Open Thread – Weekend 15 July 2023

Marie Antoinette being taken to her Execution, William Hamiliton, 1794

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Bar Beach Swimmer
July 17, 2023 8:11 pm

Chris Kenny on Sky now talking about the dreadful poll numbers for the voice and the trend, which is all in the same direction. Then ask whether the referendum should be withdrawn. But notes that Luigi is determined.

Then Kenny said this:

‘Albanese needs to get his act together or risk going down as the prime minister who killed the voice.’

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 17, 2023 8:12 pm

H B Bear
Jul 17, 2023 7:22 PM
Yet more evidence of an algorithm malfunction right here!

Is the Grigbot still in Beta?

It’s not yet that advanced.

July 17, 2023 8:12 pm
July 17, 2023 8:13 pm

Jul 17, 2023 8:08 PM

On the “human condition” and medical interventions. I’m more than happy to have my injured knee replaced, probably sooner than later. The rotten thing has cramped my tripping over everything that doesn’t move style on account of having to walk slowly to minimise pain!

But that’s not life enhancement in terms of the definition of the word enhancement.

noun. the state or quality of being elevated, heightened, or increased, as in quality, degree, intensity, or value: The latest update brings many performance enhancements, finishing touches, and bug fixes.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 17, 2023 8:19 pm

Albanese needs to get his act together or risk going down as the prime minister who killed the voice.’

Sancho, there’s the beginning of the coming retribution from the media proponents.

July 17, 2023 8:22 pm

About 600,000 urban aborigines.
US viewers watching Australian blaks rioting will be perplexed when they are told they are aborigines.

Personally I think it will be more tantrum than riot.

July 17, 2023 8:22 pm

The last one – Transhumanism. Why would transhumanism, which is the quest to extend life , considered evil?

In short, the goal is to create super-humans who will live forever. And just like eugenics, there is no natural selection involved, but rather a selective implementation by and for those willing to pay the cost (and to be experimented upon). And there is no limit to the experimentation and no ethical constraints on applying the technologies.

I don’t think “willing” will come into it. Just going on the Covid experience, do you seriously think they will stop to ask us before using us as guinea pigs for their own ascension to godly status?

July 17, 2023 8:24 pm


I think the “evil” line in transhumanism would be tied to the resources used.
Would it lead to a cap on births so Kissingers brain in a jar bot could continue to inflict his wisdom on the world more?

Scarcity first, immortality later.

July 17, 2023 8:24 pm

You’re delusional or need cataracts removed.

That’s just hollywood gloss; the skank inside is scrambling to get out.

July 17, 2023 8:26 pm

Startup aims to make lab-grown human eggs, transforming options for creating families

This is where things are heading folks and you will eventually be able choose all sorts of things like IQ, sporting propensity and eventually even personality.

Here’s where the problem comes up. If you choose to have a kid artificially, you will be able to offer a child IQ of 200. A natural birth would be on either side of a 100. Leaving aside looks and things of that nature. Which way would people go?

The lab kids as in Brave New World isn’t that far off. Perhaps by the end of the century.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 17, 2023 8:27 pm

Indolent @ 8:22

That reminded me of this

July 17, 2023 8:29 pm

Jul 17, 2023 8:24 PM

You’re delusional or need cataracts removed.

That’s just hollywood gloss; the skank inside is scrambling to get out.

Okay, she had a bad bout of long COVID and couldn’t get to the gym for a month. Don’t hold that against her.

July 17, 2023 8:33 pm

Would it lead to a cap on births so Kissingers brain in a jar bot could continue to inflict his wisdom on the world more?

Now that would be absolutely evil. A self-aware brain in a jar would be worse than being imprisoned in a coffin. A human brain can’t function without a human body. You can’t separate a brain from a body as the two things are one.

Imagine the sheer terror of the situation. You can’t move, can’t see or hear and can’t express oneself. That would be hell.

July 17, 2023 8:39 pm


maybe we should quick freeze JC’s brain in a cryogenic tank … before he says something else retarded

July 17, 2023 8:40 pm

No one would bother freezing yours, Trans.

July 17, 2023 8:43 pm

in the future,
when he’s thawed out,
AI coded nanobots will crawl his synapses looking for a clue

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 17, 2023 8:44 pm

Personally I think it will be more tantrum than riot.

It will be like watching the “Invasion Day” protests – all the fair skinned, blonde-haired, blue eyed “Aborigines” waving their “Always was, Always will be Aboriginal Land” or my favourite “Aboriginal by blood, not by choice.”

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 17, 2023 8:46 pm

Reading about the 1967 Referendums.
The Proposal was that Australian Natives be included in the Census and the part where the Commonwealth could make Laws for all Races apart from the Aboriginal Race be deleted.

It appears that the phrase Australian Natives applied to Full Blooded Aborigines only.
Everyone else was counted in the Census.

A lotta problems were caused by that change, not least that Australian Native was subsumed under the Heading Aboriginal [or Indigenous] in the Census.

So, really, the siruation for the Australian Natives was blotted out, and that was probably intentional.
Someone earlier said there’s only 15,000 left.
For how much longer?

July 17, 2023 8:49 pm

Where do I say that ‘improving’ is evil? Firstly, I said that trans isn’t improving, it’s going beyond. Secondly, I denied that you can improve the human condition not because improving is evil but because the human condition is the sine qua non of being human. Thirdly, there is nothing trans about curing cancer anymore than curing an infection is ‘trans’, nor transplantation or joint replacements.

Improving, enhancement. They’re antonyms now are they?

Your comment is confusing. What exactly do you find evil about transhumanism. Offer a little more detail, other than word parsing, which then becomes a long discourse on the definition of “it”.

July 17, 2023 8:52 pm

No, you can’t, because the phrase refers to something enduring about us as creatures.

Enduring. Enduring as in a long time? If 85 is okay, why not 120. If 120 is good then why not 200?

July 17, 2023 8:53 pm

They’re antonyms now are they?

Offer a little more detail, other than word parsing

refrigeration needed in aisle 3

July 17, 2023 8:55 pm


You’re attempt at humor works better on a building site. It’s not that great here. You said you’re the quickest wit on a building site, so save it for the brickies.

July 17, 2023 8:55 pm


July 17, 2023 8:58 pm

He’s not the stupidest: the idiots who voted for the bastard are.

Labor will alwayz win in Fairfield (McMahon) cos 80% of the vote-herd don’t use English as a 1st language and 90% of those only vote cos it’s compulsory (and if it weren’t for the fine most still wouldn’t bother) so Labor blankets the area with posters and the Libs gave up any serious opposition decades ago ….
The difference with Dai Le winning Liverpool (Fowler) was the Cabramatta Viets came out and backed her …… If she hadn’t of run as an Independent Labor & KKK would have streeted it .. Cabramatta wouldn’t have dun that for any LIb ……!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 17, 2023 9:04 pm

WA in fresh Aboriginal heritage drama

By paul garvey
Senior Reporter
8:21PM July 17, 2023
No Comments

Western Australia’s Aboriginal Affairs Minister Tony Buti insists the state’s Indigenous heritage regime has had a “pretty smooth” start, despite one Indigenous leader reportedly demanding $2.5m in funding before he would allow an environmental tree planting to go ahead.

Dr Buti on Monday told reporters it was “incredibly disappointing” that a planned planting of more than 5000 trees along the Canning River had been cancelled after more confusion around the state’s new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act.

The South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare was reportedly told by Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation chief executive David Collard that they could not go ahead with the planning until funding disputes between the group and the government were resolved.
Read Next

Mr Collard – who has since been dismissed from his role – reportedly wanted $2.5m of the $10m committed by the federal government for restoration work around the Canning River.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 9:04 pm

Bar Beach Swimmer

Jul 17, 2023 8:19 PM

Albanese needs to get his act together or risk going down as the prime minister who killed the voice.’

Sancho, there’s the beginning of the coming retribution from the media proponents.

Oh, FFS, did I say there would be no blowback?
There old tactical adage is “we are where we are”, meaning you can’t roll back the tape in real life and you must react to the position you are in.
So the position Elbow is in is that he has locked in the referendum for the last quarter of this year.
His options are:-
1. Recall Parliament to can the whole thing? Result – immediate and catastrophic loss of career before lunch.
2. Recall Parliament and pull the date forward? Result – accusations of panic and “not giving the Yes case enough time”?
3. Recall Parliament and push the date out to the next election? Result – accusations of losing his nerve, allowing the No case time to spread disinformation and “delaying First Nations justice”.
4. Run the referendum any time from October 7th to November 25th. Result – if it loses, Elbow will cop shit. If this runs for weeks, it could be end of career.
5. Run the referendum December 2nd or 9th (ruling out 16th and 23rd). Result – if it loses Elbow still cops shit, but the timeframe is limited to a week or so before the Christmas break. Some of the major media outlets will have already gone on a WEB. Note. There will be adverse media but it will be minimised compared with the above options.
Not zero. Minimised.
Did I say anywhere he wouldn’t cop a level of flak?
What I was saying was that he would consider minimising the media blowback by delaying to early December. He doesn’t care if voters get pissed off with the timing.
Most will go postal vote anyway.
It’s just the result isn’t known until polling day.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 17, 2023 9:06 pm


‘Albanese needs to get his act together or risk going down as the prime minister who killed the voice.’

We can but hope.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 17, 2023 9:08 pm

5 hours ago
As a farmer in south west WA I have discovered that almost every gully on my property is now classified as a protected heritage area as they provide run-off into tiny streams that eventually feed the Blackwood River (which is a recognised protected site but located miles away).

We have owned most of this for over 60 years and no Aboriginal has set foot on our place once – yet now I will need their consent if I put so much as a fence across these gullies.

July 17, 2023 9:08 pm

today on a building site:
some hi-vis says, get the f* outta the way ladies
and mutters in passing, geez am i even allowed to say that anymore

on the way back I accused, you just assumed my gender
he goes, but you have a beard FFS

I called *them* a bigot

to be brutally honest JC, even the brickies are more thoughtful

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 17, 2023 9:09 pm

Tim Blair:

Nostalgia comes at you fast these days.

In a delightfully retro gesture, the Walkley Awards people recently announced that their 2023 prize for excellence in journalism would be given only to a female candidate.

“The directors will only consider women nominees,” the Walkley Foundation declared, “as they seek to redress the gender balance in recipients.”

How quaint! This adorably tokenistic move will remind old-timers of when, a decade or so ago, male bosses at various leftist media outlets gave themselves time off on International Women’s Days and allowed female staffers to stand in as editors.

Golf courses in Sydney and Melbourne were unusually busy on those occasions.

In 2017, the ABC celebrated global lady day by making women work harder than usual. “Commencing at 6am with ABC News Breakfast,” the broadcaster announced, “an all-female line-up will lead the major radio and TV news bulletins and current affairs programs and present across the day on NewsRadio and News 24.”

It’s International Women’s Day, so let’s have the blokes get a paid day of leave. Makes sense.

But a lot has changed since a few XY chromosome desk jockeys and panel monkeys stepped aside for their XX colleagues. Many previously male-dominated areas – particularly media, despite the Walkley Foundation’s touching gender imbalance concerns – have been impressively equalised.

The contest now is for space in previously female-dominated areas. Last week, the Miss Netherlands beauty pageant title was awarded to trans woman (or biological male, in other words) Rikkie Valerie Kolle.

Talk about redressing a gender balance in recipients. The Walkley’s excellence in journalism prize – this year open only to female entrants – has already been won by women candidates seven times since the category was established in 1992.

The Miss Netherlands pageant, however, was founded way back 1929 – and not even once before has any man stood tearfully triumphant on the big night’s stage, a vision of jubilant femininity in his victory tiara and sequined conquest sash.

By Walkley standards, then, Netherlands beauty contest judges have some work ahead of them.

By normal standards, though, what the screaming hell is going on here? How is a biological male who was surgically reconstructed by male doctors and wouldn’t even rate among his country’s top ten prettiest soccer players, somehow cleaning up in a nationwide glam event for gals? Why is this happening?

“Because it’s trendy,” observes Fox News’ gifted gag writer Jim Treacher in a recent Substack column. “Because it’s woke. Because words like ‘beauty’ and ‘woman’ have been rendered meaningless by insane, vindictive activists.

“In other words, because it’s 2023.

“And here’s another fun fact: Kolle only had ‘gender-affirmation surgery’ — AKA the surgical removal of his penis and testicles — in January of this year. He’s been a ‘woman’ for just six months, and he’s already a beauty queen.

“That’s one hell of a rookie season!”

Hats off to Kolle. And other adornments besides. Understandably, old-school feminists now marvel at how quickly historic advances for women are being erased.

“I grew up in a sexist society which required women to lie constantly – to themselves and others – if they were to be accepted and acceptable,” the UK’s Julie Burchill wrote in the wake of Kolle’s success.

“Then came a brief moment of honesty – and now the required lies again, even more misogynist than before.”

Australian columnist Julie Szego cited one of those required lies earlier this year when describing the challenges of covering gender issues in a time of woke.

After a column on the topic was knocked back by The Age, Szego announced a new personal site where she would be able to write about gender identity politics “without the copy being rendered unreadable by a committee of woke journalists redacting words they deem incendiary, such as ‘male’.”

This is presently the case. If someone says they’re female, despite all available historical and biological evidence to the contrary, it is indeed now an offence to mention any of their masculine elements in masculine terms.

Which explains why the impossible phrase “her penis” is now often used across media, notably last year in a UK Metro headline: “Ex-soldier exposed her penis and used wheelie bin as sex toy in public.”

Julie Szego, a two-decade Age contributor, was subsequently canned at The Age. By a male, as it happens.

She should enter that journalism contest they’re having over at the Walkleys. Get in quick, before biological women are banned.

July 17, 2023 9:11 pm

Speersy reckoned there’s a lotta Postal Votes issued that hadn’t turned up by Close of Poll Saturday.

Simple way to get out of voting .. when AEC send you a letter/fine .. claim postal & musta been lost in the mail ……

July 17, 2023 9:11 pm

Jul 17, 2023 6:43 PM

Have noted earlier erudite discussions about upticking on this august blog…
I might as well nail my colours to this particular mast:

If upticks are so important and/or informative, then so are downticks.
I simply can’t understand why there’s no downticking option, surely this isn’t to prevent posters’ deep hurties and disappointies?

You are right, logically there should be a ‘downtick’ button but I’d advise against it.
It would cause some serious disconcert, if not total embarrassment for a few posters when they find out how disliked they are.

Sure you can manipulate ticks to a certain extent but you would have to be super dedicated to either hurt or please a poster. Not to mention having the time.

Just let it be as is. Being liked is good for the spirit.

July 17, 2023 9:14 pm

Been looking at the pix of Marie Antionette and realised what was getting to me about it ..
the caption sez painted 1894 .. she was executed in october, 1893 …..
Hamilton wa sbloody quick off the mark …….. FFS!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 9:16 pm

Another tactical reason Elbow might pick a December date.
Australia referenda have a strong history of “Don’t know? Vote No” syndrome.
What better way of keeping the uncommitted (therefore likely reflexive No voters) out of the equation than offering them a choice between Christmas shopping/piss up, and standing in a polling booth queue?
He might even hint at waiving fines for not voting.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 17, 2023 9:18 pm

Fromelles Diggers finally at peace, after 107 years

By matthew condon
Senior Reporter
and joanna panagopoulos
8:42PM July 17, 2023
No Comments

Before the end, they may have known each other by sight, these young Australian soldiers.

Perhaps they nodded a g’day on the troop ship to France. Had a few beers during their stopover in Egypt. Maybe they shared a cigarette and talked about what to expect in the trenches of the Western Front.

As they marched towards Fromelles, 16km west of Lille in northern France, and the first battlefield of their short careers as ANZACs in the European summer of 1916, had they marvelled together at the locals tilling the fields as German shells arched overhead?

There was Oscar Baumann, 20, a joiner from Adelaide. William Stephen, 28, a grocer from Sydney. There was Richard McGuarr, 27, straight off the family dairy farm near Lismore in northern NSW. Alexander Page, 28, a milk carter from Perth. In civilian life, James Claxton, 24, had been a teamster in Western Australia. Walter Grace, 23, was a labourer from Brisbane. And mechanic Edwin Gray, 30, hailed from Riverton in South Australia.

As disparate as they were, they were all unknowingly heading for the same fate. All would die in the disastrous Battle of Fromelles on Wednesday, July 19, 1916 – 107 years ago tomorrow – and all would be missing in action until their identities were restored after years of meticulous research by Australia’s Unrecovered War Casualties team.

The relatives of some of these infantrymen will attend an official ceremony at the Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery in Fromelles on Wednesday evening. And for the first time, the soldiers’ names will grace proper headstones. These will be rededicated. And these men will finally be put to rest by their families, and their country.

Historian and journalist Les Carlyon described Fromelles as possibly “the most tragic battlefield in Australia’s history”.

“They died in a single night, many of them before the sun had properly set,” Carlyon wrote in The Great War. “Some were Gallipoli men and some had never been in battle before. Some were still wearing felt hats rather than metal helmets.”

These seven men were among the 5533 Australians who died at Fromelles, when Australian and British divisions were commanded to charge the strongly held German front line in northern France. The objective was to stop Germans sending reinforcements south to the battle of the Somme.

Fromelles was arguably the greatest loss of a single division in a 24-hour period in World War I.

July 17, 2023 9:19 pm

Jul 17, 2023 9:14 PM
Been looking at the pix of Marie Antionette and realised what was getting to me about it ..
the caption sez painted 1894 .. she was executed in october, 1893 …..
Hamilton wa sbloody quick off the mark …….. FFS!

She was executed on October 16th, 1793.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 17, 2023 9:22 pm

‘Albanese needs to get his act together or risk going down as the prime minister who killed the voice.’


Giving the people what they want and not being able to take the credit for it.

July 17, 2023 9:24 pm

And others won’t give a toss.
Personally I think there’s enough rancour here without adding more fuel to the fire via a downtick button.

July 17, 2023 9:26 pm

he was executed on October 16th, 1793.

Oh dear! .. slight proof-reading problem! .. way past my bed-time, methinx, slides off stage left wiv a, sadly, whispered “Good Night” …….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 17, 2023 9:28 pm

She was executed on October 16th, 1793.

Picky, picky, what’s a hundred years between friends?

July 17, 2023 9:31 pm

Jul 17, 2023 9:09 PM

Improving, enhancement. They’re antonyms now are they?

Trans doesn’t mean improving, that is why your earlier definition is deficient

It’s your opinion that the definition in posted is deficient. The fact that you disagree doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

but it’s inclusion of genetic engineering, cryonics, artificial intelligence (AI), and nanotechnology was instructive.

Instructive in terms of what exactly, that you consider these factors make transhumanism evil? If so, why?

Cryonics cannot improve anything, while the other three, point past augmenting human beings to transforming them into something beyond the human.

If the head left in a freezer can be brought to life and given a body, I bet s/he would think it’s an “improvement”. Why is your opinion stronger than the frozen head coming back alive?

I don’t understand your issue with using AI and nano to prolong life and even offer eternity.

I continuously refer to ‘the human condition’ as spiritual and enduring and yet you still think what is meant is material or quantitative.

You can continuously refer to whatever you like, but you still haven’t explained what specifically consider evil. When I offer an example, you suggest you didn’t mean that. What do you mean? Is nanotech to prolong life and offer protection against diseases evil? And how about using AI to assist science in this area?

Cassie of Sydney
July 17, 2023 9:32 pm

“She was executed on October 16th, 1793”

Correct. Her life is a sad story.

July 17, 2023 9:34 pm


Let’s say a person was executed for a deadly crime. The minute after his was killed, information came out that he was innocent. Would cryonics be evil in this case?

July 17, 2023 9:35 pm

Found on Iowahawk’s Twitter. Worth sharing, especially if your tastes align with Rabz. 😀

July 17, 2023 9:36 pm

A self-aware brain in a jar would be worse than being imprisoned in a coffin. A human brain can’t function without a human body. You can’t separate a brain from a body as the two things are one.

It worked for Dr Hfuhruhurr.

But seriously head prefect humans will have to undertake some modification to live on other planets. It’s called Pantropy. And when I set up my resort on Mars I will throw in the necessary modifications for the customers to be able to frolic in the near vacuum conditions.

July 17, 2023 9:36 pm

enough rancour

up-ticks –> rancour

down-ticks –> even more rancour

makes perfect sense in a Humpty-Dumpty kind of way

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 17, 2023 9:41 pm

‘Outstanding person’: Incoming RBA governor praised as a ‘great economist’

We’re screwed.

PM attacked for ‘trying to distance himself’ from Yes campaign.
A Victorian MP says it is “extraordinary” that Mr Albanese is blaming the Yes campaign for the Voice’s falling support, arguing the PM “is the Yes campaign” and the problems for the proposed constitutional reform start with the government.

If only Albo were the entire Yes campaign the source of this vociferous angst could be nipped in the bud quickly, but the rot is much wider spread. The tactic being used here is tying Albo so closely to the Wokeshevists’ ^ failing campaign that he sinks with it. On that point I have no complaint.

^ = h/t Professor James Allan & co-authors

July 17, 2023 9:42 pm
Cassie of Sydney
July 17, 2023 9:44 pm

Well, just had a telephone call with a person I hadn’t spoken to since 2006. She was always very left, very PC and very into social justice.

Not any more, she subscribes to Sky, avidly watches Sky after Dark, reads the Speccie and Quadrant, will be voting NO to da Voice, and so on.

There is hope!

July 17, 2023 9:44 pm
July 17, 2023 9:48 pm
July 17, 2023 9:48 pm
Louis Litt
Louis Litt
July 17, 2023 9:55 pm

Rodriguez concerto da arthinwith played by harp – the best

July 17, 2023 9:55 pm

If you’re sick of the leftie bullshit, here’s some muzzie crap from Jihad Watch.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 17, 2023 9:57 pm

Nothing will minimise the blowback now. Nothing.

He’s dug a huge hole for himself.
He’s agreed to the voice’s working group demands not to alter the wording.
He’s not provided any clear understanding to the electorate about how the thing will work or that it won’t be able to take away their rights as equal citizens.
He’s had the media behind him, rubbing him up and down as “their champion of change”.
But the numbers are in the wrong direction and without him or them providing clear explanation, which if he does, it will kill it any way.
This arvo he started blaming Dutton and the Libs as well as trying to prod the voice’s advocates to get out and do more.
So, he’s now trying to shift the blame that he knows is coming.

All that adds up to no way to minimise the damage.


Btw, I’m not wishing to argue with you, but I do sense a bit of frustration coming through.

Maybe you should pour a drink and get a neck/back massage; or a hot bath, a Bex and a good lie down?

July 17, 2023 9:58 pm

Only in your bantam head MT.

The suggestion was a few people would be downticked massuvely and find out how much they are disliked.
Apparently this would be a Good Thing.

Also to be discovered how many petty, mean and perennially nasty people here are champing at the bit to upset their blog enemies.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 10:00 pm

PM attacked for ‘trying to distance himself’ from Yes campaign.
A Victorian MP says it is “extraordinary” that Mr Albanese is blaming the Yes campaign for the Voice’s falling support, arguing the PM “is the Yes campaign” and the problems for the proposed constitutional reform start with the government.

Trooble at mill!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 17, 2023 10:00 pm

42 years ago.

Written by Christopher Cross, Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager, and Peter Allen, “Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do)” is the title theme from the1981 film Arthur starring Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli. The song won an Oscar for Best Original Song and spent 3 weeks at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Peter Allen came up with the chorus lyric “When you get caught between the moon and New York City” while his plane was in a holding pattern during a night arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Christopher Cross – Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do) (Official Music Video) [Remastered HD]

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 10:02 pm

You seem to not grasp the difference between “zero” and “minimal” BBS.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 17, 2023 10:05 pm

You seem to not grasp the difference between “zero” and “minimal” BBS.

Go for the bath.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 10:05 pm

Not any more, she subscribes to Sky, avidly watches Sky after Dark, reads the Speccie and Quadrant, will be voting NO to da Voice, and so on.

As I have said, I know two current Rustadons who are totally committed to voting No.

July 17, 2023 10:06 pm

petty, mean and perennially nasty people here are champing at the bit to upset their blog enemies.

and a down-tick does this how?

you and the rest of the paranoid cartel sure do have a thing for shame and disapproval don’t ya

youse really don’t get the whole psychological projection thing do youse?

July 17, 2023 10:08 pm

But seriously head prefect humans will have to undertake some modification to live on other planets. It’s called Pantropy. And when I set up my resort on Mars I will throw in the necessary modifications for the customers to be able to frolic in the near vacuum conditions.

It’s become clear now. Finally! Those trannies you’re constantly linking to have been modified like you, and now ready to live a blissful life on Mars as soon as Musk fires up the big bird.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 10:10 pm

Yes, yes, I get it BBS.
You want Elbow to get his comeuppance.
We all do.
But a-wishin’ and a-hopin’ for it and squawking on about it doesn’t add much to a sensible discussion of tactics Elbow might use to either maximise his chance of winning, or minimise (there’s that word again) the damage to him if it doesn’t get up.
Whether he disrupts a bit of Christmas shopping won’t rate in his top ten considerations.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 10:12 pm

Invent a better blog ticking system, and the world will beat a path to your door.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 17, 2023 10:14 pm

We already have downticking.
Just call everyone a mong.


July 17, 2023 10:14 pm

The man with 2 brains was r rated?

Wouldn’t crack the Disney channel “ best kids films” for 2023.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 17, 2023 10:15 pm

Hamilton wa sbloody quick off the mark

Well, first there is all the time required to get all the people from her execution day back, then setting up truss to attach her body to so as to mimic that split second of movement on the day, and the time on the make up to make her look lifelike – all do the painting could be taken.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 17, 2023 10:15 pm

Brother Nathaniel refutes Jordan Peterson:

July 17, 2023 10:15 pm

and nobody beats it like you do sancho

… not even JC

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 17, 2023 10:20 pm

For a few moments I thought this was CGI. Not the case.

Cyberpunk 2018 TOKYO Shinjuku 4K

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 17, 2023 10:22 pm

Sancho, he’s close to running out of tactics.

And that ain’t a-wishing and a-hoping.

For Kenny, one of the most ardent voice supporters you’ll come across, to say what he said, shows that.

July 17, 2023 10:22 pm

Topher Field: Do you have what it takes to limit government? (35:02)

July 17, 2023 10:24 pm

On heart transplants: I remember Malcolm Muggeridge launching into Christian Barnard whose view of human beings was about the same as an ordinary butcher. I guess that’s what studies in surgery can do to you.
There is something very Mengele-like about seeing us as an assemblage of replaceable parts. That’s how we get a market in the bodies of aborted babies and executed prisoners.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 17, 2023 10:37 pm

Mark Dice on the B?hemian Gr?ve:

Here’s How We Know It’s Real

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 17, 2023 11:08 pm
July 17, 2023 11:15 pm

There is something very Mengele-like about seeing us as an assemblage of replaceable parts. That’s how we get a market in the bodies of aborted babies and executed prisoners.

If you’re a vile idiot you might want to trade human hearts from condemned prisoners. On the other hand, you may see a need for ethically grown replacement heart valves, eyes, kidneys and so on.

July 17, 2023 11:21 pm

Live for 1200 years, 95% of which you are physically 25; IQ increases to 180 on average, and empathy increases: three cheers for transhumanism.

On the other hand, you can choose to go to the Island of Dr Moreau and live for another seven years as a sick freak with infected wounds and as a savage beast until your halfkin eat you as you succumb to your wounds.

It’s a self-correcting problem.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 17, 2023 11:29 pm

Minister for Indigenous Australians says Voice should aim to benefit Health, Education, Jobs, and Housing for Aboriginals.

Getting the kids to actually attend school regularly would go a long way to solving the other three. No InVoice required.
But you know what else school attendance induces?
Cultural integration.
How would an edifice built on segregation survive integration? I cynically suspect education would get the least priority of those four. Not that we’ll ever found out because the majority vote in December will be No.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 17, 2023 11:58 pm

How many people do you think give a fat rat’s clacker about the ongoing stoush between you and Johanna?

Sancho, I have NO ongoing ‘stoush’ with Johanna.
This woman attacks me out of the blue with her repetitive tropes for no good reason.
I have no desire to engage with her whatsoever.

I am who I am, I write what I write here, and if she doesn’t like it she can scroll.
If she was to never mention my name again, I couldn’t be happier. She’s a nutjob.
They exist on the internet and I have far too little time left in my life to bother with them. You’ve done your bit over the years to have your fun at my expense, painfully for me, and I am so over it I can’t tell you. Thankfully you’ve calmed down in recent years and I can simply enjoy your humorous contributions all the more for that.

Ditch the pseudo-avuncular advice. It doesn’t suit you. It is shit-stirring in disguise.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 18, 2023 12:08 am

There is something very Mengele-like about seeing us as an assemblage of replaceable parts.

Nowhere is this more apparent in plain sight than with that Frankenstein gay surgeon messing around with his ‘transgendering’ scalpel on children’s genitals who was linked here and also on Outsiders on Sunday. With his pink hair, his wafting hands and inane vocalising similar to Summer Height’s Mr. Gee, he was the incarnation to me of a special sort of evil, the very mundanity of it.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 18, 2023 12:13 am
July 18, 2023 12:35 am

I’m content with my “motherhood statement” pinched from Lewis about souls and bodies. Like most profound truths, it’s easily dismissed.

More than happy to take advantage of medical procedures that enhance mobility and reduce pain. And here I start to tiptoe through the ethical minefield. I know that experiments on animals (and sometimes humans) have been at the core of many of these advancements.

I do see a difference though between performing, say, heart surgery in utero to splicing genes into a foetus to make the resulting person some sort of “enhanced human”. One is to correct a defect, the other is to tamper with the perfectly functional.

July 18, 2023 1:13 am

But a-wishin’ and a-hopin’ for it and squawking on about it doesn’t add much to a sensible discussion of tactics Elbow might use to either maximise his chance of winning, or minimise (there’s that word again) the damage to him if it doesn’t get up.

Leftists hate humiliation far more than impoverishment. Leftists also have zero capacity for forgiveness.

You think these same people will forgive Albo when the referendum loses?

July 18, 2023 2:14 am

I’m content with my “motherhood statement” pinched from Lewis about souls and bodies. Like most profound truths, it’s easily dismissed.

I’m at a loss in trying to understand what you consider to be evil in what is being discussed.

More than happy to take advantage of medical procedures that enhance mobility and reduce pain. And here I start to tiptoe through the ethical minefield. I know that experiments on animals (and sometimes humans) have been at the core of many of these advancements.


I do see a difference though between performing, say, heart surgery in utero to splicing genes into a foetus to make the resulting person some sort of “enhanced human”.

Deformed kids are currently being aborted en masse. We used to see gorgeous drown syndrome kids much more than we do now. You appear to be against genetic enhancement for these unborn kids? Really?

And just think that in perhaps in the not too distant future even an IQ of 130 would be considered retarded.

How about reversing aging? That’s wrong too?

July 18, 2023 2:22 am

That isn’t transhumanism. That is the Land of Cockaigne

Get a time machine and go pick up a random person from 200 years ago. Bring them back to the present day and ask the transportee if he thinks this is mythical land of plenty.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 18, 2023 2:32 am

Hey Rosie, tried the Madrid place for the suckling pig you recommended, but it’s closed Mondays. We are back in Madrid in a week or so…will try again.

July 18, 2023 2:43 am

I gave a reason regarding its deficiency; namely that improvement isn’t going beyond.

It appears to be confused thinking because on the one hand “improvement” to deter disease is okay, but it would be limited to disease defects only? Dot gave the example of 1200 IQ which you casually dismissed by suggesting it would be a mythical land.

Instructive in the sense that AI, for instance, would involve in this case attempting to supersede the brain, not merely using it as an instrument like a computer.

A brain is a computer. It’s basically a pattern recognition organic instrument. It’s a good one too. especially mine. 🙂

Upthread you suggest that a brain in a jar would be evil/ nightmarish but here a head unfrozen and brought back to life would be an ‘improvement’. Improvement in what sense?

A sentient brain sitting in a jar would be the worst imaginable prison. Brought back to life would ethically mean attaching a body to it. As I said brain and body cannot be divided.

I’ve already said that prolonging life doesn’t move us beyond the human condition so why would I think that evil?

Okay. But do you really believe that though as it doesn’t appear to be so.

‘Protecting against disease’, ‘prolonging life’, ‘using AI’ isn’t transhumanism. Transhumanism would be using genetics, AI, and nanotech to produce a being that was no longer human in some way or other. And that is evil in precisely the sense in which gender affirming surgery is evil.

I don’t see a problem was gender surgery for adults (only). Study after study strongly suggests these people are contented after the transformation. Can you appreciate the torture these people go through thinking they’re living in the wrong body? I believe it’s more humane to allow this surgery for adults and let them live the life they choose. There’s a 50% suicide rate in this group and it can’t be dismissed. Mental illness is a terrible thing.

July 18, 2023 3:00 am

Some of the reasons why there’s a strike in Hollywood and despite Disney being so woke and caring, they’re a horrible employer and contractor. The very worst.

July 18, 2023 5:13 am

My Columbian landlord recommended it TE, I thought it was pretty good, expensive but it seems popular enough with locals.

July 18, 2023 5:16 am

Don’t bother with the pyscho babble, it’s just a cover for your usual, as it has been for years.

July 18, 2023 5:17 am

I’m at a loss in trying to understand what you consider to be evil in what is being discussed.

I never said anything about “evil”. My Lewis quote was in reference to Dover’s argument about the difference between the human condition (spiritual) and human frailty (illness and ageing).

You appear to be against genetic enhancement for these unborn kids? Really?

That’s a really long bow. My comment was about the in utero repair of mechanical defects. If genetic therapies can reverse Down Syndrome, it would be a benefit. However, it would have to be detected so early that I strongly doubt that every single cell in an embryo in utero could be changed. Which leaves detection in vitro, another area of contention due to “wasteage”.

What is it to be “human”? We have been asking ourselves this since we were able to look at ourselves objectively. I don’t know the answer, except with reference to my faith.

July 18, 2023 6:56 am

I never said anything about “evil”. My Lewis quote was in reference to Dover’s argument about the difference between the human condition (spiritual) and human frailty (illness and ageing).

Oh, you appeared to have backed Dover’s comment that he considered transhumanism evil even though he begun to qualify his initial statement since then.

What does this mean. If you’re trying to paint lipstick on a pig , we’ll don’t. Aging is shit awful.

That’s a really long bow. My comment was about the in utero repair of mechanical defects. If genetic therapies can reverse Down Syndrome, it would be a benefit. However, it would have to be detected so early that I strongly doubt that every single cell in an embryo in utero could be changed. Which leaves detection in vitro, another area of contention due to “wasteage”.

I appreciate the difficulty of curing some of these birth defects in the womb, but it doesn’t mean it will be impossible. Also, we’re talking essentially about a hypothetical so it’s not too far fetched to assume curing in the womb can be discounted.

What is it to be “human”? We have been asking ourselves this since we were able to look at ourselves objectively. I don’t know the answer, except with reference to my faith.

Why would your reference frame change even if we were 50% implanted? You think God would love you less.

Just because one believes in God doesn’t mean we shouldn’t avoid death like the plague. Death is annihilation and there’s no coming back.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x