Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and…
Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and…
My reading of the Act of Settlement 1701 is that he needed to be a Protestant as the time he…
After decimal currency came in my gran kept a stash of sixpence coins esp. for the Christmas pudding. Shops would…
Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
In a motorway cafe. Yes, I was going to mention that!
And the latest from Coffee Club:
Oh. It’s Martin Armstrong. Or Annie. Or srr.
Followed by:
And in the middle:
Brilliant. Sign up, people, because – naturally – there’s an exhortation to donate at the end of it.
An excellent point.
Assume 1.25% decline annually for this reason.
ChatGPt coorected my earlier comment suggesting there is no compounding in the decay rate.
My question:
Doofus replies:
Were you in Darwin then? Or was the photo taken on their return, which would reduce the possibility of NT Police or soldiers being in it?
There are Indigenous children in Western Australian communities that have English as a third or fourth language – it’s considered more important for them to learn their local dialects.
Thank God.
Shaun of the Dead’s on.
To paraphrase Joe Aston, if you want your son left out of it, don’t put him in it.
Now, I look forward to an enterprising young journalism student from UTS hacking into Nathan Albanese’s personal details at PwC.
CNN is reporting that “D-Day” has already been chosen…
Can it be after the footy season?
I meant the scene of the photo.
I wasn’t there, I was busy being a kid, somewhere else.
The caption said it was a group photo of the NSW contingent before returning home.
Maybe an accompanying article would shed more light.
Gary Johns doesn’t flinch in the face of progressive smears and sneers.
Good on him.
Funny, I was just thinking along similar lines before I read you comment, Cassie.
Cue the outrage from the left if that happened!
Not that I am suggesting it should, just pointing out leftist hypocrisy.
I think it’s a big number, but I’ve never really looked at demographics before.
According to Statista, China has seen an 8.5% annual drop in birthrate since 2016 to 2022.
Thanks KD for the Coffee Club reviews.
I try to ration my trips down the rabbit hole.
You’ve seen what can happen with over-exposure.
here’s another fab photo.
“Not that I am suggesting it should, just pointing out leftist hypocrisy.”
I’ve seen some things, man.
Done some stuff.
If you find the Annual Report of the NSW police for 1974 it states 39 police (with 30 UHF portable radios and base station) were dispatched to Darwin.
I’d link but haven’t worked out how to link pdfs from my phone.
Calli, glad the operation went well though don’t try to tough it out too early. Take the painkillers when you need them. I did that when I had fractured my pelvis. It took about three weeks of full-on pain relief then lengthening the interval between doses and then lowering the dose.
In the meantime think of the next overseas holiday when you will be fit to enjoy every bit of it.
Thanks. I was wondering if you had been showing a history of adventurousness even before your COVID blockade running to see your grandies.
Yeah, it’s huge.
That is why I said you can’t apply rest-of-the-world demography to Chinah.
See the histogram of Chinese population distribution.
That drop is a direct correlation to the drop you see which started with the now 30 year olds and that drop has another ten years to run.
So, unless birth rates radically increase, the 2016-2022 trend will continue for another ten years.
The 2016 babies will reach child-bearing themselves around 2036 onwards, so you will see another 15 year drop off.
I haven’t got the butcher’s paper out yet, but it does look like a serious population crunch is coming.
Gold is actually down against the US dollar. It hit a high of US$2,077 in early May and is right now trading at US$1,888.50.
The only reason gold is up against Aussie dollar is because the Aussie has weakened against the greenback. This isn’t a very healthy situation because you want gold to be in a bull market against the US dollar.
Nineteen in that one, at least 27 in the other one, but one at least of those looks to be a soldier (wearing greens). There might be another under the tree, partially concealed.
Me too.
Can’t say too much, though.
Official secrets and all that.
I’ve probably said more than I should have already.
Cohenite/others, do you know of this bloke? Simon Michaux.
He’s spot on about ruinables but betty the poodle could figure that out. 2 brain farts let him down:
1 Peak oil. This was touted during the Carter era of stupidity which rivals the current period. There is more known oil and oil equivalents in the world today than ever. And abiotic oil has a lot of evidence to support it.
2 Tipping points. As soon as I hear this I go out and kick my gay neighbour up the arse. It’s a good arrangement: I vent and it satisfies him. There is some evidence for Snowball periods on Earth but this planet has remarkable checks and balances against climate tipping points: simply put if things get cold less evaporation occurs, less clouds occur and more solar reaches Earth to begin warming. If things are getting hot, more evaporation causes more clouds which block TSI and the planet cools.
The thing about fossils is their use is not just energy; they literally prop up civilization in manufacture of materials as an ingredient. Idiots like turtle and every fuking green have no idea about this.
This is the exact thing that struck me when I visited an outstation on the northern tip of Elcho Island in the mid 90’s. Except that was a generation ago, so I could speak English to the grandparents and parents, but not the kids. I took a bunch for a sail around the bay and we communicated with gestures. They were the same age as my nephews and nieces and it really hit home that when/if they ventured outside Arnhem Land they would be strangers in their own land; while my nephews and nieces, because they spoke English. would be able to roam the world and always make themselves understood. Which they did.
[ A few months back, someone here posted their impressions of a visit to Elcho at about the same time, and while my visit to the main settlement at Galiwinku was fleeting, it rang true; streets with bombed out houses, and behind the streets with houses built to replace them, blaring reggae mujiks. An island with a carrying capacity of 100 – 200 people for a hunter gather economy with a population of 1500… It was really pretty though, bauxite (?) red cliffs and quite large gums… and a hard sand beach that dried out at low tide where kids kicked the footy and took speccies.]
why can the grandparents of aboriginal children in remote communities speak fluent English, yet their grandchildren cannot speak English fluently?
Easy enough to answer. High truancy, slack parents and a glorification of learning Aboriginal language. Which has no place in any workplace anywhere in Australia.
I nearly said peak population and tipping point in my Chinah population post.
So glad I didn’t.
I don’t want Cohenite’s gay neighbour to get a boot up the arse.
Sachez, perhaps Dover is correct that Zeihan’s figuring is grossly overstating stuff. There is concern about the economic situation though and it’s actually scary as I posted last night. Out of all the important economies in the world from small to big, every single one experienced an inflationary bout coming out of Covid with one exception. China! China is seeing deflation coming out of every orifice. 70% of the chinese people’s net wealth is huddled in real estate and these markets are dropping hard. Moreover, the big developers are in serious trouble.
The iron ore price looks like shit too messing around on the lower band.
Coal has taken a significant dive too in US dollar terms.
I’ve been short Aussie for a while now and I’m itching to pull the trigger and add to the position as I think this fcucker is heading south but it’s trading at recent lows. I think you need to sell on even a slight rally.
Speaking of Joe Hildebrand:
Sounds like an Albo arse lick. Sorry for the imagery.
How about a cute owl -can he figure it out?
You do realize that, in mentioning “official secrets”, you are committing a breach of the “Official Secrets Act?”
I strongly suspect that is the case now with all potting mixes, even premium ones. I have bought a number of bags to repot some plants and now there are weeds growing in the pots. This did not happen twenty or so years ago, before the universal green bin usage.
Cronkite, Bowen is an idiot but not for the reasons you think. The Liars are in the tank to the unions and big renew ball.
The unions love renewballs because the sector is in comparable terms massively labor intensive. There’s no reason to spell out why the renewball industry is touting itself. I think even you can work it out. It’s not idiocy, it’s massive corruption. Stop mislabeling it please.
About eighteen months ago, in a UK NHS run hospital, a woman in a “female only” ward was raped by a “person” with an erect penis, who stuck the penis into her vagina. Distressed and very confused about being raped by a person with an erect penis, and convinced that this person with an erect penis who assaulted her by shoving an erect penis into her vagina was a male, the woman complained to hospital management. Well, hospital management said that such a claim would be impossible there were no “males” in the ward. This Kafkaesque situation took months to unravel, because hospital management stonewalled any investigation. So much for “believe all women”. And what was the reason for this stonewalling and silence, and insisting that there was no male body in the ward? Well, because it finally came to light that there was indeed a male sleeping in the “female only” ward, and that MAN was a tranny pervert who decided to climb out of HIS bed one night and rape a woman in the bed next door.
And now I read about another Kafkaesque situation where an NHS hospital in Chester had a a serial killer nurse murdering innocent babies, over a period of years. But it gets worse, the management of this NHS run hospital in Chester not only ignored the alarms doctors raised about the nurse, they forced doctors to apologise to her.
Words fail me.
Yeah, and if they go into an extended recession their birth rate will totally tank.
No sweet government handouts for poppin’ out kidlets over there (not like most of the West anyway).
A mindset that believes drinking while pregnant makes the babies smaller and easier to deliver, and that won’t send their children to school, for fear of “losing their culture” doesn’t help.
I don’t want Cohenite’s gay neighbour to get a boot up the arse.
it’s a win/win situation; depending on the boots.
Head prefect: it’s an issue for the ages: is turtle a genuine retard or merely a union lackey propping up the ruinables Ponzi scheme.
I reckon he’s both. The dead giveaway is the way they rubbish nuclear. If they truly believed their own bullshit about gerbiling they would be at least open to the idea of modular nuclear. They continue rubbishing it saying their experts have told them it’s too expensive. But then why not allow open entry? Surely, if it’s too expensive it won’t ever be built. It’s wholesale corruption.
I think I recall correctly that another ABL alumni may have been representing Brittnah recently? Curious bedfellows indeed.
I find it rather odd that every TV ad featuring an aboriginal person, usually a woman, always starts with “I am a proud Darug (or whatever tribe(s)) woman and I …”. What are they proud of? Their genetic background? That is straight up racism, being proud of something you have no control over.
Don’t they realise how exclusionary are these statements? We are all, or at least most of us, proud of our ancestry but we identify ourselves more with our own achievements. Most people say they worked hard and achieved their place in society due to those efforts. That is something to be proud of.
Comment under the Oz piece on Leibler…
Meanwhile……… in the real world down here in East St.Kilda I can confirm that not one Jewish person on my street (that is at least 90% Jewish) is voting YES. As the sabbath ends and the kids play in the park the only topic discussed is the horrors from this government, the pending censorship bill and the destruction of our democracy and freedoms that is The Voice.
There is anger on the streets.
Liked 92
As I wrote earlier, there are court Jews like Leibler, and then there are pleb Jews like me, James and others. I think I know how the pleb Jews will be voting.
“Perfidious Albino
Aug 21, 2023 9:46 PM
I think I recall correctly that another ABL alumni may have been representing Brittnah recently? Curious bedfellows indeed.”
Ahhhh yes indeed.
“I’m a proud Australian of English, Scots, Irish and German origin.” How far do you think I’d get?
China would be undisputed Lu the number one country in the world if it wasn’t so crippled by the stinking Commies.
Just finished reading a book on the Great Leap Forward by a chap named Dickotter ( KD, see me after class and explain why you were guffawing).
The sheer amount of moral, physical and social deforming of society they went through while Mao was alive is incredible.
Pretty well everyone over the age of 60 stole, grafted or caused the immoderation of those around them to survive the famine years.
Similarly everyone around that age joined in the lunacy of Maos purges of society.
The fact they are where they are in the world is in spite of, not because of the godless commie scum.
And now the same scum have caused a demographic implosion decades in the making.
The Yanks and the “west” should be lighting candles to the commies, without them the Chinese would be a China sized Taiwan and we’d be licking rocks for fun.
Latest from Kirralie Smith:
Just think good old tone could have abolished these abominations but didn’t
I have been notified that I must appear before the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) on two separate cases of “misgendering” males who claims to be female.
The NSW Anti-Discrimination Board reviewed the claims and referred them to NCAT.
They will be heard in late August and September just days before I must appear in a local court to oppose an application for an apprehension of violence order (AVO) against me for identifying male soccer players in female teams.
I have another hearing in October for a discrete application for an AVO.
That is four separate court cases in a very short space of time.
Can you believe that in 2023, women are hauled before court for defending sex-based rights and realities?
Can you believe that our taxpayer funded police, courts and tribunals are being used in an attempt to silence political opinion and biological facts?
Stating the truth is not violence.
Reposting publicly available information is not violence.
Accurately describing someone’s biological sex should never be an offence.
It is essential that as human beings we retain the right to rely on what is plain, factual and evidence-based.
We should never be compelled to lie!
This is an issue of safety, dignity and truth.
September will be an extremely tough month.
Even so, I want to assure you that I will stand firm for women and girls and for the right to define ourselves with language that excludes males.
I will stand firm and defend the right for female athletes to compete without male-bodied participants. After all, males have several options of how they can compete outside of female divisions.
I will stand firm to ensure that the hard fought and won rights of girls and women for single sex spaces, services and sports are upheld.
Your support in these matters means more to me than you could ever know. But this goes way beyond just me.
Your support in these matters is for the sake of every Australian little girl growing up in this crazy world that wants to impose the lie on them that a person can change sex.
Broken Hill, vs the bankrupt banana republic, known as the Queensland Government. I know my money is on…
I don’t want Cohenite’s gay neighbour to get a boot up the arse.
A foot up the arse of the gay next door…
Coded language decoded.
hey knuckle dragger
does stroking JC’s uni-compliant to try and get it erect make you a wanker
… or a just a fluffer?
it’s the slurping noises here that bother me most
Mum, I’ve had a nasty goring. Does my insurance cover it?
Food poisoning? Nasi Goreng? In Spain?
No, mum. Nasty goring. Running of the bulls. Am I insured?
“Latest from Kirralie Smith:”
Twelve years of a Coalition government in NSW and they did nothing about these tribunals. Nothing.
It is now government policy to encourage aboriginal children to learn culture and languages, mainstream education and learning English is secondary. In other words, the government is contributing to aboriginal children’s illiteracy and thus setting them up for failure and exclusion from the rest of society. From what we are being told, The Voice will fix all that by ensuring even more of the same.
Just shit me dacks.
Happens every time God Oracle shows up.
shit it your nest is more like it
By popular demand: a cute owl.
JC @ 9:13pm
On the price of iron ore, yes, it’s come off its ultra high highs, but at around $106 US it’s still way above Rio’s (&, I think, BHP’s) price to dig it out & deliver to the ships.
I think the same is true for the thermal coal price, which had been in the past much lower than now (from yr link, at the moment north of $128 US) and against the cost to dig it out. (Cohenite, maybe should know more about that).
If you’re right about the AUS$ continuing downward against the US$ that def will help both commodities. (Yes, no good for our purchasing power etc).
Can someone check Cohenite’s account?
I think he’s been hacked.
That one looks decidedly feminine.
BIL says Whitehaven digs and delivers coal for ~ $100 per tonne.
The issue is this: if commodity prices drop, the Australian dollar will likely follow suit. This would indicate reduced demand for commods. While miners might not be severely affected for their exports in aussie dollar terms , consumers would face the downside of a weaker Australian dollar, leading to higher cost of consumption in the import component.
Cronkite, that, that’s a woman! What the hell is going with you?
REPORT: Three Pilots ‘Die Suddenly’ In One Week
The Ruling Class Sits atop a Boiling Pot
That’s great, but if volumes fall off and/or they’re selling at lower prices, the rest of us piggy back on their sales to satisfy the import component of our consumption. Exports pat for imports.
The oil price has been kind of steady in the recent past and you can draw a circle around US$80 bucks a barrel. I paid $2.45 a liter the other day to fill up. That’s the highest I’ve seen 98 grade. I paid just under a $155 for a fill.
Lot’s of our rural commods can also be prices in US Dollar terms. Cost of food rises. A beat aussie is terrible news at the moment.
pay not pat
The best way to figure your financial life is to just think of the Australian dollar as the currency you transact in for your consumer needs. In terms of your net worth/ investments etc. revalue in the world’s reserve currency – the US Dollar. Relate it back to the US.
Is the outfit doing over Kiralee Smtih the same NSW kangaroo court that’s been giving Bernard Gaynor the untrimmed pineapple suppository?
Or am I confused?
Climate Change Is an Ally of Jihadists in Africa | Opinion
Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles?
Unsurprisingly, Nurse Letby* got a whole life sentence for each of the seven baby murders.
Sadistic bint refused to leave her cell for victim impact statements and sentencing.
* Not to be confused with Nurse Betty, who we don’t think has ever killed anyone.
Cost of imported food rises when the Aussie dollar goes down.
Return for exported food goes sky high (in Oz dollars)
Miners halve their wage cost (in real terms)
Clouds, silver linings, & so on.
Why don’t you think?
Please share.
Actually, Joe, All Your ‘Objectives’ Were Failures
It’s been somewhat rewarding slumming it on Twitter but when some dumb BA quotes Gittens on “unemployment is a choice!” and that a vertical Philips curve is a plot against Australians, I think I may have Reddit cucked too hard.
They’re calling economics unscientific whilst declaring money supply doesn’t matter and Gittens is a great economist.
Whitlam tried this before and it ended so well.
It’s just not the cost of imported food that rises, dumbo. Staples like wheat for instance are annexed to a US dollar spot price and it also rises. Meat to some extent. Normally, I’d say you get the idea, but because it’s you, I wonder if I should list other examples.
You got that in one, congrats.
First off, how would you know they halve their wage cost as it depends on the exchange rate. Also, a higher inflation rate would mean wage demands.
Secondly, miners input costs are also influenced by other things like oh, fuel and cost of maintaining equipment and even purchasing new equipment.
Lastly, wages are paid in nominal dollars, which means real terms has nothing to do with the price of eggs.
Don’t annoy me, you buffoon.
Which is why, if you love Chinese culture, Taiwan is more than just a geopolitical wrangle. It is the last repository, the last living embodiment of everything that Mao eliminated. From complicated Chinese writing characters to literature, from the old Chinese family values to religious artefacts that were systematically vanished from the mainland.
If you deplore communists and want to deny them their designs, hope for the continued existence of an independent Taiwan. Many, many things exist there and nowhere else.
Whitman was derailed when the Freemasons called in a favour from the reptilian royal family who outsourced his removal to the CIA.
This was to prevent him exposing the world money supply was manufactured from stolen kids in tunnels under the Vatican
Everyone knows this.
It’s $35 billion now.
It’s the fastest growing sector of the Australian economy. A growth industry.
Get a load of the number of kids dumped onto it now.
This going to end up making the aboriginal industry sector feel like kids corner.
Go & perform sex & travel. After that insert noggin where zero sunshine is to be found.
Repeat several times.
You’re contradicting yourself there Dunning Krugman.
I’m a little surprised the Modern Monetary Theory crazies have not surfaced in Albo’s regime already. If we go into recession its pretty certain that MMT and UBI will be pushed as “solutions”.
Get lost.