The Carrousel – Autumn Morning, Camille Pissarro, 1899
The Carrousel – Autumn Morning, Camille Pissarro, 1899
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
The Forced Medication of All Citizens
looked this morning and the place is hurtling down the rabbit hole of R*thschild conspiracies. Such rabbit holes are never healthy.
Oh please, Sanchez. There’s a R*thschild at the top of every bank in the western world. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s reality.
It won’t be soon before every day or week of the year is dedicated to some group trying to split us up into warring factions.
The latest assault is on ‘Harmony Day’ (a stupid concept, oh well) introduced by the Howard government. It is supposed to be kumbiya stuff, but now it is under attack as:
Comment from the best Monetary economist in the world.
One other thing, adding temporary liquidity to the system by the Fed acting as lender of last resort is not a form of QE. The operation is temporary in order to quell concerns about regional banks (particularly) not being able to sudden withdrawal demand. In the case of SVB and Signature bank, the Fed will take bank the funds as soon as things are figured out.
Yet we do it so well and with so little help.
Yeah I know.
They’re everywhere.
Using aliases like “McEwan”, “Elliott” and “Kelly” to slip through the net.
So? Big crash in the US when markets reopen tomorrow?
Sanchez says “No”.
But let’s see what Martin Armstrong says.
Something that is really giving me the poops – some of my favourite stupid memes are no longer available because Powerline has decided to forbid hotlinking.
They don’t own the memes. They didn’t create them. They have simply copied and pasted them onto their site for clicks and pretend to own them. They can go jump.
As I said, we damage each other so very well.
Markets are open today, Lysander.
Huxley pretty much laid it out in 1932 with soma.
We’re simultaneously living in Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm, Huxley’s Brave New World and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. I really do hate it when the Left reads a warning and uses it as a manual.
Not a good look to be beating up on the Jews during Oscars season. Oy vey.
Australian and Asian markets.
And there is nothing in the futures indices for European and US markets which indicates Armageddon.
But, again, Martin Armstrong has not yet spoken.
No, no, it’s not anti-Semitism.
It’s just the R#thschilds.
The sneakiest one is Dimon, JPMorgan’s CEO. Jamie Dimon says he’s Greek, but everyone knows he’s a R*thschild with a name like “Dimon”. These R*thschilds think they can fool people like you and me. Bullshit, they can.
I should have added this to my last whinge.
Don’t forget weather death rays.
Off the pace, indeed.
Sancho Panzersays:
March 13, 2023 at 5:12 pm
I still have a look at Adam’s blog occasionally. I looked this morning and the place is hurtling down the rabbit hole of R*thschild conspiracies. Such rabbit holes are never healthy.
Barely disguised anti-Semitism.
I used to wonder why Bird’s rants about “International Bankers” were “accidentally missed” so often in the early days.
Maybe the mystery is solved.
Do you want the image of him poking King Tampon in the chest suggesting? DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!
You should already know about it. No excuses for your ignorance. This play on the anti-Semitic card needs to end. Nothing to do with being Jewish, just evil bastards that need to hang.
I’d be happy for a meteorite to wipe them all out. One of the most despicable families on the planet.
What’s that?
And there’s always this reaction to R*thchildiana.
And tunnels. Filled with intelligent lizards.
Ideally, said meteorite strike would be predicted by an accountant on his side hustle website.
Malcolm Roberts:
Is Australia’s COVID response about patients or patents? Did Health bureaucrats make a deliberate decision to wave through new, untested and dangerous vaccines to give pharma companies expanded, patent-protected revenue, against the best interests of the Australian people.
“The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.”
Ominous words just delivered by Xi Jinping in his closing speech to the National People’s Congress in Beijing.
Don’t blame me. I told them to eat their word salads.
And the truth is, it didn’t cost a cent. A few keystrokes and – voila! Demorat depositors made whole. Thanks Fed!
It will be interesting to watch which sewer manhole these SVB grubs pop out of into their next gig.
Excellent point.
LOl. He’s such a dickhead.
March 13, 2023 at 5:40 pm
Don’t forget weather death rays.
What’s that?
Nexrad radar and people thinking that think Haarp can not influence the weather. They’ll probably watch Netflix or some sh*t on Sky News, tonight.
Child abuse. Charge and punish them accordingly.
March 13, 2023 at 5:52 pm
Anthony Esolen
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy:
Parent (usually Mom) wants a “special” child, with a complex and impressive disorder.
Mom may well persuade herself that the child is sick: she transfers her sickness to the child, affirming it, “loving” it.
These days: gelding and spaying children.
Excellent point.”
Yes, this the essence of my post last week, “Some thoughts on mothers, drag queens, trans, groomers & grooming“. A lot of the fault for this lies solely at the feet of women, as in MOTHERS.
Which one.
The ‘by proxy’ makes it all so terribly fraught.
Just had a peep, no wonder Graham survived as long as he did on that blog.
Protected by the ever so pure as snow, Adam.
Him, the fighter and purger of “dick…ds”
One of the most despicable families on the planet.”
Actually, they’re not, they’ve done a lot of good.
Can only Men be called “creepy” for alluding to or suggesting a possible sexual connection with a woman?
I’d be delighted to have a woman make an “improper” suggestion to me.
He’s right, but not for the reason he’s intimating.
The Chinese demographic trap is going to be a wickedly irreversible historical process.
Detail exactly what they’ve done to make them despicable?
Ron DeSantis about SVB…
“This bank, they’re so concerned with DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and politics and all kinds of stuff, and I think that really diverted from them focusing on their core mission. I also look at it and say, we have such a morass of federal regulations and bureaucracy and yet, they never seem to be able to be there when we need them to be able to prevent something like this.
Go woke, go broke.
Hahaha. 78-year-old Maggie Beer, who runs a cooking show on SBS Food from her base in the Barossa Valley, is spiritually a Nimbin hippie from the 1960s , cooing about new varieties of orchard citrus that you can chop up for casseroles.
I’m actually astonished Maggie hasn’t become a large landowner west of Casino NSW, growing dope by the hectare and sending truckloads of it down to the the Teal-voting landowning millionaire Sydney middle class.
… growing dope by the hectare and sending truckloads of it down to the Teal-voting landowning millionaire Sydney middle class.
It’s a growing demographic. The “leafy North coast”.
Stealth camping in the Darling Scarp is enticing at the moment. Get of the trail and go with a hammock.
Snakes will be a problem. Being above ground is a good idea. I have to get out Perth for a couple days. It almost took 5 minutes to cross the street….no fault of the drivers. They are going about their life.
no fault of the drivers. They are going about their life.
The Roald Dull version:
Cities are terminally unviable.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy:
Parent (usually Mom)
Demasculation of men, and demonization of fathers, was essential groundwork in preparation for this evil.
There was an aircraft being designed and built in Gippsland. They had some goon from CASA assigned to the project to ride them like a broken bicycle each and every day.
I knew the Gippsland guys. It got to where certification was held up due to CASA concerns about the screws holding the headlining in the cabin.
Another outfit at Cowra got certification but you also need a Production Certificate. When they tried to move a bench in the factory, CASA had kittens.
The civil aviation regulator in Australia has consistently done its best to prevent any aviation industry in Australia. They tried to put the Jabiru guys at Bundaberg out of business over their engines in 2014. Claimed there was a “high and increasing failure rate” but had put two years worth of stats in one year and included engine failures due to too much air in the tanks (no fuel). The dopey DAS resigned before the SHTF after he lied to a Senate committee instead of taking the question on notice.
My airline pilot mate had one of his senior colleagues join CASA recently. First thing he was told was there were only two things to worry about – his pay and his leave. Aviation safety doesn’t even feature, as long as CASA can find someone else to blame. Got some nice little corruption stories too but can’t publish.
And HAARP death rays coming from BOM stations, changing the weather to kill all the food and drive people off the land go Klaus can buy the lot and use it for bug factories while ‘normies’ are kept in the tunnels underneath.
Topped off with chemtrail saturation turning the survivors into Beijing zombies.
Very hot topic on Reddit. And certain other blogs.
*SO Klaus can buy the lot*
It’s all awfully exciting.
Knuckle Draggersays:
March 13, 2023 at 6:37 pm
F-wit status confirmed.
Hah, no worries.
I hope you spent the dollar I gave you when I was in Perth in December wisely.
I assumed it was you, sitting on a Hay Street footpath wearing a Biggles WW1 leather helmet and duffle coat, discussing Biblical tree rocks with passers-by.
Anyone care to explain why an entire extended family are evil and deserve to die?
As Cassie said, they are most renowned for philanthropy.
Mental illness promoted by the madness of crowds…not classical liberalism.
In Jordan Peterson’s now gloriously infamous interview with…some woman far less remarkable than the interview itself, she proposes a hastily contrived scenario of a business set up not on patriarchal principles but those instead that the professor had identified as feminine ones.
She was speaking in a hurry and responding to points Peterson had made in the interview (in an attempt to discredit him) rather that pushing an idea she had previously considered.
Peterson had simply said “sure you can try it”, but that none of the ‘feminine’ traits to be so relied upon predicted success.
Fast forward to now.
We have seen a bank set up and predicated on a richer stew of social justice than even what’s-her-name had come up with and released it to fare on its own merits in the real world – and what a magnificent failure it has been!
What’s-her-name could make the claim that a feminist (or diverse) company ought not be deemed a failure because it was not contesting against similar diverse companies (apples and oranges vs oranges and oranges) but the fact of the matter is that diverse companies against ‘patriarchal’ ones flounder and what’s-her-name’s scenario would only ever reveal which diverse form failed better.
Somehow, and against all expectation, banks acting like banks to be banks are better are more successful than banks acting as UCLA Berkeley diversity forums to be banks.
I will wait while everyone digests that.
Farmers and miners would not be investing in green businesses and political parties, they would actually be making money for their investors and depositors so not even comparable.
It is beginning look like the SVB was run by spoiled children of the rich and arrogant who never imagined that they need to obey the laws of economic or even just financial oversight laws.
More headline goodness, this time from the Hun:
And yet, the sub-header:
If only we knew who was winning.
Is this a serious question or rhetorical?
I’m not sure the internet is ready for rhetorical questions just yet.
Ex-CDC Director: Tax Dollars Funded Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab
Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
Seriously rhetorical.
I’ve always found posing them problematic.
And I definitely don’t want to be that guy who offers an answer for a rhetorical question.
We’re highest anti-depressant users in the world? Wow!
You live in Victoria, why is this a surprise?!
Oh, man! A comment consigned, by fare, to be the last unread one on the previous page.
I seem to remember a line by Gen Melchett in Blackadder along the lines “We are as testicles to the Gods, and they play with us for their sport.”
Ex-CDC Director: Tax Dollars Funded Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab
Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
What’s this f’cking thing called?!
A Fauci Loop?!
‘What if mountains used to be trees, but trees the size of mountains and the only way you could tell is because the rocks’ composition and colour – built, stained and eroded over time – bore a vague resemblance to the wood grain on my coffee table?’
No, I reckon we’re good.
Neither of them. The front line isn’t moving, not even at Bakhmut.
It’s like the Ethiopia-Eritrea War which went on in fits and starts for 20 years until 2018.
Similar dynamics. Similar mutual hatred.
Good. I can continue to ignore it then.
Given the pace of the Russian advance that time scale is not out of the question.
Cathy Newman, Mother Lode.
A classic interview.
By fate .
Comments are not fait.
Tickler, do you have a Final Solution which is a little more targeted and surgical (if that word isn’t too indelicate) than a meteorite?
I mean, a meteorite might have collateral damage which doesn’t involve Jews.
Err, R@thschilds, I mean.
It’s like to continue in this fashion until Trump wins the next election and calls for peace talks.
The same dynamic was in action in 1980 wth American hostages in Iran. Jimmy Carter was completely ineffective yet the situation was resolved as soon as Reagan won the election, even before he was sworn in. The enemy knew then who was serious and who wasn’t just as Putin and Xi have assessed the present situation.
Ah…I’m getting some context.
I’m leaning towards rhetorical.
“The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.”
Ominous words just delivered by Xi Jinping
Except their full retard 1+1=1 exercise is a huge problem with a very long fuse.
I think it also continues to influence their concept of a family, one child is “normal”, when it’s actually what an impending disaster looks like.
Thanks, calli.
She would have gone into the interview as the champion of all things femenista, with her token of chivalric devotion waving gossamer-like on the tip of her lance.
And at the end she was an embarrassingly putrid smudge on a sheet of toilet paper to be disposed off before the smell had made the air too rank for histrionic poses as victims insupportable to the faithless die-hards.
Me and the CCP crew attempting to align a pump DIY this arvo. I made a spreadsheet that calculates the packing and offset requirements based on coupling gap measurements. We also just found a Vernier calliper that hasn’t been used as a hammer. All set!
Marxist-Leninist Hegelian historical determinism with Chinese characteristics.
Her demolition was a fête accompli. Simply parfate.
Sadly Crossie he can’t win the election. It will be stolen, with the elite GOP hierarchy tacitly allowing that, like they did in 2020. And 2022 to some extent, since McConnell was funding opponents of Trumpy candidates of his own party. The GOP certainly didn’t let out a single peep at obvious steals like the Philly and Arizona Senate elections. They couldn’t, since that would legitimize everything Trump has been saying. So it’ll be another steal. It’s obvious.
And with the Dems in control the war is likely to go on, since possibilities for graft are enormous.
At least two today.
Is this the sort of thing we want here?
That’s three.
Fixing their banking sector would be a start.
I’m not sure this is what he had in mind. A few 600 year old wrongs to be righted first.
Perth coppers broke the skinhead gangs by some fairly robust methods, why do they tolerate these P O S?
Chrossie at 6:59.
I think you have missed the point about what was going on with SVB’s balance sheet, and the cash demands of their depositors.
If an Agri-Bank had similar balance sheet flaws – and let’s not assume no bank in Flyover country could have – with a rural client base which could have fluctuating cash demands due to the vagaries of agricultural activity then, yes, it could absolutely happen.
Wearing red shoes and munching on pineapple laden pizza.
I just watched Labor’s Andrew Hastie announcing that the SFL will adopt a bipartisan approach to the submarine lunacy.
So, a nation bankrupting program that will be run by a ‘select’ group within Defence and which is focused on nothing other than union scams will not be questioned or analysed by the SFL.
Oh, I do hope that they are wiped out in NSW so that the real conservatives may have some chance of reasserting our values,
Bloody hell.
Scanning through the news sites, and stumbled across a piece about Wally Lewis and his new missus – a lady person named Lynda Adams from Townsville. Tiny little chick.
Running my peepers across a pic of them, and followed by making sure she was who I thought she was, I realised that I dated Lynda for four months or so in the early 90s when I was living in the Ville. We met through a bloke working for a radio station I knew.
We broke up over who did and who didn’t want to go to a Jimeoin stand up comedy show. She did, I didn’t. Downhill for a fortnight after that, and then a reasonably friendly double move-on. Still saw her from time to time before I left town. Really nice girl.
Obviously though, she’d been pining for me for 30 years. Happy to hand the crown over to The King.
will be run by a ‘select’ group within Defence
looks like all those “moved-on” experts from ROBODEBT will keep there $900K a year jobs, then ..!
Amazing. Every once in a while you get a reminder of your past lives.
It’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Getting mugged at Karrinyup just leaves Claremont Quarter. Oh well.
And the reader is left wondering what the good samaritan who merited a headline did.
Batman lives.
If only we knew who was winning.
We know it isn’t Ukraine .. cos if it was the media would be trumpeting it ..
given the deafening silence for the last coupla dayz I’m going with the Ruskies poking ahead ……
If I know Andrew Hastie that’s an agreement in principle, not in detail.
There’s little else patriotic Libs can say atm.
The reason to ban hot linking is that they have to pay for the server traffic when someone accesses the image from another website, both in terms of data usage and load on the server.
I watch the Cathy Newman/Jordan Peterson interview at the time – an absolute classic study in body language and actual speech language –
Cathy Newman tried her usual techniques putting words into the mouth of her subject but Professor Peterson is not her usual subject, she was just projecting her nonsensical wrongheadedness based on the narrow-minded memes of third wave feminism. That interview is the perfect esample of going unarmed into battle. She lost every word joust.
Has Russia taken Bakhmut yet? I was told here weeks ago that it was happening. Almost as slow as the cricket.
Or is it?
It moved plenty during the Ukraine offensive. Not so much during the current Russian one.
The seasons will turn soon and the line will get active again.
Do you want an answer for that?
came across this well dun British plod offering whilst perusing downloads .. up to season 5 yet I’ve never heard of it before .. UNFORGOTTEN .. worth 7/10 .. would have rated a 9 off me except for the fact it suffers from that, regular, British plod drama ailment .. too many, bloody, coincidences that lead to a successful outcome .. for plod, always .. LOL! ..
See. Told ya.
Is this what we’ve become?
It was a serious question.
Liberals have got a Scotty problem, since Dutton criticised the British part of the Sub deal last week, then we find out that Scotty unilaterally inked the deal with Johnson and Joe and presumably kept his Defence Minister out of that loop.
March 13, 2023 at 8:40 pm
Has Russia taken Bakhmut yet? I was told here weeks ago that it was happening. Almost as slow as the cricket.
Given your confident statements in recent weeks that Wussia was running out of men and material, and had incompetent generals and poor plans, surely you should be asking why the Ukies are not yet on the outskirts of Moscow.
Ed Casesays:
March 13, 2023 at 8:55 pm
Liberals have got a Scotty problem, since Dutton criticised the British part of the Sub deal last week, then we find out that Scotty unilaterally inked the deal with Johnson and Joe and presumably kept his Defence Minister out of that loop.
Did he serenade them with his Stradivarius at the time? That would have sealed the deal.
Does a white bear crap in the woods?
Ya think…?
Now this is precisely the ambiguity I’m referring to.
Lift your game, people.
Now just waiting for Albo and Jim to gouge us of any remaining tax breaks to pay for ‘submarines’, whilst delivering zip.
I mean, you could have an underground suburban Melbourne rail loop for that money…
Spakoynay noche, comrades.
I love it when the Cat goes rogue.
If we can’t ask rhetorical questions, can we at least do a bit of verballing?
Well, it was mighty generous of Scotty to offer to fund a new Nuclear Submarine assembly line at Norfolk, Virginia.
And it was absolutely magnanimous of The Big Guy to accept his offer.
Is this what we’ve become?
Gateway Pundit
Then why am I reading reports of David French crying about Gov. Abbott’s attempts to chase after parents that consent to the mutilation of their children?
It was spitting rain at 9 am, now it’s too hot.
I’m at another beautiful bus station, well Sete Rios, waiting to go to Fatima.
I’m pretty pleased with my grasp of Lisbon public transport, I’m going to bus/metro to the airport on Thursday, some bus drivers take exception to large suitcases so I’ll minimise my exposure.
Though there’s a risk using the metro as it seems every five out of six escalators are out of service.
That might be to save electricity.
There are quite a few buses running around showing off their all natural gas credentials.
That was a genuis idea.
Because he is a bald headed flog.
Oh… that was rhetorical too, wasn’t it?
It’ll stop when the “eshays” attack & steal the sandshoes from a kid of the wrong ethnicity, perhaps one a couple of degrees removed from a “bad guy” Mr. Big type.
Not all of what looks like “white” to them are cuckolded anglos, they’ll do over a Greek kid, or a Lebanese Muslim kid.
Over the subsequent week or so lots of brawny men in their mid-20s will turn up in town, in ones & twos – of the same ethnicity as the kid in hospital.
Then suddenly one night they’ll cut loose, belting piss & pickhandles out of anybody who even looks like they’re connected to these “eshays” – not caring how much damage they do (rather than an extreme limit, broken bones will be a starting point)
They’ll keep this up for a couple of weeks – though after about the fourth night they’ll have trouble finding targets.
“Eshays” & copycats of, will disappear without trace. Streets & carparks will be safe for a year or two.
How’s Ukraine traveling?
From a comment on Unz Review:
Are youse all denialist sheeples?
[Rhetorical. Obviously]
I walked down to the antique art museum yesterday afternoon, wanted to look at a couple of things including their Bosch triptych and the first thing the staff member said was that it was on holiday in Milan.
However the second floor that was closed last time I was here was open.
Like most fine arts museums in this part of the world the collection relies heavily on works confiscated from the Catholic church during various persecutions, in Portugal’s case in 1835 then 1910 when a law re separation of church and state was passed.
If the art wasn’t directly from a confiscation it came as bequests from private collections where confiscated art had passed into private hands.
They have an interesting collection of antique furniture and ceramics as well.
The decline and fall of the skinheads gangs in Perth was notable – they bashed one of the junior recruits from HMAS Leuwin so severely that he finished up in a wheelchair. Emboldened by their triumph, they announced that the streets of the town belonged to them, and after the following Friday, anyone with a naval haircut was history.
Unfortunately, come the following Friday, two R.A.N. ships had docked in Fremantle, together with a R.N. Guided missile cruiser…the streets of Perth ran red with skinhead blood, while Perth coppers sat at Central, and played cards….
After the sailors left, anyone in skinhead regalia copped another hiding from the coppers – very, very soon after, there wasn’t a skinhead to be seen on the streets of Perth…
Donut Operator brings the story of a well ventilated criminal mastermind that loads their gun with bullets of various sizes in backwards. Even I know not to do that.
Is that what is known as “community policing”?
He goes crazy at 5:46.
Mix Master Mike’s DJ Performance | House Of Strombo
Oh my dear lordy.
Next level dunderheadness.
I’m rather expecting one of Hemmingways ‘slowly then quickly’ timelines. You see this a lot in trench warfare (and city fighting similarly): nothing much changes for a while, until one side has used up all its reserves, then it crumbles quickly.
While indigenous activists promoting the voice argue Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and elders must be acknowledged and celebrated, they fail to show the same respect and appreciation for Australia’s British heritage and the debt owed to the European civilisation.
Not only indigenous activists. Those white people infecting academia are just as much to blame. Or sepia fellas, like Stan Grant
Shut up Norm! Your comedy is so awkward!
The Rothman’s Cigarettes Banking Concern funded the war against Boney.
They get a pass.
Boney started off as enlightened despot, then he got a secret police, etc.
Well, Chain Link (LINK) turned out to be dogshit, let’s hope the US bank runs cause gold and crypto to moon, I hope my 900,000 Shiba Inu coin moon to the moon.
Actually, LINK, ADA and XYO are all good ideas, I hope they get used more often.
Enjoy the show:
DR Koncerthuset:
Composed by Hector Berlioz
Conducted by Otto Tausk
Performed by Danish National Symphony Orchestra/DR Symfoniorkestret
New Years concert 2022
Which is why they’re lost so much equipment (verified) and their advance has been stalled for 12+ months.
Russia’s losses
Approximate assessment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 24.02.2022
Personnel (+2840) ~640.200
killed ~159.800
wounded ~479.400
prisoner of war ~1.000
Armored combat vehicles
6774 +5
3474 +8
2503 +16
After four hundred years of Portuguese colonial rule, by the 1960’s, over 90% of Africans in Angola and Mozambique were still illiterate, and lacking the most basic of services..
Why wouldn’t they get a pass for providing reliable banking services?
Napoleon invaded Spain Portugal Italy eyc looting and pillaging as he went, he didn’t pay his troops in Russia, did he pay any of the others on his international escapades or was it all intended to be funded by the agressees?
I wouldn’t know. I am not their class of clientele…
I do know a guy who tried to work for Rothmans & Co, he had three interviews and nearly got to a final round, he said it was bloody brutal. Only top men it seems.
Get off the bus in Fatima and what’s the first thing I see.
Our dear friends the JWs.
They only have spots for the first 144,000 surely they have already all been taken.
No-one ever seems to want to enquire into the great wealth of Italian banks like Intesa Sanpaulo Spa or Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena s p a.
Or even know who owns them.
Or even know who owns them.
The R*thschilds of course, who else?
Man, what a sad blog the Lollipop blog has become. How freaking sad are that bunch of idiots even blaming the R*thschilds for their issues with constipation.
I think that’s the oldest or was the oldest bank in the world.
The Rothmans are simply historically significant and were the largest merchant bank of all time in terms of market share.
Preach it.
Even so, we’re still dealing with their offcuts.
March 13, 2023 at 11:46 pm
Or even know who owns them.
The R*thschilds of course, who else?
Man, what a sad blog the Lollipop blog has become. How freaking sad are that bunch of idiots even blaming the R*thschilds for their issues with constipation.
The entire family should be put up against a wall and shot.
All of them are evil. They should have been obliterated years ago. Kids and all. F-15 strikes on all their property.
Do not suggest anti-Semitism. All of their estates should be wiped out.
You are playing with fire here Steve, every time I have a break and log in, here you are with outlandish claims and threats.
Getting ready to run your own blog, are you?
I don’t want you or anyone banned, I can scroll with the best of them, but how long do you think you’ll be tolerated, spewing hatred?
What a world we live in. People defending R-childs.
People are on the defense of one of the most evil families in the world….astonishing!
I can understand people wanting to play safe.
March 14, 2023 at 2:12 am
Your a dime a dozen f-wit that comments on the MSM. Much like those talking about the girl with no knickers.
Steve trickler says:
March 14, 2023 at 2:15 am
Steve, I freely admit that I only know that they exist, and they are in the finance business, nothing more, and never was interested in learning more about them either.
Now, reading your claims, you must be full bottle about them, how come you know all that, and would you share at least the most egregious deed they have done warranting execution?
With all the dramas going on in the world at the moment…lets talk about the no knickers girl.
It is f-in stupid watching people respond to MSM on this subject….and yet it continues, Cassie being guilty.
March 14, 2023 at 2:24 am
Do some research.
Steve trickler says:
March 14, 2023 at 2:33 am
Smart man.
Britney the knickerless will have her comeuppance, guaranteed.
Steve trickler says:
March 14, 2023 at 2:36 am
No, thanks, there are people far closer giving us grief.
More immediate and we might even have a chance of doing somat about it, slim chance it is, but better than wasting my time chasing up conspiracy theories.
All set!
No. Fork lifted new motor as far as we could. Requires manual lift of old motor out and new motor in. Sling and 2” pipe on it. Me one end, CCP dude other. Ok! Pick up! Lift, my end comes off the mount, CCP, Mayo! Mayo! Can’t lift!* Now wait for more CCP, no show!
*May have been mildly ambitious, I checked the data sheet, 174kg.
criminal mastermind that loads their gun with bullets of various sizes in backwards
I can’t believe she’s still alive (in ICU), maybe 6+ 9mm? Retard takes a likin but keeps on tickin!
After four hundred years of Portuguese colonial rule, by the 1960’s, over 90% of Africans in Angola and Mozambique were still illiterate, and lacking the most basic of services..
Exactly why the older and wiser in the former British Colonies opine: Please come back and govern us!!
rickw says:
March 14, 2023 at 2:42 am
If you can get to it with a sling and pipe, can’t you lift the pipe or sling with the forklift?
Or hang a block tackle on the tyne of the forklift?
It moved plenty during the Ukraine offensive. Not so much during the current Russian one.
Please join up so you’re there for the glorious Uke victory! We all want to see it, hello kitty AK-47 aloft, haversack full of krispy kreme’s, pudgy donut dusting cover face spouting stories of Uke skill at arms! Way better than Malmo!
If you can get to it with a sling and pipe, can’t you lift the pipe or sling with the forklift?
Needs to be carried about 6m, will get team Bangla on it tomorrow! Some idiot put a fire pipe above ground when drawings showed it being underground.
Siena is JC.
I visited HO in Siena once when they were letting members of the public have a peek at a restored old master destined for the directors office. Dude told me they had 30 000 objects of fine art in their possession.
San Paulo has 35 000 but they have a selection on display in a couple of galleries.
No-one ever starts screaming they and all their families down to babes in arms should murdered in cold blood for being rich and successful for many generations.
Mark Knight.
March 14, 2023 at 2:59 am
It moved plenty during the Ukraine offensive. Not so much during the current Russian one.
Please join up so you’re there for the glorious Uke victory! We all want to see it, hello kitty AK-47 aloft, haversack full of krispy kreme’s, pudgy donut dusting cover face spouting stories of Uke skill at arms! Way better than Malmo!
The fat fascist fool calls for a Great War Against Wussian Imperialism, but has no enthusiasm for actually fighting in it.
Tickler earlier.
That’s the way.
Far more accurate than a silly old meteorite.
But an F-15?
Surely the Me-109 or Stuka would be your weapon of choice.
Most Nazis will say that.
Why not just sieze them?
Like you lot did the last time.
Plenty of people here cover issues raised in the MSM.
Why single Cassie out?
Do you imagine she is connected with Rothwells Merchant Bank?
I would support action against banks as a whole, if you’re talking regulation and curbing excess speculation. But why pick on a Jewish banker in particular?
It always comes back to the Protocols.
These days even the smallest glimmer of a silver lining must be grasped and cherished.
Maybe even the movie morons tired of the perpetual misery visage.
It wasn’t the Rothschild’s that broke the SVB, it was woke, ESG and DVI.
Glance at the profile of their risk manager.
‘Woman of colour, immigrant, non-binary, determined to break the chains of traditional investment rules by pursuing diversity……… blah blah’.
Their Chief Admin officer had been CFO of Lehman Bros.
But they were not entirely stupid, they knew that having a shed full of Hollywood and woke investors would have the Bidens (read Obama) rushing to use taxpayers money to bail the treasonous clowns.
More than that. They had to give the Asian constituency a go at last.
Blanchett probably quietly spitting chips about that. Hoist on her own petard.