a Dubbo/Tara crossing was the straw. As for their police are “monsters and demons”, they’d obviously watched to much footage of Vikpol. I have to admit that watching those f’cks body slam the innocent and elderly onto the concrete did make me wonder if there was something deeper at work.

February 19, 2023 12:45 pm

They will happily trundle straight past every parking bay because, “Gee, Bev, if I pull in it will use a lot of charge to get back up to 55 again”.

Bev! Momentum is our friend!

February 19, 2023 12:48 pm

Any auto accessories shop will sell you a handheld UHF radio. Invaluable tool for drivers.

Barry and Bev pull over! I think you’re on fire! Oh sorry, all good, it was just the heat haze!

February 19, 2023 12:51 pm

People here should support Dean Mackin on 2SM; he’s on now. He is the most conservative, anti-woke, anti-alarmist media DJ currently on air.

February 19, 2023 12:56 pm

One longs to hear an Australian bishop calling out the gay pride celebration that extends over three weeks or so in Australian cities right now.
It has to be the most significant social development ever, yet they stay quiet.
I know there are good reasons for bishops to stay out of politics but this situation is a game changer and they need to far more militant about it all.

The Bishops have been busy in Fiji:
Bishops carry shared mission home from Oceania assembly
13 February 2023

Archbishop Coleridge committed to an Indigenous Voice
17 February 2023

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 12:57 pm

But it’s OK to call Dutton’s voters racists?

Who are Dutton’s voters?
That’s what he is agreeing to by not simply coming out against it.
Luvvie, all Dutton has to do is keep asking Albanese for answers and pretty soon, a whole bunch of Albanese’s voters will become Dutton voters.

February 19, 2023 12:58 pm

I think having armed police turn up to make an arrest for a Dubbo/Tara crossing was the straw.

My take is drugs, guns and paranoid conspiracy theorising are not a happy mix.



The command is to love thy neighbour, not shoot him in the back.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2023 1:00 pm

Barry and Bev pull over! I think you’re on fire! Oh sorry, all good, it was just the heat haze!

I’ll use that one!

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 1:11 pm

Nathaniel Train had a firearms licence in NSW which was suspended in December, 2021, after he illegally dumped weapons at the NSW/QLD border, while crossing state lines

Yeah, and he left those weapons in his Landcruiser and never returned for either.
Gary Train didn’t own guns, and Stacy Train hated guns, so the Official version falls apart right there.

This whole Butch Cassidy/Sundance Kid end-it-all-with-a-bang scenario was triggered by Nathaniel Train having gone on the run because he was wanted for driving from Dubbo to Tara.

You a shill for the cops, Salvatore?
It’s sounding increasingly likely that you are.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 1:15 pm


February 19, 2023 at 11:26 am

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

Slanderous, slanderous I say.

That’s a big 10-4, good buddy.

Roger that, Baz.
Pop a bit of Simon and Garfunkel on the 8-track.

It’s the same old story
Everywhere I go
I get slandered, libeled
I hear words I never heard in the Bible

February 19, 2023 1:16 pm

Jimmy Carter near death, the worst president in US history until Obama. Carter’s legacy? Iran.

Except he’s not. The worst president of all time was Eisenhower. And it’s not even close. Not Wilson, not FDR, not Obama, not Biden.

Everything about the planet right now is his fault. Everything. Poverty in Africa, South America, South Pacific. Everywhere.

All his fault.

He was the one who ensured every tinpot dictator on the planet could nationalize industries with impunity. Nasser took a massive risk. At the time he would have thought there was a high likelihood he would be killed by the British and French. And he would have been – and should have been – if not for Eisenhower’s virtue signalling.

After giving up the Suez, nationalization everywhere was and is a constant threat so investment plummeted.

Every starving African is the fault of Eisenhower.

Imagine if the Australian government told the Solomons that they could make any foreign investment rules they liked but if they ever reneged on a contract with an Australian company we would storm their parliament and arrest their government.

This one threat would mean we never needed to give these countries any aid ever again.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 1:20 pm


February 19, 2023 at 12:45 pm

They will happily trundle straight past every parking bay because, “Gee, Bev, if I pull in it will use a lot of charge to get back up to 55 again”.

Bev! Momentum is our friend!

Until it isn’t.
Not dissimilar to the clown in the semi I posted about a while ago.
Except his source of kinetic energy wasn’t pulling out of a slipstream. It was a long downhill run leading up to a passing lane on the flat.
But, as with all these things, the impetus quickly dissipates and you are back to whatever your regular max speed is (usually 97.85 kmh).

February 19, 2023 1:20 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin must “change by 360 degrees” in order for Ukraine to be safe, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told the Munich Security Conference.

End universal suffrage now!!!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Figures says: February 19, 2023 at 1:16 pm
The worst president of all time was Eisenhower.

100% valid point.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 1:21 pm

Indeed. I think having armed police turn up to make an arrest for a Dubbo/Tara crossing was the straw.

#1. Qld Uniformed Police have been wearing sidearms since 1977.

#2. They were expecting Police 12 months later, when all the covid restrictions had been lifted anyway?

Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 19, 2023 1:27 pm

A lot of people in the village are avid viewers/listener of their ABC. Despite this many of those oppose the inVoice and are repeating Duttons lines ,”where is the detail”,”blank cheque” etc.

He is cutting through, and he is being quoted by appearing to be a voice of reason, rather than division.

He should be brave enough to declare dissatisfaction with the idea of Constitutional change due to the principle involved of creating a separate tier of voters, and come out strongly for a statement in the Preamble recognising a duty of care towards and consultation with the aboriginal occupiers of Australia prior to its settlement by people of many other nations where all now live together with rights equal to each other under this Constitution.

Care would need to be taken even with the wording of that.
Would a ‘duty of care’ be subject to too much Court challenge? Even so, it is interpretable and can be argued within the Parliament we have already. We’ve already ceded much of this continent to aboriginal occupiers under Native Title. Legislation could see in such a ‘duty of care’ the need to end some of the settlements, established by well-meaning policies, that have placed such a blight on aboriginal advancement. The people could be financially encouraged to move to townships where employment services are naturally there as a feature of larger population needs.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Qld Uniformed Police have been wearing sidearms since 1977.

Qld police also use special traffic paddles, being prohibited by law from using hand signals to direct traffic, lest they be giving a Nazi salute to motorists.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 1:28 pm

How long before we see “Barry and Ken. UHF channel 69.” on a cararavan?

February 19, 2023 1:28 pm

“This, my son, is the road to compulsory obedience, indeed, but there is another road, a short cut, to what is much better—namely, to willing obedience. For people are only too glad to obey the man who they believe takes wiser thought for their interests than they themselves do. And you might recognize that this is so in many instances but particularly in the case of the sick: how readily they call in those who are to prescribe what they must do[.]”

Xenophon, Cyropaedia,

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2023 1:31 pm

Barry and Bev pull over! I think you’re on fire! Oh sorry, all good, it was just the heat haze!

Or, as it is now known, “The Murdoch-Falconio manoeuvre”.
Hi _eggster!

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

We’ve already ceded much of this continent to aboriginal occupiers under Native Title.

This is good, as such laws will hogtie the Chinese PLA rendering them unable to dispossess native title holders.

February 19, 2023 1:35 pm
February 19, 2023 1:35 pm

He should be brave enough to declare dissatisfaction with the idea of Constitutional change due to the principle involved of creating a separate tier of voters…

Correct, Lizzie.
A weed can only be permanently extirpated root ball and all.
Dutton’s “details” dodge is just whipper-snippering the visible.

February 19, 2023 1:38 pm

The week’s worst call:

The US sends its F-22 fighter aircraft, the supreme, lethal acrobat of the skies, to shoot out of the air sophisticated Chinese surveillance and intelligence equipment carried on old-fashioned balloons floating in near space. It’s the first time in decades the US has intentionally sent a missile to destroy a Chinese target. It’s a sign of the febrile security times that the sheer military significance of this action didn’t register more sharply.

– Greg Sheridan, wrong again, in the Weekend Australian

February 19, 2023 1:42 pm

You used the phrase:

Tolerance is a zero-sum game.

I’ve trouble unravelling the meaning. Can you elucidate? Genuine question. Google tells me, “Zero-sum game is a mathematical representation in game theory and economic theory of a situation which involves two sides, where the result is an advantage for one side and an equivalent loss for the other.” I’m still not following in the context you have used. I’ve just had an eye operation so am a bit fuddled, is my excuse, but to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever understood the phrase.

February 19, 2023 1:43 pm

Caught snatches from ABC RN at different times this morning.

Different news background programs, both focused on Ukraine.

One gave most of the time to someone talking about a future in which killer robots would be deployed, drones used against other drones and industry/ manufacturing would be the key to winning. Russian morale isn’t what it should be and Ukraine will win.

The other was all about Putin and emphasised his icy heart and ruthless methodology. A demon; though one woman who’d had dealings with him harped on about how unimpressive he is in appearance. The second Chechen war and Putin’s staged bombing of buildings in Moscow was mentioned, though interviewees conceded no clear proof of this has been found, it’s speculation.

The consistency of tone and shallow viewpoint in both programs felt like a propaganda campaign ramping up. Someone is behind it all.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2023 1:44 pm

Legislation could see in such a ‘duty of care’ the need to end some of the settlements, established by well-meaning policies, that have placed such a blight on aboriginal advancement. The people could be financially encouraged to move to townships where employment services are naturally there as a feature of larger population needs.

The former Liberal Government of Colin Barnett proposed closing down some of the more dysfunctional of those settlements. The howls of “Racism” would have been heard on the moon, and the “Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance” closed down the C.B.D. of Melbourne in protest.

For what it’s worth, there was a very effective programme in the early 1970’s, helping Aboriginal people move to towns, where there was schooling and work, but Goof Whitlam shut it down!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 19, 2023 1:46 pm

It is always going to be important to recognise that these ‘traditional’settlements, such as Yuendemu which I visited in the late 1960’s, far away and without normal housing and services, were often established not just one one tribal area for one tribal group but drew together people from a number of different tribal and clan affiliations. So they were never a ‘natural’ grouping of people leading traditional lives, and the initial housing merely duplicated shanty shelters, as an ‘acclimatising to civilisation’. Nuggett Coombes formed the out-station movement with the idea of an idyllic past being maintained, but the implementation did not even begin to allow that, unrealisable dream though it was.

At least the old mission stations I visited only a few years ago in north-western Australia (wrote about them on the Cat at the time) provided a simulacra village and presented, especially to aboriginal children, a new way of life and living modelled by cottage architecture, with new roles of home life for men and women, exemplified daily by the mission staff and in the schools where attendance was required. The demonisation of mission life by activists is one of the tragedies of the aboriginal situation today. I found older people to have very fond memories of mission life and to despair at the condition of aboriginal youth today with their dependence of welfare.

That some ‘culture and language’ was lost was a pity, and the newest iterations of these missions, that I saw up in the remote and self-governing upper island settlements, do recognise and teach traditional values along with encouraging local enterprises for employment. Sadly, the importation of drugs into these areas has been affecting some of the youth quite badly as has some of the ‘activist’ victim mentality. Thus elders want to crack down on drugs as well as alcohol.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 1:47 pm

He should be brave enough to declare dissatisfaction with the idea of Constitutional change due to the principle involved of creating a separate tier of voters…


How can Dutton oppose anything while Albanese won’t even say what’s up for grabs?
Dutton is giving Albanese every opportunity to come clean with the Australian people.
Once Albanese comes clean, Dutton can put forward the Liberal Party position.
Until then, any decision by the Liberal Party would be premature.

February 19, 2023 1:51 pm

How can Dutton oppose anything while Albanese won’t even say what’s up for grabs?

he should be opposing the VOICE, emphatically, on the grounds of racial discrimination .. regardless of what AnAl sez or doesn’t say …… !

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 19, 2023 1:52 pm

We’ve already ceded much of this continent to aboriginal occupiers under Native Title.

This is good, as such laws will hogtie the Chinese PLA rendering them unable to dispossess native title holders.

I take it that you jest, Salvatore.

The PLA would machine-gun anyone standing in their way, and round-up stragglers to a re-education camp if they were lucky.

February 19, 2023 1:53 pm

A transgender author who signed the recent petition protesting the New York Times‘ reporting on the debate over transgender children recently threatened to slit the throat of Harry Potter novelist J.K. Rowling.Obviously belongs in a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 19, 2023 1:54 pm

He should offer an alternative.

In the PREAMBLE where it can do least harm.

Lead, man, for God’s sake, don’t just sit there and take it!!

February 19, 2023 1:55 pm

The consistency of tone and shallow viewpoint in both programs felt like a propaganda campaign ramping up. Someone is behind it all.

Like the sh*t that turns up on browser at work- Putin the big bad boogie man

February 19, 2023 1:57 pm

This is good, as such laws will hogtie the Chinese PLA rendering them unable to dispossess native title holders.
Yep! .. excellent summation! .. if there is one thing we all know the Chicoms & PLA ALWAYS follow and respect local laws & customs when “visiting” other lands .. Tibet is one of the better examples! .. LOL!

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 1:57 pm

he should be opposing the VOICE, emphatically, on the grounds of racial discrimination .. regardless of what AnAl sez or doesn’t say …… !

Racial Discrimination against who?

Until Albanese comes clean with the Australian people regarding the proposed Amendment to the Constitution, no one is in a position to make any sensible comment.

February 19, 2023 2:00 pm

The Harry Potter author has stated that she believes gender is rooted in biology and that transgender “women” are not the same as actual women.

Yes and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Why is this rubbish even being discussed? The meja of course. The steaming toxic trash that is the legacy meja.

February 19, 2023 2:05 pm

cohenite says:
February 19, 2023 at 11:44 am

Anyone with High School physics would know Snowy 2 is up there with perpetual motion

Better. Turdball should have a power chord rammed up his arse and he could power all of Australia with the bullshit cascading out of the mongrel.

Remember TurdBull gave us This – Lights out for standard bulbs: Turdbull

Phasing out standard light bulbs in Australia would prevent millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions entering the atmosphere, federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull says.

Announcing plans today for a switch from incandescent bulbs to more efficient technology such as compact fluorescent bulbs, Mr Turnbull said the move would also save an enormous amount of electricity.

“If the whole world switches to these bulbs today, we would reduce our consumption of electricity by an amount equal to five times Australia’s annual consumption of electricity,” Mr Turnbull told reporters in Sydney.

“These are not small bickies, these are big bickies.”

EU states clash over use of toxic mercury in light bulbs

Lighting industry’s exemption from 2011 ban may jeopardise climate goals, says Sweden

But critics say that an exemption granted to the lighting industry in 2011 from a general ban on mercury use under the Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive is no longer justifiable.

Sweden, Finland and Bulgaria, among others, say the successful argument nine years ago that there was not a readily available alternative to mercury in the manufacture of fluorescent lamps is defunct.

Mercury-free LED light bulbs were said to produce significantly poorer levels of lighting, but it is now claimed that the technology has sufficiently moved on.

February 19, 2023 2:05 pm

The steaming toxic trash that is Koch’s squeaky voice.

February 19, 2023 2:06 pm

LED lighting is pretty good now, 15 years ago it was pitiful.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 19, 2023 2:08 pm

We could have a Referendum on Constitutional change with OPTIONS –

1. A Voice within the Constitution and a separate tier of voters established (a new consultative body formed which cannot be changed)
2. A Recognition of Consultation within the Preamble to the Constitution (enhanced consultation by existing parliamentary and other means)
3. No change at all

February 19, 2023 2:09 pm

Shy Ted

That Twitter thing on Sharaz and other ALP power corridor walkers was very illuminating.

February 19, 2023 2:13 pm

Remembering Raquel …….

February 19, 2023 2:13 pm

he should be opposing the VOICE, emphatically, on the grounds of racial discrimination .. regardless of what AnAl sez or doesn’t say …… !


Dutton is a great disappointment to me, he looked like a great choice for opposition leader, what a failure he is. He can’t even stand up for conservative values, let alone oppose the Voice for the obvious reasons, race based, divisive, unfair, unhelpful and most of all doomed for failure.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 2:13 pm

Any chance of a direct Link?
I’m a bit iffy on clicking Shy Ted’s and Indolent’s linkies.

February 19, 2023 2:17 pm

It is always going to be important to recognise that these ‘traditional’settlements, such as Yuendemu which I visited in the late 1960’s, far away and without normal housing and services, were often established not just one one tribal area for one tribal group but drew together people from a number of different tribal and clan affiliations. So they were never a ‘natural’ grouping of people leading traditional lives, and the initial housing merely duplicated shanty shelters, as an ‘acclimatising to civilisation’. Nuggett Coombes formed the out-station movement with the idea of an idyllic past being maintained, but the implementation did not even begin to allow that, unrealisable dream though it was.

Lizzie, by the time I visited Yuendemu – in 2011 I think it was – the town looked like a mini version of the worst of Beirut – with campfires in the streets and general garbage around. The only reasonable dwelling seemed to be the police station which was surrounded by barb wire. It truly was one of the scariest places I have been. Fortunately we had been able to “fill up” at Rabbit Flat (now closed, I believe) and so was not required to stop for any length of time. The elderly French lady who pumped our petrol at Rabbit Flat (it truly was a surreal experience) told us she had a shootout with the local Aborigines only a few weeks before!

But you are right – the authorities, knowing zilch about Aboriginal life – artificially created the community at Yuendemu with a number of clans who had generational disagreements and grudges. It has been a violent place ever since. And you are also right about the good that the missions achieved in the past in creating a transitional process for assimilating tribal people into modern life and opportunities. Coombes and his ilk destroyed all of that, but you will not hear any of the black lobby admit the disaster that was the creation of the remote communities.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 2:20 pm

Dutton is a great disappointment to me, he looked like a great choice for opposition leader, what a failure he is. He can’t even stand up for conservative values,

Here we go, the Hi Alans are out in force today.

Dutton has beaten Albanese in Question Time every day, he’s forced Albanese to confront his Election lies about $275/annum Electricity Bill
reductions, he’s cornered Albanese on the proposed Constitutional Amendment and he’s kept his troops in line.

As far as conservative values go, name one conservative that conserved one conservative value in the past 150 years?

February 19, 2023 2:29 pm

Indigenous voice denies we are all one race – human
Martyn Iles
Managing Director
Australian Christian Lobby

Article featured in The Australian – September 09, 2022

February 19, 2023 2:29 pm

BTW at a gathering of friends and acquaintances to watch the fantastic Grand Prix round on Sydney harbour for the F50 catamarans yesterday I had an opportunity to gauge thinking on current issues.

Impression 1- horror at the current glorification of the Mardi Gras in the CBD – including examples of the advantages given to gays in business today

Impression 2 – concern at the rate of social change – indeed the giddying acceleration of that change

Impression 3 – acknowledgment of the growing threat of China – but not of the extent of the threat

Impression 4 – growing disinterest in Covid BUT still examples of fierce defence of the vaccines (despite all evidence) ie cognitive dissonance

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 2:32 pm

Indigenous voice denies we are all one race – human

Martyn Iles
Managing Director
Australian Christian Lobby

So, there’s no White Race?
Time to write the ACL off, it’s parroting the GloboHome songsheet.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 19, 2023 2:33 pm

3,000 days in office for Dictator Dan.
One day of socialist stupidity repeated three thousand times.

February 19, 2023 2:34 pm

Protecting Their Investment? Nets Run Cover for Leftist ESG Giants Tied to Ohio Train Disaster

ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s premature abandonment of coverage of the environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio may have been a gambit to protect the leftist pro-environmental, social, governance (ESG) standard giants tied to the incident.

The Ohio incident involved a train derailing that led to a controlled explosion and the spewing of toxic fumes into the atmosphere.

A recent MRC study revealed that the Big Three broadcast network’s morning and evening news shows all but dropped coverage of the Ohio disaster once residents were permitted to return home Feb. 8. Between the incident’s genesis on Feb. 3 and the evacuation order for East Palestine being lifted on Feb. 8, all six shows fell just shy of spending a combined 30 minutes on the topic.

The networks largely regurgitated the public relations gaslighting by the Norfolk Southern Corporation, the owner of the railway responsible for the derailed train. “[R]eporters approached statements by Norfolk Southern and the Ohio EPA – both of whom had a blatant incentive to downplay the seriousness of the situation – with slavish credulity,” NewsBusters Managing Editor Curtis Houck and NewsBusters Media Editor Bill D’Agostino wrote.

But nearly a week after residents were permitted to return home on Feb. 8, the Big Three rediscovered the topic Feb. 14- Feb. 15 after it became clear that they were the three most prominent networks that had stopped covering it.

But it gets worse.

It turns out that ESG-obsessed investment giants like The Vanguard Group, JPMorgan Investment Management and BlackRock Fund Advisors, are Norfolk Southern’s largest shareholders. The combined stake between the three shareholders is valued at a sizable $9,392,760,704 as of Feb. 16.

“It truly is incredible, the lackluster coverage that the train derailment and subsequent evacuation in East Palestine, Ohio has received from the Big Three,” asserted MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Director Michael Morris. “Can you imagine if the same sort of ecological disaster had occurred under the Trump administration? Undoubtedly, the Big Three would be doing all that they could to somehow pin the blame on the former president of the United States. But now, with the Biden administration at the helm — not much more than crickets.”

Looking at the ownership of ABC, CBS and NBC may provide further insight into why they might try to move on from the Ohio disaster story after propping up Norfolk Southern’s excuses. BlackRock and Vanguard also happen to be amongst the top 5 shareholders for all three of the Big Three networks’ parent companies as of Feb. 16.

BlackRock and Vanguard both hold the top two shareholder positions in The Walt Disney Company (parent company of ABC News). Combined, the two companies hold a collective investment stake valued at $23,154,933,257. Over at Comcast Corp. (parent company of NBC News), Vanguard and BlackRock hold the first and third shareholder positions.

The companies hold a collective stake value of $22,767,766,608. Vanguard and BlackRock hold the second and fourth shareholder positions respectively at Paramount Global (parent company of CBS News). The two companies hold a collective stake value of $1,910,443,550.

Strikingly, both Vanguard (Norfolk Southern’s largest shareholder) and BlackRock have been at the center of a leftist movement to radically change American culture through the force of ESG standards in corporate America.

ESGs provide a smokescreen for left-wing bigwigs in C-suites to force radical leftist politics onto shareholders, according to former McDonald’s CEO Edward Rensi. Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks called ESG “the greatest threat to our freedoms in America today without question,” during an exclusive interview with MRC Business.

The fact that ESG-obsessed companies are tied to the Norfolk Southern disaster blows their eco-virtue signaling on sustainable investment completely out of the water and makes the Big Three prematurely dropping the coverage look even more despicable.

Could it be that the Big Three are doing everything they can to protect their shareholders’ investment in Norfolk Southern?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 19, 2023 2:35 pm

Lead, man, for God’s sake, don’t just sit there and take it!!

Albanese is never going to get into the details – can’t happen, not given the limited change formula he appears to be, sort of, perhaps, standing behind.

Pretending for a moment he’s not playing Wedge Politics 101, if Dutton can see a fundamental principle that argues for a racial preference to be baked into the Constitution, he should say so – and explain what it is.

If not, why is he not pointing it out and why do the details actually matter? They’re just the colour of the lipstick on the pig.

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 2:40 pm

Barry and Bev. UHF channel 43.

They belong to a very connected group of people. My #1 Sister & BiL are caravanners and they know people and are in touch with them all over Australia.
Do you want a very large voting block to vote for you? Put out a rumour that the GST is being dropped on new caravans because *reason*. Or that the Labor Party is going to raise it. That’d be worth a couple of points.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 2:40 pm

Albanese is never going to get into the details – can’t happen, not given the limited change formula he appears to be, sort of, perhaps, standing behind.

No worries.
If he can’t do that, the Referendum will fail.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 2:45 pm

Let’s imagine a Referendum:

One side is saying:
Everything is okay, don’t panic.

The other side is screaming:
It’s Raaaaciiissssmmm!!!! Aiiiiieee!

Which side is going to win that one, d’ya think?

February 19, 2023 2:47 pm

Vicki says:
February 19, 2023 at 2:17 pm

Lizzie, by the time I visited Yuendemu – in 2011 I think it was – the town looked like a mini version of the worst of Beirut – with campfires in the streets and general garbage around. The only reasonable dwelling seemed to be the police station which was surrounded by barb wire. It truly was one of the scariest places I have been.

Fortunately we had been able to “fill up” at Rabbit Flat (now closed, I believe) and so was not required to stop for any length of time. The elderly French lady who pumped our petrol at Rabbit Flat (it truly was a surreal experience) told us she had a shootout with the local Aborigines only a few weeks before!


on numerous trips down the Tanami before Rabbit Flat closed, besides the bars on all windows, one stop stands out, a new Toyota Landcruiser Ute Pulled up with 5 young blokes sleeping in the back tray – what was surprising, was that when we tried to talk to them, they could not speak English – the Patron at Rabbit Flat said they were from quite an isolated remote community

And yes, Yuendemu does “the town looked like a mini version of the worst of Beirut” as does Mt Leibig, and Papunya, Kintore or Kiwirrkurra are no great shakes though Well 33 Canning Stock Route Kunawarritji is well run neat & clean as is Parnngurr – smaller communities with good white managers

February 19, 2023 2:49 pm

Coombes and his ilk destroyed all of that, but you will not hear any of the black lobby admit the disaster that was the creation of the remote communities.

Nothing good comes out of canbra or the LSE.

February 19, 2023 2:50 pm

Ed Case says:
February 19, 2023 at 2:32 pm

Indigenous voice denies we are all one race – human

Martyn Iles
Managing Director
Australian Christian Lobby
So, there’s no White Race?

You Obviously haven’t been watching Ads in Australia, America or England recently!

February 19, 2023 2:54 pm

Re Previously posted

Martin Sharp’s View of The Sydney Uni Commemoration Day Manly Ferry Cruise 1964 (Organised by The Syd Uni Engineers – we only made it just out of Circular Quay) and Chief Justice Michael Kirby (then President SRC) defended students arrested during Commem, including one of my Mates who was arrested at the Wharf after the Cruise, defending his girlfriend from the Police.

The Dress on the ferry was Black Tie Formal with the Girls decked out to the nines – Martin Sharp’s Cartoon sums it up well – it degenerated quickly

His Original Invitation to The Commem Day Harbour Cruise was a Classic Martin Sharp Cartoon – Wish I had kept a copy

RE on the comment on and opening the BRIDGE on the Cartoon – we led a protest riding Cyclops Wheeled Toys , given to us for the day by Cyclops, across the Bridge protesting charging tolls for motorbikes

I rode a 3 wheel tricycle – it was a Bloody long Way up to the the toll gates then up & down a bit and long up to the top of the Bridge Roadway curve, with my knees outside the handlebars, as I was obviously too big for Tricycle, before going down hill past Milsons Point – Carried the Tricycle back by the pedestrian path on the way back

Was Knackered at the end

February 19, 2023 2:55 pm
eric hinton
eric hinton
February 19, 2023 2:58 pm

The demonisation of mission life by activists is one of the tragedies of the aboriginal situation today.


Did you go to Lombardina, Lizzie? I arrived there having visited Aboriginal communities along the coast from Cooktown on, the wretched and the idyllic. Lombardina really impressed me (this was 30 years ago) as they had maintained features of medieval European culture long abandoned elsewhere, community bakehouse, community machine workshop (well equipped) and had low-key tourism, little cabins set in lawns. Nearby One Arm Point was a disaster…. A Lombardina man said his mob worked with the missionaries to gradually take over running their affairs. One Arm went cold turkey.

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 2:59 pm


Do you also prune roses with a chainsaw?

There are other tools?

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 3:17 pm


I know there are good reasons for bishops to stay out of politics but this situation is a game changer and they need to far more militant about it all.

The fact the Church refuses to excommunicate unrepentant gays, supporters of abortion, and excusers of adultery, means the Church is in breach of its own tenets.
Why should it hold an important position in society when it won’t defend that position?
Currently the Church is just Kabuki Theatre and deserves little but contempt.

February 19, 2023 3:19 pm

Welt report uncovers evidence of serious irregularities in the Pfizer phase 3 Comirnaty trial

When do Borla and friends get stood in front of a pock marked brick wall and dealt with? Seriously, how much more does this technically incompetent and completely immoral company need to do?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 19, 2023 3:22 pm

At the moment, Uncle Luigi has full control of the Referendum politics:

Voice to parliament should not be the subject of a partisan debate, Albanese says

The PM promises to ‘reach out’ to any opposition politician who wants to discuss how the voice will work as he kicks off a national week of action on the referendum

The argument is being built around the emotion of Closing the Gap (without the inconvenience of explaining why the Voice is going to achieve any better result than parliament, $30 bn annual spend, governments generally, and 57 varieties of indigenous advisory bodies).

‘Gravitas and certainty’ is provided by panels and experts – and it looks like National Cabinet has energised the States to crack on with their own complimentary operational issues – Treaties and storytelling.

To me, the obvious set up says it’s going to come down to appeals against racism:

• Why do you hate the Indigenous so much that you want to Open the Gap?

• What message will it send if Australia fails at the Referendum?

Flabby, poorly argued opposition will simply be portrayed as a clear example of why the Voice needs to be enshrined in the Constitution; “Because otherwise, Mr Speaker, those opposite will dismantle all the good work done by so many people of goodwill etc etc…

How will it play out?
Not sure.

But, paraphrasing a wise man, in this regard and at this moment, Albanese is playing Dutton like a vuvuzela.

February 19, 2023 3:24 pm

Dutton has beaten Albanese in Question Time every day

And the nett gain(s) for the vote-herd .. zilch, zero, nil ..
Question time in Parliament is just an excuse to get the “mug on the tellie” .. pre-prepared questions and scripted rote answers .. the dead give-away is always, “And I thank the member for ‘wanksville” for his’her question on blah-blah-blah” .. followed by a long-winded answer explaining nuttin’ and,throw in at least, one interjection for theatrics …….!
Parliament these dayz is just a conga line of troughers trying to get their snoutz into the main trough ..
the vote-herd getz one day every 3 or 4 years to throw a few x-s on the paper barbie and are expected to be, suitably, grateful for the privilege ……!
Let’s face it! .. if the “Akubra houso” hadn’t come up with the VOICE for the media to run, daily,cover on he might, actually, have to try governing …….. FFS!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 19, 2023 3:25 pm

Nothing good comes out of canbra or the LSE.

Wellsprings of Top Men.

February 19, 2023 3:26 pm

The elderly French lady who pumped our petrol at Rabbit Flat (it truly was a surreal experience) told us she had a shootout with the local Aborigines only a few weeks before!

It’s great when you bump into these larger than life characters!

February 19, 2023 3:26 pm

Miltonf says:
February 19, 2023 at 2:55 pm

Rabbit Flat– quite an interesting article thanks here. I learn stuff here all time!


you learn amazing things as you travel across Australia.

Having just completed Canning Stock Route, we arrived in Wiluna to refuel & the Guy at the Service Station, recommended that rather than stay in Wiluna

For many years, the town of Wiluna has had a problem — available jobs but few qualified locals fill them.

Situated at the tail end of the Canning Stock Route and on the edge of the Western Desert, 1,000 kilometres from Perth, Wiluna is surrounded by mines staffed by fly-in fly-out workers.

The town itself is sleepy, with a general store and a modest museum displaying photos of its heyday.

Poverty, marginalisation, and disadvantage are words often used to describe the town’s situation. But in the past few years, things have begun to change

We stayed in the GUNBARREL LAAGER STOP POINT – in a Donga surrounded by lush green lawns and, surprise, surprise Sultana (Table Grape) Vineyards an unexpected sight in desert land

It wasn’t far down the road to the Gunbarrel Laager about 12 Kms out of Wiluna

our overnight stopping place. Owner Gillian Marchant welcomed us to her former table-grape-growing property and made us feel at home. It wasn’t exactly what we had envisaged. The family’s second business is heavy machinery and there was a bit of noise from the driving. Still, there was gushing hot bore water in the donga showers, so it wasn’t all bad. The kids got out their paper and pencils and drew the scenery, using the scenery: scooping up handfuls of the vivid red dirt and rubbing it onto the page. It looked very effective and judging by the mess, it must have been fun.

Sadly Covid has caused them to shut down –

February 19, 2023 3:31 pm

OO as my aunt in far western NSW said ‘you can work wonders with water’- nothing like a good oasis. Yes Australia is amazing, underrated by too many and too good to ruin.

February 19, 2023 3:37 pm

Trump to Visit East Palestine, Ohio Next Week

But there’s a difference between rumored plans and actual plans. Now, Donald Trump has confirmed that it’s official in a new press release:

It reads:

Biden and FEMA said they would not be sending federal aid to East Palestine. As soon as I announced that I’m going, he announced a team will go.

Hopefully he will also be there. This is good news because we got them to “move.” The people of East Palestine need help. I’ll see you on Wednesday!

Let’s leave aside for now the speculation by the former president on the timing of the federal funds for East Palestine residents.

That said, anytime there’s a reaction like this from Meghan McCain, you can be assured you’re on the right track:

Meghan McCain
Trump visiting the “Chernobyl of the Midwest” environmental disaster in Palestine, Ohio before
& President Biden is just shameful on the part of this administration.

I continue to just be shocked and appalled the White House is ignoring this…

Collin Rugg

JUST IN: President Trump will be visiting East Palestine, Ohio.

That’s more leadership than the actual president.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

OldOzzie says: February 19, 2023 at 3:26 pm
We stayed in the GUNBARREL LAAGER STOP POINT – in a Donga surrounded by lush green lawns and, surprise, surprise Sultana (Table Grape) Vineyards an unexpected sight in desert land

Sadly Covid has caused them to shut down –

Scomo’s legacy.
He confiscated (known as taxation) Billions of dollars from the people who earned it ……..
………. and used those Billions to shut this business & put the employees out of work.
(& thousands of similar businesses and employees)

While reaffirming the sanctity of his $10,000 per week salary, refusing to empathise or to share the pain of the productive class on the rationale that (in his own words) “I am doing a good job”

February 19, 2023 3:38 pm

Yes and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Don’t give them any ideas.

February 19, 2023 3:40 pm

boogie man

It’s spelt bogey man. But it’s pronounced boogie.

Not many people know that.

Robert Sewell
February 19, 2023 3:42 pm


The Bishops have been busy in Fiji:
Bishops carry shared mission home from Oceania assembly

That’s a piss weak excuse P, for the inaction of the last twenty years.
Like just about every other institution in the West, the Churches are subsisting on the last two thousand years of goodwill and are asleep at the wheel or actively undermining the moral authority of the Church.
It’s time they were threatened with being thrown out on their ears along with the money changers.

February 19, 2023 3:49 pm

Leftist Group Rocked by Revelation That Its ‘Queer, Muslim, Multiethnic’ Equity Chief Is Really A White Lady

Raquel Evita Saraswati knows how to play the game, right down to her name itself, with its pleasing multiethnic mélange and artful evocation of Leftist icon Evita Perón.

The American Friends Service Committee, a hard-Left organization peddling authoritarianism and dependence upon the all-powerful state under the guise of “social justice,” was likely thrilled when Saraswati applied to be its Chief Equity, Inclusion, and Culture Officer. But then matters took a dark turn, or more precisely, a light turn.

A member of the search committee that ended up hiring Saraswati at the Friends Committee, Oskar Pierre Castro, recounts that during the interview process, Saraswati had represented herself as a “queer, Muslim, multiethnic woman.” With this trifecta of wokeness and victimhood, Saraswati couldn’t miss, and of course, she got the job. “It really touched all the points,” Castro remarked of Saraswati’s background. But now it has come to light that contrary to her claims, she is infected with the Left’s original sin: Raquel Evita Saraswati was born Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, and is as white as the native population of Switzerland.

The revelation of Saraswati’s true ethnicity has been like sandpaper upon the hitherto smooth, complacently Leftist surface of the American Friends Service Committee, with these people of love and tolerance now eyeing one another suspiciously over their tofu and soybean salads: now the organization’s other employees are afraid that they’ve been infiltrated. According to a Thursday report in The Intercept, the fact that their hijab-wearing multiethnic Muslima has turned out to be white has led some inside the Friends Committee to suspect that she is “working on behalf of groups seeking to undermine their organization.” After all, her position “gives her access to the files of dozens of the organization’s staff and volunteers.”

Of course! Why else would Saraswati have lied about her background? It couldn’t be because being white has been so demonized and stigmatized on the Left that all manner of white folks, from Elizabeth Warren to Shaun King to Hilaria Baldwin to Linda Sarsour, are claiming not to be “people of color,” could it? Nah, that couldn’t be it. Saraswati must be a double agent! She must be secretly working for some white supremacist group, right?

Saraswati, according to The Intercept, “for years has encouraged people to believe that she is a woman of color, including Latina as well as of South Asian and Arab descent.”

But Raquel/Rachel’s mom, Carol Perone, was unequivocal: “I call her Rachel. I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing.” Perone added: “I’m German and British, and her father was Calabrese Italian. She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad.” Indeed. Welcome to the twenty-first century, when happening to be non-white is a badge of honor and whiteness is regarded as it would be if the entire nation had joined the Nation of Islam in thinking that all evil stems from the white race, an intrinsically evil people that was created in the mythic past by an evil scientist, Dr. Yaqub, on the island of Madagascar.

Mama Perone continued: “I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she.” Perone even showed The Intercept childhood photos of Rachel; they showed the future queer, multiethnic Muslima to have a “complexion is significantly lighter than the bronzed look in more recent photographs.” .

Now Oskar Pierre Castro feels cheated: “In my mind it was, ‘Great, a person of color, a queer person of color, who happens to be a Muslim, it’s a woman, all these things, and someone who seemed to get it. I definitely feel conned… I feel deceived.”

Well, sure. But it is certain that neither Oskar Pierre Castro nor anyone else involved with the American Friends Service Committee will pause to consider what they themselves did to create people such as Raquel Evita Saraswati.

When the Left started exalting “people of color,” Muslims, and homosexuals as people of superior nobility and insight, did it never occur even to a single Leftist that one day, someone would come to them deceptively claiming to be a homosexual Muslim person of color?

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 3:52 pm

You Obviously haven’t been watching Ads in Australia, America or England recently!
Those ads are hard to miss, but I am taken by surprise that the ACL would barge into the Referendum discussion by saying that there’s no such thing as Race, so vote NO.

The ACL mighta bin better of staying out of it, if they’re serious about the NO position, which I seriously doubt they are.

Cassie of Sydney
February 19, 2023 3:54 pm

“Carter is an essentially good man but in failing to call out his own party for lurching to a baby-killing monstrosity from the 1970s onward, his vanity trumped his religiosity. He liked being the Democrat elder statesman too much. He was also a conspiracy theorist regarding the 2016 election – whose result he denied.

His so-called “malaise” oratory in the late 1970s has aged well.”

I think that’s a fair assessment. However there are four character traits in people that enable evil…

1. Weakness
2. Cowardice
3. Naivety
4. Evil

Jimmy Carter had the first three in spades. Whilst he was inept, I don’t dispute that he was a sincere and patriotic man however Carter suffered from a messianic belief in himself, no doubt related to his Baptist faith. He saw himself as a someone who needed to heal America after the Nixon years. He extended this “healing” belief to the world, thinking he should and he could make the world a better place, hence his refusal to back the shah, a colossal and catastrophic mistake that the world, and in particular the Iranian people, still reels from.

Obama was and is number 4, the living embodiment of evil. And it’s Obama who’s pulling the strings in the White House under the Sniffer.

February 19, 2023 4:01 pm

But Raquel/Rachel’s mom, Carol Perone, was unequivocal: “I call her Rachel. I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing.” Perone added: “I’m German and British, and her father was Calabrese Italian. She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad.”

what is disturbing is when they are not even close to hot but still rank really high on the crazy scale

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 19, 2023 4:01 pm

Jadeja on a Hat Trick.
Go, Toddles!

February 19, 2023 4:02 pm

Robert Sewell says:
February 19, 2023 at 3:42 pm
The Bishops have been busy in Fiji:
Bishops carry shared mission home from Oceania assembly

That’s a piss weak excuse P

It was sarcasm, Robert. I should have marked it so.
First when referring to climate change and second with the Voice.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x