Ok, belt up and tighten the straps. Good stuff from Bradenton. Nitro Racers Shake Bradenton – Finals Day!
Ok, belt up and tighten the straps. Good stuff from Bradenton. Nitro Racers Shake Bradenton – Finals Day!
And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Morning all.
Not morning yet – in WA.
WaPo. I don’t know who poisoned him or whether the charges are trumped up. I do know that Navalny isn’t a clean skin and is largely an opportunist. As to ‘letting people decide’, probably a stretch in that part of the world given the experience of Georgia, Ukraine and now Armenia. Far too many colour revolutions followed by bad events.
You’d be the only person in the world who wouldn’t know it was Putin who tried to poison him and that the charges were total crap. It’s not like it’s the first time it’s happened. Brave dude going back the Russia after surviving.
Oh you know he isn’t a clean skin but have no idea about the charges. How does that work?
It’s a stretch to have clean and fair elections because the people can’t be trusted?
Are you serious?
This man Putin, must be a very efficient operator, what with running a country, stealing resources, waging a war, he still has time to go about poisoning people.
Quite a talent. /s
Good point, Gabor .
Who’s ever heard of dictators starting wars, hoarding loads of money, and knocking off opponents. Never happened before .
Missing Person Bulletin: Marcia Langton. Canberra. Medium height of witch appearances, cant say No. Will respond to any taxpayer funded microphone. Also goes by the name of …to be completed. Last seen ranting 10 days ago in Mildura Vic. Small reward offered by Yes campaign for her angry return.
Diane Feinstein brown bread.
This Saturday is Collingwood Day.
Carna Pies!
Yesterday was Mark Speakman day.
Jesus wept and Moses crept.
Outdoing the Speakman stupidity is the insanity of Chris Kenny in his rant in the Oz today.
Tell us more.
Can’t cut & paste this early in the morning but he somehow aligns the Yes vote to Australia winning the America cup yacht race decades ago.
Is he on meth?
Some people use their intelligence for constructing elaborate rationales for doing something really stupid.
Given it would appear that he think that only “novice CLP Senator” Jacinta Price stood between Yes and Liberal Party support… and thus ultimate victory, meth would be a charitable slant.
The whole piece is feelz.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez.
Matt Margolis.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley.
Thanks Tom.
I dunno, but he’s a shocker as the former NSW AG. Possibly the worst ever.
Leak does it again.
Turns out the Russian pilot thought he had clearance to shoot down the British surveillance aircraft. The first missile didn’t track, which is rather surprising given the RC135 is big, slow, and about as maneuverable as a Cessna. The second missile came off the rail, motor didn’t ignite. Pathetic. Ironically the Russians would have been justified in shooting down the aircraft because it is a highly sophisticated surveillance vehicle and it was just going for a sightseeing cruise over the Black Sea. It is not surprising NATO is now using F35s.
Earlier this week, JC raised the possibly of RFK Jr running as the Libertarian Party candidate in the 2024 election.
I thought that was unlikely because of RFK Jr not being on board with the 1A & 2A (he only became hard core 1A during COVID).
It turns out it was Angela McArdle who was the one who bounced the ball on this.
She wouldn’t have said that without the Mises Caucus giving the green light.
That is, these are the decision makers within the Libertarian Party.
It has caused a ruckus with the LP especially because of his 2nd Amendment stance.
Previously Dave Smith had outlined the LP strategy for 2024.
Organise & get on the ballot in all states & campaign on 1A & 2A.
But be open to doing a deal with a candidate (most likely GOP) pre election on a handful of key policies in return for encouraging the LP bloc to vote GOP.
Similar to what the Gaetz faction has hanging over McCarthy’s head.
And if the GOP won & didn’t deliver, the LP party would blackball the GOP in the 2026 mid-terms and the next presidential election.
A lot of if, buts and maybes.
But unless RFK Jr makes his 2nd Amendment views rock solid in line with the Libertarian Party, I just can’t see this happening.
I dunno, but he’s a shocker as the former NSW AG. Possibly the worst ever.
The A-G that impersonated Helen Keller during the Neville Wran years was pretty bad.
Most people do. Too much smoking, too much alcohol. I don’t care, people are entitled to those choices but the rationalizations are pathetic. That nonsense years ago about resveratrol being a good reason to drink wine. It was complete drivel but so many used it to justify drinking wine. The Australian scientist, David Sinclair, studied resveratrol, sold the rights to GSK for 720 million dollars and it turned out to be rubbish. Now Sinclair is pushing NMN and NR. The studies on those aren’t exactly exciting and he is making another bucketload of cash because there is a sucker born every minute.
Erdos used amphetamines in his later years. There is some sense to that because dopamine increases arousal and concentration; additionally in some conditions it can act as an antioxidant and be neuroprotective. It depends on the type of amphetamine he used(long fascinating story for people like me). In his time though no-one had any idea about the best type or dosage but the story suggests he dosed himself for the optimal cognitive effect. A friend claimed Erdos was addicted and asked him to prove he wasn’t. Erdos stopped for a month and then advised his friend: you have delayed the progress of mathematics by one month(h\t, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers)
Sydney second least affordable housing market in the world.
Melbourne comes in at nine.
The maths they use to rank cities:
uses 2022 Q3 prices and income levels for evaluation, dividing the median house price by the gross median household income to find the median multiple for housing.
I believe Kenny is welded onto the “Yes” vote because he apparently had a bit to do with the original proposal under Turncoat.
Not bad giving the ABC a poke, middling on climate.
Hysterical on the invoice and killer dog breeds ( all of them).
Turn him off now.
Is that really the best metric?
Tim Pool reports there has been a run on CostCo gold bars.
Gold up, AUD down, Mt B approval and Mallina assays coming good…I can see my life of idle middle leisure classness coming to fruition.
Hopefully I can stack a little more MTL before this crazy fever dream comes true.
Is that really the best metric?
It has to have household income as an input.
But doesn’t take into account the different tax regimes in different jurisdictions.
I’ll let you know when I finish building my model that takes into account:
Land tax;
CGT exemptions;
Interest deductibility;
Income tax rates.
etc etc etc.
And just as I post on the Libertarian Party…
2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania, Mediaite has learned.
I think this is worse for Trump than it is for Biden.
Musk certainly doing a lot of good work. Still don’t like his cars.
How so? Wouldn’t he be taking votes from Biden as a lot of Democrats are being turned off by his and the Dems’ corruption but not prepared to vote for Trump? In states where the result was close in 2020 it would make it that much harder to cheat.
Who replaces Feinstein now?
DBG “is he on meth”. This is the way of politicians, have a brain fart then palm it off for others to imagine how much it stank. Such is the quality coof, coof, of our political masterbators. None of them have any knowledge of detail. It only takes one detail, the rule of unintended consequences.
“Who replaces Feinstein”. Another walking corpse.
Dot, how much did you loose on CAN?
Nothing yet
I wouldn’t sell for a while either for profit, I can beat some CGT liability if it eventuated before Christmas.
They’re still haggling over whether it should be a black, illegal migrant female or transgender, black and illegal migrant.
California’s governor appoints someone. Might even be this lady:
Oprah Mentioned to Replace Feinstein (29 Sep)
I hope it is Oprah and she totally trashes her reputation.
Oprah is poison. Follow your heart and the money will follow, etc.
Mrs Harry Windsor would be hilarious.
“Hysterical on the invoice and killer dog breeds ( all of them).
Turn him off now.”
I would be very interested to know his “feelz” for the Darwin Dog Raper.
I seem to recall reading that Feinstein had a bit to do with Jimmy Jones and was instrumental in delaying an investigation of what was actually happening in Jonestown. A lot of upset souls may greet her on the other side.
Hi All, I have a post on Jewish food which you might find interesting, with the added bonus of a recipe!
Head of UK Health Security Agency and former deputy CMO during covid, Dame Jenny Harries, goes into reverse, saying in the event of another viral pandemic people should be left to determine their own responses without resort to government coercion.
I would be interested in your thoughts on Simplicius answer to Question 40 in
Subscriber Mailbag Answers – 9/29/23 [Part 3]
29 SEPT 2023
I aplogise for the Word wall but his answer covers a lot of comments I see on American Web Sites
Very long preamble truncated down to the question:
Now simplicius… I ask, does what I have commented here have merit. I know that I have turned things on its head here by not asking a specific question of you but hey, I got that off my chest. Anyway it’s your platform and you can do as you please.
The preamble consisted of basically that Zionists and Jewish bankers run the Western world and the Project for a New American Century is really a Zionist project, etc.
There wasn’t really a question there, but since you did mention Ukraine I’ll briefly comment on that.
It’s pretty well established and indisputable that there is a major outsize Jewish influence going on vis a vis Ukraine. Not only was Jewish oligarch Kolomoisky the main benefactor and sponsor who “created”—as some say—Jewish Zelensky by funding his television shows, political movements, etc., but once the American neocons moved in, they put many fellow Jews in charge as well.
Notably this was Victoria Nuland, who is married to Robert Kagan, the Jewish founder of the Project for a New American century, responsible for all the Middle Eastern wars of the 21st century.
Nuland famously said “Yats is our guy” when she installed the Jewish Yatsynuk into power, though she also discussed Jewish Klitschko in the call, and of course Jewish Poroshenko became the president soon after as well. There are many others, but the point is, the Jewish PNAC neocons of the Kagan/Nuland clan did appear to lead the 2014 operation and not surprisingly installed “their own” people, i.e. ones they’re comfortable and have an ethnic relationship with.
These are all undeniable facts, though it doesn’t necessarily translate into the well-trodden conspiracy of Jews ‘ruling the world’.
There are certainly powerful ethnic clans that have taken over U.S. politics at the minimum, but to go down the rabbit hole to the end, it’s difficult to say who’s the true pied piper at the end of the rainbow.
Many of the most famous “Jewish” conspiracy theories are lazy and half-assed.
To give an example, “Jews” are not a monolith who all take orders from some rabbi in Israel or something like that, as is commonly imagined.
Nor are all the global power structures ruled by them.
Just look at early history, where many or most of the top barons were not Jewish, i.e. House of Rockefeller, House of Morgan, and many others. Of course some will say these ‘gentiles’ were agents of Rothschild. And perhaps that’s so, as photos like this one seem to suggest:
But even if that’s the case, that still doesn’t mean it’s the Rothschilds themselves at the top of the pyramid. There’s much reason to believe it goes farther than that, to the Vatican and far beyond anything “Jewish” related. In fact, the only real reason today’s Jews are said to have power is through the banking system they famously got a headstart in due to medieval usury laws, but the true esoteric halls of power go back long before modern banking—at least of the usurious and fractional reserve variety—even existed.
As to the non-monolithic nature I mentioned earlier, I’ll give you an example. George Soros as everyone knows is a huge figure at the center of the so-called Jewish conspiracy. Yet he’s famously hated by Israel who considers him a “threat” to their country and actually sides with Hungary over Soros:
You can regularly find many articles on Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, etc., slamming Soros and the “danger” he presents to Israel.
Of course some will balk and claim this is a manufactured disagreement meant to “trick us” and put us off the scent. I don’t think so. When you study history at length, you find that things are not as facile and palatable as we’d like them to be.
There are many incongruities, nothing is black and white.
There certainly are major power structures like the Rothschilds who try to influence world events (read: rule the world) but they are not monolithic, even amongst themselves, nor do they have complete and total power—if they did, they already would have won.
There are actually many other examples of this in history, but it may require a separate article to go into. You can see many historical disagreements and conflicts of interest between major Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff and others in the early 1900s.
In fact, speaking of Schiff, he’s tied to another prominent example of the non-black-and-white nature of history, particularly when it comes to this overall topic. The single biggest misconception and historical hoax when it comes to the “Jews rule the world” narrative is that of the “Bolshevik Revolution” in Russia. The theory claims the Bolsheviks were all Jews financed by internationalist Jewish bankers who used them to slaughter millions of Christians, and the whole nine yards you’re probably familiar with. But this is a lazy, phony, and completely inaccurate representation of actual events.
Not only did Jacob Schiff, the “Jewish banker” in question, finance Trotsky—who represented one faction of the Bolsheviks—not Lenin, but as soon as the Bolsheviks took power, Schiff rescinded all his money and demanded them to pay it back, and even started financing their enemies instead. In fact the entire international order instantly turned against the Bolsheviks, including the big “Jewish bankers”, which resulted in the Western powers invading Russia on the side of the White forces against the Bolsheviks to desperately kill and remove them from power—because the Bolsheviks posed a threat to the very international orders this conspiracy theory claims was actually propping them up. Schiff himself actually hated socialism and was only funding the Bolsheviks to overthrow the Tsar, whom he hated even more—so much for the Bolshevism automatically = Jewish theory.
That’s not to even mention the fact that it was actually a Masonic revolution which overthrew the Tsar in February 1917, Kerensky being one of the highest ranking Masons in the country (Secretary General of the Grand Orient lodge). It was only after the Masons overthrew the Tsar that the Bolsheviks then came in and overthrew the Masons in the famous October Revolution.
Then by the time of Stalin’s rise to power, he actually purged most of the Jewish Bolsheviks of Trotsky’s group. Stalin’s politburo only had a single Jew in it, which was Kaganovich, and the USSR became Israel’s most powerful enemy, heavily funding and supporting all Arab states against it. That’s not to mention the fact that Lenin’s Bolshevism to begin with was not based as much on “Jewish Marx” as people believe, but on non-Jewish Russian Socialist Chernyshevsky, whose book What Is To Be Done? is literally what Lenin named his seminal pamphlet after.
I may write a much more detailed article on this in the future, but my point was to very briefly demonstrate that history is not as facile and ‘convenient’ as many conspiracy theories would have you believe. Things are actually far more nuanced and interwoven, with many seemingly contradictory overlaps.
And don’t even get me started on the fact that Israel as well as Zionism itself is pretty much entirely the creation of British elites for the purpose of ‘Great Game’-esque power projection into the Middle East as part of the era’s scramble for the lands of the dying Ottoman Empire (Palestine, etc.).
That deserves an article of its own as well (read this one from Times of Israel for now), and one can go as far as to say that Israel/Mossad are actually all controlled by British intelligence to this day, and that Jews are in fact to many extents merely used as a front for British imperial power which proceeds unabated, and which is how Britain continues to rule the U.S. through its proxy of Israel-loyal U.S. congressmen who are all compromised by Mossad, which in turn means MI6.
There’s a reason Lord Milner was a signatory of the Balfour Declaration. Of course some will say that House of Rothschild in fact ruled Britain—but was it the tail wagging the dog or the reverse?
“Hysterical on the invoice and killer dog breeds ( all of them).”
I could forgive Chris Kenny if he simply focused on some problematic dog breeds, like pit bulls, but he doesn’t. He lumps all dogs togethers. He’s made it very clear he doesn’t like dogs. He simply refuses to understand that a dog’s behaviour is usually a reflection of the owner of that dog, that vicious dog attacks, maulings and deaths, caused by problematic breeds, have a demographic factor.
I remember how last year, after a shocking dog attack, he had a dog psychologist on his programme. She spoke a truth, which he didn’t like, and that was that more die of car accidents every week than dog attacks, so when will be ban cars?
I’ve grown up with dogs, my parents grew up with dogs. Cattle dogs, Australian terriers, poodles and kelpies. Yes, I come from a dog loving family. I simply cannot imagine a home without a dog or two dogs, and a cat. When my mother came home from the hospital with me as a baby, there was a dog.
I always think those who don’t grow up with dogs are missing out on something quite profound, a very unique and special relationship.
As for Kenny and da Voice, the less said the better. I no longer watch him, which is a pity, because he is solid on most issues. Whilst I can forgive his idiocy on the Voice, I find his idiocy on our canine friends less forgiving. I will always stand with our dog friends.
been following all this furore and Senate enquiry into Quaint-Arse and gummint favouritism and remembered another “maaate” that BRADBURY did a favour for to add to the taxation burden of hundreds of thousands of tax payers .. the “hardly normal” tax .. 4 cents in the dollar on anything bought OS for under a $1000 .. a tax which , somehow, morphed to also include the postage in the end total ..
Brought in for no other reason than to ensure his “maaate” Harvey Norman’s gee-gees didn’t have to eat any HN company profits because some, naughty, tax paying folk were actually buying goods that weren’t coming from HN stores .. all those little under $50, individual, priced purchases that add up .. stuff that isn’t, hasn’t & won’t ever be sold thru HN being taxed simply cos Harvey wasn’t happy wiv the stuff he does sell often being cheaper to purchase OS …….. and horsies, lotza horsies to feed!
I would be interested in your thoughts on Simplicius answer to Question 40 in
Subscriber Mailbag Answers – 9/29/23 [Part 3]
29 SEPT 2023
I aplogise for the Word wall but his answer covers a lot of comments I see on American Web Sites
Very long preamble truncated down to the question:
Now simplicius… I ask, does what I have commented here have merit. I know that I have turned things on its head here by not asking a specific question of you but hey, I got that off my chest. Anyway it’s your platform and you can do as you please.
The preamble consisted of basically that Zionists and Jewish bankers run the Western world and the Project for a New American Century is really a Zionist project, etc.
There wasn’t really a question there, but since you did mention Ukraine I’ll briefly comment on that.
It’s pretty well established and indisputable that there is a major outsize Jewish influence going on vis a vis Ukraine. Not only was Jewish oligarch Kolomoisky the main benefactor and sponsor who “created”—as some say—Jewish Zelensky by funding his television shows, political movements, etc., but once the American neocons moved in, they put many fellow Jews in charge as well.
Notably this was Victoria Nuland, who is married to Robert Kagan, the Jewish founder of the Project for a New American century, responsible for all the Middle Eastern wars of the 21st century.
Nuland famously said “Yats is our guy” when she installed the Jewish Yatsynuk into power, though she also discussed Jewish Klitschko in the call, and of course Jewish Poroshenko became the president soon after as well. There are many others, but the point is, the Jewish PNAC neocons of the Kagan/Nuland clan did appear to lead the 2014 operation and not surprisingly installed “their own” people, i.e. ones they’re comfortable and have an ethnic relationship with.
These are all undeniable facts, though it doesn’t necessarily translate into the well-trodden conspiracy of Jews ‘ruling the world’.
There are certainly powerful ethnic clans that have taken over U.S. politics at the minimum, but to go down the rabbit hole to the end, it’s difficult to say who’s the true pied piper at the end of the rainbow.
Many of the most famous “Jewish” conspiracy theories are lazy and half-assed.
To give an example, “Jews” are not a monolith who all take orders from some rabbi in Israel or something like that, as is commonly imagined.
Nor are all the global power structures ruled by them.
Just look at early history, where many or most of the top barons were not Jewish, i.e. House of Rockefeller, House of Morgan, and many others. Of course some will say these ‘gentiles’ were agents of Rothschild. And perhaps that’s so, as photos like this one seem to suggest:
But even if that’s the case, that still doesn’t mean it’s the Rothschilds themselves at the top of the pyramid. There’s much reason to believe it goes farther than that, to the Vatican and far beyond anything “Jewish” related. In fact, the only real reason today’s Jews are said to have power is through the banking system they famously got a headstart in due to medieval usury laws, but the true esoteric halls of power go back long before modern banking—at least of the usurious and fractional reserve variety—even existed.
As to the non-monolithic nature I mentioned earlier, I’ll give you an example. George Soros as everyone knows is a huge figure at the center of the so-called Jewish conspiracy. Yet he’s famously hated by Israel who considers him a “threat” to their country and actually sides with Hungary over Soros:
You can regularly find many articles on Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, etc., slamming Soros and the “danger” he presents to Israel.
Of course some will balk and claim this is a manufactured disagreement meant to “trick us” and put us off the scent. I don’t think so. When you study history at length, you find that things are not as facile and palatable as we’d like them to be.
There are many incongruities, nothing is black and white.
There certainly are major power structures like the Rothschilds who try to influence world events (read: rule the world) but they are not monolithic, even amongst themselves, nor do they have complete and total power—if they did, they already would have won.
There are actually many other examples of this in history, but it may require a separate article to go into. You can see many historical disagreements and conflicts of interest between major Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff and others in the early 1900s.
end part 1
That would be quite the step-down…from female life guru to the US Senate.
Great to see the sanctimonious Mammy singer, claiming the German defence of 1946, regarding the two standing ovations, to a Waffen SS soldier, by the Canadian Parliament.
So he apologised to all and sundry, the Poles, Israel, Collingwood supporters but most of all, LGBTQI individuals, because after all, that was what WWII was all about.
Defending the rights of Gays.
Oh, to see Justin Castro-Trudeau, once more don the blackface and belt out a chorus of Mammy, …….., how my heart yearns.
In some happier news, 149.200 is the Volga frequency.
Ukraine soldiers are using this to contact the Russians and organise surrender,
“en masse”.
Seemingly unhappy to lay down their lives, so that ‘elensky and his corrupt establishment can continue to enrich themselves, through the money laundering exercise called Project Ukraine, entire units are surrendering to the Muscovites.
They are passing on quite specific information about their commands, which will bring visitations upon certain Ukraine Military leadership, quite soon.
Not ‘elensky however, the Ruskies want to keep him in place as long as possible.
Everywhere he goes, people despise him, as evidenced by his trainwreck of a visit to the Americas.
The Poles have had enough, (which is very bad news for Ukraine), and soon they will take over Lvov and western Ukraine, to protect Ukrainians from:
a. The Russians,
b. Covid 23,
c. bad breath,
d. Eurovision, …….., take your pick.
January 2023 was when the stumbler in Chief said:
“We will support Ukraine for as long as it takes”.
Everyone in Washington is looking for the exit now, except the world’s favourite psychopaths, the Clintons, of course.
They have just started up a fund to hoover up any remaining billions and “help” themselves, ……, sorry, I mean Ukraine.
Get ready Taiwan, Vicky Nuland will be visiting you next and organising US support!
She’s as rich as Croesus, but the opportunity to become
twice as rich may be irresistible.
Miss Six and Master Four are visiting for the weekend. No parents.
Discovery – apart from being instant landfill, bought “craft” packs are designed to keep grandparents busy, not the children. The Beloved is currently covered in gluestick and pom poms with glitter sprinkles. “I hope you enjoyed making this”, he says to his young Supervisor.
Cupcake baking yesterday was more productive – definitely minimal waste (max waist sadly).
It’s going to be a loooong weekend. 😀
I would be interested in your thoughts on Simplicius answer to Question 40 in
Subscriber Mailbag Answers – 9/29/23 Part 3
29 SEPT 2023
I would have liked to have posted the Word wall as it puts it all into context, but has gone into moderation – his answer covers a lot of comments I see on American Web Sites
So if you have time to review, would be interested in your thoughts
Very long preamble truncated down to the question:
Now simplicius… I ask, does what I have commented here have merit. I know that I have turned things on its head here by not asking a specific question of you but hey, I got that off my chest. Anyway it’s your platform and you can do as you please.
The preamble consisted of basically that Zionists and Jewish bankers run the Western world and the Project for a New American Century is really a Zionist project, etc.
There wasn’t really a question there, but since you did mention Ukraine I’ll briefly comment on that.
It’s pretty well established and indisputable that there is a major outsize Jewish influence going on vis a vis Ukraine. Not only was Jewish oligarch Kolomoisky the main benefactor and sponsor who “created”—as some say—Jewish Zelensky by funding his television shows, political movements, etc., but once the American neocons moved in, they put many fellow Jews in charge as well.
Notably this was Victoria Nuland, who is married to Robert Kagan, the Jewish founder of the Project for a New American century, responsible for all the Middle Eastern wars of the 21st century.
Nuland famously said “Yats is our guy” when she installed the Jewish Yatsynuk into power, though she also discussed Jewish Klitschko in the call, and of course Jewish Poroshenko became the president soon after as well. There are many others, but the point is, the Jewish PNAC neocons of the Kagan/Nuland clan did appear to lead the 2014 operation and not surprisingly installed “their own” people, i.e. ones they’re comfortable and have an ethnic relationship with.
These are all undeniable facts, though it doesn’t necessarily translate into the well-trodden conspiracy of Jews ‘ruling the world’.
There are certainly powerful ethnic clans that have taken over U.S. politics at the minimum, but to go down the rabbit hole to the end, it’s difficult to say who’s the true pied piper at the end of the rainbow.
Many of the most famous “Jewish” conspiracy theories are lazy and half-assed.
Rufus makes RT look like a bastion of disinterested objectivity.
How’s the veal?
Gas producers appeal for reforms after Scarborough ruling
Angela Macdonald-Smith
Senior resources writer
Offshore gas operators are calling for urgent reforms to petroleum approvals regulations after the Federal Court overturned approval for seismic testing on Woodside Energy’s $16.5 billion Scarborough LNG project.
The ruling on Thursday has stoked industry concerns that the regulatory approvals system has become unworkable and includes loopholes that are being used by activists in a bid to stymie gas development.
Cooper Energy, a Victorian producer, was among other offshore operators that have voiced worries about the impact of the court decision, which tore up a regulatory clearance given for the work by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority.
“Industry, investors and the community need and expect a legal framework which provides certainty for the regulator to deliver timely approvals based on their expert assessment of the science and management of environmental risk,” Cooper chief executive Jane Norman said.
“The regulations urgently need amending to ensure multimillion-dollar critical energy projects, which the regulator has approved, can progress on schedule to alleviate gas supply shortages to address the escalating cost-of-living burden on households.”
Samantha McCulloch, the chief executive of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, an industry group, said regulations that provide clarity and certainty for industry while maintaining consultation obligations were “desperately needed”. “Governments must make clear regulations for consultation that maintain high standards of consultation with stakeholders, including traditional owners, but also provide regulatory certainty when an approval is granted,” she said.
Sovereign risk
The federal government committed in the May budget to a review of the environmental management regulatory framework for offshore resources.
The decision by Federal Court judge Craig Colvin is seen as setting another precedent that prolongs the approvals process and leaves uncertainty over gas projects intended to supply both the stretched east coast domestic market and Asian markets looking to use LNG to decarbonise.
It upheld a challenge to NOPSEMA’s approval for the seismic work, which traditional owner Raelene Cooper said would damage her cultural heritage by harming turtles and whales that carry Songlines.
Rick Wilkinson, the chief executive of research firm EnergyQuest, said he was “very concerned” that any individual could bring a program of work that had already been approved to a halt.
“This has real implications for perceived sovereign risk in Australia: one of our strengths here in Australia is that we have a solid regulatory regime that is predictable and able to cope with long-term investments,” he said.
“This has just undermined all of that by saying even though you have the permits and you have reached a final investment decision and secured the financing, there is still a risk.”
Dragging out timelines
He said the decision would drag out project timelines and increase costs, factors for both financiers and customers.
King & Wood Mallesons partner Scott Singleton said the decision provided further clarity on requirements for consultation with traditional owners before environment plans could be approved by NOPSEMA.
It follows on from previous decisions of the Federal Court – notably on Santos’ Barossa gas project in the Timor Sea – which gave clarity on who should be consulted and how.
“The judgment provides the breadth and rigour required for this consultation must occur before an environmental plan is submitted to the regulator for approval,” he said. “This is because undertaking the requisite consultations is a prerequisite to acceptance of an environment plan, to ensure NOPSEMA is presented with the necessary evaluation of impacts, risks and control measures to form a reasonable satisfaction that the conditions of approval are addressed.”
The Environmental Defenders Office which represented Ms Cooper received funding in the Albanese government’s October 2022 budget.
“Labor’s refusal to clarify the consultation requirement to make it workable, and funding of the EDO, presents their biggest assault against the energy security of Australia’s trading partners to date, puts at risk tens of billions in Australian tax revenue and thousands of regional jobs, whilst placing an undue burden via ‘consultation fatigue’ upon many Indigenous communities,” said long-time energy analyst Saul Kavonic.
All Summed up on Further Dangers from The Voice by Johannes Leak this morning
Mornin Cats, Kits.
There’s an adage in Australia which says that voters are effectively locked into their choice, a fortnight before polling day. Applying that to referendumses, it’s all over, 0/6 to boot.
…bar the cheating. We’ll have to see if Australia has been penetwated deeply enough by postal voting and slimy tech companies having custody of the slips, to flip the will of the people.
Baris did work on Biden/Trump/RFK Jr as an Independent with likely voters ages ago.
The numbers worked out along the lines of RFK Jr drags votes away from Trump:Biden at the ratio of between 2:1 up to 3:5.
From memory that as before all the indictments so numbers change.
But RFK Jr running as an independent is very bad for Trump.
I have just brought a tct cutter from china, $5. The same thing in bunnings $39. The last one I brought at bunnings was better quality and $23. No longer available. Reminded of a mate with a Merc, broke his taillight lens. Mercedes wanted close to a grand. He got the Bosch part number off it, ordered it through the warehouse, just over a hundred.
Further to the GB News and Laurence Fox imbroglio, late last night I watched live as the guys at Triggernometry spoke to Laurence Fox about what’s happened. It’s really good, and I would urge everyone to watch, yes, it’s over an hour, but it provides us with a lot of backdrop and context.
Laurence Fox has now been cancelled twice. Over four years ago he was cancelled, brutally, for speaking truth. At that time he was not rude, he expressed expressed non-luvvie, non progressive views about the Duke and Duchess of Montecito. His punishment? His acting career was terminated at the time. He’s now he’s being cancelled again.
The cancelling of Fox has actually nothing to do with his words about “shagging”. No, no, no. It’s about how the UK establishment, which includes many so called Conservatives, want GB News gone. Laurence says that the UK is now a semi-Communist country. I believe he’s right, and where the USA and the UK go, we follow. Or if not “communist”, then the better words, as described by Michael Malice is “authoritarian”, which is just as frightening.
Also, and this stems back to what I wrote yesterday, GB News, even before this controversy, has been losing money because of activist pressures on advertisers. Advertisers (as they do with Sky Oz) recoil from advertising on GB News.
There is a possible way forward, which they speak about in last night’s interview, and that is for GB News to go online. This means they they don’t need to sign up to Ofcom.
As for Laurence Fox, he ends by saying he’ll probably have to leave the UK. One thing is clear, our authoritarian overlords don’t need physical gulags, they simply banish us now to a virtual gulag. No bank account, no job, no online presence, nothing.
We live in chilling times.
Awesome Cassie. Thank you for that post!
I just learned something from a New York lady… we were talking American food and I mentioned beef brisket, which is a very fashionable slow-cooked item in American BBQ culture. American barbecue (slow cooked in smoke) must be a southern thing as it was completely off her radar. She had never heard of it; as far as she was concerned brisket is Jewish food.
She herself is in the process of migrating to Israel.
Peter Dutton has written a nice article about Tony Abbott:
Hang in there dotty. I think your on track with the miners.
Great reporting by The Australian‘s Sophie Elsworth has flushed out a scandal over the undisclosed commercial interests of Nine Radio’s newest Melbourne star Jacqui Felgate.
Felgate has been a journalist for decades and is behaving as if the media disclosure rules don’t apply to her. Her excuses are laughable.
PS: The story was on last night’s media show on Sky — highly recommended Friday night viewing if you have an interest in the subject.
Dover’s painting hangs in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. Many of you know it’s a converted railway station, sited beside the Seine and quite different to the other galleries and museums there.
Last time I was there, this painting and many others were included in another special exhibition…the paintings and the garments worn by the models. Some of the garments had been sourced from private collections. What struck me was how tiny that spotted white dress was. It looked like something a child would wear.
“Safe and Effective” dis information in one minute thirty…
By Jo Nova
WallStreetSilver has updated the great little pandemic musical on vaccine efficacy.
Elon Musk retweeted it. So far 7.7 million people have seen it, 26,000 have commented and it keeps spreading.
Rufus an odd name for a Russian diplomatic staffer, but thanks for checking in.
How’s the sailing on Burley Griffin today?
What colours are the ANU boat shed?
This article describes the exhibition. I can’t believe it was over ten years ago!
Unfortunately they don’t have a person standing near the model to give a sense of scale.
Daily Mail.
I know RFKJ has ruled it out , but his best chance of achieving some of his lifes goals (particularly in the childrens health space) might be to team up as Trumps VP.
Not just Mercs. Rumour has it that back in the day, a genuine Roller replacement fanbelt could be sourced at the local Nuffield tractor dealership for considerably less currency.
Sure, JC, very often the same people that ‘know’ Putin poisoned Navalny are the same people that ‘know’ Trump instigated an insurrection and by the same means. Navalny is a Western darling because he’s anti-Putin. People lauding him as an alternative neither knew nor cared that his position on NATO and Ukraine were similar to Putin’s, but those in the intelligence services probably gathered that his position was opportunistic and could be mended by various inducements.
Because the comment wasn’t related to the charge specifically but to his past.
The point of two Houses, separation of powers, Electoral College v popular vote, and so on is premised on ‘the people can’t be trusted’. But on the matter specifically, the outcomes recently in Georgia, Ukraine, and Armenia demonstrate clearly that the clamour for ‘fair and free elections’ via NED is used to launder influence peddling both domestic and foreign.
Someone already mentioned it yesterday, they will need to do it from a ship offshore, a la Radio Caroline.
Keep in mind that polls change.
And who knows that they’ll look like in a couple of months time after being a genuine Independent candidate.
I expect the corporate media will treat him even worse.
” It’s pretty well established and indisputable that there is a major outsize Jewish influence going on vis a vis Ukraine.
I never knew the Bidens were Jewish. Wow, I learn something knew everyday.
As for the rest OO, that is a road I will not go down. I will not give legitimacy to any mumblings of “Jewish conspiracies”.
Trump is not that foolhardy. Here is a scenario for such a case, Trump and RFKJ win the election, CIA bumps off Trump, RFKJ becomes president and chooses some swamp creature as VP. CIA bumps off RFKJ and presto, swamp creature is president.
Miss Six and Master Four are visiting for the weekend. No parents.
Snap! .. I’ve got 3 up from Danistan this weekend. mizz’ 6 & 12 and master 14 .. I getz the kids .. mummy & daddy bunking with my youngest ………..
This morning in the Oz, Kenny is comparing the Voice to the America’s Cup.
LOL. I’m almost beginning to pity him.
French women must have been tiny, I’ve seen antique shoes for sale in Paris, not sure they would fit a modern six year old.
Average height for Frenchmen in the 1800s was five foot four, women must have generally been under five foot?
Sep 30, 2023 8:13 AM
As I suggested yesterday, watch this space.
It’s not an activist judge off on a frolic and doing a Mordy; it’s badly considered legislation and a woeful (alternatively, malevolent) government agency.
A specialised, industry-specific case, impacting Big Gas, of little interest to the wider community – so farkem? Sadly, Australia is on the threshold of an ‘Aunty Raylene’ approval becoming standard MO for developments of all sorts.
Not sure that it’s unintended consequences – we’ll see by Team Albanese’s response.
Must be something about this week, I’ll getting little misses 1 and 3, with mum fortunately.
I have just brought a tct cutter from china, $5. The same thing in bunnings $39
I bought a “footie mascot ” hoodie from China last week …. $17.65 delivered ..
with exact same pix on Oz site(s) $139 + postage .. tho mine won’t have the, official, NRL label ..!
Unfortunately for Lozza, Debrett’s Etiquette and Modern Manners
was particularly explicit.
From pp196:
It is unacceptable for a Gentleman to resort to rough badinage
when discussing the unattractive nature of a Lady.
Even if it is that Ava Evans slag.
Cassie of Sydney
Sep 30, 2023 8:51 AM
” It’s pretty well established and indisputable that there is a major outsize Jewish influence going on vis a vis Ukraine.
I never knew the Bidens were Jewish. Wow, I learn something knew everyday.
As for the rest OO, that is a road I will not go down. I will not give legitimacy to any mumblings of “Jewish conspiracies”.
I thought it was an interesting historical assessment
Many of the most famous “Jewish” conspiracy theories are lazy and half-assed.
To give an example, “Jews” are not a monolith who all take orders from some rabbi in Israel or something like that, as is commonly imagined. Nor are all the global power structures ruled by them. Just look at early history, where many or most of the top barons were not Jewish, i.e. House of Rockefeller, House of Morgan, and many others.
My poor piano just took a hammering, now we’re onto iPads and games. The Beloved washing off glue and glitter and hiding in the shower. I don’t blame him…he had a heavy breathing small face in his at 4:30am.
These children have the attention spans of fleas – except when they want something and are told “no”. Then it’s over and over again, wearing away like water on stone.
A bit like the Voice really.
Is Elbow going to promise everyone a day off if it gets up?
The “pinged” steal.
Sorry Chris, we’re onto the attempted fraud.
Is Elbow going to promise everyone a day off if it gets up?
For Gawd’s Sake! .. don’t give him ideas .. next up it’ll be $265 of yer electric bill …!
Hopefully someone older, with more experience.
Daniel Baldwin
“If you want to drive 14 minutes to the candy store, electric vehicles are very good.”
– Pres. Trump hammering California’s auto regulations
I don’t think Rufus’s take is much of a stretch. As to RT, have they been more unreliable than NYT, the Australian, or Times? Only in the last week we had the latter reporting the death of the Admiral of the Russian Black Sea Fleet only to find him days later appear in a meeting and interview.
I agree, RT is actually worth reading.
Trump on the funding debate
The potential savings are enormous in the uncompetitive corners of the Australian retail market. Judging by the daily number of DHL packages, Mrs Faustus appears to save us a small fortune – at least she tells me that’s what she’s doing.
Timely to fondly remember Scott Morrison’s contribution to convenient and secure online shopping – the Amazon lockout.
Some days I get a quiet satisfaction thinking about Scummo sitting on the shelf in Canbra, mouldering and getting dusty and past his use/by date.
Nice talk Peter, now walk.
First step: expel the traitor Turdballs from the Liberal Party.
Ok any technical thoughts here?
– Can read https://sputnikglobe.com/ on Samsung Note 8 Android on Chrome, Firefox, Adblock Browsers, but unable in Apple iMac (macOs Ventura 13.5.2) on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Brave Browsers
I referred to Twiggy’s involvement with unicorn fart energy yesterday… and triggered an alt-physics energy expert colleague.
Apparently, hydrogen has a ‘hidden’ ground state whose emission line is way into the UV, so was missed by the original physicists. We can extract a buttload of high-energy light from it, and the hydrogen then becomes dark matter.
Awesome website; lots of Deep State luminaries on the ‘Advisory Board’. And the reaction occurs in a plasma arc run with injected molten tin! Woohoo!
But cold fusion was apparently quashed to prevent al Quaida and the rest having access to it. So there’s that.
I think this is a fairly accurate comment;
Exaggerated? Made up more like.
New research shows CDC exaggerated the evidence for masks to fight COVID
Del Noce’s response to the modern atheist age
By Adam Wesselinoff – September 30, 2023
Counter-Catholic trends in the contemporary Western world are well-known to the average person in the pews: the banishing of religion from the public sphere and the embrace of atheism as a “liberation” from religion, the ever-present eroticism of everyday life, the notion that Christianity is on the “wrong side of history.”
An increasing number of Catholic intellectuals are finding rejoinders to these trends in the work of the 20th century Italian philosopher Augusto Del Noce, a lifelong Catholic critic of totalitarianism who died in 1989, and whose books The Problem of Atheism, The Crisis of Modernity and many others have been recently translated into English by the mathematician and philosopher Carlo Lancellotti.
Dang! I was about to offer private subscription shares!
At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man…what is it with children these days?
We haven’t been blessed with grandchildren as yet, but we have two ankle biters who occasionally visit and they are like dark stars which irresistably draw the energy from any adult in the space-time vicinity.
As I remember childhood, we were pretty much self-reliant when it came to entertaining ourselves.
James Woods
They always trot out the nincompoops to test a narrative. This one is Hank Johnson level stupid. A real dazzler.
The Endless Evidence Demonstrating Biden Family Corruption – New York Post
Hunter’s boast that he expected all this ‘stuff’ to go away when dad was president was wishful thinking
By Post Editorial Board
Hunter Biden “expected all this ‘stuff’ to go away” once Joe became president, according to bombshell emails released by the House Ways and Means Committee ahead of the first public impeachment inquiry hearing into the president Thursday.
The “stuff” being the federal investigation into his shady business dealings.
And Hunter was very nearly right.
If a measly five more House seats had gone to Dems in the 2022 midterms, it would have gone away.
Instead, the indefatigable Reps. Jim Comer, Jim Jordan and Jason Smith made public endless evidence demonstrating how deep the rot runs.
Like …
. Records of the millions flowing into the bank accounts of Biden family members from the cash generated by Hunter’s “work” (i.e., influence peddling via selling access to Joe, whom he plainly called “my family’s only asset”) in China and Ukraine.
. Proof positive that, despite years of bald-faced lying on the subject, Joe not only talked biz with Hunter, he was actively involved in phone calls with Hunter’s erstwhile partners (and no, they weren’t just talking about the weather) and that Joe and Hunter’s finances were inextricably linked.
. Whistleblower revelations from senior IRS officials detailing how the Justice Department frustrated efforts to investigate Hunter wherever the leads might go, including to Joe. Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf bluntly ordered Joe erased from a search warrant.
. Emails revealing that Joe Biden’s sudden 2015 effort as veep to oust top Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin came as a total shock to the people running point on the country under then-President Barack Obama, and that a lobbying firm that promised to “promote” the closure of Shokin’s Burisma investigation gave Joe talking points ahead of his Ukraine adventure.
. Documents revealing that $260,000 from Chinese nationals was wired to Hunter in summer 2019 at Joe’s Delaware mansion address, despite Hunter living in California at the time — and after Joe had launched his 2020 campaign.
. A credible FBI informant alleging that Burisma head Mykola Zlochevsky claimed he’d paid Joe and Hunter a $5 million bribe each — which Wolf also dismissed out of hand.
The inquiry hearing itself saw Dems make a desperate, last-stand effort to pretend it was insane to ask if all this somehow benefited Joe.
That’s even though Joe knowingly signaled that paying Hunter would influence him.
One “expert” witness the Dems called up compared it to giving a ticket to Joe if Hunter was caught speeding in his dad’s car. Ha!
All they have is the lame line: There’s no proof Joe benefited personally.
We say: yet.
GOP-Controlled House Approves Security Assistance to Ukraine – Here Are the Republicans, Including McCarthy, Who Voted with Democrats
Couldn’t help noticing in Japan how cheap many household items were compared to here, quality seemed okay too.
Australians seem to pay through the nose for everything.
I was planning to buy some more bits and pieces to bring home, didn’t work out. Next time.
Maybe Kenny is taking one for the team. The Oz advertising dept must be looking at all the dosh sloshing around the Yes case and drooling to get some of it. Virtue seeking companies like BHP are hardly going to take out full page spreads in a unreconstructed newspaper which is a hotbed of NOism.
I don’t really think so, but the money tsunami washing over the Yes case is quite breathtaking.
Perhaps they just find you interesting, Roger. Big opportunity there.
Emerald Robinson
The truth is that @BrianKempGA is working with Democrats to convict Trump in Georgia.
Meanwhile @GaSecofState is attending Mark Zuckerberg’s “voter conferences” to stop Trump in 2024 election.
The Georgia GOP has to be replaced from top to bottom.
Liz Churchill
Bill Gates stated his ‘Covid Vaccines’ were safe…while profiting $M’s of Dollars.
Millions of people around our World have been injured, disabled or died.
MSM is advising that you take an 8th vaccine.
Arrest Bill Gates and every MSM Whore that’s enabling this Nightmare.
New World Odor™
Bill Gates 2.0 and Bill Gates 3.0, both 60 Minutes episodes sponsored by……..you guessed it……Pfizer.
COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report
– Can read https://sputnikglobe.com/ on Samsung Note 8 Android on Chrome, Firefox, Adblock Browsers, but unable in Apple iMac (macOs Ventura 13.5.2) on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Brave Browsers
I just clicked your link .. sputnik .. came straight up .. running BRAVE on W10
A gem from 78 Canberra Avenue that slipped through to the keeper.
Look for a Daiso in Melbourne, rosie.
As I remember childhood, we were pretty much self-reliant when it came to entertaining ourselves.
We didn’t have technology to keep us indoors .. or parents that would let us stay in .. my childhood .. school holidays/weekends out around 8 am and don’t come back before dinner .. or else!
80% of it is taxpayer funds misappropriated from people who plan to vote no in the apartheid referendum.
Activists need a regular reminder that their causes would largely cease to exist without the government money they have effectively stolen.
I had no idea Roger, apparently there are three in the CBD, maybe on my next Melbourne museum outing.
It’s only Wiki, but here’s the list of endorsements.
Yet the polls are hovering around 35-40%.
Tells you something about Australians, regardless of their corporations, religious leaders, clubs and other “ruling” entities. It may be that, despite all the yapping, the pandemic gave many a bit of hurry-up in the thinking department.
They’re in the pool now. Best babysitter evah!
Yes, Makka, I know.
The little boy is fatherless and the little girl has no grandparents (from two different families unrelated to us but connected by other ways), so we help out as needed on an occasional basis.
When they go my wife and I each pour a stiff drink and just sit, vacantly staring out the window, like lithium-ion batteries on slow recharge.
My wife visits them whenever we’re in the big smoke.
I just marvel at the variety and price.
Interesting that those who were quick to jump all over Alan Jones for “cash for comment” have been slow on the uptake here.
Apparently she “only gives endorsements to products she truly believes in”.
Apart from all of that she is a dud broadcaster.
How much have Australia’s major banks contributed to the Yes campaign?
ANZ: ‘in the region of sort of $2m’
NAB: $1.5 million.
Westpac: $1.75 million
Commonwealth Bank: $2 million
That’s $7.25 million altogether.
Strange how styles change. Appearing literally pear-shaped was apparently a good quality for women in 1866.
Monet nailing the contrast ratio again, good on `im fer that.
COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report
In 2021/22 Australia administered 62.5 million injections of Covid vaccines – which obviously must have resulted in 78,000 deaths.
Given 190,000 total Australian deaths in 2022, one might reasonably expect this significant additional carnage to stand out in the standardised death rate like the balls on a Staffie.
Oddly, it doesn’t.
Clearly the work of Big Coverup.
Trump was a great president, but a looming Michelle Obama candidacy means we need a new plan
The saying goes that you prepare to fight the last war (or political campaign), not the next one, and now there is the real possibility that Joe Biden will drop out to be replaced by Michelle Obama.
This would change the entire landscape of the election and serve as a convenient excuse to absolve the rest of the party for what Biden did, when we all know they are equally at fault.
It’s easy to see how this could have been the plan all along. Biden’s installation meant four more Obama years of “fundamental transformation” with an unwitting scapegoat, the disposable bumbling puppet.
Knowing the proclivities of the far left’s identity politics, you can easily see how this kind of development could have been pre-planned for maximum effect.
Consider the implications of what was going to be an electoral contest between two older men with similar immutable characteristics (biological sex and skin color don’t determine political ideologies), reframed as a contest between a white male and a black female—again, the immutable characteristics are irrelevant… unless you’re a leftist, and then it’s a near-constant obsession. So much for Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream to judge someone on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
Thus, any criticism of Michelle will be ascribed to racism, sexism, and who knows what else.
You can also bet that age will suddenly become a factor, with the socialist media conveniently forgetting everything they said in defense of Biden.
So what do we know about what likely took place behind the scenes?
Beijing Biden is merely a marionette for someone behind the green curtain; Biden’s handler had to be powerful enough to assume control over a president; Biden’s handler would have needed to have intermediaries and deep state operatives to exert control over him.
All three of these indications point to Barack Hussein Obama as the man behind the curtain, secretly running a broken-down version of The Wizard of Oz. No one else in the sphere of the “president” fits the bill.
Biden was already used to taking orders from Barack, and with his diminished state he is probably grateful for the “help.”
Biden is also an old-school Democrat operative, willing to lie, cheat, and steal, and perfectly accepting of orders that go along with his ideological intent.
He is also surrounded by Barack’s loyal associates and acolytes for some strange reason.
How many times has sock puppet Biden blurted out that he’s just following orders, or doing what he was told?
Why did Biden embrace “Bidenomics”? A narcissist, he likes it because it memorializes his name. Yet, his use of the word irrevocably intertwines him in the mess that the party has made of the country—when they get rid of Biden, there goes “Bidenomics” and the new candidate can wash his or her hands of the disaster.
Everything flows downstream from that, and you can rest assured that the media will fall right into line, absolving the Democrats once Biden drops out. He will become this century’s version of Stalin or that “Swashbuckling Little Politician” (Hitler).
The same holds for the illegal invasion, which has everything going swimmingly. That is if you want the country overrun with half the world, higher taxes to pay for all the handouts (not to mention out-of-control crime), and a permanent Democrat majority.
The fascist far-left has two objectives that are at odds with each other. They want to destroy the country (their term is fundamentally transform), but they are also authoritarians at heart and they want to maintain control.
So, they had to get someone controllable and expendable—Biden was the perfect fall guy (in more ways than one), and now that the hour is late, it will be time to pass the baton to Michelle, minus all the negative baggage.
Scrolling down that InVoice endorsements page…
The PC is neutral on the literal broken-window economics of current Aboriginal welfare schemes?
To be fair, it’s hard to judge the economic impact of an office whose functions and powers have not been defined.
It used to be warmer: 4,000 new bits of evidence melt out of Norwegian glaciers
Only two weeks ago a team of archeologists discovered an arrow made from a shell had survived 3,300 years in the ice in Norway. As the glaciers melt, the team has found some 4,000 items of clothes and hunting gear. Things that must have been precious to someone at the time — like hand-made leather bridles and Viking age knives — peeling away layers of history.
The director of the archeology team, Lars Holger Pilø, is very excited about finding a treasure trove of Early Bronze Age relics (as you would be). But he laments the cause — “the reason they are melting out is sad,” — he exclaims.
The ice melt will lead to drastic changes in Norway’s landscape, he says, without seeming to notice he’s talking about warming the world back to what it was.
Oh, the horror of a warmer climate that humans thrived in for thousands of years.
Today, some youngsters glue themselves to a road at the thought of another half a degree temperature rise, but imagine having to kill dinner with a shell strapped to a stick?
Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you’re aboard, there’s nothing you can do.
– Golda Meir
Daiso is also at Westfield Doncaster and, of all places, Dandenong Shopping plaza. More broadly, an exceedingly interesting spot to visit if you are in the market for fashion choices designed to cover you from neck to floor.
Which could have paid for boarding school fees for hundreds of indigenous children that the tax payer currently picks up, just as an example.
I mean, if you’re going to throw money at something, at least aim for something that might actually make a difference in someone’s life.
Jacqui Felgate is half of one of Melbourne’s media power couples. I listen to her husband Michael Felgate on weekday mornings on the racing station RSN.
Jacqui (mother of two daughters) is as pretty as a picture and runs her Instagram account like an airhead teenager, featuring endorsements for commercial brands that are paying her for the endorsements.
She claims her failure to declare the kickbacks she’s receiving is an “oversight”. Yeah right. Elbow is a better liar.
Now that’s all out in the open, I think Felgate’s tenure as the afternoon drive host on 3AW will be a success. It’s just that the drive slot will now be run by a bought-and-paid for social media influencer, not an actual journalist.
My wife is a crafty lady in her spare time.
She likes to stock up on supplies at Daiso for which other stores charge 3 or 4 times the price.
Married women were either pregnant or recovering from pregnancy for most of their married lives. Pear shaped indeed.
And it is completely unrelated to the excess mortality of 2022 (14% is one claimI saw last year) that saw a huge rise in death benefit payouts from super funds?
That is my Mum’s death you are potentially talking about.
Trump is one funny dude.
The only thing worse than ALPBC radio is commercial radio.
Gerard Henderson’s Media Watch
Sep 30, 2023 9:37 AM
Liz Churchill
Bill Gates stated his ‘Covid Vaccines’ were safe…while profiting $M’s of Dollars.
“Safe and Effective” is a phrase that will go down as infamy and one that should never ever be uttered again by a load of people/groups in ‘High Office’ (Doctors as well) WHO had no idea what they were talking about.
Did it?
Paywalled at WSJ
Life-Insurance Payouts Hit Record $100 Billion in 2021
Covid-19 deaths likely fueled an increase in death-benefit payments
Got it. Ha.
If they signed up for this they have zero loyalty.
I know there is a power to assist the states.
Let’s think about Peel’s principles, the fact that we are a democracy and that the civil power always controls the military and where the civil power has legitimacy from.
WTF is going on with the Daily Mail?
That effin’ site kept on loading links to its own articles – but then goes in a loop.
That POS clickbait online rag could crash the whole internet.
another article on excess deaths in the US.
ANZ: ‘in the region of sort of $2m’
NAB: $1.5 million.
Westpac: $1.75 million
Commonwealth Bank: $2 million
That’s $7.25 million altogether.
thanks P- another reason to end my r/ship with westpac
Who could hate dogs? They’re funny as hell. The lil’ bastards always try to eat a bone inside your house, they never give up and connive and play victims.
The only thing worse than ALPBC radio is commercial radio.
agree- almost worth paying a modest fee to Spotify. I like their add for Asahi anyway with the Asian chick.
Dogs are wonderful friends- mine is sitting under my desk now.
I’d guess at short attention spans from over stimulation in the environment at home and in school with a serious over use of devices for entertainment and ‘don’t bother me, I’m busy’ parenting.
There are exceptions. I have an 9 year old granddaughter who loves her latest device (h/t Bob), but only ever uses it when she is eating a snack or a meal. She has an amazing vocabulary for her age and will play imaginative games for long periods of time with some of the toys her mum and uncles played with decades ago.
We spent an interesting afternoon together this week explaining the intricacies of an Eastern Orthodox church with a family friend who is a member of the congregation and watching an artisan at work painting stunning icons on the walls.
We discussed our personal belief in God, the birth of Christianity, heaven, why there are different denominations, the symbolism of lighting a candle, of icons, prayer, the priesthood and baptism; with her asking us the tricky question of why her mum was baptised but she is not. Her attention and curiosity on the topics we meandered around was humbling.
The headscarfed babka with the chocolate wafer biscuit offered to her as we left was the icing on the religious education cake.
Her teenager brother, on the other hand only lifts his head from the iPad to offer monosyllabic answers at best, or boy grunts of unknown meaning.
This story from a few days ago may be relevant.
Swiss Cardiologist’s Request: “Entire mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Platform Must Be Banned” (27 Sep)
I said this early on, that mRNA causing virus proteins to be displayed on the surface of blood vessel lining cells and heart cells is not a good thing to have happen. The immune system causes inflammation and that brings in T cells and platelets…thereby causing clotting. It won’t matter what the mRNA vaccine is since they all will do the same thing, because all are intended to cause a immune system response to a foreign molecule.
Again with these things different people will have different responses, as the Swiss guy says. And you’d expect the excess mortality to decline as the most susceptible die or have such bad reactions that they take no more boosters.
But it will eventually become understood that mRNA vaccines are the worst medical idea since bloodletting. Perhaps they could be ethically acceptable in dire circumstances, such as resistant cancer treatments, but not for a population-wide vaccine.
Life-Insurance Payouts Hit Record $100 Billion in 2021
Covid-19 deaths likely fueled an increase in death-benefit payments
U.S. life insurers paid a record $100 billion in 2021 in death benefits, fueled by another year of Covid-19 deaths, an industry trade group said.
Payouts rose 11% in 2021 to $100.19 billion, most likely due to the pandemic, according to the American Council of Life Insurers. The increase was on the heels of a 15% year-over-year rise in 2020, when death-benefit payments totaled $90.43 billion.
The ACLI compiles data from annual filings by insurers to state insurance departments. Given limitations in the filings, the group can’t break down causes of death, but it is reasonable to attribute the bulk of the increases to the pandemic, said Andrew Melnyk, ACLI vice president of research and chief economist.
The year-over-year increases are among the largest since the 1918 flu pandemic, when payments surged 41%. They are far above the 4.9% average from 2011 to 2021, the ACLI said.
Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. jumped 20% in 2021 to approximately 460,000, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Deaths trended younger as the Delta variant raced through the country, though older Americans still largely were the victims.
The Delta deaths substantially boosted payouts under employers’ benefit programs, though most of the $100 billion came from individually owned policies, according to ACLI data.
Myrna Guerrero, a national sales director for Primerica Inc., one of the nation’s biggest sellers of term-life policies, said it was tragic last year to see young families hit with Covid-19 deaths. In two instances of term-life policies sold by her Phoenix-area office, policyholders left behind three or more children.
“Obviously, we won’t take the pain away of losing somebody, but financially they will be OK,” Ms. Guerrero said of the families. About 25 of the office’s clients died in 2021, and about half of those had Covid-19.
Primerica said companywide death claims increased about 34% in 2021 to $2.25 billion, up from $1.69 billion.
Life insurers are also seeing deaths that appear to be indirectly tied to Covid-19. In quarterly earnings, some reported jumps in death claims that they believe are tied to delays in medical care as a result of the 2020 lockdowns, and then, later, people’s fear of seeking treatment, as well as trouble lining up appointments.
In the early days of Covid-19’s rapid spread, the industry faced a seemingly crippling financial burden. But the cost has proved manageable partly because so many victims were in their 80s and 90s and typically had smaller policies, if any insurance at all.
Most insurers entered the pandemic with strong capital buffers, said Carmi Margalit, who leads the life-insurance sector at S&P Global Ratings, in a recent webinar. Strong sales across various product lines and diversified earnings streams also help, said ratings firm AM Best in a November analysis retaining the industry’s stable outlook. But an unusually big surge in sales of life policies has ebbed this year.
In Tulsa, Okla., New York Life Insurance Co. agent Vickie Ford said that in 2020 and 2021, she helped about five families with claims paperwork for deaths tied to Covid-19. That was about half of the overall deaths for her office. Payments to beneficiaries ranged from $92,000 to $206,000.
The Yes vote has ceased declining.
I have no intuition about whether that will be stable or will get a final week bump in misplaced sympathy votes.
It’s hit the green/left rustedon strata.
One of his best this week.
Less sludge.
Genuinely interesting.
IRS Contractor Is Charged in Leak of Trump Tax Returns, Thousands of Wealthy Americans’ Records
Federal prosecutors accuse worker of stealing tax returns from inside IRS and giving them to news organizations
WASHINGTON—Federal prosecutors charged an Internal Revenue Service contractor with stealing the tax returns of former President Donald Trump and thousands of other wealthy Americans and leaking them to news organizations, apparently solving a two-year puzzle over a security breach that prompted outrage from lawmakers and administration officials.
Charles Littlejohn, 38, of Washington, D.C., was charged Friday with one count of unauthorized disclosure of tax information, and he faces up to five years in prison, according to a Justice Department news release.
Court records don’t name the taxpayers, the news organizations or the company that Littlejohn worked for, but the descriptions match two of the largest and most consequential disclosures of private tax information.
The timeline outlined in the case matches the June 2021 publication by ProPublica of the tax records of wealthy Americans and the publication in September 2020 of information from Trump’s 2016 and 2017 tax records by the New York Times. The charge marks the first sign of progress in a two-year-long investigation that has proceeded quietly, and it links those two disclosures for the first time.
The charge was filed in a document known as an information, a type of document that prosecutors usually use if a defendant is expected to plead guilty to the charges. Littlejohn and his lawyer, Lisa Manning, declined to comment.
A spokesperson for ProPublica declined to comment Friday. The New York Times didn’t immediately comment on Friday. A spokesman for the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, or TIGTA, which assisted in the investigation, declined to comment.
A spokesman for Trump didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
IRS employees generally take tax-return privacy seriously, and workers and contractors know that their actions in agency computers can be tracked.
As a result, breaches of tax privacy are rare, and the volume of information and the unusual disclosures in ProPublica and the Times shocked agency officials and lawmakers. The pace of the investigation called into question whether the IRS’s computer-tracking tools had gaps in them.
“While many questions remain, at the very least, IRS guardrails failed to prevent this brazen breach of taxpayer rights,” said Sen. Mike Crapo (R., Idaho), the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction on tax matters.
Court records don’t indicate how investigators found Littlejohn. The court filing mentions activities in northern West Virginia; the IRS has a major data center in Martinsburg that helps manage the Individual Master File, the main repository of personal tax information.
ProPublica had said repeatedly that it didn’t know the identity of its source. Although the volume and nature of the records suggested it had come from inside the IRS, the government hadn’t said so until Friday. According to court records, Littlejohn worked for an IRS contractor from 2017 to 2021 and is alleged to have stolen the tax records from 2018 to 2020.
The IRS said it couldn’t comment on specific pending legal issues.
“Any disclosure of taxpayer information is unacceptable,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “The IRS has put in place new protocols and protections that tightened security, and our aggressive work in this critical area continues in order to protect the tax and financial information of taxpayers.”
The extensive disclosure to ProPublica made public the tax information of many of the most well-known ultrawealthy Americans, including Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, showing their incomes, payments and tax strategies.
Top U.S. officials who oversee the IRS and lawmakers expressed growing dismay as the investigation dragged on without any arrests. Billionaire Ken Griffin sued the IRS over the disclosure of his information; that case is pending.
In a statement, Griffin said the government has a fundamental obligation to protect confidential and sensitive information.
“While I continue to be frustrated by the IRS’s failure to protect the personal data it is entrusted with each year, I am grateful to the Department of Justice and the Agents at the TIGTA for their persistence in this investigation,” he said.
Attorney General Merrick Garland promised an aggressive investigation.
While not all leaks of sensitive information are criminal, the Justice Department often targets those that are classified or contained in confidential financial disclosures, which are illegal under federal law. But taxpayer information has specific legal protections, and government officials who have legal access to the data could face felony charges for disclosing it.
The brief court document filed in Littlejohn’s case doesn’t say what led investigators to him.
Garland sharply limited federal prosecutors’ ability to obtain records of reporters’ contacts when investigating government leaks of sensitive information, but investigators have other methods in such cases, including seeking phone records of nonjournalists.
Separate from the Times’s publication of Trump’s tax records, the House Ways and Means Committee obtained and legally released several years of his tax returns. The committee used an exception written into tax-privacy laws, and Trump’s attempts to get courts to block the handover and release fell short.
A glass basement for civil liberties and economic analysis.
This is how far down the beaurocratic food chain the swamp has under it’s control;
The Dems and RINO’s hate the US and it’s citizens.
Infernal error
I’m an inveterate gambler, but refuse to put money on this, it can get up.
seems the problem is “Colonel Crispin Berka”
Or not as the case may be
LOL !!!
Good luck with the fertility rate guys. Forget about affirmative consent. Keep your eyes on the ground at all times if you are asking permission to talk to an attractive woman, assume she’s a lesbian who has been raped by every man she has ever met until she gives you permission to talk to freely and look at her.
I’m gonna use my over-investment in education and fly to Mars (2025 apparently) with fecund and needy half-Asian BA/BSc and engineering gals who are talented as and look like Laufey, good luck in the West.
Okay, maybe not but travelling to Dubai if you’ve made it makes a lot more sense now.
Giving (a):
Buying a drink
are considered the same as literally grabbing a woman’s butt, bosom or groin and rubbing yours into hers, without consent.
None of the four above before we got to the indecent assault were crimes, not in Australia, yet.
Bristol Council put these up but the British Transport Police did the same.
Airstrip One is Cuck Land, it’s like they’re trying to make Bumble ((men cannot approach women), only women can send the first message) the official British courting process.
Where have all the good men gone?
Why aren’t men asking me out in person?
Why won’t men talk to me? Are they gay?
Who will fix my toilet?
Why are men afraid of me?
Why are all the guys who sleep with me such dicks who ghost me?
Why won’t the good-looking and successful guy from work ask me out, I think he likes me?
Why was the dating event all women and no men turned up?
Not “ceased declining”. The rate of decline had levelled out, but the Yes Vote trend is still declining towards ~40% by mid-October.
Arguably due to reaching the ‘firm Yes’ population – hard to know given the differing poll methodologies.
The ‘truly undecided’ vs ‘shy-Torrie’ vote is yet to be determined. So, given the corporate megabucks going in for the Yes campaign, a final week bump in sympathy votes may indeed be on the cards.
But a reversal to 50% in two weeks would suggest a pretty extraordinary collapse in the No case.
There are two powers.
Defence Force Assistance to the Civil Community (think natural disasters) and Defence Force Aid to the Civil Power. (think riots in the streets).
Both require government approval, Commonwealth and state. In both cases, the ADF personnel are under the authority of the civilian government, usually via police.
What were your thoughts on using 2nd Commando Regiment against Man Monis?
Verbatim from the Oz
WA premier Roger Cook has denied any link between the current slump in sheep prices and the federal governments steps towards ending the live export of the animals.
Connecting the 2 issues was ” complete and utter nonsense”.
Pray for WA, Lordedover by a low rent mong with an acquired brain injury.
How, oh how could banning the export of something impact on their prices???
Sheep that were $150 a head last year will be sold for under $10 or shot in the paddock.
I’m sure everybody has noticed WooliesWorth sheep meat prices plummeting..
Walked to Pilates today in Woollahra, Yes spruikers out and about on Queen Street, exchanged words with one, and then told her to piss off. I’m done with being polite.
Not a problem. Shooting a terrorist whilst he is still committing a terrorist act is a lot different to stopping what might have started out as a protest. With hindsight, we know the NSW Police stuffed up. Some riots have been started by police incompetence, like the closure of the Star Hotel.
Abbott must never be allowed back into the fray.
We gifted him an historic mandate and clear charter, and he pissed on us.
Turnbull had simply to fill a vacuum in order to destroy Australian democracy. Abbott was not at home.
It matters not whether his treason was a result of a choke, misdirected personal morality or weakness, he sold out millions of people who placed their trust in him.
Credlin’s school girl adoration of this weak and unreliable man notwithstanding, he is a cancer for the conservative cause.
Walk away Dutton.
I cooked a “lamb” roast last week on the BBQ, big bugger, and damned cheap.
Spotify is the best money you will ever spend. Plus a reasonable Bluetooth speaker. It’s not hi fi but good enough.
I think the maximum the yes vote can get is the liars and filth combined or about low 40s. If any liars start to use their brain they’ll stray. The filth have no brains so they’re rigid like a brain dead donkey’s dick. So that’s max for the screech yes. One or more states like Tassie where the average nong has 12 or more fingers may get over the line but that will be it. That’s assuming no monkey business with the voting and not a large informal from the smarties – I’ll show ’em, I won’t mark the ballot – and the dummies.
Giving Spotify money now is more palatable now they have split with Hazza filth and his slag.
Abbott obviously has the fine personal qualities laid out above.
However, immediately he was in power, he handed leadership away to mediocrities – like the fat succubus Hockey. Perhaps he thought they shared his vision.
Their parents. The contrast with European or Asian children is extraordinary. Not always but often enough.
Exactly!!!! The problem is the leadership rules are not anything like the leadership rules of the Liars
Sep 30, 2023 11:03 AM
LOL !!!
Good luck with the fertility rate guys. Forget about affirmative consent. Keep your eyes on the ground at all times if you are asking permission to talk to an attractive woman, assume she’s a lesbian who has been raped by every man she has ever met until she gives you permission to talk to freely and look at her.
Women, fuk ’em.
All Abbott seems to do now is fluff around making pronouncements. I would have expected him to dive back into it one way or another- do a Latham for example. Pretty piss poor imho.
Geez, steady on cohenite.
Nice talk Peter, now walk.
First step: expel the traitor Turdballs from the Liberal Party.
Exactly!!!! The problem is the leadership rules are not anything like the leadership rules of the Liars
Yeah it leaves you speechless that someone who campaigned against his successor (Sharma) has not been expelled
Abbott wrote a terrific piece on why to vote No which someone put up here. Really clear language, logical arguments, all quite specific, unlike the feel good, do good, generalised vibe surrounding Yes.
You are comfortable with some aspects of Defence Force Aid to the Civil Power, but is it that you wish to have the final decision referred to you?
How about the 1996 invasion of Parliament House? Had the AFP asked for Defence Force assistance, would you have agreed? And if the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance resort to violence, riots and arson if the InVoice is rejected? Yes or No?
Abbott always gave me the impression he was trying too hard to impress the company in which he found himself.
He lacked the calm manner of a natural leader and that made him appear aggressive and ill at ease at times. This awkwardness had a negative effect on female voters.
I remember his visit to the Longerenong Field Days and the way he strode along as if there was some desperate need to get somewhere rather than stroll and engage. He didn’t seem to relax even amongst natural political allies.
I see the first of the ” election fortifying” tactics has started in the USA
Apparently some singer called on her fans to enroll to vote and 150,000 of them did the next day…
Be ready for a number of ” wow this group suddenly decided to sign up and all vote for dementia Joe…”
Abbott’s essays have been great.
I never understood why the forces of evil hated him with such venom.
Sep 30, 2023 11:42 AM
Geez, steady on cohenite.
I was just joshing; I have personally sent support to Denise Ferris and offered myself as a spit receptacle for her.
Even in extremis, Dianne Feinstein stood to her duties.
Haven’t seen one in the area where I live, in outer-eastern Melbourne.
Never ever seen a Pride or SSM sign around here either (but I have seen them in one or two inner suburbs, Fitzroy for one).
But it is a very conservative electorate here, I am happy to say.
On the subject of expelling Turdballs from the Libs, if he is still holding the return of his “loan” over their heads, chuck him out, and appeal to the general public for donations to return the money. He is enough on the nose that many non-political types would probably donate, and his attempt at blackmail is not an appealing position for him to defend.