Open Thread – Wed 27 Sept 2023

The Old Burgtheater, Gustav Klimt, 1889

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September 29, 2023 8:23 am

Seems the only thing that keep retail sales from going backwards in August was demand for Matildas gear (clothing and footwear +1.3%). Otherwise even spending on groceries dropped (-0.3%) according to ABS figures.

And this despite an unprecedented surge in migration.

Cassie of Sydney
September 29, 2023 8:23 am

Brendan O’Neill in Spiked has written the best analysis of this whole Fox/Evans/GBNews imbroglio. The attempts to shut down GBNews have nothing to do with Fox’s words to Evans. The progressive left loathe GB News and they want it off the air. It’s not about silencing Fox it’s about silencing ordinary Britons.

September 29, 2023 8:23 am


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 8:27 am

High price of Indigenous activists’ seismic win against Woodside Energy gas project.

By paul garvey
Senior Reporter
6:20AM September 29, 2023

Tens of billions of dollars of ­investment is in peril after a court found the federal regulator had failed to properly consult ­Aboriginal campaigners who are against the nation’s biggest ­energy development.

The Federal Court ruled on Thursday that the approval by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority of a seismic survey program at Woodside ­Energy’s Scarborough gas field was invalid due to issues surrounding consultation with an ­Indigenous group opposed to the $16bn project.

The court decision comes amid debate about whether an Indigenous voice to parliament would open the door to more legal challenges from Indigenous groups.
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The decision echoes a judgment from late last year which found Adelaide-based Santos had not adequately consulted with traditional owners over its proposed $4.7bn Barossa project in the Timor Sea.

It sparked criticism from the opposition, which accused the federal government of failing to act to address the regulatory loopholes identified in the Barossa ­decision and of funding the “green activists” behind the court ­challenges.

Scarborough is part of a $30bn investment that will double the capacity of Woodside’s Pluto LNG plant and extend the life of the project by decades. The development and Woodside’s associated Burrup Hub project have been targeted by Indigenous and environmental groups, which argue that its emissions will exacerbate climate change and damage rock art in the surrounding Burrup Peninsula.

Submissions released by the court on the eve of this week’s trial showed that Woodside had warned of “immediate, significant, and irrecoverable economic loss” if the seismic program was stalled.

Opposition resources spokeswoman Susan McDonald said the Albanese government had failed to fix the “broken” approvals process, harming domestic supply and the energy security of international partners in the process.

“The government has sat on its hands and done nothing to resolve a known issue which has ground approvals for offshore development to a halt,” she said.

“The Prime Minister needs to apologise to the people of Western Australia for impeding investment and jobs in the west.”

She said the government had spent millions of dollars funding the Environmental Defenders Office, which represented the woman who brought the legal ­action, Raelene Cooper, in the Woodside court challenge.

That funding, she said, would lead to more environmental legal activism. “The government needs to come clean about how much taxpayer money has gone towards torpedoing the future production of Australian natural gas,” she said.

A spokeswoman for Woodside said the company would continue to work with NOPSEMA to ­secure an accepted environmental plan (EP).

“The decision did not in any way criticise any action by Woodside. We have consulted extensively on our environment plans, dedicating time and effort so our approach to environmental management and EP consultation meets our current understanding of regulatory requirements and standards,” she said.

“We are continuing our engagements with all relevant stakeholders on the Seismic Survey EP and our other project EPs.”

The chief executive of oil and gas lobby group Australian Energy Producers, Samantha McCulloch, said investors in Australia’s resources sector faced increased uncertainty in the wake of the decision.

“Important energy projects which are following the rules, consulting in good faith and being granted approvals by the regulator are being impacted because unclear regulations and the application of them are effectively changing the goal posts. The time delays and costs incurred are substantial,” she said.

“More obstacles are being put in the way of critical energy developments, risking the new supply needed to deliver domestic energy security, emissions reductions and substantial economic returns for Australians.”

WA Opposition Leader Shane Love said the Woodside judgment showed that both federal and state governments had not done enough to set clear approval pathways since the Santos decision. “There’s a great deal of uncertainty around these issues now and a great deal of delay and problems being thrown in the path of the development of some of these fields, which I don’t think is in the national interest,” he said.

NOPSEMA, meanwhile, was scrambling on Thursday to digest what the latest decision means for its assessment of other projects.

The regulator had previously imposed conditions on the seismic program, noting that the decision was made amid “potential ambiguity” in the reading of environment regulations.

“NOPSEMA acknowledges the decision of the Federal Court, and is reviewing the reasons for the decision to ensure future regulatory actions are in accordance with the decision,” the regulator said in a statement.

Ms Cooper told The Australian that she was grateful for the court’s verdict. Ms Cooper is a former chair of the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation, the body set up to represent the traditional owners of the Burrup Peninsula region. Since leaving MAC, she has been leading Save Our Songlines in their protests against ongoing development in the rock art-rich area.

She said Woodside had been “arrogant and ignorant” in its ­attempts to consult with her on the seismic program.

“They think they are above the law,” she said. “There’s no way in any circumstance that they’re above our law, my Indigenous law, our cultural law that’s been here since the beginning of time.”

Despite the win, Ms Cooper said she only expected the project to be stalled rather than stopped given the sums of money tied up in the project.

“All they are looking at are the dollar signs at the beginning and the end of it,” she said.

Scarborough is by far the biggest new gas project on the table in Australia, with the vast majority of its future gas production earmarked for Asia. In August, Japanese conglomerates Sumitomo Corporation and Sojitz Corporation agreed to buy a combined 10 per cent of Scarborough for $US880m ($1.38bn).

A spokesman for federal Resources Minister Madeleine King said the government was reviewing the reasons for the court’s decision. “The principle of judicial review is an important process that the Albanese government fully supports,” he said.

Funny, what happened to 60,000 years?

September 29, 2023 8:28 am

Cassie @8.03. “We lost the war, because we never showed up to fight the war”. Liberty quote.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 8:29 am

The Republican candidates sans Trump had a debate last night apparently.

2nd GOP Debate Post Mortem: ‘Hot Mess’ Helps Trump As DeSantis Disappoints, Haley Hammers Vivek (29 Sep)

Amid the fractious bickering, Republicans were united on a few main bogeymen they know resonate with their base. They trained their focus and fire on China, the deadly fentanyl crisis, the chaos at the southern border, and the crime wave besieging America’s cities.

Trump won. I say that because what wasn’t talked about were the three biggest bogeymen which the base is most interested in: the corrupt justice system, the stolen election, and the climate hoax. Trump won with this statement the same night to the blue collar UAW guys at the rally in Michigan he held at the same time:

“You can be loyal to American labor, or you can be loyal to the environmental lunatics,” Trump said, “but you can’t really be loyal to both – it’s one or the other.”


September 29, 2023 8:30 am

And therein lies the rub – do you garrison your troops in the south, where they are happiest being closest to family, or in the north, where the threat axis lies?

All those soft army recruiting ads coming home to roost.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 29, 2023 8:35 am

Matt Canavan:

Treasurer Jim Chalmers this week visited Rockhampton to play weatherman.

He warned us all that Queensland would get longer and worse droughts over the next 40 years due to climate change.

I struggle to believe the weather forecast for next week, let alone for the next 40 years, but Jim seemed earnest, so let’s take him at his word.

What is more concerning than the long-term weather forecasts is the complete lack of a plan to do something about it.

Jim is not a weatherman. He is the Treasurer, responsible for a budget of over $600 billion per year. If he really believed his own warnings of more droughts why isn’t he building dams to help us get through these impending dry spells?

Instead, in his first budget, the Treasurer cut over $6 billion of funding to build new dams in Queensland. The former Liberal-National Government had funded the Hells Gate Dam in North Queensland, the Urannah Dam in Central Queensland and the Emu Swamp Dam near Stanthorpe. They have all been put back on the shelf now.

Dams are a simple concept. Dams store water during wet times (like it has been over the past few years) and then help deliver water during dry times (like it looks like it will be this summer).

Dams are, in effect, an insurance policy against the worst effects of drought. So if you are worried about more droughts, we should buy more insurance by building more dams. Instead, the Labor government is doing the opposite.

The last Liberal-National government built the Rookwood Weir, which is now almost complete. It will be just the second major water storage on the Fitzroy River to support farming, and will help double agricultural production in the region.

Extra and more consistent food production will help keep food prices low. Australian families are already struggling with higher petrol prices and rising interest rates. The upcoming El Nino may even put greater pressure on grocery bills if water availability is cut to farmers.

During the last drought Queensland graziers had to ship grain from Western Australia, and even overseas, to keep their cattle alive. The increased costs of doing this flowed through to higher meat prices at the butcher.

At the time of the drought there was plenty of rain in North Queensland. But we have not built many dams in Northern Australia so most of this rain went out to sea and there are not large grain producing districts in our north.

Dams like Hells Gate could change that and make a lot of sense given the often counter-cyclical weather patterns between our north and south. Sending grain from Cairns to Dalby is a lot cheaper than sending it from Perth or Canada. That would help to keep meat prices down during the next drought.

And the opportunities do not stop there. During the last Liberal-National Government, we asked the CSIRO to look at the options to build dams in Cape York. They concluded that new dams and water harvesting projects there could help open up 200,000 hectares of greater agricultural production.

That would be like bringing on two more Burdekins in Queensland of extra food production.

Not only would that help keep fresh food available and affordable in Queensland shops it would generate new economic opportunity in an area of great Indigenous disadvantage.

In the Government’s arguments for why a Voice is needed they often quote the shocking health outcomes for Indigenous Australians, especially those that live in remote regions like the Cape.

Australians want to fix this problem but the Government never really explains how an extra 30-odd politicians in Canberra would do anything to help.

What would help is more jobs and business opportunities in areas like the Cape. Instead, of acting like Chicken Little when it comes to climate change, the Government should act and help protect us from all changes to the climate whether man-made or not.

The next time the Treasurer visits regional Queensland he should bring investments in new dams not just warnings about the weather.

Dams make sense because they create jobs, increase our wealth and make sure that we can all afford the best Australian fresh food at a reasonable price.

September 29, 2023 8:36 am

Well, the sycamore in the Gap is no more. I’m glad I saw it last year.

It’s demise, at the hands of local orcs reminded me of this in the Introduction to Tree and Leaf:

“One of its sources [Leaf by Niggle] was a great-limbed poplar tree that I could see even lying in bed. It was suddenly lopped and mutilated by its owner, I do not know why. It is cut down now, a less barbarous punishment for any crimes it might have been accused of, such as being large and alive. I do not think it had any friends, or any mourners, except myself and a pair of owls.”
? J.R.R. Tolkien

We live in a world where beautiful things only have a value if they can be exchanged for money, or destroyed for fun.

September 29, 2023 8:36 am

Haley polls well with women.
Even Baris has conceded that.
But only when compared to the GOP candidates ex Trump.
With Trump, she aint much.

If Foxnews continues to be all in on Haley, she just has to outlast the rest.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 8:37 am

All those soft army recruiting ads coming home to roost.

“My Army Gives Me All the Time I want With My Family.”

September 29, 2023 8:38 am

Wally Dalí
Sep 29, 2023 8:16 AM

Gonna be the most safe and secure ID ever…

I actually see some need for this, my parents have no driver license or passport, only the medicare card and the rate notice for ID which has no picture and not excepted everywhere.

The only drawback would be the automatic interconnection with other government services, but if you think that is not already happening then the sale of the proverbial Harbor bridge comes to mind…

Cassie of Sydney
September 29, 2023 8:38 am

Fox is also a Christian, the child of devout Evangelicals. He knows what he said was out of order, but what Ava Evans said was far, far worse, but of course, she gets a free pass. She has a history of sordid cruel and vicious remarks. But sadly, in 2023, there’s no level playing field. The left dominate culturally, they have the power, and they use their power, rather expertly.

The Fox/Evans situation is the same as the Latham/Greenfilth imbroglio here.

September 29, 2023 8:39 am

Remember, you don’t have to outrun the lion.
You only have to outrun the person next to you.

September 29, 2023 8:40 am

I agree, calli. Fox has been skewered by the usual suspects, and being impolite or indelicate in public should not be a crime. GB viewers are free to make their own decisions about whether to support the show, or Fox. There is no need for politicians to stick their beaks in.

As for what he said, it was what many people were thinking.

Not only that, apparently it is now haram to say that a woman is attractive and also to say that she is not. Such strictures do not apply to comments about men, though. What a load of bullshit.

Finally, trivialising male suicide is infinitely more offensive than any comment about the attractiveness of the person who did it could possibly be. The grandstanding politicians were nowhere to be seen when that happened, though.

Go Larry!

September 29, 2023 8:40 am

So the NH-90 tragedy was PE not an aircraft failure.

Low level, night, over water, on NVG is a huge demand to place on any crew.

One has to wonder whether the acquisition of European Weapons (Tiger, MRH90, Barracuda) was communicated to be a ‘political error’ by our American friends – hence their replacement with US made products…..

September 29, 2023 8:40 am

Robert Malone has made some observations about the internal attacks on democratic principles in the US that also applies to Australia. He points out that this is a global development that must be opposed.

Sometime in 2021 I realized that political divisions in this country were no longer between red and blue, Republican and Democrat, but between the traditional American way (ergo Americanism) and something that has emerged culturally over the past decade. That hard to define something is in opposition to Americanism. It is very different from previous threats to the American way of life, to our culture and traditions. This new vision for America is an merger of socialism and the new world order lead by globalist, corporatist elites. It is built upon using fascist goals (that is corporatism) to twist the American way of life into a globalist’s playpen of unregulated crony capitalism for the global transnational corporations and a command economy of restrictions for the rest of us. Where free speech is limited to state approved speech via controls and restrictions of the digital space.

This new merger of socialism and fascism, combined with limits to free speech (which always must have the ability to offend) is eerily similar to socio-fascism. This is a globalist movement, not limited to any one state or nation. This new merger could be called progressive socio-fascism. If we do not guard our great nation from these globalist zealots, it is just a matter of time before the United Nations and the World Economic Forum will hold the reins of power throughout the western world; maybe the entire world.

The progressive socio-fascists have done an excellent job in conning younger generations across the globe that their vision for the world will produce a better future through economic and social equality of all. But the truth is that this type of equality is still just another word for socialism.

September 29, 2023 8:41 am

De Santis is coming across as the most unlikeable of the GOP candidates.
Which is saying something with Chris Christie in the race.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 29, 2023 8:41 am

Are you sure about that!?

There is (unsurprisingly) quite a body of law around engagement rings. I can’t remember what it is though. That’s not much help.

September 29, 2023 8:43 am



This time I blame autocorrect.
Don’t usually correct my mistakes, people here are intelligent enough to make sense of misspells or wrong grammar.

September 29, 2023 8:45 am

When it comes to engagement rings…

A Bronx Tale – 20 Dollars

September 29, 2023 8:45 am

Robert Malone observes that the attacks of democratic principles are a global phenomenon:

Sometime in 2021 I realized that political divisions in this country were no longer between red and blue, Republican and Democrat, but between the traditional American way (ergo Americanism) and something that has emerged culturally over the past decade. That hard to define something is in opposition to Americanism. It is very different from previous threats to the American way of life, to our culture and traditions. This new vision for America is an merger of socialism and the new world order lead by globalist, corporatist elites. It is built upon using fascist goals (that is corporatism) to twist the American way of life into a globalist’s playpen of unregulated crony capitalism for the global transnational corporations and a command economy of restrictions for the rest of us. Where free speech is limited to state approved speech via controls and restrictions of the digital space.

This new merger of socialism and fascism, combined with limits to free speech (which always must have the ability to offend) is eerily similar to socio-fascism. This is a globalist movement, not limited to any one state or nation. This new merger could be called progressive socio-fascism. If we do not guard our great nation from these globalist zealots, it is just a matter of time before the United Nations and the World Economic Forum will hold the reins of power throughout the western world; maybe the entire world.

The progressive socio-fascists have done an excellent job in conning younger generations across the globe that their vision for the world will produce a better future through economic and social equality of all. But the truth is that this type of equality is still just another word for socialism.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 29, 2023 8:45 am

At least you’ve got a consistent position, HB…
me, I sidestepped any “lived experience” cos my wife proposed to me. No ring, no ultrasound, no kneeling, nothing…

September 29, 2023 8:46 am

Sorry for the repeat of Malone quotation.

September 29, 2023 8:47 am

Not only that, apparently it is now haram to say that a woman is attractive and also to say that she is not.

They swear like navvies, they cavort like harlots, they treat men like garbage – then demand the smelling salts should they receive even the most minor push back.

This faux fainting couch stuff is ridiculous.

September 29, 2023 8:47 am

I actually see some need for this, my parents have no driver license or passport, only the medicare card and the rate notice for ID which has no picture and not excepted everywhere.

I don’t drive or have a current passport but do have a photo ID card from NSW Motor Transport (or whatever we call the motor licensing dept. these dayz) .. Valid for 5 years and free to OAPs …. you lob in to your local office (Services NSW) , pix taken & issued then & there …

September 29, 2023 8:53 am

Sep 29, 2023 8:47 AM

Great. didn’t know about that, appreciated.

September 29, 2023 8:53 am

Instead, in his first budget, the Treasurer cut over $6 billion of funding to build new dams in Queensland.

Not just new builds but funding for mandatory upgrades to existing dams.

Without that funding regional councils will have to pass the cost of the upgrades onto residents via rates, as we’ve just been advised.

And the Labor government has its head so far up its arse it doesn’t realise these sorts of decisions are playing into the Voice question.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 29, 2023 8:54 am

Did not know the Woodside – Yes connection.

a Mardudhunera [Traditional Custodian] had launched legal action against the offshore petroleum regulator, Nopsema, over its approval of the seismic work, arguing consultation with traditional owners had been inadequate.

The easy dodge here is that the InVoice can’t be blamed for this because it hasn’t been built yet. (Gloss over the purpose of it.)

I expect the survey will go ahead once they re-arrange the charges into the same blasting pattern that the ancient Mardudhunera used.
That’s unless Nopsema stop using the white coloniser’s ways of responding, in legal nastygrams, and start using ancient Mardudhunera ways of responding…

September 29, 2023 8:54 am

You are correct Shatterzzz. I think other states offer this option.
Victoria also offer a proof of age card.

September 29, 2023 8:55 am

The easy dodge here is that the InVoice can’t be blamed for this because it hasn’t been built yet.

It’s just another nail in the coffin.
Like the WA Heritage laws.

September 29, 2023 8:56 am

The Federal Government could easily legislate to stop these ludicrous songline claims.
From people who didn’t even have boats.
Doesn’t matter, only us dumb dumb no voice taxpayers are paying for it all.

September 29, 2023 8:56 am

My favourite bit about the ADF reorganisation is that we base our missile defences in Adelaide. You know, in order to reduce their range by thousands of km.

I thought that too, however further reading revealed a certain ineluctable logic.
SA is perfect for testing long range rocket artillery.
If someone has a bit of finger trouble,
they’re unlikely to damage anything of value.

September 29, 2023 8:56 am

“They think they are above the law,” she said. “There’s no way in any circumstance that they’re above our law, my Indigenous law, our cultural law that’s been here since the beginning of time.”

250 miles offshore, 900 metres underwater, 60,000 years ago?

That Aboriginal submarine building facility, whatever happened to that, it died on the vine?

September 29, 2023 8:58 am

That Aboriginal submarine building facility, whatever happened to that, it died on the vine?

I must have skipped that chapter of Dark Emu.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 29, 2023 8:58 am

Gabor, the lack of a universal ID is not a problem, it’s a deliberatly set-up solution to the problem of a will to rule from the Lizard People. Everything from pettifogger to demiurge- resist.

September 29, 2023 8:59 am

“They think they are above the law,” she said. “There’s no way in any circumstance that they’re above our law, my Indigenous law, our cultural law that’s been here since the beginning of time.”

Has this grifter ever written or spoken of this before Woodside applied to develop the field?

September 29, 2023 9:00 am

I must have skipped that chapter of Dark Emu.

Quite frankly I’m depressed and shamed.

September 29, 2023 9:00 am

“Nopsema, over its approval of the seismic work, arguing consultation with traditional owners had been inadequate.”

Once the extortion is agreed, the “consultation” box will receive it’s tick of approval.

September 29, 2023 9:01 am

Treasurer Jim Chalmers this week visited Rockhampton to play weatherman.
He warned us all that Queensland would get longer and worse droughts over the next 40 years due to climate change.
I struggle to believe the weather forecast for next week, let alone for the next 40 years, but Jim seemed earnest, so let’s take him at his word.

Gosh I wish Canavan could be PM. He always makes sense when the others utter platitudes. Yes, dams are a godsend to farmers. Bizarrely, and according to the drivers of ideology, Labor opposes them at every opportunity, as though they are the work of the devil. We also have relatively untapped artesian water in this country. Bores are also are godsend, and helped get us through the last drought.

Yet few Australians would know that both dams and bores are ferociously controlled by the bureaucrats. We have planes that literally patrol from time to time to monitor dams, and bores have licences attached that are constantly monitored for usage.
While there is a case for monitoring over usage, the ideology at work goes unnoticed in the policing.

September 29, 2023 9:01 am

Sorry for the repeat of Malone quotation.

Vicki, the British journalist David Goodhart coined the terms “Somewheres” and “Anywheres” to describe people rooted in a specific place and traditional culture and those who can up sticks and move anywhere due to globalism.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 9:04 am

“They think they are above the law,” she said. “There’s no way in any circumstance that they’re above our law, my Indigenous law, our cultural law that’s been here since the beginning of time.”

I wonder if Woodside regret the donation to the “YES” campaign, and all those “welcome to country?”

September 29, 2023 9:05 am

Has this grifter ever written or spoken of this before Woodside applied to develop the field?

Did those songlines really exist?

September 29, 2023 9:06 am

“They think they are above the law,” she said. “There’s no way in any circumstance that they’re above our law, my Indigenous law, our cultural law that’s been here since the beginning of time.”

The terminus ad quem of “always was, always will be.”

September 29, 2023 9:07 am

Sep 29, 2023 7:43 AM
Mr Fox also apologised directly to Ms Evans, saying: “I’m sorry for demeaning you in that way.

Heh. Subtext – would still run a mile.

He should have apologised like lefties do: “I apologise if you were offended”. It seems to work for them.

September 29, 2023 9:08 am

Treasurer Jim Chalmers this week visited Rockhampton to play weatherman.

Every time I see Chalmers I think “Wallet Wizard”.

September 29, 2023 9:09 am

250 miles offshore, 900 metres underwater,

How does a judge measure what actually is “adequate consultation” regarding a project taking place so far removed from any indigenous presence? Even in the past 60,000 years.

dotty, what’s the legal process of deliberation here, what are the benchmarks in law?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 9:10 am

1 hour ago
Whale dreaming?This sounds like secret women’s business to me.

September 29, 2023 9:11 am

If she was an actual “stunning and bwave” woman, she should have immediately replied, “I wouldn’t shag him either!”.

But no, she went down the Shut Up route.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 29, 2023 9:14 am

The court decision comes amid debate about whether an Indigenous voice to parliament would open the door to more legal challenges from Indigenous groups.

Better believe it.
Behind the Scarborough challenge was the Environmental Defender’s Office – who work hand in glove with Greenpeace and other similar activists.

A constitutional Voice would be an instant launching pad for well-funded international activist groups aimed at shutting down Australia’s energy, minerals, and agricultural industries.

September 29, 2023 9:15 am

At long last…my fan club has arrived!

I was beginning to imagine myself worried about your welfare.

September 29, 2023 9:17 am

Sep 29, 2023 9:05 AM
Has this grifter ever written or spoken of this before Woodside applied to develop the field?

Did those songlines really exist?

An aboriginal woman hears whale voices, demands that exploration in the area be stopped because of it and a judge agrees. I know who is stupider in this case and it’s not the aboriginal woman.

September 29, 2023 9:18 am

Sep 29, 2023 8:53 AM

Sep 29, 2023 8:47 AM

Sorry, I didn’t mentioned, It is related to the comm bank’s ID requirement where their super is going into and this is not an option listed on the website. Presenting in person is a bit difficult for them.

The reason they asked for this is “money laundering” rules. They have all the details for the last 15 years at least, what “laundering” did they do?

Why can’t they leave old people alone?

September 29, 2023 9:20 am

This Woodside ruling might have a flow-on effect here, at a genuine whale migration corridor.

All we need is some magic “songlines” to override the offshore wind farm.

I know…who am I kidding.

September 29, 2023 9:21 am

A constitutional Voice would be an instant launching pad for well-funded international activist groups aimed at shutting down Australia’s energy, minerals, and agricultural industries.

They really, really hate our prosperity yet should our economy collapse these people think they will be unaffected. You can’t cure stupid.

September 29, 2023 9:25 am

I know who is stupider in this case and it’s not the aboriginal woman.

David Unaipon used to tell white lecture audiences that aborigines communicated across long distances in the bush by telepathy.

And many believed him.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 29, 2023 9:29 am

Blak tape potentially more effective than any possible green tape. And you can be assured the swampies know that.

September 29, 2023 9:30 am

Just checked TheirABC online (gotta watch the opposition) and there is a story about egg shortages.

The headline?

‘Australia’s love affair with eggs causes headaches as farmers push to expand.’

Just take a momemt and read it again.

Australians have been eating eggs for (according to some) 60,000 years. In any event, eggs have been omnipresent in the diet of Australians as a tasty and nutritious element for a very long time.

What kind of airhead turns that into a ‘love affair’? Answers on a postcard.

Then, we have ‘headaches’, in keeping with the modern trend of medicalising everything into personal pain. But the real ‘headache’ is for consumers. Increasing regulation is pushing up prices and reducing supply – the Leftie dream.

The article is a garbled mish mash, in keeping with the dreadful headline.

Former sub-editors (now deemed to be superfluous) must be weeping in their beers, if they can bear to read this semi-literate garbage.

September 29, 2023 9:34 am

The other thing pushing up egg prices is energy costs.

That goes for barn eggs too, not just evil cage ones.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 29, 2023 9:36 am

Offshore oil and gas, aluminium, alumina, cement the list goes on. These are truly global industries. When it gets too hard or too expensive decisions are taken in London, Tokyo or New York to go elsewhere. It has happened to car assembly and it can happen to others.

September 29, 2023 9:44 am

Setting aside the ridiculous notion that whale voices can be heard 250 miles away, Reuters is reporting this as a procedural cock up by NOPSEMA.

“Raelene Cooper, a traditional custodian of the Murujuga land in Western Australia, filed a judicial review in August arguing the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) made an error in approving Woodside’s seismic blasting as the company had not met the condition of properly consulting her.

Judge Craig Colvin agreed, saying NOPSEMA did not have the power to make the decision to accept the environmental plan since it did not consult all parties, and thus the approval was invalid and overturned, court documents showed.

Cooper was a person who, under the terms of the conditions, was required to be consulted,” Judge Colvin said.

Terms of conditions. It will be interesting to see how WDS challenge or get around this. Was this a procedural cock up by WDS/NOPSEMA?

September 29, 2023 9:44 am

My favourite bit about the ADF reorganisation is that we base our missile defences in Adelaide. You know, in order to reduce their range by thousands of km.

Also, lets concentrate our artillery and armour and crunchy infantry in one 5km radius close to possible enemies so a single salvo of missiles can remove 90% of our capability, while doing almost nothing to the national economy, so savage tribute can be levied in the future..

September 29, 2023 9:45 am

H B Bear Avatar
H B Bear
Sep 29, 2023 9:36 AM

Offshore oil and gas, aluminium, alumina, cement the list goes on. These are truly global industries. When it gets too hard or too expensive decisions are taken in London, Tokyo or New York to go elsewhere. It has happened to car assembly and it can happen to others.

Agree about manufacturing, but you can’t just go anywhere to drill for oil or gas or mine minerals where there is one.

September 29, 2023 9:46 am

tick-gate kicked off suddenly last night

oh, I get it … who are you gonna believe…

1 – a trio of lying, belligerant, manipulating confabulators ?


2 – the smart-arse who very successfully takes the p155 out of them because they’re such easy marks?

there’s just one or two things that you 3 idiots haven’t worked out with all your paranoid gaming calculus

pretty sure everybody gets it but youse

September 29, 2023 9:47 am

there is one

There is NONE
Shyte, how do you turn off autocorrect?

September 29, 2023 9:48 am

Wallet Wizard! Lucky I wasn’t drinking. On a roll today calli.

September 29, 2023 9:48 am

Not really a liberty quote, but Calli at 8.47am nails 21st century “feminists”:

They swear like navvies, they cavort like harlots, they treat men like garbage – then demand the smelling salts should they receive even the most minor push back.

Needless to say, these revolting females run the global political left and its rebellion against civilisation while the left’s soy boys fall in line and do what they’re told.

September 29, 2023 9:59 am

ah, the sound of a chainsaw.

must be Spring

I think the neighbour might be doing some sort of stump-sculpture

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 10:00 am

31 minutes ago
Isn’t it just 2023 when a massive project such as this to benefit of all Australians is stalled because of these incredible objections…more fascinating is the fact that the people comp[alining dont seem to understand that these projects allow us to fund their welfare to a very high order.

September 29, 2023 10:00 am

JC, no, I’ve seen multiple reports of grocery prices and consumer goods, from various people including Speedbox, and they don’t indicate any such thing. You are groping for a win here where there is none. Sanctions have failed.

Dover, I don’t know if you’re playing to some sort of peanut gallery, I’m not being clear or it doesn’t sink in. I’m well aware the sanctions haven’t had the impact that was initially expected. That isn’t to say they haven’t caused trade re-routing or some hardship because they have.

The currency has fallen 50%, there is at least discounting of 40% on the Russian export side of their trade account and probably , equally, 40% gouging on the import side of the ledger. It’s impossible consumer prices haven’t impacted. They’re either lying or massively subsidising food imports. Someway or another the piper has to be paid.

No, but events over the last two weeks are giving them an important lesson re the West.

It’s just statecraft. India is not going to side with the North Korea. 🙂

There’s always tensions and self interest colliding.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 29, 2023 10:01 am

Agree about manufacturing, but you can’t just go anywhere to drill for oil or gas or mine minerals where there is one.

At any given time there will be suite of projects at various stages on the table. They all have various risks attached to them. Australia’s regulatory risk would definitely be a consideration up for discussion whereas once it possibly would not. We’re not quite hard rock mining in central Africa yet but that may change.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 10:09 am

“Raelene Cooper, a traditional custodian of the Murujuga land in Western Australia, filed a judicial review in August arguing the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) made an error in approving Woodside’s seismic blasting as the company had not met the condition of properly consulting her.

Seizmic blasting is bad? Oh.

Offshore wind is systematically violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act (28 Sep)

New evidence says that offshore wind sonar surveys may have committed hundreds of thousands of violations of the MMPA, each potentially subject to tens of thousands of dollars in fines. The potential penalty total is in the billions. Moreover these incredible violations appear to be deliberate.

These astonishingly bad findings flow from research by the Save the Right Whales Coalition (SRWC). It is a bit technical but here is a simple summary.

SRWC noticed that the recent IHA calculations were using sonar noise levels that were much lower than those specified by the equipment manufacturer. So they did what NOAA should have been doing from the beginning; they measured the noise from a sonar in action doing a survey. They found that the noise level was comparable to the manufacturer’s specs, hence much louder than what the IHA assumed.

So the wind operators lied to the authorities about how loud their sonic surveys were. And whales have been dying in their dozens and hundreds. I wonder if they’ll ever be held to account?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 10:11 am

Indigenous voice to parliament referendum fatigue is kicking in on the final run home
geoff chambers Follow @Chambersgc geoff chambers

7:46AM September 29, 2023

As Australians fire up barbecues and stock eskies for the footy finals long weekend, Yes and No campaigners will have a brief reprieve from the gruelling slog of the voice referendum campaign trail.

Ahead of the Australian Electoral Commission opening early voting centres next week, voice campaigners are finalising preparations for the final two-weeks.

The road to October 14 has been a marathon for veteran Yes23 and Uluru Dialogue campaigners who have endured years of frustration, broken promises and internal disputes over what constitutional recognition should look like. On the other side, and from a standing start, the No campaign has pulled together an alliance of conservative forces.
Read Next

While Anthony Albanese announced the October 14 referendum date on August 30, the starter’s gun was fired when he took to the Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club stage on election night and declared: “I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full.”

The 16-month trek towards constitutionally enshrining a voice to parliament and executive government has worked against the Yes campaign. For many Yes campaigners, who reflect on polls last year showing emphatic support for an Indigenous voice, time has become the enemy.

A senior Labor operative said the No campaign line – “If you don’t know, vote no” – had started to lose impact as more Australians understood the voice concept. A No campaigner said many voters, particularly older and conservative Australians, were sceptical about a major change to the Constitution. The lack of detail on the voice has also helped.

Yes23 will likely shift the narrative to what defeat means for Indigenous Australians and the country. The tone of the debate, which turned uglier in recent weeks, is expected to become more negative as both sides seek to lock in soft and undecided voters.

Yes supporters will associate Clive Palmer’s $2m ad blitz with the No campaign, despite no official links between the groups. Yes campaigners have sought to paint the No side as being funded by mining billionaire “villains”.

With at least $26.7m out of an expected $50m Yes23 warchest underwritten by big companies and philanthropic groups, the No campaign will attack their opponents for being a vehicle for elites.

Both sides have sought to claim “underdog” status.

Just over two weeks out from referendum day, the Yes campaign can rightfully claim the tag.

The stakes for Albanese and Peter Dutton are high. Whoever lands on the losing side will carry residual damage all the way to the 2025 election.

September 29, 2023 10:12 am

Gabor, if you have an Android

Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
Search for “Language & Input” using the search bar at the top. …
Next, select “On-Screen Keyboard.”
Then, tap on “Gboard” from the list of options. …
Locate and tap the “Text Correction” option.
Finally, locate the “Auto-correction” toggle and turn it off.

iPhones are pretty much the same. It’s hidden in “Settings”.

I turn it off on all my devices.

September 29, 2023 10:13 am

Makka I thought you might be all over this, but anyway:

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009

10A Criteria for acceptance of environment plan

For regulation 10, the criteria for acceptance of an environment plan are that the plan:

(a) is appropriate for the nature and scale of the activity; and

(b) demonstrates that the environmental impacts and risks of the activity will be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable; and

(c) demonstrates that the environmental impacts and risks of the activity will be of an acceptable level; and

(d) provides for appropriate environmental performance outcomes, environmental performance standards and measurement criteria; and

(e) includes an appropriate implementation strategy and monitoring, recording and reporting arrangements; and

(f) does not involve the activity or part of the activity, other than arrangements for environmental monitoring or for responding to an emergency, being undertaken in any part of a declared World Heritage property within the meaning of the EPBC Act; and

(g) demonstrates that:

(i) the titleholder has carried out the consultations required by Division 2.2A; and

(ii) the measures (if any) that the titleholder has adopted, or proposes to adopt, because of the consultations are appropriate; and

(h) complies with the Act and the regulations.


Division 2.2A—Consultation in preparing an environment plan

11A Consultation with relevant authorities, persons and organisations, etc

(1) In the course of preparing an environment plan, or a revision of an environment plan, a titleholder must consult each of the following (a relevant person):

(a) each Department or agency of the Commonwealth to which the activities to be carried out under the environment plan, or the revision of the environment plan, may be relevant;

(b) each Department or agency of a State or the Northern Territory to which the activities to be carried out under the environment plan, or the revision of the environment plan, may be relevant;

(c) the Department of the responsible State Minister, or the responsible Northern Territory Minister;

(d) a person or organisation whose functions, interests or activities may be affected by the activities to be carried out under the environment plan, or the revision of the environment plan;

(e) any other person or organisation that the titleholder considers relevant.

(2) For the purpose of the consultation, the titleholder must give each relevant person sufficient information to allow the relevant person to make an informed assessment of the possible consequences of the activity on the functions, interests or activities of the relevant person.

(3) The titleholder must allow a relevant person a reasonable period for the consultation.

(4) The titleholder must tell each relevant person the titleholder consults that:

(a) the relevant person may request that particular information the relevant person provides in the consultation not be published; and

(b) information subject to such a request is not to be published under this Part.


4 Definitions

In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears:

relevant person has the meaning given by subregulation 11A(1). (LOL!)

Subregulation 11A(1) (d) could potentially be anyone on planet earth.

These stupid laws & subsequent regulation need to be scrapped and the never to rarely used power to retire really, really bad judges by agreement of the executive and both Houses of Parliament needs to be exercised.

I think the “900 m under the sea, 250 miles offshore, 60,000 years ago” argument is good but I’m not a pet judge under the aegis of our luvvie ruling class who rolls over for a tummy rub.

September 29, 2023 10:13 am

I wonder if they’ll ever be held to account?

Never, unless someone brings up charges. And who might that be?

Our spineless LNP Federal Govt had more than a decade to roll back some of this greentape lunacy. From what I can see they only allowed it to get worse.

September 29, 2023 10:15 am

Both sides have sought to claim “underdog” status.


How can you claim both “underdog” and “right side of history” in the same breath?

September 29, 2023 10:17 am

I think Cooper v NOPSEMA will end almost like Peko-Wallsend even if the origin story is not quite the same.

“Erred, by taking into consideration, irrelevant considerations”

September 29, 2023 10:19 am

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009

Apropos of Makka n noting the LNP are spineless, the enabling legislation for these silly regulations was assented to in 2006.

September 29, 2023 10:22 am

may be affected

What a can of worms. It’s almost unenforceable.

Who writes or signs off on this shit?

I know, Peter Garrett (the relevant Minister in 2009).

September 29, 2023 10:25 am


Let’s point out how absurd this is.

…interests…may be affected…

So basically the Unabomber could have demanded we all go live in grass huts.

We are no longer a serious country.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 29, 2023 10:28 am

Reading through the judgement on the Scarborough case (not something a normal person would do) it is looks like Aunty Raylene and the Environmental Defenders may have unleashed havoc on offshore petroleum exploration and development.

Leaving aside the legal technicalities of the operation of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations, the judgement sets a precedent that:

1) An offshore operator must consult with any person who has an interest in “the cultural environment” and take their opinions (whatever they may be) into formal consideration, and publish them in their Environmental Management Plan before starting work;

2) Any individual person with standing has a right to be consulted and can claim that right from the operator at his/her convenience;

3) No time limit is set on that person responding to the operator’s request for particulars or supporting information. In Aunty Raylene’s case it appears that apart from nominating whales as culturally important she gave no evidence as to why a project 250km offshore was part of her ‘cultural environment’.

4) Stiff shit if you are an operator being frustrated by non-response and not believing in songlines-at-sea – you haven’t completed your legislated consultation process and therefore any operation under the EIS would be illegal.

The takeaway:

An individual who can reasonably claim ‘cultural rights’ can insist on any any cultural matter – irrespective of how seemingly far-fetched – being considered seriously in an Australian offshore operational process that requires an EIS to proceed (ie anything of an exploratory or developmental nature).

This cultural claim can clog up the bureaucratic process as indefinitely as the legal term ‘reasonable’ allows.

Once that claim is addressed, another cultural claimant can pop up with another version of whale business/songlines/whatever and rinse and repeat the process, apparently ad infinitum.

The other takeaway is that the Commonwealth offshore regulator, NOPSEMA, is bloody useless.

Watch this space.

September 29, 2023 10:30 am

Thanks dotty. Interesting to do a deeper dive into this.

Raelene Cooper has bee antagonizing WDS for years. She and her mob were well and truly on WDS radar over heritage issues. She made a big song and dance at last years AGM.

How could it be possible (other than hubris or incompetence) that WDS/NOPSEMA could be found to not abide by terms of conditions in the approvals process? They certainly can’t claim ignorance. So I’m reading this as WDS doing a cunning op by getting headlines in Australia how ridiculous the black and green tape has become in the Resources space, stopping this multi-billion$ project at sea well over the horizon from nearest Indigenous lands.

September 29, 2023 10:31 am

Precedent? Hmmm.

For how long?

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 29, 2023 10:36 am

How long before the High Court rules you can’t be having whitey rule on cultural matters? Not sure how dey got around dat in the Hindmarsh Island matter. Guess it just falls into another bucket of expert evidence.

September 29, 2023 10:37 am

On the Army being moved north comments, please keep in mind the terrible state of recruitment and retention in our sevices.

One factor is the service conditions, like being able to spend more time with your family and being able to hoppity hop from one job to another in the forces when you’re bored, is what the ADF learned from people exiting as preferred lifestyle goals.

If people don’t want to move they can change jobs .. they cannot be forced to move.

The situation is not ideal, but if we didn’t offer the terms we do now, we’d have even more problems with recruitment and retention. E.G.To get people into our Collins Class submarines I believe we offer almost triple pay ++ and still have problems getting a full compliment.

The far north of Australia is not an attractive place to live. People want to live where there are services, utilities and safety to raise a family, hang out with relatives and friends. Being uprooted to somewhere like Townsville or Darwin maybe ok for pioneering types, but not families. It is a huge degradation in lifestyle.

It is what it is and the ADF struggles to meet the demands of politicians who blew in yesterday and have barrels to pork and the strategic goals of force structure.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 10:42 am

Bruce O’Nuke:

So either they know something will happen at 3am on 15 October that we don’t, or they are truly off their flippin’ fruit tree.

No, they are just arrogant and think the ideological victories they have had in the past will continue forever, without any wind back to repressive policies.
Societies change. Nothing surer.

September 29, 2023 10:42 am

Being uprooted to somewhere like Townsville or Darwin maybe ok for pioneering types, but not families. It is a huge degradation in lifestyle.

I know an Army family who love Townsville. The kids hate NSW because it’s too cold (laughs in Victorian).

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 29, 2023 10:43 am

SA is perfect for testing long range rocket artillery.
If someone has a bit of finger trouble,
they’re unlikely to damage anything of value.

If we’re talking about flying objects with target seeking behaviour, not just ballistic rockets but smart missiles, then SA is still not ideal. If you want to avoid any Donetsk MH17 BuK type incidents, the absence of any commercial flight paths would be a plus. Too many converge on Adelaide covering most of SA on the only flight path map I’ve been able to find.

South-eastern WA, from Forrest to Warburton through the Great Victoria Desert nature reserve is a rectangle 500km by 100km has virtually nothing flying over it and no settlements that I could see in a quick scan.

The real reason has to be (1) SA has the Woomera Prohibited Area already, 2) they can wait for periods of no overflight, and 3) close to defence sector industry and SA promotes itself as “The Defence State”.

September 29, 2023 10:45 am

I can’t believe the ADF don’t do the ancient 20 years and retire on half pay thing anymore.

Soldiers and airmen back then seemed more satisfied. They had a good deal.

I think I’m right by saying it would absolutely bring recruiting and retention back.

September 29, 2023 10:48 am

The biggest problem (but not the only one) with these ‘environmental’ regulations is the lack of definition of standing. Hence, we have kiddies, prompted and paid for by adults, claiming in lawsuits that fossil fuels are going to burn up their planet.

The stupid, gutless, Coalition government did nothing about this, and the whole country is paying the price.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 29, 2023 10:50 am

Everything government touches turns to crap.

– Ringo Starr

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 29, 2023 10:51 am

Now this is interesting.

They were well known as chook killers in early settlement days and ruthlessly hunted.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 29, 2023 10:52 am

Sep 29, 2023 10:31 AM

Precedent? Hmmm.
For how long?

I’d hope Woodside appeals – but the relevant definition and regulation appears fairly clear cut (although luckily I work as a NDIS male-to-male sexual relief masseur, rather than as a lawyer).

The chances of amendments to the ‘cultural’ operation of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations?

In the current cultural environment?

With the current retards looking to stay in office?

With howler monkeys on the prowl?

Australia’s country risk in the resources market moves up a notch to: Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here.

September 29, 2023 10:52 am

Where’s that place in Australia that has a rocket launching site that can do Space Shuttles? Whatever happened there? Where’s my Space Port?

When we drop the tariffs on Martian gold and platinum, we can build an Interstellar Multi Function Polis (IMFP).

September 29, 2023 10:55 am

Australia’s country risk in the resources market moves up a notch to: Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here.

We’re never going to develop the Ardlethan Anomaly or have hundreds more dams that are possible, outlined by CALD.

:sad face:

Poverty is ultimately a choice.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 10:55 am


I recall her name, but there were an Australian bint – a medical doctor. based in the US who led the anti-nuke protests in the 70s and 80s. A total loon.

Helen Caldicott?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 29, 2023 10:58 am

Black Ball

Sep 29, 2023 8:04 AM

Sancho Panzer touched on this yesterday I believe. Herald Sun

That was pure speculation at the time as that story wasn’t published.
I got it wrong that the Right faction was in on a move to get rid of him.
The sudden exit was an attempt to ambush the Right with a fait accompli of the Allan-Pallas ticket. The bit Dan missed was that any challenge would delay the party ballot for a month.
But the key thing I got right was that Hunchback has treated anyone outside the Left faction with utter contempt and the chickens have come home to roost.
This is why Allan needs to clean out the #istandwithdan elements in the office.
He has tired of the grind of the job, but he has not tired of wielding power.
Bullies never do.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 10:59 am

Galaxies are racist.

Small group of astronomers call for renaming the Magellanic Clouds, accusing Magellan of racism (28 Sep)

Astronomy has lately been the last refuge of actual science, now even it is going woke. I’m sad.

September 29, 2023 11:06 am
September 29, 2023 11:08 am

Bit of a mix up. Oh well.

The point is, the whole story was about the dispute between the government, the unions and the firefighters.

This bit was relegated to a sentence:

The western New South Wales Fire and Rescue crew were called to extinguish a bin fire in Dubbo last week and returned to notice smoke billowing from their truck’s engine.

While the crew waited for mechanics to arrive, they were attacked by a group that began throwing rocks at them, forcing them to hide in the truck’s cabin.

Fire Brigade Employees Union country representative Tim Anderson said he had raised concerns about the incident.

“Firefighters have no role in law enforcement at all, we’re purely there to assist the community when an incident is occurring,” Mr Anderson said.

“We should be able to do our job safely without being subjected to violence.”

I’m guessing that the ‘people of no appearance’ demographic was involved, otherwise TheirABC would have been shouting about it.

Ambos and firies put up with this shit all the time.

Yet the alleged pillars of the working class, the Labor Party, don’t give a damn about these people.

I don’t understand why people who throw things at emergency vehicles should not be charged with criminal damge, or whatever it is called.

Does anyone know?

September 29, 2023 11:09 am

Buckets of Common Sense – President Trump Impromptu Interview Following Michigan Union Speech

September 28, 2023 – Sundance

President Trump was interviewed by NewsMax at the conclusion of his speech to union and trade workers in Michigan. {Direct Rumble Link Here} The impromptu interview covers a wide variety of topics and includes Trump’s pragmatic advice to the UAW leadership about their contract request.

As President Trump aptly notes, the Biden Green New Deal vehicle mandate for 100% electric vehicles within ten years, will collapse the U.S. auto industry.

It really doesn’t matter how much the union leadership demands for a pay scale, when the job itself will be wiped out.

Other points of pragmatic common sense are throughout this interview, and it is refreshing to hear Trump talk about optimal solutions to big challenges. WATCH:

September 29, 2023 11:12 am

The Second ‘First Loser’ Debate was an Embarrassment to the Legacy of Ronald Reagan, But Modern Republicans Just Don’t Care…

September 28, 2023 – Sundance

According to the portly 1% fellow of no political significance, we are all supposed to think “Donald Ducks” is some brilliant labeling by the jerk from Jersey. But in reality, it only shows the complete dissonance of the professional republican class who have hired him to take shots at the leading GOP candidate. If there is a better word than pathetic, use it here.

What the hell did Ramalamadingdong have on top of his head last night? Good grief, if smuggling a Quokka onto the debate stage was a skillset for POTUS, Ramaswamy leads the furriers. Perhaps having to stand next to him was why Nikki Haley had blood coming out of her eyes, her face, her whatever. Sheesh, she’s a nasty person; and that has nothing to do with gender appropriation or misogyny.

As the Daily Mail noted [SEE HERE] the second of the first loser debates showed exactly why Donald Trump is leading the field by 50 points. President Trump was in Michigan giving an “America-First” voice to the forgotten middle-class, while the professionally republican were stacked up in California talking about who supports Ukraine best.

What an absolute sh*t show. WATCH (3 mins):

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 29, 2023 11:14 am

At the end of the last page:

The far north of Australia is not an attractive place to live.

Says who?

People want to live where there are services, utilities and safety

We have services and utilities. Electricity does exist up here, you know. We even introduced chairs about three years ago. Also, you can now get a pizza on a Tuesday if you want.

Being uprooted to somewhere like Townsville or Darwin maybe ok for pioneering types, but not families.

Pioneering types?

I can probably build a log cabin if required, but I didn’t need to.

The problem people run into after living in D-Town – or anywhere up here – is generally family-related. Specifically, after a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband and wife team – with or without family in tow – make the decision, as a team, to live in places like Darwin for the lifestyle, the following happens:

1. Wifey – ‘I’m too far away from my mother’;
2. Wifey – ‘My parents can’t look after the kids after school while I pursue my career so I have to put them in daycare’;
3. Wifey – ‘I’m too far away from my mother’; and
4. Wifey – ‘I’m too far away from my mother’.

Special mention to ‘I didn’t realise it would be hot.’

So, that family group doubles their expenditure and moves back to drizzling, syringe-laden southern capitals because invariably Mummy’s apron strings pull the ladeeees back, bringing a silently grumbling and now-broke man back with them.

It is a huge degradation in lifestyle.

It is actually a huge improvement in lifestyle, should one wish to actually go outside once in a while.

September 29, 2023 11:14 am

The Second ‘First Loser’ Debate was an Embarrassment to the Legacy of Ronald Reagan, But Modern Republicans Just Don’t Care

September 28, 2023 – Sundance

According to the portly 1% fellow of no political significance, we are all supposed to think “Donald Ducks” is some brilliant labeling by the jerk from Jersey.

But in reality, it only shows the complete dissonance of the professional republican class who have hired him to take shots at the leading GOP candidate. If there is a better word than pathetic, use it here.

What the hell did Ramalamadingd@ng have on top of his head last night?

Good grief, if smuggling a Quokka onto the debate stage was a skillset for POTUS, Ramaswamy leads the furriers.

Perhaps having to stand next to him was why Nikki Haley had blood coming out of her eyes, her face, her whatever. She@sh, she’s a nasty person; and that has nothing to do with gender appropriation or misogyny.

As the Daily Mail noted [SEE HERE] the second of the first loser debates showed exactly why Donald Trump is leading the field by 50 points. President Trump was in Michigan giving an “America-First” voice to the forgotten middle-class, while the professionally republican were stacked up in California talking about who supports Ukraine best.

What an absolute sh*te show. WATCH (3 mins):

September 29, 2023 11:17 am

Seven kamikaze pilots on political suicide missions, Donald ducking the action – and the REAL debate winner revealed – MAUREEN CALLAHAN’s wickedly barbed verdict on Fox News’ reality show from hell

It was like watching seven kamikaze pilots on a two-hour political suicide mission.

Could Reagan’s Air Force One – suspended over the candidates of the second Republican debate, held at the former commander-in-chief’s Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California – have been a better metaphor?

An 88,000-pound fuselage, a storied aircraft that carried the kind of Republican president the party wishes would alight, just hanging there.

The threat of falling, crashing, taking out everyone with it — the only survivor Donald Trump.

For the winner of Wednesday night’s debate didn’t even show up.

His instincts are maddeningly unerring, and in skipping the debate again he made sure that he — not the economy or the migrant crisis or rising crime or the Russia-China-Iran axis — was the top trending topic on stage.

‘Donald,’ said the pugnacious Chris Christie, addressing the camera head-on, ‘I know you’re watching. You can’t help yourself.

You’re not here tonight, not because of polls’ — of course not, because Trump is polling at 58 percent among Republican voters, blowing away nearest rival Ron DeSantis by 43 points — so why this absurdist theater?

September 29, 2023 11:21 am

The Trumpster has a gift for getting to the heart of the matter.

Pity he’s so bad at picking people.

On botanical notes. It’s Spring, and the motel is chockers with Floriade visitors, the weather is perfick.

Azaleas are magnificent, daisies doin’ it, thick scent of flowering Jasmine everywhere.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 11:26 am

Wally Dalí

Sep 28, 2023 10:19 PM
…is that SF sizzler AI generated? Her hips n shoulders are being put through a grinding contraposto

Strangely enough, Wally, that was my first reaction.
The second was how good a seal was being generated by the fact her hair was outside in the supposed vacuum, and what sort of conditioner she was using to keep it ‘soft and lustrous, without a greasy feel’.
But that’s just me…

September 29, 2023 11:30 am

The Trumpster has a gift for getting to the heart of the matter.

Pity he’s so bad at picking people.

A good communicator but a terrible manager. Totally undermined the issues he was sent to Washington to resolve.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 11:31 am

It was like watching seven kamikaze pilots on a two-hour political suicide mission.

LOL! I’ve been reading various articles on the debate too, such as it was. A circular firing squad with the RNC, ‘moderators’ and Fox included.

Worst take I’ve seen so far (which I won’t bother to link) came from Scott Johnson at Powerline, who has galloping TDS at least as bad as Michael Ramirez. I’m sad about that.

Cassie of Sydney
September 29, 2023 11:33 am

Perhaps, instead of thumping our chests pretending to be big tough men and yelling that GB News and Lozza Fox should not apologise for Fox’s comments about “shagging”, we need to step back, calm down and take some deep yogi type breaths. I agree that Ava Evans’ remarks (and she has a long history of nasty vitriolic comments) were infinitely worse than anything Lozza Fox said however the bottom line is and everyone here should know it (unless they’ve been asleep under some rocks) that the left control the strings now, and so we now live in a very woke and authoritarian world. Like it or not, the left control everything. It’s easy for us mere mortals here on this blog to grandstand and urge that Lozza and GB News not apologise, but it isn’t so easy when you have to make corporate decisions which involve money. A media outlet like GB News, under sustained attack since its inception only two and half years ago, depends on advertising dollars to keep it going. That’s the plain cold reality. This combined with a draconian UK government media overlord called “OFCOM” a government bureaucracy that successive Conservative governments in the UK since 2010 have done nothing to curb, rein in or disband, means that GB News has to tread very, very carefully. Here’s who should shoulder the blame, David Cameron, Theresa May, Blowjob Johnson and now Rishi Sunak. They are the ones who’ve done almost nothing to fight this cultural progressive shit….NOTHING.

Neither Fox News in the US nor Sky News in Oz nor GB News in the UK have money trees and so they depend on advertising dollars from companies willing to advertise their goods and services on their outlets. Just remember, before Tucker was terminated, he had virtually no major company advertising on his programme. Does anyone seriously reckon that Fox would have terminated Tucker otherwise? I doubt it, he was a commercial risk. That’s how effective these far-left activist campaigns are against right-wing outlets and commentators. As I said earlier, the reality is that media outlets like Fox, and GB News need money to survive. It was (and is) the same here on Sky. For example, from Pell’s imprisonment back in March 2019 through to April 2020, few major companies were willing to advertise on Sky and particularly Bolt, save Harvey Norman and one or two others. Sky, to their credit, stood by Bolt. Bolt’s crime? He had the temerity to speak up for Pell and query the verdict. That enraged the activist left. But whilst Bolt was right (and we knew it at the time), advertisers fled Sky, thanks to the activists. It’s taken five years for many advertisers to trickle back to Sky. I remember a few years ago speaking with a well known Sky host, who said the progressive activist campaigns against the media outlet are ruthless, unrelenting and unstinting. And Sky News owes NOTHING to our own cohort of spineless Liberal politicians. I’m not aware of any of Coalition cowards speaking up for Bolt or Dean or Panahi.

As I wrote earlier this morning, there was a war and many on the right forgot to turn up to the fight. That’s the reality. So, we’re now dealing with the consequences of this refusal to fight, everything is captured, and the double standards are constant, nauseating and enormous. Will Ava Evans be made to apologise for her vicious comments about male suicide? Nah, she’ll get a free pass, she gets away with it. Everyday we see these double standards played out here in Oz, the UK and the US. I don’t know what to do, but GB News needs a license to stay on air and if the activists get their way, that license will be pulled, and the Fox/Wootton/Evans hoohaa is manna from heaven for those activists.

However, I’ll end on a positive note, there are some bright lights, such as this blog, and this is why I don’t and won’t ignore the cockroach from Melbourne, who comes here and splatters his offensive shit across the blog, from his fantasising about “punching Nazis” which is just code for punching you and me, from calling the late Cardinal Pell a ‘rock spider’ (he’s never retracted it), and more recently, laughing at footage of women being physically assaulted by perverts in broad daylight in a park in Auckland. There are some who say he and his ilk should be ignored. I say NO, you fight back, because fighting the culture wars starts locally, in the backyard, on this blog.

September 29, 2023 11:38 am

Cats post the odd ‘ABC news’ link here. I sometimes break my ALPBC embargo for those recommendations. Cats refer interesting articles.
But today I went to look at the ABC News front page.
FMD! In aggregate, they triggered me something horrible. They despise me, they REALLY despise me.

Shut it down.
Fire them all.
Mountain of skulls ( as far as it can be achieved without violence against women and gays).

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 11:39 am

Dover Beach:

No, JC, you diverted the claim that sanctions had failed to how much of that growth is due to military spending. We’ve had reports of minimal to no shortages of consumer goods, prices have remained stable, production appears unconstrained, and as the report above indicates the economy is growing.

What a lot of people in the Western economies fail to realise is that Russia has inherited from the USSR a program of civilian production substitution for military needs. I don’t know if the program has been kept up, nor do I really care. Every factory in the old USSR had a plan to stop production of civilian goods and switch to a planned military output. It was updated every year.
Like the old joke about Ivan who worked in a pram factory and was expecting his first child. Not being able to buy a pram in the open market, he decided to steal the parts from work and assemble it at home. One of the other workers at the pram factory, on the birth of his child, remarked in the Collectiv Canteen that he had seen the wife carrying the baby in the street the other day. “What happened to the pram you were stealing the parts for, Ivan?”
“It was hopeless, comrade.” replies Ivan. “Every time I had enough parts to build the pram, it turned out to be a machine gun!”

September 29, 2023 11:43 am

DeSantis seems to be just another RINO. Maybe the good stuff he did as Florida guv was just a bit of red meat for the masses.

September 29, 2023 11:43 am

Having walked to Robin’s Tree on Haidrians Wall – What a Rat Bag

The most bizarre whodunnit gripping Britain: Theories swirl over just why world famous Sycamore Gap tree was chopped down in the middle of the night…as boy, 16, is quizzed by police

Sycamore Gap was located next to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland

Bizzare theories are swirling tonight over why the world famous Sycamore Gap tree, which appeared in Kevin Costner’s 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves, was chopped down in the middle of the night, as a 16-year-old boy is quizzed by police.

September 29, 2023 11:44 am

As for Pence- grub, phony, traitor are understatements.

September 29, 2023 11:44 am

Umm, Cassie, could it be that everything you said in your lengthy rant was previously said by contributors?

Just a thought. 🙂

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 11:47 am

The Trumpster has a gift for getting to the heart of the matter.
Pity he’s so bad at picking people.

Johanna – Not his fault. The fix was in, and also the Left has so completely colonized the elite level of society that short of picking young outsiders he had no choice but try to get the best he could. Aside from Pompeo and Ben Carson they were almost all swampies. And recall that McConnell spent four years subverting his own President by slow walking approvals – such that at one stage it was going to take 11 years to get Trump’s first term nominees approved by the Senate. It’s revealing that Turtle has been waving through Biden’s fruit-salad of appointees.

As an example the CEO of Exxon – he turned out to be a seditious lefty despite being an oil corporation executive. Or John Bolton, the neocon hawk of hawks, who now we can see is more aligned with the Dems than with the right. Quite amazing how Trump tore off the masks of these people.

And of course the elite RINOs are still working with the Dems to keep him out and keep themselves in control of the GOP. Ordinary Republican voters are roughly 80% behind Trump though.

The trouble is that the termites have been eating out America, and especially its institutions, for at least seventy years. That got a kick along during the Carter Administration, and the Bushies were too complacent to realize the bureaucracy was being captured. Then Bill Ayres’ acolyte Barack Obama cemented it, and now we’re here. I doubt the US can survive, too far gone.

September 29, 2023 11:50 am

Helen Caldicott?

wrote a book too.

which was almost as bad as the da Vinci Code

September 29, 2023 11:51 am

Scientific integrity.
No Place For Transphobia in Anthropology:
Session pulled from Annual Meeting program

in order to ensure the safety and dignity of all of our members

And settled science.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 29, 2023 11:52 am

Sep 29, 2023 9:01 AM
Sorry for the repeat of Malone quotation.

Vicki, the British journalist David Goodhart coined the terms “Somewheres” and “Anywheres” to describe people rooted in a specific place and traditional culture and those who can up sticks and move anywhere due to globalism.

The UN should offer a “World Citizen” passport, conditional on total revocation of any national citizenship.

Then the “Somewheres” could place restrictions on the visas of “World Citizens”, and they would only be able to vote for UN staff positions.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 11:53 am

As to the rise of India, like China, it is running up against the limits of growth its culture can support. More growth is possible, but the cost of that growth will rise until the problem of corruption will make the cost of growth prohibitive.
Like the absence of growth in Aboriginal Australia before Britain got here, a society can only grow so far. A tribal, war faring society is why Aboriginal society stopped. It never made the transition to the city state because constant resource limits stopped it cold.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 29, 2023 11:55 am

Elon Musk asks a lot of great questions.

The answer to his question is that the border with Mexico is not the border of the USA empire.

September 29, 2023 11:59 am

A tribal, war faring society is why Aboriginal society stopped. It never made the transition to the city state because constant resource limits stopped it cold.

Seems like they never made it to the next stage beyond hunter-gatherer i.e. agriculture generating protein in a reliable way to expand the herd and enable innovation and specialisation of roles.

More important, they never invented Beer which enables many things.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 12:00 pm

Bugger. Now the Dems will really go for him. I had hoped he’d keep a lower profile until Starship could get a successful launch.

Elon Musk backs a border wall as he plans a visit to Eagle Pass, Texas (28 Sep)

I agree with him, but SpaceX is too important to be endangered like this.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 29, 2023 12:00 pm

Sep 29, 2023 9:44 AM
My favourite bit about the ADF reorganisation is that we base our missile defences in Adelaide. You know, in order to reduce their range by thousands of km.

Also, lets concentrate our artillery and armour and crunchy infantry in one 5km radius close to possible enemies so a single salvo of missiles can remove 90% of our capability, while doing almost nothing to the national economy, so savage tribute can be levied in the future..

Return to a militia Army, spread across the nation?

That might cause some angst, however, I am reminded that the AOC RAF Training Command expressed an opinion in around 1938 along the lines that “Unlike [WW I], the next air war will not be fought by a mass-recruited Air Force”, because too technical. In 1942, as AOC Bomber Command, he was sending the products of a new “mass-recruited Air Force” on night missions over Germany.

September 29, 2023 12:01 pm

John Pesutto must apologise to Moira Deeming or ‘get out of the way’: Peta Credlin

Sky News host Peta Credlin has warned Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto to apologise to Moira Deeming or “get out of the way” and let someone else take on the Labor Party.

“Now the first task of a party leader is to keep the team together, and this is where Pesutto has so far failed badly,” she said.

“He should have publicly supported his upper house colleague, Moira Deeming, after the women’s rights rally she’d spoken at was gate-crashed by neo-Nazis.”

Ms Credlin added Daniel Andrews’ resignation gives the Victorian Opposition leader a chance to make the “fresh start” he needs.

“John Pesutto needs to prove he’s got what it takes to be an effective leader, show he’s better and more magnanimous person than he has so far by apologising to Deeming and re-admitting her to the party room,” she said.

September 29, 2023 12:04 pm

Like it or not, the left control everything. It’s easy for us mere mortals here on this blog to grandstand and urge that Lozza and GB News not apologise, but it isn’t so easy when you have to make corporate decisions which involve money. A media outlet like GB News, under sustained attack since its inception only two and half years ago, depends on advertising dollars to keep it going. That’s the plain cold reality. This combined with a draconian

Blah, blah, blah. But, the moment it comes to an actual test, our Teal is revealed, She demands that Fox ‘apologise’ for saying that a horribile woman who disparages male suicide is, in the desert island scenario, not his choice.

He absolutely not have to apologise, and you should go back to having drinkies with your wealthy Eastern Surbs friends,

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 29, 2023 12:06 pm

And therein lies the rub – do you garrison your troops in the south, where they are happiest being closest to family, or in the north, where the threat axis lies?

There was a “Yes Minister” episode on just this subject. Relocating troops to Scotland to address the Soviet threat from the North.
“But, Minister, there are no good private schools in Scotland”.

Cassie of Sydney
September 29, 2023 12:12 pm

“Blah, blah, blah. But, the moment it comes to an actual test, our Teal is revealed, She demands that Fox ‘apologise’ for saying that a horribile woman who disparages male suicide is, in the desert island scenario, not his choice.”

I knew the Queanbeyan motel resident was itching for a fight. Lizzie isn’t here so she sharpens her cheap Kmart knives on me. She describes me as a teal? Now that’s funny, comedy gold. Try harder.

And besides, Lozza Fox has already apologised.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 29, 2023 12:13 pm

Sep 29, 2023 10:45 AM
I can’t believe the ADF don’t do the ancient 20 years and retire on half pay thing anymore.

Soldiers and airmen back then seemed more satisfied. They had a good deal.

I think I’m right by saying it would absolutely bring recruiting and retention back.

Another alternative is the US (Possibly USMC) policy of “up or out”. Not promoted within a set period, differing by rank, SNLR.

It keeps the force young and predominantly single, easing the pressure on families.

September 29, 2023 12:17 pm

Real Clear Wire – America Needs a National Maritime Strategy

America doesn’t have enough ships and building more takes far too long.

A war with any level of attrition in the Pacific could quickly turn catastrophic without sufficient warships, combat logistics vessels, and merchant ships. Outnumbered and without the capacity to replace, refuel, and provision our troops, we would struggle to deliver victory.

This precarious situation carries significant implications for our economy, national security, and international standing. Consequently, America must act now, before it is too late, to set a new maritime trajectory by building a coherent national maritime strategy.

Chinese Communist Party leaders are students of history, and they recognize America’s arsenal of democracy all but ensured America’s triumph in the Pacific in World War II. Overwhelming numerical force, new ships, and maritime shipping secured our victory.

Now, the Pentagon considers China the world’s top shipbuilder, not America. China controls the world’s 4th largest shipping company, and its Navy is the world’s largest.

Meanwhile, America’s maritime enterprise reflects years of neglect and decline, despite being the world’s largest economy, and relying heavily on global maritime trade.

Following World War II, American commercial shipbuilding led the world in output and tonnage. Today, the United States ranks just 19th in shipbuilding and produces less than ½ a percent of the world’s commercial ships.

The fate of our shipping heritage is no different.

In 1947, the United States fleet of over 5,000 vessels represented 40% of the world’s shipping capacity. By the 1960’s, however, America’s nearly 3,000 ships only carried 16% of the world’s cargo. Most recently, our nation’s international trading fleet consisted of merely 80 ships, accounting for less than 1.5% of global trade.

What about the United States Navy?

During the late 1980s, the fleet size was nearly 590 ships, but it has dwindled to about 290 ships today. Meanwhile, China’s naval forces have soared to 340 warships, with hundreds more guided missile patrol boats and armed maritime militia vessels.

These trends directly translated into a decline of our nation’s power and influence.

We are in a race against time since China now has more than 200 times the shipbuilding capacity of the United States. Of course, we prefer all our ships be American built.

But, in the race with our greatest adversary, we need a mix of US, Japanese, South Korean, and European-built ships in a Reagan-style build-up. I applaud efforts like our Navy’s Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program, but that program is spread over 20 years and is focused solely on public shipyards. That’s too little too late.

September 29, 2023 12:17 pm

I still think he should have used Cleese’s apology as a script.

It’s a real apology, in the strict legal sense, covers all the bases and everyone knows it’s made under duress.

Also comedy gold.

September 29, 2023 12:25 pm


Slouching Towards 1984

Orwell could not have imagined the swiftness in which the Left has exerted control over our body politic

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984,” he portrays English society – renamed Oceania – as a futuristic version of the 1940s Soviet Union. In this invented society that Orwell calls IngSoc – English Socialism – the populace has even less freedom than the Soviets permitted its citizens and life consists only of drudgery, loneliness and hideousness. The novel grips the reader with fear and loathing of a totalitarian future enabled by technological advances and prompts one with the question: “Can it, will it happen here?”

It goes without saying that the United States in 2023 bears little resemblance to 1984 Oceania. In Oceania, the state had total control over the language, economy, science, history, personal possessions, personal thoughts, music, art and literature.

In the U.S. today, however, it is not difficult to see how government intrusion and control reduces freedom, creates fear and confusion, reduces economic opportunity and prosperity, distorts history and science and creates unnecessary interpersonal conflict.

One of the ways Big Brother, Oceania’s leader, exerted total control was by subverting language. This reduced the capacity to think thoughts not approved by the state. “Newspeak,” as Orwell coined it, consisted only of words that expressed permitted thoughts.

“Thoughtcrime,” another Orwellism, punished illicit thoughts. Illicit action therefore became literally unthinkable. Truth is what Big Brother declared it to be at any given moment: 2+2=5 yesterday and 2+2=4 today. History was constantly and literally rewritten in order to satisfy the “truths” that Big Brother was currently promulgating.

The most nefarious aspect of Big Brother’s rule was of course his brutally enforced elimination of freedom, which he accomplished by suppressing the truth and promulgating lies.

In all eras, in all states, in all political parties, leaders tell lies. The danger arises when the state and state co-opted institutions suppress, eliminate and punish unapproved ideas. Big Brother had the power to ensure that his lies were the only “facts” that were knowable. As one would expect, dissent was rare and not tolerated. Disagreement and belief in objective reality and a persistent past was punishable by torture, work camps and usually, death.

Is it a stretch to see hints of this control today, when scientists are censored for sharing findings that the establishment disagrees with; when college students fear they may receive a poor grade for presenting an alternative viewpoint; when employees submit unwillingly to racist diversity training; when government agencies and colleges require diversity oaths for employment; and when government reduces wealth and freedom by shutting down businesses deemed unnecessary?

Orwell intended his novel to serve as a warning (not a guidebook) to Great Britain: that socialists and central planners running an all-powerful state can and likely would use their power for pernicious ends.

Sadly, in the U.S. both political parties have contributed to the growth of the surveillance and controlling state. Here are some examples:

Leftist politicians have learned that they can successively add to their power, one mandate at a time, while eliminating freedom for everyone else.

While these power seeking politicians are likely unknowingly following the Orwellian design of language, truth and history control, these are the logical steps required to attain greater authority over the American people incrementally — boiling the frog.

Achieving one enables the possibility of achieving the next one.

It seems rather ironic that the Left is constantly calling the Right the party of fascism, yet not even George Orwell could have imagined the level of control that the Democratic Party has tried and (arguably has succeeded) in exerting over the body politic in such a short period of time.

September 29, 2023 12:26 pm

“Raelene Cooper, a traditional custodian of the Murujuga land in Western Australia,

How did she become a custodian? Was she elected, chosen, appointed or did she inherit it from a family member? I suspect this is about to be ensconced in the constitution if the voice gets the nod.

September 29, 2023 12:28 pm

The Scarborough field is outside Australian economic zone. Woodside should tell the Useless F ing Liars where to go. Build huge platforms in Indonesia. Process it at sea, fill the tankers, bye bye Australia. Not one union lackey on site. Pipe it to Indonesia if necessary.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 12:29 pm


When euthanasia and assisted suicide become legal in NSW next month, faith-based aged care facilities will be forced to allow every part of the euthanasia and assisted suicide process on site. This is more extreme than what is happening in Victoria, Western Australia and even in Tasmania. Even Dan Andrews didn’t go that far!

How are the Socialist governments supposed to produce their stock-in-trade, that is mountains of skulls, if it doesn’t force people to stop resisting them?
This outcome was predicted years ago, but voters keep voting for Socialist governments, then finding excuses for Socialist piles of skulls.

September 29, 2023 12:29 pm

End Of The American Dream

Life As You Have Known It Will Never Be The Same Again…

Our Society Is Melting Down Even Faster Than Most People Thought That It Would

It can be difficult to believe that the wild scenes that we are witnessing on the streets of America are actually real. Earlier this week, I wrote an article entitled “What Life Is Really Like In America’s Hellish Inner Cities”. I wrote that article before the widespread looting that just erupted in Philadelphia. Just when I think that conditions in our core urban areas have reached a low point, they seem to find a way to get even worse. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of this crisis. As economic conditions continue to deteriorate, countless numbers of people will become very desperate. And when countless numbers of people become very desperate, our society will descend into a permanent state of chaos.

On Tuesday night, dozens of young people went on a rampage in the city of Philadelphia.

It is being reported that “stores in several areas of Philadelphia” were hit…

But now our inner cities are littered with scores of boarded up establishments with “space available” signs on them.

This is what the future of America looks like, and it isn’t good.

Once upon a time, we could be proud of the shiny new cities that we had built from coast to coast.

Those cities were safe and they were clean.

But now our major cities have degenerated into crime-ridden hellholes that are absolutely filthy. In New York City, the millions of rats that live there are constantly making headlines…

September 29, 2023 12:33 pm

Mark Steyn left GB News rather than bend the knee to Ofcom whom he is currently taking to court

This man fights

He fights even though he is recovering from a series of heart attacks

My pragmatic side agrees with Cassie but this time I’ll follow Joanna’s clarion call

The fight back has to start somewhere

Laurence Fox lost his career as an actor because he offended the mob

It’s a pity he couldn’t offend them one more time for the road and carry on

September 29, 2023 12:35 pm

The SFL should be screaming from the rafters but no, as bad as the UFL*. * Patent Pending. Anyone interested in purchasing the UFL name can get my email off Dover. Anything over $2.00 considered.

Cassie of Sydney
September 29, 2023 12:36 pm

“The fight back has to start somewhere”

I don’t disagree. But if Ofcom pull the license, there’ll be no GB News. It needs a license to broadcast. GB News will be over, finito, kaput.

September 29, 2023 12:37 pm

It is what it is and the ADF struggles to meet the demands of politicians who blew in yesterday and have barrels to pork and the strategic goals of force structure.

Add to that the internal nepotism.
Finding out via my son (currently in Darwin) that it’s not the “look after your mates/ close knit band of brothers” culture they would have us believe.
Major arse kissing needed all the time and if you’re not into that then no scope to broaden your skills or, get headhunted by a more diverse command.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 12:37 pm

Old Ozzie:

In response to the latest murders, and to nine other fatal shootings so far this month, Kristersson said that his government would deploy the military to “help the police in their work against the criminal gangs.”

Well, it’s come to that – just as was predicted 20 years ago when the invasions started.

September 29, 2023 12:37 pm

This cultural claim can clog up the bureaucratic process as indefinitely as the legal term ‘reasonable’ allows.

Once that claim is addressed, another cultural claimant can pop up with another version of whale business/songlines/whatever and rinse and repeat the process, apparently ad infinitum.

The corporations haven’t yet worked out that to get approval involves paper bags filled with cash before you lodge a proposal. The only problem with that is that the demands will keep escalating. I can see where corporation will go overseas to do business somewhere more reasonable like Africa or South America.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 12:38 pm

How did she become a custodian? Was she elected, chosen, appointed or did she inherit it from a family member?

Self appointed? I wonder what traditional tribal punishment would have been for anyone daring to usurp such a role?

September 29, 2023 12:42 pm

Good piece on how selective the Gates funded ProPublica is when they focus on Thomas but forget RBG.

Why is the left inventing a new recusal standard for Justice Thomas that didn’t apply to other justices, particularly to Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

September 29, 2023 12:44 pm

Bizzare theories are swirling tonight over why the world famous Sycamore Gap tree, which appeared in Kevin Costner’s 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves, was chopped down in the middle of the night, as a 16-year-old boy is quizzed by police.

For a 16 years old he’s quite a dab hand with a chainsaw .. perfect cut straight thru & lclose to the ground … I’m guessing chainsaw cos a handsaw would have taken hours and buggered him long before the topple …….
Lotza pix (&theories!) in the local Geordie news …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 12:44 pm

An academic goes off the reservation…

What causes lithium-ion battery fires? Why are they so intense? And how should they be fought? An expert explains (28 Sep, via

Picture this: you’re cruising down the Great Ocean Road in your brand new electric vehicle (EV), the ocean to your left and the wind in your hair. But what if I told you this idyllic drive could turn into a nightmare, with the faint smell of something burning?

This month we have had at least two large lithium-ion battery fires in Australia – one in the Sydney airport car park and another one more recently at the Bouldercombe battery storage site in Queensland.

… if you do own an EV (or plan to in the future), there are a few steps you can take to tip the scale in your favour.

First, get to know your EV inside and out. Familiarise yourself with its safety features. Does it have a functioning thermal management system to help keep the battery cool? What about sensors that could alert you to a problem before it turns into a crisis?

Secondly, be smart about how you charge your EV. Avoid using fast chargers as your go-to, because these can cause the battery to heat up more quickly. Overcharging your battery can also increase the risk of it lighting up.

If, despite your best efforts, you do find yourself head-to-head with a blaze, your first course of action should be to call emergency services for professional help.

Despite his exothermic comments about Gaia’s holy chariots I think he’s quite safe from being cancelled. Somehow, it’s just a feeling I have. Here’s who he is:

Muhammad Rizwan Azhar
Lecturer, Edith Cowan University

Good onya Dr Azhar!

September 29, 2023 12:47 pm

Pfft. In the longer term, trees can be regrown.
Make the little bastard replant all Henry VIII’s oaks for the Navy.

September 29, 2023 12:52 pm

But if Ofcom pull the license, there’ll be no GB News. It needs a license to broadcast. GB News will be over, finito, kaput.

Brings back memories of Radio Luxembourg & Radio Caroline the british pirate radio stations of the 1960s .. The british gummint banned ’em, refused ’em licenses and they ended up far more popular than the BBC monopoly …

September 29, 2023 12:56 pm


These problems are very localised in large American cities with significant black populations. It’s certainly a concern, but that’s what it is, as it’s not widespread. The rest of America is going about its business and doing what we’re all doing: watching this ugly shit on Twitter.

After several years of leftwing whites telling blacks they’re hard done by and they should hate whitey, propaganda from Black Lies Matter, the poisonous MSM, Critical Race Theory, along schools and universities pushing venom about race, it’s no wonder some blacks have been brainwashed into believing they’re owed free Nike sneakers. Let’s also not forget the incentives to loot, with some jurisdictions no longer thinking these crimes should be punished severely. People respond to brainwashing and incentives? I’m shocked.

September 29, 2023 12:57 pm

Looks like the QC is on the turps again. You’d think she’d have snared a schoolboy as its the holidays.

September 29, 2023 12:57 pm

Cassie GB News already threw Steyn under the bus by refusing to guarantee him funding for any legal proceedings with Ofcom so he left that channel and retained his credibility

GB would have forced Fox out too if he didn’t apologise to protect themselves don’t worry about that

So now post the Fox apology the mob’s boot is finally on his neck as well as GB News

As a result his value as a countervailing voice has now been devalued

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 29, 2023 1:01 pm

I haven’t read the Cleese apology, but Calli is right. If you need to apologise for something then apologise. However if it is for upsetting trolls (Like Latho did to Greenwich), then simply play their own game.

That is, you give a non-apology like, “I’m sorry I called -insert name here- “a fat, ugly heap of lard”. It was extremely insensitive of me to make remarks relating to her plus-sized fashion choices.

Likewise I regret mentioning that she looks like she has been receiving turbocharged liposuction injections from Lizzo for the past few years. I’m really sorry about that.

Finally, I may I express my sincere and profound regret for suggesting that -insert name here- was mistaken for a helium filled dirigible when last she went through the KFC drive through for the family bucket she shared with her many cats. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Just repeat the most outrageous things you said. Amplify them and make the apology insincere.

Also repeat in the apology some of the more offensive things they said. I.e I know she hoped I would be run over by a mack truck walking my kids to school, but that was no excuse for calling her a grotesque corpulent and diseased water buffalo.

Play by their rules and expose their nastiness.

September 29, 2023 1:02 pm

I kind of agree with Cassie despite being one of the first to disagree with her.

If Bolt appealed his case and lost, the common law position would be cemented against his IMO, accurate reportage, until later legislation explicitly repealed that common law.

There is more than paying legal bills, costs and a judgment at stake here. The risk ought not to be understated.

September 29, 2023 1:02 pm

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of this crisis.

Democratic run cities and states are in the process of becoming inhabitable. The migration out of these places has been accelerating since Biden took power. A Balkanisation of the US is emerging.

The Demonrat encouraged looting, violent crime, taxation theft, BLM “reparations” and green madness is driving families and businesses out. SF CBD commercial property values have collapsed , as an example. In Chicago the CBOE and CBOT- businesses that bring in tens of $ Billions annually supporting several thousands of jobs are considering moving their exchanges due to rampant crime and social chaos. Cities across the US have defunded their Police forces allowing criminals to gain control of once peaceful safe neighbourhoods.

And yet, this mighty “Superpower” and it’s corrupt regime which sticks it’s interfering nose disrupting so many other nations business- Libya, Taiwan Straits, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, South America, Russia/Ukraine etc- causing death , destruction and misery everywhere it goes , absolutely refuses to control it’s own land borders. Almost 10 million alone this year just ushered through Cartel crims, child traffickers, Chinese and ME undesirables all just walking in by the trainload.

The US isn’t a serious model as a nation. Not anymore.

September 29, 2023 1:03 pm

Nigerian migrant social worker in Ballarat says she’d vote Yes twice if she could.

– The Guardian.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 1:05 pm

Gloriously ROFL study of political bias in ChatGPT style AIs:

ChatGPT tackles controversial issues better than before: From bias to moderation (28 Sep, via

New research conducted by IMDEA Networks Institute in collaboration with the University of Surrey, UPV, and King’s College London has shown that there is a general downward trend in the popular artificial intelligence (AI) platform ChatGPT to take direct stances on controversial topics, whether providing agreement or disagreement, or an affirmative or negative response.

Now, although the study results show a moderation on the part of ChatGPT when it comes to addressing controversial issues, they warn that in the socio-political arena, it maintains a certain libertarian bias. However, in economic matters, it doesn’t present a clear left or right-leaning bias.

Then there’s the graphic at the very start of the story. Hahahahaha! “Moderation” = somewhere between Stalin and Trotsky. And “libertarian” = nearly but not quite totalitarian.

It reminds me when the Skeptical Science climate catastropharians did an internal poll of themselves, thinking they were a cross-section of society. The results were accidentally leaked…

Skeptical Science: “[W]e’re all a bunch of leftists” (2012)

So, it seems, are the AIs who are so popular lately. We are so screwed.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 29, 2023 1:10 pm

How did she become a custodian? Was she elected, chosen, appointed or did she inherit it from a family member?

From Monty Python’s Holy Grail –

King Arthur – “I am your King”

Peasant in the field – “Well, I didn’t vote for you”


September 29, 2023 1:14 pm

If only Putin was the American president.

September 29, 2023 1:15 pm

It can be difficult to believe that the wild scenes that we are witnessing on the streets of America are actually real. Earlier this week, I wrote an article entitled “What Life Is Really Like In America’s Hellish Inner Cities”. I wrote that article before the widespread looting that just erupted in Philadelphia. Just when I think that conditions in our core urban areas have reached a low point, they seem to find a way to get even worse. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of this crisis.

The lawlessness being seen on the streets of Australian towns and cities should be seen part of this development – though obviously it is exacerbated in the USA due to other factors. I am seriously concerned that this is a new chapter in our history.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 29, 2023 1:21 pm

The Scarborough field is outside Australian economic zone. Woodside should tell the Useless F ing Liars where to go.

Scarborough is inside Australia’s 200nm exclusive economic zone.

The problem for the project is the huge, arbitrarily drawn ‘environment which may be affected’ boundary. Which is what brings Aunty Raylene to the party.

It’s almost as if the bureaucracy is working against the economy.

September 29, 2023 1:21 pm

Pearson’s latest obnoxious emission – trying to drive a wedged between Anglos and no Anglos stinks of Marxist identity politics. Does he come up with this divisive poison in his own or does his principal sponsor put him up to it?

September 29, 2023 1:23 pm

Lol, the US already has a despot as President.

September 29, 2023 1:24 pm

The Archie Leach (John Cleese) apology:

I’m really really sorry, I apologise unreservedly.

I offer a complete and utter retraction.

The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.

Completely sincere and heartfelt, made hanging upside down from a third story window.

Even Kevin Kline accepted it. 😀

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 1:31 pm

Even Kevin Kline accepted it.

He was wonderful in that movie. The chips! And in Cry Freedom. Interesting dichotomy.

September 29, 2023 1:32 pm

Sep 29, 2023 10:00 AM
JC, no, I’ve seen multiple reports of grocery prices and consumer goods, from various people including Speedbox, and they don’t indicate any such thing. Sanctions have failed.

(in my best Lurch voice…..You rang?) Just cruising past.

I’m well aware the sanctions haven’t had the impact that was initially expected. That isn’t to say they haven’t caused trade re-routing or some hardship because they have.

I haven’t gone back to read the guts of this debate but the sanctions have failed by almost every metric. Everybody needs to remember that Russia has had an ‘isolated’ existence since the 1950s. The cold war necessarily meant that Russia had to be generally self sufficient as international trade was largely closed off to them.

Since 1991, that changed quite a bit and oil/gas exports (in particular) but also fertiliser, grain and wood became big export earners among others. For years, huge volumes have gone to China, firstly, followed by several EU countries but also India, the assorted Stans and the Middle East. Exports to the USA have always been fairly low.

In early 2022 I wrote a guest post that Dover graciously allowed on the Cat. In part, I said: ….. in 2016 the Russian alternative to the SWIFT financial transfer scheme arrived. Named the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) it is similar to SWIFT in terms of technology and infrastructure. Undoubtedly a minnow by comparison to SWIFT but that isn’t the point. Russia’s banks are all connected and if Russia is cut off from SWIFT, they will transition to the intra- and interbank messaging which now includes the Chinese banks and those of a few other countries.

About a month later, Russian banks were cut off from SWIFT but the point is that trade is undertaken in rubles or yuan (or rupee and others). The current US$ to ruble exchange may be of interest to us, but is largely irrelevant to Russians. The ruble to yuan exchange rate has been generally stable (excluding the period around the actual invasion).

In any case, soon after the post mentioned above I followed up with another post in which I said: We must recognise what is happening: China has cemented a reliable and uninterruptable supply of energy, minerals and other resources which it will use to achieve its destiny. It cannot allow itself to be reliant on the west. By happy coincidence, China’s huge and nuclear armed neighbour has those items in abundance and what’s more, is deeply offended at decades-long western efforts to suppress and isolate it.

The look-back is provided to underscore my point – Russia was economically and production insulated pre-Ukraine and has cemented that position since. Anything they do need that is not produced locally, they get from China. There are also plenty of loopholes that other traders are exploiting. Whilst Russia cannot avoid some of the inflationary impacts that is affecting the globe, the sanctions have been a failure. Moreover, the prices of oil/gas have easily covered any incidental losses from the sanctions. Don’t forget that both Russia and Saudi Arabia BOTH cut oil production by a collective 1.3m barrels per day thereby pushing up prices. So, less oil produced, but more money.

Finally, only last night, Mrs Speedbox was talking with a dear friend in Russia. I accept this is a tiny one-person straw poll, but part of their discussion was about the cost of living. The friend reported there were no shortages (of any description) and although some prices have gone up, everything was ok. Mrs Speedbox disclosed some of our price increases (as a percentage) and our friend was shocked!

Sorry for the long post but the sanctions are a failure, the US$/ruble exchange rate is irrelevant to most, the shops are well stocked, prices are generally stable notwithstanding modest upward pressure on some goods. The biggest issue seems to be the loss of Ukrainian soldiers lives. I heard repeated references to how sad it was about “all those young boys”.

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 1:33 pm


And therein lies the rub – do you garrison your troops in the south, where they are happiest being closest to family, or in the north, where the threat axis lies?

What digger in their right mind would expose their wives and children to the crime ridden shithole of Darwin?

September 29, 2023 1:33 pm

Real Deal, here’s another version:

I sincerely apologise for saying that I wouldn’t shag you. You must understand that I’m in a loving and monogamous relationship and am not free to indulge in such a delight.

But I’m sure many other men would be more than happy to have a go and would line up to do so.

Apology, acceptable reason, compliment to her alluring qualities.

What more could he say?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
September 29, 2023 1:35 pm

What digger in their right mind would expose their wives and children to the crime ridden shithole of Darwin?

I always assumed that Army Barracks were fairly secure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 1:36 pm

Cooper had previously gained an injunction temporarily restraining the company from blasting earlier this month after Woodside told her lawyers of its plans to begin the 40-day testing regime.

Outside court, Cooper told a waiting press pack that the decision had left her speechless and dedicated the legal pursuit to her mother, her people and her sacred “Ngurra”.

Cooper explained the migratory whales passing through the area carried sacred dreaming stories and Songlines across the continent and back, connecting all people.

“Our Ngurra is our mother, and it’s our responsibility to protect her… and the plants, animals, the air and the water,” she said.

“The government had no right to speak for my Ngurra and Woodside is not above the law… and they’re not above my lore, which started at the beginning of time.

“How dare they… they have no authority to give mining companies permission to do what they’re doing at Murujuga… it’s disgraceful.”

Words fail me, they honestly do.

September 29, 2023 1:43 pm

The thermal stability of the cell is found to decrease as the number of cycles increases with the accumulation of dendrites

‘how’ it fails and the modes, is pretty much understood

‘when’ it fails is a bit of a guess

both probably less important than ‘where’ it fails

it is basically a semi-random time-bomb that might go off

or … it might not

… gotta just wait and see

Robert Sewell
September 29, 2023 1:45 pm

Sep 29, 2023 8:28 AM

Cassie @8.03. “We lost the war, because we never showed up to fight the war”. Liberty quote.

I’ve never stopped fighting it since I got the vote and realised what the fight was about.

September 29, 2023 1:46 pm

“Laurence Fox lost his career as an actor because he offended the mob

It’s a pity he couldn’t offend them one more time for the road and carry on”

Kevin Sorbo (“Hurcules” TV show) was also cancelled. See what he has to say on Timcast IRL about it here:

Real Deal
Real Deal
September 29, 2023 1:47 pm

Apology, acceptable reason, compliment to her alluring qualities.

That’s great, Calli.

My now adult children expect me to often apologise for my oafishness to them. I often do unreservedly.

The apologies I hate are the “if anyone is offended then I apologise.” Usually a lefty type on Twitter after a gratuitous insult.

My dear brother said something offensive to me once. When I later remonstrated with him he said “I’m sorry you feel that way”.

I always thought steam coming out of your ears was a metaphor until that moment.

September 29, 2023 1:50 pm

Cooper whoever she is, is just the front for Marxist lawfare with the conivence of Canbra. I suspect a lot of foreign money is involved too.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 29, 2023 1:55 pm

What digger in their right mind would expose their wives and children to the crime ridden shithole of Darwin?

I suppose Quenthland’s much better. Then again, the Courier-Mail today:

A meth-addled gunman left a trail of traumatised victims in his wake after he opened fire on two Ipswich bakery owners in their shop – before firing at shoppers in a Logan carpark the next day.


September 29, 2023 1:56 pm

Brutal sincerity is always important when apologising. Also, don’t lie. The truth is your friend.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 29, 2023 1:57 pm
September 29, 2023 1:58 pm

Yes, Morrisson and his fellow travellers built his team of sycophants who (like all Left) colonised the Army.
And yes, a characteristic of this ‘new order’ officer class is intense careerism and patronage pursuit.
In the same way that the US Army’s problems in Vietnam (and WWII) can be traced back to West Point, the ‘wokering’ of the ADF can be traced back to ADFA.
A completely unnecessary (counterproductive) institution that fosters cliques, group think, perverse idiology, and initiative killing careerism.
How many times does it have to be proven that defence forces, perhaps more than any other institution require intellectual diversity not Stalinist group think.

September 29, 2023 1:59 pm

The miserable parasite city on the molongolo can’t even govern itself or pay for itself. It is unfit the govern this great nation.

September 29, 2023 2:00 pm

An addition…when apologising to the perpetually aggrieved.

If the hurt is genuine and meant by the hurter, that’s another kettle of fish.

There are people out there who are constantly sifting and examining everything you say, looking for something to harrumph about. Poor old Lozza wandered straight into that one, like Frodo in Shelob’s Lair.

September 29, 2023 2:00 pm

Thanks Speedbox

The current US$ to ruble exchange may be of interest to us, but is largely irrelevant to Russians. The ruble to yuan exchange rate has been generally stable (excluding the period around the actual invasion).

The US dollar/rouble exchange rate is also translated against other currencies. If, for arguments sake, there is no movement in all other currencies in the world against the US Dollar, the Rouble will translate the current year’s exchange rate loss against all the other currencies. There’s no free lunch here.

For instance, the Euro/Rupee exchange rate would reflect the 50% loss the Rouble suffered against the US Dollar, plus or minus the movement of the Euro to the US. This would apply to all cross-linked exchange rates. There are no arbitrage opportunities.

More here:

Strong oil-and-gas exports also caused the rouble to appreciate, lowering import prices and, in turn, inflation. This allowed the central bank to accommodate fiscal expansion, cutting interest rates to below where they had been on the eve of the invasion. Over the course of 2022, consumer prices rose by 14% and real GDP declined by 2%—a weak performance, but miles better than forecasters had predicted. Last week Vladimir Putin noted that “the recovery stage for the Russian economy is finished”.

Note that 14% inflation was experienced with the currency doing reasonably well in 1922.

Since the beginning of 2023, the currency has dropped 50%. Moreover, and very worryingly, nominal wage rates have clocked up a very large increase. Some of this can be attributed to the military call-up and also to the fact that lots of Russians have skipped town to avoid conscription. But possibly not all of the increase would be for that reason.

Growth in nominal wages is more than 50% its pre-pandemic rate, even as productivity growth remains weak. Higher wages are adding to companies’ costs, and they are likely to pass them on in the form of higher prices. Inflation expectations are rising.

This is toxic for anyone concerned with inflation. Wage inflation is inflation!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 29, 2023 2:02 pm



Show Off Karma

September 29, 2023 2:02 pm

Iirc William Maley used to lecture at ADFA. Says it all Typical Canbra. Nothing good comes out of Canbra.

John H.
John H.
September 29, 2023 2:03 pm

Robert Sewell
Sep 29, 2023 1:45 PM
Sep 29, 2023 8:28 AM

Cassie @8.03. “We lost the war, because we never showed up to fight the war”. Liberty quote.

I’ve never stopped fighting it since I got the vote and realised what the fight was about.

Some did but conservatives generally have never fronted up for the fight. I have repeatedly pointed out that the conservative disdain for taking protest to the streets is one of their greatest weaknesses. A person glued to the road is perhaps an idiot but receives much more publicity than a thoughtful letter to the editor. You don’t have to engage in nonsense style protests but if you aren’t willing to put yourself at potential risk don’t expect anyone to take you seriously.

September 29, 2023 2:05 pm

I certainly don’t take you seriously you sactimonious twerp.

September 29, 2023 2:09 pm

Musk goes to US border to interview Border Force:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 29, 2023 2:10 pm

Laurence Fox lost his career as an actor because he offended the mob

Laurence Fox, Kevin Sorbo, James Woods, Jon Voight, Jim Caviezel, Mel Gibson.
Seems to be a bit of a thread going on with this. Ok I have certain reservations about our Mel but not the other guys.

Fortunately Hollywood seems to be committing seppuku, so it doesn’t really matter all that much. On the other hand indie movie makers now have plenty of talent to choose from. And Sound of Freedom has now reaped over ten times their budget at the box office. I wonder when fillum producers will notice?

September 29, 2023 2:12 pm

And, in other news (sorry if posted) DJT says he “doesn’t see any VP material from the Republican primary debates”

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 29, 2023 2:16 pm

Darwin Or Radelaide?
“Can I get back to you?”

September 29, 2023 2:17 pm

A person glued to the road is perhaps an idiot but receives much more publicity than a thoughtful letter to the editor. You don’t have to engage in nonsense style protests but if you aren’t willing to put yourself at potential risk don’t expect anyone to take you seriously.

So, my friend John H, how do you suggest the shooters of Australia should proceed to get justice and fair treatment from the Police, politicians, media and bureaucracy?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 29, 2023 2:21 pm

I went full superwog at Aldi today.

A bloke at the checkout asked the girl the behind register to go check the price of some rice.

Oi! She’s not leaving her spot to do that. You are holding everybody up! She called staff to check, and he just walked out after the request.


Best part was when said “thank you for saying what I was thinking”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 29, 2023 2:22 pm

A meth-addled gunman left a trail of traumatised victims in his wake after he opened fire on two Ipswich bakery owners in their shop – before firing at shoppers in a Logan carpark the next day.

Just normal high jinks for Ipswich and Logan. Surprising it found its way into the Curious Snail.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 29, 2023 2:26 pm

Daily Mail

Woman NAKED from waist down stuns fellow passengers as she waits in line for Spirit Airlines flight in Florida

The woman was spotted at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Florida
A video of her nude display was uploaded to the social media site Reddit
Some appalled commenters argued that the woman was wearing skin-colored leggings, as ‘there’s no way people would be so relaxed’ otherwise

  1. The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…

  2. Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x