Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment. Driving them through razor wire is good for some…
From https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-41223-offensiveor-collapse
#RussianArmy has reportedly been able to recover valuable components of the downed #USA MQ-9 #Reaper #UAV in the Black Sea
Good Thread
Adrian Ernest Bayley is his name.
It’s a match made in heaven… Dylan Mulvaney is guy who pretends to be a girl. And Bud Light is water pretending to be beer.
Major Geeks has some interesting stuff. Ta.
(Must backup files first.)
Adrian Ernest Bayley is his name.
Why did you write Ernest yesterday and leave Adrian out?
Any reason in particular?
Why do you write anything at all?
Yes. Captain Detmers made me do it.
To the best of my knowledge, I’m the only who has predicted the following sequence:
1. Voice
2. Republic
3. “Growing Calls” for Voice to choose indigenous governors and governor-general
Result: Sovereign status transferred from the Crown to Aborigines
I see the ACT is getting a big battery. “The 250-megawatt battery will be housed at Williamsdale and owned and run by Eku Energy.
The government says the battery will be able to instantly inject energy into the national grid
It is expected to be completed in 2025. The battery energy storage system will cost between $300 million and $400 million and could hold enough energy to power one-third of Canberra for two hours during peak demand. Gosh, I wonder which third will get the power and will they be asked to pay. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-13/big-canberra-battery-finds-owner-in-eku-energy/102217104
Poll: Donald Trump Boasts 41-Point Lead in Massachusetts
Former President Donald Trump is leading his closest potential Republican primary challenger by 41 percent in Massachusetts, a recent UMass Poll found.
The survey listed several individuals, including former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott, former Rep. Liz Cheney, and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu.
Trump is the clear leader with a majority support. Fifty-nine percent choose him as their first choice candidate — a 41-point lead over DeSantis, who has 18 percent support.
Pence comes in third place with ten percent support, followed by Haley (four percent), Cheney (three percent), Scott (one percent) and Sununu (zero percent). Five percent chose “someone else”:
I have just watched a recorded version of this morning’s The Five from Fox News. Greg Gutfeld was absolutely livid about the climate change scam. He almost threw his script at Geraldo Rivera who of course is all for renewables etc.
Greg’s point was that the scare failed to live up to the hype and that the smart opinion has now moved to nuclear. I almost cheered.
I reckon a few well travelled CATS here have walked over this and would have been oblivious as to what was underfoot and what it means. Are you one of them?
“Pretty pattern.”
Via Dutchsinse:
It’s all just chance of course.. a “tribute” to the church and Labyrinths I was told….. lol
The fact that the antenna they built generates perfect schumann resonance, and the fact that the church floor is in a perfectly resonant church, just ignore those facts and accept its chance that the shape of the floor of the church when made into an antenna on a circuit board, generates low frequency!
I was walking through the city last week when I came across a Muslim Bookstore. I was wondering what sort of titles they had so I went in for a look. As I was wandering around taking a look, the assistant stopped me and asked if he could help. I imagined I didn’t look like his normal clientele, so I asked “Do you have a copy of the Australian Immigration Department’s policy on refugees and illegal immigrants?” The assistant said “F@ck off, get out and stay out”. I said “Yes, that’s the one. Do you have it in paperback?
Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
– Jimi Hendrix
KD before lunch:-
If memory serves it was an initial failing of a Gee-Long magistrate to jail Bayley for assault which was the start of it.
When his brief told the magistrate* Bayley would appeal, he got bail, when a more prudent magistrate would have potted him.
The parole board then failed to follow up. Although his parole officer (possibly a hand-patter) gave him a wink and a nod that Plod from a particular serious crime squad wanted to talk with him urgently.
* Name escapes me. Duncan?
JC, when you go back go NYC, take a look.
You’re welcome.
Have fun on your next sojourn.
Premiered 12 hours ago
Two forts, both many hundreds of years old, both mentioned by me directly multiple times in the past few months… now both forts are in the news!
Starting at about 50min into this video linked below, I begin discussing the Saint Louis Starforts at downtown Saint Louis and Fort Belle Fontaine:
• 3/18/2023 — Part… I show the map from the 1700’s showing the old starfort at the new geospatial agency location.
4/12/2023 — Fort Tryon NYC on fire + Fort Belle Fontaine St. Louis US Army Corps says RADIATION!!
Maybe we should all identify as aborigines. And I mean all.
If men can identify as women and vice versa, I should be able to identify as whatever I choose. Any challenge to that would be cruel and waaaycist.
It’s one way to become ungovernable.
What? And undo 100 years of High Court work.
It’s a legitimate strategy.
I know of two guys who are identifying as female simply to open up more job opportunities for themselves (better paying too)
They don’t do anything else ridiculous, they call it levelling the playing field
No chance me, calli. My birth certificate has a mandatory population group designation.
Knuckle Dragger:
OK. That’s not how it appeared to me.
I have been to Chartres and walked the labyrinth. It is a type of meditation for those who do it.
The church has excellent acoustics for a number of reasons, not least of which is a result of the building materials chosen and the volume of space within, just as in St. Paul’s whispering dome, and the Pisa baptistery and the amphitheater in Pompeii.
It looks remarkably like that circuit. Is the idea a mathematical one, a way to fit as many wires as possible into a circular space? It may be that the designer had seen the labyrinth and thought “why not”? It reminds me of all the helixes and double helixes we see in nature and the Fibonacci sequences that make so much aesthetically pleasing to us.
I’m pretty sure it isn’t aliens, just the way we make sense of our world.
Does your birth certificate say you’re male? Who are they to judge?
How DARE they? 😀
I’m so stealing Real Deal’s “Trojan Voice” too.
If we’re going to talk resonance and box ticking, it has the goods.
I was referring to C.L’s comment, Robert.
I have just watched a recorded version of this morning’s The Five from Fox News. Greg Gutfeld was absolutely livid about the climate change scam. He almost threw his script at Geraldo Rivera who of course is all for renewables etc.
Gutfeld is outstanding. He and Watters are the best with Tucker, Bongino and Steve Hilton bringing up the rear. Rivera is a piece of shit.
factual information about Chartres labyrinth here.
April 13, 2023 at 3:00 pm
Cymatics, lovely lady. All those church window patterns are not flukes. All those thinking about a bloke flying his kite when it comes to electricity….yeah nah. It’s been around for aeons.
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music – Nigel Stanford
I’ve also visited Chartres, stayed in the former archbishop’s palace in a beautiful medieval apartment a short distance away.
Wasn’t there for pretty patterns on the floor but the stained glass windows, I do remember attending mass in the crypt as well.
The Chartres labyrinth is one of several in France and Northern Italy.
I’m a bit confused as to why someone copying the design of
the Chartres labyrinth on to an electronic board is significant.
image from here
So what? I wouldn’t be surprised if a significant number of our professional aborigines have the European or Caucasian group on their birth certificates.
So a cost of $1,000 for every man, woman, child and qwerty in Canberra.
I wonder where the money will come from?
Fit, armed and God-loving, mid-20s: US secret leaker identified
Washington: The man behind a massive leak of US government secrets that has exposed spying on allies, revealed the grim prospects for Ukraine’s war with Russia and ignited diplomatic fires for the White House is a young, charismatic gun enthusiast who shared highly classified documents with a group of far-flung acquaintances searching for companionship amid the isolation of the pandemic.
United by their mutual love of guns, military gear and God, the group of roughly two dozen – mostly men and boys – formed an invitation-only clubhouse in 2020 on Discord, an online platform popular with gamers. But they paid little attention last year when the man some call “OG” posted a message laden with strange acronyms and jargon. The words were unfamiliar, and few people read the long note, one of the members explained. But he revered OG, the elder leader of their tiny tribe, who claimed to know secrets that the government withheld from ordinary people.
The young member read OG’s message closely, and the hundreds more that he said followed on a regular basis for months. They were, he recalled, what appeared to be near-verbatim transcripts of classified intelligence documents that OG indicated he had brought home from his job on a “military base”, which the member declined to identify.
OG claimed he spent at least some of his day inside a secure facility that prohibited mobile phones and other electronic devices, which could be used to document the secret information housed on government computer networks or spooling out from printers.
He annotated some of the hand-typed documents, the member said, translating arcane intel-speak for the uninitiated, such as explaining that “NOFORN” meant the information in the document was so sensitive it must not be shared with foreign nationals.
OG told the group he toiled for hours writing up the classified documents to share with his companions in the Discord server he controlled. The gathering spot had been a pandemic refuge, particularly for teen gamers locked in their houses and cut off from their real-world friends.
His account was corroborated by a second member who read many of the same classified documents shared by OG, and who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Both members said they know OG’s real name as well as the state where he lives and works but declined to share that information while the FBI is hunting for the source of the leaks.
The Post also reviewed approximately 300 photos of classified documents, most of which have not been made public; some of the text documents OG is said to have written out; an audio recording of a man the two group members identified as OG speaking to his companions; and chat records and photographs that show OG communicating with them on the Discord server.
A breach of secrecy
The photographs of printed secret documents now seen by millions may offer clues to the federal agents searching for OG. Reality Winner, who leaked secret National Security Agency documents to the news website the Intercept in 2017, was compromised by secret markings on printouts that helped narrow the search. OG’s documents look to have been printed on ordinary paper and were creased after having been folded in four. Sometimes, the photographs OG took of the documents appeared to have been taken over a bed. Items such as Gorilla Glue, a scope manual and nail clippers appeared in the margins. Other previously unreported images reviewed by The Post showed printed documents lying on top of a glowing red keyboard.
The breadth of the military and intelligence reports was extensive. For months, OG regularly uploaded page after page of classified US assessments, offering a window into how deeply American intelligence had penetrated the Russian military, showing that Egypt had planned to sell Russia tens of thousands of rockets and suggesting that Russian mercenaries had approached Turkey, a NATO ally, to buy weapons to fight against Ukraine.
At least one of the documents appeared to have been printed from Intellipedia, a data-sharing system that intelligence agencies use to collaborate and post reports and articles.
The documents were another lesson for younger members in how OG thought the world really worked. The member said OG wasn’t hostile to the US government, and he insisted that he was not working on behalf of any country’s interests.
“Most people in the server were smart enough as to kind of realise that . . . they shouldn’t be posted anywhere else,” the member said. And yet, the group contained foreign citizens – including from Russia and Ukraine, the members said – a defiance of the NOFORN warning printed across the top of so many documents OG shared.
The member estimated that the server hosted people from Europe, Asia and South America. “Just about every walk of life.”
Of the roughly 25 active members who had access to the bear-vs-pig channel, about half were located overseas, the member said. The ones who seemed most interested in the classified material claimed to be from mostly “Eastern Bloc and those post-Soviet countries,” he said. “The Ukrainians had interest as well,” which the member chalked up to interest in the war ravaging their homeland.
For years, US counter-intelligence officials have eyed gaming platforms as a magnet for spies. Russian intelligence operatives have been suspected of befriending gamers who they believe work for intelligence agencies and encouraging them to divulge classified information, a senior US official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information.
It’s not clear whether any of those efforts have been successful. But if foreign operatives finagled an invitation to OG’s server, they would have been free to view the documents and make copies of them, as some members did.
The server sprouts a leak
All winter, OG uploaded documents to the server. No one talked about sharing them elsewhere. Then, unbeknown to the group, on February 28, another teenage user from the Thug Shaker Central server began posting several dozen photographs showing classified documents on another Discord server affiliated with the YouTuber “wow_mao”. Some of the documents offered detailed assessments of Ukraine’s defence capabilities and showed how far US intelligence could see into Russia’s military command.
On March 4, 10 documents appeared on “Minecraft Earth Map”, a Discord server focused on the popular video game. A user operating the account that posted the smaller tranche of images told The Post they obtained them on wow_mao.
Secret and top-secret documents were now available to thousands of Discord users, but the leak wouldn’t come to the attention of US authorities for another month.
Meanwhile, OG stopped sharing images in the middle of March. On April 5, classified documents assessing the war in Ukraine were posted on Russian Telegram channels and the message board platform 4chan, and began migrating to Twitter. One image, showing a March 1 Ukraine status update, had been crudely doctored to inflate the number of Ukrainian casualties and downplay those on the Russian side.
The next day, shortly before The New York Times first reported on the leak, OG came into the server “frantic, which is unusual for him,” the member said.
“He said something had happened, and he prayed to God that this event would not happen. . . . But now it’s in God’s hands.”
Not a whistleblower
For all OG’s disdain for the federal government, the member said there was no indication that he was acting in what he thought was the public interest by exposing official secrets. The classified documents were intended only to benefit his online family, the member said.
“I would definitely not call him a whistleblower. I would not call OG a whistleblower in the slightest,” he said, resisting comparisons to Edward Snowden, who shared classified documents about government surveillance with journalists.
Remarkably, the member said he has been in touch with OG in the past few days, even as an FBI manhunt is underway and the Pentagon launches its own inquiry into the leaks. After shuttering the Thug Shaker Central server, OG moved the community to another server to communicate with his online family.
He “seemed very confused and lost as to what to do,” the member said. “He’s fully aware of what’s happening and what the consequences may be. He’s just not sure on how to go about solving this situation. . . . He seems pretty distraught about it.”
In his final message to his companions, OG admonished them to “keep low and delete any information that could possibly relate to him,” the member said. That included any copies of the classified documents OG had shared.
The member said he was confident the authorities would find OG. But when they do, he won’t be charged. Instead, he believes, OG will be imprisoned without due process at Guantánamo Bay or disappeared to a “black site,” if he’s not “assassinated” for what he knows.
The member, as well as the OG follower who corroborated his account, found no fault in their leader’s actions and instead said they blamed the teen who posted the documents on the wow_mao server for wrecking their community.
“Maybe we should have had better opsec,” the member said, harnessing the jargon of military and intelligence personnel for “operations security”.
He insisted said he would not divulge OG’s identity or location to law enforcement until he was captured or could flee the United States. “I think I might be detained eventually. . . . I think there might be a short investigation on how I knew this guy and they’ll try to get something out of me. They might try to threaten me with prison time if I don’t reveal their identity.”
At the time of writing, no federal law enforcement officials have contacted the young group member. Asked why he was prepared to help OG even at the risk of his own freedom, the young man replied without hesitation: “He was my best friend”.
The Washington Post
He is a professional punching bag. Not worth the anger.
Now there’s a special super secret meaning to rose windows ?
the history of ‘Rose’ Windows.
From the Oz.
April 13, 2023 at 3:21 pm
I’m a bit confused as to why someone copying the design of
the Chartres labyrinth on to an electronic board is significant.
Have fun finding out.
[Blowing you a kiss]
Ed Casesays:
April 13, 2023 at 2:12 pm
Adrian Ernest Bayley is his name.
Why did you write Ernest yesterday and leave Adrian out?
Any reason in particular?
To give you the opportunity to practise your Google-fu, which has been failing you of late?
The rose windows are beautiful aren’t they? The glass at Chartres is amazing – they had cleaned about half of it when I visited. On that day most of the town was shut, so I had plenty of time to walk around the place.
Definitely didn’t do the labyrinth on my knees either. Ouch! And yes, there were quite a few chairs in the way, but on that particular day they had cleared a good wide aisle down the middle.
There’s a book called “The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral” by Louis Charpentier. I have it on the bookshelf somewhere, as at one stage I was very interested in gothic architecture. It had a lot of stuff in it about alchemy and how the designers perceived the world. And a lot of techniques, like glass making, have been lost. I have been fortunate enough to have visited many of the world’s most beautiful gothic cathedrals and I’m still blown away with what they were able to achieve.
Thus proving the inadequacy of the printed word over the spoken.
Oh well, no harm done after clarification all round.
(Personally I think the format – while adequate for most purposes, I just prefer the other one where comment is added to each comment. Not sequentially.)
That video was great Steve.
We used to do experiments with wave lengths and such in physics at school. That different sounds at different wave lengths/resonances have such effects on various materials has been known for a long time.
And the mystics would tell you it’s the Music of the Spheres. 😀
( :
Cymatics in the Church and the Connection with Music
I know a mother personally who is quite devastated. And the child in question was certainly influenced by social media. Autistic girls prefer online relationships and are highly impressionable
Wow. Just wow.
Why are there so many autistic children these days? I didn’t know a single one when I went to school and my high school was a large girls only school, 1200 of us. I don’t think it’s vaccines because Silicon Valley had/has a very high rate of autistic or Asperger kids.
Poles have long memories and few friends, not because they’re unlikeable but because they keep getting in the way of armies going in one direction or the other.
Who was the wanker that helped ban her from this country? Answer that in your head.
These people DISGUST me. How dare they destroy Khan’s cameras. £6.69 … from ToolStation
‘Malfunction’ or fired without target lock?
ABCcess spokesmuppett opining about the cyclone due to hit NW WA.
Apparently Telfer is in trouble from it.
Because of the 200+ kmph winds.
About 500km inland……
FMD, telfer will get what it always gets – mud and no vehicles in/out for weeks.
Of course, it was a slight oversight that this plot to take over the world did not include the industrial capacity to keep the military in bully beef and bullets after the first six weeks.
Or perhaps our source is… some random on Twitter with a taste for drama.
Great view of it here:
frollicking, you had me at
Its going to be a shit of a storm if it hits near anyone, dont get me wrong.
But catastrophizing that a place 500ks inland will cop the same sort of destruction as costal areas is idiocy on stilts, with a bright red nose, ferrets down it trousers and a squirty flower lapel.
I like Elon but like all ruinable advocates his big brain turns to mush when discussing them: his latest report on how the world can go full w&s in a few years:
As can be seen in the graphic above, Tesla’s top people are claiming that over the next 20 years or so, the countries of the world can install 30.5 terawatts of weather-dependent generation capacity. That’s a bold claim given that it took the U.S. more than a century to reach our current generation capacity of about 1.2 terawatts, which includes all the power plants in the country, including nuclear, solar, hydro, wind, coal, gas, biomass, and oil.
But the number that jumped off the screen when I read the Master Plan was this one: 240. That’s the number of terawatt-hours (TWh) of battery storage the authors of the report say will be needed to make the jump to weather-dependent renewables. I won’t quibble over the number even though it sounds awfully low. (Global electricity production in 2021 was more than 28,000 TWh.)
Nevertheless, it only takes a minute to understand why that 240 TWh of storage is so gobsmackingly silly. First some basics. Recall that 1 TWh is equal to 1,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh) and that one Gigafactory can manufacture about 50 GWh of batteries per year. Tesla currently has 5 Gigafactories. Thus, Tesla’s current battery storage output is, in rough terms, 250 GWh per year. Now recall that the Master Plan requires 240 TWh, which is 240,000 GWh. Therefore, as can be seen in the graphic directly above, producing 240,000 GWh of battery capacity would require the output of all of Tesla’s existing Gigafactories for the next 960 years.
But let’s give Elon Musk and his people the benefit of the doubt and assume Tesla can expand its output ten-fold, to 50 Gigafactories. Even with that mega-expansion, manufacturing 240,000 GWh of storage would still take 96 years. And of course, these calculations assume there’s enough copper, lithium, cobalt, nickel, grain oriented electrical steel, wood poles, and other kit that will be needed to massively expand our electric grid and electrify everything. It also assumes that we have enough linemen, electricians, and wrench turners to do all that work, and that inflation, which is running rampant in utility products, slows down. Needless to say, those are very big assumptions.
If someone as smart as Elon can espouse such unmitigated crap what hope is there for brain dead tards like turtle.
There’s a book called “The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral” by Louis Charpentier. I have it on the bookshelf somewhere, as at one stage I was very interested in gothic architecture.
An Australian architect, John James. wrote his PhD on Chartres & medieval architecture. I knew him years ago when he gave up architecture (he won awards for the famous Readers Digest building with its roo garden) & became a bit of a hippie making goats cheese (Mededith Cheese?) from his herd of goats near Lithgow and teaching, I think, meditative practices. Interesting fellow, he worked for a time for Dick Dusseldorp of Lend Lease in developing the early village Thredbo. I came across him while attending the Coronial Inquest for the Thredbo Landslide, for which he gave evidence.
As if the Poles haven’t ever wandered in lands that weren’t their own. This isn’t to say that anyone is blameless but the poor beggar Poland is tiresome.
That should read “roof” garden!
To be fair Dover they don’t much like Germans either. 😀
Why are there so many autistic children these days? I didn’t know a single one when I went to school and my high school was a large girls only school, 1200 of us.
Being 75 I was a kid at school long before ‘autism” was invented .. I knew by the time I was 8 that I was “different’ to the kids I was growing up with .. I was also aware that my sort of being “different” was not the sort of thing to advertise … not in the 1950s, anyway! …
I’ve lived my entire life as “normal” quite simply because I went to a lot of effort to blend in until it became 2nd nature to me .. I’ve just got on with life raised 4 kids and kept it to myself .. never been diagnosed, treated or taken drugs for it .. and that’s how it will stay ..
Actually 270 km from the beach, cobber.
And I remember Cyclone Alby – damage across southwest WA, burning sheepshit bowling over the ground, trees dropping in our path as we tried to control the fires, and a neighbour dead as a tree dropped on her when she took sandwiches to the firefighters.
Telfer, though, is full-on cyclone country and should be buttoned down just fine.
It’s a little different. They were halved between the Nazis and the Soviets and then handed over to Stalin after the war, living under the Soviet jackboot until the wall came down. They have clear memories because a large number of them are still alive to remember what it was like.
Which one of you ‘orrible lot knows about this?
Sorry – first line is calli’s.
How many people know about this place?
“Built in the 80’s?”
F*uck off!
Inconclusive Research (Chronicles of Georgia to Petra)
Going fee in the Kimberlys was three cartons of VB.
Been to Petra. An earthquake wrecked the place. They had problems with water also.
No Holy Grail though. And no seal on the floor. Oh well. 😀
Seriously though, it’s a “must see” for your bucket list, as well as sunset/sunrise over Wadi Rhum. Even if there are camels.
Zulu, they’ve lived in the States too long.
Chinese Troops Ordered to Up Training: ‘Actual Combat’ | China In Focus
01:12 Chinese Troops Ordered to Up Training: ‘Actual Combat’
02:21 Why Beijing Wants to Take Taiwan: Ret. Colonel
03:50 China to Impose No-Fly Zone near Taiwan
04:57 ‘You Do Not Speak for Europe’: Macron Remarks Under Fire
06:47 French President Macron: ‘I Am a Maoist’
09:26 Japanese Minister: World at ‘Turning Point in History’
10:42 Japan to R&D Long-Range Missiles Amid Beijing Tensions
11:22 Taiwan’s VP Running in Presidential Election
12:32 CIA Director Warns of Russia-China Relationship
13:28 Mother of Shen Yun Dancer Imprisoned for Her Faith
WA geography contest!
France braces for 12th day of protests against Macron’s pension law • FRANCE 24 English
Meanwhile in Peoples Republic of Dan on Highest. Word around town is a Tunnel Boring Machine has gone done stuck itself. Not sure if its the Joan Kirner or other.
Gee, that’s pretty impressive. Australia holds 2% of the world’s currency reserves. It doesn’t sound much, but it’s a lot considered our size.
US? Holds 60%!
Rabbitohs vs Dolphins tonight.
Oldest NRL club vs. newest.
Go, Flippers!
JC, I’ve asked you this before – some years ago; however…
The Kennedys: are they still rich and, if so, how TF?
None of them have done anything since old Joe amassed the original fortune.
Poland government official –
The Evil Empire has been reborn in the East. Russian barbarians threaten not only Ukraine. They threaten all of Europe and the whole free world. This is no mere incident, no coincidence, no maniac’s impulse. Putin has been building his Evil Empire for 23 years, in preparation for this conflict.
New Europe understands this. It is time that Old Europe understood it too.
Got to be those magic mushrooms from the pine forests again.
April 13, 2023 at 5:32 pm
JC, I’ve asked you this before – some years ago; however…
The Kennedys: are they still rich and, if so, how TF?
None of them have done anything since old Joe amassed the original fortune.
They have Warren Buffet to help them with their Investments. And just follow the Money.
Cat 5 now.
Sustained winds of 205kph and gusts to 285.
‘Storm’s a’comin, Maw!’
Fair Shakesays:
April 13, 2023 at 5:18 pm
Meanwhile in Peoples Republic of Dan on Highest. Word around town is a Tunnel Boring Machine has gone done stuck itself. Not sure if its the Joan Kirner or other.
And the other Tunnel Boring Machine is still stuck in a tunnel entrance trying to do the ‘Snowy 2 Thingy’ in the Snowy Mountains. You know, that one that Malcolm ‘TurnBullShit’ said was going to save Australia. FFS.
‘That is such an ABC question.’
That was Dutton to an ABC reporter during a presser where he was asked ‘what evidence do you have that children are being sexually abused in Alice Springs?’
Then, magically, there were ‘technical difficulties’.
This was probably covered earlier today, but I just saw it again on Skah and by geez it deserves another run.
I dunno. Ol’ Joe left a pretty hefty sum of money, which was around US400 million at the time he died I think. I’d assume the moolah was left in trust and family members can’t gain access to the capital. Depending on the what the trust says, I’d assume there’s a periodic release of income but capital is locked up. Look, US%400 million in those days was a shit load of money and would be in the billions now.
A lot of these old families in the US live that way. The Rockefeller money is still around but very much spread out with a large family group to support and feed.
You’re purportedly the “national broadcaster”…why aren’t you covering it?
Daily Mail. Peak stupidity.
This quote was from the evolutionary biologist (Colin someone not Hirschfeld whoever he is) who spoke of diagnostic difficulties medicos face with intersex patients. People are not usually diagnosed as intersex simply from retained testes but because of more complex genetic sexual abnormalities in which retained testes may play some part.
That quote was from me, making the point that in the past intersex people didn’t have the option of surgery to normalise their genitalia. Nor were they able to get chromosomal confirmations of what had gone wrong. What would you like these genetically anomalous people to do, Head Case? Have no chance of a life as a sexed being? The choice is always theirs, but most opt to become as normal as possible, opting to be either male or female. These days the pressure is on them to join in the transgender foolery, revel in their abnormalities, remain sexually ‘incoherent’, and like many transgenders, ‘incoherent’ by choice not by a genetic defect, end up with a high suicide rate.
More here
Get a load of the Waltons!!!! The Kennedy’s are dirt poor by comparison.
Assume, as I said above that they aren’t touching the capital residing in the trusts and using income to fund the family. Assume, and I think it would be a decent assumption, that the loot is well diversified through the stock-market and various investments.
The Dow Jones was around 17,000 in 2015. It’s 33,600 now. That US$1.2 billion would be around $US2.4 billion now.
From Wiki:
The reason I ask is I was reading about RFK Jr’s life. Pretty charmed existence but no evidence of commercial enterprise of any kind.
Joseph P. Kennedy was one of the most ruthless bastards I’ve ever read about. Basically, the old Boston WASP Brahmans wouldn’t let him in the club when he started in business (banking). He was pretty hate-motivated and he majorly made them pay.
The reporters on the ABC all seem to have that same voice.
Wow. ‘The Trojan Voice’. Very noice indeed.
We should use it frequently to explain what this Referendum will set in place.
It’s a good shorthand for what Albo is intent on rolling out for Australia.
Formatting fail.
OK. So yes. They are still hugely rich.
How do they who’s Kennedy, Walton and Rockefeller enough to score a stipend, though?
Their legal bills must be astronomical.
He was a ruthless bastard by all accounts.
To be fair though CL, American WASPS aren’t picky in terms of who they dislike. They dislike everyone equally and don’t distinguish between say blacks, Irish, Italians or Jews. They’re all the same.
Lead new story tonight – Wesley Mission closing nursing homes. The horror!
This is what happens when government controls every aspect of a sector. They can’t charge more, they have to pay out more and they are operating at a loss.
“To be fair though CL, American WASPS aren’t picky in terms of who they dislike. They dislike everyone equally and don’t distinguish between say blacks, Irish, Italians or Jews. They’re all the same.”
Yep….also, Caroline Kennedy is probably the wealthiest Kennedy, she inherited a lot of money from her mother and brother. Remember, her mother had received a massive settlement from the Onassis family in the late 1970s.
Happening to me too, Tom.
I think there’s a glitch somewhere, because it doesn’t look like that when I draft it.
I assume the differentiation is “American”.
Something about new requirements for RNs being on duty 24/7, iirc.
Dutton’s smackdown of the arrogant ABC piece of shit was sublime.
More please Mr Dutton.
Minor issue, but frustrating nonetheless.
Take your time.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 13, 2023 at 5:57 pm
Wow. ‘The Trojan Voice’. Very noice indeed.
Unfortunately, unless they watched Brad Pitt in Troy right to the end, very few of the younger generations are likely to understand the allusion.
“Honey Birdette used non-binary person Jake Dupree in ad
Campaign subjected to homophobic and transphobic slurs”
Honey Birdette, in its advertising, has long engaged in outright pornography and it has been the subject of multiple complaints. I’m not surprised about this use of a “non-binary” anything to push boundaries. No surprises about this. Honey Birdette “lingerie” is cheap porno trash, it isn’t “erotic”. There’s a big difference between erotica and porn.
This is what happens when government controls every aspect of a sector. They can’t charge more, they have to pay out more and they are operating at a loss.
Something about new requirements for RNs being on duty 24/7, iirc.
That cant be right.
I distinctly recall a (labour) taxeater on the wireless assuring me that because it was now a legal requirement for all nursing home operators it was up to them to comply or be operating illegally.
Therefore there would be enough nurses despite a shortage because……. we legislated there would be.
This is the same level of magical thinking designing the green power grid/ jobs of the future/ defense commitments etc etc….
“As if the Poles haven’t ever wandered in lands that weren’t their own. This isn’t to say that anyone is blameless but the poor beggar Poland is tiresome.”
Correct, oh and Poland has invaded Russia on numerous occasions. The last time was in 1919. It was the Polish invasion of Russia in 1919 that actually strengthened the Bolshevik regime, and united both White and Red Russians to fight the Poles.
Ol’ Joe was one of if not the most successful trader in history. He essentially ran a hedge fund of old ( they were called syndicates then I think) and made a fortune shorting stocks during the Depression. If he ran booze, good luck to him, because prohibition was puritan evil crap.
Cats and Kittehs on Twitter might like to encourage him.
I think this little timeline isnt going to help this grub…
The man accused of leaking information about Australian soldiers’ alleged war crimes in Afghanistan has finally received a trial date, four years after he was charged.
Former military officer and lawyer David McBride faces five charges, including theft, disclosing information in breach of the Crimes Act and unlawfully giving classified information under the Defence Act.
His trial in the ACT Supreme Court will begin in November.
Mr McBride allegedly passed on classified documents to three journalists.
Details of the alleged war crimes were first made public in 2017 in an ABC series known as the Afghan Files.
Earlier, the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force had commissioned an investigation of “rumours” of potential war crimes, which led to the so-called Brereton report.
So whats his “whistleblowing” then. An investigation was underway and he thought hed poison the well by leaking to the ABCcess??
How good is life at the top? .. Sydney metro cost are running at $28billion over original estimates yet the incoming gummint sez, “Meh, we’ll just look at streamlining the ongoing model” ..
and now don’t expect to finish before 2030, 5 years later than the original forecast ..!
No one being blamed, no heads rolling, just a s**t happens attitude .. FFS!
The Feds rolled out ROBODEBT, ruined hundreds of lives and ended up with a Royal Commission for less than half of the Metro overrun but in NSW it’ll be promotions, rises & bonuses, instead …..!
This morning I watched Elon Musk smack down a smug BBC piece of shit.
This afternoon I watched Peter Dutton smack down a smug ABC piece of shit.
Please Sirs I want some more!
Wodney, Buffet doesn’t manage outside money. He manages money inside his entity, which is Berkshire. If Kennedy’s, or anyone else wanted to invest with Buffet they are free to do so by buying Berkshire. STFU and stick to posting Marty’s bullshit, you imbecile.
But I thought that before the election Albo said the government was going to fund it. You mean he lied?
The ABC’s own coverage on the 7PM news would be interesting, if for no other reason than to see how they edit it. Not interesting enough to actually watch it though.
Joseph P. Kennedy … Harvard, Class of 1912.
At the 25th Anniversary Dinner in 1937, he got up to make a speech and was booed until he sat down again.
Yeah, WASPs again, but perhaps he just wasn’t much of a bloke too.
the poor beggar Poland is tiresome.
sure is – cloying and twee
Transgenders love intersex people. They use them to ‘prove’ that there are more than two sexes in nature, which is simply not the case. Genuinely intersex people are born with a reproductive chromosomal malfunctioning expressing as an embryological error. There are numerous categories of intersex development, not just one. A lot of things can go wrong during the exchange of two half sets of chromosomes that happen when a human sperm fertilises a human egg; external teratogenic input during embryological development in utero can also cause problems (which is why I am horrified that ‘trans men’ take testosterone during pregnancy, risking severe adrenal hypoplasia in the foetus).
There are many types of chromosomal malfunctioning, expressed as syndromes, such as Down Syndrome. Some produce intersex individuals. It is extremely complex, depending on which type.
Sydney metro cost are running at $28billion over original estimates yet the incoming gummint sez, “Meh, we’ll just look at streamlining the ongoing model” ..
and now don’t expect to finish before 2030, 5 years later than the original forecast ..!
No one being blamed, no heads rolling, just a s**t happens attitude .. FFS!
“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 13, 2023 at 6:38 pm”
Well said Lizzie.
Did someone say “funding shortfall?
In fact, Labor predicted small operators would struggle to comply.
Did the news report mention that?
A long time ago I did some work for a surgeon* who specialised in babies who didn’t conform to either gender. This was externally.
He was very emphatic – this was extremely rare. They would undergo rigorous testing and the parents would be consulted. Often they decided to wait.
This modern nonsense is about mental health, nothing to do with the physical manifestations at all.
* loved to talk to people about what they did for a living and often surprised.
Yep. As we passed by the the series of slowly turning wind turbines on hills near Canberra, Hairy comments that’s the signal we are now going through fantasy lands.
I noted too that only some of them were turning.
He was making mouth movements.
Their Narrabeen site is developer gold. Out with the old in with $$$.
seems that smartarses who push themselves into places where they are not welcome get the raspberry. who knew?
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 13, 2023 at 5:49 pm
Daily Mail. Peak stupidity.
Nah; potential PS™, might be thorpie fellating rub and tug on the steps of parliament while the abc reports it as a manifestation of climate change.
“He was very emphatic – this was extremely rare.”
Yes, rare, very rare. It is insulting to these people with this rare condition to be compared to autogynephiliac perverts.
I’m sad that Wesley Mission have to close their homes. They are being ground between the gears of the monolithic state. I don’t agree with all their understanding of the Bible, but they’ve always been very keen to help ordinary people. Which is what our Lord did also.
Ford and GM getting more like Lada- the USA getting more like the USSR
I don’t know about the lower end of the spectrum but when I was still at school severely autistic children were institutionalised in places like Kew Cottages.
Big Not For Profits threw their lot in with Big Government some time ago. Hard to have much sympathy, although many of the rank and file further down the foodchain do selfless work.
Thanks, Cassie. Except that should be severe adrenal hyperplasia. Not hypoplasia. Typo.
I think Google might have offices in Merchandise Mart. It might even own it now. It is MASSIVE.
“I thought my daffodils were yellow, until I met Joe Kennedy.” Randolph Churchill.
True, but on the nursing home front Wesley weren’t a big player.
They still have some residential places for severe autism, one not far from us in Vaucluse, which also can offer respite care. Autism was known only as a severe spectrum of developmental delay as late as the 1960’s. As ‘care in the family’ became more usual then milder forms of autism began to be recognised; until then families struggled with ‘difficult’ children alone. There were plenty of them, called ‘naughty’ or ‘highly strung’ or ‘not all there’ or similar things. Now the pendulum has swung too far the other way, and what are in part parental issues in failures of routine and boundary setting are now being poorly judged in their children as ‘autism’. It’s complex, like most things in life. Neuro-atypical is the new buzzword.
They have Warren Buffet to help them with their Investments. And just follow the Money.
What the hell does this mean?
No matter.
The neo-Jacobins will compress it into a three word slogan.
This was mid 1970s. I remember one little girl who apparently spent all her waking moments pouring water from one glass to another.
Given the breadth of the spectrum I suspect many of us could claim to be on it.
My Dad always said Joe Kennedy was a crook and a coward who made his money bootlegging. Interestingly an Iti-Yank I met from Poughkeepsie once said exactly the same thing. I suppose if the CIA wanted to knock off JFK he must have had something going for him.
As for Ted- I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. Are most of the electors in Massachusetts cretins? Reelecting hat grub year after year and Markey too. FMD.
Sadly, the autogynophilliac transgender ideologues, the mentally confused crowd, seize upon any sort of non-uniformity in secondary sexual characteristics to lay claim to a ‘multi-gendered’ world of more than two sexes. Hence women with severe polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is virilising, are hauled into the transgender camp, and told to proudly sport their beards. The same happens with various other sorts of syndromes, such as Turner’s Syndrome or Cushing’s Syndrome, which create sexual anomalies. So people who might seek to ameliorate these distressing conditions in various ways are told, to their emotional detriment, to proudly display them.
Hairy and I once stayed overnight in a hotel in St. Kilda in Melbourne where a ‘transgender conference’ was going on. I shared the lift with some very odd looking people. I felt very sorry for a lot of them, although not the ‘I’m a lady’ type of males who were running the show. This was about nine years ago, and this movement was pretty new then. Hairy couldn’t get out of that hotel fast enough. Nor could I, because they all stared at me in the lift as the odd one out. Creepy, actually.
Crossie pronounces:
Why are there so many autistic children these days?
I didn’t know a single one …
I don’t think it’s vaccines because Silicon Valley had/has a very high rate of autistic or Asperger kids.
Silicon Valley kids are exempted from vaccination?
You’re sure about that?
What do you think of “Public” as a broker, particularly for treasuries?
I looked into Australian high yield bonds and the broker doesn’t get the message, if you get my number by nefarious methods, I will keep on dodging your calls.
“Regulated Broker-Dealer
We are US-based, and our broker-dealer is fully regulated by the SEC and FINRA.
Your assets are insured
Our SIPC membership protects your US listed securities (up to $500k) and cash (up to $250k).
No payment for order flow
Unlike other brokers, we don’t sell your trades to market makers or third parties.”
So they’re less dodgy than Robin Hood and Citadel…
I am related to someone whose baby had a deformed sexual organ at birth. The doctors asked them how they wanted to register the birth, male or female. They were very practical and asked for a DNA test which came back definitely XY so they went with it. During the early years the boy had a number of operations to construct a workable penis. Surgeons assured the parents that he will have a normal sex life. I can say that he is definitely a normal boy.
April 13, 2023 at 5:29 pm
Rabbitohs vs Dolphins tonight.
Oldest NRL club vs. newest.
Go, Flippers!
Has anyone looked into the RESTRICT Act?
Seems terrible, like the PATRIOT Act I &II, TIA, etc.
Uncle Francis a Tiwi elder is not impressed with the voice.
In the immortal words of Dorthy Evans….”Why wasnt I told”
Commandeering scarce shipping space, to have whisky transported across the North Atlantic, at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic, to be sold on the black market, did his reputation no good.
I did not say that at all. I read that there is a higher incidence of autism and Asperger syndrome in Silicon Valley which means that vaccines are not likely to be the cause as these children would have the same rate of vaccination as the population as a whole. Therefore there must be some other reason.
It’s really, really bad.
“The bill doesn’t actually guarantee that TikTok will be banned—its text doesn’t even mention TikTok or ByteDance. But it would give the secretary of Commerce and president broad power to ban mobile or desktop applications and other types of technology products from countries regarded as threats to national security.
The bill language the EFF was referring to says, “No person may engage in any transaction or take any other action with intent to evade the provisions of this Act, or any regulation, order, direction, mitigation measure, prohibition, or other authorization or directive issued thereunder.”
The EFF analysis continued:
Even if the bill’s sponsors do not intend it, giving the Commerce Department broad authority to impose crushing criminal penalties on any person trying to evade a ‘mitigation measure’ is dangerous. For example, in the case of a mitigation measure that bars the importation of TikTok into the US, it authorizes penalties, including 25 years of prison time, for any person who brings TikTok into the US, whether by use of a VPN or downloading it while in another country.
Generally speaking, the bill would “give more power to the executive branch and remove many of the commonsense restrictions that exist under the Foreign Intelligence Services Act (FISA)” and the Berman Amendments, the EFF said….”
Dover Beach:
Eastern Europe remembers the Red Army raping and murdering its way to Berlin when not even the women in Ravensbruk were safe from the hordes.
They take their history pretty damn seriously, which is why I do not understand a defence pact from Estonia to Bulgaria.
Micropenis accounts for 0.6% of men, that one wouldn’t be much fun. Who weeps for their plight among the qwerties.
I am kicking myself I did not buy an inaugural round Dolphins NRL jersey.
When I’m minted, how much will Dolphins RLFC soak me to buy a signed inaugural round jersey?
I’m guessing 20k and maybe 50k in 20+ years time.
Bolt currently has Warren Mundine on his program. I agree with him, Warren would be a great replacement for the late Senator Jim Molan. I voted for Jim below the line so I have a right to express my preference for his replacement.
I read that there is a higher incidence of autism and Asperger syndrome in Silicon Valley which means that vaccines are not likely to be the cause as these children would have the same rate of vaccination as the population as a whole.
The metropolitan areas are going to have higher Vaccination rates than the Boondocks, and Silicon Valley even higher, since it’s full of Hindus who will be having the mandated vaccinations plus travelers vaccinations.
Commandeering scarce shipping space, to have whisky transported across the North Atlantic, at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic, to be sold on the black market, did his reputation no good.
wow- that’s a new one to me
Hope I haven’t mucked this up.
Today’s Oz:
Don’t confuse ‘legally sound’ for logically sound on voice to parliament
The Mocker
2:22PM APRIL 13, 2023
If nothing else, the shenanigans over the proposed Indigenous voice to parliament have provided a fascinating case study of how to, or rather how not to, make the case for constitutional change. The latest example is Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s cheesy assurance that Solicitor-General Dr Stephen Donaghue KC, has (apparently) placed his tickety-boo stamp on the government’s proposal.
“The Solicitor-General’s views are very clear in support for this change – that it’s legally sound,” Albanese told Sky News on Sunday. “And through the process we will be … he will, I’m sure, take the opportunity through … Attorney-General [Mark Dreyfus KC] to make that position clear.”
To which one might say: isn’t that just peachy? There are several reasons to celebrate, not the least of which is that Albanese finally realised it would be a good idea to consult the second law officer – you know, the primary counsel for the commonwealth – about changing the constitution. He had not done so as of January, despite having announced the proposed referendum wording nearly six months before.
But the proposal has cleared the Donaghue desk now, and that is all that matters, right? Wrong. Let’s analyse the Albo-lingo first, beginning with the phrase “legally sound”. Do not conflate that with logically sound. In the context of the referendum proposal, it simply means the proposed amendment, if carried, would be lawful.
To put it tactfully, that is a good start. To put it bluntly, that is of little reassurance, given a successful amendment can still be legally sound even if it results in constitutional chaos and protracted litigation. In the case of the voice, critics cite a worst-case possibility of an activist group hellbent on co-governance by stymieing the executive to extract concessions. Think of it as death by enforced consultation.
Pro-voice campaigners in turn reject these claims. Understandably the public is confused and wary. Albanese has exacerbated this uncertainty by not funding a No campaign and refusing to hold a constitutional convention. Add to that Dreyfus’s refusal to release the Solicitor-General’s advice, and we are left with the perception of an equivocating and duplicitous government that treats constituents with contempt.
Albanese’s latest comments do nothing to dispel that perception. Contrary to reports, he has not agreed to release Donaghue’s advice. He has merely undertaken that the solicitor-general will publicly confirm the lawfulness of the proposal. As for the potential constitutional ramifications of the voice, Albanese has conveniently ensured any warnings can remain under the cloak of legal privilege.
To be clear, there is no suggestion that Donaghue has done anything other than fulfil the requirements of his role. He has properly observed the principles that ensure his position remains outside politics. Should his office become compromised, it will not be through his doing but rather that of the prime minister and especially the Attorney-General.
When in Opposition, Dreyfus stridently denounced the Coalition, claiming it had “attacked” the rule of law during its nine years in power. Campaigning last year, he promised that Labor would, if elected, “undergo repair work from week one”. But far from doing that, he has, through his remarkable selectivity, left himself open to accusations of political expediency.
As has been well documented, Dreyfus last year cheerfully released legal advice from Donaghue concerning former prime minister Scott Morrison and the five ministerial portfolios he secretly held. No law was broken in that respect, but nonetheless Donaghue found Morrison’s actions “fundamentally undermined” the “principles of responsible government”.
So how did Dreyfus try to explain his refusal to part with the advice concerning the voice?
“It would be inconsistent with longstanding practice that successive governments, including the government for the last nine years … to release solicitor-general advice,” he told 3AW radio host Neil Mitchell last month. Attempting to differentiate the two cases when the discrepancy was pointed out to him, his rationale was comically inept. “It’s a very, very, very different situation,” he said.
We get it, Attorney-General. You waived legal privilege so that you could triumphantly shame the former government and its leader for political advantage. Whereas in this case the release of such advice would, in all likelihood, reveal the solicitor-general’s take on the ramifications of the voice to be very, very, very different from what you and the prime minister are telling the public. Would I be right?
It gets even better. As the Sydney Morning Herald reported last month, the government permitted members of the referendum working group to read Donoghue’s advice, albeit under strictly controlled conditions. To summarise, it is okay to provide this advice to activists, but it would be dangerous to release it to the electorate.
The hypocrisy does not end there. Not only does Dreyfus have priors for waiving privilege when it suits him: he also demands others do the same to suit his opportunism. For example, in 2017, during the dual citizenship imbroglio, then Coalition frontbencher Josh Frydenberg was accused of holding Hungarian citizenship by descent and thus ineligible to sit in parliament. This case was particularly sensitive given his mother had narrowly survived the Holocaust by escaping her birthplace and arriving stateless in Australia as a child via a refugee camp in 1950.
Frydenberg cited legal advice from domestic and international lawyers refuting the accusations of dual citizenship (the Federal Court later ruled in his favour). Nonetheless, Dreyfus, then shadow Attorney-General, insisted this advice be made public.
“I’m very much hoping that he can demonstrate, by just giving some of the material facts, or releasing the legal advice, that he’s got nothing to be concerned about,” he told ABC Insiders. To Labor’s credit, Dreyfus’s colleagues – including current ministers Tanya Plibersek and Ed Husic – publicly repudiated this move. “My view is the Dreyfus approach is just political tactics and not cognisant of the wider political, historical and ethical issues,” said then Labor backbencher Michael Danby.
Not much has changed. If Dreyfus will not release the Solicitor-General’s advice, then Albanese must direct the Attorney-General to do so in full. Allow me to use your favourite phrase in respect to the voice, Prime Minister. If not now, when?
Apropos of the Musk and Dutton “smackdowns”..
Travis Brown runs The Signal Productions YT channel. A recent interview with Peter Boghossian “The New Tyranny” is well worth watching.
Boghossian, James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose were the principals in the Grievance Studies Affair. Where they manufactured totally fraudulent “research” papers and had them published in “respected journals” in 2017-18, thus showing the field to be a swamp of evidence-free charlatans. Something we already suspected.
Travis also has a series of short clips: “Combating Woke Myths”, which Musk may have been aware of, as he was using the suggested questioning techniques against that BBC cretin.
Excellent channel!
Commandeering scarce shipping space, to have whisky transported across the North Atlantic, at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic, to be sold on the black market, did his reputation no good.
Prohibition ended in 1933, so I’m wondering why there would be restrictions on Whisky ten years later
No. No one gets away clean from that. The National Cabinet was a made up body and Whitlam and his Deputy held all portfolios for a while.
Because for the first time in history, 12 to 16 year-olds aren’t preponderantly employed in manual, labouring and domestic duties. Instead, they’re institutionalised – in ‘schools’ – where their neurally atypical idiosyncrasies are picked up and picked over.
My late mother-in-law was a young woman at the end of WWII and told me about the Red Army’s rampage across Europe and how young girls and women up until fifty had to be hidden to avoid being raped. Yep, memories are long and have been passed on to the younger generations. Russians do not have a good reputation for a reason.
If the ships were travelling from the UK to the US anyhow how did transporting whisky impact the Battle?
Dream big. ?
I know rosie.
It’s Loyal Orange Lodge (LOL) propaganda.
Vivek Ramaswamy and Douglas Murray.. What happened to Meritocracy?
Dream big or don’t bother.
I imagine some bastards absolutely soaking me when I’m munted.
Bolta thinks it was mean of Kid Rock to shoot cans of Bud after the skinny little dickhead became the face of Bud beer.
Battle of the Atlantic…
April 13, 2023 at 7:37 pm
Apropos of the Musk and Dutton “smackdowns”..
Travis Brown runs The Signal Productions YT channel. A recent interview with Peter Boghossian “The New Tyranny” is well worth watching.”
Thanks Gilas, I saw Boghossian when he was here a month ago. He was really good.
My late Mum – who was literally a saint and the epitomy of discretion – used occasionally to mention a friend of hers who had what is now called an ‘intersex’ child. It was a difficult situation but it was handled with great delicacy, kindness and – above all – discretion by the doctors involved. That would have been the 1950s. Contrary to the mythology popularised by leftist imbeciles, people in those days were not fools and they knew how to mind their business and lend a kind, helping hand. Not infrequently, the exemplars of this humanitarian praxis were women religious (or ‘nuns’, as the media calls all of them).
The ships were traveling from the U.S. to the United Kingdom.
Yesterday, my mildly autistic son (never diagnosed in childhood nor now as he resists it) declared over the phone, after minding Attapuss for five days, that he needed to get away from Sydney for a while. He’s not long returned from Thailand where he spent most of the time with his sometime-partner and their child, but when outside of their ambit he managed to lose his bank cards, run out of money in spite of being given sufficient, and then miss his flight home. The place he chose for his getaway was ‘a bushwalk’ from Cowan in the Kuringai National Park, down to other towns along the railway line. I was not around to supervise his preparations, so of course he made none.
So at 8.30 last night I received a panicked phone call from him. He was lost. It was night. He’d been walking in the dark and had gone off the track, because he’d been scared off a campsite by some bikies. He was cold and maybe, mum, this wasn’t such a good idea, he’s cut his finger which is bleeding a lot and torn the backside out of his jeans, and now his phone was low on charge too.
Stay calm, I say to his mounting fear and panic, settle down for the night and keep as warm as you can, when it gets light try and see where you are, and call me. Do not call anyone else, keep that bit of battery for calling me, and I will call Emergency Services to find you if you are still lost. He’s gone off to ‘find himself’ and has got himself lost, says Hairy grimly, serves him right. But I am worried. It’s raining and maybe I should call now for someone to find him, tho’ they won’t do much until morning anyway.
At midnight I get a text saying he’s home. I find out later that he’d tried to walk back in the dark through dense bushland to where there might be a track, found a minor road and was walking along it disconsolately when a motorbike rider stopped, found out he was lost, and dropped him to the nearest railroad. The saints be praised for kindly bikies.
I think I’ve had enough of the neuro-atypical for a while!
“Bolta thinks it was mean of Kid Rock to shoot cans of Bud after the skinny little dickhead became the face of Bud beer.”
Blot the wimp.
Buccaneer posted this at my blog re Dutton’s smack-down:
A smack-down isn’t enough.
You have to kick them in the balls when they’re down.
“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 13, 2023 at 7:50 pm”
Lizzie, glad it worked out okay.
the poor beggar Poland is tiresome.
sure is – cloying and twee
I’m beginning to feel some sympathy for Hitler and the Germans in 1939.
“Bolta thinks it was mean of Kid Rock to shoot cans of Bud after the skinny little dickhead became the face of Bud beer.”
really sounds like controlled opposition
Kennedy had major contracts from 1933 to sell British alcohol to the US, including Haigs whisky, not the other way round.
It makes zero sense to claim the British were making room for importations of American whisky during WWII.
And the ‘Battle of the Atlantic’ ran from 1939 to 1945.
Got it.
Joe Kennedy, what a reptile he was.
He was sending Canadian Club to the U.K., that’s where the Black Market was.
A friend’s 19 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with BPD. Apparently it is frowned upon to be neurotypical these days and they spend their time self diagnosing via doctor google and the DSM.
“I’m beginning to feel some sympathy for Hitler and the Germans in 1939.”
What an utterly offensive thing to write.
“You have to kick them in the balls when they’re down.”
Now I’m sure it’s true.
Oh wait.
There is no substantial evidence Joe Kennedy was involved in bootlegging in the prohibition era, let along during WWII when he was richer than Croesus.
The American Ambassador to Britain, using his position to import whisky, to sell on the black market?
There is no substantial evidence Joe Kennedy was involved in bootlegging in the prohibition era,
Joe Kennedy was a banker.
He funded importation of Scotch to Canada, where it was transported over the border by Bootleggers.
So, yeah, he was a Bootlegger too.
“A feel good show” from an excruciatingly unfunny comedienne. Given the fetish the almighty has for sardonic humour I predict rumours of spousal abuse cannot be too far away.
Lizzie , you should write soap operas.
The realism would knock the socks off the viewers…
My family are very boring by comparison. 😀
Evening all.
FFS Indian summer here in NQ and models have dropped any lows/cyclones forming before May. That’s it for us for this year. 6 months of boring weather beckons and floods of grey nomads ugh…
Great view of Isla on Port Headland radar. JTWC & CIMSS have it at a Cat 4, BOM Cat 5. Small and tight anyway Bedout Is now really picking up 117km sustained and 143km gusts. Bedout by the looks will be very close to the eye wall.
Anyone near the De Gray River hopefully is fully battened down. Anything above Cat 3 isn’t to be padded off. Safe night.
Steve Tickler is Erich von Däniken.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion ‘Lunacy’: Transgender People Strip Down in Front of Children in ‘Disturbing’ TV Show
The Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal has failed miserably
I think the wrangling over the Voice in the Liberal party ranks is good in that it will weed out all the people who shouldn’t be in the party at all. This issue is showing in glaring light those who are not team players and should be expelled. Either that or make it impossible for them to remain in the party. It’s an easy way of deselecting the dead wood or the cuckoo’s chicks.
Exactly, CL @7.48. My older relatives were sympathetic to people who were born with abnormalities, including the tiny minority we used to call hermaphrodites.
Today’s alphabet soup movement is, by contrast, a fashionable lifestyle choice. As Dawkins says (in the same corner as JP2), as a general rule there are two sexes, male and female, and that’s all there is to it. He could add, with a Darwinian-sounding Aquinas, that the reason sexual attraction is so overpowering is that it is a biological instinct ordered to the survival of the species.
Selection effect. A subset of Aspies demonstrate extraordinary ability to be highly focused and very intelligent in specific domains. An old friend was an Aspie, member of Mensa, Ph.D in genetics, 3 other degrees, two books written on ASD, and at school was called the little professor. I don’t find it surprising that Aspies are in the valley in higher concentration because to be successful in the valley it requires both high intelligence and obsessiveness. All those gifted individuals with assortative mating producing children with a much higher incidence of the relevant genes. Incidentally, Schizophrenia and ASD are genetically related and also have some environmental cause overlap. There is clear evidence of both having a familial pattern. Sadly it does appear that high intelligence(>140) and creativity also have genetic characteristics that predispose towards ASD, schizophrenia, and mood disorders.
The other issue which Lizzie touched on is Pervasive developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified, was used as a catch all for struggling children. Kanner, a key figure in ASD history, predicted eventually there would be an explosion in ASD diagnosis. That happened because as ASD rates rose PDD-NOS fell, with remarkable consistency.
Another issue is that ASD became more widely recognized there was substantial pressure to offer support services. That never happened with PDD-NOS. Clinicians were inclined to define ASD rather than PDD-NOS because that gave parents greater access to services. Additionally, the frequency illusion was in play and clinicians are not immune to social pressure and cognitive predilections.
There was also a massive expansion in the DSMs criteria for ASD, thereby including many individuals who otherwise would not have been diagnosed.
There has been a rise in the rate of ASD but if we take the raw figures without digging into the data we will be misled. I can provide this off the cuff summary because my old friend once asked me to co-author a book with him on the subject. I did some preliminary research to pique my interest. I wasn’t interested and there are many people much more capable than me doing the necessary work. That was over a decade ago so I’ve probably made some errors.
Lizzie is across all this, has lived experience in relation to relatives, I imagine this is all old news to her.
Certainly in 2020, if not before.
Ron Paul Says There Has Been a Coup in America, Claims it Began With the CIA Murder of JFK
Spader was brilliant and Elizabeth ( Megan ) is drop dead gorgeous.
The Blacklist – Rocket Man
Rubio demands probe into ActBlue after reports of ‘fraudulent’ fundraising off seniors
It’s well documented that Kennedy used his influence to secure very lucrative contracts to sell British liquor to Americans in 1933 just a couple of months before the end of prohibition, a business he sold out of about ten years later.
He was Ambassador between March 1938 to October 1940.
How many bottles of Canadian Club do you reckon he sold in the UK black market after war was declared?