Open Thread – Tues 8 May 2023

Archangel Michael Defeating Satan, Guido Reni, 1636

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Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 9, 2023 3:39 pm

H B Bear says:
May 9, 2023 at 2:57 pm

I remember reading a profile of Sofronoff after the inquiry was announced. He seemed a strange choice given the events that led up to it and the jurisdiction holding it. Suspect there is a backstory to that as well.

Presumably the political view is that either Top Plod, or DPP are going to have a career adjusting experience as a result of the inquiry.

Best to have extra safe hands in charge – unless you are happy to manage the backwash.

May 9, 2023 3:39 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 3:39 pm

Lizzie 12.24pm:
There are no children.

Muz, I was referring to the children of the marriage of Harry and Meghan. Sorry if that did not seem clear to you. It was this marriage that I see as a parallel, in its inevitable developing tensions over unequal positional power, to the marriage of toady Tom and Shiv, the heiress, in Succession (which has been called the best TV series in ten years by some critics). My point is that the recriminations in any Sussex marriage collapse could end in a similar explosion of hurts and awakenings. Yes, Tom and Shiv have no children, although a statement was made by Tom about her undesirability as a mother, which, given we have hints from an earlier medical consultation that she is pregnant to Tom, adds an extra element to Tom’s barb. Succession is successful not only for its expose of Ritz Life but also because it shows the damages that unloving parents can inflict, as these loving siblings so often left to their own devices growing up start to fight over the spoils they have been brought up to see as indicators of achievement and worth in parental eyes.

It is Harry and Meghan’s children whom I see as unfairly affected most in all of the real life situation of these two self-serving, misled and annoying people. The children always suffer, as we see considering how both of these immature parents have suffered from their own childhood demons and desires. This is how it becomes generational, especially under leftist wokeness and victim posturing. Meghan has been captured by celebrity narcissism and critical race theory. Harry suffers considerably from motherloss, his own mother having overcompensated her own needs on a fly-in fly-out basis on her children prior to her death. Harry then blames this loss of attentive love somewhat unrealistically on those around him, assisted by a good dose of sibling rivalry. Both of them are quite damaged people who would do well to retreat from all public endeavours and grow up some more before putting out feelers to reintroduce their children to Harry’s family. This might just help their children as well as both of these adults on the cusp of their 40’s, if done soon.

May 9, 2023 3:49 pm

Wow thanks Colonel! Gippr AI is amazing!!!

Me: is the australian broadcasting corporation biased…

Gippr AI: The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has a well-documented left-wing bias and liberal agenda. This is not surprising, given that most media outlets tend to lean to the left. However, it’s important for the ABC to remain impartial and avoid promoting one political ideology over another. Unfortunately, this has not always been the case in recent years, and many Australians are frustrated with the lack of diversity of viewpoints on the national broadcaster.

May 9, 2023 3:49 pm

How’s this for scenario:

Knickerless and Bruce roll back into Parliament House, both quite a bit the worse for wear, but she’s nowhere near as far gone as she subsequently claimed. It’s HER idea to visit the ministerial office, as she’s up for a bit of slap and tickle, having been obligingly conjugal with her ex on the same sofa in the past.

To this end she ducks into the dunny, strips off and steps out starkers. That explains the security guard’s observation that her dress was beside the sofa, not “pulled up” as she told cops. Bruce doesn’t want a bar of it and departs, leaving her shamed, angry, naked and ready for a weepy post-drinkies snooze.

How does an ambitious trollop keep her job under those circumstances?

Cry rape

May 9, 2023 3:53 pm
May 9, 2023 3:57 pm

“Decline in childhood vaccination? Well, maybe it is because parents are afraid of their children being stampeded by cattle at the doctors office,…”

Much more likely that it is because the “standard regime” for childhood vaxes in the USA now includes a yearly COVID vax. So if you don’t want your kids to have any particular vax, you need to “opt out” and get the ones you do trust on your own.

Real Deal
Real Deal
May 9, 2023 3:59 pm

From the Oz.

Barry Humphries will be honoured with a state funeral in Sydney, after his family declined an offer from the Victorian Government.

Cop that, Dan. A quintessentially Melbourne icon farewelled in Sydney. Sir Les would be guffawing.

May 9, 2023 3:59 pm

This is awesome.

American government has a spending problem.


Remove any sort of check on future spending..

Should US get rid of debt ceiling altogether? Lawmakers consider it as crisis looms

A divided Congress has still not reached an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, and time is running out to avoid a default. The treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, has warned that the government may be unable to cover its financial obligations as early as 1 June. And economists predict that a federal default would cause unemployment and interest rates to rise as the country’s GDP shrinks, wreaking havoc on Americans’ finances.

As Congress clashes, some lawmakers and economists have suggested a novel way to avoid future disputes over the debt ceiling: get rid of it entirely.

Critics argue that the debt ceiling, created by Congress in 1917, has long since outlived its usefulness and has instead become a political weapon that could ultimately sink the US economy.

“Extremist Republicans threatening the American people with default – again – puts a very fine point on the need to get rid of this arbitrary mechanism that offers no benefits yet carries with it the power to deliver serious damage,” Whitehouse told the Guardian. “The immediate priority is for Congress to cleanly raise the debt limit to avoid driving our economy off a cliff, and then we can get to work making sure we avoid future destructive rinse-and-repeat scenarios.”

Democrats emerged from the 2011 crisis with a determination to never again negotiate over the debt ceiling. Biden has stuck to that strategy, rejecting House Republicans’ proposal and insisting that Congress must pass a “clean” bill raising the debt ceiling without any strings attached.

“America is not a deadbeat nation,” Biden said last week. “We pay our bills, and we should do so without reckless hostage-taking from some of the Maga [Make America great again] Republicans in Congress.”

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 4:00 pm

More good stuff for Jerk Off Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Dotty Dot of Dottiness.

Biden Preparing to Pardon Hunter?

Posted May 9, 2023 by Martin Armstrong
Spread the love

“I cannot believe my own ears. There are people even talking about Biden pardoning his own son Hunter calling the investigation against his is a political witchhunt. But that does not apply to Trump? Just when you thought politics could not stoop any lower, it always finds new lows. Just how do you pardon Hunter when the allegations go back to Biden and his entire family? I have been hearing this through the grapevine as they say and I did not report it because I considered it just too much. But it is now making the news.

At what point will even the military stand up and say – enough is enough?

This reminded me of Chubby Checker and his Limvo Rock – how low can you go?
In Politics, it seems there is no limit.”

May 9, 2023 4:01 pm

Grippr gets even better!!!….

“The ABC’s eagerness to pursue a political agenda at the expense of the safety of our military personnel is truly disgraceful.”

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 4:03 pm

(and yes, Sad Case, no need to note that mammoths don’t really lurk in modern gardens)
You obviously haven’t seen the deepest darkest recesses of my front yard.

May 9, 2023 4:03 pm

Johnny Rotten says:
May 9, 2023 at 4:00 pm

More good stuff for Jerk Off Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Dotty Dot of Dottiness.

Huh? Marty’s used condom is brain dead.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
May 9, 2023 4:09 pm

Let’s all remember tonight that there is a huge difference between a budget surplus and an actual surplus.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 9, 2023 4:10 pm

Success – maybe.
An old ewe had trouble lambing with one dead half out and another up the pipe and alive.
Pulled the lamb and revived it but the ewe headed off toward the mob. I picked up the lamb and got ahead of her so she had to walk over it. She did that a couple of times until I got the shits and walked her over to the lamb and dropped her on top of it.
I rubbed her nose on the lamb again and stepped a pace back in case she got up to go again. The old sod then licked one of her lamb’s ears and then the other. I walked backwards away to the ute and drove off very slowly. She was still with the lamb when I closed the gate.
I’ll go back in an hour and see if she’s doing the right thing. No bets.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2023 4:10 pm

Barry Humphries will be honoured with a state funeral in Sydney, after his family declined an offer from the Victorian Government.


May 9, 2023 4:12 pm

Almost got me, Bear Necessities.

My shameless provocation-for-attention seems not to have worked with this far sharper and ejamuckayted crowd. (Even if I suspect none of them are real).

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 4:14 pm

May 9, 2023 at 3:59 pm
This is awesome.

American government has a spending problem.


Remove any sort of check on future spending..

Same as ‘Horse Tralia’ as the Queen once said. Tennis Elbow, Blackout Bowen and the smiling Assassin Chalmers will be on Box tonight getting you to pay loads and loads of Taxes.

Spending cuts? You are having a larf’. This is wot’ ‘Laybore’ does so well………………………….

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 4:15 pm

Oh wow, I didn’t know that until today. I would have never guessed that East Europeans migrating through central, western Europe, and finally southern Europe into North Africa could have introduced the above. It’s not like I didn’t mention the Celts in my earlier comment re Roman Palestine.

Chin up Dover, it happens to me here all the time. Not by Bruce, mostly, though. And some put up helpful links in the field (genetics, human evolution, migratory patterns, ancient religions), which is a sort of compensation.

Many commenters here have hidden interests, in which we are not always right up to date, so I guess it’s not surprising that this happens.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2023 4:15 pm

Let’s all remember tonight that there is a huge difference between a budget surplus and an actual surplus.

Is it going to be due in four years, sitting atop a a rickety scaffold of optimistic assumptions and foolhardy treasury modelling?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 9, 2023 4:15 pm

American government has a spending problem.


Remove any sort of check on future spending..

I liked the Krug.

Paul Krugman@paulkrugman · May 3
So I now see four possible paths through the debt ceiling crisis. Reaching a deal with Kevin McCarthy isn’t one of them 1/

Paul Krugman@paulkrugman
The possible paths are:
– Discharge petition, forcing a floor vote that brings in a handful of sane Rs
-14th amendment: Just say we don’t believe the debt ceiling is constitutional
– platinum coin
– premium bonds, which sell for much more than face value 2/
3:45 AM · May 3, 2023

Nutso RINOs. Ignore the constitution. Trillion dollar coin. Or toilet paper…

May 9, 2023 4:17 pm

Dr. John Campbell

Excess deaths in UK rise

May 9, 2023 4:18 pm

Could it be that the term ‘surplus’ has been redefined & we, the autistic kids, just don’t know it yet?

Does it now mean ‘the flamboyant movements a magician’s visible hand makes’?

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 4:21 pm

As usual, VDH is right on the money and the Left is doing the same thing here in Australia.
Turning the Nation into the Haves and the Have Nots. No Middle Class who might upset the journey to our Paradise on Earth.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 4:23 pm

Dover Beach:

On the what 1st century inhabitants of Roman Palestinie might have looked like, I would think using its contemporary inhabitants is misleading. Arabs had not yet entered the territory. And there would have been a mix of Berber, Egyptians, Greeks, Jews, Phoenicians, Romans, and possible Celts/ Galicians among others.

What?! No Eskimos?

May 9, 2023 4:25 pm

Lysander and Farmer Gez,
I also have Green eyes. Pure Green, not Hazel, with a Navy blue ring.
Lets form a club! 😀

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 4:26 pm

To this end she ducks into the dunny, strips off and steps out starkers. That explains the security guard’s observation that her dress was beside the sofa, not “pulled up” as she told cops. Bruce doesn’t want a bar of it and departs, leaving her shamed, angry, naked and ready for a weepy post-drinkies snooze.

Bruce’s aghast denunciation of her claims has always struck home with me. Made me wonder if secretly he was gay, so vehement was his denial of any sort of congress or sexual pleasantries, let alone having contemplated or completed rape.

Areff’s depiction sounds fairly believable given this. A woman scorned.

It’s certainly a possibility and would explain much. Maybe one day he’ll speak out about it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2023 4:29 pm

Presumably the political view is that either Top Plod, or DPP are going to have a career adjusting experience as a result of the inquiry.

Best to have extra safe hands in charge – unless you are happy to manage the backwash.

The trouble is that he seems to be turning into Sir Humphrey’s worst nightmare.

May 9, 2023 4:29 pm

Markle is 42, Harry 39. To all intents and purposes they are entering middle age.

There’s no more growing up to do. What you see is what you get.

May 9, 2023 4:33 pm

Areff has donned the deer stalker, puffed on the meerschaum and examined the parsley’s depth in the butter pat, while noting that no derg actually gave voice in the night.

And…I think he’s got it. Well a bit of it. Not so much the nudey confrontation scene (yikes!) but a dim glimmering of where the evening was headed. Seems they’d both been given a rap over the knuckles for assorted shenanigans, so he might have been a bit more worried about his job.

I’ve untangled some knotted skeins in my time but this one just won’t budge.

May 9, 2023 4:39 pm

Since blue eyes are a dominant gene,

No. Brown is dominant.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 4:41 pm

I have very wide big blue eyes that in childhood and young adulthood have always drawn much comment, and so does my autistic son and his autistic son.

Maybe there’s a stray blue-eyed gene hanging out on or near the autistic line.

Meiosis is such a fascinating process. Link has a beaut animated video at the end.
For the non-biology students, note difference between somatic vs germline cells.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2023 4:42 pm

areff earlier.
That scenario holds water, certainly the career saving aspect.
Remember, up until the following Wednesday morning there had been no suggestion of wape.
No doubt up until then there was a bit of office whispering about carpet stains and the lowering of the plimsoll line in the Minister’s Chivas Regal bottle, but nothing further.
On Wednesday morning Lehrmann was hauled into the Chief of Staff’s office. He came out, announced he had been fired, packed his things into a Xerox box and left.
Next up at bat is Britnah.
Need to think fast Britnah.
Even then she didn’t explicitly scream wape.
Just “he was on top of me and (sob) it was horrid”.

May 9, 2023 4:42 pm

– platinum coin

They have gone the full Monty burns?

This is like painting gravel different colours and claiming you are eating a succulent Chinese meal.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 4:43 pm

Since blue eyes are a dominant gene,

No. Brown is dominant.

Already been addressed, BG.

May 9, 2023 4:46 pm

Blue green eyes with a dark blue ring round the iris which go almost see through if Im very tired.
Oh- and bloodshot, if that helps

May 9, 2023 4:47 pm

Farmer Gez, thanks for the update – keep us posted on the ewes and lambs!

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 4:49 pm

Many commenters here have hidden interests, in which we are not always right up to date, so I guess it’s not surprising that this happens.

First, there was Monty Pox Virus. Then there was Head Case. Then there was JC (Jerk Off Cretin) before BC. Then there was Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. Then there was Dotty Dot of Dottiness. Then came Gough. After that, it was Game Over.

May 9, 2023 4:51 pm

Where is Dot? I miss his sarcasm. And interesting references to civilisations and geology.

Cassie of Sydney
May 9, 2023 4:53 pm

It just gets worse…..

Sofronoff inquiry: Shane Drumgold accused of withholding crucial documents

In a damning submission to the Sofronoff inquiry, Bruce Lehrmann’s lawyer has accused chief prosecutor Shane Drumgold of withholding crucial police documents that exposed discrepancies in Brittany Higgins’s rape claims and of alleging political interference and cover-up by Liberal ministers when there was no evidence of it.

Among the explosive claims made by barrister Steven Whybrow:

• That during a break in the trial Mr Drumgold, the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions, called investigating police “boofheads”

• That a senior police officer investigating the case was so distressed about the prosecution that he said he would resign if Mr Lehrmann was found guilty;

• That Mr Whybrow was never told a key witness had complained to the DPP about “a serious misrepresentation” by Ms Higgins on the witness stand and had sought to have it corrected, a failure that “undermined the integrity and fairness of the trial”;

• That Ms Higgins had been allowed to make allegations about former Liberal ministers Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash that were demonstrably fabrications, and that evidence from the witness would have contradicted her claims;

• That the evidence of Senator Reynolds and Ms Cash was “strategically deployed for the purposes of making submissions about political interference and cover up where there was in fact no objective evidence supportive of this notion”;

• That Mr Whybrow was “somewhat cynical” about Mr Drumgold’s announcement that there would be no re-trial given that Mr Lehrmann had just filed a particular application with the court, the details of which are still suppressed;

• That when Mr Drumgold’s decision not to re-try was leaked to the media and an angry Whybrow asked if the source was Ms Higgins’ boyfriend, David Shiraz, Mr Drumgold replied “It must be!”

• That during the trial, Mr Whybrow received an anonymous threatening email that he found so disturbing he asked police to help track down the author.

Mr Drumgold is currently giving evidence at the inquiry, headed by Walter Sofronoff KC, with Mr Whybrow likely to follow later in the week.

On Monday Mr Drumgold was ­accused of making false statements to trial judge Chief Justice Lucy McCallum in a hearing last year over Lisa Wilkinson’s Logies speech.

The DPP is facing intense scrutiny over whether he properly disclosed ­relevant material to the court and the defence.

Mr Whybrow’s 75-page statement to the inquiry claims that Drumgold withheld a key police document from the defence that detailed “many inconsistencies in (Brittany Higgins’) evidence” and should have been disclosed.

In his statement, Mr Whybrow records that he was present when the legal team realised there was a crucial missing document. “I always regarded this material as being both relevant and disclosable.”

The Inquiry has already heard how the disclosure certificate had been altered to delete the crucial police ‘Investigative Review’, described as “versions of events as supplied by Ms Higgins … against the available evidence and subsequent discrepancies”.

The team immediately filed a claim to access the document but were stonewalled by the DPP at every turn, according to Mr Whybrow.

In his statement to the Inquiry, the barrister recounts an exhaustive legal battle to obtain the document despite the police agreeing it should be disclosed.

At a hearing on 8 September 2022 Mr Drumgold told the court the document had been listed on the disclosure certificate “in error” and that was why it was removed.

“It is the AFP’s legal professional privilege and it is not an issue for us,” he said.

Frustrated, Mr Whybrow rang the ACT Police Manager of Criminal Investigations, Detective Superintendent Scott Moller.

“I decided to try and speak with DS Moller directly given we had been asking for this document since June and I was becoming increasingly frustrated and was not satisfied with the explanations being provided about why it disappeared from the Disclosure Certificate and was not being disclosed,” Mr Whybrow says.

“I gained the clear impression DS Moller was of the view this was important material that should be disclosed to the defence and the roadblock to its production was not the Police but the DPP and/or (Office of the) DPP.”

“I am aware that the AFP made no claim, at any time, of legal professional privilege over the Investigative Review Document”, Mr Whybrow says in his statement to the inquiry.

Mr Whybrow says he found DS Moller to be “transparent, objective and entirely appropriate in his conduct” and that he had no issues with the professionalism of police involved in the case.

By contrast, Mr Whybrow had long been worried about the direction the DPP was taking the case, including his actions following TV presenter Lisa Wilkinson’s “inflammatory and prejudicial” Logies speech in June, just before the trial was supposed to have begun, as well as various public statements by Ms Higgins.

“I am concerned that Mr Drumgold SC did not act as an objective ‘minister for justice’”, he writes in his statement. “In my opinion the DPP failed to take adequate steps to either mitigate the adverse publicity or counsel Ms Higgins (or her supporters) to cease making public statements about the matter.

In a file note of a conversation with Scott Moller three weeks before the trial began Mr Whybrow told the policeman: “I suspect the trial is going to be a bloodbath and that when it’s over it won’t be the end of it and there will undoubtedly be inquiries afterwards as to how and why it was able to get this far.”

Mr Whybrow says he told DS Moller the evidence suggested Brittany Higgins “has told a multitude of lies”.

“Going through the brief was a bit like panning for gold in Ballarat in the 1800’s from the defence perspective – every time you dip the pan in the river you find gold nuggets,” he told the policeman.

“It would not be a good look for the AFP if it was later revealed that an important document setting out the many inconsistencies in BH evidence had been withheld from the defence and it hadn’t been privileged,” he told DS Moller.

DS Moller agreed, Mr Whybrow says, “and confirmed that in his view the review document was one the defence should have and it wasn’t prepared by him to get legal advice on. It was a summary of the various issues he had identified with the versions given by BH. He did not say this explicitly but it was clear to me that he held my own concerns about the veracity of her allegations.”

Mr Drumgold’s conduct during the trial confirmed his suspicions.

Mr Whybrow alleges that evidence from former Ministers Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash was “strategically deployed for the purposes of making submissions about political interference and cover up, where there was in fact no objective evidence supportive of this notion.”

Ms Higgins had been allowed to give evidence that Ms Cash knew of the allegations of sexual assault and that Senator Reynolds had sent her away to WA during the election campaign to isolate her for political purposes “objective material available to the defence suggested this was all a fabrication.”

Mr Whybrow was not permitted to cross-examine Ms Higgins on her claims, and Mr Drumgold had both politicians declared hostile witnesses.

That was “grossly unfair” to the defence, he said.

“There was, to my knowledge, nothing to indicate that Ms Cash and Ms Reynolds were anything other than honest and truthful witnesses who gave evidence consistent with prior statements they had given.”

Mr Drumgold’s treatment of the police raised further alarm for Whybrow.

During a break in the trial when Drumgold and Whybrow discussed what evidence might be led from two of the investigators, Marcus Boorman and DS Moller, Mr Drumgold said: ‘Any opinion by those boofheads about the strength of this case is not admissible.”

Mr Drumgold denigrated the police in court during the trial, remarking that the quality of the police interview with Ms Higgins “is determined by the skillsets of those police officers asking the questions … which in this case was not high.”

“I regarded the comment as pejorative, unjustified and inappropriate, particularly as it was made in front of the jury,” Mr Whybrow says. “It was my assessment that the second (police) Interview with Ms Higgins undermined (to a significant degree) the credibility of Ms Higgins and necessarily therefore the prosecution case. This comment, in front of the jury, could only tend to undermine the weight the jury might give to this evidence.”

On 19 October, the day the jury retired to consider its verdict, Mr Whybrow received a call from The Australian asking him about the Investigative Review document. Mr Whybrow declined to comment but alerted Detective Inspector Boorman, the investigation manager assigned to the case.

Six days later, on Tuesday 25 October, with the jury still out, DS Boorman sent him a message asking if he could have a chat over a coffee.

“Anywhere but Two Before Ten,” DS Boorman responds, referring to a café just across the road from the DPP’s office. They met instead at midday in a coffee shop further away, in Farrell Place.

“When I saw him, he appeared to me to be anxious and agitated and concerned we not be seen speaking together in direct line of sight of the Office of the DPP,” Mr Whybrow says.

“DI Boorman indicated to me that he was quite distressed about this prosecution and considered that Mr Lehrmann was innocent. He made several other comments along these lines and I recall he said words to the effect “if the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, I’m resigning.””

“I had never before had a conversation with a Police officer who had indicated that they were going to resign because they had been ordered to prosecute someone they considered was innocent,” Whybrow says.

The policeman didn’t have to go through with his threat to quit – two days later the trial was aborted due to juror misconduct.

A furious Chief Justice McCallum expressly warned there should be no further public comment pending the retrial set down for February.

Ms Higgins walked out of the court and made a prepared speech to the media, falsely claiming, among other things, that Mr Lehrmann’s phone, unlike her own, had not been seized or examined by police.

Those “egregious comments” required the DPP to take immediate and proactive steps to correct the public record and take steps to stop Ms Higgins making any such statements going forward. But that did not happen.

It was only after the trial had been abandoned that Mr Whybrow became aware of other critical developments that had occurred behind the scenes.

He learnt a key witness in the trial, Linda Reynolds’ chief of staff, Fiona Brown had emailed the ODPP about “a serious misrepresentation” by Brittany Higgins in the trial and sought it be corrected.

The Australian has previously revealed how Brown accused Drumgold of threatening and intimidating her after she left the witness box on a morning tea break, and of ignoring her pleas to be recalled to the stand to refute “blatantly false and misleading” evidence by Brittany Higgins.

But Mr Whybrow says the ODPP never told him of Ms Brown’s complaint. He only found out when Ms Brown contacted him six weeks later because “she did not know who else to turn to.”

“Although I did not know it at the time, it appears that the ODPP ignored the Brown email despite it clearly raising serious issues going to the credibility of Ms Higgins, which was the key issue in the trial. I contend that the Brown email ought to have been disclosed to the defence and the failure to do so undermined the integrity and fairness of the trial,” Mr Whybrow says.

Mr Whybrow was also unaware that Ms Higgins’ evidence at the trial was being video recorded. He only discovered it when the jury was several days into its deliberation and he asked the Chief Justice’s associate to confirm the testimony had not been recorded. The associate informed him it had been.

After the mistrial, media reports suggested that because Ms Higgins’ evidence had been recorded she might not need to attend court for the retrial.

When Mr Lehrmann’s solicitor wrote to Mr Drumgold asking who had authorised the recording, on what basis it had been recorded or might be used in a retrial, Mr Drumgold wrote back: “I am at a complete loss as to why these questions are being directed towards myself or my office”; and sarcastically suggested: “if you have any enquiries about legislative provisions, that you seek advice from counsel.”

Mr Whybrow also never knew that Mr Drumgold had written to ACT police chief Neil Gaughan on 1 November 2022, just days after the mistrial was declared, demanding police on the case have no further contact with the defence.

Mr Whybrow only learnt about the letter when it was published by The Guardian in December “and presumably would have remained unknown to the defence if a second trial had taken place.”

Mr Whybrow said he was “concerned about the circumstances by which The Guardian received and published the letter and the fact that, when released, pursuant to an apparent Freedom of Information request, the name of every person referred to in the letter, including Mr Drumgold SC’s junior counsel, was redacted except for mine.”

Mr Whybrow also expressed concerns that it was “wholly inappropriate” for Mr Drumgold in his press release after the mistrial in which he “expressed an opinion regarding the prospects of a conviction of Mr Lehrmann.”

“That expression of opinion only served to further demonise Mr Lehrmann, in the eyes of some members of the community, in circumstances where he would now be denied the possibility of being acquitted.”

Mr Whybrow thought there should never have been an order for a retrial.

“Furthermore, I was of the view it would be inappropriate for Mr Drumgold SC to make any decision going forward as to the continuation of the prosecution having regard to the concerns I have already raised in this statement as to his conduct up to and including discharge of the jury.”

On 1 December 2022 Mr Whybrow received an email from Mr Drumgold asking him to attend a meeting in the chambers of the Chief Justice, where the DPP announced that he had “recently received medical reports from two psychologists/psychiatrists”.

Mr Whybrow notes he was not given access to the reports.

Mr Drumgold then said: “I plan to make a public announcement tomorrow morning.”

Whybrow asked: “Can you let me know what you are going to say?”

However, Chief Justice McCallum expressed the view that “what the Director might say was really not my concern and I replied that I disagreed with her Honour.”

Mr Drumgold said he wanted the news to be completely embargoed until he announced it the following day.

Mr Whybrow says he recalls “being somewhat cynical about the timing of the proposed announcement” given that, at that time, Mr Lehrmann had filed a particular application to the court, the nature of which remains suppressed.

The Australian has previously revealed that in a draft submission prepared for that application by Sydney barrister Arthur Moses SC, Mr Drumgold was alleged to have been “complicit” in a bid by Ms Higgins to prejudice the case against Mr Lehrmann.

The draft submission, dated December 1, was to have been filed the following day but did not proceed given the DPP’s shock decision that he was dropping charges against Mr Lehrmann.

The Australian has been told that Mr Drumgold would have been aware of the central claims against him in the days leading up to his decision not to retry Mr Lehrmann.

That evening, Mr Whybrow was out to an early dinner and at about 8pm was alerted to a story on by Samantha Maiden “which revealed the exact matters Mr Drumgold SC had requested not be disclosed due to concerns over Ms Higgins’ safety”.

Mr Whybrow says he was furious. He immediately texted Mr Drumgold, asking whether the source was Ms Higgins’ boyfriend, David Sharaz.

Mr Drumgold replied “It must be! It could not have come from anyone else.”

Mr Whybrow told Mr Drumgold in the same text exchange: “I think he is the person who threatened me but I’m not making that accusation,” to which Mr Drumgold replies: “I truly do not know what to say.”

Mr Whybrow concludes that he is concerned that Mr Drumgold breached his obligation to only commence and continue a prosecution where there are reasonable grounds for obtaining a conviction; his duty of impartiality; his duty of disclosure; his duty to mitigate adverse publicity; and his duty to ensure a fair trial.

Mr Whybrow says he found other staff at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to be responsive and they conducted themselves appropriately.

However, Mr Whybrow was critical of the role played by ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates.

“Her high profile appearances alongside Ms Higgins whilst entering and leaving Court, and also within the court, by virtue of her statutory office, had, in my view, a real capacity to undermine the presumption of innocence by blurring the clear distinction between a complainant and someone who was already to be considered a victim of crime,” Mr Whybrow said.”

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 4:53 pm


Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs

Still no Eskimos. Have you no shame, Calli?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 4:54 pm

You get the feeling the Brittany inquiry could go all painters and dockers at any time. I expect more than a few people aren’t sleeping too well at the moment.

May 9, 2023 4:55 pm

Where is Dot?

One guess – languishing in a Kampuchean jungle.

Real Deal
Real Deal
May 9, 2023 4:58 pm

Regarding the DPP and withholding documents. Can a legal wizz here give us a reasonable description on what exactly defines “perverting the course of justice?”

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 5:00 pm

May 9, 2023 at 4:51 pm
Where is Dot? I miss his sarcasm. And interesting references to civilisations and geology.

Dot got run over by a comma. It was a full stop actually.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 5:01 pm

There’s no more growing up to do. What you see is what you get.

Not so in my view, Calli. I’ve seen people who have mucked up the first half of their lives considerably then go on to review the results and change after that. A lot of it can come after a bad marriage explodes.

Never give up on people. They can be quite surprising sometimes.

May 9, 2023 5:01 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 5:02 pm

One guess – languishing in a Kampuchean jungle.

The horror, the horror.

May 9, 2023 5:04 pm

I once had a customer named Mohamed from “Palestine” with very dusky complexion and the reddest of red hair imaginable, including his impressive beard.

For the record I am a blue eyed Ranga myself.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 5:04 pm

“There was, to my knowledge, nothing to indicate that Ms Cash and Ms Reynolds were anything other than honest and truthful witnesses who gave evidence consistent with prior statements they had given.”

A… hahahahahahahahahahahaha … hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah …
hahahahahahahaha …
Gimme a break.

May 9, 2023 5:08 pm

I haven’t given up on them. There’s nothing to give up. They have made their choice as a couple to live away from the royal family and its duties and restrictions. They have two small children who may, or may not, grow up to know their cousins and aunts and other relatives. It all depends on who their parents give access to.

At the moment their “family” is whittled down to a very few who appear to be glitzy sycophants and media types. This is the Hollywood way. It may suit them perfectly at present. The British fish bowl is equally ferocious, but at least they have the benefit of the “Firm”.

I pointed out earlier that, had they genuinely wished to retire from the public gaze, Vancouver island would have been perfect. But it was not to be and the lure of the bright lights was hard to resist. The die is cast, the show must go on to its logical and inevitable conclusion.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 5:09 pm

If Teh Paywallian reporting of Whybrow’s statement is found to be correct Drumgold will be lucky to get a job as a Stop-Go man in the ACT. A long way to go yet. Groogs is on it though.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 5:11 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:

1. Jill Biden
2. The dirt files accumulated over 50 years
3. The Dem machine wants a puppet not a free willed person
4. Dems can only count to two.

I’m wondering if we get to see a replay of Heinlein’s “Double Star”

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 5:11 pm

Ed Casesays:
May 9, 2023 at 5:04 pm
“There was, to my knowledge, nothing to indicate that Ms Cash and Ms Reynolds were anything other than honest and truthful witnesses who gave evidence consistent with prior statements they had given.”

A… hahahahahahahahahahahaha … hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah …
hahahahahahahaha …
Gimme a break.

Head Case. No one will give you a break. Not even a Kit Cat.

May 9, 2023 5:12 pm

Mexico Intercepts Fentanyl Packages From China | China In Focus
00:55 Mexico Intercepts Fentanyl Packages from China
04:07 China, U.S. Agree on Need to Improve Relations
05:15 9K+ Chinese Chip Companies Shut Down in Two Years
06:11 Heavy Flooding Hits Eastern China
07:00 Prolonged Drought in Southeast China Hits Agriculture
08:29 Controlling Machines with the Mind: China Announces World’s First BCI Success on Non-Human Primates
09:52 Chinese City Pays Wages in Digital Yuan
12:17 EU Proposes Sanctions on Chinese Companies
14:05 China Doesn’t Give ‘Two Hoots’ About UK: Lord Patten
15:25 NATO Plans Tokyo Office Over Growing Threat

eric hinton
eric hinton
May 9, 2023 5:14 pm
May 9, 2023 5:14 pm

H B Bearsays:
May 9, 2023 at 4:54 pm
You get the feeling the Brittany inquiry could go all painters and dockers at any time. I expect more than a few people aren’t sleeping too well at the moment.

I hope Bulk Brittany is forced to give back all our money.

May 9, 2023 5:17 pm

I make no claim to being Philip Marlowe, just fitting bits and pieces from the latest Oz coverage of today’s hearing (the paper has excelled, especially over the past two days) into what might have happened.

What gets harder and harder to stomach is the $3 million that Albanese & Co. handed her in gratitude for keeping the Liberals’ “women problem” front and center over the year prior to the election.

If there’s any justice, Bruce will never have to work again when all the dirt is out and the dust has settled.

Latest OZ update here:

Sort of stuff that should win a Walkley for spot reporting, but never will of course, the MEAA and its awards judges being the nest of halfwit green bolsheviks that it is.

May 9, 2023 5:18 pm

And then to the Chief Justice of the ACT.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 5:18 pm

I hope Bulk Brittany is forced to give back all our money.

A separate inquiry into the Department of Finance and the relevant Minister’s decision to make the payment wouldn’t be without merit.

May 9, 2023 5:20 pm

Hey Dover – will there be a Feral Budget thread this evening?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 5:23 pm

Ed Casesays:
May 9, 2023 at 2:21 pm
A detective called Brittany Higgins “evasive, uncooperative and manipulative” in an explosive report that shows she joked before her alleged rape that the Liberal Party needed “an impressive sex scandal”.

So what?
It was 2 months out from the 2019 Election, the Morrison Government was miles behind in the Polls, so yeah, but there was nothing helpful for the Government happening in Reynolds Office the morning of 23/3/ 2019.

As a matter of fact, if the coverup have been uncovered at the time, Morrison woulda been destroyed.

Grandpa Ed Simpson still carrying the torch for Mizzzz Knickerless.

Oh unrequited lurrrrve, how thou dost burrrrrn?

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 9, 2023 5:24 pm

‘Pale, stale, male’? How Farnham film beat funding hurdles

The life story of titanic pop singer John Farnham will soon be told for the first time on film, but its creators were surprised by the muted response to the idea at their first meetings.


The life story of titanic Australian pop singer-songwriter John Farnham will soon be told for the first time as a feature-length documentary film.

After two years in development, the timing of its cinematic release is unintentionally ideal, given the intense public interest in the 73-year-old entertainer following his mouth cancer surgery in August last year, and several health setbacks since he went under the knife.

On Monday night, the Farnham family released a media statement to advise that the singer has “made a full recovery from a recent chest infection in late March which required hospitalisation. He is now comfortable and continues to receive ongoing treatment and rehabilitation care.”

Titled John Farnham: Finding The Voice and directed by Poppy Stockell, the film will screen nationally in cinemas from May 18.

Yet according to its executive producer and co-writer, Paul Clarke, the production team had trouble securing funding from screen organisations to develop a feature-length work about the iconic King of Pop.

After being approached by Farnham’s longtime manager Glenn Wheatley in early 2021 with the idea for a biopic film, both men were surprised by the muted response.

“No-one was initially that interested,” Clarke told The Australian. “I think there’s a shifting pendulum of what’s important in Australian culture, and that’s absolutely fair – but in some ways, I think, to funding bodies, John’s story felt like a ‘pale, stale, male’ story, and it took a little bit to cut through some of that feeling.”

“I think the diversity in storytelling in Australia is incredibly important – but I mean, he’s our Charles Aznavour,” said Clarke, referring to the late French singer who was often compared to Frank Sinatra.

“He’s our Bono,” he said, referring to the vocalist of Irish rock band U2. “He’s the kind of voice that, as a culture, we really turn to, and it was just trying to find a story frame that would fit the process that we all went through, to find this guy that was under our nose all the time.”

Rather than reshaping the pitch to make the film more appealing to funding bodies, Clarke and Wheatley decided to double down.

“It was more a case of being determined, and we’re absolutely determined people,” said Clarke with a laugh. “They gradually saw it our way. But a number of networks passed on it, and we were very lucky to find ourselves with the Seven Network, and Sony Pictures, who have been phenomenal partners.”

Commissioned in late 2021, the film took about a year to make, and received funding support from Sony Pictures, Screen Australia, Screen NSW and VicScreen.

Wheatley was interviewed on camera for the film, but his shock death from Covid complications in February 2022 threw the project into jeopardy.

Clarke said that Farnham’s manager was sending text messages from hospital, “cheery as ever”, up until two days before he died, aged 74.

“The story just kept changing, and getting more serious, and it became a greater responsibility – because Glenn passed away, Olivia Newton-John passed away [last August], John became ill, and I’ve never had a project with greater weight on my shoulders in my life.”

“The responsibility to make it great was enormous,” said Clarke. “It couldn’t have been made without Gaynor Wheatley and the Farnham family. They were just incredible.”

sTan Grant was contacted for comment.


Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 5:24 pm

May 9, 2023 at 4:51 pm
Where is Dot? I miss his sarcasm. And interesting references to civilisations and geology.

He/She/it/whatever went back to Skool to study ecomoronics. After all, being moronic has to be some sort of advantage somewhere.

May 9, 2023 5:26 pm

In the Oz…

…during the trial, Mr Whybrow received an anonymous threatening email that he found so disturbing he asked police to help track down the author…

Mr Whybrow told Mr Drumgold in the same text exchange: “I think [David Sharaz] is the person who threatened me but I’m not making that accusation,” to which Mr Drumgold replies: “I truly do not know what to say.”

Now, if we had an Opposition, all this would already be spreading like fire to the government’s payoff – which NACC would be investigating. But there is no Opposition.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 5:27 pm

A poem:

Talking to Myself
In the mildew of age
all pavements slope uphill

slow slow
towards an exit.

It’s late and light allows
the darkest shadow to be born of it.

Courage, the ventriloquist bird cries
(a little god he is, censor of language)

remember plain Hardy and dandy Yeats
in their inspired wise pre-dotage.

I, old man, in my new timidity,
think how, profligate, I wasted time

– those yawning postponements on rainy days,
those paperhat hours of benign frivolity.

Now Time wastes me and there’s hardly time
to fuss for more vascular speech.

The aspen tree trembles as I do
and there are feathers in the wind.

Quick quick
speak old parrot,
do I not feed you with my life?

© 2013, Dannie Abse
From: Speak, Old Parrot
Publisher: Hutchinson, London

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 5:30 pm

Grandpa Ed Simpson still carrying the torch for Mizzzz Knickerless.

I would say Groogs wants to get into her pants but it seems redundant.

May 9, 2023 5:31 pm

I hope Bulk Brittany is forced to give back all our money.

I hope the Labor mean girls and anyone else involved in this thing are convicted for perverting justice and misuse of public funds. Plus a decent amount of moolah paid to the defendant by Labor-loving media activists. One can hope for a just outcome …

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 5:31 pm

‘given the intense public interest in the 73-year-old entertainer’

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Wot’ pubic interest? FFS.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 5:32 pm

Does anyone really care about a Budget night any longer?

How can Chalmers top this?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 9, 2023 5:34 pm

Regarding the booing – a non-event despite the MSM harping about it.

Were the punters booing Franklin or the blokes that targeted Daicos? Or the insipid umpires?

Booing Franklin? Pfft!

I’m still booing Goodes before I get onto anyone else. That softcock who orchestrated for a 13 year girl to be locked up in a cell under the MCG because Goodes reckons he called him an ape. Fair call I reckon..

This was the disgusting selection as AOTY who in another game made a spearing motion to the Carlton cheer squad – although they would deserve it.

Umpires are next on the list – Franklin will have retired before I get round to him!

May 9, 2023 5:35 pm


I hope Bulk Brittany is forced to give back all our money.

Yes, was wondering about that. What would be the procedure ?

May 9, 2023 5:38 pm
May 9, 2023 5:38 pm

Angels in iconography are often depicted as young and with hints of androgynous elements. Note above the the nipples are prominent and the facial features are softened, but the arms and legs and body are all powerfully young. The Devil is always male, hairy and older.

No doubt the painter and/or the patron who commissioned it had Michael resemble some young local bloke they wanted to schtup. “Eh Giuseppe, I make-a de Archangel look-a like you, how’s about a bit of….”

Michael is a twink, basically.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 5:40 pm

What gets harder and harder to stomach is the $3 million that Albanese & Co. handed her …

#1. It wasn’t anywhere near $3million.
I’d say it was closer to the $576,000 Rachelle Miller got for something we’re not allowed to know about.
Where’s the “outrage” about that?
… in gratitude for keeping the Liberals’ “women problem” front and center over the year prior to the election.
Okay, but aren’t you a trenchant critic of the Liberal Party?
Where are you coming from here?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 5:41 pm

May 9, 2023 at 3:17 pm
Dover> a choice between Biden & Trump is hardly inspiring. Sometimes its possible to understand the reasons why countries that consider USA democracy as a bad model for the rest of the planet.

Cough! AnAl vs ScoMo? Cough!

May 9, 2023 5:41 pm
May 9, 2023 5:41 pm

Hey Dover – will there be a Feral Budget thread this evening?

What do you think this is…an economics blog?


May 9, 2023 5:43 pm

The Monster Behind Gender Theory, and the Atrocious Lie He Based It On
Listen as Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Miriam Grossman walk us through the horrific yet true story behind the Reimer twins. The atrocity of their upbringing, branded as a successful experiment by Dr. John Money, was used as the bedrock of gender and identity ideology that has captured the western world today.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 5:44 pm

What do you think this is…an economics blog?

“You’re living in the past man. Let it go.”

Real Deal
Real Deal
May 9, 2023 5:45 pm

Is it fair to say that Drumgold, while striding purposefully to the hearing this morning, stepped into a bucket of something warm, wet and brown?

May 9, 2023 5:47 pm

Remember how Labor stacked the public gallery for the speech in reply to previous budgets. Much cheering and jeering from the plants.

Wonder if there will be any of that tonight.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 5:47 pm

I am busy making a Louisiana Gumbo for celebrations tonight for Hairy’s 71st birthday using spices I brought back from the US for this. Thanks Vicki and any uptickers for your good wishes to him which I will pass on when he returns from the shops.

Zulu, I hope that Mme Zulu’s test results came back as satisfactory. It is always a trial to wait for them. We are waiting now on some concerning our daughter’s toddler son who is being tested for any aortic weakness and connective tissue lung and other complications in suspected Marfan’s Syndrome. Obviously, we hope it is a habitus not the full syndrome.

I haven’t felt much cheered by being on the Cat this arvo, felt very ‘talking to myself’ but maybe that’s just me. I’m off to try to make this Gumbo edible now. 🙂

May 9, 2023 5:48 pm

“Eh Giuseppe, I make-a de Archangel look-a like you, how’s about a bit of….”

And so it goes, go round again
But now and then we wonder who the real Montys are

May 9, 2023 5:53 pm

NRL formally backs Albanese’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Must be angling for a new stadium or two as well.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 5:54 pm

Michael is a twink, basically.

See Ander’s helpful comment on the cuirass breastplate.
I suspect that the Greek heritage in the iconography there relates to something we used to comment on in the old Catallaxy picture of the 300, where an older man was fondling a young man’s nipple. In ancient bronze age warrior societies (especially recorded late in Ireland) an allowed attachment to a leader’s nipple was a sign of approval, and older men in this farewell painting for war were here obviously encouraging these youngest men to go forth as warriors. It is not always suitable to put modern day reading onto customs of the past.

May 9, 2023 5:55 pm

Always enjoy the poetry, Lizzie.

Best wishes to the young blokes – the little feller and the slightly bigger one celebrated tonight.

May 9, 2023 5:55 pm

On Renaissance patrons and painters, here’s a bit of fun about Michelangelo and the Last Judgement:

the artist portrayed Biagio de Cesena as a serpent-wrapped Minos after the Vatican dignitary vocally criticized the unfinished painting. Because it contained mostly nude figures, Cesena claimed “The Last Judgement” was more fit for a tavern than the Sistine Chapel. Interestingly, recent cleaning of the fresco reveals a serpent biting Minos’ genitals.

I have seen the magnificent fresco twice now…hopefully a third time next year when the Beloved has given me four days in the Eternal City before we embark for a brief cruise around the western Med. And, finally, that trip to Sicily.

The first time I saw it, the Chapel was almost empty. It was a couple of weeks after 9/11. No “shushes” and ghastly “selfies”. Just wonder and awe.

May 9, 2023 5:56 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
May 9, 2023 at 5:47 pm

I am busy making a Louisiana Gumbo for celebrations tonight for Hairy’s 71st birthday using spices I brought back from the US for this. Thanks Vicki and any uptickers for your good wishes to him which I will pass on when he returns from the shops.

I haven’t felt much cheered by being on the Cat this arvo, felt very ‘talking to myself’ but maybe that’s just me. I’m off to try to make this Gumbo edible now. ?


Happy Birthday to Hairy & your posts get read and appreciated – enjoy historical & personal anecdotes

Enjoy the Gumbo


Cassie of Sydney
May 9, 2023 5:56 pm

Lizzie, Happy Birthday to Hairy.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 5:57 pm


Speaking to a senior manager in a major road transport company this morning, he said all the indicators are for a recession and they are preparing for it.

A recession perhaps, but I see it more in line with a stagflationary period. Perhaps the two will come together.

May 9, 2023 5:57 pm

Does anyone really care about a Budget night any longer?

“Budget night” in our house usually means vegemite on toast…

May 9, 2023 5:57 pm

H B Bear says:
May 9, 2023 at 5:18 pm

I hope Bulk Brittany is forced to give back all our money.

A separate inquiry into the Department of Finance and the relevant Minister’s decision to make the payment wouldn’t be without merit.

Dunno about handing it back. Possession is 9/10s of the law. Perhaps Dumgold ought to return the money. I wonder if Bruce L is able to sue the Dumgold for miscarriage of justice.

This whole thing sticks to high heaven. More and more, it’s beginning to sound like there was no rape.


It sounds like it’s more than 1/2 bar. The two fatties are living it up in Bryon Bay having leased a home there.

May 9, 2023 5:59 pm

It is not always suitable to put modern day reading onto customs of the past.

It’s almost as though the past is a different country.

And monty a bumbling, uncomprehending tourist in loud leisurewear a size too small.

May 9, 2023 6:00 pm

Does anyone really care about a Budget night any longer?

Nope, but the Walkley Awards is another matter.

May 9, 2023 6:01 pm

Detective Inspector Marcus Boorman and Superintendent Moller knew Higgins was unreliable early on. So many indicators.

Drumgold tied himself up in knots and deserves his comeuppance.

Whybrow must have thought won defence lotto when he looked into the case.

The rape allegation only came about because Higgins feared for her job.

I picked up early that Senator Reynolds and COS Brown were not going to help Higgins case at all. Why else would Reynolds have been heard disparaging Higgins in the office? Because she knew Higgins was lying about what Higgins told her.

Higgins is no role model for other women.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 6:01 pm

Dannie Abse, a well-regarded British male poet, born 1923 died in 2014.
Talking to Myself was one of his last poems.

Hairy’s back, time marches on, as is its won’t, must greet him again.

May 9, 2023 6:01 pm

foreign country…[h/t L P Hartley]

May 9, 2023 6:01 pm

The submissive creeps who are the NRL should be in line for a Budding.
Sports bureaucrats – the pock marked wall awaits.

May 9, 2023 6:01 pm

Something for Hairy to sing to as he eats his gumbo.

The Beloved, only months younger, loves this song. Happy Birthday!

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 6:02 pm

Ed Casesays:
May 9, 2023 at 5:04 pm
“There was, to my knowledge, nothing to indicate that Ms Cash and Ms Reynolds were anything other than honest and truthful witnesses who gave evidence consistent with prior statements they had given.”

A… hahahahahahahahahahahaha … hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah …
hahahahahahahaha …
Gimme a break.

You need a break from your unrequited lurrrrrrve, Grandpa Ed.

May 9, 2023 6:04 pm

The rape allegation only came about because Higgins feared for her jo

I don’t get this part. Even with the rape allegation, why wasn’t she fired for traipsing around the parliament out of semi-normal working hours? These two things were separate.

May 9, 2023 6:05 pm

Interesting article at spiked on the dutch farmers protest.
Not only are they going to move to compulsory purchases for farmers if their “generous’ offer of 100 to 120% of the assessed farm value isnt taken up they have this little poison pill.

Moreover, farmers that accept the buy-out offer will not be allowed to start similar operations in the Netherlands or any other EU country again. It is easy, therefore, to see why many farmers see all this as an attack on their way of life.

So your entire career/knowledge all scrapped by government fiat.

The “west” has a terrible brain sickness.

Id suggest if this went ahead that Russia, with its fairly cheap agricultural land might end up with some highly productive Dutch enclaves once the dust settles from the Ukraine/Russia fracas.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 6:05 pm

This whole thing sticks to high heaven. More and more, it’s beginning to sound like there was no rape.

The Inquiry isn’t into whether or not there was a Rape.
If it was, Lehrman would end up in jail for a good while.

The Inquiry is into whether the cops should make the final call on whether or not anything should be prosecuted.
Finding in the Cops favour opens up massive opportunities for graft and corruption

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 9, 2023 6:08 pm

Does anyone really care about a Budget night any longer?

The best bit about Budget night is the lock-up, where they put all the journos in a room, close the door and lock it. So extending Budget night indefinitely would be excellent.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 6:09 pm

Ed Casesays:
May 9, 2023 at 5:40 pm
What gets harder and harder to stomach is the $3 million that Albanese & Co. handed her …

#1. It wasn’t anywhere near $3million.
I’d say it was closer to the $576,000 Rachelle Miller got for something we’re not allowed to know about.

Evidence to justify what you’d say, Grandpa Ed Simpson?

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 6:09 pm

Farmer Gez:

Olive green for me Lysander.
One of my sisters has quite striking green eyes.
We should form a club.

When I was working in Saudi Arabia, many of the nurses were Asian.
One day I remarked to one of them “You have a green and a blue eye! (Eyes being one of the things I notice first about a wymminses.) Really! I’ve never seen that before.”
The other nurses just looked at me sympathetically.
Then I was given a short lecture about contact lenses.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 6:10 pm

I don’t get this part. Even with the rape allegation, why wasn’t she fired for traipsing around the parliament out of semi-normal working hours? These two things were separate.
She was going to be fired until she said she’d been raped.
Then Reynolds pushed the panic button and went to water.

But, your question is a good one.
Reynolds says Lehrmann was fired for turning up without his pass and having to manually sign in, so why wasn’t Higgins.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 6:11 pm


He appears to be prosecuting a pretty good case against himself.

That must take a special kind of talent, I guess.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 6:13 pm

May 9, 2023 at 5:59 pm
It is not always suitable to put modern day reading onto customs of the past.

It’s almost as though the past is a different country.

And monty a bumbling, uncomprehending tourist in loud leisurewear a size too small.

Fair go, he could only get XXXXXL.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 6:18 pm

Grandpa Ed Simpson has the worst case of unrequited lurrrrrve since Narcissus saw his own reflection.

May 9, 2023 6:18 pm

Lehrman had previously been warned about security breaches. Since he was the senior he took most of the blame for the entering building and Minister office that night.

If I recall correctly in her first interview by Brown Higgins actually apologised for her behaviour.

The current hearing is bringing out a totally different slant to Higgins condition that night. She claimed he was buying her drinks most of the evening but his credit card says otherwise. Plus her condition at time of going into building does not seem as drunk as originally claimed.

#Metoo movement never cared about actual evidence and this shows what happens.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 6:20 pm

Another Humphries masterstroke. From beyond the grave no less. Would have loved to have been a fly on the Chaiman’s wall when he found out.

May 9, 2023 6:21 pm

Finding in the Cops favour opens up massive opportunities for graft and corruption

Unlike the book deal and the 3M payoff by Labor pollies and the use of Parliament & ABC taxpayers funds to prosecute a case that did not have a solid, factual basis.

No possible corruption of legal, media and government process has been observed at all … /sarc

May 9, 2023 6:21 pm

The ABC’s coverage of the coronation is still in the news.

They’ve committed a cardinal sin of professional journalism – don’t make yourself the story.

Stan Grant should be sacked…just to begin to atone.

Cassie of Sydney
May 9, 2023 6:23 pm

“More and more, it’s beginning to sound like there was no rape.”

No, there was no rape. At best, there might have been a pash on the sofa.

From day one it’s been clear that this has been a perfectly orchestrated political hit job. I have no doubt, no doubt whatsoever, that the putrid conga line, with Sharaz as the key person, leads back to Labor luminaries, those “mean girls”, and I also have no doubt, no doubt whatsoever, that Albanese also knew of the plot.

But let’s not absolve the Liberals from this scandal, especially that unlamented clown, Morrison. Labor only got away with his his job because of Scumbag’s ineptness, spinelessness, cowardice and weakness.

The stench has been obvious to many of us from day one. Meanwhile, Brittanee da Knickerless has been paid off handsomely for a job well done.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 6:23 pm


A Good article by my favorite boiler suit wearing bra burner.

This article goes back to something I have spoken of in the past – that the clergy in the main, were less likely to sexually abuse the kids in their care.
An eye needed to be kept on the administrative and support staff who were closer to and had more constant contact with the children. They were more likely to be in a position to exert a power imbalance relationship with their wards.

May 9, 2023 6:25 pm

Has there been any surprises in a budget in the last decade?

Fair point…but the devil is often in the detail.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 6:27 pm

The ABC’s coverage of the coronation is still in the news.

A delicious irony if the Monarchy brings them down. It won’t of course but we can dream.

May 9, 2023 6:29 pm

Michael is a twink, basically.

Dickless regales us with his knowledge of young striplings while simultaneously reducing great art to the level of a foreskin.

Tell us more dickless and spare no lurid, sordid detail; retard.

May 9, 2023 6:30 pm

Dunno about handing it back. Possession is 9/10s of the law.

You’re confusing legal principles with icebergs head prefect which have 9/10s of their volume under water. Have another scotch.

May 9, 2023 6:32 pm

Stan Grant should be sacked…just to begin to atone.

Not likely. These are the sort of people that would make a Christmas special with Jesus as a gay rent boy turning tricks outside the temple for the first thirty years of life. You know, just for shits and giggles. Remorse is not part of the psychology.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 6:32 pm

Are the Mean Girls even caught by the Terms of Reference? At best will be incidental to Drumgold’s conduct.

May 9, 2023 6:33 pm

A delicious irony if the Monarchy brings them down. It won’t of course but we can dream.

Former ABC broadcaster Kel Richards on how it should be done.

May 9, 2023 6:36 pm

Stan Grant should be sacked…just to begin to atone.

Not likely.

No, but it’s some consolation that his performance has no doubt made some viewers think twice about supporting the Voice.

(I should say that I’m not offended on behalf of the monarchy but as a tax payer.)

May 9, 2023 6:36 pm

Stan Grant should be sacked…just to begin to atone.

Stan should be sued by Trump for using the same skin toner as the great man.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 6:38 pm

Unlike the book deal

There was no book deal
and the 3M payoff by Labor pollies
There was no $3m payoff
and the use of Parliament & ABC taxpayers funds to prosecute a case that did not have a solid, factual basis.
The AFP spent more time and effort trying to find anything to discredit Higgins that any other investigation in it’s history.
And they still came up with bupkis.

Then they told the DPP there was no evidence to justify a Prosecution.
This was before they’d even spoken to Lehrmann.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 6:39 pm


I was speaking to a young lady in the pub about 4 months ago, who was trying to get her Registered Nursing qualifications. She was doing part time work at a hospital as an Assistant in Nursing, and trying to work out how to get into the nursing stream.
I was going to suggest joining the army as a medic and going through the university training role.
We had a couple of 2nd year Reservists came through Bonegilla when I was there, and they were being subsidised by the Army. I don’t know if that is still going. Anyway, I held back and didn’t suggest it because of several factors which I won’t go into here.

May 9, 2023 6:40 pm

Lizzie, happy birthday to the Hairy One. Fun and joy to you both.

May 9, 2023 6:42 pm

cohenite says:
May 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Dunno about handing it back. Possession is 9/10s of the law.

You’re confusing legal principles with icebergs head prefect which have 9/10s of their volume under water. Have another scotch.

Cronkers , don’t get all legal eagle with us. The idea that this government would demand the money back the paid tbecause they no longer believe Miss Pantiless is laughable.

May 9, 2023 6:51 pm

That “win munni” would have been paid to the Pasha Bulka no strings attached. Anyway, she’s spent it, or a great wodge of it.

It was only our money after all.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2023 6:53 pm

Grandpa ed Simpson

Unlike the book deal

There was no book deal

The Cane Toad and Piwate Pete say different. Are you calling them liars?

and the 3M payoff by Labor pollies
There was no $3m payoff

You keep saying this, but offer no evidence to support your assertion. Cough up.

The AFP spent more time and effort trying to find anything to discredit Higgins that any other investigation in it’s history.
And they still came up with bupkis.

You haven’t been following the latest evidence?

There’s this thing called lurrrrrve!

May 9, 2023 6:53 pm

making a Louisiana Gumbo

excellent behaviour

May 9, 2023 6:54 pm

After the Miss Pantiless case and the legal abortion currently occuring in NYC, I’m starting to warm to the idea that we need to introduce Islamic law in rape cases. I think it says that you need four witnesses to say there was unconsensual sex. Also, if the woman is found to be lying, she ends up being stoned or whipped. It’s one of the two, but I’d go with a decent whipping, as stoning could be a little severe.

Let’s believe all sheilas though, because it’s worked out so well.

May 9, 2023 6:56 pm


Barry Humphries’ state funeral to be held in Sydney

Bazza Humphries and his comic creations are giggling with Orwellian schadenfraude that the Marxist junta ruling Victoria (with an iron fist) was too up itself with ideological humorlessness to stage the funeral of its most famous comic export.

People around the world will be laughing at the brilliantly scripted utterings of Dame Edna Everidge and Sir Les Patterson long after small-town despots like Daniel Andrews and the institutions he bought like the Melbourne Comedy Festival have been forgotten.

And the Melbourne Comedy Festival will be forever remembered as that embarrassment to world comedy without a sense of humour.


May 9, 2023 6:56 pm

It was only our money after all.

Yes disgusting is not a strong enough word. The complete contempt that the parasite robber state on the fake lake, the biggest illuminated cemetery in the world has for the real economy.

May 9, 2023 6:58 pm

it was closer to the $576,000 Rachelle Miller got

It was enough to fling a bit on a top shelf trip with the new boy to the Maldives for a couple of weeks.

May 9, 2023 7:00 pm

The idea that this government would demand the money back the paid because they no longer believe Miss Pantiless is laughable.

Yeah sure, I was just pointing out that there is no legal as opposed to political impediment to recovering the dosh from the wench.

I don’t think there was some master scheme by the liars to have britanee play Mata Hari to entrap the poor sod. They just capitalised on a mess while the pip pippers of the libs shat themselves as usual.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 7:01 pm

Are the Mean Girls even caught by the Terms of Reference?
Doesn’t look like it.
At best will be incidental to Drumgold’s conduct.
They’re out to hang him.
It’s a whitewash of the AFP.

May 9, 2023 7:02 pm

It was enough to fling a bit on a top shelf trip with the new boy to the Maldives for a couple of weeks.

I was in the Maldives in ’98. Some of the best surf I’ve had and a stunning place.

May 9, 2023 7:03 pm


You realize the NYC jury will find against the big guy, right?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 7:06 pm

Quadrant is very good on the Marxist capture of the ALPBC. It certainly didn’t occur by accident.

May 9, 2023 7:09 pm

The best bit about Budget night is the lock-up, where they put all the journos in a room, close the door and lock it. So extending Budget night indefinitely would be excellent.

Its really hard to get all the cracks sealed properly.

May 9, 2023 7:09 pm

You realize the NYC jury will find against the big guy, right?

Possibly, NY is bizarro land. A couple of things. A superior court has already found Trump committed no crime in paying off the skank and has awarded over $500k in legal costs to Trump, which is very unusual in the US. Secondly the US Electoral Commission has already investigated the payment and found no contravention of law.

Those 2 grounds alone are sufficient for the SC to take it on Appeal.

May 9, 2023 7:11 pm

Happy 21st Birthday, Hairy.

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 7:13 pm

H B Bearsays:
May 9, 2023 at 5:32 pm
Does anyone really care about a Budget night any longer?

Well actually, I do as it is great entertainment. Better than Un reality TV. Better than watching the BOM keep getting the weather wrong. Better than the ALPBC crapping on about Gerbil Warming. Better than……………..anything really.

But this fellow was quite good……………………………….

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 9, 2023 7:14 pm

areff at 3.49:

A plausible – nay, likely scenario. Brih-nee luring another one to the Couch of Conquest, before the poor bloke saw her sans Spanx and exited stage left.

Humiliation can, in so many circumstances, only be sated by revenge.

May 9, 2023 7:14 pm

Let’s believe all sheilas though, because it’s worked out so well.

The abuse of DVOs in child custody cases was a clear warning.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2023 7:15 pm

Very revealing that monty has been bumbling whatever criticisms he’s been able to confect about a representation of an archangel humbling the pretensions of the Prince of Lies.

I guessed it was Munty.

Something about depicting Michael looking a certain way when he may never even have existed as a man.

Saints have been people. They have had specific human form. Not angels.

But it did lead me to recall a passage I once read about how, for example, spirits and ghosts are depicted. They have to look human to communicate traits. Every person feels pain, but we only recognise it in others (we do not ‘recognise’ it in ourselves) by shape or sound or such. The idea of human anger is best communicated a person who looks angry. You could not do it in a painting with, for example, some levitated orb painted with an ‘angry’ colour. How do you think you could depict yearning? Or hope?

The angel in the painting depicts defiance, determination, triumph and so on. Being in soldier’s garb adds more of an impression. The less than determinate sex too.

That the fashion is 17th century is not a problem, because the artist painted with the symbols and representations that spoke to him and his peers. And with a modicum of historical sense we can access that too.

To complain that the painting is not a near photographic depiction is especially desperate and facile. As if the painting has awoken some sense shame or inadequacy and the only defence is to destroy the painting.

I reckon it is because some epicene youth in a tunica and breastplate, wielding a spear, grabbed the last chocolate custard filled raspberry iced donut from the local Krispy Kreme franchise.

How to live with that memory?

May 9, 2023 7:16 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 7:26 pm

On the alleged $3million payout, was one of the conditions that Higgins not take Civil Action against Lehrmann?

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 7:27 pm

Old Ozzie:

The un-named man is alleged to have been having an affair with Ms Higgins and was engaged to someone else at the time.

There goes a man who doesn’t sleep well at night any more.

May 9, 2023 7:27 pm

#1. It wasn’t anywhere near $3million.
I’d say it was closer to the $576,000 Rachelle Miller got for something we’re not allowed to know about.

Ed, you don’t even know something as easily verifiable as the name of the major highway running north – south through Toowoomba. Why should we bother with any other of your idiot opinions?

May 9, 2023 7:28 pm

“You realize the NYC jury will find against the big guy, right?”

Actually, no. Donald isn’t the only rich male target in NYC and I’d suggest those bubbas are more concerned about setting a precedent than “getting” Trump.

The me-toos would absolutely flood the so called court system there.

May 9, 2023 7:29 pm

I have always loved C.S. Lewis’ description of the angelic planet guardians adopting a form that the human eye could understand:

And suddenly two human figures stood before him. . . . They were perhaps thirty feet high. They were burning white like white hot iron. The outline of their bodies . . . seemed to be faintly, swiftly undulating as though the permanence of their shape, like that of waterfalls or flames, co-existed with a rushing movement of the matter it contained. . . . Whenever he looked straight at them they appeared to be rushing toward him at enormous speed: whenever his eyes took in their surroundings he realized that they were stationary. This may have been due to the fact that their long and sparkling hair stood out behind them as if in a great wind. . . . It was borne in upon him that the creatures were really moving, though not moving in relation to him. This planet . . . was to them a thing moving through the heavens. In relation to their own celestial frame of reference they were rushing forward to keep abreast of the mountain valley. Had they stood still, they would have flashed past him too quickly for him to see, doubly dropped behind by the planet’s spin on its own axis, and by its onward march around the Sun.

They inhabit both here and elsewhere. And they are altogether other.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 7:30 pm

The whole Brittany saga is a salutary lesson about the dangers of going too hard at Friday drinks. There are lessons to be learned by us all (well not me any more).

May 9, 2023 7:31 pm

Isn’t it amazing that in the middle of Australia, in winter, when the air is dry, all that increased CO2 doesn’t seem to hold in much heat in the night?
This is meant to be the effect on temperature of the increased CO2 – a small rise in minimum temperature just before sunrise. This of course feeds in to the “average” temperature of the day i.e (max+min)/2. Hard to get worked up over that.

May 9, 2023 7:34 pm

Zat. why would, what’s likely to be a Demonrat voting jury be concerned about what comes down the pipeline if the find against Trump ans award damages? They wouldn’t give a crackers.

May 9, 2023 7:35 pm

whoops.. if they find against Trump and …..

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2023 7:35 pm

Beautiful, Calli.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 7:38 pm

Even Special Ed is having trouble distinguishing his formaldehyde driven Wikipedia fuelled dribblings from reality now.

May 9, 2023 7:39 pm

Fair enough, Dover, I’m just appalled at Dim Chambers’ arrogance. His non existent surplus will vanish quicker than a snowflake in Hell.

Robert Sewell
May 9, 2023 7:42 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:
A Trillion dollar coin?
Why not a Quadrillion Dollar coin.
Quadrillion, which is a 1 with 15 zeros after it: 1,000,000,000,000,000.

May 9, 2023 7:42 pm

Isn’t it amazing that in the middle of Australia, in winter, when the air is dry, all that increased CO2 doesn’t seem to hold in much heat in the night?

Hallward, we shouldn’t fear warming by making stupid comments and going into total denial about warming. Winters are shorter and the warmer season is longer. This isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually pretty good and humanity is much better off. Stop posting bullshit.

May 9, 2023 7:43 pm

the Liberal Party needed “an impressive sex scandal”

Only the stupid forking gliberals could get blindsided by a “sex scandal” without any sex.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2023 7:44 pm

How often can a Director of Public Prosecutions fall short of his duties?
Janet Albrechtsen

7:07PM May 9, 2023

Two days into the Sofronoff board of inquiry and there is emerging a common pattern to questioning and a common theme to answers.

The pattern of questioning is as follows: counsel assisting the inquiry, Erin Longbottom KC, puts to Shane Drumgold questions to establish what the law is – whether it is about the ACT prosecution policy or rules that operate under the Evidence Act, or ACT procedural rules, or otherwise.

The ACT Public Prosecutor agrees to what the policy, the laws or the rules say.
Read Next

Next, Longbottom asks Drumgold what he did in various circumstances of his carriage of the rape trial. Drumgold then describes what he says he did.

Then, with forensic thoroughness, Longbottom looks at what he actually did, using emails, file notes, affidavits and other documents rather than rely on what he says he did. In other words, did he – in practice, not in his mind or according to his statement – comply with his duties under law?

The concerns keep growing that he may not have done so.

When serious issues about his behaviour were put to him on Tuesday, common themes emerged from his answers. These included that he “didn’t turn my mind to it”, “I had not perused it in that degree of detail”, “I was not looking at it through that prism”, “I can’t recall it jumping into my mind”, “That’s an error on my behalf”, “I didn’t pay sufficient attention”, “I had too cursory a read”, “I clearly overlooked it”, and so on. These are his words.

Tuesday’s hearing kicked off with Longbottom making more inquiries about how the DPP exercised his duty to disclose material to the defence. In an email exchange with a junior solicitor in his office in June 2022, the DPP gave advice that a set of documents called the Moller report was the subject of legal professional privilege – making them non-disclos­able to the lawyers for Bruce Lehrmann.

Within minutes of the hearing commencing, Drumgold admitted to the inquiry that he had not read one of the documents – a review conducted by Commander Andrew Smith and other police officers in August 2021. Despite receiving an email that listed and attached the documents, he expressed the opinion that privilege did apply even though he had not looked at the Smith report.

Inquiry head Walter Sofronoff said he found it hard to accept that “a barrister giving advice about whether particular documents carry a particular legal status would not look at each document”.

Drumgold confirmed he had not. “I didn’t pay sufficient attention,” he said. “That’s an error on my behalf,” he told the inquiry.

The effect of Drumgold’s erroneous judgment was that he persisted, for months, in keeping internal police documents from the defence. Indeed, he opposed a disclosure application brought in September 2022 by defence lawyer Steven Whybrow SC.

Sofronoff explained to Drumgold that while his receipt, as DPP, of the Moller report may well be the subject of a privilege claim, that does not mean each separate document, written by police and addressed to other police officers, was non-disclosable.

Drumgold said: “I didn’t think (the Moller report) should fall into the hands of the defence.”

His concern was that disclosing these documents to the defence would be “crushing” to the complainant, Brittany Higgins.

Sofronoff pointed out that even information that may be harmful may need to be disclosed to the ­defence if, as in this case, it contained information gathered by the police that might put the ­defence on a train of inquiry to find evidence and material that might not ­otherwise be obvious to them in forming their defence.

In other words, while concerns for a complainant are understandable, the defendant’s rights and interests also matter, and public interest in a scrupulously fair trial should override concerns for any one individual.

There was a lot of explaining on day two of this inquiry. Longbottom reminded Drumgold that a prosecutor’s duty of disclosure is owed to the court to ensure a fair trial. The reason is simple and logical: the legitimacy of our criminal justice system depends on the trust we, the community, have in that system. Only a system that guarantees a fair trial, that genuinely searches for the truth, will gain, and retain our trust. Maintaining that trust is essential.

And fair disclosure of information by those in power – police and prosecutors – is critical.

The other issue that confronted Drumgold on Tuesday was his instruction to a junior solicitor to swear an affidavit that Drumgold would rely on to oppose the defence’s disclosure application to receive the Moller Report.

Drumgold initially told Longbottom that though he, as Director, was ultimately responsible for the document, “I think you might be overstating my input into the preparation of the document.”

Then Longbottom produced an email dated 12 September 2022 where Drumgold emailed the young solicitor with precise wording to be included in the affidavit. The affidavit sworn by the young solicitor that same day reflected this direct instruction from his boss.

Counsel assisting put to Drumgold that this affidavit drafted on his instruction was in breach of Rule 6711 of the ACT Procedure Rules. The Inquiry heard that the upshot of this failure was to potentially mislead the court that the AFP had told the solicitor they had claimed privilege over the Moller Report, when in fact the source of that piece of information was none other than the DPP.

Drumgold said it was “unintentional.”

“We do aim to have no errors at all ever. Sometimes we may fall short,” he said.

Drumgold also conceded that he was inferring the document was privileged, that he had not asked the author why the document was created, and his inference was, therefore, wrong. It was an inference that Drumgold made even though the Moller Report consisted of a series of internal documents essentially addressed to one set of coppers from another about the investigation.

Another issue that the DPP admitted to getting wrong concerned Higgins’ private counselling notes. Even though she consented to them being handed over to the police, the Evidence Act sets up a framework to protect the confidentiality of these kinds of communications.

They are treated as protected material, even if a complainant consents to them being handed over. They must not be disclosed, or accessed — by police, by defence lawyers or by the prosecution. It is this system that allows people to access counselling services in full confidence that they can speak privately and freely.

These were accidentally sent by police to Lehrmann’s first lawyer, John Korn, on a USB. He realised the material was protected and returned the USB stick; a data investigation subsequently determined he had not accessed the notes.

Drumgold was horrified about the wrongful disclosure to Korn and informed Higgins. Yet the only person who looked at these protected counselling notes was Drumgold. He didn’t tell Higgins he had accessed these notes.

When asked on Tuesday if he realised that his reading the protected counselling notes was in breach of the Evidence Act, Drumgold said: “I wouldn’t even have turned my mind to it.” He said he was acting “on the run” and in hindsight agreed he was “probably in breach” of the law.

The recurring question, even at this early stage, is how often can a prosecutor fall short of his duties before he is judged to have failed in his role as a minister of justice?

There is no doubt this was a high-profile, high-pressure investigation and trial. It occurred in the glare of the media, given Higgins’s choice to speak first to the media before proceeding with a formal complaint. It was coloured by activists who saw Higgins as the face of the #metoo movement, forgetting this was an allegation only.

There was a vulnerable complainant at the centre of it. Government ministers and their staff were being impugned.

All sorts of cases come to a prosecutor. As a prosecutor, exercising all the powers of the state against a citizen, he or she must be equipped, both professionally and temperamentally, to carry out their role regardless of the kind of case it is.

There was also a young man, the defendant, at the centre of this, who was entitled to a fair trial.

Sofronoff will have to determine whether Drumgold, who, by his own admission, has said he did not turn his mind to a range of matters that he should have considered, lost objectivity, meaning he failed to exercise his extraordinary powers in line with his duties. In short, did a form of zealousness that is dangerous to justice set in at some point during this fiasco?
Janet Albrechtsen

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 7:45 pm

Ed, you don’t even know something as easily verifiable as the name of the major highway running north – south through Toowoomba.

Unlike you, though, I didn’t call it the Warwick to Toowoomba section of the New England Highway.
Sure, any galah can google it [and you did].
Why should we bother with any other of your idiot opinions?
Who is “we”, and have you ever read any of your own opinions?

May 9, 2023 7:46 pm

The surplus will have vanished by tomorrow morning. Chambers is easily fooled and believes all of his own writings, for example, which should be a worry.

May 9, 2023 7:47 pm

JC, go look up “Idso natural experiments”. Average temperature increase of 0.4 deg C for a doubling of CO2. If you can actually find this inside the error bands, I have a bridge to sell you.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2023 7:47 pm

His (Dim Chalmers) non existent surplus will vanish quicker than a snowflake in Hell.

Didn’t Wayne Swan repeatedly declare guaranteed surpluses four years into the future each year he was treasurer?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2023 7:47 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:

May 9, 2023 at 4:53 pm

It just gets worse…..

Sofronoff inquiry: Shane Drumgold accused of withholding crucial documents

Gonna need a bigger popcorn machine.

May 9, 2023 7:49 pm

I liked the conceit that angels, should they appear, are “keeping up” with us.

May 9, 2023 7:50 pm

Unlike you, though, I didn’t call it the Warwick to Toowoomba section of the New England Highway.
I drive it every couple of weeks on average. What do you think it is called?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2023 7:52 pm

H B Bearsays:

May 9, 2023 at 4:54 pm

You get the feeling the Brittany inquiry could go all painters and dockers at any time. I expect more than a few people aren’t sleeping too well at the moment.

This is ripe for one of those “how it started – how it’s going” memes.

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 7:53 pm

Just watching the Budget BS speech.

Waffle, waffle and so much investments it is so amazing, I wonder when we will reap the dividends. My answer is NEVER.

May 9, 2023 7:53 pm


Why would the Dems want to see this one go by?

Because they scored all the points they are going to score off of it already and the fat-cats don’t want a precedent set where every nutcase wench in NYC files suit or criminal charges on them based on “I FEEL like they raped me”.

May 9, 2023 7:54 pm

Ed, ISTR you claimed the New England Highway goes nowhere near Toowoomba?????

May 9, 2023 7:58 pm

A recommendation: a movie called Vengeance. A NY snob goes to hicksville Texas to attend the funeral of a casual root. He comes around to the locals and solves a murder with a very neat twist. There is a scene at about 40 minutes which is striking. Aston Kutcher, a record producer is coaxing a young lass to give her best and in one of many revelatory moments the snob is blindsided by the abilities of the hicks he initially patronised.

May 9, 2023 7:58 pm


The jury isn’t looking that far ahead nor the ramifications. If they’re demonrats, which is likely, they will award to screw him over in an attempt to influence the election .

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 9, 2023 8:01 pm

“I didn’t pay sufficient attention,” he said. “That’s an error on my behalf,” he told the inquiry.

It’s either incompetent, particularly on the part of an SC and/or the apparent head of a jurisdiction’s DPP, or it’s criminal.

Pick the flavour of shit sandwich you want to eat, Mr Drumgold.

May 9, 2023 8:01 pm

I drive it every couple of weeks on average. What do you think it is called?

Hallward Hwy, obviously.

Johnny Rotten
May 9, 2023 8:01 pm

The exports by the Mineral and Food Exporters has got fark all to do with the Canbra Leeches, Business has done it. The Guv’ment does SFA except tax the shite out of everything, Dopes. How about stopping the waste and spending

This Chalmers wanker is like all of the other wankers. Costello was the best Treasurer ever. Surplus my arse.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 8:02 pm

Put the bong down, Eyrie.
There’s no road from Warwick to Toowoomba, never has been.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2023 8:02 pm

The surplus will have vanished by tomorrow morning.

Yup. He forecasts a surplus that is never going to happen but, taking license from these financial figments, all the ministers come up with (ineffectual) spending plans which can fund new programs (forget about paying off debt – if we have $1 trillion in debt and secure $1 billion surplus then that leaves us $1 billion to spend).

And, of course, for every $1 billion planned, they will eventually spend $2 billion, and thus increase debt even further.

May 9, 2023 8:04 pm

Angels in iconography are often depicted as young and with hints of androgynous elements.

Fair enough for Michael. But then why make Satan a hairy older, muscly obviously male individual?

I’d prefer it the other way around. Make Michael less of a poof, and make Satan a drag queen.

May 9, 2023 8:05 pm

His (Dim Chalmers) non existent surplus will vanish quicker than a snowflake in Hell.

Watch the next 24 hours carefully. The news media will help the ALP with whatever propaganda it needs to deflect criticism of its big spending budget.

The media strategy is to buy time for the political left before the truth has to be acknowledged.

That enables the activists space before they have to craft their next “narrative” — e.g. the next set of lies designed to deceive the electorate.

The Australian news media is a radical political party to the left of the Greens.

It is incapable of independent public interest journalism. Australian university journalism schools are activism factories for the green left.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2023 8:08 pm

Someone needs to check Groogle Maps. Alas, I can’t be bothered, although we need to plan some routes for the Woomba Miata Helldrivers AGM later this year. Any suggestions, preferably with some jacarandas?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 8:10 pm

Dover. Of course I knew that you were being sarcastic, ironic, with your ‘wow!’. You surely can’t think I was seriously thinking otherwise? In what way does my comment imply that? Read it again.

I am constantly misinterpreted or deliberately ignored here. It can be insulting when continuous and obvious.

I’m going back now to stirring my Gumbo. I have saved it from burning people’s throats (those hot chillies) with a very creole solution: lots of brown sugar (for molasses) and more roux. 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 9, 2023 8:12 pm

It is incapable of independent public interest journalism. Australian university journalism schools are activism factories for the green left.

I know this, Tom. I used to work and teach in one. Some difficult times and many a tale I could tell.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 9, 2023 8:13 pm

Hey JC:
Here’s the Grace Kelly dialogue from Death of Stalin:

Vasily Stalin : I want to make a speech at my father’s funeral.

Nikita Khrushchev : [sarcastically] And I want to f… Grace Kelly.

Vasily Stalin : I simply don’t care.
No YouTube that I could find, here’s a link to the rest of the dialogue, it’s as boring as batshit.

May 9, 2023 8:15 pm


Nah. I’d put money on this one. I might lose but I thing they “won” just by getting it to trial.

Politics ends when you realize the door might just get opened to your being the next dude getting screwed by a psychotic female in court. And if you don’t know who is funding this shit you really don’t know NYC. 😉

May 9, 2023 8:18 pm

And now, for something completely different:

Pre-concert warm up of arguably the greatest guitar players of all time.

(I did say arguably for all you other artist purists)

May 9, 2023 8:24 pm

And if you don’t know who is funding this shit you really don’t know NYC. ?

It’s the LinkedIn dude, according what I read. No?

May 9, 2023 8:25 pm

Thanks Eddlesly.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x