New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939
New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment. Driving them through razor wire is good for some…
@SirBylHolte Just now at happy hour, this Karen took immediate offense to my MAGA hat! HER: “I can’t believe you’re…
Agree. I think we’ve all had enough of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas too now the Queen has gone.
The tunnel and pizza crew walk again.
Behold: On This International Women’s Day, I Shall Define ‘Woman’
Happy International Women’s Day!
I say that with some measure of caution. After all, I don’t mean to pretend that it is actually that simple to identify and define a woman in the quest to celebrate her as a woman. This is a complicated issue. Even some of the greatest minds in the world can’t seem to come to a conclusion.
Our latest Supreme Court Justice suggested only biologists can tell us what a woman is.
I don’t think she gets enough credit for her brilliant response.
It takes a lot of balls to accept a nomination to the highest court in the land on the basis of the very specific conditions of the nominee being Black and a woman, and then turn around and say you cannot even say for sure what a woman is.
Of course,
The Daily Wire asked us all “What is a woman?” as the world looked on in confusion.
It seems no one could really answer the question
– either because for some the answer seems so obvious the question feels ridiculous or because for others the answer to the question seems so complicated.
I shall hold you in suspense no longer. Your patronage demands I lift this veil, on this very blessed International Women’s Day. Are you ready?
A woman is:
A female human bearing XX chromosomes.
Please guard this secret with your lives…or at least your continued patronage.
Zulu @11:06am
thank you
“The Real Villans Here Are the Federal Judges in Washington DC” – Julie Kelly on How Courts Have Severely Abused Jan 6ers
The judges in DC are monsters who align with the corrupt DOJ and persecute and sentence innocents for crimes not committed in abusive courts.
The innocent victims of Jan 6 have been abused more than any group in recent US history. After suffering under a police barrage of flash bombs and rubber bullets, Jan 6 victims were arrested, with some sitting in jail to this date with no court dates or charges.
Judge Napolitano a year ago said that none of these individuals should be sitting in jail.
When these victims are charged and finally brought forward in court, these Americans are put in phony courts with abusive and DOJ-compliant corrupt judges.
Julie Kelly finally called out the courts in DC for what they are doing to these innocent Americans in an interview last night on Tucker Carlson. The court’s actions have been atrocious.
Kelly shares:
“I want to emphasize the real villains here are the federal judges in Washington DC who have allowed the government to play every single game…”
A Partisan Judge’s Parting Rampage
The queen of January 6 jurisprudence, Judge Berry Howell is a shameless partisan willing to twist the law, and the U.S. Constitution, to advance her own political agenda.
By Julie Kelly
Enabling this farce in the nation’s capital is Beryl Howell, the chief judge of the D.C. District Court. A former Democratic staffer on Capitol Hill, Howell was appointed to the bench by Barack Obama in 2010 and elevated to chief judge in 2016. Since then, Howell has steered the government’s yearslong effort to put Trump in handcuffs.
She managed the grand jury proceedings for Special Counsel Robert Mueller and is currently overseeing the Justice Department’s latest iteration of its “Get Trump” campaign—a sweeping investigation into alleged attempts to “overturn” the 2020 election.
Her latest broadside is aimed at Representative Scott Perry (R-Pa.). FBI agents, acting at the direction of the rogue Washington Field Office, stole Perry’s cell phone on August 9, 2022, the day after the same office executed an armed raid at Mar-a-Lago. Perry was traveling with his family in New Jersey at the time when agents seized his phone, copied its contents, and returned the device.
Perry’s lawyers immediately attempted to keep the contents of the phone out of the hands of a leak-happy Justice Department, citing privacy and privilege factors, including the Constitution’s speech and debate clause, which basically protects the legislative branch from retaliatory actions by the executive branch. When Perry initially refused to waive that protection at the request of the Justice Department, the government successfully sought a second warrant a few days later to review what investigators collected from the phone.
And that’s when Judge Howell stepped in.
“After a determination that there was probable cause to believe that evidence of criminal activity would be found on the targeted cell phone, the government’s search warrant was approved,” Howell wrote in one motion filed in the mostly sealed case.
The second search warrant was reportedly approved by Howell on August 18.
Since then, Howell has wielded her power to prove herself right. A grand jury under her purview is “investigating potential federal criminal law violations stemming from efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Howell wrote. According to the government, Howell noted, Perry used his phone “to communicate with individuals allegedly engaged in those efforts over critical time periods at issue in the investigation.”
That’s just a sliver of the crazy talk in Howell’s 51-page motion rejecting most of Perry’s arguments about why roughly 2,200 emails and texts qualify for protection under the speech and debate clause. Perry’s motions remain under seal, but his privilege claims appear to be centered around Congress’ obligations to administer the Electoral Count Act.
Howell is a shameless partisan willing to twist the law, and the U.S. Constitution, to advance her own political agenda. She is the queen of January 6 jurisprudence.
There’s a piece in the Tele this morning on a British couple who are, well, swingers.
The piece details one of the ‘telltale signals’ another couple is into swinging. One, apparently, is having an upside-down pineapple in your shopping cart. Displaying this signal is said to indicate your desire to meet other couples for a bit of keys-in-the-fruit-bowl activity.
I find this a bit weird, because I always thought the signal was towing a caravan.
With Tucker’s J6 vids and the Left’s panic and fear someone has decided it’s time for another squirrel.
Unfortunately lefties aren’t particularly imaginative…
US Intel: Russia Tried to Sway ’22 Elections (8 Mar)
“An annual threat assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies said Russia employed influence operations during the 2022 midterm elections and will continue to use clandestine means to spread information favorable to its agenda.”
The four factors that fuel disinformation among Facebook ads (Phys.org, 8 Mar)
“Before and after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency purchased tens of thousands of Facebook ads in an effort to stoke division among Americans. Their effect on the election is hard to quantify. But their reach is undeniable.
“Tens of millions of people were exposed to these ads.”
Yes friends the wetched Wussians have weturned!
Adam Creighton has an article up on the Oz about the hearings in US and gain of function.
This comment by me was rejected.
“When are we going to probe deeper into those experts in Australia who also promoted the false narrative about the origin. Most recently several months ago in research that was claimed to be independent. One of those researchers was Peter Dazack of Ecohealth.
I remember Google searching the signatories on the Lancet letter. It only noted their University affiliations but two Australian signatories were also on the Ecohealth web site”.
Seems the Oz does not want to cover certain people. Eddie Holmes and Hume Field are two. Saw a very well known Oz expert on Twitter casting doubt on FBI assessment about lab leak. As always follow the grant money.
The Oz moderators seem particularly well informed as to what not to allow.
Everybody knows you can’t tow a caravan into a supermarket.
One, apparently, is having an upside-down pineapple in your shopping cart. Displaying this signal is said to indicate your desire to meet other couples for a bit of keys-in-the-fruit-bowl activity.
I find this a bit weird, because I always thought the signal was towing a caravan.
Keep an eye out for this one then.
Sometimes walking the dog is not just walking the dog.
Her body is waiting…
Renewables Aren’t Renewable
Why key facts are dismissed by America’s elites is a story of corruption, collusion, megalomania, greed, cowardice, intellectual negligence, and delusional mass psychosis.
Today in America, there are obvious disconnects between observable reality and the narratives we get from the corporate special interests controlling the news we consume, along with politicians who are supposedly elected to represent us.
This is nothing new. Elites have defined America’s destiny throughout its history.
The only difference today is that the internet, despite ongoing crackdowns, still manages to deliver an unprecedented volume of contrarian perspectives to millions of people.
We aren’t any freer or less manipulated today than we ever were, we’re just more aware of it.
What may be different today, however, is the misanthropic folly of America’s current energy policies. America’s ruling elites are not only imposing these policies on everyone living here, they are attempting to impose them everywhere on earth.
By now it should be beyond serious debate that “renewable” energy cannot possibly scale adequately to replace fossil fuels. Worse still, renewable energy systems are even less sustainable than fossil fuels and cause more environmental destruction. Renewables also fail to offer significant reductions in carbon emissions, and in some cases actually cause more carbon emissions.
Why these facts are dismissed by America’s elites is a story of corruption, collusion, megalomania, greed, cowardice, intellectual negligence, and delusional mass psychosis. Modern political theory offers solace to cynics who believe all democracies are actually just “managed” shams by suggesting pluralism and representative government are nonetheless at least approximated if there is competition among the powerful elites running a nation. But what if there is no interelite competition in the realm of ideas? What happens when every one of these elites believes the same things? When it comes to “renewables” and “net zero by 2050,” that’s what we have in America today.
As a result, Americans face a future of perpetual scarcity: rationed, algorithmically micro-managed access to energy, punitive pricing for energy use over government mandated thresholds, and a wasteland of landscapes ruined by solar farms, wind farms, battery farms, distribution lines, open pit mines, evaporation ponds, and dumps; all the destructive consequences of industrial scale “renewables” development. At this rate, the blind rush to eliminate fossil fuel and rely solely on renewables will cause catastrophic worldwide shortages of energy, spawning deadly poverty and desperate wars.
Renewables Are Not Renewable
A recent post by respected investment blogger Wolf Richter, compiling data from the Energy Information Administration, reported “renewables” generated 22.6 percent of all U.S. electricity in 2022, a record high. Proponents of renewables consider this achievement as validating their strategy.
But the devil is in the details.
To begin with, hydropower accounted for 6.1 percent of that total. But hydropower is under relentless assault by environmentalists, and even if more hydroelectric dams could be built instead of demolished—which is the current trend—the best sites have already been developed.
But what about wind, which contributed 10.1 percent of all electricity generated in 2022, and solar, which added another 4.8 percent?
To put the question into relevant context, first consider what it’s going to take to get America’s economy to a “net zero” state by relying solely on wind and solar. To do this, we cannot merely calculate how much additional wind and solar generating capacity would be necessary to replace all other sources of electricity generation in the United States. The residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors of the U.S. economy rely on direct inputs of natural gas and petroleum for 62 percent of the energy they require. Electricity is only used for the remaining 38 percent, which means at 14.9 percent of that, wind and solar actually only delivered 5.7 percent of all energy consumed in the United States in 2022.
Merely electrifying the transportation sector in the United States would require total electricity generation to nearly double. To electrify the entire U.S. economy would require total electrical generation to triple. To do this using only wind and solar power would require the current installed base of wind and solar to expand by a factor of 18 times, and the process would involve far more than erecting 18 times more wind turbines and solar farms than we have already. There remains as well what is euphemistically called “balance of plant.”
In the case of wind and solar, balance of plant refers to thousands of miles of additional high voltage power lines and utility-scale battery backup systems.
Since most parts of the United States, such as the densely populated Northeast, do not have reliable solar energy and are not the windiest parts of the country, it would be necessary to transmit wind energy from the plains states, and solar power from the southern latitudes. At the same time, hundreds, if not thousands of gigawatt-hours of battery storage would be required.
The Resources Required for Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles Are Not Sustainable
When discussing the sustainability of renewables, of course, an honest analysis cannot focus exclusively on the production side. If the energy consumption of an entire economy is electrified, that would include the transportation sector, where in every significant case the goal of electrification is fraught with challenges. Ships at sea cannot recharge their batteries during a four week voyage on the deep ocean. Can they use hydrogen fuel cells instead? Can they go back to relying on sails?
Farm equipment that is too expensive to leave idle during harvests must operate up to 18 hours a day, so how will they recharge in only six hours? Will they swap batteries in the middle of a shift? Perhaps solutions exist. But they are expensive and they squander resources.
It is the ubiquitous automobile, at last count numbering 291 million in the United States alone, where “renewable” technology is most readily exposed as incredibly wasteful and destructive to the environment. Peter Zeihan explains what it takes to build an all-electric vehicle: “You think going to war for oil was bad? Materials inputs for just the drivetrain of an EV are six times what’s required for an internal combustion engine. If we’re truly serious about a green transition that will electrify everything, our consumption of all these materials and more must increase by more than an order of magnitude.”
So What Are Some Alternatives?
Rapidly forcing current renewable energy technology onto the American economy comes with staggering opportunity costs. The trillions of dollars in public and private investment could be redirected to upgrade badly neglected existing infrastructure and build new and cost-effective conventional infrastructure in order to deliver abundant energy, water, and transportation assets to the American people. These investments in practical infrastructure during the 1930s and again in the 1950s and ’60s constituted the enabling foundation for an explosion in manufacturing productivity, well paying jobs, and affordable market housing.
There is a demographic irony here that renewables advocates fail to appreciate. Prosperous nations are experiencing unsustainably low birthrates because despite freedom from basic hunger, manufactured scarcity has made it necessary for both parents to work just to spend most of their income making mortgage payments on a ridiculously overpriced home.
Many have to live in apartments and condominiums where nobody wants to raise children. When it comes to being able to form families, prosperity in developed nations is an illusion. Only with practical infrastructure development will the cost-of-living descend to the point where people in prosperous nations will again choose to start families.
At the same time, in poor nations where labor intensive subsistence farming and child labor are how families survive, birth rates remain unsustainably high. Delivering cost-effective energy and infrastructure solutions to these nations will bring their birth rates down, as it has all over the world.
Delivering “renewables,” on the other hand, forces both parents to keep working in developed nations, and condemns the people living in poor nations—during even the slightest blip in imported aid—to strip the forests bare for fuel and exterminate the wild and endangered game for protein.
That’s the green world fully realized. It’s a dismal scenario.
Renewables in their current form will never deliver enough energy to sustain a prosperous human civilization.
But they will destroy the earth. Wind farms, onshore and offshore, wreak havoc with insect, avianand marine life, and building them will consume more cement than the world can possibly supply. Solar farms consume vast amounts of open land—where, paradoxically, environmentalists prohibit anyone from building to increase the supply of homes—and they will consume more steel and copper than the world can possibly supply. The same goes for EVs, batteries, and new high voltage transmission lines. In exchange for displacing less than two percent of oil production, biofuel crops already consume 500,000 square miles; pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer saturated monocrops abound where there were once rainforests or diversified farmland.
The pillaging of the earth to source raw materials for renewables will make the current impact of human civilization on the environment trivial by comparison. In a wealthy nation like America, mandated renewables will complete the destruction of the middle class and will consolidate the power of the surveillance state. If renewables are imposed on poor nations, they will lead to poverty, war, and famine on a scale never seen in human history.
Critics of the renewables mania correctly identify climate crisis passions as a new popular religion for a post-modern culture that has lost its way. But it is the elites who have truly lost their way.
They have not only transmuted their natural human need for meaning and purpose into embracing the green religion, but they have become so intoxicated with their wealth and power that they have convinced themselves they are uniquely qualified to control the destiny of the world.
They have forgotten the lessons of history. Lost in their own hubris, they are taking this beautiful world and everyone on it straight to hell.
Just back from the shops, talked to an acquaintance who has the bakery. No wonder this country is stuffed. He had a smal problem with some equipment, it now has an on of switch instead of fancy controls, while waiting for a complete new machine to arrive as the cost of the part is the same as a new machine including installation. The staff don’t show up. He has noticed people don’t have money to spend. Same number of customers but spending less. Off to the coast for an unearned break for 5 days.
I never really did much on SA in my old job and not being from there, the correct department took a while to find:
31,847 mn of debt securities on issue.
Who is “GoT” ? George of Taree, just north of Newcastle.
Knuckles I reckon Pommie swingers wouldn’t know what a pineapple was. It wouldn’t work here coz half would want to stick it on a pizza and we know how disgusting that is.
Debt (debt decurities on issue) totals to 3 March, ACT is out of date, TAS T Corp are so backwards…sheesh
mn AUD
From Bruce’s Breitbart link:
Indeed it is. And you can sense it in the junk they expect you to watch.
The other night I had to scroll through a torrent of Netflix offerings to find just one that was acceptable. Ended up with the ancient “Primal Fear”.
The last one I opened was the hideous Persuasion…full of pocs in Georgian England. And the clunky fourth wall breaking was excruciating. Five minutes max.
Please refer to mole’s pineapple/caravan imagery to illustrate the depth* and breadth of this phenomenon.
“I find this a bit weird, because I always thought the signal was towing a caravan.”
I always thought the signal was a neck brace and a moustache.
Australia’s true debt to GDP ratio:
61.39 %
Sovereign bond rate: 3.7% now.
Yes the different maturities have different rates. Will the capital ever be paid back though or just rolled over or added to?
Paying off the debt securities at current rates will cost 2.27 % of GDP each year.
Adjusted for inflation (assume 3% for 27 years), Commonwealth debt is 4.5 times more than Keating’s much maligned 90 bn AUD of debt.
Can you give me the URL for your 12.30pm post? Ta.
I worked them out from the State Treasury Corporations and AOFM. The only data I truly could not get was Tasmania (very amateur T Corp website) and ACT was out of date (to 31 Jan 2023).
The Commonwealth and other States are correct as of 3 March. The total was actually slightly lower than I thought it would be (1352 bn vs 1400 bn).
I may have made some minor errors as NSW, QLD and SA IIRC have their data in awful PDFs and you have to sort text by columns in Excel/Google sheets. WA has their data in a PDF but like the Commonwealth, are upfront about their totals.
I can link each State if you need them.
Someone at the Australian newspaper doesn’t much like Anthony Albanese
Note the story by Cameron Milner in today’s edition renewing the call for an enquiry into accusations of bullying Kimberley Kitching on the anniversary of her death involving mean girls Wong et al
He thought this failure to be “confounding”
Only comments supportive of Milner ‘s view and critical of Albo’ refusal to investigate got the nod for publication
I submitted the following which I consider a reasonable reflection of the political reality and I suppose offers an explanation for the PMs position
It did not get the nod for publication
As I say, someone at the wants to embarrass Albanese
Cth – https://www.aofm.gov.au/
NSW – https://www.tcorp.nsw.gov.au/html/bonds_on_issue.cfm
VIC – https://www.tcv.vic.gov.au/tcv-bonds/outstanding-borrowing
QLD – http://queenslandtreasurycorporation.createsend.com/t/ViewEmailArchive/j/A0B4AB13788ADABB2540EF23F30FEDED/C67FD2F38AC4859C/
WA – https://www.watc.wa.gov.au/investors/institutional-investors/weekly-issuance-update/
SA – https://www.safa.sa.gov.au/documents/treasury-services/SAFA-Weekly-Funding-Update-3-Mar-23.pdf
TAS – https://www.tascorp.com.au/financial-markets (I could be out by + 7 bn here)
March 9, 2023 at 9:01 am
better off reading this series Calli
Also turned into an excellent mini series, originally shown on SBS several years ago .. not sure if it’s still around .. The Disorderly Kings …..
Thanks, Dot.
I didn’t think there’d be a helpful web address listing ballooning (mostly ALP) state government borrowings on top of the ballooning (mostly SFL) federal government debt.
Good digging. Many thanks.
Woke is everywhere amongst the young, Delta. My grandson’s friendship group includes one young man declaring himself in a frock. As with you, I suspect elements of game-playing and non-seriousness in his particular case – their school was Newtown High School of the Performing Arts – a known centre of woke education in Sydney. We offered our grandson other schooling but he was already embedded in this culture in his public primary school years and only half-heartedly schooling elsewhere, maintaining his original friendships. Interestingly, none are ‘landwhales’ as it is not super-trendy to be large in the world of performing arts; thin and curated is the go still.
Actually, I don’t think wokeness is escapable for today’s young, as all schools pander to it, altho’ some are far worse if they attract by offering ‘trendy and arty’ subjects. Maybe these young gender benders think a little bit of gender bending will bring on success in woke auditions. My only hope is that these kids, who are often exceptionally talented in many ways, can get out from under the press of this sort of wokeness in education. They are certainly playing with fire. My grandson thankfully has a girlfriend and seems happily doing what we used to call ‘going steady’ heterosexually.
Rosie mentioned this dysphoria mentality is rather like the anorexia one. I agree, and would add that gender dysphoria, like anorexia, is just as cruel a delusion and has serious life-long physical effects when it really takes hold. We all know that here, but it is worth repeating whenever mentioned.
NT – https://treasury.nt.gov.au/dtf/nttc/borrowing-and-financing-strategies2
ACT -https://www.treasury.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/2180564/Issued-Notes-outstanding-Jan-2023.pdf (in publications/2023 budget review)
This data ought to be more open and transparent, more accessible and in real time.
Its not the debt but the spending thats the problem.
A billion here, another there. Pfft…it’s only tax payers’ money.
The other thing in schooling is the pressure to accept all tall tales aboriginal. Our two granddaughters in the early to mid-primary years in Brisbane go to a very trendy public primary school in a wealthy area and it is far more lax in many ways than we would like to see. The girls are booked into private schools for their high school years, which I hope will be a little bit less woke, but most likely not.
Hairy has to hide being unimpressed when the youngest sings an ‘aboriginal song’ to him, an anthem to Pascoe stuff. Very nice singing, he says, but he secretly rolls his eyes sideways at me.
I would have spat out my coffee if I had any right now.
Dan Andrews?
Said it before. Saying it now.
If a child becomes a stupid wokeling, the cause is not TikTok or the WEF or China or gay drama teachers.
It is unequivocal and abject parental failure.
Why is it left to online bloggers to research government spending and debt?
The (increasingly useless) Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) published an excellent reference in around 2015 on Australian government spending as a percentage of GDP, but appears to have lost interest in the subject just when it’s most needed.
For example, in the past 15 years, Australian government spending has escalated from around $200 million per annum to $500 million+, while debt has exploded from zero to $1 trillion+.
Where is the IPA???
And where is the IPA research on ballooning state government spending and debt?
2011 T?hoku earthquake and tsunami, deaths: 19,759
Fukushima Daichi nuclear disaster, deaths: 1
Deaths per TWh by technology
Brown Coal: 33
Coal: 25
Gas: 2.8
Hydro: 1.3
Wind: 0.04
Nuclear: 0.03
Solar: 0.02
.. and if you worry about such things: lifecycle co2 emissions by technology
gCO2 equivalent / kWh
Solar: 48
Nuclear: 12
Wind: 12
… For example, in the past 15 years, Australian federal government spending …
I got married in the park outside the registry office and had the reception at a local scout hall. Total cost of wedding and reception was less than $1,000.
My eldest &, her now, hubby decided the money was better kept for their 1st home deposit and eloped .. married under the Harbour Bridge near Luna Park with only 2 witnesses & celebrant coupla days before Xmas , 2006 .. 1st any of us (both families) knew was each getting a pack of wedding photos for Chrissie .. LOL!
Piece of Oz trivia to rival “Tales My Nanna Told Me” ..
My eldest (mother’s side) is descended from a free settler off the 2nd Fleet , her husband is from a convict off the 1st Fleet .. this is the one & only marriage between both families so, I’m guessing, my eldest grandson would be close to Oz royalty .. if we had any ..!
“It is unequivocal and abject parental failure.”
Yep, my sister’s children are right of centre, one conservative, the other libertarian.
The brother’s children are wokies.
Hard to argue with that.
Otoh, how many are in a position to move to a bush block and home school?
Because that’s just about what it now takes to protect children from the encroachment of the illiberal, intolerant woke state, which, I note, now has those Christian schools which have not compromised their principles in their sights.
“Note the story by Cameron Milner in today’s edition renewing the call for an enquiry into accusations of bullying Kimberley Kitching on the anniversary of her death involving mean girls Wong et al. He thought this failure to be “confounding””
Why would Sleazy call an enquiry? The Mean Girls were his handbag hit squad and they were pivotal in helping end Scumbag’s government. He’ll never call an enquiry because he owes the Mean Girls everything.
But the Mean Girls are down one, mercifully one is no longer in Canberra. Thanks to the sensible voters of Fowler, the last nail was hammered into her political coffin. Just as well she’s no longer in Canberra, she has more important things to worry about, her son has been charged with “fabricating false evidence with intent to mislead a judicial tribunal”. A serious charge. Unlike Mean Girl Keneally, I believe in the presumption of innocence so I’ll reserve any judgment as to her son’s guilt or innocence until the trial is done. It’s a pity Ms Keneally couldn’t have done the same in the cases of Pell and Lehmann.
“…asked her why there was such a gender pay gap in sports.”
There isn’t one.
As far as I know, women are not precluded from playing in the top level of any of the football codes, nor the cricket – and for tennis, they are not required to play as much (3 instead of 5 sets).
If ever there was a meritocracy, it is in professional sport – the best players get the biggest paychecks.
If women can’t get to the absolute top because they are at a disadvantage physically ( lower centre of gravity, less dense bone structure, less muscle mass, less fast-twitch muscle fibre etc ), then that means that they are objectively not as good at that sport as men are.
In recognition of the disadvantages they face in a truly “open” contest, we created the “womens” versions. OK, I have no problem with that – but don’t imagine that you get paid less because you are female, you get paid less because you are objectively not as good.
Yes, that is because you have a genetic disadvantage. So what? So do the other 99% of males that aren’t good enough to play at the top level, and the “B” grade males don’t get paid much either you know.
Not many men play netball, but I used to in high school – us boys had a “team” and we played very well. We could usually beat the open “B” team, but not usually the open “A” team. Of course, we only ever played practice games with them, but it was good fun (although I got more than a few punches to the balls when the ref wasn’t looking – I was GK, so plenty of time when you were out of eyesight with the ref. And we got to hang out with the chicky-babes!) Since we were just doing it for fun, and none of us were particularly athletic, it always made me wonder how we would have done had we been allowed to play “for real”, but in those days that was never going to happen. The girls seemed to enjoy playing against us as well, and often times commented that we helped improve their game enough that they wouldn’t like to have us stop playing those practice games.
For example, in the past 15 years, Australian government spending has escalated from around $200 million per annum to $500 million+, while debt has exploded from zero to $1 trillion+.
Where is the IPA???
And where is the IPA research on ballooning state government spending and debt?
Exactly. When little Johnny Howard and the Libs/Nats were booted out, the Feral Guv’ment had NO DEBT (apart from loads of unfunded liabilities accumulated since Federation). There was even money in the Bank. And, there was the start of the Future Fund which has thankfully grown and grown and not yet been raided by the ‘Pollies’.
Its not the debt but the spending thats the problem.
Investment, nobody spends anymore.
It is hilarious that the US Right have spent so much time and energy trying to make woke a dirty word, and a poll comes out today that Americans approve of the word 56% to 39%. Another massive rout in the culture wars, thanks for playing.
Dan Andrews?
Lock him up is way too good for him. OFF WITH HIS HEAD !!!!!!
The new Johnny Rotten Diet. How for ‘Dan the so called man’ to lose 12 kgs of unsightly fat.
Chop off his head.
Monty applauding people mutilating kids again?
March 9, 2023 at 1:36 pm
It is hilarious that the US Right have spent so much time and energy trying to make woke a dirty word, and a poll comes out today that Americans approve of the word 56% to 39%. Another massive rout in the culture wars, thanks for playing.
The Pollsters got it wrong. The word should have been ‘broke’ associated with their Feral Guv’ment. That gives a 100% approval. Just like your lack of intellectual capacity. 100% approval from all of the Cat voters (except for yourself of course………………………lol).
“Where is the IPA???”
I asked that question back in February March 2020 when Bettina Arndt was lynched by a frenzied mob and then condemned in an infamous censure motion, set up by those three Mean Girls, Keneally, Wong and Gallagher, and supported by every Liberal and National sitting senator at the time.
Hanson and Roberts refused to support the motion.
The IPA refused to help her. She ended up receiving help from Toby Young’s Free Speech Union.
What is the timeline here on the Putin criticism, his death, the call to Trump for protection? That last sentence is amazing: “After slamming…he previously called on…”
I’m getting the strong impression that a lot of these allegations are largely rubbish. Reading further down the article is rather interesting. He boasted of defrauding the Russian Central Bank in the 90s, threatened his former wife, and so on. Yeah, we lost a good guy here.
Neat summary.
The current and foreseeable generation of renewable energy technologies are not fit for purpose (if that purpose is to deliver reliable electricity at a reasonable economic. social, and environmental cost).
There’s nothing particularly controversial, or difficult to support about that statement. It’s a ‘known known’ in the energy and resource sectors and has been explained as such, in detail, to the governing classes.
While economies will continue to try to make what they can of the political response to climate change, everyone is avoiding eye contact with the Bull Elephant in the room:
Practical limits imposed by engineering and resource availability will prevent current renewables supplying Net Zero. It just won’t happen.
In a relatively short time, politicians will end up with no wriggle room, deflecting and reframing the narrative as best they can (look to Europe for first signs of that).
The downside is that society will be left with an array of opportunity costs; in addition to whatever the climate brings.
“Not in this context. I’m not a biologist,” Jackson said.
This is the key line – in this woman’s defense, I would suggest that she saw this as asking her as a judge to provide a definition. As the rest of the conversation shows, she doesn’t believe she should say anything so as not to prejudice any case she may be called upon to adjudicate.
Perhaps she could have explained better. Perhaps the better response would have been “As a judge, I would listen to the arguments made in a case about this, and decide according to the cogency and context of those arguments. If you are asking for my personal opinion of what a woman is, I would say, without prejudice, and in common usage, to use the dictionary definition: an adult human female, as that is what most people mean most of the time when using the word. But in the legal context, this might change depending upon the wording of any appropriate legislation, precedents and so on, and in such a context, my own personal opinion would not be particularly relevant with regards to the judgement I would make.”
The last one I opened was the hideous Persuasion…full of pocs in Georgian England. And the clunky fourth wall breaking was excruciating. Five minutes max.
I’m eagerly awaiting the gender dysphoric version of P&P. Mr Darcy is really a woman who has lived as a man ever since her mum castrated her dad. After much ado, Liz comes out as a lesso and all ends well as Wickham has his dick removed and becomes the first trannie general of the military.
I found this photo of Farmer Gez teaching his son the Family Business.
Makes sense to me.
With the property market being as it is, I struggle to understand why people who are not rich would feel the need to blow $50k+ on a wedding.
I’m worried this means Figures is right!
It’s a bit of a paradox.
Terrible news from rural area to the SW of us near Hill End.
One of our local RFS captains fighting the Tambaroora fire has just knocked off after a night on the fire field. This fire has now burnt out over 15,000 hectares and is, he says, one of the most difficult fires to fight in his experience. They are not only fighting on the ground, but have air water tankers and bulldozers etc on the field. Exacerbating the problem is exceptionally heavy grass loads. Just heard from someone on our local Facebook site that her friend’s farmhouse has been lost, together with 800 sheep. Yesterday our valley was thick with the smoke from the wind bringing it in our direction and visibility down significantly.
It seems only yesterday (it was actually at the end of 2019) that the Gospers Fire, which lit up the mountains on two sides of the valley, was threatening us. I recall setting the alarm for midnight each night to check that no embers had fallen into the paddocks and started a fire on the flats. I had told myself that, of all things to take in case of an emergency, it was the guns and ammunition, as I was sure we would not be able to save the stock and any survivors would probably have to be destroyed.
Although I still think that the drought that preceded the fire was even more harrowing, because it was prolonged, those big fires really place you in a situation you will never forget because the danger is so immediate.
decided the money was better kept for their 1st home deposit
Makes sense to me.
With the property market being as it is, I struggle to understand why people who are not rich would feel the need to blow $50k+ on a wedding.
yep, the house is now paid off and currently undergoing internal renovations & an extension .. they’re happy where they are and prefer to update rather than move along ….
Is FBT charged on the benefit?
If not, why not?
If so, who pays it?
The RBA or Lowe?
Tin ear Monty strikes again. “Woke” is a very useful and ironical shortening of “the Dunning-Kruger Effect on Steroids”, which is a bit of a mouthful to have to use over and over.
Monty embracing woke is hilarious. The term is so encapsulated by climate craziness – like Greta, who went from total unawareness to invincible ignorance after watching Inconvenient Truth a couple of times. Or something like that. Now she is telling guys like Lindzen that they are climate deniers. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so damaging to humanity.
It’s just a flesh wound says Bruce, as blood spurts from his stump.
The odious Kenneally was all over the Pell pile on. Contrast that with her government’s persecution of the victims from the Parramatta Girls Home and the Hay Institution, and with its protection of Milton Orkopoulos and persecution of Gillian Sneddon, the staffer who blew the whistle on him.
Notice the role of another left-wing former Labor MP, Jill Hall, in getting one of Orkopoulos’s victims to withdraw his complaint to the police.
White House Backs Bill to Allow Total TikTok Ban | China In Focus
00:51 White House Backs Bill to Allow Total TikTok Ban
04:16 Xi Jinping Blames U.S. for ‘Suppression’ of China
05:00 China Warns U.S. to Change Attitude or Risk ‘Conflict’
08:18 U.S. Aims to Turn Taiwan into Giant Weapons Depot
09:14 McCarthy Confirms Meeting with Taiwan’s Tsai
10:35 India to Build Joint Navy With U.S. to Counter China
11:58 Chinese Graduates Vie for Jobs Amid High Youth Unemployment Rates
Go and read about what many animals (eg the opossum) do when they’re cornered.
Then you’ll be really worried.
KD at 7:25 re the the pettiness of sporting officials.
calli earlier.
How could you tell?
David Limbrick (LDP) doing God’s work in the Victorian Legislative Council.
“David Limbrick DESTROYS Privacy Invading Health Info Sharing Bill”
Just finished another excellent who-dun-it .. THE ACCIDENT by Lynwood Barclay .. very well put together multiple murder/mayhem performance in a quiet township .. good and engrossing plotline leads up to a superb last chapter .. no matter who/what you think caused it all the actual reality is sooo simple it’s worth the rest of the book just to get there ..
Also for WW2 buffs a fictional version of the V2 rocket attacks on London from Robert Harris entitled, strangely enuf .. V2 … not, usually, a big fan of Harris, tho I always read his stuff, I find him a bit bland and his plots simplistic .. this novel although displaying all his writing traits differs from his, usual, WW2 stuff because of it’s attention to detail (timeline & technical) regarding the V2 from inception to the end of WW2, thru the main characters and flashbacks .. worth a look if insights into the Nazi rocket program interests …….
as blood spurts from his stump.
That would be from the severed penis of the confused kid “woked’ into being sterilized and mutilated for life.
Yay, I guess…
I’m so sorry to hear that Vicki. I have been worried about you and your fellow farmers up that way.
I have a son in law in the RFS. He joined after the dreadful fires of Christmas 2001 took his family home. He was up in Bilpin 2019 “holding a hose”. He’s very risk averse but you still worry about him when it’s on. Nothing but admiration for them.
thanks for keeping us updated. You know what you’re doing. God Bless.
Cassie earlier:-
Fair enough.
Although the NSW Government has already paid out against a wrongful imprisonment claim.
Adelaide, only Barrels R Us and abandoned Banks were open.
What I said, since forever.
Speaking of people who happily jumped on Pell and were given a soapbox by the likes of The Perject to do so.
“Father” Bob Maguire.
Turns out he gave a character reference to recently convicted kiddy-fiddler, Joffa Corfe (flamboyant leader of the Collingwood FC cheer-squad).
Bob is now moon-walking away from it at high speed, claiming the reference “was prepared by a member of staff at his foundation, and he didn’t know it would be used in court”.
But Bob’s name is on the reference.
The question I have is, “What did Bob know, when did he know it, and what did he do to prevent it or report it?”
Indigenous group sharpens advice on voice national vote
AAP – Andrew Brown – March 9, 2023
The main players pushing for an Indigenous voice to parliament are finalising their advice on the constitutional change.
The referendum working group gathered in Canberra on Thursday and met with Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney.
The group is preparing to deliver its final presentation to government on how the question put to Australian voters is worded.
It’s just a flesh wound says Bruce, as blood spurts from his stump.
The stump where your dick used to be.
‘The Five’: Big Brother Biden is going after Elon Musk
Several acquaintances are telling of trials of grandsons trying to get into apprenticeships, especially electrical. There are plenty of jobs going, but they need to do a pre apprenticeship course (approx 8-10 weeks).
The local TAFE runs it twice a year, with an intake of 20 each time.
Where is Fr Maguire living now?
He was claiming ptsd recently when the Church was trying to move him into assisted living and implying they didn’t have his best interests at heart.
It appears that the mystery of the gold coins removed from my sister’s estate may be resolved. Perhaps.
My fellow executor and the solicitor told me that the loss was discovered when the collection was being audited as part of preparing her will. She was attempting to decide upon an allocation of coins to the various grandies.
Apparently her paperwork was not as good as I had assumed, hence the audit and stocktaking.
According to the file note that they both signed, my sister claimed that she knew who pinched the coins but chose not to take action.
They both believed that it was one of my sister’s carers. That’s0 possible I guess.
Anyway, another box ticked – a few hundred to go.
Another term which is underused is “idiocracy” which pretty much characterizes the health nazis we’ve been inflicted with this last few years – plus the woeful bureaucrats, climate weenies and pollies and their mad policies. But I do like “woke”. It is so reminiscent of a small child that has just discovered poo, and can’t wait to try it out on the wall.
Bropho? Where have I heard that name?
“…why are germs a better explanation than poisoning or trauma…”
“germs” (bacteria) are a better explanation because you can see them under a microscope, and if you isolate them and inject them into a creature susceptible to the disease, they will get that disease, while a similar sample from the very same individual that doesn’t contain said bacteria will not produce the symptoms nor the disease.
George Washington deliberately attempted to give his troops a very mild doses of smallpox – because he had very bad control over how much they were exposed to, some got very sick and even died, but most got a mild case and then never contacted a severe case or showed any symptoms. He did that by taking the pustule scabs of sick individuals and applying them to non-sick individuals. That saved and immunised enough of his troops to make a difference in the war.
You are correct in one aspect though – mental attitude is extremely important when you are not well, regardless of the cause. That is why there is a “placebo effect” – people think they have been given a cure, and their attitude somehow affects their bodies response. I guess this is much like pain – it you dwell on it, it hurts like hell, but if you are distracted, you hardly notice (soldier shot in battle will keep fighting to save his mates without complaint, but step on his toes in the shower and he’ll squeal like a little girl).
It’s true there is much we have to learn about humans and diseases, but honestly, saying germs and virii are not a significant cause is going too far. They are not the be-all and end-all, but they are significant, as the massively improved hygiene standards of the early 20th C amply and it’s effects on early death amply demonstrated.
unnamed retirement home for respite care
Bropho – another sad death in custody no doubt !!
You will recharge with the bugs and you will be happy.
Wait, what?
Not exactly the Waterworld movie plot, but in that direction.
Waiting for BoN to have a field day with this one.
Fatboy, why is this a win for you?
You could be against wokism and also express approval in using the word, you ignorant asshat.
You are not wrong, but I think “kakistocracy” might be slightly more accurate.
Looks like Bropho met Kurdaitcha Man. No loss.
“Several acquaintances are telling of trials of grandsons trying to get into apprenticeships, especially electrical. There are plenty of jobs going, but they need to do a pre apprenticeship course (approx 8-10 weeks).
The local TAFE runs it twice a year, with an intake of 20 each time.”
the pre-apprenticeship training at Tafe is brilliant. Any boy or girl who has their sights set on a trade should do one. It is a guaranteed entry into an apprenticeship. Any young person committed to the course is viewed very favourably by employers when said young person is looking for a placement.
Employers know this one means to go on, usually. My son took advantage of the pre-training fifteen years ago. It really helped propel him into a good company at the time.
A lot of an employers’ time and money is wasted when they take on a young person who ends up chucking it in halfway through the first year.
Adelaideans don’t mow their nature strips.
That’s unAustralian.
Colonel – It isn’t entirely ridiculous as a smelter I know of has been feeding hydrogen and CO2 to bacteria for about thirty years now. The bacteria reduce sulfate ions to sulfide, which drops any metals out of the waste water being treated. Elegant process. They initially used ethanol to feed the bugs, but adapting them to hydrogen was cheaper.
I don’t think you could get bugs to make electricity with sufficient efficiency for it to be economic though. Nor at usefully high current density. The story smells like a nice excuse to get some grant money.
There is a third type of junior sportocrat, but it applies only to soccer.
It is the Pommie junior club official who believes he is managing Sheffield Wednesday and is determined to impose the full range of ‘football’ onerous regulations upon the under eleven girls competition and to discipline those parents who dare to believe that the comp is just a Saturday morning kick around.
Several acquaintances are telling of trials of grandsons trying to get into apprenticeships, especially electrical. There are plenty of jobs going, but they need to do a pre apprenticeship course (approx 8-10 weeks).
It helps to be female.
Oh yes. Very possible. Like childminding…cameras and locks.
Indeed. Robert Bropho:
Last time I looked TAFE teachers had to qualified in the trade. Teach or work? They can earn a motza working. And they’re in demand…no scratching around for regular work.
This is what happens when everyone wants to do dumbo “ology” degrees.
Speaking of carers, I visited my friend in aged care this morning. Lovely staff, don’t know how they do it all but they do. Poor lady has lost language, didn’t know me and has had another fall.
This was a feisty old warrior, full of vim and vigour and opinions on everything . Now reduced to a chair and a smile. I’m going to get her some new fluffy slippers tomorrow, she’ll like them and that’s the least I can do. When the time comes, at least she can be promoted to glory in respectable footwear.
March 9, 2023 at 3:57 pm
It is hilarious that the US Right have spent so much time and energy trying to make woke a dirty word, and a poll comes out today that Americans approve of the word 56% to 39%. Another massive rout in the culture wars, thanks for playing.
Fatboy, why is this a win for you?
You could be against wokism and also express approval in using the word, you ignorant asshat.
The idea that some people might be against the phenomenon of “woke”, but still approve the use of the word because it makes it easier to identify the fools and saboteurs in society is rather too complex for m0nty=fa’s limited intellect.
Still, “ignorant asshat” is perhaps too kind a description.
Labor MP furious at question posed by Opposition leader on Voice to Parliament
NT police reporting a sharp drop in call outs in Alice Springs after the reintroduction of restricted take away alcohol sales, allowing them to focus their attention on non-alcohol related crime.
I wonder what an indigenous “Voice” (singular because only one view will be allowed to be heard?) would have to say about this?
I wonder what an indigenous “Voice” (singular because only one view will be allowed to be heard?) would have to say about this?
Multiple variations on a theme of “waaaaaaccccisssssssmmm”?
They both believed that it was one of my sister’s carers.
Might be worth getting at least a police number (report) to cross the Ts’ and dot the i’s on that one.
99% chance they wont do anything other than give you a crime report number, but it will be nice to have that there to go with the probable explanation for the other rellies.
The poll did not make that distinction.
Massive loss for the right. The left wins by ignoring the culture war nonsense and instead focusing on real policies that normal people actually do care about.
Re the comparisons between anorexia nervosa and transgenderism – some thoughts and experiences.
Anoxeria nervosa is one of the worst forms of mental illness, with a combined death rate from starvation-related illness and suicide way up there. There were ‘support’ sites for AN around when it became prevalent in the 1990s, and after a friend’s daughter succumbed, I did a bit of digging. Even though these sites were allegedly banned, they were still around, and I found them. But, it was nothing like the ubiquity of Tik Tok and the like. You really had to dig around to find them. Plus, outside this warped little community, nobody was praising them for starving themselves. The sites themselves were awful. Pictures of human skeletons, lots of advice on how to fool people into thinking you were eating, that kind of thing.
Contrast that with the framework surrounding ‘transgenderism’ today. What was formerly a mental illness is now a pathway to public approbation. There are tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of sites ‘affirming’ what a great thing this is. It is a way to be seen as ‘brave’.
Attention will be showered on you. To a 13 year old girl who is unhappy (that’s many of them) it’s the ray of light out of the heavens.
It’s trivialising genuine mental illness to let this fad be treated seriously.
Alternatively, 40% of all people know that the word WOKE is associated with being a ridiculous moral poseur, a bully and very dishonest in what one will say or do.
The remainder are either tribal in their approval of all signs of belonging to ‘their tribe’ and not ‘their enemies’, or normal people with lives too busy and just get their information from the media.
March 9, 2023 at 12:34 pm
From Bruce’s Breitbart link:
Hollywood hates normal people more than they love money… And let me tell you… That’s a lot of hate.
Indeed it is. And you can sense it in the junk they expect you to watch.
The other night I had to scroll through a torrent of Netflix offerings to find just one that was acceptable. Ended up with the ancient “Primal Fear”.
having started with Netflix Attorney Woo, enjoying myself making my way through Netflix Korean Series
Run On, Cha Cha Cha, Business Proposal currently watching Shooting Stars & there are loads more to watch
Lighted Hearted & Enjoyable
From a Tuesday Lunch Mate
I am still in treatment/therapy for listening to your advice to watch The Amazing Attorney Woo.
Who in their right mind would watch a Korean language TV show, with English Subtitles, of an autistic women attorney. What is this world coming to?
Oh, by the way I am up to episode 6.
So, basically, anyone who claims Aboriginal ancestry?
Massive loss for the right. The left wins by ignoring the culture war nonsense and instead focusing on real policies that normal people actually do care about.
Try polling on something that USA Voters do really care about then.
1. Do you believe in having an Open Border between the USA and Mexico?
2. Another one.
3. And another one.
3. ETC.
4. ETC
To Infinity and Beyond……………………………
I don’t know if men could ever overcome in netball, but I do remember seeing a game years ago on TV of netballers against (male) basketballers. The girls won. Their slow, precise, hard passing game meant that the boys rarely even got the ball.
Horses for courses.
The intensity of the 40% does not outvote the normal 60%. Not even in an optional voting system.
The reports of Orban demanding that the US quit NATO are alarming.
I have always had a soft spot for him because of the way he sticks it to the EU and Soros.
But becoming Putin’s puppy is senseless and can only result in him losing and the EU effectively taking over Hungary.
He is simply providing ammunition to his EU enemies.
Hungary quitting the EU and joining the Russian sphere isn’t going to happen but he could easily be tipped out of power.
It worked for Joe Biden.
Are you implying that leftist dills are normal?
Fact is, they define themselves by intersectional NOT-normality. They have banned the word normal in the context of heterosexuality, social life path and politics as far as we can tell.
Stuff normal Americans care about: Medicare, Dobbs, economy
Stuff Fox News watching idiots care about: trans people destroying Western society, The Sreal™, Antifa burning down entire cities, other lies
Result of 2022 mid-terms: huge win for Biden under high inflation, would have been smashed if not for Dobbs and jobs
I will bet (and leave it to other people to determine if it sounds likely) that when the first black person was accepted in an equestrian club or event it was proclaimed as another black victory: An undaunted determined individual who strove against the stodgy, insular, white establishment to win themselves a place.
And yet, after this heroic victory, to be finally brought low…by a hat.
It makes you wonder if that earlier victory might not be nothing more than just another racial fairy tale.
If you ever find yourself trying to argue that 60% of society is not normal, it’s the other 40% who are normal… give yourself an uppercut and visit the hall of mirrors with a dictionary in hand.
… and you forgot Wanker
Yep. He did it the same way too. Well not him personally, of course.
You are really naive aren’t you Monty.
But that is what wokery is: infinite confidence mixed with ignorant naivety.
I’ll take that back
‘a ridiculous moral poseur, a bully and very dishonest in what one will say or do’
… is pretty much the definition of wanker
No argument from me on this I often advise my students to go to Tafe, even in IT . I had a student who is now doing extremely well writing Apps take my advice and do a cert 4 followed by a diploma instead of doing year 11 &12 at school. Went on to uni and HD averages all round. Set up his own business and employes 4 staff.
My criticism was of the TAFE, not enough places being offered to allow all those interested and who would have an apprenticeship if they could just get a spot on the damned course.
And yes you have to have the competency plus a cert 4 in training and assessment to teach at Tafe. The cert 4 has as much bullshit in it as my GradDipEd, it takes a lot of time, we were granted 50 hours to do an upgrade, and has to be redone every few years.
Stats you always wanted to know.
Pornstars in each country per million inhabitants.
Okay, US is 3rd in the world, but who’s 1&2.
That’s an incredibly shallow philosophical outlook, monty.
Jill Hall- had never heard of that one. What a horror. The Hunter seems to produce some particularly nasty ones eg Kelly Hoare.
Vicki, greatly appreciate your reportage from the fire front.
So much goes on in this world that we don’t often hear directly about happenings even in Oz.
This is where the Cat comes into its own. On the ground commentary, or specialist advice.
That’s what happens when you combine 10 beers with a lady of negotiable virtue.
God is great.
The left wins by ignoring the culture war nonsense and instead focusing on real policies that normal people actually do care about.
LOL. What have you been drinking? Kool Aid?
I’ve just finished watching this.
All of these cult leaders claimed to be the second coming, the risk I suppose of removing the bible from its proper place, you can made it say anything.
Sex, power, money.
Netflix released its third Korean documentary series “In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal,” featuring four Korean religious cult leaders
Is Monty arguing that people who don’t heartily approve of wokeism, or something aren’t normal?
What’s the next part of the plan Monty?
Stuff normal Americans care about: Medicare, Dobbs, economy
Scratch a leftard, find an abortionist.
Does m0nty=fa know that in Canada, he can have himself aborted? Live the dream?
PS, they call it MAID, open to pretty much anyone.
Then I read the article and people don’t even have the same understanding of what calling someone ‘woke’ means.
What’s next, a poll on ‘karen’?
Winning! The Hun:
It took a massive shame job, and potentially several hundred received phone calls received by the entire South East Cricket Association Committee to do it though:
And, after bravely refusing to comment up to lunchtime, the sacrifical lamb finally made an appearance:
Geez. Ya think?
No prizes for guessing where one of the aforementioned phone calls may have come from:
Mr Rainey’s commentary may be fairly translated as ‘We are a shit group of individuals who made a shit decision, and now although we’re trying to say we thought of this ourselves the reality is we were very publicly shamed into finally yet belatedly doing the right thing.’
They’re actually talking up Cabrini hospital… omg.
Cabrini is without question the worst private hospital in the southern hemisphere. It killed my father in the ER because an under-qualified female doctor didn’t act quickly enough. During a prior visit, he ended up getting a staph infection in his foot, leaving a gaping wound that was basically untreatable. The nursing staff are either rude or rude with a personality disorder (that’s the white ones, whereas the darker/ brown staff are nice and hospitable). Don’t ever think of going there.
Woo is a great series, True Beauty is nice and it’s worth looking at the C-Dramas like Truth or Dare or My Dear Destiny. (I have no life)
Just for emphasis. He didn’t die at Cabrini, he was killed there.
Hmmm whom to believe, abccess selected x-sputrts or actual on the ground results.
Crime has dropped in Alice Springs but experts warn it does not mean alcohol bans are effective
A month on, new data shows break-ins are down 45 per cent and there has been a 30 per cent decrease in domestic violence and a 36 per cent decrease in youth disturbances.
Must be a change in the weather…
Experts are concerned the data misrepresents the effectiveness of alcohol bans in the area and does not account for usual fluctuations in crime.
Domestic violence researcher and Alice Springs resident Dr Chay Brown has cautioned against reading too much into figures from such a short time period.
“Based off of the data that they’ve presented, no researcher worth their salt would make such bold claims based off of a couple of weeks of rather clumsily collected data,” Dr Brown said.
“We tend in Alice Springs to have a spike in crime that occurs in December in January in line with the school holidays.
“In the data period that they’re referring to is when kids have gone back to school, and there are a number of other interventions at play.”
Outlawrey, to be forced to beg the derros shes enabling for the dregs of their cans just to stay alive.
Dr Brown says further investment in police is not the best way to deliver better outcomes for Alice Springs.
“Theoretically, with more police on the street they’re intervening in more crimes, they’re catching more things. So they should be reporting an increase in all of these things as they’re doing their job.
“The fact that we’re seeing a decrease very quickly is actually quite worrying.
“That suggests to me that there is stigma and shame in the community, probably around alcohol, and that perhaps they’re not seeking the services that they require to get the support that they need.”
Severly educated Dr Mong, travelling through time and space looking for a planet that will be stupid enough to pay for her expertise.
Mr Rainey has his email AND mobile number up on the SECA website.
Oh my goodness. No I have not sent nasty messages, or any messages, but I’ll guarantee he didn’t think that shitshow through because if he did, he would have had them taken down well beforehand.
Another canbra ‘doctor’
I have faith in the common decency of folk, Roger. You can choose to introspect your way to enlightenment in your ivory tower, but out here in the real world we work this sort of stuff out as a community, in the schoolyard and the family home. Normal people have long since accepted that blacks, gays, Jews and trans people are normal like them, because they work and live around them and they realise they are not The Other.
Try coming out of your intellectual cul-de-sac, put down your copy of Atlas Shrugged and join the rest of us.
Haha. The Indian crowd is shrieking for Australian wickets, which captain Steve Smith is denying them.
Sack Captain Climate!
Smith has forgotten more about cricket than the smartarse woke yokel hick upstart Pat Cummins has ever learned.
PS: the Australian cricket team would also be immeasurably improved by the sacking of the midget houso ranga cheat.
They all hopped on the bus to Mount Isa.
Western Queensland gas producers have been accused of “wartime profiteering” during a meeting with the Office of the PM.
Elbow’s staffers musn’t recall how the 2019 election went for Labor in regional QLD.
According to the map the Czech Republic has 86.19 per million and after that Hungary has 85.05. The US has 27.25.
In Hell? Going to be a crowded place, the way the Left has been behaving recently.
The right is colour blind, Monty, surely you realize that by now. They also aren’t antisemites like the left (but let’s not talk about the Adelaide Writers’ Festival). As for transvestites and gays, they should read the Bible, as the One Judge may have a thing to say about their activities if they remain unrepentant.
While I’m here here’s a meme for you. It’s quite clever don’t you think?
Leaving the ad homs aside, you’re conflating ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and biological gender confusion.
Perhaps if you spent a little more time in introspection you could put forward an argument worthy of a response.
Perhaps if you spent a little more time in introspection you could put forward an argument worthy of a response.
not capable of that- can only regurgitate insults and slogans
Seems somebody has leaked to The Mocker at The Oz.
He has got the scoop at what happened during ABC training on how to report impartially on the Voice.
Up their with the Pentagon papers and the Matt Hancock leak.
Definitely a Walkley in it for him if he can arrange a traffic accident for Hedley Thomas.
Monty still shilling for mental illness and surgical mutilation, both within and outside the womb.
Undoubtedly all in favor of airstrip ones new laws preventing people thinking wrongthoughts in certain locations.
However, yesterday, Vaughan-Spruce was arrested again by West Midlands Police for the same alleged violation of the PSPO. In a video posted online by the legal group ADF UK, a police officer asks Vaughan-Spruce, who is standing still with her hands in her pockets, if she will move outside the PSPO.
In response, Vaughan-Spruce says “But I’m not protesting. I’m not engaging in any of the activities that are prohibited…”
To which the officer replies “But you’ve said you’re engaging in prayer, which is the offence.”
She then tells the officer that it is silent prayer, which he says is “still an offence.”
Normal people are pretty good at differentiating between some prat trying to ‘raise awareness’ and some pervert on a recruitment drive. The first will be tolerated for longer.
Bons, binge watch Game of Thrones this weekend then re-think your measured approach to the missing coins.
“I choose violence”.
I’m BLACK,..tho on the outside I look white. I,m a WOMAN,..tho on the outside I look male. I’m FAT,..tho on the outside I look skinny. I’m a SOCIALIST,..tho everything I have is mine.
For those of you who have missed me , I’m sure there are a few, I had a bit of a lotto win and went on holiday. Its amazing how far you can travel on $42: 60 tripping around Perth.
I approve. Faith is good. Tempered with realism, even better.
Nice! ‘Normal people’ including you I presume operate in those places, and also get bullied by leftists and conformist enforcers right there.
Dear oh dear. Nice to see my ‘moral poseurs’ comment borne out so soon. Out here in the real world, in the workplace, the schools, the churches we see Christians and heterosexuals and engineers and farmers and shopkeepers of all races and backgrounds being othered and denied a voice by people using race, sex and sexuality to make unmerited claims for status and resources (and access to other people’s children), while denigrating the normality of us in all our diversity.
Wow everyone here (except Monty) is a racist and antisemite, and he insults guys and trans by calling them normal.
How dare you!
monty evidently operates under the leftist fallacy that tolerance equals moral approval.
In fact, one can only tolerate something or someone one disapproves of.
Else it wouldn’t be tolerance.
I followed that ABC link to
15 academics! I’ll bet that’s not included in $90mill per day.
Don’t click on Key Research Areas
Some of Montys clownworld on display.
Jill Biden, Sec. Blinken Give Biological Male an ‘International Women of Courage Award’
She actively campaigned to change the name of the National Women’s Conference to the “Plurinational Conference of Women and Lesbian, Cross-Dresser, Transgender, Bisexual, Intersex and Non-Binary Persons” to include diverse, dissident, and racialized identities.
Elbow’s staffers musn’t recall how the 2019 election went for Labor in regional QLD.
It didn’t improve for them in 2022, plus they lost Griffith.
The bottom line is:
Albanese has 77 Laborites plus 4 Greens and 12 Independents who’ll give him anything he asks for.
Regional Qld has been written off.
March 9, 2023 at 5:55 pm
philip lewis @Phil_Lewis_
Sen. Mitch McConnell has been hospitalized after he “tripped at a local hotel during a private dinner,” spokesperson says
DemonRats trying to even up the Senate numbers with brain-dead Fetterman and one of their geriatric senators unable to attend? Or someone doing a “Harry Reid”?
If you ever find yourself trying to argue that 60% of society is not normal, it’s the other 40% who are normal… give yourself an uppercut and visit the hall of mirrors with a dictionary in hand.
The anti-Hitler conspirators in Germany numbered well under 40% of the population. Do you consider that the rest were “normal”?
Women are the real victims (the Tele):
Yumiko, you rotter.
At least she got her priorities right. However, and typically, she went the Slater/O’Keefe route:
Stunning. Brave.
Normal people have long since accepted that blacks, gays, Jews and trans people are normal like them
Taken to task for his enthusiasm about a decidedly sloppy poll, m0nty=fa resorts to anti-Semitism and hints of waaayciiissssmmm to regain the initiative.
Sad, low energy.
PS, when are you going to embrace “normal” life by transitioning?
March 9, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Seems somebody has leaked to The Mocker at The Oz.
He has got the scoop at what happened during ABC training on how to report impartially on the Voice.
Can someone please post.
Unbelievable – the Beetrooter on Blot whining about the cost of electrickery.
Ahem, “Net Year Zero”, which you supported when Goose Morristeen committed to it as PM and you were leader of the National Agrarian Socialists?
Labor said it would be $273 cheaper under them.
They lied.
FTC Twitter Investigation Sought Elon Musk’s Internal Communications, Journalist Names
Documents obtained by a House panel shed light on the probe into Twitter’s compliance with settlement
Mr. Musk in a pair of tweets called the FTC’s demands for information about journalists “a serious attack on the Constitution by a federal agency” and “a shameful case of weaponization of a government agency for political purposes and suppression of the truth!”
Boambee John says:
March 9, 2023 at 7:43 pm
The mind boggles, how the hell get Jews mixed up in that lot?
You couldn’t defend those lands……defence of your country against invasion is the first duty of any sovereign nation…
The dislike of political correctness is very much mainstream.
Normal Americans experiencing their children being indoctrinated at school care about this issue quite a lot.
You couldn’t defend those lands……defence of your country against invasion is the first duty of any sovereign nation…
Ukraine can’t defend it’s territory.
Are you saying it’s no longer a sovereign nation?
Brussels, Belgium: A huge convoy of European farmers protest against the Net Zero policies
Oh ROFL, no one will believe this, and none of the Ultimo kolkhozniks are going to do it.
Hehe, well at least that’s fun. Maybe they’ll get to feel a little of what it’s like suffering through those wretched DIE training sessions they inflicted upon the rest of us. Does boredom kill? I hope so.
Now’d be a fine time for Dutton to suggest ABC HQ be transferred to Alice Springs as a sign of respect for our first nations. Please, please do it sir.
Jill Biden, Sec. Blinken Give Biological Male an ‘International Women of Courage Award’
One of the 11 recipients is a transgender activist from Argentina.
Alba Rueda, Argentina’s current Special Envoy for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, was the first Argentine Undersecretary for Diversity Policies in the newly created Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity. Ms. Rueda was the driving force behind Argentina’s executive order on the transgender labor quota in the public sector which was converted into the Transgender Labor Quota Act.
She actively campaigned to change the name of the National Women’s Conference to the “Plurinational Conference of Women and Lesbian, Cross-Dresser, Transgender, Bisexual, Intersex and Non-Binary Persons” to include diverse, dissident, and racialized identities.
Jill Biden, Sec. Blinken Give Biological Male an ‘International Women of Courage Award’
Presidential Address to Federal Assembly
Vladimir Putin delivered his Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place in Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.
February 21, 2023
Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life.
They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages. Bless their hearts, let them do as they please.
Here is what I would like to say in this regard.
Adult people can do as they please. We in Russia have always seen it that way and always will: no one is going to intrude into other people’s private lives, and we are not going to do it, either.
But here is what I would like to tell them: look at the holy scripture and the main books of other world religions. They say it all, including that family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. Reportedly, the Anglican Church is planning, just planning, to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What is there to say? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Millions of people in the West realise that they are being led to a spiritual disaster.
Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy, and it looks like there is no cure for that.
But like I said, these are their problems, while we must protect our children, which we will do. We will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.
ABC HQ doesn’t have to be transferred to Alice Springs – Wilcannia, Bourke, Townsville, Mount Isa all suggest themselves.
“Normal people have long since accepted that blacks, gays, Jews and trans people are normal like them”
Most “trans people” are not normal. A male with a penis who puts on a wig, lipstick, dress and insists he’s a woman and demands entry to women’s spaces like toilets and change rooms IS NOT NORMAL. Such males are autogynephiles who gets sexually aroused putting on female clothing, particularly women’s underwear, and such dangerous perverts should be kept well away from women and children.
Oh and Monty, anything to say about the Adelaide Festival of Jew Hatred? Any condemnation?
Or do you think that the speakers at the taxpayer funded festival, who delighted a well heeled Adelaide audience by insisting that Jews poison wells and harvest organs have, as you once so delicately penned, ‘legitimate grievances’?
I’m taking monty’s ad hominem lashing out as an indicator that he recognises the weakness of his position.
But if he he persists I think it would not be unreasonable to request that dover reconsider his continued presence here.
An apology would be welcome, but it is not expected.
The Right to Be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business
Aussie collapse imminent. Snith gorn to a shit shot. Now Hanscomb clean bowled.
I Meme Therefore I Am
Jill Biden and Antony Blinken awarded a man with International Women Of Courage Award.
These people are making mockery out of women. This insanity must STOP!
mUnty is a practicing antiSemite.
Hi, I’m mUnty
let me start by saying that categorizing people by arbitrary and superficial attributes is not just wrong, it’s evil. Which, is bad.
let me finish by categorizing a bunch of people by superficial attributes so that I can say that they’re absolutely normal. Which, of course, is good.
except ‘you lot’ … you’re not normal
PS: thanks for letting me wank all day on the forum
Normal people have long since accepted that blacks, gays, Jews and trans people are normal like them, because they work and live around them and they realise they are not The Other.
There’s quite a few fallacies there.
Then you’ve capitalised Jews but not blacks.
Aren’t Blacks good enough?
March 9, 2023 at 8:01 pm
Boambee John says:
March 9, 2023 at 7:43 pm
Normal people have long since accepted that blacks, gays, Jews and trans people are normal like them
The mind boggles, how the hell get Jews mixed up in that lot?
It’s a m0nty=fa thing. No matter what the subject is, he immediately thinks of Jews. I think there’s a word for the problem, but it has slipped my mind. Anti something.
“Wilcannia, Bourke, Townsville, Mount Isa all suggest themselves”
The thought of La Trioli trundling down Main Street Bunbury looking for an authentic almond milk Frappuccino in between shifts gives rise to a mordant sense of glee.
From the Atlantic article linked by 2dogs.
Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages.
m0nty=fa might not be reading the room correctly.
Roger, it seems you are incapable of actually making a cogent response.
My point was that the Right has tried to consign those disparate groups to “The Other”, minorities which they take turns in trying to isolate and persecute one by one, but they have failed every time. This is undeniable truth. The current moral panic over trans people is just another in a very long line of political campaigns by conservative bigots against people not like them, all of which have eventually been rejected by secular society.
You lot love to wallow in the fantasy that you are the silent majority but this fiction is increasingly difficult to maintain, even within your epistemic bubble. The facts just do not support this thesis, and the evidence has become overwhelming. You and your kind are the losers of history, and the fact that you are choosing smaller and smaller minorities to target each time you fail at othering the last one shows how powerless you really are.
“Normal people have long since accepted that blacks, gays, Jews and trans people are normal like them”
Normal, like an Ed Gein sort of trans normality?
Gonzalo Lira
Within 12 hours, both @nytimes & @washingtonpost published long articles claiming that a Ukrainian group blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.
German media picked it up.
Now the German defense minister is threatening to withdraw support for Kiev.
We now know what’s the plan.
Noone should be made to live in Bunbury. Even Vitrioli.
Ed Casesays:
March 9, 2023 at 8:14 pm
You couldn’t defend those lands……defence of your country against invasion is the first duty of any sovereign nation…
Ukraine can’t defend it’s territory.
Are you saying it’s no longer a sovereign nation?
Try to engage the brain before letting the typing fingers run wild.
Ukraine is (so far) defending a large proportion of its land. On that basis, it should be able to continue as a sovereign nation, but probably reduced in size.
Blacks and Jews are normal. No gays or trannies are. This is obvious from the numbers.
“You lot love”
Your lot loves Jew hatred and giving a platform to Jew haters.
H B Bearsays:
March 9, 2023 at 8:48 pm
The mind boggles, how the hell get Jews mixed up in that lot?
mUnty is a practicing antiSemite.
I think the response of famous British homosexual Quentin Crisp, when asked by US Immigration if he was a practicing homosexual responded “Practicing? I’ve perfected it.”