Farking Brillo. 2 Billion Up Thumbs and a chocolate frog.
Farking Brillo. 2 Billion Up Thumbs and a chocolate frog.
DOGE says 239 contracts canceled over 2 days, including a grant to teach trans farmers about ‘food justice’
Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
Dedicated to those who serve
ANZAC Day: Wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more
By Bishop Richard Umbers
On ANZAC Day we honour the memories of the men and women who sacrificed their own freedom and dreams in the defence of a society that is good and just.
This day in April is a time to pause and reflect on those young people, whose time on earth was senselessly short, yet their actions will endure for all posterity.
We will remember them, age shall not weary them, but we pray for them, and we pray for their everlasting glory, that they be purified and enter into eternal peace.
Lest we Forget.
Tucker Carlson just got the sack from Fox News. Is this true?
Scary stuff. Nothing but respect to all involved.
War is sh*t.
Two Steps from Hell – Victory Charge of the Australian Light Horse, Beersheba – extended version
He had to go because the Dominion saga has cost Fox 787 million dollars and he was front and centre in that. They are worried about this because the action against Crikey was dropped. Crikey was going to use the depositions from that trial to highlight the dishonesty of so many at Fox. Carlson kept saying the software was rigged but privately stated otherwise. He is also on record as saying he was glad Trump lost the election because then he could stop talking about him.
Tucker will be fine. Rumble channel now!
John Spooner.
Stew Peters Show:
Another hospital has been caught killing a father with Remdesivir.
Becky Kasper and her daughter Rachel join Stew to talk about the tragic death of Jerry Kasper.
Jerry Kasper drove himself to a clinic and doctors forced him to take an ambulance against his daughter’s wishes.
Jerry’s granddaughter was thrown out of the emergency room and forced to stand outside the window of where her grandfather was being held.
Once isolated the hospital made him sign paperwork unbeknownst to the family.
Allegedly, he signed his own “do not resuscitate” order.
In no way was Jerry Kasper in the appropriate mental state to consent to the order that would result in his death.
Then the doctors and nurses injected Jerry with poisonous Remdesivir which caused organ failure.
Remdesivir DEATH Protocol STRIKES Again: Hospital MURDERS Man With DEADLY Drug Cocktail
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
That about wraps it up for Fox News. They have several talented people presenting shows, but only Tucker Carlson was “essential viewing”.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Steve Bright.
Peter Schrank.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich. Bullseye!
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
Good show.
Cable news in chaos after 3 major departures.
Lizzie, are the batteries C or D type?
Have you tried replacing them?
More importantly, has the hirsute one had a boy look at the setup?
Johnny Rotten:
Having nukes moves you up the prevention ladder by several rungs even if you don’t use them.
Personally I don’t like Kahns 44 step ladder – it’s imprecise and difficult to understand. His 16 step ladder was superior in terms of understandability at a civilian level. Unfortunately it appears to have been overshadowed by his later work and I can’t find it. If someone can find it through an Armed Forces network, I’d love to get a copy.
Anchor Watt:
If that happens, and Rumble picks him up, that will kill it for me. Rumble doesn’t have subtitles and transmits most of its sound at pathetic rates. I can only get about 3/5 words and they don’t seem to care that much even though I’ve made the point on numerous times. Tuckers audience contains a lot of old farts like myself with hearing issues and this will cost viewers.
Fox fired Tucker Carlson, LOL!!
I guess now he can run for President.
Aside from the films “Gallipoli” and “The Light Horsemen,” from the Great War, and the more recent “Kokoda” and Damien Parer biopic from WWII, what other Australian military experiences has our film, television & entertainment (incl. theatre) industry produced?
I can also vaguely recall The Sullivans featuring a New Guinea (circa 1942 or ’43) storyline.
Murdoch only allows a few dissenters so that his media companies give the illusion of being conservative. The majority of his journalists etc spew the usual MSM claptrap eg global warming hysteria, vaccines safe and effective, Russia bad, gay marriage good, aborigines all great etc. The sooner conservatives stop supporting his companies the better. Tucker will do better elsewhere.
Biden Family Took Tens of Millions from Entities Directly Connected to the CCP, China Military, and Ukraine
Vale (apologies for the lack of a squiggle) Uncle Will (Dickebusch near Ypres) and Uncle Allen (Mont Brehain; Australia’s last battle on the Western Front). Acknowledgement also to Uncle Alec who returned.
To paraphrase Ian Hislop in Neil Oliver’s book “Not Forgotten” – only by saying their names will we understand that what is now in stone was once flesh.
Lot of speculation about re Carlson, but if it comes out that the clincher was the failed Crikey defamation suit, that would just be beautiful.
Can someone copy up Rafe Campions arse kickin’ Spectator article for us please?
I hope this backfires on Murdoch
At local dawn service a speech by an ignorant Reverand said Aboriginals were not citizens in WWI. Either unaware of the concept of British Subject at that time, or deliberately misleading. On a good note, a healthy roll up of the young (by which I mean under 30!)
Photos of the Gallipoli campaign.
We have a tendency to overlook that on our side, the Brits, French (including colonials), and Indians also served and died on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Tucker will find a nice new home at Russia Today.
Gallipoli Peninsula shipwrecks.
Rats of Tobruk
Danger Close
40,000 horsemen
That godawful tv series Spyforce
A solemn and reflective day here at Casa Pedro.
We have much to be thankful for in our lives, a great deal of which was paid for in the blood of our forefathers.
+++ Lest We Forget +++
It certainly shows that Murdoch and his RINO-Demorat pals are frightened of the truth.
+++ Lest We Forget +++
yes and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance- how very very true that is
Oh look:
The floater has surfaced.
Murdoch only allows a few dissenters so that his media companies give the illusion of being conservative. The majority of his journalists etc spew the usual MSM claptrap eg global warming hysteria, vaccines safe and effective, Russia bad, gay marriage good, aborigines all great etc. The sooner conservatives stop supporting his companies the better. Tucker will do better elsewhere.
agree 100% and a lot of it is controlled opposition- obviously some of the controlled opposition went out of control. Sacking Carlson seems like an act of panic.
Carlson will go the way of Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck, into the forgettery while the next bloke they parachute in at 9pm becomes a star. It’s the timeslot that is important, not the presenter.
Judge Jennine was always good value- now that’s what I call a real woman
8pm I should say, not 9.
There is only one show now left on his network that I watch – Greg Gutfeld. I have a feeling he is not long for that network. When that happens just turn out the lights.
Winston, for you.
Fox getting prepped for next year. The transformation is now complete.
A beautiful sunrise here at the Bay. At my door, a small rosemary plant left on the mat. My brother has called by on his morning walk.
He always leaves a great sheaf of rosemary on November 11 and April 25. And later we use some for the big leg of lamb we enjoy with our parents.
Not this year. His fine shrub got borer and had to be razed. But not before he took and struck some cuttings. It was one marketed as material taken from the Peninsula and sold as the Gallipoli rosemary.
I understand there will be no debates next year either. And now, it seems, no mainstream media coverage from the Right, or even marginally balanced.
An utterly captured fourth estate unwilling and unable to hold anyone to account except for political enemies.
The US is, at least at the federal level, a failed state.
Here’s my suggesting Greenpeace people: don’t go there unless you don’t mind becoming an organ donor.
China Loves Coal: World’s Largest Polluter Continues to Devour Fossil Fuels (24 Apr)
That’s astounding! You know, I never would have guessed such a thing. Greenpeace are amazingly insightful and quick, aren’t they?
It’s just more evidence that the legacy meja should die and you can’t get more ‘legacy’ than the Murdochs.
Tucker Carlson didn’t need Fox News. As a co-founder of The Daily Caller website in 2010, Carlson is a pioneer of new ideas and new ventures in American journalism.
He lasted three more years as a full-time staffer at Fox than I had predicted. I’d thought he’d part company with the network after the fiasco of Fox’s coverage of the 2020 presidential election, when the leftists running the Fox newsroom began calling states for Biden long before counting in those races was decisive.
But he decided to stay after negotiating the launch of a new documentaries division and a second show, Tucker Carlson Today, as a companion for Tucker Carlson Tonight.
A succession of Carlson documentaries for Fox broke new ground for American TV, dealing with subjects as wide-ranging as falling human fertility and the EU’s Eurocommunist war on Hungary’s Orban government.
He’ll tell us soon why he left and all the grubby details as it appears he was fired and was denied the opportunity to farewell his audience this week.
Fox will take a big hit as Carlson topped the US cable news ratings in the coveted 25-to-50-year age demographic (the bread-winners who buy stuff advertised on TV).
So Fox will now have to rebuild its ratings leadership after much of its prime-time viewership (including me) departs.
We truly live in an age of mysteries and wonders.
Dijks can have dicks.
The US is, at least at the federal level, a failed state.
Yes, with incarceration for dissenters. Some dude got ten years for dissing the lesbian bitch
I’m watching to see who stands up for him. Watters was big on having the courage of one’s convictions when I last saw him on The Five. He’s absent at the moment.
Hannity will probably knuckle under, but I’d hope Laura Ingraham can do better.
But in the end they all have taken the golden handcuffs, (high salaries) as that other big mover in media Alan Bond used to say!
And just like that, in walks the fat lesbian with a hard on for Carlson’s sacking. FMD nothing if not predictable.
Lest We Forget
Sure there’s an element of this, but it’s a great excuse for the vaccine injuries.
Lockdown’s cancer bomb may soon be worse than Covid itself
The COVID vaccine causes tinnitus and many other adverse events: there is no doubt about this
Teens face only misdemeanor charges — of criminal trespassing — after crashing stolen car, killing infant in Chicago:
A misdemeanor for killing a child. The absolute state of the US.
h/t: C.L.
red meat for debate
I’m seriously shocked about Tucker. Fox has just sacked it’s No. 1 attraction. I wonder what could have caused – or coerced – them to do so. Quite seriously, they are looking at ways of locking up people who tell the truth. Just ask AOC.
Alex Berenson (via email):
The glee on the left about Tucker’s departure is misplaced. Tucker isn’t going anywhere. He has said he won’t run for President. Make no mistake, he would instantly be a serious threat for the Republican nomination if he did.
But if he chooses to stay in media, he will be in line for a payday from a streaming service far, far larger than what he currently makes at Fox. A few months ago, Steven Crowder – who is basically unknown outside right-wing media – turned down a $12.5 million a year offer from the Daily Wire. That’s more than Tucker was making in 2020, according to CNN.
Even if Tucker got a big pay hike in the last two years, he was still the best bargain in television – which is why Fox stock fell 5 percent when it announced his departure, before recovering slightly. Tucker, who has recently been doing more and more long-form interviews, could easily sign the first billion-dollar deal with a streaming service for a four or five year exclusive.
He won’t lose any influence, either. You may have noticed that Joe Rogan hasn’t been hurt by moving from YouTube to Spotify. Voices like Tucker and Rogan are powerful enough to bring their audiences with them, which is why they can demand such big paydays.
In fact, if Tucker really wanted to cause trouble, he’d make Chris Licht, CNN’s chief executive, an offer Licht couldn’t refuse – I’ll reboot CNN for you, Chris, and you won’t have to pay me market rate.
Never happen, of course. Tucker is due for what pro athletes like to call “generational wealth” – money your kids can’t blow no matter how hard they try. Why wouldn’t he take it?
But Tucker to CNN! Just indulge the thought for a minute, and imagine the weeping on the left that would result.
Glenn Beck Says With Departure Of Tucker Carlson It Will “Kill” Fox News
Take from the poor and give to the rich.
WB to Celebrate Anniversary With Diverse Version of Robin Hood (24 Apr)
With one-hundred years having passed since it opened its doors to filmmakers and audiences alike, Warner Bros. has announced that it will be ringing in its anniversary with “a short film series that reimagines the Studio’s iconic films through a diverse and inclusive lens.”
The series will see six of the studio’s classic offerings remade with “representative casting, storytelling, and narrative” by a respective up-and-coming filmmaker, all of whom were specifically selected to participate by “DEI industry veterans,
The list includes ‘A Star is Born’, ‘Rebel Without a Cause’ and ‘Robin Hood’.
We can probably expect remakes of Fahrenheit 451 where burning books is a heroic act, and 1984 where that traitorous and dangerous man Winston Smith is caught by the loving and fatherly Big Brother.
But Tucker to CNN! Just indulge the thought for a minute, and imagine the weeping on the left that would result.
There is an opening with the sacking of Don Lemon.
One of my favourite movies, Russell Crowe’s “The Water Diviner”, explores a man’s journey to discover the fate of his sons at Gallipoli.
Worth a look with beautiful cinematography, enough history to be interesting and a very moving storyline.
Yes, BB. And here’s a little-known fact: Tucker Carlson used to work at CNN.
‘We Will Have Them Escorted From The Building!’: Trump Slams ‘Radical Zealots & Marxists’ In Schools
Our friend is struggling with Don “Smell My Finger” Le Mon getting boned by CNN.
That story over at C.L.’s prompted my bleak comment on the situation in the US.
Scott Adams was telling the truth. If you can get out of these lawless, dysfunctional cities, get out now. And leave your stupid, lefty politics behind, otherwise the contagion will spread.
Not yet, Gutfeld is still employed there. I don’t think he will take orders for long.
That is big news about Tucker. Will be interesting to see what he does.
When he announces it he should do it on Joe Rogan. I think Tucker was doing a lot of shows from home which shows not too difficult production wise. However does need research back up etc.
Calli, I bought a potted Gallipoli rosemary a few months ago from Flower Power and transplanted it near the BBQ area. So far so good.
There may well be Presidential debates.The Democrats are not going to hold them amongst their candidates.
I gather Carlson was sacked for wanting to run more Jan 6 tapes.Cant have anyone departing from the insurrection narrative.
Bret Baier, Fox’s touted fair and unafraid newsman, just opened his show with “Breaking” some idiocy about Biden while the conservative America is rocked by Carlson’s sacking. That will cost them even more viewers.
I thought there surely must be more in the tapes that could be exploited. Makes you think if Carlson planned to roll them out in retaliation for the lawsuits and was stopped.
I hear there’s also an opening at Fox.
Rupert should make Lemon an offer.
No doubt about it once it becomes normal to punish political humour. Everything else is then a slide to North Korea.
If you thought that gamers could be normal about two queers sharing a passionate kiss in 2023, then you would be very wrong. Horizon Forbidden West’s new story DLC, Burning Shores, contains a scene in which Aloy can choose to kiss a woman named Seyka, and it seems some PlayStation fans were not happy.
the west is inundated with megalomaniacs, perverts and satanists
You can guarantee Focks never pay a cent of their own money to Dominion. PedoBiden coverup money from Ukraine. The whole Ukeland thing is that PedoBiden found someone more corrupt than him. All that money and no auditing. We only ever hear about Yank equipment in the one’s and two’s being used not billions upon billions of equipment supposedly being sent.
Two interesting articles about Tucker up at American Thinker.
Mentions recent lawsuit against his production team by a female plus the J 6 issue. Obviously the Dominion case also a big part.
Also mentioned was the departure of Dan Bongino.
Suggestion is difference of opinion regarding mainstream GOP v MAGA Republicans.
Either way a big deal in terms of how next year election will be covered.
Hopefully Fox did not have a non compete clause in the termination. We need Tucker in the fight.
A friend who got AstraZeneca shots had ringing in her ears for months to the point that it interfered with her sleep. She is very pro Covid vaccine so I thought it would be useless to pursue the connection with her. Since it has disappeared she thinks nothing of it.
Does he have enough money to buy it?
That story over at C.L.’s prompted my bleak comment on the situation in the US.
Bleak indeed.
The Oz has article up about Tucker. No comments allowed.
If they do have an article up about Tucker which allows comment going to be very interesting.
I’ve heard of, but not yet watched that. Thanks.
I can recall reading of Bean and party’s 1919 trip to the Peninsula, and he writing of the scattered and bleached bones. The concept we have that wars end on specific dates, tied in a presentable ribbon, is a strange one. But then we begin to stray into social history …
My purpose in posing the initial question was somewhat cynical (which seems to be my default attitude now), prompted by the thought that for all the energy we put into these commemorative days, our popular culture doesn’t appear to be greatly inspired by history.
A couple of good PJ Media articles on the ousting of Tucker:
Here’s the Reason Tucker Carlson Is Out at Fox News (Matt Margolis, 24 Apr)
We Could See Tucker Carlson’s Split With Fox Coming (Victoria Taft, 24 Apr)
Both suggest it was J6. On the other hand there seems to be a hush even in blogdom about the stolen elections. Fear is a difficult thing to overcome.
If they do have an article up about Tucker which allows comment going to be very interesting.
Only if there are still conservatives subscribing and commenting.
Calli and Crossie,
I have Camden Rosemary from my old town. It is a direct descendant of Gallipoli Rosemary. Very fortunate I took some cuttings a few years ago as the floods two years ago wiped out over 90% of the rosemary in Camden.
The Dawn Service was beautiful this morning. Country towns really are the best at staying true to the memory of our Anzacs. Lest we Forget.
Accept the US will probably have another Democrat President.
Who is the least unlikeable?
I pick Gellibrand. I think she’s too normal to be President. She actually talks to reporters and members of the public.
I can’t see the US Democrats picking Biden again without imploding. Their membership is leaving at alarming rates. It’s just going to be SuperPACs and senile old guardsters left. There won’t be any more of that “ooh we really got all of these votes because of our superior DataScience(TM) geeks!”. The economy is terrible too so Biden is very unpopular. In light they can’t attack Trump as a candidate or blame him for their current state.
There is going to be an endless advance of frivolous and malicious prosecution against Trump.
Thanks Black Ball.
This from the pissants at the school:
This wasn’t “discriminatory behaviour”. It was common assault on a disabled minor. Why? Because he was wearing a kippah and because they could.
Their rotten “inclusive community” just happens to include bullies and perverts. How about a bit of discrimination you numbskulls?
Revolver News has multiple articles linked about Tucker.
Carlson News Network
Conservative News Network
Columbia News Network
Capitalism News Network
Utterly tantalising.
Nothing to see here. Move on.
Just like the Covid panic, it’s as if it never happened. We’re on to the next bright and shiny which just happens to be the trans crap.
I’m picking Buttegeig, as making him Prez (no point in election kabuki any more) fits the zeitgeist perfectly and will make Xi smile.
From Indolent’s link above:
According to the Times, Murdoch was also “concerned” about Carlson’s insistence that undercover government agents were involved in the January 6 insurrection.
It has been openly admitted recently that circa 40 individuals from several government agencies (not including Capitol Police and standard security) were present at the scene/s.
Revolver News has published an interesting analysis, including both still and video footage of ‘Ray Epps’ and several others, whose actions both immediately prior, and during, the disturbance, warrant at the very least, a close investigation.
Either Revolver or another outlet (I’m sleep-deprived at the moment, so apologies for the lack of detail and links) has also conducted an investigation into the pipe bomb incident, which we now hear practically nothing about. They don’t provide answers, but certainly raise serious questions.
(For what it’s worth, I believe that those who damaged or stole property, or physically assaulted anyone, should be subject to legal action. That legal action, however, should be comparative in terms of legal rights and consequences, to similar offenses in other contexts).
I’m off to watch my grandson in the local Anzac Day parade. His cadet unit is taking part.
Here you go Dot.
Is Hillary Running? She just dropped a big hint about 2024. (24 Apr)
Dotster. Are you hydrating? Are you drinking enough water? She’s a complete loon in full Demonrats tradition.
what other Australian military experiences has our film, television & entertainment (incl. theatre) industry produced?
Vietnam – The Odd Angry Shot
That’s a conspiracy. It’s also necessary government action to stop violent insurrectionists when it’s not a conspiracy. The government does not lie and has not ever lied, in secret, among groups of individuals in a manner which is illegal or skirts near illegality, or seeks to avoid legal scrutiny.
Brian Kilmeade is the best of what’s left at Fox News, so I’ll be watching at 10am AEST (Paywallian):
Beneath Hill 60.
Dot’s doing it again.
Bad Dot!
Would I feel safer in a cabin with Hillary or Gellibrand?
I’d feel safer with Dick Cheney, I’d just need to swap his Perindorpil with Tylenol.
Can someone put up the Oz article please?
Aussies urged: ‘get on with a republic’.
Without water in a desert for 3 days, I have only one choice …
So Tucker has left Fox, the network’s best, by a long way, commentator. Ho hum, what we’re seeing, in real time, is the decline of Fox and here it will be the decline of Sky, all because the left want to shut down conservative/right of centre opinion and people capitulate and/orcower. And of course, leftist progressive scum are celebrating.
Oh and speaking of leftist progressive scum, I see the pervert apologist jumps up here to celebrate Tucker’s exodus. LOL. As I’ve said, notice how he only appears when things are going bad or AWOL for the right, he doesn’t come here in good faith to discuss/debate. He takes advantage of this site’s free speech and yet he’d happily, today, deny us free speech. He isn’t just a pervert apologist, he’s a hypocrite.
As for Tucker, he’ll be fine. The MSM, and that includes Fox and Sky Oz, are either dead or on life support. The future is elsewhere and here in OZ it’s ADH-TV.
Robert Kennedy Jr has pointed out Tucker, 5 days ago, had crossed a line when had a big serve at media over support for big Pharma due to advertising revenue. Mention adverse effects not being covered.
Another aspect that is clear from the articles at Revolver is the connections Tucker has with other significant commentators/reporters. People such as Glenn Greenwald, Alex Berenson, Darren Beattie, Julie Kelly etc. Wherever he goes he will be able to have them as guests which is what made his show so popular.
“Brian Kilmeade “
Agree Tom, but his days will now be numbered at Fox.
BREAKING, Thundershock – Fox News Fires Tucker Carlson, Last Show Was Last Friday
April 24, 2023 – Sundance
In a stunning development at Fox News, it appears they have fired the #1 television news host/pundit in the industry.
In a terse statement [LINK HERE]:
NEW YORK — April 24, 2023 — FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.
Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.
Tucker Carlson had the number one rated news and broadcast show across the entire media industry.
An immediate firing with no further shows?
This is a stunning breaking development!
Then again….
….. There are Trillions at Stake!
In all honesty Gellibrand is a lot like Hillary. She’ll say anything to get elected.
She started off as a conservative Democrat and is now a progressive.
Clinton was a communist, then a conservative, then a progressive, then a neocon, then a progressive.
(Being serious for a moment)…I can’t see Newsom not winning unless Dayton’s family pools their wealth against him. Being a successful business owner (and not just a lawyer who had a private practice for a short number of years) gives him a lot of credibility. Newsom seems to be the annointed one. Dayton has had some health issues though.
I get the humour, but one observation: That’s a reasonable volume he drained, suggesting that his last hydration had been a few hours previously.
Credit to Rita for siding with Tucker against her employer. Courageous.
“Carlson will go the way of Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck, into the forgettery while the next bloke they parachute in at 9pm becomes a star. It’s the timeslot that is important, not the presenter.”
Nah pervert apologist, go wank elsewhere.
Chuck Schumer Gets His Way: Tucker Carlson OUT at Fox 2 Months After Schumer Demands Rupert Murdoch Silence Host
Last month Chuck Schumer called for Rupert Murdoch to silence Tucker Carlson.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) last month demanded Rupert Murdoch silence Tucker Carlson and other Fox News hosts.
“Order Tucker Carlson and other hosts on Fox News to stop spreading the Big Lie.” Schumer said.
Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries sent Rupert Murdoch a letter demanding he censor Fox News hosts.
“As noted in your deposition released yesterday, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News personalities knowingly, repeatedly, and dangerously endorsed and promoted the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Though you have acknowledged your regret in allowing this grave propaganda to take place, your network hosts continue to promote, spew, and perpetuate elections conspiracy theories to this day,” the Democrat wrote in a letter to Rupert Murdoch referring to the Dominion lawsuit.
Schumer and Jeffries demanded Tucker Carlson and others participate in a Mao struggle session and publicly apologize for saying words they don’t approve of.
“We demand that you direct Tucker Carlson and other hosts on your network to stop spreading false election narratives and admit on air that they were wrong to engage in such negligent behavior,” the Democrats wrote.
“We ask that you make sure Fox News ceases disseminating the Big Lie and other election conspiracy theories on your network,” they wrote.
Fast-forward nearly two months later and Fox News host Tucker Carlson has parted ways with the network.
The best thing I could say is…she’s somewhat normal interacting with the public.
She’s been madly into the Title IX stuff demonising men at US Colleges. (She still might be the most likeable. Hmm. How bad are the others?!).
Let’s goooooooo!
Let’s run the numbers.
Pathetic support for Joe Biden given he is POTATUS.
Yeah pervert apologist, something you could never be.
Now, speaking of being wrong pervert apologist, anything to say about the Wussia Collusion? Oh and I’m still waiting for you to retract your “rock spider” description, but courage has never been part of your character.
Now piss off pervert apologist.
The public want Trump v Robert Kennedy and Maryanne Williamson.
They should get what they wanted. They wanted Trump v Bernie. Bernie might have lost but the public want to talk about the issues Trump and Bernie were passionate about, not Clinton’s fantasies about saving da world (I can’t believe Democrats never turned on Rob Reiner for making Wag The Dog) or Biden’s trueindadassdalpressha, his ancestor knew Sam Adams, he was a table.
From ye oldde thread
I can state, 100% hand on heart that the figure they dickheads at the lake are quoting for salt is in the realms of fantasy
Then there is an international mining company that the group says extracts about 100,000 tonnes of salt from the Direl site each year, worth about $45 million.
Top food grade salt is exported for around $40 a ton, its been as low as $32 a ton for a considerable period of time, probably averaging $35 for the decade.
Industrial grade salt is $10 a ton cheaper than food grade.
Not to mention the 100s of Km it needs to be transported.
Dreamtime economics in action.
Hip surgeries are the new concentration camps, staffed by scab Indian doctors with fake degrees.
Tucker Highlighted the Existential Fight We Face (and Must Win) in Last Speech
The Columbia Bugle
Tucker Carlson During Speech At
Explains How To Understand What The People Wrecking Our Country Are Doing – 6 Mins 20 Secs
“None of this makes sense in conventional political terms.”
“When people. . .decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, ‘hey let’s tear it down,’ what you’re watching is not a political movement, it’s evil.”
Tucker Carlson on Friday night: – 44 Secs
“I am not a slave. I am a free citizen, and I’m not doing that, and there’s nothing you can do to me to make me do it, and I hope it won’t come to that, but if it does come to that, here I am. Here I am. It’s Paul on trial. Here I am.”
Local cops here say the turnout for the dawn service was the largest they have seen.
Barely worth scraping up the industrial stuff. The cost would literally be mostly in transport.
You just love that “free movement of labour across borders” dotty. Fkg treacherous glibertarians will back Albo all the way flooding the country with a couple million Indian “skilled” labour to keep wages down.
Here you go BBS..
UK campaigner urges Australians: ‘Get on with a republic’
British republic campaigner Graham Smith has urged the Australian Republic Movement to “get on with it”, saying “there is no time like the present” for Australia to get its own head of state and move away from the royals which he claimed was a “family on the make” and “tax payer-funded Kardashians”.
Mr Smith, chief executive of the republic.org.uk group in Britain, which has around 100,000 supporters, said his members would be protesting, vocally, during the King’s procession and then the return Coronation procession on Coronation day with groups of activists, dressed in bright yellow “Not My King” shirts along the route and around Trafalgar Square.
He said British republicans were being supported by the Alliance of European Republican movements with protesters from Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands and insisted that with “the main act”, Queen Elizabeth II having died in September, support for a republic support was growing.
He claimed a recent poll showed just nine per cent of Britons were enthusiastic about the coronation of King Charles (24 percent were fairly interested, 35 percent not very much interested while 29 percent were not at all interested,) and that republican sentiment had grown to 30 percent, indicating that the trend showed “the monarchy is in trouble”.
Mr Smith batted away a lack of Australian and New Zealander republican support in London as part of an apathy about the republican issue: “Because most people (in those countries) don’t care anyway, and they don’t want to raise awareness of the coronation by default’’.
Mr Smith was galvanised to push for a republic after spending some time in Australia in the 1990s and then viewing British deference to the monarchy upon returning to his country of birth “with fresh eyes”.
He said: My message to Australia specifically is get on with it. You know, there’s no time like the present and there’s no reason why you would hold onto it (the monarchy).
“There is the same argument wherever you are, the monarchy is wrong.’’
Mr Smith said that monarchists in Australia and New Zealand talk about Charles being the King of Australia, but the reality was very different.
“He’s not the king of Australia, he’s the king of this country (the United Kingdom). And Charles sees himself as the king of this country. And everybody in this country sees him as the king of this country and the the idea that he’s the king of Australia, or New Zealand or Canada or wherever, it’s very much an afterthought.”
Mr Smith added: “Many, many days go by without him giving a second thought to these other countries. So, you know, get your own head of state. And also if you don’t get your own head of state pay for ours, because at the moment, we’re paying for the whole lot.”
Mr Smith was aggrieved that the UK was spending an “inordinate” £100m for the coronation, describing it as “a parade for one man”, who is “just a bloke in a suit chancing his arm”.
Mr Smith told a Foreign Press Association briefing on Monday – with arguments that would have seen him hauled off to the Tower of London under some other monarchs: “I think the problem is we’re constantly painted this picture of this sort of noble family and this wonderful heritage, but when you take all the trappings away it is just a family on the make.
“Accountability, and transparency, selflessness and leadership: on all of these measures the monarchy falls well short on every single one.”
Mr Smith claimed the royals and the palace demanded exemptions from paying various taxes, including inheritance tax, and that the monarchy was exempt from various rules such as workplace discrimination laws, environmental protection laws, and were outside of the freedom of information act. He alluded secrecy levels around the monarchy were tighter than MI5 in the 1980s or the CIA.
He said: “We are told it’s a dignified institution but I would say it is the grubby underbelly of our constitution.’’
Mr Smith knows there will be a huge spectator numbers descend on central London for coronation day, but he said the size of the crowd will not disprove anything.
“It will just be another big event and a lot of people will go because they want to see something historic and which is not gong to happen again in a long time… it doesn’t necessarily translate into royalists,’’ he said.
I told you.
I %$#@ing told you.
The public will (and did) have short memories and they will forget that 2+ years were robbed from us. So many families were not formed, families broke up under the strain, our social fabric was attacked by communist grave diggers, people were made sick from a crappy experimental vaccines, the backslapping nepotism of the pharmaceutical industry was alarming, our friend was locked up illegally by corrupt AFP officers who got away with it (they should all be sacked, in gaol and their pensions confiscated), we were lied to by hysterical, incompetent, hypocrite boffins, health dictates were made up by arts grads in the PR department and the lies and gaslighting never ended. We lived through a police state and no one will get their comeuppance.
In a democracy you get what you deserve and crap like the humanitarian crisis we lived through is why (and without disrespect to former or current ADF members) I do not give a shit about ANZAC Day anymore. I’ll care when we repeal the utterly repugnant Public Health Acts, there are apologies and mea culpas, compensation and the military leadership decides to drop woke crap like wearing high heels to work and bring back better retention remuneration systems to treat diggers with dignity and to retain valuable people. Our most potent fighting unit is being emasculated with a 10+ year witch hunt on the flimsiest of evidence and many delays to a trial.
I don’t care so much I might even use power tools for much of the day and take tomorrow off and annoy my neighbours with hangovers.
Indigenous correspondent in the “West Australian” claiming Aboriginal soldiers weren’t allowed to keep medals they had earned, because they weren’t classed as citizens.
That’s the first I’ve heard of that one.
Makka tell me where the fake orthopedic surgeons are. Please. Just one. Bonus points for being a literal Hindu too.
Yes I don’t like the Windsors anymore but I will not support an Australian republic because it is being driven by a self selected elite. res publica– thing of the people. NOT. Thing of Mick Trumble and that creepy Knox old boy.
Why do you care anymore?
The only thing missing is 1/64th indigenous “dancers” twerking in the faces of 4 year old boys and their 89 year old pop who fought in Korea. Don’t worry, we will be a happy place with abundant electricity soon.
From Revolver News:
I don’t think Ruperdink is capable of this much self-harm. It sounds to me like it’s his idiot third-generation sons with the Washington Swamp whispering in their ears.
Love is love.
This Woman Says Going On A Solo Honeymoon Transformed Her Life (23 Apr, via Lucianne)
Unlike a regular honeymoon, Williams departed for her solo honeymoon and later returned home to Atlanta completely alone, but she found romance and joy on the trip in learning to be in a relationship by herself.
Williams, who is now a social media creator, took off on her solo honeymoon in August last year. The seasoned traveler chose to spend a romantic four days and three nights in Saint Lucia in the eastern Caribbean all by herself, and has since deemed the experience “transformative”.
“I do struggle with my mental health, but travel has always been my outlet. It has saved my life,” Williams explained.
Looks like a struggle that you’re losing lady.
Your obfuscation doesn’t work dotty. You and your libertarian crowd LOVE the ALP for their decision to uber supply labour from the sub continent. Camouflage it all you like, not working.
Grubs backing grubs. Pure and simple.
As a textbook guru you have no fkg clue about how the real world works.
Yes let the labour markets ‘clear’- that the econo babble iirc.
The Walrasian competitive equilibrium.
The Australian Republic brought to you by Grammar and Knox.
I was willing to have the borders shut down as an alternative to our illegal internal border closures (I don’t care what Anne Twomey says, it says very plainly it is illegal) [and other draconian health directives] so how does that compute?
You’ve jumped on some insane rant about Indians. I know people who won’t hire them because they have such a bad reputation if they’re not second generation citizens.
Please tell me why orthopedic surgery is the new Auschwitz and how many fake Indian orthopedic surgeons there are in Australia. It’s completely made up bullshit.
Hey Cranky, did you hear that the lawsuit against Tucker filed in NY alleged that he used anti-Semitic comments against one of his producers?
Classy guy you’re supporting there. Why is it that you seem to support a string of anti-semitic scumbags?
… nice rant too
Popular culture depiction of Australian military history (excluding books).
40,000 Horsemen.
Beneath Hill 60.
Damien Parer biopic (I cannot recall the title).
The Light Horsemen.
The Odd Angry Shot.
The Rats of Tobruk.
The Water Diviner.
The Sullivans (a story arc within the one season I think).
Any to add?
‘People familiar with the situation who were not authorized to comment publicly said the decision to fire Carlson came straight from Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch.
Carlson’s exit is related to the discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, the producer fired by the network last month, the people said. Carlson’s senior executive producer Justin Wells has also been terminated, according to people familiar with the matter. A Fox News representative would not comment.’
– Los Angeles Times.
Make of that what you will.
I watched in full RFK Jnr’s announcement in Boston of his run for President. I have to say it was a great speech.
Cohenite, if you’re about, I saw your comment about his anti-coal opinions, which he referred to in his speech and which for us, is def a thumbs down.
But the rest of speech was magnificent. Primarily, he spoke about the country being thoroughly divided and that he wants to draw all people together as Americans first.
In doing so, he reminded the audience that the night his father was assassinated, Bobby Kennedy had won that day the primaries for California and , iirc, for Idaho – respectively, the most urban and the most rural states in the Union, which he noted, established Kennedy Snr, as a unifying candidate.
Freedom of speech was also front and centre and is paramount to good governing. Kennedy said that as the first amendment it is the foundation for all the other freedoms.
So too, he was unequivocal on transparent government and the too close relationship between govt and business.
On that, he compared the close links between the British govt and the British East India company’s exclusive benefit on tea during the Boston Tea Party with big Pharma today. That very much resonated with the crowd. The roll of lockdowns in the transfer of billions of dollars in wealth from the middle class to the rich was held a significant part of his speech.
He spoke about his own life and career but did so with both realism and wit. On his reputation, he noted that precedes him.
On his uncle, he used the Bay of Pigs as a pointer to Presidents having been misled by advisers- and pointed to the same situation during the pandemic.
He spoke for approx 2 hours without notes and with no teleprompter.
The government views migrants as tax cattle to pay for unfunded social security liabilities. It works as long as the average migrant is higher productivity than the average citizen.
So no, it hasn’t worked for a long time. If they’re high productivity workers, they won’t chase wages down, they’ll demand higher wages. The jobs they take are under threat of automation anyway (and not just robots and AI, it goes to continuous process monitoring and so on). I’ve seen Indian engineers with 10 years experience in India and 10 years here unable to get past shift supervisor. You could argue they’re being exploited in some cases.*
The cheap labour in most cases likely comes from university students anyway. The universities only have a licence to print money as degree mills because they are protected by accreditation and licence which are totally arbitrary.
*But they’re not fake orthopedic surgeons working in concentration camps, are they?
Thanks, Cassie.
“Crikey was going to use the depositions from that trial to highlight the dishonesty of so many at Fox.”
Umm…first I’ve heard of that, or again are these words your own projection? Can you please post a source for that? As for your hyperbolic words “the dishonesty of so many at Fox“, crikey (excuse the pun), firstly who else is “dishonest” at Fox? Secondly, my guess is that for every dishonest person at Fox, there are two or three dishonest people at NBC and CNN. NBC, CNN and all the other mainstream media outlets that hysterically pushed the Russia collusion hoax for almost four years, and yet none of these media outlets have faced or suffered any opprobrium whatsoever for propagating those lies, lies I would argue that did enormous damage to American democracy. Even our own ABC did its best to propagate the lies. I do recall how Mrs Jones, when at Four Corners, pushed the Wussia Collusion lie and spent enormous sums of our money producing a three part documentary, all based on lies. And I’m pretty sure Mrs Jones has never suffered any professional censure for pushing tose lies, no..in fact she’s now the face of the 7.30 Report.
Finally, do you watch Fox? I think not.
Swimmer, coal isn’t a huge issue in the US as increasingly most of their energy is coming from gas. It’s about 19% from coal and gas is about 40%.
Tom says:
April 25, 2023 at 9:17 am
From Revolver News:
According to an analysis by iSpot.tv, Tucker Carlson accounts for 16 percent all ad revenue at Fox News. And during the six-month period of February through July of this year alone, Tucker generated $37.2 million for Fox News and smashed the competition.
I don’t think Ruperdink is capable of this much self-harm. It sounds to me like it’s his idiot third-generation sons with the Washington Swamp whispering in their ears.
Thanks for that Tom,
I had not heard of Revolver News, but that was a good detailed assessment and have Bookmarked Revolver News and the following is also a excellent detailed assessment of the Curious Ray Epps
Desperate Ray Epps Enlists Notorious Dem-Clinton Operatives to Threaten Tucker and Revolver News for J6 Reporting
The curious case of Ray Epps stands as the most conspicuous and damning thorn in the side of the Regime’s official narrative of the January 6 Fedsurrection.
It is fair to say if it hadn’t been for the intrepid reporting of Tucker Carlson and Revolver News (if the reader will permit a bit of self-contragulation) the burning questions surrounding Epps’ involvement in January 6 would not have received the national attention that they deserve. According to the transcript of the January 6th Committee’s interrogation of Epps, Epps himself singles out Revolver News along with representatives Massie, Gaetz, and others as the chief culprit in circulating so-called “baseless conspiracy theories” surrounding Epps’ behavior.
Epps’ behavior on January 5 and 6th was so egregious that he was one of the first twenty people added to the FBI’s most wanted list for January 6th.
There are have been close to 500 names in the FBI’s Capitol Violence Most Wanted list. The fact that Ray Epps was one of the first 20 suspects the FBI ever publicly featured on its “be on the lookout” boards and “Most Wanted” lists reveals just how high a priority the FBI’s rank-and-file investigators considered Epps to be.
Epps’ behavior was sufficiently egregious to be featured prominently in the New York Times’ “Day of Rage” profile on January 6th
And then something changed. Very shortly after Revolver News brought national attention to the role of inauthentic and government aligned agents in January 6th, the FBI took Ray Epps off of its most wanted list.
Then even stranger things happened, Adam Kizinger—a leader of the J6 witch hunt who never saw a January 6 participant he didn’t want to see rotting in jail—started demonstrating sympathy for Epps.
In fact, if you look at the transcript of the J6 questioning of Epps, you’ll notice that Kinzinger appears to come to Epps’ defense more actively and aggressively than Epps’ own former lawyer John Blischak—himself a 9 year veteran of the FBI.
The New York Times, which, as documented above, featured Epps as a prominent rioter for whom “storming the capitol was part of the plan all along,” takes a radically different turn as well, producing a puff piece on Epps that would embarrass the propagandists of North Korea.
And now, to top it all off, we see that of all people representing Epps in his latest assault on Tucker Carlson and Revolver News (for daring to point out all of the above), Epps has retained a lawyer deep in the bowels of the Democrat and Clinton machine.
Ask yourself, why would all of these hostile institutions all of a sudden come to the defense of this January 6 participant, a former head of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers–the most demonized and prosecuted militia group associated with Jan 6?
Why would a Democrat and Hillary machine operative come to the defense of someone most famously known for wearing a trump hat and military camouflage, demanding that the crowd go-into the Capitol?
Watch this video and ask yourself why Adam Kinzinger, the New York Times, and Hillary/DNC lackeys — not to mention the Department of Justice — so eager to protect this individual?
Justine Castreau forced no one to get vaxxed.
Attack Force Z
Blood Oath
Fragments of War: The Story of Damien Parer
Parer’s War
“Hey Cranky, did you hear that the lawsuit against Tucker filed in NY alleged that he used anti-Semitic comments against one of his producers?”
Hey pervert apologist, don’t come here and pontificate about “anti-Semitism”. Given your own history here of Jew hatred, you’re are in no position to piously lecture others on anti-Semitism. As we know, some Jew hatred is okay with you, when those who spout it have “legitimate grievances”.
As I wrote above, piss off pervert apologist.
Zulu, from a book a bloke I know wrote about WWI soldiers from the NT:
…the military does not categorise personnel records by race, so a definitive history of indigenous military service will never be written.
So write to the paper and tell them bollocks.
What legitimate interest does Crikey have in the Dominion case? It’s just bizarre!
Fox share price has dropped nearly 1B US on news of Tucker Fox split
I can’t locate the source presently, but a couple of weeks ago I posted that universities have reported that up to 50% of Indian students don’t turn up for their course, either in person or online.
Now, JC, didn’t you tell me once, when you were ribbing cohenite about something, and I pointed out that he was right, you said that, even so, you can’t let him get away with! ?
When your number’s up, it’s up. He had a good innings.
This is speculation on my part, but I’d guess that if this claim was based upon a grain of truth, it is possible that one or more indigenous veterans (it was not uncommon for service medals to take 5+ years to be struck & distributed) either could not be found or did not apply for, the medals they were entitled to. It’s also possible that a government department employing or caring for an indigenous veteran may have held their medals for them, which could be applicable if the veteran was itinerant.
I would have thought the veteran’s groups – who were strong in numbers and held some political sway during the 1920s – would have kicked up dust if the official policy was the denial of medals due to racial background. I cannot see this being a policy at all following WWII.
lotocoti says:
April 25, 2023 at 9:41 am
Another f*cking arsehole trying to re-write history.
Last night I watched Fred Pawle’s show on ADH TV. On the show was a lady who has a vac injury from two doses of fizzer. Previously, she was a personal trainer, now she has permanent heart and kidney damage.
“Brian Kilmeade is the best of what’s left at Fox News, ”
There is a number of women, perhaps less visible, who would qualify. Megyn Kelly was successful, why not Dana Perino?
I am not sure why we want to put faith in journalists. How many times have you been disappointed?
Breaker Morant.
Say no more. It’s garbage.
Went hunting for TheirABC’s ‘corrections and clarifications’ site today. It used to be at the bottom of all their pages.
Now, it’s buried. You have to intuit that it is a subset of their Editorial Policy link. If only someone at Senate Estimates asked them why they are deliberately hiding the very few occasions (often under threat of legal action) where they admit the made a mistake.
It’s here.
It is well worth checking out, both for the egregious and unprofessional howlers that even they couldn’t deny, and for the remarkably consistent bias in those errors.
Anyway, what sparked me to go there is this:
See what they did there? And, what does ‘weren’t accepted as citizens’ even mean?
On a brighter note, it is a perfect Autumn day here – sunshine and bright blue sky, slight breeze, trees colouring like mad. I refuse to let human idiocy get me down! Plus, a nearby church rang their bells not long ago, calling people to the Easter service.
There are lots of people of central and east European extraction here (via the Snowy Scheme) and they take ANZAC Day very seriously.
Australian citizenship didn’t exist until 1948.
Aboriginals were officially declared British subjects from 1920.
Prior to that, as a result of various colonial deliberations determining jurisdiction in intra-aboriginal criminal matters, they were regarded as de facto British subjects.
Fatboy, that’s an accusation in a lawsuit. Accusations like those are a dime a dozen especially in the media world.
Why would they be awarded medals in the first place if they were looked down on with such contempt?
Righto Cranky, I see you want to just ignore Tucker’s anti-Semitism. Par for the course for you, carry on.
– Los Angeles Times.
Say no more. It’s garbage.”
lotocoti says:
April 25, 2023 at 9:41 am
Justine Castreau forced no one to get vaxxed.
Following Image sums up Castreau, ScMo and all Australian/World Politicians
“Righto Cranky, I see you want to just ignore Tucker’s anti-Semitism. Par for the course for you, carry on.”
Have you told your wife yet you’re a pervert apologist? Methinks not.
The obsession with my wife continues. Quite creepy.
Roger says:
April 25, 2023 at 9:46 am
The cheap labour in most cases likely comes from university students anyway.
I can’t locate the source presently, but a couple of weeks ago I posted that universities have reported that up to 50% of Indian students don’t turn up for their course, either in person or online.
Indian students, agents game visa system
Julie Hare – Education editor
Apr 14, 2023 – 6.00pm
Thousands of newly arrived Indian students are using loopholes in the visa system to abandon their courses at established universities to enrol at cheaper private colleges, stoking fears of widespread rorting of the temporary migration scheme.
Universities are reporting sharp increases in the number of Indian students who either arrive in Australia but never step foot in their institution or abandon their course shortly after. One university says around 500 of its expected 1200 new enrolments from India for semester two last year either didn’t front up or jumped ship in the first six months.
A producer suing an employee for harassment, utterly hilarious.
What’s next, Bob Rock sues Metallica?
Amber Heard sues Johnny Depp?
The Arizona Governor holds a press conference with staff dressed as aliens?
Many of us are just puzzling at her existence.
How unvaccinated Aussies are joining dating groups to find ‘toxin free singles’: ‘Let’s keep the bloodline pure!’
. Anti-vaccination dating groups springing up online
. Members refer to themselves as ‘pure bloods’
Wonder how much a book deal would secure for Tucker. He would have many interesting stories to tell.
He is probably fielding many interesting TV/streaming offers at the moment.
Thanks Old Ozzie.
Now, you’d imagine a Labor government would be keen to close that loophole for a number of reasons.
If anyone is questioning Rupe’s business acumen, one word. Myspace.
“Quite creepy.”
Yes you are. Thanks for confirming.
James Wunhym was an indigenous soldier in the Second World War. It does not say so in his personnel record, however he served with and was respected by, my late paternal grandfather, and was known post-war to both my paternal grandparents. His service record states (p.11) that two service medals – the 1939-45 Star, and the Pacific Star – were issued to him, though the date of issuance is somewhat confusing.
Great work of fiction!
Lachlan had a few swing and misses over the years. Often with Jamie Packer calling the plays from the dugout.
April 25, 2023 at 5:53 am
Aside from the films “Gallipoli” and “The Light Horsemen,” from the Great War, and the more recent “Kokoda” and Damien Parer biopic from WWII, what other Australian military experiences has our film, television & entertainment (incl. theatre) industry produced?
I can also vaguely recall The Sullivans featuring a New Guinea (circa 1942 or ’43) storyline.
Off the top of my memory, the multi-part made for TV series ANZACS from the 1980s. Charles Chauvel did both The 40,000 Horsemen and The Rats of Tobruk. There was one on the Ambon massacres and war crimes trials., and two on the Krait men.
On the Sullivans, five brothers of that name served in the Army during WW II, a book about them had the title Brother Digger.
treasonous cnts
me and ranga were defending the old thread to the last kapow
youse have been sittin on yer arses
The Democratic Party’s takeover of Fox News was as seamless as the wire transfers to the Biden family bank accounts by the Chinese Communist Party.
With Fox firing Tucker Carlson a month after the Dems Senate leader Chuck Schumer demanded his sacking, CCP control of Washington DC and the American economy now has zero domestic media opposition.
Seeya, Brian Kilmeade, you stooge. *Click*
The author of one very bombastic book on Breaker Morant visited South Africa as part of a campaign, urging a pardon for the “Breaker.” He was met by a delegation consisting of one Charles Leach – the author of a very good book on the affair – and a group of the descendants of the murdered Boers. He was asked outright “How many unarmed prisoners do you have to shoot, to be considered a war criminal?”
Boambee John says:
April 25, 2023 at 10:13 am
April 25, 2023 at 5:53 am
Aside from the films “Gallipoli” and “The Light Horsemen,” from the Great War, and the more recent “Kokoda” and Damien Parer biopic from WWII, what other Australian military experiences has our film, television & entertainment (incl. theatre) industry produced?
I regard this 1 Hour 41 Mins 14 Secs Long Tan Documentary as one of the best I have seen
Battle of Long Tan Documentary – Vietnam War – Narrated by Sam Worthington
Martin Walsh Red Dune Films
Award-winning and critically acclaimed documentary, The Battle of Long Tan narrated by Sam Worthington, first broadcast on The History Channel on 16 August 2006.
I also produced the movie DANGER CLOSE: The Battle of Long Tan starring Travis Fimmel, Luke Bracey, Daniel Webber, and Richard Roxburgh which is out now on Netflix, Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube Movies, 7Plus, DVD, and Blu-ray. Check out the trailer for the movie here – • Danger Close: The…
Late afternoon August 18, 1966, South Vietnam — for three and a half hours, in the pouring rain, amid the mud and shattered trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tan, Major Harry Smith and his dispersed company of 108 young and mostly inexperienced Australian and New Zealand soldiers are fighting for their lives, holding off an overwhelming enemy force of 2,500 battle-hardened Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers. With their ammunition running out, their casualties mounting, and the enemy massing for a final assault each man begins to search for his own answer — and the strength to triumph over an uncertain future with honor, decency, and courage.
The ensuing Battle of Long Tan becomes one of the most savage and decisive engagements in ANZAC history, earning both the United States and South Vietnamese Presidential Unit Citations for gallantry along with many individual awards. But sadly not before 18 Australians and more than 500 enemies are killed. Heroism, tragedy, and the sacrifice of battle, Long Tan is a grueling and dramatic exploration of war with all its horror, that will rightly take its place alongside war classics such as Gallipoli, Breaker Morant, Saving Private Ryan, Zulu & Blackhawk Down.
This documentary and our movie DANGER CLOSE starring Travis Fimmel is a tribute to the nobility and uncommon valor of these men — many of them conscripts – under fire. It honors their loyalty to their country and to each other, and it brings to light the heroism and unimaginable sacrifice of all military men and women both at home and abroad.
Long Tan is the true story of ordinary boys who became extraordinary men.
Learn more – http://www.battleoflongtan.com
Please join our Facebook page to keep abreast of development on the upcoming feature film, ‘Long Tan’ http://www.facebook.com/battleoflongtan
Premiered: 16 August 2006 on The History Channel
Narration: Sam Worthington (Avatar, Terminator Salvation, Clash of the Titans).
Executive Producer: Martin Walsh
Producers: Martin Walsh and Damien Lay
Director: Damien Lay
DOP: Steve Williams
Film Editor: Joe Morris
Composer: Mark Gluhak
Colourist: Nick Barton
Writers: Keith Thompson, Damien Lay & Martin Walsh
Production Manager: Sam Bateman
Production Company: Red Dune Films and Animax Films
Negative format: Super 16mm
– 2007 TV Week Logie Award: Nomination Most Outstanding Documentary of the Year.
– 2007 ASTRA Awards: Winner Most Outstanding Documentary of the Year.
– 2006 ACS Awards: Winner Cinematography in a Documentary.
And she is a stalwart of the Church! She shares my politics though.
It is possible to love Jesus and also believe in helping those less fortunate, notwithstanding the neo-Calvinist zeal of many Catholic Cats.
One of those “staunch Catholics” the ABC loves so much, eh?
I think there is something to “go woke, go broke”.
Disney has lost 179 bn USD of market cap since March 2021.
Why smear like this?
A gun to the head to “help” people by setting up a corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy isn’t “help”.