Open Thread – Weekend 1 July 2023

Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1876

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Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 1:19 pm

Trad Caths would reject this teaching in the context of their ideological enemies. Trads are more into willing the evil of the other.

The far fascist fool always, always, has to group his perceived enemies into groups: “you lot”, “Trad Caths”.

He finds it easier than actually engaging in debate.

July 2, 2023 1:20 pm

“We all share in the cost of failure and it’s a big cost in dollars and so much more, let’s do something different.”

How about assimilation?

July 2, 2023 1:20 pm

Johnny Rotten says:
July 2, 2023 at 1:11 pm

I believe time wounds all heels.

– John Lennon

That was Dorothy Parker. Minus the ‘I believe,’ because she was a good writer who loathed unnecessary verbiage.

You need to get a better ‘quotable quotes’ website.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 1:22 pm

I believe the Mansell clan looms large indigenous politics in Tasmania, almost to the point of saying who can and who cannot claim indigenous status.

Keith Windschuttle pointed out that, if Michael Mansell was depended from who he claimed he was, one of his forebears was the notorious Bass Strait sealer, Edmund Mansell, who had enslaved as many Aborigines as anyone…..

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 1:23 pm

fat fascist, but far fascist works too.

July 2, 2023 1:24 pm

It’s pretty clear that Dan’s presser message was directed at his low IQ brain dead fkwit followers, as insurance that they know they have to vote. Copy that, mOron?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 1:24 pm

“descended”, FFS..

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 1:28 pm

Horrid people.
The worst

Yes, blame then for coming here in the first place. It would have been so much better if Captain Cook had missed the place…………

Vote YES – You know it makes sense…….lol

July 2, 2023 1:29 pm

Pogria says:
July 2, 2023 at 10:30 am

Mono-testicle has been lurking for hours. To wit, the large number of zero ticks.

I was intrigued this trend lately, what possible pleasure could this individual derive from this activity?
Very childish, in my view.

July 2, 2023 1:29 pm

Just caught up with the Ashes highlights…

That Starc delivery to Pope was unplayable.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 2, 2023 1:33 pm

Big weekend for Voice campaign as ‘thousands’ expected to door knock

I hope I get door-knocked by a Yes campaigner.
I might even accompany them to each house in the rest of the street and give a No argument to every person they try to persuade to Yes. Should be pretty easy:

“The ATSIVP would be an explicitly racist organisation, which gives greater representation to parliament for one race other all others. The government should not be creating and funding organisations like that, especially when the National Indigenous Australians Agency has already existed for 4 years, has many of the same functions as the Voice, and hasn’t solved regional aboriginal inequality. About 80% of people who qualify as indigenous are in the middle class, live in cities, and don’t experience the violence and poverty seen in Alice Springs. A problem that obviously is not caused by _being_ Aboriginal does not need an exclusively Aboriginal-only organisation to solve it. Outback Aborigines have it within their power to improve their living conditions by thinking and behaving differently within the existing political system.”

July 2, 2023 1:34 pm

Well it’s not what Monty might think it is, ie, whatever they want.
You don’t know any ‘trad’ ie Latin mass Catholics Monty, on the other hand I do, though I’m not one myself.
You are wrong.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 2, 2023 1:36 pm

johanna says:
July 2, 2023 at 1:20 pm


Hello chook.(: How are the bones?

July 2, 2023 1:39 pm

Well anyone who could afford a $3.75M house in 1996 was a multimillionaire.
So the right comparison is the CAGR of the kind of job who could afford that price of house…. or better, the CAGR of the income of the actual person who bought the actual house in Paddington.

It was last sold for $580,000 in 1996.

No, they might have been well off, but they were not necessarily millionaires at the time of the purchase. Not necessarily a specialist doctor or a successful barrister.

July 2, 2023 1:42 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 1:43 pm

I believe the Mansell clan looms large indigenous politics in Tasmania, almost to the point of saying who can and who cannot claim indigenous status.

July 2, 2023 1:43 pm

I believe the Mansell clan looms large indigenous politics in Tasmania, almost to the point of saying who can and who cannot claim indigenous status.

Mansell cornered the 251 rip-off long before even Brucie got involved .. one of the original “fake” 251 s who got in on the ground floor ..

July 2, 2023 1:45 pm

I believe the Mansell clan looms large indigenous politics in Tasmania, almost to the point of saying who can and who cannot claim indigenous status.

I think so too, more or less synonymous with Palawa.
I’ve got a feeling that there is some doubt as to whether they are even Tasmanian but rather the women taken as wives by the sealers were actually Victorian.

July 2, 2023 1:46 pm

The Premier said the yes campaign should hold rallies .. engage with those who are undecided.
Rallies with the same level of attendance as LGB getz aren’t really vote swayers .. LOL!

July 2, 2023 1:47 pm

Another way to look at it is the property price to entry-level ADF officer rank ratio was nearly twenty and a half times in 1996 and now it is almost 45 times.

What happens if this trend continues for decades to come?

July 2, 2023 1:53 pm

The Aboriginal medical and legal services were stretched to the limit.

Interesting to note that legal services responsibility was taken away from the Tasmanians and given to Victoria because ircc it was predominantly being used for civil rather than criminal matters.

July 2, 2023 1:56 pm

Steve trickler says:
July 2, 2023 at 1:36 pm

johanna says:
July 2, 2023 at 1:20 pm


Hello chook.(: How are the bones?

Hey Steve.

Don’t ask about the bones.

Fortunately, the brain seems to be holding up OK. So far. 🙂

Try not to get alienated from your entire family, even if that means biting your tongue now and then. If something bad happened to you, you wouldn’t want to be relying on the Benevolent State.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 2, 2023 2:04 pm

Dot clarified:

It was last sold for $580,000 in 1996.

Ah, so it was 3 times the median house price in 1996. Yep, they were rich.

Another way to look at it is the property price to entry-level ADF officer rank ratio was nearly twenty and a half times in 1996 and now it is almost 45 times.

No news there.
For the last 10 years I have known, via the International Housing Affordability Survey, that Australia has the 2nd most unaffordable housing in the world, second only to Hong Kong which is really saying something.
That is a function of median house price which is less affected by sales at the top end like the example you cite.

Yes I know it is unsustainable, I’ve never said otherwise. If market forces were permitted to operate they would have corrected this trend already, which is why I do not predict a “market correction”. So results will be a combination of homelessness, horrible social housing, subdivision and rezoning to require double and triple storey residences, more trees being bulldozed. If the banks cannot keep running the real estate Ponzi scheme any more… maybe some G20-style bail-ins for TBTF banks and some deflation.
What do you reckon?

July 2, 2023 2:06 pm

Whenever I see one of mono-testicles screeds, Kelvin the giggling idiot, always comes to mind.

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 2:10 pm

Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you’ll just rattle your jewelry.

– John Lennon

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2023 2:21 pm

First home buyers generally bought at the edges, where the new houses are going up.
House and Land cost about 4 times average Wages 60 years ago.

The difference now is that the edge of town might be 15 or 20 k further out now, but the house and land still costs 4 times average wages.

Yeah, that edge of town property with dirt roads and no sewerage from 60 years ago is now in the million dollar range, but that’s a function of scarcity, not evidence of a bubble.
Bottom line:
Houses are dear.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2023 2:23 pm

Church being demolished in France 7 years ago.

July 2, 2023 2:26 pm

Imagine in 60 years time though an aspirational home, maybe the 2nd or 3rd you buy with your spouse, is 220 times your graduate/ journeyman salary.

That’s what’s in store for our descendants if this trend keeps up.

July 2, 2023 2:28 pm

Median houses?

I think median 3 bedroom dwellings is a better measure.

Look, run down fibros in Gwabegar are practically irrelevant.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 2, 2023 2:43 pm

Tasmanian indigenous activist Michael Mansell…

Sure. Saw Mansell about in the 1980s down in Hobart at the University of Tasmania.

He had red hair and blue eyes.

Last time I saw him, decades ago, he had blonde hair (peroxide) and blue eyes.

Now has grey hair and blue eyes.

Son of a sealer from Cape Barren Island. Probably has a splash in him from there.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 2, 2023 2:44 pm

Cricket coverage on SEN NZ.

Thanks for the tip Tom @12.23pm.

July 2, 2023 2:49 pm

It is extraordinary that this vast continent has such a history of housing shortages.

After WWII, there was a predictable shortage as servicemen came back and wanted to form families with their own home.

Materials and tradies were scarce. Fortunately, there was a material called fibro that leapt into the market. It came in big sheets, making construction faster and cheaper.

Like many Australians, I grew up in fibro houses, but these days they are considered potentially fatal because there is asbestos embedded in the sheeting.

That you would have to shatter the walls and repeately hammer at the edges with a fan aimed at and blowing into the ‘test’ mechanism makes no difference. The activists and their ambulance-chasing lawyers have got the scent.

The material that helped to alleviate the last housing shortage is now the subject of litigation.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 2, 2023 2:51 pm

“We all share in the cost of failure and it’s a big cost in dollars and so much more…”

Cost? Yes.

Responsibility? No.

That lies with the people who craft the policies and programs, find them, and then through goldfish-like attention never think to look back and check to see the results.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 2, 2023 2:54 pm

Are you really self represented unless you plead the Magna Carta?

July 2, 2023 2:58 pm

“That lies with the people who craft the policies and programs…and then through goldfish-like attention never think to look back and check to see the results.”

Benchmarking is racist.

July 2, 2023 3:06 pm

SSM was the Trojan Horse. I knew it at the time and I have been proven right.

Stevie Wonder could have seen it coming. Societies can and have descended into the depths of depravity at which point are almost impossible to ‘save’. Best to look out for yourself and likeminded family and friends. Cut off the depraved and their enablers, we dont want to go where they will be going.

July 2, 2023 3:10 pm

A laborious, and vacuous, instrument
By George Weigel – July 2, 2023


It would not be quite accurate to describe the Working Document for the October 2023 Synod (its Instrumentum Laboris, or IL) as “disappointing.”

The better description of the IL, it seems to me, is that it’s vacuous: a great deal of clotted, trendy sociologese with a thin veneer of Christian language and imagery. The net result is a portrait of the church that rather completely misses the central teaching of the Second Vatican Council.

And how can a process in which (at best) 1 per cent of the church has participated be considered an expression of the sensus fidelium, the “sense of the faithful?”

The IL is woefully lacking in moral theology. There is no statement in the IL that the Beatitudes are the Magna Carta of the Christian moral life, or that the Ten Commandments and the moral teaching of the church are guideposts leading us to personal happiness, social solidarity, and ultimately beatitude: eternal life within the light and love of the Thrice-Holy God.

The general impression the IL Worksheets give is that the synodal assembly will be something akin to a kindergarten classroom: “Color between the lines, girls and boys.”

There is much in the church in need of renewal and reform. The working document for the Synod on Synodality does not advance that cause. Nor does it reflect the Christocentric teaching and spirit of Vatican II.

July 2, 2023 3:12 pm

Totally unsurprising.

Democratic Strongholds Are Seeing Their Tax Revenue Plummet

Heavily taxed blue states such as New York and California last year had some of the country’s most drastic drops in tax revenue. At the same time, Republican states are enjoying the highest revenue increases even as they keep income taxes low.

It isn’t the dole bums and the ‘homeless’ that are stampeding out of those states to get away from marxist govts who believe deeply in wealth redistribution.

July 2, 2023 3:31 pm

“We all share in the cost of failure and it’s a big cost in dollars and so much more…”

And it will always be so .. 98% of gummint give-away money schemes are dun without any voter input .. none of us (voters) are ever asked if we approve/disapprove of the $billions squandered on fanciful ideas ..
The pollies use”our” money for their personal expenditure favourites without any interest in what we think .. after all, by the time the next election comes around everyone has moved on ..
especially, these dayz in Oz where we are voting new no hopers in to get the current no hopers out! ..
a lose, lose situation for the vote-herd ..

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 3:31 pm

I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.

– Joan Rivers

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 2, 2023 3:37 pm

who craft the policies and programs, find fund them,

Sweet cheeses.

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 3:37 pm

Interview: Living in a Coup with Massive Election Rigging & War

Commentary by Greg Hunter:

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got. His cycle work says don’t look for it to get better anytime soon. Armstrong explains, “We are in the midst of a coup. We have all these people who have been neocons for 30 years. Even Ron Paul said recently that the neocons have been waging war for 30 years and have not won a one single one. This is what they live for. Look at the clip of Lindsey Graham saying this is the best money we ever spent killing Russians. How can you take pleasure in that statement that this is the best money we ever spent killing Russians. This is not defense. These are the words of a psychopath in my mind. . . . They are not about to accept anybody who is going to be against war. The neocons are in full control of the government—period. We are living in the time of a coup. The United States is not the free country you thought it was. . . .”

Armstrong also predicts that the neocons will rig the 2024 election so Biden (or some other neocon) gets a second term. Is there any way to stop this election rigging and fraud in 2024? Armstrong says, “I don’t believe so. Our computers show that holy hell breaks loose starting in 2025. I think the problem will be the cheating will be in everybody’s face this time.”

Armstrong also says the neocons will try to start a war before the 2024 election so Biden will win because a wartime president has never lost an election. Armstrong says the cheating will be necessary because the real poll numbers for Biden are in the single digits and not the 40% approval ratings the Lying Legacy Media tells you. Armstrong contends Biden’s approval number is still stuck at 9.5% with his deadly accurate Socrates computer program, but the big reason for Biden and his crew to worry is the real inflation number. Armstrong says, “Inflation is subsiding a little bit, but it is basically still over 26%.”

Armstrong says Biden’s approval numbers are so low and inflation is so high that they have to have war with Russia. War is the reason they had to remove Trump out of the White House because Trump was against constant war. Armstrong adds, “No way they are going to allow a free election. It you think the CIA cannot rig the vote, I don’t know what planet you live on.”

Don’t expect Fed Head Jay Powell to lower interest rates. It will be just the opposite. Armstrong explains, “What is Powell looking at? War is the number one cause of inflation. He can’t say because you people are dumping all this money into Ukraine, inflation is only going to go higher because then he is criticizing the government. So, he just says he’s looking at ‘international considerations.’ Look what the Vietnam war did. It broke the back of Bretton Woods. War is always the number one problem. The neocons only care about winning, and they do not care about the country. The do not care about your 401-k or your retirement. They could care less.”

In closing, Armstrong warns, “Russia is like a wild animal, and if it is cornered, it will attack.” This means the whole thing in Ukraine could go nuclear if Russia is pushed into a corner. And what about all that debt the western world has built up? Armstrong says, “They intend to default on all the sovereign debt. . . .I don’t see this succeeding. I think it’s all going to collapse. The reason why they are doing this is they realize they are losing power. They feel it slipping out of their fingers. The more that happens, the more they become aggressive. That’s what this is all about.”

July 2, 2023 3:40 pm

Caught on Video: Trans ‘Woman’ with Erect Penis Allegedly Photographs Women in Women’s Restroom

A better solution would be for the women there to to gang up & beat the hell out of him & then post the video as a warning ……….

July 2, 2023 3:41 pm
July 2, 2023 3:41 pm

a lot of us here do not have twitter accounts. Any chance you could copy and paste?

July 2, 2023 3:46 pm

a lot of us here do not have twitter accounts. Any chance you could copy and paste?

The problem is most of the stuff is video clips .. if you haven’t got a twitter a/c you can’t see the vid even with cut & paste cos the vid address is a twitter address …

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 3:46 pm

who craft the policies and programs, find fund them,

Sweet cheeses.

Blessed are the Cheesemakers –

July 2, 2023 3:51 pm

Catch Up
Welcome to the they/them army.

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2023 3:53 pm

“Caught on Video: Trans ‘Woman’ with Erect Penis Allegedly Photographs Women in Women’s Restroom”

The pervert should be bobbitted. After that, I doubt he’d dare enter a woman’s restroom again.

Harlequin Decline
July 2, 2023 3:54 pm

Euthenasia, another parody becomes reality a decade later-

July 2, 2023 3:54 pm

Australia urged to give more to Ukraine as budget surplus to be bigger than expected

I’d urge all foreign war funding be withdrawn. If not, then give it to Russia to help end this war quickly, while signalling to the US and NATO that they have overstepped.

Harlequin Decline
July 2, 2023 3:56 pm

Link dissappeared somehow.

July 2, 2023 3:56 pm

a lot of us here do not have twitter accounts. Any chance you could copy and paste?

Unfortunately not. It’s a 9 minute talk by Mike Benz on the effect of the current changes to Twitter access. He is basically saying that, whether Musk knows it or not, he is cutting off access to the intelligence services for their data gathering for censorship purposes, or as he puts it, scraping millions of accounts to create a high level view of users. He says Musk is treading on a rattlesnake and you can expect to hear the screams of protest.

Much better to hear it directly from him but that is the nub of it.

July 2, 2023 3:57 pm

That you would have to shatter the walls and repeately hammer at the edges with a fan aimed at and blowing into the ‘test’ mechanism makes no difference. The activists and their ambulance-chasing lawyers have got the scent.

The main problem now being the “nanny” state mindset is so well entrenched that we aren’t allowed to make decisions about what is good or bad for us .. bit like “use-by-dates” lotz of us were around long before they invented that guff and we’ve managed to survive ..

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 4:00 pm

“Caught on Video: Trans ‘Woman’ with Erect Penis Allegedly Photographs Women in Women’s Restroom”

Some time ago, here in the Wild West, a “trans woman” announce that he/she would be using the “Ladies” facilities at a nearby restaurant. He/she was dissuaded by an angry father, who announced that he had a set of sheep castrating gear “in the ute” outside….

July 2, 2023 4:05 pm

Heritage-listed island in the heart of Sydney Harbour to be handed back to Indigenous Australians – with a $43million promise

Goat Island will be transferred to Aboriginal ownership
The island is located in Sydney Harbour

July 2, 2023 4:08 pm

And how the anointed recipients of Goat Island chosen?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 4:12 pm

P says:
July 2, 2023 at 4:05 pm
Heritage-listed island in the heart of Sydney Harbour to be handed back to Indigenous Australians – with a $43million promise

Goat Island will be transferred to Aboriginal ownership
The island is located in Sydney Harbour

The island is littered with white man’s structures, absolutely destroying its original condition. Those structures must, must ALL be removed, and the original indigenous vegetation restored, before the handover.

July 2, 2023 4:13 pm

Idolent, thank you for the explanation, appreciated.

Shatterzzz, thanks also for the info.

July 2, 2023 4:14 pm

Ummm what about the Australian heritage, as Goat Is was an important naval facility both colonial and post federation.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 4:15 pm

Those structures must, must ALL be removed, and the original indigenous vegetation restored, before the handover.

Isn’t that what the 43 million quid is for?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 4:16 pm

Oh, sorry, I doubt that is what is intended in the $43 million “clean-up” program.

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 4:20 pm

Indolent says:
July 2, 2023 at 3:38 pm
A very different view of what is happening at Twitter.

Twitter is twittering/twattering with limited access to the ‘social gossip’ and followers (the sheep) are disappearing quick smart.

Probably a good thing really.

Free Speech rules. Except that censorship gets in the way.

July 2, 2023 4:21 pm

And how the anointed recipients of Goat Island chosen?

I clicked the link all I saw was more white fauxboriginals. Not that I am surprised.

I remember a cultural heritage guy I used to escort checking out our proposed new drill sites, who used to look at the cow paddocks they were in and would exclaim that after 100 years of cattle trampling round these paddocks any remnants of aboriginal heritage are long gone. I’d say same for Goat Is.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
July 2, 2023 4:27 pm

Sorry if this has already been posted. I just can’t bring myself to read it all. Perhaps stronger Cats here can? Utterly disgraceful article to generate click bait for the Oz.

Anti-democrat Donald Trump Jr should not be allowed into Australia
Follow @TroyBramston
troy bramston

8:00PM JULY 1, 2023 274 COMMENTS

Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of disgraced former US president Don­ald Trump and executive vice-president of The Trump Organisation, will be in Australia for a promotional tour speaking at events in Sydney on July 8 and continuing to Brisbane and Melbourne.

But Trump should not be granted a visa to enter Australia because he fails multiple character test requirements under the Migration Act. Trump is an anti-democrat who encouraged the overturning of an election. He is a conspiracy theorist who spread misinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic. And he leads an organisation found guilty of tax fraud and document falsification.

This is not about denying freedom of speech or de-platforming a person with controversial views but about upholding the integrity of our immigration laws as they relate to non-citizens. Everybody should have the right to express their views provided they do not encourage illegality, engage in hate speech, sow division or propagate harmful conspiracy theories.

It is completely unacceptable to allow Trump Jr to come to Australia to give voice to the undermining of democratic elections, disrespecting the rule of law, denigrating people based on their race, religion or sexuality, and provoking political unrest. He has done all of these things and will do so in Australia, in search of a willing antipodean MAGA audience.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil can use her authority under the Migration Act 1958 and Migration Regulations 1994 to “refuse to grant a person a visa if the person does not pass the character test”. The legislation defines the character test at subsection 501(6) of the act.

It stipulates that if the person has an association with or is a member of an organisation that has been involved in criminal conduct, or the reasonable suspicion of such conduct, they can be denied a visa to Australia. Trump Jr clearly meets this requirement. Last December The Trump Organisation was found guilty of 17 counts of tax fraud, which included falsifying business records and conspiracy.

In January this year the company Trump Jr co-runs was fined $US1.6m ($2.4m) for systematic and extensive tax avoidance. Allen Weisselberg, the former chief financial officer of The Trump Organisation, pleaded guilty to tax evasion and was sentenced to five months in jail.

It has been well documented that Trump Jr was involved in the attempt by his father to overturn the 2020 US presidential election and helped encourage the riot at the Capitol in January 2021, which resulted in death, injury and destruction. The son played a key role in the failed re-election campaign of his father, and remains a MAGA supporter and surrogate.

When it was clear the 2020 election was lost, Trump Jr tweeted that his father should “go to total war” and “expose all of the fraud, cheating” that had taken place. There was no evidence of electoral rigging by US Democrats. Moreover, the encouragement of “total war” was inflammatory and potentially dangerous.

In the days after the election, Trump Jr urged White House chief of staff Mark Meadows via text message to try to overturn the election. He outlined several options, including sending alternative slates of electors to the US Capitol for the electoral college certification, to sabotage the electoral process. “We have multiple paths,” he texted Meadows. “We control them all.”

On January 6, the day of the insurrection at the US Capitol, Trump Jr spoke to supporters about “being in this fight with us” to stop the election being stolen and the country going to hell. Off stage, Trump Jr filmed family and staff excitedly watching the rally. That rally was the spark that led to the riot at the US Capitol and the attempt to disrupt the electoral college vote. This is evidence of being associated with another organisation or group involved in criminal conduct under the Migration Act.

A quick scan of Trump Jr’s social media feeds or appearances on far-right television and radio and podcasts shows a range of offensive statements that invoke white supremacist, homophobic and anti-Semitic language and imagery. He even accused Joe Biden of being a pedophile. He recently, and falsely, claimed US agencies were mobilising to “interfere in the 2024 election” to stop his alleged criminal father reclaiming the presidency.

During the pandemic, Trump Jr repeatedly downplayed the severity of the virus, ridiculed mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns, and endorsed the quackery that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment rather than vaccination. This is dangerous nonsense and runs counter to the policies implemented by Coalition and Labor governments in Australia.

The Trump Jr tour, with “special guests” Nigel Farage and senator Alex Antic, is being organised by Turning Point Australia. It is surprising that otherwise credible organisations such as Ticketek are selling tickets and the Aware Super Theatre at Darling Harbour Sydney is the Sydney venue.

The Migration Act is clear that if there is a risk the person entering Australia would vilify segments of the Australian community, harass or intimidate people, or “incite discord” with their views, then they should be denied entry on character grounds. There is plenty of evidence that this is what Trump Jr plans to do in Australia.

Those who previously have been denied entry to Australia include tennis player Novak Djokovic after failing to meet vaccination requirements; rapper Snoop Dogg for drug and firearm convictions; anti-vaxxer Kent Heckenlively; Johnny Depp and Amber Heard after failing to declare their dogs Pistol and Boo; far-right activist and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes; and far-right rabble rouser Milo Yiannopoulos.

Trump Jr is, arguably, a more serious threat on character grounds than some of the above and is certainly in the league of Yiannopoulos and McInnes.

Ultimately, the decision whether to allow Trump Jr entry into Australia to promulgate election denialism, defend corporate criminality, spread misinformation and quite likely vilify sections of the Australian community, and thus incite division and discord, is one for O’Neil. It is not too late to act, Minister.

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 4:32 pm

Heritage-listed island in the heart of Sydney Harbour to be handed back to Indigenous Australians – with a $43million promise

Goat Island will be transferred to Aboriginal ownership.

The island is located in Sydney Harbour

The island is littered with white man’s structures, absolutely destroying its original condition. Those structures must, must ALL be removed, and the original indigenous vegetation restored, before the handover.

So who exactly gets this island? What tribe? And the ancestors? Who are they? Have they been identified and proven as to who they actually are? Will they be living as the tribe was in 1788. This all needs more looking into. FFS.

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 4:43 pm

It’s been so long since I’ve had sex I’ve forgotten who ties up whom.

– Joan Rivers

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2023 4:51 pm

“Sorry if this has already been posted. I just can’t bring myself to read it all. Perhaps stronger Cats here can? Utterly disgraceful article to generate click bait for the Oz.”

I read it this morning and I then posted a piece where I referred to Mavis Bramston as a piece of human garbage, a description which is perhaps a tad too kind.

On Friday Mavis Bramston wrote a piece after the Gladys judgment came down, calling her corrupt, a description he’s never used to describe the four premiers that oversaw Steady Eddie Obeid’s reign of malfeasance and corruption during the very corrupt sixteen years of Labor government from 1995 to 2011…..a time when ICAC was sound asleep. Under his Oz piece on Friday Bramston was rightly rebuked by Chris Kenny who wrote…

“So says the former president of Young Labor. Imagine if the Left applied these same risible standards to, you know, the Left.”

Quite so Chris Kenny.

It’s why I like Chris Kenny, despite his dislike of dogs and his promotion of da Voice,, he’s right on everything else and he doesn’t mince words.

But as wrote this morning, in his garbage piece, Bramston refers to the banning of Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes from this country in 2018 and 2019 respectively. And what government banned them? It wasn’t a Labor government. No, it was a Liberal National government, with Scumbag as PM.

July 2, 2023 5:07 pm

Driving back from Melbourne this arvo, I told my wife about a book idea that I had been sketching out. I told her the basic plot and a couple of other thoughts, and she went silent.

After a minute or so I said to her “You haven’t said anything about my book idea, I thought you may have a couple of suggestions”.

She replied ” The only thing I can suggest is that you don’t write it”.

That is the end of my idea of being an author.

July 2, 2023 5:09 pm

troy bramston is a lying sack of shit

July 2, 2023 5:11 pm

The leftards don’t believe in good or evil, only power.

July 2, 2023 5:19 pm

Sfw write the book for yourself, not your soon to be ex-wife when your book becomes a best seller. Maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned about the main characters wife as being the practice wife.

July 2, 2023 5:42 pm

I am unable to access anything that is on twitter, no matter the form. Frustrating I admit but I am not joining twitter. at
this point

If you follow TheLastRefuge, catturd2, JackPosobiec and a couple of others, they can be seen at

July 2, 2023 5:47 pm

Cats – the stupid forking gliberals.

Boo, hiss, etc.

Quite frankly, I’d rather watch Miss maggie’s boozies bouncing around, while she strides around Manhattan like she owns the place. 🙂

July 2, 2023 5:54 pm

Crucifix removed from Calvary hospital at Bruce

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 6:00 pm


I dread to ask. Was it returned to the church, or thrown in the nearest rubbish skip?

July 2, 2023 6:00 pm

I choked up watching the above clip of the removal of the cross from Calvary hospital.
They couldn’t wait until tomorrow when they officially become the owners.
This, on a Sunday!

Delta A
Delta A
July 2, 2023 6:02 pm

She replied ” The only thing I can suggest is that you don’t write it”.

Sfw, it’s sad that your wife isn’t supportive, but go ahead and write your book. It will open up a whole new world for you, not only from a creative perspective, but also because it is character building, requiring great self disipline, determination and self confidence.

Very best of luck to you.

Delta A
Delta A
July 2, 2023 6:08 pm

Crucifix removed from Calvary hospital at Bruce

That picture tells a thousand words about our government; not one of them good.


July 2, 2023 6:09 pm

That is the end of my idea of being an author.

SFW, do not take your wife’s approval as a final decision on whether you should write a book.

What will decide the viability of a book idea is the number of copies it will sell.

Many book ideas have found their market because of latent ideas that “experts” thought wouldn’t sell.

Especially in the current anti-intellectual environment, many good book ideas aren’t acted on because “experts” (a.k.a. drips under pressure) didn’t like them.

Loved ones may not be the best source of wisdom on book ideas because their primary concern is often the wellbeing of those they love, not the potential success of book ideas that loved ones have thought up.

July 2, 2023 6:14 pm

Chief Nerd

? BOMBSHELL: New Investigation Finds 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses May Have Been a Placebo

“They were experimenting on people. There’s no other way to slice it. The only other thing that’s possible is that they were covering up for the massive number of side effects…And the only way to mitigate it, to keep the public calm and to keep taking our injection, is to give a chunk of them a placebo.”

July 2, 2023 6:15 pm

The muck served up by mavis in the oz is why I will never ever give money to legacy meja.

July 2, 2023 6:19 pm

Pretty funny.

I know someone who knows someone who rented that 3.5 mn pad.

Small rooms, old everything, lack of accessibility, stairwells everywhere.

On their recent rent: < 2% gross rental yield for the hapless investor; inflation is still over 5% and even low-risk, "prime", low LVR mortgages are now over 5.8%.

In my opinion, expecting capital gains every year for the next 30 years exceeding 11% is ambitious.

July 2, 2023 6:21 pm

Welcome to country and Smoking Ceremonies Are BULLSHIT

Some sense from the Price girls:

A former indigenous politician who received a prestigious award from Barack Obama has described Aboriginal’ welcome to country’ ceremonies as ‘bullshit’.

Quote from former indigenous NT minister Bess Price (mother of Jacinta Price):

“All the “Welcome to Country”, all the “Smoking Ceremonies” and all the made up bullshit rituals about “pay our respects to elders past and present” is just one big lie.”

The ‘welcome to country’ was adopted into Australia’s parliamentary protocols in 2008, after the then prime minister Kevin Rudd delivered his apology to the stolen generation.

However, two years after that decision Aboriginal entertainer Ernie Dingo claimed that he invented the concept in 1976 when Pacific Island dancers demanded they receive a traditional welcome.

The Aboriginals have supposedly been here for at least 30,000 years (some say more like 60,000 years). That’s about 29,750 years before the British arrived.

The fact is, as uncomfortable and as unfashionable as it is, aboriginal Australia had not produced anything resembling a Shakespeare, nothing much in the way of technology, never discovered the wheel and no philosophy to speak of, in the 30,000 years available to it. The English brought the rule of law, the Westminster system, the notion of progress and all the benefits of the science, technology and ingenuity of the modern European tradition.

On 26 January 1788 when the First Fleet ships unloaded their ~1200 convicts, Royal Marine guards and officials, not a shot was fired. As they looked around what’s now Circular Quay they saw nothing other than bush. Not a single building, planted field, domesticated plant or animal – nothing at all. It was the same across the continent.

It was “terra nullius” – a vacant land.

There was no indigenous Army to defeat in battle, no Aboriginal flag to lower. There was nothing to claim as the spoils of victory.

There was just wild bush. The few Aborigines who came out to have a look at these strange people were completely illiterate and innumerate and those on the south side of the harbor spoke a language completely unintelligible to those on the north side of the harbor and they’d been constantly at war with each other for as long as anyone can remember. To this day Australian Aboriginal languages consist of around 290-363 dialects belonging to an estimated 28 language families and isolates, spoken by Aboriginal

Australians of mainland Australia and a few nearby islands.

There was no “invasion”.

Since the arrival of the English, only about 250 years ago, Australia has prospered and developed into a modern first world country, along with all other Western democracies.

Yet for at least 30,000 years (prior to the arrival of the British) the Aboriginals seemed to have not progressed one step.

To put this into perspective, the Egyptian empire came and went between around 1570 BC and 1070 BC.

Aboriginals had inhabited our great land for at least 27,000 years prior to the Egyptian empire.

The Greek empire was at its peak in the period 500 BC to 300 BC and the Roman empire was at its peak around 117 BC.

Each of those empires were highly advanced and contributed enormously to the advancement of the modern world.

It therefore beats me why the Aboriginals are now so revered.

55 years ago, under the Holt Liberal government, that 90.77 per cent of Australians voted to remove race from the constitution, putting ‘indigenous’ Australian people on the same legal footing as all other Australians and allowing them to be counted in the Australian population.

It was a momentous shift towards equality.

Half a century later, the Albanese Labor government wants to insert ‘race’ back into the constitution!

To enshrine a special place in the constitution based purely on racial grounds is racism pure and simple. Length of time on the continent whether it be 40,000 years, 250 years or 10 years shouldn’t be the determinant for any special consideration to any population cohort in the constitution.


We are all Australians and should share the same laws and government. Black, brindle or white we voted the government in to act for all Australians irrespective of colour race.

July 2, 2023 6:22 pm

It’s a 9 minute talk by Mike Benz on the effect of the current changes to Twitter access. He is basically saying that, whether Musk knows it or not, he is cutting off access to the intelligence services for their data gathering for censorship purposes, or as he puts it, scraping millions of accounts to create a high level view of users. He says Musk is treading on a rattlesnake and you can expect to hear the screams of protest

What I said yesterday.

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2023 6:23 pm

Dover, the site is looking good.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 6:35 pm

Rod Moran, in “Quadrant”, pulling the latest round of “Stories My Nanna Told Me”, about the Forrest River massacre, to pieces.

July 2, 2023 6:35 pm

GreyRanga says:
July 2, 2023 at 5:19 pm
Sfw write the book for yourself, not your soon to be ex-wife when your book becomes a best seller. Maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned about the main characters wife as being the practice wife.

I believe the term is a starter wife.

July 2, 2023 6:41 pm

Trajectory for Goat Island…

Hands out for muchos munni for “cultural redevelopment” including information centre, wharf revamp, dedicated ferry services, all ticket clipped including many…many bums sitting around doing sweet buggerall while pulling handsome wages.

In five years, the entire enterprise will be completely run down and in need of another massive cash injection because, while there may be many interested visitors especially tourists, cash will have been systematically ripped from the business rather than being reinjected.

Rinse and repeat, money churn fashion. It’s not a one-off, it’s the model.

July 2, 2023 6:43 pm

Indolent says:
July 2, 2023 at 6:15 pm
White House cautiously opens the door to study blocking sun’s rays to slow global warming

Didn’t we just have that with the Tongan volcano?

They I’ll not give up until we are in a full ice age or until they are forced out.

July 2, 2023 6:49 pm

Thanks for your efforts Dover. My link with sanity from the other side of the world.

I have engaged, very carefully, with locals here about progressivism. Many seem disgusted, but shy of being overly critical. Except for one refreshing young lady who was walking her derg – we were headed in the same direction. She waxed lyrical about the horrors of the covid response and the rise of gender identity and other mad policies. I expect she would have loved this blog.

We were out in the open air so she could be quite frank. I doubt the labradoodle was a snitch.

July 2, 2023 6:49 pm

This is the ACMA crew who will be implementing rub and tug’s new mis and dis policy:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 2, 2023 6:49 pm

Dover – In case you haven’t noticed there’s been a weird thing with a thread being duplicated: a second instance of the whole thread appears after the comments box.

The OT was earlier, but is not now. Rabz’s music thread still is.

July 2, 2023 6:51 pm

Timeout error 534 again. 3rd time occurring. Longest outage was around 5:30pm for 20 odd minutes…

July 2, 2023 6:51 pm

To enshrine a special place in the constitution based purely on racial grounds is racism pure and simple. Length of time on the continent whether it be 40,000 years, 250 years or 10 years shouldn’t be the determinant for any special consideration to any population cohort in the constitution.

Majority of people are coming to this conclusion, particularly those at the 10 years end. Who would agree to be declared a second class citizen in a country you just embraced? The biggest spruikers of the Yes vote are people who have affluent but empty lives and need a cause to feel good about themselves. No matter how much they claim to be doing it for the disadvantaged indigenes they are really doing it for themselves.

If the Yes voters were so concerned about the condition of aborigines in remote communities there is nothing to stop them doing something about it now. Why wait? Get to it.

July 2, 2023 6:54 pm

This is the ACMA crew who will be implementing rub and tug’s new mis and dis policy

Don’t even need to google their careers. In safe hands…

July 2, 2023 6:54 pm

Somebody is obviously upset enough about my comment about the starter wife to give me a zero. I didn’t invent it, I simply read about it. And no, I was not one.

July 2, 2023 6:54 pm

sfw, write your book.
My son wrote a book. All through his writing and research, he told me about it, what it was about etc. He had a few copies professionally printed. Gave some away to friends etc. I have never laid eyes on it. He never gave me a copy to read.
His business. He seemed to need to work through some issues. I have never asked him about it since. Make of this what you will.

July 2, 2023 6:55 pm

I’m at the White Star Inn at Southampton.

Around the walls are photos and plans and posters of White Star ships, including a bulkhead plan of Titanic.

This does not fill me with confidence.

You will be relieved to know that I won’t be commenting much over the next couple of weeks…Cunard’s internet charges are usurious and I’m not playing. So my impressions of Iceland may have to wait until I’m at London City Airport. Off to France, so you can get a double serve of carbeque land commentary.

July 2, 2023 6:58 pm

Not at dinner time Cohenite- how come Canbra ‘people’ don’t look like normal people.

Johnny Rotten
July 2, 2023 6:58 pm

Goat Island will be transferred to Aboriginal ownership.

The island is located in Sydney Harbour

The island is littered with white man’s structures, absolutely destroying its original condition. Those structures must, must ALL be removed, and the original indigenous vegetation restored, before the handover.

LOL. So what will happen with Cockatoo Island? Put all the cockatoos back? And for how much money? And who gets the island?

Don’t stop there. Just give back the whole of Australia and put it back the way it was in 1788. There. That should do it nicely.

July 2, 2023 6:59 pm
July 2, 2023 7:02 pm

I have been watching the evening recap of Outsiders.
Rowan Dean put up the BEST photo of bonkers Bowen I have ever seen.
His mouth was screwed up like a cat’s bum. LOL!
erk, Goldilocks has just begun. I am going to watch Big Bang reruns.

July 2, 2023 7:02 pm

I have engaged, very carefully, with locals here about progressivism. Many seem disgusted, but shy of being overly critical. Except for one refreshing young lady who was walking her derg – we were headed in the same direction. She waxed lyrical about the horrors of the covid response and the rise of gender identity and other mad policies. I expect she would have loved this blog.

Calli, I was at a social function last night and the people there, when chatting among themselves, were far more critical of all the issues we discuss here than we are. I almost had to point out the bright side to keep their spirits up. Our betters have no idea of the anger out there.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 2, 2023 7:02 pm

Have a good time in Iceland Calli!
I looked at the geo data earlier today and doesn’t appear to be any volcanic disasters imminent, although you never know…

July 2, 2023 7:05 pm

Rockdoctor says:
July 2, 2023 at 6:54 pm
This is the ACMA crew who will be implementing rub and tug’s new mis and dis policy

Don’t even need to google their careers. In safe hands…

I watched Rowan Dean’s segment on it this morning on The Outsiders. It is truly scary stuff.

July 2, 2023 7:12 pm

You will be relieved to know that I won’t be commenting much over the next couple of weeks… Not at all Calli- really appreciate your observations.

July 2, 2023 7:18 pm

Micron cancels Deutschland jaunt

The bitterest pill

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 7:20 pm

Not at all Calli- really appreciate your observations.

Second that one!

July 2, 2023 7:20 pm

Calli, I loved cruising around Iceland. Every stop and land tour was fabulous with the one highlight being puffins near Seydisfjordur. The other was the Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavik, I just sat inside and thanked God I got to travel to so many places where his people built such beautiful monuments to Him.

Hallgrims Church

July 2, 2023 7:25 pm
July 2, 2023 7:33 pm

Calli, the attractions I highlighted were just two of many in Iceland. It is a truly fabulous place. Our tour guides were very knowledgeable and engaging, even funny. One of the jokes was what do you call two trees in Iceland? A forest. I got thousands of beautiful photos some of which I enlarged and laminated for placemats.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 2, 2023 7:33 pm

I believe the Roman Empire is considered to have peaked in about AD170.

July 2, 2023 7:37 pm

Once more Calli, enjoy Iceland, have a fabulous time, take lots of pictures and notes and give us your impressions when you can.

July 2, 2023 7:39 pm

When I was a teenager I loved ‘Running Blind’ by Desmond Bagley that was set in Iceland. iirc Iceland is actually the Atlantic mid oceanic ridge which is above sea level at that location.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 2, 2023 7:40 pm

Aboriginal leader Patrick Dodson believes Australia will have no integrity to criticise China over its human rights abuses if the Voice to Parliament referendum fails.

The Labor senator, who is an elder of the Yawuru people, made the blunt assertion during his first interview since taking a leave of absence from parliament to undertake medical treatment for an illness back in April.

It comes as recent polls show dwindling support for the Voice to Parliament, with the Yes campaign hoping to boost numbers in the lead up to the referendum.

Some of the reactions:

‘It is unfortunate that Pat Dodson compares Australian human rights conditions to China. Try fact checking,’ wrote one user on Twitter.

Another said: ‘It’s a bit rich to determine that if the NO vote is decided by the Australian population that it is comparable to China’s human rights issues.’

‘More emotional blackmail and shame based ideas with absolutely nothing of any substance to support the Yes mob,’ added a third.

One commentator described the statement as ‘nonsense’.

Daily Mail

July 2, 2023 7:41 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 7:44 pm

Rabz says:
July 2, 2023 at 7:18 pm
Micron cancels Deutschland jaunt

Waaaay back in 1968, when the stoood’nt riots paralysed Paris, de Gaulle made a trip to Germany.

Not to visit the Krauts, but to confirm that the French forces stationed there would be with him if needed. He came back, ready to squash the riots.

July 2, 2023 7:50 pm

Top Ender says:
July 2, 2023 at 7:40 pm
Aboriginal leader Patrick Dodson believes Australia will have no integrity to criticise China over its human rights abuses if the Voice to Parliament referendum fails.

As if the CCP gave a stuff about any indigenes or minorities but admittedly they would hypocritically us it against us at every opportunity. However, we can also cite Uyghurs at every opportunity so in the final analysis: no score.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 2, 2023 7:51 pm

Andrew Bolt: Voice argument treats Aborigines as helpless children

The latest racist reason we’re given for backing Labor’s Voice are the trashed homes of the Martu people.

What an insult to Aborigines.

A journalist at The Australian last week reported on the Martu, about 1000 people living on lands nearly twice the size of Tasmania, in Western Australia’s far northwest. (About another 1000 Martu live off-country.)

She was shocked. Half their houses were unliveable: “An audit … counted a total of 80 homes, of which 40 were deemed to be ‘beyond economic repair’.”

But never fear! “This month, Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney said the Indigenous Voice to Parliament could give practical advice on improving housing …”

Hang on. So to fix Martu homes we must create an Aboriginal-only parliament in our Constitution to force the federal parliament to act?

That’s crazy. Let’s start with a question: How could have half the 80 houses built for the Martu become unliveable?

A photograph in The Australian of one bathroom gives a clue. It is disgustingly filthy. Tap handles have gone walkies.

Another clue: “Residents demonstrated how snakes enter through gaps in the floors or holes where bathroom tiles had fallen away.”

What? If I had that hole in the floor, I’d fix it. I wouldn’t wait to show it to an audit team. I’d also clean my shower and basin.

Even stranger about all those “unliveable” homes is that there’s been so much money to fix them.

The West Australian government has already given the Martu’s Jamukurnu-Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation $5.9m in recent years to repair 57 properties. That’s more than $100,000 each.

So how could half the Martu’s 80 homes still be unliveable? And what are residents doing to fix their own homes?

Another Martu organisation, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa, earns more than $10m a year, thanks to charities, government agencies and businesses, including BHP.

Its annual report says it’s spent a lot of that money and time teaching Martu their traditional culture and language, including “teaching the children to collect bush food, visiting rockholes, tracking threatened species and sharing and telling of stories”.

Excuse me, but wouldn’t teaching them to use a hammer and nails, drills and saws be more useful? Is fixing their own homes something to be left for whites to do, with a Voice to nag them?

This is treating Aborigines as helpless children, always looking to guilty whites to fix things. How racist. How hopeless.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 7:54 pm

Excuse me, but wouldn’t teaching them to use a hammer and nails, drills and saws be more useful?

Trying to teach the indigenous to maintain their own houses doesn’t work – after the first couple of days, no – one shows up.

July 2, 2023 8:08 pm

Its annual report says it’s spent a lot of that money and time teaching Martu their traditional culture and language, including “teaching the children to collect bush food, visiting rockholes, tracking threatened species and sharing and telling of stories”.
Excuse me, but wouldn’t teaching them to use a hammer and nails, drills and saws be more useful? Is fixing their own homes something to be left for whites to do, with a Voice to nag them?

How racist is it to assume that every race and nation in the world can learn a new skill and be independent except the Australian indigenous? The people who can’t see this are the problem.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 2, 2023 8:09 pm

Rowan Dean put up the BEST photo of bonkers Bowen I have ever seen.
His mouth was screwed up like a cat’s bum. LOL!

More like a chook’s bum.

Bowen is insane. Like an incompetent official gifted a position for services rendered.

The Peter Principle.

He spouts a doctrine that he can’t explain but it must be right because he says so.

Follow the science he says. If he followed the science of logic he might be surprised.

But he’s an imbecile/

July 2, 2023 8:09 pm

I thought it was all over in France in January when there were strikes and protests over changes to the retirement age, and before that when the government wanted to increase working hours and before that when fuel taxes were being increased and the Yellow Jackets were marching (but not looting or rioting) .
My bet is this one will end in a week or so.
Violent protests seem to be the French way.

July 2, 2023 8:09 pm

Binging on Jack Ryan.
Series 1, a modern take on Executive Orders. Ok watch.
Series 2, a modern take on Clear & Present Danger with Colombia replaced with Venezuela. Some really cool scenes courtesy of the DoD.
Just starting Series 3, made in 2022, it’s straight from the US policy hand book…maybe it will turn into the Sum of All Fears.

July 2, 2023 8:12 pm

Rooms full of dirty clothes and filthy mattresses despite millions pouring through remote communities.
A new bunch of bureaucrats in Canberra will fix it.

July 2, 2023 8:13 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
July 2, 2023 at 7:54 pm
Excuse me, but wouldn’t teaching them to use a hammer and nails, drills and saws be more useful?

Trying to teach the indigenous to maintain their own houses doesn’t work – after the first couple of days, no – one shows up.

Because they don’t have to, nothing happens if they don’t do so. Somebody else always does it for them. Inspiration means nothing, shaming them means nothing. The only thing that will work is stop doing everything for them.

July 2, 2023 8:15 pm

Crossie says:
July 2, 2023 at 7:02 pm
I have engaged, very carefully, with locals here about progressivism. Many seem disgusted, but shy of being overly critical. Except for one refreshing young lady who was walking her derg – we were headed in the same direction. She waxed lyrical about the horrors of the covid response and the rise of gender identity and other mad policies. I expect she would have loved this blog.

Calli, I was at a social function last night and the people there, when chatting among themselves, were far more critical of all the issues we discuss here than we are. I almost had to point out the bright side to keep their spirits up. Our betters have no idea of the anger out there.

Judging by the people I talk to in the course of my work, people are getting royally pissed off by the focus on the voice when they’re getting crushed by cost of living.
Plenty of comments along the lines of hanging is too good for them. Predominantly trades and working class. Blue collar types.

July 2, 2023 8:16 pm

Blackout Bowen

The sort of imbecile you’d just love to bash the sh*t out of

If for no other reason than he deserves it …

July 2, 2023 8:17 pm

My bet is this one will end in a week or so.
Violent protests seem to be the French way.

Rosie, you are probably right though maybe a couple of weeks until they all get bored.

July 2, 2023 8:18 pm
July 2, 2023 8:20 pm

feelthabern> “cutting off access to the intelligence services for their data gathering for censorship purposes, or as he puts it, scraping millions of accounts to create a high level view of users”

The 3 and 4 letter agencies don’t get their data from twitter (and Google and Microsoft …) by using screen scraping or APIs. The volume is way too big for those channels and they prefer a “direct” feed which cannot be filtered.

July 2, 2023 8:21 pm

Thank for your kind words guys. I was being a bit cheeky, but you know that.

I don’t know whether it’s a UK thing, or if it is something you observe in cities in Australia – women on the prowl wearing sashes. And no, they’re not the bikini wearing Gold Coast meter maids. These large, brawny, screaming creatures appear to be on pub crawls for birthdays or hens. They are truly hideous, noticed them everywhere we went.

I’m not a party pooper by any means but this stuff is dialled up to a manic, disturbing level. And it isn’t just young people either. Elderly harpies with neon hair and saggy tatts (presumably mother of the bride or groom) doing exactly the same thing. It appears to follow the law of diminishing returns too, the higher the volume the less the fun.

And another thing…young people out on dates with nothing to say to each other. Endless scrolling or gazing vacantly into the distance, or even worse scoping the crowd for better options.

These things make one feel old, until I realise that even after almost fifty years The Beloved and I still have plenty to talk about. He’s a good listener, I hope. 😀

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 8:21 pm

Rooms full of dirty clothes and filthy mattresses despite millions pouring through remote communities.

Floorboards, doors and cupboards chopped up for firewood, a fire pit in the middle of the lounge room, you want to run an extension cord outside to listen to music, so you chop a hole in the wall…

July 2, 2023 8:21 pm

Judging by the people I talk to in the course of my work, people are getting royally pissed off by the focus on the voice when they’re getting crushed by cost of living.
Plenty of comments along the lines of hanging is too good for them. Predominantly trades and working class. Blue collar types.

Bluey, you are correct, it is turning out to be a class thing as well as a racial thing. Working class people can see so clearly what the outcome will be while the professional and academic classes seem to be blind or choose to be so.

July 2, 2023 8:25 pm

Excuse me, but wouldn’t teaching them to use a hammer and nails, drills and saws be more useful?

Cousin did a number of ACAP programs as an Army Engineer. Kids great wanted to learn, tribal culture of the settlements very much different. Guess who won.

Barnett had the right idea, close ’em and bulldoze the lot.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 8:32 pm


Because they don’t have to, nothing happens if they don’t do so. Somebody else always does it for them. Inspiration means nothing, shaming them means nothing. The only thing that will work is stop doing everything for them.

Shouldn’t they be encouraged to live the “oldest living culture”? No whitefella housing, 4WDs, rifles, medicines. Just live the old ways, following traditional culture and using traditional language, including “teaching the children to collect bush food, visiting rockholes, tracking threatened species and sharing and telling of stories”.

July 2, 2023 8:33 pm

I had family working on North West running schools in remote places. In addition to not keeping stuff in working order, there is also the cultural thing where if anyone dies in the house nobody will live there and it rapidly gets trashed.

Culture beats (Canbra) Strategy every time …

July 2, 2023 8:35 pm

I’m just going by a photo on abc news from Balgo, supposedly highlighting government neglect.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 8:35 pm

Cousin did a number of ACAP programs as an Army Engineer. Kids great wanted to learn, tribal culture of the settlements very much different

Relatives of mine served in NORFORCE during the Howard Government intervention. The Aboriginal soldiers served as role models for some of the youth “If you want to join our mob, you have to be able to read and write”, while the “elders” sat in the dirt and complained that their authority had been eroded.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2023 8:40 pm


Judging by the people I talk to in the course of my work, people are getting royally pissed off by the focus on the voice when they’re getting crushed by cost of living.
Plenty of comments along the lines of hanging is too good for them. Predominantly trades and working class. Blue collar types.

The ones abandoned by the Liars. IN the modern political divisions I mentioned earlier, Antwheres/Somewheres, Cosmopolitans/Parochials, Insiders/Outsiders, they are almost always in the second group.

Forget about Left/Right, there is a huge number of voters who will get onside with a socially conservative, mildly economically liberal political party.

Seize the hour, seize the day, as Mao Tse-Tung said.

July 2, 2023 8:44 pm

DoverB> The audio is specifically mentioned in first few paragraphs of the indictment. Perhaps you are referring to something else?

See page 2 of this link

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 8:47 pm

Violent protests seem to be the French way.

A bit of letting off le steam?
Awkward that many French cities pave their streets with throwing sized paving stones.

July 2, 2023 8:50 pm

DB> Evidence is not presented until trial. Again, perhaps you are confused on how these kind of legal processes work and what gets presented when.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 8:53 pm

Judging by the people I talk to in the course of my work, people are getting royally pissed off by the focus on the voice when they’re getting crushed by cost of living.
Plenty of comments along the lines of hanging is too good for them. Predominantly trades and working class. Blue collar types.

There was a poll published last week which had da Voice ranked 14th (# fourteen) of issues of importance to voters.
And, as I have said, I know two Rustadons who are vehemently opposed.

July 2, 2023 8:55 pm

These things make one feel old, until I realise that even after almost fifty years The Beloved and I still have plenty to talk about. He’s a good listener, I hope. ?

Calli, it was the same for us, we would talk constantly about anything and especially about the scenery we were travelling through. I was amazed when my husband’s best friend said that he and his wife would drive for eight hours without talking to each other except to communicate about stops.

July 2, 2023 8:56 pm

Pretty obvious the overlords are speeding things up. They sense the sheep are starting to stir.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 9:01 pm

Anyway, “Sliante” to you mob. Mme Zulu should be out of hospital in the next two days, and there may be some normality about life.

July 2, 2023 9:06 pm

No, evidence is presented before trial. The prosecution and the defense don’t just turn up to trial on Day 1 without having already made documents they are presenting as evidence available to the other party. How can you not know this?

Dover, Alamak is as cluey as their namesake.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 9:16 pm

Fiona Stanley tells pro-Voice campaigners she fears referendum loss during underwhelming launch
Rebecca Le MayThe West Australian
Sun, 2 July 2023 7:01PM

The star campaigner for the Yes vote in the Voice referendum has revealed she fears it will not succeed in WA — making the admission at an official launch that drew underwhelming numbers.

The event, which The West Australian estimated drew a crowd of less than 500, also failed to draw any senior political figures, despite both major party leaders in the State supporting the Voice.

Addressing the crowd, former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley was frank about her fears about failure in the west.

“I’m scared that WA is going to vote No,” she said.

“It’s been decades of neglecting and rejecting a First Nations Voice.

“And what about our international reputation? If we do say No, we’ll be a racist, uncaring country.

“I can’t bear it. I can’t go to New Zealand anymore.”

July 2, 2023 9:19 pm

Because they don’t have to, nothing happens if they don’t do so. Somebody else always does it for them

This used to be a common problem in NSW Housing, in fact these minor repair jobs got so out of hand that nowadayz, unless your an OAP, they bill for most minor repairs, eg changing light bulbs also repairs that are, obviously,the fault of the tenant, because a lot of folk are just careless/lazy when they can call someone else out for free ..

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 9:25 pm

Just thinking about sfw’s literary career which has been cut tragically short by Mrs sfw.
From my limited understanding of the workings of the female brain, I wonder if Mrs sfw thinks time might be more productively spent (at work or at home).
Maybe present the project as part-time only, to be fitted around other commitments. Perhaps there is a fear that it will become all-consuming to the detriment of other priorities.
Just my 2 Yen worth.

July 2, 2023 9:31 pm

Crossie says:
July 2, 2023 at 8:21 pm
Judging by the people I talk to in the course of my work, people are getting royally pissed off by the focus on the voice when they’re getting crushed by cost of living.
Plenty of comments along the lines of hanging is too good for them. Predominantly trades and working class. Blue collar types.

Bluey, you are correct, it is turning out to be a class thing as well as a racial thing. Working class people can see so clearly what the outcome will be while the professional and academic classes seem to be blind or choose to be so.

I suspect a lot of the unskilled working class are feeling the pinch of cost of living, well before our overpaid pollies, or many of the professionals.
Seeing such condescension for some BS, rather than addressing issues directly affecting if they can pay bills isn’t going down well.
But then we are supposed to believe Labor is the party of the working man…

July 2, 2023 9:34 pm

“I can’t bear it. I can’t go to New Zealand anymore.”

LOL cause NZ is such a great place, especially the medical bias towards maoris or PI’s.

That said I had to google her to know who she was, sorry must be an east coast thing.

Dunno whether I’m being unfair because her statements on the voice have rubbed me the wrong way but why not have her education recorded as education and not as alma mater that most wouldn’t even have the foggiest of it’s Latin background. Exudes pretentiousness if you are not a household name IMO.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 9:34 pm

But then we are supposed to believe Labor is the party of the working man…

Labor hasn’t been the party of the working man since the days of Arthur Calwell. I doubt any of today’s Labor front bench would recognise a working man, if they fell over one ,in the street.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2023 9:35 pm

present the project as part-time only, to be fitted around other commitments.

Present this:

In 2023, according to Celebrity Net Worth, Stephen King has a net worth of $500 million.

That may sway the reluctant.

July 2, 2023 9:35 pm

Addressing the crowd, former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley was frank about her fears about failure in the west.
“I’m scared that WA is going to vote No,” she said.
“It’s been decades of neglecting and rejecting a First Nations Voice.
“And what about our international reputation? If we do say No, we’ll be a racist, uncaring country.
“I can’t bear it. I can’t go to New Zealand anymore.”

And there was I thinking that she was a sane choice for the Australian Of The Year that year. Sadly they all go bad.

By the way, she shouldn’t go to New Zealand for fear she might get injured or sick as she will then be put last in the queue in a hospital regardless of her injuries. New Zealand already has what the Voice intends to bring to Australia.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 9:42 pm

In 2023, according to Celebrity Net Worth, Stephen King has a net worth of $500 million.

I am pretty sure I know the return of serve here …
“There is one Stephen King. There are thousands of unpublished wannabe Stephen Kings. I think you are one of those.”
Not taking sides here.
Just trying to decipher the whirring cogs of the feminine brain.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 9:50 pm

Oh, and another pro tip for authoring.
Don’t self publish through one of those online publishers complete with a gushing review of yourself.
JC will find it and beat you over the head with it.
Hi, Mr Neilsen!

July 2, 2023 9:51 pm
July 2, 2023 9:51 pm

Plenty of comments along the lines of hanging is too good for them.

Less talk, more action required.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2023 9:51 pm

First thing to know was that the voice would make a practical difference to the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. “It is not OK that my life expectancy is 10 years shorter than my non-Aboriginal sisters,” she said.

“It is not OK that our babies are born at the wrong birth weight – they’re too small.

“It is not OK that educational outcomes are smaller. And it’s certainly not OK as I saw … two weeks ago, 30 people living in a two-bedroom home. That is not the country we want.”

Linda Burney, justifying the “Voice.” Umm, there is a very good reason why Aboriginal babies are born “too small” but you couldn’t handle the truth…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 9:54 pm

I think the Aussie crickit team just made a yuuuge mistake, and will pay dearly.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2023 9:55 pm

Alex Carey just won Australia a Test.

Soap-dodging batsman and sometime keeper Jonny Bairstow decided to leave his ground when the ball wasn’t dead, and Carey quite rightly had a ping at the stumps.

Clatter. Out. Stumped, in fact, off a paceman, as Bairstow wasn’t attempting a run.

Naturally the poorly-dentistrated crowd are howling into their kippers. It’s made even more beautiful by Bairstow being a ranga.

July 2, 2023 9:59 pm

Excuse me, but wouldn’t teaching them to use a hammer and nails, drills and saws be more useful?

At dinner with the salesman and the energy minister of a small pacific island nation. He was spouting on about how many students they had studying international law. I commented that it might be more beneficial to have more studying plumbing, construction and electrical. Got booted under the table by the salesman. 🙂

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2023 10:01 pm

Poor sportsmanship.
Carey shoulda warned Bairstow.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
July 2, 2023 10:04 pm

I think the Aussie crickit team just made a yuuuge mistake, and will pay dearly.

I completely agree regarding the “mistake”.

But I totally understand it. If the “letter of the law” is to be applied, as it was with the Starc catch, then let the letter of the law be applied always and everywhere is, I’m sure, the attitude.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, though, and it is yet another reason – if one were needed – to write an obituary for the words “it’s just not cricket”. The Poms should have insisted that Duckett was out, and the Aussies withdrawn their appeal just now.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 10:06 pm

Naturally the poorly-dentistrated crowd are howling into their kippers. It’s made even more beautiful by Bairstow being a ranga.

The crowds will now amp up the shit-canning of Smiff and our Ranga to nuclear levels.
Cue SBW masks …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 10:08 pm

How good would it be if Ollie Robinson mankaded the Cheating Midget Houso Ranga at the next outing?

July 2, 2023 10:09 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2023 10:09 pm

Carey shoulda warned Bairstow.

Bairstow is a professional cricketer. there are only 42 Laws of Crikkit.

He should know them.

Stokes is going berko at present, because he knows there is nothing left in the sheds.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2023 10:09 pm

I think they’ll have a discussion at the Break about whether it should stand?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2023 10:10 pm

Oooh. Missing capitals.

Perchance the lurKers have pinched them.

July 2, 2023 10:10 pm

There’s been an imbroglio in the cricket?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2023 10:10 pm

I think they’ll have a discussion at the Break about whether it should stand?

Doubt it.

And by ‘doubt it’, I mean ‘no’.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2023 10:12 pm

And here we go.
Stokes takes Green for a four and three sixes in four balls to go from 78 to 100.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2023 10:12 pm

What, every time a ball goes through to the Wickety,without incident, the Umpy has gotta blow his whistle to give the Dead Ball all clear?

Wake up to yourself.

  1. It looks like European peacekeeping troops will be installed in Ukraine in the early does of restoring peace. Putin is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x