Open Thread – Weekend 15 April 2023

A Game of Preference, Viktor Vasnetsov, 1879

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Bar Beach Swimmer
April 16, 2023 8:59 am

Gilbert Bogle and Margaret Chandler.

P, there was an ABC show that presented an alternative hypothesis to murder. The Lane Cove river releases naturally hydrogen sulphide gas in certain circumstances and this was the cause of the deaths.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 9:05 am

Oops, stuffed up the last link, here it is corrected. It an interesting from Brownstone Institute.

What The Bud Light Fiasco Reveals About The Ruling Class (15 Apr)

April 16, 2023 9:06 am

thanks for the link to the film on Green Valley. I grew up there. Busby, Green Valley. Around the corner from Busby West Primary and Busby High.

I bike thru these suburbs 3 or 4 times a week .. one of my regular rides ..!

Cassie of Sydney
April 16, 2023 9:08 am

“Real Mark Latham”

Last I heard he was on leave.

April 16, 2023 9:10 am

Deagel’s Depopulation Premonitions for 2025 Revisited

Deagel is a military hardware site. Their extraordinary 2017 population forecast for 2025 was linked here years ago. It was removed from the site in 2021 but has been reproduced by Nobul Art. The only way that I could view the entire chart was by downloading it in Excel. Can someone please tell me what the heading ME stands for.

You will note that the five year population forecast to 2025 for Australia is -34.6%. For the U.K. it’s -77.1% and for the U.S. it’s -68.5%. This is pretty much what I recall from the original Deagel post. No one had much to say about it at the time.

What did they know that we didn’t?

April 16, 2023 9:11 am

More on America continues Down the Drain

What a cheek! LA business owner begs city to REMOVE naked homeless woman sleeping outside her business because she is scaring customers away

. Homeless encampments in Beverly Hills have taken a turn for the worse
. A naked woman was seen just lying out on a leftover couch near one business
. The owner says it’s hurting sales and made her afraid to work past dark

April 16, 2023 9:13 am

You will note that the five year population forecast to 2025 for Australia is -34.6%.

Bollocks and I have 10k of silver coin riding on it.

I’m also “preying on the wukkin class!” for putting my foot down on crap like this and the idea that TrUmP iS sTiLl PrEsIdEnT!!11

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 16, 2023 9:14 am

And in northern tourism news:

Action for Alice 2020

More from ULU?U
The fancy 5 star resort at Ulu?u. Rooms were raided by kids tonight. 5 guests cars stolen. Some while guests were asleep in the room.

April 16, 2023 9:15 am
April 16, 2023 9:17 am

Yeah but Wran had power stations built eg Mt Piper

Allowing for utilities to be built (or doing it otherwise), balancing the budget and keeping a general level of the King’s Peace & adequately maintaining and staffing the defence forces is the bare minimum we should expect from government.

Peter Costello deserved no credit for a job well done. His level of performance was simply the minimum expectation!

April 16, 2023 9:17 am

Advertising expert ranks Bud Light’s handling of Dylan Mulvaney fiasco among the worst brand gaffes in HISTORY and slams ‘cowardly’ Anheuser-Busch’s ‘convoluted’ statement after weeks of silence

. Experts are reacting to Anheuser-Busch’s handling of Mulvaney controversy
. One compared it to prior gaffes by pasta brand Barilla and Abercrombie & Fitch
. Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth finally issued a statement on Friday

April 16, 2023 9:29 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2023 9:32 am

Ackerman, as brought to you by BB:

Commenter on that column is complaining that his poor mother has been reduced to tears, by the treatment she has received from “NO’ voters….

April 16, 2023 9:32 am

Black Ball, Dan’s ‘Big Build’ has never been anything but two things:

1/ Keep union mates in work

2/ Get so many people and their families hooked on government work and money that they become a Labor voting block.

The Danfilth did so well at last year’s election in large part because people voted with their wallets.

Now the corrupt bastard has had the last laugh. ‘You thought I’d keep the money flowing? Suckers!’

April 16, 2023 9:33 am
April 16, 2023 9:35 am
April 16, 2023 9:35 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 9:36 am

How to teach reading and counting? Board games.

Monopoly. Adds a touch of capitalist competition and blatant self-interest, with Chance, the Sword of Damocles, always lurking in the wings to fall on the unprepared. Community Chest rewards virtue and punishes evil. And then there is basic income support (passing Go). They love it and learn so much.

April 16, 2023 9:37 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2023 9:38 am

31m ago
Darwin stabbing ‘a terrible day for the nation’
Rhiannon Down
Rhiannon Down

Labor senator Malarndirri McCarthy has described the death of a woman at a hotel in Darwin from an alleged domestic violence incident as the hallmark of a “terrible day” for the nation.

Senator McCarthy said the tragic incident, which occurred on Friday night while Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney and her staff were present, was a terrible reminder of rampant violence against women across the country.

“Yesterday was a terrible day….so many thoughts and feelings for the family and also those present on the evening, the hotel staff, staff of Linda Burney who were present and the paramedics,” Senator McCarthy told Sky News.

“It’s a reminder of the violence women suffer every week.”

Senator McCarthy said the importance of an Indigenous voice to parliament was more pronounced than ever before, adding that if enshrined it would change the lives of Indigenous people for the better.

“This request is very simple because we know how tough it is on the ground,” she said.

“And I would say to Australians; the request is about opening your heart and knowing it could change the country so much for the better.”

Beneath contempt…

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 16, 2023 9:40 am

What did they know that we didn’t?

Nothing that anyone can’t find out with a bit of Googlin’.
They looked at Power Stations, Oil Refineries being closed, infrastructure that wasn’t built, and worked out the optimum population with similar standards of living in 2025.
From memory, it was 9 million for Australia, about 150 million for America, 30 million for the UK.
2nd world Countries such as Russia and China had no population change.
2 ways to look at it:
#1. There’s going to be a massive decline in population very quickly in the West..
#2. Living standards in the West are going to fall drastically.

April 16, 2023 9:40 am

Fair point Dot- at some stage our governments crossed a line where they actually set out to harm us.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 9:42 am

The ABC has a colossal whine about “badly-behaved” Russian tourists in Bali.

Thankfully, Australian tourists in Bali are so well-known for their culturally sensitive, temperate and respectful behaviour when they visit, so of course we are able to criticise the boorish Russians.

April 16, 2023 9:42 am
April 16, 2023 9:44 am

This is what the voice will fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 9:49 am

Cassie, thanks for Miss Piggie in Swine Lake, with Nureyev. Absolutely loved it.

As with the Ring Cycle, Swan Lake and those classical fairy tales on which ballet drew in its earliest days are all inflections of the cosmological tales of the early north-west European religious system. Odette and Odile are the good and bad sides of the same coin, which is female. Princes are exemplars of all things good in the masculine. Evil stalks the land and good always prevails. Sublime in dance.

Don’t knock the West’s high culture. It has five thousand years of tradition behind it.

On that note, so has China, and although Westernised, I greatly enjoy the way Shen Yun inflects that.

April 16, 2023 9:52 am

History is replete with useless braindead … . The question I used to ask myself is why are there so many bad leaders? The answer is that there are sufficient numbers of people who vote with their gut and not their head. People believe bravado and confidence are the marks of superiority. Those are also the tactics of sociopaths. If we vote with our head, often we wouldn’t vote. We don’t vet our potential leaders the way we do for every other field of human activity. That has bene a lifelong puzzle for me. The people making the decisions that determine the future of the country are often unqualified for the task. Chalmers did his Ph.D on Keating. Wouldn’t even need a calculator for that and yet he is our treasurer. We trust our guts and all we get is what comes out at the end.

This is why I believe in, wait for it…

Term limits
Recall elections
Jury nullification
CIR to vote down bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

In more detail. It’s not perfect yet.

No Federal government. The Presidency rotates between the states every two years.
I’d have 5 year terms for the lower house and the upper house appointed by the lower house in a half rotation in each state.
Once picked by sortition, a candidate needs to be approved by the local council and their electorates.
Local councils picked by sortition but also with “town hall” procedures. So you get participatory democracy.
The head of state of each state and head of government are separate. The President/Governor has their own board which can veto them but most power rests in an appointed Premier/PM who can hold that position without any term limit (the only position in the system like it).
Term limits for the judiciary and governors/executive board.
National law can be created by inter state treaty and High Court of Australia can consist of a panel of the State appellate judges.

April 16, 2023 9:53 am

For those with Foxtel, Peta Credlin will conduct the only media interview with suspended Victorian Liberal MP and pro-women campaigner Moira Deeming on her Sky News show at 6pm on Tuesday.

I don’t normally see the Credlin show, but that will be a must-watch.

April 16, 2023 10:00 am

Labor senator Malarndirri McCarthy has described the death of a woman at a hotel in Darwin from an alleged domestic violence incident as the hallmark of a “terrible day” for the nation.

And if she’d not staggered into the hotel where Burnie was lounging we wouldn’t have heard about it ..!
The “event” wouldn’t be deemed “newsworthy except for the trougher publicity …

April 16, 2023 10:05 am

The question I used to ask myself is why are there so many bad leaders?

It’s a ‘closed” shop .. the majority of candidates are party picked .. outsiders don’t have the money or media publicity to get the”public” face recognition for a “level playing field” contest ..!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 10:05 am

Shen Yun is of course a public branch of the Falun Gong or Falun Dafa movement, banned in China.
Some resist this dance expression because of claimed ‘cult like’ associations, but that could be said of many forms of high art where performers are dedicated to their artistic performances. I admire the technique and creative energy of it, although I agree that some of the routines can get repetitive and that traditional Chinese dance is only a bedrock rather than a significant part of the overall performance, which relies a lot on Western music and ballet. The CCP of course are always out to get these believers in something other than the CCP.

April 16, 2023 10:05 am

In my youth there were many offensive things lefties said in public and if you said you were offended you were advised to get out more. Today when the left says they are offended by you they also say that you must not be allowed to get out more. It’s because they own the public sphere.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 10:07 am

“Is advice from me or Tom [Calma] a threat to civilisation, a threat to democracy? It’s a nonsense,” Professor Marcia Langton, an architect of the Voice, told the committee.

I think Langton is selling herself short here. Her advice wouldn’t just be a nonsense – it’d also be a threat to civilisation and democracy if she were given enough power.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2023 10:10 am

MiltonF blurted:

The tough guy Premiers (who were actually on the people’s side)- Bjelke-Petersen,

No, gaining power partly through gerrymander and running a corrupt police force and a corrupt cabinet does not fit the traditional frameworks of “community policing” and “equal justice” and so was not being “on the people’s side”.

April 16, 2023 10:11 am

“Is advice from me or Tom [Calma] a threat to civilisation, a threat to democracy?”

That would depend on the advice.

Btw, are you still a Communist?

John H.
John H.
April 16, 2023 10:13 am

April 16, 2023 at 9:52 am

This is why I believe in, wait for it…

I know Dot but we both know people aren’t interested in those sorts of changes. We’d have to rewrite most of the constitution. I don’t have a problem with that but most do. Short of a near total collapse of governance we’re stuck with an irrational and dysfunctional structure. It is the same tired old rhetoric endlessly repeated because most people prefer to bleat about how bad the other side is rather than how bad the whole thing is.

April 16, 2023 10:14 am

The ABC has a colossal whine about “badly-behaved” Russian tourists in Bali.

There are plenty of Russian tourists here. All I’ve seen then do is talk and sing loudy and not tolerate shit service. They are neat and clean and their children are well behaved.

Nothing approaching the Pure Mong of Australian tourists in Bali.

April 16, 2023 10:15 am

…but I’m only 97% mong!

April 16, 2023 10:16 am

Zimmerman represents all of the reasons why the SFL cannot be recovered/reformed until Photios is destroyed utterly.
My local branch is a micro study of the problem. It was a probably overly comfortable normal branch, specialising in great afternoon teas, when we suddenly found ourselves presided over by the local newsagent.
He was boosted by the central office and had given away our rights before any of us understood what was happening. Branch meetings after that comprised people from the central office appearing to tell what we will do.
We had never heard of Photios or Textor, and didn’t believe that Turnbull had the power to destroy the Party. We were sitting ducks; sheep.
A number of us run a mini-guerrila campaign against the President’s business but the reality is that Moderates cannot be defeated at branch level.
Incongruously, what is needed is a TEAL type sugar daddy to boost and organise democracy at branch level. Unfortunately, this area lacks the cohesion that is exhibited by upper class dominated inner suburban areas so finding and mobilising a democratic core is unlikely.
I believe that it is effectively over for regional Liberals.
I did rejoin, believing that the fight must be carried on, but I won’t survive.

April 16, 2023 10:18 am

Love watching them instinctively turn their noses up (and plug their ears) when I blast them with some good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll. ?

Good and rock n roll is an oxymoron:-)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2023 10:21 am

Colonel Crispin Berkasays:

April 16, 2023 at 10:10 am

MiltonF blurted:

The tough guy Premiers (who were actually on the people’s side)- Bjelke-Petersen,

No, gaining power partly through gerrymander and running a corrupt police force

Quite so.
The biggest fraud of the Joh years was the “man ‘o the people” myth.
Joh was all about Joh and his cronies.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 10:22 am

World Economic Forum Promotes Transhumanism

The WEF is an insidious cult with Satanic elements, promising a form of dystopic human perfection, far removed from our human nature and life as we know it, rather as the Albigensians and similar cults have promised throughout human history.

It’s only possible for the WEF litany of transhumanism to gain traction due to a Western world that ignores its five thousand years of cosmological theology and empirical philosophy providing verities about humanity’s place in the universe around us, verities that the WEF attempts to subvert.

April 16, 2023 10:23 am

This is why I believe in, wait for it…

Term limits
Recall elections
Jury nullification
CIR to vote down bad laws
Sunset clauses on all legislation

You forgot:
Heads on pikes
Mound of skulls
Salt the earth
Nuke from orbit

Cassie of Sydney
April 16, 2023 10:24 am

“Joh was all about Joh and his cronies.”

Yep, as was Robin Askin.

Court was okay though.

Cassie of Sydney
April 16, 2023 10:25 am

“Zimmerman represents all of the reasons why the SFL cannot be recovered/reformed until Photios is destroyed utterly.”

Ahhhh yes, and by the looks of it Photios isn’t going anywhere.

April 16, 2023 10:25 am

Chinese Military To Just Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Soldiers

In this official training video for the People’s Liberation Army, Chinese soldiers are taught how to cripple U.S. soldiers by just shouting the wrong pronouns at them. Very effective!

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 16, 2023 10:25 am

Professor Marcia Langton.

Such a cheery looking chap.

April 16, 2023 10:26 am

Good and rock n roll is an oxymoron:-)

Being a genius in rock and roll is like being a millionaire in lira.

April 16, 2023 10:29 am

Budweiser Replaces Clydesdales With Cows Dressed As Horses

ST. LOUIS, MO — In a natural continuation of its push for diversity and celebration of transgender lifestyles, Anheuser-Busch has announced the company will be replacing the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales with cows that identify as and dress like horses.

“We feel this is a natural next step,” said Anheuser-Busch CEO Brandan Whitworth. “If we’re going to bend reality and ignore all basic understanding of science and biology with our Bud Light brand, then it only makes sense to make that philosophy consistent across our other brands, including the classic Budweiser advertising campaigns.”

The beverage giant scoured the nation in search of dairy cows that live their lives as horses. “I was very excited to receive a phone call from the Budweiser marketing folks,” said dairy farmer Ed Herman. “I just can’t get this group of cows to produce any milk because they insist on pretending to be horses. I was ready to put down the whole lot of ‘em, but now they can actually make me some money with this ad campaign.”

Budweiser marketing executives have mapped out an extensive campaign that will culminate in an emotionally stirring commercial during next year’s Super Bowl broadcast. “We really want to tug on everyone’s heartstrings,” said the company’s marketing spokesperson Katie MacDonell.

“We’re absolutely certain that everyone in the country will be excited to follow the journey these proud horses embark on to discover their true inner species.”

April 16, 2023 10:29 am

Professor Marcia Langton.
Such a cheery looking chap.

Didn’t realise you could get a doctorate in embalming.

April 16, 2023 10:29 am

Wish this was an image board…

flyingduk says:
April 16, 2023 at 10:23 am
You forgot:

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2023 10:31 am

Indolent says: April 16, 2023 at 9:10 am

Their extraordinary 2017 population forecast for 2025 was linked here years ago.
You will note that the five year population forecast to 2025 for Australia is -34.6%.
What did they know that we didn’t?

Nothing about population, that’s for sure.
If some unexpected decrease had begun to occur this may lend weight to any prediction of a large sustained decrease. But Australia’s population has been in positive growth every year for the last 10 years including mid 2021.

April 16, 2023 10:31 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 10:33 am

Carl Sagan warned us.

Maybe the new NASA director of Goddard Space Center should have a watch of that interview.

NASA Director Swears Oath on Carl Sagan Book Instead of Bible (13 Apr)

Given that no one unwoke would ever be appointed to such a position under Biden’s Administration I rather doubt she would even comprehend what Sagan was saying.

April 16, 2023 10:34 am

The privileged ignorance of Daniel Radcliffe

What a shame that JK Rowling made a star out of such a privileged plonker.

It was King Lear who said, ‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child’.

I always think of it whenever I see the latest nasty little jibe at JK Rowling from one of the mediocre actors whom her novels shot to stardom.

Now Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has opined – more in sorrow than in anger, no doubt, with a caring, sharing smile on those sensitive lips – that adults concerned about children changing gender are ‘condescending’. More specifically, he ‘affirmed’ the beliefs of six trans and nonbinary children at a discussion organised by LGBTQ charity The Trevor Project this week, saying: ‘There are people who also have a slightly condescending, but well-meaning attitude of “People are young… and it is a huge decision”.’ According to Radcliffe, ‘We can trust kids to tell us who they are’.

Commenting on the difference between his childhood and the childhoods of da kidz he was gettin’ down wiv, Radcliffe said: ‘I always knew I was a boy because that was a thing I grew up knowing.’

Or perhaps this was because you were part of the last generation to grow up in an age when girly boys and boyish girls weren’t carted off to have any potential gayness transed away?

What a loss to The Brains Trust this man is.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 16, 2023 10:36 am

Nationals senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price says she has been approached by foster parents concerned about losing their children under kinship rules that could place them in dysfunctional communities.

Speaking from Alice Springs, Senator Price said foster parents had come to her repeatedly with concerns vulnerable Indigenous children were being placed back into the hands of abusers and called for an inquiry.

“I’ve been approached by many, many foster parents who are deeply concerned about the kinship rule when it comes to the foster care of vulnerable Indigenous children,” she told the ABC’s Insiders.

“Territory Families take children who have been in loving, caring foster homes and then place them back into communities that they’ve actually not really known all their lives.”

Senator Price said these communities were often home to “known predators” and exposed children to being “sexually abused again”.

However, when asked if any of these incidents needed to be reported to police Senator Price said “we’re not stupid”, adding: “Peter Dutton is a former policeman, he knows what needs to be done”.

“There are circumstances where foster parents themselves are, in fact, police,” she said.

“And I’m talking about foster carers who are also Indigenous, who have come to me with these grave concerns.

“So, this is why we need a royal commission into the sexual abuse of Indigenous children.”


April 16, 2023 10:38 am

Voting Yes for the Voice will:
Stop domestic and sexual violence.
Will stop kids fighting in the street in Alice Springs.
Will stop your car being broken into or taken for a joyride.
Ensure 100% school attendance rate by all Aboriginal kids.
Ensure all Aboriginal housing will remain damage free.
Ensure the responsable consumption of alcohol.
Prevent global warming in Aboriginal communities.
Create many more civil servant jobs in Canberra. Note it will be considered racist to sack them.
Create more high paying tourist visitors as The Voice and their entourages tour the best hotels and restaurants on their fact finding missions.
Lead to Marcia Langton as first Aboriginal Governor general.

In fact things will be so good the NT will be renamed Utopia and Alice Springs renamed Albo Springs.

So all you current No voters do the right thing and Vote Yes. You know it makes sense.

April 16, 2023 10:41 am

Sagan was an agnostic with ideas aligned with Jefferson on Christianity and Einstein on animism.

Swearing on a book by him is really just posing.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2023 10:43 am

I’ve resisted the black pill so far.

JohnH says:

Short of a near total collapse of governance

Yes, keep talking…

April 16, 2023 10:44 am

We can trust kids to tell us who they are’.

Really? Like children thinking they are Harry Potter or Elsa? Or, more worryingly, Superman. And really, really believing it?

I don’t think he’s a dad yet. He’ll soon change his tune with a little experience.

April 16, 2023 10:45 am

Deagel is a military hardware site

Deagel is a misinformation site to feed the right with malinformation and make them look like fools.

April 16, 2023 10:47 am

The result was a massive transfer of wealth upwards in the social ladder as digital brands, technology, and Peloton thrived, while everyone else faced a barrage of ill health, debt, and inflation.


April 16, 2023 10:48 am

Correct rickw

Too many public servants and too many are overpaid well above the average wage, including most private sector workers.

COVID was an absolute scam for most public servants.

April 16, 2023 10:49 am

Bourne1879 says:
April 16, 2023 at 10:38 am

Voting Yes for the Voice will:

. Stop domestic and sexual violence. etc


copied and emailed to Tuesday Lunch Mates – perfectly stated

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 10:49 am

Regarding Russian tourists – when staying at holiday resorts in SE Asia, I would nod and smile at them when they entered a lift I was in or wherever, and usually I got in response was a grumpy, dour, stony-faced glance.

Later, I discovered many Russians* perceive people who go about smiling at perfect strangers in passing as foolish and untrustworthy. This is not our way, of course, but it’s understandable.

*and probably Ukrainians too because, pace the Ukrainian ambassador’s claim to the contrary in the above article, most Ukrainians are very similar to Russians

April 16, 2023 10:51 am

Dot says:
April 16, 2023 at 10:48 am

Correct rickw

Too many public servants and too many are overpaid well above the average wage, including most private sector workers.

COVID was an absolute scam for most public servants.


ring any Federal or NSW Govt Dept, and if you are lucky enough that someone ever answers, you will hear noises that shows they are still working from Home

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 10:52 am


At speaking events, she asks who in the room has relatives of friend connected to the military and the vast majority put up their hands.

That’s an interesting statistic.
I wonder what would the response be if they were asked:
.1 A serving member.
.2 A former serving member.
.3 Member of family (Immediate) served.
.4 Extended family served.
.5 Member of family dead/wounded/PoW.
The reason I ask is that our family recently discovered two uncles died in the Pacific theatre, and another who came back never married and recently died.
That’s a big loss demographically.
The first World War ? Australia never recovered from that slaughter. The second round put the finishing touches to us.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2023 10:52 am

Let me try some amateur clairvoyance.

Three-time Olympian Vicki Roycroft in hospital after suspected heart attack at Sydney Royal Easter Show
Indolent’s hand hovers over the big red “Died Suddenly From Vaxxx comment” button…

The 69-year-old equestrian is understood to have collapsed just before she was due to compete in the show jumping
…Vicki has a large tear in her aorta and was undergoing and eight-hour surgery.

Indolent’s hand retreats from the unpressed button.

April 16, 2023 10:52 am

“Territory Families take children who have been in loving, caring foster homes and then place them back into communities that they’ve actually not really known all their lives.”

You wouldn’t let them take your dog. I’m surprised that this hasn’t seen foster parents whisk the children away overseas out of the grasp of The Mongocracy.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 10:53 am

Hang on. Someone made a prediction in 2017 that we’re going to have a 35% population drop by 2025, did I get that right?

Sorry, why is this being given any credence?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2023 10:55 am

Joh was all about Joh and his cronies.

Yes, well.

I think everyone here is forgetting that Joh brought cheap smokes to Quenthland.

April 16, 2023 10:55 am

You forgot:
Heads on pikes
Mound of skulls
Salt the earth
Nuke from orbit

Yes, but some of that must involve violence against women, gays and trans. So its all right out.

Notice that if I had protested violence especially committed against men, working people or normal children the emotional appeal would drop to zero. This is indeed a vile public culture.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 10:56 am

I don’t think he’s a dad yet. He’ll soon change his tune with a little experience.

I don’t know. A lot of these types become parents and they end up changing the tune of their kids, if you know what I mean.

Look at that nutty South African actress with the ~64 adopted kids. Didn’t a bunch of them somehow realise they were trans before they hit their teens?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2023 10:56 am

“Territory Families take children who have been in loving, caring foster homes and then place them back into communities that they’ve actually not really known all their lives.”

Senator Price said these communities were often home to “known predators” and exposed children to being “sexually abused again”.

100% accurate.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2023 10:57 am

Look at that nutty South African actress with the ~64 adopted kids

Was previously unaware that Madonna was Seth Efrican.

Learning all the time, on the Cat.

April 16, 2023 10:58 am

Oh come on says:
April 16, 2023 at 10:53 am

Hang on. Someone made a prediction in 2017 that we’re going to have a 35% population drop by 2025, did I get that right?

Sorry, why is this being given any credence?

I have a massive beef with this. I demand 10k of silver in my bet with struthy.

Deagal reported recently that Russia can shut down all satellites with a ground based EW platform.


Three possibilities:

1. Rabid end of times, paranoid Americans needing a donation like the Daily expose. Gold, guns and god but also the grift. Bullets, beans and the bible, but also BTC.
2. Really shitty Russian propaganda. In fact too unsophisticated for usual slick Russian stuff, unless they have a “liminal, superliminal and subliminal” strategy.
3. A CIA/Democrat spigot of bullshit to whip up our dumber brethren here on the political right.

April 16, 2023 10:58 am

But Australia’s population has been in positive growth every year for the last 10 years including mid 2021.

What would it look like if immigration was stripped out?

April 16, 2023 11:00 am

Impressions of Russian tourists in SEA:
Male: overweight in singlet and tiny shorts;
Female: overweight in translucent white dress two sizes too small;
Daughters: invariably beautiful but looking haunted.
Sons: rsoles.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 11:01 am

No it’s the chick who played the female serial killer in that movie. You know the one – she was executed in Florida (the female serial killer, not the weirdo Saffer woman).

April 16, 2023 11:03 am

Charlize Theron.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2023 11:05 am

Oi, dover
Yer CSS obscures bolding when it is inside quotes.
Edit this file:
Find these lines:blockquote strong,
blockquote b {
font-weight: 400;

Change the 400 to 800.
Much more useful.

April 16, 2023 11:07 am

Ana Kasparian of the very left Young Turks program having a road to Damascus realisation about California and zero carbon.

I have hope for Ana. Chunk has said some very vile and deranged things and her first reaction is revulsion, which is what any sane person would have.

April 16, 2023 11:09 am

Charlize Theron.

Boksburg chick.

April 16, 2023 11:10 am

Charlize Theron?

And you’re probably right, sadly. I was treating Radcliffe as an unformed adult with the hope of becoming one upon fatherhood.

April 16, 2023 11:11 am


That’s it.

That’s the sum total of what matters.

Envelopes containing ballots.

Red envelopes -vs- Blue envelopes, and who can gather the most envelopes. That’s it folks. That’s the only thing that matters.

When Team Obama watch their opposition deciding on who is the best person to reach the “independent”, “middle”, or “swing voters”… as if voters really mattered, the David Axelrod’s, Marc Elias’s, David Plouffe and Barack Obama’s of the world laugh. I mean straight up hysterically belly laugh.

When the DNC sees the RNC focused on selecting the best congressional candidates who can be the best representatives for a district in Virginia… the entire mechanism of the donor class behind the DNC orders another round of drinks.

Debates don’t matter…. Did you forget Arizona 2022? Katie Hobbs giggled when asked about why no debates.

Candidates don’t matter…. Did you forget Pennsylvania 2022? When grunge clad, hoodie-wearing, John Fetterman promoted pancake syrup as the best solution to the Medicare crisis (or something equally as bat-shit crazy from his compromised mental state).

Rally size doesn’t matter…. Did you forget the Biden campaign audiences that could fit into one mid-sized SUV?

Qualifications do not matter. Intelligence, policy, legislative accomplishments, executive experience, success or lack thereof in any life endeavor… NONE of this matters.

All of these former aspects of the political industry are gone, they have absolutely no bearing on the outcome of federal elections.

The only reason these insufferable discussions still exist is to maintain the illusion of a political business that generates money. The business they are pretending to still exist is like Blockbuster video being subsidized by corporations who sell streaming services. The media pretend the traditional business model of elections is still viable because without it, there is no need for them.

There is only one function of modern political industry that matters… Collecting envelopes. That’s it!

It doesn’t even matter whose name is on the paper inside the envelope. The people who switched from Flip Phones to Smart Phones don’t even pay attention to the candidate names on the ballots any longer. We elect dead people now.

The entire mechanism of American political outcomes is now one really simple process. There are Blue envelopes to locate, and there are Red envelopes to locate. Tune in to the news in November of 2024 and find out which team collected the most envelopes.

? Dear President Donald Trump, go ahead and hold the rallies…. continue putting out the platform…. continue using your podium to promote vision, excitement and direction in the largest scale possible to save the nation. Continue providing fuel for the cultural battle and primary battle being waged in the social media sphere by warriors for the MAGA movement…. However, in the totality of the 2024 presidential contest, this effort should be -at most- 20% of the industrial political campaign.

80% of the entirety of the money spent, the effort exhausted, the assembly constructed, the people and supporters assembled, should be focused – to the exclusion of all other things – on the process of maximizing envelope collection.

Make that paradigm shift, and 2024 is easily within reach. Ignore it, and you might as well use a carrier pigeon to send your next email.

The RNC is no help. The RNC is focused on EVERYTHING that doesn’t matter.

You cannot win an election if you rely on the RNC to make this adjustment. You are going to have to organize this assembly on your own while enlisting the resources of the MAGA army.

The DNC already has the network of thousands of community activist organizations and business units at work in preparation for the 2024 envelope gathering operation. They do not care about voters; the wants and needs of the people on the front of the envelope are an arcane annoyance, irrelevant to the DNC objective.

For the Republican presidential primary, whoever contracts Catherine Engelbrecht and the coast-to-coast organization of True The Vote first, will likely win.

Book sales, TV ads, legislative accomplishments, cultural wokeism, school choice, education policy, fiscal policy, foreign policy, debates, political experience, candidate qualifications, polls, rallies, crowd sizes, endorsements, not one single part of any of that matters in this electoral combat.

There is only one thing that matters,…. collecting the most envelopes.

April 16, 2023 11:16 am

Impressions of Russian tourists in SEA

Pretty accurate Bons!

Quite similar to Australians, only differences would be that the wife would also be wearing a singlet and tiny shorts, and the daughter would be a fat obnoxious minger!

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 11:19 am

Sancho Panzer:

A school-teacher.
Or male nurse would be my next guess.

Your sustained innuendo is getting tiresome.
Go back to the role you never left – the class clown.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2023 11:22 am

“So, this is why we need a royal commission into the sexual abuse of Indigenous children.

Didn’t the Gilliard Goat Rodeo launch a Royal Comission, into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, which specifically omitted Aboriginal communities?

April 16, 2023 11:32 am

We can trust kids to tell us who they are’.

If your kid tells you he is a pirate are you going to chop off his leg and fit a peg one? Have his eye removed so the eye-patch is authentic? Replace his hand with a nice steel hook?

If not, don’t tell us about cutting his nuts off and forever destroying his reproductive capability with hormones because you “trust what they say”.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 16, 2023 11:34 am

Didn’t the Gilliard Goat Rodeo launch a Royal Comission, into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, which specifically omitted Aboriginal communities?

Wrong again.
Aboriginal communities aren’t Institutions.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 16, 2023 11:39 am

A school-teacher.
Or male nurse would be my next guess.

Crimes against children are more frequent during School Holidays, that might just be due to opportunity, but it’s true that Teachers are taught psychological techniques to facilitate compliance as part of their training.

I’d say Male Nurses and Police Officers would also fit into that category.

April 16, 2023 11:41 am

The Orwellian RESTRICT Act is a chilling echo of ‘1984’ and an erosion of American freedom

Far beyond cracking down on TikTok, the bill envisages frightening powers to control citizens’ access to ‘unwanted’ information

In an eerie semblance to George Orwell’s ‘1984’, the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or RESTRICT Act, looms as a dark cloud over American liberties.

Branded as a mere “TikTok ban,” this act possesses a sweeping reach that would empower the federal government to designate any nation a “foreign adversary,” ban online services and products even indirectly controlled by an entity within their jurisdiction, and severely punish Americans who engage in almost any transaction with them.

Sponsored by Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the RESTRICT Act not only targets the Chinese-linked TikTok platform but also has the potential to dismantle the very foundations of American freedom. One cannot help but draw comparisons to Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, where pervasive government surveillance and control are the norm. In a frightening twist, this proposed legislation could make such nightmarish fiction a stark reality.

The chilling provisions of the RESTRICT Act would impose a civil penalty of up to $250,000 by the Secretary of Commerce on individuals who conduct transactions that violate the act. The bill’s definition of a transaction is disturbingly broad, encompassing activities such as acquisitions, importation, data transmission, software updates, repairs, data hosting services, and other transactions designed to evade or circumvent the act’s application.

However, as in the oppressive world of ‘1984’, the $250,000 fine is only the beginning. American citizens found to be in violation of the act could face a criminal fine of up to $1 million and a jail sentence of up to 20 years.

The parallels to Orwell’s vision are striking, as the RESTRICT Act essentially serves as a tool of control and punishment. It is a sobering reminder of the dystopian fate that awaits the public if it allows government unchecked power in the name of security from foreign nations.

Moreover, the bill allows the federal government to seize and access various devices and services belonging to American citizens, including phones and computers, internet access points, e-commerce technology and services, cryptocurrencies, and even advanced technologies like quantum computing, post-quantum cryptography, advanced robotics, and biotechnology.

To add insult to injury, the government is granted immunity from public oversight by restricting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests related to the enforcement of the bill.

In this regard, the RESTRICT Act resembles an American version of China’s “Great Firewall,” which isolates its citizens from a significant portion of the World Wide Web.

However, unlike in China, where VPN usage does not automatically lead to imprisonment and many citizens use it to access popular apps and video games without repercussions, the RESTRICT Act imposes much more severe penalties on those who violate its provisions.

Already, conservatives are sounding the alarm on the dangers of the bill, including Tucker Carlson, who dedicated a monologue warning that it would provide the government the ability to “punish American citizens and regulate how they communicate on the Internet.”

Donald Trump Jr. wrote on Twitter: “Nothing is ever as it seems. The uniparty wants more power to control what we do and see. And now we’re going to give the Biden goons the ability to throw us in jail for 20 years if they decide we’re in violation of this craziness? No thanks.

The US House Committee on Financial Services issued a warning to other members of the Republican party to reject the bill, stating that the RESTRICT Act “is using TikTok as a smokescreen for the largest expansion of executive power since IEEPA.”

“The US can’t beat China by becoming more like the Chinese Communist Party,” it added.

It remains to be seen whether Americans will be able to wake up to the dystopian reality that looms just beyond the horizon should the ratification of the RESTRICT Act proceed. For their sake, and everyone else’s, let’s hope so.

April 16, 2023 11:43 am

Aboriginal communities aren’t Institutions.

yes they are crotchless: institutions of leftwing victimisation and subversion.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 16, 2023 11:46 am

Heads on pikes

Under-utilised more generally in my opinion (although I suspect I would have ended up as one at various points along the way.)

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2023 11:46 am

Winston Smith says: April 16, 2023 at 11:19 am

Sancho Panzer:

A school-teacher.
Or male nurse would be my next guess.

Your sustained innuendo is getting tiresome.

Was this an instance of Mr Panzer making a dogwhistle-style transmission which is ambiguous and meaningless to most who hear it but which, due to its timing and personal significance to his intended target, is intended to be understood by them as a directed insult, to yourself in this case?

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 16, 2023 11:48 am

Sancho Panzer is a Gaslighter
Winston Smith is an Agent Provocateur.

That’s all you need to know.

April 16, 2023 11:50 am

If your kid tells you he is a pirate are you going to chop off his leg and fit a peg one? Have his eye removed so the eye-patch is authentic? Replace his hand with a nice steel hook?

Of course not, they wouldn’t even buy him a parrot, the cheap bastards.

April 16, 2023 11:50 am

Trump has made an ad out of his appearance with Kid Rock, Tyson and a few other hard heads at the MM A the other day; outstanding as usual. Tyson looks as though he’s going to burst into tears when he shakes hands with the great man:

Compare that with biden’s public appearances where he’s either fondling kids, staring vacantly into space, dribbling gibberish or all 3.

April 16, 2023 11:53 am

US must stop ‘encouraging war’ in Ukraine – Lula

The Brazilian leader delivered the comments as he concluded a state visit to China

The United States and its allies should focus on promoting peace instead of fueling the Ukraine conflict by arming Kiev, Brazilian President Lula da Silva said on Saturday as he concluded a state visit to China, his country’s primary trading partner.

“The United States needs to stop encouraging war and start talking about peace,” Lula told reporters in Beijing. “The European Union needs to start talking about peace.”

He added that, in doing so, world leaders might be able to “convince” both Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky that “peace is in the interest of the whole world.”

In contrast to many Western nations, neither Brazil nor China has imposed sanctions on Moscow following the onset of the conflict in Ukraine last year.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 16, 2023 11:53 am

One other thing you ought to know –
status of any stoush between Smith & Panzer is: Fake [& Gay].

April 16, 2023 11:56 am


Since January 2010, Rotten Tomatoes has been owned by Flixster, which was in turn acquired by Warner Bros. in 2011. In February 2016, Rotten Tomatoes and its parent site Flixster were sold to Comcast’s Fandango. Warner Bros. retained a minority stake in the merged entities, including Fandango.

April 16, 2023 11:56 am

I said those 60s/70s/80s premiers had many faults but they were about jobs and growth and, as far as I am concerned, that is being on the side of the people. A good job and an affordable home of your own.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 16, 2023 11:59 am

Wow. Parcel ordered after COB Tuesday in the British Midlands to Perf for delivery Sunday morning with DHL. Logistics is really the only game in a modern economy. Which brings us back to trucks v trains.

Johnny Rotten
April 16, 2023 12:01 pm

Hey, Blackout Bowen and Tennis Elbow. Do you have my $275?

comment image

April 16, 2023 12:04 pm

That’s all you need to know.

I am ashamed that I read one of these posts to the end even if it WAS quite short.
A stirring call to rational ignorance, almost a paean to being as dumb as doggy-do.

In general my scroll-on-by-ometer works much faster than that. My natural learning algorithm has detected that occasional parts of well-informed commentary, helpfully contrarian perspectives and basic care routines for skinsuits are inevitably heading to disappointment that my fellow man, or some faked persona as the case may be, is such a lackwitted troll.

April 16, 2023 12:07 pm

Compare that with biden’s public appearances where he’s either fondling kids, staring vacantly into space, dribbling gibberish or all 3.

What’s the point. Demonrats are going to cheat in 24 and Hiden will be president.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 12:07 pm

I have had trouble posting a comment, it’s not appearing though seems to have been received.
So this is a test.

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 12:07 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:
Worth repeating for the masses:

The person who made the miscalculation is Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid, Vice President in charge of marketing for Bud Light. She explained that her intention was to make the beer King of ‘Woke’ Beers. She wanted to shift away from the “out of touch” frat party image to one of “inclusivity.” By all accounts, she actually believed this. More likely, she was rationalizing actions that would earn her bragging rights within her social circle.

Digging through her personal biography, we find all the predictable signs of tremendous detachment from regular life: elite boarding school (Groton, $65K a year), Harvard, Wharton School, coveted internship at General Foods, and straight to top VP at the biggest beverage company in the world.
Somehow through all that, nothing entered her brain apart from elite opinion on how the world should work with theories never actually tested by real-world marketing demands. Would that she had worked at Chick-Fil-A at some point in her teen years, perhaps even preserving some friend relationships ever since. It might have protected her from this disastrous error.

She is a perfect symbol of a problem that afflicts high-end corporate and government culture: a shocking blindness toward the mainstream of American life, including working classes and other people less privileged.

Johnny Rotten
April 16, 2023 12:08 pm

April 16, 2023 at 11:50 am
If your kid tells you he is a pirate are you going to chop off his leg and fit a peg one? Have his eye removed so the eye-patch is authentic? Replace his hand with a nice steel hook?

Of course not, they wouldn’t even buy him a parrot, the cheap bastards.

Please treat him or her well as a Pirate or a Robber Baron is likely to be a Billionaire.

April 16, 2023 12:08 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 16, 2023 at 11:48 am
Sancho Panzer is a Gaslighter

Naw, Panzdown is simply a scumbag.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 12:08 pm

Jordan Petersen discusses with a sympathetic psychiatrist the traumatic effects of gender transitioning on family members, especially parents. (is link the problem in getting this up?)

Like when a child has a severe illness, or is severely drug addicted, the effect is never-ending, ongoing and deeply, deeply disturbing for parents in particular. With transitioning, parents are told by ‘experts’ that what is happening is both acceptable and a solution, which allows parents with no place to grieve or protest.

There are some similarities to drug addiction in a child, where parents are often blamed and also told, by ‘experts’ with simple solutions, to abandon a child out of home to ‘rock bottom’, which helps no-one.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 16, 2023 12:10 pm

Yep. The link was the problem. It’s in his series of interviews on Youtube. Chase it up if interested.

April 16, 2023 12:10 pm

Donbass soldier Andrey Korobov-Latyntsev: Here’s my chilling warning about where the Russia-Ukraine conflict can lead

An academic turned fighter believes those who think the fighting can be contained are misguided

For a philosopher, the military path – the path of war – is quite natural. In reality, such a scholar is always engaged in this process – the conflict of ideas.

He understands that war is the forefather of all things and since he is looking for the origin of everything, turning to war, both as a subject and an element of existentialism, is natural. Of course, it is also a great honor for me to be part of the armed forces of Novorossiya and the Donetsk People’s Republic.

There were a lot of theoretical discussions on this before the start of the military operation in Ukraine, last year, when the new realities of combat first emerged on such a grand scale. There is a military saying that generals always prepare for the previous war. So, in a way, no one knew how this would look.

Of course, the robotization of fighting develops new means of combat and warfare. This especially concerns drones, intelligence capabilities, and the range of weapons.

However, in existential terms, it doesn’t work like ‘Fallout.’

As German military theorist Carl von Clausewitz said, war is a chameleon. Its external appearance changes all the time, but its inner core and essence remain the same.

It always means risk and involves questions like death, victory, and defeat. These key factors never change.

Indeed, modern-day soldiers have more technical means at their disposal to kill the enemy, but the risk remains the same as always. The existential dimension of war doesn’t change either. Even if one day, there will be no human combatants on the battlefield and only drones will fight, it will retain its essence because there will always be a risk of defeat.

The ‘just war theory’ is ancient. A number of researchers ascribe it to Plato, and it was formally established by Cicero in Ancient Rome.

The key question posed by the just war theory is how to reconcile the realities of war with high morality and even religious commandments, as St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas attempted to do. The theory itself proceeds from rather simple assumptions. In order for a war to be called ‘just’, it must meet specific criteria.

First of all, a struggle is considered just if it has a just cause. Let’s say you were attacked and you are defending your land – this motive perfectly justifies the fighting.

This criterion is given by Cicero and is repeated by all the philosophers. But this is not enough.

After all, one may have just reasons for starting a war, but then go on to conduct it in an unjust manner.

At this point, there exists a difference between ‘jus ad bellum’ (right to war) and ‘jus in bello’ (rights at war).

Examples of conducting war in a just manner include not killing civilians (people without weapons and not involved in the war) and not torturing prisoners of war. In other words, not doing any of the things that modern Ukraine is doing.

Moreover, there is another criterion that appeared later in the 20th century. It is called ‘jus post bellum’ (rights after war).

This means that the world after the war should be better than the world prior to the war. Let’s say a country is not satisfied with the existing status quo and starts a war. For example, in 2003, the Americans said that they were worried about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Washington invaded, plunged the enemy into living hell and believed that the result of the war was better than the pre-war conditions. It’s amusing to analyze the wars started by Western countries in the second half of the 20th century based on the ‘jus post bellum’ criterion – you aren’t likely to find one case that fits the West’s own theory of a just war.

The attitude towards conflicts as a natural course of events began changing after World War I. This conflict concluded a historical era which we call the modern era. The basic assumptions and dogmas of modernity such as humanism and rationalism collapsed at the time. Man was no longer seen as the pinnacle of civilization but became only a means, and this ‘means’ was sent to die on the battlefields en masse. It became apparent that reason will not lead humanity to a bright future and this in turn led to the collapse of rationalism.

As Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky said, reason is a scoundrel, it helps humans create concentration camps and machines for killing their own kind on an unprecedented scale.

World War II propagated this evil to such an extent that it no longer fit into any ethical system. This is why philosopher Theodor Adorno wonders whether poetry is possible after Auschwitz. Surely, it is physically possible, but the question implies that there is a huge problem of understanding evil in the new reality.

After WWII, people were greatly traumatized by the scale of human losses and the scale of evil. That is why wars weren’t formally declared after 1945. In a legal sense, there were no more wars, there were only ‘military operations’, ‘conflicts’, and so on.

I believe we are gradually approaching the heated phase of a new global conflict leading to a clash of entire armies, as we are now seeing in Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are turning back to the former definition of war – a war of peoples, a clash of civilizations. Beyond the sluggish hybrid format, it is emerging as a global conflict involving many parties. That’s the direction we’re heading in, and so far I see no prerequisites for turning back.

In a sense, however, the Cold War was a period of detente after humanity’s traumatic experience of WWII. This may sound like blasphemy, but during the Cold War, world leaders were seeking more civilized methods of confrontation.

Whereas today, these methods no longer work and war is becoming total and all-encompassing. It is primarily a war of ideas. As long as contradicting ideas exist, this war cannot be over.

The ontology of combat supposes that as long as there are ideas, wars will go on. If ideas exist, so does conflict.

As long as there is a contradiction in the Platonic world of ideas and there are people who are willing to defend their ideas, die, and kill for them, there will be wars.

At the end of the 20th century, philosopher Francis Fukuyama believed that humanity was ready to enter into peaceful coexistence since the victory of one idea over another had finally taken place. Only one winner remained, there was no one to fight anymore.

Reconciliation is what happens in classic warfare. The war ends with an agreement.

I’d like to believe that there is still room for negotiations, but experience shows that the West is simply not up to it today. You know, Carl Schmitt defined such a notion as an “absolute enemy.” This is an enemy with whom you can’t negotiate, since he has only one goal: total annihilation. Not necessarily physical annihilation, but primarily the destruction of self-identity. If it is possible to conclude an agreement with such an enemy, it will be very short-lived and you will soon be deceived. The absolute enemy is not capable of dialogue since he sees no point in it.

Today, the West sees no point in negotiating with Russia. Western elites believe that their truth is absolute and nonnegotiable.

In a way, this is a unique situation the likes of which we have not seen in human history. This conflict is final and absolute and it has a strong eschatological background. This is a war of ideas and only ideas will win in this war.

April 16, 2023 12:11 pm

H B Bear says:
April 16, 2023 at 11:59 am

Wow. Parcel ordered after COB Tuesday in the British Midlands to Perf for delivery Sunday morning with DHL. Logistics is really the only game in a modern economy. Which brings us back to trucks v trains.

I ordered some crap on Saturday night last week. It was delivered to my door on Friday morning having made a trip from Spain. The skies are highways these days. It’s amazing.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 16, 2023 12:11 pm

Uh huh.
You play Elmer Fudd to Panzer’s Bugs Bunny.
Is that it?

April 16, 2023 12:14 pm

What’s the point. Demonrats are going to cheat in 24 and Hiden will be president.

You gotta be positive head prefect. We have to hope Trump has a plan to stop the demorat cheating and has cheating plans in hand to respond.

April 16, 2023 12:15 pm

I agree with Don Jr. on the Bud Light thing. AB leans Republican and one stupid ad initiated by an idiotic girl shouldn’t be used by the Right to try and destroy a major American company. That’s just cancel culture.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 12:16 pm

US must stop ‘encouraging war’ in Ukraine – Lula

That’s a great advert for encouraging the war, given Lula almost certainly stole the election (with help from a few usual suspects).

On the other hand given who is in charge in the US it seems to be baddies (Biden) vs baddies (Lula) vs baddies (Mr Z) vs baddies (Mr P). Sadly the guys in the trenches on both sides don’t get to vote on any of this.

April 16, 2023 12:16 pm

Save us from egg spurts- the last 3 yars have shown what a menace they are

April 16, 2023 12:18 pm

I ordered a small item from Melbourne on Wednesday. ETA next Thursday.


April 16, 2023 12:19 pm

cohenite says:
April 16, 2023 at 12:14 pm

What’s the point. Demonrats are going to cheat in 24 and Hiden will be president.

You gotta be positive head prefect. We have to hope Trump has a plan to stop the demorat cheating and has cheating plans in hand to respond.

Sundance sums it up in

….ENVELOPES!That’s it.

That’s the sum total of what matters. – Envelopes containing ballots.

Red envelopes -vs- Blue envelopes, and who can gather the most envelopes. That’s it folks. That’s the only thing that matters.

. Dear President Donald Trump, go ahead and hold the rallies…. continue putting out the platform…. continue using your podium to promote vision, excitement and direction in the largest scale possible to save the nation. Continue providing fuel for the cultural battle and primary battle being waged in the social media sphere by warriors for the MAGA movement….

However, in the totality of the 2024 presidential contest, this effort should be -at most- 20% of the industrial political campaign.

80% of the entirety of the money spent, the effort exhausted, the assembly constructed, the people and supporters assembled, should be focused – to the exclusion of all other things – on the process of maximizing envelope collection.

Make that paradigm shift, and 2024 is easily within reach. Ignore it, and you might as well use a carrier pigeon to send your next email.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 16, 2023 12:19 pm

Grandpa Ed Simpson

I’d say Male Nurses and Police Officers would also fit into that category.

Not female ones? Why not?

April 16, 2023 12:21 pm

JC says:
April 16, 2023 at 12:15 pm

I agree with Don Jr. on the Bud Light thing. AB leans Republican and one stupid ad initiated by an idiotic girl shouldn’t be used by the Right to try and destroy a major American company. That’s just cancel culture.


Pour encourager les autres.

April 16, 2023 12:24 pm


I’m hopeful but I’m also a realist. Unless the fraudulent vote harvesting stops there’s no hope for the GOP in the presidential election or the senate. The cheating is massive and unstoppable.
For instance, what plan is there to prevent cheating in Philly? The cheating in Philly’s urban areas will mean that state is lost to the GOP because they will do what they do, which is to count the vote until midnight and they create the votes needed to win the state. It can’t be stopped.

April 16, 2023 12:26 pm


I’m not suggesting they shouldn’t be cautioned, but to completely cancel AB is just wrong. They’re scared witless now anyway.

April 16, 2023 12:30 pm

Pour encourager les autres.

Over at there is a report that Coon cheese being renamed Cheer has not dropped in sales since going woke, headline basically ‘Go woke, go broke’ has not happened.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 12:31 pm

I love how the Mongols were so sensitive, diverse and inclusive.

Ancient DNA reveals the multiethnic structure of Mongolia’s first nomadic empire (, 14 Apr)

A second major finding was that high status Xiongnu burials and elite grave goods were disproportionately associated with women, corroborating textual and archaeological evidence that Xiongnu women played especially prominent political roles in the expansion and integration of new territories along the empire’s frontier.

And feminist…

(The science news is a laugh a minute these days.)

April 16, 2023 12:31 pm

Coon cheese, did it have much market share at all? There is so much on offer in a supermarket. It’s not the 1980s anymore!

April 16, 2023 12:32 pm

Look, I normally wouldn’t do this but credit where credit is due. She’s not a cute owl, black mama or wonderful wang but, well make up your own mind.

April 16, 2023 12:37 pm

The 69-year-old equestrian is understood to have collapsed just before she was due to compete in the show jumping
…Vicki has a large tear in her aorta and was undergoing and eight-hour surgery.

You’re missing the big picture here. Whatever the cause of death, without a proper autopsy there is no way of knowing whether or not the jab was involved. That is, up to and including a tear in the aorta. Anything and everything. Apparently, an autopsy can indisputably tell but, surprise, surprise, they seem to be very thin on the ground.

One thing though, is that the vast majority of sudden death links I post are for people in positions requiring travel. That’s a definite tell in itself, unless you’re Novak Djokovic.

April 16, 2023 12:37 pm

make up your own mind.

Thanks for your permission.
In my opinion Kardashian Arse should be declared a body dysmorphia.

April 16, 2023 12:38 pm

Why are the SAS in Ukraine – and do we have a clue why we’re involved in this war?


Who decided to send the SAS to Ukraine? What are they doing there? What would happen were they to be killed by Russian forces, or captured by them?

And what was a British surveillance plane, capable of carrying 30 people, doing over the Black Sea last September, when a bungling Russian pilot almost shot it down, only failing because his missile was a dud? What would have happened if the missile had worked, and many British servicemen and women had died?

Nobody will answer these questions when I ask them. Once upon a time, we had a proper Parliament in which brave, indomitable MPs such as the late Tam Dalyell would pursue such matters. Perhaps, even now, some courageous man or woman is getting ready to step into Tam Dalyell’s shoes. I do hope so.

We can be pretty sure that the leaked documents revealing these facts are accurate, given the ferocious reaction of the US authorities to their publication. By the way, you may be sure that the Kremlin will have known about all this for many months. The cloud of secrecy around such matters is (as so often) there to keep the British and American publics in ignorance, not to keep hostile powers in the dark.

Meanwhile, as far as I know, this country is not at war with Russia. If we did enter such a war, as a Nato member, we would instantly widen the current conflict to cover the whole of Europe.

Can you begin to imagine what that would involve? How would the people of this country gain by such events? Is anybody thinking about what we are doing?

First of all, what interest does the United Kingdom have in continuing and sustaining this war?

A powerful faction in Washington DC, with supporters in the West Wing of the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA, have long wanted a proxy war with Russia.

They believe passionately that Russia must never be allowed to rise again. This faction, whose founding document is known as The Wolfowitz Doctrine, have been hard at work since 1992, when The New York Times leaked their plans.

They are almost exactly the same people who created the Iraq War out of nothing, who got the West into the Afghanistan quagmire, and who backed Islamist fanatics in Syria – who were the sort of people they would have arrested in Chicago.

They have an unparalleled record of fanatical stupidity, and everywhere they intervene ends up in corpse-strewn ruins, with everyone who can get out fleeing from the fire and screams… towards Europe and the Channel coast.

If every dollar these zealots have spent on war had been spent instead on building prosperous free countries in places such as Russia, the world would be a startlingly better place.

That, fundamentally, is America’s problem. If nobody in the USA will stand up to them, they will get their repeated stupid wars and the rest of us will have to watch, weep and receive the fleeing multitudes.

But we do not have to take part. Why are we in this? How does Britain benefit from war between Russia and Ukraine?

How, for that matter, has poor Ukraine benefited from it, its cities wrecked, its economy half-dead, untold numbers of its young men gone to graveyards?

Why should any British soldiers be there at all? If Parliament does not debate this, then we are not a democracy. And if any critical voices are drowned out with slander and abuse, then we are not a free country.

April 16, 2023 12:38 pm

It’s only rock and roll but I like it like it yes I do!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 12:38 pm

I have no idea why Kenya wants an Earth observation satellite but the amazing thing is they can now afford to have one.

Kenya deploys first earth observation satellite into space (, 15 Apr)

The African country’s Taifa-1 was among the satellites on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, which lifted off from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

The rocket’s launch had to be scrubbed twice previously due to bad weather.

Kenya’s satellite will fly over the country every four days and gather data for agriculture, land and environment monitoring, according to the Kenya Space Agency.

There’s even a Kenya Space Agency! Thanks of course goes to Elon whose marvelous rockets make this possible.

Tomorrow he intends to light the wick for Starship. I hope it works.

SpaceX will try to launch most powerful rocket ever Monday (, 15 Apr)

April 16, 2023 12:40 pm


You may not be aware of this, but the amount of corporate governance required of US public corporations to abide by essentially leftist causes is enormous. Public companies are scored by outside outfits on ESG or ESG-like scores.

That piece of shit, Larry Fink, ,from Blackrock, is right behind this crap, and Blackrock is the largest fund manager in the world. Blackrock uses and abuses the shareholdings it controls as custodian to terrorize public corporations leaning towards leftist causes. It’s diabolical. 

Have a little sympathy for the victims, who are US corps.

The real action in American capitalism is now in private equity, where the objectives of shareholders and managers are in perfect alignment.

April 16, 2023 12:42 pm

Thanks for your permission.
In my opinion Kardashian Arse should be declared a body dysmorphia.


April 16, 2023 12:42 pm

In my opinion Kardashian Arse should be declared a body dysmorphia.

Maybe its the angle but in that shot it looks quite presentable. If I was at the beach with that it would be Mojitos all round.

April 16, 2023 12:43 pm

Look, I normally wouldn’t do this but credit where credit is due. She’s not a cute owl, black mama or wonderful wang but, well make up your own mind.

I just finished a lovely bacon sandwich, then I clicked your link. My lovely sandwich is now in the big white telephone, I will never click another of your links.

April 16, 2023 12:47 pm

I just finished a lovely bacon sandwich, then I clicked your link. My lovely sandwich is now in the big white telephone, I will never click another of your links.

I’m calling bullshit on that. No one regurgitates a bacon sanger.

The problem here is that you lot are judging the photo on the character of the person and not judging the arse and the rest on the merits.

April 16, 2023 12:48 pm

The real action in American capitalism is now in private equity, where the objectives of shareholders and managers are in perfect alignment.

That’s interesting- it’s probably not in a company’s interest to be listed on NYSE or Nasdaq. Been thinking about dumping my US stocks (I’m a beneficial owner not a full legal owner).

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 12:48 pm

The more scabs we pull off the Swamp, the worse it gets. We now have to consider how far into the US Armed Forces the corruption has spread.

April 16, 2023 12:49 pm

There are plenty of Russian tourists here. All I’ve seen then do is talk and sing loudy and not tolerate shit service

Geese, I dunno, rickw.

Have a friend living there for a few years now. Everything is fine, paradise, get over here etc for most of that time until a short time ago. Out of the blue one day and fairly frequently since she’s been complaining about the behaviour of the Russians. She reports the same deterioration in Thailand. Perhaps it’s just a function of numbers. There are a lot apparently.

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 12:50 pm


Commenter on that column is complaining that his poor mother has been reduced to tears, by the treatment she has received from “NO’ voters….

Crocodile tears from the spoilt, undisciplined child who has finally been told ‘No’ by the parents.
Next will be the tantrum, then the violence.

April 16, 2023 12:51 pm

For much of the last two years we have ordered car parts from Britain, America and the eastern states.
All the overseas orders arrived in less time than the Australian orders, in most cases much less time.

April 16, 2023 12:54 pm

The problem here is that you lot are judging the photo on the character of the person and not judging the arse and the rest on the merits.

Sense of humor failure cohenite or what?

April 16, 2023 12:55 pm

The problem here is that you lot are judging the photo on the character of the person and not judging the arse and the rest on the merits.

The individual photo is not nearly as bad as the last twelve years of media exposure would lead one to expect, but one swallower doth not a summer make.

April 16, 2023 12:58 pm

Sense of humor failure cohenite or what?

Actually I thought that the skipping from bad character to the ‘actual merits’ was very witty.

April 16, 2023 12:59 pm

Cronkite, Stop! They just photoshopped her huge rear by slimming it down a little in the pics. She had pads put in to make it appear bigger. Disgusting. Pert arses are cute. Big ones are revolting.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 1:00 pm

Sense of humor failure cohenite or what?

Ms Kardashian is very, very, very rich.
If Cohenite likes her I think he has a heroic project.
Even I could look past the size of her, um…

April 16, 2023 1:05 pm

How to Identify an AI-Generated Image: 4 Ways

Garling Wu

Differentiating between AI-generated images and real ones is becoming increasingly difficult. But there are a few tricks you can try.

How to use Midjourney to generate AI images

The era of AI-generated artwork is upon us, and the internet is filled with users trying to create the perfect prompts to lead AIs to create just the right images – or sometimes, just the wrong ones. Sound like fun? One of the more common AI tools is Midjourney, which people use to create dreamlike landscapes and subjects with just a few words.

This is an INSANE use of AI. I love it.

All forms of media are going to be majorly transformed with AI in ways we can’t yet predict.

– Movies / TV
– Video games
– Music

This is just the beginning.

Flawless is pioneering the revolution in film making using AI.

Our TrueSync software harnesses the power of generative AI to visually change filmed dialogue.

April 16, 2023 1:07 pm

Nice piece ion what’s going on with corporate America.

Why Corporate America Loves the Left

April 16, 2023 1:10 pm

Cronkite, Stop! They just photoshopped her huge rear by slimming it down a little in the pics. She had pads put in to make it appear bigger. Disgusting. Pert arses are cute. Big ones are revolting.

Here we go, the old photoshopped arse argument. Put up evidence head prefect: fat arse v photoshopped arse. Incidentally she may not have a wide arse but a popper where it bulges backwards and in a frontal that is disguised. But again present arse evidence otherwise the photo stands on its merits.

April 16, 2023 1:11 pm

Lastly, there is the ongoing impact of the stakeholder movement on the business world. Few events symbolize how far such thinking has penetrated America than the Business Roundtable’s 2019 decision, endorsed by 181 CEOs, to commit itself to leading “their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders.” Six months later in December 2019, the World Economic Forum produced a manifesto stating that companies needed to shift away from “shareholder capitalism” and embrace “stakeholder capitalism.”

For many people, such words may seem innocuous, not least because stakeholderism reflects a certain truth about business. To the extent that stakeholderism holds that businesses should treat their employees and customers fairly, honor contracts, obey just laws, respect the environment, etc., it is unobjectionable. In such cases, it’s simply another way of articulating well-understood responsibilities of business. Business leaders meet these obligations every single day by facilitating choice in goods and services for consumers, providing wages and benefits to their employees, repaying loans to banks, providing returns to investors and shareholders, paying just taxes, and, above all, creating economic value that benefits the wider community in seen and unseen ways in the present and into the future.

That truth, however, has steadily been twisted in ways that distract business leaders from their core responsibilities, diminish the legitimate commercial liberties of the companies they run, and allow executives of publicly traded companies to insulate themselves from accountability to investors and shareholders. This is apparent in what is called “pluralistic stakeholderism.” Among other things, this school of thought holds that companies must consider the effects of their choices on potentially infinite numbers of stakeholders, even to the point of requiring businesses to consult with, if not receive approval from, numerous constituencies before making any significant decisions. In this scenario, shareholders and customers are just one of a plethora of entities to whom business executives must answer.

If followed through systematically, such forms of stakeholderism would marginalize attention to profit-making in many business leaders’ decision-making, thoroughly muddle lines of accountability within companies, and undermine a basic foundation of competitive market economies by prioritizing virtue-signaling over the workings of price signals. And this, I’d suggest, is precisely what that large segment of the political left that has never reconciled itself to free markets actually wants.

That is what is ultimately at stake with the leftward drift of so many American business leaders. Seeking to appease activist progressives might help alleviate some immediate pressures on companies. It may even seem like good public relations. But like all forms of appeasement, this is counterproductive over the long term insofar as it will significantly undermine the capacity of business executives to generate profits, create jobs, and build and invest the capital that fuels long-term growth for entire countries.

In such a world, all of us—not just business—will lose.
About the Author
Samuel Gregg
Samuel Gregg is Research Director at the Acton Institute and a Fellow of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University.

April 16, 2023 1:12 pm

Trump has made an ad out of his appearance with Kid Rock, Tyson and a few other hard heads at the MM A the other day; outstanding as usual.

Those knuckleheads aren’t going to win many middle-lass Americans over, TBH.

Trump has lost a step, has noticeably aged and is no longer as lighthearted as he used to be.
His Truth Social videos are horribly lit and his rhetoric against DeSantis has become unhinged. His son isn’t helping by calling on Republicans to kiss and make up with Budweiser.

April 16, 2023 1:14 pm
April 16, 2023 1:14 pm

Here we go, the old photoshopped arse argument. Put up evidence head prefect: fat arse v photoshopped arse. Incidentally she may not have a wide arse but a popper where it bulges backwards and in a frontal that is disguised. But again present arse evidence otherwise the photo stands on its merits.

Here you go. It’s freaking huge and bounces around when she’s walking.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2023 1:15 pm

I have not observed the arse in question. However, I will make a general observation:

Pert arses are cute. Big ones are revolting.

Preach it. The same people who are retarded enough to slaver over comedically-oversized arses are those who go for big old botoxed lips that look like a hot dog lying atop another.

It’s a plastic Kardashian fantasy that equates to nothing in the real world. Aside from the women stupid enough to have arse implants, all those gigantic yoga-clad derrieres do is make you wonder just how wide it’s going to be three weeks after the chick who owns it stops going to the gym.

It’s just a big, ice-cold schooner full of NO.

April 16, 2023 1:16 pm

Speaking of chicks in bikinis…

Jessica Rowe could do with hamburger or 10.

April 16, 2023 1:20 pm

Jessica Rowe could do with hamburger or 10.

And letting her hair grow. Sheilas shouldn’t have short cropped hair. It looks dykey and masculine. Just touching the shoulders is perfect.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2023 1:21 pm

Jessica Rowe could do with hamburger or 10.

The other end of the spectrum. A good root and a green apple would put her in the grave.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2023 1:21 pm

Deagal reported recently that Russia can shut down all satellites with a ground based EW platform.

I don’t think this is especially controversial – I don’t know about all satellites nor the technology used, but Russia appears to have the capability to blind at least some satellites. I imagine the US has a similar capability.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 16, 2023 1:22 pm

Sudan seems to be going well.

Leave them where they are this time please. The Amanda Vanstone cultural enrichment is still keeping the police and insurance companies busy.

April 16, 2023 1:22 pm

Those knuckleheads aren’t going to win many middle-lass Americans over, TBH.

Knuckleheadedness is relative. Demorat women cf GOP ladies. Throw in antifa, BLM and the MSM and you have true knuckleheads. You can’t judge Trump by some absolute standard but in relative terms.

Trump has lost a step, has noticeably aged and is no longer as lighthearted as he used to be.
His Truth Social videos are horribly lit and his rhetoric against DeSantis has become unhinged. His son isn’t helping by calling on Republicans to kiss and make up with Budweiser.

Again all relative; the DeSantis attacks do have to be toned down and I don’t know what Don Jr is doing.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 16, 2023 1:22 pm

Climate defence protestors from group Rising Tide have been arrested after walking on a train line and disrupting coal trains en route to the Port of Newcastle.

After blocking the train, 20 members of the group climbed on top of the train and used shovels to unload coal from wagons, according to The Guardian.

“Rallies and campaigning within the system are clearly not working, so people like me who are terrified for our future are left with no option but civil disobedience,” a protestor, Jasmine Stuart, told the site.

The protest has been described by the group as their “big action day” and is part of a four day “climate camp”.

The group has plans for Monday to “build the movement in the coming months”, according to their event Facebook page.

April 16, 2023 1:22 pm

Speaking of chicks in bikinis…

Hand me an umbrella for my single malt, while I just settle on this lounger by the pool.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2023 1:26 pm

Trump has lost a step, has noticeably aged and is no longer as lighthearted as he used to be.
His Truth Social videos are horribly lit and his rhetoric against DeSantis has become unhinged.

They’ll crawl over red hot broken glass to vote for him CL.

Poll: Donald Trump Holds Clear Lead of 21 Points in Georgia (15 Apr)
Survey: Donald Trump Boasts Commanding Lead in Kentucky (14 Apr)
Poll: Donald Trump Takes 21-Point Lead in South Carolina (14 Apr)

De Santis hasn’t quite hit the notes he needs to hit. He’s trying, but he’s still too close to the establishment GOP. The base knows this very well indeed, hence these poll numbers.

April 16, 2023 1:27 pm

Climate defence protestors from group Rising Tide have been arrested after walking on a train line and disrupting coal trains en route to the Port of Newcastle.

After blocking the train, 20 members of the group climbed on top of the train and used shovels to unload coal from wagons, according to The Guardian.

I feel these nitwits need some re-education.
Clearly their schooling has let them down.

April 16, 2023 1:27 pm

Defund the police.

Officers kill homeowner after responding to wrong address

April 8, 2023

FARMINGTON, N.M. (AP) — Officers with the Farmington Police Department in northwestern New Mexico shot and killed a homeowner when they showed up at the wrong address in response to a domestic violence call, state police investigators said.

The shooting happened around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday. New Mexico State Police released more details late Thursday, and Farmington police confirmed Friday that the three officers involved are on paid administrative leave pending a review of the case.

The officers were not immediately identified, and it wasn’t clear what administrative action could be taken.

Body camera footage reviewed by state police shows the homeowner opening the screen door armed with a handgun and that’s when officers retreated and fired. Not knowing who was outside, the man’s wife returned fire from the doorway and officers fired again. (A ride or die lady).

State police said the woman put down her gun after realizing the individuals outside her home were police officers.

Dotson, 52, was pronounced dead at the scene.


April 16, 2023 1:31 pm

Deliveries are slower nowadays. About 25 years ago a mate in a suburb just south of the Adelaide Parklands could post an Express package at his local post office and I could pick it up at 9am at my post office in Toowoomba.
Altronics had a good business in Perth selling electronic components. Eastern States companies could order just before 5pm Eastern time and Altronics could pack the order and send it and it could be picked up 9am the next day.

April 16, 2023 1:32 pm


This is what become of the Duke Lacrosse false accuser.

Classification: Murderer
Characteristics: Known as the woman who falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape
Number of victims: 1
Date of murder: April 3, 2011
Date of arrest: Same day
Date of birth: July 18, 1978
Victim profile: Reginald Daye, 46 (her boyfriend)
Method of murder: Stabbing with knife
Location: Durham County, North Carolina, USA
Status: Sentenced to 14 to 18 years in prison on November 22, 2013

April 16, 2023 1:33 pm

Hang on. Someone made a prediction in 2017 that we’re going to have a 35% population drop by 2025, did I get that right?
Sorry, why is this being given any credence?

The nuclear war of 2023 will take care of it.

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 1:34 pm

Colonel Crispin Berka:
This is the origin of my reply:

April 15, 2023 at 10:06 pm
johanna says:
April 15, 2023 at 8:54 pm
Graeme Thorne, July 1960 was the first of those you mentioned.
Then on 1 January 1963 the mysterious deaths of Gilbert Bogle and Margaret Chandler.
The Wanda Beach Murders on 11 January 1965 and then a year later
on Australia Day 1966 the disappearance of the Beaumont children.
Who could ever forget.
The last three listed above were all in January.

Sancho Panzer
April 15, 2023 at 10:09 pm
Who could ever forget.
The last three listed above were all in January.
A school-teacher.
Or male nurse would be my next guess.

It’s a continuation of the class clowns sustained innuendo which originated about a year ago. It continues to have a sly dig at my profession whenever it feels like it. I suppose he finds it amusing, which doesn’t surprise me.

April 16, 2023 1:41 pm

This is the most retarded shit I’ve seen on the internet.

It’s almost as retarded as kiwi farms, who are only marginally less retarded than the people they usually mock with some degree of success.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Not knowing who was outside, the man’s wife returned fire from the doorway and officers fired again.

Almost a shame she didn’t get in three quick perfect headshots.
Coz that’s the only justice her late husband will ever get.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 16, 2023 1:46 pm

A teacher claims she was left ‘humiliated’ after being ordered to apologise to 11-year-olds at a private girls’ school – for calling them girls.

Bosses at the £20,000-a-year school told the woman to deliver the mea culpa after her class complained that she had said ‘good afternoon, girls’ at the start of a lesson, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

After being told by the pupils that ‘not everyone here identifies as female’, she arrived in class the following day to find they had pointedly written their names and pronouns on the board, including one who used they/them.

They also held a lunchtime protest after she refused to acknowledge their demands.

Last night, the philosophy and religious education teacher spoke of her belief that she was ‘managed out’ by senior staff at the prestigious institution, which is part of the independent Girls’ Day School Trust, but only after she was forced to publicly apologise.

Daily Mail

April 16, 2023 1:50 pm

Where did Rising Tide shovel the coal. Surely they can be hit with an environmental damage suit?

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 1:51 pm


Whatever the cause of death, without a proper autopsy there is no way of knowing whether or not the jab was involved. That is, up to and including a tear in the aorta.

Aortic tear in a 69 year old? Not uncommon. Especially if it’s an abdominal tear/dissection.

April 16, 2023 1:52 pm

The Sudan has never recovered from the departure of Kitchener.

April 16, 2023 1:54 pm

Pert arses are cute. Big ones are revolting.

I love generously bottomed ladies with the waist ratio.
Ooh la-la.

April 16, 2023 1:56 pm

Where did Rising Tide shovel the coal. Surely they can be hit with an environmental damage suit?

Trespass, criminal damage- Newcastle uni student apparently

April 16, 2023 1:56 pm

‘Rising Tide’ eh.
These arrogant climate children change the names of their outfits more often than their knickers.
Um, perhaps more often than that.
School holidays bring them out for a bit of FU fun.

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 1:57 pm


The problem here is that you lot are judging the photo on the character of the person and not judging the arse and the rest on the merits.

When the arse sags enough to be seen front on, then it’s off to the gym to tighten it up, or retire, squire.
Let’s admit it – she’s had a damn fine run and it’s time to go out on a high.

April 16, 2023 1:59 pm

It isn’t about the base, though, Bruce.
It’s about, say, four million voters who were (allegedly) in Biden’s column switching over to Trump’s in 2024. Can’t see it happening.

Trump has to change – or, rather, bring to the fore his more cerebral side. There is an opening for a peace-maker, for the candidate who wants the US to calm TF down and who speaks to the nation intelligently about a better way forward.

The MAGA rally thing is just old.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

bons says: April 16, 2023 at 10:16 am
My local branch is a micro study of the problem. It was a probably overly comfortable normal branch, specialising in great afternoon teas, when we suddenly found ourselves presided over by the local newsagent.
He was boosted by the central office and had given away our rights before any of us understood what was happening. Branch meetings after that comprised people from the central office appearing to tell what we will do.

When pre-selecting a candidate, the committee meeting in my electorate was attended by a young pup from head office. Wearing a three-piece suit, this squirt ordered the electorate branch to pre-select a parachuted in candidate chosen by head office.
Considerable threats were made, plus the whippernsnapper told a room full of farmers that primary production was “the past” & they’d better “get with” tourism.

To a man the electorate committee left the meeting vowing to vote One Nation. The flow-on effect of respected pillars of the community recommending (in private) voting against the party, this cannot be understated.

April 16, 2023 2:02 pm

Trespass and criminal damage – slap on the wrist. Environmental damage – big fine, irony award, loss of face with their virtue signalling peers.

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 2:03 pm


Now this is an arse:
Plus-Sized Influencer Tells Airlines to Give Obese Flyers Free Seats

Sell tickets by Passenger weight/distance travelled.
End of story.

April 16, 2023 2:12 pm

Salvadore. Same bloke. Did he bring the arrogant woman?

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 2:13 pm


Almost a shame she didn’t get in three quick perfect headshots.
Coz that’s the only justice her late husband will ever get.

Time at the range would have paid dividends for her.

Winston Smith
April 16, 2023 2:16 pm

Top Ender:

A teacher claims she was left ‘humiliated’ after being ordered to apologise to 11-year-olds at a private girls’ school – for calling them girls.

First mistake is apologising. It just encourages the little tyrants.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 16, 2023 2:17 pm

Big Pharma lying? Say it ain’t so.


The Dr. Ardis Show:

In this episode, Dr. Ardis takes us through a powerful presentation full of scientific research on Gout. He explains what Gout is, how the media and Big Pharma have lied to us and how to beat it naturally. He lays out, in detail, how it is being treated conventionally with pharmaceutical drugs and the side effects of those drugs. He presents studies and articles on the lies in the media that keep us sick and hopeless. Dr. Ardis educates us on the root causes of Gout and many natural remedies, including supplements and diet changes. This is a must watch episode that gives hope, education and empowerment to take control of our own health!


Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

bons says: April 16, 2023 at 2:12 pm
Salvadore. Same bloke. Did he bring the arrogant woman?

Don’t know, I was not at the meeting. I am not a member of any political party.

Whoever the prick is, he’s not killing just the Liberal vote, he’s killing the motivation of party volunteers.
Well, actually he’s not killing the volunteers, he’s motivating the Liberal volunteers to work hard for One Nation.

April 16, 2023 2:18 pm

When cohenite’s book titles go wrong.

Julie went to visit granny at the hospital. Granny was old and said crazy things. She kept warning Julie about burning the coal and then paying the toll. What could that mean? Julie was puzzled.

April 16, 2023 2:21 pm

Almost a shame she didn’t get in three quick perfect headshots.
Coz that’s the only justice her late husband will ever get.

A natural emotional response, but justice should limit us to ONE perfect headshot. ‘A life for a life’ is a limitation on revenge, not an encouragement to try for a clean sweep. Let the remainder of the squad flee to a sanctuary city.

And then, we need to understand a bit more. Maybe the shooter actually made a good call, given the actual circumstances. I once praised fast action by the Police in London and ten minutes later we found they had executed an innocent South American backpacker.

April 16, 2023 2:30 pm

Irish Catholic man confronts a priest at Knock Shrine in Co. Mayo ahead of Joe Biden’s visit:

“He’s Pro-abortion and the 8,500 babies that was murdered last year, will that be part of the ceremony? He’s really pushing this. He’s a public sinner.”

  1. Interesting, Thank you Peter So many remarkable events in US politics this month – the instant MSM u-turn on the…

  2. Inequalidy saw an increase in the US this week. Why a Cold-Storage Company Just Delivered the Year’s Hottest IPO.Lineage just…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x