Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Ne of my indigenous friends want the Voice. Then again they are hard working Australians and not rent seeking grifters.
This reminds me of the women’s ordination question in the church.
It began as a call for tolerance but ended as a matter on which no dissent would be brooked.
Chris Kenny is one of the worst Judas goats in the ‘conservative’ media.
Come this way, my lovely sheepies; it’s conservative – really it is.
He did exactly the same thing he’s doing now during the ‘SSM’ debate (which like the Voice debate, wasn’t a debate at all). He backed the change, of course; backed the destruction of marriage. All pursuant to a ‘conservative’ respect for the institution. Remember that one? Greg Sheridan made the same decision.
The Lieboral’s broad tent becoming frayed at the edges. As usual.
UPDATE – if we must have blokes taking girls’ jobs, make them like Kevin Cavendish – Carlton Draught “Flashbeer”
And here is the shameless 33 year old man known as Sophie Rebecca, who’s taken the place of a young girl at the Royal Academy.
Bolt was very good re Leeser. No warm and cuddlies at all.
He then correctly hit Dutton (again) for his gutless “details” dodge.
Bolt being Bolt, he then spoiled it all by jumping up and down on the anti-Macron bandwagon like Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch.
Senator Alex Antic magnificent on Albanese’s Vanity Voice
Senator Alex Antic
We are all Australians. We must not divide by race.
The Voice will be another bureaucratic body with far too much power.
Vote NO.
Fascinating read Cassie.
Video tips Australia’s art world into crisis
Stunning footage of a white woman appearing to paint over the sacred stories of an acclaimed Indigenous artist has triggered outrage.
It’s the video that has tipped Australia’s art world into crisis.
In the remote APY Lands of South Australia, 1400km from Adelaide in the tiny desert settlement of Amata, acclaimed Indigenous artist Yaritji Young is daubing onto a giant canvas when Tjala Arts centre manager Rosie Palmer, a white woman, appears in frame and begins painting on the same artwork.
“Can I juice this one up a little bit?” Palmer asks, before painting red circles on Young’s canvas, which is meant to represent the artist’s “Tjukurpa”, or sacred stories.
“Could it do with another rockhole there, or is that going to be too circular?” a second young white studio staffer says to Palmer.
The video, filmed two weeks ago, was obtained by The Australian during a four-month investigation into alleged white interference in highly-prized black art from the APY Arts Centre Collective (APYACC) which vehemently denies the claims.
Art from the APY Lands is in big demand, with collectors regularly paying tens of thousands of dollars — sometimes hundreds of thousands — for paintings.
It’s not the only confronting thing to emerge and now the fallout has begun.
Anangu artist Paul Andy is among several who have made extraordinary and serious allegations that white staff have deliberately interfered with Indigenous paintings in the collective’s Adelaide studio.
Senior Indigenous artists have called the act of white staff painting on desert art “immoral” and want the board of the APYACC to resign.
A painting by artist Yaritji Young. It is alleged that Rosie Palmer, manager of Tjala Art, contributed to the finished artwork.
Now the National Gallery of Australia has been drawn in, announcing this week it will launch an urgent independent investigation into whether white studio assistants painted on Indigenous artworks that are destined for its showcase winter exhibition in June.
The gallery announced on Monday it would examine the provenance of works in the Ngura Pulka: Epic Country exhibition of APY Lands art, which is scheduled to open in less than nine weeks and has been heavily promoted as “entirely” created by the APY Art Centre Collective’s Anangu painters.
The NGA has even used Yaritji Young in its promotion of the exhibition, quoting her attesting to the provenance of the works.
Indigenous artist Fiona Foley, a former member of the Australia Council, said the scandal coming out of the APYACC had the potential to discredit and destabilise the Aboriginal arts sector.
“The multiple layers of nepotism, actual and perceived conflicts of interest and allegations of falsifying authorship have not been satisfactorily responded to by the NGA director Nick Mitzevich, or the NGA council or assistant director Indigenous engagement, Bruce Johnson McLean,” Dr Foley said.
The paintings of APY artists hang in all our major public galleries and in the great institutions of the world, such as the British Museum in London, the Pompidou in Paris and the Guggenheim in Bilbao.
And we certainly can’t accept that 0.003% adulteration of the gold with the dross of white fingers.
Quoted on Power Line.
Not to be confused with, I’ve done nothing illegal.
Andy Warhol’s ‘factory’ churned out pieces in exactly the same way the Aboriginal art racket has now been doing for years. The current scandal has nothing to do with the ‘sacredness’ of Aboriginal ‘stories’ and everything to do with protecting the noble savage purity of a product that rich collectors are willing to spend hundreds of thousand to acquire. I suspect white ‘assistants’ have played a role rendering works a smidgen more aesthetically pleasing to white eyes all along. They just weren’t filmed doing it.
REVEALED: Hunter Biden Business Associates Visited White House an Astonishing Amount of Times
Newly revealed visitor logs from the White House covering Joe Biden’s vice presidential tenure show that Hunter Biden’s business associates visited an astonishing amount of times, further calling into question the current president’s assertions that he has no knowledge of his son’s business dealings.
According to the new report (Fox News), associates of Hunter Biden visited the White House more than 80 times during the Obama administration, including attending vice presidential briefings and swanky dinners.
Four business partners, a vice president, and two assistants at Hunter Biden’s now-defunct firm visited the White House more than 80 times when his father was vice president in the Obama administration, Fox News Digital has found.
President Biden has repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings amid dual criminal and congressional investigations into the first son and his family.
However, Joan Mayer, who says she was the vice president of Hunter’s now-defunct investment firm Rosemont Seneca Advisors from 2008 to 2017 on Linkedin, made at least 17 visits to the White House during that time, according to visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital.
In October 2009, Mayer attended a vice presidential briefing and met with then-Biden aide Danielle Borrin. Less than a month later, she met with then-Biden executive assistant Nancy Orloff in the West Wing. In July 2013, she met in the West Wing with Kellen Suber, another executive assistant to Vice President Biden at the time, according to the logs.
When you dig deeper into exactly when many of these visits happened, they occurred right in the middle of Hunter Biden’s time dealing with foreign governments, including China, Libya, and Ukraine.
Are we really to believe that these visits were just for idle fellowship and to enjoy the Kobe beef? It is laughable to think that these business associates of Hunter Biden were meeting with Joe Biden for absolutely no reason at all.
“Black Ballsays:
April 12, 2023 at 9:57 am
Fascinating read Cassie.”
Thanks for that, I will read later. Last night I stayed up late and watched the live broadcast from Israel of the funeral of Lucy Dee. I watched as her husband, Rabbi John Dee, stood with his surviving three children and Lucy’s family, who’d flown from the UK, all of them hunched over, consumed with grief. Like many Jews, my heart weeps BUT I also tremble with rage.
This is from the Times of Israel…
The family were on their way from their home in the Efrat settlement south of Jerusalem to a vacation in Tiberias in the north of the country. Leo Dee and other members of the family were in another car and were uninjured.
Maia and Rina were buried on April 9, with the funeral for Lucy set to be held on Tuesday afternoon.
Leo Dee’s voice cracked as he mentioned that his eldest daughter Maia had carried an organ donor card.
“Unfortunately, because of the circumstances [of her death], she was unable to donate her organs,” he said.
Five of Lucy Dee’s organs were transplanted Tuesday at Israel’s Beilinson Hospital and Sheba Medical Center. At Beilinson, Lucy Dee’s heart went to a 51-year-old woman, her liver to a 25-year-old man, and her kidneys to two men — one in his late 30s and one in his late 50s. Her lungs were transplanted into a 58-year-old woman at Sheba. Her corneas were also harvested and will go to recipients at a later date.
Meanwhile, Palestinians celebrate the killings with sweets and gunfire. And therein lies the difference. We don’t celebrate death, even the death of our enemies, we celebrate life. Last night’s eulogy by Rabbi Dee celebrated his wife’s life, there were no calls for revenge, however as the Torah says, “Justice, justice shall you pursue”.
“Mr Roberts confirmed to The Telegraph he would put his hand up for leader after being approached by other Liberals, slamming the botched preselection process that hobbled Dominic Perrottet’s election run and left the party scrambling to find candidates for up to 20 seats just a month out from the March 25 vote.
He said he wanted to drive reform in the party, starting with addressing the preselection dramas that plagued it at last month’s election as well as last year’s federal vote.
“Is putting a candidate into the field six weeks before an election good for the party or good for the candidate? No it’s not,” he said.
“I feel sorry for the candidates who went into the field six weeks before the election, it’s unacceptable.
“We owe the people of NSW more. They’ve had a fantastic government for 12 years, and quite frankly, we have to look at ourselves as to why we weren’t able to explain that and sell that vision.”
Mr Roberts – a leader within the party’s right faction who is understood to be facing competition for the top job from moderate Mark Speakman and fellow faction-member Alister Henskens – said “in four years’ time, people will realise if we present ourselves better, we deserve to be back there”.”
Sleazeman is a far-left dick. It would be good if Roberts could get the gig but the NSW party is a rabble. And yes, picking candidates one month out of an election is a recipe for disaster. The same happened before the May 2022 federal election.
Boys are girls, a wobbly grid is energy security, hunter-gatherers had a civilisation … and now, according to Alan Kohler, there is a fresh and essential contradiction in terms tht must be embraced.
Behold, ‘progressive conservatism’!
Apparently it’s how the Liberals can restore their relevance (in case you hadn’t guessed).
Bud Light sales have fallen off a steep cliff in only one week following Dylan-Mulvaney-gate, costing the brand millions (11 Apr, via Instapundit)
“These stats are BRUTAL.
Bud Light, the biggest beer brand in America, is getting drawn and quartered by its customer base after paying pretend “girl” Dylan Mulvaney to sell their goods.
Consider these reports from bars across America:
Case & Bucks near Anheuser-Busch’s HQ in St. Louis has seen a 30% drop in Bud Light bottle sales and a 50% drop in Bud Light on tap.
Braintree Brewhouse in Massachusetts, a huge sports bar near liberal Boston, normally sells 25 Bud Light bottles to each bottle of rivals Miller Lite and Coors Light, but this week there has been an 80% drop in Bud Light drinkers. Owner Alex Kesaris went an extra step and found out that the 20% who did order Bud Light hadn’t heard the news, but said “they didn’t order it again” after other customers told them about Dylan Mulvaney.
A bar in Texas with a dart league sponsored by Bud Light normally sells three kegs of Bud Light during the weekly event, or 495 12-ounce bottles. The bar only sold FOUR 12-ounce bottles this week, a decline of 99%.”
Oh wow! This could be the biggest GWGB faceplant in history.
The ageless dreamtime cultural practice of applying acrylic paint to masonite.
A half-brother to “it was legal at the time”.
Ed Case argues strongly against probably the most impactful move the Libs could do against the Canberra “voice”.
Note that he is fine for white lib guys whose vote YES but absolutely against indigenous Libs who vote NO.
Give Jacinto a Voice in this debate… she has all the experiences and skills she needs to play a major role in this key issue.
FMD, you show your ignorance as if it is something to be proud of! Jacinta Price has spent many years in aboriginal communities in the NT and many years in Alice Springs. Unlike you and most commenters on this issue she has lived the the aboriginal experience first hand and understands that the Voice will do nothing for most aboriginal people.
Unlike you and most commenters on this issue she has lived the the aboriginal experience first hand and understands that the Voice will do nothing for most aboriginal people.
Aye. As Bazinga noted upthread, there are more pressing concerns for black fellas, indeed anyone, like putting food on the table, a roof over your head.
Ed Case argues strongly against probably the most impactful move the Libs could do against the Canberra “voice”.
Yeah, appointing a novice National Party Senator as Spokesperson on the biggest issue facing Australia since Federation
would be really “impactful.”
Impactful in the sense of thousands of Labor Party operatives
throwing themselves on the floor and
rolling around laughing uncontrollably.
Of course they have.
Genuine Aboriginal art was, in many cases, ephemeral scrapings in the dust as a visual aid to story-telling.
A little hard to transport and sell and not durable enough even for the wealthiest SJW to throw $100k at.
Ignoring that the non-traditional materials used to apply paint to (masonite, canvas, chipboard etc) the palette of acrylic colours used is far broader than what could be traditionally sourced.
A genuine natural Aboriginal palette might consist of ochre, white and various dull browns and greens more suited to military camouflage than high art.
Which is too drab to be marketable in Double Bay and South Yarra, so of course there has been some tricking up courtesy of Dulux.
By the way, I don’t blame them. If they can bang out a dot painting in a few days and stiff some gullible idiot $50k for it, good luck to them.
Jacinta Price has spent many years in aboriginal communities in the NT and many years in Alice Springs.
Re Leeser – anything to stay “relevant” and employable by the Voice gravy train if it gets up.
He spoke on Sky and not a single thing promised or line drawn. Just that he will be “speaking” with Labor and the Voice activists, seems more like an interview for himself with zero legal or political principles.
Is Jacinta Price a flamer and/or spook yet?
The Voice further cements the privilege of the elite urban Aboriginal class, who lockstep vote Labor and often are lighter skinned even than me. The poor aboriginals in the back blocks of society will see nothing out of it, other than being beasts of burden for their superiors to ride and exploit.
Terry McCrann:
If it looks like a bailout and quacks and waddles like a bailout and above all smells – to high heaven – like a bailout; it’s a bailout.
At least, bailout request – seemingly rejected.
Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has gone cap-in-hand – and even more, empty (these days, digital) wallet-in hand – to Canberra for a multi-billion dollar federal bailout.
Suddenly the problems of 6.5m Victorians are also the problems of all 26m Australians as well. And, more potently, doubly so.
First, any federal money directed to Victoria would come from all Australians.
But secondly, is the impact that yet another downgrade of Victorian state debt would have on the interest rates paid by all the other state governments – and the federal government – on their debts.
Victoria has already lost its Triple-A rating, going down two full notches to AA. Soberly, a single-A beckons. If that happened, it would be the first time ever for any state government. So yes, Victorians will be living out the truth of the observation from famed American humorist HL Mencken, that they deserve “to get it good and hard” for re-electing the Andrews government last year.
But all other Australians will be sharing their pain.
Now, you’ve almost got to feel a tad sorry for Victorian treasurer Tim Pallas. He’s been a pretty solid fiscal fiend, among the better state treasurers of any in recent years – of both Labor and Liberal.
Although not up to the gold standard of Queensland Labor’s Keith de Lacy, who had an absolutely iron-clad commitment to fiscal rectitude. But Pallas has to take the rap for not standing up to Chairman Dan’s insane, utterly uncontrolled ‘Big Build’, which was heading for a fiscal disaster that was going to make the Cain-Kirner ‘Guilty Party’ years look mild, before Covid.
Then add on the wild spending through the Covid years and the most savage and extended lockdowns in the world which so damaged great swathes of Victorian business.
Plus the Chairman’s mindless commitment to destroy Victoria’s cheap and reliable energy. Over the last 12 months Victoria has shared in the economic ‘sugar hit’ of the massive migration surge.
Their spending dollars come upfront – their cost in demand on public services and infrastructure will come at an accelerating pace.
This fake prosperity marginally improved the Victorian budget outlook numbers in the October update. But only very marginally. Net Victorian debt would be slightly lower at $165bn by 2025-26 – or more than the debt of NSW and Queensland combined. It would be net debt of $25,000 per Victorian as against $14,000 per NSW head and just $7000 per Queenslander.
If only.
That assumes the most optimistic projections of both the state and national economies. It also takes no account of the massive – and I mean Humungous – blowout in the ‘Big Build’ spend and in particular the crazy insane rail tunnel around Melbourne.
That’s headed for a blow out of at least $100bn – adding close to $20,000 per Victorian to debt. And don’t forget that ‘behind’ all this state debt is the $766bn of net federal debt.
At least it’s not the trillion that treasurer Chalmers keeps claiming. To stress, not yet.
Had to have a look. Very amusing. Not sure what was wrong with Macron’s statements. Europeans, at the very least, and individual states, in particular, should have an independent foreign policy. Hungary is now being litigated by other EU members including Finland and Sweden to be excluded from the EU, just as it voted for NATO ascension for Finland. Yeah, thanks guys. It is very hard to call for solidarity when you behave like duplicitous pricks.
Ed is afraid of actual indigenous people with real lived experiences playing major roles in the key issues like Voice.
And if Elbow is the best and brightest representing Labor, I’d love to see him and Jacinto debate this live on air. It will never happen because a) she actually represents the voters most involved b) Elbow is dumb and lazy, mumbling vacuous shit in between tears
Unlike you and most commenters on this issue she has lived the the aboriginal experience first hand and understands that the Voice will do nothing for most aboriginal people.
Aboriginal People aren’t really the issue, they’re just a handy victim group to guilt trip White Australia.
The Issue is that 24 people selected by the Commonwealth Government will have complete power to accept or reject any Legislation or Regulation.
That’s it.
Anyone talking up Racism Issues must be viewed as a likely Labor Shill.
Leeser entered Parliament in 2016, spent 6 years as a backbencher, but Price is good to go into Shadow Cabinet in a high pressure role after 9 months in the Senate?
Gimme a break?
Until this came up I’d never heard of Leeser so he, obviously, has a high profile (sarc) ..
and could someone explain to me what effective input into daily governance a “shadow” cabinet minister has? ..
my understanding of the “shadow” cabinet (any party) is simply an extra trough that delivers more mannah to the selected recipients …
Ed Casesays:
April 12, 2023 at 9:42 am
What’s the basis for Jacinta Price’s opposition to a Yes vote?
Hard to tell, but it looks like “It’s Raaacism!!!” is about all she’s got.
If that’s all you found, you did not look very hard.
Groogs enters the Dream Time. Move over wagyl.
Gray Connolly
To be clear: the Voice’s power to make representations to both the Parliament & the Executive is entrenched by (ii).
The Parliament’s only power to legislate with respect to the Voice is in (iii) but that power in (iii) is “subject to this Constitution” – which includes (ii)!
Until this came up I’d never heard of Leeser so he, obviously, has a high profile (sarc) ..
Yeah, he did and does have a high profile.
Been a Liberal Party member for 30 years, adviser to Tony Abbott, etc.
…and could someone explain to me what effective input into daily governance a “shadow” cabinet minister has? ..
They hold the Government to account on behalf of all Australians.
Jacinta Price was campaigning No with Warren Mundine, then that fell apart, no explanation given.
Now some online fruitloops are saying she should be the Liberal Spokesperson on Indigenous Affairs.
Ken Wyatt was the Minister, he’d been Department Head for years in W.A. before that, yet his impact was Nil.
Could Price do better?
Perhaps but it’s not the way to bet, put it that way.
I haven’t seen that but Micron has been heroically trying to be a statesman without much success. His visit to China last week was fun.
The French Gambit (10 Apr)
The Chinese have a long history of giving visiting dignitaries a hard time. It’s fun they did that to Micron and von Karenhair. Squirrels to distract from domestic unrest have their own inherent dangers.
Gray C getting tangled up in poo.
It isn’t about the meaning of section 5, subsection ii.
It’s about apartheid in the Constitution.
The End.
Quit the showboating and get a Singo slogan out there to shift sentiment.
What a dumb piece that was. Incredible. The problem with the LNP is that it has stood for nothing. On abortion, euthanasia, marriage redefinition, surrogacy, or transgenderism, the LNP has consistently avoided any institutional opposition to relevant legislation, while often promoting and putting it forward. It’s a complete psy-op to bewilder the average voters and demoralize any opposition to these policy platforms promoted by liberals the world over.
Fascinating – have leaking Toilet Cistern
Cannot see any tap to turn off water to Cistern (Possibly under floor?) – will get Son-in-law to go through small door side of house, which was created when Plumbers redoing Old Bathroom to get access under Bathroom Floor, and see if turn off below where Toilet sits (need to find Multi-Grips in Crowded Garage to unscrew ring around top button)
Though OZ Plumbing Site says
Finding the valve
DCM Plumbing and Drainage plumbers have found some homeowners don’t know about this valve, or where it is located. In order to find it, you will need to locate the water pipe feeding into your cistern. This pipe can be traced back towards the wall next to the toilet usually.
Although sometimes you will need to lift the lid off your toilet cistern to find it inside the cistern.
It is a Geberit 250 and 3 washers from OZ is $33 plus $11.85 Postage – Amazon Prime from UK $34.42 with Free Postage
Interim Fix via youtube – use pin to prick bubbles in silcone seal and reuse
Fix a leaking Geberit toilet flush valve
All the toilets in our 5 year old house have been leaking for a while now. The Geberit cistern flush valve is letting water leak past into the bowl. We’ve also noticed a marked increase in our water usage.
Have removed each Geberit valve and found that in all three of the silicone (?) washers were covered in pimple like bumps. Water trapped in pockets under the first layer of the washers.
Ideally these would be replaced, however I’ve found a way to easily and quickly fix them.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
Impactful in the sense of thousands of Labor Party operatives (including Grandpa ED)
throwing themselves on the floor and
rolling around laughing uncontrollably
Black Ball above with the McCrann article.
Firstly, I am not buying into the line that Pallas is an all round good bloke and a five-star treasurer who just happens to have the misfortune to be working for a megalomaniac.
That is the Nanny Neil Mitchell line because Pallas throws him a few crumbs from the table every so often.
Nup. Pallas owns this shit-show as much as Andrews.
The other thing which intrigues me is Dan’s trip to Chin-err followed by the visit to Canbra with the begging bowl. I reckon he was hoping to revive Belt and Road (with a sideswipe to ScoMo for good measure) and come back from Beijing with a swag of borrowings at 2018 rates.
What has happened is that the Inscrutables have pointed Dan to “You Are Here” on the Belt and Road road, which is the point where the Inscrutables know you are in deep shit and start turning the screws.
No more cheap moneys for you Mr Dandrews.
So he goes to the lender of last resort … The Bank of Snaggletooth and Jug-ears.
“The problem with the LNP is that it has stood for nothing. On abortion, euthanasia, marriage redefinition, surrogacy, or transgenderism, the LNP has consistently avoided any institutional opposition to relevant legislation, while often promoting and putting it forward.”
Correct…and add to that list the LNP’s complete capitulation on fiscal responsibility, free speech. and religious freedom.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
Been a Liberal Party member for 30 years, adviser to Tony Abbott, etc.
Not sure that the bolded bit is a recommendation.
The problem with the LNP is that it has stood for nothing. On abortion, euthanasia, marriage redefinition, surrogacy, or transgenderism, the LNP has consistently avoided any institutional opposition to relevant legislation, while often promoting and putting it forward.
That’s Liberalism.
It’s defenceless against these wedge issues.
Sooner or later voters might wake up that they’re being played by the Labor Party, but in the meantime reconstituting the Liberal Party as the Reactionary Party isn’t going to solve anything.
I hear the Grattan Institute is saying that Dan’s suburban rail loop doesn’t stack up financially.
When you’ve lost the Ponds Institute …
Of course, it will never be ditched whilst Dan is in the Big Chair. He will just keep throwing “small amounts”* at feasibility studies and “early works” to avoid the ignominy of canning it.
* about $100 meg a year.
That’s aiming for the Teals vote which is a futile exercise perfectly shown in the Victorian state election and the Aston by-election. How can you help people who won’t help themselves?
The shameful silence on the West Bank massacre
Three British women were slaughtered by a terrorist, and the British elites look the other way.
So that’s it, is it? A British mother and her two young daughters are murdered by a terrorist in the most awful fashion imaginable, and we’re just going to move on? Three British citizens are shot to death at point-blank range on account of their identity, their beliefs, and it’s fading from our collective memory already?
The Foreign Office did express ‘sadness’ over this massacre of half a family, which is something, I suppose. Though if you and your mother were murdered overseas for being the ‘wrong’ kind of people, wouldn’t you hope for something more than sadness from the government? Anger, perhaps?
This is the grim story of the murder of Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina in the West Bank. The Dees are originally from the UK. The father of the family – Leo Dee – was a rabbi in Hendon in north London and later Radlett in Hertfordshire, parts of Britain with large Jewish populations. The family made aliyah to Israel in 2014 and were living in Efrat, a settlement in the West Bank. On Friday, as they drove to Tiberias in northern Israel for Passover, mum Lucy’s car was ambushed by a Palestinian gunman. He shot at the vehicle, causing it to crash. Then he walked to the wreckage with his Kalashnikov and sprayed bullets inside. Maia and Rina were hit by 20 bullets. They were 20 and 15 years old. Lucy survived, in a comatose state. ‘How will I explain to Lucy what has happened to our two precious gifts?’, Rabbi Dee wept at the funeral of his daughters. The next day, Lucy died.
Where is Britain’s anger over this slaughter of three women who were British citizens? Actually, two women and a minor. A British-born child – 15-year-old Rina – was shot, executioner-style, for the crime of being a Jewish person in the West Bank and there is only deathly silence from Britain’s moral clerisy. Our opinion-forming elites expressed more sympathy for Shamima Begum, 15 when she fled Britain to join the Islamist death cult of ISIS, than they have for Rina Dee, 15, when she was cut down for her family’s offence of migrating from the UK to a peaceful Jewish community in the West Bank.
Officialdom’s initial comments on the murders were extraordinarily passive. ‘We are saddened to hear about the deaths of two British-Israeli citizens and the serious injuries sustained by a third individual’, said the Foreign Office. Deaths? The women did not just expire, of natural causes or something. These weren’t deaths, they were killings. Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the US, said the lack of ‘outrage’ in the FO’s statement was strange and disturbing. According to the UK government, ‘The sisters merely “died” and a third person was somehow injured’, he said. The murders were decontextualised, de-moralised in fact – turned from wickedness consciously inflicted on three civilians into a mere regretful demise.
The passive voice could be heard in the media, too. ‘Daughters of British rabbi die in West Bank drive-by shooting’, was The Sunday Times headline.
This elevation of the act of dying over the act of killing, of the passing away of the victims over the murderous intent of the killer, speaks to an urge to drain the incident of its true horror. To render it sorrowful rather than political; a tragedy rather than terrorism.
The BBC’s first report on the attack swiftly stated that ‘the shooting took place hours after Israeli warplanes carried out airstrikes in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip’. As if these things are morally linked.
As if the fact that Israel and Palestinian elements remain in a state of low-level war explains the massacre of three unarmed women.
I trust the BBC still believes in the Geneva Conventions? They stipulate that in times of war no violence may be visited on individuals who are ‘taking no active part in the hostilities’.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
That’s Liberalism.
It’s defenceless against these wedge issues.
Sooner or later voters might wake up that they’re being played by the Labor Party, but in the meantime reconstituting the Liberal Party as the Reactionary Party isn’t going to solve anything.
And continuing along the present path of the kind of “liberalism” that you favour will? How? By entrenching the Liars and their wedge issues in power forever?
The outcry and the boycott are good but how can we succeed when all the corporates are in bed with the trans insanity? I read somewhere that every one of the major brewers are on board. Fascism in full swing.
The green war on sheep
Is the humble sheep really to blame for eco-armageddon?
I’m writing this to the soundtrack of cacophonous bleating. The fields around my house are slowly filling up with ewes and lambs.
They do look cute, these speckled faces with their black noses, but they are here to be eaten.
That is the purpose of farming, after all – to raise food for us all to eat. The turning-point in human civilisation was when we were able to raise our own food, as opposed to simply hoping that nature would be bountiful.
We altered nature to our own purposes. I can’t think of a more valuable human endeavour than attempting to feed the population.
Financier and environmentalist Ben Goldsmith vehemently disagrees. He declared in the Mail on Sunday last month that if we are to save Britain, we have to stop farming sheep.
In Goldsmith’s telling, it would appear that everything is the fault of sheep. Global warming? Sheep. The extinction of native species? Sheep again. Flooding? Their hoof prints are all over it.
I have not yet read an article explaining how sheep were to blame for the election of Trump, plastics in the ocean or Chernobyl, but it surely is only a matter of time.
This anti-sheep rhetoric has been around for some time. Guardian columnist George Monbiot came to live in Mid Wales a while ago. We can’t have made him feel very welcome, as he has been campaigning non-stop against our sheep-farming way of life ever since. He is fond of referring to sheep as ‘woolly maggots‘. He has described Britain’s countryside as being ‘sheep-wrecked‘.
He has complained that the landscape of Dartmoor has been ‘comprehensively shagged’ by the ‘white plague’. I am tempted to ask: ‘Are you okay, George?’
Monbiot blames sheep for preventing Britain’s uplands from developing a rich woodland habitat. He delicately ignores the fact that many of these areas are either peat bogs which are too soggy for oaks, or otherwise have layers of topsoil which are too thin for oaks. I grew up in the upland hills of Montgomeryshire. The only trees to be seen growing in the shallow soil there were thorns, twisted by the harsh winds. Sheep thrive in hill country not because they are ploughing through virgin forests like four-legged JCBs, but because they are able to survive on the thin pickings on offer.
Ben Goldsmith may think we don’t need to produce sheep meat because he doesn’t particularly like it.
But there is certainly demand from the wider public – why else does the UK import around 50,000 tonnes per year? And although sheep meat is no longer as much of a staple of the British diet as it was in the Victorian heyday of mutton stew, South Asian communities now also provide a very sizeable market.
Its only crusted-on Labor supporters with not a fresh thought beyond the last provided talking points who think liberalism is a reactionary political philosophy. Ed’s thinking shows that “thinking for yourself” is a not a required skill in todays Labor team and Elbow confirms this is absolutely true.
I hear the Grattan Institute is saying that Dan’s suburban rail loop doesn’t stack up financially.
Albanese committed $2b+ of Commonwealth funds to it late last year.
Arguably the most significant person opposing Jacinta Price’s promotion Is Jacinta Price.
Hopefully she sticks with that.
Perhaps that should read “European affairs.”
France’s world outside the Continent is shrinking rapidly.
In recent years they’ve had 4 or 5 former colonies in Africa move out of their orbit and into the Commonwealth of Nations.
Went to the NGA, which is mostly being renovated.
I like Aboriginal Art, though clearly it relies almost entirely on non indigenous media, materials and method.
I really dislike the narrative that goes with it.
Oh, and apparently Dr Uncle Stan Grant Snr uses the ‘their’ pronoun.
Jonathan Jones indigenous artist, yes really in need of a ‘voice’. I’m guessing grandma wasn’t very either.
I’m looking forward to a big tax slug to pay for Victoria.
No, really.
Temper of the times.
Incompetence without consequence.
Only one of my four had blue eyes. Married a blue eyes man, not surprisingly both children with blue eyes
and the point is blue eyes are recessive so if you have them you have to have both parents at the very least carrying the gene.
Make her a special spokesperson for Saying NO to Labors Canberra Voice campaign.
Nothing as effective as the truth delivered by those with nothing to gain. Unlike Elbow & the rest of the dim Labor crew who are dreaming of future sinecures stretching out for decades funded by the “Voice” Billions.
April 12, 2023 at 9:04 am
Just heard on the radio, the Irish midget homo is leaving quaintarse in bad shape coz the average age of planes is 15 yrs. Just what I was opining the other day.
There was a very good article in the Weekend OZ over Easter all about this. And more.
Speaking of Easter:
AWARD-winning Australian comedian Reuben Kaye hasn’t shied away from religious content at his Melbourne International Comedy Festival shows after his polarising Jesus joke on The Project provoked online outrage.
Kaye cheekily posted a clip on social media on Good Friday and again on Easter Monday with the caption “Happy Easter” of his performance at the opening gala show last week comparing drag queens to priests.
The queer comedian’s skit addressed the recent drag bans being introduced by conservative politicians in the US to allegedly protect children from offensive content.
At the gala show in Melbourne last week, Kaye’s musical number joked some of “my material isn’t exactly child friendly.”
“But when you get right down to it, who would you rather have holding your child – a drag queen or a priest?” he said to cheers and applause from the audience.
“Because the worst thing a drag queen‘s gonna put on a kid’s face is glitter.”
Kaye then referenced receiving “39 lashes” – the alleged number of beatings Jesus received from the Romans before his crucifixion – in the wake of his appearance on The Project in late February to spruik his Live and Intimidating shows at the festival.
He ended his set saying “Nailed it!” surrounded by drag queens.
The video of his gala show performance has received more than 1.4 million views on TikTok alone since it was posted on Good Friday.
Kaye had been discussing the online hate he receives for his sexuality and for dressing in drag, particularly from the Christian community, when he made his controversial joke on The Project.
“I love any man who can get nailed for three days straight and come back for more,” he told The Project panel.
The following night, hosts Waleed Aly and Sarah Harris issued a grovelling on-air apology for any offence caused to religious viewers who had called for the current affairs show to be cancelled.
Religion is a regular theme in Kaye’s comedy with the comic making the same Jesus joke on stage in recent years including at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2017.
A new release from film Victoria.
Brokeback’s Mounting Debt.
This parallels the curated disappearing of the three children murdered in Nashville.
I see Albo has knocked back the invite to the next NATO meeting. Bolt is going to be apoplectic.
now do Islam…
Yep. It amuses me how the new religion steals ideas from other religions. Food laws, asceticism, rituals, sacrifices, armaggedons and now “priests” in frocks. Atheists seem to want all the trappings of religion whilst decrying religion.
Note well that the media always repeats that mentally ill pervert’s “joke” about Jesus in their reports. By contrast, within hours the Guardian and the ABC only mentioned that Mark Latham had posted an “offensive tweet” about Alex Greenwich but told readers they weren’t going to print it.
It is also denying agency to the desert artists who apparently have allowed others to participate in finishing their work.
But all blame must be placed on the shoulders of the colonisers.
How are the bank balances, by the way?
Uncle Stan Grant may be more culturally imbedded than Bruce .. he’s up to over 350 “tongues” ..
Ben Hur ain’t got nuttin’ on these folk .. Cecil will be spinning in his grave ..!
and.. seems this ALP staffer didn’t get the full Lehrmann treatment. I wonder why.
Ed Casesays:
April 12, 2023 at 9:25 am
Those with no experience or idea about politics?
And the Gold Medal goes to Head Case who is a Suitable Case for Treatment.
LOL. I do like the edit facility on this Blog.
Those with no experience or idea about politics?
And the Gold Medal goes to Head Case who is a Suitable Case for Treatment.
LOL. I do like the edit facility on this Blog.
I don’t.
I’m astounded, though, at the poverty of the cases being brought by the Canberra DPP.
If only the rules were changed to accuser’s claims were unassailable.
‘Believe all women’.
“This parallels the curated disappearing of the three children murdered in Nashville.”
Yep, and the dead Christians slaughtered over Easter in Nigeria.
Move along, nothing to see here.
I see Dr Uncle Stan Grant Snr AM is an honorary Dr. So not a Dr at all.
Your first reaction is “WTF? Get outta here!” Then you realise “He’s right!”.
Then you start to think “How many other ways have they nudged major decisions in our lives toward their agenda?”
How about increasing the weight limit of kids car seats so three won’t fit in a car so you stop at two children? Or you can spread them over 15-20 years and who wants that?
Any others off the top of your head?
Joe Biden, the Puppet
President Biden’s policies are detrimental to the United States’ strategic interests and outright violations of federal law and the Constitution.
Joe Biden is a puppet of the Chinese and Ukraine (here). Hunter Biden, the princeling, was “raking in millions from the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs for no credible business purpose other than gaining access to Joe Biden [The Big Guy].”
In my professional opinion, there is substantial probable cause (PC) to believe that agents of our government, including President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, aided or abetted by others engaged in an ongoing criminal conspiracy with a common purpose, committed serious felonies and concealed these crimes over many years.
This PC warrants an investigation of the perpetrators.
Facts, Information, and Opinions:
. Like the Biden family, the Clinton family are criminal enterprises (RICO). Both interfered with presidential elections with the aid of the FBI, the CIA, and other administrative entities – lowballing the Clinton espionage investigation (bathroom server), the Benghazi raid (gun running weapons from Libya to Syria), spying on then-candidate Trump and Russiagate before the 2016 election and after, the deep-sixing Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell before the 2020 election, and using COVID (the Chinese bioweapon released either accidentally or intentionally – an act of war) as an excuse to interfere with the 2020 election by election fraud.
. Biden abdicated his constitutional duty to defend the border. The Chinese exploited this opportunity to flood the country with Fentanyl – supplying the Mexican cartels with the precursors to manufacture and distribute the Fentanyl. The Fentanyl is killing about one hundred thousand yearly to wreak havoc and chaos in our communities. The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan directly benefited the Chinese. In his pursuit of green energy, Biden also immensely rewards the Chinese and others in this scam (here), which is a massive redistribution of wealth (here).
. The DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA have gone full Stasi. They are attacking and intimidating the political enemies of the radical Left without regard for the rule of law. The arrests and SWAT raids on the houses of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Paul Manaford, Roger Stone, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, Mark Houck, and former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence were the most egregious examples. They were selectively prosecuting the alleged January 6th “insurrectionists” to the exclusion of the violent acts of BLM and Antifa (The insurrection that wasn’t). They targeted, at the direction of the US Attorney General, parents attending school board meetings to complain about CRT and other progressive curricula as domestic terrorists.
. BLM and Antifa are domestic terrorist organizations disguised as legitimate public interest groups. Both have crossed the threshold of peaceful assemblies, committing serious felonies to create chaos akin to the Brown Shirts of the Third Reich.
. NGOs funded by George Soros and others dropped millions of dollars into local district attorney races to elect far-left prosecutors (as many as 70). Under the veil of social justice reform, these prosecutors implemented policies including no cash bail, which released violent serial offenders without regard for public safety. The released, ruthless, violent criminals commit new murders, rape, robberies, and mayhem before trial. Again, to wreak havoc and chaos within our communities, who then, in fear for their safety, will willingly relinquish their civil rights in exchange for totalitarian controls.
. Russiagate was a domestic disinformation operation run by the CIA and the FBI. They were illegally running an illegal domestic spy operation on Trump under the guise of a counter-intel operation. The FBI lied in securing FISA warrants to spy on President-elect Trump using political opposition research paid for and supplied by the Clinton campaign. I could assure you if I lied in a warrant affidavit, my superiors would have thrown me out the door.
Here’s the problem if the
The Voice Is Apartheid!! Raaaacism!!! AAAAArgh!!!
argument ever gets traction.
It’s easily dismissed at any time by bringing up
Professor Colin Tatz
you ask.
The guy whose name weaves a thread through Aboriginal Studies in Australia since the 1960s.
Little doubt that he gave Marcia Langton, Bobbi Sykes and all the rest of the academics a leg up.
Colin Tatz was also part of the project to bring Apartheid down, and he continued his work in Australia.
Here’s a selection of his many writings to give a flavour of what this guy was all about:
Shadow and Substance in South Africa, A Study in Land and Franchise
…Policies Affecting Africans, 1910–1960 (1962).
Aborigines in the Economy, edited by Ian Sharp and Colin Tatz (1966).
Race Politics in Australia: Aborigines, Politics and Law (1979).
Obstacle Race: Aborigines in Sport (1995) – Winner of the Australian Human Rights Award for Non-Fiction.
Genocide Perspectives I, editor-in-chief (1997).
Aboriginal Suicide is Different: a Portrait of Life and Self-Destruction (2001).
A Course of History: Monash Country Club, 1931 – 2001 (2002).
With Intent to Destroy: Reflecting on Genocide (2003).
Genocide Perspectives III: Essays in Holocaust and Genocide, eds. Colin Tatz, Peter Arnold and Sandra Tatz (2006).
Genocide in Australia: By Accident or Design? (2011).
Human Rights and Human Wrongs: A Life Confronting Racism, Melbourne, Monash University Publishing, 2015, pp 382.
Australia’s Unthinkable Genocide, Bloomington, IN, Xlibris., 2017, pp. 272.
Bottom Line:
Once idiots like Bridget Archer and Barnaby Joyce get enough Airtime squawking about Apartheid/Racism, the story of Colin Tatz will be told,
and it will be too late to get the No case back on track.
Even the ubiquitous Mazda CX5 can take three children’s seats in the back.
which 5 seat cars will for 3 child sears across the back row.
Old Ozzie:
A US Winter/Summer of discontent as the communists in the unions continue wrecking the economy that is left after Biden finished with it.
It is becoming fairly obvious that the US is being targeted by left wing governments over the world to finally destroy it.
So what alternative is there for the US to fight this off? Because the corruption and the political Left will destroy them unless radical steps are taken – steps that no one appears to have the political guts to take.
“The outcry and the boycott are good but how can we succeed when all the corporates are in bed with the trans insanity? I read somewhere that every one of the major brewers are on board.”
Blackrock and other institutional investors threaten to trash the stock price if they don’t obey, and since the board almost always have stock options, this is aimed at the board members personal financial well being.
However, if something like Bud light tanks enormously, it gives said board members some room for a bit of pushback – you don’t need to do anything other than make an example of one or two of them, and they will quite rightly argue against the madness.
“We’ll tank your stock price if you don’t.”
“It’ll be worse if we do, and you’ll take the hit too!”
“OK, we’ll back off – for now.”
Paywalled at Australian?
A biologist explains why sex is binary
People who demand reparations for a victimhood they never experienced, do not understand the “One off and final payment ” concept.
I wouldn’t have thought I’d have to explain
to you.
yeah. Well. That format failure is exceptional.
Big Nambas:
As a side comment to your Big_Nambas April 12, 2023 at 8:59 am post, it suddenly occurred to me that we used to – in the Olde Paint Factory – put about 6 kilos of zinc oxide in a batch of 600 litres of water based paint to control bacterial growth. When you consider the amount there would be in a film of paint after the water evaporated, that’s a fairly powerful antimicrobial action.
Just reminiscing…
Grandpa Ed Simpson
The guy whose name weaves a thread through Aboriginal Studies in Australia since the 1960s.
Little doubt that he gave Marcia Langton, Bobbi Sykes and all the rest of the academics a leg up.
Colin Tatz was also part of the project to bring Apartheid down, and he continued his work in Australia.
Here’s some thoughts for you, should you be mentally able to process them.
During his time in South Africa, fighting against apartheid, Tatz became so obsessed with the cause that he developed a hatred of whites.
He came to Australia, bringing that hatred with him, and promoted pseudo aborigines like Bobbi Sykes (white mother, African-American father) and other urban aborigines to achieve the destruction of another predominantly white society.
Many of our self-selected so-called “elites” show signs of hating the society that gave them birth and success, why should Tatz be different?
Many of our self-selected so-called “elites” show signs of hating the society that gave them birth and success, why should Tatz be different?
While I’m not qualified to make that call,
Your screed sounds a lot like
Are you an antisemite, Cletus?
“While I’m not qualified to make that call,”
You sound a lot like a dick, Ed.
Are you a dick, Ed?
Grandpa Ed Simpson
While I’m not qualified to make the call, much of what you post here sounds a lot like racism.
Are you a racist?
And that’s Cletus the Illustrious to you.
PS, Is Katz Jewish? If so, I (unlike, apparently you) was not aware of that, but you seem to take a very deep interest in such matters. Are you an anti-Semite?
Remember where I showed you that TRump increased his 2016 Negro Vote by 4,000 votes in 2020.
4,000 out of an extra 29,000,000 votes cast.
1 in 7,500, yet Negroes are 1 in 7 in the United States.
How about that, after 4 years of Trump kissing black bottoms and twiddling his thumbs while they burnt 20 cities.
PS, Is Katz Jewish?
Who cares, we’re talkin’ ’bout Tatz.
Excerpt from the full show for those who missed it. Good to see that little bastard McGowan get exposed to the world. The sad thing is, many over here agreed with his actions. The next time that little prick walks into a pub with his bodyguards, the publican should play this on the screens at the venue. I’d love to see the look on his face knowing it’s not from channel Stokes and the rest of the MSM whores that continue to cover for him.
The HighWire with Del Bigtree:
Bombshell vaccine safety surveillance data out of Western Australia shows it was reactions from the Covid vaccine that were overwhelming local hospitals. Data shows Australia’s zero-Covid plan was for nothing, as cases have spiked.
Boambee John:
Yes, but if you put Gates Vaccine Africa into a search engine, it is nearly all “Gates is the worlds saviour”, and very little beyond the lunatic, easily refutable articles.
I quite see why head case would be opposed to Jacinta Price getting promoted. She’s articulate, intelligent, attractive and has the experience of life in the communities to know what she’s talking about. Many of her competitors haven’t got the job experience of many years, they’ve had one year’s job experience repeated many times.
It’s up to her to decide if she’s ready for it, but I’d think she’d do an excellent job. I’m impressed by what I’ve seen of her and her mum. There aren’t many in politics I’d say that of.
She’s articulate, intelligent, attractive and has the experience of life in the communities to know what she’s talking about.
Life in the communities isn’t the issue, dickhead.
And she’s never lived in The Communities anyway.
She’s had a comfortable Middle Class existence from Day 1.
Just like Stan Grant.
Black Ball:
One word describes the Liberal Party problems.
However, Oryx has been audited and found wanting.
Armchair Warlord
Alright team, I think I’ll close out my independent audit of Oryx’s work with a “meta-analysis” – a review of my five reviews so far to determine what this tells us about their reliability as a source on this war.
By this point the data set’s big enough to draw conclusions.
There are a variety of issues that cause them to overcount Russian losses, in some cases drastically. These include double counting (multiple pictures of the same vehicle), wrongly identifying Ukrainian vehicles as Russian losses, counting as lost vehicles that have no apparent damage, accepting images that have obviously been photoshopped, and so on. In one particularly egregious case, a picture of a Ukrainian Msta howitzer had its crew photoshopped out and was marked as destroyed Russian artillery piece.
I mean, look at this:
According to Oryx this is a destroyed Russian howitzer, and not a very badly photoshopped Ukrainian gun. Please ignore the conspicuous shadow.
Yes, I think it is a stretch to suggest car companies and baby seat manufacturers are conspiring to de-populate the West.
Car companies will shave a few millimetres off the width of cars to save 0.1 litres per 100 kmh, and car seat manufacturers bulk up their seats to either achieve real protection benefits, or simply make their seats look safe with lots of bulky padding.
The difference between the Matters and Lehmann cases – and even more so their media coverage – is very revealing.
There is another example of politically correct hypocrisy in display at the moment. I won’t use names – that would be detraction, which, although it is not calumny, is still to be avoided. But The Me Too push shows no interest in a man being lionised in ABC and Fairfax obituaries, and the ‘journalists’ writing them must have never talked to the junior women in his workplaces.
Unfortunately, it takes more than being intelligent and articulate to be a good and successful Minister. Everything depends on having superb personal staff, and decent support from the Departments and agencies you are responsible for.
As a Shadow Minister, you need the first to the nth, and the second is irrelevant.
If Jacinta has the right people, she could be magnificent. If not, she could faceplant big time.
Being in the Senate is a handicap, but not an insurmountable one. It does require having staff who understand the intricacies of the relationship between the Chambers.
I don’t know whether it is a good idea or not. Being a Shadow Minister means a lot more paperwork, and it may well be that she is more effective as a relatively free agent.
The same applies to a recently deceased Aboriginal ‘hero’, not to mention another deceased Aboriginal actor. Both of them were absolute pigs to women, plenty of violence. But the MSM and the luvvies fell over themselves to tell us what wonderful chaps they were.
Effing hypocrites.
Gaines and Losses
Are leftist girlbosses becoming the intellectual Red Guard of American Maoism? Or are they the beginning of its end?
Though I haven’t asked her directly, I suspect that having just given a talk at San Francisco State University this past Thursday evening on the importance of women’s-only spaces and the intrusion into women’s athletics of biological men clad in sports bras and tuck tape, Riley Gaines — a decorated NCAA women’s swimming champion and now accidental activist for women’s sports — likely never imagined she’d soon after be assaulted by a male trans activist, then chased down a hallway by frenzied “protesters” before spending the next three hours barricaded inside a classroom, a vicious mob of rainbow-haired Minnie Maos gathered just outside the door discussing how best to financially capitalize (Marxism be damned! We’re talking weed money here, brah! ) on the release of their hostage.
Nor can you much blame her: after all, it’s a relatively new phenomenon to find yourself kidnapped or even shot to death by trans victim-tourists agitated into a Marxist fervor of radical-chic cosplay. The capture of our institutions of higher education, which has been key to the capture of all of our major institutions, has created an army of histrionic and raw Paolo Freire-constructed “activists” where once students educated in the traditions of western classical liberalism calmly and confidently stood. Many of us have for years warned that this was happening. But our principled “conservative” pundit class was too busy luxuriating over twerking trannies initiating captured toddlers into Queer Theory — “a blessing of liberty!” they assured us, stroking vigorously the shaft of their tumescent principles — to pay us any heed. To we ickies, fighting the culture wars was a poor use of resources, they explained, marshaling the mannered patience of scotch-sodden cigar saints. What we really need to fortify our country’s status as the moral conscience of the globe is to find some backward country and bomb it into democracy. For freedom!
Gaines, soon after her ordeal, tried to put the attack into perspective: “Imagine,” she wrote, “if the roles were reversed and a group of white, conservatives ambushed someone within the LGBTQ community, physically assaulted them, and held them for ransom for 3 hrs…
“There would be arrests and repercussions for the perpetrators and administration who allowed this.”
Of course, this is likely the case. But it nevertheless misses the larger — and I think far more bracing — cultural point: the double standard she decries is both brazen and entirely intentional.
As I’ve explained elsewhere, it’s a show of force. An offensive. And the impotence with which our side reacts — including even the failure of police to arrest the attackers — makes us look weak, and is meant to dispirit us.
To add insult to unacknowledged injury, SFSU Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Jamillah Moore released a statement in the aftermath of the event — which, mind you, had been captured on video — praising both her university and the activists involved in the public assault.
Wrote Ms Moore:
Published two days after the event, the statement Ms. Moore crafts completely whitewashes from the historical record any mention of Riley Gaines. Nowhere is the specific substance of Ms. Gaines’ presentation addressed or even acknowledged. The protests, when they’re mentioned, are presented without the context of the assault and the ransom demand, and are instead lauded as an example of the cherished value of campus free speech.
Up is down.
Black is white.
Thelma is Louise.
Old Ozzie:
When are women going to stand up to these idiots? Or are they waiting to be rescued by men?
Girls, it isn’t happening – it’s men in dresses and leotards who are attacking you and the ones who could have defended you have had a gut full of the Women Can Do Anything movement.
Righto, girls. Defend yourselves.
Championing a True Presentation of Womanhood
COMMENTARY: What Riley Gaines, a clarion call to a life of love and dignified dress can teach us as a culture.
Another one of Cronkite’s cute owls.
The Brittany Higgins Wannabees
Today another woman was caught out lying her way through our justice system.
Bettina Arndt
An absolute classic has been playing out in the ACT Supreme Court in the last week; a case which has received remarkably little reporting, when you consider that Alexander Matters, the accused, like Bruce Lehrmann worked in Canberra politics.
The difference is that here the young man was an electorate officer for a Labor MP, which may explain the disinterest from much of our media only keen on exposing conservatives in trouble.
Alex Matters has just been found not guilty in a unanimous decision by a Canberra jury – one of the wokest parts of Australia. That’s a miracle, given that it would only take one true believer to result in a hung jury. Here a decision was reached after only 5-6 hours of jury deliberation. And the reason? The accuser was revealed, in the words of Alex’s barrister as “unreliable and unresponsive,” her evidence full of “lies and inconsistencies” which were exposed in court. This Brittany Higgins Wannabee didn’t further the feminist cause at all – hence the stony silence from most of our media.
When the alleged rape happened, Alexander Matters was an ANU law student who started a “f@ck-buddy” relationship with a student activist, a young woman who had an official role advocating for rape victims, and who had taken part in the Women’s March alongside Higgins.
The couple had been having occasional hook-ups for months before the alleged rape took place in a college dorm room in May 2021. Their first hook-up happened after Ms Advocate told friends that she wanted to have “revenge sex” to punish a guy she’d been seeing who’d annoyed her by leaving town for reserve army training. Her text to friends suggested she’d “have sex with Alex Matters to get back at him.” But that experience clearly proved pleasing and she came back for many repeat performances.
The “friends with benefits” relationship proceeded for four months. Then in September Ms Advocate discovered Matters had been charged with sexual assault following an accusation by another woman – a case which would ultimately be dropped by the well-known DPP Shane Drumgold SC.
Ms Advocate faced a dilemma. As Matter’s barrister Steven Whybrow SC suggested in court, it “wasn’t a good look” for a student women’s advocate to be known to be “sleeping with someone alleged to be a rapist.”
Sure enough, within days Ms Advocate was reporting a rape to police. She alleged that, back in May, on one occasion when they had sex Matters hadn’t stopped exactly when she asked him to – he thrust three more times.
He was the very model of woke manhood.
The very first time they had sex she became upset, he stopped, he comforted her, they did not continue.
Party line perfect.
On the night in question, he wanted a blow job, she said no, he heard her and moved on. He asked to go down on her, she agreed and so he did that. They then started to have intercourse, it was painful, she told him to slow down, and he did so. Exemplary behaviour.
Then, Ms Advocate claimed, he slipped up. He allegedly failed to stop immediately which he claimed was because he was close to coming and overly excited, and continued for three more thrusts before stopping. But soon he was back to model behaviour. “Can I finish in your mouth?” he asked. She said no, he accepted that. “Can I finish on your tits?” and she said, “Sure, sure” (and later lied about this to police).
The simple fact is that even if men do the right thing every step of the way, women can lie about what happened. In this culture, simply because they are women they may well be believed.
You mean Thelma is Tyrone the body builder….
Ed – Admit it, you cannot stand the sight of an indigenous leader who doesn’t take her views from a bunch of white, middle-class, failed trotskyites sitting in & around ABC “country” i.e. inner city Sydney. This is the real view of the Labor shills who detest and cannot bear to listen when others like Jacinta speak.
The Voice “wedge” issue is showing up many interesting facets of the ruling elites pushing this nonsense – mainly around their ignorance of and bias against Australia as it really exists outside their bubble.
Gender Insanity Ends Only When Women Decide to Stop Tolerating It
Kurt Schlichter
I get a lot of grief from some quarters because of my assessment that radical transsexuals are tolerated and allow to move into women’s spaces and allowed the ability to abuse women only because women as a whole put up with this crap. Yeah, women.
Look, as a guy, I’m not worried about some chick walking into the men’s room and pretending to be a dude. It’s not a huge deal to us, because we are dudes, and we don’t really care. But the aesthetics aside, there is a practical reason that men are less worried about it. There’s zero chance she’s going to jump on me and beat me senseless and force me into sexual congress. But that’s not true of a man in a women’s restroom. In fact, rape of normal women by weirdos pretending to be women is disgustingly common.
Let’s be clear. There are two kinds of transsexuals. There are real transsexuals, who are people suffering real gender dysmorphia and who actually believe they are women and want to be treated as women.
It’s weird, but as long as they don’t impose their bizarre pathology on us, and as long as they stay out of my face, I’m not going to bother with them.
But the other kind are freaking perverts. Some are just pedophiles who want to get close to kids. Those are the ones that go read at transsexual story hour.
Here is an unarguable fact: No normal adult male wants to do anything even remotely sexual around a child. The only people who do want to have sex with children. And if you want to have sex with children, you should be hunted for sport.
The other kind of bad trans people are heterosexual weirdos who want to go into the women’s spaces and watch women (or expose themselves to women) in an intimate setting. Sometimes they want to be in a position where they can use their physical strength to force women into sex. We have seen that again and again. But sometimes it merely means onanism in front of women to horrify them, which gets these freaks off.
I’m not picky. I say hunt them for sport too.
I don’t believe we normal people have any moral imperative to tolerate any of this.
We tried toleration, and now they’re trying to have sex with our kids and abuse our women.
We expressed our willingness to live and let live, but that wasn’t the deal that they wanted.
The deal they wanted was we have to pretend they actually are women, which they are manifestly not, and to use that lie as a license to prey on women. That’s not the deal.
Now, I contend that women are the decisive point in this conflict, and it’s important that you understand what I mean.
So many people are willing to be stupid, and to willfully refuse to understand what other people are actually saying so they can impose their personal view on what other people are saying in order to assume some sort of higher moral ground.
Read the comments and you will see people doing that here.
Let me be clear for the dumb and obtuse people – this is not blaming women.
This is recognizing the fact that women are the center of gravity of this issue. Men can’t stop this. This is a problem because women tolerate these freaks coming into their bathrooms, locker rooms, swimming competitions, weightlifting competitions, fashion runways and everywhere else. Yes, many resist, like the courageous Riley Gaines, but too many go along with it, and those tend to be lib women who wield institutional power.
So much for feminism – all the -isms are subordinate to cultural Marxism, and transism is so hot right now. It does not matter to them that this trans offensive is an attack on women. Men pretending to be women are dominating women’s sports.
Men pretending to be women are held up as more beautiful and sexy than women by the fashion world.
Men pretending to be women are replacing women and some real women are applauding and abetting it.
Many women, especially influential ones (like the Bud Light ad exec) enable this crap.
What needs to happen is that women need to say “Wait, stop this,” and you know what? Men will go along with it. But men can’t force women to stand up for themselves. Men can’t force women to protect each other. Men can’t force women who control women’s sports and women’s fashion, and all the other institutions that women control, to do the things that will protect other women. We men can’t do it. Only women can. And since women are suffering from this, I think it behooves them to do it.
Look, J. K. Rowling, who’s generally a communist about everything else except intellectual property rights, is absolutely correct.
Men and women are different, and they need different accommodations, spaces, and considerations. I understand that women are not a cohesive whole who all think alike.
There are women of all shapes and sizes and mental disorders. But until women get together collectively and form a consensus that they deserve their own spaces and their own ability to compete and their own ability to be women without some dude pretending to be a chick horning in on the action, there’s not a damn thing any of us men can do about it.
When women stop allowing it, great. We will be happy to back them up 110% when they say “No, if you’ve got a penis, you aren’t one of us.”
But until they do that, until they make a collective decision to not allow this nonsense to continue, there’s not a damn thing men can do about it.
Bruce O’Nuke:
If I were on the management and sales team, I’d be polishing up the resumé and adding in that I’d been in gaol for the last two years.
It reminds me of the Red Bull fracas – the entire sales team was sacked on the spot when their wokeness was exposed.
More insanity.
Unfortunately he wasn’t able to complete his shift and the trannie ruined a good time.
No kidding, couldn’t the writer be a little more circumspect?
“What needs to happen is that women need to say “Wait, stop this,”
Some of us are, we follow Kellie-Jay Keen and we attend rallies to Let Women Speak. For this we’re smeared as “Nazis”.
and you know what? Men will go along with it.”
Alas not the Victorian Opposition Leader, he’s fully captured. After all, he takes his facts from Wikipedia.
Ed Casesays:
April 12, 2023 at 2:04 pm
PS, Is Katz Jewish?
Who cares, we’re talkin’ ’bout Tatz.
Thanks for confirming that you read the comment, Grandpa Ed Simpson. I noter that you avoided answering the question, even though the typo was obvious.
Your response seems to confirm that you are anti-Semitic, as Tatz is indeed of Jewish origin. Your comment to Kneel suggests that you are also racist, as do your many comments alleging that aborigines have a low IQ.
TheirABC reports that tourism is tanking in the NT, especially in Alice Springs. Factors include high airfares (true), inflation eating away at disposable income (true) and fears for personal safety (true).
There is only one of these factors that the NT government can do much about, and it has failed miserably so far. Every time I click on a story about the Walker case, they show a photo of him that makes him look like a budding choirboy, not the nasty little thug that he was. They sacked the cop who embarrassed them, and the Commissioner is on leave for unexplained reasons. What a shambles.
If I were Bev and Nev, travelling around Australia in a motor home, I wouldn’t be taking the expensive detour to Alice Springs. Not only are your experiences there constricted by what is considered culturally appropriate, you stand a fair chance of being pelted with rocks or having your vehicle rammed by a stolen police car.
BTW, does anyone know how the alligator shaped hotel which was handed over to the local indigeous is faring? Several years ago I looked at doing a trip to Alice Springs, including staying there. The costs were almost equivalent to a weekend in Europe, so I didn’t go. (Same when I investigated a trip to Broome).
Perhaps the hip pocket nerve has finally been activated, and the hand-patting and hand-wringing will come to an end. I fail to see how enabling more children being born with FAS because it would be ‘racist’ to do anything about it is either ethical or practical.
Well the 30-year old is clear enough. But what exactly is a male transsexual? Is it a bloke pretending to be a chick, or the other way around? There’s just no way to know.
I distinctly remember that the five day forecast from the BoM was that today would be scattered cloud, max 19.
Well, it’s just reached 12.9C and it’s been drizzling all day.
Look, I get it that predictions can be wrong. What irks me is that they insist that their predictions are always right, and that everyone from farmers and graziers to politicians should base their actions on them.
One of the bitterest recollections from the Turnbull coup is that he canned the review of the BoM.
A fun exercise when it comes to value for money.
Purchase a Big-Muck from McMuck Donald’s and compare it to a burger with the lot from a local lunch bar.
Give it a try. The price range is about equal. One weighs nothing ( full of sugary sh*t and secret sauces ) and the other with a clear weight differential; chock with salad…tomatoes, onions and cucumber etc and no 30% sugary buns.
I remember a lunch-bar in Canning Vale that offered up juicy burgers that shat all over McMucks prior to McGowan shutting them down. The owner was close to tears knowing the writing was on the wall. I’ll never forget the look on her face. McMucks was allowed to exist, yet her small business got the shaft offering up a better healthier product and had to close due to c-19 dictates.
Much the same across the nation.
Support your local lunch bar. The measure of their quality always equates to quality of their hot chips. Never hesitate to ask for freshly cooked. If they happily oblige, it usually means they value your business. Those that balk wanting you to eat chips that have been in a bain marie for over 30 minutes can f-off.
All true.
The Voice “wedge” issue is showing up many interesting facets of the ruling elites pushing this nonsense – mainly around their ignorance of and bias against Australia as it really exists outside their bubble.
See my comment at 1342, above. The final point:
“Many of our self-selected so-called “elites” show signs of hating the society that gave them birth and success, why should Tatz be different?”
Mme Zulu rather enjoys train travel The “Ghan” is off her list!
You’d have been disappointed johanna. That crocodile-shaped hotel is in Jabiru, two and a bit hours out of Darwin.
It was built as a triumph of self-determination, using a combination of royalty and taxpayer money and was supposed to bring in basquillions of tourist dollars. Instead, and in the traditional fashion its ‘owners’ siphoned off the initial rivers of cash to pay for private jetskis and grog:
They were forced to sell it. Now it’s a Mercure operation, and also slowly declining because the current policies are making mincemeat out of the town and surrounds, and holidaying through there has become an exercise in draining your bank account.
This dude spent US$43 billion buying a company and he now appears to just be f…ing around.
Our landlord at SF HQ says we’re legally required to keep sign as Twitter & cannot remove “w”, so we painted it background color. Problem solved!
In other Musk related funny stuff, he’s tagged NPR and BBC as state funded entities. It’s a notation obviously informing readers to beware of propaganda. When I read that I suggested that he do the same with our ABC and ABC shows that appear to tweet separately. God I hope he does it. Their ABC arseholes would go off their head.
No. NO.
You’re not looking at Teh BiG Pickcha.
Also, chemtrails are involved.
Oh, and we’ve traveled through South Africa by rail!
Please, in order to try and get Musk’s attention, tweet him that the Australian ABC is also a government funded propaganda outfit. More people tweeting this to him could get his attention.
Let him know that their ABC also tweets under
730 Report
BTW, does anyone know how the alligator shaped hotel which was handed over to the local indigeous is faring? Several years ago I looked at doing a trip to Alice Springs, including staying there. The costs were almost equivalent to a weekend in Europe, so I didn’t go. (Same when I investigated a trip to Broome).
I think that establishment is in Kakadu.
Notice how, every time, it’s the gummint’s fault and more money is needed:
What they can and must never do is sheet responsibility home to the parents and the extended family we are always told are a safety net. So, where are they? Where are all these loving aunties and uncles and grandparents when 10 year olds are roaming the streets at 2 am?
Fully clothed Emperors rool in indigenous politics.
She’s had a comfortable Middle Class existence from Day 1.
Bullshit crotchless; she was literally born under a bush.
As for Tatz; the good men are the most dangerous. He equated what had happened to the Jews with what had NOT happened to the 3rd nations. There was no aboriginal genocide. Or if it did happen it was a strange one which doubled the aboriginal population.
I saw what you did head prefect. Posting photos of dickless gyrating to the L’Internationale does not a cute owl make. These are cute owls.
Doc wait until the new trans trend becomes more obvious. I’ve read a few studies which point to a very different trans phenomenon emerging. Historically it has been male to female but over the last decade in particular the emerging trend is female to male. According to some studies this is happening through social media influence. One study highlighted that the while the teenage girls did not demonstrate trans behavior prior to social media, upon the relevant exposure they began insisting on transition. That’s very concerning because ignoring that key marker of prior trans behavior opens the door to ever increasing numbers being allowed to transition. The tragedy is that in years to come so many of those poor souls will realise they have made a terrible mistake that is irreversible and has ruined their lives. In the future expect a few mass shootings at trans clinics.
While I’m here, this popped up in today’s news. It suggests that people are tolerating the trans stupidity but only up to a point. It is only one example so I won’t push the argument too far. It will be interesting to see how many other companies go down this road and what the public response will be.
Bud Light suffers bloodbath as longtime and loyal consumers revolt against transgender campaign
Also from the Matters trial:
When is this lying nutcase being charged?
It just popped into my head…again.
Richard Clapton – Girls On The Avenue (1975)
Steve Trickler:
Enraged all over again.
Oops, apologies for mixing up the location of the Alligator hotel.
Its fate is not surprising.
It is the same whenever a viable business is handed over to a tribal culture. The obligation to give freebees and discounts is far more important than keeping the business solvent.
Richard Clapton – “Deep Water.”
I just sent this again. If enough people send the same or similar tweet to Musk, he may actually tag the ABC like the others.
@elonmusk Hi Elon, the Australian entity, also known as The ABC is a state funded news operation that should be tagged (as state funded).
@ABCTV, @QandA, @abcnews, @ABCthedrum, @4corners
the funniest part is that NPR, the BBC and other ‘fact checkers’ are trying to argue they’re not government funded.
The BBC, you know, because the guvmint doesn’t directly collect the TV tax.
From John H.
This was an “Izzy Folau moment”.
The first opportunity most Normals have had to register their displeasure without risk of arrest or of being fired.
Simply don’t buy Bud Light.
LOl. He’s going out of his way to piss them off. He removed the NYTimes blue check because they refused to fork up.
Look, Titter has probably halved in value, bur FMD, he appears to be having lots of fun. $20 billion loss well spent, I reckon.
The management of one Kimberly cattle station, handed over to the indigenous, was terse. “We aren’t here to give free handouts to all and sundry. If you aren’t here to work, fvck off!”
“Remember where I showed you that TRump increased his 2016 Negro Vote by 4,000 votes in 2020.
4,000 out of an extra 29,000,000 votes cast.”
You might care to revisit that – I have quoted an article quoting the New York Times as an increase from 8% to 12%. Several other articles as well, saying the same thing.
I recall you cited Pew (without linking to the actual article or data) – well, I have a link to Pew as well, showing an increase in votes for Trump.
And I will note that you continue to back-pedal on this – your claim was that DJT’s share of the black vote fell between 2016 and 2020, which it clearly did not.
Still refusing to say you were wrong about that I see.
Sounds like being a dick if you ask me.
Richard Clapton would have been a superstar if he had been based in the US and had the requisite ambition.
It was not to be. Still, we are lucky to be able to enjoy the fruits of his labour.
Your Aussie credentials are at risk Johanna. We have crocodiles.
AFAIK these days the declining (hat tip KD) Croc shaped pub is catering mostly to business travellers to Jabiru.
The past three years of Scomocovidism have not been easy for them. It’s been downright bluddee impossible for them to get staff.
Dunno who owns it, but as KD says, it is operated as an Accor* property.
(*bigtime French pub group)
“Richard Clapton” was a stage name, his real name was Terry Goh.
Jack the Insider latest column is on Aussie Cossack.
Things cannot be different as long as the culture of communal property persists. Everybody feels entitled to proceeds of the business but almost nobody has a commitment to make it work. The ones who are willing to work are then expected to hand over their money to the idlers and so they give up. It turns out that the indigenous who want to keep the fruits of their labours must leave and join the rest of Australian society.
Public projects are possible in the wider Australian society simply because workers are paid and non-workers get nothing.
If CNN Existed 2000 Years Ago
Winston Smithsays:
April 12, 2023 at 4:06 pm
Steve Trickler:
Bombshell vaccine safety surveillance data out of Western Australia shows it was reactions from the Covid vaccine that were overwhelming local hospitals. Data shows Australia’s zero-Covid plan was for nothing, as cases have spiked.
Enraged all over again.
The average person walking down the street that purchases the “newspaper” is oblivious on the subject.
They’ll donate to Telethon with the big nosed Greek prick running cover for Big-Pharma under the order of Stokes.
Let us not forget Big Nose Basil saying to the parents of a sick child in hospital, that they should get the jabs in order to visit them in hospital.
Happy to see someone [ no comment ]
For the record, most of the money goes to the fat females pigs attached the Children’s Hospital in Perth.
Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier
And 6PR. Morning teas at 6PR.
One problem Crossie, the workers have to pay for the non workers to have smokes, grog and tatts allover. It gives me shiites.
Thanks Bespoke.
Good, the message is getting out there. Hopefully soon enough. I didn’t read many studies but enough to alarm me.
“Humbugging.” I’ve seen examples where those who are willing to work, and make something of themselves, pack up and leave town.
Old Ozzie, earlier.
Can I finish in your mouth?” he asked. She said no, he accepted that. “Can I finish on your tits?” and she said, “Sure, sure” (and later lied about this to police).
What a chivalrous and courtly young man he is. Back in the day I would ask a young lady out. Dinner at Pizza Hut, a movie, a trip home on the train. Possibly you would extend your arm to walk her to her home. A firm and gentlemanly handshake at the front door or even possibly a peck on the cheek.
Can I finish in your mouth?” No. “Can I finish on your tits?” “Sure, sure”.
Of course.
Tempora mutantur
TheirABC reports that tourism is tanking in the NT, especially in Alice Springs.
Sigh…… so glad we have done most of our bucket list in the NT/WA/Qld. – travelled with sequential camper trailers – Jayco (bought home in a body bag), in later years -Eco-Tourer & then the Ultimate. Most challenging – the Tanami Track from north of Alice to near Halls Creek….Gibb River Rd & Kalemburu Road in Kimberley & crossing the King Edward River.
Most loved area- the Mitchell Plateau in the Kimberley & Bell Gorge; most loved town – Kununurra; most underrated destination- El Questro & the unpublicised West Leichhardt Station. Most overrated (in our opinion) – Coober Pedy.
One of most memorable : flying to Darwin with grandchildren (then 9 & 6), hiring a Winnebago, & taking them “to see Country”!!First to Kakadu. First stop was the “jumping crocodiles” on the Adelaide River – a suitable culture shock for the little city slickers when the first monster leapt out of the river. On to Ubirr & then Nourlangie Rock where they saw wildlife and had the magnificent cave art explained simply to them. On to Jabiru & then to Bundy Station where we had stayed years before. Then on to beautiful Lichfield National Park where they swam in crystal clear streams under waterfalls. They remember the whole trip – now 20 & 17 years old. Never to be forgotten by them or us.
We have been to Darwin many times. I have never liked it that much – though husband went with mates on a separate trip (to Maningrida barramundi fishing) & enjoyed the tour of the war sites.
Similarly the Alice – to be just visited for supplies & otherwise avoided. At the farm we get TV by satellite through the NT station Imparza & there is an optimistic advertisement urging young people to come to Alice Springs – they have got to be joking.
Please Cronkite.
Enough with the Q Towels.
Excellent news for Razey-san and the other 4.99999% of purebloods.
From May 8th, all vax requirements will be dropped for travel from Straya to Land of Rising Sun.
If you are in a yuuuge hurry you can go now with a negative PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
Nothing stopping you now, champ!
Knuckle Draggersays:
April 12, 2023 at 5:01 pm
For the record, most of the money goes to the fat females pigs attached the Children’s Hospital in Perth
And 6PR. Morning teas at 6PR.
Close to 4 years now without listening to them. The “producers” are still probably fresh out of Uni-snowflakes. No fat women to be seen…funny that when I walked in the doors during renovations.
The entire staff was left wing. I guess nothing has changed since?
You tell me.
Daily Mail.
Tickler at 5:29
Surely you can’t be critical of them if you haven’t listened to them.
From what I can tell, 6PR is pretty fair and balanced.
Sancho Panzer says:
April 12, 2023 at 5:22 pm
Excellent news for Razey-san and the other 4.99999% of purebloods.
From May 8th, all vax requirements will be dropped for travel from Straya to Land of Rising Sun.
Does Hiden Biden signing end of pandemic mean Vax for America has been dropped for Legal Visitors?
Not those coming across America’s Southern Border Illegally, who have never needed to be Vaxxed – America – “The Stupid Country”
The “Daily Mail” story – seems the villain who got his photo in the “Mail” was an ‘aspiring rapper.”
Sharri Markson, if you don’t want to turn up for work at Sky News in the week after Easter, put it in the program guide. Don’t substitute yourself with a dud politician like Cory Bernardi, who is unwatchable.
You should have known your supporters (like me) would turn off in seconds. Sigh. Just another media princess.
Another go at sorting out the teaching crisis:
Sancho Panzersays:
April 12, 2023 at 5:32 pm
Tickler at 5:29
And 6PR. Morning teas at 6PR.
Close to 4 years now without listening to them.
Surely you can’t be critical of them if you haven’t listened to them.
From what I can tell, 6PR is pretty fair and balanced.
When I tuned out they were renewable energy promoting f-wits, riding on the “climate change” gravy train with not anyone challenging it. When Sattler stroked out it was game over.
Comments suddenly all gone down the “Memory hole…”
Plans unveiled for Syriac Catholic church in Sydney’s south west
Sydney’s Syriac Catholics are set to build a home for its fast-growing community after receiving development approval for a church and pastoral centre in Sydney’s south-west.
With parish priest Fr Lenard Ina they are also celebrating paying off the loan for the 3.5 acre property destined to be the centre of their sacramental and parish life at Kemps Creek.
The Syriac Catholic Church is a sui juris Eastern church in communion with the Holy See.
Fr Ina was one of many Syriac Catholics from northern Iraq who fled a brutal takeover of their villages by ISIS in 2014.
When he arrived in Australia he got to work helping to secure everything people needed: places to live, jobs, schools for their children and even transport to get to Sunday Mass.
Michael Digges, executive director, administration and finance for the Archdiocese of Sydney, said that the archdiocese strongly supports the initiative at Kemps Creek.
“We are as excited as the Syriacs with this development,” Mr Digges said.
“Indeed, it represents growth both in the Catholic community and support for people who have escaped persecution in their home country.”
He sounds like Trump. If only he wasn’t a crazed loon about all vaccines.
John H
She was very good in addressing all aspects in a rashionl way.
Do you see parallels in the use drugs like Ritalin?
I do.
It was far simpler. The Chinese Communist Party bought the corrupt US president and his family.
I hope m0nty watches this. It just might suggest to him that the depraved and stupid games he plays can have consequences to his own family.
Japan has been open to purebloods for a long time. I was there in December.
Someone suggested that Trump should look at him as a running mate. It won’t happen unless he divorces his wife.
Ah…those more civilised times when Pizza Hut had waiters and even a wine list.
Maybe, just maybe, USA Pollies should have stuck with “hearts and minds” instead of invading multiple locations at huge cost against tiny benefits, if any.
Good news!
The trouble with tourism at Alice Springs.
You must stay to see the school of the air, the telegraph office and then anything of interest is out of town west along their rainiest, or 450kms down the road.
It is also a two peoples town. The glitterati (probably government workers) rock up to black tie events at the casino, while across the road in the river bed poorest people sniff Petrol, when they aren’t in the streets asking for five bucks to help them out.
The other thing, and I don’t understand why it matters, but any mention of going on a holiday to central Australia gets the inevitable “ you can’t climb the rock anymore though”. Which shouldn’t matter, but it does.
Top Endersays:
April 12, 2023 at 5:43 pm
Another go at sorting out the teaching crisis:
The ‘Pollies’ have known for years how to fix the Education system, however, the Teacher Unions are dead against it. Just go to Finland and copy their teaching system. It works there and it can work here with the right Teachers. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
It is time to state that the whole “LGBT” lobby is rotten to the core and should be corned by all civilised people including homosexuals.
The notion that there is any such thing as a “trans” person is total idiocy.
I’ve read enough studies to get the picture. The video is a waste of my time.
Ritalin is just one example. What I didn’t mention was the issue of social contagion. Interesting history there for those so interested.
Why Conservatives ALWAYS LOSE
Black Pigeon Speaks
RC, Dude, it’s all that has been spoken about here for the last 6 months. Every open thread is 79.87% LGBTQRVSP.
I wouldn’t limit that to the Bidens.
Why the media don’t want to know the truth about Nord Stream blast
Jonathan Cook
Mint Press News
Tue, 11 Apr 2023
It might have stayed that way forever, except that in February, a journalist – one of the most acclaimed investigative reporters of the past half-century – produced an account that finally demystified the explosions. Drawing on at least one anonymous, highly placed informant, Seymour Hersh pointed the finger for the explosions directly at the US administration and President Joe Biden himself.
Hersh’s detailed retelling of the planning and execution of the Nord Stream blasts had the advantage – at least for those interested in getting to the truth of what took place – that his account fitted the known circumstantial evidence.
At a Senate hearing, top US diplomat Victoria Nuland celebrated the Nord Stream 2 pipeline bombing:
“Senator Cruz, like you, I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”
Key Washington figures, from President Biden to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his senior neoconservative official Victoria Nuland – a stalwart of the murky U.S., anti-Russia meddling in Ukraine over the past decade – had either called for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines or celebrated the blasts shortly after they took place.
If anyone had a motive for blowing up the Russian pipelines – and a self-declared one at that – it was the Biden administration. They opposed the Nord Stream 1 and 2 projects from the outset – and for exactly the same reason that Moscow so richly prized them.
Washington wanted Moscow isolated and friendless in Europe. The goal was to turn Russia into Enemy No. 2 – after China – not leave Europeans looking to Moscow for energy salvation.
The Nord Stream explosions achieved precisely that outcome. They severed the main reason European states had for cozying up to Moscow. Instead, the U.S. started shipping its expensive liquified natural gas across the Atlantic to Europe, both forcing Europeans to become more energy dependent on Washington and, at the same time, fleecing them for the privilege.
But even if Hersh’s story fitted the circumstantial evidence, could his account stand up to further scrutiny?
This is where the real story begins. Because one might have assumed that Western states would be queuing up to investigate the facts Hersh laid bare, if only to see if they stacked up or to find a more plausible alternative account of what happened.
Dennis Kucinich, a former chair of a U.S. Congressional investigative subcommittee on government oversight, has noted that it is simply astonishing no one in Congress has been pushing to use its powers to subpoena senior American officials, such as the secretary of the Navy, to test Hersh’s version of events. As Kucinich observes, such subpoenas could be issued under Congress’s Article One, Section 8, Clause 18, providing “constitutional powers to gather information, including to inquire on the administrative conduct of office.”
Similarly, and even more extraordinarily, when a vote was called by Russia at the United Nations Security Council late last month to set up an independent international commission to investigate the blasts, the proposal was roundly rejected.
If adopted, the UN Secretary-General himself would have appointed expert investigators and aided their work with a large secretariat.
Three Security Council members, Russia, China and Brazil, voted in favor of the commission. The other 12 – the U.S. and its allies or small states it could easily pressure – abstained, the safest way to quietly foil the creation of such an investigative commission.
The truth is that the Western press has zero interest in determining who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines because, just like Western diplomats and politicians, media corporations don’t want to know the truth if it cannot be weaponized against an official enemy state.
The Western media are not there to help the public monitor the centers of power, keep our governments honest and transparent, or bring to book those who commit state crimes. They are there to keep us ignorant and willing accomplices when such crimes are seen as advancing on the global stage the interests of Western elites – including the very transnational corporations that run our media.
Which is precisely why the Nord Stream blasts took place. The Biden administration knew not only that its allies would be too fearful to expose its unprecedented act of industrial and environmental terrorism but that the media would dutifully line up behind their national governments in turning a blind eye.
The very ease with which Washington has been able to carry out an atrocity – one that has caused a surge in the cost of living for Europeans, leaving them cold and out of pocket during the winter, and added considerably to existing pressures that have been gradually deindustrializing Europe’s economies – will embolden the U.S. to act in equally rogue ways in the future.
In the context of a Ukraine war in which there is the constant threat of a resort to nuclear weapons, where that could ultimately lead should be only too obvious.
Very Long & Detailed Assessment
There’s a blast from the past…
So JFK j r has found a new whipping board in the neocons.
Correct me if I am wrong, but weren’t the neocons late eighties/early nineties apostate democrats who decided to adopt the Bushes (establishment uniparty in action) so they could prolelytise to the benighted unwashed in other countries with their warm and loving embrace after first bombing the shit out of them?
Oh, and make money out of defence contracts.
If you hadn’t been there you wouldn’t believe it.
Freudian slip?
Rococo Liberal, the problem with your theorem is that the trans movement is a creation of male homosexual radicals looking for a new application of their successful campaign half a decade ago to have homosexual “marriage” accepted by governments throughout the West.
The success of the trans movement consolidates the male homosexual campaign for access to children – the wettest of their perverted wet dreams.
Well, the past is a foreign country.
In the future, after the franchise wars are won by Taco Bell, all restaurants will be Taco Bell.
Maybe so, but then how do we explain Biden’s hawkish stance on Taiwan, which goes beyond official US policy?
I’m remembering the first taverns to open in Perth – they were thought frightfully sophisticated.