Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
Cassie – I’m waiting for him to dump the net-zero edict in 3..2..1.
On the other hand Breitbart thinks he’ll do nice things:
…FOX TO SHIFT RIGHT? (Breitbart mainpage headline, 21 Sep)
I don’t think so. Lachlan is too plugged into the elite stratum. You have to utterly reject that, like Trump, to be a rightie these days. That is very hard to do if you are in the social circle Lachlan is in.
China – Bruce of Newc?
Now perhaps. Not back when Sumner-Miller was sucking eggs for Cadbury. The Tassie chocolate factory was famous. I might someday tell the tale of the round of golf I played at their course. It was one of the magnificent faceplants in my life.
I haven’t eaten any chocolate for years I think. I have other addictions. 😀
“Social media says this Mayo chap isn’t indigenous Australian”
Dunno what his heritage is, don’t care. But there’s one thing he does believe in, and that’s Marxism.
This was where Bob Hawke came unstuck, in 1988. He was promising a Treaty, the draft treaty was released, and certain conservative bodies leaked the terms to the Press – IIRC, the National Party ran an advertising campaign.
“I don’t think so. Lachlan is too plugged into the elite stratum. You have to utterly reject that, like Trump, to be a rightie these days. That is very hard to do if you are in the social circle Lachlan is in.”
Firstly, you have not idea about what Lachlan thinks and doesn’t think.
By the way, do you subscribe to any of the News Corp mastheads? I think not.
476,000 year old wooden structure – 90 degree interlocking wooden battens.
Mainstream archeology is bunk once more.
Deadshit Pence-flip flop De Santis
One of my gym buddies used to be married to Sarah before she hooked up with Lauchie.
“476,000 year old wooden structure – 90 degree interlocking wooden battens.”
I will reiterate:- If you intend to buy Cadbury’s – please check country of manufacture very carefully.
Just regular people I suspect.
We’re gonna have to build time machines to really figure all of this out.
(Ronald Mallett is really trying to build one with lasers).
I only eat dark chocolate.
Actually, I do like cherry ripes.
Yes Cassie I do. Under his leadership Newscorp instituted the net-zero policy.
It is a stinking lie.
And yes I do not subscribe to any Newscorp mastheads because I will not pay for lies. I look at the Oz and Tele websites from time to time and the wretched lefty crud they exude reinforces my decision. I have subscribed in the past. Until they get a brain transplant I will not be subscribing.
Lately both orifices have been spruiking EVs like carnival barkers. Completely contemptible.
I have always had a passion for pioneer (battler) history and devote significant time to seeking out the little people stories.
Our farm machinery historical group has rapidly morphed into a battler history group. The resources that we are discovering are extraordinary, but not being squatter history, they take considerable ferriting out.
We were all rather rocked last night when our guest historian who specialises in far western QLD/south east NT communities delivered a presentation on parenting.
One cameo statement: “what do you do when you live in a two room, dirt floor stone house without water and with no money when a new bub arrives”? “You create a crib in the house meat safe and place the tot in it to protect him/her from bugs, rats, snakes and dogs.
I am now beginning to understand the historical underpinnings of the stoic, independant, self helping, ignoring diversity culture that defines our inner city elites.
“Yes Cassie I do.
Oh, do you know Lachlan? Really? I don’t think so, and no, you don’t know hat Lachlan Murdoch thinks.
Although, maybe Brucie can read minds! LOL.
The Australian is the best newspaper in this country, by far.
Interviewed today, this bloke laid out his agenda. Tackling climate change, new trade routes using FN expertise, foreign affairs. Appointed by P Wong and operating out of DFAT. Apparently he brings First Nations knowledge of international diplomacy and trade. He wants FN to the forefront in foreign policies and international presentations.
One country, two foreign ministers. It’s a gravy train.
Cassie – Newscorp announced under Lachlan’s leadership that they would support net zero.
That is contemptible.
Lachlan is the boss. He wears the deserved contempt.
I hope he gets a brain and returns to reality. I’m not seeing any signs of it though.
Btw how is Tucker going?
I have a weakness for Turkish Delight. And Flake.
There. I’ve said it.
Parrots have a surfeit of choice for their shit to be deposited on.
The Australian is the best newspaper in this country, by far.
Maybe but that’s not saying much.
“Parrots have a surfeit of choice for their shit to be deposited on.”
Well you’d know about that, wouldn’t you? Birds visit you to shit on you all the time.
Who’s his mentor, Bruce Pascoe?
You have to see this to believe it.
James Woods
They are so desperate to keep their filthy hands at the helm of power, they will literally haul illegal votes in by train.
Cassie – Birds are honest and innocent. The owners of The Australian are not, they are mendacious and conniving. I really really dislike the social engineering which Newscorp has been doing lately. It’s abhorrent and slimy. I hate what they do to Sky News, who somehow still survive. They occasional do required religious homage to the false gods of Newscorp, but never so enthusiastically as the Oz or the Tele.
Russell Brand, at this point, has been accused of criminal conduct. Caroline Dinenage, on the other hand, has blatantly and publicly broken the law in pressuring media companies to treat him as if he had already been convicted without due process. I wonder what consequences she will face. Ha ha.
Caroline Dinenage vs Russell Brand Rabbit Hole
Mmmm. I have one daily after a breakfast of fruit, ham and/or scrambled eggs. Unbeatable.
Longish rant feel free to scroll but uncontrolled movements of people seems to be everywhere…
Flight from Sydney last night to Townsville. Probably about 10-20 Africans. Hard looking men with some unhijabed women and a handful of children, I didn’t think Sudanese but were from somewhere on the dark continent. English was very poor however. On arrival the gate area (For anyone who has departed TSV knows it is a narrow isle to lift/escalators for an airport) was blocked by about 30-50 other similar African types with well dressed handlers all hugging & carrying on but not giving an s they were blocking people disembarking. Alliance Airlines staff did nothing. First irritation.
The fact the entourage was through security on the last flights of the night is very unusual as it is normally closed by then and the baggage claim area where family’s are only allowed to wait. Got to baggage claim and all their luggage was off first, all full of IOM regalia and a cameraman in tow. It was very in your face and resembled the RGR era where they flung the doors open to all & sundry with the illegal boat arrivals. More irritation.
All I thought looking at the fellas is they looked tough in the way even our hardened types don’t. Couldn’t get rid of the feeling we are importing more trouble the likes of what we already see in Melbourne and Brisbane.
That said my last 3 days was in western Sydney. Saw some houso areas as you do in
that part of the city but we visited couple on several of occasions through friends who were in a commission flat for older people. The guy has had a rough trot due to medical issues and we took him to the pub. He is Aussie born, only 3 of the residents in the flats were Aussie born. Rest were older immigrants that spoke next to zero English and majority of those have never worked here. Apparently waiting list is very long, friends couple had to hand back their flat when the rent climbed to a level a pensioner couldn’t afford but waited years on the PH waiting list till his disability gave him an in. Yet Minns wants to jam more into Sydney. Go figure.
Long and short, we don’t matter to either side. We aren’t and haven’t been importing the worlds best for decades now. Secondly the left has learned, boats lose votes & elections but planeloads of similar ilk don’t being much easily hidden.
It is a tell that the editorial policies of the Oz and the Tele are lefty, but the opinion writers are righties. Thus the mastheads suck us in and attempt to alter our thinking. It’s a scam, and we pay for it. Well I won’t.
I will not weep when Newscorp dies. GWGB. I hope Breitbart, Newsmax or OAN replaces them.
From “The Spectator.”
Someone’s having a lend.
So, will the MCG crowd heed Sam Newman’s counsel?
Real Turkish Delight is sublime. Place in Albury make it. Best by far. I don’t know what the stuff Cadbury make is.
Sep 22, 2023 7:45 PM
Outstanding, if they did!
My great grandfather got into the paper for having lumbago. The next year his bumper wheat crop got in there as well.
I love how matter of fact and innocently things were reported back then.
Sam Newman?
Pig’s whistle, son.
Long and short, we don’t matter to either side. We aren’t and haven’t been importing the worlds best for decades now.
Canbra has been at war with productive citizens for decades.
” I hate what they do to Sky News, who somehow still survive. “
LOL…..he doesn’t even watch it.
“It is a tell that the editorial policies of the Oz and the Tele are lefty”
Wrong again, no they are not.
Sticks to birds.
I have a weakness for Turkish Delight.
I only eat Turkish Delight when sleighing.
I have had the misfortune to be acquainted with canbra pubes and I know what the mindset is.
“Outstanding, if they did!”
People are often too polite.
Bruce O’Nuke:
Don’t tell me it’s wabbit season again?
What did the Americans ever do for us?
Correct, rockdoctor.
The left has learned that importing the replacement electorate on boats illegally causes their parliamentary enablers to be thrown out of office because the punters — especially the migrants — don’t appreciate being treated like second-class citizens in their own democracy.
Putting the illegals on planes puts their fate before the bought-and-paid-for appointed (i.e. unelected) Australian judiciary, who never saw a violent revolution they didn’t like — from which, as useful idiots, they will be p;rotected.
Trove is a treasure trove of information from the early days.
I’ve seen family mentioned for broken arms, sponsoring sports events, riding in amateur horse races, to reports about disputes over hay to death by horse, and other less reputable incidents.
No. It is inexplicable.
The Nut Shop in Sydney’ Strand Arcade makes the most delicious dark chocolate covered ginger.
Yeah well my sister drives a hard bargain. Hold onto your hat negotiating with her old chap.
Had to look up IOM- another old Portuguese turd in charge.
Cassie – I read the Sky News website two or three times a day.
Is that a bad thing?
I can’t recall how many Sky News articles I have linked on the Cat today. Five or six. You can go check, I’m sure you’ll find a fault with my arithmetic.
And yes, the editorial policy of The Australian and The Daily Telegraph are lefty. It’s obvious. Just look at the endless climate rubbish they spew. The EV spruiking. The tongue bathing of Albo and Minns. It’s revolting.
Apparently Townsville has significant Nigerian and Central African Republic communities.
Jeez Louise.
Two old Portuguese turds now at the UN-In 1995, Vitorino became Minister for National Defence and Deputy Prime Minister in the first government of António Guterres. He resigned in 1997 for being suspected of tax evasion.
The woman, who is nominally muslim, decided to try pork on camera and uttered the islamic word Bismallah before doing so.
I don’t agree with their blasphemy laws but she took a huge risk doing that on social media.
She got 2 years in prison.
Fortunately she wasn’t a Christian in Pakistan or she might have faced a death penalty.
My old boomer boss/Managing Director/Indirect Report:
“Just live in a 4 sq m box, move further out from the city and accept a 180 minute commute each day.”
I hear Parklea has some community based concrete slab construction but it is segregated by sex.
I’m immune to the enchanted sort.
It has strings attached.
The editorial policy of The Australian and The Daily Telegraph are not left.
“Fortunately she wasn’t a Christian in Pakistan or she might have faced a death penalty”
She’d probably be dead.
Cassie, did you know there is a dark chocolate version of Cherry Ripe?
Almost as good as Old Gold Rum and Raisin.
Cheers Tom, I have worked overseas and am not against controlled immigration but I see the same going on now as under RGR, also on QF tagged flights and it has the same in your face feel as it did then. I don’t care about the UNHCR, our refugee intake should be a fraction of what it is given the problems housing our own disadvantaged.
At bare minimum get rid of the IOM paraphernalia and camera crews making it seem rightly or wrongly, an in your face feeling. Was a full flight from SYD, 70 odd other passengers would have walked past that show and not all looked impressed in the baggage claim where their families that showed were waiting.
This is simply unbelievable. Caroline Dinenage is now sending letters to GB News complaining that “having a presenter so clearly supportive of an individual who’s the subject of intense media coverage undermines any perception of due impartiality!!!!!” (The exclamation marks are mine). Apparently, her idea of due impartiality is totally one sided coverage. This is abuse of power on an epic scale by someone who obviously sees herself as being above the law.
Tory MP Tells GB News To CANCEL Pro Russell Brand Presenters
Cassie, did you know there is a dark chocolate version of Cherry Ripe?
Yes, they’re bloody delicious.
I get the feeling that the actual environment is now a pretty low priority.
Devastating risks of transitioning to ‘green’ energy: Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to toxic waste, 500,000km of rivers polluted and 16 million acres of farmland ruined
22 Chilling Facts Supporting Joe Biden’s Impeachment
Classic overreach, now doubling down. How long has she got now her machinations have had a good dose of sunlight?
Another way of rendering Australia ungovernable, should the peasants ever dare to elect a Liberal Govenment.
I think it shows that the canbra abomination both the pubes and the pollimuppets work for the UN and other foreign interests. Certainly not the people who pay them. Interesting the involvement of the IOM.
Oh, and this is a Conservative attempting to monster independent platforms over a complaint. Not a charge, not a conviction, but an unsubstantiated complaint.
An over-elevated jobsworth.
Someone’s having a lend.
As Sancho memorably said,
Pull the other one, it’s got a spear through it.
Yeah na Rosie, there are some around but not in large numbers. They would be fairly visible but aren’t, the African population is very small and seems to be concentrated round Aitkenvale. Most move on quickly I’d say to Sydney & Melbourne.
All the Afghans, Tamils and Iranians dumped here in the RGR area are a shade of what arrived. I’d say the latest arrivals will do similar.
Maybe I’m missing the point. If you haven’t read a newspaper like the Oz for decades how does someone know it’s editorial lean?
miltonf, having been a long time flyer in & out of the airport here the overt involvement of IOM was around during RGR era as well. Before that back to the ’90’s never saw them. I’d say they have been always involved, just more clandestine under Coalition governments.
Who tells these scum what to do? Who gave the order to cancel Brand and all those who support him?
This is making me increasingly better disposed towards him. Until this outrageous cancelling I didn’t care for him at all
Interesting that now Warren Mundine is leaning leftward he is invited onto The Insiders.
DrBeau, she’s a Baroness. She can do whatever she wants.
Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself of that Cassie.
Sorry, but yes – the management are lefty.
The readers are righty. Which is why those mastheads are going to die. At some stage their readers will correctly decide they aren’t worth paying for.
The good thing about this present age is that there are many other news sources, once you look for them.
Interesting numbers on Fox watchers today. Although the following story is about CNN the Fox numbers were much more illuminating.
Nolte: Disgraced CNN Hits All-Time Weekend Ratings Low (20 Sep)
A year ago Fox was getting two or three million viewers, now they are triumphantly having 683 thousand! Victory! Not.
The punters are ditching the propaganda outlets, cutting their cables, and are going to other sources.
Newsmax by comparison has more than doubled their viewership, because they provide righty content and don’t try to psychologically manipulate their viewers like Fox and Newscorp seem to like doing lately.
Oh, and just so casual observers understand, my feverish downticker despises the Rule of Law and loves the titled elites. Of any stamp.
I heard an interesting story from wifey this evening. Her niece is a hospital doc and because she does long hours and weekend surgery-related work, she was owed around 50K because of withholding anomalies. Anyway, her accountant submitted her tax return, expecting a refund.
Get this: ATO was hacked. The hacker changed the bank details on the return. It took the ATO three months to investigate the event and pay the refund. It means the hacking occurred on the ATO side of the return; otherwise, they wouldn’t have paid out. I find this amazing.
“If you haven’t read a newspaper like the Oz for decades how does someone know it’s editorial lean?”
Indeed, but you see, if you can read minds, like a person here is able to read Lachlan Murdoch’s mind (amazing), who needs to read the newspaper. He is able to read the minds of the editors! Oy vey!
I wonder if our resident incel has left his basement today?
Mutt of the week!
Vic Cats only, she looks like a ripper highland lurcher.
Also a flat-coated sister too, “Georgia” with a more robust snout…
I’m watching James Morrow’s US Report on Sky News and I’m laughing out loud at America’s puppet president and vice-president.
They are both cartoon characters from something Disney would have produced in the 1950s and 1960s.
Meanwhile, they’re flooding the country with millions of Democratic Party voters per annum. It’s comical, sinister and beyond belief.
If the multiple points of identification required to open a bank account are even halfway valid, it should not be difficult to track the holder of the account to which the money was diverted. Is she demanding answers from the ATO? They will screech “Privacy”, but she should demand, as a minimum, that the miscreant be charged publicly, for a clear case of fraud.
If you are referring to the fat fascist fool mUnty, he has been too busy here, giving thumbs down to all and sundry.
B John
The hacking occurred inside the ATO system. This is what I find serious. It wasn’t through either her computer nor the accountants.
I understand the mindset of privilege, Calli. And the authoritarian element. What needs an explanation is, why pick on Brand? Obviously, he’s a blowhard who annoys all the right people, but why take him so seriously, who in particular is pissed off by his diatribes and has given the order to cancel him? It’s hard to believe he upset the baroness personally; so someone else got annoyed. Who? And how did they pressure her?
Author, actor and activist Natasha Wanganeen told NITV she is part of the Aboriginal sovereignty movement which she said is the ‘other side of the no campaign… that has been hijacked massively’.”
I’ll see her 251 sovereignity and raise her some all Oz sovereignty ..!
My eldest grandson .. mother descends from 2nd Fleet free settler, Dad from 1st fleet convict .. he’s the 1st child of the only inter-marriage between descendants of both families …….
Cassie – There’s a difference between what elites say and what they do. The net-zero Newscorp policy is a sign of what they really believe. Trump rejects it, which is one reason why the Murdochs are so hostile towards him. It’s a tell.
What needs an explanation is, why pick on Brand?
Punish him for wrongthink. As a warning to others.
Don’t forget Murdoch backed Whitlam and bLIAR. He was also a big spruiker for the Iraq debacle.
It relates to the hacks of Optus and Medibank.
Too easy to get a mygov account?
In December, ABC Investigations revealed how criminals were gaining unauthorised entry to the ATO’s data by creating false myGov accounts and linking them to the tax files of genuine taxpayers.
He’s reading minds again.
Have you stopped raging at “people who walk to the shops each day”?
I alwayz walk to the shops ..! might have something to do with the fact that the nearest entrance to the local shopping centre is a pedestrian only entrance about 25 mts from my front gate .. walk around a minute .. drive around the block (2 sets traffic lights) and parking up to 15 minutes ..!
You couldn’t defend that sovereignty – you were conquered as totally as few races have ever been…
I’d say they have been always involved, just more clandestine under Coalition governments.
I’d say Vanstone and her canbra controllers would know.
“He was also a big spruiker for the Iraq debacle.”
Milt, I supported the Iraq debacle, something I regret. I think many others here did too.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
A small anecdote.
My elderly mother subscribes to the Tele. She is a righty. It infuriates her but she hates technology and won’t use a laptop. She wants a newspaper to read. Thus the Tele. She can’t abide the SMH or the Oz which are the only other ones, so the Tele is the only way she can get any news at all.
Recently she had the idea of checking out what was on TV, so she asked my stepbrother, who lives nearby, to get her TV working again. She hadn’t used it for years. He did so.
One evening it lasted, then OFF! My mum could not stand the endless lefty rubbish. Hasn’t watched it since, instead has been reading novels. Fortunately she has a whole houseful of them.
She’s not as righty as I am, for example she can’t stand Donald Trump. But the menu available these days is so wretched that fiction is more palatable.
Regarding the hard men in Townsville I seem to remember on Michael Smith’s blog years ago photos of so called Iranian refugees arriving on TI.
All the men were young and huge.They all looked like military.
I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree about the Murdochs Cassie. I concede the Oz and Hun do have some excellent writers still like Terry McCrann and Janet Albrechtsen. My view is the Murdochs are Bush -Washington War Machine globalists.
I understood that, but the key point is that someone in the ATO system committed an act of fraud, and she needs to keep the pressure on the ATO to have the guilty one dragged before the courts. The ATO has, of course, had another recent issue with a bloke using insider knowledge (his old man is/was a senior ATO officer). If the ATO tries to bury this incident, the Office looks corrupt at its core, keep the pressure up until they fold.
Pro Publica drops another story on Clarence Thomas.
Greater Western Sydney Homos have been all over, and I mean all over the Pies for most of three quarters.
Goal to Bobby Hill though, bringing the margin back to 11 points.
Really, really hoping the Oxford Street flamers get gassed, and quick.
97000+ at the G. Magnificent.
I linked an article that said the ATO has likely lost over half a billion through fake myGov accounts being linked to genuine ATO tax file numbers, thanks to data harvested through the Medicare and Optus hacks.
So it’s poor security in the ATO at the mygov level rather than people accessing ATO data directly.
Isaac Quaynor glorious in defence.
I was going to do a concise summary of why the screech will be profoundly different from any other section of the Constitution and be able to dictate to parliament but I think this sums up the Zeitgeist better:
Isn’t Collingwood meant to be good?
Pre-1788 Australia was a continent of at least 500 tribes.
To describe Australia as “sovereign” or as a “nation” before then denies the true meaning of those words.
Na not like that. These guys were slight of stature, dressed unassuming but had the hard look I’ve only seen in the more rougher areas of the third world.
My hope at the end of the day is they do well and prosper but this mob had a different look to what I’ve seen in the past.
I’ll leave it that.
Ian Kershaw’s two volume biography of Hitler shows up the same revelation: that everyone in power once Hitler got in permanently – and those who wanted to join in – went along with the whole Holocaust idea.
One of the main points I get from KL is that the Holocaust was just an extension to a system that was up & running within 3 months of the Nazis gaining power in 1933 .. the frightening fact is the entire camp system was on the agenda long before they took control .. between 1934 & 1938, believe it or not, most Jews (not all) imprisoned were, actually, released on the provisio they emigrate (after suitable fees extracted) .. it wasn’t until 1939 that ceased and not until after Wannsee that the Jews became the prime target for the camps ( between 1939-42 the Einzatsgruppen were operating).. up to 1940 it was other Germans, communists, criminals ( a catch-all definition used to cover anyone it suited ) anyone not Nazi politically even being unemployed was enuf to get you arrested .. between 1939-1942 the Poles were the the main victims followed by the other conquered territories .. until late 1942 gassing wasn’t widespread .. most deaths occurred thru being worked to death thru slave labour conditions, daily brutality/disease and starvation …..
Which particular bit of wrongthink started the process? Who exactly felt got at? I can’t believe it was the baroness, so who initiated this cancellation? And how did they get her to do it?
B John
The poor kid works 30 hours a day.
Gassing was introduced because killing by hand was too slow and causing mental health issues for the Einzatsgruppen.
the final solution
“up to 1940 it was other Germans, communists, criminals ( a catch-all definition used to cover anyone it suited ) anyone not Nazi politically even being unemployed was enuf to get you arrested .. between 1939-1942 the Poles were the the main victims followed by the other conquered territories .. until late 1942 gassing wasn’t widespread .. most deaths occurred thru being worked to death thru slave labour conditions, daily brutality/disease and starvation …..”
Wrong, the focus of the Germans, beginning on 1 September 1939 with the invasion of Poland, was the elimination of Jews. Until the death camps were set up, Jews were routinely herded into ghettoes, shot dead, buried alive, and set fire to in homes and synagogues. The Germans found all of this inefficient, hence the construction of gas chambers, which was to quicken the process of eliminating Europe’s Jews, but it was also easier.
Did the article suggest the hacking is an inside job? Kind of sounds like it when you think about it. I’m not sure an outside hacker can surf around the ATO site causally looking for refunds. More than likely it’s an internal issue.
The mystery to me is that the funds are traceable to the last account unless it’s some third world slop hole.
Sep 22, 2023 9:50 PM
Gassing was introduced because killing by hand was too slow and causing mental health issues for the Einzatsgruppen.
Snap Rosie.
Well said!
Sorry, I’ve a somewhat jaundiced view of the whole issue at the moment. The local activists are pushing the picture of the Noongar people living in peace and harmony with the land, in family groups, in clusters of huts along the river, each family group caring for the children and the old people, until the evil whitefella brought guns and disease…
Wrong, the focus of the Germans, beginning on 1 September 1939 with the invasion of Poland, was the elimination of Jews. Until the death camps were set up, Jews were routinely herded into ghettoes, shot dead, buried alive, and set fire to in homes and synagogues. The Germans found all of this inefficient, hence the construction of gas chambers, which was to quicken the process of eliminating Europe’s Jews, but it was also easier.
I’m using details from the book KL: history of the concentration camps .. the book is about the internal camp system operations not the outside camp atrocities ……
Germans also have had an odd fetish about chemistry for a long time. We had to do a semester of German in fourth year uni because of the Beilstein and Gmelin encyclopediae. I still have my English-German science dictionary somewhere. There was something about German society in the early 20thC that just went nuts for chemistry. We still have some of the players around, like Bayer and Merck.
In 1937 there was some knowledge of the camps. My 3 great uncles were arrested because, as dock workers in Hamburg, they were through and through socialists.
They were given a choice, enlist, or the whole family , in this case Uroma, their mother, Oma, their sister, and my mother, their niece, would be sent to a camp.
Obviously enough was known that two chose the navy, they are both somewhere on the bottom of the Atlantic, one went down on the Bismarck, the other’s U-boat never returned . The third, left his arm at Stalingrad.
A friend of mine’s father was born in a village outside Krakow. He wrote his memoirs, which were distributed to family and friends. I’ve read them, not easy reading. These memoirs are now lodged in the US Holocaust Museum and at Yad Vashem. This man was one of 12 children, his parents were middling types, his father was a tailor. My friend’s father was a teenager when the Germans arrived in that village in September 1939. From day one the Germans started harassing Jews, beating them, confining them to particular streets and of course, the compulsory wearing of the star on clothing. One of my friend’s father’ brothers was a “special”, in his early teens, well he didn’t last long, given to taunting the Germans, he was shot dead by them shortly after the Germans arrived.
My friend’s father’s story is painful, but he was one tough Jew, which is why he survived. When the surviving Jews in the village were being rounded up to be transported to the ghetto in Krakow (before they were liquidated), my friend’s father escaped and fled to the forest where he joined Jewish and Polish partisans. He was always proud of that, the fighting he did. He survived the war, just. After the war, he returned to the village to learn his mother, his father and all of his siblings had been murdered when the Krakow ghetto was liquidated, however, after moving to Australia in the late 1950s, long assuming he was the sole survivor, in 1968 he received a letter from a US Jewish Agency to tell him that an older sister had survived and she was living in Chicago.
Those who have volunteered via Fair Australia to assist at referendum “pre-poll” places and at booths on the day itself may have just received an email like the one below (italics).
It sounds great in theory, but based on my first-hand observations of the nearly non-existent and shambolic logistics the SFLs put up in my western Sydney electorate at the latest state election, it’s actually a bit of a concern.
The Libs and Nats may end up being a hindrance not a help. If there’s any change that that can balls it up, then they probably will:
Dear Davey,
As early voting gets closer and closer, we’re firming up the plans for all the activity on booths so we win every vote we can.
And you may have seen reports recently that we got a big boost with the Liberal and National parties joining forces with Fair Australia to help coordinate polling day operations around the country. [The Australian, ‘Indigenous voice to parliament: Libs and Nats bolster No campaign, as Yes23 launches new ad’, September 15, 2023.]
There’s no question the Yes campaign is using every resource at its disposal to try to buy the result through its union and activist networks, so the help of these major parties will go a long way to countering that effort.
Joining forces means more resources, more manpower, and more on-the-ground support to give us every chance of stopping them dividing our country by race in the Constitution.
What does that mean for you?
Nothing changes in terms of your volunteer commitments, however some of the local polling booth organising will now be done by coordinators from the Liberal or National parties who are volunteering on behalf of Fair Australia’s ‘NO’ campaign.
That means they might contact you on our behalf, however please note that your data will still be removed after referendum day as per our commitment to you when you first put your hand up to join our team.
“more resources, more manpower, and more on-the-ground support” I’m calling BS on this. They were nowhere to be seen, why would it be any different for the referendum?
The lady, and her husband, who ran the tearooms in the Wheatbelt town I grew up in, were Holocaust survivors. They chose Australia because it was the furthermost place on Earth from Europe, and they were concerned that all the old hatreds would flare again..
Oh. My. Lord.
gws would have won with a few less selfish shots in front of goal.
the umps also did not give at least 4 free kicks to gws in last 5 minutes – ankle trip, high tackles, holding ball – guess AFL ordered magpies to win.
No JC.
It identified significant weaknesses in the mygov app, it is too easy to set up a fake account and link it to tfns harvested via the Medicare and Optus hacks.
The ATO apparently had/has less security checks than Medicare when it comes to linking new mygov accounts to existing TFNs, then allowing changes to contact numbers, bank account details etc and scammers were lodging quickly in early July or in quiet parts of the FY.
I doubt inside knowledge would be required, just a matter of testing the system to see what works, I think the article said most refunds were under 5k, both bas and it returns were affected.
After all the ATO prefills most payg details; add in a bunch of big tax deductions and a nice refund goes in to the new account within around ten days, and the account can be emptied immediately.
But what’s half a bill in taxpayers’ money; easy come, easy go.
well, that was a tense 10 minutes
BWS coulda done it
whatevs … same colours
DEW directed at the eyes of the umpires by Magpie fans high in the light towers.
Pete m is all over it.
I am now sufficiently recovered to visit a local establishment.
I’m off to bed.
A long drive to SA tomorrow and hoping to buy a top yard dog at the Lucindale working dog auction on Sunday.
I like nearly all of you who participate on this blog, but arguments about who is left or right wing here is futile if not outright silly, other than a few obvious ones, most of us lean to the right or at least to the center.
Besides, it’s all relative to your own ideology as to which newspaper is of the right or left, I know a raving Marxist who regards a fellow traveler as to the right of Genghis Khan, because of just one position they disagree on, they agree on everything else.
One might think that. The umpiring was terrible for a while there. The trip was unforgivable.
Word has trickled down Moore is a flamer – ugly looking dude.
Wonder when Dame Caroline Dinenage will get around to writing to Youtube about this chap:
Sone balls on those kids, with those fake government accounts.
Did the niece get paid points? These arseholes were into her for 50k.
Still, this doesn’t explain how the ATO got hacked short of faking your nieces’ profile, a form of social engineering attack, which in theory wouldn’t be too hard since it was discussed how easily the keys could be replicated as they were linked to your name and not random enough. Remember how geeks were discussing SLKs back in 2016-2018 and how a simple JavaScript file could replicate the key of DOB & full names? One blogger I read proved they could replicate the keys for MT Esq PM and the singing budgie.
Surely a doc wouldn’t have Optus or Medibank Private like some of us plebs?
Doc BeauGan:
They smell the way the wind is blowing. It becomes self reinforcing.
Robert Sewell
Sep 23, 2023 12:20 AM
Doc BeauGan:
Who tells these scum what to do? Who gave the order to cancel Brand and all those who support him?
The Illuminati, so to speak, have their own social network as do car enthusiast. What’s more, they have access to journos, and other media outlets.
Simple as.
You don’t need to be a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
The creed of the go-along to get-along set.
woof bark growl:
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at Union Station in downtown Los Angeles
I planted a huge kiss on a mastiv today.
More sound advice from Senator Jacinta Price –