Hand typed out from my copy of The New MAGA Deal, Peter Navarro, 2025: …a foreign policy based on the…
Hand typed out from my copy of The New MAGA Deal, Peter Navarro, 2025: …a foreign policy based on the…
vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
Downgraded to cat 1.
I note with interest that Alfred is slowly,slowly making its way towards land. Very slow indeed. Perhaps he’s waiting for…
Lizzie, the rubber suits in which the Gimp spends most of his time, suspended from the ceiling, are simmering Petrie…
“Hey Cranky, how ya going old cock.”
Hey pervert apologist, I don’t have a cock, but since cock is on your mind, is it because, to cite the always lucid Ms Lidia Thorpe, your cock is small?
of cocaine and hopeium
Jew haters always like other Jew haters.
Moira Deeming was impressive …to a point on Credlin last night. Great stance defending womens rights, spaces. She lost me with the team player and supporting Prosciutto bit. Credlin after the interview called out the background machinations. The Leader is a cuck and the Vic SFL party is stuck whilst that lot are at the helm.
Hey pervert apologist, you might want to hide your swastikas. I hear they’re illegal now in Victoria.
Here you go Monty.
Former Planned Parenthood communications director commits suicide – after ‘police launch child porn investigation into him’ and raid his apartment building (16 Apr)
Planned Parenthood are a very fruity bunch, aren’t they, from selling spare parts to who they employ.
” She lost me with the team player and supporting Prosciutto bit. “
I didn’t get that from the interview. I think she was diplomatic and she chose her words carefully.
You should try enjoying life, Cranky. It is too short to go through it angry all the time.
*Buying the strip joint that banned her, Maxine’s Gentlemen’s Club, and relaunching it as Lovely Lidia’s First Nations Glamourtorium – Gold.
Remember when Scott Adams got cancelled for saying that white people need to keep away from blacks, the situation is so bad it can’t be fixed and to live, safe prosperous lives the whites need to get away? John Derbyshire got cancelled for saying much the same thing in 2012. I think we’re on the cusp of the same situation, all around the country any area with large aboriginal populations are becoming more dangerous and less attractive to live in. If there was a concerted will by pollies of both sides to call for self control, accountability for the billions of $ spent per aboriginal person, the abandonment of the remote settlements, assimilation and personal property rights not communal ones for aborigines, respect for others and the law etc, then perhaps things would slowly improve for all of us.
If the ‘Voice’ gets up then it’s game over, large areas of the country will be no go zones for whites, we will taxed and bled to death to support people who have neither the skills or intent to live as part of a prosperous free society. Whites will actively avoid contact with aboriginals and live in almost separate communities. It’s almost as if our elites want this happen.
If ‘true’, did they control for the nature of the flying (hours flown, type of aviation, experience of the pilot in the other seat etc etc etc)
My anaesthetic registrars probably had a better ‘safety record’ than me – but I was involved in ALL the difficult cases, they were involved in only some of them.
“You should try enjoying life, Cranky. It is too short to go through it angry all the time.”
Nope, I’m not angry. I love life, but I dislike the following.
1. Jew haters.
2. Pervert apologists.
3. Hypocrites.
And you are all three.
Now piss off.
he needs to put a mirror on the ground for visibility
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 18, 2023 at 10:13 pm
My mob ran sheep and cattle stations for over a hundred years, until the last of them retired in the 1970’s.
I’ve posted this before, but my uncle “went droving” out of Alice Springs in 1947. He recounted how the men had first pick of the game that was cooked on the campfire, the dogs were fed next, and the women and children got the scraps. I wonder how Lidia and Marcia would tolerate that situation?
Living the “culture”, on “country”? how could they not lurrrrrrve it?
Oh well Cranky, if you want to be one of my singing fish warbling the same old tune over and over, it’s a free country.
Fun fact:
This is a swastika https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Germany_(1935%E2%80%931945,_square_version).svg
This isn’t
and BOTH are ancient religious symbols that well predate the Nazis.
“Oh well Cranky, if you want to be one of my singing fish warbling the same old tune over and over, it’s a free country.”
At the moment it remains a free country, but people like you want to make it unfree.
April 19, 2023 at 7:45 am”
Excellent comment.
The story of the angelic black kid who ‘rang the wrong doorbell’ and was shot in the head by the senile old white man?
It’s changed after 48 hours like they usually do, when the riots have started.
The next story is that the kid was trying to break into the old white guys house and he got shot for his troubles.
But this black kid who was on deaths door in ICU 48 hours ago is now home and been invited to the White House by the Old Thief, and has scored $2.5 million in GoFundMe donations.
Might be busy doing media.
There may be a lot less to inherit once the old man pops clogs.
There’s nothing there, it’s all debt.
The settlement looks like money laundering, NewsCorp has a history of doing sudden about faces and paying out.
Elton John, News of the World phone hacking, did Hawkie get a few Libel paydays off Murdoch too?
ok – so from this we can extrapolate.
3000 ppl = 0.5%.
There are 600,000 people on NDIS.
2.4% of the population.
so Hitler was an Aries
and Stalin was on the cusp
makes sense
same way P-platers that have never had an accident are ‘safer’ than experienced drivers
only the safety regulators themselves could mangle the very meaning of ‘safety’
I fear the country will be irreconcilably divided whether the Voice passes or not.
April 19, 2023 at 7:26 am
I did not know that KD. Trust you to know, though.
Suuuuuuuure you didn’t!
Why has the NDIS blown out? Because almost nobody exits the scheme.
Why would pollies who fight tooth & nail to keep their own places at the trough expect others to exit voluntarily ..?
it’s no wonder the country is STUFFED .. FFS!
Cassie, I know, I was being sarcastic.
If i recall, one of the rationales for the scheme was that it would make disabled people work place ready.
April 19, 2023 at 7:52 am
Oh well Cranky, if you want to be one of my singing fish warbling the same old tune over and over, it’s a free country.
m0nty=fa uses those singing fish to give himself blow jobs. Down off the wall, micro-penis in the mouth, turn on.
Excellent and very accurate statement. Mrs MS and I have travelled extensively through Australia’s wonderful landscape over the last 20 years. Already there are many places where whitefellas feel distinctly uncomfortable and must be constantly on alert for verbal and, sometime, physical abuse (personal experience here). Generally, no eye contact must be made and verbal/physical stouches in the street between blackfellas should normally be ignored. Lots of us grey nomads, who bring vital $ into these towns and communities, are avoiding them because of this. Also, larger tracts of Oz cannot be entered into without the requisite permit and some cannot be entered into at all unless you have very special status. Poor fellow, our country. I weep.
A bit more to my previous comment. Whoever gets the nod to lead the NSW Liberals is going to be suspected of owing the position to Photios/Kean power club. How will that help in cleaning out the muck?
Interesting to note that Aluminium, electricity made solid,
is a key metal for The Green Transition.
Transition is particular apt,
given the word’s current association with self-neutering.
yup: https://data.ndis.gov.au/explore-data
* ~600k people
* average payment $27k
* The booming market seems to be autism – 200k people. Anyone over 25 is on average of $100k to $142k support
Sweet fancy Moses!
I fear the country will be irreconcilably divided whether the Voice passes or not.
No one cares.
If the Voice gets up, it will be due to apathy.
If anyone wonders what Australia will be like with The Voice, look at Ukraine.
Zelenskyy’s Nazis are rounding up every Ukrainian/Russian male between 18 and 60 and sending them to the Bakhmut Front.
oh – and of that booming autism market, its dominated by 7-14yo’s. 105k participants, versus a max of 31k in the next closest band (15-18)
We’re watching the same civil strife that broke out in Chile caused by the communists attempting to overthrow the government that led to the one way helicopter flights, being re enacted in the US. Just that this time the civil disturbances are race based.
The very same model is being pushed in Australia.
In all three cases the fomentation has come via the same institution – the Universities.
Gramsci was right. The Long March Through The Institutions works.
If the voice doesn’t pass at least we will not have to pay rent for our own properties. I know the tribute will simply be collected from us in tax and used to gold plate the urban professional aborigines.
I just saw this as a last paragraph in something I wrote earlier:
I have no idea of where the ‘Pity stripper-club…’ came from. I don’t even know what it refers to.
This form of “separate development” for those who do not wish to coexist in the mainstream may be the only modus vivendi open to us.
If i recall, one of the rationales for the scheme was that it would make disabled people work place ready.
I thought the “rationale” was cos the Libs are cucks they were terrified that both the media and Liars would keep on publicizing that they didn’t care about the needy folks so they folded regardless of being aware of the ever increasing costs …..!
Unfortunately that appears to be the exact intention.
An unambiguous statement of intent for a racially divided future, with a one-way crossover, as endorsed by Uncle Luigi xirself:
Hard to see this as a unifying position if Australia says No.
A friend of Quadrant last night did what sensible people stopped doing years ago and tuned in to Q&A. Much to his surprise he found some kernels of corn in the standard ABC ordure of stacked panel, supercilious host and planted questions. Our correspondent writes:
In case you missed Q&A, broadcast last night from Mildura, its contribution to the Voice debate was very interesting, and almost certainly not what the ABC had planned. They had a woman leader of a local Aboriginal organisation, plus an Aboriginal guy in the audience to ask a question, and another person in the audience to ask a Dorothy Dix-er.
The leader of the local Aboriginal organisation said she needed more information about the Voice, and that the locals had not been consulted. At this, Stan Grant was a bit taken aback and tried to recover the situation, to no avail. That leader was a switched-on lady, by the way. She explained that, when she caught her son vaping in his bedroom, she removed the bedroom door.
The Aboriginal guy in the audience expressed similar reservations that the Voice looked like a Canberra bureaucracy, and that different areas needed different solutions. He gave the local example of Swan Hill having different needs than Mildura, which is correct. He also seemed like the type of guy that, when work needed to be done, he would do it.
On top of that, Bob Katter spoke of farmers losing their farms and of being attached to their country like Indigenous people. That is certainly true, but it’s not something the Aboriginal Industry ever mentions or wants to hear. Katter and Michael McCormack also spoke forcefully about remote Aboriginal areas being ignored by the Aboriginal Industry.
I estimate the program probably shifted the Voice vote by 2 to 6 points towards the No vote. It probably also prompted journalists at the SMH and Guardian to reconsider their certainty. As to the ABC, they are probably re-evaluating their procedure for choosing panellists and audience.
Autism rates *have* exploded in the last few decades – up from 1/10,000 in 1970 to 1/36 now (and even higher for boys), and NO, this does not just represent better diagnosis or disability troughers. Over half of autistics are seriously disabled – head banging, biting, incontinent, screaming level disabled.
If you want a pandemic to scare people with – theres a real one.
What is the cause?
Well it isn’t better diagnosis (if it was, where are all the middle aged to elderly autistics?) its real – no way they missed 99% of cases in the past.
It isn’t ‘relabelling’ of nerdy kids as autistic – as noted, these are seriously disabled kids, not just library lovers with an obsession with trains.
It isn’t genetic – its happened too fast.
It has to be environmental, and the expanded vaccine schedule (especially the aluminium preservatives) for kids is a prime candidate – perhaps now the bandaid has been ripped off the ‘safe and effective’ narrative, the truth may come out.
Matt Kean was one of the few to repudiate Katherine Deves and the TERF
That was the difference between holding Labor to Minority Government in NSW and being annihilated in the Aston by election a week later.
I hope you did a Bruce Pascoe, and danced around the seeding rig, waving a burning branch? Having a ceremony before sowing the crop is important.
Was Broelman’s toon intending to write off the ‘no’ case?
Yep, and the left gets what it wants.
Globalists Finally Say It Out Loud: Sex With Minors Is OK — and the UN Is Onboard (18 Apr)
All a part with the tranny activism, drag queen storytime and fetishization of everything. There’s no end to the depravity of the left. Predators whose prey is the innocent and the dissenters and the ordinary people.
thanks duk – that’s pretty frightening, and typical of our health authorities to be whistling in the wind about it.
Yeah, and a subtle dog whistle too, they all ended up in a black hole.
Rates here: https://www.understandingautism.com.au/
not sure how tin-foil that site it, but they suggest vit-D deficiencies.
No way the truth comes out there, too much money at stake.
Just like covid
Just like climate change
Just like war and ‘spreading democracy’
Just like Joe Bidens paedophile life.
No… the truth will never come out to the general public unfortunately…
Here’s all you need to know about the Vaccines Industry, bigger than the Coal Industry:
It’s illegal to vaccinate Thoroughbred Racehorses under any circumstances, international travel, whatever.
Here’s another:
ABC Background Briefing, 1980s:
1,089 GPs in Victoria were surveyed, 55 had had their own children vaccinated.
Were those 55 lying, or just stupid?
Post-covid Fiji’s national debt is 90% of GDP, threatening “sustainable economic & social development”, says the World Bank.
… not sure how tin-foil that site it, but they suggest vit-D deficiencies.
Blacks tend to be Vitamin D deficient.
If that theory is correct, then black children should be overrepresented in Autism stats.
Alamak! says:
April 19, 2023 at 12:13 am
OldOzzie – a fine thesis on how old investment banking worked and how GS apparently upset the apple cart with their crude accents and brown shoes.
Its an extremely self-serving yarn, tho. if you dig into their history you will find GS just as corrupt, greedy (long, short, whatever) and class-ridden as the other IB firms.
Son worked for GS in New York in 90s as Junior Commodities Trader, lived in small modern Tribecca apartment 43rd Level with view of Colgate Clock in New Jesey on the Hudson River – Staying in his apartment, the non stop noise of fire engines, ambulamce, police cars was 24 hrs – I used to do around the world trips on business in Asia, visit HQ in UK and Boston office aiming for weekend with Son in NY – we would drive up Long island or see NY or down to New Jersey – best was, he was on Sunday Evening Duty, covering Asia opening, for Super Bowl and I was in the GS office with him and a few others enjoying Super Bowl food whilst watching Trading & Game – GS had a display section of precious metals in the office – impressive.
Ed Casesays:
April 19, 2023 at 8:41 am
Matt Kean was one of the few to repudiate Katherine Deves and the TERF
That was the difference between holding Labor to Minority Government in NSW and being annihilated in the Aston by election a week later.
Grandpa Ed Simpson continues to shill for Labor and the leftards.
Kean is a Green in “liberal” clothing, who had a massive swing against him in a safe electorate.
Inveterate ‘bush bashers’ down the street have just returned from one of their super long distance barramundi expeditions.
They were at a popular ‘barra camp’ on the Roper River. The land across the creek from the camp is indig land.
They were surprised one day to be copping abuse from some local indigs. They didn’t believe them to have been inebriated.
That night, to their horror, the camp was burned out. A terrifying experience they claimed. They lost a lot of gear and the kids at the camp were apparently terrified, understandably.
They claim that Roper Bar plod merely shrugged and hinted that it was their fault for being there.
The NFP organisation that has always cared for the camp have said that they will probably quit.
Possibly not Yes voters I would surmise.
You mean debt matters?
Between own goals, ethnic tensions and the climate crazies I think Fiji is going to sink.
The Great Travel Reset: No more cheap flights is new reality for Europeans – Net Zero holidays for the well-off only as ‘climate compliance laws’ get stricter for airlines (18 Apr)
Tourists will have to paddle canoes to get there, like the Fijians originally did.
I’m seeing an Australia divided along racial lines, like South Africa was.
Well it isn’t better diagnosis (if it was, where are all the middle aged to elderly autistics?) its real – no way they missed 99% of cases in the past.
Of course they were missed! .. autism didn’t exist as a condition way back when! .. I’m 75 never knew I was autistic until the net came along and realised I was in the Aspbergers realm .. Probably lotza old folk like me who knew we wuz “different” but also understood the consequences of other kids realising you wasn’t like ’em .. the 1950s/60s was a different world we didn’t have “trans”kids to sympathise over! .. kids, back then, who were ‘different” wore targets not sympathy …..! when you’ve lived all your life covering up your “problems” why would you come out now and start a “look-at-me” session ..
I’ve got 4 adult kids who no nothing about my “condition’ and I’m not about to tell them “Daddy is different” .. FFS!
89-year-old Barry Humphries rushed to hospital.
It will to the people of Fiji.
Even a bailout will come with strings attached.
How is this for a scam from my mate in NZ. A guy he introduced me to has a bed ridden wife who has a carer 3 days a week for 3 hours per day. He complained about one of the carers not doing her job when he found her playing games on her phone several times. Got a different carer. She was so rough with his wife she was in pain for most of the day. He suggested to the carer to do the bed bathing the way he does it. Don’t tell me how to do my job and walked out. The agency boss rang to complain that the carers have handed him a complaint he is harrassing them on many occasions. They won’t be coming back citing nobody local. The local ones are sent out of area as they get mileage but at a lower rate than the agency gets. He eventually gets a carer from anther area 50 km away. This one rings up within 1.5 hrs saying she can’t get there. She still gets paid plus mileage. Get this, she hurt her back 18 months previous and has a carer. Nobody wants to know. The money goes on. On a bright note he has a lawn mowing round, a small one. Over there you pay tax on every dollar (which I think we should have) but he doesn’t being part of the little group I mentioned about previously where they exchange goods and services. Being in his 70’s the tax department pays no attention. Poor old bloke, idolises his wife, knows she is going to die and just wants the best for her. Just like the the majority here.
Like everything, debt doesn’t matter, until it does…
In the case of a person, that’s when you lose your job.
In the case of a country, it’s whether or not other countries value your currency or products anymore.
Listen to any academic economist and they will all talk about the importance of creative destruction. I think that Schumpeter is usually given credit for the idea. Bankruptcy and insolvency laws play a big part as well. The US probably do it better than anyone. The contrast with Japan and Asia more generally couldn’t be greater. Henry Ford is a great example.
Gas power a critical safety net in energy transition set to cost ‘trillions’, top universities say
The report isn’t available online yet.
The commentary in the ABC piece by people who presumably have read it is somewhat alarming. It looks like a roadmap for Australia to achieve permanent prosperity via Green Hydrogen – and (literally) trillions of OPM.
Looking forward to it.
Last time I was in Suva – prior to covid – the decline in public safety, particularly for tourists, was palpable. The once ubiquitous police were nowhere to be seen.
I’m seeing an Australia divided along racial lines, like South Africa was.
Are you seeing Pink Elephants too?
And little Green Men?
The bits of Fiji we saw on the cruise we just got back from were awful. Lautoka reminded me of Nambour mixed with Harris Park.
OTOH we loved Tonga, totally different feel
Fortunately regular contributors here have finely tuned spook Spidey senses. None more so than Special Ed, although you suspect there may be a few false positives in there as well. Flamers too!
The comedian later went on to describe himself as “Bionic Bazza” after gaining his titanium hip.
Wonder about that.
Titanium is more expensive than gold, but it’s toxic anyway.
There is nothing I would rather do than truck my wheelchair back to the NDIS and walk to the shop after standing up to take a shower.
Hold on a flash!
I’ve never fingered any of my fellow commenters as Spooks [though plenty of them clearly are].
I prefer not to speculate.
Well, …
Late reply..
Louis Littsays:
April 18, 2023 at 10:44 pm
Frolicking Node
Out of interest did your brother recover from this horrific event and what has he done with his life since.
I can’t help but ask as this is such a hateful act on an innocent person.
He was my ex’s brother, not mine.
And no, he was and always will be an intensely angry and screwed up person.
Last I heard he was facing dismissal from the local council he worked for because of his inability to deal with the public – as a plant operator.
I I ever heard hed “gone postal” or had been involved in some sort of serial killing spree I wouldnt be surprised.
Not even remotely true. This is likely an attempt by the Dem administration to gloss over the frankly horrible practice of hiring by gender/race rather than experience and ability which is today the rule rather than the exception in the industry.
Gerry Adams, has Albanese taken a selfie with that scumbag yet?
Anyway, believe it or not, the guy has been a British Spook for decades.
Now the biggest landlord in the Irish Republic, he specialises in buying apartment blocks and filling them with black Africans.
I can’t tell if Ed Case takes his absurd stories from Storm Front or Black Lives Matter.
Alamak! at 12:13
Yep. Investment banks are good at identifying opportunities and dumb (often government) money. Hence our own Macquarie was at various times in the toll road, childcare, taxi and renewable energy sectors.
Been thinking the last few days that I cant see how Australia avoids a Venezuela/Argentina future. All cultural levers are dominated by a wokeism that denies reality, and what’s more, most people believe it which will mean it will not be possible to turn the ship around. Am I wrong?
Adjacent writ large.
Plenty of police around the ship and in the buffet :-). I walked to the Fiji Museum* and the police had gazebos set up in the oddest places,but in in downtown.
* I am now officially totally in awe of Capts Cook & Bligh, esp Bligh. The Fiji Museum displays the remains of the Bounty’s rudder,then saw that Bligh is credited as the first foreigner to see Lautoka on his voyage to Timor after the mutiny. Intellectually I knew it was a magnificent feat of seamanship, but after covering some of those waters, where we were steaming for days without sight of land(but knowing where it was and with all modern nav aids) I can only imagine what is was like for Bligh and his loyal crew in an open boat
Sitting in 144 Bus yesterday going to Tuesday Lunch with Old Farts BYO Pizza Crows Nest (my offering Grant Burge Nebu Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz 2018, as one of the attendees 81st Birthday), travelling along Sydney Road from Wanganella Street along past Balgowlah Boys High – Concrete Truck delivering to site before BP, work on corner at Balgowlah Boys High and also next corner – 4 Utes of Safety Fences , 2 trailer flashing signs, 15 people waving Stop/Slow/Careful signs – only Concrete Truck Deliverer, 3 blokes on 1st corner then 2 blokes on next corner doing actual work – No need for any of the 15 Useless Standers Around
No wonder it cost a fortune to get anything done in this country
Also out today, the Albanese-Shitweasel EV plan.
Not seen it yet, but the main takeaways appear to be lashings of OPM and the elimination of the LandCruiser.
You suspect he might be a Blues Brothers fan.
Seems like he’s a good kid.
If a very old man assumed he was up to no good, that might be on the African American community.
I wouldn’t be demanding a very old man go to prison though.
Most recently, Ralph earned Missouri All-State Band honorable mention for playing the bass clarinet, according to a North Kansas City Schools’ newsletter in February. He also plays multiple instruments in the metropolitan youth orchestra, his aunt wrote.
He is a member of his school’s Technology Student Association and Science Olympiad Team and is a 2022 Missouri Scholars Academy alumni
Not everyone is down with We Waz Kweens.
Say goodbye to your mining industry then…
At school in the late 60’s we were taught that Bligh was found cowering under his bed when the Rum Rebellion was underway. I believed my teachers at the time, however in the following years and reading about the Bounty etc I came to believe that Bligh was a man of courage and would never hide from anyone. Do kids still get taught Australian history and if so do they get taught that crap about Bligh hiding?
The comment about Gerry Adams followed this John Derbyshire column at Unz Review.
Here’s the comment:
Brimstoner says:
April 15, 2023 at 1:10 pm
Shouldn’t you be celebrating Gerry Adams John? he was the man who signed the IRA’s surrender to the British in return for being made the joint administrators of British Ireland alongside the Unionists.
Gerry was the number one agent setting up hardliners at Loughgall, Gibraltar and Tyrone for slaughter so they couldn’t continue the guerrilla war, he even allowed the Italian Scapaticci a known informer to remain in place as head of IRA counter intelligence so that hawks could be silenced by the false smear of treason.
It shouldn’t be coincidence that the IRA brigades in the overwhelmingly Republican areas of West Belfast and Derry City became effectively neutered after Adams and the other agent ‘J118’ Martin McGuinness became their respective heads.
The least the British state could do now is award both of them the Victoria Cross for their work.
1 hr ago – 7.49AM
Labor launches Australia’s first emissions standard to boost EV supply
Car makers will be penalised for importing internal combustion engines under a federal plan to drive greater supply of electric vehicles into the Australian market and cut at least 3 million tonnes of carbon by 2030.
Labor on Wednesday morning announced what it described as Australia’s first national electric vehicle strategy to widen the range of electric vehicles available to consumers and encourage greater use of low-emissions models.
“Transport is the third-largest source of emissions in Australia,” the government said in a statement.
“This strategy will help cut our emissions by at least 3 million tonnes of carbon by 2030, and over 10 million tonnes to 2035.”
The announcement foreshadows the biggest shake-up in Australia’s car market in decades, and will raise concerns that motorists will be forced to pay more for some of the biggest selling, but higher emitting, vehicles currently available.
It would also align Australia with the world’s biggest car markets, including Europe, and comes just days after the US Environmental Protection Agency announced pollution limits that would mean EVs account for up to two-thirds of passenger vehicle sales by 2032.
Labor insisted on Wednesday that the strategy would ultimately pave the way for Australians to buy more efficient, low emissions vehicles.
By introducing a fuel efficiency standard, car makers will need to ensure the average emissions of all the cars they sell in a given period fall below a certain threshold. That would force manufacturers to prioritise sales of EVs and potentially drive up the cost of high-emissions models that dominate the current sales charts.
“More efficient vehicles will produce fewer emissions – meaning their environmental impact is lower, and they are cheaper for motorists to run,” the government said.
Labor said the government would consult the public and industry to finalise details of the plan in coming months.
“The absence of a standard has meant Australian households and businesses are missing out on greater choice of car models and paying more in fuel costs to run their cars because manufacturers prioritise sending more efficient vehicles to countries with standards in place.”
“On average, new cars in Australia use 40 per cent more fuel than the European Union, 20 per cent more than the United States, and 15 per cent more than New Zealand.”
“Previous analysis has shown that the introduction of a fuel efficiency standard could save motorists $519 per year in fuel costs.”
Passenger cars make up almost 10 per cent of total national emissions, which are legislated to fall by 43 per cent by 2030 on 2005 levels.
Labor said the new standard would only apply to new cars, and not retrospectively. “So consumers will still be able to choose the vehicle they want to drive”.
“Australia also lags far behind other countries in EV sales, with our uptake of EVs around four times lower than the global average.”
‘Something Is Up’: Jordan Provides Updates On Two Major Probes
Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA
Germany just shut down its last nuclear power plant
Now, German energy prices are increasing by up to 45%
On top of that, Germany started importing nuclear energy from France on Saturday to cover a shortfall
A number of large multinational infrastructure firms look at the cost of stuff in Australia and figure there must be money to be made. They win a contract or two and soon exit never to be heard of again.
It was Unz Review, it must be true!
So, how are things going for Russia in Bakhmut? Why haven’t they taken it yet?
Net Zero on Immigration | Richard Tice | Reform UK Spring Rally
The majority of NDIS recipients are young children. The failure to exit seems to be young children getting a bit of a boost with speech therapy etc before they start school, early primary then exiting but they don’t, obviously some families think it should be a permanent prop.
Shorten might have to get harsh.
One of my children needed speech therapy at lower primary age. I paid for it myself. Apparently that is not how things are done any more.
seems to be having a lot of “I can’t recall” moments lately
Is Dan Andrews ok ?
Authorities Say Nashville Shooter Left Suicide Note, 19 Journals, and Other Docs — All Kept from the Public
End Wokeness
An old white man shoots a trespasser and immediately the media has a motive
A trans terrorist murders Christian kids and they pretend there’s no motive
Even though there’s literally a manifesto
Spike shedding mechanism explored
DarkHorse Podcast Clips
Covid Vaccines in Australia:
How it Started vs. How it’s Going.
2021: Journalist @SharriMarkson pushes hard for vaccine mandates.
2023: Same Journalist reports on the thousands of vaccine injured waiting for compensation.
I now know why the air con was kaput for the day.
William Bligh may have suffered from a short fuse, easily lit, and a complete inability to suffer fools, but I agree with you – he was a man of courage, and would never have hidden from anyone. One account I’ve read of the Rum Rebellion was that Bligh was arrested destroying his official papers, which seems far more likely.
New World Odor™
Tyranny Through Weaponized Bureaucracy
Dr Scott Jensen with Dr Jordan Peterson on how the CDC urged to adjust death certificates to say that Covid was the cause of death instead of a “contributing factor”.
The full interview is here
rosie – that element of the NDIS (which is significant looking at the age profile of NDIS spending) is just the latest Cth v States cost shifting between the NDIS and the early childhood medico/school system. Much like the perennial GP and hospital “debate”. Again the problem is actually taxation, spending and the Federation. A problem as old as Australia itself.
thanks for that link. As I said upthread, since Markson has received her Television Tenure, she doesn’t have to hide anymore. Scrag.
Will IBAC be able to do what the Victoriastani Lieborals haven’t? Does it really matter in Victoriastan anyway? Always more questions.
Bear, nothing would please me more than you ditching your chair and going for a walk.
Meanwhile in this part of the world we have “mystery service providers”. They are there, they have phone numbers and business names, but no one appears to be home.
They don’t even know who Bligh is or was?
Because I am slack and could not be bothered driving down to Officeworks Dee Why, had been trying to get family to buy Box Rexel 56 Staples but Woolies/Coles did not have, so bought on Amazon OZ box 5000 Rexel Staples $6 vs Office works $6.62 plus $3 delivery
Just found the Amazon OZ ones are coming from UK – World is crazy
Matrix, “I can’t recall”. I find it amazing politicians and scumbags have trouble remembering what they said, who told them what and when but have no trouble with where the trough is. If it requires to know where the next buck is coming from, no problem. Knowing where the buck stops, chirp chirp chirp.
Question for Sydney Cats. Was anyone woken by a loud explosion just after 4am this morning? Followed by lots of sirens. Nothing on news but two of my work colleagues heard it as well and they live some kms away from me.
At the end of the first year of the voice, we will have a gold plated House of Lords – there will not be a poor Aboriginal in it. They will all be millionaires and have white servants. Meanwhile, the situation will not have changed in Halls Creek, Wilcannia, Blackstone, and Laverton.
Venezuela really hit the skids when Chavez fired all the striking oil workers and replaced them with Party members. As you might expect the typical Chavista isn’t a skilled petroleum engineer. A big refinery then exploded killing and injuring over a hundred people. Oil production has been declining ever since, so much so that they have to ship in gasoline from Iran these days.
Argentina is similar, although they got in earlier. Nearly impossible to mine anything in Argentina. They nationalized the oil industry in 2012, such as it was, and the lefty government is hostile towards the farmers and ranchers.
We have similar issues with farming and cattle production and increasingly with the oil, gas and coal sectors. About the only thing still free is the hard rock mining sector, which is keeping the country afloat. Fortunately BHP and Rio are never going to be nationalized, they’re to big and powerful for that.
So yes, the only way is down, although maybe not quite as far as Argentina or Venezuela. Lefties never learn.
First Ever Double Slit Experiment In Time Not Just in Space
Jacinta Price reveals why she’s on a mission to wreck Labor’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament and issues a message to her haters
. New shadow Indigenous Affairs minister tackled on role
. Senator Jacinta Price insisted she was braced for backlash
‘I’ve been prepared all my life,’ the Northern Territory Country Liberal senator said.
‘When it comes to Indigenous politics, if you can survive that, you can just about survive anything.
‘I have been attacked and vilified online for some time now. It’s nothing new to me. When there are children suffering in silence, I have to do this. I’m obliged to do this.
‘I’m in a privileged position and therefore it’s my job to fight on their behalf.’
She said she was ready for the personal attacks that were set to come her way, but said she was on a mission to help those most in need.
‘It is absolutely a role that I understand does come with a lot of criticism,’ she said. ‘I don’t mind constructive criticism at all.
‘But there is a lot of nastiness that goes around out there.
‘I do what I do because I know there are people who are voiceless, who are marginalised, who do need someone to champion what’s going on in their lives for them, especially our children.
‘That’s what pushes me along. I think my concern sometimes is certainly for my family. But otherwise I treat it as water off a duck’s back because the work that I have to do is really, really important.’
She said her focus would be on tackling problems facing Indigenous Australians in remote communities, and insisted they were not born disadvantaged because of their race.
‘My focus would be where people’s first language is not English,’ she said.
‘Where people are still living close to the traditional way of life and where services are very, very limited.
‘And that is where my focus would primarily be – to alleviate the most disadvantaged in this country, and not treat all indigenous Australians as though we are disadvantaged simply because of our race.
‘We aren’t inherently disadvantaged because of our race as a group of people.’
Senator Price insisted the Voice to Parliament would not solve any of the inherent problems facing remote communities – like the crime wave in Alice Springs – and would instead split the country.
‘It isn’t something new – bureaucracies set up to help with Indigenous disadvantage have always existed,’ she said.
‘The only difference is suggesting we put this in our Constitution, which I believe divides us along the lines of a race.
‘I think we should be able to get on with the everyday work we do to alleviate disadvantage without having to make amendments to our constitution.’
April 19, 2023 at 9:03 am
Hehe, maybe there’s a reason for that…
Unfit for use? More EV Woes (WUWT, 17 Apr)
“‘Brutal:’ EV Road Trip Features Bundling Up in Winter Clothes to Avoid Running Heater
A Business Insider reporter learned how “brutal” a road trip in an electric vehicle (EV) can be when he was forced to bundle up instead of using the heater in his car to try to maximize his range. After the trip he commented, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t curse these silly electric cars under my breath once or twice.”
In Australia EV owners were forced to queue at Gundagai, while returning from an Easter holiday
A lengthy queue at an electric vehicle charging hub in Gundagai on Good Friday has given a glimpse into Australia’s EV future “unless we get some urgent planning underway”.
Matthew Bailes, who was driving from Melbourne to Sydney in his Tesla, snapped a photo of the situation.”
How awful to get stuck in Gundagai! I hope Albo does the right thing and immediately converts the Commcar fleet to electric. Got to lead by example son.
They’ll all be of mixed – race…
You’re right there Bear. We have no problems in Australia that government has not caused or exacerbated. We should be one of the richest countries on earth. What would the political landscape look like if we had FPP and voluntary voting.
I’m younger than a lot of posters.
What were the 1973 bombings in Sydney (such as St Mary’s Cathedral) and Canberra to do with?
I found an old NSW Police annual report and it just mentions “old mate is now in a nuthouse”.
African American Apes will do what Jungle Apes do, and the African American who rang the wrong doorbell & who wonders why he was shot, should take a look in the mirror or view his African American Compatriots at work across America on a Daily Basis
Lone Woman Swarmed and Brutally Attacked by Dozens of Teens in Chicago (Video)
But don’t worry! Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson is on it! His “inspiring’ leadership wants to focus, not on the violence perpetrated by hundreds of teens last weekend but making sure we don’t ‘demonize’ the thugs.
Could we, perhaps, demonize the dozens of teens who surrounded a helpless woman, trying to enter her home, cornered in her doorway by a mob of the rampaging youths? The thugs, that Johnson is worried will be demonized, then drag the woman to the ground and begin brutally attacking her.
Can we demonize this group Mayor Johnson?
Local news outlet CWBChicago shared the clip created as an apparent highlight reel of Saturday night’s wilding.
**Warning: Disturbing video**
This footage is included in a sort of “mix tape” of social media posts floating purporting to be from the “large group” incident in the Loop on Saturday night.
The woman is being attacked in the doorway of 129 North Wabash. #Chicago pic.twitter.com/1WugjCMfMT
Indolent beat me to it on the Sharri Markson clip. She was very gung ho on mandates but now doing segments on Vax injured. Side by side does not look good.
For those on Twitter MilkbarTV does a lot of good clips. He was one who lost his job due to mandates and does clips showing up various people and what they said. Many go viral around the world.
It’s even worse than that. The authorities appear to be using strong arm tactics against people trying to get these documents.
That says absolutely everything you need to know about what is in all this stuff.
Doc Faustus:
Like I said weeeks ago – they know the power grid will fail if they try to get it to everyone, so we’ll get an hour blackout every month, then an hour every week, then it will get worse as they wean us of reliable power.
There won’t be any new power stations built, just the renewables which can’t do the job and blackouts will become a semi permanent feature of our lives. Power will be quadruple the price when it is available.
And this is what they intended all along.
Both bombings were probably Spook inspired, the Canberra one blamed on Croats.
Fox News Settles Dominion Voting System Lawsuit for $787 Million
April 18, 2023 – Sundance
Dominion voting systems had sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, claiming defamation about statements surrounding the 2020 election outcome and Dominion voting systems. Today Dominion and Fox settled the lawsuit for $787 million.
The lawsuit itself is odd in that both the plaintiff and the defendant carried the same political motivation within it.
As an outcome of ideology, Fox News wanted to cement the 2020 election as clear Biden victory, he same position as Dominion.
The settlement provides that narrative to U.S. MSM corporate news. The same corporate news who pushed the fraudulent Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory, without accountability.
From the Comments
– Both parties are on the same team.
– Funny that….it all goes one direction.
– you can almost smell the stench of a payoff on this one
– Took the words out of my mouth.
This is how they are paying them for the steal and feeds the narrative of a secure election.
– Fox didn’t want to expose any of the evidence of machine cheating, as that would defeat their entire narrative about 2020 being a free and fair election.
– Of course it was always going to be settled out of court. How else could FOX and Dominion not admit to stealing the 2020 election and putting a Demented Fraud in the WH so his globalist puppet masters could destroy America
He takes them directly from his arse, and fails to wipe after.
Which explains the odour, and the colour.
Chicago Mayor Elect Johnson Tells Chicagoans Not to “Demonize” Teens Who Terrorized and Unleashed Violent Chaos on the City
How is Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson approaching the situation? Meet the boss, same as the old boss. He is already an apologist for the violence gripped city.
Johnson released a statement following the chaos.
“In no way do I condone the destructive activity we saw in the Loop and lakefront this weekend. It is unacceptable and has no place in our city.
However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”
“Our city must work together to create spaces for youth to gather safely and responsibly, under adult guidance and supervision, to ensure that every part of our city remains welcome for both residents and visitors.”
“This is one aspect of my comprehensive approach to improve public safety and make Chicago livable for everyone.”
Is #JoeBiden going to invite the white woman beaten down by a mob of “young people” in #Chicago? How about the families of the victims of the #transgender shooter in #Nashville?
Biden invites Ralph Yarl, Black teen shot by white homeowner, to the White House
From the Comments
– Nope because it is about being racist besides he trespassed and entered his house according to this
– Wait if Barry (Obama) had a son…..
– So the Biden crime family welcomes criminals? Thus is my shocked face
Started watching this cheerful old Yank fella, Myron Cook on You Tube. Explains geology for newbs.
Pretty good.
Democrats, independents and young Americans losing faith that climate change is “man made”
By Jo Nova
Are young Americans growing out of the climate religion?
In a healthy sign, young adults aged 18 to 29 are much more skeptical now than they were five years ago. A 17% decline in the number who think climate change was mostly or entirely man-made is a major fall, especially in a large survey of 5,400 people.
Across all age groups American belief that climate change was mostly or entirely man-made fell from 60% in 2018 down to 49% in 2023. The fall was almost entirely in Democrat and Independent voters.
Republican voters were much more skeptical to start with and haven’t changed at all, which EPIC described as “stable” because that sounded a lot better than “skeptical”.
Who could’ve guessed.
This is why they need the senate committees.
Any mention of rocks really being trees from the Bible?
Bathymetry, salt chimneys, mini basins, core samples, panagea.
Elbow, commenting on Lidia Thorpe’s communication skills (the Tele):
If Albanese is taking pity on you instead of handing out a savaging, it’s time to hang the boots up.
Whatever this hideous Medusa gets up to now will only ever be seen as a cry for help. It won’t be – her actions will still be driven by malice – but it will be seen that way, and that’s the funny bit.
Elbow now giving gratuitous psychological diagnoses.
Dot, Sheveluch is where it’s at right now.
Shiveluch volcano (Kamchatka, Russia): continuing activity, frequent small glowing avalanches (19 Mar)
I like that report, even though it’s a month old, because of the picture of the red-hot lava dome. Here’s another one from December. It’s like a very large rock giant is squeezing incandescent toothpaste out an enormous tube.
Since then the volcano exploded on 11 April, blasting ash 52,000 feet into the sky. That ain’t small. There’re still aviation restrictions in Alaska a week later.
Elimination of the LandCruiser?
Let’s just see what the Voice has to say about this!
Elbow accuses Thorpe of mental illness! Pot, Kettle……………………………….
Aboriginal gunship pilots gave close support to the armored columns as they attacked settler outposts…
“These are not the actions of anyone who should be participating in society in a normal way, let alone a senator.”
Would it be ok if it happened outside of a rub and tug?
He’s safe to do so since even SHY is now giving Lidia psychological counselling.
Thorpe outburst doesn’t ‘bode well’: Hanson-Young weighs in on ex-colleague’s behaviour (18 Apr)
Jacquie, and now our Sarah. This ain’t looking good for the Nuclear Thorpedo.
Fixed it for you 🙂
Remember to apply the one week rule on stories from the media.
Catch up with the latest – the old guy shot him because he was trying to jemmy the front security door.
The angel was in a critical condition in ICU after being shot in the head. But was home 24/ hours later.
He’s gotten an invitation from the White House by the Old Thief.
…and he’s got a GOFUNDME page worth $2.5 million.
In a healthy sign, young adults aged 18 to 29 are much more skeptical now than they were five years ago.
Apparently running two massive scams simultaneously wakes people up.
missing out on greater choice of car models
Nothin says “choice” like banning certain products based on Lysenko standard science.
For any mare owners. Anamoe will be standing first season at $121,000.
If (Dame) Lidia doesn’t get appointed to the Blak House of Lords she will probably blow the joint up. As mentioned, Lidia is an excellent campaigner and influencer for the “NO” side of Labors Canberra Voice push.
I just watched Myron Cook’s explanation of the great salt deposit in the Gulf. Very, very interesting.
He’s as charming to listen to as Shelby Foote.
Re: Dominion, so Murdoch666 just lost 4% of his net worth.
I’m sure he’ll be on the breadlines lol! 😛
comment bargain; two replies in one.
H B Bear says: April 19, 2023 at 9:41 am
Thank heavens they never made a sequel to that movie.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says: April 19, 2023 at 11:30 am
♫♫…and the mulga shields collided where the telex routers once had been. ♫♫
Seems like he’s a good kid.
Most likely will turn out to be of the “clockmaker” variety of “good kid”.
Between the 14th and 17th April, 1973, bombs were detonated at four locations in the city, including St Mary’s Cathedral. Police inquiries ascertained particulars of a person thought responsible for these offences. However, before he could be taken into custody, two further explosions took place in Canberra, one being at the Houses of Parliament. Particulars of the suspect were supplied to the Australian Capital Territory Police and the offender arrested. He is now confined in a Psychiatric Hospital.
Report Police Dept 1973
In Rowe’s toon of the day do we infer in the foreground a crate of “LNP Principles” that have been discarded in a (failed) attempt to stop the ship from sinking?
Oh they thought about it.
missing out on greater choice of car models
That’s pretty much the story of Australian Motoring. Government filth always angling to ban something.
How the Ukraine war has divided the world
The US may be right that the war in Ukraine is a struggle of transcendent significance. But if it cannot persuade or browbeat the rest of the world into agreement, America’s own global position may be eroded.
Gideon Rachman Columnist
While Joe Biden was on a sentimental journey to Ireland, Xi Jinping was busy in Beijing. Following a high-profile visit by President Emmanuel Macron of France, the Chinese leader played host to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil.
The messaging to emerge from the Lula-Xi summit was congenial to China and disturbing to the US. Brazil’s leader said that his country wanted to work with China to “balance world politics” and accused America of “incentivising” the war in Ukraine.
He also backed a longstanding Chinese goal of undermining the US dollar’s role in the world financial system, remarking: “Every night I ask myself why all countries have to base their trade on the dollar.”
China has also made recent headway with its Middle East diplomacy. This month, the foreign ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia met in Beijing, after China brokered a deal to restore diplomatic relations between the two powers.
The preferred messages to the world from Xi and China are clear: “While America promotes war, China promotes peace. While China promotes trade, America imposes economic sanctions.”
These developments are causing some concern in Washington.
Larry Summers, the former US Treasury secretary, spoke last week of “troubling” signs that America was losing global influence.
He added that someone from a developing country had told him: “What we get from China is an airport. What we get from America is a lecture.”
A significant divergence in attitudes to the war in Ukraine is driving these shifts.
Pratap Bhanu Mehta, an eminent Indian political scientist, points out that for a large part of the world, America’s reaction to the Russian invasion seems to be as problematic as the invasion itself. It is this constituency that China is appealing to.
Viewed from the US and much of Europe, Vladimir Putin’s war is a unique event that requires a unique response. As they see it, this is a very unusual conflict since it is not about a boundary dispute or even regime change. It is a war of territorial acquisition. Such conflicts have been very rare since 1945.
The attempted annexation of Kuwait in 1990 by Saddam Hussein of Iraq was another example – and it provoked a broad global response. A war of annexation, the US argues, is even more threatening when carried out by Russia – a nuclear-weapons state and a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
In response to the Ukraine war, the US launched an effort to turn Russia into an economic and diplomatic outcast. Unprecedented economic sanctions were imposed and Russian foreign reserves were frozen.
But the Russian economy has not suffered the catastrophic collapse that some predicted. In large part, this is because a substantial number of countries – including major economies, such as China, India and Brazil – have kept trading with Russia.
For these countries, the Ukraine war may be regrettable – but it is a conflict to be managed by the pursuit of ceasefires and compromises. S Jaishankar, India’s foreign minister, gave pithy expression to the global south’s refusal to join in the ostracism of Russia, with a much-quoted complaint that Europe thinks that “Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but that the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems”.
The Indians and others argue that sanctions imposed on Russia have created new problems for the rest of the world. They point to the impact of the war on food and energy prices, and therefore on poor people around the world. Rich people in the global south are also getting nervous.
Actions that were widely applauded in the west – such as the freezing of Russian foreign reserves and sanctions on the assets of Russian oligarchs – have sent a chilling message about the potential danger of keeping your assets in dollars.
The US dollar, which has gained international credibility as a “safe haven” currency, now looks less safe to those who fear they might one day be on the wrong side of a geopolitical dispute with Washington.
That particularly concerns traditional American allies, such as Saudi Arabia, that are also open to criticism on human rights or the use of military force.
After Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, was implicated in the brutal murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Biden called Saudi Arabia a pariah. Although the US president has attempted to mend fences with the crown prince, the Saudi has clearly neither forgiven nor forgotten his humiliation – and he is drawing closer to China.
Concerns about potential US sanctions in the future have become even more pointed, given the rise in tensions between Washington and Beijing. What if the US ever tried to impose Russia-style financial sanctions on China? The dollar is the world’s most popular currency for trade. But China is the world’s largest trading nation.
Rather than doing less trade with China, some countries are looking to do less trade in dollars. Russia has already moved in this direction for obvious reasons and Beijing is encouraging others – such as Saudi Arabia and Brazil – to use the yuan for bilateral trade.
The US may be right that the war in Ukraine is a struggle of transcendent significance. But if it cannot persuade or browbeat the rest of the world into agreement, America’s own global position may be eroded.
Winston Smithsays:
April 19, 2023 at 10:51 am
I can’t tell if Ed Case takes his absurd stories from Storm Front or Black Lives Matter.
He takes them directly from his arse, and fails to wipe after.
Which explains the odour, and the colour.
Like m0nty=fa, he does not know the difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria.
The EV Mandate’s Fine Print
EPA orders an electric battery warranty that isn’t legal or practical.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
The Biden Administration is promoting electric vehicles as a vast technological improvement over internal-combustion engines. But then why is the Environmental Protection Agency requiring manufacturers to provide extended EV battery warranties and durability assurances?
Under the backdoor EV mandate the EPA rolled out last week, high-voltage batteries and electric powertrain components will be required to have an eight-year or 80,000-mile warranty.
Auto makers will also have to certify that EV battery performance doesn’t decline by more than 20% over five years or 62,000 miles, and 30% over eight years or 100,000 miles.
The Clean Air Act specifies a warranty period of eight years or 80,000 miles for “major emission control components” such as catalytic converters. This is to ensure that cars with more use continue to meet tailpipe emission standards. But the law was never intended to apply to EVs because they don’t have tailpipe exhausts.
The Clean Air Act also lacks a warranty requirement for EV batteries, though they can rapidly degrade, especially when cars are left in the heat.
Minor defects in battery cells can also cause batteries and even whole cars to be junked. Batteries can represent up to half of an EV’s cost so it’s often not worth replacing them.
Lightly-used batteries that have to be scrapped or replaced would negate the putative CO2 emissions reductions from EVs. Manufacturing batteries, their components and minerals consumes loads of energy—mostly from coal in China, where 77% of battery cell manufacturing and some 90% of rare earth mineral processing occurs.
This explains why the EPA proposes to deem EV batteries “major emission control components” covered by the Clean Air Act’s warranty requirements even though the cars themselves produce no emissions. The EPA reasons that companies can use “powertrain electrification as an emissions control technology to comply with EPA standards.” That’s a big legal stretch and could trigger a challenge under the Supreme Court’s major questions doctrine.
Note that the mandatory warranty won’t cover repair costs from accidents.
Reuters reported last month that “for many electric vehicles, there is no way to repair or assess even slightly damaged battery packs after accidents, forcing insurance companies to write off cars with few miles—leading to higher premiums and undercutting gains from going electric.”
EVs with only a few thousand miles are piling up at salvage yards. But no worries—EPA says batteries might someday be recycled so the U.S. will be less dependent on China.
Someday, maybe. The more you inspect the EPA’s new EV mandate, the more it looks like a nightmare of central planning.
Daily Mail.
Words fail me, they honestly do.
Winston Smithsays:
April 19, 2023 at 11:37 am
Not doubting the budding rocket surgeon might have not been exactly as reported.
But do you have a link to the “incorrect” version of the shooting?
Unique West Australian built lathe. Low serial number and scarcity of examples suggest a venture that didn’t manage to make it:
Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
April 19, 2023 at 11:53 am
In Rowe’s toon of the day do we infer in the foreground a crate of “LNP Principles” that have been discarded in a (failed) attempt to stop the ship from sinking?
I’m yet to be convinced that there is any deeper meaning to Rowe’s cartoons, other than he hates anyone who is not strongly leftard.
Like m0nty=fa, he does not know the difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria.
Given munty’s recent absence, I’m wondering if ze’s had some practical experience with the difference?
Echo chamber news!
Sweden public radio exits Twitter, says audience already has (18 Apr)
Not sure NPR and CBC could actually have their credibility undermined, it’s impossible to go lower than absolute zero. But it’s fun that Swedish government broadcasters think that Swedish snowflakes have vacated Twitter. I wonder where they’ve gone, Facechook? The screeching from government broadcasters in response to being labeled government broadcasters is one of the funniest things I’ve seen this year.
Old Ozzie:
That was a pretty brutal attack – it wasn’t just sheilas bitch slapping each other – it was men bashing the daylights out of that poor girl.
Did she survive it? I haven’t heard anything since the video last weekend, which in itself is not a good sign.
Grandpa Ed Simpson still seeing Spooks behind every tree?
Awe. Biden is actually destroying the EV industry at the same time as he’s subsidizing it!
Wow, I am impressed! Auto executives are going to be having hysterics about this: not allowed to burn da ebil gasoline and also forced to replace horrendously expensive batteries after a few years. Give it up guys, and go into something less stupid, like heroin trafficking.
Thorpie is on tranquillisers, like 75% of people over 40.
Or antibiotics.
Alcohol contraindicated, she didn’t read the label.
She might be under severe pressure for advocating NO, too.
It was just a shitty strip club, the clients and management are all deviates and losers, so whaddya whaddya?
After my 1046 reply to Doc Faustus,
As I was posting it, we had a half hour blackout. But I assume it was line work although there was no warning which is what they usually do.
What is the source for that?
Alpha Nuts
Beta Huts
Chadolithic culture may have kept most men from mating
Y chromosome diversity suggests male reproductive bottleneck 8,000 years ago.
What has not been noticed before, however, is a bottleneck of specifically male genetic diversity around 8,000 years ago. A recent paper in Genome Research suggests that, for every 17 female humans who reproduced at this time, only one male human managed to pass along his DNA. What’s lacking is an obvious explanation for this pattern.
Grandpa Ed Simpson making what looks suspiciously like racist excuses for Hydia’s behaviour. Clearly, he has no standards for behaviour in public that all Australians should meet.
Winstron Sith and Cletus barebackin’?
I can hear those Banjoes strummin’.
B John – headcase is here to excuse any and all behaviors by Green/Teal/Labor pollies while throwing shade at anyone not from said group. Sad that people will do this work for a living, can’t imagine what would do to peoples mental state.
I am stealing that – as usual I will give no attribution so people will think I’m so much smarter than I am.
“Lysenko Standard Science” nyuk nyuk.
Might be a reason why the Ukies have a soft spot for Russians these days.
Here’s what kids get taught in the National Curriculum:
Depth Studies
World War II (1939-45)
Students investigate wartime experiences through a study of World War II in depth. This includes a study of the causes, events, outcome and broader impact of the conflict as an episode in world history, and the nature of Australia’s involvement.
Overview of the causes and course of World War II (ACDSEH024 – Scootle )
Examination of significant events of World War II, including the Holocaust and use of the atomic bomb (ACDSEH107 – Scootle )
Experiences of Australians during World War II (such as Prisoners of War (POWs), the Battle of Britain, Kokoda, the Fall of Singapore) (ACDSEH108 – Scootle )
The impact of World War II, with a particular emphasis on the Australian home front, including the changing roles of women and use of wartime government controls (conscription, manpower controls, rationing and censorship) (ACDSEH109 – Scootle )
The significance of World War II to Australia’s international relationships in the twentieth century, with particular reference to the United Nations, Britain, the USA and Asia (ACDSEH110 – Scootle )
Rights and freedoms (1945 – the present)
Students investigate struggles for human rights in depth. This will include how rights and freedoms have been ignored, demanded or achieved in Australia and in the broader world context.
The origins and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Australia’s involvement in the development of the declaration (ACDSEH023 – Scootle )
Background to the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965, including the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations (ACDSEH104 – Scootle )
The US civil rights movement and its influence on Australia (ACDSEH105 – Scootle )
The significance of the following for the civil rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 1962 right to vote federally; 1967 Referendum; Reconciliation; Mabo decision; Bringing Them Home Report (the Stolen Generations), the Apology (ACDSEH106 – Scootle )
Methods used by civil rights activists to achieve change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and the role of ONE individual or group in the struggle (ACDSEH134 – Scootle )
The continuing nature of efforts to secure civil rights and freedoms in Australia and throughout the world, such as the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) (ACDSEH143 – Scootle )
The globalising world
Students investigate one major global influence that has shaped Australian society in depth, including the development of the global influence during the twentieth century. Students study ONE of these electives: Popular culture or Migration experiences or The environment movement.
Popular culture (1945 – present)
The nature of popular culture in Australia at the end of World War II, including music, film and sport (ACDSEH027 – Scootle )
Developments in popular culture in post-war Australia and their impact on society, including the introduction of television and rock ’n’ roll (ACDSEH121 – Scootle )
Changing nature of the music, film and television industry in Australia during the post-war period, including the influence of overseas developments (such as Hollywood, Bollywood and the animation film industry in China and Japan) (ACDSEH122 – Scootle )
Australia’s contribution to international popular culture (music, film, television, sport) (ACDSEH123 – Scootle )
Continuity and change in beliefs and values that have influenced the Australian way of life (ACDSEH149 – Scootle )
Migration experiences (1945 – present)
The waves of post-World War II migration to Australia, including the influence of significant world events (ACDSEH144 – Scootle )
The impact of changing government policies on Australia’s migration patterns, including abolition of the White Australia Policy, ‘Populate or Perish’ (ACDSEH145 – Scootle )
The impact of at least ONE world event or development and its significance for Australia, such as the Vietnam War and Indochinese refugees (ACDSEH146 – Scootle )
The contribution of migration to Australia’s changing identity as a nation and to its international relationships (ACDSEH147 – Scootle )
The environment movement (1960s – present)
The background to environmental awareness, including the nineteenth century National Parks movement in America and Australia (ACDSEH028 – Scootle )
The intensification of environmental effects in the twentieth century as a result of population increase, urbanisation, increasing industrial production and trade (ACDSEH125 – Scootle )
The growth and influence of the environment movement within Australia and overseas, and developments in ideas about the environment including the concept of ‘sustainability’ (ACDSEH126 – Scootle )
Significant events and campaigns that contributed to popular awareness of environmental issues, such as the campaign to prevent the damming of Australia’s Gordon River, the nuclear accident at Chernobyl and the Jabiluka mine controversy in 1998 (ACDSEH127 – Scootle )
The above is for Year 10 only. They cover other major stuff in other years – for example Year 9 study WWI for a term.
The young woman and her friend who were beaten in Chicago are okay, physically.
Red State has the their story. Worth reading.
Another one.
This time it was fatal.
No suggestion of burglary or other criminal intent.
We might just have to accept that there is a small minority of trigger-happy, iodine hoarding Truthers and Preppers out there.
Or maybe he was reading on the electric interwebs about standing (and falling if necessary).
I love Megyn Kelly. Awesome quote about the Bud Light fiasco.
“Uh-huh. So you spend decades and untold millions of dollars promoting Bud Light as the “everyman’s beer,” then you get the brilliant idea that promoting a man who caricatures women — at best — is going to “bring people together,” how, exactly? I mean, this dumpster fire made the disastrous 1985 “New Coke” rollout, which still lives in marketing infamy, look not all that bad, in comparison.”
More on her podcast.
What has not been noticed before, however, is a bottleneck of specifically male genetic diversity around 8,000 years ago.
Neolithic milkmen. Ask munty how that works!
Barry Humphries dead? 3AW dropping broad hints that he’s gone, but declining to provide further details until officially confirmed.
Avi and Rukshan:
19 Apr 2023
Independent journalist Rukshan Fernando shares his experiences exploring the reality of Alice Springs, a community frequently misrepresented in the media.
The TRUTH about Alice Springs
No, Aspergers and Autism are NOT the same thing, nor are autistic kids Rain man savants. The explosion in autistic kids is an explosion in *seriously* damaged kids – kids who scream in class, rock back and forth, bite, are incontinent etc. These are the ones consuming every more NDIS resources to care for and educate, not ‘Aspies’ – Aspie kids are a pleasure to teach as they love the library and minutiae.
Autism should have remained autism and not the ‘autism spectrum’. Like about 50% of anaesthetists, I too have Aspergers (heres a quick test – only people with Aspergers will admit to it – they dont mind doing so – they don’t ‘get’ human emotions very well and so don’t care what other people think about it) – they don’t regard it as a disability and many of them perform extremely well in jobs that require exquisite attention to detail and the ability to NOT be distracted by emotions. These are NOT the ‘Droids’ overwhelming the NDIS and the school system.
More Myron for watching over the lunchtime sandwich. The Great Unconformity and Snowball Earth
This stuff is great and accessible. Incidentally, I visited many of the sites he explores in 2018 on my Great American Road Trip. It really is a beautiful country.
Father Bob is dead.
No, not Humphries, who is apparently pretty crook “with family gathered by his bedside” but still drawing breath.
It’s Father Bob, the ratbag and media darling who turned his South Melbourne church into a sanctuary for the Occupy scum and could always be counted to parrot whatever cause was fashionable..
Ed Casesays:
April 19, 2023 at 12:23 pm
Winstron Sith and Cletus barebackin’?
I can hear those Banjoes strummin’.
That’s cos you’re strummin’ them, Grandpa Ed.
April 19, 2023 at 12:30 pm
B John – headcase is here to excuse any and all behaviors by Green/Teal/Labor pollies while throwing shade at anyone not from said group. Sad that people will do this work for a living, can’t imagine what would do to peoples mental state.
That he claims that the modern Labor Party is conservative and right wing is enough to identify him as a Liars shill. I wonder how much they are paying him?
Bob Maguire stood down as head of the Fr Bob Foundation only two days ago.
There was this tweet at the time …
Perhaps a dawning realisation that he was, and always has been, a useful idiot for left-leaning grifters.
Father Bob was ok in Safran vs God at least.
Safran tries out Catholicism under the guidance of Father Bob Maguire
Couple of months ago, in a home but still seems switched on.
The continuing nature of efforts to secure civil rights and freedoms in Australia and throughout the world,
Somehow, I get the feeling that the years of COVID fascism will be touched on but lightly, if at all.
Boambee – Not much is my guess for an average, at best, Media fluffer for the Greens/teal/Labor mob. Won’t be long before every said Left-wing Pollies have their own Chat GPT Media Bot to do the fluffing and how will poor shills survive then …