Double-downticked, at least! Aaaahahahahaaaaa. Teh PeoPLe are Rising Up!
Double-downticked, at least! Aaaahahahahaaaaa. Teh PeoPLe are Rising Up!
I don’t listen to the radio so missed out on this modern classic by Cardi B
How do you know its $5.
Was there excessive force? There was clearly an intent by the un-alived scrote to use excessive force so what part…
NewsBreaking News Bruce Lehrmann to apply for judge alone trial in alleged Toowoomba rape caseFormer parliamentary staffer Bruce Lehrmann, who…
I thought pregnant and nursing mothers were forbidden as well?
That’s all very well – but producers will strike trouble attempting to cast rangas in biblical films, or those about saints.
Their lack of souls precludes them.
Boambee John:
They weren’t Fascists – they were stupid boys who hadn’t grown up.
“I thought pregnant and nursing mothers were forbidden as well?”
Yes indeed.
Can’t believe just how badly Yes is doing.
On the Grampian Nazis its odd. The absence of them anywhere else in Oz and the fact they turn up at convenient times has me scratching my head apart from being encouraged by Dan Andrews minions or Vic Pol.
Nothing surprises me about Victoria anymore, the place is run like a banana republic.
They were holding a banner saying “VOICE = ANTI WHITE”. They are on your side, matey, and they are neo-Nazis.
This is ironclad proof they are (a) Nazi & (b) siding with me on everything.
Monty, please consider the reality that you are a waste of space, or a bluddee idiot.
Or both.
I mean, I realise that the continued appearance of neo-Nazis at protests supporting causes you believe in causes extreme cognitive dissonance for you lot.
It’s a tough fact to square with your belief system, coddled as it is inside the epistemic bubble of Rumble blackguards and Truth Social grifters.
Try to use those noggins of yours, though. Perhaps your brains are so smooth that inconvenient facts just slide off. I hope some of you retain some level of skepticism about your side’s talking points.
Nah who am I kidding, none of you are going to exit the cult.
The turning point of the Voice campaign will, of course, be when Riccardo Bosi makes his view known.
“They were holding a banner saying “VOICE = ANTI WHITE”. They are on your side, matey, and they are neo-Nazis”
The only neo Nazis are those you choose to associate with, pervert apologist.
Now get lost, you really are despicable low grade racist grub.
Monty just piss off. All you do is vomit at DNC ALP talking points. Get lost.
‘Despicable’ is being polite.
“It’s a tough fact to square with your belief system, coddled as it is inside the epistemic bubble of Rumble blackguards and Truth Social grifters.”
LOL…the pervert apologist is trying to be “intellectual”.
“with Fat Boy their version of Goebbels” and poor old Goebbels had no balls at all! Sounds like mutley. A Fascist, no balls and a diet of Krispy Kremes to turn him fat.
More Evidence that U.S. Intelligence Analysis is Broken and Politicized
Latest bribery allegations severely undermine CIA credibility and may gravely damage national security
Last week, American Greatness reporter Debra Heine reported a bombshell story that a “highly credible” CIA whistleblower has told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the CIA “bribed” six of its analysts with significant financial incentives to change their initial conclusion that the COVID-19 pandemic originated from a biolab leak in Wuhan, China and to instead conclude that the virus emerged naturally.
This is the latest of a growing number of reports in recent years of politicized analysis by U.S. intelligence agencies that are not just undermining their credibility but may also be doing grave damage to U.S. national security.
The new allegation helps explain several examples of biased Intelligence Community analysis of the pandemic’s origins that appeared to favor the natural origins theory over the lab leak theory for political reasons. It appears that U.S intelligence agencies were determined to support the view of the mainstream media, the liberal elite, and the Biden Administration on the origin of the virus and not the view of American conservatives and former President Trump that it was created by China in a biolab and leaked from that lab.
The most recent unclassified Intelligence Community report, released on June 23, 2023, said five intelligence agencies determined the COVID-19 pandemic likely emerged naturally and was not linked to a Wuhan biolab. Two other agencies, the Energy Department intelligence office and the FBI, concluded the virus originated from a “laboratory-associated incident.” CIA reported that it could not determine the origins of the COVID-19 virus due to conflicting reporting.
According to the Washington Times, Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer, assessed that the June 2023 intelligence assessment appeared to be “deliberately agnostic regarding the virus’s origin” and “designed to support the Biden administration’s new policy of engagement and lowered tensions toward China.”
There also was controversy surrounding an April 2020 intelligence assessment that concluded the virus “was not manmade or genetically modified.”
Not only was this assessment probably issued to discredit President Trump’s statements about the virus origins, it was reportedly hurriedly issued without White House approval to get it out before John Ratcliffe, an outspoken critic of China for its role in the COVID pandemic, was confirmed as Director of National Intelligence in late May 2020.
Trying to understand it.
The tally on the All voters -red side is 62% while the tally on the blue side is 38%. This is includes the small not-certain on both sides of the color bands.
Is that right?
Monty pox really encapsulates everything that is wrong with modern leftism but that’s what happens I suppose when you’ve never had to work for your living. Poisonous, spiteful and dishonest.
And fat.
Next time there’s a leftist anti-Israel protest and the Star of David is superimposed on a swastika, I will await the pervert apologist’s condemnation. Oh wait, the pervert apologist won’t condemn them because he agrees with the Jew hatred being displayed, and he’ll make excuses such as “legitimate grievances”.
Why the difference in ages for girls and boys? Just curious, and I find the reason for religious restrictions fascinating. If it’s for menarche for the girls, what happens to the ten year old girls who qualify? And why 13 for boys? It just seems a bit arbitrary.
Fresh one from You Dubyay, business and commerce.
“Working towards a Sustainable Global Economy”.
Seems Uni- or at the very least, whichever ad agency has spaffed this drivel over the UWA banner- has been penetrated by the Lizard People. I’m ashamed that I once almost graduated from such a quisling pile of sandstone blocks.
They Want You Dead
Some progressives would be happy to see conservatives dead.
Why? Because we strongly question government’s role, direction, intent, and motives and resist the control they wish to exert on us. We’re an existential threat to their endgame.
No longer free, Constitutional citizens, they intend us to become sterilized worker bees; if not, we’re a threat to the hive and must be eradicated. They think they can make you disbelieve your eyes and ears, believe you’re just imagining all the changes, hoping you’ll go back to sleep as some have.
We live in a civil society where the Rule of Law was to be our universal bedrock guarantee even as it dissolves right before our eyes through government actions and inactions. Thousands are dying in the streets through unrestrained violence and drug use. In Chicago, they’re even trying to schedule gang wars and shootouts at a specific time of day!
Politicians’ mouths move, words come out, but their actions reflect their partisanship, not their citizenship.
Too few see the venom of the Left as revealing their real endgame.
President Trump wasn’t responsible for any of this.
Trump was like a truth elixir that revealed what was always there for others to see. The Left was/is working like subterranean termites eating away at our foundations.
The progressives want to end anyone and anything that stands in their way of a reimagined America as an exemplar for the rest of the world. They hope other countries will copy or be forced to adopt their ideas for a New Utopia, which is much more malign: 1984 made real.
The reinvention of America is a necessary step toward one world government run by elites, all while wearing the trappings of the ‘caring’ Left. Their policies are designed to carry the votes of women, minorities, and especially the idealistic or disenfranchised young who seek security and free stuff above all else.
The evidence is clear. More people each day see the truth as civil society devolves around them. And they are frightened! The suspension of gravity and disbelief evident for so long is slowly ending, and they know it.
Conservatism is all that stands in their way.
To win, they must not only demagogue and parse our history and the meaning of truth itself but fool the masses into believing everyone can have it all without effort or smarts.
Conservative courts, conservative politicians (as few as there are), our very Constitution, capitalism, and our history of success in every meaningful way, including economic, military, and social, are the enemies they must destroy.
One way to reduce the population.
James Woods
Save the planet!
In the past 3 years there have been Eleventy-Leven protests, in every state capital, the national capital, & every regional city of more than 30,000 people.
There have been Two (2) appearances and two only, of ‘neo-Nazis’ at a protest. In Melbourne only, nowhere else, with no overt or identifiable exhibition of any specific Nazi ideology.
Sure there’s a Nazi problem.
Hopefully the no vote gets up convincing.
Climate Change Alarmist Al Gore Declares War on Fossil Fuel Industry
Captain Obvious moment:
‘Neo-Nazis’ do not wear black shorts, covid masks and terry towelling hats.
They are branded neo-Nazis as clickbait by the same media that publishes headlines like ‘Delta’s shock life hack’ or ‘one simple thing Harry Styles said went viral’.
They were holding a banner saying “VOICE = ANTI WHITE”. They are on your side, matey, and they are neo-Nazis.
There it is: complete proof, banners; it must be true: Dickless rests his case:
“Why the difference in ages for girls and boys? Just curious, and I find the reason for religious restrictions fascinating. If it’s for menarche for the girls, what happens to the ten year old girls who qualify? And why 13 for boys? It just seems a bit arbitrary.”
It’s what the Tanakh (the written and oral law) says. It has nothing to do with menstruation, a young girl becomes a woman at 12, however she might not yet be menstruating, a boy will become a man at 13 with his Barmitzvah. I didn’t start menstruating until I was fourteen
This is what we should have done. As I’ve said over and over, it’s the only way.
Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL)
#Serbia said NO to the lockdowns.
And haven’t those “nazis” been convenient! Have any been identified? Surely someone knows them.
“‘Neo-Nazis’ do not wear black shorts, covid masks and terry towelling hats.”
AP News confirming that the 98-year old veteran given standing ovation by Canadian parliament, is Yaroslav Hunka, who fought for the 14th division of the Waffen SS.
Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to an outright Nazi collaborator.
This is what a real nazi looks like.
The funniest thing from WIP was the comparison between Lauren squeezing her date’s knackers. It took IF cameras to pick this up; but when Epstein died, no video; and when Hunter picked up his supply of coke in the WH, no video.
death cap survivor released from hospital.
Nothing surprises me about Victoria anymore, the place is run like a banana republic.
Sictoria is a Banana Republic already with Chairman Dan as ‘Dicktator’.
Perhaps the hydrocarbins circulating in his growing corpulentness should get together and choke off the blood supply to his brain.
Or have they done so already and we are only just now seeing the effect?
Apparently a Tom Sewell has been identified.
He’s a Nazi through & through. Both Wikipedia & the Age say so, which means the matter is settled, forever.
Apart from that, there’s not much. Nobody wanted anything to do with them, cops told them to move on, coz “Voice = anti white” is far more serious than “Burn Down this Shit”, “Death to Australia”, “Submit or Die” & other placards that have been carried at protests in Victoria without any police interference.
No reports of them murdering people in the CBD (bikies did that, religion of pieces did that), no reports of them belting innocent people up (antifa & leftists did that, cops did that) no reports of them plotting any bombings or murder (religion of pieces did that) no mention of them targeting non-whites alone on late night trains (horn of africans did that) no mention of burglaries with violence (horn of afrika)
What’s the big deal about a few immature & seemingly harmless masked men?
(masks are not just okay, they’re a sign of responsible health precaution)
Monty may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. That’s what.
Apparently this is very hard on large scale solar farmers
Wholesale power prices in the national electricity market across the eastern states dropped to as low as -$64 per megawatt hour last Saturday, when soaring output from millions of rooftop solar panels flooded into the system.
Sep 24, 2023 2:29 PM
Climate Change Alarmist Al Gore Declares War on Fossil Fuel Industry
‘Al Baby’ is a very convenient Inconvenient.
I wonder how his Big House(s) with all those lights and electrical appliances is/are going let alone the private jet and gazillions of air miles being clocked up ‘swanning’ around the world.
A Big Time Hypocrite.
The “14 words”, now.
Otherwise, as your mate Dick Ed Case used to say, “Link or you’re lying). As usual.
One of my favourite videos has been put back on air!
Just for your enjoyment and if your anger had subsided a little from the lockdowns and shit.
This will put your blood pressure back up again!
There’s not one face in that lot of insufferable wankers that I wouldn’t like tike punch – especially after I asked them “If you’re vaccinated, how can I be threat to your health?”
Good find RS, that one was down the memory hole. Note the Daywalker opening the park bench chat… I do believe she was put through a Struggle Session by the BBC early on?
But, but, but, “14 words”.
Sal, I wouldn’t even think they even rise to the level of “protest”. Demonstrations or counter-demonstrations, maybe, but like the FBI’s National Front, the cosplay kommandants don’t stand their ground for long neither.
I don’t even know what this means. Without actually conducting a straw poll, I’ll wager that I could seek out as many people as I possibly could between now & sundown, with nobody having any idea what it means (except perhaps I have hydrophobia or something)
mUnter’s 14 words:
Nazis are anyone
I don’t agree with
Because I am
A fat ranga simpleton
Sep 24, 2023 12:44 PM
Sep 24, 2023 1:26 PM
Oh Rosie, don’t ever change.
Maintaining both authenticity and secrecy of a ballot is easier when the issuing, marking, and voting all happens inside the one monitored area. Postal votes are more difficult. To show the election is secure requires showing there is no economically and technically feasible way to change the end result without being detected. This requires some argument about the non-scrutiny part of the chain occurring prior to the polling place on election day.
The postal vote certificate and the unique codes on it are supposed to achieve authenticity by being read through a removable window on the envelope while still keeping the ballot and certificate together inside. They can count total ballots before reading or counting the votes on them. The certificate and ballot stay together and they are both viewed at the same time when the envelope is opened.
Just using a fake total in the final tally room would only succeed if the people from the polling place could be induced to say nothing about the mismatch between reported total and their own written notes from counting, and stay quiet forever. Very risky and unlikely to be attempted.
Due to the use of physical ballots, all other options for fakery have a cost of physical work done to interfere per ballot. Any interference in the in-person Election Day votes is impossible without every scrutineer being in on it.
If fake people can be added to the electoral roll up to say 10% fake, a close election could be rigged without needing to interfere with any received postal votes and probably without anyone noticing there were more votes than real people. This is probably the easiest option.
Aside from fake voters, attempting to spoil the postal votes of one side could not be done as any analysis of the donkey votes by scrutineers would show the huge bias.
The only remaining option is switching the votes on postal and declaration (away-from-home) ballots between their casting and the counting. The only assurances AEC gives here are that only authorised persons can get to the votes and they are transported securely. Scrutineers do not follow all of these ballots in this journey, so the envelopes are in the highly trusted hands of the AEC (and AusPost) during that phase.
Opening the envelopes and putting a substitute ballot inside a new envelope alongside the original certificate could be automated but would still take time for hundreds of thousands of postal votes. Oddly enough, we are also told that this transport phase does take time and to be patient. Hmmm.
Well all I can say there is that I can’t remember an election being decided on the postal votes, it’s just never been that close. This rigging possibility remains purely theoretical.
UWA now has a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work.
A three year degree, maybe rising to four. I suppose the dollar dollar bills have trickled down through the NDIS to NDIS Service Providers, to the point now where many… many young women will be plumped up to a uni degree course in advanced upper-arm-rubs.
What parliamentary business is there in Armenia, for chucks steak?
Social work has been around for a while at most universities.
I felt inspired.
The twelve golden words which are the key to freedom:
We must resist the administrative state and political establishment at all costs.
Andrew Bolt:
mUnty was babbling on this morning on Nazism being able to be summed up in “14 words”.
Despite being asked to provide the words he has been unable to do so.
I suspect that they amount to “Krispy Kreme” repeated seven times,
m0nty is defending communism & communists (Mayo, BLM, Antifa, BDS*) again and shitting on a tiny fringe group of Nazis no one cares about.
Here are some notes I prepared earlier. Antisemitism is rife in communism too. Mayo, Phil Adams, Lee Rhiannon etc should take a good hard long look at themselves:
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
***When you take a deep dive into the inherent racism in the far left, things look grim:
– Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Communist Manifesto (Penguin Books, 1985, originally published in 1848), p.120.
It gets worse!
– V.I. Lenin,” Lessons of the Moscow Uprising,” Proletary, No.2, August 1906 (as posted on
As for violent antisemitism:
What truth is there in this argument? Marx’s essay, On the Jewish Question, originally published in 1844 contains the following:
Marx argues that, “In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.” Larry Ray explains, “Marx’s position is essentially an assimilationist one in which there is no room within emancipated humanity for Jews as a separate ethnic or cultural identity.” Dennis Fischman puts it, “Jews, Marx seems to be saying, can only become free when, as Jews, they no longer exist.”***
*NOW we know why BDS exists at all.
I can’t wait for VIC POL to arrest all of the communists, not because it is good for civil liberties (indeed, they should be all released unharmed and the law swiftly repealed that day), but because it would mean consistency, honesty and rule of law still exist in Australia. The commies would be the most strident free speech advocates all of a sudden.
The problem is in Melbourne, there wouldn’t be enough space in the lock-ups – they’d need to use the MCG.
A better alternative, of course, would be to repeal the stupid anti-free speech laws we have here in Australia.
This is how Women’s Sports should respond when told they have to have a Tranny in their team.
A few more of these responses and Women would have their sports back.
Saving the Future –
“Saving the Future is not going to be easy. Kevin McCarthy is an absolute disgrace, but it should not be a surprise that he has no problem sending endless money to Ukraine and sending millions of people to their deaths because that is the Neocons’ dream. Coming from California, probably the most corrupt political state in the nation and morally bankrupt, we should not place any hope in McCarthy to prevent World War III.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called Ukrainian proposals for restoring its pre-invasion territory absolutely laughable. Unless the Ukrainians wake the hell up and remove Zelensky by force, they will NEVER have a country to return to. The West does not care about them. They are cannon fodder for the Neocons, who care about nothing but their insane wars. There will not be a wonderland of investment that Zelensky is preaching. Lavrov has thrown down the gauntlet, for Putin cannot ignore the hardliners who have been right all along – they are at war with the USA and NATO, not Ukraine.
Lavrov said that they could have war if Ukraine’s allies wanted war. Behind the curtain, these warmongers are creating World War III, and this war is likely to go on for years.”
Black Ball
Sep 24, 2023 3:29 PM
Bloody hell! Even the judiciary can’t keep out of it. Clearly, there must be panic in the ‘Yes’ camp. My respect-meter for the Judiciary is now well below sub-zero.
Richter is not, AFAIK, a judge. And after defending Cdl Pell, seems unlikely to ever become one.
Boambee John
Sep 24, 2023 3:49 PM
Sorry BJ – I meant the whole bleeding lot of them!
Why should not the most discriminated and oppressed First Nation people be constitutionally recognised
They are already as Australian Citizens along with all others whether they be from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, NZ, the USA, Canada, Belize, France, Greece, Germany, Finland, Mongolia, Vietnam, India, China, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico………………………..And all the other Nations of the Earth.
Even if (a big caveat) true, saying something or someone is “anti-white” doesn’t make one a Nazi.
NT Chief Minister attacked with cream pie:
Northern Territory
Police are investigating an “unprovoked” attack on Chief Minister Natasha Fyles this morning at Nightcliff markets.
A social media post just before midday Sunday flagged the unfolding political incident.
“Wow, high drama at Nightcliff markets just now,” a Facebook user posted.
“A disgruntled female walked up to the chief minister and smooshed a cream pancake right in her face”.
In response to a question about the incident he reposted: “ … she wiped it off, police called. Cream pie raving something about Fyles stopping her husband having a heart operation.”
Of all the many reasons for voting NO, that must be by far the stupidest. It’s about as stupid (and dishonest) as Albos reasons for voring YES.
Anyone who thinks that it’s okay for men to bash and intimidate women because they don’t want trannies in their spaces or sports, or that it’s appropriate to let kiddie-fiddlers (i.e. men in drag) anywhere near children, has absolute zero credibility to criticise others.
Everyone knows who I am writing about on this blog.
Outlier but very good sign.
OK, thanks for the reply. Curiosity sated.
Didn’t take much effort to get m0nty’s 14 words.
How inspiring! Not.
Change the colour and you have just about every race group aspiring to the same thing.
Personally, I would prefer “all” children, but I’m pretty sure anyone with kids would want to put theirs first. Regardless of complexion.
If this is true, some of the indigenous proponents of the Voice had better watch out!
It’s so silly, it’s Pythonesque.
Didn’t take much effort to get m0nty’s 14 words.
I’m amazed that MontyPox Virus knows as many as 14 words. Around the same number as his/hers/its/whatever IQ.
I won’t change as I think the hand wringing about large scale electoral fraud is just a faux import from the US.
There is huge scope in the US because it doesn’t have compulsory voting and elections are controlled by states, in Dem states, that seems to mean Dem machine is in charge.
In Australia the capacity to create large scale quantities of false voters, can’t see how that would be in any way feasible.
Anyhow I’ve just organised postal votes for two definite no voters, could be crucial.
Wally Dalí
That particular one enraged me so much I made links and printed them out, sliced them into strips and put them in my wallet so I could hand them out to people who had forgotten just how badly the Refuseniks had been treated and demanded forgiveness for wanting us put in camps and having to wear identifying marks/tattoos.
No. Still mad at them.
What it comes down to, Colonel, is that the system has a hole in it where the votes aren’t secure.
That’s the issue, and our concerns aren’t being addressed. In fact the refusal by the AEC to come out and make a statement says to me they are running out the clock so they can say, “Look, it’s too late to do anything about it. You’ll have to accept the result, but promise we’ll address the issue for the next Referendum.”
The crap coming out of the mouths from those girls in the intro in astonishing. Brainwashed, indoctrinated clowns. It’ll make your blood boil.
The comments from the 93 year old bloke at the end will leave you moved … tear jerker.
Fleccas Talks:
Try again.
The comments from the 93 year old bloke at the end will leave you moved … tear jerker.
Thinking back, a month or so ago, a sitting judge did actually put his oar in.
PS, perhaps the Shakespeare solution? “First, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
Then there is the screech of leftards in the 1960s/70s: “No justice until the last lawyer is strangled with the guts of the last social worker.” They quietly forget that one, now that lawyers and judges are predominantly leftards.
Be nice to mUnty, he is not a great intellect, he even failed Economics 1.
Watching the repeat of Gardening Australia I was expecting some white Victoriastan aboriginals. The Gaysian was straight out of left field though.
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It would be really hard to do here, I think. We have compulsory voting and fines for people who don’t vote without a reason.
The fines + the genuine absentees + the voters would equal the number of expected voters. I haven’t thought about individual electorate-level voting, but it would also be hard to do for the same reasons. It’s the national vote in the referendum that would make it hard to cheat because of the equation. I think the only way to do it is to remove the almost exact number of ballots and add in the forged ones, all ticked yes, and it would have to be done in every state, etc., with scrutineers watching.
In the US, you have a low level of supervision of the chain of custody, and in places like Philly and other urban areas, there is almost no supervision, and if there is, they would be in on the cheating.
My earlier point about Australia is that it would be found out much easier.
That’s be a great front page headline in the NT News! They’ve done not too badly though:
Chief Minister ‘smooshed’ with crepe in market attack (24 Sep)
Smooshed is a fine word. Give that Facechookian a prize!
If that is a summary of Nazism, that bloke H1tler seems not to have been a Nazi.
Reading newcatallaxy on this beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Sydney this beautiful old hymn came to me out of the blue:
Near to the Heart of God
No more Reno Air Races.
Careless wording on my part, BJ. I should have written ‘the legal brotherhood’ or facsimile. Yes. The Shakespeare solution works for me. As I intimated, the urine must be gushing out of the Yessers if Richter KC has had to play his hand and attack Bolt. Stupid man.
Tickler, how do you have an air race? Is it timing point to point for individual planes that includes take off and landing? How is it done?
Going to hear Jacinta Price speak at a local town centre tomorrow. Her speaking engagements across the nation have been unrelenting. Her strength of character is uplifting.
Sep 24, 2023 5:10 PM
Steve trickler
Sep 24, 2023 5:01 PM
No more Reno Air Races.
Tickler, how do you have an air race? Is it timing point to point for individual planes that includes take off and landing? How is it done?
Watch them. You know where to look.
I think insurance companies have gone nup! NO more!
382K subscribers
Reno AT-6 Midair UPDATE 22 Sept 2023
My question is why were the no demonstrators pillored and called nazi.
Compare them to the voice climate change throng.
I did nt see any self mutating people calling people names.
I do mot think that anyone of them were paid by the cult of the public service.
Why is it if you disagree with voice mm climate change body mutilation you are branded a nazi,
Also why are males who have sex with females branded with some name,
Do the male of the lesbians write for the msm?
Tickler, how do you have an air race? Is it timing point to point for individual planes that includes take off and landing? How is it done?
Air Races?
You should get out more –
General Election:
Trump vs. Biden
ABC News/Wash Post
Trump 51, Biden 42 Trump +9
Outlier but very good sign.
Polls mean nothing: something will happen to Trump between now and then. No one will do anything; the entirety of the GOP are the crocs will eat me last type and don’t give a rats about Trump or anything else. Joe, fetterman, cocaine mitch and the rest of the brain dead will be there forever as obuma consolidates his position while getting fuked up the arse by his hubbie.
This my lived experience. I have worked 5 elections, 3 as a grunt ( prepoll and the ‘official’ count twice as 3 on the day), 1 as a 2ic and 1 as a PPM.
Other than boxes of votes being lost in transit(WA senate), it is very difficult to commit election fraud, other than voting multiple times.
Vote boxes are assembled but not sealed until a member of the public has had a look to make sure the box is empty before it is placed into use. Also the boxes and seals are accounted for.
HOR Votes are counted on the night, the PPM has to account for every ballot paper, and at most a -5 discrepancy is accepted, if more than that, workers go through the bins looking for discarded ballots which are put in a seperate envelope with any spoiled ballot papers and kept away from the rest.
When the rolls are scanned, there is a check that the number of ballots issued matches the numbers of people who had their names crossed off. It is a real pain in the arse if you get your name crossed off and walk away as the person at the table has to call the 2ic/PPM to put the ballot you should have taken in a “spoilt vote” envelope otherwise you ballots issued and received counts will quickly get out of whack. They are accounted for.
Scrutineers from any party that has the manpower watch the count, and usually the PPM will make a call after consulting the scrutineers on the validity of a ballot. They are counted to see how many votes each candidate got, then we do a very quick preference vote for the 2 parties nominated by the RO. The scrutineers are constantly on the phone as the count progresses passing up to date numbers.
The PPM reports the numbers to the tally room as we do the count.
The official count is conducted during the next weeks. Again scrutineers are present. The numbers only vary very slightly across a division from the count conducted on the night, the ro might make different determinations on the validity of a paper.
If you want to compare the numbers they are published in the paper on the Sunday(the Saturday night count) and on the AEC website when the winner for a seat is declared. If you notice a massive discrepancy let the loosing candidates know.
Similar process for the senate.
Postal votes and prepoll votes are not counted until the next day. The envelopes are checked against the roll and are opened address side down and the ballot removed and added to a box to be counted.
As we know how many ballots have been issued, so it is impossible for the AEC to “slip in” a couple of thousand votes that would change the outcome of an election.
The seats that are very close are already known on election night, and the scrutineers in the real count will fight for every vote for their “guy” to be included and watch the count like hawks.
Johnny Rotten
Sep 24, 2023 5:23 PM
Good stuff. One mishap in Perth they cancelled the event.
I think mutley changed courses as Econ 101 was too hard (hurt head), went to jism. Qualified to jizz anywhere.
This is how hard it would be to cheat in the ref.
Let assume the cheaters go with the current polls showing 60/40 in favor of the nos.
In 2022, Australia had 17.9 million eligible voters, according to the AEC.
In order to get to a 50/50 split by cheating the cheaters would need to remove 10% of the vote tally and add in the (equal) forged ballots. That would be 1.8 million votes. They would have to remove 1.8 million and add in 1.8 million across the nation. That’s not going to happen. The probability of this happening in this scenario would be close to zero.
P-P-P-Paaaaaage Topperrrrrrr.
More air races.
But, but, but – Albasleaze’s future in politics depends on a resounding “Yes” vote. I’m keeping my powder dry with regard to vote manipulation. We know how dirty the left are.
a retired explosives detection dog…
And all of them were good explosives detection dogs…
Howabout that, a downvote, must be from JC.
Oh sorry JC, did the P-p-p-paaaaage Topperrrrr clear your election mythbusting aside too soon?
Assuming 20% of voters go postal (a generous assumption), that’s 1,800,000 envelopes in one night.
So the task is too big to be feasible, eh?
Yeah, maybe.
Maybe, with a machine capable of opening, plucking, and filling a new envelope every 1.8 seconds, installed in each of the 150 electorates, would get the job done in 6 hours.
The Hidden Agenda Behind Mass Migration
How can you see your reflection in snow covered hills? They’re white, not mirrors.
Deadman, I think you should set your Hobbit story to music. Having lyrics that are interesting, amusing, and make sense would be a pleasant change.
Rats also? Mine smelling rats are amazing. The guys in Tobruk could’ve done with some.
Hero Rat Wins A Top Animal Award For Sniffing Out Land Mines (2020)
Thank you, calli, for showing that at least one Cat has a working brain.
As for the rest of you, chalk-laden duster flying at your left earhole, followed by detention.
err, Cats – is Ron Elk related to Anne Elk?
Her hypothesis about dinosaurs being just legendary.
Dr Beau, it’s a Fleetwood Mac lyric. Landslide. I rather like it, but I wouldn’t take it too seriously.
As for the rest of you, chalk-laden duster flying at your left earhole, followed by detention.
Surely the right lug hole. You being the lefty are a bad shot with that chalk board duster. We here are more of the right.
What are you talking about. I haven’t ticked you or anyone else. Also, I haven’t read any of your comments until now.
They can’t add in forged postal votes because 1.8 million would take them well over the expected eligible voters tally. They have to remove 1.8 million votes, which are statistically split 60/40 and add in the same number forged and marked as no.
Why did you think it was me giving you a down vote? Did you dream it?
I just googled it, m0nty.
Doesn’t mean I believe it, except in the broadest sense. It’s all the baggage that’s reprehensible, as baggage often is.
imagine mUnty as a teacher
if you can tell me what the 14 words are then you’ll be allowed to leave class when the bell rings
otherwise it’ll be white-board marker flechettes and a severe tut-tutting
Watching Elizabeth Banks’ movie Cocaine Bear, which is way better than her Charlie’s Angels effort.
She seems to have learned that you can make the ridiculous funny, rather than trying to be straight about it.
You raised the “14 words” issue, up to you to provide the evidence.
Still, thanks for confirming that those are the words that you meant. Clearly you must be reading expanded micro dots in those words to conclude that they are a summary of Nazism.
If you must troll, try to make an effort, you lazy bludger (look up the word).
Market as yes, I mean.
Hollyweird … 😕
“Come with us back to those inglorious days when heroes weren’t zeroes …”
Fetterman joins in.
Yes, I know. I used to fancy Stevie Nicks when she was slim and sexy. And I like the general noise of the song, but I can’t overcome a prejudice that words ought to make sense.
I guess that dates me.
m0nty, can you Google what “Makaratta”, “Burn Down this Shit”, “Death to Australia” and “Submit or Die” all mean?
Thanks, take care!
The Fetterlump – when talking inspirational figures, he may not just be up there.
Unless for all the wrong reasons.
Biden, McConnell, Fetterman, Pelosi…
How do these people win their primaries?
They’re no longer lucid. It’s ridiculous.
J’ismist bimbecile: So, the Fetterlump, would you like to explain your opposition to nothing the dumbocrats are doing to completely destroy the USA?
The Fetterlump: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I tells ya … 😕
You’d despise Donne and his conceits then. Lovers as compasses? The world in a bed?
Mitch McConnell addressing a bunch* of j’ismists …
*Is there a better collective noun, Cats? If there is, let’s hear it.
The Sun Rising
my favourite
They’re exactly what the backroom apparatchiks want. A front, with Bernie Bros (or RINOs in the case of the Turtle) pulling the strings.
Ted Cruz thinks the Dems will parachute Michelle in at the last minute. That I doubt because she has a brain and gumption, and she can’t be relied on to follow orders.
It’s amusing how prophetic Kurt Schlichter was in his novels. He invoked an aged mental vegetable Dem President too…which in his novel was Elizabeth Warren not Joe Biden. Otherwise the prediction was perfect. I wish his books would stop coming true.
No, Donne is allusive but intelligible. Joyce is a better example of a writer who cares more about the mouth music than the sense. A reason for not troubling to read him. He has very little to actually say.
It may be that abandoned lovers see the reflection of the loved one in all sorts of places.
Who am I to judge? 😀
Sep 24, 2023 6:36 PM
Mitch McConnell addressing a bunch* of j’ismists …
*Is there a better collective noun, Cats? If there is, let’s hear it.
The singular is T.W.A.T.S and the plural is T.W.A.T.S.
The USA is in good hands. FFS.
Jismists or urinalists?
Sep 24, 2023 6:37 PM
The Sun Rising
my favourite
I rather like this one that refers to a rising sun and a house –
An obfuscation of j-lists?
People who write to arouse emotions and not to communicate facts or ideas do not much appeal to me, and when they succeed annoy me.
At least, Albo and the YES crowd can’t be accused of succeeding, not with me.
A splodge of j’ismists.
Future PM Jacinta – genius:
“The desire to preserve aboriginal culture in no way outweighs the obligation to guarantee aboriginal womens’ human rights”.
Extraordinary person – not for stating the obvious but for having the b*lls to say it.
Pol – it’s all about the purveying of “Quality J’ism”.
Stop languishing in that Kampuchean Jungle, for goodness” sake …
Over at Quadrant:
…millions of Australians now obsess over the idea that race matters above everything and accept racist absurdities: people of Aboriginal descent are inherently wise and good-natured as well as naturally expert custodians and conservators of the land, while people of non-Aboriginal descent are, by nature and in contrast, alienated and unconnected.
Every day, millions of people take part in cult practices that divide the world into indigenous and non-indigenous, believing a farrago of New Age Aboriginal spirituality proclaims the one true path to moral improvement.
Link to “Romancing the Primitive”
Use in a sentence:
I walked into the room and there was a splodge of j’ismists talking amongst themselves.
abc online.
These are the same bodies that wanted to vaccinate babies and children for Covid 19. They are all on the government teat. Absolutely no credibility.
I think she sees her own reflection.
An instructive redefinition of fascism. It’s so broad it includes any polity until the day before yesterday but excludes favoured groups. And that’s the point, it is entirely designed to disarm polities that are predominately ‘white’, but who aren’t really concerned by race but by large influxes of different cultures that are very likely to effect the customs and mores of their society.
And…right on cue…60 Minutes breathlessly tells me that that have shocking evidence that could bring down Russell Brand.
Let’s keep those suggestions coming in, Cats!
In the meantime, here’s a tastee taut tummied brunette 😕
Anything that could help their ratings?
Ted Cruz thinks the Dems will parachute Michelle in at the last minute. That I doubt because she has a brain and gumption
Obuma’s hubbie also has a dick.
phht … a fascist would say that
There is an off button.
And likely a good book waiting to be read.
The braindead lamestream meeja – covering stories with a pillow, until they stop moving.
I’m watching MASH. Leftie, but Leftie Lite. And amusing, especially the prophetic Klinger.
And then Mel in Conspiracy Theory. For a bit of balance…especially when he bites off Patrick Stewart’s nose.
WATCH: New documentary ‘Yimi Junga’ follows Senator Jacinta Price’s story
Mate turned up with a huge tub of mussels. I have no idea how he obtained them in SEQ.
Mussels in garlic, chilli, puree, yogurt and whisky sauce.
Traditional Sunday roast.
Oooooh, that was good.
And…right on cue…60 Minutes breathlessly tells me that that have shocking evidence that could bring down Russell Brand.
Coordinated worldwide- why though would people here even be interested? I don’t particularly like Brand but he seems to get it and that’s good. Hence the need to destroy him. Legacy meja is just establishment propaganda (that’s being polite). The Mudrock rags (Times and Sunday Times iirc) in Londonstan have been giving it a good kick along too.
60 Minutes is barely above A Current Affair dodgy washing machine repair men. It is a bigger rotting corpse than Kerry Packer himself. If it was a dog you’d send it to the farm.
I always loved that poem by Donne where he dwells upon the backwash from his and his lover in a coke can – ‘that pond’rous intermingling of love’s buccal syrups’.
Huh? They’re ubiquitous in Perf as chilli mussels. I never bother with them because they’re messy and more trouble than they’re worth.
Bons, mussels are my favourite meal. Not able to cook them here because the Beloved hates them.
Shallots, butter, white wine, cream and chopped parsley. Mmmmmmm….
Best ones so far…a little pub near Albert, France. A stone’s throw from the Ancre, the little stream that became a morass in another world, two lifetimes ago.
I am watching “Capture the Castle”. An eccentric Brit film set in Scotland in the 30’s. Bill Nighy, Tara Morice, Rose Byrne and a very young, drop-dead gorgeous, Henry Cavill.
hummana, hummana!
Sorry, Cassie. Talking food.
Tomorrow we’ll have a horn blast and it will be over. I loved the way Sinc marked the fast with the shofar banner.
The Oz explores whether a defeated Albo could fulfill a scenario once acted out in Australia politics:
When the ballot is held in October the No vote is carried by a slim majority ensuring a humiliating loss for the prime minister and Labor Party, as well as, ensuring the bitterness continues and the Prime Minister remains convinced of the rectitude of his case.
Unfortunately for the PM, in this scenario, the Labor Party Parliamentary caucus loses faith in the leader’s judgment, his credibility and authority have been reduced and – again this is a scenario – the Labor MPs move a motion of no confidence in the prime minister and he is removed as leader.
But, convinced of his cause the former Labor leader takes MPs who supported him out of the Labor caucus and forms an alliance with opposition MPs of a like mind. Of course, in the factoid world of politics the Greens and teal independent movement could form a new government with the Labor PM who was turfed out.
Thus, the proposal at the heart of the referendum would live on and be pursued by the now reinstated prime minister who commands the numbers on the floor of the House of Representatives with his new party alliance.
The community remains divided, the Labor Party has suffered a huge loss and is crippled and the referendum can be put again but, after so much upheaval and dire consequences from the first vote, the second vote is defeated by an even bigger margin.
So, in this sliding door moment of history there are real consequences both social and political because of a divisive – and failed – referendum proposal.
Now, there is one small problem with this fictional scenario – it’s absolutely true.
Not based on history, it is history.
For those attuned to political history the above scenario would have been enough of a hint to recognise the truly most divisive referendum debate in Australia: Billy Hughes’ campaign for conscription which was put to the people twice during World War I in 1916 and 1917 and was defeated both times.
The first defeat by a majority of just 3.2 per cent in an indicative plebiscite in 1916 was seen as a “grass roots” victory for the lower-paid, unionists and Irish Catholics over the ruling political and financial elite.
Labor caucus, including some who didn’t see conscription as the answer to supporting the war effort after 6000 Australian volunteers had died in the battle of the Somme, was divided over Hughes’ methods and judgment and lost faith in his leadership. Labor was split for the first time.
The defeat of the second referendum, after Hughes became PM again and pressed a second vote, demonstrated the depth of public feeling, including among Australian diggers at the front, and how out of touch Hughes was with voters.
No-one is suggesting Albanese will face the same fate as Hughes did on the defeat of his divisive vote but the damage from a defeat will affect his prime ministerial authority, credibility and judgment. His colleagues are already showing signs of concern about decisions made over Qatar and Qantas flights into Australia, a distraction from cost-of-living issues, the full impact of carbon emissions reduction measures and the bizarre exclusion of the States from the Covid 19 inquiry.
Albanese was able to brag that his Aston by-election victory was the first in 120 years for a sitting government against an opposition but he should remember the Kalgoorlie by-election was an echo from those failed referendums when Hughes stitched up Australia’s only MP expulsion from the House of Representatives because the Labor MP, an Irishman, Hugh Mahon, had opposed the conscription referendum.
History, no matter from how long ago, is never far away.
Sep 24, 2023 6:54 PM
More than 50 Victorian and national health organisations have signed a statement of support for the proposed Voice to Parliament.
Those that pledged their support include Cancer Council Victoria, the Australian Nursing Midwifery Federation, Diabetes Victoria and First Peoples’ Health and Wellbeing.
It does not matter what these Organisations or Groups say. They don’t vote in the Referendum.
Voters do and they are individuals.
Mme Calli,
I enjoy that part of France but carry an embarrassing memory.
Arriving at our Albert hotel late and exhausted after a day of actual work we were amazed that our host was not only awake but offering us dinner.
“The best steak dans le monde’ he claimed.
Of course we arrogant Aussies were sneering, until the plate sized beauties arrived.
It turned out that he was a charolais breeder.
“Excuse me, could I exchange this for a plate of humble pie please”.
Respectfully, any system can be gamed and considering the US Elections were the most secure ever, and the prize of government so tempting, and the ability of an organisation to spend vast amounts of money to achieve victory, I am not mollified by assurances of “It can’t happen here.”
So, to repeat, what do we do when we wake up the next week and discover the Yes vote has romped in with 90% of the total vote?
A steaming hot load of quality j’ism, produced by urinalists.
That and more in 60 Minutes!
Have people received their home insurance renewal? I received a 35% increase for the next year. These increases aren’t messing around.
shit, shit and shit with sugar
oops didn’t think that would get thru- excuse my language
Take that, 4 Ingredients!
Sep 24, 2023 7:25 PM
A steaming hot load of quality j’ism, produced by urinalists.
That and more in 60 Minutes!
Can you be more precise dottie: are facts or imputations presented by the arrogant brain -dead arseholes.
Save Ferris? Nope, Save Albo. Water carriers go to work.
Increases of 30%-60% seems to be the range.
What I’ve watched so far is very powerful viewing indeed – highly recommended!
The middle must be suffering real pain now. Petrol at $2.45 a liter. Insurance up 30 to 60%. Interest rates up. Food prices well up. There must be serious pain in the midlands.
Three downticks plus an uptick!
mUnty specifically linked those 14 words to Nazism, not simply fascism (though they are stretching the definition of fascism, just not as far as the definition of Nazism).
The middle must be suffering real pain now. Petrol at $2.45 a liter. Insurance up 30 to 60%. Interest rates up. Food prices well up. There must be serious pain in the midlands.
There must be serious pain in the Feral Laybore Guv’ments election prospects in 2025.
And then there is Mr Electrickery himself – Blackout Bowen and those lower electricity prices. LOL. What a Fraud. And a Turtle Head.
*Is there a better collective noun, Cats? If there is, let’s hear it.
a wank of j’ismists
no need to, er, beat around the bush on this one
Oh yeah, I forgot power prices too.
This must mean another uptick in the inflation rate.
Meanwhile, the government is focused on the important matters. The invoice .
Not anytime I suffered the misfortune of watching, keep in mind they were involved in human trafficking (because all women in divorces never lie) and put a cat on trial in a scripted mock trial in a district or supreme court for ratings (which totally backfired).
That was epic. Raw and real.
Peter Santenello:
Join Titus and me on an epic American adventure hitchhiking from the countryside of Kentucky to the streets of Nashville, a day filled with laughter, challenges, and fascinating conversations with the locals.
Hitchhiking to Nashville With Titus
Seriously, who would go around with uppermost in their mind that a two-word phrase, “Fourteen Words” = “Cluthu”
We’re talking a seriously weird mentality here.
The Marrickville Miracle has now intruded into our traditional family life in a very real way, and I am less than gruntled.
My Sunday morning peddle to collect the Sunday breakfast croissants has come to an end.
From $3.80 to $6.00 overnight.
Madam baker said that costs have exploded and State and local council charges are escalating.
Her business is collapsing before her eyes as folk like us hit the price barrier and back away.
The Commo geniuses, just like Gillard, have no understanding of the real constituancy.
Let’s hope that when they are massacred there is someone superior to Abbott to carry our hopes and needs.
Yep – ditched the contents as the total premium (home and contents) basically doubled.
F8ck off, you f*cking rip off artists … 😡
The pain of the shrinking middle class.
Setting aside for the moment that Dutton belonged to a Cabinet responsible for aspects of this, if he can’t nail Albanese on cost of living he’s not worth his salt.
By the way, Bloomberg TV recently ran a report on Australia’s housing market, labelling it “a warning to the world.” Some of the rental properties featured were third world standard or below. Real estate agents require tenants to sign a waiver absolving themselves & landlords of responsibility for any deleterious health impacts that may result from living there.
I not kidding, over 18 months of so, possibly less, the most important things in a persons life have seen at least 30% increases.
Did she say if State & council service and help to her business is escalating in commensurate ratio?
America Is Becoming a Joke
Kurt Schlichter
Kamahl has done another U-turn & is again voting No.
oops, not Tara Morice, Tara Fitzgerald.
Here’s Kamahl on The Project, changing his mind back to No.
Not here Sal,
We watch our Council like Bald Eagles.
Even ABC RN has noticed….ran a piece on Saturday morning about the impact on the family budget of filling up the tank each week. A small car owner is now looking at $120.
I thought about self insuring but you really can’t unless you’re super wealthy: that if you lose the house it doesn’t hurt because you can build another.
I was talking to a pal about the increase asking him what he saw. He said he doesn’t care because he doesn’t take out insurance as he self insures. That’s great because he’s worth a ton of mullah. You shouldn’t insure only if you can afford not to. 🙂
Let me guess.
*Death threats*?
Not anytime I suffered the misfortune of watching
That being the case, Brand has to lawyer up lickerty split.
For the umteenth time, Biden will not be the one running.