Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
“David Pakman”
A deranged far-left loon.
Sep 30, 2023 5:51 PM
YouTube still ramming anti Trump agitprop down my throat. It would almost be comical if it wasn’t so evil and spiteful. Who the buggery is David Pakman?
He’s a c-bomb.
My nerves are still shot to pieces from the drive over and down these alpine regions into the valleys. We have to retrace a terrible set today to then continue on to another valley where we will stay two days, then I’ve put my foot down. Get me off these Alps please after that.
Oh, how I empathise Lizzie! I HATE the Alps in Europe. Car mad husband, as you know, LOVES driving them! Sometimes I literally slide as much as the seat belt allows under the dashboard.
Sep 30, 2023 5:56 PM
I spent some time in the UK (including Scotland) in the 70s, Calli. It was great then. I have no intention of visiting the UK again.
We were based in London for three years in the mid-1980s. Interesting, a lot of fun, but we were glad to come home.
BTW it was 32 degrees here in the NSW Central Tablelands, and it was a beautiful day. Grandson & girlfriend have been here for a couple of days and have been for a dip in the creek which is still flowing beautifully. It has a rock bottom, so the water is very clear. Harvest moon put on a beautiful show over the mountains for them – very romantic.
Even our Scottish origin cows, still with winter coats, were out grazing & only sought shelter under the big Box gums at the middle of the day. Yet, tonight the coastal TV press is warning of the “heat wave”.
It is beyond stupid.
My next visit is 3 hours in Heathrow. 😀
Must admit when I first lobbed up in London in 1988 my first thought was ‘I can see why my forbears emigrated’ but it grew on me after a while but that was the height of the Thatcher era. Last visit was at the start of the bLIAR era and I thought it was just dirty. Haven’t been back.
How Europe’s font of civilisation descended into a hotbed of fascism and authoritarianism is a subject for academics to explore — once the West regains a truly curious academia that isn’t just a front for fascism.
I think that may take 20-30 years as fascism and censorship have become popular with the overgrown children who run the professional protest industry.
Looking forward to visiting Gulgong-Hill End-Mudgee next month Vicky. Something rather mysterious and magical about that part of the state.
Tucker hitting 6s. Great video.
The coup de main in Nagorno-Karabakh may have unfrozen a few frozen conflicts. The big boys are busy, so the smaller critters can play. Serbia has long wanted to incorporate the northern ethnic Serbian bit of Kosovo back into the home country.
Be interesting to see if this occurs. If successful the Republic of Srpska in Bosnia would be next.
I love visiting the UK. Just about every minute of it. But it has changed for the worse, and I don’t see it recovering any time soon, if ever. Incould say the same about most places.
Perhaps I’m just getting old…but I don’t think it’s just age. There have been real cultural changes. The last of which knocked me for six – an attempt by a cabbie to cheat us out of £20. And a general sense of misery…all the optimism seemed to have evaporated. It contrasted starkly with the determined and abundant baskets of flowers festooned outside the pubs.
Turn on the idiot box and it’s wall to wall catastrophe and gaslighting – Orwell would recognise it immediately. So would Lewis. The Men Without Chests (or perhaps the not-men with too much chest) have prevailed.
He goes back to Moscow and he notices about 80% of the women in the Romanov family are wearing red ribbons in solidarity with the Bolsheviks who wound up murdering them. How is it that this country is being devoured by a violent revolution and the people are refusing even to acknowledge that it’s happening and the ruling class against whom it is aimed are sympathizing with it? If this doesn’t remind you of BLM, I don’t know what does.
The left are retards where ever they are and they fuk everything they touch. But the conservatives are worse because every fuking time they assume the left will play by the rules and have a point.
Looking forward to visiting Gulgong-Hill End-Mudgee next month Vicky. Something rather mysterious and magical about that part of the state.
Milton – we are in the Capertee Valley – which Lawson praised as so “beautiful”. Surrounded by sandstone cliffs of the Triassic era, our end of the valley (the SW end) is quite green at the moment. Probably a bit off your road trip.
The yellow flogs umpired with flair today.
Cox was adjudged to give away a free kick to Brisbane by standing still while the other bloke ran into him with his head.
There was a lot of Brissie diving for frees but luckily the umps were a wake up to it.
I’ve had to have Panadol for the tension headache and now back to the beer.
Hah! Once again the media mysteriously fails to describe these whales-of-no-appearance. The warning note scrawled in algae on the side of the boat by a giant barnacle-encrusted flipper tells the whole story:
They’re fighting back.
I was reading this like wait I live in that country. That’s happening now. This is a revolution. Its aim is to hurt you.”
I am still to be convinced that, although it may be true OS, the comrades of the Left and the Cultural “Elite” in Oz are clever and inspired enough to be deliberately following the same playbook. But then I am a hopeless believer in both “goodness” and the greater force of stupidity, rather than evil intent.
But I am watching intently. We all should.
And oh – I should make an exception of Dan the Man – he is someone “touched by the darkness”. His rage and clear contempt for the people around him singles him out.
On the other hand, after N Daicos kicked one into the second row and it wasn’t called out on the full, I never want to hear about Wayne Harmed ever again.
And the advantage call?
Are girls in sensible shoes still running the PO in Glen Davis?
Harmed = Harmes.
“I love visiting the UK. Just about every minute of it. But it has changed for the worse, and I don’t see it recovering any time soon, if ever. Incould say the same about most places.”
As do I, I love London, I love towns like Bath. But yes, the downward spiral has become radical, particularly over the last decade. Actually, it’s a decay. The rot really began under Blair, and was made worse by successive spineless cowardly Conservative governments that, since 2010, have done nothing to rein in/to curb or to rescind Blair’s policy blunders.
In some ways, as Theodore Dalrymple observes, the French are more fortunate, they’re not in nearly as bad a situation as the UK. For all Macron’s faults, he stood firm in the summer of 2020 when various French far-left scum tried to import the statue vandalism, the smashings and topplings that were happening in the US and in the UK. Whilst Boris Johnson stood, sucked his thumb and said nothing, Macron stood up and stood firm, saying NON to statue topplings. As he said, this is our history!
It was very industrial. It was for a while the home of the Australian Shale oil industry . Refer to Gifford Eardleys Shale Railways of NSW for details of the works there, at Joadja, Katoomba, Newnes and Murrurundi.
There’s an expression I haven’t heard in years.
Is there a chance of making one day of the week happy news week. How about a little optimism sometimes.
“Global warming” caused Melbourne the most glorious sunny days this side of the year. More please.
I managed to find an insurance policy even below what I paid the previous year.
I thought of the Roman Empire three times today and even began watching Gladiator before the footy interrupted.
I read a piece suggesting Ukraine is winning the war and clobbering the Orcs.
Trump made me laugh imitating the corrupt clown.
There’s more.
Visiting Bath a few years ago, the landlord of the hotel we stayed in, was an expat Aussie, who had run country pubs in New South Wales.
Glenn Greenwald
The Simple Reason for Trump’s Enduring Popularity
V good.
Must have been a funny piece.
I have written to Bettina for advanced advice and therapy recommendations in advance of engaging in the most marriage destroying, PTSD inducing, potential mass shooting triggering activity ever undertaken by mankind.
Erecting a new garden shed.
Old Magnificent Seven on Gem. Noice…
Outta here.
hahahahahahaha got you, Dover. I knew I hook someone. Was just kidding.
So, JC, you say really dumb things just for the satisfaction of annoying someone. You’re turning into m0nty.
Sep 30, 2023 6:32 PM
Years ago I read a biography about Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovich, Nicholas II’s youngest sister. Olga, along with her elder sister, Xenia, escaped Russia after the revolution. They were lucky not to be captured by the Bolsheviks, and if they had been caught, they would certainly have been killed. Grand Duchess Olga, her family and other Romanovs, including Xenia and their mother, Empress Marie (the sister of Queen Alexandra of Great Britain), fled to the Crimea where, in 1918, a British frigate rescued them, on the orders of King George V. Anyway, in this book, which was written whilst Olga was still alive (she died in 1960, in Canada), she talked about the betrayal of various family members, and she also talked about the active betrayal by various members of the then Russian elite, the aristocracy and the upper classes, with the Bolsheviks and other revolutionaries. As Olga said in this biography, the wealthy classes make the revolution, then the return home and think everyone will proceed as normal, only to find out that…aham…..everything changes, and not for the better.
There is another good book on the Romanovs who survived the revolution, it was called “The Flight of the Romanovs”. I still have it, it makes for interesting reading. Many of Nicholas uncles cousins, whilst not Bolsheviks, toyed with the radicals revolutionaries, only to end up as corpses in cellars in Moscow and St Petersburg. Of course, the end result of these aristocratic dalliances with revolutionaries was that Nicholas, his wife and their children were butchered in a cellar, and ordinary Russians were subject to over seventy years of savagery, murder and totalitarianism. Over 18 Romanovs were murdered by the Bolsheviks, five of them children.
Here’s an interesting titbit of Romanov history (I love history). In 2015, in Katherine in the Northern Territory, an elderly man by the name of Leonard Kulikovsky was found dead under a tree after having suffered a heart attack whilst walking his dog. He’d lived in the Northern Territory since the 1970s, was known to be a misfit, vagabond, and local eccentric. This man was the grandson of the Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovich, and the grand-nephew of the last Tsar, Nicholas II.
The Paspaley family organised and paid for his Orthodox funeral service.
Outgoing Rogue General Mark Milley Fires Back at President Donald Trump: “We Don’t Take an Oath to a Wannabe Dictator”
It was just messing around and not meant to annoy. Loosen up a little, Doc.
From above:
First thing Trump needs to do when he gets back in is to arrest these two for treason.
Blair and Cool Britannia unleashed the worst in Britain. We can be anything we want to be, if we wish really hard.
What they ended up with is social babel – with government playing the role of Nurse Ratched.
Oh, and visiting the UK.
We visited our pommy daughter twice yearly and gradually shortened the length of our stays, not because we dislike the UK, we actually thoroughly enjoy the place. But ‘our UK’ is becoming harder to find. The stunning scenery and lovely people are still there outside of greater London, but that landscape and those folks are receeding.
Last trip we took the grandkids down the river to Greenwich, one of my favourite metropolitan sites. Both banks, well beyond Greenwich, were wall to wall dogbox apartments. Not as apalling as Alexanderia (the poms still have some standards), but still depressing.
We have told the Pommy kids that it is time for them to holiday here.
And, as continually exciting as England is – the weather truely is crap.
As Eli Wallach says right at the start of TMS…”Don’t SEE!”.
It’s an allegory for our times.
My uncle never had good sheepdogs.
Tuddy, a border collie, was named after the Collingwood captain Des Tuddenham because he was black and white.
Boof was his sworn enemy. One day they were on either side of a gate, pacing and snarling when Boof somehow got his ear through the fencing.
Tuddy gave that ear one hell of a scragging. Poor old Boof wore a cauliflower ear after that.
Rogue? What kind of short-sighted buffoon promoted this wayward general to a position of influ-
Oh. I can see why Trump has gotten so famously merciless at firing people – he’s absolutely hopeless at hiring people.
During one of those lunches, Fat Boy spat on JC’s steak, infecting him with incurable mUntism?
Bern had an decent view of how things could pan out if RFK runs as an indep, he would likely peel voters of the independent type away from Trump and slant the vote towards Hiden. That’s an interesting view.
I’ve seen he gets around 20% support from Demons though. I don’t think there’s been polls showing what would happen in a three way race.
I can see why Trump has gotten so famously merciless at firing people – he’s absolutely hopeless at hiring people.”
You have a point there.
The septic view. How apt. Again with the “Orcs” comments ( then the bs crawl back.) But typical of the Amrrrcan view of any opposition they seek out interfering around the globe. Who gives AF about the tens of thousands of young men being minced up as long as they aren’t Yanks. Right?
As I said before, classifying a whole people as grossly sub-human was the first step Hitler took in justifying the wiping our of 6 million Jews. It’s a contemptible and vile .pov. Wtf is it doing here then , dover?
Sedition probably if at all.
Sitting here, I can’t see “winning” in the whole vocabulary of Ukraine v Russia.
Loss, Loss, Win (for Emperor Xi).
I believe it’s the other way around. It’s impossible to see how a hire pans out through an interview, or even many interviews. The real secret to success is to try and be careful when hiring people, but be quick to pull the plug if you realise it won’t work out. That was Trump’s great strength. He admitted he was wrong when he fired someone. I fired traders a few weeks after hiring, much to the chagrin of HR because stability in retention numbers is somehow suggesting success. Bulllshit, as it’s also an indication of accumulating deadwood.
Other presidents have been loathe to do that, which is why they end up with lots of deadwood. The crummy world we live in is where a president or leader is looked down on by the media if he fires a secretary, when in fact they ought to be applauding someone for recognizing they made a mistake.
Neil Oliver: ‘…unforgivable!’
Vicki I’m sorry I never caught a train from Sydney to Mudgee when you could. Must have been spectacular.
Western Australia health authority data shows we are killing 5 people for every person we might save if the vaccine worked (which it doesn’t)
OMG. what did I start. Never again.
Now that guys have been told guys think about it? I suspect they will think about it even more. We might even see more t-shirts with things like ‘Fortuna fortis adiuvat’, or ‘Alea iacta est’, or ‘Memento vivere’, as a sort of a bro-code in a society where men are told everywhere that their instincts and drives are bad.
Yeah, that was hilarious. People talk about Trump being old but he has a savage and nimble gift for humour that does not arise from ossified minds.
The whole of late night TV, with the likes of Colbert, Trevor Noah, That Oliver Tit etc could not match it – they have armies of people whose one and only job is producing jokes – they don’t have to get anything else right – to do that for them.
He can be funnier in an extempore aside during a speech than the whole of someone else’s Late Show.
The Clinton Foundation Is Involved In Corruption That Would ‘Make Even Hunter Biden Blush’: Foxx
Love the illustration for Bettina Arndt’s latest (via Baba):
Pretty much what Moby Dick did to Captain Ahab. History repeats itself..
The sanctimony just oozes. And the mind reading is something else. I’ve never seen a peep from this blowhard over the numerous racist comments here, but Orcs is… what’s going on here Dover. Dover, what’s going in here, I tells ya.
In the same breath, in the same comment, he’s basically calling out Americans in a similar fashion. If this twerp had a brain cell it would be an orphan.
You know, I really don’t get it, but I started watching the Gladiator today as I said.
He’s so funny.
It’s actually a very NY sense of humor. In fact it’s a hybrid NYC Jewish humor. Watch Seinfeld and compare it to Trump as it’s very similar.
I’ve never seen Trump lose it. He measures his words and lets them go to work. I think it’s really admirable given the scum he must encounter every day, though come to think of it, I do remember him looking to the press at the back of the hall and telling the audience ‘These people are scum’.
His voice stays level unlike Biden’s who can sound like an over revved model airplane when he gets all righteous.
Mind you, Trump does some peculiar stuff like brandishing the Bible as he walked outside the WH that time. He flourished it but kept silent.
Was that over the vandalism of the Presidents’ church?
He’s lost recently on the website he uses but it’s in perfect keeping with the vile abuse he’s been handed out.
the word of the day is still … teleology
One of the problems with the pre-1990s ADF super scheme was that it encouraged some (generally those with limited hope of further promotion) to “Retire in Place” (RIP).
The old APS scheme also had problems, but it has been changed twice since then.
Damn. I can so see it now.
Yes, calli, you might be right. I just remember that image, made more striking perhaps by his staying mute while fending off the rioters with a Bible. Or that’s one view.
B John
Firing someone is a very hard thing to do, but you have to do it otherwise it accumulates problems. It’s a huge problem in big firms, at least it was 20 years ago and it hasn’t changed a bit.
The problem in non-owner firms is that people will hide their mistakes by shunting deadwood aside or trying to shove the problem to another department.
Pauline’s latest about (Ann)et Zero. Strangely Bob Katter is the hero:
A bureaucracy is the ultimate “non-owner firm”, and everything run, or subsidised by, the government, ends up as a bureaucracy. Look at the way schools, churches and charities subsisised by government eventually end up wrapped in red tape.
dearest JC,
your enthusiasm to engage in specious argument simply has to be admired
many other commenters here seem restrained by comparison.
despite their apparent depth of knowledge in specific fields,
they do for the most part hold back with the whole ‘rush to certainty’ that you possess on matters like international diplomacy, world finance and political detentes.
perhaps they doubt themselves or they’re a little temperate with their assertions because they await more data
anyway, you seem completely unrestrained by a lack of knowledge, or depth of argument
how is it that you power on like you do?
I wouldn’t ask were it not for your dogged persistence
I have never, ever doubted your god oracle-like ability to possibly repair basic a/c units and I’d bet anyone would shit themselves if you walked into a room and found them talking about a/c equipment.
that’s way JC … you’re very good at it
Such an NPC.
the reprise !!!
… brilliant
and the timing
Surely your joking Mr. Unhearing …
Trump’s position on homelessness
It’s a phenomenon that started two years ago. It’s disgraceful. I’m going to maybe – and I’m looking at it very seriously -we’re doing some other things that you probably noticed like some of the very important things that we’re doing now. But we’re looking at it very seriously, because you can’t do that. … It’s inappropriate. Now, we have to take the people and do something. We have to do something.”
Tucker Carlson Interview, Fox News.
I wish I could find his treatise on the Number 2 being his favourite number. That’s a hoot.
His recent verbal gaffes don’t surprise me. He doesn’t exercise, he’s fat, he loves McDonalds, and he’s nearly 80. For example, in a recent speech he stated 3 times how he beat Obama in the election. On the fourth he got it right. He then went onto say that Biden will start WW2.
Status Quo
if I lived in Osaka or Kyoto I’d move to somewhere like this in a heartbeat.
omg … was that a bump in up/down thumbs within minutes?
JC … tsk tsk
and I thought you hate ‘gamed’ ticks
you sure are one crafty wanker aren’t you
John H
The first, it’s a little inarticulate, but listen to a vid with Gavin Newson when he looks like he was in very late 30s and figure out what he said. Also, the spoken word can often sound more articulate than when seeing it in writing.
He is old, but he’s in incredibly much better shape than the cadaver currently in the Oval Office.
Politicians often make the mistake of naming the wrong person . No biggie.
One firm I worked for limited low-quality hires by making your review grade (and then bonus) dependent on the worst grade of the hires you made in the last 12 months. Quite effective but not universally followed. And some managers would give good grades to their staff before pushing them off to other divisions.
MT is highlighting how stupid JC is again
seriously, it’s ruining the whole forum
Its the MT vs JC Saturday Night Live show. Better if they got a (chat) room for their low-energy insult tennis.
Biden clearly has lost it. Trump is starting to lose it. The first is a word salad, not just a little inarticulate but I’ll give you credit for rationalization on a grand scale. I listen to his speeches, he’s not that articulate. I expect people to make excuses for his gaffes. In 2016 I warned people Biden was already on the way out and they didn’t believe me so I don’t expect Trump acolytes to see the obvious. Elkhonen Goldberg, a Russian neuroscientist resident in NY, upon hearing Reagan at the Contra hearings, stated he then knew Reagan was on the way out. Most people didn’t see that.
Yeah. The hand pass is the worst.
I think the only system that’s failsafe is not to penalise people for having “too much turnover”.
spoilin’ everyfink
can we juss have god oracle stuff
no mongin’
stfu ball-boy
Err, this is a backhanded way of saying Hillary and the Geriatric are monkeys and Obummer is the organ-grinder.
I don’t tick and you’re ruining the place with your incessant drunken trolling.
Katherine in the Northern Territory
Quite a few White Russians landed in Katherine where they mainly tried peanut farming. Not much left now, except the street names Ivanoff, Kriloff and Helena, in the suburb or area of Cossack. Just the names, and their seeds, scattered on the wind. I have heard the story of a family friend who escaped, a perilous journey where an aunt or mother as a young child with blond hair and blue eyes was taken in to a hareem and had to be rescued by her mother or grandmother, who must have been a bit like Calli, full of fire. 🙂
Was someone looking for me the other day? I don’t post often these days, just a fevered glance from time to time, but I can assure you that the live export of cattle has for all intents and purposes, shut down. We presented a large mob of feeder males for Indo the other day and 3/4 got knocked back for scratches, old vaccination sites, old fly bites. So to service a budget of 1.2M we have 165K.
Suck it up princess, we rode this rodeo before. We will grow them out more for Vietnam. Shyte for the Carbon, though, holding them another wet season. Malaysia is about 2.40 / kg ( Indo was back to 3) but we couldn’t even go there to Malaysia because of the skin thing and a refusal of AQUIS to pass anything that wasn’t pristine – in the top end, the home of the buffalo fly, this is a big ask.
I had a fleeting thought that there is more than one way to kill an industry, regulation works pretty damn good for that.
and another reprise !
sancho you sad clown
do you tough guys have anything original ?
are you retarded?
Rationalization is strong in this one.
With Trump naming Obama, as in having beaten him in the election, it is widely speculated that Obama is pulling the stings with Biden the puppet president.
Trump was likely using irony in referring.
Snap Helen.
John H
If you listen to him talking in vids from say 20 years ago , and he was always on news shows (ignoring his TV show), it’s obvious he’s not as articulate and to the point now as he was then.
But here’s the issue. They went after him since the first week of his presidency with all sorts of hoaxes and lies. If he wins, this is a revenge election. Hopefully, he’ll resign after a year or two once he clears the important stuff from his desk. He’ll manage at least another three years.
It’s a pity Trump isn’t married to someone who has the ability to suss out and steer him away from untrustworthy people like Nancy Reagan was apparently able to do
Have you seen the speech? If not, why even speculate on his motives? There was no humour there, he was deadly serious. This is another example of what amazes with political junkies. They will go to extraordinary lengths to support their heroes.
Heard about all the jazz he was going to do the first term and that didn’t happen. But continue in the faith, continue to believe that he will perform the necessary miracles and raise the USA from the quagmire it is in.
They had the guy knee deep in the wussiagate hoax in the first two years and all the rest. They tried to hound him to an early grave. He had to fight through the courts for almost all his policy ideas. And, he got through a lot. He was a great prez, possibly the best since Lincoln. This is no exaggeration. They tried to break him but couldn’t.
Just back from dinner.
Sub par Chinese fusion feed.
I won’t name the place (praise loudly, criticise quietly).
They had some decent cocktails on the menu though.
Another Saturday night and still wresting with the fundamental issue of our time: who was the best Mr Darcy: Colin Firth or Matthew Macfadyen?
If I order kung pao chicken I want to be sweating while eating it.
Unfortunately, it was tepid.
Similar to Ned Flanders chilli.
The Cat’s own Bruce of Newcastle is an expert on Serbia & Kosovo.
Who would had thunk it !
Richard Grenell has been talking about the deteriorating situation in the Balkans for the last two years.
JC, he is tough, all right. He’d have to be to still be on his feet, fighting after all they have thrown at him. No panty waist there.
And JH, irony is not humour. It can be deadly serious, as he should be, it is a deadly game he is on.
If he is not assassinated, he will be Pres again. I am relishing the cancelling of various global warmening boondoggles, cancelling of WHO, UN, etc. Bring back gas, oil, pipeline, fill up the fuel tanks again when he drives the price of oil through the floor again.
It will be famous! All the renting of clothes, the spinning of heads the wailing!
Have you seen the relevant campaign speech where he made those statements? Why are people so desperate to find reasons for his behavior when they haven’t even witnessed it?
Him assassinated? Do you read the new? He recently stated Milley should be executed. Entertain me with the endless series of rationalisations to justify a potential president deciding who should be executed without trial.
Week In Pictures.
Fair comment by Trump on Milley, and not as alleged by someone above
I love a little comic relief with my morning caffe, doesn’t happen often
You don’t think what Miley did with Pelosi was seditious? She’s a senile old drunk so her talk about capacity is ridiculous and hypocritical.
…and no, I shouldn’t have to state the obvious, actually calling for someone’s execution is not fair play, but did he really do that?
Trump’s take on Milley is correct.
Look at that sentence. No way is it the product of an addled mind. It’s a measured and precise summary of treachery and it conveys the gravity of the country’s situation. How you remain cool in the face of such heinous disloyalty is beyond me. Admirable.
Okay I’ve seen some weird elec engineering stuff lately.
These geeks make a “high power AM radio station in a can” or really sized as a large filing cabinet. The parts are engineered NOT to have any ratio that of the golden ratio, phi.
The antennae sparks and the flame is the speaker. Photoelectric effect?
What is going on here?
An interesting relationship relevant to AC power is:
Phi = e^((pi.i)/5) + e^-((pi.i)/5)
At first I guessed phi = 0 to pi/2 for the arc length of a sine curve, but that’s about 1.9, not 1.68 units.
Why five dimensional? Very curious that there is a precise analytical function!
If she wants to transcend time and space, then she doesn’t qualify for standing in court.
Poms are revolting.
Vigilantes employ new tactics to bring down Sadiq Khan’s hated ULEZ policy (30 Sep)
Rishi Sunak hits out at ‘hare-brained traffic schemes’ and vows to stop ‘war on motorists’ (30 Sep)
Interesting dynamic going on. The green-progs have recently been going after ordinary car drivers and that seems to be one step too far. The proles will accept all sorts of stuff meekly, but the car policy changes have really stirred them up. That Sunak, who is green as grass, should have backflipped in the same week on the banning of ICEs in 2030 and also to overturn the crazy 30 kph speed zones suggests a very serious grass-roots revolt is smoldering just under the surface.
The stuff on nightmares. Do you think for a second they’d hesitate to use it?
Air Vax — mRNA Delivered Straight Into The Lungs – No Jab Needed.
Migrants shoot their way with automatic weapons – already 168 injured
I thought this was a joke, but apparently not.
Meghan Markle ‘in running for Dianne Feinstein’s Senator seat in bid for office’
Oct 1, 2023 8:15 AM
Old news Indolent, latest is that a couple of border guards were arrested for letting them in, by purposely being elsewhere on business while would be migrants scaled the fence guarded by machine gun wielding mates.
Those guns are supplied by the thieves of the Balkan, the Albanians.
The strange thing is, why do the Huns bother?
Those fleeing so called danger and deprivation in their homeland don’t want to stay there, their destination is mostly Germany or further up north.
The modern western political class is a sick joke so Markle would def be a contender.
Senator Dianne Feinstein’s death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Its hellish culmination is nearly here
Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt Moderna created the COVID-19 “Virus”
Latte, no sugar please.
I’ve already had two coffees today.
My affiliate linking game is strong, bitches.
She can run all she wants but it’s just not going to happen, nobody owes her anything, she has not done anybody any political favours. This is just another self-promotion effort.
Vicki Avatar
Sep 30, 2023 6:44 PM
Looking forward to visiting Gulgong-Hill End-Mudgee next month Vicky. Something rather mysterious and magical about that part of the state.
Milton – we are in the Capertee Valley
Cousin by Marriage had a property in Wolgan Valley entry opposite to Emirates and we used to camp there – the only building was a tin shed drop dunny with no door and a great view of the Setting Sun on the walls behind Emirates, as you sat in contemplation – PS Lots of Wombats
Father in Law was one of 14 born in Lithgow and left school at end of primary – worked in Wolgan Valley Shale Oil processing then hewed railway sleepers
Spent a lot of time in Wolgan & Carpertee Valleys – best time was staying at mates place Riverlee outside Tarana on the old road to Bathurst where we created a Vineyard over a number of years – railway above, Fish River and trout fishing below – platypus in the river
Still have some bottles of wine we created – definitely not medal winners but quaffable
Intend to take Grandkids 4WD Driving & Camping around Hill End
Dear Helen,
Good to see you and get the low down on cattle sales in the top end. The stupid, industry killing regulations come as no surprise.
Also, I think you meant Cassie, not me. 😀
Signed The Damp Squib
WIP – They missed one glass in the list of “ists”.
The empty one marked “Opportunist”.
Take a look at that chart.
New World Odor™
Are you worried about your country’s population suddenly dying off & the declining birthrates?
Stop worrying. We’ll fool you by replacing them with illegal immigrants and you’ll never see the difference.
-Your Friendly Globalist Government
Is there a u tube channel?
Hill End is the best
They’re running Wallis Sparkles up the flagpole to see who salutes. When you look at the Washington sideshow alley exhibits, nothing surprises.
Pretty tame driving there now compared to the old days
New World Odor™
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Networks from all over the world should be lining up to interview this woman….but of course it will never happen.
Spread the word with those you love about SIDS being a result of childhood jabs.
Unless I grossly misunderstood what is going on.
It’s fringe stuff but unless they faked it etc
I’m more interested in the derivation of phi and what that means.
Dr. John Campbell
Excess deaths debate in parliament
You’re barking up the wrong tree.
They’re running Wallis Sparkles up the flagpole to see who salutes. When you look at the Washington sideshow alley exhibits, nothing surprises.
Very unlikely! .. AOC won’t appreciate competition …… different Houses but same size media pot …….!
Neil Oliver asks: Who are we and what is it we truly care about?
So now the chainsaw has dun it’s jerb we is gonna protect the stump ..!
We is gummint and we is here to help! …..
Fence being put up to protect the site
The Northumberland National Park Authority says a fence will be put up to protect the Sycamore Gap site. Their latest statement is below:
“We are deeply touched by all the messages of support and ideas we continue to receive. Today with the agreement of the landowners, the National Trust, Northumberland National Park Authority is putting a fence up to protect the site.
“The celebration room at The Sill: National Landscape Discovery Centre continues to provide a place for people to leave their thoughts, tributes and memories.”
“We would like to remind everyone that the site is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and UNESCO World Heritage Site. We know both the tree and the site are important to so many people, we ask everyone to please allow the National Park and our partners the time and space to progress with the next steps.”
FMD Cats and Kittehs. Made the mistake of leaving the television on the morning programme. Joe Hildebrand extolling the virtues of Tits Shorten. Apparently Prime Minister material.
Here’s a practical idea for the Sycamore Gap.
Grind the stump and plant a new tree in place of the vandalised one. Then put a wall around it.
The original tree would have enough material on it to be able to retrieve a scion or a thousand. Or at least material for tissue culture.
Send it off to the labs and produce marketable plants, all proceeds going to protection of heritage sites, particularly the living ones. Do what they did with the Wollemi Pine and the Gallipoli rosemary. Make it pay.
This is good.
This is very good.
I hear the sound of steel on whetstone.
Tits vs Elbow.
Only in Australia could this happen. Will Blabbersak referee?
This Congressman used to be a school principal. His school conducted 12 fire drills a year but it only ever achieved a 27% literacy rate:
Done before during 2020 elections. Worked then, why not now?
I don’t mind Musk, he does what he does, but why change the name of twitter to X?
Not a member and not likely be in the future.
Disrupt the proceedings on Congress? Sounds like an — insurrection!
Snap, sorta.
Ah. Mr Dollard. Thanks Dot.
England expects that every man will keep constantly educating and researching about trans matters.
Elon Musk grew to hate Twitter logo, grousing, ‘All these damn birds have to go’: book (3 Sep)
Not a bird fan!
Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt Moderna created the COVID-19 “Virus”
Followed by lots of sciencey calculations proving beyond reasonable doubt that:
The only remaining questions are:
So many questions.
Luckily the writer is able to tie it all together:
The reason that the writer is so confident that Moderna or their agents made and leaked Covid-19 and the reason I called it as such at the start of the pandemic to almost as much ridicule as Prof Montagnier received (God bless him) is that the scriptures say in Matthew27, Mark15 and John19 that.
Slam dunk. I don’t think we can argue with the Patent Office and the New Testament.
(Technical Note: I suspect the new Disinformation Czar will have difficulty working out whether this is humour, or that the Cat should be shut down.)
I know Dollard can be controversial because he is openly fringe but what they demonstrated is very interesting nevertheless.
The fact that they used (avoided) phi in their construction of the amplifier & rack for it and there is a precise analytical function to calculate phi based off a transcendental and the unit circle is intriguing given how AC phases are analysed.
Tell me more. My efforts at monetisation wouldn’t even get me a cup of coffee.
Indeed. Blind Freddy could have seen this coming.
After trying to trick the Australian public into approving a racist amendment to the Constitution, the not-very-bright Uncle Luigi will become a lame duck prime minister on October 15.
The question is: how long will the Liars carry their lame duck leader?
With a federal election due by 2025, I think the Faceless Men will replace Uncle Luigi next year with a female to take the fall for the party’s stupidity.
How about a tastefully decorative wind turbine.
Imagine claiming a reference to what used to happen was a call for that thing to happen now.
It is indeed amazing what some people will believe to protect their narrative.
I’m sure someone here said something similar recently, will have to scroll up.
yes, given the rise of ‘SADS’ after the COVID injections, I pondered a year or so back whether ‘SIDS’ had a similar association – and why yes, yes it does!
My money is on Tanya Plibersek.
My initial thoughts were 3 months for Albo. That might be optimistic. They still haven’t got Gallagher yet though.
I don’t mind Musk
Nor do I, and he’s one of the few people on the planet who is not just willing to speak up for free speech, he has stuck his neck out for free speech.
Different sides of course.
Nearer to 14th October would be good to have a referendum thread. Plus people putting up their rankings of states in relation to voting No. The tie breaker being total percentage of population voting No.
So far seems Qld in competition with WA for highest No vote with TAS the lowest.
I spoke to a friend yesterday and he is hard No. However said his wife and 3 adult children were going to vote Yes. He said they would not accept his logical reasons to vote No. Had argued with wife about it just before we met. I told him should simply not try to discuss it further if affecting his family relationships. He is very successful in his field and at one point had three kids in one of the top Brisbane schools. Expensive education does not always lead to common sense.
Another acquaintance said he was voting Yes just because Abbot and Dutton were voting no.
One thing that has surprised me is
how few have heard of Thomas Mayo.
Last few days Noel Pearson getting a lot of Twitter notice in relation to the $550m his Cape York entities have received since 2005. This was due to a Bolt article and segment he did with MP Warren Entch on Sky earlier last week.
Interesting times. Credit must go to the PM for dividing the country so well.
Taking Mr Plibersek on the de rigueur world tour might cause some difficulties.
On Senator Markle:
Obviously not too weird for California or the US Senate – but will nobody think of the constitutional crisis it would cause for King Chaz?
Moderna. It’s CEO was in the French company that built the Wuhan lab.
He then somehow was able to make a prediction, in Davos/WEF, that a pandemic was coming and company was going to sell a lot of vaccines.
Also note that it is Moderna that is building, with Government funding, production facilities in UK, Canada and Australia.
Looks like GetUp! drones are having a jabbalicious morning.
Go to it numpties, but be careful with your nose picking finger. Keep it safe.
haven’t really mathed in about 20 years but something like …
e^((pi.i)/5) + e^-((pi.i)/5)
= 2cos(pi/5)
the power of radio
try … the power of radio
Yes, that’s phi, the golden ratio.
rotating plasma vortex speaker
Learn something new every day. Thanks.
This fuking letitia james BS: she valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million which the judge accepted: Mar-a-Lago is 18 acres of water front land with arguably the most iconic house in the US with other improvements. A couple of blocks down the waterfront from Mar-a-Lago is a vacant 2 acre block: market value $150-200 million.
Trump’s banks did their own due diligence and there was no default on any of the valuation based loans. James, another fat, black bitch and the judge, a demorat slime bag should be, as Trump suggests about Milley, executed because they are literally destroying the US legal system.
Does phi = 2cos(?/5) actually have any use that is well known or a novel application in electrical engineering?
My money is on Tanya Plibersek.
Pliber’s hubbie is a convicted heroin dealer. Very appropriate.
also equals ( sqrt(5) + 1 ) / 2
cos(?/5) = cos(36°)=?cos(144°)
pentagrams !!
dammit … cos(pi/5) = cos(36°)= (-)cos(144°)
I do not know
but if it does
it’s probably the pentagrams
Haven’t we seen again and again with each generation kids leaving high school, entering uni and almost at once see them change – filling up with fanciful abstractions and theories, which they proclaim constantly with supreme condescension, dismissing all objections to lack of vision, ignorance, stupidity, and a selfish desire to maintain status in the status quo.
Then they graduate, gain experience and knowledge, have families, and the whole fatuous cycle starts again.
Wrong thread.
An Interesting Site – another alternate view
phi in elec eng is usually for representing Phase Angle
Tim Pool did a great podcast on this topic. The club on the Mar-A-Lago site does US$25 million of business a year alone. And as if the banks would just accept Trump’s word on the value. I have yet to take out or refinance a mortgage without the bank sending somebody around to value the property.
Karma is a right b**ch and the people who are so intent on destroying Trump will receive theirs.
To paraphrase: “Live by the (legally dubious) sword, die by the (legally dubious) sword.” There are the piled up corpses of many useful idiots as testament to that truth.
Perhaps Meghan Markle hopes to be adopted, like a stray, as VP by President Oprah.
Think of all the podcasts she could do!
Damned lizard people.
Flying Duck 9.57. Re SIDS.
Infant deaths were recorded in the 1800,s and parents blamed alcoholics who rolled on the baby during the night.
I wonder if it is actually oxygen deprivation that causes SIDS .When babies are enclosed in cribs with material coverings causing a capsule that prevents air flow in and allows the accumulation on C02 over the baby.
And to which no-one would listen
Win, that fabric covering suggestion is pretty unlikely given the COLOSSAL research and feedback on SIDS research over the last 40 years or more.
We heard a lot of tummy sleeping/back sleeping correlations changing over time; as we raised four babies and all our friends raised theirs but I never saw in use or advertised a fabric covered cot. Only instance would be mossie nets in malarial areas.
The researchers would have been on it like a flash.
I wonder where the neocons are planning their next war?;
The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft
“The most recent edition of the US Army War College’s academic journal includes a highly disturbing essay on what lessons the US military should take away from the continuing war in Ukraine. By far the most concerning and most relevant section for the average American citizen is a subsection entitled “Casualties, Replacements, and Reconstitutions” which, to cut right to the chase, directly states, “Large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription.”
An Industrial War of Attrition Would Require Vast Numbers of Troops
The context for this supposed need to reinstate conscription is the estimate that were the US to enter into a large-scale conflict, every day it would likely suffer thirty-six hundred casualties and require eight hundred replacements, again per day. The report notes that over the course of twenty years in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US suffered fifty thousand casualties, a number which would likely be reached in merely two weeks of large-scale intensive combat.
The military is already facing an enormous recruiting shortfall. Last year the army alone fell short of its goal by fifteen thousand soldiers and is on track to be short an additional twenty thousand this year. On top of that, the report notes that the Individual Ready Reserve, which is composed of former service personnel who do not actively train and drill but may be called back into active service in the event they are needed, has dropped from seven hundred thousand in 1973 to seventy-six thousand now.”
For the history buffs (and my apologies if I have missed somebody already pointing this out):
October 14 is the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. And we all know how pivotal that was.
Also Senior Baby Bird’s birthday.
You know where you are? You’re in the jungle baby!
Phrase of the day on the 15th from Luigi’s factional enemies …
“Look, this is no time to play the blame game, but it must be conceded that [insert litany of Luigi cock-up here].”