New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939
New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939
Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
In a motorway cafe. Yes, I was going to mention that!
Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
Stargazy Pie?
OK. I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse. Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert…
How can you be self-employed and a member of a trade union? What is the point?
Cassie – I think the scene about ten pages before the end of the first Game of Thrones book could charitably be called “icky”. There are other words for it, which are more accurate but less acceptable in polite company. Obviously you haven’t read that novel.
I’ve not watched the series, although some of the clips I’ve seen look to be fun.
“Obviously you haven’t read that novel.”
Once again, you’re wrong. I have read the novel.
Now go away. I want nothing to do with you.
It is a huge number, as are 466k and 155k wounded and dead.
Then you will know the word that I am thinking of starts with the letter “p”.
I hate it when authors get into unnecessary yucky stuff. Terry Goodkind went like that after a couple of novels and I couldn’t read any more of his work.
made me chuckle
The Game of Thrones TV series, well season one which is all I’ve watched so far, is way more pornographic than the novels.
Or maybe it’s different on the screen, I remember wondering where all the rude bits came from.
Let’s say Russia was a small city with 70k people, or a suburb/municipality of Sydney or Melbourne, say with 70k people as well.
Over a year, 434 + people, mostly young men have left.
74 young men have died in the war.
224 young men have been wounded, some made invalid.
434 were originally in the armed forces in the invasion.
144 (mostly young) men have now been mobilised as an active reserve.
There is a rumor that 579 people is the actual figure targeted for mobilisation of army personnel, whom will be conscripted.
This has to be starting to have a chilling effect on the Russian economy and their morale on the home front.
“The Game of Thrones TV series, well season one which is all I’ve watched so far, is way more pornographic than the novels.
Or maybe it’s different on the screen, I remember wondering where all the rude bits came from.”
Danerys is too young in the novels, that is realistic for medieval history and fantasy novels based off that, but that sort of thing cannot be put on TV.
Then it’ll be on. On like Donkey Kong.
Crossie I used to go to union sights to check on gear I had on hire occasionally. I was a member of the cmfeu and the blf in different names. That way if something needed checked I could do it without causing a meltdown which did happen once at Perth Airport. Different unions controlled different sites. That was in the 80’s and 90’s. Don’t think it would happen now. Probably want my DNA to get on site. As an aside I went with my mate to Parliament House when it was being built for lunches. Different unions seemed to have a competition to put on the best show.
Listen, champ, it was PANZERBAIJAN, allied with Hitler, IIRC. Oddly enough, they practiced Shamanic Tengrism.
Starting salary a tad under $10k.
First house $50k in a then unfashionable Westie suburb*.
Despite meeting the banks archaic “savings multiples” formulae, we were still forced into a “cocktail loan” (part first mortgage, part usurious personal loan secured against the property).
Scored, I think, $3,750 under first home owner’s scheme (part up front, part deferred).
* Estimate now – $1.75 to $2.0 meg.
I would’ve liked that he didn’t put it in the novel either. I was enjoying the story up to that point.
Totally unnecessary. He did himself out of several sales since I would’ve bought the sequels.
“Listen, champ, it was PANZERBAIJAN, allied with Hitler, IIRC. Oddly enough, they practiced Shamanic Tengrism.”
Routed at Stalingrad.
Oh. Oho.
Ya right over there are you? Big fella? You right? Are ya?
Feeling strong? You feeling a bit secular tonight mate?
Been inside the door for five minutes, and reckons he’s on point with demographics in the Caucasus.
HEY! What’s wrong mate? Am I wearing your shirt or something?
Radio glitch, or comrade feature?
Pay and conditions to be miraculously transported upwards?
I swear to God Robbo, if that bloke says one more goddamned word about the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic proclaiming its independence from the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic in 1918, thus becoming the first secular democratic Muslim-majority state it’ll be schooies down and time for the lefts and rights.
I know I’m on probation because Emma behind the bar kicked me out a fortnight ago, but only because that other bloke wouldn’t shut up about Armenia being incorporated into the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic in 1920.
Worth it then, worth it now. Gonna be showtime in a minute if this keeps up.
Given that Austin Texas is becoming the new Los Angeles https://youtu.be/kEWVzvYZOMM?t=681
what would be different about Snake Plisskin in a new Escape From Austin movie?
Answers on a postcard, please.
e.g. Snake would be wielding at least a 50 cal.
e.g. Monster trucks instead of sedans.
Marty DiStasio: “I think it’s the Serbs’ fault”
(Studio audience dissolved into shouting match)
I’m pretty sure several characters in the book were ‘underage’.
… intravenous self replicating metals.
And Titus.
Bolt: “It’s as though God votes Labor”.
One mention of “intravenous self replicating metals” and the room goes quiet!
Faro to Tavira by train today, its 45 minutes, €6.50 return, don’t be late or you might not get a seat. On the south the marsh lands and channels, who knows what was on the northern land side, the windows were completely covered by graffiti.
Tavira has yet to be swamped by New Portuguese from northern Europe as it’s inland, there’s an island too but I probably won’t get there today. Can’t be bothered.
There is a castle and 37 churches and it is nicely picturesque.
The medieval (in parts) bridge over the river has a tile plaque celebrating the defeat of the enemy (muslims) in the 13th century.
Typical Portuguese lunch, lamb chops, chips and salad, exotic it was not. At least it wasn’t lamb chops, chips, salad and boiled rice.
Yesterday I visited the church of St Francis in Faro, €2, a spin around the little cloister then into the church, no photos allowed, it’s baroque with Portuguese tiles on the walls and in the ceiling above the altar, illustrations from the life of St Francis and Our Lady.
It is quite something, there is a cupola in the middle, I think where the altar originally was but that is now part of the nave, if you like, with the altar further back. I think I have how the building was enlarged right.
The monastery is now a government building but the church still has daily mass, which I went to in the evening, if for no other reason than to sit for a while in a beautiful place.
The cathedral is also fully tiled and well worth a visit, inside the old walled city.
There is a constant stream of budget airline planes arriving (and no doubt leaving) Faro every day, you can get there from at least 71 other places including Bilboa and Exeter.
I can’t imagine what it’s like in the high season.
Tomorrow if I feel better I’ll take a boat trip around the marshlands to the islands, it’s a birdwatchers’ paradise.
Well worth a visit if you’re in this neck of the woods.
Titus Welliver?
104 days until we discover if this warning is accurate:
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg
“A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”
9:18 PM · Jun 21, 2018
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Andy Davey.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Dave Brown.
Patrick Blower.
A.F. Branco.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks Tom!
Thanks champ.
How can you be self-employed and a member of a trade union? What is the point?
You’re gay and retarded all at once.
I understand the staff loan is available to all RBA staff at concessional interest rates. Always has been.
The RBA shit stain staff’s mortgages should be market rate, in the market that they f’ck with.
Who thought up this shit? Australia is a genuine Mongocracy, only the shit ideas rise to the top!
This headline is from the New York Times, not the Bee:
The Excellence of Kamala Harris Is Hiding in Plain Sight (2 Mar, via Powerline)
All I can say is its hiding very effectively.
the United States multiplied its war production by TWENTY FIVE TIMES.
And it wasn’t shit either, very well designed and very well made down to the smallest component and sub assembly.
I see this as a good thing.
Unlike the Dem sycophants at CNN, MSNBC, etc, Tucker is not prostrating himself before some political idol.
I see this as a good thing.
Tucker stopped taking Trump’s calls after the 2018 mid-terms.
Trump would then meet with people who knew Tucker and get them to call Tucker and put them on speaker so he could speak with him.
The bigger question is what’s it going to take for the rusted on morons to turn off Hannity.
Sydney Cats and Kittehs I will be up there Saturday. A long lunch in order?
Meanwhile in the primary polls Trump is still streets ahead of anyone else.
Emerson Poll: Trump Leads GOP in NH by 41 Points (8 Mar)
No wonder McConnell is grumpy.
Mitch McConnell Reminds Regular Republicans That He Hates Them (8 Mar)
From overnight:
22 days to 30 months until you-know-what.
The SMH has gone full Washington War Machine.
In today’s instalment they are saying that the cost of the US subs will end up be 20bill per annum if Australia ends up with eight of them.
How about this?
No subs.
Australian taxpayers don’t need to buy defence contractors another beach house.
Keep in mind that if the US meets its chip target of being self sufficient by 2030-2032 they will not give a shit about Taiwan.
Australian taxpayers are funding US self-interest with a policy that will be dead or at least tapering down within a decade.
Intriguing how unflatteringly the English cartoonists depict their dusky PM and Cabinet Ministers. Just thinking of the reaction in Australia to Knight’s depiction of Serena Williams: Serena
The news from the USA continues to beg the question “how deep is the rot” over there. After eight years of Obama appointed judges and way too many Soros appointed/funded DAs, not to mention the school boards, teachers unions, partisan MSM and now attacks on Fox News for telling the truth, one has to conclude that things are grim.
The hysterical reactions to Trump, who tried his best to right the ship of state, revealed a lot. The 2020 election rort with its unbelieveable vote tallies allowed the string pullers behind the curtain to install President Place Holder. They then appointed a series of hacks to key positions, and opened the border. The destruction of the USA is being achieved while we watch, unable to change the course of history. It is the ultimate horror show.
Every time you see Schumer utter his warped view it reinforces the conviction that nothing normal by way of elections or legal avenues will correct all the things that have gone wrong and continue to go wrong.
Most competitive team sport associations have a rule that specifies a player during a home and away season must play a certain number of matches in a particular grade before being eligible to play in a final, or finals series.
Relatively straightforward, this is designed to stop ‘grade-jumping’ – the practice of players in a club’s higher grade that did not make the finals jumping down a grade or two, stacking a lower grade team who did make the finals and providing an unfair advantage.
On a related topic, junior sport administrators generally fall into two categories – salt of the earth types who are giving back to the game after they’d taken so much from it over a long playing career at whatever level, and who usually also have children involved in the same sport, and smarmy over-officious failed local councillors who simply cannot survive without holding some form of authority over something – anything – no matter the scale.
PeterM, the naughty, merciless Pom cartoonists have been taking the mickey out of their “betters” for hundreds of years. It’s a fine tradition.
Here’s Gilray and King George and Queen Charlotte on the toot.
Like all fine traditions…it’s only a matter of time.
Guess which administrator category people in Melbourne’s South East Cricket Association fall into (the Hun):
These dunderhead administrators didn’t just punish the kid who had the temerity to get a brain tumour without permission and then get it removed during the season, they kicked his entire team out of a grand final for having him return to the field.
The kid loves cricket, so much so that he was prepared to participate again solely as a fieldsman. No batting, no bowling. That’s a real indicator of how much an under-14 player loves the game.
Now this is excellent on Hampton’s part. Whoever’s running the Hampton juniors is clearly a salt-of-the-earth type. Not so much for the association dweebs:
Well done Braaaaghton Union, and a standing ovation for Hampton by giving the association muppets some thinking time. These association cockheads who used standard rules in complete contradiction to their intent surely work for the ATO or the Reserve Bank when they’re not ruining the dreams of children.
I’ve never seen a single episode of GoT nor have I read the books. There was an entire shop dedicated to it in Split (presumably because filming there and Dubrovnik).
It was full of little figurines and fake weapons and other weird stuff.
My edumacation is sorely lacking.
I might add – the Hampton people deserve an additional free beer because they would have had to massage a few soccer/cricket mummies from the Leafy east, upset that little Tristan couldn’t use his new $1400 Gray-Nicolls stick he got for his birthday.
Little Tristan himself, however, might just understand.
GoT, neither have I calli. I only knew Sean Bean was in it, amazingly didn’t get killed in the first episode. Saw Bean in 8 out of 10 Cats do countdown as a guest. He did parodies of himself showing the other supposed comedians on the show how to do humour. The audience went right off for the whole show. Everyone was in genuine appreciation of him.
This needs to become a holiday for right thinking people.
I’ve never seen a single episode of GoT nor have I read the books. There was an entire shop dedicated to it in Split (presumably because filming there and Dubrovnik).
It was full of little figurines and fake weapons and other weird stuff.
My edumacation is sorely lacking.
I haven’t watched the series or read the book either but with anything written by George R.R. Martin we aren’t missing a thing.
Over the past few days, in Adelaide, at a progressive leftist taxpayer funded love-in called the Adelaide Writer’s Festival, some invited international panellists sat on a stage, before captive and very smitten audiences of upper middle class and wealthy South Australians, along with various Labor, Greens, Teal, Guardian, Nine and ABC types, the same kind of people who always cry, shout and screech waaaaacissm, waaaaacissm, waaaaacissm at the right, sat, listened and nodded attentively when panellists spewed out, among other things, how Jews poison Palestinian water, and how Jews harvest body parts. Classic stuff taken from the Protocols, in fact Germans attending Nuremberg rallies would have heard exactly the same spew. And what was the Adelaide audience response? They clapped eagerly. Now, I don’t know what others think but I call such Jew hating rhetoric “hate speech”. The grating thing is that there were no other voices on the panels to dispute, discredit and disagree with such speech. Goebbels and Hitler would be so proud.
You might ask how these “invited” guests got their visas? That’s a good question. Their Jew hatred is well known. Remember, the federal government denied visas to Milo, Tommy, Gavin and others for far less offensive speech.
I think we can accurately say from the above that Jew hatred, in 2023, is alive and well and it’s not found in some dismal lonely cellar or attic where young adolescent males, obsessed with National Socialism, sit on computers all day in front of walls daubed with swastikas. Personally, as a Jew, I’m not particularly worried about those incel Grampian Nazis who I suspect are rarer than a Tasmanian Tiger, rather my concern is that taxpayer funded festivals host such Jew hating filth and that various progressive luminaries, the same progressive luminaries who love to preach to us great unwashed about homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia and all the rest of the “phobias”, flocked to Adelaide in droves to hear one phobia they clearly like and approve of…good old fashioned Jew hatred.
As a believer in free speech, I have no problem with the Jew haters coming to this country, as I believe that sunlight is the best exposure of hate speech. In fact sunlight burns such people and viewpoints. They are best countered, mocked and ridiculed however there were no alternative viewpoints allowed at the taxpayer funded writer’s festival. The festival should have had people on the panels to counter the Jew hatred. But they didn’t. The next time some moron tells you that Jew hatred is solely the preserve of the right, you might want to mention the progressive leftist love-in called the Adelaide Jew Haters Festival.
Their border guards also make pregnant Palestinian women drink bleach.
Right Bob?
If Israel is as evil as the clowns say it is…all they need to do is turn off the power and water to Gaza. And stop medical treatment for Palis in hospitals.
But they won’t, because that’s what their haters want them to do.
Adelaide has always been a strange place. I went there one Easter and it was closed.
Ugandan Knuckles
I can tell you, and I have been the Prez of a sportsball club, that the local association body can be filled with dinosaurs who refuse to bury decades old feuds.
I got injured once and the President of a club who didn’t make finals voted against my clearance for finals. We probably were not going to win anyway and I wasn’t going to win single handedly. Why? They literally had nothing to lose. Except they would lose a chance to be spiteful dickheads.
Then we got a new assn. President years later who was the failed local councillor type who stuck around until the SHTF and he left like a rat abandoning a sinking ship.
That kid who got cancer – poor guy. Honestly it could go down to people on their assn. board being worried that Ieuan’s team has more potential junior rep players than their own kid’s teams. Some of the parents of junior rep players are freaking mad, especially if they think their kid can crack the state or national teams.
So I am starting to like rather atomised and objective sports.
It’s tough to complain your way into the rep team in those sports. If the other guy is a better shot, faster or chokes you out, what do you do? Change the rules like a pre schooler? For some people sadly, the answer is YES!
Now that’s soldiering you Dothraki twat!
Wellington should have made himself King, made Sharpe the Lord Warden of Yorkshire, made Sharpe marry Lady Catelyn Camoynes and Dogget should have been General of the Kingsguard. Sharpe should have been given Casterly Rock as compensation from Lord Rossendsle’s family.
Whomever the original complainant from the Hampton CC was also has some explaining to do. At a minimum they need to be taken aside, given a stern talking to about sportsmanship and afforded an opportunity to make amends, failing that, publicly outed and thrown to the wolves.
Oh yes. Oh yes indeed my wordy lordy yes.
Cricket is about sportsmanship?
AB vs The Cheating Midget Ranga Houso.
A morality play
My tip – it will have been some dickhead parent living vicariously through his son. A former clubbie whose individual genius was not recognised, and who will be continuously claiming he could have played at Shield level or higher, except for ‘injury’ or ‘selector bias’.
Thankfully, the salt-of-the-earthers on the committee stamped it out.
the greatest lie told during covid
Whomever the original complainant from the Hampton CC was also has some explaining to do. At a minimum they need to be taken aside, given a stern talking to about sportsmanship
Personally methinx a good kicking would be more effective ..!
Real Mac Report
BREAKING: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield reveals the COVID-19 virus was likely created by gain of function research funded by Dr. Fauci and the NIAID.
How US taxpayer funds are flowing to a group bankrolling anti-Netanyahu protests
I’m getting old, not like when I was a kid. Seems like a lot for a piece of wood, you can get a pretty good guitar for less than that and they come with the complication of things like intonation and so on.
Capitol Offense: The Ugly Truth Behind The Five Deaths From January 6th and 7th
Cyndi Lauper Compares Laws Banning Transgender Surgery on Children to Nazi Germany: ‘This Is How Hitler Started’
Tucker Carlson tells @glennbeck he’s had the same phone number since 1995—but not one journalist has called/texted asking him for a copy of Jan 6th tapes.
Instead, Tucker says he’s getting texts from Washington Post like:
“Is it true you suck?”
Pfizer’s new “Bivalent” shot has never been tested in human trials—much less in babies & toddlers. Yet the @CDCgov, @US_FDA will likely approve them despite not knowing long-term risks of harm. Their disconcerting lack of ethics shows their greed & corruption has no limits.
I’m guessin’ no reporting of ethnicity is the telling factor in “our” different laws for different folks lettuce leaf system .. FFS!
A TEENAGE criminal with 144 prior convictions was high on drugs and speeding in a stolen car when he crashed, killing a 14-year-old passenger and leaving a girl with quadriplegia.
The boy, aged 15, livestreamed his dangerous rampage through Cairns on Instagram in February 2021, driving “foot the floor” at times exceeding the speed limit by more than 60km/h.
As a result of the crash a 15-year-old girl became a partial tetraplegic – also known as quadriplegia – two other girls suffered significant injuries, and the 14-year-old boy died.
Crown prosecutor Christopher Cook said the defendant had 144 prior criminal convictions including for assault, robbery and burglary.
March 9, 2023 at 12:35 am
Titus Welliver?
Titus Oates (the C20 one)?
LOL owned
Amazing that so many Right leaning people are falling for the whole “gain-of-function” distraction.
Even if the virus was real (and of course it’s not) it was the response that was the entire problem. I remember (something very few people do these days) in the early days of the “pandemic” it was actually people on the right who were just as, if not more, paranoid than those on the left. Mike Cernovich for one. This was because their animosity towards China made them easily susceptible to propaganda. I still remember Nancy Pelosi walking through Chinatown telling everybody to calm the **** down. Possibly the first and certainly the last non-evil thing she ever did.
By the time the Right realised it had opened the doors to out and out communism in the name of public health it was way too late. The normies had sided with the communists and we were all ******.
And now the normies are starting to realise that the Right (ie its later variant) was correct so now the Left let the story go back to “gain-of-function” to try and obfuscate the tremendous human rights crimes that the left have inflicted upon us.
And what does the Right do?
It falls for the exact same ******* thing!
So now we have people on the Right on twitter saying “well the lockdowns for covid were a mistake, but if it was ebola, they would be a great idea!”
FMD. As though the Left won’t claim every upcoming “virus” is as bad as ebola.
Don’t worry Sean Bean got to die in GoT.
And justified away using the “Look, it’s not about the kid, if we ignore the rules we might as well all give up and go home…” argument.
$1400 Gray-Nicolls stick
Bat of choice for us “housos” .. can’t believe what some folk find to waste their money on ..!
How does anyone spend $1400 on a piece of wood that relies on the ability of the user rather than the product for performance ..!
If “terrain theory” can explain Ebola I will eat my hat.
Cue the bottomless pit meme individual explaining gangrene, Ebola and chicken pox with “terrain theory”.
What is it this week?
In other Shit People Doing Shit Stuff news:
The Royal Family Skipped Princess Lilibet’s Christening Despite an Invitation From Harry and Meghan
Pumped out to the world press a week after nobody noticed the racist snub from Hell.
better off reading this series Calli
Luigi the Unbelievable used to be Titus, but after the homo hoedown in Sydney not so much.
Cindi Lauper showing her true colours.
As for Ginge and Whinge, the christening was in their Montecito home. Did they really expect the King and Prince of Wales to do a royal visit to the US? Just for them? If they were serious, which they are not, they would have all flown to the UK and done the deed there. In a chapel at the very least. You know, the place where you worship the Almighty.
So much for rejecting the World, the Flesh and the Devil.
Yep, a try on. And dealt with appropriately, although I hope they had the Royal Bottom Wiper RSVP on their behalf.
I hope it has an English translation, rosie. Looks good.
Planning to have a look at Ludlow on the way to Shrewsbury in June. Featured prominently in the Edward/Isabella/Mortimer scandal. Apparently St Lawrence’s has some stained glass that escaped Cromwell as well. And a nice market square.
No warring Englishmen though – except maybe on Friday nights outside the pubs.
The future of Australian nuclear energy is debated in Parliament (dignity edition):
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen clashed with the Coalition on nuclear energy during Question Time on Wednesday.
Absolute zingers.
In good hands.
It reminds me of couples having weddings in expensive foreign locations and then griping about rellos not turning up.
Of course the object is to have a good time themselves at minimum hospitality expense plus have a stick to bash others with.
It’s a game I have refused to play on a few occasions. Cheaper to send the buggers money and be done with it. They don’t want you there anyway.
If people are recommending alternative massive doorstop series, once again I step past Outlander (got tired about Book 8) to Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles, and her Niccolo Rising.
If you know, you know.
You know that you have no arguments against me which is why literally every time you challenge me you just make stuff up. I don’t think you have ever provided a remotely honest response to me.
I’ve never claimed to adhere to terrain theory. Indeed, terrain theory is impossible for the same reason that germ theory is impossible – there is no way to explain how people can recover. If terrain theory were true, and our bodies get taken over by germs when our environment (ie our bodies) are unhealthy, then our bodies would become unhealthier still and thus leading to a positive feedback loop of our certain death.
Same is true for germ theory – once the germs have overcome the immune system in the first instance, it would only get exponentially worse from there.
Now, at least terrain theory doesn’t have the obvious flaw that germ theory does – ie how can any doctor/nurse/patient survive being around so many sick people? However, its flaw is the converse – its explanation for people simultaneously coming down with the same symptoms is feeble.
Now all of this is to say that, unlike you, I took a completely different approach to medical epistemology. I took the facts as I could directly observe them and constructed the most sensible framework. You listened to your kindergarten teacher and parents and just assumed everything they said was true – since then, when you were confronted with facts that negated their theory, you just rationalized them away.
Whatever the theory, it needed to explain recovery, simultaneous sickness amongst multiple people, the good health of doctors. Bonuses were if it could show that diseases actually served a purpose – in general and for each specific symptom.
The answer to all of these was one and only one theory. Emotional trauma leading to sickness. As it happens, it had already been formalized and specified by Ryke Hamer, but even before knowing the specifics, it was obvious the broad theory was correct.
As for ebola, if you haven’t worked out by now that doctors’ diagnoses are not to be trusted during so-called epidemics then I don’t know what to say. During the Black Death, if you died, you had bubonic plague. Even if your lymph nodes were apparently fine. If you’re sick and you’re in the middle of a country supposedly “battling ebola” then you have a hemorrhaging disease. Even if all you’ve had is a bad headache. Some people in “ebola outbreaks” hemorrhage. Many (the majority? The vast majority?) don’t. They’ll all be diagnosed with ebola though.
If I was going to guess what makes people hemorrhage (other than physical trauma) it would be poisoning (probably vaccination). I have no idea what made you think it was a virus (other than because that’s what your kindergarten teacher and parents told you). Oh and Hollywood. Hollywood loves their virus pandemic stories.
Astonishing really. You try and mock alternate theories without even realizing that poisoning leading to hemorrhaging is completely uncontroversial.
Bowen is a scientifically illiterate childish irresponsible prick.
Yes boy, a gen IV nuke reactor is EXACTLY like an atomic bomb.
What a low IQ retard.
He needs a good slap. I hope he slights the Handbag Hitsquad, they’re above the law anyway.
Shut up moron. You are the right wing equivalent of Bowen. Shut up, go away, make everyone else happy.
Hey Calli,
I found an updated version of Rosie the Riveter for your avatar. 😀
What is this “GoT”?
Figures, point to the place on the doll where the bad man touched you.
Well, at least they did the last bit:
And, lo, it was thus.
A misspelling of G&T?
What is this “GoT”?
Save yourself the trouble and don’t find out. It is mind masturbation.
Comedy gold!
Your views on disease are the same as Bowen’s.
For the same reasons.
I have a couple of such people in my family. One bride wanted a holiday destination for the wedding on Valentines Day. Not only would her working class relatives need to wear the cost of travel and accommodation but take leave from work to get there for the mid-week reception. Let’s just say most didn’t attend.
Another bride also had a fantasy of an exotic location for the wedding. Her mother wasn’t having any of it and organised a reception when they came back that everyone attended.
Sadly, both marriages ended in divorce. My guess is that the marriages didn’t meet expectations.
The Palaszczuk has gifted a Tasmanian aquaculture company $7.5m to further develop a rock lobster farm in north Queensland.
I gather the company was “attracted” to QLD by a previous “gift.”
Explain how the thetans/midichlorians ferment barley into beer, grapes into wine, cures meat into salami, etc.
Cassie, I’ve been following the story of the Jew-hating white trash invited to the Adelaide Writers Festival (with enthusiastic support of the craven hypocrite who’s now the Liars premier of SA) via Sharri Markson’s excellent show on Sky News (5pm Monday to Thursday).
Like you, Markson thinks sunlight is the best disinfectant but, in those who attend writers’ festivals and their political funders like SA premier Peter Malinauskas, they’re driven by fascist ideology and they’re impervious to shame or reason.
Unfortunately, the Malinauskas government has no political opposition as the local Stupid Frigging Liberals, like their counterparts in WA, Victoria, Queensland and, soon, NSW have flown the white flag and will be nowhere near the government benches in the foreseeable future.
Rule of thumb – if the “wedding” is all consuming, the marriage will be short lived.
On Pogria’s Rosie, I’d like one of those for my left knee please. The MRI showed a meniscus tear so I’m off to the physio today for a towelling up. No surgery on the horizon and I’m hopeful of a natural repair. Yet another caused by injury, not old age. Bother.
1/1000 women want these jobs. They are at no financial disadvantage at all to starting on this path.
You can’t go too far when you’re trying to save vulnerable refugees.
Why…it turns out they granted them freehold title to a leased property.
Thanks, mate!
The wedding at the end of the old Aussie move The Delinquents is perfect, low cost, humble etc.
Good luck with that. No sale. If you won’t pay over 50k don’t even bother proposing.
“Well my 2nd cousin’s niece’s sister’s daughter’s friend’s great granddaughter accepted such a proposal ALONG with a BFA”
Bricklaying is fine for young women while they’re young. She’ll need good upper body strength and a male hoddy on account of the weight.
She’ll be off the tools the moment she injures herself. And that’s not an “if” it’s a “when”.
Knuckle Draggersays:
March 9, 2023 at 8:05 am
how Jews poison Palestinian water, and how Jews harvest body parts
Their border guards also make pregnant Palestinian women drink bleach.
Right Bob?
Whisper Corner:
Strange goings on in Poland, where apparently a huge batch of disfigured dead bodies was discovered in a mining shaft.
More than 500 military corpses found in Polish mine, including military personnel
The burial ground was found in the Bogdanka coal mine (40 km from the border with Ukraine). Now the Polish military has come to the place to conduct conversations with hard workers. Several miners were taken to Lublin after interrogation.
There are rumors among the Poles that the bodies of foreign mercenaries who died in the NVO zone were brought there.
According to another version, these are the bodies of wounded UAF soldiers, who were torn apart into organs, allegedly being taken to Europe for “treatment”.
The miners say that there may be several burial grounds, since the tunnels are periodically filled up.
It is obvious that the Poles will “swallow” this state of emergency, as well as the incident with a Ukrainian missile hitting a Polish tractor.
And another:
. Polish officials are trying to prevent a scandal from breaking out: in the Bogdanka mine, miners discovered a burial approximately five-hundred bodies of men in the remains of military uniforms, some pieces of clothing have chevrons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
. At the moment, special services are conducting investigations with employees who discovered a terrifying find in an abandoned shaft. After interrogation, some of the miners were transported to Lublin. Many Ukrainians work in the facility (the mine is located 40 km from the Ukrainian border), thanks to which secret information was leaked to Ukraine.
. People say that the bodies found, they say, have been disemboweled, and they are sure that they are wounded Ukrainian soldiers who, under the guise of treatment, were brought to Poland by black market transplantologists.
It’s something to file away for now, for future reference.
Especially in light of another rumor that the Poles plan to build a base in the Volyn region of Ukraine, staffing it with local Ukrainian territorial defense (for now).
According to an unofficial version, the construction of the base says that the Poles, being drawn into the war, are preparing to increase the size of the Polish group and deploy the appropriate infrastructure. Warsaw continues to prepare a backup plan to send its military to Western Ukraine if the war drags on. As reported, recently in Ukraine, a subordinate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “Polish legion” was created, the base of which is located in the Kiev region.
I’ve previously reported the rumor that the Polish president has offered to ‘keep the Western regions warm’ for Ukraine—i.e. annex them ‘temporarily’ so as to prevent Russia from attacking them, the logic being that Russia wouldn’t attack a territory being ‘squatted’ on by a full-fledged NATO member.
And for those who might balk, and perhaps either weren’t following the conflict from the get-go, or have short memories, allow me to remind you that almost exactly a year ago from today, Poland had already openly called for NATO intervention in Ukraine—not only in the form of a ‘peace-keeper mission’ but even a ‘no fly zone’.
Uh oh. Another bad day. 😀
Doesn’t exactly look happy with her “ability”.
Surprised they didn’t work global climate catastrophe warming change into it.
A curious journalist might do more than regurgitate the press release helpfully written for them by a colleague now in the Premier’s emply and inquire as to whether there are any political connections here. The Labor Party has branches in every state, I believe.
The only logical explanation for Figures and his nonsense is that he is acting out some deep childhood trauma, projecting his own inner anguish onto the entire field of medicine. If his illness was caused by emotional damage, everyone else’s has to be as well.
It’s okay Figures, we’re here for you mate. When you’re ready to share your pain, we won’t judge.
The largest, and most lavish, wedding I have seen had eighteen bridesmaids and groomsmen. The marriage lasted less then two years….
Is this your attempt to prove you don’t always lie about what I believe?
If so, it sucks.
Narcissists are bad marriage partners…who’d have thought?
March 9, 2023 at 9:54 am
Uh oh. Another bad day. ?
By highlighting and subsidising the building industry jobs for women the government is denigrating traditional females trades like hairdressing. These are highly skilled occupations yet belittled by the elites. If they were so concerned by the low pay why not subsidise them?
As it is, the only careers that are enhanced are those of bureaucrats running the programmes.
In even further Harkle news:
Brain sepsis.
100% vaccine related.
Monty and Dot, I want to be absolutely clear because, unlike you two, I don’t like lying about what my opponent believes.
Are you both saying that emotional trauma never ever ever leads to physiological symptoms in humans and animals?
Speaking of which, I see one of the women’s mags has come to the startling conclusion that Megs married Harry for his money…only to find out that he didn’t actually have much, whereupon a plan was hatched in her devious little mind.
Sorry OldOzzie. It was a foolish joke directed at Dot. I posted this in sympathy for him yesterday.
Explain how the thetans/midichlorians ferment barley into beer, grapes into wine, cures meat into salami, etc.
You are saying that all sickness is caused by emotional trauma. That is what we are refuting.
I got married in the park outside the registry office and had the reception at a local scout hall. Total cost of wedding and reception was less than $1,000.
We are still happily married.
The whinging bricky won’t like being paid per 1000. A good labourer keeps 2 brickies going and gets paid well. Can anyone imagine a female crew. Neither can I. I doubt they could do 500 in the same time. Leg and lower back strength are a must. I appreciate women for exactly what they are, not I can do anything a man can and when they can’t, whinge about it. We compliment each other not compete.
As a believer in free speech, I have no problem with the Jew haters coming to this country, as I believe that sunlight is the best exposure of hate speech.
I just wonder how these people are funded.
A lot seem to be “writers’, but surely a shit selling book doesnt net you enough to swan about dispensing your protocols to all and sundry?
and Figures
Stop making monty be right. Reality doesnt like it when that goes on for too long.
Bricklaying apprentices usually start by stacking the bricks, mixing the mud and hoddying. Dogsbody work and extremely physically taxing.
Boss brickie usually appears on site, sets the profiles and disappears to the next site. The junior brickies fill in until the next lift.
Missie appears to have skipped two “courses” in the pecking order to boss brickie. On our dime. That will go down well.
About the cricket kid – this is the classic feel-good story. You would expect newspapers run gigantic stories about the kid who underwent exceedingly dangerous surgery getting back onto the field.
Hell, give him a cricket bat hitting a run and you have the makings of a Hollywood movie (although nowadays they would tweak it so he was a black transgender beagle who performed the surgery on himself with an ice-cream scoop because of the systematic racism/speciesism of western medicine).
The joy and the glory of the game (for players and fans) lies not in the rule book, but the spirit of how it is played.
Always sterilize your 9mm ammunition before you use it. Your victim could get sepsis.
And while I’m here…
Ex-Clinton Official’s Death on Plane Sparks Conspiracy Theories (8 Mar)
This is the way.
I challenge any brickie to lay any course as well as the bloke in the TAFE video.
Must have lived in a single story dwelling.
March 9, 2023 at 10:06 am
Sorry OldOzzie. It was a foolish joke directed at Dot. I posted this in sympathy for him yesterday.
S’Ok, I like that image, my wife would say sums me up perfectly – Painting looks like from Spanish Inquisition period
Reminded me of Monty Python Spanish Inquisition Part 1 from 1 min 25 secs on
Chris Bowen@Bowenchris
Australia’s energy economy: propped up by a clutch of smiling 20-something women. As a commenter says: ”Have you ever thought that they could do your job without you!”
In the best of hands.
I am entertained by the journalist ZK2A reposted saying that gurlies could be the answer to tradie shortages.
What about the thousands of boys who never made it into uni (60/40 female to male ratio) or who failed out of Uni (20% of all freshers) and could spend the following 5-10 years on computer games? How are you going to get them into trades? Will your press secretaries praise them for being stunning and brave to rise above their peers and get some f****** work?
Really? But I specifically said that the cause of “ebola” symptoms are most likely poisoning.
Faaaaaaarkkkkk….Monty is right again.
You don’t make much sense at all with anything you say, Figures. You’re a nitwit.
Magnificent work, MoLo.
*With the subsequent box office takings and audience to prove it, i.e. virtually none.
So I apologise for not being totally clear. Emotional trauma explains the phenomenon I referred to (eg people getting sick with the same symptoms simultaneously). Poisoning can and does explain some of these instances but certainly not all (eg chickenpox parties).
So now are you and Dot on board? Do you both agree that emotional trauma and poisoning are the primary (only?) causes of disease?
Fully dicked uptick for Monts. When you are right, you are right.
‘Nuclear: What we can learn from Hiroshima
That A-weapons saved millions of lives – most of them Japanese – from death in a D-Day style invasion
and the sequel, ‘Nuclear: What we can learn from Fukushima’”
That even when hit with a tsunami and an earthquake an old nuclear power station didn’t kill anyone.
Bowen is a clown.
Emotional trauma, poisoning and fanatical devotion to the Pope?
No Figures, you are clearly a froot loop.
Cassie @ 7:59am
I call such Jew hating rhetoric “hate speech”…
They are best countered, mocked and ridiculed however there were no alternative viewpoints allowed at the taxpayer funded writer’s festival. The festival should have had people on the panels to counter the Jew hatred. But they didn’t.
Sunlight is fine when there are alternate views asserted and reported in the msm, and without the undertones of snide commentary. But usually that’s not the case. And as far as taxpayer funding, don’t these organisations have a code of conduct that will give equal time to the other side.
[edit comment: “like the ABC?” Hits forehead with palm of hand]
Chris Bowen@Bowenchris
I have a great team and I couldn’t do my job without them.
But today, I’m saying it publicly.
Happy International Women’s Day!
How can we have An International Women’s Day when the Now Female US Supreme Court Judge could not even define the Word “Woman”?
Marsha Blackburn asked the Supreme Court nominee on Tuesday to define the word “woman.” “I can’t — ” Jackson replied. “You can’t?” Blackburn …
As the confirmation hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson went into hour 13,
Sen. Marsha Blackburn asked the Supreme Court nominee on Tuesday to define the word “woman.”
“I can’t — ” Jackson replied.
“You can’t?” Blackburn said.
“Not in this context. I’m not a biologist,” Jackson said.
“The meaning of the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can’t give me a definition?” Blackburn asked.
The Tennessee Republican’s line of questioning hit on nearly every political hot-button issue, from critical race theory to teaching children about gender identity in schools to Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer on the University of Pennsylvania’s women’s team.
Jackson said her role as a judge would be to address disputes about a definition and to interpret the law.
“The fact that you can’t give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about,” Blackburn said, before turning to Thomas, who has been at the center of the debate over policies for transgender athletes.
One hundred per cent.
Bowen is a clown.
Can we write that in the sky?
By being correct on a single isolated issue, mUnter has successfully delineated himself from Ed October who has yet to be proved correct on any topic whatsoever.
An interesting, yet no doubt temporary state of affairs.
The road to hell is subsidized.
Australia invests* $4.29bn in renewable energy in December quarter, 10 times the previous three months
Despite the year-end spurt** the pace remains inadequate*** to meet targets, Clean Energy Council says
buried in the sharticle
The investment details come a fortnight after the Australian Energy Market Operator warned of potential “reliability gaps” in the national power grid without “urgent” action in coming years to encourage more clean energy capacity and storage.
Look at this lump of excrement.
Pretending that the traditional fuels are unreliable after 20+ years of deliberate white-anting
Thornton called for the renewable energy target to be increased and extended beyond its 2030 deadline to support the sector.
“We know that to truly have an effect on long-term energy prices, Australia needs the security provided by low-cost electricity direct from solar and wind and reduce our reliance on increasingly expensive gas and unreliable coal generation,” he said.
*Investing like a drunken at a Honkers bordello sailor after a 6 month deployment…
** Phrasing!!!
*** An inadequate spurt, many such cases.
Arguably one of the worst examples of Liar politicians being drawn from Union hack stock.
But you just admitted that emotional trauma does cause disease. Presumably you agree being poisoned does too. So what’s your problem?
I assume it’s because you think germs cause lots of diseases.
Ok. Which set of symptoms is only caused by germs and why are germs a better explanation than poisoning or trauma>
For the avoidance of doubt, McGurk.
Hundreds of disembowelled and organ-less mercenary corpses found in abandoned Polish mineshafts?
As the immortal Mike Moore from Frontline would remark:
‘Mmmm. Disturbing trend.’
I feel that the author of that piece would appreciate someone, anyone buying him a coffee before he has to shut down two days from now.
Miraculous imminent pay rises in Health IT?
After the Sydney rail
comraderyradio glitch yesterday I was going to say how chaotic the world would be quite regularly if IT workers had ever seriously unionised.IIRC there is a union that theoretically “represents” IT workers, but hardly anybody joins it. It’s people on low pay who seek out collective bargaining, but IT workers have had fairly good salaries for a long while.
From someone who thinks men can menstruate.
The joy and the glory of the game (for players and fans) lies not in the rule book, but the spirit of how it is played
One hundred per cent.
Memo to self- Dont play monopoly with KD, especially when death is on the line.
Leg and lower back strength are a must.
If you add in upper body strength, you can include those sheilas who think they can play footy.
Our Christophobic Ruling Caste
Why Christianity is a threat to our technocratic elites.
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley last week persistently questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about the FBI’s over-reaction last September in its heavily armed arrest of pro-life Catholic Mark Houck at his home––for an alleged assault that local law enforcement had already declined to prosecute. Houck was tried, and a jury acquitted him in just an hour.
For citizens of faith, the raid and trial demonstrate how many “public servants” in our federal agencies have an animus against Christians, a peculiarity given that the DOJ and other agencies are so vigorous in protecting Muslims from alleged Islamophobic persecution. Christophobia, on the other hand, apparently is okay, and Christians’ First Amendment rights can be violated to serve partisan political agendas.
Once again, the self-styled “brights,” the technocratic, progressive ruling elite who “follow the science,” are abusing their power to intimidate and marginalize Christians while violating their 1st and 14th Amendment rights in order to discredit Christianity, long a threat to the technocracy and its authority.
The Houck case is not an outlier in the Feds’ sorry record of targeting Christians. In January there surfaced an FBI field office’s report called “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” which was disavowed only after an FBI whistleblower exposed it.
Or consider the FBI’s double standards in pursuing attacks on reproductive services offices, which are violations of the FACE Act used to charge Houck. According to the Heritage Foundation, “The DOJ charged 26 pro-life activists with FACE Act violations in 2022 alone, but did not charge a single pro-abortion activist with FACE Act charges in 2022, despite over 100 apparent pro-abortion attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches across the nation, according to Catholic Vote trackers.”
Nor is this a recent development. During the Obama administration, starting in 2010 the IRS targeted conservative and Christian non-profits.
Losing a subsequent lawsuit did not slow the IRS down. In 2021, the agency pulled a Texas prayer group’s tax-exempt status because it “benefits Republicans.”
As Ohio Senator Jim Jordan commented, “The Obama/Biden IRS targeted conservatives for their political beliefs. It looks like the Biden/Harris IRS is already up to no good as well. Every American should be concerned, but sadly, not surprised.”
This disdain for Christianity has been intensifying for a century, and goes back even farther to the 18th century Enlightenment. When not atheists, many of the new rationalists were Deists, reducing God to the “first mover” responsible for the created world. The theology of Christ’s divinity, incarnation, death, and resurrection, and the miracles attending Christ’s mission, was rejected. Christians, when not decried as tyrannical, intolerant instigators of slaughter, were patronized as “shamans or witch doctors from savage tribes whom one humors until one can dress them in trousers and send them to school,” as Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz satirized this attitude.
By 1882, Friedrich Nietzsche memorably expressed this new sensibility and its cause: “Wither is God?” the madman in a fable asks. “I will tell you. We have killed him––you and I. All of us are his murderers . . . . God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.”
The only question left is, what will take God’s place as the foundational source of our ideals like virtue or human rights, if these can even survive.
The new authority of science based on its material improvements changed radically human existence, and disproved the Christian doctrine of mankind’s innate corruptibility. The dream of endless progress brought on by education and scientific new knowledge, took hold and started the long process of secularization. The new knowledge and “human sciences” could now improve human nature and usher in an age freed from the destructive behaviors that once blighted human life.
It didn’t take long for that dream to become a nightmare. Yet not even the 20th century’s gruesome catalogue of industrialized slaughter, genocide, and gulags written by political religions like fascism, Nazim, and communism has weakened this faith among our cognitive elites.
For Americans in particular, this growing authority of science and distaste for religion began to erode the 1st Amendment’s rights of free speech and religion.
Indeed, even atheists like Voltaire acknowledged the utilitarian value of religion in his famous quips,
“If God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him,” and “God is dead, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murder me at night.”
Or as Napoleon put it, “Religion is a kind of vaccination, which, by satisfying our natural love for the marvelous, keeps us out of the hands of charlatans and conjurers. The priests are better than the Cagliostros [famous occultists and frauds, Andrew Roberts’s gloss], the Kants, and all the visionaries of Germany.”
Finally, the discrediting of faith and the idealization of science as the royal road to ultimate happiness on earth, has created an emptiness in our civilization, which lacks a convincing story of who we are and what is best for us, how we should live and act, what is good for us and what we are good for.
Both mUnty and Gargooglery have their stopped watch moments. It is the inbetween times that are the problem.
Remarkably, I found I was correct on an issue once.
Didn’t matter; no-one cared.
Anyone who has ever anything to do with an IT project would know they do not have to join a union to cause chaos. Still the single most frustrating thing I had to deal with in a work environment. Happy never to see any of them again.
Is it possible those Polish mineshaft corpses are actually J6 protesters, notoriously denied speedy trial and now deprived of other human rights?
That is a deliberate joke, friends. However, inventing a new conspiracy like that would get me hot points at 4-chan – and American Greatness.
Anyone who has ever anything to do with an IT project would know they do not have to join a union to cause chaos. Still the single most frustrating thing I had to deal with in a work environment. Happy never to see any of them again.
During the early 1990’s the Lycoming aircraft engine company brought in a large IT outfit to computerise the place. So much chaos was caused that they had to put armed guards around the areas the IT guys were working in.
Muntifa being right about something brings to mind the Pitch Drop Experiment.
Munty, you have over eighty years to be right another eight times. Thank God I’ll be dead by then.
Don’t anybody bring me back as a head in a jar. ;D
Can someone put up Damon Johnston’s column on Daniel Andrews in today’s OZ? thank you
This one’s for nautical Cats.
The “Abandon Ship” of the United States carrier, U.S.S. Lexington, sinking at the battle of the Coral Sea, was a leisurely affair. A tub of ice cream was brought up from the service store, and served out to those crew waiting to “abandon ship.” The flag secretary of the Admiral in command, used his arms to make a semaphore signal to one of the escorting cruisers “Send a boat for Admiral.” A motor launch was duly dispatched.
(“Pacific Crucible,” Ian Toll, Page 364.)
A malaise as old as satanic possession.
NY Times Discovers New Source of Racism
And this could be the most absurd one yet.
The New York Times, that intrepid warrior for anything and everything that the Left is hysterical about, on Friday published a lengthy piece about a source of systemic racism that no one has ever noticed before:
It seems that equestrian helmets are racist because they don’t accommodate the dreadlocks that some black horse riders wear.
One black rider’s mother lamented: “Mostly everything in this sport isn’t designed for us.” Well, that’s got to change, and these Jackie Robinsons of the Coiffure, with the Times’ generous help, are leading the way to the Equestrian Helmet Justice that our society so desperately needs.
Chanel Robbins, the Times tells us solemnly, “has been riding horses most of her life, ever since her grandmother traded a cow from their family’s farm in Ontario for a pony when she was 7.” Horse riding “offered an escape from thoughts that weighed on her,” which included the fact that “she was the only Black girl in the neighborhood.” But when she grew dreadlocks, her helmet didn’t fit anymore, and that, as you must know by now, is racist.
Fighting back tears (really, the Times actually said she was), Robbins said: “I finally freaking feel like myself, and now society is asking me to change. I just want to be able to ride.”
How dare Whitey do this! Is there nothing to which he will not stoop?
Poor Chanel Robbins can only find relief on the back of a horse from the systemic racism that confronts her every hour in Amerikkka, but now Whitey has taken even that away!
The Times generously ascribes this not to malice, but to callous indifference: “Black equestrians have long felt virtually invisible in a sport that remains overwhelmingly white.
For those with natural hair, which for many is a declaration of pride and Black identity, finding a helmet that fits properly can be nearly impossible, creating yet another barrier to full inclusion.”
Big Helmet (ah, but not big enough) is just as indifferent to their plight as Whitey in general:
“Some are now lobbying for change, mindful that horseback riding is among the leading causes of sports-related traumatic brain injury. The helmet companies say there isn’t a simple fix.”
Stand by for Adam Bandt and the Greens to have heart failure…..
“I found an updated version of Rosie the Riveter for your avatar.”
She looks like Amy Winehouse. More a case of “we can do this with crack”, rather than science.
Shooting them would be too kind. I would have like to have seen them torn limb from limb by horses or fed live to pigs.
From the comments:
March 8, 2023 at 1:16 pm
Agreed, it is profound.
All those other religions that proliferate:
All replacements for God
” via Sharri Markson’s excellent show on Sky News (5pm Monday to Thursday).”
Agree Tom, her show is excellent.
March 9, 2023 at 11:10 am
“I found an updated version of Rosie the Riveter for your avatar.”
She looks like Amy Winehouse. More a case of “we can do this with crack”, rather than science.”
I thought exactly that just after I clicked Post Comment.
You don’t say.
Someone should introdeuce young Johnston to the wisdom of Thomas Sowell.
Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.
just a reminder of useful copy & paste to put in front of web address with block
Example of above – Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.
Yes, and.
I particularly enjoyed Jordan Peterson’s last chapter in 12 Rules, where he asks ‘What shall I write with my pen of light?’ His response breaks us out of scientism, developing some lovely lines for living well, living bigger than the wants of the moment, giving to others generously, and remembering the limitation of how much life we have been given.
On the surface it is a glib piece of happytalk; but actually its very, very helpful. Those living in darkness have seen a great light, it isn’t this, but living with these things in mind would let you see that you have lived well.
Fed Rates Up into 2024?
“Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has made it clear that he sees higher interest rates ahead in his battle against inflation and their unrealistic 2% target. Many traders are now scrambling talking about how Powell said the Fed will probably raise rates more and possibly faster than previously anticipated. They are now taking that as a warning he may do a 50-bp hike this month. Our computer projected a Directional Change in 2022 and everything is on schedule for the rise into 2024.
Powell also restated his warnings to US banks about the risks of getting involved in the crypto industry. He expressed very clearly that lenders must take “great care” when engaging with cryptocurrencies. He added that the central bank didn’t want to prevent innovation, but it is not bullish on this industry and views it more like the DOT.COM Bubble.”
This doesn’t look good for all of those over indebted Australian Home Mortgage Owners. And it is not very good for the Communist Feral Guv’ment that we have here. All that interest expense on the Feral Budget bottom line. Let alone those over indebted State Guv’ments like Sicktoria and Queenyland. NSW is not that far behind either.
OldOzzie’a link at 10.46am:
For the left, everything is about politics and power.
The Christian God is a threat to the left’s program to control the minds of the human population.
Anyone who worships a celestial god above cannot worship the left’s god on earth, the government.
The left’s main competitor must be eliminated — but, as the left has discovered, that’s not possible, so His followers must be belittled, harrassed and imprisoned.
Meanwhile, our Christophobic ruling class proliferates its alternative to Christian morality — anything-goes permissiveness.
The result? Godless human self-hatred is running rampant and, with up to a third of young people in the West calling themselves homosexual, the civilisation that gave us The Enlightenment is collapsing into self-indulgent decadence (like the Roman Empire).
Meanwhile, the Western left has mutated from working class hero into a pimp for the Chinese Communist Party’s fascist crackdown on dissent and an enemy of human freedom.
And lots of Oscars!
Nolte: ‘Jesus Revolution’ Grosses More than 4 Oscar Nominees…Combined (7 Mar)
Meanwhile the Ghost of Kiev is unhappy.
Ukrainian group protests Oscar nominations for ‘Top Gun: Maverick,’ citing film’s alleged ties to a Russian oligarch (8 Mar)
Good luck getting that nice new F-16 you had your eye on son.