The woman declared the small box of feces when she was selected to have her belongings inspected upon arriving at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Airport on Sept. 29, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The woman, who was not identified, told officials she planned to use the waste to make a necklace, as she had done in the past with moose poop.
The punters are bored with moose poop necklaces. Giraffe dung necklaces are the next big thing.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 12:25 pm
with the truth telling coming from South Africa.
“All involved agree that great wrongs were done in the past. All involved agree to forgive those wrongs, and all involved agree to work together for a better South Africa.”
I haven’t seen any such magnanimity expressed by certain other parties.
October 7, 2023 12:25 pm
Ray Martin showing ‘contempt’ to no voters in heated rant reveals he sucks at winning friends and influencing people
It hardly takes a psychology degree to know you don’t win friends and influence people by calling them names.
As the best-selling self-help author Dale Carnegie once wrote: “If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive”.
So why do prominent pro-Voice advocates like Ray Martin choose intemperate language to describe the “dinosaurs and ****heads” who populate the morally bankrupt land on the other side of the argument?
Have they given up on persuasion because they secretly hope that next week’s referendum will be lost?
Regardless of the quality of the product they are selling, the retail skills of prominent Yes advocates, including the Prime Minister, have been profoundly unimpressive.
Their product knowledge has been abysmal, rendering many Yes advocates incapable of answering questions.
No salesman in the history of used cars has closed a deal by scorning their customers for failing to read the handbook.
So when the PM was asked quite reasonably if Voice representatives would be paid, he was hardly going to win the hearts of 2GB listeners by telling Ben Fordham to “go and have a look at the Calma-Langton report. It’s 260 words of detail.”
The pattern of clumsy responses continued when Neil Mitchell asked the PM if he agreed with the supplementary document attached to the Uluru Statement.
“I haven’t read it. There’s 120 pages — why would I?” Albanese answered.
The Yes campaign is a masterclass in not selling a product.
If Anthony Albanese and Martin were running a supermarket, they wouldn’t have to worry about restocking the shelves since nothing would have walked out of the door.
Persistence is essential to sales success but should always be distinct from obstinacy.
Successful salespeople learn from rejections and remain alert to their own mistakes.
They employ emotional intelligence to navigate difficult conversations and build stronger relationships.
They stay positive, remain motivated and focused on their targets.
The mystery is that Albanese and Martin are hardly novices in the selling game.
Martin made a successful career by preventing customers from walking away between ad breaks.
Albanese proved he could sell snow to Eskimos last year when he persuaded sane voters to buy his government.
We must conclude that the main goal for the Yes campaigners is not a victory for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people but a victory for themselves.
The prize is a dividend of virtue that will increase their moral stature.
“It will send a signal to ourselves and to the world that we’re a mature nation that is coming to terms with the fullness of our history, and that we’re proud of sharing this great continent of ours with the oldest continuous culture on earth.”
Albanese’s argument that the Voice will make practical improvements to the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians may be underwhelming.
He is on firmer ground, however, with naked appeal to virtue signallers.
The Voice leans less to ambition to change the world than to be seen as the kind of person who wants to change it.
The yes symbol is a badge of honour, the medal proving that you are more intelligent, compassionate and selfless than the rest.
The conviction of Yes advocates is characteristic of what Sowell describes as the unconstrained vision of the world.
They believe they have the solution to Aboriginal people’s complex challenges.
As Thomas Sowell perceptively observed, the vision of the anointed is not just a vision of how social justice crusaders want the world to be but a vision of themselves.
Albanese’s argues for the Voice are sentimental rather than concrete.
He promises Yes voters the joy of feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
“It will make us feel better about who we are as a nation,” he told Kieran Gilbert on Sky News on July.
When detail or evidence is requested, they appear dumbfounded because the answer is axiomatic.
It stems from the hubris of imagining that one is blessed with more wisdom than the average Joe, a hubris that tends to flourish in those who spend their early adult years studying at university.
When Martin excited the Marrickville crowd by sneering at the brainless idiots in the no camp and their statement, he and his audience luxuriated in the joy of reaffirming their superior moral worth.
They are blessed with the intelligence that allows them to order other people’s affairs better than people can organise their own.
A victory in the referendum, anything close to the 90.4 per cent Yes vote at the 1967 referendum, is the last thing they want.
It would deprive them of the joy of condemning others as racist and ignorant, instantly devaluing the moral currency they have accumulated and eroding the margin of virtue between themselves and the kind of Australians who listen to Ben Fordham.
Which explains the PM’s sneer at Fordham’s questions rather than answer them.
It demonstrates Martin’s contempt for Australians so ignorant that they won’t sign a document without reading the fine print.
pete of perth
October 7, 2023 12:27 pm
I built my first house in 1989. 3 x 1. Mansard Homes. Cheapest one in their catalog. They advertised as WA’s biggest homebuilder. Took about a year to complete. Moved in a week before power was connected so plenty of bbqs and showering at the neighbours. Mansard went bust not long after. House (Mansard) across the road was 1/2 finished. I think Creative Homes took over.
Boambee John
October 7, 2023 12:28 pm
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Oct 7, 2023 10:55 AM
Boambee John Oct 7, 2023 9:45 AM
The acme of this overall project was the building of the Eagle’s Nest in an impossiby high situation.
The whole lot was subjected to serious levels of Allied bombing in April 1945 just before the War’s end.
The raid was on Anzac Day 1945. One of my former bosses took part in it. It was his only daylight raid. He had a photo of his aircraft there, taken by another aircraft’s bomb release camera.
Boambee John, glad you mentioned this.
Please, do you know what aircraft type it was?
His squadron flew Lancasters, but there were still a lot of Halifaxes being used by Bomber Command. Could Harrier be a mix-up with Halifax?
He always referred to the photo as his photo of himself (invisible at the wireless operator’s station) at Berchtesgaden. His aircraft was banking slightly to starboard, exposing the squadron and aircraft codes, identifying it clearly.
How do you deal with parents who won’t send their children to school, for fear of “losing their culture?”
Well what happens to the parents in our culture who won’t send their kids to school?
Now do the same to the parents in that culture.
And if the parents say “We can’t make them,” our reply should be “That’s not our problem – it’s yours.”
The continued mollycoddling of the parents whose fall back position on anything is “It’s not our problem, it’s yours.” has led them to this attitude to any problem.
They behave like children with no agency, but demand all the benefits of Adults.
Bruce of Newcastle
October 7, 2023 12:35 pm
Cool. This spacecraft has just managed to reach 0.06% of the speed of light.
The Parker Solar Probe is the little engine that just keeps going and going by the sun. On September 27th, it made its 17th close approach and skimmed just 7.26 million kilometers (4.51 million miles) above the sun’s “surface” layer (called the photosphere).
The spacecraft’s most recent accomplishment was set up by a gravity-assist flyby of Venus in late August. During the closest approach, the Parker Solar Probe was moving at 635,266 kilometers per hour (394,735 miles per hour).
Easily the fastest vehicle ever built by humans. And even Icarus would blanch at approaching to 7 million ks of the Sun.
Barking Toad
October 7, 2023 12:35 pm
Note: Putin, Pol Pot or Charles Manson could have beaten Scott Morrison in 2022.
Or a drover’s dog.
October 7, 2023 12:36 pm
The thing reeks of graft and corruption. And environmental damage beyond any vandal’s wildest dreams.
Same up this way. Solar Farm proposal near me the Enviro part was done by a mob called AECOM. Apparently from what I have heard locally an ALP go to firm to get what they want. Their report was something a mining companies proposal would never get away with. Hydrology alone was 10 years out of date not taking into account later development let alone other parts of the proposal. I’d expect it would be the same all over…
October 7, 2023 12:37 pm
The Yes campaign is a masterclass in not selling a product.
Yes, but the product itself is a dud, Nick.
That explains why they didn’t want to discuss it in any detail.
Wally Dalí
October 7, 2023 12:39 pm
I received some disturbing news about the house I used to own in Melbourne.
No it didn’t burn down or flood …
It has Collingwood banner flying from it
It’ll skyrocket in value now – you’ve missed out.
At auction last night the Nick Daicos premiership-worn jumper went for $70,000.
Labor has become the party of the big end of town…
And Collingwood has become the tatt’ed bit-of-rough they pick up for a weekend thrill.
Each turbine has to be anchored with 4×80 tonne anchors, plus all the other disturbance including dedicated lines of stanchions through untouched bushland…and get this…the companies doing the Environmental Study are the very companies vying for the contracts.
And in 20 years it’ll all have to be replaced.
And what is even sillier is that the ones being plonked in the Ocean off the East Coast of ‘Stralia’ – The alleged Cleva’ Country, disturb the migrating Whales and other sea creatures that live in the area.
Now where is/are the Aboriginal Elder(s) of what farking tribes that live in nice houses and getting ‘sit down money’ doing about that? Where is Greenpeace? Whwere is the UN? Where are the concerned ‘Pollies’?
What is Tanya Plebersuck doing? SFA that’s what. For some reason, Woodside are being hammered for what they are doing (making money for Australia) off the NW coast of WA and the loonies here on the East coast of ‘Stralia’ get away with MURDER. FFS
Where are the Abo’s and the Whitey’s protecting the whales and sea life here? Not much moneeee in that caper so let’s go for softer targets. What a load of Grifters and Crooks they all are. What a load of Bollocks.
Vote NO and send them back to where they came from. Mars or the Moon. Take yer’ pick.
Charles V Payne
This is beyond arrogance it scary. You know conversations and planning are happening among the ‘elite.’
This goes against the ethos of America. The Establishment is losing in the arena of ideas despite control all levers of influence. Are re-education camps next?
This could end in bloodshed.
Does anyone remember the Weatherman TV interview where, without a shadow of humanity, it was stated that they believed it would take about 40 million Americans in camps to enable their radical ideology to survive in the US?
Or whether or not you are making your progress claims.
Wotz a “progress claim” … my “houso” ignorance on show …….!
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 12:41 pm
Or a drover’s dog.
Caligula’s horse, with preferences.
October 7, 2023 12:42 pm
We still fauna and flora,
They really slurped up that Kool Aid didn’t they?
Time to wheel out the smallpox infected mission blankets then.
Knuckle Dragger
October 7, 2023 12:43 pm
Australia’s alleged worst pedophile Ashley Griffith has boiling water poured over him by fellow inmate in Brisbane jail
Boiling water mixed with jam, apparently.
The jam makes it stick (a poor man’s white phosphorous), and makes any healing process ten times as problematic.
Thoughts and prayers.
Not really.
Wally Dalí
October 7, 2023 12:44 pm
Well what happens to the parents in our culture who won’t send their kids to school?
After the death of the Christian Church, and in the circumstance of non-existent family ethics, school is where children are taught their responsibilities and boundaries, and the responsibilities of their family and boundaries of their nation state.
It doesn’t help that education has been captured by the Lizard People, and thus teaches children latent dependancy.
Boambee John
October 7, 2023 12:46 pm
Oct 7, 2023 12:19 PM
Each turbine has to be anchored with 4×80 tonne anchors, plus all the other disturbance including dedicated lines of stanchions through untouched bushland…and get this…the companies doing the Environmental Study are the very companies vying for the contracts.
And in 20 years it’ll all have to be replaced.
The underwater turbine to shore transmission lines might need replacing a lot sooner and more often, see article at Jo Nova a few days ago.
Very high failure rate.
October 7, 2023 12:47 pm
I haven’t seen any such magnanimity expressed by certain other parties.
This is the reason why the support of most of the churches for the indigenous activist agenda is a betrayal of their principles.
The spacecraft’s most recent accomplishment was set up by a gravity-assist flyby of Venus in late August. During the closest approach, the Parker Solar Probe was moving at 635,266 kilometers per hour (394,735 miles per hour).
I hope that the Monkey on board has plenty of bananas. What a shame that slobbering Joe wasn’t there feeding the Monkey. Poor Monkey though, putting up with that slobberer. Yuck.
October 7, 2023 12:52 pm
The underwater turbine to shore transmission lines might need replacing a lot sooner and more often, see article at Jo Nova a few days ago.
Very high failure rate.
I did suspect I was being rather optimistic with that figure.
Time to wheel out the smallpox infected mission blankets then.
Please keep up with events. The latest scare is ‘Shingles’. FFS.
Barking Toad
October 7, 2023 12:56 pm
Thanks to whoever it was Up Fred who alerted us to the Quadrant Online piece entitled “Justice Kirby’s Unheeded Counsel”.
An excellent read and commentary by the author “Persimmon”.
Perhaps some of our lefty legal fraternity should read it.
October 7, 2023 12:58 pm
I remarked last week that on my walks around my neighbourhood (which is in the middle of Linda Burney’s electorate) the only Yes placards I have seen are in the front yards of some upmarket Federation / California Bungalows. There was a cluster of about 5 or 6 home on both sides of one stretch of leafy street.
This morning I noted that now there are only 2 houses displaying the placards.
Somewhat intriguing.
A special UN working group this week tabled its first-ever report on the experiences of people of African descent in Australia to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The report documents what people of African descent living in Australia already know: Australia has a racism problem.
Can I have reparations please? I’ll settle for only $10 miillion. It’s an insignificant sum, really.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 1:00 pm
Daily Mail
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden withdrew $20,000 from daughter Maisy’s college fund and spent it on hookers and drugs after bankers warned he had just 44 cents left in his account
In late 2018 Hunter Biden withdrew his $20,000 from daughter Maisy’s college savings to help fund a months-long drug and hooker binge
His private bankers at Wells Fargo sent him an email warning that he had just 44 cents left in his account
Hunter responded with a jumbled reply, ordering them to transfer $20,000 from Maisy’s account
October 7, 2023 1:01 pm
I never thought race baiting was part of the physics discipline.
October 7, 2023 1:01 pm
Oct 7, 2023 11:25 AM
Carson’s friends told Gothamist that the slain activist would have empathized…
Getting stabbed up by some pill-head:
It’s what he would’ve wanted.
he died doing what he loved, empathizing with a blck dude, part of his fascist ideology
October 7, 2023 1:02 pm
This morning I noted that now there are only 2 houses displaying the placards.
Somewhat intriguing.
Perhaps they looked up the details.
October 7, 2023 1:03 pm
The Bidens really are dirty people in every way.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 1:03 pm
5 hours ago
In Alice Springs breakfast is provided every day for the children at the school. The teachers have to watch while the kids have food fights and are not allowed to say anything because if they do, the parents all turn up and create mayhem. Then the teachers are admonished. It is appalling.
October 7, 2023 1:05 pm
Summers on the way. Showery start after a humid night. Been bands of showers blowing through all morning. Noice, good day to find an establishment. Yup, could be a while.
Voted at Kirwan this morning, full expect to be working next weekend. Long lines, no one taking pamphlets so like me minds made up. Phil Thompson very prominent with the no campaign support.
October 7, 2023 1:05 pm
Toxic trash. Apparently Frank filth ran somebody over and got away with it of course.
October 7, 2023 1:08 pm
Or whether or not you are making your progress claims.
Bit cryptic, calli. Please explain. 🙂
Boambee John
October 7, 2023 1:08 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Oct 7, 2023 1:00 PM
Help, help I’m being repressed!
New UN report reveals the extent of systemic racism faced by people of African descent in Australia (, 6 Oct)
A special UN working group this week tabled its first-ever report on the experiences of people of African descent in Australia to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The report documents what people of African descent living in Australia already know: Australia has a racism problem.
Perhaps the UN should help them to return to Africa, to escape our eeeevillll systemic waaaayyyycissssm?
October 7, 2023 1:10 pm
Finally, a third YES placard seen in my neighbourhood – sheesh I was worried that I lived in a boring stale old regressive community. Local paper published names of a couple of hundred “yes” voters earlier this week, they placed an ad, very handy document to keep! Noted all the doctors wives listed, people whose names I know but I am not in their circle.
We must signal boost and give a platform to Ray Martin, Lidia Thorpe and Marcia Langton.
No need at all. They are the best advert for the NO case ever. So please let them carry on doing the great job that they are doing. Ego, is not a dirty word. BUT, it is now
The report documents what people of African descent living in Australia already know: Australia has a racism problem.
Absolute BS.
These people have NO manners. Same as the Chinks. It isn’t racism. It’s farking bad manners.
They don’t know how to queue up. They don’t know how to walk on the left. They don’t know how to speak English. Please don’t spit or shite in public. FFS.
Who let these people in?
October 7, 2023 1:20 pm
Bit cryptic, calli. Please explain.
calli must be out or sewing 😀
An invoice sent by a builder to the client for work completed to date, usually monthly or as specified in the contract.
I think that’s what she’s referring to.
October 7, 2023 1:22 pm
Remember the PalaceChook was installed as a sacrificial chook in an election they thought they would lose.
Barking Toad
October 7, 2023 1:24 pm
Excellent article by Steve Waterson in the Oz (paywalled). Too long to cut and paste.
Here’s a paragraph for example:
I’m sad the architects of the voice were misled by our leaders, who assured them, behind closed doors, it was a done deal (standard operating procedure in Australian politics, unfortunately). No wonder they’re frustrated now the Yes vote looks like failing: they won’t be able to participate in the scrupulously fair allocation of seats on the voice’s gravy train as it steams off to Canberra. Anyone taking bets we could have named the first half-dozen ticketholders in the dining car?
I live in Redfern and those farking YES signs are all over the place. I even saw one on a building site place at 5.00 am this morning. Put there by a Sydney ‘Clover No More’ dope So I placed it somewhere more appropriate.
In the farking dust bin.
October 7, 2023 1:31 pm
Just finished the second of three to go down go the hospital. Frogs and dergs…ballerinas to go. So you were right Roger. 🙂
Builders tend to go very s l o w l y when they are owed money. Some contracts stipulate payment must be received before the next stage commences.
Sometimes nothing happens for a reason.
eric hinton
October 7, 2023 1:36 pm
Oct 6, 2023 8:56 PM
Saw my first yes sign in the ‘ville today at a set of lights over the Bruce hwy & Deeragun Dve.
Oct 7, 2023 1:05 PM
Summers on the way. Showery start after a humid night. Been bands of showers blowing through all morning. Noice, good day to find an establishment. Yup, could be a while.
Don’t ask me why, But. There is something about the way that first sentence is constructed that had me thinking, that has the makings of a song lyric. The next one and I think, ah now he’s got a bit of the second verse. Which has me wondering: Has the definitive Townsville song been written?
October 7, 2023 1:38 pm
Anyone taking bets we could have named the first half-dozen ticketholders in the dining car?
Certainly not the aforementioned Magdalina Blackley from Palm Island.
Oct 7, 2023 12:36 AM
Where is “Jer Cough Cretin” and Mrs Stencho Pantyhose? Are they at a Melbum Orgy or what?
Or have they been told off for causing too much trouble? I do so hope so. LOL
Well, JR, I told them I was going for a beer and that’s ruined the evening of verbal abuse they’ve been working on all afternoon. So I think they rented a room for a little friendly pleasuring.
October 7, 2023 1:43 pm
TheirABC (via the equally unreliable The Conversation) claims to dispel ‘myths’ about charging mobile phones – but it turns out it’s about i phones which most people don’t have. And even so, I wouldn’t trust them.
For example:
Research has found a 2019 smartphone battery could, on average, undergo 850 full charge/discharge cycles before dropping to below 80 per cent capacity. This means only 80 per cent of the initial battery capacity remains after about two to three years of use. At this point the battery begins to deplete noticeably faster.
Should you charge your phone overnight?
Most new-generation smartphones will take somewhere between 30 minutes and two hours to charge fully.
Charging times vary depending on your device’s battery capacity — larger capacities require more time — as well as how much power your charger supplies.
Charging your phone overnight is not only unnecessary, it also accelerates battery ageing. Full charging cycles (going from 0 per cent–100 per cent) should be avoided to maximise your battery’s lifespan.
It’s not clear whether ‘smartphone’ only refers to Apple products. If so, another reason to avoid them because they are overpriced with built in obsolence.
My daggy Samsung phone, about seven years old, lives on the charger unless I take it somewhere. It is not as good as it was when new, (what is?) but still holds a charge for about 12 hours.
It doesn’t accept most new apps, thank goodness. During the pandemic paranoia it wouldn’t read Q codes, so I got to write some very creative names on the paper alternatives. Who knew that Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Ursula Le Guin shopped at Queanbeyan Coles? 🙂
Oct 7, 2023 1:03 PM
The Bidens really are dirty people in every way.
And so is Bill and Shillary Clitoris. That Clitoris Foundation should be audited asap.
They are Crooks. Big Time. The Mafia are in awe of those two.
October 7, 2023 1:48 pm
Don’t ask me why, But. There is something about the way that first sentence is constructed that had me thinking, that has the makings of a song lyric.
Sumer is icumen in,
Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweþ sed and bloweþ med
And springþ þe wde nu,
Sing cuccu!
Summer has come in,
Loudly sing, Cuckoo!
The seed grows and the meadow blooms
And the wood springs anew,
Sing, Cuckoo!
First poem in The Oxford Book of English Verse.
Known as The Cuckoo Song, for it was indeed a song lyric, not a poem.
Here’s the rest, unmodernised, if anyone would like to have a go:
Awe bleteþ after lomb,
Lhouþ after calue cu.
Bulluc sterteþ, bucke uerteþ,
Murie sing cuccu!
Cuccu, cuccu, wel singes þu cuccu;
Ne swik þu nauer nu.
Sing cuccu nu. Sing cuccu.
Sing cuccu. Sing cuccu nu!
Knuckle Dragger
October 7, 2023 1:50 pm
Labor pollies are sniffing the wind, not wanting to be associated with further failure (the Hun):
Yes campaigners have expressed frustration at a large number of Labor MPs who have failed to distribute pro-Voice material using their taxpayer-funded communications allowances.
Each year all members of the House of Representatives receive $161,000 each — and senators get $130,000 — of taxpayer funds that can be spent on communications with their constituents.
Note the ‘can be spent’, not ‘must be spent’.
The Yes camp had been hoping that, in a non-election year, Labor MPs would devote a large chunk of this year’s budget on distributing pro-Voice material, which it had supplied to them.
But, with just a week to go until polls close on October 14, it has become increasingly clear the material is not going to be distributed.
Beeecause they’re staying at arms’ length from that steaming pile of decaying rat vomit. A genuinely confused Yesser:
“They’ve clearly got other priorities,” a Yes campaigner said. “They have been supplied with material – I don’t know why they haven’t used it.”
Their ‘other priority’ is being re-elected, and which will be in grave danger if they associate themselves with this odious concept, which is demonstrably on the nose with well over half the people in their respective electorates.
A special UN working group this week tabled its first-ever report on the experiences of people of African descent in Australia to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The report documents what people of African descent living in Australia already know: Australia has a racism problem.
Did they talk to anyone that has lived here for 50 or 60 years? Like anyone who has been bashed recently (especially in Melbum by those Somali goons)?
Anyone else? Farking Tossers. The UN is a waste of space. Don’t let them in ever again.
Only let the nice people in.
October 7, 2023 1:59 pm
Don’t ask me why, But. There is something about the way that first sentence is constructed that had me thinking, that has the makings of a song lyric.
Same thing happened to me. It was one of the first songs we learned in Music class in my first year at high school.
Many versions on youtube of ‘Sumer is Icumen in’
He posed as a 15-year-old girl online, using pictures of an 18-year-old “girl”, who got killed by a 17-year-old male and an 18-year-old male after setting up a fake meeting, falsely accusing them of being pedophiles and assaulting one of them.
In recent months, deputies called to Lee’s confrontations had told him to stop the activities. Instead, he expanded his operation, which included accounts for his fans and classes for those interested in starting their own vigilante-style operation.
I think those young men ought to be freed, to be honest, without any more facts available. If I have a gun and you start acting crazy and punching my friend, why shouldn’t I be able to shoot you?
..and no, I’m not going to condemn them on the age of the bait who was actually over 18.
Also, think of this from the young men’s perspective. They thought they were going to hook up with a chick around their age (and who looked that old) and a fat middle-aged guy turns up, they probably think he’s a pedo (or at least, an admirer of the young male physique and a complete weirdo) and he calls them pedos and starts assaulting them!
Now that Aussie Cossack has become a Russian citizen, and is on Russian territory (the Russian Embassy) it’ll be a major schadenfreude should he receive a “mobilization notice” & be ordered to report to “Mud-slogging Brigade 104” on the Dniepr front, or somesuch.
October 7, 2023 2:09 pm
How are black people treated in Ukraine?
Let’s go back to 2015 – when the media hated Ukraine and nazi Ukrainians:
This week, Dutton settled on a far simpler solution for tackling the problems of entrenched Indigenous disadvantage: Jacinta Nampijinpa Price…how exactly would Price deliver “better outcomes” for Indigenous Australians?
That’s less clear.
The shadow minister’s main idea appears to be a “forensic audit” of money spent on First Nations people to prevent waste. She’s been calling for such an audit for months, managing to generate some fresh headlines again this week.
The idea is hardly new. Indeed, the Australian National Audit Office held regular audits of various spending programs and the Productivity Commission conducted a major review during the Coalition’s time in office. The gap in disadvantage still hasn’t been closed.
Um…a forensic audit to prevent waste isn’t about closing the disadvantage gap. It’s about preventing waste.
With that said, a great many of those astonishingly wasteful programs are counterproductive in that they keep their purported beneficiaries chained to the State and, if shut down, would have the effect of ‘closing the gap’ over time.
As Shelby Steele wrote in his seminal book, White Guilt, the most a society that has been oppressing a group within it can do for that group is to stop oppressing it. As unfair as it may sound, any further government ‘help’ to remedy the deficits resulting from past government oppression within the formerly oppressed population only compounds and prolongs these deficits.
It is ultimately up to each individual and the choices they make if the gap is to closed. You can put in place as many government programs as you like but they won’t change things for the better.
Aside from the concept of white guilt that Steele elucidates in his book (an enormously destructive force which is not actually a feeling of guilt – it is the literal terror of being considered racist held by progressive whites), he also describes what he terms the ‘shock of freedom’ that is experienced when a group of people are no longer oppressed, and suddenly have to grapple with the reality that they are in control of their own destinies, and are responsible for the good and bad things that happen in their lives.
These concepts apply here in spades.
It’s very easy to accept the trinkets and baubles and words of consolation from those actuated by white guilt, and internalise their insistence that you aren’t responsible for the sorry state you’re in. You can’t help it. This racist society holds you back and keeps you down.
It’s understandable why many Aboriginal people have decided that this is the case – it’s far easier to blame others for one’s predicament and regard it as an inevitability based on constraints imposed by others. It relieves one of any responsibility to account for any decisions one has made that brought them to be where they are, as well as the decisions one makes on a daily basis that keep them in their predicament.
If you possess this mentality, you are absolved from all guilt. Nothing is your fault. You are a victim of a system that made you what you are, and keeps you there. You can’t help it or help yourself. And, if you look at your life and it’s an obvious disaster compared with the lives of those you see around you, sheeting the blame for this onto others is a tempting proposition.* An almost irresistible one, even, when there is an army of ‘allies’ surrounding you and encouraging you to think in this way (take a bow, white progressives).
Adopting this mentality is the most diabolical of Faustian bargains, though. It requires you to cast aside any agency you possess to improve your life. You have but one avenue to address the problems in your life – to demand that the people who caused you to be in your miserable state remove you from it.
However, this is a cul de sac, not an avenue. Other people can’t solve your problems because they would hold, at best, a very low resolution understanding of what your problems are. They wouldn’t know how to solve your problems, even with the best will in the world (after all, the vast majority of people are not interested in fixing the problems of others, including – and probably especially – those that profess otherwise).
But even if this unicorn exists, this person with infinite goodwill, insight and resources who is able to fix all of a person’s problems – what comes next? What happens when the ‘fixed’ person runs into difficulties that life inevitably throws at everyone? Well, enter the unicorn to magic everything up, obviously. The perpetual victim is a slave to those from whom they seek redress.
So maybe this ABC scribbler’s glib mischaracterisation of Jacinta Price’s alternative to a ‘Voice’ – a forensic audit of the expenses of the various programs that purport to help Indigenous Australians – has identified an important piece that solves the puzzle. The vast majority of these programs have the effect of fostering, enabling or sustaining that perpetual victim mentality which guarantees a lifetime of misery that, whilst being someone else’s fault, is still a lifetime of misery.
The gap can only be closed by way of each individual who finds themselves on the wrong side of the gap deciding to shoulder the responsibility of improving their own life. Get rid of all programs that enable this decision to remain unmade.
Australia needs to stop ‘helping’ Indigenous Australians. We’ve done enough damage already.
*it’s also not limited to the cohort of Aboriginal people leading dysfunctional, parasitic lives – this mentality is held by anyone who is dependent on welfare from cradle to grave. In fact, we are all susceptible to such thinking and succumb to it now and again
it’ll be a major schadenfreude should he receive a “mobilization notice”
No one should get any pleasure from this war. I’d like to not give a damn about it and certainly not get involved but there is an existential but non-trivial threat of nuclear war. The only pleasure I’ll get is when Lavrov and Kuleba shake hands.
Ukraine is far from perfect. I just object to the obvious and stupid Russian disinfo. There’s plenty of real stuff to hammer Ukraine with.
October 7, 2023 2:25 pm
Many upticks, Oh come on.
For progressives, the expectation that aborigines have and should exercise moral agency in their lives is racist. It’s come down to that.
I’m not sure Ukrainians issue with racism justifies the country being invaded. And as if we don’t see that in other countries—Russia included. Have you seen the racism Lazio perpetrates on black players, making ape shounds and throwing bananas on the field?
For that matter, have you read some of the open forum here and in the past with those calling themselves weal astryans, like Driller, for instance, throwing around the “dago” epitaph while only a few posts ahead, he or others are playing the victims of abuse?
Or how about, Turtlehead making putrid comments about Indians stealing his “petrewl” and when caught out suggesting that’s not wacism, but an intelligent critique of Indian “gulture”.
Forgive the dry heaving.
You can’t stamp out bigotry and if you try, you invariably end up at the other end , which is wokism in all its manifestations.
Lastly, racism doesn’t justify an invasion for the purpose of using that land as a “buffer zone” against Western imperialism. Basically, that’s Russia’s argument. Who wants to be used and seen as a “buffer” anyway?
There’s plenty of real stuff to hammer Ukraine with.
Well, hammer ‘Z’ and the US and UK Neocons then. NOT the poor sods who are now cannon fodder and ‘brown bread’ dead.
Get a life.
October 7, 2023 2:31 pm
I’ll give it a go..
Awe bleteþ after lomb,
Lhouþ after calue cu.
Bulluc sterteþ, bucke uerteþ,
Murie sing cuccu!
Cuccu, cuccu, wel singes þu cuccu;
Ne swik þu nauer nu.
Sing cuccu nu. Sing cuccu.
Sing cuccu. Sing cuccu nu!
The ewe bleats with the lamb,
Leaps when she is called.
The bull bellows, the buck (dunno)
Merry sing cuckoo!
Cuckoo, cuckoo, we all sing cuckoo!
(something) is now all new.
It’s like another world. Time travellers beware.
October 7, 2023 2:32 pm
Thanks Roger back when English was only spoken by the lower orders.
October 7, 2023 2:33 pm
I do, but Russia is practically the same.
We’re not arming Russia.
I can’t remember when it’s been acceptable to actually use those slurs here.
The race question vis-a-vis the eastern Europeans generally is complicated by the fact that vehement opposition to an invasion by ‘immigrants’ is also capable of being characterised as ‘racism.’ (And routinely is by Euro-crats). As far as I’m concerned, the Ukrainians – as much as the Russians, the Hungarians and the Poles – are within their rights to maintain a Japanese-style policy on the make-up of their ancient cultures.
I’m not sure Ukrainians issue with racism justifies the country being invaded.
The UKR was never a country. Just a territory to be fought over. Hard to defend the place when surrounded by so many others who might envy you and your food.
Knuckle Dragger
October 7, 2023 2:35 pm
Got it.
Sing cuccu nu. Sing cuccu.
Sing cuccu. Sing cuccu nu!
Australia needs to stop ‘helping’ Indigenous Australians. We’ve done enough damage already.
If the government stopped “helping” Aborigines, the benefits would be immediate.
No.1 on the list of things we should do to stop “helping” Aborigines is encouraging them to buy property — especially their own homes.
That means removing them from the socialist government-run outback hellholes ruled by domestic violence, drunkeness and tribal Big Men (like Noel Pearson).
People who don’t own property have no incentive to do well in life so becoming a violent drunk who bashes women is effectively encouraged — by the government.
Just stop helping blackfellas to destroy themselves. Stop trying to corral them in the government death culture.
October 7, 2023 2:45 pm
The bull bellows, the buck (dunno)
Some translators suggest cavorts.
Others farts.
Otherwise, a gold star for you!
October 7, 2023 2:45 pm
Sumer Is Icumen In – better known as “The Cuckoo Song” – performed at the Olympic Stadium in Munich during the Opening Ceremonies of the 1972 Summer Olympic Games.
Dot you’re nearly at the mutley’s “any day now” state of mind. Never go full mutley.
October 7, 2023 3:01 pm
Please Poot, do it.
October 7, 2023 3:16 pm
Luvvies are all in favour of greenies, except when it affects business:
Boaties and fishers are ringing alarm bells about a new plan that could result in a popular Queensland waterway being zoned as a conservation park.
Key points:
A draft Noosa River Catchment Management Plan has raised concerns among boaties and recreational fishers
The plan outlines a proposal to zone the river as a conservation park to better protect its ecology
The Noosa Boating Fishing Alliance says there needs to be further explanation and consultation
They say they are worried the proposed Noosa River Catchment Management Plan 2023-2028 could severely limit recreational and commercial use of the river.
A petition launched this week opposing the draft plan has already attracted more than 2,000 signatures.
Noosa Boating Fishing Alliance representative Andrew McCarthy said he was worried the proposal could severely limit how much of the river people could enjoy and what activities took place.
“We’re concerned because there’s been no broad community consultation,” Mr McCarthy said.
“It’s led to what we see as some … biased language, particularly against power boats in favour of non-powered craft.”
A man resting his hand on his face and smiling for the camera
Andrew McCarthy says there is uncertainty about the plan.(Supplied)
Mr McCarthy said many boaties and recreational users were feeling uncertain about what the plan was proposing.
“It basically says anything that could be negative to a conservation park could be stopped,” he said.
“Does that mean fishing lines are negative, so there’s no more fishing?
“Does that mean engines of petrol-powered engines are bad and they’re going to be stopped?
“They haven’t spoken to us so we don’t know what they want.”
Lots of boats on the water
At time of publication, Noel Pearson’s views were unavailable.
Luvvies get luvvied. Never gets old.
Boambee John
October 7, 2023 3:18 pm
Johnny Rotten
Oct 7, 2023 1:44 PM
Oct 7, 2023 1:03 PM
The Bidens really are dirty people in every way.
And so is Bill and Shillary Clitoris. That Clitoris Foundation should be audited asap.
They are Crooks. Big Time. The Mafia are in awe of those two.
Breaking News!!
English immigrant tied 400 kgs of chain around his body, climbed to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge, stabbed himself five times in the back wiv’ three different knives, shot himself with a shotgun, took cyanide and then jumped.
Coroner declares suicide the cause of death! He is to be buried in Arkansas.
October 7, 2023 3:19 pm
I’m not sure Ukrainians issue with racism justifies the country being invaded.
I’m not aware of anyone who has argued it is, JC.
Lastly, racism doesn’t justify an invasion for the purpose of using that land as a “buffer zone” against Western imperialism. Basically, that’s Russia’s argument.
It’s not Russia’s argument. It’s the argument of every big power or even middling one in history. America’s “buffer zone” is the entire Western hemisphere – as formalised in the Monroe Doctrine 200 years ago. I’m pretty sure the US would invade Mexico if China set up bases across the Rio Grande.
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 3:26 pm
Knuckle Dragger at 1:50
Labor pollies are sniffing the wind, not wanting to be associated with further failure (the Hun):
Oct 7, 2023 2:51 PM
Have a good time Wolfman. I love the travelogues you lucky people have been putting up.
Thanks GreyRanga.
Our trip comprises visiting London, Paris, Burgundy, Swiss Alps, Pisa, Tuscany, Florence, Rome, Venice, Munich, Nuremberg, Rhine Valley, Amsterdam, Bruges, London (where we have a full week in just London).
Itr’s going to be extremely busy and hectic.
October 7, 2023 3:29 pm
Putin Threatens To Kill Klaus Schwab
By his own admission Putin & Schwab have been on good terms since 1992 when the former was deputy mayor of St Petersburg and stealing money intended to buy food aid for its residents.
Just two years ago Putin addressed the WEF.
Barking Toad
October 7, 2023 3:31 pm
Sadly, at the Collingwood Copeland Trophy night at Crown, they had uncle henry someone welcoming people to their own country (same bloke that was at the GF.) If you saw him walking down the street you’d think he was a wandering Jew. No aboriginal features whatsoever.
Sadly, when the president got up, he compounded the travesty by talking about land and elders FFS. Hope the NO vote puts an end to the rubbish.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 3:33 pm
The activists voting Yes
Longtime activist Uncle Gary Murray comes from a strong line of Aboriginal leaders in Victoria.
He is a Dhudhuroa, Yorta Yorta, Barapa Barapa, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wamba Wemba, Wergaia, Wiradjeri and Waywurru man.
You’re joking, right?
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 3:35 pm
Sadly, when the president got up, he compounded the travesty by talking about land and elders FFS. Hope the NO vote puts an end to the rubbish.
Hottest summer eva should be in full swing by then. Bushfire carnage interrupted by flooding (which almost reached the top of the tractor tyres driving through it). Normal service resumes next weekend with some Sorry Business.
October 7, 2023 3:36 pm
He is a Dhudhuroa, Yorta Yorta, Barapa Barapa, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wamba Wemba, Wergaia, Wiradjeri and Waywurru man.
You mean to say he’s been initiated into all those tribes?
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 3:37 pm
You mean to say he’s been initiated into all those tribes?
Oct 7, 2023 12:43 PM
Australia’s alleged worst pedophile Ashley Griffith has boiling water poured over him by fellow inmate in Brisbane jail
Boiling water mixed with jam, apparently.
The jam makes it stick (a poor man’s white phosphorous), and makes any healing process ten times as problematic.
Thoughts and prayers.
Not really.
Lets just hope that when he gets to trial, he’s found guilty, eh?
Otherwise we may just find ourselves looking a little embarrassed.
October 7, 2023 3:51 pm
do kids still learn ‘kookaburra sings in the old gum tree’?
They do. And their horrid old grannies sing the bit about sitting on the electric wire, tears in his eyes and his pants on fire.
Oct 7, 2023 12:43 PM
Australia’s alleged worst pedophile Ashley Griffith has boiling water poured over him by fellow inmate in Brisbane jail
It is actually quite revealing that a demographic apt to loudly declaim they never dun nuffin & that they were verballed by the pigs…
…. are nonetheless of the belief that if police arrest someone then he’s gotta be guilty & will maim someone based on the word of police.
eric hinton
October 7, 2023 3:52 pm
Oct 7, 2023 2:51 PM
Since we are discussing childhood songs – do kids still learn ‘kookaburra sings in the old gum tree’?
It ain’t dying out on the internet, Joh. A Hawaiian friend was taught it by her mother in the ’50’s and thought she had learned it at Kamehameha boarding school in ’30’s. Song traveled fast if so.
The one I want to know is: Do kids still play knuckle bones with real knuckle bones and if not with what?
October 7, 2023 3:57 pm
I’m pretty sure the US would invade Mexico if China set up bases across the Rio Grande.
The Monroe Doctrine isn’t what prevents that one.
The drug cartels aren’t going to let anyone give the US an excuse to really shut down that border. And the drug cartels run Mexico.
Real Deal
October 7, 2023 4:02 pm
I get the impression that the description of activists belonging to Wiradjuri, Yorta Yorta, Birripi tribes etc, is simply a modern version of the old 90s bumper stickers put out by FM radio stations. MMM Rocks the Yorta Yorta people sounds better than MMM Rocks Mt Druitt or Panania.
October 7, 2023 4:06 pm
One of my favourite songs in Primary school was “On Top of Spaghetti”.
I voted this afternoon. there were more YES spruikers than NO, but they were polite and chirpy. No trying to get in your face. I said “no thank you”, to the HTV flyers, then gave a thumbs up to the NO volunteers. On my way out I informed the NO volunteers that I had used a PEN. They had a good giggle.
I wasn’t asked for a reason why I needed to vote today.
October 7, 2023 4:08 pm
Coincidence that Rockdoctor mentioned Phil Thompson who is the Townsville MP.
Only a few minutes earlier I had searched on him to find out views on the Voice. Did not know he is married to an Aboriginal from Palm Island and counts his two kids as Aboriginal. A search led directly to his thoughts on his wen page and despite his family he is strongly against the Voice.
Also an Afghan veteran who was seriously injured by an IED.
October 7, 2023 4:13 pm
The one I want to know is: Do kids still play knuckle bones with real knuckle bones and if not with what?
Oct 7, 2023 3:51 PM
do kids still learn ‘kookaburra sings in the old gum tree’?
They do. And their horrid old grannies sing the bit about sitting on the electric wire, tears in his eyes and his pants on fire.
Never fails to please.
I never realised there was a second verse, Calli.
Boambee John
October 7, 2023 4:14 pm
Labor pollies are sniffing the wind, not wanting to be associated with further failure (the Hun):
I look forward to Yes23 putting together a list of the recalcitrant Labor members, with encouragement to vote against them in the next relevant election.
Boambee John
October 7, 2023 4:16 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Oct 7, 2023 3:33 PM
The activists voting Yes
Longtime activist Uncle Gary Murray comes from a strong line of Aboriginal leaders in Victoria.
He is a Dhudhuroa, Yorta Yorta, Barapa Barapa, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wamba Wemba, Wergaia, Wiradjeri and Waywurru man.
You’re joking, right?
As my grandmother used to say, “His mother was a sport.”
October 7, 2023 4:17 pm
Up thread mention was made of how often someone is described as a “proud blah blah person”. Most of you have likely seen the advertisement on SBS about the vote showing a montage of clips of Aboriginals. There is an archival, 11/2 second clip of two full-blood men in Digger’s uniform. Those two men show more pride in that split second film than any of the grifters that have been mugging for the camera for years.
A great example is Lydia. Every time I have caught footage over the last few days of her ranting, with chewing gum in her dirty gob, about the Grampian Nazis, all
I see is a prime example of a slag describing to the world, how a “Dirty Sanchez”. is performed. Pride indeed. 🙁
Luvvin’ all these tales of folk voting early .. makes you feel that rockin’ up next Saturday will be a no to queues day .. BUT .. going on past elections it’ll be the same 20 minute shuffle forward …
Maybe it’s only in Fairfield no one seems to vote early ..?
eric hinton
October 7, 2023 4:33 pm
You mean Jacks?
Apparently. I only knew the game as knuckle bones.
Barking Toad
October 7, 2023 4:34 pm
As my grandmother used to say, “His mother was a sport.”
Hahaha – nice one Gran.
October 7, 2023 4:38 pm
You mean Jacks?
Apparently. I only knew the game as knuckle bones.
I graduated to jacks after marbles when in grade 4 at an all girls school. Later it was the string game as in ‘cats whiskers.’
Nowadays they eat mutton shanks. We used to get them from the butcher for free.
I hated the smell of them cooking.
Some girls would paint them. Never knew them by any other name than jacks.
October 7, 2023 4:40 pm
So, I looked up the Dirty Sanchez thing and then somehow fell into the rabbit hole of the Top 25 Worst Definitions from the Urban Dictionary.
F**k me. I’m no prude but every single one was stomach-turningly revolting. Surely, it’s just some kind of competition to make up the grossest possible thing? Noboy really does that kind of stuff, do they?
There is not enough brain bleach or hypnotherapy in the world. I may need some time to recover.
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 4:43 pm
Nowadays they eat mutton shanks. We used to get them from the butcher for free.
Got a complete lecture from the old man about knuckle joints over lamb shanks one night. I’m sure he thought it fascinating. The transition from dog food to current shank pricing says a lot about modern Australia.
October 7, 2023 4:43 pm
A great example is Lydia. Every time I have caught footage over the last few days of her ranting, with chewing gum in her dirty gob, about the Grampian Nazis, all
I see is a prime example of a slag describing to the world, how a “Dirty Sanchez”. is performed. Pride indeed. ?
A slag with attention deprivation syndrome writ large. She’s an ace for the NO vote.
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 4:45 pm
No room for Lydia in my half track.
October 7, 2023 4:46 pm
You mean Jacks?
Yep – Jacks. We used to collect them from sheep carcasses thrown into a gully. Boil and clean – ready to play!
October 7, 2023 4:50 pm
I didn’t realise that Langton was a senior Trot and was involved with the Comintern.
Explains why Albanese would promote such a repulsive creature to be chief bully for the Yessers. Fellow travelers, but also highlights once again how out of touch the Houso is with main stream Australia.
The true indictment of course is of the Australian media who refuse to expose that our leadership are treasonous in their past and in their intent.
Albanese’s glaring mistake is to fail to understand that if you are going to exercise arrogant hubris you need to have something to be huberistic about. 32% against a clown like Morrisson just doesn’t cut it.
Once Australians win the referendum, we can hope that there will be a newborn willingness to speak out on the other Liar outrages.
H B Bear
October 7, 2023 4:52 pm
You suspect that after the next full Senate election Lydia will be dropping off the CV for those tricky to fill Tuesday shifts in suburban strip clubs not punching on after a night on the parliamentary credit cardon Saturday nights.
For that matter, have you read some of the open forum here and in the past with those calling themselves weal astryans, like Driller, for instance, throwing around the “dago” epitaph while only a few posts ahead, he or others are playing the victims of abuse?
Or how about, Turtlehead making putrid comments about Indians stealing his “petrewl” and when caught out suggesting that’s not wacism, but an intelligent critique of Indian “gulture”.
2022 Melbourne Cup winner Gold Trip just gave Hong Kong glamour import Romantic Warrior windburn in the Group 1 Turnbull Stakes ($750,000, 2000m) at Flemington.
Gold Trip is now favourite to win the Cox Plate, the Caulfield Cup or another Melbourne Cup as his choices open up.
Romantic Warrior finished a respectable fourth in the Turnbull Stakes.
Meanwhile, in the Peter V’landys funny money capital, a bunch of scrubbers raced at Rosehill today for $2 million in prizemoney in the group 2 Hill Stakes.
October 7, 2023 4:57 pm
Jacks and knucklebones…the names were interchangeable.
Some of the children at school had the plastic ones, but you could forage around and get them from the Sunday roast.
That was when the leg of lamb came in its entirety, no extra chops sliced off the top and complete with shank.
We’d spend hours cross legged on the ground playing. It was all seasonal – skipping, jacks, yoyos, grandma’s footsteps.
The IDF seems to have done little to resist the initial attack, with many videos emerging of raiders roaming the town.
October 7, 2023 5:01 pm
I do hope they “infiltrate” into a suitable home…one with a couple of ex-IDF owners.
October 7, 2023 5:05 pm
Robert, don’t provide the bait for that thing to cut loose on you. Just ignore it. Don’t play into it’s hands.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 5:09 pm
Indigenous voice to parliament: ‘Out here’ in the APY Lands, early death the great divide
By greg bearup
Feature writer, The Weekend Australian Magazine
3:44PM October 7, 2023
Out here, the houses are overflowing with kids and cousins. The cost of fuel and fresh food is eye-watering.
Teachers out here use a device called a Soundfield to amplify their voices so kids can hear through the gunk in their infected ears.
If you were born and raised out here in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in the remote northwest corner of South Australia, the odds are you’ll be dead before you’re 55. A Torrens University study found that out here they have the highest rate of “premature mortality” in Australia. Out here is out of kilter with the rest of this healthy and wealthy country. Some argue the voice will divide us, but this nation is already divided.
Read Next
The Anangu live in small communities on their traditional lands in the foothills of the spectacular Musgrave Ranges – it’s softly stunning, like an Albert Namatjira watercolour. Two thousand people are spread across an area the size of Germany 1200km from Adelaide, speaking either Pitjantjatjara or Yankunytjatjara. As a result of this extreme isolation, traditional culture is still deeply etched into the fabric of life. It’s pretty much a dry community, apart from occasions when grog is smuggled in. There’s a vibrant arts sector, the community is strong and there are some wonderful, committed whitefellas working with the Anangu to bring about change.
But on just about every social measure the folk of the APY Lands are the most disadvantaged people in Australia.
And so you’d reckon that out here they’d be clamouring for a voice in Canberra to address these myriad ailments. But despite this poverty of outcomes, or possibly because of it, there’s uncertainty about the referendum and an understandable distrust, an ingrained wariness, of anything that has the sniff of coming their way from whitefellas “over east”.
I first talked to the chair of Ernabella Arts, Anne Thompson, about the voice when I was visiting the APY lands in early September. She was deeply sceptical. “No one has really ever listened to Anangu in the past. Why now? What’s gunna change?”
She said she would need to be convinced about what the voice would do for her people before she’d vote yes. At that time she was leaning heavily towards no.
However, I spoke to Thompson again a few days ago when she was visiting Sydney for an exhibition and she is now more enthusiastic about voting yes. “I don’t think it’s gunna bring peace, but I am gunna vote yes, probably.” She says the voice will not fix all their problems, but First Nations people should be recognised. “We want to be respected.”
When I first spoke to the previous chair, famed artist Alison Milyika Carroll, she said she didn’t really know anything about the referendum and that “maybe” she would vote yes. A few days ago she told me people have been talking a lot about the voice. “Everybody is saying they are gunna say yes. Everyone in the arts centre and everyone in the community, they are all saying yes. People have been talking a lot. (A few) still (say) no, but most say yes.”
Oct 7, 2023 4:27 PM
Luvvin’ all these tales of folk voting early .. makes you feel that rockin’ up next Saturday will be a no to queues day .. BUT .. going on past elections it’ll be the same 20 minute shuffle forward …
Apparently there is a strike by the Colesworth staff today.
It was of reasonable importance last night in the pub that several groups were talking about it. And it just so happened one conversation was to the left and another was to the right.
It must have made an impression on my subconscious because I got up this morning, dressed in my best T shirt, shorts, and double pluggers and drove down to the State School to vote. No one there. Not a car or tent or any other sign of human voting endeavor.
Then I realised.
Back for breakfast.
I’m not sure Ukrainians issue with racism justifies the country being invaded.
I’m not aware of anyone who has argued it is, JC.
Putin and many high-level Russian officials used the term de-nazification of Ukraine as one of the reasons for the “special operation”.
“Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have used the term “de-Nazification” or “de-Nazify” Ukraine in their rhetoric, particularly in the context of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. They have accused the Ukrainian government and some nationalist groups of having ties to far-right or nationalist elements.”
Lastly, racism doesn’t justify an invasion for the purpose of using that land as a “buffer zone” against Western imperialism. Basically, that’s Russia’s argument.
It’s not Russia’s argument. It’s the argument of every big power or even middling one in history. America’s “buffer zone” is the entire Western hemisphere – as formalised in the Monroe Doctrine 200 years ago. I’m pretty sure the US would invade Mexico if China set up bases across the Rio Grande.
Putin believes Ukraine belongs to the Russian sphere of influence and doesn’t want NATO right on its border. This, by definition, requires Ukraine to be the buffer. It’s not as though Russia hasn’t used a similar trick before, when Stalin stole Ukrainian harvests in order to stock up the Moscow region, thereby allowing the Ukrainians to starve to death. Ukraine is and always has been the buffer for Russia with regard to the West. It’s the Russian equivalent of fly-over zone, particularly how Moscow views the country.
It’s probably somewhat true to say that for a good part of Ukraine, the ethnic mix is slavic Russian; however, it’s not true to say that even if the ethnic mix is similar or even identical, people want to live in the exact same economic and political systems. Clearly, they don’t.
I’m not buying the Monroe Doctrine’s buffer zone, CL. Canada was historically allowed to exist even though it had close ties with Britain. The US left that iceberg alone. Denmark has rights to Greenland, which is actually quite strategic to American interests, but the US has never taken it. Trump even asked to buy it from the Danes.
How about Cuba—a communist shithole—90 miles from the Florida coastline?
Mexican governments have historically been leftwing monopolies up to only 30 odd years ago that were extremely antagonistic toward the Gringos, and the US had never really shown the design to take over the place through a “special operation”.
The US has certainly interfered in South America, but it’s also been relatively benign. I’m prepared to discuss Chile, but that would be for another day.
Robert, don’t provide the bait for that thing to cut loose on you. Just ignore it. Don’t play into it’s hands.
Tell us again how many angry letters you’ve written and how important you are. You filthy little zero.
NO, NO, NO, NO. I’m going to vote four times.
FMD, he’s useless.
Farmer Gez
October 7, 2023 5:16 pm
Well Tom, I’ve spent the afternoon watching women riding large horses over jumps. Watched the Turnbull on the phone.
Volunteer work putting up the jumps and picking up knocked down rails at the local show. You set the jumps in a different sequence and heights after each round.
Sitting in the middle of the ring with it all going on around you is good fun if not a little dangerous.
October 7, 2023 5:17 pm
“Everybody is saying they are gunna say yes. Everyone in the arts centre and everyone in the community, they are all saying yes. People have been talking a lot. (A few) still (say) no, but most say yes.”
Yeah – right!
NO kust win if these people have half a chance of pulling themselves out of the mire the do-gooders and grifters have forced them into.
My goodwill is no longer. Bootstraps; lift up by.
October 7, 2023 5:18 pm
“kust” = must.
October 7, 2023 5:18 pm
ZK2A> Interesting that precisely no-one on the ‘yes’ side, late movers or not, has a single clue on how it would actually change things. That goes from top to bottom and innercity to remote locations.
You’d guess that ‘yes’ people think actual change is someone else’s problem(ignorance) or they already know how $$$ makes its way through the system and know the current elite will never be removed(corruption).
Either way the Audit proposed by Jacinta is just the thing to help clarify how the money is spent and (mostly) wasted. Another great wedge issue, like considering nuclear, for next election.
October 7, 2023 5:20 pm
APY homelands sounds basic hygiene would resolve many of their health problems.
Something ultimately requiring some personal responsibility.
A voice certainly won’t make a difference.
LOl. Yeah, it’s “gulture” turtlehead. It’s not a cheap way of attempting to racially denigrate 1.2 billion people. Everyone would believe that.
I guess from your own account, it’s acceptable in white “gulture” to dump a bunch of kids in a home because mum has the blues? You’re just pathetic. Just pathetic.
October 7, 2023 5:21 pm
Jacks was game de jour when I was in first form.
No handy paddocks so we used plastic ones.
Oh yeah, we can see that. Those bootstraps, living in a rural caravan park, angry and envious at the world because they can’t see your brilliance.
You don’t pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, you disgusting lowlife. Nobody buys that tough swagger around here, Kez. Not even Turtlehead.
Oct 7, 2023 5:05 PM
Robert, don’t provide the bait for that thing to cut loose on you. Just ignore it. Don’t play into it’s hands.
That’s what happened yesterday – Bignose and Sanchez were looking for a fight all yesterday afternoon, so I went to the pub instead.
Unfortunately, ignoring the pair doesn’t work. JC has been pushing me out of his sandpit for well over a decade, and he won’t stop because his ego is too caught up in the fight.
But thanks for the thought, JMH. Just scroll on by if the ‘stoush’ gets too much.
October 7, 2023 5:30 pm
Jacks and knucklebones…the names were interchangeable.
Some of the children at school had the plastic ones,
In the 1940s and into the early 1950s it was jacks here in NSW. There was no plastic that I remember in the 40s, just nally ware products and bakelite.
October 7, 2023 5:31 pm
do kids still learn ‘kookaburra sings in the old gum tree’
Probably find it would be problematic to the modern youth.
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,
Gay your life must be!
Then again, maybe not.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 5:32 pm
7 hours ago
I used to be a remote area nurse. I couldn’t stay because of the violence. There were a lot of teachers too that eventually left because kids were too tired to participate at school because of all night drinking and violence. It’s dispiriting and saps all the good will until you too depressed to continue.
And now you can tell us what you’ve done in your life to help the Aboriginals of Australia?
Forcibly, through my taxes: a lot, lot, more than you could ever dream of, Turtlehead. I’d shudder to think how much of my money has been wasted on original owner programs.
Otherwise, zero. I give as much of a rats about aboriginals as I do anyone in the country moaning about da poverty because if there’s one country on earth where no one should be poor, it’s Australia. Anyone could get a job in three hours in this place. Cleaning dishes in a restaurant may earn someone 10 bucks an hour in cash, but those jobs are there.
October 7, 2023 5:32 pm
Robert Sewell
Oct 7, 2023 5:26 PM
I can tell you ignoring does work. They are left screaming their insults till they are blue in the face and that’s the hilarious part. My recommendation: Ignore the ghouls! The majority of readers here know exactly what they are like.
That’s what happened yesterday – Bignose and Sanchez were looking for a fight all yesterday afternoon, so I went to the pub instead.
Unfortunately, ignoring the pair doesn’t work. JC has been pushing me out of his sandpit for well over a decade, and he won’t stop because his ego is too caught up in the fight.
But thanks for the thought, JMH. Just scroll on by if the ‘stoush’ gets too much.
LOL. Everything the Turtlehead accuses me of he’s been doing himself. Only he looks for dependency by talking about me to others. It someone helps.
Mother Lode
October 7, 2023 5:35 pm
Someone was asking if kids still learn that kookaburra song.
Yes indeed:
Racket is icumen in
Shut up, kookaburra!
Bleedeth ears and breedeth tears
And peeveth like no other
Shut up kookaburra!
Further to Steve Waterson’s brutal and very sublime takedown of the racist Voice, it confirms why I subscribe to the Oz. Being able to read Steve Waterson, Chris Merritt, Janet Albrechtsen, Chris Mitchell , Dennis Shanahan, even Paul Kelly, makes it money well worth spent.
Bruce of Newcastle
October 7, 2023 5:41 pm
Apparently Hamas just pushed what I’d place as a company-sized element into the Israeli town of Sderot
Dunno what Hamas is up to. I think I saw there was some internecine biff in Gaza a week or so ago, but it didn’t seem particularly unusual.
Oct 7, 2023 5:20 PM
APY homelands sounds basic hygiene would resolve many of their health problems.
Something ultimately requiring some personal responsibility.
A voice certainly won’t make a difference.
Yes, basic hygiene does, Rosie. But the problem is that if you point out the problem, Aboriginal culture demands YOU solve the problem. It’s not the ears packed with red dirt, hair and wax that is the issue – the issue is why the nurses and doctors allowed it to happen.
Intervention just reinforces the problems because any intervention is seen as the intervener assuming the role of the fixer of the problem.
It’s absolutely maddening when you can see the issues but everyone refuses to discuss them without becoming the owner of the problem.
Bruce of Newcastle
October 7, 2023 5:44 pm
Maybe it’s to try and derail the peace discussions between Israel and Saudi? They have seemed to be bearing fruit.
October 7, 2023 5:44 pm
I only know the rude version of on top of spaghetti.
Lizzie – thanks for the tour guide of Berchtesgaden. A suitable place it seems for a megalomaniac to try and conquer all of Europe. We didn’t get there in ’96 although we do have some photos from the monuments in Nürnberg, including the corporal’s shouting platform.
He was preposterous, but he was out there in full view. Has anyone ever seen a speech before Barbarossa by his implacable rival, the steel man?
Israel under attack, on the Sabbath and tonight is Simchat Torah, the climax of three weeks beginning with Rosh Hashanah. Simchat Torah is supposed to be a time to get drunk and party. Hmmm……I don’t think there’ll be much drinking and partying in Israel tonight.
Great investigative work, Turtlehead, you despicable pos.
Every single line used in those two disgusting links could easily have been lifted from any anti-Semite’s site to justify their brand of bigotry. In fact, you could cut and paste it to justify bigotry against any group of people. And you bring that here and post it no less to justify your own. What a worthless carcass you are and have always been. And, moreover, you’re sidling up to that resident virus, Angry Kez, this afternoon for solace? You worthless grub.
These links are certainly keepers for future reference.
Sancho Panzer
October 7, 2023 5:51 pm
Oct 7, 2023 1:20 PM
Bit cryptic, calli. Please explain.
calli must be out or sewing ?
An invoice sent by a builder to the client for work completed to date, usually monthly or as specified in the contract.
I think that’s what she’s referring to.
To expand on what I think is meant.
There are various stages where suggested progress payments are made to ensure the builder has cash flow and the client is not paying too much in advance.
Typically these stages might be foundations, frame, lock up, finished fixings. Of course, you can negotiate any milestones and amounts you like and your builder will agree to. By law I think deposits are limited to 5% in Victoria.
The problem arises when a cash strapped builder tries two tricks:-
1. Billing the client ahead of the curve; and/or
2. Telling subbies the client isn’t paying his progress billings.
This double ended candle burning usually comes to grief, particularly in a smallish town.
A few years ago we were renovating two adjoining terraces in Middle Park. The painter (a maaate of a maaate) turns up with two ten litre tins of paint and demands 50% of the total price as a deposit. “Yeah, but nah”, I said. “You will notice that in the term ‘progress payment’ the word ‘progress’ comes before the word ‘payment’. Let’s get that out of the tins and onto the walls and we can talk payment then.”
Eventually we rissoled him and got another guy who did a top job and was happy to be paid in arrears.
We always paid overnight when the bill arrived, and everyone on site knew that.
I guess from your own account, it’s acceptable in white “gulture” to dump a bunch of kids in a home because mum has the blues? You’re just pathetic. Just pathetic.
Just for a bit of background, our family of 5 were brought up in the North Coast Childrens Home. Our mother had a pretty severe case of Post Natal Depression and was just incapable of looking after us. So we were surrendered to the State. None of us in our adult lives ever criticised mum for that. It was just bad luck for us. Nevertheless, we got three feeds a day and that was pretty good.
In terms of culture, IT IS OK for children to be removed from an untenable home situation in extremis.
This is what JC is having a go at me over.
It’s the Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde personality shining through the facade of Mr Urbane Noo York Businessman.
You really are a pig of a man, JC.
Oct 7, 2023 5:57 PM Steve trickler
Oct 7, 2023 5:47 PM
Fleccas Talks:
Got to 2m13 sec before I gave up.
It is tough to watch.
Sancho Panzer
October 7, 2023 6:04 pm
Oh, I see Calli’s point.
Builder slows down because payment not made.
Sometimes it is just a case of talking it through. If you think the builder is 90% through a stage, offer him 80% of that stage – in writing – with the balance payable when it is done.
Just for a bit of background, our family of 5 were brought up in the North Coast Childrens Home. Our mother had a pretty severe case of Post Natal Depression and was just incapable of looking after us. So we were surrendered to the State. None of us in our adult lives ever criticised mum for that. It was just bad luck for us. Nevertheless, we got three feeds a day and that was pretty good.
Yeah It’s great. A little bit of the blues, just dump the kids onto the taxpayer for that little bit of relief.
In terms of culture, IT IS OK for children to be removed from an untenable home situation in extremis.
Sure, gultuerally it’s a great thing. terrific in fact. Just what Turtlhead criticizes aboriginals for.
This is what JC is having a go at me over.
But, but it’s the gulture.
It’s the Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde personality shining through the facade of Mr Urbane Noo York Businessman.
Truth is, the real, real truth… let me admit it for the first time on the cat. The very first time ever. Since a little kid I always wanted to be a nurse and wear those cute little hats like the pretty nurses, and just like turtehead.
You really are a pig of a man, JC.
I freaking hope so, to degraded filth like you posting hate mongering grubby links to hate sites against 1.2 billion people. In fact, I’m not doing enough actually. My bad.
Forcibly, through my taxes: a lot, lot, more than you could ever dream of, Turtlehead. I’d shudder to think how much of my money has been wasted on original owner programs.
Foribly. That’d be right. Nothing voluntarily given. The only way anyone would get a free drink out of JC, would be to stick their fingers down your throat.
October 7, 2023 6:19 pm
“There is not enough brain bleach or hypnotherapy in the world. I may need some time to recover.”
Sorry Luzu,
I wish I could send you a bottle of Four Pillars to help you erase the memory. 😀
When I first heard about the Dirty Sanchez, there was only one description. 25 now. Seems Covid has another thing to answer for. All that down time. lol
Agreeing with Capt. Trailer Park to ignore me lasted all of 58.6 seconds. Good work Turtlehead.
You’ve linked to hate sites about Indians.
Now link to the other hate sites you read to for a but of fun. Go on!
The injian stole me petrwel
It’s the gulture alright to produce something like you. You degraded pile of human waste.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 7, 2023 6:31 pm
Rocket barrages from Gaza hit Israel, killing at least one
By Michael Amon
Updated 6:18PM October 7, 2023, First published at 5:28PM October 7, 2023
No Comments
Gaza militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack against Israel on Saturday, firing thousands of rockets as far north as Tel Aviv and sending fighters into southern cities near the border.
Israel said it was preparing for war and had begun striking Hamas targets.
A woman in her 60s was killed “due to a direct hit” in Israel, the Magen David Adom emergency services said.
Read Next
Fifteen others were wounded, two of them seriously, medics said.
The Israeli military called up reservists and braced its citizens for more conflict. The military warned residents to stay near bomb shelters and obey orders from authorities, as a sustained barrage of more than 5000 rockets continued into midmorning.
The Israeli military said Gaza gunman had entered the country from the south, in a stunning infiltration of Israel’s defences.
At least one Israeli was killed, according to Army Radio, and there were unconfirmed reports of more casualties. Videos shared on social media by Israeli news organisations showed cars burning and smoke rising from buildings in the southern city of Ashkelon.
Palestinian media reported that at least three Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hamas. The Israeli military didn’t immediately confirm or deny the report.
The attack struck during the early morning of the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, coming toward the end of the weeklong festival of Sukkot. Explosions could be heard in Israel’s coastal hub of Tel Aviv, while air-raid sirens went off in Jerusalem.
Mohammad Deif, Hamas’s secretive military chief, said 5000 rockets had been fired into Israel early Saturday to begin what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.”
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.
May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”
For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.”
For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.
October 7, 2023 6:36 pm
Walter Kirn tweeted he was going to be on Gutfeld so I’m watching it.
A little surprised to see Taibbi popping up on it.
And the Kennedy bird needs to do more late knight (less censored) TV.
Filthy & funny.
The U.S. Army, hit by recruitment problems and a shift in focus from Middle East counterterrorism operations to a China threat, is set to make major cuts to its famed special operations forces.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the Army plans to cut back about 3,000 troops, or nearly 10% from its special operation forces, possibly including some from the Green Beret commando units.
GWGB. But it’ll be fun if the lefty neocon kiddies get drafted. Schadenfreude much!
vr, who used to post here often, but not so much now, is an Indian woman. She always had interesting things to say, but I wonder why she doesn’t show up as much?
I’m sure there are other people from Indian background who will appreciate the linked “research” the Turtlehead posted here today.
Art news.
US Customs officials seize giraffe feces from woman at Minnesota airport (, 6 Oct)
The punters are bored with moose poop necklaces. Giraffe dung necklaces are the next big thing.
“All involved agree that great wrongs were done in the past. All involved agree to forgive those wrongs, and all involved agree to work together for a better South Africa.”
I haven’t seen any such magnanimity expressed by certain other parties.
Ray Martin showing ‘contempt’ to no voters in heated rant reveals he sucks at winning friends and influencing people
The TV legend savaging Aussies who want to read the Voice “fine print” suggests he has lost his powers of persuasion, writes Nick Cater.
It hardly takes a psychology degree to know you don’t win friends and influence people by calling them names.
As the best-selling self-help author Dale Carnegie once wrote: “If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive”.
So why do prominent pro-Voice advocates like Ray Martin choose intemperate language to describe the “dinosaurs and ****heads” who populate the morally bankrupt land on the other side of the argument?
Have they given up on persuasion because they secretly hope that next week’s referendum will be lost?
Regardless of the quality of the product they are selling, the retail skills of prominent Yes advocates, including the Prime Minister, have been profoundly unimpressive.
Their product knowledge has been abysmal, rendering many Yes advocates incapable of answering questions.
No salesman in the history of used cars has closed a deal by scorning their customers for failing to read the handbook.
So when the PM was asked quite reasonably if Voice representatives would be paid, he was hardly going to win the hearts of 2GB listeners by telling Ben Fordham to “go and have a look at the Calma-Langton report. It’s 260 words of detail.”
The pattern of clumsy responses continued when Neil Mitchell asked the PM if he agreed with the supplementary document attached to the Uluru Statement.
“I haven’t read it. There’s 120 pages — why would I?” Albanese answered.
The Yes campaign is a masterclass in not selling a product.
If Anthony Albanese and Martin were running a supermarket, they wouldn’t have to worry about restocking the shelves since nothing would have walked out of the door.
Persistence is essential to sales success but should always be distinct from obstinacy.
Successful salespeople learn from rejections and remain alert to their own mistakes.
They employ emotional intelligence to navigate difficult conversations and build stronger relationships.
They stay positive, remain motivated and focused on their targets.
The mystery is that Albanese and Martin are hardly novices in the selling game.
Martin made a successful career by preventing customers from walking away between ad breaks.
Albanese proved he could sell snow to Eskimos last year when he persuaded sane voters to buy his government.
We must conclude that the main goal for the Yes campaigners is not a victory for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people but a victory for themselves.
The prize is a dividend of virtue that will increase their moral stature.
“It will send a signal to ourselves and to the world that we’re a mature nation that is coming to terms with the fullness of our history, and that we’re proud of sharing this great continent of ours with the oldest continuous culture on earth.”
Albanese’s argument that the Voice will make practical improvements to the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians may be underwhelming.
He is on firmer ground, however, with naked appeal to virtue signallers.
The Voice leans less to ambition to change the world than to be seen as the kind of person who wants to change it.
The yes symbol is a badge of honour, the medal proving that you are more intelligent, compassionate and selfless than the rest.
The conviction of Yes advocates is characteristic of what Sowell describes as the unconstrained vision of the world.
They believe they have the solution to Aboriginal people’s complex challenges.
As Thomas Sowell perceptively observed, the vision of the anointed is not just a vision of how social justice crusaders want the world to be but a vision of themselves.
Albanese’s argues for the Voice are sentimental rather than concrete.
He promises Yes voters the joy of feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
“It will make us feel better about who we are as a nation,” he told Kieran Gilbert on Sky News on July.
When detail or evidence is requested, they appear dumbfounded because the answer is axiomatic.
It stems from the hubris of imagining that one is blessed with more wisdom than the average Joe, a hubris that tends to flourish in those who spend their early adult years studying at university.
When Martin excited the Marrickville crowd by sneering at the brainless idiots in the no camp and their statement, he and his audience luxuriated in the joy of reaffirming their superior moral worth.
They are blessed with the intelligence that allows them to order other people’s affairs better than people can organise their own.
A victory in the referendum, anything close to the 90.4 per cent Yes vote at the 1967 referendum, is the last thing they want.
It would deprive them of the joy of condemning others as racist and ignorant, instantly devaluing the moral currency they have accumulated and eroding the margin of virtue between themselves and the kind of Australians who listen to Ben Fordham.
Which explains the PM’s sneer at Fordham’s questions rather than answer them.
It demonstrates Martin’s contempt for Australians so ignorant that they won’t sign a document without reading the fine print.
I built my first house in 1989. 3 x 1. Mansard Homes. Cheapest one in their catalog. They advertised as WA’s biggest homebuilder. Took about a year to complete. Moved in a week before power was connected so plenty of bbqs and showering at the neighbours. Mansard went bust not long after. House (Mansard) across the road was 1/2 finished. I think Creative Homes took over.
His squadron flew Lancasters, but there were still a lot of Halifaxes being used by Bomber Command. Could Harrier be a mix-up with Halifax?
He always referred to the photo as his photo of himself (invisible at the wireless operator’s station) at Berchtesgaden. His aircraft was banking slightly to starboard, exposing the squadron and aircraft codes, identifying it clearly.
We must signal boost and give a platform to Ray Martin, Lidia Thorpe and Marcia Langton.
Albo seems to underestimate the role of SloMo in his success.
Daily Mail.
Well what happens to the parents in our culture who won’t send their kids to school?
Now do the same to the parents in that culture.
And if the parents say “We can’t make them,” our reply should be “That’s not our problem – it’s yours.”
The continued mollycoddling of the parents whose fall back position on anything is “It’s not our problem, it’s yours.” has led them to this attitude to any problem.
They behave like children with no agency, but demand all the benefits of Adults.
Cool. This spacecraft has just managed to reach 0.06% of the speed of light.
Parker makes its closest and fastest solar flyby (, 6 Oct)
Easily the fastest vehicle ever built by humans. And even Icarus would blanch at approaching to 7 million ks of the Sun.
Note: Putin, Pol Pot or Charles Manson could have beaten Scott Morrison in 2022.
Or a drover’s dog.
The thing reeks of graft and corruption. And environmental damage beyond any vandal’s wildest dreams.
Same up this way. Solar Farm proposal near me the Enviro part was done by a mob called AECOM. Apparently from what I have heard locally an ALP go to firm to get what they want. Their report was something a mining companies proposal would never get away with. Hydrology alone was 10 years out of date not taking into account later development let alone other parts of the proposal. I’d expect it would be the same all over…
Yes, but the product itself is a dud, Nick.
That explains why they didn’t want to discuss it in any detail.
I received some disturbing news about the house I used to own in Melbourne.
No it didn’t burn down or flood …
It has Collingwood banner flying from it
It’ll skyrocket in value now – you’ve missed out.
At auction last night the Nick Daicos premiership-worn jumper went for $70,000.
Labor has become the party of the big end of town…
And Collingwood has become the tatt’ed bit-of-rough they pick up for a weekend thrill.
Each turbine has to be anchored with 4×80 tonne anchors, plus all the other disturbance including dedicated lines of stanchions through untouched bushland…and get this…the companies doing the Environmental Study are the very companies vying for the contracts.
And in 20 years it’ll all have to be replaced.
And what is even sillier is that the ones being plonked in the Ocean off the East Coast of ‘Stralia’ – The alleged Cleva’ Country, disturb the migrating Whales and other sea creatures that live in the area.
Now where is/are the Aboriginal Elder(s) of what farking tribes that live in nice houses and getting ‘sit down money’ doing about that? Where is Greenpeace? Whwere is the UN? Where are the concerned ‘Pollies’?
What is Tanya Plebersuck doing? SFA that’s what. For some reason, Woodside are being hammered for what they are doing (making money for Australia) off the NW coast of WA and the loonies here on the East coast of ‘Stralia’ get away with MURDER. FFS
Where are the Abo’s and the Whitey’s protecting the whales and sea life here? Not much moneeee in that caper so let’s go for softer targets. What a load of Grifters and Crooks they all are. What a load of Bollocks.
Vote NO and send them back to where they came from. Mars or the Moon. Take yer’ pick.
Oct 6, 2023 10:30 PM
Does anyone remember the Weatherman TV interview where, without a shadow of humanity, it was stated that they believed it would take about 40 million Americans in camps to enable their radical ideology to survive in the US?
Of course the JC leftie suicide hotline is up and running for the fateful day. All hands on deck for this one.
In fact, the call centre leadership believes the the count will be see in the death stats at the ABS.
Or whether or not you are making your progress claims.
Wotz a “progress claim” … my “houso” ignorance on show …….!
Caligula’s horse, with preferences.
Time to wheel out the smallpox infected mission blankets then.
Boiling water mixed with jam, apparently.
The jam makes it stick (a poor man’s white phosphorous), and makes any healing process ten times as problematic.
Thoughts and prayers.
Not really.
Well what happens to the parents in our culture who won’t send their kids to school?
After the death of the Christian Church, and in the circumstance of non-existent family ethics, school is where children are taught their responsibilities and boundaries, and the responsibilities of their family and boundaries of their nation state.
It doesn’t help that education has been captured by the Lizard People, and thus teaches children latent dependancy.
The underwater turbine to shore transmission lines might need replacing a lot sooner and more often, see article at Jo Nova a few days ago.
Very high failure rate.
This is the reason why the support of most of the churches for the indigenous activist agenda is a betrayal of their principles.
It reveals their hollowness.
Well what happens to the parents in our culture who won’t send their kids to school?
1st off gummint stops any CentreLink kiddie associated payments your receiving ………..!
The spacecraft’s most recent accomplishment was set up by a gravity-assist flyby of Venus in late August. During the closest approach, the Parker Solar Probe was moving at 635,266 kilometers per hour (394,735 miles per hour).
I hope that the Monkey on board has plenty of bananas. What a shame that slobbering Joe wasn’t there feeding the Monkey. Poor Monkey though, putting up with that slobberer. Yuck.
I did suspect I was being rather optimistic with that figure.
It’s repeated in Parliament.
Time to wheel out the smallpox infected mission blankets then.
Please keep up with events. The latest scare is ‘Shingles’. FFS.
Thanks to whoever it was Up Fred who alerted us to the Quadrant Online piece entitled “Justice Kirby’s Unheeded Counsel”.
An excellent read and commentary by the author “Persimmon”.
Perhaps some of our lefty legal fraternity should read it.
I remarked last week that on my walks around my neighbourhood (which is in the middle of Linda Burney’s electorate) the only Yes placards I have seen are in the front yards of some upmarket Federation / California Bungalows. There was a cluster of about 5 or 6 home on both sides of one stretch of leafy street.
This morning I noted that now there are only 2 houses displaying the placards.
Somewhat intriguing.
Help, help I’m being repressed!
New UN report reveals the extent of systemic racism faced by people of African descent in Australia (, 6 Oct)
Can I have reparations please? I’ll settle for only $10 miillion. It’s an insignificant sum, really.
Daily Mail
I never thought race baiting was part of the physics discipline.
he died doing what he loved, empathizing with a blck dude, part of his fascist ideology
Perhaps they looked up the details.
The Bidens really are dirty people in every way.
Summers on the way. Showery start after a humid night. Been bands of showers blowing through all morning. Noice, good day to find an establishment. Yup, could be a while.
Voted at Kirwan this morning, full expect to be working next weekend. Long lines, no one taking pamphlets so like me minds made up. Phil Thompson very prominent with the no campaign support.
Toxic trash. Apparently Frank filth ran somebody over and got away with it of course.
Bit cryptic, calli. Please explain. 🙂
Perhaps the UN should help them to return to Africa, to escape our eeeevillll systemic waaaayyyycissssm?
Finally, a third YES placard seen in my neighbourhood – sheesh I was worried that I lived in a boring stale old regressive community. Local paper published names of a couple of hundred “yes” voters earlier this week, they placed an ad, very handy document to keep! Noted all the doctors wives listed, people whose names I know but I am not in their circle.
We must signal boost and give a platform to Ray Martin, Lidia Thorpe and Marcia Langton.
No need at all. They are the best advert for the NO case ever. So please let them carry on doing the great job that they are doing. Ego, is not a dirty word. BUT, it is now
Jamaica is very nice BJ, except for the crime and violence. I’m sad how they’re going – classic leftist politics of course.
The report documents what people of African descent living in Australia already know: Australia has a racism problem.
Absolute BS.
These people have NO manners. Same as the Chinks. It isn’t racism. It’s farking bad manners.
They don’t know how to queue up. They don’t know how to walk on the left. They don’t know how to speak English. Please don’t spit or shite in public. FFS.
Who let these people in?
calli must be out or sewing 😀
An invoice sent by a builder to the client for work completed to date, usually monthly or as specified in the contract.
I think that’s what she’s referring to.
Remember the PalaceChook was installed as a sacrificial chook in an election they thought they would lose.
Excellent article by Steve Waterson in the Oz (paywalled). Too long to cut and paste.
Here’s a paragraph for example:
I’m sad the architects of the voice were misled by our leaders, who assured them, behind closed doors, it was a done deal (standard operating procedure in Australian politics, unfortunately). No wonder they’re frustrated now the Yes vote looks like failing: they won’t be able to participate in the scrupulously fair allocation of seats on the voice’s gravy train as it steams off to Canberra. Anyone taking bets we could have named the first half-dozen ticketholders in the dining car?
Jeez he writes well.
Oct 7, 2023 12:58 PM
I live in Redfern and those farking YES signs are all over the place. I even saw one on a building site place at 5.00 am this morning. Put there by a Sydney ‘Clover No More’ dope So I placed it somewhere more appropriate.
In the farking dust bin.
Just finished the second of three to go down go the hospital. Frogs and dergs…ballerinas to go. So you were right Roger. 🙂
Builders tend to go very s l o w l y when they are owed money. Some contracts stipulate payment must be received before the next stage commences.
Sometimes nothing happens for a reason.
Don’t ask me why, But. There is something about the way that first sentence is constructed that had me thinking, that has the makings of a song lyric. The next one and I think, ah now he’s got a bit of the second verse. Which has me wondering: Has the definitive Townsville song been written?
Certainly not the aforementioned Magdalina Blackley from Palm Island.
She’d be represented by Noel from Noosa.
Johnny Rotten
Well, JR, I told them I was going for a beer and that’s ruined the evening of verbal abuse they’ve been working on all afternoon. So I think they rented a room for a little friendly pleasuring.
TheirABC (via the equally unreliable The Conversation) claims to dispel ‘myths’ about charging mobile phones – but it turns out it’s about i phones which most people don’t have. And even so, I wouldn’t trust them.
For example:
It’s not clear whether ‘smartphone’ only refers to Apple products. If so, another reason to avoid them because they are overpriced with built in obsolence.
My daggy Samsung phone, about seven years old, lives on the charger unless I take it somewhere. It is not as good as it was when new, (what is?) but still holds a charge for about 12 hours.
It doesn’t accept most new apps, thank goodness. During the pandemic paranoia it wouldn’t read Q codes, so I got to write some very creative names on the paper alternatives. Who knew that Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Ursula Le Guin shopped at Queanbeyan Coles? 🙂
Official ‘science’ is now damaged goods.
Oct 7, 2023 1:03 PM
The Bidens really are dirty people in every way.
And so is Bill and Shillary Clitoris. That Clitoris Foundation should be audited asap.
They are Crooks. Big Time. The Mafia are in awe of those two.
Sumer is icumen in,
Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweþ sed and bloweþ med
And springþ þe wde nu,
Sing cuccu!
Summer has come in,
Loudly sing, Cuckoo!
The seed grows and the meadow blooms
And the wood springs anew,
Sing, Cuckoo!
First poem in The Oxford Book of English Verse.
Known as The Cuckoo Song, for it was indeed a song lyric, not a poem.
Here’s the rest, unmodernised, if anyone would like to have a go:
Awe bleteþ after lomb,
Lhouþ after calue cu.
Bulluc sterteþ, bucke uerteþ,
Murie sing cuccu!
Cuccu, cuccu, wel singes þu cuccu;
Ne swik þu nauer nu.
Sing cuccu nu. Sing cuccu.
Sing cuccu. Sing cuccu nu!
Labor pollies are sniffing the wind, not wanting to be associated with further failure (the Hun):
Note the ‘can be spent’, not ‘must be spent’.
Beeecause they’re staying at arms’ length from that steaming pile of decaying rat vomit. A genuinely confused Yesser:
Their ‘other priority’ is being re-elected, and which will be in grave danger if they associate themselves with this odious concept, which is demonstrably on the nose with well over half the people in their respective electorates.
Pre 1066 Roger?
Flashback: Child predator is cured instantly
A special UN working group this week tabled its first-ever report on the experiences of people of African descent in Australia to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The report documents what people of African descent living in Australia already know: Australia has a racism problem.
Did they talk to anyone that has lived here for 50 or 60 years? Like anyone who has been bashed recently (especially in Melbum by those Somali goons)?
Anyone else? Farking Tossers. The UN is a waste of space. Don’t let them in ever again.
Only let the nice people in.
Same thing happened to me. It was one of the first songs we learned in Music class in my first year at high school.
Many versions on youtube of ‘Sumer is Icumen in’
Oct 7, 2023 1:50 PM
Pre 1066 Roger?
Wot’ ave’ the Romans eva done for us?
Oct 7, 2023 12:05 PM
Don’t go there.
My pro tip is not to be an amateur law enforcement dude.
He posed as a 15-year-old girl online, using pictures of an 18-year-old “girl”, who got killed by a 17-year-old male and an 18-year-old male after setting up a fake meeting, falsely accusing them of being pedophiles and assaulting one of them.
I think those young men ought to be freed, to be honest, without any more facts available. If I have a gun and you start acting crazy and punching my friend, why shouldn’t I be able to shoot you?
..and no, I’m not going to condemn them on the age of the bait who was actually over 18.
Also, think of this from the young men’s perspective. They thought they were going to hook up with a chick around their age (and who looked that old) and a fat middle-aged guy turns up, they probably think he’s a pedo (or at least, an admirer of the young male physique and a complete weirdo) and he calls them pedos and starts assaulting them!
c. 1250, milt.
The evil shit they’re done to this guy starting a week after he was elected is depraved evil.
If you’re a Christian you need to pray for him as he really sounds beaten up.
Now that Aussie Cossack has become a Russian citizen, and is on Russian territory (the Russian Embassy) it’ll be a major schadenfreude should he receive a “mobilization notice” & be ordered to report to “Mud-slogging Brigade 104” on the Dniepr front, or somesuch.
Let’s go back to 2015 – when the media hated Ukraine and nazi Ukrainians:
Associated Press:
Attacks on black fans show tide of fan racism in Ukraine.
Or 2012 in the Guardian:
Ukraine’s festering football racism. Victim of abuse says Sol Campbell is right – black fans should stay at home.
Believe me, there’s a lot more where these came from.
Daily Mail.
I do, but Russia is practically the same.
I can’t remember when it’s been acceptable to actually use those slurs here.
Your ABC strawman for the day:
What happens if Australia votes No to the Voice referendum? Peter Dutton thinks Jacinta Price holds the answer
Um…a forensic audit to prevent waste isn’t about closing the disadvantage gap. It’s about preventing waste.
With that said, a great many of those astonishingly wasteful programs are counterproductive in that they keep their purported beneficiaries chained to the State and, if shut down, would have the effect of ‘closing the gap’ over time.
As Shelby Steele wrote in his seminal book, White Guilt, the most a society that has been oppressing a group within it can do for that group is to stop oppressing it. As unfair as it may sound, any further government ‘help’ to remedy the deficits resulting from past government oppression within the formerly oppressed population only compounds and prolongs these deficits.
It is ultimately up to each individual and the choices they make if the gap is to closed. You can put in place as many government programs as you like but they won’t change things for the better.
Aside from the concept of white guilt that Steele elucidates in his book (an enormously destructive force which is not actually a feeling of guilt – it is the literal terror of being considered racist held by progressive whites), he also describes what he terms the ‘shock of freedom’ that is experienced when a group of people are no longer oppressed, and suddenly have to grapple with the reality that they are in control of their own destinies, and are responsible for the good and bad things that happen in their lives.
These concepts apply here in spades.
It’s very easy to accept the trinkets and baubles and words of consolation from those actuated by white guilt, and internalise their insistence that you aren’t responsible for the sorry state you’re in. You can’t help it. This racist society holds you back and keeps you down.
It’s understandable why many Aboriginal people have decided that this is the case – it’s far easier to blame others for one’s predicament and regard it as an inevitability based on constraints imposed by others. It relieves one of any responsibility to account for any decisions one has made that brought them to be where they are, as well as the decisions one makes on a daily basis that keep them in their predicament.
If you possess this mentality, you are absolved from all guilt. Nothing is your fault. You are a victim of a system that made you what you are, and keeps you there. You can’t help it or help yourself. And, if you look at your life and it’s an obvious disaster compared with the lives of those you see around you, sheeting the blame for this onto others is a tempting proposition.* An almost irresistible one, even, when there is an army of ‘allies’ surrounding you and encouraging you to think in this way (take a bow, white progressives).
Adopting this mentality is the most diabolical of Faustian bargains, though. It requires you to cast aside any agency you possess to improve your life. You have but one avenue to address the problems in your life – to demand that the people who caused you to be in your miserable state remove you from it.
However, this is a cul de sac, not an avenue. Other people can’t solve your problems because they would hold, at best, a very low resolution understanding of what your problems are. They wouldn’t know how to solve your problems, even with the best will in the world (after all, the vast majority of people are not interested in fixing the problems of others, including – and probably especially – those that profess otherwise).
But even if this unicorn exists, this person with infinite goodwill, insight and resources who is able to fix all of a person’s problems – what comes next? What happens when the ‘fixed’ person runs into difficulties that life inevitably throws at everyone? Well, enter the unicorn to magic everything up, obviously. The perpetual victim is a slave to those from whom they seek redress.
So maybe this ABC scribbler’s glib mischaracterisation of Jacinta Price’s alternative to a ‘Voice’ – a forensic audit of the expenses of the various programs that purport to help Indigenous Australians – has identified an important piece that solves the puzzle. The vast majority of these programs have the effect of fostering, enabling or sustaining that perpetual victim mentality which guarantees a lifetime of misery that, whilst being someone else’s fault, is still a lifetime of misery.
The gap can only be closed by way of each individual who finds themselves on the wrong side of the gap deciding to shoulder the responsibility of improving their own life. Get rid of all programs that enable this decision to remain unmade.
Australia needs to stop ‘helping’ Indigenous Australians. We’ve done enough damage already.
*it’s also not limited to the cohort of Aboriginal people leading dysfunctional, parasitic lives – this mentality is held by anyone who is dependent on welfare from cradle to grave. In fact, we are all susceptible to such thinking and succumb to it now and again
No one should get any pleasure from this war. I’d like to not give a damn about it and certainly not get involved but there is an existential but non-trivial threat of nuclear war. The only pleasure I’ll get is when Lavrov and Kuleba shake hands.
Ukraine is far from perfect. I just object to the obvious and stupid Russian disinfo. There’s plenty of real stuff to hammer Ukraine with.
Many upticks, Oh come on.
For progressives, the expectation that aborigines have and should exercise moral agency in their lives is racist. It’s come down to that.
Believe me, there’s a lot more where these came from.
And according to the UN, Australia is racist.?
Come to my back yard and say that. You will leave the place feet first without yer’ ‘ead on.
Well in 8 hours time my wife and I will be flying out to Europe/UK for a 3 week plus holiday.
I’ll try to post some updates on our travels in the OT threads if and when time permits.
I’m not sure Ukrainians issue with racism justifies the country being invaded. And as if we don’t see that in other countries—Russia included. Have you seen the racism Lazio perpetrates on black players, making ape shounds and throwing bananas on the field?
For that matter, have you read some of the open forum here and in the past with those calling themselves weal astryans, like Driller, for instance, throwing around the “dago” epitaph while only a few posts ahead, he or others are playing the victims of abuse?
Or how about, Turtlehead making putrid comments about Indians stealing his “petrewl” and when caught out suggesting that’s not wacism, but an intelligent critique of Indian “gulture”.
Forgive the dry heaving.
You can’t stamp out bigotry and if you try, you invariably end up at the other end , which is wokism in all its manifestations.
Lastly, racism doesn’t justify an invasion for the purpose of using that land as a “buffer zone” against Western imperialism. Basically, that’s Russia’s argument. Who wants to be used and seen as a “buffer” anyway?
There’s plenty of real stuff to hammer Ukraine with.
Well, hammer ‘Z’ and the US and UK Neocons then. NOT the poor sods who are now cannon fodder and ‘brown bread’ dead.
Get a life.
I’ll give it a go..
The ewe bleats with the lamb,
Leaps when she is called.
The bull bellows, the buck (dunno)
Merry sing cuckoo!
Cuckoo, cuckoo, we all sing cuckoo!
(something) is now all new.
It’s like another world. Time travellers beware.
Thanks Roger back when English was only spoken by the lower orders.
We’re not arming Russia.
The race question vis-a-vis the eastern Europeans generally is complicated by the fact that vehement opposition to an invasion by ‘immigrants’ is also capable of being characterised as ‘racism.’ (And routinely is by Euro-crats). As far as I’m concerned, the Ukrainians – as much as the Russians, the Hungarians and the Poles – are within their rights to maintain a Japanese-style policy on the make-up of their ancient cultures.
…and Putin.
I’m not sure Ukrainians issue with racism justifies the country being invaded.
The UKR was never a country. Just a territory to be fought over. Hard to defend the place when surrounded by so many others who might envy you and your food.
Got it.
Cocaine Bear. Cocaine Bear.
Cocaine Bear. COCAINE BEAR!
You don’t scroll up so I doubt you read RT Firefly’s posts today.
I looked up “swik” – it means “deception” so I got that bit wrong. Is it about the cuckoo’s nasty habit of parasitism?
OMG. Here we go, the Putin as Peter the Great the Second bullshit turbines start up again.
Here are some inconvenient maps published with historical data.
Map of the Ukrainian independence referendum, 1991 (ALL oblasts voted YES to independence).
Monograph of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology N.N. Durnovo, N. N. Sokolov, D. N. Ushakov. Experience of the dialectological map of the Russian language in Europe, Moscow, 1915
If the government stopped “helping” Aborigines, the benefits would be immediate.
No.1 on the list of things we should do to stop “helping” Aborigines is encouraging them to buy property — especially their own homes.
That means removing them from the socialist government-run outback hellholes ruled by domestic violence, drunkeness and tribal Big Men (like Noel Pearson).
People who don’t own property have no incentive to do well in life so becoming a violent drunk who bashes women is effectively encouraged — by the government.
Just stop helping blackfellas to destroy themselves. Stop trying to corral them in the government death culture.
Some translators suggest cavorts.
Others farts.
Otherwise, a gold star for you!
Sumer Is Icumen In – better known as “The Cuckoo Song” – performed at the Olympic Stadium in Munich during the Opening Ceremonies of the 1972 Summer Olympic Games.
The Cuckoo Song (Sumer Is Icumen In)
Trump’s attorney on the NYC fat kunt letitia james’ indictment. I must say james is probably the most revolting of the folk against Trump:
I think we need Deadman for that.
The line is usually rendered ‘don’t you ever stop now.’
Have a good time Wolfman. I love the travelogues you lucky people have been putting up.
The Hensbys were saved by neighbours who spotted the fire and woke them up
Family is in temporary accommodation with just the ‘clothes on their backs’
Tell Blackout Bowen and he will say that – ‘It’s just a transition”. Until it happens to him of course.
And then it’s…………………….Whooooooooops-e-daysey and BUGGER !!!!!!!!!!!!
Since we are discussing childhood songs – do kids still learn ‘kookaburra sings in the old gum tree’?
You can downvote facts with your feelings, Putin space cadets, but the facts don’t change.
At a military history conference for the weekend.
No Welcome to Country from anyone: MC; speakers (including me) etc.
I don’t usually discuss Putin but this must count for something:
Putin Threatens To Kill Klaus Schwab
Dot you’re nearly at the mutley’s “any day now” state of mind. Never go full mutley.
Please Poot, do it.
Luvvies are all in favour of greenies, except when it affects business:
At time of publication, Noel Pearson’s views were unavailable.
Luvvies get luvvied. Never gets old.
Breaking News!!
English immigrant tied 400 kgs of chain around his body, climbed to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge, stabbed himself five times in the back wiv’ three different knives, shot himself with a shotgun, took cyanide and then jumped.
Coroner declares suicide the cause of death! He is to be buried in Arkansas.
I’m not aware of anyone who has argued it is, JC.
It’s not Russia’s argument. It’s the argument of every big power or even middling one in history. America’s “buffer zone” is the entire Western hemisphere – as formalised in the Monroe Doctrine 200 years ago. I’m pretty sure the US would invade Mexico if China set up bases across the Rio Grande.
Knuckle Dragger at 1:50
Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan.
Thanks GreyRanga.
Our trip comprises visiting London, Paris, Burgundy, Swiss Alps, Pisa, Tuscany, Florence, Rome, Venice, Munich, Nuremberg, Rhine Valley, Amsterdam, Bruges, London (where we have a full week in just London).
Itr’s going to be extremely busy and hectic.
By his own admission Putin & Schwab have been on good terms since 1992 when the former was deputy mayor of St Petersburg and stealing money intended to buy food aid for its residents.
Just two years ago Putin addressed the WEF.
Sadly, at the Collingwood Copeland Trophy night at Crown, they had uncle henry someone welcoming people to their own country (same bloke that was at the GF.) If you saw him walking down the street you’d think he was a wandering Jew. No aboriginal features whatsoever.
Sadly, when the president got up, he compounded the travesty by talking about land and elders FFS. Hope the NO vote puts an end to the rubbish.
You’re joking, right?
Hottest summer eva should be in full swing by then. Bushfire carnage interrupted by flooding (which almost reached the top of the tractor tyres driving through it). Normal service resumes next weekend with some Sorry Business.
You mean to say he’s been initiated into all those tribes?
Most people know him as Shorty.
You’re joking, right?
I’ve been everywhere man……
I think I’ll just buy a sticker from the servo.
Knuckle Dragger
Lets just hope that when he gets to trial, he’s found guilty, eh?
Otherwise we may just find ourselves looking a little embarrassed.
They do. And their horrid old grannies sing the bit about sitting on the electric wire, tears in his eyes and his pants on fire.
Never fails to please.
Seems that Marcia Langton was as red as an Indians bum in her younger days?
It is actually quite revealing that a demographic apt to loudly declaim they never dun nuffin & that they were verballed by the pigs…
…. are nonetheless of the belief that if police arrest someone then he’s gotta be guilty & will maim someone based on the word of police.
It ain’t dying out on the internet, Joh. A Hawaiian friend was taught it by her mother in the ’50’s and thought she had learned it at Kamehameha boarding school in ’30’s. Song traveled fast if so.
The one I want to know is: Do kids still play knuckle bones with real knuckle bones and if not with what?
The Monroe Doctrine isn’t what prevents that one.
The drug cartels aren’t going to let anyone give the US an excuse to really shut down that border. And the drug cartels run Mexico.
I get the impression that the description of activists belonging to Wiradjuri, Yorta Yorta, Birripi tribes etc, is simply a modern version of the old 90s bumper stickers put out by FM radio stations. MMM Rocks the Yorta Yorta people sounds better than MMM Rocks Mt Druitt or Panania.
One of my favourite songs in Primary school was “On Top of Spaghetti”.
I voted this afternoon. there were more YES spruikers than NO, but they were polite and chirpy. No trying to get in your face. I said “no thank you”, to the HTV flyers, then gave a thumbs up to the NO volunteers. On my way out I informed the NO volunteers that I had used a PEN. They had a good giggle.
I wasn’t asked for a reason why I needed to vote today.
Coincidence that Rockdoctor mentioned Phil Thompson who is the Townsville MP.
Only a few minutes earlier I had searched on him to find out views on the Voice. Did not know he is married to an Aboriginal from Palm Island and counts his two kids as Aboriginal. A search led directly to his thoughts on his wen page and despite his family he is strongly against the Voice.
Also an Afghan veteran who was seriously injured by an IED.
You mean Jacks?
I never realised there was a second verse, Calli.
I look forward to Yes23 putting together a list of the recalcitrant Labor members, with encouragement to vote against them in the next relevant election.
As my grandmother used to say, “His mother was a sport.”
Up thread mention was made of how often someone is described as a “proud blah blah person”. Most of you have likely seen the advertisement on SBS about the vote showing a montage of clips of Aboriginals. There is an archival, 11/2 second clip of two full-blood men in Digger’s uniform. Those two men show more pride in that split second film than any of the grifters that have been mugging for the camera for years.
A great example is Lydia. Every time I have caught footage over the last few days of her ranting, with chewing gum in her dirty gob, about the Grampian Nazis, all
I see is a prime example of a slag describing to the world, how a “Dirty Sanchez”. is performed. Pride indeed. 🙁
Good God – I just sang the Spaghetti Song – from memory – all four verses!
Last sung 64 years ago – IIRC.
Luvvin’ all these tales of folk voting early .. makes you feel that rockin’ up next Saturday will be a no to queues day .. BUT .. going on past elections it’ll be the same 20 minute shuffle forward …
Maybe it’s only in Fairfield no one seems to vote early ..?
Apparently. I only knew the game as knuckle bones.
As my grandmother used to say, “His mother was a sport.”
Hahaha – nice one Gran.
I graduated to jacks after marbles when in grade 4 at an all girls school. Later it was the string game as in ‘cats whiskers.’
Nowadays they eat mutton shanks. We used to get them from the butcher for free.
I hated the smell of them cooking.
Some girls would paint them. Never knew them by any other name than jacks.
So, I looked up the Dirty Sanchez thing and then somehow fell into the rabbit hole of the Top 25 Worst Definitions from the Urban Dictionary.
F**k me. I’m no prude but every single one was stomach-turningly revolting. Surely, it’s just some kind of competition to make up the grossest possible thing? Noboy really does that kind of stuff, do they?
There is not enough brain bleach or hypnotherapy in the world. I may need some time to recover.
Got a complete lecture from the old man about knuckle joints over lamb shanks one night. I’m sure he thought it fascinating. The transition from dog food to current shank pricing says a lot about modern Australia.
A slag with attention deprivation syndrome writ large. She’s an ace for the NO vote.
No room for Lydia in my half track.
Yep – Jacks. We used to collect them from sheep carcasses thrown into a gully. Boil and clean – ready to play!
I didn’t realise that Langton was a senior Trot and was involved with the Comintern.
Explains why Albanese would promote such a repulsive creature to be chief bully for the Yessers. Fellow travelers, but also highlights once again how out of touch the Houso is with main stream Australia.
The true indictment of course is of the Australian media who refuse to expose that our leadership are treasonous in their past and in their intent.
Albanese’s glaring mistake is to fail to understand that if you are going to exercise arrogant hubris you need to have something to be huberistic about. 32% against a clown like Morrisson just doesn’t cut it.
Once Australians win the referendum, we can hope that there will be a newborn willingness to speak out on the other Liar outrages.
You suspect that after the next full Senate election Lydia will be dropping off the CV for those tricky to fill Tuesday shifts in suburban strip clubs not punching on after a night on the parliamentary credit cardon Saturday nights.
….aaannd JC plays the Race Card.
And the word is culture “Sub Continental Culture”.
Here’s the original that JC virtue signals over:
And here’s another I found by accident:
The problem is the culture, bignose.
And now you can tell us what you’ve done in your life to help the Aboriginals of Australia?
2022 Melbourne Cup winner Gold Trip just gave Hong Kong glamour import Romantic Warrior windburn in the Group 1 Turnbull Stakes ($750,000, 2000m) at Flemington.
Gold Trip is now favourite to win the Cox Plate, the Caulfield Cup or another Melbourne Cup as his choices open up.
Romantic Warrior finished a respectable fourth in the Turnbull Stakes.
Meanwhile, in the Peter V’landys funny money capital, a bunch of scrubbers raced at Rosehill today for $2 million in prizemoney in the group 2 Hill Stakes.
Jacks and knucklebones…the names were interchangeable.
Some of the children at school had the plastic ones, but you could forage around and get them from the Sunday roast.
That was when the leg of lamb came in its entirety, no extra chops sliced off the top and complete with shank.
We’d spend hours cross legged on the ground playing. It was all seasonal – skipping, jacks, yoyos, grandma’s footsteps.
I do hope they “infiltrate” into a suitable home…one with a couple of ex-IDF owners.
Robert, don’t provide the bait for that thing to cut loose on you. Just ignore it. Don’t play into it’s hands.
Apparently there is a strike by the Colesworth staff today.
It was of reasonable importance last night in the pub that several groups were talking about it. And it just so happened one conversation was to the left and another was to the right.
It must have made an impression on my subconscious because I got up this morning, dressed in my best T shirt, shorts, and double pluggers and drove down to the State School to vote. No one there. Not a car or tent or any other sign of human voting endeavor.
Then I realised.
Back for breakfast.
Putin and many high-level Russian officials used the term de-nazification of Ukraine as one of the reasons for the “special operation”.
“Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have used the term “de-Nazification” or “de-Nazify” Ukraine in their rhetoric, particularly in the context of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. They have accused the Ukrainian government and some nationalist groups of having ties to far-right or nationalist elements.”
Putin believes Ukraine belongs to the Russian sphere of influence and doesn’t want NATO right on its border. This, by definition, requires Ukraine to be the buffer. It’s not as though Russia hasn’t used a similar trick before, when Stalin stole Ukrainian harvests in order to stock up the Moscow region, thereby allowing the Ukrainians to starve to death. Ukraine is and always has been the buffer for Russia with regard to the West. It’s the Russian equivalent of fly-over zone, particularly how Moscow views the country.
It’s probably somewhat true to say that for a good part of Ukraine, the ethnic mix is slavic Russian; however, it’s not true to say that even if the ethnic mix is similar or even identical, people want to live in the exact same economic and political systems. Clearly, they don’t.
I’m not buying the Monroe Doctrine’s buffer zone, CL. Canada was historically allowed to exist even though it had close ties with Britain. The US left that iceberg alone. Denmark has rights to Greenland, which is actually quite strategic to American interests, but the US has never taken it. Trump even asked to buy it from the Danes.
How about Cuba—a communist shithole—90 miles from the Florida coastline?
Mexican governments have historically been leftwing monopolies up to only 30 odd years ago that were extremely antagonistic toward the Gringos, and the US had never really shown the design to take over the place through a “special operation”.
The US has certainly interfered in South America, but it’s also been relatively benign. I’m prepared to discuss Chile, but that would be for another day.
Oct 7, 2023 4:46 PM
You used to boil them?
IDF may be into it, just they aren’t letting anything be put on social media for the enemy to analyse.
The enemy have put up footage of at least one IDF member taken p.o.w. & carried back to enemy territory.
He doesn’t seem to be in good shape.
Tell us again how many angry letters you’ve written and how important you are. You filthy little zero.
FMD, he’s useless.
Well Tom, I’ve spent the afternoon watching women riding large horses over jumps. Watched the Turnbull on the phone.
Volunteer work putting up the jumps and picking up knocked down rails at the local show. You set the jumps in a different sequence and heights after each round.
Sitting in the middle of the ring with it all going on around you is good fun if not a little dangerous.
Yeah – right!
NO kust win if these people have half a chance of pulling themselves out of the mire the do-gooders and grifters have forced them into.
My goodwill is no longer. Bootstraps; lift up by.
“kust” = must.
ZK2A> Interesting that precisely no-one on the ‘yes’ side, late movers or not, has a single clue on how it would actually change things. That goes from top to bottom and innercity to remote locations.
You’d guess that ‘yes’ people think actual change is someone else’s problem(ignorance) or they already know how $$$ makes its way through the system and know the current elite will never be removed(corruption).
Either way the Audit proposed by Jacinta is just the thing to help clarify how the money is spent and (mostly) wasted. Another great wedge issue, like considering nuclear, for next election.
APY homelands sounds basic hygiene would resolve many of their health problems.
Something ultimately requiring some personal responsibility.
A voice certainly won’t make a difference.
LOl. Yeah, it’s “gulture” turtlehead. It’s not a cheap way of attempting to racially denigrate 1.2 billion people. Everyone would believe that.
I guess from your own account, it’s acceptable in white “gulture” to dump a bunch of kids in a home because mum has the blues? You’re just pathetic. Just pathetic.
Jacks was game de jour when I was in first form.
No handy paddocks so we used plastic ones.
Hey Dover, check your email, Squire.
You could mark your “natural” knucklebones with Texta. That stuff never came out.
Neo Magics were for the parvenus of the playground.
Oh yeah, we can see that. Those bootstraps, living in a rural caravan park, angry and envious at the world because they can’t see your brilliance.
You don’t pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, you disgusting lowlife. Nobody buys that tough swagger around here, Kez. Not even Turtlehead.
That’s what happened yesterday – Bignose and Sanchez were looking for a fight all yesterday afternoon, so I went to the pub instead.
Unfortunately, ignoring the pair doesn’t work. JC has been pushing me out of his sandpit for well over a decade, and he won’t stop because his ego is too caught up in the fight.
But thanks for the thought, JMH. Just scroll on by if the ‘stoush’ gets too much.
In the 1940s and into the early 1950s it was jacks here in NSW. There was no plastic that I remember in the 40s, just nally ware products and bakelite.
Probably find it would be problematic to the modern youth.
Then again, maybe not.
Forcibly, through my taxes: a lot, lot, more than you could ever dream of, Turtlehead. I’d shudder to think how much of my money has been wasted on original owner programs.
Otherwise, zero. I give as much of a rats about aboriginals as I do anyone in the country moaning about da poverty because if there’s one country on earth where no one should be poor, it’s Australia. Anyone could get a job in three hours in this place. Cleaning dishes in a restaurant may earn someone 10 bucks an hour in cash, but those jobs are there.
Robert Sewell
Oct 7, 2023 5:26 PM
I can tell you ignoring does work. They are left screaming their insults till they are blue in the face and that’s the hilarious part. My recommendation: Ignore the ghouls! The majority of readers here know exactly what they are like.
Dependency alert.
LOL. Everything the Turtlehead accuses me of he’s been doing himself. Only he looks for dependency by talking about me to others. It someone helps.
Someone was asking if kids still learn that kookaburra song.
Yes indeed:
Racket is icumen in
Shut up, kookaburra!
Bleedeth ears and breedeth tears
And peeveth like no other
Shut up kookaburra!
Yeah, Angry Kez ignores everything I say, just like now.
This is comical.
Further to Steve Waterson’s brutal and very sublime takedown of the racist Voice, it confirms why I subscribe to the Oz. Being able to read Steve Waterson, Chris Merritt, Janet Albrechtsen, Chris Mitchell , Dennis Shanahan, even Paul Kelly, makes it money well worth spent.
Apparently Hamas just pushed what I’d place as a company-sized element into the Israeli town of Sderot
Dunno what Hamas is up to. I think I saw there was some internecine biff in Gaza a week or so ago, but it didn’t seem particularly unusual.
IDF ‘ready for war’ as sirens wail in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, one killed (JPost, 7 Oct)
A massive unprovoked attack on Israel – analysis (JPost, 7 Oct)
Watch the northern border, the Hezbies have been under a lot of pressure in Lebanon lately.
Reminded me. The plastic ones were lighter and didn’t hurt when caught on back of the hand.
fun times …
Yes, basic hygiene does, Rosie. But the problem is that if you point out the problem, Aboriginal culture demands YOU solve the problem. It’s not the ears packed with red dirt, hair and wax that is the issue – the issue is why the nurses and doctors allowed it to happen.
Intervention just reinforces the problems because any intervention is seen as the intervener assuming the role of the fixer of the problem.
It’s absolutely maddening when you can see the issues but everyone refuses to discuss them without becoming the owner of the problem.
Maybe it’s to try and derail the peace discussions between Israel and Saudi? They have seemed to be bearing fruit.
I only know the rude version of on top of spaghetti.
Lizzie – thanks for the tour guide of Berchtesgaden. A suitable place it seems for a megalomaniac to try and conquer all of Europe. We didn’t get there in ’96 although we do have some photos from the monuments in Nürnberg, including the corporal’s shouting platform.
He was preposterous, but he was out there in full view. Has anyone ever seen a speech before Barbarossa by his implacable rival, the steel man?
Stalin’s speech at the parade November 7, 1941
The essence of evil.
Israel under attack, on the Sabbath and tonight is Simchat Torah, the climax of three weeks beginning with Rosh Hashanah. Simchat Torah is supposed to be a time to get drunk and party. Hmmm……I don’t think there’ll be much drinking and partying in Israel tonight.
Fleccas Talks:
Great investigative work, Turtlehead, you despicable pos.
Every single line used in those two disgusting links could easily have been lifted from any anti-Semite’s site to justify their brand of bigotry. In fact, you could cut and paste it to justify bigotry against any group of people. And you bring that here and post it no less to justify your own. What a worthless carcass you are and have always been. And, moreover, you’re sidling up to that resident virus, Angry Kez, this afternoon for solace? You worthless grub.
These links are certainly keepers for future reference.
To expand on what I think is meant.
There are various stages where suggested progress payments are made to ensure the builder has cash flow and the client is not paying too much in advance.
Typically these stages might be foundations, frame, lock up, finished fixings. Of course, you can negotiate any milestones and amounts you like and your builder will agree to. By law I think deposits are limited to 5% in Victoria.
The problem arises when a cash strapped builder tries two tricks:-
1. Billing the client ahead of the curve; and/or
2. Telling subbies the client isn’t paying his progress billings.
This double ended candle burning usually comes to grief, particularly in a smallish town.
A few years ago we were renovating two adjoining terraces in Middle Park. The painter (a maaate of a maaate) turns up with two ten litre tins of paint and demands 50% of the total price as a deposit.
“Yeah, but nah”, I said. “You will notice that in the term ‘progress payment’ the word ‘progress’ comes before the word ‘payment’. Let’s get that out of the tins and onto the walls and we can talk payment then.”
Eventually we rissoled him and got another guy who did a top job and was happy to be paid in arrears.
We always paid overnight when the bill arrived, and everyone on site knew that.
Just for a bit of background, our family of 5 were brought up in the North Coast Childrens Home. Our mother had a pretty severe case of Post Natal Depression and was just incapable of looking after us. So we were surrendered to the State. None of us in our adult lives ever criticised mum for that. It was just bad luck for us. Nevertheless, we got three feeds a day and that was pretty good.
In terms of culture, IT IS OK for children to be removed from an untenable home situation in extremis.
This is what JC is having a go at me over.
It’s the Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde personality shining through the facade of Mr Urbane Noo York Businessman.
You really are a pig of a man, JC.
Steve trickler
Oct 7, 2023 5:47 PM
Fleccas Talks:
Got to 2m13 sec before I gave up.
FFS, again?
Oct 7, 2023 5:57 PM
Steve trickler
Oct 7, 2023 5:47 PM
Fleccas Talks:
Got to 2m13 sec before I gave up.
It is tough to watch.
Oh, I see Calli’s point.
Builder slows down because payment not made.
Sometimes it is just a case of talking it through. If you think the builder is 90% through a stage, offer him 80% of that stage – in writing – with the balance payable when it is done.
Yeah It’s great. A little bit of the blues, just dump the kids onto the taxpayer for that little bit of relief.
Sure, gultuerally it’s a great thing. terrific in fact. Just what Turtlhead criticizes aboriginals for.
But, but it’s the gulture.
Truth is, the real, real truth… let me admit it for the first time on the cat. The very first time ever. Since a little kid I always wanted to be a nurse and wear those cute little hats like the pretty nurses, and just like turtehead.
I freaking hope so, to degraded filth like you posting hate mongering grubby links to hate sites against 1.2 billion people. In fact, I’m not doing enough actually. My bad.
Foribly. That’d be right. Nothing voluntarily given. The only way anyone would get a free drink out of JC, would be to stick their fingers down your throat.
“There is not enough brain bleach or hypnotherapy in the world. I may need some time to recover.”
Sorry Luzu,
I wish I could send you a bottle of Four Pillars to help you erase the memory. 😀
When I first heard about the Dirty Sanchez, there was only one description. 25 now. Seems Covid has another thing to answer for. All that down time. lol
Agreeing with Capt. Trailer Park to ignore me lasted all of 58.6 seconds. Good work Turtlehead.
You’ve linked to hate sites about Indians.
Now link to the other hate sites you read to for a but of fun. Go on!
It’s the gulture alright to produce something like you. You degraded pile of human waste.
The Fake ‘Fact Checkers’ Are At It Again
Walter Kirn tweeted he was going to be on Gutfeld so I’m watching it.
A little surprised to see Taibbi popping up on it.
And the Kennedy bird needs to do more late knight (less censored) TV.
Filthy & funny.
Young lefties are fun.
Left-Wing College Kids Demand More War Funding Even As Polls Confirm ‘Ukraine Fatigue’ (7 Oct)
There’s one tiny problem though.
The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft (25 Sep)
Between stupid vax mandates and woke they can’t get enough people to volunteer. Latest are the special forces.
[US] Army Set to Cut Special Operation Forces (6 Oct)
GWGB. But it’ll be fun if the lefty neocon kiddies get drafted. Schadenfreude much!
Am going to synagogue tonight.
vr, who used to post here often, but not so much now, is an Indian woman. She always had interesting things to say, but I wonder why she doesn’t show up as much?
I’m sure there are other people from Indian background who will appreciate the linked “research” the Turtlehead posted here today.
Cats – beginning to wonder if the next summer is an El Nino.
The catastrophists have been made to wait. This is a good thing, although I’d love some more 30 plus* days 🙂
*Until the electrickery fails