Bits and Pieces

Barry Humphries leaving us is a sad event. In my view he was he was the best comedian ever. I’m not talking about duos (e.g., Laurel and Hardy, Amos and Andy) or sit comms (e.g., Fawlty Towers, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm) or sketch shows (Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Little Britain, The fast Show) or Joke tellers (e.g., Bob Hope), but the lone comedians who are just simply funny in themselves. Groucho Marx was funny and Tommy Cooper and many others I can think of and others who I can’t. It’s a personal thing, I realise but, right now, if I were sitting in a theatre with a choice of comedians – only one – to provide entertainment for half an hour, I’d pick Dame Edna Everage with Les Patterson a close second. Others would be also rans.

Tucker’s gone. I had reached a stage where my Fox News viewing had narrowed to just one show – Tucker Carlson. Apart from his silly forgivable fetish with UFOs, he was a conservative’s conservative. No wonder the rabble on the left are overjoyed that he’s been given the boot. By Rupert? By Lachlan seems more likely? I have read that his sacking stemmed from his coverage of the January 6 event. A bit of a riot and trespass turned into an “insurrection” by the satanic Dems. Maybe the Dems wielded the apparatus of the state to threaten News Corp or someone with something? Who knows?

Andrew Bolt had a take on it, which went something like hosts serve at the pleasure of the station which employs them. A novel thought. Who’d have thought? Blow me down with a feather. Though apparently, condescendingly, he liked some of Tucker’s work. Damning with faint praise just about described it. Didn’t like Tucker being objective and skeptical about the worth of the U.S. spending untold treasure to support Zelensky. Bolt, himself, has no such qualms apparently. It’s all in for Ukraine, otherwise you’re a rotter. There is no two sides to weigh. It’s Ukraine right or wrong. Full speed ahead whatever the fallout. You have to admire his resolute blinkered worldview. Personally, I wonder what the end game is of providing a continuing supply of high tech weapons to Zelensky. Never mind that, she’ll be right, say the Zelensky fanboys.

I see the federal department of health have started spruiking the experimental vaccines again. Seen a couple of ads on the telly. One includes a group of fit looking young people playing basketball. Mostly the people in the ads look healthy so far as I can tell. Yet they (and us) are being advised to take a booster if it’s been six months since getting Covid or having a vaccination. Every six months? Big Pharma must be pleased.

Let’s see, saw an article about Australia’s vaccination compensation scheme. Covered nasty sounding things like, the serious skin condition “erythema multiforme major, which involves blistering to mucosal sites such as the eyes, mouth and genitals.” Cardiac conditions, “pericarditis and myocarditis.” The serious condition, “cerebral venous thrombosis.” Demyelinating disorders: “Guillain-Barre syndrome and transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder of the spinal cord that can cause weakness in the arms and legs or problems with bladder and bowel control).” I have recently read of ocular and dental issues related to the vax. Can’t find the sources but it doesn’t matter. And just today read of encephalomyelitis (inflammation in the brain and spinal cord), cognitive impairment and chronic fatigue.

Why in the world are fit people at no risk from Covid being encouraged to pump (free) boosters into their bodies? Presumably every six months. One ad says that it’s to reduce the risk of severe disease. Doesn’t mention any potential debilitating side effects. Healthy people are at no material risk of developing severe disease. Surely the advertising campaign is unethical, breaching the Hippocratic Oath – do no harm, putting people at unnecessary risk for no good purpose. I’m being polite here. What I really think is unprintable. The UK Telegraph reported that conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party “after claiming Covid vaccines were the ‘biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust’”. The Holocaust reference is plain silly. But one of the biggest crimes against humanity, might be on the right track.

Had to stand on the bus again yesterday, and I’m not as young as I once was. How many migrants last year? Over 400,000 and over 600,000 expected in the next two years. Can extra buses be brought into service? Just asking. Imagine we might need more houses and hospitals and nurses and doctors too. And I feel sorry for Chris Bowen. How is he going to stop global warming from threatening the survival of the planet and the Great Barrier Reef with so many extra people to feed, to house, transport about, keep cool, and keep warm? Might need more wind and solar farms than even he envisions in the wildest of his wildest pipe dreams.

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Louis Litt
April 27, 2023 1:32 pm

I wonder if going after Murdoch is the tipping point. Tucker unfortuantley is the collatoral damage.
The Republicans cant win.
Robert Kennedy’s attack on Trump re Covid show’s he is just as useless as the rest of the democrats.
Choice – split the country by law- or war. The Dems will loose the war.
You should raise the effect lesbians have – all for wind, solar and great sex with eachother while beign paid by govt departments.
Womes are taking western society down – Rotheram, Teleford, Huddlefield, manchester, Clinton re Gadafi and Syria, Von Lyen and Merkel with the Dems and Putin.
Sex is more important than the African Bank, THe gas pipleline from UAE to Ukraine and the railway from china ot Ukraine.

April 27, 2023 2:09 pm

The Republicans can’t win – agreed, the mob who runs the USA, and it is certainly not the President that’s pretty obvious, don’t want Trump or anyone else messing with their plans.

When you see what the US government expeditionary military forces and State Department machine does worldwide, it underlines how trivial it is for them to “fix” elections in the USA.

Consider – Even if Trump or any other conservative were to win an election, the civil servants in government are the same and will do exactly what they have always done. That’s not an easily drained swamp.

Same thing happens here, do you think all those public servants in Canberra vote for anyone but Labor?

Sadly, the USA is spiralling into oblivion and is likely to lash out in the next few years I suspect.

Unfortunately for Australia, we’re hitched to them.

April 27, 2023 2:15 pm

Well said Peter. Conservative voices are becoming as rare as hens’ teeth.
Tucker went where angels fear to tread. Candice Owens and Megan Kelly speculating on a sale of Fox hence his ousting. Advertisers not keen on his hour, unlike the viewers. Disappointingly Laura Ingraham had nothing to say and only an incidental reference from Hannity. Muzzled or, disrespectful?
Yes, had to fast forward Tucker’s UFO segments.
As for Bolt, still a few glimmers but his no doubts about the bottomless pit of Ukraine and the rushed jab has meant his shine has diminished for many.
Then Barry Humphries. The slobbering Sir Les. What a beauty. Are you with me?
Surprising that Jab ads abound from the Govt. Must need to get rid of stockpiles of the soon to expire stuff, to reluctant arms. ATAGI does not recommend boosters except over 65 or immune compromised. Other age groups it’s “consider only” or “not recommended”.
It’s not hard in 2023 for individuals to do a bit of research themselves if they can be bothered.

April 27, 2023 3:39 pm

Ukraine’s a strange one – I do not understand many people’s absolute resoluteness on supporting the Z-man and an ever-escalating war with no path to resolution in peace.

I like to think I’m wise enough to know that I don’t know the truth, and point out the inconsistencies – Biden cash, Zelensky’s installation to power (oh, it was democratic! they say), the UN’s creeping advances in Europe which Putin warned of, the different reaction to Crimea’s annexation, etc.

Pushback given the other day was ‘Putin is just like Stalin: he wants to roll over the entire continent of Europe. Look what he’s done with energy dependence, and now he wants to control Europe’s food-bowl’. Well, if it wasn’t for the West’s craven idiocy, these things would not have occurred.
The idea of Putin blitzkreiging through Europe sounds fanciful, given his performance so far… but the EU doesn’t seem to have a will to survive, so maybe they’re right.

But what would a sceptic know?

April 27, 2023 3:50 pm

Doctors haven’t taken the Hippocratic oath in Australia for decades.

April 27, 2023 3:50 pm

billie says:
April 27, 2023 at 2:09 pm

Same thing happens here, do you think all those public servants in Canberra vote for anyone but Labor?

C’mon Billie.. you know they vote to the LEFT of Labor.

45% ALP, 19% Green, 27% Lib

Compare that with a National 32% ALP, 12% Green, 24% Lib

April 27, 2023 6:22 pm

Tucker’s gone. I had reached a stage where my Fox News viewing had narrowed to just one show – Tucker Carlson. Apart from his silly forgivable fetish with UFOs, he was a conservative’s conservative.

Wow, I thought this to myself last night – almost verbatim!!!

Cassie of Sydney
April 27, 2023 6:46 pm

The word is that Rupert pulled the plug on Tucker. Methinks Rupert has too much time on his hand, he needs a woman.

April 27, 2023 7:17 pm

reckon yr missing the point.

noise like Tucker was probs an impediment to more yummi munni for Murdoch

we’d love to give youse an advertising contract for Big Vax … a soon as you sort out that Tucker Problem

free speech and honesty are soooo last millennium

April 27, 2023 7:20 pm

We are a hell of a lot farther down this road than people think
— JB Petersen

April 27, 2023 8:19 pm

Great song – Bits and Pieces by the Dave Clark Five:

April 27, 2023 8:52 pm

more wind and solar farms

Coming soon … Corporate, community, and individual sponsorship of wind turbines. You’ll get a photo of your sponsored turbine and a letter from them once a year telling you how grateful they are that the $1.50 they received of your $80.00 annual ‘gift’ paid for a goat for their village.

April 28, 2023 8:27 am

And I feel sorry for Chris Bowen. How is he going to stop global warming from threatening the survival of the planet and the Great Barrier Reef with so many extra people to feed, to house, transport about, keep cool, and keep warm?

Easy. Just reduce everyone’s standard of living to the third world status. We are on the way.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
April 28, 2023 9:10 am

Ukraine has made its decision to antagonise the Bear and now, is wearing the consequences.
Well, ……, when I say Ukraine, I mean Nuland, Blinkin, von der Crazy, Borell, Michel and all the other psychopaths, demanding regime change in Russia.

A recap of what happened is:
1999 and 2004, NATO expansions, that Russia opposed in the UN,
2014, a democratically elected Govt in Ukraine was overthrown, with Nuland and McCain in Kiev, handing out flowers/biscuits,
2014 – the Ukraine army launches attacks in Donetsk and Lughansk, because those filthy Muscophiles deserve it, of course. A defensive militia, aided by Russia, had this army by the balls and was about to annihilate it, when Merkel interceded, which led to the “Minsk” agreements.
Last December, both Merkel and Hollande both admitted, the only goal of the “Minsk” agreements was to save this army and to buy time to re-arm Ukraine, so that the crazies in the West, could use it, to achieve regime change in Moscow.

Since 2014, EVERY Govt in Ukraine has rained down artillery attacks on Lughansk and Donetsk, killing 30,000 filthy Muscophiles, who of course, do not count. The last shelling, was the day before the Russian SMO began.
Ukraine made noises about joining NATO, (which they are entitled to do of course), and now, the Russians are showing their peeve-ed-ness! Who’d have thought?

April 28, 2023 9:38 am

The UK Telegraph reported that conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party “after claiming Covid vaccines were the ‘biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust’”. The Holocaust reference is plain silly. But one of the biggest crimes against humanity, might be on the right track.

He didn’t compare anything to the Holocaust. He linked to someone (Jewish!) who did. This GBN interview was linked in the open thread yesterday. The interviewer is keen to emphasise how radical his views on the vax are. He almost turns pea green at the end when Bridgen lists his qualifications on the subject.

April 28, 2023 9:39 am
Pommy Al
Pommy Al
April 28, 2023 12:11 pm

Well said Indolent. I was going to point out myself that Andrew Bridgen never said what he’s being accused of.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
April 28, 2023 12:13 pm

2 points.

This might be the best thing to happen to Tucker. I read somewhere that his usual viewer numbers on Fox were around the 3.5M mark. So far over 20M have viewed his recent video on Twitter. He no longer has to answer to his editorial masters.

In relation to the Vax compensation scheme, from what I hear it is woefully inadequate. There has been a class action launched in the Federal Court against TGA (amongst others) for approving the vax without much consideration. Watch this space.

April 28, 2023 1:04 pm

Good summary RTF. Thank you.

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