Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
Unmanned Aircrafts Will Fight the Next World War
“The US Air Force received their request by Congress to spend $5.8 billion on construction up to 2,000 unmanned aircrafts. These AI drones can operate autonomously without human interference. This means that the decision to decimate masses will not be up to human judgement. The Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) program has been approved and the US government is actively preparing to fight in a largescale war.
The Kratos XQ-58A Valkyrie cost up to $7 million per unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). They have a range of 3,500 miles (5,600 kilometers) with a cruise speed of 548 mph (882 km/h). Kratos Defense and Security Systems owns the UCAV, and the two largest shareholders, of course, are BlackRock and Vanguard.
This will change the entire nature of war, shrouded in a grey area regarding ethics. Militaries can try to omit responsibility if they say a UCAV was operating on its own free will. Perhaps the aircraft will choose to liberate more poor nations in need of Democracy, especially if they have natural resources like oil. “AI will be a critical element to future warfighting and the speed at which we’re going to have to understand the operational picture and make decisions,” Brig. Gen. Scott Cain, the lab’s commander, said. “AI, Autonomous Operations, and Human-Machine Teaming continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace and we need the coordinated efforts of our government, academia, and industry partners to keep pace.”
This is a solution to the military personnel shortage every branch besides the Marines face. However, the destruction these AI machines will cause is untold. Kratos admits the XQ-58A Valkyrie is experimental. “The operational options that our family of UAVs brings to the warfighter are limited only by the imagination and provide CONOPS/CONEMPS options unavailable by any other competitor in the market,” Kratos notes on its website. The country with the most effective technology will win future wars. All bets are off as they do not know how these unmanned aircrafts will operate amid an ongoing battle, but the US is willing to bet $5.8 billion on their success.”
Could be the same one, Johnny, when I was living in Newtown in the 80s. We had been out somewhere, and drove home through knee deep water, with flailing trees and debris everywhere.
Typical Sydney storm combined with ancient drainage systems in the inner city.
Somehow, we all bravely got up the next day and soldiered on. 🙂
Trump live now:
Nice! 🙂
For non NSW readers, the floor of the Lower House in NSW has long been known as ‘the bear pit.’
Trump is bringing in “a reciprocal foreign tax” for countries that tax US goods entry into their countries, Trump will tax that country’s goods the equal amount coming into the US. LOl! 😛
… and most of the insiders in the US Senate and House.
Their fans don’t exactly help their image.
Oi! Collingwood are on par with the mighty Liverpool squire. Don’t forget that!
“Now we don’t call her Crooked Hillary, we call her Beautiful Hillary. She’s a beautiful, beautiful woman” lol!
‘Those students are still there but they are now the faculty and making sure a new generation doesn’t dare challenge them as they did their professors when they were young. They learned how not to give up their power as it was always about power, not free speech.’
Exactly right, Crossie. Whereas those old-school liberal educators whom the 60s and 70s student radicals vilified as elitist Tory reactionaries would encourage their students to think for themselves and didn’t mind if that meant disagreement.
Husband just had furious debate on phone with “issues resolver” of the company which supplies electricity to the farm (& to which we supply electricity from our 10kw solar system). After the installation of a “smart meter” a couple of months ago our bill has absolutely soared for the excess electricity we buy off the grid.
Something is amiss, and we can see on the internet that others are having similar problems. The graph of electricity usage and sale to them just doesn’t make sense. Yet we can’t get any resolution of the problem. The only resolution seems to be to purchase an extremely expensive battery in order to go completly “off grid”.
And yet they want to convert office towers in the CBD into residential units. I expect that is going to put huge pressure on the sewer system that could back up into their bathrooms.
I think you got the increase that we were told will be 30% up on previous bills. I got my electricity bill last week and think it may be even higher than the proposed 30% rise. I’m just thinking about poor pensioners and families on fixed incomes, how they will manage. Chris Bowen in the most evil politician of living memory, he doesn’t give a damn what his Net Zero target is doing to the country.
Mafia don’t allow no competition…..
I think you got the increase that we were told will be 30% up on previous bills. I got my electricity bill last week and think it may be even higher than the proposed 30% rise.
I got my gas bill this week $255 for 3 months .. last year same period $140 .. (both include applied OAP credits)
admittedly I do have gas heating but on the unit figures listed almost twice the MJ cost to last year ……
Thanks, Blackball, I’ve ripped my eyes out and am now ripping out my brain with a spoon.
Iirc correctly Pauline proposed similar.
You see Vicki, you’re 10 kw system is of no value in the Bowen plan as the big project investors who will provide the generation need to own that supply.
You are an annoying gnat to them, only useful in camouflaging the growing shortfall in electricity while the big pigs wrestle their way to the subsidy trough.
Mafia don’t allow no competition…..
Sounds like Marlon Brando there.
The Mafia doesn’t allow any competition.
This is our destiny
Did Kelce play?
When you know the second string tight end is playing, it makes it so much easier to defend even with all the weapons Mahomes has.
ProPublica has an in-depth piece on the LCS black hole.
It’s good journalism.
The Inside Story of How the Navy Spent Billions on the “Little Crappy Ship
Parents travelling with noisy children should be banished to the cargo hold.
You see Vicki, you’re 10 kw system is of no value in the Bowen plan as the big project investors who will provide the generation need to own that supply.
You are absolutely right, Gez. But it is SO annoying. We are also having problems with the new smart meter on the city property & we suspect that these meters can be programmed to get the result that they want. I guess we can change electricity suppliers & see what happens. Don’t feel like splurging on a big battery and disconnecting from the grid at this stage.
Testimonial: “They Moved a Biological Man into My Dorm Room!”
BTW – re the 30% rise: we are arguing that their figures on actual usage can’t be right, based on previous years. The young bloke in the resolution centre kept quoting different periods for comparison. It is almost impossible to get them on the same page. He got a bit agitated though when husband said that there are similar disputes from others on the internet.
I like kids. I have one of my own; an energetic six-year-old who can fortunately now be placated for long periods by the lure of unlimited YouTube viewing, should the need arise.
I think toddlers and babies are cute, too, just not when I’m seated near one in an aircraft.
The trouble with an adult – or is that ‘a dolt’ is that they forget that they were once a child. And in such a case, so is MontyPox Virus. A dolt as well as a child.
Surveillance software and international collaboration , vaccines, , pandemics, social credit scores, bank account cancellations, CBDC’s, drones & AI – the network tying it all together ……. etc. It really isn’t difficult to join some dots and see what the future is likely to look like for us. It may take a few more decades to fully implement and there is more technology to be developed but all the elements of tyrannical total control are already visible.
This is the Albanese/Bowen gas price cap working hard for you.
AEMO tells us that the average Short Term Trading Price for gas in the East Coast markets for the 3 months to 31 August 2023 was +/- $11.50/GJ ($0.0115/MJ) and in the corresponding previous quarter+/-$33.50/GJ ($0.0335/MJ).
In safe hands.
Keep going, Marcia. Bring on the referendum, the sooner the better.
For those of us in the south east just now – Singing Winds, Crying Beasts via Carlos Santana:
People who love sailing are a strange breed.
“I guess we can change electricity suppliers & see what happens.”
See what GloBird energy will do – I changed to them 18-24 months ago, and even after the rises in tariffs, am now paying what I was before I switched…
Blair is right. She does sound like Sir Les.
Can’t be unheard now. 😀
Pitfalls of a sex change…
Wowee ZKTA…. let’s hope the MSM pick up on Marcia’s speech. Asking for an Australian Watangi treaty ugh ffs! Calling our National Anthem abhorrent… she’s a full-on Marxist and, as Tucker says:
“Have you ever met a Marxist leader who ever liked their own people?”
Links between the Communist Party of Australia and the “Land Rights” movement go back to the late 1930’s.
Vicki – Try Red Energy. Australian owned. My bills have hardly moved with them.
Sep 8, 2023 4:18 PM
For those of us in the south east just now – Singing Winds, Crying Beasts via Carlos Santana:
People who love sailing are a strange breed.
Cool music by Santana –
And a good job that Captain Cook liked sailing – around the World that is.
Not to mention good ol’ Rusty Crowe …
What the hell are they doing treating children as people! At home they have various fences perimeters and cages they put the meeting little mucus factories in.
Put them in the hold along with the other creatures that become unruly in unfamiliar situations such as dogs, cats, and bogans. If a person says their child is an emotional support primate then give them a collapsible chair and hot water bottle and let them go to the hold also.
Why is this even being talked about?
Sep 8, 2023 4:42 PM
a good job that Captain Cook liked sailing – around the World that is
Not to mention good ol’ Rusty Crowe …
How about this then –
Red Energy
Used them when living in Singleton, agree. Fringe benefit of QFF points.
Dunno if these guys still exist but equally little problems with Pacific Hydro when I was renovating a house in Victoria. Cheap too.
Avoid Click, we put them on for the gas on said renovation when I was painting & needed to dry the house in a Victorian winter. The no fees is false advertising, they tried charging a connection fee of $88 till I basically told them I’ll take it to the ombudsman and the call centres were all sub continentals that were equally as useless.
Mother Lode
Sometimes kids are too young and can’t help it. They don’t know how to unblock their ears due to pressure and end up crying. One of our kids once cried all the way from LA to the other side and only stopped when we landed. It was freaking hell at 35,000 feet and very embarrassing. I still haven’t forgiven him.
I am blessed with the ability to block out kids screaming & babies crying on planes.
People eating chips on planes with their mouths open, not so much.
Oh yeah like they really, really regret it. Truly so. Really sorry. It was a mistake.
A Parliamentary petition has been set up against the Illawarra offshore wind farm proposal. If you’re opposed to this atrocity which will stretch from Wombarra to Kiama, make sure you jump on sign up so we can tell the Federal Government where their proposal belongs.
This petition is opposing the Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s plans to build an offshore windfarm off the coast of the Illawarra. Chris Bowens plans leave affected citizens to negotiate with private individual companies who will hold licences to develop these structures in terms of scope, and impacts. There is no proposed limits in height, distance from shore or number of turbines that can be installed. There is also no clear plan for remediation or disposal once turbines reach their end of life. They will be visible from shore. This will not only be damaging to tourism but will also impact fishing, shipping and marine life.
Went to dinner with some Italian cousins recently GST was 22% — no wonder they can’t get over here – cost of living is extortionate over there.
Square payments have crashed today.
For anyone looking to attend markets on a Saturday morning around the country, remember to take cash.
So many of the vendors have that Square terminal only.
I imagine some will wonder whether its turning up tomorrow.
Sometimes kids are too young and can’t help it.
Had an 8 month old do similar for a short period on a MEL-SIN flight. From lift off till the seat belt sign went off where I took her for a walk she screamed her lungs out. We were in Premium Economy too.
One lap of normal economy, being allowed to crawl for a bit & a few hostesses fawning over her she calmed down quickly. She was the sort of baby who worked out at 4 months old grinning at ladies in public got her heaps of attention.
The looks of death at the start compared to even some of the males giving her attention on landing couldn’t be contrasted any different. Yes it was extremely awkward to begin (seeing’s I had considered we probably should go cattle class but we decided she had done about 4-5 domestic flights by that age she’ll be right).
Davey Boy
Sep 8, 2023 5:02 PM
A Parliamentary petition has been set up against the Illawarra offshore wind farm proposal. If you’re opposed to this atrocity which will stretch from Wombarra to Kiama, make sure you jump on sign up so we can tell the Federal Government where their proposal belongs.
The interesting thing with all these stupid Windmill plantations is that the Environment is paramount. Get Tanya Plebersuck and the UN on the case. Save the Whales. Maybe get Greenpeace to help.
Blackout Bowen is on very dodgy sandy foundations here. And serves him right. Plonker.
Financial regulator ASIC has taken superannuation giant Australian Super to court over its alleged failures to address multiple accounts for almost a decade, which cost 90,000 members about $69m in fees and insurance premiums.
TPD premiums are the sweetest of all premiums.
Industry super lives on them.
Generally don’t like lifting and posting entire pieces, but this deserves a shot. How science is misused.
Author, John Grisham wrote the oped in the WSJ. Just incredible how potentially many innocent people have been caught up.
Sep 8, 2023 5:13 PM
Financial regulator ASIC has taken superannuation giant Australian Super to court over its alleged failures to address multiple accounts for almost a decade, which cost 90,000 members about $69m in fees and insurance premiums.
TPD premiums are the sweetest of all premiums.
Industry super lives on them.
Years ago when signing up to Australian Super the Insurance/TPD option was a given. You had to tick the right box on the Application Form to opt out. What crooks as most people didn’t realise that they were signing up to Insurance/TPD with the Application. Without specifically applying for it.
Union Super is not that super.
Money for nothing
Chicks for free
Has to be a record outside whatever the Saudis are paying sports dudes.
There are 17 games each season, which means the dude is earning 3.2 million a regular game.
Someone has to pay for Greg Combet’s cycle tours through France now the taxpayer is not picking up the tab.
Shocking story from Grisham JC, almost makes me sick to my stomach!
H B Bear
Sep 8, 2023 5:41 PM
Someone has to pay for Greg Combet’s cycle tours through France now the taxpayer is not picking up the tab.
How can he go on a cycle tour with those red underpants on his head. Surely they will stop him from seeing where he is coming and going .
And in news not as serious as that, but still very concerning, Hendo writes to McClellan asking why, as part of the RC into institutional child abuse, he selected 58 schools’ to be reviewed for peddos (with every single school selected being a faith-based school and not a govt school)
Unsurprisingly no response from f-wit McClellan.
Red Underpants = Conroy
Tour de France = Combet (and Juanita)
The TPD insurance is hard to access & getting harder.
The other aspect is that even if you have multiple super accounts with TPD on all of them, guess what, only one pays.
Which is why the insurers love it.
Nothing better than writing a policy that rarely pays.
Tour de Burley Griffin = McLeay (plus payout for shocking injuries) /sarc
George Monbiot DESTROYS Rishi Sunak AND Keir Starmer
Like selling tickets for nonexistent flights.
My usage figures doubled last month, in addition to the increase. I am guessing they turned the ‘estimate customer usage” dial to 11 assuming we’d never notice it with the price increase. Hmm.
Something I came across today and proves 5 minute of searching shows what an incestuous bunch the media is these days.
Apparently, a go pro & 2L coke bottle are evidence of plastic pollution in the ocean found in a sinkhole in Belize. Note an airline magnate like Branson virtue signalling get a mention but I digress:
Was thinking what drivel to try/link 2 causes climate change & plastics in one preachy article. Well Chloe Whelan or as her Linkedin profile reveals Chloe Overington Whelan (who with a bunch of Google searches throws up a high likelihood) could be related to Caroline Overington. Obviously the jismist gene wasn’t passed on with this one.
Leaping Leo – the original and still the best.
Mario Nawfal
Elon just confirmed the U.S or Ukrainian Government requested him to play a significant role in a MAJOR ESCALATION in the Ukraine war.
CNN reported that Elon deactivated his Starlink satellites in response to a covert attack the Ukrainians were planning on the Russian naval fleet. They were WRONG!
Elon clarified the satellites were NOT active, and that he was pressured by the Government to activate them so that Ukraine can attack Russian ships in a contentious territory.
“There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol. The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor.”
refused to activate Starlink, avoiding “a major act of war and conflict escalation.”
So not only are Governments not deescalating the war, but they have also actively tried to drag a private company to play a role in ESCALATING.
This is NOT how peace will be reached!
Here’s a silly quiz for those in their 70’s and 80’s who want to waste a bit of time on a wet Sydney day answering 50 multi-choice questions. How much can you remember about things that happened in the 50’s? I got 45, only getting knocked out on some American supermarket knowledge and one date. Quite a few you can do through a memory jog combined with a process of elimination. Plenty are still part of today’s general cultural literacy so yoof Cats and Kittehs in their 60’s and even 50’s could have a go. You have to keep score in your head or use a pen. 40 and over is considered pretty good. Most of the people commenting on this vid seem to come in mid-range 40’s.
It’s supposed to be a memory test for those in their 80’s but any age could have a go.
Just because you’re inside the Parliamentary triangle doesn’t mean you can’t go off on compo.
Like selling tickets for nonexistent flights.
Now who would ever think of doing that and thinking that they could ever get away with it?
Quaintarse indeed as Alf Garnett said in 1970………………………….
I know. I was just being a bit silly.
Gurgler meet toilet lol!!!!
Just did another one, one proverbs. Only a few multiple choice, then you had to know. lol in the comments though, for the quizmakers were in it for the quid, not the accuracy of the proverbs, which have to be word correct to be viable proverbs. Like most of this sort of click bait, the quiz was poorly produced. One commenter said:
Another commenter, who like me got them all right, said she’d done much better in that than the quizmasters.
Actually, when I fly I expend great effort to popping my ears. I seem more irritated by even the smallest pressure difference than other people. So I will sit there (trying to be discreet) with eyes wide open, laboriously opening my jaws to full gape before snapping shut and instantly trying again.
I would look like a goldfish that has leapt out of the bowl and lying on the carpet.
I see Greenpeace are putting some advertisements out saying we should save the whales. A worthy cause but how do they square that with offshore wind installations?
Dumb phucks
Douglas Macgregor: This Is Horrifying !!!
Hold your nose, close mouth & blow. Called a Valsalva and will pop your ears. I showed it to my children when flying and it stopped complaints about hurting ears.
I used the same technique snorkelling when diving on some wrecks in Solomon Is to avoid the pain in the opposite pressure differential.
So works both ways.
ML and Rokdoc
I find that pinching the nose, then swallowing, also works.
Sep 8, 2023 6:33 PM
Hold your nose, close mouth & blow. Called a Valsalva and will pop your ears. I showed it to my children when flying and it stopped complaints about hurting ears.
Just give the ankle biters a few gob stoppers and that should do it. And if the wife or the stewardess complains then give them a gob stopper or two…………..
It’s supposed to be a memory test for those in their 80’s but any age could have a go.
Just did Lizzie. 40 for me.
Don’t fly without Minties.
Yoof crime again, Shannon Deery:
Maybe, just maybe a size 12 up the Khyber Pass might set them on the right track.
Farmer Gez
Sep 8, 2023 6:44 PM
Don’t fly without Minties.
As long as you don’t have loose fillings in your teeth……………
Tried Lizzie’s quiz and lost interest around question 30.
Needed are far more attractive presenter and someone who knows how to pronounce names correctly.
Perfect score in the arsehole test for me.
Not going to watch the video but the idea of the Moonbat fighting with WEF Boy and the Easter Island Statue is rather amusing.
Just leave us alone elite peoples, and get your teeth out of our necks.
adjective. bizarre; fantastic; grotesque … having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic…
[Collins dictionary online].
The surreality for me is in relation to time. It seems like just last week I was reading of this science fiction in school. but now … Here we are. I must have been in a coma for several decades without knowing.
The government has committed to this.
But how it can strike the right balance doing this will be the challenge.
Maybe, just maybe a size 12 up the Khyber Pass might set them on the right track.
And what would be the attitude of the Sictorian Guv’ment if one of their own with their children were subjected to a serious yoof’ attack?
Country coppers in Western Australia used to round up Aboriginal juvenile offenders on a dark night, drive them a few miles out of town, and tell them to walk home. In a refinement, they would tell the offenders that Katchdika man – the tribal sorcerer – was about, and he would creep up behind them, and dash their brains out, with his stone club. Very few of them ever re- offended.
Somebody made a complaint to the Aboriginal Legal Service, who put a stop to the practice.
An interesting bathrobe monogram.
Sep 8, 2023 5:28 PM”
Thanks for posting that, confirms my apprehension of the application of the death penalty, particularly in the USA.
Artemis the trannie takes over sorority after Judge rules the fat loser is a sheila.
Here you are Rabz. Magnifique
Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain.
Substantial number of upticks!
I concur.
Joe Rogan
Tulsi Gabbard on the Response to the Maui Wildfires
The word that sticks out most is “blockade”. People were blockaded from getting out and now are being blockaded from getting in, even to provide assistance, which the government itself is not doing.
If Superwog was a Teacher
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 8, 2023 7:35 PM
Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain.
No, no, no! No upticks here, you might hurt someone’s delicate feelings.
We can’t have that.
‘Omit the part’ to end restrictions on prostitution
By Monica Doumit – September 8, 2023
In last week’s column, I foreshadowed that I would write this week about Sydney MP Alex Greenwich’s Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023.
I expected that this week’s column would detail the legion of attacks on religious freedoms the bill contained, particularly when it comes to how we operate our schools and other institutions. All those provisions are in the bill, outlined in its first 17 pages, and while they are important, it is page 48 that is the most astonishing page in the bill.
Page 48 has only 16 words on it. It reads: “Schedule 18 Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25. Part 3 Prostitution. Omit the part.” The meaning behind the words “omit the part” is a near-complete removal of the remaining restrictions NSW law has over prostitution.
The goal isn’t only evident in this part of the bill. Greenwich is also seeking to add “sex work” as a protected ground of discrimination in the Anti-Discrimination Act. The effect of his proposed changes would be that a landlord could not treat a rental application from someone who listed their profession as “sex worker” differently to other applicants, nor a religious school insist that its principal did not also have a side gig as a prostitute.
Tyranny on Tap in the New Maui. Forget The U.S. Constitution! It’s an “Emergency”
Here you are Rabz. Magnifique
No BB. That’s meant for JC
No, no, no! No upticks here, you might hurt someone’s delicate feelings.
We can’t have that.
Even worse, there could be down ticks.
And that would crucify their egos Big Time. LOL
Anyone with delicate feelings would be well advised to stay off the Cat!
Be interesting to see how this is handled. Vic Pol or Victorian Gov aren’t to be trusted…
At the developmental level, this has already happened in Rugby with great success.
Lloyd McDermott, Australia’s second Indigenous Rugby player and first barrister, did terrific work in funding and creating an Aboriginal youth development team/programme over many years.
Just saw this Rockdoctor. A coloured man. Phuck him off.
Sep 8, 2023 8:23 PM
Be interesting to see how this is handled. Vic Pol or Victorian Gov aren’t to be trusted…
Really. You amaze me with your insight. LOL
Allahu akbar.
Maybe linked to the arrests of the cultural enrichment team preying on school kids.
Notice how canbra imports people who attack you and quite often kill you
I used to have beers with Lloyd McDermott back in the 1990’s, he had quite an original individualistic worldview.
The ABCess online report about changing of the wording next to Roberts-Smith’s display at the AWM has comments turned off.
Maybe linked to the arrests of the cultural enrichment team preying on school kids.
May be clouding my judgement atm. Just looked at a few Age pics before the narrative is woven and could be some idiot losing control of a car also looking at the google maps of the intersection.
Will wait and see I suppose, already txt’ed a family member in Bendigo who is a tradie with links to boys working Melbourne building sites. I suppose I’ll hear plenty of gossip in the next couple of days…
Big screen and loud.
Two Steps From Hell – Flight Of The Silverbird ( EXTENDED Remix by Kiko10061980 )
Thanks, Black Ball, for all your interesting posts. Every day you put up pages of great stuff that I normally wouldn’t get to see.
Much appreciated.
I second that Delta A
Thanks, Black Ball, for all your interesting posts.
Hear hear
You know, we really do live in a time where we are now surrounded by progressive cretins who endlessly push nonsense of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Just watch this, a few days ago, at the Venice film festival, these two Danish directors had to put up with a cretinous question from an imbecilic journalist who asked the directors why their film wasn’t more “diverse”. Watch the director on the left roll his eyes in dismay.
The director on the right calmly said it is just an historical fact that Denmark in the 1750s, the time the movie is set in, wasn’t a particularly “diverse time”.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 8, 2023 8:47 PM
Margaret Betts obituary
Unassuming Bletchley Park machine operator who, after enlisting as a Wren at the age of 19, assisted Alan Turing’s codebreakers
Friday September 08 2023, 12.01am BST, The Times
Margaret Betts, Bletchley Park machine operator, was born on December 27, 1923. She died on August 26, 2023, aged 99.
Thank you Zulu Kilo Two Alpha – And I would never have known about a Lady that helped to save Britain. I was born in 1952 and she helped save me to be born with millions of others after the War. RIP.
Aaand cue talking head from Vic Pol on Sky News says that it isn’t Terrorism but a mental health issue.
Hope I’m wrong but big hmmmmm now.
My pleasure, Johnny Rotten. Mme Zulu and I visited Bletchley Park, and were shown over it, by another of the wartime Wrens. Her father was a World War One veteran, and she was an only child, but she was able to tell her father before he passed that his daughter had made her contribution for King and Country.
Just before “the lights went out (in Europe) and we will not see them lit again in our lifetimes”.
WW1. The greatest cataclysm in human history. Far, far worse than any meteor strike or volcanic eruption, or even the fall of ancient empires – and what purpose did it serve?
I’d ask “discuss”, but it’s a Friday night, Cats!
On a brighter note, the Sydney Toikeys are being hammered by Carltonini.
Thus demonstrating the vacuousness of modern life (which is rubbish) again … 😕
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 8, 2023 9:24 PM
You are top people and I would not be alive at age 70 years now without all of those people that did what they did then.
I am always humbled by those stories that I never knew then but I now know now.
Bin Away in the Big Smoke, so now to catch up:
And they have many, many supporters who – in the effort to garner virtue points – help the possum scratch away, at the expense of the people who actually need help. Their virtue total means more to them than does a hungry and frightened child.
Black Ball, how could you? What got into you?
Next time, please put a warning label.
Interest6ingt that the Oz mentions drugs pretty much only in the headline (as I write… no doubt lots of room for change!), but does get around to a comparison with “drug addled James Gargloulas”.
The fact that the bloke was dressed in a white caftan and sat on the bonnet of his car when it was done is, errm, odd. Most strange, I would think, that someone so drug-crazed as to plough through people would stop, and go all Zen on his bonnet.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 8, 2023 9:24 PM
What you posted tonight puts Life into perspective.
Priorities, peasants, priorities!
Sacre Bleu! 🦖
Delta A, miltonf and Rockdoctor, I present these works for your consumption.
I will continue to do so.
This is otherwise known as “using my name in vain”, Squire.
Behave JC lol.
Anyway you look at this linky, it’s superb. Hot birds singing a Leonard Cohen effort is always good.
What a waste of feminine pulchritude, Squire.
They actually announce that too, in English, and, I presume, Japanese.
Today we caught the delightful little purple train, one carriage only, there, and then two carriages back, to the bamboo forest, which was busier than Burke st, not quite ah the serenity.
Though the observation platform in the gardens beside the forest, looking down into the gorge wasn’t anything like as popular, and came with a free fresh breeze.
If you can’t be bothered walking up to the forest you can rickshaw with a fellow wearing short shorts and what we called cow shoes or taxi up in either a black Toyota Crown or a red and white Toyota Comfort.
I wondered why face washers were for sale everywhere but finally realised they are used as perspiration moppers, and there is plenty of perspiration that needs mopping.
Though it finally feels like the evenings are getting a little cooler.
I bought a Japanese version of a lemon granita too, they use the lemon, skin and all, didn’t mind the zest, choked a bit on the pith.
Leonard Cohen effort is always good.
Leonard Cohen is boring. It’s like slash yer’ wrist music.
The fact that the bloke was dressed in a white caftan and sat on the bonnet of his car when it was done is, errm, odd. Most strange, I would think, that someone so drug-crazed as to plough through people would stop, and go all Zen on his bonnet.
Allen’s Snackbar
Saw a new name for Mitch McConnell. Glich McConnell
With this fcuker having a mini stroke most days of the week, how can the GOP accuse the Demons of running Demonrats with serious brain problems? I can’t believe they haven’t got rid of him yet.
Anyway, enough of that – how happy are we Cats, that Dildo Poocock combined with the Teals and the stupid, stupid gliberals to punt labore’s retrograde IR “reforms” into February 2024, I asks ya?
Hopefully, very.
Looks like the Lib Dems no vote ad campaign has started.
Whereas there is no need to wonder about the sort of person chafing at the bit for downticks.
Don’t worry about the USA as we have Tennis Elbow and Company.
Boot them out first and worry about the rest of the World later. And how does this Energy Transition work again? Blackout Bowen where are you?
Whereas there is no need to wonder about the sort of person chafing at the bit for downticks.
Sep 8, 2023 7:50 PM
‘Omit the part’ to end restrictions on prostitution
By Monica Doumit – September 8, 2023
In last week’s column, I foreshadowed that I would write this week about Sydney MP Alex Greenwich’s Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023.
Greenwich personifies the disproportionate and insidious effect radical, fringe anti-traditional people can have when true conservatives don’t exist and the nominal conservatives are effectively cancelled like Latham.
Thank goodness.
The Oz is reporting that VicPlod has ruled out terrorism.
Good man. Made his point without damaging himself. I expect to see more of it.
The interesting thing is that if the SHTF, the Cocks in Frocks will all be in HQ for their own safety – which is very sad, on several levels.
John Ruddick – “the gliberal party doesn’t give a rodent’s backside about John Ruddick’s opinions on how to reform the gliberal party” …
Which is why he is now a Liberal Democrat.
I still maintain this is a huge mistake. If non collectivists are to attempt to peacefully take back government in Oz (and hopefully soon at that), we need to infiltrate the gliberal party (which BTW, in Qld, is known as the “Johalition”).
Otherwise it’s just screaming into the void. Which will not be screaming back at me, thanks very much, I tells ya. 😕
“Greenwich personifies the disproportionate and insidious effect radical, fringe anti-traditional people can have when true conservatives don’t exist and the nominal conservatives are effectively cancelled like Latham.”
Greenslime, a very sinister individual, was empowered by the Liberals. The Liberals are responsible for this creep. It’ll be interesting to see what Minns does. He doesn’t need him to get legislation through.
I see lots of talk about how the Dems ease out Biden without “easing in” Kamala!, especially on the left, in the US. Good Plan on the face of it.
Also, about who on the R side is the best option (did I actually see one poll comparing Haley v Biden?) to run against either Biden or the hypothetical replacement, who isn’t Kamala!
Don Surber has a piece tonight (“Kamala Can Win”) which got me thinking that all this makes a key assumption…
Hypothetical :-
Biden dies of [insert disease of old age here], quite suddenly.
Kamala! assumes the Presidency, obviously.
What happens next?
On the D side, do they have any feasible way of not having Kamala! run in 2024? I can’t see it…
If they are up against Kamala! what is the optimal GOP opposition? I don’t want to make this some RDS v DJT thing… sort of more wondering if a return to an idea floated waaaay back might not be a good idea. DJT with RDS as VP.
Not sure you want to be running an old bloke without also a proven track record in the VP if the previous President has just popped his clogs from old age. Yes, egos will get in the way! But if not that combo, what (that the GOP base will tick off)?
Just a thought experiment… I obviously harbour Biden no ill-will (of that variety).
Black Ball:
The smartarse in Canberra tried on a trick that would have passed in the Trot debating room, but has fallen flat on its arse with the sceptical Australian Public.
Serves the bastard right.
Sleazy bag of shit that he is.
If the perpetrator is a Muslim, we’ll quickly read about mental illness, oh wait, we’re already are hearing from the Vic police about mental illness, and then tomorrow we’ll hear about social alienation, and then in two days the story will be buried, just like the story behind the jihadist decapitations of Zoe and Maurice Anthill was.
“The Oz is reporting that VicPlod has ruled out terrorism.”
Of course it has.
Drinking good single malt, and watching “Sharpe’s Waterloo” on DVD.
“Your Grace, the Prussians are here.
Well, let’s see if we can find something useful for them to do.”
Oh dear.
The Sydney Mancravers lost to Caaaarlton.
Time to hit the amyl nitrite on Oxford Street and get over it, lads.
The beauty of this is, of course, that the aforementioned Aaaarlton will get their own arses handed to them next week.
The Oz is reporting that VicPlod has ruled out terrorism.
Mmmyes so I will posit on the record it is terrorism.
Writing on one side of the paper, using words of few syllables, what does a “Trotskyite”
actually believe in?
Eternal Revolution
This was an aspect that I put to my Australia Wide FB Readership – Both of them – that the government was so dismissive of our efforts and feelings on the Voice thingy, that they were going to push it on to us whether the Referendum was passed or not. The fact that the Qld and WA governments were determined to push it through made it an easy and believable claim to make.
Mmmm … yes … VicPlod. Nothing to see here. Move along please.
Watch out for the Skin Deep, Cats
Bruce of Newcastle
Sep 4, 2023 7:41 AM
The ultimate in chutzpah.
Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return (3 Sep)
Here’s another sad face for the autocratic bastards who have had a good kick in the nuts.
I am obliged to you, Squire. So, when their eternal revolution turns to a bag of worms, they want to come scurrying to the safety of the welfare State?
Cassie of Sydney
I feel Dutton has earned a quiet “lets see what hatches out of that egg that is now hatching under the Albos cloaca.”
Same as for Hairy, who is still only 71, vs my 45 at 81.
I was laughing behind him as he did it when I emailed him the URL.
I was cracking up behind him as he made ten wrong choices.
I know that effin’ dog’s name, he said; I know it, he repeated in anguish.
And he chose the wrong one.
I was there in real time, I snortled. You just heard about it.
Poor little doggie, we all said at the time, we’ll never forget you.
Cassie of Sydney
Yes they have, Cassie. However wouldn’t it be nice to watch them as a junior partner in a National/PHON/Liberal Coalition?
The reorganisation on the Right may just be happening as we watch.
If true, an obscenity.
Did the “moral and ethical superiors” that constitute our not even remotely loved j’ismist class bother to ask the Nurses* why they refused the shots?
No, of course not.
Ladees (if you exist), stand your ground. You are being tested. You will pass with flying colours.
Your persecutors, not so much. Special circles in Hades’ Kingdom are awaiting them. 🙂
*Real or alleged
Wot Crossie Sed.
With multiple upticks.
On a hypothetical put forward by James Morrow on his US Report tonight the Demons continue on happily as usual being run by Obama and his acolytes. If Biden is a puppet, simply now a useful walking corpse, then Kamala will up the ante on puppetry, with even more chance of being a totally amenable puppet than Joe (who has his snarly nasty moments of foot stamping for his ice cream). Kamala will be a dopey and ditzy you-go-cackle gurrl, which will go down well enough with the Dem women, not many of whom are deep thinkers. Thus, Obama for his fourth term. He’s said as much earlier on in that clip about needing his third term via a puppet with an earpiece.
Always done in plain sight, says Hairy softly.
err, Cats, has Disasterstan just been gifted with some (more) diversity mental illness joyessnous?
Dot, welcome to the world of the disconnected.
I bless the day our TV shit itself in 1985ish.
Since then I’ve had several TVs given to me by family who I regularly promise will move to the next stage of TV ownership by attaching it to the power point in the wall. Then I can enjoy the ecstasy of flipping that switch to the ‘On’ position.
At some stage I will try the ‘autotune’ function.
In, say 2030.
I am the son and heir
of nothing in particular …
You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I want to be loved
Just like everybody else does …
I think you’ve already said that, Kevni.
Got anyone in mind? I’ve already said don’t look my way.
Why not try saying something of substance here instead?
One-tune player are you?
Cassie of Sydney:
Excellent stufff, Cassie.
This whole catastrophe could have been averted had the Ambassador Class done what was necessary when the Rhineland was remilitarised in ’36.
They failed then and have never been called to account since.
I suppose being on the Diplomatic Gravy Train was worth the 60+Million lives.
Rufus T Firefly
Sep 4, 2023 8:19 AM
Dutton has been doing a sterling job taking this government to task over its policies.
If it’s not to your satisfaction, do better.
Sep 4, 2023 8:21 AM
It will have to – the cities are just a series of plush holding pens for the abattoirs.
Rabz worthy?
Have you tried gargling with camel urine?
Apparently it works well with keeping the Faithful in line.
And blah, blah, blah, as usual from the stalker. Me, me, me, is alive and well and blogging on about the stalker’s favorite topic – herself. Cool inner-west rock groupie, we’ve heard it all before, the Kings Cross days of glory too, and so very much of it, so often, as well as running Jervis Bay and being a scion of our wonderful public sector too. As well as the horticultural meanderings and the rest.
I am happy to leave the stalker to it. This is a blog not an inquisition. I can scroll.
But I just had to point out the level of hypocrisy involved in stalking me.
Take note, Kevni, and up your game.
Se you all on the Weekend New Thread.
Will Dover give us Monet’s ‘ladies who lunch’, naked on the grass?
Not the same ladies, I suspect, who were dining elegantly on this thread.
For later discussion. Online Weekend Oz Magazine has a very revealing article about fostering aboriginal children. What a morass.
I’m subscribed to ~50 content creators. Better quality information, comment feedback is useful, and the shorts on youtube are funnier than most comedies on FTA. I cheated the other day, watched Barbie without paying a cent. What a waste of time, my cheating was justified. There are some FTA programs I watch. I do that through their online resources. For movies, I prefer South Korea, Russia, Japan, and a few European countries with France being a leader across most genres.
It’s not just TPD.
There would be a fixed monthly fee element on every account.
A couple of interesting parallels popped up again today.
We had a banking Royal Commission. Australian Super (maaaates) escaped scrutiny.
We had a child abuse Royal Commission. The number of cases in public institutions? Apparently it was zero.
Sep 4, 2023 8:49 AM
OTOH, is there any famous Aussie song that could be used for No?
Good. I have no damn time for the wankers of hyphenation.
If you think you are one of the hyphenated, piss off to your hyphenated other place.
I don’t give a damn if your parents came from Formosa or Greenland, Britain or the Steppes, Mars or frigging Venus.
You are Australian or you are not.
Tribalism will wreck this nation.
The Great Curve … 🙂
NKP – Noice – the Yaktress?
New OT up.
Pinched from X, Rabz. Identity unknown.
Hmmm…drove north into central Greece. Looks like a mistake. Evidence of widespread floods; roads blocked, mud everywhere. Was diverted through a small village which had had six feet of water through it, according to some locals.
Might have put a stop to our travels north. Managed to see the site of the Battle of Thermopylae though.
Robert Sewell
Sep 8, 2023 10:58 PM
Cassie of Sydney
Sep 4, 2023 7:50 AM
The Liberals in every state have proved themselves to be cowards and quislings.
Sadly, as much as I like Pauline and some of her approach to politics, this unification will never happen as long as she is in control of her party.
Just too much ego, partly justified I may add, she carried on when lesser people would’ve given up.
Rattan cane.
Anyone who offends after 20 of these suckers goes into the Organ Banks.
woo hoo hoo!
Upticks are back!
Black Ball:
Wasn’t there a big stinkup over the forced female physical genital examination in an ambulance with armed police in attendance due to a premature baby being found?
About two years ago IIRC. Apparently multiple western women were involved in the ordeal, ordered by a Quatari policeman.
Some of you may remember my travails with a Samsung Tablet, which I found inoperable due to the hieroglyphics and confusing setup.
After nearly a day of struggling with the damn thing I gave it away.
Then I remembered the positive views of the Lenovo range of tablets and bought a Tab P11. Set up within two hours, and working withing three.
Simple as.
And Samsung wouldn’t honor their guarantee, so now they’re on my shit list as a new member.
Cassie of Sydney
Sep 5, 2023 10:44 AM
Many a word said in jest, Cassie.
The DINK cohort is well ahead in the PS and in Health, the gay cohort are raking in the promotions. I don’t know what it’s like in the ABC, but when I left Health in about 2013, you could see the patterns evolving.