Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
You’d be surprised how many people have answered that with ‘butter’?
OK, a little more seriously-
Apparently a bit of rain, hail and lightning is now first off the blocks on the news.
Locals were frightened. By a thunderstorm.
Oh my, we are so fragile!
But it bumped Da Vice from top billing. Thank you Gaia.
ZK2A @ 11:44am
“We need more people to go and explain The Voice to Parliament to our community, explain what it is and how it could help. We need to have it explained more at the grassroots level” he said. (Waynead Wolmby)
err, hasn’t The Voice to Parliament come from the “community . . . at the grassroots level”?
Either way this referendum will be an utter tragedy for Australia – it is already, with the ugly language of condemnation and division. “Violent dispossession and the struggle to survive a relentless inhumanity has marked our common history.” Document 14 p88.
No where in the 112 pages of the First Nation’s Regional Dialogue is there any ‘acknowledgement’ of the benefits that have come to aboriginals as the result of the arrival of Western Civilisation. Nor of the Aboriginals who chose to “come in from the cold” to live a healthier, happier life than the one they survived in.
In my day it was iciing sugar.
The indigenous elite speak with the non-indigenous elite, and both parties agree that the population which sustains them should continue to sustain them. Job done.
Tiger Balm?
icing sugar
Sayonara, suckers!
I’m orf to the land of the Rising Sun!
Earlier, at 3.46:
This is akin to:
Daily Expose Says Pete Evans Was Right About Lava Lamp Curing Covid
Some travelling music.
Bring me back a Jimmy Barnes headband.
That is, of course, if you’re actually going.
Utopia. Unless you had infringed one of the endless “tabus” and were subject to savage, brutal tribal punishment, and were left behind to die when the tribe moved on.
Zulu, you forgot the cannibalism:
Too old to keep up? Knocked on the head and eaten.
Twins? One kept and one knocked on the head and eaten.
Mother already has a toddler and then has another baby? Baby knocked on the head and eaten.
Not much food around? Old and infirm knocked on the head and eaten.
For some reason this is not brought up in the narrative.
I cannot understand why?
Two cases in the U.S. and Biden is already talking about everyone getting another jab.
CDC, increased infection risk in vaccinated
Aussie parents blocked from seeing their babies as newborns are DETAINED by Greek authorities over human tracking fears after being born to surrogates in Crete at Mediterranean Fertility Institute
Lahaina FIRE – Inside the RESTRICTED Area – The MIRACLE Neighborhood that Survived !!!
Issues like the inVoice, the Klimate Kaper-Kon, etc., work* because communications technology (i.e. the intanetz) allows anyone the opportunity to ‘support’ a cause without having to expend much time or energy.
We can all be chair-based activists by simply clicking a ‘like’ button on Faceache (or whatever it’s called now). We receive a chemical reward (oxytocin? oxycontin?), and tell ourselves (and friends) how good we are for contributing to a worthy cause, without having to attend a protest or donate money. It’s a low-risk activity and a self-esteem reward, for popular culture elevates ‘activists’ in the social hierarchy. I ‘liked’ therefore I am one of the ‘good ones.’
*These ‘likes’ give the appearance to policy makers of having broad public support, which a policy maker may view as an opportunity for themselves to receive social acclamation.
(The same applies to tweets/retweets, etc).
Our opponents understand human psychology far more effectively than we do.
Have sex with someone from the wrong skin group? Both legs broken, and left behind when the tribe moved on. Want to start on the infanticide?
Now this has it all – judicial accountability, judges eating their own and what may just be a tilting back of the Family Court scales (the Courier-Mail):
Although it’s not detailed, it’s possible the bloke may have been frustrated at yet another unfounded allegation not being identified by the court as a load of shit.
Boom. Also:
Oh my lord.
Big. Potentially very big.
Muddy… the chemical reward is Dope-amine. 🙂
New World Odor™
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome After Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
700% Increase Since Vaccination Started, Up to 25% Are Fatal
I know it is old but flat white is still my evening coffee.
The milk, you see.
Macchiato for early morning but.
I’ll buy you one.
Oh wait.
Top story at Sky’s main page right now:
‘Disaster’: Eastern Australia smashed by severe thunderstorms (30 Aug)
Hopefully it isn’t quite as apocalyptic as whoever wrote that headline thinks. A sign that that might be the case is one of the tweets they include in the story…
This is just so terrible and horrifying I want to cry. Armageddon is here.
Thanks, Calli.
I often mix my chemicals.
Never a good idea.
Dr Jordan B Peterson
The Hungarians have an extremely impressive family policy @elonmusk
Mothers income tax exempt:
25% one child
50% two children
75% three
100% four
Lifetime exempt
They’ve raised female participation in the workforce
Decreased divorce
Decreased abortion rate
Their President Katalin Novak
Is a firebrand
Dude! You have to reverse it. It’s unnatural to be drinking a milk coffee in the evening. Just do it in reverse and you’ll thank me later.
Armageddon is here.
Finally! Sheesh.
Cue the Aerosmith track.
Aaaand … clothes off.
Tim Young
Whoever made this is brilliant.
Never forget how tyrannical our governments became during just 3 years ago.
Knuckle Dragger
Aug 30, 2023 6:11 PM
Earlier, at 3.46:
Alex Jones Says Stew Peters Was Right About Directed Energy Weapons in Maui
Footy scores!
Is Priggsie deadsky?
Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive and plotting his revenge on Putin after body double was killed in plane assassination plot, Russian analyst claims
Prigozhin is ‘alive, well, and free after body double was killed in plane crash’
A Putin critic claims Wagner chief will reveal himself to be alive later this year
Whoops , quotes.
Little Horses 12.10.82 defeated Big Dogs 7.4.46.
Ek roll ap die vloor……
The WSJ article is linked but paywalled.
Jeffrey A Tucker
The author is the WSJ editor of features. What’s interesting here is not his promise not to comply (glad for that) but rather his admission of full compliance last time around.
Murder, in other words.
Abortion is necessary to avoid strain on health care, argues medical journal
That just means that it’s working bro!
Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive and plotting his revenge on Putin after body double was killed in plane assassination plot, Russian analyst claims
This is Queensland
First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal
CDC has stopped collecting COVID vaccine data
This one’s for Cassie – the mailman’s camels have delivered Michael Bar- Zohar’s “The Quest for the Red Prince.” This rooster, one Ali Hassan Salameh, was the chief planner for “Black September” and Israeli Intelligence had five attempts at killing him before they succeeded…..You don’t fvck with the Joos…..
Disney Finds Out: Stock Down Almost $200 Billion as America Rejects Woke Perversion of Walt’s Legacy
Prigozhin and Utkin were last seen walking their dogs through Gorky Park, on their way to watch FC Dynamo play.
Oh dear! .. not only did “Glutinous Maximus” hang up on one of his Tribunes (Sam Burgess) to side with the 251 (Latrine), a lowly “immune” but then the Praetors of South Sydney decide to play the sympathy card for their beloved, but oft missing, soldier ..
As usual the media backed Soufs to the hilt but nowadays with most media outlets open for comments they are getting hammered by the camp followers .. Latrine is about as popular with the paying public as Goodes was so the attempt to play the mental fragility/I’ze gonna quit if ya don’t leave me alone line(s) is copping a big “thumbs down”..
Gotta say tho, Latrine is no “Choc” .. I’ve no time for Mundane but, at least, he never turns tail at criticism but doubles down and tries to bluster his way thru …..
Gonna be popcorn time if the rorters win on Saturday night and drop the Bunnies out of the finals series … chortle, chortle ..!
The Voice: A Distraction from Real Problems | John Anderson
The yes screech lies will become a torrent:
Terra Nullius means no people were here before whitey says the screechers as an example of racism: no it means no property system existed amongst the people who were here; no surprise really since they were nomadic cannibals
The first nations were here for 65000 years; in fact the first peoples came, from SE Asia and New Guinea 47000 years ago; see this major study.
The screech will just be advisory: no the word advice does not appear in the constitutional amendment but representation and shall do and they indicate the screech will be mandating to parliament.
The Uluru statement from the arse is 26 pages long.
Rub and tug is a snot ridden little commie.
Still sydney and melbournistan will carry NSW and victoristan for the screech; and the tadpole like memory of the sheeple in WA and SA where experimental outbreaks of the screech have occurred may see them go as well. That leaves QLD where a protest vote against palochook and tassie where they’re too pissed to care as the only states going no.
Any one care to bet?
Or ‘womens health’ or ‘womens rights’ – ignoring that 50% of aborted babies will be female.
50% of aborted babies are female not will be.
Some answers as I understand them.
I think the fuel for his burning may have been a tub of degreaser, but not confirmed.
My sister will not tell me about the ignition source, but, knowing him, my money would be on casual welding.
No idea how the are treating him, but I understand that the burns are head and upper body left side.
A new ear and some cosmetic once shock and infection are dealt with, perhaps.
Unlike me, he has always been a bit of a knowledgeable but ‘give it a go’ engineer.
There but for the grace ………
Worth a shot.
Or a double shot.
Watters discovers Judith Curry with the announcement that finally a climate scientist has come out against AGW. Judith has been against climate bullshit for about 10 years. At the risk of sounding sexist Judith should have a makeover and practise how to talk to media idiots even sympathetic and better than average ones like Watters.
I don’t see much difference between the two.
Why Communism is Even Worse Than Fascism – Konstantin Kisin
Tough break, let’s hope he pulls through okay. It sounded horrific.
Rita Panahi
Australians to be ‘bombarded’ with ‘political propaganda’ on the Voice
Commenters over on “The Age” are still trotting out the tired old bullshit about Indigenous people not having the right to vote before 1967…
The way the Sheep swallowed the con-vid BS, the Yes vote is walk it in. The Sheep love to be conned. Kiss Au goodbye people!
The lack of safety rules governing experimental biotech “vaccines” is reckless and out of touch with pandemic lessons we should have learnt
Never give up.
And don’t listen to defeatist b/s.
Good stuff, Bons – it sounds like his airways are uncompromised. The rest will get sorted out, thanks to the Brit surgeons who started off the plastic surgery stuff in 1940 on their pilots.
Dude is a grifter.
Aug 30, 2023 7:26 PM
I don’t see much difference between the two.
Why Communism is Even Worse Than Fascism – Konstantin Kisin
Ta Matey. Good and interesting vid.
That’s reality. Most people will simply swallow overlord BS. The Yes is locked it.
Plan accordingly.
You’d think Sydney had never had a thunderstorm. Reeeeeee!
It looks like Knuckle Dragger wins the Pink elephant stamp:
Answer is Drum Roll…
Here’s your Pink Elephant Stamp.
Gail Furness of Gillard’s Get Pell lynch mob Royal Commission and Dreyfus’s NACC (National Anti-Conservative Commission) finds the ICAC was not at fault for taking two years to report on Berejiklian. Why am I not surprised?
here’s a bit of healing music for the BIL.
Razey tell me the polling that concluded the Republic would not get up was valid and within the margin of error but the Voice polling is not accurate.
Today I found out that Juggernaut was Professor Xavier’s half brother.
That was 25 years ago. The overlords learnt their lesson and how to brainwash the Sheep.
Watch what happens and learn.
This Gabon situation is a disaster.
Previously one of the most stable places on the continent.
On Sydney thunderstorms, look up James McAuley’s poem ‘One Tuesday in Summer’s on his childhood impressions of one. ‘Till suddenly, with lightning-stroke and rain/Apocalypse exploded l, and was gone/…..But I had seen the world stand in dismay/Under the aspect of another meaning/That rain or time would hardly wash away.’
His Imperial Highness, Lord Malturd of Point Piper and his very ugly cane toad of a wife, Luce, haven’t had any road to Damascus conversion with their new found support for da Voice. No. No. No. It is yet another cudgel/baton for him and hideous wife to undermine and attack the Liberal Party with, the Liberal Party that spurned him in 2018. Malturd knows, as a lawyer, that entrenching da Voice in the Constitution is going to open up an endless can of worms that will divide this country, and won’t make one iota of difference to the welfare of indigenous men, women and children, it will simply entrench an Aboriginal aristocracy made up of the likes of Pearson, Langton, Thorpe and others. But such is Malturd’s bruised ego from his spurning that he will even cast aside his own doubts and use da Voice to attack the Liberal Party, and particularly Peter Dutton. He will never ever forgive the Liberal Party of Australia. I note that despite this despicable creature’s ongoing malevolence against the party, he was recently given a podcast to spew his venom. The woman who interviewed him? The daughter of Dolly Downer, the twice failed candidate for the seat of Mayo in SA. It’s a fair question, why was he given a platform?
This morning he and Luce were frolicking in uber trendy Kings Cross/Potts Point, less than a kilometre and a half from their palatial waterfront mansion. Both he and his ugly wife have never been known for their bravery, so venturing further afield is just not on the cards for either of them. It was precisely that same elitist behaviour that contributed to his near electoral routing back in July 2016 when he lost…how many seats was it again? He was saved only by the Nationals under the Beetroot. Anyway, he and Luce were pictured smiling today with Comrade Plibersek, as well as his Wentworth protege, Miss Allegra Spender (and make no mistake, he actively supported Spender’s campaign). The picture is “vomit inducing”. I’d have more respect for him if he and Luce caught the train out to Parramatta, or to Penrith, or to Blacktown, or to Macquarie Fields, but no, that would take courage, something he and his very ugly wife lack.
Troll or glowie?
Here’s the full text of ‘One Tuesday in Summer’:
A great man. I sometimes think this country didn’t deserve him.
Rita Panahi telling truth to power just then.
A wonderful woman. Never give up. Good people win in the end.
All the sugar babes melt in the rain.
Out here on the Vaucluse peninsula, we had some dark skies and a little bit of rain. Nothing to it.
Gotta go. Hairy’ would ‘like my opinion on the meat’.
Opinion freely will be given.
Good people win in the end.
No they don’t. But then I did a bit of work in the FC.
Judge Vasts. Why is that name familiar? Oh, yes, here is Daddy.
That’s a marvellous poem, Old Leftie. It truly is a Sydney storm in words.
I remember back in the early 90’s and the air turned green with shredded leaves. A small hurricane wove its way across northern Sydney, felling trees and bringing a week of power failure.
The following Spring, bulbs flowered that had lain dormant in shade for decades.
And not an Aborigine within a hundred kilometers…
Dubbo or Bourke, even.
Let me provide some balance to the travesty that Cronkite has created over the years, with his “cute owls”.
This is a woman. A beautiful French woman. She doesn’t have a penis and was one or the Lord’s best creative moments. Yes, God Created Woman.
This arvo on a tram in the Melbourne CBD.
Chinese student seated, looking at phone, hears someone saying something, looks up to find an African dude speaking to him. Chinese guy starts to look very uncomfortable, makes a few non commital noises while two of the African’s mates watch on in amusement.
Black dude: ‘your English is really good, man … no really’ (muffled laughter)
More conversation then: ‘yeh, I’m a nice guy …. (loudly so everyone nearby can hear) til I’m not’. Awkward pause.
Looks down the tram and says loudly: ‘so how’s everyone going ?’
Then: ‘Havin’ a shit day, eh?’
Tram arrives at stop and many passengers get off but so does the small group with the black guy.
As they walk up Elizabeth St the African spits three times on the footpath. Disgusted looks on passers by.
The Price of Green: City of Sydney pays Chinese, Turks to get net zero
Clearly grew up on the wrong side of the tracks with his cockney accent.
Does anyone think the proposed wording for the voice implies any limits on it whatsoever?
I’d be surprised if Albo doesn’t give veto power to it. To him it’s no worse than any other broken promise, but to Australians, sovereignty and democracy will be given hand over fist to a bunch of Aboriginal oligarchs.
Given by the same people that criticise Russia for the same crime.
Does anyone have any experience with the Lenovo Tab M10 Plus Gen 3?
I vaguely remember someone singing Lenovos praises and I’m in the market for a new tablet that doesn’t drown me in Googleshit from the word go.
Let me provide some balance to the travesty that Cronkite has created over the years, with his “cute owls”.
Phooey. Bardot was a pouty mess. a typical cat lady gone to seed. There were a lot of better traditional actresses. Sophia for example.
Andrew Bolt, with some rather embarrasing figures…..
Bolt taking on Saint Noel of the Cape? There will be blood.
Okay, based on this, I know accept that Vivek is not a swamp creature.
I wasn’t assisting in the skin grafting process so I had the opportunity to read the patient notes…
After several guesses – yes, butter was one – I let them know.
Dead silence for at least ten seconds. Then much muttering.
The poor bastard must have been in so much pain it didn’t register.
Burns patients were the point at which I realised there was no maximum dose of narcotics – enough to keep the patient sedated, pain free, and breathing.
(Rule of thumb only – there is a point at which the poor bugger stops breathing which means you’ve given too much.)
Somebody on this blog pointed out that Saint Noel of the Cape lived in Noosa?
Close enough for government work.
Anything north of the Cafe is Charlie country in my view.
I lived in Townsville for a while, I had taipans and echidnas in my garden. QED.
I remember back in the late 90s based in Cairns for an oil company. Flying back from Brisbane cattle class and as we white fella herd get up to go there be St Pearson up the front in business class in his suit. The next day he is giving interviews about the Abo struggle in his black tshirt and worn jeans with faux dirt. The more things change the more they stay the same. Twas possibly the last time I watched their ABC as well.
Since the Liebrals are against the voice, once it gets up, even if the Liebrals get in, the Abo Overlords will block everything. When Labor get in, smooth sailing. A sneaky way to full blown LWNJ totalitarian rule.
I heard, from the horse’s mouth – “after the yes vote gets up, we can do whatever we want”.
So, that’s everything until demonstrated otherwise. And I do not expect any “otherwise”.
I saw him once in a Canberra restaurant. Dapper suit, and clearly very well fed.
Why bother complaining at all then, let alone voting?
I’ve already got several.
Not sure what the characters mean, but I’m sure it will impress.
How dare you, Dragger-san!
I hope he survives, obviously, but Jeez, the number of people who play fast and loose with welders in the presence of flammable material is mind boggling.
Do they not get how stupidly dangerous it is?
Over here in Athens, Greece, I’m wandering around with a shirt on (of course) with Aussie flags, “oldest civilisation in the world”, “60,000 proud years” and so on plastered all over it.
People constantly stop me and tell me how excited they are to see these words. They ask me what archaeology, inventions, art, and cultural constructs – for example here they invented democracy – we have.
Help me Cats! What can I say?
Top Ender
Aug 30, 2023 9:48 PM
Over here in Athens, Greece, I’m wandering around with a shirt on (of course) with
Take off the blooming shirt.
Abo inventions 60,000 years ago…
The fax machine
The pager
parking meters and
Dole forms
Since then they have been … coastibg. Lucky technology is cyclical. Their turn will come around soon.
You’ll have to ask Bruce Pascoe about the First nations computers predating the Greeks’ efforts.
Archaeologists stunned by ‘astonishing’ discovery of 2,000-year-old computer (Express, 29 Aug)
I love the Express. We’ve known about the Antikythera device for many decades, people have even built working replicas, but they ran a “stunned” and “astonishing” story about it yesterday. Go figure. On the other hand very few Poms would know any Greek history whatsoever, so a story about such stuff is welcome.
Thomas Bergersen – Mountain Call (EXTENDED Remix by Kiko10061980)
Bon my heart goes out to your flamed BIL.
My BIL… 59yo …last Friday asthma attack (history of), led to heart attack, CPR, Induced coma. Last Sunday …CT scan , no brain function. Plug pulled last Monday. Goes into the ground next Monday. Country Vic now short one v good builder.
A real shit time for all.
Only stating the facts.
The only positive thank fark BIL did not come back with partial brain function.
…BIL still eligible to vote Labor though he hated those xunts.
I think the message is we should give up and buy some lube.
This of course is the same strategy behind embellishing poll numbers to encourage opponents to throw in the towel.
And there is hope.The legislation CAN be changed, so the worse they make it, the bigger the mandate. And you can bet they will overreach.
Plus, voting is ‘mandatory’. 1 of only 22 countries in the world that force their citizens to go vote. Disgraceful.
Night all. Still a school night.
You can head to Canberra and go on an Ice bender, all legit. But ahhh no, it’s an offense not to vote.
Got your lube yet?
Once hailed for decriminalizing drugs, Portugal is now having doubts
Portugal decriminalized all drug use, including marijuana, cocaine and heroin, in an experiment that inspired similar efforts elsewhere, but now police are blaming a spike in the number of people who use drugs for a rise in crime. In one neighborhood, state-issued paraphernalia — powder-blue syringe caps, packets of citric acid for diluting heroin — litters sidewalks outside an elementary school.
Yeah baby! Already putting aside some dosh for the tax on the stolen land I’m squatting on.
Fletch meets Ben Dover
Tomber le chemise.
Cabal run media
Washington Post as a legitimate source
Stop it.
You’re glowing too hard.
cognitive carpet bombing
how to spot mass manipulation in media
Drinking good single malt, and watching “Sharpe’s Waterloo.”
“You, sir are a silk stocking, full of sh1t.”
Well said, that man!
Great scene. Watching the cringeworthy Three Amigos, but Chase livens it up with a response to a proposition by a woman to be kissed on her verandah with “no, the lips will be fine”.
Sorry to read the sobering news, Fair Shake.
“There are ladies present, that being so, I would have thought there were gentlemen present.”
Whatever happened to manners and courtesy in these disgusting time?
And strangely enough none of this judicial shoddiness had come to light until after he made the fatal mistake of finding in Ridd’s favour against JCU in 2019.
vale to BB’s mate
and (forgive me, I’m too jaded to scroll up)
vale to somebody upthread who’s BiL is now permanently out of action
and to somebody upthread who’s BiL got scorched
to all those with one foot in the grave … commiserations
and to those with both feet in … congratulations
there’s only one way out.
My rehab place was an acquired brain injury place. You heard some very sad tales over the time. As someone in my 50s I was one of the more fortunate ones having lead the majority of my life in full health.
I’m not a believer in coincidence.
pants HB
… minimum requirement
Catching up with mate who is a medical nightmare.
Unmediated heart rate around 140- resting.
BP around 180 over 120.
They have tried a lot of drugs and combos, but can’t shave more than a few points off either.
Not a landwhale, was quite fit before a bad MVA left him unable to work.
We were all chatting and the mushroom/poison lady was mentioned.
I just said his wife could murder him by adding a teaspoon of salt to his cereal in the morning…
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Tina Norton.
Thanks again Tom for the Toons.
Hurricane Idalia – I’m Supposed to be Dead – But I think I Survived
“Thank you for all the emails concerned about the storm and my survivability. If I listened to the news, I surely must be dead, so I am writing this from upstairs. I hunkered down this time. I have had enough of the news for all they do is go to the worst place they can find and stay their. The last storm, I went to Orlando so I could be in the middle of it. Then, I did not know if it was safe to drive home, for the news never says anything about the places that are fine. I had to ask a worker in the hotel who said he drives to work each day, and there was no problem on I4.
Mainstream Media is just FAKE news on every subject. All they care about is ratings. They provide no actual public service. This time, I refused to leave, and everything was fine. The water barely reached my wall, and there was no flooding. I have been in far worse storms, even in New Jersey.
My home is a fortress. It is all block – not wood, and all the ground is covered in concrete. It would be nice to have a real news agency that would tell the truth without all the hype. I could not believe a girl on Fox News standing on a road in Tampa talking about seeing the storm surge 0 OMG. It was, at best 3 inches on the road.
Honestly, they offer no public service whatsoever.”
Meanwhile in Maui, cover ups continue.
Oliver Anthony (Rich Men North of Richmond) on Joe Rogan.
Since the bad tempered prune faced Albonesie surfaced he has consistently refused to provide policies other than pap food.
He seems to believe that as Prime Minister his word is ultimate law. You will know nothing have nothing and be happy. Suck it up saps. I have plans.
Thank you Tom
Suck it up saps. I have plans.
LayBore would not know a Plan if it hit them in the face. No Planning or Project Management skills whatsoever.
Lots of Broken Promises and Pipe Dreams though.
Not allowed to drive with a parrot on your shoulder.
Motorist stopped by traffic police for driving on major motorway with parrot on shoulder (30 Aug)
The sheer amount of stupid laws and regulations we have to suffer from these days is ridiculous. Meanwhile in half of the UK the police solved no burglaries at all in the last three years. Too busy persecuting drivers I guess.
I think Branco is seeing something in the tea leaves.
You first Frank.
Pope Francis Calls on Nations to ‘End the Era of Fossil Fuel’ (30 Aug)
Come on, lead by example. It should be easy to cease using fossil fuels in Vatican City. It’s not a big country after all. And it’d save a lot of money on flying around the world telling people they shouldn’t fly in fossil fuel using aeroplanes.
I get it, he has no issues with Homo’s (despite what the Bible actually says) and hates CO2, you know, the stuff God decided that plants need to survive.
God must be being very subtle or he has abandoned his Church that a socialist Argie could be Pope and preaching other faiths – such as AGW.
As it was ” just 2 weeks to flatten the curve” so will the inVoice “just be an advisory board”.
Warren Entsch, the federal MP
Entsch is certainly not one who should talk. Didn’t his wife do very well out of the Government?
To be fair…
Church of England Priests Say Premarital, Gay Sex Not Immoral (30 Aug)
They don’t seem to know their bible either. Meanwhile:
Priests fear churches will soon be extinct as Britain ‘no longer a Christian country’ (30 Aug)
You have to say that Anglicanism in the UK is rapidly approaching the point of not being Christian either.
Last day of winter.
34 degrees.
Another day another dying wind turbine company.
World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm-Maker Crashes Most On Record After Catastrophic Results (31 Aug)
Just in time for us to invest massive amounts of money into offshore wind turbines. Maybe some journos might ask Bowen about why such windfarms are so expensive, since he says it’s the cheapest form of electricity.
How Could This Have Happened? news (the Hun):
Unforseeable. Unavoidable. Nobody’s fault.
If only there were cheap, reliable sources of electricity somewhere.
Every politician knows you have to spend money to make money. That is why they are always looking for projects where they can spend $1 billion to make $500 million of electricity.
In fits and bursts.
We are in the very best of hands…
AEMO warns of blackouts.
How nice to think that you can distance yourself from the outcomes when you are the planners and operators.
AEMO headquarters has no mirrors but loads of vested interest.
the morning news in NSW is bleating the same thing. What shall we do? We must go faster building ruinables! It’s the only way!
They are also blaming Coal Fired Power Stations because, how dare they not maintain themselves, we may need them, nooooooooooooo
I’ll have to stock up on LPG.
I’m curious as to the reason for this vignette.
Can you enlarge on it please?
Watched the Sky presentation last night on AI. Truly scary as the development of the processing ability of the AI robots is accelerating almost exponentially. When one examines some of the social breakdowns in society today they relate to the digitalisation of our world. Digitalisation speeds up everything & maybe our demise.
I am reflecting upon the effect, for example, of mobile phones in our dealings with each other. Interactions that may benefit from the lapse of time instead deliver instant anger and repercussions. The benefits of this incredible transformation of our lives are immense – but like most things – come at a cost.
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Aug 30, 2023 11:44 PM
Another who needs past judgements investigated and if necessary, rectified.
132andBush at 6:29
Nails it.
EVs aren’t popular, who’da thunk it?
Germany Falling Way Short Of Meeting E-Vehicle Targets…”Major Problem With The Trend” (30 Aug)
“We Have Turned Away Inventory”: US EV Market Struggles As Cars Pile Up On Dealer Lots (31 Aug)
Tesla does a lot of their manufacturing in China, where costs are lower because of things like coal fired electricity. And many of the EVs that are being sold are to woke companies as fleet vehicles – two thirds of them in the Germany story.
Getting the proles to take them up is not going to be easy, especially since Western governments are impoverishing us. Hard to afford an expensive EV when the Chinese will sell you a cheap and cheerful ICE car for half the price.
And speaking of coal…
China continues coal spree despite climate goals (30 Aug)
Why it’s almost as if the Chinese lied when they promised to meet those energy targets. It’s a mystery.
Why would they need a mirror? They have a mission statement, and purpose statement and values statement. They are there to provide highly paid jobs to mates and in that they are very successful.
It’s funny how we had plentiful and cheap electricity before we had all the planners, it’s almost as if you can’t have both at the same time.
ATSIC anyone?
Even the environmentally conscious Germans are not that keen on their new religion particularly as they like their Mediterranean holidays for which you need a good and reliable car. They also like their tropical holidays and to reach those destinations you need lots of fossil fuels. You could even say despite their love of the green religion they are practical people.
From the Gateway Pundit:
New York City Allows Mosques to Publicly Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer without Permits Despite Noise Restrictions in Neighborhoods.
New York City issued new rules allowing mosques to blare the Muslim call to prayer on Friday afternoons between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm despite noise ordinances in surrounding neighborhoods.
Imagine what the noise pollution from the Muslim call to prayer will do to the property values in the surrounding cities (locational obsolescence).
The Muslim call to prayer will also be broadcast during sunset prayers during the entire month of Ramadan.
Andrew Bolt:
Maybe some sleuth journalist might ask Pearson about where this money has gone. Might even go as far to ask Pearson about his own financial statements. Could bet London to a brick that quite a bit of the $550 million found its way to him and the other architects of the Cape York establishment.
Main article on the Oz today has this little test:
A series of viewpoints on the voice are presented and you make your choice. A couple of them could be ‘either one’, so maybe I got one wrong.
My result: you are leaning towards NO.
Yep. Correct. Not leaning though. I’m already there. I don’t think it has that option.
It invites you then to ‘try again’. lol. As if.
Palaszczuk’s government is self-destructing over youth justice provisions:
‘Several Queensland Labor MPs have claimed they have been “clearly misled” and “fed bullshit” by their own government about the urgent need to scrap human rights provisions for children in police watch houses, after Guardian Australia obtained a legal letter that appears to cast doubt on some of the state’s key justifications.’
– The Guardian.
This is a mess entirely of their own making thanks to their mishandling of youth detention and a reverse onus on the granting of bail which has led to a spike in criminality that has communities fed up.
Incidentally, the same MPs were quite happy with human rights provisions being sidelined by then A-G Yvette D’Ath so covid lockdowns could be imposed.
Bruce of N
Only stupid leftards (BIRM) ever believed those “promises”.
The public would be disgusted that an Aboriginal organisation is being run by an Aboriginal board who are corrupt.”
Every Australian Organisation. whether Aboriginal or not, that receives Taxpayer money should be subject to an Annual Audit conducted by an independent group/body.
And did you see Albo thundering away yesterday at the pulpit announcing the date and imploring a yes vote? FMD he thinks he’s Churchill.
Albo, a rather annoying cockwomble you would need to go a long way to find another.
Almost all universities have replaced their ICE fleet cars with EVs at probably triple the cost. This is our money being used to propagandise to us and our children, a lot like the voice assault.
Apart from fleet purchases the EVs are the new status symbols, tells the hoi polloi that the owner is so well off they can afford this expensive toy as well as other expensive cars. You can drive a cheap Hyundai until they decide that is too good for you..
Christians are leaving the CofE in droves, to the benefit of what were historically called the “free” churches, who are refreshingly free of the state imposed new religion.
In todays Oz: Summer of hell: Dire supply sparks blackouts warning
The Australian Energy Market Operator says the electricity network is on course for a demand crunch and urgent action is needed to prevent possible blackouts and higher bills.
I think they mean a ‘supply’ crunch…
There has been talk of illiterate ‘No’ voters. But a cross would correctly reflect their opinion.
The danger is illiterate ‘Yes’ voters marking a box with an ‘x’ when they mean to approve.
They could of course have two boxes and people choose on or the other.
They could be simply labelled ‘On the right side of history’ and ‘Racist’.
Yes indeedy; the same AEMO which a few years ago was assuring everyone this wouldn’t happen.
Safe hands.
I suspect most has been spent on perishable items such as houses, schools, clinics, cars etc.
A familiar cycle – build, open to fanfare, strip for makeshift weapons, and burn.
Knuckle Dragger and Farmer Gez touched on it earlier today. This is what Chris Bowen had to say on these matters:
Are Labor continuing the Turnbull Snowy Hydro brain queef? Or are they distancing themselves from it?
Regardless, Bowen seems to think more renewables are the answer. For the 21st century. Wowee.
They didn’t lie, they are exempt until 2030 and are actually securing their needs ahead of that deadline. Besides, who is going to stop them? The people who need their manufactured goods to exist?
The whole renewables thing is a scam and fast becoming obvious to all. It is fossil fuels and nuclear energy or reversion to 19th century living standards. Contracting out manufacturing to China and other Asian countries is a sleight of hand that worked for a while but reality is starting to bite.
The West’s whole moral edifice stands on environmental/ renewable policies and when that crumbles there goes our civilisation. It seems no crime is serious and no sin as egregious as offending the weather gods.
Robert Sewell
Aug 31, 2023 7:47 AM
Aug 30, 2023 8:45 PM
I find that by stepping right in, looking twentysomething testostermoron in the eyes, putting a hand out for a shake and saying “My name’s Wally Dali, I live down the road at Wallybrook. What do you want here?” changes the momentum absolutely.
Dominance, perseverance, the cowed crowd will back you up.
Rogers should be sacked.
That’s going in my suburban dictionary!
Oh no, it’s definitely a demand crunch. You know when you turn the switch on and expect there to be power? “Crunch”. Too much demand.
No, Flyinduk. It’s a demand crunch. There’s enough for them, but not enough for us. We must reduce our demand so they can have their needs met.
It’s a replay of the Cambodian farmer during the Pol Pot days who went to the Party Leader in his village and said “You have a nice house, plenty of food, a car and fuel. The villagers are starving and their houses are falling down. Why is this?”
The Party Leader replied “I have all my needs given to me so I can devote myself totally to solving all the villages needs.”
That’s what is happening here.
The Managerial Class gets everything they want, the wukkas get the dregs.
Who’s in charge here?
CA Democrat governor Gavin Newsom blames progressive Democrat judges and Democrat activists for California’s homelessness crisis, most acutely felt in San Francisco, where businesses are abandoning the downtown area.
I had to laugh at the “perishable items”. Let’s think out of the box, maybe there were towns and other structures in the indigenous past but they dealt with them in the same way and that’s why there are no relics to prove they existed. Pascoe is probably working from that premise.
Trying to post Lidia Thorpe’s demented honking on the subject of the voice, and I keep getting “internal server error.”
I have a vague recollection that Rogers failed elsewhere (Immigration?), and was moved to the AEC where it might have been hoped that he would sink into well-deserved obscurity. Instead, he has stuck his head above the parapet. May it get shot off (metaphorically only, of course, NADT).
He babbled on at the time about “saving” the intention of voters being approved, but offered no legal basis for the (highly subjective) concept of “saving”. I suspect it is an internal administrative decision, almost certainly interpreted in a specific partisan direction.
Ford can’t sell EVs and Toyota doesn’t want to make them anymore; they’ve championed hybrid over full EV for years.
I really like the Pole Star II but it isn’t a 63k to 91k car.
We will never mass adopt electric until the range, performance, sticker price, maintenance costs and refuelling costs are similar are better than ICE cars and similarly for recharge time to refuelling time and availability of repairers and recharge points to fuel bowsers.
PS, of the result is a close decision for YES, then the High Court, sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns, might be invited to consider the concept of “saving”. I think that is the word he used, look back to his original statement about ticks and crosses.