What did the Lutherans do to get the spotlight on them and their people trafficking business. Multiple churches have received…
What did the Lutherans do to get the spotlight on them and their people trafficking business. Multiple churches have received…
What rang my alarm bell was learning USAID was created by President John. F Kennedy in an executive order in…
Africa is the definitive black hole (ptp) for western taxpayers’ money. Goodness knows how many trillions of dollars have ended…
I know you’ll think I’m crazy or haven’t suffered as you have, but in my experience, pain management is largely…
The whole point of shifting some Watson voters (likely ALP) into Grayndler is to shore up albansleazy from an inner…
Does me owning a Cuban cap with genuine Red Star on it make me a Communist?
Today in Muntyland I found out I’m both a Communist and a Nazi having a decent collection of their WWII military equipment replete with Swastika’s and Hammers and Sickle’s.
I guess for a basement dwelling pervert fascist it seems bizarre that people might be interested in History, particularly the bad bits, and that they might collect things associated with these bad bits. Of course owning manifesto’s associated with what caused the bad bits is incomprehensible.
Agree. I can accept Soros did what he needed to do to survive and I don’t believe it should be held against him.
For me, the issue is the way he talked about it, totally devoid of feeling or emotion, even smiling at times. The guy is a psychopath.
Speaking of “rancid associations” and “guilt by association”, whadda we make of this? Last week, our word slushing, Trotskyite, “I fight Tories” PM attended a Ramadan ding dong dinner and sat down with an unpleasant chap by the name of Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman. Sheikh Shady is on the record (he’s been filmed) making vicious remarks about homosexuals, saying (among other things) that homosexuals were “spreading disease and bringing about evil outcomes to our society”. Crikey, that’s much worse anything Mark Latham said but I haven’t yet seen any hysterical opprobrium from PM Sleazy or the creepy Alex Greenwich for that matter. Perhaps Mr Greenwich should encourage a few tranny pervert activists to go and protest outside Sheikh Shady’s mosque in Western Sydney, and desecrate a Koran like they desecrated a crucifix at the church in Belfield. I’d pay good money to see that spectacle, because when the police are called to quell that riot, they’ll end picking up body parts. But I digress, considering PM Sleazy is a fervent supporter of anything “homosexual”, youda thinka that he might have thought twice about being pictured at a function with the unsavoury homophobe Sheikh Shady (who’s been banned from Denmark and other EU countries). But nothing surprises me anymore, the never ending double standards and hypocrisy from the left just rattle on, like a old Sydney red rattler train. Of course, not that this would worry PM Sleazy, good friend of Jew hating Jeremy Corbyn that the is, but Sheikh Shady is also on record as having made some very nasty remarks about Jews but since Jews are not one of the PM Sleazy’s favoured minorities, we don’t count. Here’s a thought, if we’re gonna have guilt by association, then let’s start with PM Sleazy.
Turns out it was America, not TikTok or killer balloons, that was spying on Five Eyes.
LOL. The US is now Captain Queeg.
“Ah, but the strawberries…”
They’re all a little strange at that level of trading success. A pal who I used to know was a very good trader who made a lot of money on a trade, and the news got out. This was in the early 90s. I think he shorted the Mexican peso, which subsequently devalued, but I can’t recall exactly. Anyway, it became big news, and Uncle George interviewed him. For a short time, he worked for George’s fund. George interviewed him in his office. The dude looked around but couldn’t see any computer screens, so he asked George about it.
George responded with a look of horror in his eyes as he surveyed his office with all the magnificent antiques and artwork. He responded by saying that screens would ruin the look of the office, and anyway, he knew where the markets were at all times. Unreal.
Exactly Cassie and the lack of outrage from Greenwich and his ilk tells me the Latho indignation was all show. Notice Latho stuck to his guns and it all went away, hmmm.
Anyway Chris Minns problem now with dealing this little grubby recalcitrant though. Both parties should just not deal with him, they wouldn’t need to for 99% of things anyway.
Here are a some more things that make you a Nazi, or a Nazi sympathiser or Nazi adjacent…..
Listening to and liking Richard Wagner. Poor Lizzie and Hairy, I know they aren’t Nazis but they’re now “guilty by association” for driving to Bendigo in Victoria and attending Wagner’s Ring Cycle.
Wearing Hugo Boss…gosh, I quite like Hugo Boss.
Buying and driving Volkswagens.
Being a vegetarian, Hitler was a fanatic vegetarian.
I could go on, you get the drift.
No one made a retraction?
Of course not: Lie, Smear, Move On.
Nazi collectors are Nazis.
If collecting Nazi memorabilia makes you Nazi what does reading books about Nazis qualify you as ..?
asking for me as I’ve been reading Nazi related stuff for over 50 years ..
and worse still I roolly, roolly enjoy both SVEN HASSEL & PHILIP KERR’s fictional Nazism ……
Not gonna mention my 3rd Reich stamps tho ……..!
Can you explain? The pic of the guy punching the horse isn’t real?
Oh come onsays:
April 10, 2023 at 4:22 pm
I don’t disagree. People did what they had to do to survive,
Agree. I can accept Soros did what he needed to do to survive and I don’t believe it should be held against him.
For me, the issue is the way he talked about it, totally devoid of feeling or emotion, even smiling at times. The guy is a psychopath.
Not even the faintest hint of shame, more pride in “getting away with it”.
For me, the issue is the way he talked about it, totally devoid of feeling or emotion, even smiling at times. The guy is a psychopath.
He claims to be a philanthropist – but generated the money for it by some extremely shall we say… manipulative methods with zero consideration of the effect on the vast majority of people.
A typical member of the intellectual class – loves people in the abstract – despises them and their petty concerns in real life.
Excellent comment from the Michael Smith link up-page ……
A happy little debunker said…
The Argument goes that the elected Indigenous Members of Parliament do not just represent the Indigenous, they represent all Voters.
The Counter-argument is that there are 227 Members of Parliaments that do not just represent the Colonists & the Migrants they also represent local Indigenous voters.
Dunno about being Nazis, Cass. But Lordie enduring 4 freaking hours of that stuff should send you around the bend. German opera is cultural appropriation anyway. Opera should only be sung in Italian. 🙂
Wow what is the BOM waiting on off WA. After some of the rabbles they have named in the Coral Sea and overestimated Categories in last few years Cyclone Lisa should have been a shoe in.
JTWC has Cat 1 – Cat 2 winds already. From prognostic reasoning:
Batten down WA, intensification conditions are favourable.
Dot what happened to that fellow that was supposed to have punched a horse I have been wondering what do you know?
cc: DrBeauGan & Rabz
C/- The Militant Atheists’ Society of Veneztraliastan
PO Box 6066
Sleazy Hills NSW 2010
Dot what happened to that fellow that was supposed to have punched a horse I have been wondering what do you know?
Was reported yesterday, got off and I believe he has lawyered up to go after some media outlets.
You always did revert to abuse whenever you were called out on a bare-faced lie, didn’t you, “Ed”. Not as much as your mate, Sean, but far too often.
Anyone who actually lived in Qld for any reasonable period of knows that houses were for far more than just sport. Unlike, for example, in the northern suburbs of Sydney or in certain UK university towns.
The later Aspley developments were indeed smaller, but the original developments were larger. This was such a feature of Brisbane expanding suburban development in the late middle of last century that to claim otherwise is just embarrassing. But entirely predictable if all you actually have to go on is current Google maps.
Finally, you need to take another look at that unused land around the school. That’s a f’ing creek dip54!7
Not even the faintest hint of shame, more pride in “getting away with it”.
98% of them got away with it .. most just didn’t make their, and many others, fortune(s) afterwards tho ..!
The bloke is despicable ..! but at his age I’m guessing he isn’t interested in what anyone has to say about him anymore .. the time to name and shame was over 50 years but it didn’t suit the hangers-on back then …… they were happy to make their money sucking up to him …
The left always eat their own when their usefulness is over ….!
“I’m not going to condemn a fourteen year old boy who was being hidden by a non Jew.
Both would have gone to the death camps if discovered.”
I would agree, but add that it is beyond unfortunate that the lessons he appeared to glean from that time are that:
* the powerful can do what they want;
* the exercise of your own power is best when it cements your power;
* those without power do not matter.
Why else would he continue to forment “colour revolutions” and fund US DA’s whose policies cause more crime and chaos, if not the lessons above?
Alas it appears that he learned only how to get and stay on top, and the evil of what was done about him was either not decried loudly and longly enough, or it has irredeemably tarnished his soul. Sad.
The contrast with Elon Musk, who also witnessed evil in his younger years, could not be more stark. In fairness, what Soros saw may have been much worse, but even so…
The horse punch story here.
The angle of the photo is crucial. He never touched the horse – it was being reined in by the rider.
Police were too embarrassed to proceed with the charge, coz he did not punch the horse & there was no way they’d be able to frame him for it.
He received a conviction, + a lecture from a Magistrate, for attending the protest, coz “science & health” (& presumably for embarrassing police & celebrities for not actually punching a horse)
WSJ today. Nice piece.
Even Tobruk said “neiiiiiigh”. 😀
The not-a-horse-puncher did about a month in jail, in solitary, because his “animal cruelty” was so far beyond the pale that he shouldn’t be allowed out among the public.*
(* unlike Man Monis, who was allowed out on bail)
“Dunno about being Nazis, Cass. But Lordie enduring 4 freaking hours of that stuff should send you around the bend. German opera is cultural appropriation anyway. Opera should only be sung in Italian. ?”
LOL…..agree, and particularly that it should only be sung in Italian. Italian Opera elevates the soul.
Thank you Calli – for the update. I was unaware the Magistrate conviction for attending the rally had been overturned by a Judge.
Switzerland has withdrawn its official endorsement of the Covid vaccines – for all ages. It simply recommends patients seeks the advice of their GP! Mmmmmm.
Yeah, well, pardonnez moi for feeling a bit more cynical and jaded at the moment – to me we’re nearing a situation equivalent to the rise of the nayzees with an even more mighty conflict about to erupt. The current Russia/Ukraine contretemps rhymes with the Spanish Civil War.
And then we have the CCP and its most recent (as of yesterday) bellicosity towards Taiwan.
Does good always triumph over evil? Human history, as messy as it is, would suggest that it does.
Yet evil is massing its mighty forces even as we speak. Again.
Speaking of man Monis what we he even doing in the country? What ever happened to duty of care ? Which Canbra pubic serpent allowed this to happen?
Can you explain? The pic of the guy punching the horse isn’t real?
He put his arm up to protect himself because arsehole cop was intent on trying to get the horse to swing it’s head into him. See Calli’s link for the clear air gap.
Of course the Media Scum ran with horse punch rather than the real story because of narrative. What could be sweeter than Freedom Shirt Horse Puncher? Everyone who was there, including police absolutely knew that he didn’t punch the horse.
Defamation Lawsuit Time.
Yeah, but aren’t the fat blonde horned chicks bellowing at the end usually of the Kraut persuasion?
Enough with the Nazi shit.
That is great news — i wonder if he should also go after NSW Police as it was suggested the photos was doctored to make it look as though he punched the horse but was in fact using his wrist to prevent the horse from harming him
“Defamation Lawsuit Time.”
Yes please, and I hope he goes after fatso fraud Adam Liaw, wanker and dickhead extraordinaire.
Rickw, I don’t know what the policeman was trying to do. The bit and slack left rein suggest he’s trying to turn the horse, but he isn’t looking at the protester at all. He’s looking at the crouched figures behind.
Shitholification intensifies….
Following his arrest in 2021 Mr Pulkownik spent three weeks in prison before being granted bail.
3 weeks for nothing.
and rather than have it a 4-nil of charges the ‘magnanimously” let him off the remaining charge on mental elf
How very Soviet of them.
Remember how the NSW media smeared “horse man”, it was only Alan Jones on Sky who spoke up for him (just as he spoke up for all the other protesters on that day) and that was the beginning of the end for Alan Jones on Sky.
You know, I try not to think about lockdown because I still become furious and incandescent with rage. I remember the media lies about that Sydney protest and the protesters, particularly “horse man”. Most of those “protesters” were ordinary men and women from Sydney’s western suburbs.
Thank you rockdoctor, calli, salvatore and others who brought me up to date on that — the process is the punishment, what a disgrace and the Police were up to their brass buttons on the whole thing because they remained schtum and fed the maelstrom by charging him with animal cruelty. What a bunch of mendacious Kens
Rickw, I don’t know what the policeman was trying to do. The bit and slack left rein suggest he’s trying to turn the horse, but he isn’t looking at the protester at all. He’s looking at the crouched figures behind.
I don’t think the cop was specially aiming for him, just a bit of “I’ll spin the horse around and if someone gets smacked in the head or face, to bad”. The slack in the bridle on the right side and the horses mouth suggest that plod is giving the reigns a fair yank. Maybe they misplaced the animal cruelty charges by a couple of meters? Certainly no horsemanship on display.
By heaven I cannot abide that talentless, bag of tripe, every time I see an ad for that twerp I have to fast forward — another feckless mediocrity lauded and applauded for his diversity and nothing else — he reminds me somewhat of that Southpossumarsk.
The “Horse man” protest was in the same burst of protest which produced the “Are we the baddies?” photo of a NSW police officer, doused with black ink by protestors, his face showing the shock of realisation that the people who doused him are the normals, and he is part of the repressive fascist state.
I only hear Bugs Bunny singing “kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit”. Like opera but not The Ring Cycle.
his face showing the shock of realisation that the people who doused him are the normals, and he is part of the repressive fascist state.
At least one of them woke up.
Black ink doesn’t work in Victoria. Vikpol comes pre-packaged in nazi regalia.
And the Australian news media is effectively a political party allied with the Greens. The media hasn’t been the public’s eyes and ears for 25+ years.
Use that filter and tell me I’m wrong.
My streaming viewing:
A slow motion train crash in four parts, yet I cannot look away. As a male, I instinctively identify with Joe (Joseph) and feel somewhat repulsed by the harridans he tars himself with in Manhattan. Although Beck’s curvy bottomage, is quite simply, magnifique.
As for Love in LA in season 2, she is larger than life. When she cooks that chicken meal for Joe, you are just wanting her. So sweet. 🙂
So on the non horse punching guy.
1: Police did not review footage and incorrectly charge the man – demonstration a marked lack of investigative nous. Someone must surely face demotion/loss of rank etc for that level of incompitence.
2: Police knew it wasnt a punch and deliberately and maliciously advanced a prosecution on an innocent chap. In this case removal from the force must be the only option as well as any civil or criminal charges that may be advanced.
Looks like a easy case to prove.
Malicious Prosecution
Malicious prosecution is a tort or a civil wrong, which enables a person who is the subject of groundless and unjustified court proceedings to seek a civil claim for damages against their prosecutor.
The following are examples of prosecution proceedings terminated in the plaintiff’s favour:
Acquittal of the plaintiff on the merits of the case;
Termination of the case where conviction is quashed for technical reasons such as a misdirection to the jury by the trial judge;
Discontinuance of the prosecution by the prosecutor before verdict;
Termination of the prosecution because the Crown enters a nolle prosequi.
A nolle prosequi is a formal notice of discontinuance of an action lodged by the prosecution. See Maxwell v R [1995] HCA 62.
If the prosecution proceedings are terminated in a way that means that the accused person is not actually found guilty by a Court (such as where a nolle prosequi is entered), the plaintiff does not need to positively prove their innocence in order to recover damages for malicious prosecution.
It is necessary for the plaintiff to prove that the prosecutor did not hold the belief, or did not hold the belief on reasonable grounds. The evidence necessary to challenge the belief is not supplied by proof that the prosecutor was aware of facts which might or might not have satisfied the prosecutor of the plaintiff’s guilt, or that the defendant had information, some of which pointed to guilt and some to innocence.
To escape liability, the prosecutor need only be found to have had an honest belief in the fact that there was a sufficient case to launch a prosecution against the plaintiff, not a belief that a conviction would be secured.
Yes please, and I hope he goes after fatso fraud Adam Liaw, wanker and dickhead extraordinaire.
Post is still up post verdict without any additional comment or clarification so hopefully he’s screwed.
Should still be carried out.
I don’t know, rick. A single frame in a sequence is pretty inconclusive, as the judge wisely ruled. Those mounted police love their animals. I doubt whether they’d ever be intentionally cruel.
Those lockdowns were a terrible time. And they’d do it again in a heartbeat if it suited. What still stuns me is the number of people who still think it was all okay, like the mask wearing and QR codes to do the shopping.
The only opera is rock opera – of which the premier example is Meatloaf in his prime, ably chopped out by Steinman.
Rock opera lite is ELO, which although aurally pleasing has not the oomph of Mr Loaf at his peak.
Probably more so if you don’t speak Italian.
Can you imagine biden or any other demorat being surrounded by alphas like Trump here.
Blonde, brunette – it’s still a fat chick pumping out something in German. German opera sounds like a Nazi rally.
Or getting support like this.
Enough with the Nazi shit.
I have an authentic WWII Heer rake complete with swastika and waffennamts. Slight handle damage from striking munty’s face. Would you like to buy it?!
A waking nightmare that ain’t going away any time soon. A bad memory that comes flooding back and ruins almost any time I’m feeling “relaxed and comfortable”.
I was one of them. I will never forget proudly striding down Market St in a “Shut Down the ALPBC” t-shirt with many thousands of like minded souls among me. After spending almost two years locked in the cottage by government decree.
I was a coward to tolerate that and it will not happen again, Cats.
Next time the pitchfork and flaming torch is immediately and unrepentantly wielded.
The hysteria around any material artifact of Nazi Germany is illogical. (Hence it is hysteria, & only from hysterical people)
Those mounted police love their animals. I doubt whether they’d ever be intentionally cruel.
They understand as much about horsemanship as they do about law enforcement and the law!
“By heaven I cannot abide that talentless, bag of tripe, every time I see an ad for that twerp I have to fast forward — another feckless mediocrity lauded and applauded for his diversity and nothing else — he reminds me somewhat of that Southpossumarsk.”
Exactly Tinta.
Allegedly and apparently and it is said by some – those mounted police are considered generally useless and who gravitate towards the horses because they don’t actually do the paperwork, let alone make arrests.
75% are ladeeeee police people, and apparently it is considered the best place for them is on horseback as it dampens down the hysteria.
Geez. The 17th team in the comp (Geelong) beat the 18th by 82 points.
That’s how shit Hawthorn are going.
One thing I noticed at George Cardinal Pell’s funeral is that the police on horseback quickly moved the profane scum on when the protesters came within metres of the people in the forecourt attending the Requiem mass — as it was police who’d allowed the profane scum into College Street which was not permitted in the original agreement — the reason they moved the scum right out of earshot was because the Lebanese Christian men were ripe for giving the profane scum a good pounding — imagine the repercussions for the Police if that scenario had ensued — just imagine — the horses left their comment on the protesters on roadway — copious mounds of horseshit. The police are not your friends they are the armed wing of the political elite.
Rickw, I stand corrected. I was under a twenty year old assumption (yes, my bad).
Today, to qualify for the mounted police in NSW no riding experience is required.
Absolutely, utterly insane.
Nice Hercus 9” in Cootamundra at a good price:
Merry Melodies seems like a different geological era now.
All those marvelous cartoons that no one could possibly do today.
Well thank goodness I’ve experienced it, JC.
Finding yourself in a “Cathedral of Ice” does not sound like a pleasant experience.
Cats, at the risk of stating the bleeding obvious (again) I am so sick of fascists, FFS.
Stomping around in jackboots while bellowing at the top of your lungs is not a good look, I tells ya.
Just give it a rest (for evah).
Confession time.
I once drove through the Grampians in a VW Golf Gti dressed in a Hugo Boss half turtle neck sweater under a Hugo Boss suite with Ride of the Valkyries on the CD player.
True story.
The police are not your friends they are the armed wing of the political elite.
never experienced it …
Gaaaarrrnnnn – CrazyOldRanga – are you having a lend?
Trans spaz dylan mulvaney now spokes shithead for tampax. Peak stupidity is still some way off. Comments are good.
True story.
Could have only been more chilling if the Golf was a halftrack!
Replace that with the Horst Wessel Song, and you’d be someone mUntler would run screaming from, rather than trying to punch with his little tuck shop lady T-rex arms.
Tinta, yes a true story. I have a witness.
rickw, I couldn’t afford the extra for the tracks 🙂
Trans spaz dylan mulvaney now spokes shithead for tampax. Peak stupidity is still some way off. Comments are good.
Corporate lemmings. Surely shareholders could sue if the corporate scum at tampax lined up for mulvaney after his endorsement had just successfully trashed Budweiser?
At the recent Melbourne Let Women Speak rally, you all know the one I’m speaking about, when those elusive and very mysterious Grampian Nazis suddenly appeared out of nowhere and were ushered through by the Victorian blackshirts aka the Victorian police, a performance that will probably now go down in history as a mystery on a par with the Mary Celeste, because we no longer have a media that’s interested in investigating strange and odd things, anyway I digress, the police horses at the rally were facing the far-left scum who were busy screaming and screeching abuse and threats at the women, but some of the feral far-left scum were attacking the police horses. As far as I know, no one has been charged with animal cruelty, but that’s probably because, as with everything else, being on the far-left means they get a free pass, even when hurting animals.
been watching that too.
satellite overlay with the infrared … impressive
rickw, I couldn’t afford the extra for the tracks ?
I guess didn’t shell out for the schwimwagen upgrade package either?!
“Tintarella di Lunasays:
April 10, 2023 at 5:57 pm”
To emphasise – The Pulkownik languished in prison for three weeks for not punching a horse. In NSW, in 2021.
Nice hitlerist state you’ve got there, mate – it would be a pity if anything untoward might happen to it … 😡
With what I have learned with a quick Google on mounted police….the horses probably know their job better than their riders.
I’m still trying to get my head around a novice rider in charge of a tonne of horseflesh in a crowd.
Can we please issue these halfwits with “P” plates? Visible at all times.
Selective policing is a serious problem in Australia.
This situation is made worse by the tenuous right to self defence in most states.
Forget about the availability of anything via which self defence might be achieved.
I tend to fall in the category of Eisenhower who made the German citizenry go through the camps and help bury the bodies. There’s nothing like the stench of the dead to drive the message home.
However I’d put History as a major subject in High Schools and show the films of both the Nazi, Soviet, and Khmer Rouge so these kids get some immunisation against communism.
All that aside, I would like to make the point of how close we came to setting down that road ourselves.
A little less smug would do wonders.
Don’t attend rallies where Police Horses might be used.
It’s not rocket science.
A spray bottle of ammonia, iso alcohol, bleach or petrol would work quite well as a defensive aid.
Of course, when “the law” classes self defence as “assault” you have a problem.
I’m still trying to get my head around a novice rider in charge of a tonne of horseflesh in a crowd.
Can we please issue these halfwits with “P” plates? Visible at all times.
I hate to break it to you, but they’re also novices in charge of a 9mm semi-automatic handguns with a trigger mounted safety!
Predictably this doesn’t end well a lot of the time, thankfully though their negligent discharges are normally directed at themselves, rather than the public.
Police used to be issued with revolvers for a good reason, more incompetent idiot proof than a Glock.
(Think of this as “mounted police used to be provided with small ponies due to their lack of horsemanship”!)
The Stall Gift mens’ and womens’ were won by two very impressive young teens. Modest and grateful – an example of focus on goals and sound parenting.
The mothers of the women who came first and second had raced against each other in the 2016 Gift with the reverse result.
The commentator asked the young lady what she intended to do with the $40,000 prize. “A little shopping”. Quietly in the background you could hear her Mum saying “no you are not”.
75% are ladeeeee police people, and apparently it is considered the best place for them is on horseback as it dampens down the hysteria.
Pommelhumpers… That is all.
There is no better place for a spotty faced hormone intoxicated teenage boy (oh no we are outnumbered 4 to 1 by girls – which 4 do you fancy) than a pony club family disco night after the girls have had a hard… day… in the saddle.
And the parents are all past caring what the kids are doing.
Around 1984..
Keep eyes peeled in about 5-7 days off PNG. GFS has another one spinning up and crossing near Cairns.
That would be funny to watch, Shetland ponies are far more intelligent and far nastier than the average copper could handle.
what’s got six legs and an arse-hole in the middle of its back?
That sounds like one heck of a story!
I can only imagine the smell, horse, saddle oil, sweat, etc!
The Stall Gift mens’ and womens’ were won by two very impressive young teens.
Something not yet f’cked by transloonia, excellent.
Do that in Vicco now or at any point in the last decade, and it would also ‘work quite well’ as a means to getting Tasered in the face before being hit with an offensive weapon beef, along with various grades of assault, and then remanded in custody from your hospital bed.
No it is not right. But it very much appears to be the way that it is in Mongtoria.
But it very much appears to be the way that it is in Mongtoria.
Would a set of stairs work better?
Turn up at the disco night with a pocket full of sugar cubes, and hooooo boy….
It’s in the top three. It’s a shit state of affairs.
My understanding is that video showed he was pushing the horses head away. Yes, he had a clasped fist, but the video showed didn’t punch Neddy. He should have punched the sheila who was using the horse to push him with.
thefrollickingmole at 6:27 – sounds like the UK landed gentry. Must be the smell of hay.
Fibber! You enjoyed doing that very much.
Cassie of Sydney:
Never heard of ’em.
Wait a minute, didn’t they do a “Vienna” cover that was a minor hit?
Couple of Police Commissioners handsomely rewarded. And Chief Medical Officers, who most people would not even have heard of 5 years ago.
Good grief. Who have I offended now? Should I have put smiley face on the end of that last comment to soften the blow?
VW pfft. Grosser Mercedes more in keeping.
No need to use a stick, just offer to buy it from AGL seeing as they will not be using it unless that’s not exactly true. I wonder if AGL are closing down Liddell in order to cause shortages and then will demand subsidies from the government to re-open it.
I wonder if AGL are closing down Liddell in order to cause shortages and then will demand subsidies from the government to re-open it.
Shortages alone will spike prices, whilst they will have to operate less assets. I’m sure that within AGL the analysis that shows a net benefit exists, with our without government intervening.
This from Michael Smith News — on the cartoon by Pauline Hansen. This particular organisation which claims to represent people with disabilities (obviously called upon by Labor to have a go) from which this mouthpiece speaks has been the leading activist/advocacy organisation trying to close down the places of employment of over 20,000 Australians with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual disability — its my humble view that it’s those people whose jobs are in jeopardy whose intellectual disabilities have for decades been abused, neglected and exploited by such organisations hell-bent on closing down their places of employment solely on ideological grounds.
Our taxes at work, gatti.
Never give up.
Never surrender.
Never soften the blow.
Release your inner Rambo!
Cassie of Sydney:
Do you know if they got anywhere identifying those idiots from photos, Cassie?
AGL are doing the “good thing” by promoting & enabling renewables without a plan B. And shareholders will cry crocodile tears at having to charge extraordinary amounts when supply becomes unreliable … who could have predicted such an outcome?
Nothing surer.
In same-but-different news, both of the Household cavalry regiments train the riders from scratch – often inner-city ghetto or housing estate boys, from demographic or ethnicity that has never seen a horse.
I’ve no objection to training people from ab-initio, that way there’s no bad habits or “I know better from Uncle Jack”.
However they’ve gotta be trained properly. I’ll require quite some convincing that the Stasi horsemanship training is of the same quality as the Household cavalry.
Sorry, Bruce. All I can do at present is shake my head at the impotent malice driving the act.
It reminds me of the group of pimply schoolgirls long ago waiting at the gate to catcall me. Why? Because they could. I shook my head then too.
John Anderson on TikTok
This is unbelievable
Dot thank you for taking the trouble to answer my question. And CrazyGreyRanga — I believe you.
2023.04.09 The Empire of Chaos Trying to Sow More Chaos
Apparently the average Australian is a fake Aboriginal on welfare.
The Voice is about the ‘average’ Australian, not political parties: Plibersek (Sky News, 10 Apr)
Also Australia is a fake energy superpower.
Australia can be a renewable energy ‘superpower’: Tanya Plibersek (Sky News, 10 Apr)
She’s fun! You can see why Luigi doesn’t let her out much.
Joe Rogan SLAMS The Left For Being BRAINWASHED By Big Pharma During Pandemic
AGL is more or less controlled by Cannon Brookes.
It’s absolutely dedicated to climate changy.
FFS don’t tell dotty. His whole concept of evil state of Russia will be ruined.
Yeah and some booger sugar for the horse gals (older ones at uni are usually crazy).
Me too almost as well, but in the Macedon Ranges.
There is no boathouse at Mt Macedon.
There is no boathouse at Mt Macedon.
-Mike Tyson, Kid Rock, Donald Trump, Dana White
Tyson – happy to be there! Kudasai senpai! Supa kawaii!
Mr Rock – possibly munted. (Possibly?!)
Trump – looks like he met his hero, Dana White.
Dana – Morphing into Mini-Me.
Sorry if this has been posted previously but I have been under-threaded lately:
This is the Prime Minister wishing us a Happy Easter – his sincerity is ummmm? Don’t you just love the little wiggle/giggle? adds a certain je ne sais quoi but it evokes a WTH
This is Mr Dutton, Opposition Leader wishing us a Happy Easter, his sincerity is markedly different from that of the Prime Minister.
No Putin is pretty evil, he is ex KGB and was embedded with the Stasi.
Otoh, she’s said Liddell’s closure will not result in higher power bills.
What school of economics does she subscribe to?
Meanwhile, the RBA is factoring in a 27% hike across the board over this & the next financial year to its inflation projections.
Thank heavens we’re governed by top men & women in these challenging times.
Ed Dowd – “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths
Between Plibbers and Bowen it’s hard to be optimistic.
But it’s all good, peoples. 🙂
Dr. John Campbell. This is about psychiatry in Australia.
Psilocybin, Australian re scheduling
“This is unbelievable”
Not really. Konstantin Kisin is no apologist for Putin or Russia, he grew up in the old Soviet Union/Russia and only moved to the UK in the 1990s. However, he understands the road that western governments are hurtling down with censorship and so on, that the West is quickly losing any moral authority when it comes to free speech and censorship.
Well, at least he wasn’t CIA.
But you avoid the point. The west arresting thousands more social media “terrorists” than Russia? Nothing to see here, surely.
The guy in the interview with John Anderson is Konstantin Kisin, a Russian-British satirist, here he is at the Oxford Union debate on woke culture.
No, it’s terrible and it is indefensible.
There’s no need to bring up Russia.
Sharpe has no experience outside Uni, student politics and the ALP. She’s one of the far left of the party too. Look like an very unremarkable career outside out pushing her issues like her sexuality. How she got a role like the energy ministry is beyond me even for the ALP’s low standard, she shouldn’t be off the backbench.
Her knowledge of economics would be scant at that. I see the ALP have out-Keaned the Liberals with this one, strap in NSW…
I believe they have plans for extorting money from government on top of inflated electricity prices due to a scarcity they created. It’s a win/win for them and a lose/lose for everyone else.
For emphasis, Cats: “major supply challenges”
18 days is less than three weeks (yes, I checked) with another La Niña winter looming.
HOP Time will feel righteous and wonderful but it won’t restore our previously cheap and reliable electrickery supply. You’ll just have to subsist on your $150,000pa NDIS package in the interim.
Collectivism. You may not want it, but you will still be gifted with it and all of its wonderful stinky z-gradeness.
Thank you Mr Peter Dutton.
Victimæ paschali laudes
“There’s no need to bring up Russia.”
Why not? The point is valid.
I don’t watch the TV news, just the weather, when I remember. I turned it on tonight and guess what was the last ad before it came on. The Australian government spending our money to encourage people to “top up” their “protection”. They are still pushing the poison.
Rabz, here are some suggestions if you are looking for themes for the radio show:
1. An out of character/genre or unusual song or recording from an established artist or band.
2. A and B sides of hits, when music was published on 45s.
3. Songs about place names
And if you’re not happy about freezing in the dark, feel free to take it up with Dr Mutton and The Beetrooter, those rock ribbed highly principled [that’s enough of that, Rabz – Dover]
North Quenthland predator news (the Courier Mail):
In no way is this unknown. Those things are more than capable of giving a special hug to critters the size of wallabies, and then dislocating their own jaws before putting said critters down the gullet.
No no, Mr McMahone. Send them out.
Twitter’s Extremely Dangerous Attack on Substack
EXCLUSIVE: Riley Gaines says she will SUE after San Fran State University praised trans-rights activists for a ‘peaceful’ protest where she claims she was assaulted and held for ransom – and asks: ‘Does my freedom of speech not deserve to be protected?’
Because it doesn’t suit your narrative dotty? Don’t pout.
*Except* if said prosecutor is working at the behest of the state – recall that the best the Magistrate could make of my clear video evidence which showed the AFP admitting I did not commit the crimes they later charged me with – was to label their actions as ‘curious’.
Woke AI Means the End of a Free Internet
Thanks Crossie. Interesting suggestions.
Masks Cause Headaches, Itching, and Lower Oxygen Intake: Study
Elon has backed down.
The ALP factions distribute the ministries.
Competence doesn’t come into it, especially at state level.
I’m sure I saw it on the news about a month ago that La Niña was over. Surely, BOM would not lie to us?
It feels like we are living in Scandinavia where they count sunny days per year in dozens. A tour guide in Faroe Islands informed us that they had seven sunny days per year and we were lucky to have one of them. I must admit it was spectacular until the sea mist started rolling in.
Factcheck: TRUE
And the mounted police are the cavalry of said army – their horses are weapons of war, used to hunt down, monster and crush enemy infantry (aka peaceful protestors) – they aren’t there to do pony rides.
There’s no reason to bring up Russia, Tovarisch.
It’s a valid point but why bring it up?
Are we going to flee to Russia? We lock people up when they’re small, Putin defenestrates the competition. Sure, plenty of us might be better off in Russia if we already speak Russian and have transferable skills.
You could make a point how far we’ve fallen, but that is obvious.
(I tend not to have faith in emigration anymore, a couple of the places I was interested in went full retard with COVID mania. Moving to a red state in the US would likely be better.)
It’s horrible but unfortunately not remarkable. We just lived through an overt police state under a curfew. We still have not repealed the legislation that enabled this and most people have never heard of those statutes.
All of the current complaining about government spying and so on was set up almost 20 years ago. Look up TIA if you are unfamiliar with it. It is so encompassing it is misanthropic and sociopathic.
REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere
Yep, and I got a week in solitary, a year on bail, a 3 day trial and a $25,000 dollar legal bill for having my stationary car punched by a ‘road worker’.
What’s “my narrative”? I love Victoria Nuland, I am free because I got the jab, I am glad I got the jab instead of ending up in ICU…
Stop fantasising about the necessity of being paranoid.
I am not your enemy. I am just disagreeable.
‘road worker’
He glowed brighter than his hi-vis!
I think you should sue the ‘road worker’ if you have the money and time to burn.
Follow it to the bitter end.
Who was that guy? Inquirin’ minds wanna know and a lot of lickspittles and Quislings don’t want you to know.
That makes sense, sort of. Like a business version of a burqua – rape that one, not me. I’m one of you.
More Quenthland news from the CM:
Are her rooms next to a KFC?
Unrelated funfact:
Horses fear unstable ground*, such as a seething mass of protestors who suddenly sit down on the roadway, particularly if there happens to be a significant number of marbles somehow present on the road surface in front of them.
* which is why ‘waterjumps’ are the most challenging fences in event riding
Here’s Karrrrren Lee Raymond.
All the storm/cyclone chasers that are worth listening to, reckon at least 2 years of an El Nino in the offing later in the year.
April Cyclones are not uncommon and means we are having a late finish this year.
I hear a hot Russian bit o’ that gifts you with a li’l statue of yourself and a bowl of “hot soup” when you turn up.
Sounds fabulous. 🙂
You think I trust the legal system enough to spin the wheel a second time?
in climate good news
Well, out of the South Island of NZ and into Auckland for a while. Some observations on the south:
– more sophisticated since last here about 18 years ago. FM stations abound now and it was mostly AM then. More supermarkets – apparently an offshoot of Woollies. Roads although not too many four lane highways were well paved. No toll roads.
– surprisingly less woke than Oz. Did not spot one speed camera in 1500 k’s of driving.
– lotsa signs protesting “3 Waters” so the Kiwis haven’t laid down completely
– no Welcome to Country bollocks or equivalents but a lot of signs in Maori. Guess what the Maori for “can” is on a recycling bin? “Tini”….
– saw a grand total of four wind turbines (aka eagle killers). Almost no solar panels.
– prices for everything are more expensive: groceries; used cars, electricity
– and they earn less than equivalents in Australia
– general consensus is Labor will lose the election at the end of the year
Air show was terrific. Best scenery in the world but could not take five months of their cold time…
To be honest I just want to know if “old mate, generic road worker #1” had any political, criminal justice or intelligence connections because they might be really embarrassing.
You know, or if he had any discord or WhatsApp chats with anyone who might be embarrassed about this.
Richard Vobes
What is the reason for this?
Regarding Liddell, all over the TV talk shows it is said how it was coming to the end of its life. If that is the case why haven’t three more power stations been built to take its place seeing as the growth in population and demand cannot be guaranteed by renewables?
Both sides of politics are culpable for our looming disaster. Didn’t the German experience teach them anything?
Googlery wrongology #431.
Googlery claims an eye injury truncated Ian Baker-Finch’s golf career.
Chronology …
IB-F started his pro career in earnest in 1985 with a few satellite tour wins.
He suffered an eye injury in 1986. He wore glasses to correct a slight vision impairment.
His best finishes in the four majors were between 1988 and 1992, including the 1991 British Open.
His game started to fall apart around 1994. Nothing to do with his eyesight.
The Yips.
Pure and simple.
is that when all the information will be in the ‘price’ ?
Ed Casesays:
April 10, 2023 at 6:24 pm
Don’t attend rallies where Police Horses might be used.
It’s not rocket science.
Esay way to close down an inconvenient rally: deploy one police horse.
You’re not real big on the right to political protest, are you?
“Both sides of politics are culpable for our looming disaster.”
Correct. I blame the Liberals more, because they have been utter cowards in fighting the climate nonsense, and then they signed us up to net zero emissions.
Ed Case says:
April 10, 2023 at 2:18 pm
About IBF above, I don’t think putting was his problem.
He lost an eye.
How that happened, I don’t know, but perhaps someone else might?
Just another example of Ed going off half cocked. He does it all the time.
Ian Baker-Finch never lost an eye. The golf pro who lost an eye as well as an arm and a kidney was the late Jack Newton who walked into an aeroplane prop while being very, very drunk.
Baker-Finch tried to change his swing to get more distance off the tee despite the fact that his swing was good enough to win an Open Championship. He lost all confidence in his game and consequently retired from tournament play and took up commentary successfully.
Ed just makes an assertion – he lost an eye – without any evidence whatever. It would be an easy thing to check before writing it but not Ed he just goes off half cocked.
Everything he asserts needs to be taken with a grain of salt. He dribbles nonsense.
That’s what I read, too.
Any of our clever weather sciency Cats able to enlighten us?
I heard that he once had a beer with Martin Armstrong
Crossie says:
April 10, 2023 at 8:28 pm
German experience teaching our politicians?
Of course not.
They won’t learn from their own mistakes, why should they pay heed to others’?
I’m coming to the conclusion that the political class doesn’t give a fig about the punters.
One or the other party gets in, they get paid plus perks and grafts if available, can’t be held responsible for mistakes or even deliberate harmful actions.
Why bother with pesky voters, might as well just let them take turns in government.
At the very least we save a bit on the election costs.
Yesterday I got breathalysed at 8am about 5 km from home, then passed three mobile speed cameras on my way to my old dad’s house. On Easter Sunday! They were all still there at 8pm when I drove back. I guess you have to take that sweet sweet double-time when you can.
Err, has anyone ever seen the full “Hugh Mungus” video?
My god that chick was batshit.
saw a video on someone’s Twitter link. Checked, true story.
Hunga Tonga is a go for a cold winter.
It was an earth-shaking kaboom!
Snap amortiser.
Both sides of politics are culpable for our looming disaster. Didn’t the German experience teach them anything?
Smart people learn from the mistakes of others. Stupid people prefer to ignore those lessons, and make their own mistakes.
The depth of talent in the ALP State or Federal is shallower than small puddle.
Recent history of Liddell:
As you know I was Chairman of Bayswater and Liddell power stations from 1996 till 2008. During this time we spent millions on up grading facilities to ensure that their life was extended and we also did a study on building a third plant called Bayswater 2 . The govt. did not strip maintenance funds from us. We had a $300M per year, depreciation figure which we used to enhance the future continuation of the business. In fact the treasurers both Michael Egan and Michael Costa were very supportive to us improving the business.
In 1996 the biggest problem facing Liddell was their control systems. These were replaced with a DCS system over two years.
This system was state of the art and good for another at least 20 years. We spent some $30M on this and there is not a plant in Australia that has a more modern system. We went from 4 control offices to one.
Next we upgraded the Dust Collection system to the best standard.
In approx.. 2002 we upgraded the 4 X 500Mw turbines with new state of the art Turbines that paid for themselves with efficiencies.
From memory we increased them to 6ooMw and improved efficiency by 7 %. Which is a lot in this type of equipment. This production improvement and coal saving per Mw produced gave us something like a 5 year payback. Again with regular care and maintenance [R&M ] this plant could last 20 to 25 years.
The boilers are a different problem they are old but again we tackled the main problem areas. Boilers by nature are self-destructive and require costly and regular attention.
However what we did we re-engineered many of the regular trouble spots such as Ash-handling, Ash-pumps, water treatment so these areas had the best gear available.
Boilers did have some internal changes to reduce repair costs.
In my opinion if you had the WILL to keep this plant running it can be done. The cost is easily off-set by current power prices. We had this plant making handsome profits with a dispatch price of $27 / Mwh.
Today’s dispatch price is in excess of $ 100/Mwh.
Added other plant to reduce costs of production for Bayswater and Liddell and make provision for a new ” Clean Coal Plant ” of 2000 Mw with the following additions.
To ensure that the plants were Drought Proof we increased pumping capacity at the cost of $60M
To ensure that increased coal demands in the future and reduce current day costs we put in a coal unloader that could take the largest of Coal Trains at a cost of $100M
Started two new coal mines to provide ample coal into the future. I believe AGL is aiming to sell this coal to an exporter and so make millions of profit. At the time of sale these contract between buying and selling were worth in the order of $3 Bill.
The new ” Clean Coal ” station was to be on existing land held by our company. It would be what we call a ” Brown Fields ” site . This site had Geo-Tech testing and approved. EPA provisionally approved the air quality. So all the major impediments had been covered. On a dispatch figure of $30/ MWh and allowed to run at full performance 24 X 7 Hrs it had an investor return of 30% ROI. The idea is that you would run the new more efficient plant to full capacity and flex the older plants like Liddell.
John, I believe that the management of AGL are conspiring to close coal fired plant to make power cost go much higher and improve their personal wellbeing. One of the Power Engineers did a brief estimate of how many Wind Turbines are required to replace Liddell’s Power capacity. He said if you placed all the turbines in the most favourable place for breeze ie on the coast then if you put them starting at Sydney North Head and inland as far as Strathfield. You would need to extend the field as far as Byron Bay. The shear cost of the Turbines and the subsidy will send Australia broke.
When Macquarie handed over Liddell to AGL, we had a plant at Liddell with an estimated life of 20-25 years that was delivering to the Grid at $27 – $30/MWh and providing in the order of 30% Return on Investment.
AGL is now being paid >$100MWh despatched to the grid that must provide a financially viable and profitable operation, so they are obviously not operating Liddell at a loss.
To suggest Liddell has reached the end of its life by 2022 is obviously untrue and therefore, there must be a reason other than lack of plant profit generating capacity to justify its early closure.
If AGL is exploiting energy market opportunities to gain highly elevated income by its unnecessary but deliberate restriction of supply to the grid from a plant that could efficiently and profitably delivered higher output, in order to obtain an elevated despatch price to the grid to the consumers’ major financial penalty, would AGL be in legal breach of the Trade Practices Act ?
If so, what can be done to correct this Restrictive Trade Practice ?
Everything he asserts needs to be taken with a grain of salt. He dribbles nonsense.
Everything that Grandpa Simpson asserts needs to be taken with a ton of salt, then cross-checked for signs of correctness, which are unlikely to be found.
The screech is going to get in: rub and tug has the muzzies onside; sheik shady alsuleiman and the rest of the bearded arseholes will strong-arm the million muzzies in this shit hole to vote yes.
Unlike the riders, they don’t pick the horses in the big southern states (i.e., Vic and NSW) from the local pony club. They are big and cranky, well trained (by others) and know what they’re doing more than the people riding them.
The 650+kg jack nags are trained for this, and are in no way fazed by it. You will get trampled. This ‘tactic’ was tried and failed by protestors during the riots in Mongyang in 2000, and before, and after. Look it up if you like. I’m not being contrarian.
Again, this will not work. For the last 50 years since the Vietnam protests, the jack nags have been appropriately shod to negate marbles and the like. Also, and because there are so many cameras all over every protest, anyone pegging marbles at jack nags will immediately become the subject of a ‘wedge’ attack by the jacks either then and there, or ten minutes later, or an hour later or two hours later.
Look. I’m not saying don’t protest. You should go the protests and protest, as I have.
But this, along with whoever said it was a good idea to carry spray bottles of bleach and/or petrol for ‘self-defence’, is a) straight out of first year uni pamphlets handed out at happy hour, b) decades out of date and c) will not get you the result you want.
There are more effective methods of getting this done that don’t make you a martyr.
Depends who is friends with the owners.
Langton will sic Inman onto me. Hun:
Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant has been urged to ensure that both sides of the Voice debate get a hearing and that accusations of “hate speech” are not weaponised to shut down “no” campaigners online.
The call comes after a series of incidents in which videos, ads, and other materials backing the “no” case against constitutional change and an Aboriginal “voice” to parliament were removed or blocked from major social media platforms, often on the basis of questionable claims or “fact checks”.
In correspondence seen by this masthead John Storey, who directs the legal rights program at the Institute of Public Affairs, asked Ms Inman Grant for a clear definition of “hate speech” and questioned her commitment to “take it down”.
The letter noted a number of incidents in which prominent pro-voice campaigners used “vitriolic” language to accuse those on the “no” side of racism.
These incidents included barrister Bret Walker SC reportedly saying that it is “racist” to refer to the proposed voice as a “fourth arm of government” and Professor Marcia Langton saying that those who wanted to shield the government from voice-related court action were guilty of “subconscious racism.”
Mr Storey added that “There is a widespread community perception that the large technology companies already moderate online content in a way that unfairly silences right-of-centre opinions.”
The letter also noted that “The current Commonwealth government is a strong proponent of an Indigenous Voice (and that) the eSafety Commissioner is an official of the Commonwealth government.
“Thus, the exercise of your considerable powers to limit online content, in the context of a political debate in respect to which the government has made its views clear, could be perceived to be state-sanctioned censorship of its opponents rather than the genuine restriction of harmful online abuse.”
“Given these concerns, the powers of the eSafety Commissioner to compel the removal of online material in the context of a political debate must be exercised with the utmost caution,” the letter stated.”
The IPA has also asked the Albanese government to consider broadening the scope of the Broadcasting Services Act to be widened to include social media companies for the length of the referendum campaign, to further ensure both sides get a fair hearing.
Ms Inman Grant’s office was contacted for comment.
Zulu read and weep. Hogan’s should have got zilch given the particulars. Another Beattie/Bligh cock up to make it go away a year after the Palm Is shenanigans:
Night all. Back to work tomorrow for me.