Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Anybody else missing Googlery?
Nah, thought not.
I can remember when we had 250 comments per page and top ‘o de page was a real thing.
Such an empty feeling now …
The backpackers in the well are missing him having access here.
He’s taking all his frustrations out on their hides.
Did the Mong get the boot?
CL – The Democrat base lurve Biden because he is as malleable as plasticine. They don’t want a guy with a working brain, they want one that will save the Planet for Gaia, whatever it takes.
Poll: One-Quarter of Democrats Have Doubts About Biden’s Mental Fitness (24 Jul)
Now you might think that three quarters of Dems not knowing Joe is a vegetable is a reflection of how clueless Dems are. But they know they need a vegetable to enact the Bernie Bro agenda. Bernie and anyone like him is too unelectable to even steal an election for, probably at least So they want a pig they can apply lipstick to, so long as it is a pig that can read off a teleprompter.
Add in the dirt file Biden has amassed over 50 years, which is very likely controlled by Jill, and the only way Joe can’t be re-elected is if he’s dead and rotting. And even that isn’t a gimmee.
WA poll projection on the Voice hardly surprising after the implementation of the Heritage Act.
“The West Australian today brings further results from the Utting Research poll, finding 58% planning to vote no on the Indigenous Voice compared with 29% for yes and 13% undecided.”
Perhaps someone should show Kate Chaney, the Teal member for Curtin, the poll.
Re R Kennedy Jnr – be careful what you wish for. He was spot on regarding the mRNA vaccines, but he is a dedicated follower of the Climate rubbish.
“We see the Wagyl as being as sacred as Jesus Christ is to you whitefellas.”
So how many whitefellas believe in Jesus?
Things we learn.
I had no idea nicotine was found in vegetables such a cauliflower, celery, tomatoes …
( green tomatoes have 10 x the amount over red ones ) and is not addictive. When it comes to smoking they added pyrazine to the tobacco which is responsible for triggering cravings. That’s new to me. I’m glad I now know it. It makes you wonder why growing your own tobacco can land you with stiffer penalties over growing pot. There is more to it than just tobacco excise avoidance I reckon as will become clear when you watch the show.
With the C-19 shots and side effects, what has been shown to negate the effects of this muck on the human body? Yep, nicotine. If you know anyone with jab effects and “long covid” symptoms, tell them to purchase 7mg nicotine patches and use one a day for six days only. Come the fourteenth day after stopping at the sixth, all the symptoms were gone on the studies carried out. If you know someone, tell them. They having nothing to lose apart from a few dollars.
Bryan Ardis goes into full details in the first 1:13:00 minutes.
He also goes into detail about Round-Up and Round-Up Plus used on food crops. Guess what they found in it? Numerous synthetic venom peptides in which Monsanto is the largest venom peptide patent holder in the world today. The same peptides that were being found in C-19 patients … guess where they came from? It was NOT just the jabs; we are are talking food, water, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Once upon a time I used to think organic produce was over-rated and not worth the extra expense. Not anymore.
Ardis gets going @5:20. This finger pointing at people who were coerced into taking the jab has to stop. Here, solutions to the damage are on offer, so share them.
Keys 2 Life EP53: Dr. Bryan Ardis | WATCH THE WATER 2
100%, he’s a climate cultist nut job.
‘Prolific’ tends to hold the idea of generation of some sort, including large numbers, as with for example writers and their books, so the chef may have been able to generate more than his spermatozoa – perhaps as a prolific producer of some very nice cakes, crated up and sold in large numbers. He was never a ‘prolific’ swimmer, for that is stretching the idea too far, that he ‘generated’ or ‘produced’ many swims, when clarity requires he simply be noted as a strong, frequent or regular swimmer.
Anyway, take your pick, because language is always changing and common usage pushes those changes along, but always aim for clarity and with an eye to the origin of the words you use.
Re R Kennedy Jnr – be careful what you wish for. He was spot on regarding the mRNA vaccines, but he is a dedicated follower of the Climate rubbish.
Amazing how one can negotiate the web of lies on the jabs, but fall victim to climate propaganda. I don’t think he would put himself in a position to have his beliefs challenged and for that, he can f*ck off until he snaps out of it.
That may change in the future so let’s wait and see. People can do a 180 and change.
To my eternal embarrassment, after door knocking for KRudd in 2007, I watched a docco by Lord Monckton… really to mock him more than anything and then I watched some of his interviews with protestors… so I started looking up the authoritative sources he claimed to be using… I did a lot of research and found the climate “science” to be a complete scam. Ian Plimer’s book on Heaven and Earth then sealed the deal.
Geologists are better qualified to tell us about climate than climate “scientists” – in fact, its not even a field as its too complex to be considered one single “science.”
…perhaps “Climate Science” is an oxymoron?
The interesting thought is that RFK jr may not really be a climate bedwetter…but if he wants to tilt for the Democrat primaries he has to promote exactly that. He can dissent on Covid stuff, but climate rubbish is holy writ for Democrats.
I agree he’s likely a Gaia believer, it goes with the territory, but being red-pilled on one scientism makes you more likely to be red-pilled on the other scientisms.
I always laugh at the Long March through institutions where the Left have tried, and succeeded in many cases, in sowing distrustfulness in things like authority, church, truth etc… they never realised the face-palm of distrust in science around the jibby jab and climate coming back at them!!!
It’s like having a Masters.
Used to be an achievement.
Not really booted.
He posted a series of rabid racist stuff in an attempt to get the Cat black-banned.
Went into moderation.
Like so many bus drivers before him, he got the huff and complained of being banned.
I note he is toeing the line over at C.L.’s because he knows the same stuff will draw the same result.
Next stop … the Furniture Store.
Well, shit, aye:
Minus 82.7 degrees!!!
Thanks Sancho. The Mong truly was a racist if I ever met one (although I had dinner with Whitlam once). I might “head over” to CL’s and make fun of him…
Remembering that Flummery, the left’s most celebrated climate authoritah, is a paleontologist.
Happens to the best of us. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Don’t forget – this blog is off the pace. I’m trying but I can’t do it all.
“To my eternal embarrassment, after door knocking for KRudd in 2007,”
To my eternal embarrassment, in 2007 I handed out Liberal HTV cards for Malcolm Turnbull here in Wentworth. I never liked the man (having voted for Peter King in 2004) however I was worried the Liberals were going to lose the seat. In hindsight, I wish they had lost the seat in 2007, it would have ended the Turd of Point Piper’s political career, and possibly saved the Liberal Party.
When was that?
Well, not really.
The handful put into moderation or blocked here have improved the place immeasurably.
Googlery (although he is warming up another sock as we speak, no doubt).
St Ruth.
[Given that she has no right of reply here I’d like her not to be mentioned]
Trump is 45.
Mark my words.
This is actually the third short clip in this chain. They are all worthwhile but this one is really and truly horrendous.
The Vigilant Fox
Remdesivir was Tony Fauci’s pet drug — and he “knew that Remdesivir would kill you.”
How does it kill you? “Kidney failure, heart failure, and all-organ collapse.”
“All the doctors said. You heard it again and again. ‘We’ve never seen a virus that attacks the kidneys.’ Because it wasn’t the virus; it was the remdesivir.”
No, it isn’t because they know they’re lying.
Dr. Simon Goddek
Isn’t it paradoxical that the biggest climate change alarmists are all buying seafront villas?
How Washington Ruined America’s Future
Oh dear.
Toronto principal killed himself after being singled out during DEI training
Holy smoke and mirrors: Solar panels THREE TIMES more carbon intensive than natgas?
At least you can laugh about it now.
The NYC subway is “an insane asylum on wheels”
Was that the one nicknamed “ rundeathisnear”
Our society’s ‘top brains’ have gone mad — and dysfunctional politics is the result
Despite Biden’s Pressure, Israel Ends Absolute Power of Leftist Judges
To my eternal embarrassment, in 2007 I handed out Liberal HTV cards for Malcolm Turnbull here in Wentworth
My wife voted for that dingbat imbecile Rob Oakeshott in 2010. We are still married.
New Details: It’s Looking Even Worse for the Bidens…and the FBI
EXC: DeSantis Hired Radical Left, Open Border, Anti-Gun, LGBT & Abortion Activist.
Doctor call provides even more evidence that vaccines are the leading cause of autism and SIDS
Chris Kenny with Senator Antic.
‘Utterly appalling’: Government censored COVID posts that were ‘actually true’
‘People are being MANIPULATED!’ | Neil Oliver says ‘turn your back’ on summer ‘fear mongering’
I’m shocked, shocked I tells ya. HTV cards for krudd, voting for Turdbull. Whats next. I’d have to be pretty pissed to tell you the one about that goat. Oops.
STATINS: Some Inconvenient Truths
I seem to recall that biden and heels up were the worst polling candidates for the demonrats and yet here we are. They ain’t going nowhere. Crime families have a knack rising to the top in the blue states.
CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation confirmed as architects of Deagel .com 2025 Depopulation Forecast & current Mortality Rates imply Covid Vaccination has made it a target that could be hit
Why environmentalists are massive hypocrites
“You might have already noticed the transformation – we have a new name and branding!”
When can I brand you? The fire is roaring already… definitely ready for a branding.
Hunter Picasso.
The spamming is strong this afternoon.
Off to a meeting with the Essential Services Commission in Ballarat.
I know it sucks but it’s at a pub and they provide nibbles. Small victories.
NAB says-
From 18 July 2023, we’re introducing new customer protections by declining some transactions made to high-risk cryptocurrency exchanges.
“Protections” eh?
Like your customers are irresponsible, or imbeciles, or evil libertarians, and you can’t, you know, secure transactions and sh*t anyway.
I’ll also note that the local main street NAB has moved its ATM inside the bank doors to “protect” customers from withdrawing their cash.
I say this with the utmost concern. Miranda Devine is single-handedly putting the entire Hiden crime family 6 feet under. I hope she realizes though that the US is not Australia and she’s dealing with diabolically nasty people who would think of nothing by putting her away.
She needs to be really careful and perhaps hire some modicum of security, which hopefully is being provided by News. Also, she needs to buy a freaking gun.
Indolent Avatar
Jul 25, 2023 3:10 PM
Toronto principal killed himself after being singled out during DEI training
Nice how his colleagues rallied around him after his death. As they say, you can’t throw flowers until you have a corpse.
A very perceptive analysis of the existential decline of the Australian way of life by Christopher Joliffe in the latest Quadrant:
I’ll also note that the local main street NAB has moved its ATM inside the bank doors to “protect” customers from withdrawing their cash.
Well, gee, you are lucky, Walli! The ANZ has closed completely in two of the closest country towns to our farm!
The real racists aren’t white but they are aided and abetted by leftie, white useful idiots:
Racist Mayor: Boston’s Michelle Wu
“I’m getting used to dealing with problems that are expensive, disruptive and white.”
In other leftie news:
Pope Francis hosts pro-abortion WHO director general in private Vatican meeting
But enough about the DemonRats …
So Chicago this weekend…hope you weren’t there
In my younger years, I remember the body counts they used to do from our losses in Vietnam on the news every week. More than make a point, I think they just became numbers to people numbed by the war. Unless, of course, you knew one of the numbers, which we did.
Our little town lost 17 kids to that hellhole.
I still have the pages I tore out of Life magazine when they did what was considered shocking at the time – they ran a picture of every blessed one of those precious lost faces that week.
I’m starting to feel like the body counts coming out of Chicago every freakin’ weekend are numbing numbers anymore.
Is anyone paying attention to that place, besides the families who have to come identify a body?
The city of Chicago has experienced another bloody and violent weekend as six people were fatally shot and 27 others were wounded by gunfire.
Officers responded to two dozen separate shooting incidents from 6 p.m. Friday to 11:59 p.m. Sunday, according to major incident notifications released Monday.
Besides, Mayor Johnson knows he’s safe and sound. He can afford to head to a Beyonce concert.
He doesn’t have to worry about being car-jacked or shot on his stoop as he unlocks his front door thanks to having basically a precinct’s worth of officers at his personal disposal.
16th & 17th District Chicago Police Scanner
Meanwhile, defund the police mayor, Brandon Johnson has fully funded the units that oversee his mayoral detail to the tune of 149 officers.
While the 16th district gets 14 total officers for a July Saturday night, Brandon Johnson gets 149 officers just for himself.
Bankwest has low-key closed branch in Busselona, olny open at random. I’m having trouble trying to operate there without having to tell them my mobile number.
In real closure news-
Agco, parent company of Massey Ferguson, Fendt, Challenger, and Kubota, are discontinuing branches in SW WA. We might not be a food producing region of any note any more, but the Kubota range of construction machinery and FIFO small acreage toys has been going gangbusters this last decade.
Modern War Institute
Randy Noorman | 06.15.23
When Ukrainian forces launched offensives last September in both the country’s northeast and the south, retaking six thousand square kilometers of Russian-occupied territory, it reinforced a narrative about the war in Ukraine that weaved together a series of disparate facts into a concise story of the conflict: Russia’s initial invasion was blunted by a spirited and effective Ukrainian defense, after which Ukrainian forces combined tactical agility, wise operational planning, and international material support to inflict shocking numbers of casualties and persistent battlefield disappointment on their Russian adversaries.
Yet, there are features of the war—and of both sides’ performance—that are lost in this simplified narrative. Among these are the fact that, despite the numerous and obvious shortcomings displayed in Russian military forces’ performance in practice, on a conceptual level they are actually ahead of their time.
Tracing nearly a century of Soviet and Russian strategic culture and military thinking makes this clear. More importantly, exploring this history of military thinking in the context of Moscow’s competition for advantage with its Western competitors and adversaries highlights dynamics that evolve in a continuous fashion, influencing the character of warfare today and in the future. In essence, then, by studying the history of ideas that shaped battlefields of yesterday, we can better understand those of today and conceptualize and prepare for those of tomorrow.
– Understanding the Evolution of Russian Military Strategy
– Each historical period is pregnant with a new one and displays new rudimentary tendencies and forms.
– Deep Battle and Deep Operations
– Nonlinear Warfare
In 1990, Lieutenant Colonel Lester Grau, of the Soviet Army Studies Office at the US Army Combined Arms Center, wrote a report on Soviet forecasting of future war, stating:
The Soviets see non-linear battle as one in which separate “tactically independent” battalions and regiments/brigades fight meeting battles and secure their flanks by means of obstacles, long-range fires and tempo. . . . Large units, such as divisions and armies, may influence the battle through employment of their reserves and long-range attack systems, but the outcome will be decided by the actions of combined arms battalions and regiments/brigades fighting separately on multiple axes in support of a common plan and objective. . . . Tactical combat will be even more destructive than in the past and will be characterized by fragmented [ochagovyy] or non-linear combat. The front line will disappear and terms such as “zones of combat” will replace the outdated concepts of FEBA, FLOT and FLET. No safe havens or “deep rear” will exist.
– Noncontact Warfare
Fundamental concepts such as “front,” “rear,” and “forward line” are changing. . . . They are now passé and being replaced by just two phrases: “target” and “non-target” for a high precision remote strike.
– Recent Developments
– The Ukrainian Battlefield
– Implications for the War in Ukraine and Beyond
We are witnessing the maturation of deep-attack capabilities that were developed during the 1970s and 1980s. As Soviet/Russian military theorists have long understood, these advancements in weapons and sensor technology, over the course of several decades, have made large troop concentrations extremely vulnerable. Additionally, although this has not led to the removal of terms such as FLOT (forward line of own troops), FLET (forward line of enemy troops), and FEBA (forward edge of battle area) from the military lexicon, targets are now being struck throughout the entire depth of the front and beyond.
These theorists also recognized at an early stage that there are two possible military solutions to counter this. The first is by improving the effectiveness of their own reconnaissance-fire and reconnaissance-strike complexes, in order to degrade the opponent’s deep-attack capabilities. The second is by dispersing formations on the battlefield in order to increase survivability.
However, current battlefield conditions are adding the related difficulty of achieving the concentration of forces necessary for establishing main efforts during offensive operations.
This is reducing large-scale engagements and thereby necessitating a concentration and synchronization of effects, rather than a traditional physical massing of troops.
In turn, this places an extra burden on command and control, especially when contested by electronic warfare. Only by disrupting the opponent’s kill chain can larger formations regain the ability to concentrate and engage in maneuver warfare.
During the war in Ukraine, superiority in kill-chain effectiveness has become one of the prime objectives for both sides. In this war and any other characterized by the same dynamics, this superiority becomes an essential condition for victory.
Captain Randy Noorman MA is an officer in the Royal Netherlands Army and currently working as a military historian at the Dutch Institute for Military History, part of the Netherlands Defense Academy.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense.
The Ardis clip I posted at 2:27pm. Check out what was found when he had his home delivered reverse osmosis water tested @ 22:10
Remdesivir: The same sh*t used to bump off all the oldies under Fauci’s hospital protocols during the height of the scamdemic . It was those death numbers used by the MSM to scare and entice people into getting jab, now proven via company documentation to be nothing but lies and detrimental to the human immune system. The second thing found was arsenic and the third was barbiturates. After that it was multiple synthetic venoms and weaponized e-coli bacteria which makes your body produce the venom peptides. Let that sink in.
If hand waving it away makes you feel better, so be it.
Gary Johns has always been a fantastic source for an understanding of Aboriginal politics. He has worked with them over many years, but retains a realistic scepticism in respect to the Aboriginal leaders. His new book, “The Burden of Culture” looks like important reading in the present moment. This is a précis:
Aboriginal politics are now dominated by demands for reconciliation, self-determination, and acknowledgment of culture. But these concepts – defined and promoted by an urban elite of educated Aboriginal activists – hide the bigger truth that most people of Aboriginal descent today are already integrated into the wider society and are doing well, if belatedly.
More importantly, the Aboriginal industry fails to address the needs of the 20 per cent minority of their population who still live in despair. Those who remain in remote and rural Australia are being asked to build a New Jerusalem on poor lands with ancient cultural habits. This captive minority needs to reach out, literally, but the politics of their leaders keeps them locked where they are.
Correction. 2:13pm for the Ardis clip.
Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023
Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 is COPYRIGHTED — NOT Public Domain — and FREE under the following conditions:
ANYone is free to print off a copy for your own personal use.
All other rights — including publishing rights — are reserved to me.
Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 is dedicated to all those who have suffered and died in this terrible war and to my children Rebecca, Robert, Rohan, and Johanna in the hope this will not escalate into a world war they and their families would suffer.
The more we learn about the Second World War, the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war.
War must be confined to history books and games and museums.
A Request: If you do assemble and play this free game of mine, PLEASE let me know at [email protected] what you think of it and whether, after more than a couple games, you think one side or the other has an advantage. Thanks!
And now: Here are Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023’s components, to print off and assemble so that it may be played. Players-students will also need more than one 6-sided dice or coins for the 50% probability resolutions.
. Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 operational mapboard Rvsk 26Jun23: Siverski-Donetski Canal and Klishchiivka (town) added.
. Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 tactical city mapboard
. Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 units/pieces. Rvsd 23Jul23 – 3 more Russian (regular) Army units.
. Rules for A4 printoutt Rvsd 23Jul23: Setup clarifications. Non-Conscript and non-Prisoner units may now move 2 hexes to engage without being Disrupted. Wagner mutiny possibility added.
. Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 Turn Record and Loss Point Track Rvsd 11Jun23 to include continuation of the battle and Russians fighting on Ukraine’s side
Historical and Design and Gameplay Commentary
. Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 Standup pieces maybe maybe.
More comments by myself and others about the game can be read on TalkConSimWorld and BoardGameGeek.
If you are a friend, and/or if you would like to share info and ideas about military and naval history and game designing and cardstock model shipbuilding, and/or you have any questions about Bakhmut Meatgrinder: Verdun 2023 feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
Thank you for your interest in the game ….
Indeed. I will be saddened by her suicide.
How Dangerous Is Nuclear Waste?
Dr Buti, WA Minister for Aborigines:
17/7 – “New heritage laws aren’t causing major confusion and are going smoothly”
23/7 – Libs would win an election poll released
25/7 – “Open minded” to an “overhaul of the legislation”
Random historical fact.
Australian shearer Michael Dennis Rohan set fire to the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on the 21st of August, 1969, after his first attempt ten days previously had failed. He was apparently a member of a protestant sect, Church of God, and plead insanity at his trial. Five years later, he was extradited to Australia, and initially kept at Callan Park in Sydney.
K’gari Island…
Aborigines were ahead of their time!!! They used apostrophes!!!
the politics of their leaders keeps them locked where they are.
“Gary Johns has always been a fantastic source for an understanding of Aboriginal politics. He has worked with them over many years, but retains a realistic scepticism in respect to the Aboriginal leaders. His new book, “The Burden of Culture” looks like important reading in the present moment. This is a précis:”
Indeed. Which is why they’re out to silence him, the current lynching is led by that chief maggot here in NSW, Matt Kean.
The Oz…
Liberals for Yes co-convener Kate Carnell and NSW opposition health spokesman Matt Kean, also a Liberal, said Mr Johns should quit or be forced out of his role as president of leading No organisation Recognise a Better Way because of his “repugnant” views.
The only repugnant individual here is Kean. Oh, who could forget Kean’s pile on last year of Katherine Deves.
The good news is that Warren Mundine and others in the NO camp hare standing by Johns….morefrom The Oz…
“Leading No campaigner Warren Mundine said Mr Johns was an important part of the No campaign and he was comfortable with him remaining on the No side, despite disagreeing with some of his views.
“Gary Johns is like any other Australian. He’s entitled to his viewpoints and I’m a great believer in free speech. Now me and him, we will have discussions about that and we disagree on different angles of it but there’s no way I’m going to be calling for him to step down,” Mr Mundine told Sky News.
“Just because people complain about him and that, at least he’s honest about his approach to these things and I’m very pleased to have him on our committee and to have him as an adviser to us.”
Quite so Mr Mundine. And Mundine shows how you deal with cancelling and silencing by scum such as Kean, you stand by the person being targeted for silencing, you have that person’s back.
The Labour Party need a joint ticket on the referendum. Any state that succeeds with the Yes vote will also legalise cannabis. That’ll do it.
Noel Pearson has come out and said “if YES doesn’t get up, there will be endless protests”
(I think we predicted this at the Cat some months ago)
Gary Johns went native (no pun intended) at a Mannkal Christmas do. They are just up the road a bit (maybe note that down Groogs now you’ve got some spare time).
Endless protests, IMHO, beats endless High Court challenges over private land any day.
“Noel Pearson has come out and said “if YES doesn’t get up, there will be endless protests””
Oh right, so we’re now being threatened.
HB – i used to hang out with Ron Manners a fair bit… but that was only a few years’ of flirting with Libertarianism, Conservatism much better.
I think, by most posts today, I identify as a political slut.
Which will be different from BAU exactly how?
Just thought I’d let you know…
Having a champagne breakfast in the CDG Lounge.
Envy me, serfs! 😀
Might want to speak to the Pommy cricketers. Although that has colonial overtones.
They know what needs to be done it’s just that they are not prepared to do it. Integration, assimilation and insistence on their own culture, not the migrants’ culture, is the magic pill.
To be fair, though, I went from being a Trot to Labor Party (Harry Jenkins Jr branch) to Libertarian to Conservatism, and that all took place over about 23 years…
Look out for the stones…. Gall stones lol! (sorry, dad joke!) 😛
Travelling music
Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup
And ride that highway in the sky
Well, I’m on my way
Yes, I’m back to stay
Well, I’m on my way back home
Lysander, a bit of time wandering in the desert never hurt anyone.
Noel Pearson has come out and said “if YES doesn’t get up, there will be endless [well-funded, media-centric] protests [attended by well-fed, urban fauxborigines, designed to spit-in-the-face of the ordinary Australian who would whole-heartedly accept the lot of us if we bought a good pair of tongs and the right brand beer to the semi-regular neighbourhood barbie].”
Do people know about this deal being made or in the making?
Intro to the guy talking about it and the deal.
How might something similar play out today in the Middle East?
[There’s] a peace dividend and a lot more capital spending around the region, with Saudi Arabia announcing trillions of dollars in capex over the coming decade. When you look at the infrastructure spending plans being announced, with energy pipelines that will go from China to Pakistan into Iran and then into Oman, it’s a game changer. It means the control of the oceans might not matter as much as before.
The investment implications?
The massive pipeline is obviously some years away.
Who do you think it is, bespoke? Only looked a couple of times and then discovered a whole thread dedicated to me! Felt like eavesdropping, so I didn’t open it. I know what happened to Pandora.
Believe me, I’m not that important.
The Soviets see non-linear battle as one in which separate “tactically independent” battalions and regiments/brigades fight meeting battles and secure their flanks by means of obstacles, long-range fires and tempo. .
Non-linear warfare has, of course, been heavily employed against insurgents in the Middle Eastern conflicts. The war in Ukraine has certainly seen the employment of different capabilities, especially the sensor devices, drones etc. But sadly, the terrible fighting over Bakhmut has shown that desperate hand to hand combat is not a relic of the past.
They were crowing about Barbie doing better than Oppenheimer on opening weekend on BBC.
I presume it’s full of progressive tropes. A shame, because I enjoy Robbie’s work. Watched an Indie movie of hers “Amsterdam” with Christian Bale. Not bad.
The bloke who ran two minutes overtime on his 15 minutes of fame.
He and the Old Lezzo are the template for what will happen to the Teals.
A conservatives front to harvest votes from the unwary, but they don’t get to do it twice once they have revealed themselves.
But the Libs will try to out-Teal the Teals to win back those seats.
I was horrified when I found out my mother voted for Bob Hawke. When I asked why she said she liked his looks, she assured me later that she did not vote for him again.
Oops! Even mentioning it is a feewings hurtie. Here’s a cement milkshake…banana flavoured.
Confession…I voted for Hawke. My only non-conservative vote until the last election, when we had a ON candidate.
Fraser had ample opportunity to reform after Whitlam and faffed around.
Endless protests, the mark of the unemployed but sponsored.
The Old Lezzo re-election fund really struggled to get off the ground.
Hellooooo Page Podium!
No, bespoke. I never thought so. It made me very unhappy indeed, and powerless to do anything to help. Stuff like that never goes away, I know from bitter experience.
It might have more luck rebranding as The Tony Windsor Political Funeral Fund and taking pre sales.
Another correction.
With the C-19 shots and side effects, what has been shown to negate the effects of this muck on the human body? Yep, nicotine. If you know anyone with jab effects and “long covid” symptoms, tell them to purchase 7mg nicotine patches and use one a day for six days only. Come the fourteenth day after stopping at the sixth, all the symptoms were gone on the studies carried out. If you know someone, tell them. They having nothing to lose apart from a few dollars.
21 days after the nicotine patches were ended after day 6.
My bad.
At one stage I was going to write a PhD on the history, opportunities and problems with Libertarianism (never got around to it). David Kemp spoke to me several times and insisted the greatest impact Libertarianism had was summed up in one question:
What happened to the philosophy and politics of Labor between 1975 and 1983?
It’s a good question from the Whitlamite era to the Hawke/Keating era…
Crossie I voted for Hawke once. The SFL were a bitter infighting rabble at the time. Precursor for what there was to come. Why didn’t they get rid of the wets I’ll never know.
Reality struck. Reality is a real bitch at times. It began with the float of the Australian dollar, possibly the most important even that occurred up to that era from post WW2. Everything basically unfolded from there. The labor government had no choice because they tangled themselves up with the Accord, which was an inflationary policy. They couldn’t continue with a fixed exchange rate because under fixed, the Dollar would suffer periodic devaluations. These devaluations caused runs on our currency reserves. Under floating, it was called “depreciation” and much more manageable from a public perception point of view. We also couldn’t continue with the ruinous protectionism through trade barriers and quotas.
Ranga! You “Labor shill”* lol!!!! 😛
*in memorium of Mong.
Agree JC – but I think the Nobel Prizes to Friedman in 76 I think and Buchanan in mid 80’s were influencing our international partners’ monetary and economic policies (to some extent anyway) and, yes, Australia had to catch up.
If Whitlam were still in power in the 80’s, he would’ve nationalised every sector of the entire economy lol!!! (which, ahem, the “Charmer” appears to be trying now)
Researchers condemn rise of ‘fascist ideologues’ after students send mocking responses to LGBTQ survey
Ah yes, the highest of impartial rigorous research standards. If the data don’t fit, protest it.
Do tell.
The Fed actually tried monetarism in the 80s through a policy of targeting the money supply. It was M2 from memory. It failed and the Fed then went onto targeting interest rates which has been with us for a long time, but also a failure.
To his everlasting credit Milt quickly understood that money supply targeting was as mistake and recognized the error. He subsequently advised to target income, which was essentially a similar target to what adherents of market monetarism suggest now – NGDP targeting.
I’m not sure about Buchanan. I would have thought the father of supply-side reforms had more influence. Arthur Laffer, with the Laffer curve.
Lysander has been on fire this afternoon.
High energy. Highly entertaining.
Musing about the days of old reminds me that, if you’ve never read anything about the bloke, you should do some reading on Ed Shann, UWA’s first Economics Professor and first WA Libertarian Economist.
Scottish (of course!), hounded out of UWA for his “small government” stance by Winthrop Hackett and disgraced by the drunkard Curtin of whom Shann publicly dissed his economic “Premier’s (recovery) Plan” in the Great Depression, and drove him to suicide in South Australia…
It proves, to this day, “the club” still rules.
Fess up time. I once voted for Bob Carr. I admit it, sadly. Big mistake.
That was because Kerry Chikarovski lied so blatantly and stinkily in the run up to the election that I rebounded in complete disgust.
It irritates me she is a go to gurrrl for the MSM whenever they want a righty pundit.
I don’t agree with the sentiment these days, but the best bumper sticker I ever saw was in WA and it read (of Premier Richard Court).
“I voted Liberal, and got my D!ck Court” 😛
In fact, last week I was driving through a fairly working class area and one of those awful tradies’ 4WD whizzed past me… I was pretty annoyed until I saw its bumper sticker: “Let’s go Brandon!” LOL!!
The portals of hell opened and the last angel poured out its vial …..
RTWT, it’s deranged.
And printed in the Turdbull gruinaid.
Sky News spreading fear and falsehoods on Indigenous voice is an affront to Australian democracy
Malcolm Turnbull and Sharan Burrow
…Sky News dramatically expanded its audience when it struck a deal with regional broadcasters to create Sky News Regional – a free-to-air channel beamed straight to the televisions of up to seven million Australians. It’s one of a handful of channels available to people in regional Australia….
Because screw those bumpkins…
MaoColm is broken inside.
…Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and former General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation and ACTU president Sharan Burrow are the co-chairs of Australians for a Murdoch royal commission….
The unions did him in as a deliberate move to destroy the Libs and they succeeded. Commodity prices went into the toilet in the late 70s, as the Fed began to tighten aggressively causing commodity prices to tank. And just as that was occurring we had a union led wage explosion brought on by massive strikes. Interest rates hit 100% overnight during this period with hardcore pressure on the exchange rate. The unions knew EGGSACTLY what they were doing. If Fraser had floated much earlier he could have survived.
The left needs to be destroyed wholesale. They are just no good.
Totally, but he had to find his trousers first.
Let it not be forgotten that Kean (like the despicable Pesutto, another alleged Liberal) also took the side of violent, misogynistic trannie activists against women whose only “crime” is wanting female only spaces and sports.
One final quick story, for laughs, before I run….
I was invited to this “high almighty” exclusive UWA conference (and tbh, it was pretty much that) with lots of nodding and agreeable conversations.
Drinks followed in the late arvo and I snuck outside with a red for a ciggy where I chanced upon Gareth Evans who, at the time, was a real hero of mine… We got talking, laughing and ran out of conversation so got a bit awkward (all in the space of two ciggies) so I asked him “How’s Cheryl?”
Well, that was a mistake. He turned to me, pushed his pointed index finger into my ribcage three times and said “No! No! No!!!!” Turned around and walked away.
….it was a genuine question!!!!
A certain former PM, who I won’t name, but which starts with a “t” and ends in a “l,” really is a two-faced POS.
Mal by name, Mao by nature.
Eg. The Victorian Libs left a $5 billion surplus. In approximately 12 years, that turned into $140 billion deficit.
It’s not just the Hidens themselves.
No-one wants to spend $500k on a Bunter van Hiden painting to suddenly find it is worthless.
Speaking of which, it would be interesting to look at the secondary market for Bunter van Hiden paintings.
Normally if a painter is banging out works and selling them for $500k, there will be a secondary market. They either go up and original buyers take a profit, or the buyers tire of them and maybe sell them at a loss.
I’ll bet there is zero secondary market for Bunter van Hidens at any price.
And that would be different to the current situation how, exactly?
There might be if le artiste cut his own ear off.
Quite so, JC. Miranda Devine needs to understand her noble ideals won’t protect her from the hoodlums now running America.
The DNC and the Bidens will happily have her killed, knowing the 99% of the corrupt US media will cover for them and do whatever it takes to keep the DNC in power and Donald Trump out of the White House.
Washington DC in 2023 is a version of Elliot Ness’s Chicago in the 1930s only this time the good guys probably won’t win their war against the gangsters,.
That U2 pilot had the astronaut suit on @1:18. Comments suggest he flew direct from Beale AFB in Calli and headed immediately back.
Daily Oshkosh Highlights! – Monday – EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023
It’s all to do with money laundering; an attempt to hide the real source of his ill-gotten and otherwise unexplained wealth.
Apparently money laundering is rife in American art galleries.
Don’t be silly. Bunter’s masterpieces are like Da Vincis . Once you own a Bunter, you will never let it go. There can’t be an aftermarket. Get serious.
Just take one look at the background masterpiece in the pic. This rivals Van Gough, Da Vinci, Picasso.
Get real.
What kind of shit marketing Twitter is an ‘X’ now? Surely a ‘T’ would have made more sense…
Report: Mystery buyer scoops up $875,000 of Hunter Biden’s art
From what I read above, he’s simply upped by 5 years in certain categories the max. age of those that can be mobilized. For those up to 70, they’re talking about being able to call up people that previously held a rank up to General. These are hardly people without previous military training or experience. And the same applies in the other categories. These are simply indicators that they’re serious about enlarging their army and using the experience they have able to the fullest.
Lol JC!!!
Champagne comedy!!! 😛
Take yer pick of future headlines:
‘No’ Campaign set to trigger secret racist sleeper cells to disrupt moment of national maturity.
Prime Minister set to declare state of emergency and deploy defense forces two weeks prior to Voice decision.
From Anti-vaxxer to Public Image Crime: How social deviants are poised to poison Australia’s international reputation.
Our Country, Our Voice: Voting ‘No’ is abortion-adjacent.
GenCoe: Why the Science of Gentle Coercion is vital for Prosperity.
It’ll keep the ferals busy, and plod will tie themselves up in knots trying to not arrest them. The rest of us can get on with life and ignore both sets of fascists.
Was just idle and uninformed speculation on my behalf DB (and I wanted a chance to “school” the Catters on “alternatively” versus “alternately” 😛
Absolute masterpieces.
The Liberal Party should avoid leaders named Malcolm.
The Labor Party should avoid leaders born in Wales.
Each has had a sample of two, that should be evidence enough.
Call his bluff.
Very hopefully the Yes vote will fail, then they can protest and huff and puff until the cows come home.
Better that than be blackmailed or intimidated by threats and be treated as a second class citizen in my own country.
There are plenty of ways to launder money, if you have ill gotten wealth.
If, on the other hand, you want to direct money in a specific direction without much scrutiny, why not pick something where the value is highly subjective, like art.
But the thing is, if there is no secondary market for the work* it is a dead giveaway that the original sales are a scam.
* I assume the US doesn’t have the ridiculous laws brought in here by Garrett where the original artist and their heirs get a cut every time a work is re-sold.
The likeliest of real headlines Muddy is:
Truck full of ballots goes missing.
(It’s happened before, 2013?)
If the media won’t report on it, Washington’s biggest money-laundering racket can be kept under wraps.
Sorry Muddy, I stand corrected, the headline will be:
“Truck full of “NO” ballots goes missing” – “Albanese declares no revote and Yes wins!”
H B Bear
Jul 25, 2023 5:05 PM
Lysander, a bit of time wandering in the desert never hurt anyone”
Mustn’t forget the Horse with no Name. 😀
Funny you mention that, when the Bunter van Hiden artwork went on display, I read that the world art market is also a huge funnel to launder and move money around. Here I was thinking, people just like pictures to hang on their blank walls.
Dover – He upped lower ranks by ten years, not five. I suspect there will be a lot of very fearful and unhappy families in Russia at the moment. And another exodus.
No no no JC, Epstein hanging on blank walls.
I’d join the red army for citizenship, house and 25 year old lady.
Biden’s work looks like colour by numbers.
I think we’re pretty close to the dam breaking. The corruption coming out about this c..t of a family can’t be ignored much longer. I read this morning that even CNN is beginning to criticize Hiden and doesn’t want him to run anymore.
This is why they’re going really hard on Trump.
Someone else mentioned that they see a pattern. When facts have begun to circulate about the Hidens, the msm begins to run stories about UFO sightings and that there’s strong evidence they’re from another world. Anything to change the subject.
Further to my ‘Researchers condemn rise of ‘fascist ideologues’ after students send mocking responses to LGBTQ survey’ post.
One of the most important things that life experience teaches us is not to ask a question we don’t want to hear the answer to.
I can just imagine, here in Victoria under Andrews, police going in hard and violently like stormtroopers against angry pro-Voice protesters as they did against Covid vaccine protesters.
No, kid glove treatment is far more likely.
Was it Henry Bolte when told there were protestors outside Parliament?
“They can march up and down until they’re bloody well footsore for all I care!”
Of course, that doesn’t compare with Robert Askin’s more succinct and brutal, “Run the bastards over!”
It really is disgraceful threatening protests if people don’t vote the way you want.
Reminds me of all those predictions about the US going up in flames when Trump lost in 2020.
Didn’t happen.
What are they going to do, destroy Wadeye.
Oops, already did that.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian dude reckons his “dog is smarter than Bunter”.
Who to believe. It’s really a tough one.
And with the promise of no more welcome to country. Sign me up!
West Australian farmers, at a public meeting, heckled the local Labor member and booed his “acknowledgement of country.”
“Noel Pearson has come out and said “if YES doesn’t get up, there will be endless protests”
Careful, or they will escalate to “ scweam and scweam until they are thick”
They’ll probably try and start a US style race war. Well they’re trying to already.
Yeah, I think it is.
The point about laundering is you sacrifice a small percentage of the face value to legitimise it.
But many Bunter van Hiden buyers probably have legit wealth in the first place. They are never on-selling the work so it isn’t laundering as such.
It is thinly disguised bribery, but hard to prove, because the buyer can say they just luuurve the work. They probably have an art consultant’s valuation as cover as well.
But, when you consider some of the long bows being run against Trump, an examination of the secondary market for Bunter van Hiden paintings would form a solid plank in a racketeering case.
Particularly when the buyers suddenly get inexplicable favours and appointments from the Sniffer.
Noel Pearson can make threats until he’s black in the face….
Fast bowlers shouldn’t be Test captains because they’re not fielding at slip and Pat Cummins is a sh*t captain. Discuss.
Oh, so coconut head is making veiled threats now, is he? So they protest. Who gives a shit.
I got the impression that the Bunter paintings were receipts for money paid – proof of purchase.
$500k paid to the Biden’s are probably worth at least $1 million of taxpayers money, or protection from criminal investigation for various misdeeds.
Our indig equal America’s indig, which is approx 2 to 3% of the population. Both tend to live outside the big cities. Really, who gives a shit if 300 aboriginals running a protest in Muurrrawigini, or in the US case on some semi-remote reservation, which has a casino?
So Fat Sharan is back in Oz.
I need to have a chat with this young lady.
Why is it that commos live so long.
– Gov. Greg Abbot (R-TX)
The American Negros are much more useful to the US left than the Indians I reckon.
Noel Pearson better change his name to something Aboriginal as using an English name is cultural appropriation.
Wind talkers (Amazon)
Not for people with a delicate constitution but a good movie.
They probably get their money back courtesy of the Democrat’s slush fund.
Get a load of the vote slant.
90% Demonrat. 6% GOP – Black Voters
61% Demon . 33% GOP. Native American.
Still big slant by the natives but nowhere near blacks.
Even Hispanics have a bigger demon slant than natives.
2018 election.
Fast bowlers, contrary to popular belief are not (all) thick as pig shit.
However, they do have a tendency to be overly invested in their own efforts with the pill. Because they spend most of the day at full steam, or thinking about the next time they will be at full steam it becomes difficult to appreciate the broader strategy of the longer forms of the game.
They will field either at fine leg when bowling at the other end, or at mid on when not. Neither position allows them to bounce ideas and tactics off others, as traditional (batsmen) captains do in the cordon – which, by the way, is the ideal position to see what the other bowlers are actually doing with the ball.
If you are a fast bowling captain, you are either running a blinkered one-horse show or devolving responsibility to others which you should own.
Nevertheless, this has worked for some extremely lucky individuals in the past.
The experience of seeing ‘Barbie’ was like being given a beautifully wrapped gift, only to open it up to find the magot infested rotting corpse of Western Civilisation instead
by Bella d’Abrera … up the Speccy
** thanks for the chuckles
They could reject Whitefella’s Centrelink, and refuse to live in Whitefella housing?
Because they think the normies are stupid, the political race hustlers need simple imagery to sell their lies.
I remember 50 years ago I went to boarding school with kids from Nauru, who were brown but not quite black. The common suspicion of them as aliens lasted about a week before they became friends.
Race-baiting survives because the elitists running left-wing politics think the normies are stupid.
The truth is that they hate the fact that racism is now virtually non-existent because that deprives them of their political power.
Imran Khan and Kapil Dev were fast bowlers, although both were more properly terms allrounders. They were successful because their team was successful. Both India and Pakistan teams of the era fielded a bevy of superstars that would have smashed any opposition regardless who was flipping the coin.
Shaun Pollock was another allrounder in the same category.
When you can’t use raw talent on the part of your players to get over the line, and when you have you plan the game and use the right people at the right time, the fast bowler captains tend to struggle.
Waqar Younis was one of the great fast bowlers but had to carry his team as well as the captaincy in a failing period for Pakistan. Bob Willis was given a go for England after the glory days of specialist captain Mike Brearley, but the team was in decline and he couldn’t pull the right levers because he tried to do it all as skipper – although he still had a talent pool to work with.
Pat Cummin’s captaincy has nothing to do with our top order performing poorly. If top order was doing better, middle order could have been more aggressive and assertive. Australia has been playing from behind all series and somehow is leading 2-1
Just like EV’s.
Aboriginals wearing shoes, similarly.
Be prepared for the Yes campaigners denouncing the No campaign again for their unscrupulous and devious tactic of accurately quoting them.
Courtney Walsh was given the West Indies gig, which was another poisoned chalice given his team was starting to freefall and he didn’t have the bowling support he started his career with – i.e., Roberts, Marshall, Clarke and the end of Ambrose. He failed for the same reasons Willis did.
In the ‘you’re kidding yourself’ and ‘there’s nobody else’ categories there are Jason Holder and Darren Sammy from the West Indies, and Heath Streak from Zimbabwe.
All these Test captains took 50 wickets or more in Tests.
Batsmen make better captains because they can analyse the state of play over a long period of time without their heart rates going into overdrive for half the day. They make better decisions over time and under pressure, and with less emotional input or desire for personal success.
They can exchange ideas with teammates better, and gain different perspectives to take into account when making decisions.
Cummins does not have Chappell, Lillee or Marsh in his team, nor does he have Ponting, Warne and McGrath.
The extra work – the actual captaincy required to lift an average team – is beyond him, and his own game is suffering as a result.
Plus, he’s a flog.
The Aboriginal industry, a true product of the system. Once the Voice gets up, watch the parasite grow to gargantuan proportions and finally kill the host.
I have a real concern there’s going to be cheating in the ref.
1/ The Australian left acquire some of their bad habits from the US
2/ I think it was Cronkite who mentioned that oversight in non-election voting is far more lax.
It’s a shit-show.
Sniffy Smiff, Labushagnee and the Cheating Ranga all waving their arms and directing traffic.
“The senior players are supporting Cummins”, we are told.
No they’re not.
They’re grandstanding and auditioning for his job.
I am trying to picture someone moving a field for Allan Border.
Can’t get it.
Mad arse India. I remember Bald and Bankrupt getting stalked in the same way. The advantage over Harold is that he is pretty fluent with speaking Hindi. It certainly would help.
The last clip, Harold was swimming in the Ganges. Brave or stupid … or perhaps a good boost to the immune system?
A chaotic environment that flows.
Harold Baldr:
25 Jul 2023
INDIA, VARANASI: Have you ever found yourself in an amazing artisanal or fake goods market in exotic foreign lands… only to have your shopping experience constantly interrupted or maybe even ruined by people who do not even own shops in the market….
…but for some reason think that they should decide where you should go and what you should buy?
On top of that they may even ruin your interactions with shopkeepers you wish to buy goods from and greatly inflate the price of the goods you do buy because shops think that this tout is your guide and he is showing you around.
India is notorious for this marketplace practice and this Varanasi main market was no exception in this regards. Getting rid of touts can be incredibly hard. I for one do not like to get angry, yell at people or tell someone to get the F away from me as that ruins the mood of not just that market area for me but the rest of the day as well.
So a simple no and leave me alone is about all I will say at least when I am filming a video in one take. That rarely works though… and it didn’t here (as you’re about to see) either.
In this Varanasi market one guy in particular simply would not take no for an answer and he kept stalking me for a good hour until…
Well … go see for yourself.
Varanasi Market Stalkers
You see this with weak skippers all the time.
It’s the result of the captain not making it very clear about what field he wants set for which bowler to which batsman prior to the match (or innings) starting. It is poor planning and/or the delegation of tasks to a barrel of monkeys when it should a) be the captain’s job, and b) made crystal clear to all assembled in the week prior to a Test match.
Border occasionally fielded at mid-off. However – you didn’t see the cordon usurping his role and play at captaincy while he was on the ground – or off it.
If you’re going to watch these e-beggars, than at least use Brave Browser so they don’t get any revenue….
BREAKING UPDATE: Zelensky Associate Was Present at Biden Bribery Meetings – Then Went to Work for President Zelensky Who Now Is Holding Blackmail Information Against Joe Biden
Who isn’t holding blackmail information on Joe Biden? Anyway, throughout his career you didn’t need to blackmail him, he could just be bought.
Yep, from 45 to 55. I would have thought that’s perfectly reasonable given the circumstance of a year long war and you’re building up a large reserve that utilises experienced retired serviceman/ reservists.
That’s because Pat Cummins is a loud-mouth knowall who, like most loud-mouth knowalls, knows stuff all about stuff all.
Try keeping your mouth shut, Pat, and watch your popularity soar.
Jul 25, 2023 7:37 PM
I have a real concern there’s going to be cheating in the ref.
1/ The Australian left acquire some of their bad habits from the US
2/ I think it was Cronkite who mentioned that oversight in non-election voting is far more lax.
Dutton should bring this up and roll with the punches. I remember the last time I voted and pasty face from the voting place was handing out pencils.
I said they should illegal with a serious look on my face. I showed my pen and he just smiled.
I reckon the AEC are infested with filth.
I haven’t been able to keep up with the ‘who is booted?’ aspect of conversation here, especially between Calli and Bespoke (never one I trust) on the last page. […] And is Ed Case ‘the mong’ who was booted or were there others? Or is someone making mountains out of molehills again?
Let’s pull that apart.
Yes, most have been inconsistent, but Smiff, Labushagnee, Khawaja, Head and even Marsh have at least pulled out one big innings at the right time.
Let’s see, who have I left out?
Oh, yes, the cheating, houso, midget ranga.
At worst getting knocked over early.
At best scratching together 30-40 and getting out. Which is almost worse than being knocked over first ball.
Dover is worried he/she/it might be an ASIO plant.
Will Noel’s endless protests kick off with a welcome to country? Won’t that upset Marcia Marcia Marcia? And I see Warren Mundine is considering suing Noel and his hat for defamation. The thing I love about Albo’s Voice is how it has brought people together. Fabulous nation building
“Noel Pearson has come out and said “if YES doesn’t get up, there will be endless protests”
Mmm….yes; that’ll do “the cause” no end of good.
I take it this was after he appealed to Yes campaigners to appeal to “the better angels” of Australians?
In keeping with his modus operandi, when Noel is faced with not getting what he wants, he resorts to “bombing” (i.e. bullying) his opponents.
Such a waste of a once promising contributor to Australian public life.
What was that exchange again?
Oh, yes, that’s it.
“Do that one more f-cking time and you will be on the next f-cking plane home!”