Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
In a motorway cafe. Yes, I was going to mention that!
Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
Stargazy Pie?
OK. I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse. Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert…
I think you can safely say that Biden is done.
New York Times and Washington Post BOTH run op-eds branding Biden, 80, too old for office with NYT raising specter of him dying before retiring like Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Nancy Pelosi concedes Biden may DROP OUT of 2024 race – then smirks, laughs and dodges question when asked if Kamala Harris should run for VP
Then at lunchtime my oldest kooka friend, who is 15, arrived, and sat on my tree stump. There’s been a political rearrangement in kookaland recently, and in the last couple weeks she’s been arriving at the Cafe for the for the first time in 6 years.
Finally at dusk her grandson arrived, with his new mate. Somehow or other I’d made friends with her in the past, I can’t remember when, but she sat on my hand and ate lots of Cole mince. As did her paramour. It was cool.
What an incredible relationship you have developed with the birdlife around you, BoN. I am so envious. It is wonderful.
Many years ago, in the city, we had a female Magpie who would enter the house in order to get mince. She had a missing toe, and we watched her raise her chicks over the years. Today, at a different residence in the city, we have visiting Rainbow Lorrikeets, Magpies and now a Butcher Bird which land on our balcony & expect remuneration.
In the country the birds maintain a distance, but we have a wonderful array of Red Rumped Parrots, King Parrots, Corellas, Magpies, Butcher Birds, Noisy Miners, Martens, Cockatoos, Galahs, Babblers, Doves, Quails, Crows, and a great variety of small bush birds which inhabit the paddocks, but also regularly visit the garden as well and bath in our array of bird baths. All are welcome, except the crows who steal our eggs from the chook pen, and the cockies who strip the fruit off our trees in the orchard, cleverly evading the bird netting.
But we really haven’t been able to allay the natural fears of any of these rural birds to tolerate our close presence.
One other thing, direct the hate towards big business as much as people want, but there’s one thing they appear to do well, which is to offer goods and services to consumers relatively cheaply and they do it well, which is why they’re big. 🙂
H B Bear
The closer we look at our bureaucrats, the more corruption we find. But how to eradicate it?
Correct, JC.
Senator Gerard Rennick
Why is the gene sequence used in Covid tests “Commercial in confidence”? – Senate 11.09.23
Rorts and Benefits
Public servants all fly Qantas and I note, even if they don’t need to.
To be an envied Canberra Public Servant, you need to achieve Lifetime Platinum Club status. They all fly Business Class when going to or from Australia, which I don’t blame them for, but it does accumulate more “points” and “status credits” desn’t it?
I know one Canberra PS who regulalry takes his family to Fiji for holidays at the resorts there, on his FF Points.
The only time I have flown Qantas overseas is if someone else is paying for it, otherwise it’s ludicrous what they charge. Usually double what anyone else charges.
They don’t care because Business Class is full of flying public servants, off to meetings and such.
This is not a trivial excercise by them. The government contract is what pays Qantas way. Is there any way to find out perhaps, how much the governemt spends with Qantas?
Maybe it needs to be recompeted more frequently or if large enough, why not have an actual Australian Airline, like what we used to?
I wish Qantas an interesting future, perhaps even with real competition.
Remove all the perks from the government people who fly with them, and see what happens
Until that point when their bigness distorts the market.
I honestly don’t know – and that is the biggest problem.
For me the highlight of Jacinta Price’s talk was the way she dealt with the leftist idiot from the Grauniad who asked her about adverse effects of colonialism on the indigenous people. She didn’t take the bait and handed him his a*** on a plate in no uncertain terms. It was a pleasure to see – if only more pollies would do the same. I don’t read that horrible rag but I’m sure there are many exploding heads there.
I think he’s a one man operation, bons; Jacinta has staffers.
In which case I’d cut him a bit of slack.
Treatments for vaccine injuries.
The COVID Clots: A Full Measure Town Hall
And haven’t they piled on her at the paper since, including Linda Burney, who yet won’t debate Jacinta in person.
Sydney Airport EV fire: 1 battery just incinerated 5 parked cars | Auto Expert John Cadogan
““As far as I’m concerned, The Australian just published the facts and knowing you know the circumstances within Yuendumu circumstances surrounding the death of my nephew,” she said.
“The fact that one of my nieces, who we want to talk about in my documentary, was sexually abused in the same household as him by her own father, this is a reality.”
My God, I love Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. She’s a truth teller.
Whatever the outcome of this referendum, the NO side is lucky, we have leaders like Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, Senator Kerrynne Liddle, Warren Mundine, and Anthony Dillon (and others) on our side, the YES side has the spitting and screeching haters, Langton and Mayo and others. These are the people who Sleazy and Burney have chosen to stand with and defend. That old adage is very, very true, you can always judge people by the company they keep.
Senator Alex Antic
The Voice Equals Division
They’re big because what they do or have done in the past has made them hugely successful. Compare pricing at say, Bunnings or Officeworks with a local hardware store or, these days, a tiny news agency. Both offer such effortless service to their customers. They’re open until 8 or 9 pm at night. They have ample parking etc and their prices are great in comparison.
If you can contest a market, then that market is working pretty well. It has to be contestable, though.
Look, I must say, I’ve been pondering the issue of Qatar for days, and I’m still unable to decide. Qatar has the support of its government. They can borrow at rates far cheaper than Q or other private airlines that fund such things as plane purchases and leasing. I posted a link a few days ago showing how those Gulf state airlines have been receiving fuel subsidies equal to $US13 million a minute, according to the IMF. Of course, their fairs will be cheaper and satisfy the consumer, and that’s probably the way we should go. However, having said that, some of the biggest protectionists on this board were unhappy with that. How does that work?
Did the Roman government deliberately try to destroy Rome? Because that’s what’s happening in the U.S.
Is America Destined to Fall Like Rome? | Victor Davis Hanson
That’s how cowardice rolls.
It’s to the testament of the brand. I’d only fly Q and don;t care if I’m paying over the vig for flight to and from Oz.
Just recently, some large airlines were found to be buying spares from the grey market, which were likely to be be shoddy. I don’t mind grey market for say a car or an appliance, but not for an airline. Q wouldn’t do that.
When BHP Corporate decided to reduce their airfare bill by eliminating FF points, on-the-ball staffers stopped accepting being flown on their own time for company business (not FIFO). For instance, we would leave the family before tea on Sunday evening to catch a flight and start work at 6am or 8am Monday onsite for inductions then meetings. There was a huge chunk of hours of our own, spent on work travel. FF points were seen as a small but highly valued recognition of that.
Faced with loss of FF points, staff change and instead book a flight departing after 8am Monday from the hometown. BAM; Corporate procurement ‘win’ reversed.
Bless her. Whenever two cultures collide, the sensible ones from each look at the other to see if they’ve got any good ideas worth copying. And the stupid ones don’t.
And people like Marcia Langton copy the really bad ideas. Marxism in her case.
He’d sweep 45 states like Reagan if the demons were prevented from cheating.
And also the descendants of the post-WW II and later refugees. Give them a Voice too.
Yes, and if government has a legitimate role in markets it’s to facilitate that contestability, JC.
That’s why the close relationships between big business and government in a relatively small and over-regulated market like Australia’s are a real concern.
No. America has the ability to self correct the really bad shit it often does. It’s failures are elegant and so are its incredible comebacks. 🙂
Yep 200%.
Chris, yep leaving on a Sunday arvo is a legitimate gripe. Depending on what you’ve got on you can get some stuff done on planes. Not much beyond basic reading in my experience.
The reason why Jacinta resonates and is popular is because she has convictions. She is a conviction politician.
Take note Peter Dutton, take note Liberals, convictions resonate.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 9/13/23 E.P 23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight September 13, 2023
“No. America has the ability to self correct the really bad shit it often does. It’s failures are elegant and so are its incredible comebacks. ?”
Nicely said JC. However my major concern is the justice system in the USA.
Now to find some.
Two minor observances from being out and about today.
Local private tutor of HSC mathematics commented that ten years ago, as a group of six or seven students gathered outside his classroom, they would chat and tease and generally he would be able to glean all kinds of school gossip. These days the kids all arrive, barely say hello to each other, and stick their heads into their phones.
Secondly, I deliberately paid the hairdresser in cash, and said I hoped she had some change. Oh yes she replied, if we don’t use cash it will disappear, people just don’t realise what that means.
Senator Jacinta was simply magnificent, so pleased for her. I will listen to it in full later tonight. I’m glad to hear some of the speech made it onto commercial news broadcasts tonight.
A friend of mine, who lurks here, lives in Linda Burney’s electorate. He hasn’t seen one YES spruiker in Burney’s own electorate.
What a great point. Holocaust survivors and their kids are the top of the pyramid on that score. What did they do? They moved to more hospitable “neighborhoods” and got on with their lives even if most of them were irreversibly damaged from their plight. They raised their kids to value education, which has offered incredible results.
Vietnamese and especially Cambodians are in a similar boat.
Every fu’king grievance brought up by the left is about 300 years old. Get a load of the 1619 Project. Lies and bullshit combined with grievance bawling.
Great cartoon at The Speccie on this today:
“Wait until they have a Voice.”
(Sorry, can’t provide a link.)
Until there’s an absolute explosion.
Nike just closed down their Nike store in Portland because of theft.
This is pretty big.
hahahaha inadvertent pun.
“What a great point. Holocaust survivors and their kids are the top of the pyramid on that score. What did they do? They moved to more hospitable “neighborhoods” and got on with their lives even if most of them were irreversibly damaged from their plight. They raised their kids to value education, which has offered incredible results.”
Yes, and I have known plenty. They arrived here and they got on with their lives. They built businesses, they got married, they had children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren.
This is the WHO described in detail by Dr. David Martin upthread. No alternative viewpoint is allowed. YouTube is part of the cabal.
Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced)
JC, there’s a good podcast just uploaded by the guys at Triggernometry, where they speak with Scott Adams. It’s really good.
Here it is Roger.
Thanks Cass. Will listen to it.
“H B Bear
Sep 14, 2023 7:50 PM
Take note Peter Dutton, take note Liberals, convictions resonate.
Now to find some.”
To paraphrase Groucho Marx, “These are my convictions. If you don’t like them, I have others.”
Man, oh man.
Restaurant in Takayama.
Ordering through the QR code app, except it won’t translate to English.
I am finding likely looking pictures and Mrs P is photographing them through Google translate.
Tedious, but getting there.
How about some happy stuff!
Little boys when they are allowed to be little boys.
Roger, did you actually think before coming out with that patronising idiocy.
I am the single man operation in this exchange. It is me that has to consider the opportunity cost implications of surrending a proportion of my limited funds to a mendicant, and then undertake the process of actually transferring the money.
His only role is to say “got it, thanks”; and you claim that that is expecting too much.
Did he acknowledge your contribution?
But I’m grateful. Next FY I shall inform the ATO that Roger says that because I am a single nan operation they should cut me some slack. I know they will understand.
Mindless pomposity.
If I were a bloke, I would be so in love!
The Lieborals could start with a few old London speeches. Maybe put a few quotes on Post It notes and set up a board thing.
Just let Razey order for you.
JC, they, the overlords, have to prove, you don’t have to prove Jack shit.
I hate what the beaurocracy have become. Flagellation on myself because I FKN was one.
Oh dear me. No wonder we mature humans are pissed off. Apologies for language.
“The Machine That Made Everything”.
An Australian tourist has been told to ‘leave Japan at once’ after committing an unforgivable act on public transport.
Former sheep farmer turned travel blogger Turan William Salis was slammed online after sharing a video of himself boarding a women’s only train carriage.
Daily Mail
I had read that story earlier today. When the moron realised nobody found him funny, he used the “I’m autistic”, shtick.
Couldn’t give a phuck anymore:
Victoria is a proxy state of China. Prove me wrong.
Jacinta Price no doubt understands that she will now cop even more abuse than she already has both from the Left and from Aboriginal activists. But since she has, by her won testimony, fought such abuse many times in her life, she will fight it unflinchingly.
Aboriginal men are accustomed to mostly unrestrained violence in remote communities. But I recall the brilliant response of Mal Brough, the then Minister for Indigenous Affairs in the Howard government, when confronted with a riot of Aborigines youth in a local community. “If you don’t stop right now,” he said – or words to that effect, “I will cut off your money!” They stopped immediately.
For that, and other effective acts as Minister, he was demonised by the Left. They are nothing if not persistent in their hatred, and they went after him politically until he left politics for good. A pity.
Not the ‘I identify as a woman’ schtick? Perhaps he suspected it wouldn’t go down well.
He’s such a venomous swine.
If you had to pick one machine that triggered the biggest explosion of wealth in our history, which would you pick?
The combine harvester.
“Turan William Salis”
What a dickhead.
Is Linda Burney drunk?
“I’m the man from Canberra. This stops RIGHT NOW, or your Centrelink stops straight away!”
Where’s Trickler?
Who pulled the trigger on the space lasers?
Open pit continuous mining machines.
Faaark. This was a good adventure.
Kurt Caz:
Avoiding Bandits on the world’s most dangerous road from Mount Hagen to Tari in Papua New Guinea.
Avoiding Bandits in Papua New Guinea!
Tony Windsor?
I thought that steaming turd was dead.
Friends of my parents were Holocaust survivors. They came to Australia and started a new business (making clothing). Integrated into the local community, and didn’t complain.
But they always had a suitcase each packed and handy. If necessary, they were quite ready to move on to another new life. Now deceased, so that will not be necessary.
My parents (also now deceased) would have been sad to have them see what is happening here.
Sep 14, 2023 8:50 PM
Where’s Trickler?
Who pulled the trigger on the space lasers?
Only you. It’s scalar tech dickhead.
“But they always had a suitcase each packed and handy.”
It’s a Jewish thing, and understandable, given our history.
steam engine
What is Mal Brough up to these days?
Okay Trickler
Explain how the sum of two vectors is a scalar.
Poynting’s vector (S = E x B) , is still a vector despite the units (watts, nominally scalar) but this gets quite complicated (power does flow in E fields).
Who pulled the trigger?
The QWERTY keyboard
Pogria I wonder if her grandmother is as hot?
Who pulled the trigger?
Good question.
Nuffy status confirmed!
Watched The Spy Who Shagged Me last night. Austin Powers’ greatest work.
The term ‘space lasers’ should be accompanied by visual quotation marks at all times.
“Space Lasers”.
Preferably from a “Moon Base”.
The Clock. Especially as used to sort Longitude, the effect of World trade of which has been probably incalculable.
But even more generally. The ability to measure time, and consistent time zones have made an unbelievable difference to humanity, especially since the Industrial Revolution.
Dot it was the Emperor on the Death Star. Pfft. Every day I’m here reminding people of history. Lift your game peoples.
Like this?
It was a hoot. Got `em with both barrels.
Near the end of that video there may have been a moment where a certain online faux-Colonel momentarily lost his normal officer’s austere composure and began pumping his fist in the air in time to shouts of JA CIN TA! JA CIN TA! JA CIN TA!
However such outbursts are classified and not to be shared on social media.
Which machine? The refrigerator.
Sep 14, 2023 9:13 PM
Good question.
Nuffy status confirmed!
Chew your cud f-wit.
Amazing chutzpah from a political Judas and contemptible POS.
There’s really about 10 inventions that are epoch making.
The wheel.
Accurate watches.
Heavy plow.
Nuclear reactors (modern fire?).
Watt’s engine (preceding ICEs).
Catalytic crackers.
Honourable mentions to aqueducts, sanitation & sewage, radar, TV & radio, telephony, antibiotics, lenscrafting, lasers and jet engines, rocketry/firearms.
Really it goes to tech, not machines, the Green Revolution increased agricultural output prodigiously. If it’s inventions that matter then writing is the most important invention ever made.
The only machine that can reproduce itself is a metal milling machine.
Writing too, is of course a technology.
Sep 14, 2023 9:30 PM
When was the last time you were exposed to sunshine?
You seem to live here 24/7.
Harrison’s chronometers, and sauerkraut, landed the English in Australia, as certainly as microchips and rocketry landed the Americans on the moon.
Powercruise #93 Saturday at Queensland Raceway
I get up early and gave a job.
Please tell us the size of battery or energy input large enough to supply a “scalar” weapon of a scale big enough to take out three massive buildings.
Stupid Apple update.
Flint knapping. Without it hunting would have been near impossible. Without we would have stalled, been subject to constant predation, and would not have been able to populate many areas.
Sep 14, 2023 9:43 PM
Steve trickler
Sep 14, 2023 9:38 PM
Sep 14, 2023 9:30 PM
When was the last time you were exposed to sunshine?
You seem to live here 24/7.
I get up early and gave a job.
Please tell us the size of battery or energy input large enough to supply a “scalar” weapon of a scale big enough to take out three massive buildings.
Asking a question on a subject that you were oblivious about until I mentioned it.
Go find out for yourself.
The Australian, repeating the same old rubbish that Senator Pat Dodson, was born a “non-citizen” before the 1967 referendum……Words fail me, they honestly do.
Sep 14, 2023 9:43 PM
Short of a nuclear reactor, I can’t think of anything, and so far I never heard of any such thing orbiting earth.
There were very small scale nuke power sources employed in the past but those satellites were destined to travel far outside the solar system.
I might misremember?
Never mind Steve, he lives in his own little cosmos posting great Dane vids.
John Howard being interviewed by Paul Murray just couldn’t leave well enough alone. According to him Trump is not worthy of being the next president of the US. What this venerable old prig doesn’t seem to understand is that this decision is up to American voters.
Marcia Langton and Thomas Mayo will have burst a blood vessel…
Faarking funny. People think that the tech doesn’t exist.
The same people who watch the MSM news at 6. Sky news included.
Sep 14, 2023 9:55 PM
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at Grubfest in Granada Hills 1
Crossie Avatar
Sep 14, 2023 10:01 PM
It really grates me that these pygmy politicians, (in hind sight, fair enough) opine about their betters.
Why not just STFU and enjoy their ill gotten pensions?
Didn’t he do enough damage by insisting on Turnbuckle remaining?
Steve trickler
Sep 14, 2023 10:09 PM
Not tempted, once was more than enough.
Do not do downticks so if you get any, it wasn’t me.
Sleep well.
Oh, Jeez.
I think he was sitting behind us.
An Aussie “Japanese expert” running a small tour group of 5-6 boomers.
Except the waiting staff found his particular dialect of Japanese indecipherable.
He got really shitty that the ordering app wasn’t decoding to English which kind of screwed his “Japanese expert” shtick.
All sorts of unexpected stuff kept turning up to their table. He diverted attention by talking for half an hour about his BBQ skills.
Fcking beam me up Scotty.
We ate fried chicken wings, various skewers with slivers of beef tongue (accidental order), whole prawn, pork with something in the middle, capsicum and chicken, shitake mushrooms, tiny tomatoes etc.
I then discovered “add to favourites and re-order” button.
Chicken wings and Asahi on high rotation.
The Gibbs boys.
Bee Gees – Tragedy (Moreno J Remix)
I believe it’s frickin’ lasers mounted on sharks.
Which are an actual thing
If you had to pick one machine that triggered the biggest explosion of wealth in our history, which would you pick?
OUR history… Australian, or human in general?
If Australian …electric shears?
Sep 14, 2023 10:12 PM
Ahem, not true, I do, but not Stickler, waste of pixels, he takes no notice of anything.
Which machine, the lathe. Pretty much every complicated industrial machine needed the lathe to be invented before if or components that constitute it, or construct it could have occurred.
One of the savings government could implement is the accruing of FF points to the entity buying the ticket (i.e. the Commonwealth) rather than the individual and using the points for official travel.
Funny, that suggestion never flies (so to speak) in any organisation, public or private.
Sep 14, 2023 10:27 PM
I’m obviously resonating in your head.
First there was Airbus Albo
Now here comes Air Marles
We watched Blackberry tonight.
Interesting journey through technology. Having your modem connected to the phone line – and therefore taking the line over – was one memorable meme.
Steve trickler
Sep 14, 2023 10:35 PM
Getting internal server error.
Steve has superpowers. Can’t post what I was going to, nothing nasty BTW.
Sep 14, 2023 10:40 PM
Steve trickler
Sep 14, 2023 10:35 PM
Getting internal server error.
Steve has superpowers. Can’t post what I was going to, nothing nasty BTW.
You are not alone. Weird sh*t going down.
The English signage in Japan is very clear.
For example, public bathhouses have very clear male-female segregation, which everyone observes.
One can always inadvertently breach more subtle social conventions, but not stuff that is explicitly placarded.
This fckwit is exactly what I was referring to the other day when I talked about embarrassing Australians abroad.
the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
a kind of electronic specialized high speed idiot, the PLC does the job of thousands in milliseconds
I watched a youtube the other night where they did a detailed walk-through of sheet metal stamping factory and it was very interesting
they talked to the tool makers and managers and press operators
talked about logistics and precision and craft
and the machines kept ker-chunking away the whole time
I could see the limits and proximity switches, the IR safety curtains and the control panels
couldn’t see a controls guy anywhere
typical … probably off somewhere gadding about his Jet Ski with Spanish hottie in a bikini riding pillion
Steve trickler
Sep 14, 2023 10:07 PM
How do you know the “scalar technology” exists?
Hey MT.
Long day at Russell?
One of the savings government could implement is the accruing of FF points to the entity buying the ticket (i.e. the Commonwealth) rather than the individual and using the points for official travel.
Defence tried a variation of that when I was in. You were supposed to “not use” the points accrued from any work flights.
Everyone just ignored it and the concept was quietly forgotten.
decongesting the ingredient lists of decongestants
Colonel Crispin Berka
Sep 14, 2023 10:51 PM
Steve trickler
Sep 14, 2023 10:07 PM
People think that the tech doesn’t exist.
How do you know the “scalar technology” exists?
Ignorant C*unts on show.
Go back to watching TV. FMD!
Alex Berenson
Again, from @CDCgov’s OWN data:
1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent
0-1 Covid deaths
100,000-200,000 severe side effects.
Yes, you read that right.
doesn’t make any sense to me
wtf are you talking about?
Something like this is desperately needed. I’ve been trying to find a decent update on Maui and there’s simply nothing. Just local people venting and speculating. There seems to be a complete media lockdown. They’re still talking about 150 dead but have reduced the number unaccounted for from over 1,000 to about 67, without anyone actually identifying any of these survivors. Let’s hope James O’Keefe can shed some light.
James O’Keefe
Just got back from Maui.
Our crew, myself included, secretly recorded state and federal officials along the burn zone being honest.
Stay tuned Thursday PM for Part 1 of our *Undercover in #Lahaina* installment.
@GovHawaii fasten your seatbelt.
#OMG indeed…
Post-Postmodern America
Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others
UKRAINE’S Defense Ministry: WWIII is Underway!
John Rich
So, the Governor of NY who fired doctors/nurses/cops/firefighters/teachers for not taking the jab is now saying: “It doesn’t matter if you’ve already been vaccinated, take no comfort in that. That is not protecting you today. Take the NEW vaccine!” These “people” are monsters
New York Urgently Needs To Confront the Contradiction of Trying To Electrify Everything While Also Eliminating Fossil Fuels
Epstein didn’t kill himself ..!
Noticing a lot of the Oz media sites aren’t allowing comments on VOICE stories .. too much NO and not enuf YES starting to bite .. LOL!
Stuck watching .. THE LAST OF US .. another of the “Walking Dead” genre .. except these zombies can run .. bloody fast ..! ..
Not sure if I should recommend it tho even with a 8+ rating on IMDB ..
First 2 episodes OK but then episode 3 devotes itself to life in the zombie apocalypse when your queer .. an entire episode detailing 20 years of a pair of poofters just getting by ……….. episode 4 getz back on track but has left me wondering if it’s worth going on ..
These “new age” TV idea of let’s give every one of the 63 genders is, definitely, overdun ..!
One amusing fact tho .. the lead actor is a doppelganger for BURT REYNOLDS .. make you wonder if Burt is really “brown bread” ……….
still if your interested ……
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Brett Lethbridge.
David Pope.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
Leak Jr, winner winner chicken dinner.
I’ve read a lot over the last few days over Iran having their assets unfrozen over the weekend.
Very sneaky to do it while everyone was distracted with opening weekend of the NFL season (ps NFL fantasy football is now so big I would expect DC to try tax it) & September 11 on the Monday.
Usually by now, you’d think the real story would be out.
When this happened with the Obama administration, the pallet of USD leaked almost immediately.
This time, crickets.
That is from what I view as credible sources.
A lot of speculation & crappola as usual.
I wonder what the payoff/scam is, as there’s always one at play.
Trying to get an article here where Albo is spruiking renewable energy and how we could get rich from it.
According to him Trump is not worthy of being the next president of the US. What this venerable old prig doesn’t seem to understand is that this decision is up to American voters.
Howard really is despicable, a total phony. The great revealing continues.
Colonel Crispin Berka
Sep 14, 2023 10:51 PM
<a href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0Ggmi_6JFU" Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations – Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden
The reality is most people wouldn’t have known about it until I posted it. It’s real, it exists… deal with it. Do you want to dismiss it? Fine. Go join the sheep in the paddock.
4/29/2022 — Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations – Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden
Trickler explain why you know the OK City bombing was a hoax and unknown nefarious forces used “directed energy weapons”.
Sep 15, 2023 5:38 AM
Trickler explain why you know the OK City bombing was a hoax and unknown nefarious forces used “directed energy weapons”.
I remember them placing tarps on the roof of the building covering up the clear two circular holes. Why would they do that? The place was destroyed …. buildings over a KM away were also wrecked.
The ANFO premise is bullshit.
First of all show us a photo.
The Murrah Building had the facade blown off. There was a hole the size of a hockey field on the front of it.
What do two tarps had anything to do with DEW?
Buildings being damaged over 1 km and less than a mile away from 2600 kg of ANFO is not out of the ordinary
The “2,000 lb” Mk 84 military bomb we use in the west is only filled with 428 kg of (higher powered) explosive and they have a lethal fragmentation radius of 300 yards under test conditions in the middle of a desert.
First of all show us a photo.
I’ll do a search later in the day.
What do two tarps had anything to do with DEW?
Good question. Why the tarps in the first place? The place was wrecked yet they did it. I remember those holes in the roof.
For the record, I had no idea of Dew’s at the time.
I remember a destroyed building and the tarps. I just thought it was bizarre at the time. Why cover the roof and those circular holes.
I know now.
OK City bombing was a hoax and unknown nefarious forces used “directed energy weapons”.
Sure a DEW could have done it.
It would have needed to be the size of an aircraft carrier parked a block away though.
Sep 15, 2023 6:21 AM
You’d be surprised what a couple of Nexrad radars could do.
Now here comes Air Marles”
Frequent Marles.
Contrast could not be starker in Voice debate than dignified Jacinta Price and race-baiting Marcia Langton
More than any other leader, Jacinta Price has explained why the Voice is wrong in principle and dangerous if put in practice. In the face of threats, abuse and vitriol, she has remained dignified.
Rita Panahi
The contrast could not be greater. Speaking at the National Press Club on Thursday Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price gave the race-baiting ‘yes’ advocates, led by Marcia Langton, a lesson in civility, reconciliation and statesmanship.
In Price, we are watching a woman who may one day lead the nation. The Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians has withstood the most savage attacks from the ‘yes’ camp, but instead of resorting to the gutter tactics of the race-obsessed left, she has meticulously tackled the job at hand.
More than any other politician, community leader or activist, Price has articulated clearly to the Australian people why the Voice is wrong in principle and dangerous if put in practice. Price has been targeted with vicious attacks and threats from the moment she spoke out about the horrific rates of domestic violence in Indigenous communities, long before she entered federal parliament.
But that abuse has intensified as she became the face of the ‘no’ camp.
“I have been told I’m a sellout, I’ve been racially abused, vilified, name-called and threatened with violence. And why? Because I want to stop children from being abused,” the senator said yesterday. “Because I want to stop women and men from being killed … the truth is, for all the moral posturing and virtue signalling about truth-telling, there is no genuine appetite in Canberra to tell the truth or to hear the truth.”
“My hope is that, after October 14, after defeating this Voice of division, we can bring accountability to existing structures, and we can get away from assuming inner-city activists speak for all Aboriginals, and back to focusing on the real issues: education, employment, economic participation and safety from violence and sexual assault.”
Bravo! That is precisely what this country needs; accountability for the enormous sums spent on closing the gap with such deplorable outcomes and focus on the substantive issues.
We do not need to enshrine racial privilege into the constitution and give more power to the activist class who have already wreaked enormous damage.
If only the media were as interested in investigating the billions squandered annually as they are running a protection racket for Langton and her incendiary rhetoric, which goes well beyond calling ‘no’ voters racists.
The desperate gaslighting by the media’s most zealous Voice activists has been amusing to witness.
One could almost forget that Langton has form for ugly remarks previously calling Bess and Jacinta Price “coloured help”.
The Voice architect has also wished a slow death on Mark Latham in a 2018 tweet:“You so deserve a slow, painful death and humiliating obituaries eg ‘Australia celebrates as white supremacist, homophobic, far right wing arsehole finally dies’, ‘Australians look forward to a life without hate’,” she wrote unironically.
In 2019, after the Christchurch massacre, she launched an unhinged diatribe against the then Prime Minister Scott Morrison, accusing him of being complicit in mass murder.
The Melbourne University academic wrote: “‘Disgrace’ seems too soft in the circumstances. He’s complicit in mass murder & do (sic) too most of his cabinet members & back bench (sic).”
Some people never learn.
A woman on ABC rural radio complaining that they are subject to capital gains tax on the compensation payments for a 500kv Hume Link line built on her farm property.
She signed an agreement with the transmission company because she thought it would provide drought free income for her son, who is moving back to the farm, only to discover the tax man will take thousands a year out of the compensation.
She was simultaneously arguing that the money is an income and then claiming it’s only compensation in the same breath.
Silly creature.
She gets $700,000 from the transmission company over twenty five years and $20,000 per year from the state per year for three kilometres of line.
That’s about $8,000 per tower at a 400 metre spacing or $16,000 per km.
Compared to having turbines on your property ($30,000 per unit) these compensation payments are trifling and wouldn’t come close to covering the permanent management issues and loss of future development opportunity, not to mention the massive increase in fire risk every year.
The twenty five year part is used because it’s the legal limit for loss compensation before it becomes permanent loss and has to be paid at a much higher rate.
The government is a thief, so don’t leave your farm unlocked.
One of Australia’s largest churches has sparked a fierce debate by declaring Welcome to Country has no place in its Sunday church services.
The Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA), which runs some of the nation’s most prestigious schools, ruled the acknowledgment ceremonies are ‘inappropriate’ at its general assembly of congregations in Sydney.
Daily Mail
Supping with the devil:
‘The Clinton Foundation’s upcoming summit will be headlined by a live conversation between Pope Francis and former President Bill Clinton on various issues including climate change, the foundation announced Thursday.’
– The Washington Examiner
“Fierce debate”?
Why do the left imagine they can dictate what churches do in their worship services?
(Not that they wouldn’t want to have that power.)
Pope Fonzi will be going to Hell for that one. Eternal damnation. It’s a long time.
Supping with the devil:
‘The Clinton Foundation’s upcoming summit will be headlined by a live conversation between Pope Francis and former President Bill Clinton on various issues including climate change, the foundation announced Thursday.’
– The Washington Examiner
Clinton should be careful about the company he keeps.
I don’t think it will come to pass, the optics would be too horrendous for the Pope. Somebody with some brains in Vatican will nix the idea. Besides, the Pope is not well and hardly up to it.
Guess Stone Age animism just isn’t the Vibe they are looking for.
Tim Bliar in Monday’s Tele:
One of life’s great delights is watching smug lefties run headfirst into reality.
We see a great deal of this in Australia.
Labor was forced to abandon its “welcome to boaties” policy a decade ago after thousands turned up without
passports or other identification, then claimed additional asylum seeker benefits for being underage.
Poor kids. Some of them were so short of cash that they couldn’t afford hip replacements.
More recently, the Albanese Labor government has come under attack from its own leftist allies after
approving a number of new coal mining projects.
The government signed those lucrative approvals because it’s really hard to run for re-election when
recharging a mobile phone costs more than buying one and voters are harvesting animal shelters for meat.
Judging by recent polls our Labor rulers can expect another reality hit on October 14. As Andrew Bolt writes
today: “Nothing will now save Labor’s Voice from a massive defeat, and the Albanese government must now
save itself from dying with it.”
Seems about right. But the Prime Minister and his government are at least travelling better at present than
leftist New York mayor Eric Adams.
Adams has enjoyed quite the emotional and philosophical journey in recent years.
In 2021, when campaigning for mayoral office, Adams luxuriated in New York’s precious “sanctuary city”
status and declared: “We should protect our immigrants. Period.”
Of course it’s very easy to hold that view when illegal immigrants are pouring across the southern border into
Texas rather than into New York, some 3200km away.
Mindful of the words on his city’s Statue of Liberty – “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore” – Adams even greeted border-crossing
refugees when they turned up on buses last year.
They’d been sent to Democrat New York by the Republican government of Texas, a state largely left to fend for
itself against a flood of illegal immigrants.
So Texas delivered a load of illegals to caring, humanitarian New York. Adams, at first, was glad to meet them.
“As the mayor of New York I have to provide services to families that are here, and that’s what we’re going to
do,” Adams said at the time.
“I’m proud that this is a ‘right to shelter’ state and we’re going to continue to do that.”
But Texas called his bluff. The Lone Star State kept sending busload after busload of “huddled masses yearning
to breathe free”.
Pretty soon, despite the numbers arriving in New York being a mere fraction of those who were overwhelming
small Texan border towns, Adams began to reconsider his city’s generosity.
He even aimed criticism at his own party’s confused and gravity-challenged Democratic President Joe Biden,
whose staff repeatedly insist that there is no particular issue at the southern border (they also insist that there
is no particular issue with Joe Biden. The blind devotion of these people to their demented leader and his
shambles of an administration borders on the religious).
Finally, last week, Adams cracked. In full view of his city, his country, the world and the almighty, Adams
became the living embodiment of an age-old truism: a conservative is a leftist who’s just been mugged.
“I’m gonna tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I didn’t see an ending
to. I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams raved at a town hall meeting on Wednesday night.
“This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City.”
President Biden’s lack of federal assistance drew special attention from Mayor Adams.
“Month after month I stood up and said this is gonna come to a neighbourhood near you. Well, we’re here,
we’re getting no support on this national crisis and we’re receiving no support,” he said.
“One hundred ten thousand migrants we have to feed, clothe, house, educate the children, wash their laundry
sheets, give them everything they need, health care.”
That’s basically a longer version of the Statue of Liberty’s beautiful promise.
Perpetually left-voting New York was invited to live up to its own noble slogan and plainly can’t quite
manage it.
“One time we were just getting Venezuela,” Adams continued. “Now we’re getting Ecuador, now we’re getting
Russian-speaking coming through Mexico, now we’re getting Western Africa.”
If a conservative said various races and nationalities were destroying an entire city they’d be condemned,
driven from public life.
But much of New York is on the mayor’s side.
The city has run headfirst into reality. And now it wants a way out.
Top Ender
Sep 15, 2023 7:10 AM
Finally some organisation standing up to this farce, invented in the 70s.
I’m not the least bit religious, but well done the PCA.
The core business of any church is to spread the truth of the Bible and worship God.
Well done to the PCA for standing up and saying NO to this animist nonsense.
I wonder how many mosques have a welcome to country? Here’s my guess, nada, none, zilch, zero.
Operation Madball – COMEDY: ?lassic comedy starring Jack Lemmon & Kathryn Grant & Ernie Kovacs – 1 Hr 42 Mins 5 Secs
“The core business of any church is to spread the truth of the Bible and worship God.”
And if they returned to that core business, they might notice that their church’s pews have bums on them again.
Clean energy is the spark needed to boost jobs and manufacturing and make Australia rich, the PM Anthony Albanese will declare at a landmark forum.
They were being kind and compassionate too – animism is a sin and has no place in churches or their organisations.
I’ll keep you informed about any local blowback if any.
Old style hymns and music wouldn’t hurt either, the modern church music is frankly uninspiring.
Annnnd The Mocker over at yesterday’s Paywallion:
You’re the Voice … but good luck trying to understand it
The undecided lot wants details on voice to parliament. Can’t they be satisfied with a song, some social media likes and being on ‘the right side of history’?
Thursday 14 Sep 2023
The undecided camp in the upcoming Indigenous voice to parliament referendum are a fickle lot. They insist the Albanese government provide them with details of the scope, composition, and structure of this proposed constitutional body. What better way to allay their concerns than by wheeling out entertainer John Farnham to sing ‘You’re the Voice’?
But inexplicably, this has not satisfied their requests for information. Meanwhile opposition to the proposal continues to rise. This week a poll revealed support for the Voice had fallen to 43 per cent. Compare this to the figure of 64 per cent in favour this month last year. How has it come to this?
Presumably it must be that decent and right-minded Australians are in the minority. As Tim Wheatley, son of Farnham’s late manager Glenn Wheatley, told the ABC last week: “Win or lose this referendum, this song will forever remain on the right side of history”.
It is a serene and self-satisfying rationale. You need not worry yourself about the practicalities and consequences of constitutional change. Rather, it is about being on the side of the angels. Take a selfie when you register your yes vote and post it on social media. Bask in the number of likes you receive while loudly lamenting that not all your fellow citizens share your dedication to righting historical wrongs.
According to the Yes campaign, the need for change is so self-evident it needs no in-depth explanation. Citing the management of Indigenous affairs in the legislative and executive sphere, they quote Einstein’s apocryphal dictum of insanity being a case of doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
They do have a point. For example, Indigenous Australians feature disproportionately in many negative groupings, whether it is low life expectancy, serious health conditions, unemployment, failure to complete school, poverty, and the criminal justice system. For decades, and particularly so in recent years, the root causes are attributed to the evils of white settlement. To suggest otherwise is to invite shrill accusations of racism.
So what is the answer? Well, the insistence that to be Indigenous is to be hopelessly disadvantaged will no longer be a mere narrative. Instead the Albanese government wants to enshrine this presumption in perpetuity in the constitution. Different results, here we come!
As to how the Voice would improve dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, I can think of no better example than Professor Marcia Langton, the matriarch of the Referendum Working Group. Many a time this elegant and erudite spokeswoman has suffered the effrontery of No campaigners questioning her vision.
Yet without exception in the face of this gross impertinence her response has been one of informed rebuttal and kindness, whether it is by claiming her opponents are motivated by “racism” and “sheer stupidity” and act with “cynicism and redneck opportunism”. No-one in this campaign has done as much as the good professor in helping the undecided how to vote.
Still, it has been a tedious and draining experience for our elites in answering the naysayers. Claiming the Voice would if anything “reduce the divisiveness in our constitutional structure,” former NSW chief justice James Spigelman KC was indignant at the suggestion the proposed change could fuel judicial activism.
“As a former judge, I find it offensive that some participants in this debate cast doubts on the integrity of our judiciary when predicting what might happen if this [constitutional] addition is made,” he wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald this week. That is one of the many terrible consequences of not trusting absolutely our unelected officials with interpreting ambiguous and poorly worded constitutional additions, you see. It offends very important people.
We should also acknowledge the determined efforts of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Admittedly he was not quite across his brief in pushing for constitutional change, having read only the first page of the lengthy Uluru Statement. But in fairness, that was a pretty good effort from Albo, given his attention span and ability to absorb detail.
And it was perplexing that voters by and large have not been persuaded by Albanese’s statesmanlike speeches. Who could not be moved by incessant repetition of platitudes such as “It’s a generous offer”, “It’s our chance to walk together”, “It’s simply good manners”, and “It’s a modest request”? Perhaps the Prime Minister could make another appearance with the new Qantas fleet in the background sporting those Yes23 logos. This week would be a timely opportunity to reiterate that this good corporate citizen is also on the right side of history.
The world is watching us with expectation, or so Albanese would have you believe. In February, he piously asked how Australia, would be “perceived internationally” by our “economic partners” if the Voice did not get up. It requires a special chutzpah for a leader espousing unity to subject Australians to a highly divisive race referendum while resorting to emotional blackmail for political expediency. He is right though: our international reputation is at stake if this campaign fails. It could result in a critical BBC news article or worse still an angry letter from a UN human rights committee.
Incidentally, is there any chance of Albanese making good on his promise for former NBA star Shaquille O’Neal to make, in the Prime Minister’s words, some “vids” to promote the Voice? His celebrity endorsement would fittingly symbolise this government’s record of attempting to connect with everyday Australians and explain a complex issue.
As for you, the voter, do not let yourself be deceived by scare campaigns. We are on the cusp of historic change. The Voice will deliver reconciliation. It will result in harmony, peace, and progress. It is not the harbinger of treaties, reparations, or so-called truth-telling. And it is fiction to say this is the first step towards a New Zealand-style co-governance model.
The Voice is the culmination of what Indigenous activists have long wanted. When it is realised, they will no longer issue further demands for special considerations and privileges. To paraphrase John Farnham, this will be the last time.
Oh look, the old filthy goose…
ALP president Wayne Swan called Opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s comments about colonisation “bizarre” following her speech at the National Press Club.
“This story didn’t begin 42 years ago when Senator Price was born, it goes back to 1788 and I grew up alongside Indigenous communities,” Mr Swan told Today on Friday.
Senator Price denied that there was intergenerational trauma in Indigenous communities as a result of colonisation following her speech on Thursday.
Mr Swan said that the Senator had denied other Indigenous people their “lived experience”, adding that her stance on the issue said more about her own story than that of the Aboriginal community.
Hmm, anyone else find Swan’s comments both racist and sexist? You see, Wayne Swan apparently knows better than Jacinta Price, coz….coz…..coz….he “grew up” with indigenous, never mind the fact that Jacinta Price is indigenous.
I shouldn’t be surprised, nobody does racism and sexism like the left does.
They have been pushing this barrow for over 20 years now and the only people getting rich are renewable investors like Malcolm Turnbull’s son and his friends and that Atlassian guy. An industry that needs subsidies to continue is not viable.
God must be playing a very deep game, indeed, with that Argie socialist in St Peter’s.
I hope someone mentions abortion. Actually I don’t. I do not think Francis can be relied upon to defend the unborn.
Mmm… the Pope met with Clinton & Alex Soros in Rome in July.
They all get along like a church on fire, apparently.
Not happy, man.
From 2021.
Let’s not slander the poor guy.
He’s still the head of the church.
Where has he erred or failed to adhere to or propagate Christian teachings?
Pope Francis is like a giant catfish.
Everyone has their bait out, waiting to reel in the big one!
Ditto Linda Burney, who didn’t meet her indigenous relatives until she was nearly 30.
Meanwhile, Jacinta is two generations from first contact with Europeans.
The older I get, I watch less politics on TV.
I do read more policy pieces, something I didn’t really do until a few years ago.
The more time a politician or one of their surrogates spends selling something, being all emotional about it, it really is the biggest red flag.
One should be able to read the mechanics of how a policy or legislation works & make a decision on that.
You can read the 600 page CARES Act that outlined the incentives during the Covid grift.
You can not read anything about the mechanics of The Voice.
More evidence we are in the ‘Fourth Turning’*
* the cyclical phase of history where there is widespread loss of confidence in public institutions
Cassie – I think Wayne Swan is one of the nastier characters in the Labor Party. He exudes ill will to all who disagree with his view of the world. Years ago I had the opportunity to confront him in Question time at a Sydney Institute address he was giving when Labor Treasurer. I asked him what calculations had he done both for the NBN & the ultimate cost of the Murray/Darling scheme. He babbled on with nil explanation.
He glowered at me as I left the meeting later on.
Well done Jacinta Price for pulling the rug on genetically inherited grievance and my, oh, my, are they howling.
ABC in full outrage mode.
One hundred twenty two years after colonies ceased to exist they claim colonisation is still operational and claiming victims.
Many younger people couldn’t even name their forbears who were alive at the time, including the indig.
Bloody hell!
It didn’t even come up as a spell check.
You’ve heard about the cow jumping over the moon .. enjoy the hen jumping over the cat .. LOL!
It’s quite infuriating, sometimes I try and post something and “internal service error” comes up. The comment has no swear words or anything…..it is very annoying
Well said, Gez. Wasn’t she wonderful? Her mum & dad & hubbie wer SO proud of her, as we all were. She is unbelievably brave & very,very articulate. The Aboriginal lobby should be her greatest supporters, not her opponents.
Albo really hamming it up with a lived experience that predates himself as well as Jacinta Price.
I knew Captain Arthur Phillip…and Anthony Albanese is no Arthur Phillip!
“”ALP president Wayne Swan has told Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie to “put a sock in it” following calls for the Prime Minister to distance himself from Qantas.”
Wow…….remember how, just a few years ago, Alan Jones said something very similar about Jacinda Ardern on 2GB. Anyone else remember the howls, the screeches and the screams of sanctimonious outrage over Alan Jones’ comments? Well, I do. It led to the end of his radio career. Activist scum targeted 2GB advertisers. So, will we see something similar here? Will Wayne Swan be forced to resign for his sexist misogynist mansplaining? Or does Wayne Swan, because he’s of the left, get a free pass for his nasty, belittling and sexist comments?
I think we all know the answer to this.
‘Only just beginning’: Calls for ‘sunset date’ on native title claims rejected
Calls for a “sunset date” for Indigenous native title claims have been widely rejected, as a leading expert warns compensation cases are “only just beginning”.
On Monday, One Nation leader Pauline Hanson sparked heated debate in the Senate after calling for a cut-off period and an investigation into the effectiveness of the current system, suggesting most Australians would be surprised that nearly two-thirds of the country fall under either pending or determined native title claims.
In addition to the federal Native Title Act 1993, individual states have their own laws governing claims of traditional ownership.
“Forget about what happened 250 years ago,” Ms Hanson told the Senate.
“We’re all Australians born here today. Instead of making claims all the time, let everyone get their land the same way. Work for it as Australians regardless of your background, race or who you are.”
Map an ‘eye-opener’
Writing this week on X, formerly known as Twitter, Ms Hanson posted a map from the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) showing the current determinations and applications, suggesting that for many Australians “not aware of the true extent of Native Title control” in the country “this map will be an eye-opener”.
“Under current law, there is an infinite time period during which claims can be initiated,” she wrote. “That means groups could still be initiating claims in 100 years.”
Speaking in the Senate on Monday, Ms Hanson said Australians were “sick and tired of the explicit racial double standards underpinning native title”.
“Native title has been a major issue impacting all Australians’ land rights for more than 30 years since the Mabo and Wik decisions,” she said.
“It’s time to put an end to it and introduce equal rights for all with respect to Australian land. Today more than half of Australia is under native title, and if all pending claims are factored in, up to 62 per cent of our country will be under it. That’s almost two-thirds of this continent claimed by less than 2 per cent of the national population.”
From the Comments
– All the maps they produce are products of white academics, The aboriginals wouldn’t know how to make a map – no paper for starters.
All of their dreamtime stories are just that and worstr still they are the products of chinese whispers.
They didn’t claim the lands previously so how can they claim them now or is it because the Brits and their descendents have made the land very valuable.
Money Grubbers the lot of them.
– “Would we not recognise previous occupation of the continent at the time of British sovereignty … go back to the idea of the land belonging to no one, terra nullius?”
Big difference between not recognising the land as once inhabited by indigenous people and just gifting land to the great great great great great grandchildren of the supposed indigenous occupants.
Let’s not forget that even Indigenous groups can’t decide where one tribes lands end and another begins.
Colonisation was not a one way street where Aboriginal society came out worse off. In 1788 Aboriginals were a Stone Aged society painting on rock walls with no farming, no permanent housing, no domestic animals, not even the wheel. They instantly received the benefits of all and still do.
So here is the deal – when Aboriginals can pay for all the advances of the 50,000 years that Aboriginals maintained a Stone Age society as the rest of the world advanced, up until 1788, then they can have the land.
– I don’t understand what 2% of the population needs with 66% of Australia?
It has nothing to do with Closing The Gap or preserving indigenous culture. It’s a money grab, pure and simple.
It is deeply concerning that 2% of the population has title over 66% of Australia based upon race.
That’s not how a democracy works, it’s how the British aristocracy works. i.e. Based on hereditary laws an extreme minority controls land rights which exclude the overwhelming majority.
And it’s not just land in the middle of nowhere with some ancient rock art painted on it. They’re claiming land in the middle of metropolitan cities. And these indigenous activists in 2023 angrily scream about modern day white racial oppression? It’s insane.
The bloody MIG has decided it’s electronics are not happy so it’s back to the good old stick welder.
Arc is like a torch when the lights go out.
“I think Wayne Swan is one of the nastier characters in the Labor Party. “
Yes, a completely nasty mediocrity, and a hypocrite.
Alienating any normies who still listen to them.
The more noise & vitriol the left generates on this the more people switch off and lock in their No vote.
Whoever downvoted my defence of His Holiness, Pope Francis can man up and explicitly outline why a plain spoken and direct condemnation of abortion, actually supports abortion in the drug addled bizarro world they live in (because his politics hurt their fee fees I guess).
Man/woman up you craven coward. You are anonymously anonymous?
You poor thing. You might just explode if you talk to real people who disagree with each other all of the time but still get along.
“You see, Wayne Swan apparently knows better than Jacinta Price, coz….coz…..coz….he “grew up” with indigenous, never mind the fact that Jacinta Price is indigenous.”
In my High School, in the seventies, we had one Aboriginal girl. I knew her. According to Swan’s Law, that makes me a Super Expert on Indigenous issues.
Move over Jacinta, what would you know! 😀 😀
The Pope doesn’t do well in interview settings, he has been known to say odd things to journalists early in his pontificate that needed to be clarified later. I still think he will be a no-show, his handlers will not risk it.
I watched Storm Boy three times. Didn’t cry at all when Mr Percival died.
Therefore, I am an expert on indigenous peoples – all of them – of this country.
Same same with ‘Ozark’, an excellent series but one which I nearly gave up on when they introduced the multiple scenes with man on man kissing in episode 3 – fortunately they killed off both the gay characters early so I got past that.