Monty has found some Nazis he doesn’t like!
Monty has found some Nazis he doesn’t like!
The pothole problem has become markedly worse over the last 3/4 years too; can’t blame the former government for that.
The Federal Court ruled at 930 am this morning that the Classification Review Board did not understand the overwhelming majority…
Hope you’re putting your money where your mouth is Monty.
Funny how they use the term ‘investing’ to describe spending on long overdue basic maintainance. Typical Labor (Labour).
Settle, Petal.
This is a family oriented blog.
The ambulance people: Yes. I was absolutely miffed. I hate that sort of shabby treatment. Chiding employees should be done out of the public eye. I was offended and disgusted by that lady’s behaviour. She not only decided to do it public, she probably lied to him about making him comfortable, she was loud and obnoxious and wanted people to hear her.
Job interview 1: Back in undergrad, was a horrible job being a piss tester for drugs, they were dishonest about what the job was. I thought it was funny (back then) that they were not up front about it.
Job interview 2: Finance sales job. I got the feeling he was a part owner and trust fund kiddie. He’d piss you off before you’d buy anything. If he wanted to assert dominance he should have told be to bring an apple I could bite and hold there for 30 minutes. Thanks for the coffee champ but I have absolutely no idea why you even bothered. 30 minutes of gloating and name dropping. It would have been fun if I decided to take something legal or illegal beforehand.
The eating of sheep is a disgusting and deplorable habit.
In the pet category, are they, or are we talking fleece?
Just sending off my investment fund redemption instruction. My Advance investment was recently taken over by “Mercer“, whose web pages loudly shouted their sustainable and ESG investment credentials. So far, in the month in which I no longer been able to access the fund value or get at my money, the value has consistently fallen from where it was under Advance. I’m just now sending off the full redemption request to cash out the investment (to be applied – to start – into the offset account for an increasingly crippling mortgage). Here’s my message to them:
Nothing better then freshly killed lamb, Zulu.
I reckon I’d be like cohenite’s tortured younger sibling.
Not on my dinner table.
My birdies would eat me if they could. They often try, since fingers look like meat. It’s fun.
Too tough though. If you don’t hear from me again it’s because I’ve been eaten by currawongs.
What he needs is for the Electoral College to appoint him as President no matter how many dead people vote for Biden in 2024.
If you take out fraudulent votes, he very likely won the popular vote in 2016 and 2020.
Well you have no taste, Zulu.
School District Nixes ‘Boy’ for 10-Year-Olds, Replaces It With ‘Person Who Produces Sperm’
The school is determined to “align [its] curriculum” with the district’s equity plan. Therefore, “Teachers will be using gender-inclusive language throughout [the science/health] unit.”
The letter offers two examples of inclusion. Curiously, the lesson plan won’t include boys or girls.
Also in the name of inclusion, Founders Memorial will make certain to exclude males and females. As for people who subscribe to such categories, they’ll be excluded for the sake of inclusivity.
To accomplish additional inclusion, parents and students who believe sex is observed at birth — rather than “assigned” — will be on the outs.
Further excluded: the notion that human beings bear assigned sex.
Now onto the overwhelming inclusion…
We will be using the following language with students:
Person who produces sperm in place of boy, male, and assigned male at birth.
Person who produces eggs in place of girl, female, and assigned female at birth.
Yep, in particular hogget. Kill at sundown, firm up overnight, dress in the morning, eat hot off the grill.
“Waltzing Matilda” is a cautionary tale. Don’t faff around with sheep, kill, eat, and immediately distribute what you can’t freeze.
You horrible sheep eating cats.
The Dorpers are so traumatised they are heading to Zulu’s place in terror.
I love sheep.
They produce offspring known as lambs.
They have beautiful legs that can be roasted with potatoes, carrots, parsnips and onions. Don’t worry about the greens – sheep eat grass so you get that in the lamb package.
That is all.
I grew up on a staple diet of mutton, on the sand plain country of Western Australia. Chicken was a rare delicacy, beef and pork were almost unknown. I’ve detested mutton ever since.
Sweet Jesus that’s a very bad hot take.
So the ‘people’s priest’ is getting a state funeral. Further evidence that there’s zero significance in a state funeral in this country. Absolutely none whatsoever.
RFK’s Twitter is a breath of fresh air.
The ad at the top of the page will resonate bigly.
The Judge seemed to think he lacked Potential Greatness as a witness of truth. Still stopped short of the character assessment given to Greiner when he ventured into the witness box.
See new Tweets
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Apr 26
At dinner with my friend Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav and my daughter Kyra on Israel’s birthday. After fleeing Nazi pogroms in Romania, Vera spent three years in Ukraine’s Mogilev slave labor camp before escaping to Palestine in 1944. She has spent her lifetime as one of the… Show more
Apr 26
So you are saying that Ukraine also was persecuting the Jews during the war?
Kayla Kennedy
Yes.. that’s exactly that. Ukraine is not really run by “Jews” much like some of us Catholics learned that the pope and his pedophile cardinals and bishops were Jesuits masquerading and assuming a role…
12:40 PM · Apr 26, 2023
Kayla Kennedy
Apr 26
It’s really time to make sure you have a therapist lined up.. this leads to two months of wtf.. everyone is awakening fast so don’t dawdle.. and I started smoking pot. At 52.. it helps connect dots WAY faster.. Just focus on the ride.
Show replies
Apr 26
Yea it is
Unpoisoned Nick Elway
Apr 26
Jews in general are victims of a subset of “Jews” aka Khazarian Mafia (think George Soros and Klaus Schwab)
The ADL was created in 1913 to give the “anti-semitic” label to any who would criticize the bankers and power-brokers that were in the mafia ruling the banks and Ukraine.
These people are insane.
Quench – Dreams (1993)
So where the Hell is Wurundjeri Country, anyway?
Cash and Rowdy:
woof bark growl.
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Calabasas Commons 11
fact check
boys produce sperm from puberty onwards
pre-pubescent boys are not boys by that definition
Mark Dice:
Tucker Carlson Breaks His Silence in New Video Message For First Time Since Fox News Fired Him
My favourite “security screening” was a flight from Mildura to Melbourne.
The security screening was done upon arrival, at Melbourne.
When I enquired of the goons going through handbags etc, what would they do if they found scissors or something in my briefcase, they were nonplussed, especially when I suggested they may have to return me to Mildura or something.
Oh my Lordy Lord.
This is getting beyond a joke.
Serves only to confuse overseas tourists.
It is annoying, as the screen rotates, meaning half the time it is total gibberish.
Truly horrible and deeply exclusionary.
How is this oppressive nomenclature supposed to recognise transitioned former sperm-persons (or former egg-persons) who have chosen (via healing and affirmative gender reassignment) to not have the physical capacity to produce either sperm or eggs.
Bastard normative troglodytes.
areff says: April 27, 2023 at 12:09 pm
I self-identify as an octopus and I am offended by your language.
Word of the Day:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah.
They played basketball.
acronym of the day
handing over to the midnight to dawn blog wrecking shift
Bob McGuire gets a state funeral. Great.
I’ve an idea – let’s award a VC to every chick in the ADF who gets knocked up whilst serving and is featured in a YouTube recruitment advertisement.
Y’know, these things need to be reserved for truly special occasions. In recognition of truly special deeds and people. An honour rarely, rarely bestowed.
Like, once a fortnight, tops. Okay, maybe once a week. Per state. Better still, make it a local council thing. It’ll be in good hands.
One big significance is who pays for it. Funerals aren’t cheap and I doubt he’s being planted in potter’s field.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes. More here.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel. Brilliant.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Henry Payne.
Free Speech wins: One million people an hour are watching Tucker Carlson on Twitter…
Thanks again Tom.
Finish the job? As Trump said, it’s uncertain whether the USA can last a year and a half to get to the 2024 elections. The rot is so deep.
Doc Beaugan:
Yes. And the Socialists are using them in their war against us to great effect. While we try to get our heads around this insanity, they continue to burrow like ticks further into the flesh of our society.
(It’s too early for this, Doc. Let me have a couple of cups of coffee before we start?)
Fr Bob Maguire is getting a state funeral because Dan Andrews thinks that will stick one up the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church, despite Fr McGuire’s controversies, looked after him in his declining years and he remained a priest in good standing.
I don’t know anything about his work with the poor but it appears it was laudable.
Flanders and Swann fan, Dr BeauGan? Grew up with them. Favourite is the kitchen appliance song.
There’s the pinger on the wringer – we can’t hear each other speak
That thing on the shelf’s been whipping itself for the best part of a week…
Humour from the good old days. And clever lyrics.
Shari Markson seemed to have forgotten to put to put on her wedding dress and/or looked like a lady of the night – so elegant and classy? not. — hmmmm. and hmmmm?
and classy wins the eyeballs
The Robert Kennedy family sound nuts.
Labelling the Church hierarchy as entirely composed of paedophiles and ooooh secret Jesuits, is just a little unreasonable.
Still the Democrat nominations should be interesting.
Most of it has been Aus government policy for at least the last decade, Robert.
I like lamb shanks, Indian curries and ME tagine cooked lamb but the smell of roasting Kiwi love interests turns my stomach. The fat is revolting.
Bravo, well said. Thank you
For DrBeau. Be sincere even if you don’t mean it.
Maybe. Or maybe they have an agenda that ruthlessly imposes language change and erosion of meaning with a side of shaming for anyone who won’t go along with it.
Currently, there’s a civil case in Manhattan in which Trump is accused of rape, in the mid 90s. This rape, according to the victim, occurred between autumn of 95 to spring 96. It also was supposed to have occurred in a busy department store.
The founder of LinkedIn is partially funding the case on the victims side.
Another interesting item.
Or not?
Why is the Pope visiting Hungary for the third time?
The picture wireless just ran a piece on the Australian chap who fell/jumped overboard from the cruise ship near Hawaii, and in particular the search efforts to find him.
Their guest speaker, according to Stefanovic the Younger, was an expert in…..
Maritime law.
It’s too early in the morning for this.
A stunning advance in battery technology must be imminent.
Small appliances or manchester?
I’m not denying that, Bespoke.
The point is “Why is it government policy and where does government policy start and stop?” We don’t know and we never get asked directly.
We desperately need Citizen Initiated Referenda, and Citizen Veto in Australia.
A Bill of Rights with teeth would also be a fine thing.
Secret Soviet Base Scotland
“Sorry, Cassie, but I disagree with the idea of making anything, especially food, deliberately rare or dear. The more produce, the better. Controls of the market are in no-one’s interest.”
BBS, we’re not here to agree on everything, we can disagree on things. Also, I never wrote anything about “controlling the market”. That’s not what I want to happen.
Judicial Watch received 552 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which include the initial grant application and annual reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from EcoHealth Alliance, describing the aim of its work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to create mutant viruses “to better predict the capacity of our CoVs [coronaviruses] to infect people.”
Cassie of Sydney says:
Fair enough, but you said meat should cost more.
If you leave it to the market, it will find its price range.
Could go up, could come down, only way to make it go up intentionally is by decree of government. I.e. controlling the market.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 27, 2023 at 11:18 pm
So where the Hell is Wurundjeri Country, anyway?
Wherever they want it to be?
Herald sun paywall?
Patient Care Report contradicts Premier’s claims their vehicle was ‘T-boned’ by the bike
An Ambulance Victoria report about a crash that almost claimed the life of a teenage cyclist is at odds with the Premier’s claims they came to a “complete stop” before the collision.
one of the Pope’s previous visits to Hungary was just for seven hours.
Bergsorf Goodman’s lingerie department. Where else?
Tucker Carlson is correct about the discussions that aren’t occurring because of current orthodoxies.
The big dirty secret of renewables is the impact they have on agriculture and the environment. Have you seen or heard any discussion in the media or politics mentioning this?
The two hundred tonne of cement under each turbine will never be removed and there’s no obligation on the foreign businesses who fund these “farms” to remediate the land. Did you know that?
All trees and shrubs are removed from any site unless it is bare land. Increasingly the companies are looking to use cleared productive farm land because it’s cheaper to dig clay than rock on hills.
Renewables are creating wildlife deserts everywhere they go. Nothing of any size can inhabit a solar farm because of the immense heat generated and the fear of damage to panels.
No media – no care.
All quiet on the western front.
Cohenite, 27/4 @ 8:35pm
You have ratted your self out as a Asexual proddie.
Kennedy having lots of children show he has not abandoned his Catholic roots.
Environment al lawyer, Explains his attack on Trump, he will come out as a cross dresser who in his high heels and jockey whip slaps other man looking females behind closed doors in the board room which strict instructions of do not disturb.
I write this at great personal risk as I know you can handle it.
There’s an aspect to the abundance and price of protein (especially meat) that Cassie touched upon a couple of days ago. It’s waste. If it costs more, you value it more. If an animal has been killed to supply your table with meat, you respect it and be grateful.
I’m not advocating price increases at all, but a shift in attitude about what it means to be in a land of plenty. I shake my head sometimes about the amount of food my children throw out, even though they were trained by example to be careful. Multiply this by households.
It’s a first world problem though. The solution is shortage and want (because virtually no one is inclined to be particularly aware and penny-pinching), but that means a collapse like the great depression or war. No one wants that.
Wurundjeri is Melbourne, but not really.
Reading various things yesterday was reminded that Aboriginal people are tribal, family comes first, nepotism seems to be an ongoing problem within Aboriginal entities, that might include turning a blind eye to the malfeasance of others.
Expect any voice will be a hotbed of family rivalries.
To late for that. Maybe in the 50’s when people’s priorities was focused in rebuilding dew to the war. Today it would filled with things such as free internet, free food. Term limits would address the cronyism problem but not entirely, Robert.
I see Latham has made some more “horrific” comments.
Straight men find sex with other men repugnant.
News at 11.
I’m with you Calli, I was brought up to avoid food waste, did the same but I think my daughters, at least, are pretty careful.
Read meat, by the way, is already very expensive.
Pork and chicken are the only comparatively cheap meats.
Doctor tells inquiry Andrew Johns was left with seizures after NRL career
If Dr. Stewart clinical results are supported by a trial it will be the first decent breakthrough in treating CTE. It won’t be a cure but has the potential to help many former players. I found only one animal study that supports his idea of using the treatment prior to playing. CTE is devastating, it strikes early and is found in young adult players, which means they at very high risk in the years to come.
Johanna 27/423@ 8.51
Solopsistic – thank you so much for the word of the week.
I will Keating like pontificate everywhere I go dropping this word.
I am going to the footy this week.
Yes, yes, yes.
But – is he lissome?
I haven’t seen much on Fox ratings, but this one suggests a fairly substantial drop.
Tucker Reappears In 8PM Time Slot, But Not With Fox — Which Just Suffered “Catastrophic” Ratings Crash (27 Apr)
Latham is correct on that Calli.
I cannot watch two men kissing on the TV.
rosie says:
April 28, 2023 at 7:42 am
No special interest as I’m not a catholic, it just appeared in my internet feed.
But, were the two previous visits stopovers or intentional?
And, you can say a lot and listen to in private in seven hours, you only have to follow this blog.
No water off this duck’s back either way.
Including corroboree for sale.
I thought corroborees were sacred religious activities.
For people who claim conducting the Mallee Rally is akin to bombing the Vatican it seems somewhat contradictory to offer these for sale.
wurundjeri website, many services available
Thanks for the Flanders and Swann video, Calli. A thing of beauty.
I quite see the agenda of the loonies to manipulate the world via destruction of traditional language. It is just destructive though. It accomplishes nothing except confusion in the credulous. Nobody has to go along with it, except perhaps those for whom the fashionable idiocy of the day is compulsive.
CSIRO gives QLD CSG sector the all clear: “No immediate threat to human health.”
Lock the Gate calls for a moratorium on expansion.
Follow the science.
All trees and shrubs are removed from any site unless it is bare land. Increasingly the companies are looking to use cleared productive farm land because it’s cheaper to dig clay than rock on hills.
Renewables are creating wildlife deserts everywhere they go. Nothing of any size can inhabit a solar farm because of the immense heat generated and the fear of damage to panels.
No media – no care.
Check up some of the environmental campaigns against previous planned transmission lines and open cut mines. Change key words, and give to the media. Include photos of existing wind and solar installations (there are some good photos of a wind installation around the Atherton Tableland).
Copy the environmentalists, use apocalyptic langue=age. You are needing a political campaign, not a scientific paper.
I am on record as being a strong supporter of gay marriage, as long as both chicks are hot.
A gRape perported to have happened in a department store between autumn 95 to spring 96 must be s sprucker for Pantene. She doesn’t known whe it happened but it did happen. ‘small appliances or manchester’, hair products? Now I’m sure the skank, I mean a fine young virginal type lady was so traumatised she forgot the date this most horrendous atrocity happened. Inconceivable. The police are still looking for the original complaint or was it devine intervention the complaint arrived on the Demonrat AG’s desk. If gun crime was a real problem with Republicans there would be thousands of dead Demorat Elite laying in the street. Pity there’s not. Cancer needs to be cut, not voted out.
I can’t either. And I’m not a bloke. 😀
Of course Andrews is lying.
It’s a reflex with him – work out the optics, then get the facts and change them.
The man is a hybrid of a weasel and a snake. A very nasty hybrid.
Biden’s 10 point Agenda to “Finish The Job”
1. Endless Wars
2. End Paper Money
3. End Private Digital Currency
4. Tax Everything Everywhere
5. Impose Social Credit System
6. Regulate What We Buy/Sell
7. End All Fossil Fuels
8. Terminate Fossil Fuel Powered Vehicles
9. Surrender Health to the WHO
10. Make more than 10% on Kickbacks for me, ‘The Big Guy”
Quick, someone ask Bowen about this.
China’s coal boom accelerates as Beijing strengthens energy security (27 Apr)
India is also building coal power plants at a record rate. They don’t seem to be too concerned about global warming, do they?
Fox could start playing re-runs of Tucker.
Their actions after the accident at Blairgowrie says all you need to know about Andrews and Mrs Andrews. Despicable is not a strong enough word. Psychopathic.
You’d think you’d bother to check before implying anything.
The seven hours was to close a Eucharist congress by saying mass.
I can’t find any information about a third visit.
Lidia Thorpe on Melbourne radio yesterday:
“We cannot be racist to white people. White people don’t fall into that category.”
Indeed it is. Way down on the list.
1996 and she waited 26/7 years? She’s out of time for both a criminal charge or a civil suit.
These are hard to do; the constitution of the USSR had a bill of rights in it that guaranteed such things as freedom of speech; obviously, it didn’t get very far.
The only parts of a constitution that have teeth are those which divide power, that say who gets to do what. You need to attach a bill of rights into that somehow.
It is, however, a symptom of a problem at the top of the list – a lack of respect and gratitude.
I’m looking forward to seeing the all electric NATO military go up against the combined forces of Russia and China…
classy wins the eyeballs
What’s fascinating about that bit of set-up is just about all of the men try to get eye contact- just about all of the women look her up and down. Counterintuitive to the myth of the impersonal male gaze.
I agree, Tints.
Modern dress sense (especially for young sheilas) seems to be about presenting yourself as a sexual object – mere biology. A young woman checks herself in the mirror before she goes out to make sure her tits look like two flesh-coloured water balloons struggling to escape through the top of their blouse or T-Shirt, gaping mid-riff to show as much skin as possible, and jeans so tight that if you look you will notice they only go as far as the knee – all the blue below that is just where the blood flow is cut off. (Is that why they call them cut-off jeans?) It must have an effect on how she sees herself – when she has done well, when she has got it wrong, what will others think etc.
If those palaeolithic Venus figurines had had mouths and a finger to stick into their throat they would be dead ringers.
The overall effect is, as I say, mere sexuality – but it also looks…heavy. Like deadweights on the earth, as meat does.
Add to that the fact that what they have to work with is not always the merchandise that belongs on the top shelf of the display case.
For all of being warned about body shaming and encouraging the idea that you should not feel obliged to anything restricts you more than your pyjamas do, as you say, elegance works. It communicates a sense of something elevated, mysterious, refined, any or all and more. It elicits interest rather than mere lust.
Disclaimer: Midriffs and jeans can be done well, you just rarely see it. It takes a little more than just saying “the highest shirt and lowest jeans I can get”.
I seem to have been banned from upticking. Does anyone else have this problem?
“I seem to have been banned from upticking. Does anyone else have this problem?”
I just upticked you. Sometimes there is a delay.
As soon as I posted the above question I find I can uptick now. Perhaps you have to do that now, comment first and then you can uptick.
rosie says:
April 28, 2023 at 8:11 am
If I cared, I would.
As I said, it came up in a feed since deleted as of no special interest to me.
Question is still, why there and not to a more devout catholic country like Poland?
Could it to do with the war in the UKR?
In Marxists Gotta Marxist news:
Greens’ free speech panic alienating members
The Greens: standing out and proud in a field of glistening turds.
So where the Hell is Wurundjeri Country, anyway?
Given that we have been inundated with an overload of 251 “culture” for years which clearly states that 251s were nomadic hunters, never settled, roamed the country at will only, occasionally, stopping to curve the boomerang, invent the wheel or practice boiling eggs what else 251s do when not on the “roam” who, actually, drew these “border-lines”? ..
plus for an operation that had no written language the intricate spelling of tribal “names” is fascinating, to say the least ..!
Dan’s accident has been on radar for years . ambulance report is just one of many anomalies. Called the firies before police , then firies got huge benefits at election . Drove car off to take kids home not allowed after major accident and claimed wife was driving but forgot to alter seat. Check with victim .
you prefer live action?
Cardinal Erd?: Pope’s Visit to Hungary Tells Us ‘Christ is Our Future’
In presenting the trip, Matteo Bruni, director of the Holy See press office, pointed out how Hungary is a “bridge” country. Erd? noted that “being a bridge has always been our vocation. The Danube that runs through the city of Budapest was the border of the Roman Empire, the border of the Empire of Charlemagne; it was the northernmost province of the Ottoman Empire. Hungary has understood itself as part of the Western world for a thousand years and entered it through the Holy See with our king, St. Stephen. For this reason, our relations with the pontificate and the pope also have a symbolic value for the nation, not just for Catholics.”
Anybody know the cost for US military vehicles to all go electric by 2030?
Lucky they can print money.
I’d wager a couple of things about the Fox – Carlson split.
Both Fox and Carlson will do well. That time slot is great and Fox is competent enough to find a decent host.
Carlson will end up running a streaming show and will make a ton on money with a large audience.
What is high on the list of concerns is policies already in place to eat less meat and promoting eating bugs. Assisted with ridiculous anthropomorphism in children’s entertainment.
For those so deeply concerned, nothing is wasted not evan the bone marrow in my household.
Interesting hypothesis – RFK on Tucker’s ousting:
Fox fires @TuckerCarlson
five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless. For many years, Tucker has had the nation’s biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma.
I haven’t heard the April 19 monologue yet. Must check it out.
Doctor tells inquiry Andrew Johns was left with seizures after NRL career
he also ended up with a severe case of the sniffles .. cause unknown .. LOL!
We are supposed to have a perfect autumn day today and so far so good. Bright sunshine with barely a cloud in the sky. Let’s see if it gets to 28 as predicted.
Racist Tories won’t rescue Sudanese doctors visiting their families in Sudan.
That’s why the globally envied NHS is a shambles.
The cost is losing wars.
I’m not against half naked girls – not as often as I’d like to be.
– Benny Hill
Any Cats be at il gambero today?
2 dogs:
Yes, Article 5 IIRC.
bespoke says:
April 28, 2023 at 8:38 am
I’d kill for it. You have it on toast.
Nothing better coming out of a hot beef broth.
Down the rabbit hole with The Guardian:
Record renewables help bring down Australia’s energy prices and emissions
The cause of seizures is well known.
Just in case it hasn’t been posted, Tucker speaks out and he will be back!
The comments on that video are brutal. If it’s obvious she was being filmed, then of course people will look – especially the men, as she’s gorgeous. Probably looked like the filming of an ad, which will cause rampant rubbernecking.
Veganism seems to be rising.
Poll: 35% of Democrat Primary Voters Want Nominee Other Than Biden (27 Apr)
In other words 65% of Democrat voters love vegetables. Maybe he should pick Fetterman as his running mate in that case.
My concern is not with you personally, bespoke. Just modern society in general, my wasteful children in particular.
I’m still coming to grips with the vision of a yellow MnM slurping out bone marrow. 🙂
‘Albanese to push states on NDIS reform’ (Fin Rev) at the National Cabinet meeting today.
Shorten last week stated that the Commonwealth alone cannot sustain the NDIS.
I imagine the term ” fair share” will get a good workout.
Cannibalism or deviancy? Take your pick.
I’d suggest that’s off the mark, Bruce.
Associated Press reported 52% of Dems don’t want Biden to run.
Run! He can barely walk.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will have a prominent role in the coronation of King Charles III, walking behind an Australian flag down the central aisle of Westminster Abbey
Nice set-up.
He will look a hypocrite even more than usual when he starts ranting about a republic.
And with the poor figures on the US economy just out, the “anyone but Biden” crowd should continue to swell.
From the inventors of Climate Change – “Aboriginal Cultural Fire Credits”.
Spotted on an overpass on Sydney’s North Shore.
The “Aboriginal Carbon Foundation” wants your money.
Maybe he should pick Fetterman as his running mate in that case.
Biden/Fetterman 2024 – it’s a no brainer
Lowest ratings, relentless bias, still working from home. ABC staff get 11% pay rise.
The ABC really is a fool’s paradise.
Every under-performing, self absorbed bum gets a substantial pay rise.
You have to feel for the small group who actually do pull their weight.
The Australian reports:
Thousands of ABC employees will receive an 11 per cent pay rise and $1500 bonus after a majority of staff voted in favour of the new pay deal.
Lowest TV ratings, beating only fellow basketcase SBS.
Appalling radio ratings. Shit in most major cities.
An extraordinary budget.
Uncontrolled bias and tokenism … and still a substantial percentage of the staff “work from home”.. or pretend to.
The only joke is, you’re paying for it.
Train Derails Into Mississippi River Near Wisconsin-Iowa Border
There has been another train derailment, this time near the Wisconsin-Iowa border, along the Mississippi River. The BNSF Railway train derailed around 12:15 pm local time.
Video posted on Twitter shows several train cars toppled into the river.
While it isn’t yet clear what the train was carrying, officials have indicated there is no need to evacuate at this time.
It was not immediately clear what the train cars were carrying, but a spokesperson from the railroad company, BNSF Railway, said it was carrying “freight of all kinds.” Two of the three locomotives, or engines, are derailed along with several train cars.
Officials said the derailment occurred about 12:15 p.m. near the villages of Ferryville and De Soto in Crawford County, about 30 miles south of La Crosse. State Highway 35, which runs along the Mississippi River is closed at the Black Hawk Bridge over the river from Iowa
The Crawford County Sheriff’s Office did not provide additional information but said in a brief statement on Facebook that there was no need for people to evacuate.
That undoubtedly comes as a relief to those who have seen the ongoing fallout from the February derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
While the cause of this latest derailment is under investigation, it’s difficult not to notice the seeming spate of similar incidents of late:
Min says:
April 28, 2023 at 8:36 am
Dan’s accident has been on radar for years . ambulance report is just one of many anomalies.
ISTR that there was no breath test either.
Who needs the voice to start the extortion? It’s already in place thanks to our woke elites.
Roger – I’d guess that the 65% for Biden is because of the demo: Democrat voters who intend to vote in the primary. Which is a lot narrower than all Democrat voters.
Also it depends what the instructions to Ass Press is, they do the will of their masters.
BTC is accepted as legal tender in Japan. What kind of police state will it take for the US Government to stop rich IT weebs from buying Saniro plushies?
April 28, 2023 at 6:58 am
Currently, there’s a civil case in Manhattan in which Trump is accused of rape, in the mid 90s. This rape, according to the victim, occurred between autumn of 95 to spring 96. It also was supposed to have occurred in a busy department store.
The founder of LinkedIn is partially funding the case on the victims side.
The woman involved has a history of psychiatric issues. Like every other ‘complaint’ against Trump this is a lie conducted in a demorat district. This woman is a demorat hack journalist with a book to sell and she is bringing a civil claim, with a lower standard of proof
The problem is that you have high expectations. You need to stop aiming high, let alone aiming upwards at all.
Bob Ellis, now it was a travesty he didn’t get a state funeral.
Old Ozzie
There’s a train accident or explosion of some sort every week in the US.
The trading desk used to make jokes about it. 🙂
I’m sure Socrates makes predictions of this nature to the hour.
Sydney’s richest and poorest postcodes: How does your area compare?
Erskineville, the small inner-west suburb wedged between bohemian Newtown and the once-industrial area of Alexandria, has emerged as the surprise winner of Australia’s top-ranked postcode, based on a mix of household income, occupation and education measures.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 census data, released on Thursday, reveals that all of the top 10 most socio-economically advantaged postcodes in Australia, and 42 of the top 50, are in Sydney. The eastern suburbs and north shore dominate the top 10, with four postcodes apiece. Melbourne’s top postcode, East Melbourne, comes in at 43.
Sydney’s imaginary latte line, which separates the city along social and economic metrics, remains a powerful divide – but a slew of postcodes are in the process of transforming from working-class areas to more affluent enclaves.
Social researcher Mark McCrindle said Erskineville’s ranking demonstrates that “gentrification and transformation can happen because it was very much a working-class area”, as were some other high-performing locations such as Balmain, Newtown and Surry Hills.
OK my Suburb ranks National Advantage Rank 4/2624 & NSW 4/606
I think it is a nice place to live
JC says:
April 28, 2023 at 9:31 am
Old Ozzie
There’s a train accident or explosion of some sort every week in the US.
The trading desk used to make jokes about it. ?
I’m sure Socrates makes predictions of this nature to the hour.
last time I was in the US in NE Corner the shabby state of infrastructure Bridges, Roads etc was alarming
Another memory pop.
When is the last time you have heard this tune?
Carolyn Bryant Donham died today, so did Jerry Springer.
Is he going to offer an opinion on whether he is flotsam or jetsam?
Your new Housing Minister, Rose Jackson, has your suburb in her targets, Ozzie.
I can’t uptick posts which contain a link. Consequently, I can never tick Tom’s toons.
ABC staff get 11% pay rise.
The Ministry of InfoMedication confirms that in a recent independent review by the Ministry of InfoMedication, the Ministry of InfoMedication was revealed as indispensable to the effective operation of the Ministry of InfoMedication, and will be spared from the upcoming budget cuts nominated by the Ministry of InfoMedication.
To do Satan’s work. There are still religious people there to be corrupted.
join the local RFS? Oh – they’re not allowed to burn most of the time now.
Currently trying to locate two 3.5 mt augers that were on a truck from Wagga and meant to be delivered in Bendigo.
Are they in Bendigo?
Not on your Nelly.
Anyone who has a job dealing with freight companies deserves a medal.
Which is why sortition, term limits, recall elections, subsidiarity, confederalism, jury nullification, sunset laws and initiative ballots to repeal bad laws are so very important.
There are other ideas and principles we ought to have, such as regulators do not get police powers and police do not get regulatory powers.
From these divisions of power and prohibitions THEN you ought to have a bill of rights.
I had an arch-enemy once, he was the TNT delivery driver assigned to my area.
Opinion: Let’s have minimum speeds on our freeways
Following on from their recent introduction in Abu Dhabi, Rob Margeit believes enforcing minimum speed limits on our freeways will make us better drivers.
Last week’s report that Abu Dhabi had introduced a minimum speed limit on some sections of a popular motorway got me thinking about whether a similar change should be enacted here in Australia.
For those who missed it, officials in Abu Dhabi have mandated that motorists travelling in the two furthermost left lanes along a 62km stretch of the four-lane Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Road must drive at a minimum speed of 120km/h. The sign-posted speed limit is 140km/h. Drivers who drive slower than the minimum sign-posted speed in those two lines face fines the equivalent of $AU162.
The move is being touted as a safety measure, officials arguing cars travelling too slowly in the fast lanes represent a safety risk to other motorists.
We’d venture, the new legislation will also go a long way to helping to curb road rage. After all, who hasn’t come up behind a slow-moving car on one of our freeways, travelling at 90km/h when everyone else around them is meriting along at the sign-posted 110km/h? Frustrating right?
We know there are rules around not travelling in the right-hand lane unless overtaking, but they’re rubbery and ill-policed. Hands up if you’ve ever known anyone to be booked for hogging the right-hand lane? No, me neither.
But, would mandating a minimum speed limit and then actively policing it work here? Setting aside our ludicrous and overly-cautious speed limits (anyone for 130km/h?), would a rule that states motorist in the two right-hand lanes on our multi-lane motorways must travel at a minimum of 100km/h be feasible? Would it make a difference to traffic flow? Would it make you calmer behind the wheel?
Of course, any such move from the authorities would require us, the motorists, to play our part. Thanks to my job here at Drive, I’ve been fortunate to travel the world, driving on all manner of roads in a vast array of vehicles. And every single time, I come home impressed by lane etiquette in other countries.
I’m going to be blunt, Australian lane etiquette is amongst the worst I’ve experienced anywhere in the world. We have a propensity to hog the right-hand lanes, travelling either at, or even below, the speed limit while behind us an increasingly frustrated conga line expresses its annoyance by undertaking using the middle lanes (dangerous) or tail-gating (even more dangerous).
In short, if we want increased speed limits on our freeway systems, then I believe our lane etiquette needs to change. And one way, I think, to make people more aware of the road and their fellow motorists, could be to mandate minimum speed limits on certain stretches of motorways, minimum limits that are enforced by police with offenders facing fines.
Whether any of our state legislators have the courage to impose speed minimums is doubtful, however, certainly based on the scorched earth policy they seem to have when it comes to speed limits which have been meticulously and systematically framed as the work of the devil.
A disclaimer issued…curiosity takes over.
The HighWire with Del Bigtree:
Fauci Uses One of Del’s Talking Points in Attempt to Shirk Responsibility For Abysmal Public Health Response; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on multiple Court Decisions requiring city and state governments to rehire the COVID unvaccinated, with back pay; Fauci isn’t the only one trying to rewrite history. Canada PM Justin Trudeau Was Caught Trying to Claim He Didn’t Force Anyone to Vaccinate; It’s an issue as controversial as vaccines, as the Trans Issue Takes Over Every Sector of Society; How Safe is Hormone Therapy For Children?; One Dad is Suing His School District For Exposing His Child to ‘Medically Inappropriate’ Content Without Parental Consent; Today’s Episode **Viewer Discretion is Advised**
Guests: Dr. Patrick Flynn, Luka, Steve Schneider
Roger says:
April 28, 2023 at 9:38 am
OK my Suburb ranks National Advantage Rank 4/2624 & NSW 4/606
I think it is a nice place to live
Your new Housing Minister, Rose Jackson, has your suburb in her targets, Ozzie.
No Metro, no trains, no tunnels, off main bus route so not good trnasport – Drawbridge approach to Suburb
Better other targets
Not sure you can mention the common law, given its debt to the classical legal tradition and and then also say separation of church and state. Blackstone would be amazed at such a claim.
Tucker’s monologue, Rabz.
Currently trying to locate two 3.5 mt augers
Sometimes ya gotta go on the hunt personal-like.
On the way to NZ a month ago, I left my Yeti mug in the front seat of the taxi. It was dark when we left for the airport, and I said to the taxi driver: “Don’t let me forget that…”
20 minutes later, phoned the taxi company in the faint hope he was around and I could meet him out the front. No go. Filled in their lost property form – no result through email etc. Did it again two weeks later – same.
Finally got an address out of their despatcher – who was working from NZ – and found their base in Fyshwick, Canberra – a huge light industrial area. The “base” turned out to be a lonely warehouse with a few busted taxis in it, and another lady despatcher. There on their lost property table was the Yeti.
The hunter, having gone out at dawn, makes the kill, and strides back to the cave with the antelope over his shoulder.
Albo, the Tory fighter……I’m surprised he doesn’t insist on carrying the Aboriginal flag.
Assuming Rose is motivated by rational arguments and not pure spite.
No way Biden is that popular even among Democrats.
Tucker’s little 8:00 p.m. homily.
Donald Trump Jr.
15 million views on the video & 45 on the tweet. Legacy media will do everything in its power to make sure Tucker has no voice through 2024…
Just watch… also note who has his back & who doesn’t!!! A silenced Tucker is a uniparty/warmonger/deep-state/globalists dream come true
I see Roger beat me to it.
About Democrats, vegetables, and Biden, that is.
Ah yes, at least you know why the traffic has come to a complete stop. Elsewhere it remains a complete mystery. Locals don’t seem to fazed by it, although it seems a bit strange the first time it happens.
Following that monologue, Tucker interviewing JFK Jnr.
Very apt, Indolent.
Dystopian Global Influence of The World Economic Forum: WEF Young Global Leaders have infiltrated Governments to enforce The Great Reset
More like equity, which relied on the Chancellor often being the Archbishop of Canterbury, appealing to the King’s Christian conscience.
Some “common law” stuff goes back to Norman law and really canon but yet again Roman law.
“No penalty without law” has four parts and goes back to natural law – arguably it is mostly Christian in influence since Britain was Romanised even before Christ.
Having no statute of limitations for even petty crimes and severe penalties for minor crimes in that category is and was not Christian. Over 200 offences carried the death penalty. Compare that to King Athelstan who made it law that capital punishment must not be carried out on those under the age of 13 (I thought it was 15 in another source?).
So not a felony, but an opportunity to smear Trump with a hope of stopping independent voters drifting across to him, and to perhaps tie him up in law courts.
The Democrats must have farms where they raise herds of women just waiting to accuse Republicans of rape.
Selling of their culture.
Wheredoyagetit !
His visit this month will only be his second visit to Hungary.
The Holy Father had made a brief stop in the country’s capital of Budapest to celebrate Mass for the closure of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress on 12 September 2021, on his way to Slovakia.
Pope Francis had also has shown his closeness to the Hungarian faithful during his visit to Romania, when celebrated Mass at the popular Hungarian pilgrimage site of Csíksomlyó (?umuleu Ciuc) in the Romania’s Transylvania region.
Transylvania had once been part of Hungary, but became Romanian territory in 1920. Ethnic Hungarians in Romania total more than one million people.
What exactly is the claim?
Thank you.
BREAKING: Ex-producer suing Tucker Carlson has never even met him
Jack Poso
The Pentagon is literally saying now that Tucker is off the air it will be easier to manipulate the public to support the war
This is not a sci-fi movie, this is actually happening in realtime
The Northern Beaches would be better off if it was cut off from the rest of Sydney.
“Oh look, there’s a boatload of refugees from Penrith, it must be 10 AM on a Saturday…”
Playing a class war strategy on infrastructure really just benefits wealthy NIMBYs.
Which is probably what a lot of politicians want.
Could you imagine a 20 minute trip from anywhere in Greater Sydney on fast, reliable, clean and adequate trains to Bowral, Palm Beach, Vaucluse, Bondi Beach, Austimer, Garie, Avoca or The Entrance?
Cafes in Mosman and Point Piper would look like the end of the first Kingsman movie.
Huzzah! We’re saved!
Their ABC glories in the Wonder of Renewables:
Drop in wholesale power prices as renewable energy generation from wind and solar grows, AEMO finds
Reading the AEMO and Australian Energy Regulator Q1 reports tells a slightly more nuanced story.
* Average ‘visible’ electricity demand in the NEM was flat Q on Q;
* Black coal was the low-price price setter – and increased supply by an average 1,276MW Q on Q;
* Because of the cooler, La Nina 2023 summer, more rooftop solar was diverted into the domestic supply, displacing coal-fired generation;
* Wholesale gas prices fell to around A$9/GJ in line with the massive reduction in the global seaborne LNG price – stripping a significant daily volume of $600/MWh gas-fired peaking out of the market;
* The low, low, too-cheap=to-meter $83/MWh Q1 2023 average NEM price is still ~60% higher than the Q1 2021 average price.
Having said all that, renewable generating capacity did increase significantly, primarily in the large scale solar.
Sadly, given grid constraints and the lack of storage this didn’t do anything much to service peak demand. What we see instead is the start of a renewables generation overhang – which will discourage further investment until the market is further distorted to make it all fit, somehow.
Oh, and Shitweasel Bowen’s masterful gas market intervention has delivered New and Improved Sovereign Risk for a benefit that was in the pipeline anyway.
In safe hands.
Hume’s position really only makes sense if you have adopted his metaphysics and his metaphysics has huge problems. Feser’s The Last Superstition is a very good remedy for that and will account and resolve the alleged absurdity, given the necessity involved.
Dot says:
April 28, 2023 at 10:09 am
The Northern Beaches would be better off if it was cut off from the rest of Sydney.
“Oh look, there’s a boatload of refugees from Penrith, it must be 10 AM on a Saturday…”
Playing a class war strategy on infrastructure really just benefits wealthy NIMBYs.
Which is probably what a lot of politicians want.
Golden Rule on Northern Beaches – when Liberals are in nothing gets done as (previously always voted Liberal), when Labor gets in nothing gets done as they vote Liberal
Took a bet when Liberals announced Northern Beaches Tunnel would never happen – like propoesed Bridge 1950s over Middle Harbour from Dalwood going along the lower escarprment of Castle Crag which looked elegant – never happened
Happy to live in Northern Beaches Isolation