Open Thread – Mon 18 Sept 2023

The Iron Rolling Mill (Modern Cyclopes), Adolph Menzel, 1872-75

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September 18, 2023 12:13 am


Bill P
Bill P
September 18, 2023 12:26 am

Good F1

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 18, 2023 1:11 am

Bill P
Sep 18, 2023 12:26 AM
Good F1


Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 18, 2023 1:20 am
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 18, 2023 2:16 am

10 million views in a month. Wow.

Peter Santenello:

The Man With No Legal Identity – Off the Grid in Appalachia ??

John H.
John H.
September 18, 2023 2:56 am

Why does the USA have such a huge drug problem? It isn’t just about availability, there must be cultural issues involved.

‘Fourth wave’ of crisis reaches every corner of the US

September 18, 2023 4:00 am
September 18, 2023 4:01 am
September 18, 2023 4:02 am
September 18, 2023 4:03 am
September 18, 2023 4:04 am
September 18, 2023 4:05 am
September 18, 2023 4:06 am
September 18, 2023 4:07 am
September 18, 2023 4:08 am
September 18, 2023 4:09 am
September 18, 2023 4:25 am

Ramzan Kadirov the Chechen leader seems to be defying his premature demise, or being in a coma..
Can’t link, sorry.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 18, 2023 4:39 am

Thanks Tom.

September 18, 2023 5:20 am
September 18, 2023 5:24 am

This article about the wheat exports from the Ukraine to western Europe was interesting. The Poles etc were fed up with the cheap imports destroying their own farming industry. Also the Russians are targeting the ports to add to the problems and are trying to divide the EU countries.

September 18, 2023 5:38 am

What did Russell Brand think? That he can behave like a complete sleaze and then turn around and bite the globalist hand that fed him? A risky play.

September 18, 2023 5:59 am

The Russell Brand allegations are serious.
The non-consensual sex allegations will subside as there are contemporaneous accounts of the alleged victims being willing participants.
The under aged one will not go away & looks like it might be his undoing.
If true, it doesn’t matter who TF you are.
Don’t screw under age kids.

September 18, 2023 6:02 am

Matt Gaetz Exposes The Squad For The Frauds They Are

I read about Gaetz holding McCarthy to account.
I didn’t realise he gave a speech to Congress listing the failures.

September 18, 2023 6:18 am

Michael Malice has spent the weekend re-tweeting RFK Jr from not that long ago.
RFK Jr is not a fan of the 2nd amendment.
And until COVID, he wasn’t so on board with the 1st amendment either with the usual arguments like “safety” being the reason.
People can change their minds & adapt.
But be aware of their historical views.

September 18, 2023 6:22 am

The Russell Brand allegations are serious.
The non-consensual sex allegations will subside as there are contemporaneous accounts of the alleged victims being willing participants.

They’re out to get him. He’s been annoying the ‘elites’.

September 18, 2023 6:23 am

I hate when the Oz quiz isn’t updated.
Via the app & website it’s still showing the Sunday daily quiz.
I’ve been getting 6 & 7’s…not worth the skiteworthy 8’s of more recent times.

September 18, 2023 6:28 am

After running dead on the Qantas travel credit expiry, the ACCC is now getting on its hind legs over Virgin’s plans to do the same.
It is good that the ACCC is protecting consumers.
But why run dead on Qantas & then only put pressure on Virgin after Qantas folds because of the Joe Aston megaphone?

September 18, 2023 6:37 am

But why run dead on Qantas & then only put pressure on Virgin after Qantas folds because of the Joe Aston megaphone?

I presume because Virgin doesn’t have a chairman’s lounge.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 18, 2023 6:42 am

It is good that the ACCC is protecting consumers.
But why run dead on Qantas & then only put pressure on Virgin after Qantas folds because of the Joe Aston megaphone?

Because the ACCC just like ASIC are only very good at closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Failed legal people the lot of them.

September 18, 2023 6:51 am

Tim Blair in today’s Tele:


Monday 1 Sep 2023

An Aboriginal woman of note arrives for a major engagement in Canberra. Instead of the impressive venue used previously for similar events, however, she is shown to a much smaller room.

Nevertheless, the young woman speaks at the engagement, as had been arranged. A photographer is there. He takes many excellent, expressive shots of the woman as she delivers her speech and answers questions from
the crowd.

But the photograph his newspaper runs the next day on its front page doesn’t show the Aboriginal woman. Instead the newspaper’s selected image – from probably hundreds of options – primarily depicts three white dignitaries in the front row of the audience.

The preferred image was obviously taken when the photographer’s back was to the venue’s stage. For that matter, it was shot even before the invited Aboriginal speaker had appeared. Not the photographer’s fault, of course. As mentioned above, he’d likely have submitted hundreds of pictures. But that was the one his editors picked. In a front-page story about an Aboriginal woman speaking in Canberra,
the Aboriginal woman herself was rendered invisible – only appearing several pages deep in that edition of the

All of this sounds very 1950s or 1960s, when even Aboriginal public figures – such as they were – generally existed at the media’s margins. Some connection with prominent white figures often helped. A 1968 picture of Lionel Rose mock-sparring with Elvis Presley is, outside of Australia at least, possibly the most famous image ever taken of the great Aboriginal boxer.

But here’s the thing. That story about an Aboriginal woman speaking in a small room and being cut from the front page didn’t happen in the 1950s or 1960s.
It happened just last week – to Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who on Thursday delivered one of the most significant National Press Club speeches of the past 50 years. The significance wasn’t diminished at all by the fact Price was prevented from speaking in the Press Club’s main hall – closed, as Press Club director and Sydney Morning Herald political correspondent David Crowe explained, due to “renovations we’re doing downstairs”.

It didn’t matter. If anything, the power of Price’s words was magnified by her dinky surroundings, which gave her an opportunity in her opening remarks to turn a potential negative into a charming positive.

“I actually appreciate,” she told her crowd, “the intimacy of the room.”
But Melbourne’s Age newspaper didn’t quite see things in such a sunny way.
The Age is very much in the Yes camp on the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Price is a powerful proponent of the No case. This may explain why The Age declined to put Price’s picture on the front page, instead running an audience
photograph with the caption: “Coalition MPs Barnaby Joyce, Michaelia Cash and Bridget McKenzie at the National Press Club.”

As for Price herself, she was shoved away to page four or so. Consider the historical aspect here. In assembling this front page, nobody at The Age apparently recalled
another occasion, nearly 70 years ago now, when a black woman was moved backwards so as to make room for white folk.

It was a big deal at the time. A suggestion to our Age friends: look up “Rosa Parks”, “1955” and the “Montgomery Alabama bus boycott”. Read about it, learn about it and you’ll never move a dissenting black woman to the back of a bus, a building or
a once-celebrated Melbourne paper’s rubbish news section ever again. Guaranteed.

Returning to Canberra and the events of last week, Price next offered a friendly rejoinder to master of ceremonies Crowe’s introduction: “Just a correction. Colin is my husband, not my partner. Just for the record.”
Right there is one of the most potent declarations of values you’ll see, and it took just 14 simple words.

Thereafter followed a speech that was the opposite in every way to recent public announcements from the Yes camp’s Marcia Langton. Although characterised by a rattled Yes media as negative and dangerous, Price was actually optimistic and
defiant. She spoke with the strength and confidence of someone who has endured, but not been defeated.

She took aim at tomorrow’s fixable concerns rather than continuing a class conflict that should have been buried in 1883 with Karl Marx.

And she was properly funny, which always deeply wounds the left.
So hurt them some more. Watch the speech or watch it again. Send it around. Bring joy to the land.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2023 7:13 am

RFK Jr is not a fan of the 2nd amendment.
And until COVID, he wasn’t so on board with the 1st amendment either

“A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged.”
He’s not quite there yet, but the Left will keep on mugging him some more, just to make sure.

September 18, 2023 7:39 am

35 forecast for home today and tomorrow with strong northerly winds ahead of another dry change. A good season is getting the blow torch treatment at it’s most critical phase, that being flowering to grain fill.
Nothing unusual for our neck of the woods but one does get used to La Nina springs!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2023 7:56 am

Only 26 here today Bush.

I remember wearing a jumper at home early one harvest, then travelling to Birchip to pick up a part from the Mallee Mafia and there were kids in town pool.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 18, 2023 7:57 am

I didn’t really pay much attention to Russell Brand before. He just seemed a grotty British comedian. I assumed he took the bog-standard lefty position on everything. A member of the establishment.

The Coof looked to be his Road to Damascus moment.

Which is why I wonder whether the accusations of shagging an underage girl go back to the time before coof. (The left are very forgiving with regards to underage sex – they still bemoan the travails of Roman Polanski. Then there was Epstein and his little venture.)

September 18, 2023 7:59 am

Another example of outside non accountable agencies poking their bloody noses in where they are not wanted:

<a href="″>Fairness slips through ALP’s gillnet policy

Monday 18 Sep 2023

If Anthony Albanese planned to price wild-caught barramundi off the menu before last year’s election, he forgot to mention it to the electorate. However, it probably had yet to enter his mind before he flew to Paris to talk to UNESCO in July 2022.

Closing the gillnet fishing industry was one of the things UNESCO insisted must happen to stop the Great Barrier Reef from joining the “in danger” list. The Prime Minister and his Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, have bent over backwards to comply. French newspaper Le Monde recently quoted sources close to UNESCO saying the difference between the new government’s attitude and the old one was “like night and day”.

Gillnet fishing for wild barramundi in north Queensland will end when the season closes on October 31 and will be illegal from the start of next year. It was banned at the insistence of a supranational organisation without any discussion in federal parliament or consultation with the industry. To describe it as undemocratic would be an understatement.

There is no credible scientific evidence showing how an annual catch of 200 tonnes of wild barramundi in onshore waters could damage the Reef. There have been no reports that stocks of wild barramundi are depleting. On the contrary, local fishermen say they have seldom been more abundant.

Yet from the end of next month the only place Australians will be able to buy Queensland wild barramundi will be on the black market. Gillnetting will continue in the NT and WA, but since two thirds of the national catch comes from Queensland, wild-caught barramundi will be priced out of reach for most consumers. Everything else will be farmed and much of it will be imported.

The sentence on gillnet fishing came out of the blue. Commercial fishers in Queensland reportedly found out less than an hour before a general announcement released by Plibersek and the Queensland government on June 5. The announcement was apparently timed to coincide with World Oceans Day, but no one had considered it worth warning the people whose livelihoods were about to be destroyed.

“It was just gut-wrenching to have that told to you in a press release,” gillnet operator Neil Green told me at the weekend. “No one in Queensland who managed the fishery was ready for this. Here we are three months down the track and we have no idea whether we’re going to get compensated, we’re going to be bought out or what the future is.”

Neither government had given much forethought to the impact on towns such as Ayr, where a thriving fishing industry operates around the mouth of the Burdekin River. The local ice producer is wondering if his business will survive. Business for the suppliers of marine services has tanked. Licence holders are stranded with expensive boats for which there is no longer a market.

It’s unclear whether Plibersek has visited the region, so far as anybody can tell. The decision and the announcement were made in the safe confines of Canberra, a city where the major industry is messing with other people’s lives.

“We know one of the most immediate threats to health of (the) Reef is unsustainable fishing practices,” read the June 5 press release in a section headed “Quotes attributable to the federal Minister for the Environment and Water”. She said dugongs, turtles and dolphins are caught in nets and drown.

If Plibersek could spare time to spend a morning with Green and his daughter, Sienna, working the creeks and mangrove swamps near the mouth of the Burdekin River, she would have learned the allegations in her press release were pure fiction.

She would have watched Green release his nets meticulously weighted at the bottom and with corks at the top, at locations and at a depth where almost half a century of experience has taught him he’ll catch barramundi and nothing else.

No licence holder looking for a return on their investment in their boat, equipment and red tape would contemplate not complying with the reporting regulations. Green has never had to report the catching of dugongs, turtles and dolphins, let alone their drowning, because he has never had the misfortune to catch one in 47 years of commercial fishing.

The Queensland government keeps a record of wildlife deaths for which humans are responsible. The total number of dugongs caught in nets since 2012 is six. The total of koalas killed on Queensland roads is more than 3000. Cars and trucks remain legal, at least for now.

Green has repeatedly asked for scientific evidence to support the minister’s claims. He said the best answer he’d been given was that fish absorb carbon dioxide and hold it in the ocean. “I’m happy to consider the science, but I’m not going to cop this rubbish,” Green told me.

UNESCO’s jihad against gillnets began in April last year when a delegation of special investigators flew to Queensland to look for evidence of damage to the Barrier Reef. Like Hans Blix, the hapless former Swedish diplomat sent to Iraq to search for weapons of mass destruction, the delegation was hardly likely to return with a report declaring fears were misplaced.

The boundries of the Great Barrier Reef world heritage area.

The delegation spent 10 days in Queensland meeting more than 100 people, including politicians, bureaucrats, academics, representatives from tourism and the ever-expanding reef conservation industry. None of them worked in the kind of jobs where you get your hands dirty. They met representatives from the World Wildlife Fund, Queensland Conservation Council and the Australian Marine Conservation Society, whose organisations had joined the confected campaign against gillnets.

They apparently met nobody from the commercial fishing industry, let alone the licence owners whose worlds they were about to destroy.

When the Hawke Labor government banned logging on the Atherton Tablelands in 1987, then environment minister Graham Richardson had the decency to show up at Ravenshoe and look squarely at the faces of the workers who were about to lose their jobs. That is not the Albanese government’s style. It rubberstamps decisions made in Paris with little consideration for the dignity of working Australians, incomes, communities or fairness.

It is the same approach it has taken to develop the industrial-scale wind and solar plants blighting scores of regional communities from Tasmania to far north Queensland.

The pattern is clear. Albanese is dancing to the tune of the inner-city elites who call for greater action on climate change, knowing they’re exempt from paying the cost. His government is making costly decisions in energy and environmental policy without bothering to ask if they are needed or will be effective.

It is perfectly understandable. When the Prime Minister and his Environment Minister represent adjoining inner-city seats that are both under sustained attack from the Greens, the dignity of working people in regional communities is probably the last thing on their minds.

Nick Cater is senior fellow of the Menzies Research Centre.


Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 18, 2023 8:00 am

And to be clear – if he did as accused in a more socialist past his conversion does not forgive him today.

It is a vile thing no matter who and no matter when.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 18, 2023 8:02 am

The left are very forgiving with regards to underage sex –
Yes, I note Dan Sultan has been indulged and re-launched, because he black, Yes and on the ABC payroll.
Russell might be late to the party- maybe even simply a convictionless carpetbagger- but he’s too big to ignore.

September 18, 2023 8:02 am

Of course the BOM has issued a heatwave warning, for parts of the south coast and Illawarra districts. For a couple of days around 35.

Reading the definitional wording for severity on the “National Heatwave Warning Service” (instigated on the 4th Oct last year), I can predict that for this summer circa 30%+ of days will be classed as some sort of heatwave.

Heatwave intensity
For each part of the country, we compare the forecast maximum and minimum temperatures for each three-day period in the coming week (e.g. Monday-Wednesday, Tuesday-Thursday) to what would be considered hot for that location, and also to observed temperatures over the last 30 days.

Heatwaves are classified into three types, based on intensity.

Low-intensity heatwaves are more frequent during summer. Most people can cope during these heatwaves.
Severe heatwaves are less frequent and are likely to be more challenging for vulnerable people such as the elderly, particularly those with medical conditions.
Extreme heatwaves are rare. They are a problem for people who don’t take precautions to keep cool—even for people who are healthy. People who work or exercise outdoors are also at greater risk of being affected.

This is pure brainwashing.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2023 8:09 am

“If true, it doesn’t matter who TF you are.
Don’t screw under age kids.”

Indeed, but of course exceptions will always be made if you’re a pillar of the left.

Brand’s crime is that he moved on ideologically, which is why he’s now targeted for elimination.

September 18, 2023 8:10 am
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2023 8:14 am

Total Victorian government payments per year for each kilometre on the western transmission links will only amount to a little over three million dollars.
That’s about $600 per hectare for the easement for land in our parts that’s valued at $16,000 per hectare, not to mention the value of spud growing land around the route outside Ballarat of course.
How much did they piss up against the wall for the Comm Games fiasco?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 8:18 am

I just think that calling it a “flying bomb” is stupid. Based on lack of knowledge of the subject.

Aha. So that’s what so upset you, Bill P. I’ve looked at the videos, heard all of your commentary, made my own (I’ve heard it all before as this crash generated interest at the time), and I still wouldn’t voluntarily get on a Corcorde to go anywhere. Not with those fuel tanks. Yes, there was an attempt to spuriously shut it down, international squabbling between France and Britain, and with the Continental Airlines role, tangentially introducing the US safety standards too.

The ‘puncturing debris’ accident however did happen and could happen again if Concorde was still flying. Now maybe that’s just me, so I’ll let it rest. I’m flying to Singapore tomorrow and then on to Milan and that’s it for me with air crash investigations till I return home safely.

xx (fingers crossed)

September 18, 2023 8:20 am

Target letters by the media.

What a great society we have now.

September 18, 2023 8:22 am

Vivek is simply the best.

“Dismantle the administrative state”
“America was founded on radicalism, such as free speech for EVERYONE”

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2023 8:28 am

Let me just state this here, I have never liked Brand, not even during the last few years since he’s gone ideologically rogue. I have always found him sordid and grubby. But that mean he’s guilty of any crime, in fact I suspect he’s had to fight off women.

So the reason for these allegations? Make no mistake, it’s ideological. It’s to bring down his YT channel and destroy him.

September 18, 2023 8:31 am

Russell Brand is acting no more sleazy than the average person.

He was married to another celebrity. She was enamoured with him.

Women throw themselves at celebrities. The idea that a woman stays with a casual link that has raped them is laughable. It’s not the same as living with an abusive partner.

The dating market is horrendous.

I heard one “complaint”. The audio was ridiculously clean, no static, no breathing, emotion, robotic cadence and the voice has an accent of someone raised in more than one country.

I’m calling bullshit. It sounded like AI.

I’d love to see the chat logs of the journalists involved.

September 18, 2023 8:31 am

Sep 18, 2023 8:02 AM
Of course the BOM has issued a heatwave warning, for parts of the south coast and Illawarra districts. For a couple of days around 35.

When I was a kid it wasn’t a heatwave until temp reached 38 or 100 on the old scale. The people BOM is out to scare don’t know that since they were born into the irrational age.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 8:32 am

Heatwave or no, we had an excellent lunch yesterday with ten couples, old friends of long standing, overlooking still blue waters on one of Sydney’s finest days. No wonder the early convicts wrote home about the amazing weather, before they settled the land and then had to write poems about floods and fires. It could have been Lake Como, but it was just another of Sydney’s multitude of glorious waterways where restaurants allow everyone to have a share of it. Two of the husbands are now in slow cognitive decline, as they are in their eighties. One barely realises it, the other hates it, the searching for words that won’t come and irritated by his attempts to get out coherently the sensible thoughts he still has. Their wives, a little younger, shepherd them out as we all leave. As we gather for goodbyes, till next time, we all say as you do, knowing that time is moving on, we are all travelling furiously, which makes hard to get everyone together, and that some will see each other sooner, separately, by choice.

Every day is a gift.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 18, 2023 8:33 am

ABC is now doing an advertorial for Gentari, a Malaysian renewable company with big investments in Australia, now pushing into the EV car charging point business.
ABC reporter helpfully points to problems with the NIMBY attitude in Australia.
The ABC lionising Malaysians billionaires and denigrating Aussie farmers.

September 18, 2023 8:33 am

Only 26 here today Bush.

I remember wearing a jumper at home early one harvest, then travelling to Birchip to pick up a part from the Mallee Mafia and there were kids in town pool.

The Mallee Mafia – *chuckle*

Long story short, I’ve had a rare social weekend in Bendigo, with members of the alcohol and good cheer squad including family both local and overseas and a higher ranking member of emergency services.
Overseas rellos are from England and are quite amazed at seeing 30+ temps at this time even in Australia and asked “have I noticed a change in the climate?”. Answer- No and cited many examples from personal experience of it being just as hot, as well as earlier in spring than now, 2002 being the stand out. Then there are the local temp records going back to the 1890’s which clearly show these temps happening quite frequently.
The emergency service bloke was the best though. Obviously being fed propaganda from other agencies he was almost wild eyed when I stated the above, so much so I had to search for temp records to prove my point!

Everyone has been marinated in this crap for so long that it’s even affecting the supposedly “calm and sober”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2023 8:34 am

Steve trickler

Sep 18, 2023 2:16 AM

10 million views in a month. Wow.

Peter Santenello:

The Man With No Legal Identity – Off the Grid in Appalachia ??

Which explains why some people have dual legal identities, right?

September 18, 2023 8:39 am

The under aged one will not go away

Not defending his behaviour as a pilled up louche,
but sixteen was the age of consent.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2023 8:40 am


Sep 18, 2023 6:18 AM

Michael Malice has spent the weekend re-tweeting RFK Jr from not that long ago.
RFK Jr is not a fan of the 2nd amendment.

I have been trying to tell the fan-bois here for a while.
He is not the Messiah.
He has that streak which runs deep in the Kennedy clan – opportunistic exploitation of the punters.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 8:40 am

Crossie, it had to be a hundred degrees fahrenheit before we were sent home from school early in our serge tunics back in the day.

Sometimes they relented at ninety-five. Then there was the long hot trip home.
Life didn’t completely stop. Men still worked outside with knotted-handkerchief hats on if they didn’t have a proper hat. The dunny bin men still came with their weird berets on.

September 18, 2023 8:40 am

Just a reminder.

Piers Morgan interviews falsely accused man – identity of false accuser was protected (March 2023).

“Eleanor Williams should get life in prison”

September 18, 2023 8:49 am

Colour me Fascinated – I can read on my Samsung Note 8 Android using Chrome

But only loads very spasmodically (every 3rd day say) on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Brave on Apple iMac MacOs Ventura 13.5.2

Is Apple blocking

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 8:51 am

In Chocolate Teapot news:

Rugby World Cup.
Fiji 22: Australia 15

Lineout aside, Fiji played sensational rugby, although they were greatly helped by bring gifted a constant stream of idiot penalties.

Barring the improbability of Fiji being touched up by Georgia or Portugal, the Cadbury Wallabies now have to beat Wales (probably in a high scoring game) to stay in the competition. To do that, they have to completely remake their game and learn to play for most of 80 minutes.
Without Skelton and Tupou.
By next week.

My London son, who was at the game, reports that the Frogs were all in behind Fiji.
Soobmarin, Soobmarin, Soobmarin…

September 18, 2023 8:51 am

Regarding gill-net fishing on the “reef”:

Has anyone here ever used a gill net?

No sane person uses a net anywhere near a reef, be it coral or rock, for reasons that are obvious to the sentient.

Barramundi happily transition from salt to fersh water; I have line-caught them in both. Furthermore, the Barramundi is NOT an exclusively Australian species. Check out their range; just across South-East Asia.

This is just another Death-Cultists, eco-nazi ploy to destroy fisheries and agriculture.

Looking forward to the next Barra and Buff BBQ.

September 18, 2023 8:55 am
September 18, 2023 8:55 am

Colour me Fascinated – I can read on my Samsung Note 8 Android using Chrome

I can see it on my android with Firefox.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2023 8:56 am

ABC is now doing an advertorial for Gentari, a Malaysian renewable company with big investments in Australia, now pushing into the EV car charging point business.

Sky News too, four stories on their website early this morning, but down to two now. I won’t link them. I figured that they were getting their imposed-from-on-high religious commitments out of the way.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 8:57 am

Sancho, thanks for your observations from Japan.
They are enjoyably pointed. As is your style.
We all have our own styles of commenting. Boring otherwise.

Downticking on personality is schoolyard stuff.

September 18, 2023 8:57 am

Just reading about the term “defence in depth”. Is the current Russian approach to the Ukraine war an example of that? Similar to the battle of Kursk.

September 18, 2023 8:58 am

Um bro that’s not Katy Perry.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 8:59 am

Barramundi happily transition from salt to fersh water

… and from thence to the restaurant table.

Very nice it was too. 🙂

September 18, 2023 9:00 am

Exactly Bruce. Big surprise that the left want to destroy another primary industry here. Asian sea bass are pretty common in other countries.

September 18, 2023 9:01 am

Wales might end the Wabbobblies.

Thank God I go for Ireland!

Like Sgt Harper said in Sharpe, God Save Ireland!

September 18, 2023 9:02 am

Katie Hopkins I think, indolent.

September 18, 2023 9:04 am

Hopefully we get an Ireland v Wales final. It’s possible!

September 18, 2023 9:05 am

Um bro that’s not Katy Perry.

Sorry, Of course it’s Katie Hopkins. I wouldn’t know Katy Perry if I tripped over her.

September 18, 2023 9:08 am

I agree with Cassie about Russell Brand. He’s not an attractive personality, but he’s constitutionally anti-establishment, as am I, and he’s finally worked out who the current establishment are. And so they are going for him in the usual fashion.
I don’t think it’s going to work the way they want. They’re an oppressive bunch of bastards, and they prove it every day.

September 18, 2023 9:09 am

exceptions will always be made if you’re a pillar of the left.

Flaws become virtues.
While he has a point, I doubt George Monoblot would’ve been
quite so generous with some hard, pipe-hitting Tory.

September 18, 2023 9:12 am
September 18, 2023 9:13 am

SA business ramps up nuclear plea amid spiralling power surcharges

Angela Macdonald-Smith – Senior resources writer

The face of South Australian business says nuclear is a “logical solution” and could be introduced in little more than five years, after being collectively slugged hundreds of millions of dollars from the energy market operator’s interventions to keep the lights on.

The South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy, whose biggest member is uranium miner BHP, has told the SA government it needs to put immediate effort into developing an energy transition road map for the state.

“Given the scale of the energy transition challenge, nuclear provides a ready solution to the problem of decarbonising while preserving key industrial sectors, subject to the exercise of necessary political will,” SACOME said.

SA holds about 23 per cent of the world’s uranium resources, including at BHP’s Olympic Dam. However, all its uranium output is shipped overseas due to Australia’s ban on nuclear energy, a prohibition that is now increasingly under debate amid the country’s faltering transition to low-carbon energy.

Australia’s commitment in March to a nuclear submarine program has further fuelled the discussion, despite pushback from the Albanese government, which argues nuclear power is too expensive.

Extra charges to cover intervention needed to keep SA’s power grid stable have more than tripled in three years and now account for up to 30 per cent of some industrial companies’ bills, according to analysis carried out for SACOME to be released on Monday.

The spiralling prices are causing some to consider offshoring operations, sources say.

The experience in SA – at the forefront of Australia’s energy transition since it switched off its last baseload coal plant seven years ago – should be worrying businesses across Australia because it points to what is to come amid the “disorderly” energy transition taking place, said Rebecca Knol, chief executive of SACOME.

“There are only so many costs industry can absorb before it becomes untenable,” said Ms Knol, whose business group also includes critical minerals miner Iluka, grain handler Viterra, Metcash and irrigator Central Irrigation Trust.

‘Beyond our control’

SA’s power system, which has had no baseload electricity generation since May 2016, is frequently the subject of orders by the Australian Energy Market Operator, which often must step in to direct gas plants to start up to keep the system stable amid surging renewable energy generation.

The analysis for SACOME found that such direction charges, which are largely borne by commercial and industrial energy users, have jumped from an average of $6.15 million in the December quarter of 2019 to almost $20 million in the fourth quarter last year.

On top of that are costs for frequency control, reliably between $1 million and $3 million per quarter, but now escalating and commonly in the tens of millions of dollars.

“These costs are increasing and it’s beyond our control,” said Greg McCarron, chief executive at Central Irrigation Trust, which paid about $870,000 in energy market support and transition costs last financial year out of its $4.5 million energy bill.

“The concern we have is that it’s becoming a reasonably fixed part of business, and the concern is that as the transition to renewables occurs… it is increasing costs for all users on the system and at this stage there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight.”

SA’s wholesale power prices are among the highest in the National Electricity Market, averaging $124 per megawatt-hour in the June quarter, compared to $89/MWh in Victoria. The state also accounted for almost all the $21.7 million power system management costs in the NEM in the quarter, due to AEMO directions to keep the system secure.

AEMO directions were in place in the state for 36 per cent of the time in the quarter, almost twice as often as a year earlier, while the costs of directions almost trebled to $21.7 million, according to AEMO’s June quarter report.

Ms Knol said the SA government’s target of net 100 per cent renewable energy generation by 2030 sets an important decarbonisation goal but is silent on how government and heavy industry can work collaboratively to meet those while also achieving economic ambitions.

“South Australian businesses cannot continue to operate in an environment of unpredictable and escalating market interventions, unprecedented market reliability gaps and government delay in coordinated planning.”

She said SACOME had long believed that all low-emissions technologies, including modern nuclear produced from small modular reactors, should be considered as part of the future energy mix to ensure rapid decarbonisation and energy reliability.

“Modern nuclear energy offers a zero-emissions energy source with the ability to provide safe, affordable, reliable and dispatchable baseload power in extremely large quantities,” Ms Knol told The Australian Financial Review.

Nuclear ‘front-runner’

“Coupling modern nuclear technology with South Australia’s abundant uranium, gas and renewable energy sources would facilitate rapid decarbonisation while providing huge economic benefits for our state.

“South Australia has the opportunity to maintain its position as a front runner in the race to decarbonisation by embracing nuclear energy as a credible option.”

Mr McCarron said he was mostly indifferent as to how energy was generated, so if nuclear was to prove its mettle on the costs front then it should be looked at.

Regulators and governments should “consider all sources of energy to make sure in the long term we are putting in place the best option, and that option should consider the total cost of supply to end consumers,” he said.

SACOME contrasted the lack of political will on nuclear with the support for green hydrogen, in its submission to the SA government’s green paper on the energy transition.

“Were nuclear to receive the same levels of regulatory support and government subsidy as has been provided to renewables and hydrogen development, this timeframe could be expedited,” it said.

Meanwhile Blackout Bowen Strikes Again

ALP Blows Up Small-nuclear power option

Chris Bowen has targeted Peter Dutton’s pro-nuclear agenda, releasing new estimates that converting coal-fired power stations to 71 reactors would cost $387bn.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2023 9:13 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare

Sep 18, 2023 8:57 AM

Sancho, thanks for your observations from Japan.

The beauty of travel.
People the world over are very similar but quirky little local customs and behaviours are interesting.
We are now in Shinjuku.
You know how Japanese are tidy and polite to a fault?
Well, this is where they come to forget all that.
First sign of rubbish in the streets and a certain brashness and pushiness by some.
Blaring speakers wound up to eleventy and monster garish video screens.
There were groups of people dressed in similar traditional garb carting little shrines on wooden poles, sedan chair style.
Must have been 100 in each group chanting and beating drums.
No idea what it was about.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 9:13 am

On Russell Brand:

His heavily publicised sexual wild man promiscuity has always been his schtick – a proper naughty boy that makes the girlies all moist.

The rape/sexual assault claims have arisen through ‘media investigations’ not complaints made to Plod. (Not to say that the constabulary won’t become involved if sufficiently provoked.)

It looks like management at the BBC and Channel4 are now shitting themselves that they might have an unsurvivable Jimmy Saville incident on their hands – while Tabloid World happily fans the flames.

Censorship of dangerous thoughts?
Less so.
To many in the UK, Brand is just a twat.

another ian
another ian
September 18, 2023 9:14 am

What happened with “The Toolbox Challenge”?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2023 9:16 am

Oh, and did I mention booze here is cheap?
I saw a bottle of Plymouth navy strength gin for under $20 yesterday.
Probably $75 in Oz.

September 18, 2023 9:18 am

Russell Brand was always a revolting example of the worst of the media class. That means he was always a hostage to past behaviour if he stepped away from the Party line.

But I have to say, #Me-me-me-too and the many media examples on the table, I would now alter my principles in a flash. If, I mean WHEN a busload of 15-year-old supermodels suddenly decide I am as yummy as a Korean boy band I will no longer send them packing as before.

September 18, 2023 9:19 am

In Chocolate Teapot news:

Maybe they could see if Izzy is available.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 18, 2023 9:21 am

Sep 18, 2023 9:11 AM
Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

Wot’ effing Economic Recovery? You mean like the highly successful ‘Bidenomics’? FFS.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 9:22 am

Wow! Never seen Russel Brand before.

He’s on my list to see again now.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 9:22 am

“Net Zero would kill at least 50% of the population,”

At least 50% of the world population are not actually participating in Net Zero.

So I guess that means at least 100% of those of us who are.

September 18, 2023 9:24 am

Survey reveals 83% of Australian teachers nominate mental health as the biggest issue facing students:

‘Braemar College wellbeing specialist Emma Grant said the novelty of returning to the classroom following Victoria’s lockdowns had worn off.

She said spending years in isolation had left many young people lacking a sense of purpose, as well as the social skills they would normally build in school.

“They’re not learning social awareness. They’re not learning how to read emotions. They’re not learning body language,” Ms Clark said.

“A 16-year-old is not where you would typically see a 16-year-old, for example. Same with a 14-year-old. They’re missing some of those socio-emotional key skills.”‘

– Connor Duffy, ABC

September 18, 2023 9:25 am

He’s on my list to see again now.

Check the erudite title of his autobiography, Lizzie!

September 18, 2023 9:26 am

“They’re not learning social awareness. They’re not learning how to read emotions. They’re not learning body language,” Ms Clark said.

“A 16-year-old is not where you would typically see a 16-year-old, for example. Same with a 14-year-old. They’re missing some of those socio-emotional key skills.”‘

And would the ABC make their mental elf better, or worse?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 18, 2023 9:27 am

Farmer Gez
Sep 18, 2023 8:33 AM
ABC is now doing an advertorial for Gentari, a Malaysian renewable company with big investments in Australia, now pushing into the EV car charging point business.
ABC reporter helpfully points to problems with the NIMBY attitude in Australia.
The ABC lionising Malaysians billionaires and denigrating Aussie farmers.

Part of the great political reversal underway.

The former leftards have now become what they claimed to despise, leaving a large block of votes available to the political grouping that is willing to provide a combination of social conservatism with moderate economic policies.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 18, 2023 9:28 am

As to Russell Brand, even Austin Powers could not resist adding this to his Bucket List –

September 18, 2023 9:30 am

Just back from my Monday morning OAP swimming “freebie” .. 1st 1500 mts in quite awhile .. I’ve realised that full-on freestyle has caught up with my age (75) and switched to mixing free with breaststroke .. so 4 x freestyle & 26 x breaststroke over 90 minutes …….

September 18, 2023 9:34 am

Farmer Gez
Sep 18, 2023 8:14 AM
Total Victorian government payments per year for each kilometre on the western transmission links will only amount to a little over three million dollars.

How much did they piss up against the wall for the Comm Games fiasco?

Unfortunately the commonwealth games piss up is just chicken feed compared to what’s coming. There was a propaganda piece in the Spencer Street Soviet (aka the Age) on the weekend about the activities of the newly resurrected State Electricity Commission. You know, the one with no engineers on its advisory board which is well staffed with lawyers and climate “experts”. Our simpering energy minister D’Ambrosio announced that it’s about to announce tenders for a billion dollars worth of grants to develop so called renewable energy projects for this failed state. No doubt this will be a feeding frenzy for grifters, rent seekers and carpetbaggers.

We’re stuffed.

September 18, 2023 9:39 am

Thing is though, unlike the trash in Canbra, Andrews can’t print money. So I’m not sure what they will do for it unless they just bash people over the head with new taxes.

September 18, 2023 9:41 am

And would the ABC make their mental elf better, or worse?

Well, young people don’t watch the ABC for starters, so that is a moot question, but…it’s notable that they are publishing stories on the consequences of lockdowns, along with the reports on increased mortality rates and the public hospital surgical backlog. They’re not sweeping it under the carpet, as I gather commercial media are.

It’s all grist for the mill.

I post it here for others to file away for use when the prospect of lockdowns comes up again, as it probably will.

September 18, 2023 9:45 am


Warren Mundine, you had one job.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 9:49 am

ALP Blows Up Small-nuclear power option

Chris Bowen has targeted Peter Dutton’s pro-nuclear agenda, releasing new estimates that converting coal-fired power stations to 71 reactors would cost $387bn.

That’s not a cost.
This is a cost:

The latest report from Net Zero Australia (University of Melbourne, the University of Queensland, Princeton University and management consultancies Nous and Evolved Energy) puts the cost at $1.5 trillion by the end of the decade, with the need for $7 trillion to $9 trillion of capital by 2060 to meet Australia’s aspiration of net zero by 2050.

What we have here is a group of Bowen Enablers, rummaging around the rubbish bin of the innernet, finding old fish heads and bags of dog poo to throw at their Master’s political enemies.

In Australia this passes as policy debate.

In a serious country things would be done differently. But here we are instead.

September 18, 2023 9:50 am

The ABC lionising Malaysians billionaires and denigrating Aussie farmers.

This is not your grandfather’s ABC, as Americans like to say about “evolved” entities.

September 18, 2023 9:51 am

Here’s NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitting Russia informed NATO before the war that it could avert it by denying membership to Ukraine.

I had seen the text of this speech but not the video:

Have you even bothered to listen to the vid? Obviously you haven’t because that isn’t correct.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2023 9:52 am

From the old OT

The self-represented Woodhead “sought to maintain the discredited fiction” that he was not the appellant or person who committed the traffic offence “because he has dual legal personalities”.

I think I can see the problem. For people who think too many lawyers are the problem.

September 18, 2023 9:55 am

Sep 18, 2023 9:45 AM

Warren Mundine, you had one job.

I suppose he thinks the Photios faction will give him Marise Payne’s senate seat if he edges their way. Not going to happen and he will just piss off people who would otherwise be on his side. Sad.

September 18, 2023 9:55 am

Letter boxing for the NO campaign this morning, sure would like some global warming in Perth. Had to come home for some gloves.

September 18, 2023 9:55 am

Is Warren Mundine trying to wreck the No campaign with him suggesting Australia Day be moved. He’s come out with other rubbish in last week that it hardly seems accidental.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2023 10:00 am

Brand’s crime is that he moved on ideologically, which is why he’s now targeted for elimination.

His real crime was he was rude to Manuel when he was screwing his daughter. Pompous boor. No sympathy here.

September 18, 2023 10:00 am

Yes, they have got to Mundine. Promise of some kind of high profile nebulous position- Uni chancellor or some such. He won’t even have to leave the No campaign. Just white ant it. Turdball tactics.

September 18, 2023 10:01 am

The only reason we have too many lawyers is there are too many laws. Laws are written for lawyers not us. Same with accountants.

September 18, 2023 10:01 am

Chris Avatar
Sep 18, 2023 9:26 AM

“They’re not learning social awareness. They’re not learning how to read emotions. They’re not learning body language,” Ms Clark said.

“A 16-year-old is not where you would typically see a 16-year-old, for example. Same with a 14-year-old. They’re missing some of those socio-emotional key skills.”‘

Psychobabble. The subtext is that compulsory school is the only way that young people can properly develop and learn social skills.

The fact that in living memory young people learned these things by (gasp!) having jobs is conveniently swept under the carpet.

When I went to school, the minimum leaving age in NSW was 15. Those of us who met the leavers (who all had jobs) soon afterwards could not fail to notice how much more mature they were, and it didn’t take long for the transformation to occur.

Keeping young people who don’t want to be there cooped up in school infantilises them. Now that it is expected that 50% of them will go to university, the mollycoddling and insulation from real life is magnified.

Having a job – any job – is the best aid to maturity that a young person can get. My first job was leading ponies around for kiddie rides. I was ten years old. Got paid a pittance, would have done it for nothing. But that and subsequent jobs long before I turned 18 were absolutely invaluable to getting an understanding of the world outside school and the family.

Oh, and notice that none of the hankie-wringers actually criticise the lockdowns. They just aim to cash in on the consequences.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 10:05 am

You know, the one with no engineers on its advisory board which is well staffed with lawyers and climate “experts”. Our simpering energy minister D’Ambrosio announced that it’s about to announce tenders for a billion dollars worth of grants to develop so called renewable energy projects for this failed state.

Worse than Argentina. The Argies staved off desperation by printing money, but reckoning is coming for them – Tucker Carlson did a great show on the inflationary aspects.

And yet like the Argies, the Vics keep voting for more of the same. Hoping that they’ll find a money tree somewhere.

Stock in canned food, toilet paper and lots of hard liquor. All exchangeable goods.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2023 10:07 am

Letter boxing for the NO campaign this morning, sure would like some global warming in Perth. Had to come home for some gloves.

Certainly been sneaky cold in old Perf town. Well underdressed leaving the pub around 5pm Sunday and was debating with myself over bed socks having woken around 2am. Gloves in Perf is soft any time of the year though.

September 18, 2023 10:08 am

Warren Mundine, you had one job.

I suppose he thinks the Photios faction will give him Marise Payne’s senate seat if he edges their way. Not going to happen and he will just piss off people who would otherwise be on his side. Sad.

Unfair. AFAIK, he has always held the view that no Aboriginal community or body can speak for other Aboriginal communities or bodies. A view, BTW, that is widely shared among Aboriginal (and TSI) people. That is a major reason why The Invoice is not wildly popular among them.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 10:09 am

Having a job – any job – is the best aid to maturity that a young person can get. My first job was leading ponies around for kiddie rides. I was ten years old. Got paid a pittance, would have done it for nothing. But that and subsequent jobs long before I turned 18 were absolutely invaluable to getting an understanding of the world outside school and the family.

No argument from me about that. ‘Lived experience’.

September 18, 2023 10:13 am

Well if you can guess my response it means you’ve listened to it and either didn’t understand or ignored what was said because there was a litany of demands that would never have been met, which you failed to list.

September 18, 2023 10:14 am

Rabobank report estimates Australia has an oversupply of wine equivalent to 2.8bn bottles, mostly shiraz and cabernet.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 10:15 am

In a serious country things would be done differently. But here we are instead.

One of the best lines in the hit TV series ‘Succession’ is when the old ‘right-wing’ media mogul roars at his three ‘woke’ children – ‘You are NOT serious people‘.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2023 10:29 am

Rabobank report estimates Australia has an oversupply of wine equivalent to 2.8bn bottles, mostly shiraz and cabernet.

I’m working on it.

September 18, 2023 10:30 am

Why does the USA have such a huge drug problem? It isn’t just about availability, there must be cultural issues involved.

One observation among many that could be made, John:

The US has a therapeutic culture rather than a stoic culture.

September 18, 2023 10:33 am

You posted the freaking link. In the ransom note, the klepto wanted a NATO retreat from all post 1997 expansion and then no further enlargement. But you couldn’t “guess” right?


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 10:44 am

On Plibersek courting the ALP Green Left in case something unexpected happens to Uncle Luigi in late October Barra:

Green has repeatedly asked for scientific evidence to support the minister’s claims. He said the best answer he’d been given was that fish absorb carbon dioxide and hold it in the ocean.

We eat the fish, move it up the food chain, and hold it outside of the ocean.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 10:46 am

I’m working on it.

An ornament on the economy.
Australia needs more selfless people like you.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2023 10:49 am

Uncle Luigi under greater threat than a prawn on a P & O buffet table. Which is ironic when you really think about it.

September 18, 2023 10:53 am

What did this NATO ‘retreat’ entail, JC?

Listen to your own vid, which clearly outlines it.

It’s actually incorrectly as demands. It was a f..king ransom note.

September 18, 2023 10:54 am

Last day in Hiroshima, haven’t gone to the Dome, and won’t be, we are taking the ferry out to Miyajima today and visited the Shikkenen Gardens yesterday, very beautiful and not crowded, there a photo from the aftermath of the bomb ar around 1 km from the centre, showing blasted trees, with only the concrete bridge over the lake intact, many survivors sought refuge there, only to die for lack of medical care and were buried in the park.
We had a brief chat with a Japanese family over cabbage pancakes on Saturday night, not at the stalls as they were too busy, but in a side street. They live in Tokyo but youngish grandfather was raised in Hiroshima, his grandparents were here on that day. I didn’t press for more information, my best guess is that his father had been sent out of town due to fears about conventional bombing, not even sure if the grandparents survived. The townspeople including many secondary schoolchildren were frantically demolishing wooden houses to create fire breaks when the bomb hit.
A town of wood, in the main.
Still, Hiroshima has been my favourite town so far.

Unfortunately we had to have an emergency encounter, with the Japanese health system in Osaka, resolved in the short term, and I’ve decided it would be better to err on the side of caution and cut the trip short so some tests we can’t get done here are run.
Was always on the cards.
And I can always come back to visit Nagasaki, then go north, just never again in September.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 18, 2023 10:55 am

Will have to give serious thought to joining Razey if we end up with PM Plibbers. Although after nearly 20 years of R-G-R, the Lieborals and now Albo & Chalmers what damage is left? No pun intended.

September 18, 2023 10:55 am

People should therefore stop eating all fish?

local oaf
September 18, 2023 10:56 am

Is Warren Mundine trying to wreck the No campaign with him suggesting Australia Day be moved.

Been waiting patiently for at least one of the “change the date” people to let us know on which date it would be acceptable for the rest of us to celebrate our country!

Starting to suspect ….

September 18, 2023 10:58 am

Brand has made some good comments about wokeness and the other virtue signalling arse plugging issues of the left. Now some tweenies have said he rooted them when they were young and innocent.

A couple of issues: brand is a good looking celeb with a big dick: he is going to have to beat them off. it reminds me of Errol Flynn; he got shafted by a couple of boppers. The comparison between their photos on his yacht and when they turned up in court was interesting; when they were on his yacht they looked like 30 year old hookers but when they turned up in court they were dressed like 10 year olds: ribbons in the hair, Shirley Temple curls and no makeup.

Secondly, sheilas lie about this all the time: ask Rush , John Jarratt, Craig McLauglin, Michael Diamond. Every bitter FL dispute will invariably involve sex assault allegations by the wife against her and the kiddies.

Brand is being targeted because he turned on the luvvies. He’s a smart guy, he should have anticipated this. If he goes Christian Porter he is stuffed; he has to come back hard and I don’t mean erection hard.

September 18, 2023 11:11 am

Whoops described

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 18, 2023 11:12 am

People should therefore stop eating all fish?

That seems to be the agenda. They were persecuting the Macquarie Harbour fish farms last week, now they’re after commercial fishermen.

You will eat the damn bugs, proles, we’ll force you to.

Robert Sewell
September 18, 2023 11:15 am

Doc BeauGan:

They’re out to get him. He’s been annoying the ‘elites’.

He’s committed the unforgivable sin of telling the world the grass is greener on the other side of the Leftist fence.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 18, 2023 11:16 am

Survey reveals 83% of Australian teachers nominate mental health as the biggest issue facing students

Wow. I had almost forgotten how vociferously and forcefully teachers opposed the school closures.

September 18, 2023 11:16 am

Oh and a big thank you to Big Pharma for making someone’s life possible.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 18, 2023 11:16 am

ALP Blows Up Small-nuclear power option

Chris Bowen has targeted Peter Dutton’s pro-nuclear agenda, releasing new estimates that converting coal-fired power stations to 71 reactors would cost $387bn.

Perhaps Blackout Bowen should be asked the full const of Ruinables, including frequency control, new transmission lines and associated compensation costs, the environmental costs of large-scale wind and solar generation, and the costs to government of declining Company Tax receipts, as business goes elsewhere.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 18, 2023 11:17 am

ALP Blows Up Small-nuclear power option

Chris Bowen has targeted Peter Dutton’s pro-nuclear agenda, releasing new estimates that converting coal-fired power stations to 71 reactors would cost $387bn.

The Libs should get the costings from overseas from people in countries where they actually do nuclear power. Then they could compare the costing methodologies the ALP has with real ones.

September 18, 2023 11:18 am

I had almost forgotten how vociferously and forcefully teachers opposed the school closures.


September 18, 2023 11:19 am

Cronkite, dunno, Brand finally seeing the light appears a little self serving. Wokeness killed comedy and that’s basically his livelihood.

September 18, 2023 11:20 am

Although after nearly 20 years of R-G-R, the Lieborals and now Albo & Chalmers what damage is left?

The left moves inexorably towards curtailing personal rights and private property and finally abolishing them.

Quite a way to go yet.

September 18, 2023 11:21 am

Cronkite, dunno, Brand finally seeing the light appears a little self serving. Wokeness killed comedy and that’s basically his livelihood.

Sure. But he does have a big dick.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 18, 2023 11:21 am

To many in the UK, Brand is just a twat.

And a spoiled brat, both by his family and his show-biz bosses.
I have a memory of him being a complete turd to scores of people for a cheap laugh, including the prank call to Andrew “Manuel” Sachs.
But when any slight criticism of him arose, his gossamer thin skin was on display.
I recall him getting all teary about some mild criticism, “Me mum has to listen to this”.
Self awareness zero.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2023 11:22 am

“Unfair. AFAIK, he has always held the view that no Aboriginal community or body can speak for other Aboriginal communities or bodies. A view, BTW, that is widely shared among Aboriginal (and TSI) people. That is a major reason why The Invoice is not wildly popular among them.”

Johanna is right.

This drubbing of Mundine, particularly the allegation that he’s doing this to cosy up to Photios for Payne’s senate seat, is both ludicrous and unfair.

September 18, 2023 11:23 am

Sure. But he does have a big dick

A cute owl obviously.

September 18, 2023 11:24 am

“no Aboriginal community or body can speak for other Aboriginal communities or bodies. A view, BTW, that is widely shared among Aboriginal (and TSI) people” Mundine

Is it any wonder they don’t understand they are already represented and have a voice called Democracy, just like the rest of us?

People like Mundine are part of the problem, not a solution.

These folks believe they are entitled to a more unique and individualised Democracy with special entitlements.

If the Voice Yes vote gets up, that’s the end of Democracy in Australia regardless of the feel good, want to make things better class, it won’t work becuase priviledge never works for equality.

It’s like reconcilliation, it’s sold as a 2 way street, but in reality it is one way, and there is zero interest from the aboriginal industry in anything different – they like things the way they are as it works better for them, adversarial and combative.

The reality is we need to take back our country that is being whittled away by do-gooders and hand-wringers who worry more about what the UN will think of us (Oh My!) than the future of Australians. No more welcome to country BS, no more fawning over made up BS like smoke ceremonies.

How are kids in the outback, being allowed to learn only their tribal languages and their own version of pidgin english ever going to get ahead, to even use the internet for goodness sake. The Internet is not in dead languages from the outback of Australia. We are depriving generations from the knowledge of the world, for what?

Do all these record number of migrants coming to Australia realise we are not going to be a Democracy, that we have a huge percentage of the population who want to be sub-serviant to stone age attitudes and behaviour?

They are coming here for the the free and equal society that is Australia now, not some 2 tiered racially divided country.

September 18, 2023 11:30 am

I was desperately unhappy to hear some of the declarations of Mundine Insiders, although I am suspending total judgment until I have actually seen the episode of “Insiders”. The Left media have a way of selective reporting.

However, they have reported his belief that the date of Australia Day should be changed, & I assume he said this. I oppose this completely.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 18, 2023 11:31 am

Sep 18, 2023 10:08 AM
Warren Mundine, you had one job.

I suppose he thinks the Photios faction will give him Marise Payne’s senate seat if he edges their way. Not going to happen and he will just piss off people who would otherwise be on his side. Sad.

Unfair. AFAIK, he has always held the view that no Aboriginal community or body can speak for other Aboriginal communities or bodies. A view, BTW, that is widely shared among Aboriginal (and TSI) people. That is a major reason why The Invoice is not wildly popular among them.

The Italicised para, Johanna’s comment, is a good summary of the reasons for the utter failure of indigenous policy over almost half a century. And that failure comes from the complete inability of the urban fauxboriginal activists to understand the culture that they extol so loudly.

ATSIC and its predecessors, and the NIAA currently, are all based on the idea that a self-selected indigenous “elite” can speak for all aborigines (while essentially ignoring the TSIs). An InVoice would be worse.

September 18, 2023 11:32 am

This drubbing of Mundine, particularly the allegation that he’s doing this to cosy up to Photios for Payne’s senate seat, is both ludicrous and unfair.

I didn’t suggest any ulterior motives, only that he’d gone off message, which is potentially fatal in any political campaign (ditto Dutton’s alternative referendum).

That being said, I don’t think it will damage the No campaign, because it’s always been following rather than leading public opinion.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 18, 2023 11:33 am

Prosecutions ‘frequently terminated’ to avoid harming First Nations victims: DPP
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
September 18, 2023 — 5.00am

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6 min

The state’s top prosecutor has warned that the criminal justice system is failing First Nations victims of crime and her office frequently terminates prosecutions involving Indigenous complainants because existing trial processes are not culturally safe.

NSW Director of Public Prosecutions Sally Dowling, SC, said adapting the justice system to serve the needs of First Nations complainants was a priority, including advocating for judges to give directions to jurors situating the evidence of Indigenous witnesses in a cultural context.

“It’s our strong view that there’s a potential for First Nations witnesses to be prejudiced in terms of their evidence being understood if lawyers, judges and juries aren’t familiar with the cultural and language differences that can characterise their evidence,” Dowling said.

Sociolinguistics experts have identified the respectful avoidance of eye contact, long silences and gratuitous concurrence – saying yes regardless of whether a person agrees with a proposition – as features of some Aboriginal communication styles that may be misinterpreted by non-Aboriginal jurors.

Those communication styles were “underpinned by cultural norms of courtesy and respect”, Dowling said, but “it can be, in fact, regarded as the opposite of what non-Aboriginal people expect from an honest witness”.

There was “further potential for miscommunication in cross-examination” because it involved the use of leading questions which “suggest an answer to the witness”, Dowling said.

The potential for jurors to misunderstand the evidence not only risked distorting the individual trial process, she said, “but we believe it has a deterrent and chilling effect on other First Nations people from engaging with the legal process”.

Under legislative changes that took effect in NSW last year, judges in many sexual assault trials must give a direction to jurors addressing common misconceptions about consent.

Dowling said those reforms provided a “good model” for a direction to “counter incorrect or stereotypical assumptions” that might affect jurors’ assessment of the evidence of First Nations witnesses. This would not remove judicial discretion and directions were “not required in every case or for every First Nations witness”, she said.

Director of Public Prosecutions Sally Dowling, SC, has identified a range of potential changes that could help build a culturally safer criminal justice system for First Nations victims of crime.

The directions could “be as simple as highlighting to the jury that in many First Nations communities it’s considered polite to avoid eye contact or that a silent pause is an important part of Aboriginal communication,” she said.

This year, Dowling’s office discontinued a prosecution involving the alleged sexual assault in the 1970s and 80s of an Aboriginal teenage girl, given the pseudonym Leah, after Leah raised concerns about the trial process and a lack of cultural safety.

Leah’s concerns included the potential for long silences in the evidence of First Nations witnesses to be misinterpreted, and her desire to give her evidence in a narrative fashion.

“Leah noted that both she and her mother were storytellers, and that there is significant cultural value and power in storytelling for First Nations people,” a DPP case note said.

Leah’s case was not isolated. Dowling said that “for First Nations people, cultural safety is central to wellbeing” and her office “frequently terminates prosecutions involving Indigenous complainants because the criminal justice process is not culturally safe and does not meet their needs”.

September 18, 2023 11:37 am

In respect to Treaties – Mundine seems to be arguing that one single treaty cant be made because there are so many Aboriginal language groups with different issues. Yet, some states are already negotiating treaties.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 18, 2023 11:37 am

Mother Lode
Sep 18, 2023 11:17 AM
ALP Blows Up Small-nuclear power option

Chris Bowen has targeted Peter Dutton’s pro-nuclear agenda, releasing new estimates that converting coal-fired power stations to 71 reactors would cost $387bn.

The Libs should get the costings from overseas from people in countries where they actually do nuclear power. Then they could compare the costing methodologies the ALP has with real ones.

Won’t work. The ALP costings include a percentage of baksheesh to the unions, to be returned as political donations. This element is the most important one.

Bill P
Bill P
September 18, 2023 11:39 am

Aha. So that’s what so upset you, Bill P.
Indeed, because you were wrong.
I’ll now go and research those fuel transfer thrusters.
Enjoy your trip

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 18, 2023 11:41 am

Yet, some states are already negotiating treaties.

Western Australia has negotiated two “de facto” treaties with the Noongars – “Native title claims” being considered settled, in exchange for substantial economic and job opportunities.

Robert Sewell
September 18, 2023 11:44 am


Sep 18, 2023 7:59 AM
Another example of outside non accountable agencies poking their bloody noses in where they are not wanted:

There’s only one answer to this sort of legislation – our political class has gone mad.
Hidden away in concrete jungles, they have created in their minds a Utopian Paradise they will never visit apart from sanitised visions of whatever the message is they want to appeal to today.
They need psychotherapy of the kind that only comes from being banished to the non existent wilds they demand be preserved, after being stripped of all the creations of the last 5,000 years to live their short, nasty, and brutal lives.
Only then will they begin to realise the depths of their insanity – or stupidity.

September 18, 2023 11:46 am

Mundine seems to be arguing that one single treaty cant be made because there are so many Aboriginal language groups with different issues.

I’m not aware of any surviving indigenous language groups in Queensland. The languages are extinct and indigenous people are for all intents and purposes assimilated with the mainstream culture and often married to people of European descent. Yet the Palaszczuk government is proceeding with treaties without ever having taken that to an election. What actually is the agenda here?

September 18, 2023 11:46 am


Hiroshima? Never mind the veal; check out the Okonomiyaki.

An interesting and tasty bit of culinary fusion and history.

September 18, 2023 11:49 am

Now, assuming 1/3 of our total energy consumption is presently electrical power, which is roughly correct….

Bowen has actually shown that going 100% nuke would actually only cost about $1 trillion whereas 100% renewable would cost 7.5 – 9.5 trillion.

His nuke figures are BS, but even assuming they’re true, renewables are busted and debunked as economically viable.

Thanks for the information Faustus.

September 18, 2023 11:50 am

Cronkite, dunno, Brand finally seeing the light appears a little self serving. Wokeness killed comedy and that’s basically his livelihood.

Sure. But he does have a big dick.

If he were sticking it in the rainbow coalition all his sins would be protected.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 18, 2023 11:50 am

As part of the “de facto treaty’ the local Noongars received a temporary cultural centre, while the new one was built. It was pointed out that it would be a good idea to paint over “Voice, Treaty, Truth” on the side of the building….

September 18, 2023 11:51 am

More water cart wandering today… I can see why 20,000 litres is a better size than 2500….
Done 16 trips to a road job yesterday, commented to the lady grader driver a proper water cart would get the job done in 2 trips…

She corrected me – one trip.

Give me a paper cut and squeeze lemon juice in it next time why doesn’t she.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 18, 2023 11:56 am

Apparantly the Sydney Symphony Orchestra now believes in ambushing its audience:

SSO hits divisive note

The Sydney Symphony Orchestra, which I have subscribed to for 20 years, has broken my trust. Prior to the concert on Saturday afternoon a member of the orchestra, without any pre-warning, wrongly used her platform to advocate for a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum. She claimed to speak on behalf of the orchestra. The assumption that every member of the SSO shares her political views in this matter is unlikely. Even if it is the case that all SSO members share identical views, it was a massive breach of trust. SSO audiences have every right to anticipate that their experience will be free of politics. It was also extraordinarily rude to the guest violinist, Emily Sun.

Robin Barker, Bondi, NSW

My husband and I were shocked by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s decision to use its concert to campaign for the Yes vote. The SSO may be playing to its Labor government funders, but its members have forgotten that patrons like my husband and I, as well as thousands of subscribers, also support them. We do so because we hold Western classical music to be the pinnacle of our aesthetic values and a welcome haven for people of all cultures, faiths and political persuasions to come together. The cases for both sides of the referendum are not to be dismissed, but neither are they to be thrust upon us as a captive audience. We are there for the music, not for the political propaganda of the SSO.

Rachael Kohn, Mosman, NSW

At a well-attended afternoon concert at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday the audience was harangued by a member of the orchestra. This person made the now standard acknowledgement of country and followed up with a virtue-signalling announcement that the whole orchestra was supporting the Yes case. There was loud applause by a majority of those present. The remainder were left feeling they had just been ambushed. I have only praise for the musicality of the orchestra. The applause at the end of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony was, I am happy to say, both louder and much more sustained than the applause awarded the voice advertisement.

Christopher Bellenger, Clovelly, NSW

Letters page, Oz newspaper

September 18, 2023 12:00 pm

Had a look at the Insiders interview with Anthony Mundine. His suggestion re Australia Day was that the date of inauguration of Federation may be a conciliatory change. There is some merit in that.

His view re Treaty was as I thought – that it is inappropriate in that Aboriginal groups are all quite different in history and claims. He also thinks that the Native Title Act is covering many of the claims.

Most important was his insistence that you cannot claim that all Aborigines suffer disadvantage – & that the much touted “gap” exists primarily in remote Australian pockets of disadvantage.

While I am opposed in principle to “treaty” I think that Mundine’s comments in the interview are not as explosive as portrayed. You need to view the actual interview, rather than the interpretation in the media.

September 18, 2023 12:02 pm

If he were sticking it in the rainbow coalition all his sins would be protected.


I listened to a Brand-related podcast. This is a man who boasted about banging 80 sheilas every month in his past life. He claims that after some time, he sought professional help for his sex addiction.

Get a feel for the numbers to gain some perspective. Since there are 30 days in a month (use that number for convenience), he was hammering two sheilas on average per day, and occasionally, obviously three. But there was never a chance that one, two, three, or four of these sheilas would refuse and a 6″ 4′ sex addict would accept it in the middle of sex?

September 18, 2023 12:04 pm

The Sydney Symphony Orchestra, which I have subscribed to for 20 years, has broken my trust. Prior to the concert on Saturday afternoon a member of the orchestra, without any pre-warning, wrongly used her platform to advocate for a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum.

We also subscribed to the Great Classics series for over 20 years. But we relinquished great seats because we were sick of the “dirges” that we had to increasingly suffer. I am not surprised that the SSO representation had the audacity to pronounce of then Voice.

September 18, 2023 12:05 pm

Rachael Kohn, Mosman, NSW

Former ABC presenter?

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 18, 2023 12:06 pm

I have a memory of him being a complete turd to scores of people for a cheap laugh, including the prank call to Andrew “Manuel” Sachs.

I remember that too. Wasn’t it that other numbskull Jonathan Ross that aided and abetted Brand? And Mr Sachs was in the early stages of dementia, lovely guys.

September 18, 2023 12:06 pm

“Mr Bowen’s pre-emptive strike”

Ha ha ha typical Labor, on the attack, adversarial and combative not realising they have just opned the debate on Nuclear Power based on cost .. nothing else, just cost.

What numpties, they should be taken for everthing they have now.

Bowen claims it would be $387B, and even if it is double that, so what, it’s still less than the cost of renewables and the ongoing damage to the environment from the renewables.

What do we currently p*ss away to the UN and Ausaid and all the charities and think tanks the government currently funds? How many $B does Victoria regulalry p*ss away of taxpayer money?

Well done Mr Bowen, you’ve set the mark, probably massively inflated to what the cost actually is – but that’s ok, other people can play statistics and math too.

The expense from covid and all the other stupid government waste has educated us as a nation, that there is buckets of money available for whatever is needed obviously, because there is buckets of money available for what is not needed!

Cynical, yes, but let’s face it, no more cynical than the way our government’s treat our funds now.

(Watch Labor now try to reframe the Nuclear Power debate, a debate they never want to have and thought this would shut it down. What do you reckon, Nuclear Waste, damage to the environment .. what, more than windmills and solar farms ha ha good one! What incompetents)

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 18, 2023 12:12 pm

Rachael Kohn, Mosman, NSW

Former ABC presenter?

I’m guessing it is, Roger. Surprising view.

September 18, 2023 12:13 pm

Orchestras and ballets are not hungry enough.
End Government subsidies.
Return to the paradigm where they must be responsive to audiences who are their customers and their financiers.
Burn St Gough’s Australia Council.

September 18, 2023 12:14 pm

The Australian Quiz 7 out of 10.
Has anyone ever got 10?

September 18, 2023 12:15 pm

I know what it said. It didn’t demand what you said it did.

Okay, let me post stoltenberg regarding the ransom note.

” Putin declared in the autumn of 2021 and actually he wanted NATO to sign to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us, and that was a pre-condition for not invading Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that. The opposite happened. He wanted us never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all our allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO. All of central and Eastern Europe, introducing some kind of A and B or second class membership. We rejected that.
So he went to war to prevent more across his borders……

You obviously missed the part where the Klepto demanded not just no enlargement, but a full retreat for established NATO territory.

If there’s something missing, then enlighten us.

September 18, 2023 12:17 pm

Sep 18, 2023 12:14 PM

The Australian Quiz 7 out of 10.
Has anyone ever got 10?

You have to know who came in 3rd place in the WA women’s hockey championship in 2006.

September 18, 2023 12:19 pm

I’m guessing it is, Roger. Surprising view.

Maybe that’s why she’s a former ABC presenter, RD? 😀

One of the more sensible ones, as I recall.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2023 12:19 pm

“Top Ender
Sep 18, 2023 11:56 AM”

I blogged about it here. I attended the SSO on Saturday night, 9th September and the same “lecture” happened.

It’s left a very sour taste in my mouth.

Then my sister, upon reading about “Mob Tix” and how these cheap tickets will be available to ‘indigenous’ at 80% OF the full price, and not just indigenous to this country, but also Maoris, Inuit and so on, will not be renewing her ballet subscription, a subscription which she pays thousands of dollars ever year.

I cannot begin to describe how sick and tired I am of this SHIT. By the way, on Saturday, on holy Shabbat, which was also first day Rosh Hashanah, I heard that after the long service, and before Kiddush (the benediction of the wine and bread), apparently there was a “welcome to country”, said by some invited local far-left Jewish activist. The Herald Sun has this morning reported there was booing however I’ve just received an email from the AJA which says…

This led to the Herald Sun reporting that a leading YES campaigner from the radical activist ‘Standup’ group was reportedly booed at Caulfield Synagogue, one of Melbourne’s largest.

AJA has heard firsthand reports that described it differently, as the congregation making an audible groan and rolling their eyes after a lengthy lecture about being welcomed to their country rather than booing.

Ms Winter-Peters claimed she was left shaken by the incident.

If delicate far-leftist activist Winter-Peters was left shaken after groans and rolled eyes, then the congregants should have booed, they should have yelled, and they should have walked out.

September 18, 2023 12:23 pm

Just quietly, the Queensland government passed a law last week allowing all men accused of rape to be named and shamed in the press from the get-go.

Complainants cannot be named.

Justice and Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Minister Yvette D’Ath said the changes put the interest of victims at the forefront of the judicial system.

?”Rape and sexual assault are some of the most underreported criminal offences in Australia and we want to support victims to come forward and hold perpetrators to account,” she said.

Trials are more or less secondary now. Just for show.

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 18, 2023 12:23 pm

The Australian Quiz 7 out of 10.
Has anyone ever got 10?

I got 8/10 today, Morsie. I mostly get 3 correct so that was a surprise.

September 18, 2023 12:25 pm

Just quietly, the Queensland government passed a law last week allowing all men accused of rape to be named and shamed in the press from the get-go.

Shadow A-G Tim Nichols meekly acquiesced, CL.

Because in 2023 a woman would never attempt to destroy a man’s reputation by false accusation, apparently.

September 18, 2023 12:26 pm

Correction, he’s not the shadow A-G…but spoke to the legislation.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2023 12:31 pm

“Shadow A-G Tim Nichols meekly acquiesced, CL.”

So, can someone tell me what is the point of voting LNP? Ya reckon that is they come into government they’ll reverse this outrage? I blogged about this at C.L.’s this morning. There is simply no point.

Cassie of Sydney
September 18, 2023 12:33 pm

“Just quietly, the Queensland government passed a law last week allowing all men accused of rape to be named and shamed in the press from the get-go.”

Oh and there’s a very political reason why the QLD government brought this in….of course.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 12:34 pm

now I’ll go and research those fuel transfer thrusters


The huge thrust requiring fuel transfer needed on Concorde to get it aloft has always worried me. I wouldn’t fly it even when I could.

Like sitting inside a rocket, imho. Memories of when the Challenger went up. That was just a simple matter of some bad o-rings and a bit of human groupthink.

Perhaps I’m biased though.
When in flight I always have a sneaking doubt about evolved monkeys flying.

Thanks Bill for your warm wishes for a good trip.

September 18, 2023 12:35 pm

This sounds like a riveting, exciting vacation. Definitely on my bucket list.

A journey into the lives of Turkey’s mothers, daughters

Female travellers are forging meaningful connections with those harnessing the power of tourism on this fascinating women-only tour.

Turkey is awash with the feminine mystique. At Ephesus, the Amazon warriors’ legend fortifies the ancient foundations spilling towards the Aegean Sea. At Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, the ghosts of queens and concubines haunt the harem’s vaulted halls. Everywhere I go, women’s stories beckon me; they waft across kitchen tables and along winding roads and between the threads festooning looms hung heavy with their labour.

“You may not call them feminist, but in fact they are feminist because they are changing their neighbourhoods, the environment around themselves, and also they are educating their kids,” says Sengul Akcar, co-founder of the Foundation for the Support of Women’s Work (KEDV).

More recently, they’re tapping into tourism’s spoils.


The oz. Where else.

September 18, 2023 12:35 pm

Sep 18, 2023 12:23 PM
Just quietly, the Queensland government passed a law last week allowing all men accused of rape to be named and shamed in the press from the get-go. Complainants cannot be named.

Yes, heard about that a couple of weeks ago. I have no problem if the person is found guilty – shout their name from the rooftops if necessary. But only on an accusation?! But before they have had a chance to offer any defence? And what happens when an accused is found to be innocent? How do they recover their reputation? What compensation will be available? What a disgrace.

September 18, 2023 12:36 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Sep 18, 2023 10:09 AM

Having a job – any job – is the best aid to maturity that a young person can get.

My first job was leading ponies around for kiddie rides. I was ten years old. Got paid a pittance, would have done it for nothing.

But that and subsequent jobs long before I turned 18 were absolutely invaluable to getting an understanding of the world outside school and the family.


My first job was leading ponies around for kiddie rides. I was ten years old.

In the words of the Yorkshiremen

The “Four Yorkshiremen” is a comedy sketch that parodies nostalgic conversations about humble beginnings or difficult childhoods. It features four men from Yorkshire who reminisce about their upbringing.

Ten years Old – Luxury – I was 7 years old and had Mosman Daily Run North Cremorne early morning & Afternoon Paper Run from Newsagent South side Military Road from Cremorne Junction to Cremorne Wharf, then Tram back to Cremorne Junction and do balancing of Purse versus Starting Float plus Papers/Magazines Sold – any over was tips, any under deducted from pay

Saturday Mornings Pharmacy Run & Sundays Newsagent on North side of Military road selling Sunday papers outside Scared Heart Mosman Church – and starting with float & balancing at end – tips for a 7 year old good on Sundays

PS Johamma – in NSW it was from memory 14 years 9 Months to leave School – all my wife’s Sisters left at that age to do either Secretaial Courses or in case of 2, work at Lotteries Office

My wife, supported by an elderly Aunt, was the only one to go onto Leaving Certifcate and on to Uni

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 18, 2023 12:37 pm

Chris Bowen has targeted Peter Dutton’s pro-nuclear agenda, releasing new estimates that converting coal-fired power stations to 71 reactors would cost $387bn.

In what might be a surprise for the casual observer, China has an excellent nuclear safety record.

At present, as a result of home grown expertise and stolen IP, China presently knocks out utility scale reactors at around US$6bn for a standard 1200MW design.
They are world leaders in the industry.

In China, Australia’s east coast load of 25,000MW could be fitted out with First World, 24/7 nuclear electricity for ~US$125bn.

That investment would operate for 40+ years – as opposed to 8-20 years for a flailing mix of windmills and solar and batteries and outraged landholders.

Bobbing turds like Bowen are the reason why, by 2050, the Chinese will have nicer things than Australians.

September 18, 2023 12:43 pm

It should be noted that accused men will be able to apply for a non-publication order.

But it’s still a step closer to reversing the onus of proof in such cases.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 18, 2023 12:45 pm

Most important was his insistence that you cannot claim that all Aborigines suffer disadvantage – & that the much touted “gap” exists primarily in remote Australian pockets of disadvantage.

This is the part that the No vote needs to hammer home very hard.

The Voice will do nothing for these people. Say it. Again and again and again.
They don’t need schools in their own language either as the silly ad says.
They need to learn English, to read it and write it, and also to do maths.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 18, 2023 12:45 pm

Where is this quiz in The Australian? We normally do the one in the weekend edition, and get about 60% with both of us contributing answers.

Wasn’t aware there was a daily one as well.

September 18, 2023 12:46 pm

Seems Ray Hadley will no longer be heard on morning show on 4BC as from today.

Being replaced by Bill McDonald.

September 18, 2023 12:46 pm

Nicholls didn’t merely acquiesce – he raved about the idea:

The opposition supported the government’s bill, and shadow attorney general, Tim Nicholls, said there did not seem to have been any “significant negative consequences” in jurisdictions where the accused can be named at an earlier stage.

“Indeed, when we think of other serious offences such as murder and manslaughter where the accused is named almost immediately, along with similar serious offences, the logic of retaining the restriction seems even less tenable,” he said.

The law is retrospective – and the Guardian is salivating:

They are likely to be immediately relevant to the case of a high-profile man accused of raping a woman in Toowoomba in 2021.

September 18, 2023 12:47 pm

Not at all, what you missed is that

remove our military infrastructure in all our allies that have joined NATO since 1997

I didn’t. I mentioned it and excerpted it to help you.

is not quite the same as returning NATO to the 1997 status quo ante.

True. They were at least allowed to keep their underwear.

What was clearly part of the negotiation wasn’t the removal of those states from NATO, what was was the partial- full removal of US bases and assets from those post-1997 NATO entrants.

You posted a twitter comment and link that did not describe what you said it did. It was an incorrect description.

This is your initial comment.

Amazing this even has to be argued. Shows the power of concerted Washington-London disinformation campaigns— when you pump the same false message through the same thinktanks, media outlets, social media accounts over and over, quantity becomes propaganda quality.

Max Abrahms
Here’s NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitting Russia informed NATO before the war that it could avert it by denying membership to Ukraine.

I had seen the text of this speech but not the video:

There was more in the ransom note to what you claimed. See my earlier comment directly excepting Stoltenberg.

September 18, 2023 12:50 pm

Dark Emu Exposed has article about Megan Davis.

12% Aboriginal!

Does mention the significant benefits she has gained.

September 18, 2023 12:52 pm

12% Aboriginal!

Good name for a craft beer.

1 2 3 6
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x