We don’t, for example, need control measures in schools such as single-access points, fencing, or internal door locks to enable…
We don’t, for example, need control measures in schools such as single-access points, fencing, or internal door locks to enable…
Oh great the great repetitioner is back. How many times do we have to read the same pointless anecdotes and…
Exploding pagers. Message received.
Eleven dead 4000 injured. I’m very sorry a little girl was killed. Perhaps Hezbollah shouldn’t have been relentlessly attacking Israel…
Since the two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump, we’ve been hearing a great deal about our “shared values” when it comes to…
The latest series of Archer is so stale.
It needs Mallory.
It would be like doing Parks & Rec with no Ron Swanson.
something that a builder ignores for 3 to 9 months in the hope that they can fnck up your cash-flow so badly that they never have to actually pay you
Stumbled onto a recent headline from a UK paper: “Heat wave conditions, 28 degrees expected”
28 degrees? FFS. That’s a perfect day.
The Gerbil Broiling cult is becoming ever more unhinged …
It would be like doing Parks & Rec with no Miss Ludgate.
Matrix, my definition of a progress claim is
Currently have a couple of wealthy d*cks who are treating the New Broom like a bank. The usual excuse – money on deposit, have to wait until it matures.
And never, ever work for government. Not unless you have pockets filled to exploding. They never pay on time.
Oh, and in case it was not resolved…
So. Lhouth?
Something a cow does.
Lhouth is ‘lows’ – an unfamiliar word perhaps as the onomatopoeiac ‘moo’ has taken over. Formally a cow lows, not moos. Just as mewing has been replaced by ‘meowing’. Cats mew, not meow.
Or more familiarly to us
Haaretz has a live thread on the Gaza thing.
Gaza Declares War | Surprise Infiltration, Massive Barrages Shock Israel; Several Killed, Hundreds Wounded, Unknown Number of Hostages (7 Oct)
I really can’t think why the Hamas bosses are doing this. The IDF is going to raze all their mansions to the ground.
The usual excuse – money on deposit, have to wait until it matures.
The arrogance of them saying that.
Payment in 7 days or will institute legal proceedings and have the lawyer ready to do it. Then hit them for legal fees too.
Apologies Cats, looks like the protest songs thread is not going ahead … 😕
Okay, I’ve had enough for a while. Have now downloaded from social media more than 70 video clips, this will wash out to more than 50 unique video clips of Israel this morning.
From this it can be determined that Hamas have had a field day.
JC it all takes time and effort. While you’re dealing with these time wasters, you could be making money. The CCT is a nightmare, when it finally gets there you’ve spent days on documentation and personal representation.
You know about opportunity cost. This all eats into it.
TD’s can be broken.
Failing that they’d have a line of credit somewhere.
Worst case, they can use their credit cards for at least some of it.
They are just being pricks.
If it’s endemic to the business, you guys are in, get a good lawyer to be ready to send out letters of demand with the 7 day limit highlighting the potential penalty.
The idea that you have to wait for a time deposit maturity is deplorable. They can break the maturity of the time deposit at any time.
A speedy lawyer would get the money quickly.
My next economics post.
The examples are infuriating. Like the imbeciles perpetrating them.
Top work ML
moo (v.)
“to make the characteristic cry of a cow, to low,” 1540s, of imitative origin (compare Latin m?gire “to low, moo,” Lithuanian m?kiu “to bellow,” Middle High German m?hen “to low, bellow,” and see PIE root *gwou-). Related: Mooed; mooing. The noun “the low of a cow” is from 1789. Baby-talk moo-cow (n.) “a cow” is attested from 1812.
I’m just watching James Morrow’s US Report and his editorial on the US Speaker being given the heave-ho. The man either understands nothing or is part of the swamp. This will make it hard for me to watch The Outsiders knowing that when he mouths some things he doesn’t really believe them. The Outsiders is far too valuable to be tainted by James Morrow.
I found a video on you tube of old Rugby Union plays.
It was a bit deceptive by calling the players thugs/Goons.
This was old style Rugby, yes some dirty play. But fast moving, hard tackling and most obvious was how fast their hands were passing to keep the ball alive.
The teams mentioned used to be dominant, SA, Oz, The Pumas, France, England, Wales & Ireland, Jesus about halfway through the Kumuls and Rhodesia got a mention.
See this and then you can see the decline in the modern game.
Old School Thugby
Bummer, I was hoping for the Radio Show. I can’t think of any protest songs since my arc has been from alt-right to full on knuckle dragger. Never was a lefty, not even at uni. Ok yep now I can think of one I liked:
Cry Freedom (1987)
Hasn’t worked out well for them though. Beware what you think you want.
From the content of the video clips, it can be determined that Hamas have had a field day.
Important safety tip: Don’t be anywhere near a Hamas hideout, safe house, suspect headquarters, or anywhere those fellers hang out. The likelihood of incoming ballistics in the near future: 105% chance.
Crossie – I’ve usually thought that the Morrow was on target on most things and I can’t recall him badmouthing Fatty Trump – he’ll need to be on his guard tomorrow morning.
Any pro swampage and he gets denounced, incessantly.
That he’s a blad headed flog does not help. 😕
Protest song thread????
Dammit that’s me all over.
I might email you via DB, Rabz, any content I pitch in would be best subbed at the start, I’m not much good at sitting on threads of an evening.
oh … I know
we normally don’t work for builders but sometimes can’t avoid it
had a very frank discussion over coffee with the one we are dealing with right now
I asked him where the hold-up was … is it you or the fckn Arabians?
he just stared into the long distance
I wouldn’t listen anyway.
In principle.
(Tell me, pleeeease, that I do not have to post ‘sarc’ tags.)
Oct 7, 2023 7:09 PM
I’m with you, Crossie. I saw the segment, was disgusted and quickly switched to another channel. I once thought Morrow had insight. Obviously not.
Tonee Yabbott – a bald headed flog, selling wars, door to door.
Try and convince me otherwise.
Has the Prick with a Fork lost his fork?
Shame. I rather liked him.
Long gone, I’d suspect, Calli.
Lol.. I agree.
Come to think of it, didn’t Prick with a Fork make the odd appearance on Sinc’s Cat – or am I thinking of another blog?
With limited knowledge of the Hamas incursion into Israel (just had dinner) I will venture a guess with minimal knowledge.
Hamas thrives on Arab-Israeli resentment. They are not really ideologically driven people, but in the old climate, as much by the Arab states as anything, blindly homicidal lunatics were the perfect fit for Hamas leadership. Now the Arab states have changed their stance Hamas realises their support is threatened.
Provoking the Israelis into attacking Arabs could, they would hope, turn people against rapprochement and bring back the good old days of mindless slaughter.
He was in the sidebar, JMH. His blog about dining.
He may have commented occasionally.
The weird thing is they’ve announced this is all about defending the Al-Aqsa mosque. Which isn’t threatened by anyone, certainly not the Israelis who’ve been very careful to play a straight bat on it.
Sounds very contrived. Go figure. Something is going on under the surface but I don’t know what it is.
letting loose the Gargoyles will not work … it will just cause all Gargoyles everywhere to fly all at once
best solution when dealing with a room full of gunslingers … is to control the flow of bullets
… make of that what you will.
I do. Implacable hatred and resentment fed from outside.
And, speaking of “outside”, all Israel has ever had to do is cut off power and water.
If Israel fails to wipe Hamas of the face of the planet they deserve the next 100 years of sporadic attacks on their citizens.
Oct 7, 2023 7:35 PM
Thanks, Calli. If memory serves, it was either at Sinc’s or the great Prof. Bunyip’s site that I remember contributions from Prick.
You breed a class of maniacs to do your fighting then, when the diplomatic situation changes, you are stuck with maniacs programmed for the ‘old’ way.
Spot on MT.
There is only so much fun one can have before becoming totally bored.
He still does express some sound opinions but now I wonder whether he believes them or is simply reading what is written for him.
With James Morrow it’s the inconsistencies that are startling.
The poll doesn’t surprise, but who the hell is Burgum?
Repeat attendance at the same multi-culti, pre-poll booth in a deep Western Sydney Liars coven.
This time, a few NO spruikers are present, always outnumbered by the YES camp.. as well as the same corflutes put up earlier this week, which I honestly thought would have been vandalised or disappeared by now. Happy to have been wrong.
One of us, John, through personal initiative rather than central organizational brilliance, has taken on the thankless task of organising our group for next week, bringing badly needed NO pamphlets in Arabic, Chinese, Hindu, Turkish and Vietnamese, as well as caps, T-shirts, a table and refreshments.
Hopefully, any out-of-pocket expenses will be refunded.
What is also badly needed, and we didn’t have, is a simple, short summary of the main arguments in favour of NO, something that the YESsers have, meaning that they have a few simple paragraphs of feel-good BS which, as we all know, is juicy meat for many low-info punters.
As all such literature has to first be approved by the AEC, no breath-holding will be necessary.
One of us, a veteran of other political campaigns, as well as an esteemed Catallaxian, had the brilliant idea of holding a NO sign at a nearby street corner, next to a busy roundabout, something the YES camp saw, but didn’t copy ?too low brow?
While chatting, we had several cars honking their approval, as well as a much smaller number of the less enlightened giving us the bird, one even had the temerity to call us morons… we were both deeply distressed by this.. really!
Overall, even in deep Liars territory, support for NO appears to exceed that for YES, something that informal chatting with people in queues appears to confirm, even if only anecdotally. The friendly enthusiasm of those intending to vote NO was in marked contrast to some of the YESsers’ supercilious nodding and hand-waving.
A satisfying contrast.
Intending to stay a couple of hours, the whole day went past. A day well spent.
I like Morrow but this was a very bad take by him.
Time and time again, the Sky crew falls in behind the old partisan view of contemporary politics. They still don’t get it. It’s no longer about a ‘side’ winning – it’s about the principle winning.
I feel for youse
the numbers for you guys are about 50 to 100 times what ours are
Gee, we’ve got some Hamas fanbois lurking.
Drop your flaccid downticks losers. Do your impotent worst.
At this rate, these attacks on Israel are on track to be the biggest in twenty something years.
I only mentioned the Arab once
I’m cynical – it it anything to do with the fact that it’s fifty years since the Yom Kippur war – which some of us thought was the end of the State of Israel?
israel fights back, Australian paywalled
Carpe Jugulum
Oct 7, 2023 7:12 PM
Liz Storer is a bit shouty but I like that she is totally immovable on what she believes in. They tried to monster her about Dear Old Ukraine but she doubled down. Joe Hildebrand tried the old pox on both their houses the other night re the Voice but she wasn’t having that either.
What’s going on beneath the surface is Iran.
Also: America tied up in another dumb Vietnam + a demented US ‘President’ whose handlers (Barack & Co.) hate Israel.
If Trump was President, this would not have happened.
C.L., some very smart people here and in the US have not realised yet that the fall of McCarthy is a seismic shift in US politics and I doubt that things will ever be the same again. The whole point of the sacking was to change the direction and dynamics which means that things will hopefully turn for the better but it’s just as possible that the political climate gets worse.
Am unable to readily locate his source
Rabz’sRadio now up. Sorry for the delay.
I remember seeing footage years ago of Hamas loonies in a small truck with a couple of rockets or mortars in the back, dancing about with glee at the thought of slaughter.
The little truck drove off while they still danced and…and must have hit a pothole.
There could have been a mountain of Hamas sandwiches that day.
I’m honestly still trying to get my head around this McCarthy booting.
Every demon voted with 8 GOP to fire McCarthy. How is it good to be on the same side with the demons?
Trump raised the debt by almost US$7 billion, but according to the WSJ, Gaetz didn’t raise a peep during the four years and he’s now a deficit hawk?.
McCarthy was working on lowering the deficit by 30%, which with a hair thin majority is a big deal.
Now, both the right and left flanks of the GOP are aware they can remove a speaker with the help of all the demons. How is this a good thing?
How does any of this now strengthen the speaker?
Liz Storer is a bit shouty but I like that she is a brunette amazon goddess …
This also. 🙂
Let’s have some T ‘n’ A, Cats! 🙂
If Liz Storer was in the US they would do more with her hair – bulk it up and style it more carefully around her face.
They seem happy to leave it a dead weight in her scalp in Australia.
Well, that is my sense of it.
Morrow with Trump is like Kenny with the screech; they both have a rancid blind spot which negates their otherwise sense on most other things.
Kimberley is always good value.
WSJ opinion.
Superyacht spotting in Monaco!
The IDF has now declared Operation Swords of Iron.
They seem a bit pissed off with the Palis. Good.
Breaking requires 30 (31?) days notice.
Oh deary, deary, dear.
How will our Penny react to the Palistanian situation that she helped to create.
This would be the Penny who abused the UK for their colonial sins while forgetting to mention that her forebears colonised Malaya.
What a week to come. A voice disaster to cover up and then Albanese having to justify Labor support for Palestinians murdering Israeli kids.
Good times.
But are they happy?
Morrow used to comment quite a lot at Tim Blair’s blog. He and Tim were mates. I seem to recall him commenting occasionally at Boy on a Bike’s blog also. Had some good comment runs about food at Boy’s blog.
Surely your man had the yacht show in the diary? Always fun even if you’re just kicking tyres.
Not the Russians or the Barbados guys presently getting the bills on behalf of the US State Department.
Apparently one of the boats requires the air conditioning on 24/7 to stop a Miro painting going mouldy. A beyond First World problem.
As an aside we went to the MiroFoundation place just out of Barcelona. Was a good day outing from memory. Plenty of clapped out Olympics ruins around too.
The Sun (UK):
Paragliding, apparently.
This better not be a Ghost of Kyiv thing.
I bet they wouldn’t be happy with the cost of boat fuel every time they have to get the credit card out at the pump. It could cost 250K to get the boat from the US to Europe, if not more..
The I.D.F. has always gone in for suitable designations for Operations – the Operation that wreaked retribution on the Palis for the massacre at the Munich Olympics was designated “Wrath of God.”
JC – they said about USD 2,000 a day for the air conditioning alone without going anywhere. Deep pockets needed.
Everything probably dwarfed by the legal fees ensuring you get a decent title before you get the cheque book out.
This race is manic!
World of Outlaws NOS Energy Drink Sprint Cars | Port Royal Speedway | October 6, 2023 | HIGHLIGHTS
How could Hamas launch 1000s of rockets with no intel of the build up?
US $730,000 for a/c alone. The boats I was talking about must be speedboats then.
Think of the emissions. If only they ran these things on batteries.
Bear, can you imagine the amount of CO2 these fcuckers send up in the sky? They wouldn’t dream of a commercial flight to get to the boat. They’d go private jet too.
The Mossad boss by rights should be in a spot of trouble by now.
This morning spoken to a guy working part time for AEC referendum. Says when putting ballot in the box supposed to be folded. Many don’t do this so the staff have to do it later. That way they get to see whether a yes or no.
He is in a long held Labour electorate. Says the ballots he is seeing are over 75% No.
Have met him once before and he himself is a No voter. No reason to doubt him.
I call BS on this story.
The ballot boxes into which the votes are placed are sealed and witnessed before voting commenced. They are not unsealed and opened until close of voting on 14 October. AEC staff cannot access ballots once they are placed in the box whether they are folded or not. It’s entirely up to the voter whether the ballot is folded or not. The slot is wide enough to accommodate both.
Unless the voter shows the ballot to an AEC worker the ballot remains secret until counting begins.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Oct 7, 2023 9:37 PM
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declares war on Hamas
Time now for Israel to drop a load of nukes on those Iranians. Set their oil fields alight at the same time which should help Global Boiling. And stuff up the Chinese and North Koreans.
Wodney, if the Israelis “nuked” Iran, what would be the purpose of setting their oil fields alight after obliterating the country. I don’t quite get your extended logic here.
It’s ‘part time bovver boy’ logic.
He won’t do it himself, he wants someone else to do it while he chants in the background.
sounds like the experts here know how things really work
lawyers at 20 paces and …. sorry mate, all my money’s tied up ?
how about … geez, hope your new hotel doesn’t have any services interruptions in the middle of summer
what’s that? your chillers aren’t going?
well … when we get paid I’ll see if we can get somebody to have a look
ring me on Monday.
what? … you wanna know what the password is for the automation system?
tell you what, when the engineer’s back from leave … I ask him and let you know.
Oh bullshit.
Try the CIA believing it was going to regime change Russia in a fortnight, Greg. That’s what you call an intelligence failure.
I’m tired of this hackneyed response to anything big and bad that goes down.
‘Intelligence’ is not some kind of foolproof mystical system.
Let’s try the reverses Trans, and see what you come up with, being the smartest guy on a build site.
You screw up the job and receive a lawyers letter saying that you must repair the work in 7 days or the hotel owner will find a repairer and will go after you and your insurance provider immediately for costs.
Do you
1/ thumb your nose at the letter and repeat to yourself, I’m a God Oracle and people shit themselves when I walk into a room, so they wouldn’t dare try that on with me, the living a/c god?
2/ Or do you shit yourself and repair the faulty work immediately?
Bulldoze al-aqsa.
Very serious situation atm in Israel already and Hezbollah not yet involved.
Iron Dome?
Sheridan can’t help decrying that Australia doesn’t have 150,000 rockets as Hezbollah supposedly does.
Are we being threatened by Papua New Guinea?
It’s a pity that the Israeli soldiers that captured the sh!thole in 1967 didn’t level it to the ground. Winged horse, my hairy aunt!
Watching the World Cup in the crikkit. It is in India.
The tournament has a plethora of secondary sponsors, of which most are cement companies. Its primary sponsor is Aramco:
No ‘Just Stop Oil’ protestors running onto the field with orange paint and such. I would imagine this is because should they even dare to have a crack at this, they would get flogged by security guards, almost beaten to death by the crowd on their way out and spend years in Indian jails getting waterboarded with premium unleaded.
Another 48 hours and another threat of taking everyone out with him.
JC, what you wrote earlier today re the “evil” of what is being done to Trump is spot-on. That is the word to use. I am now committed to Trump in 24. Apart from everything else, he has shown character that people lightly assumed he didn’t have to endure it all. He is becoming genuinely heroic.
CL – care to enunciate what the “principle” is?
They’ve gone after this man since the first week he won the presidency that not only hasn’t stopped but they’ve escalated. They want him dead in any way possible. The amount of state sanctioned abuse he’s taken makes him the hero of the 21st C. I was actually moved when I saw the vid of the guy today. He looked tired of the sheer torture he’s going through. Did you see the vid of the smiling/giggling judge when he realized the camera was on him? Just evil. Yeah, I’m all for Trump in 24.
Hamas have captured an Israeli General, Nimrod Aloni.
Fifty years ago, in 1973, I remember clearly we Jews praying in synagogue for our fellow Jews in Israel, when Arab states attacked.
Tonight, in 2023, as Israel is under attack yet again, I prayed in synagogue with other Jews for the Jews in Israel, under attack again from murderous adherents of a death cult.
I’m sure tonight there are are Jew haters across the world, and those lingering here, who are celebrating today’s attacks, but I heed the words of the rabbi tonight in synagogue, who reminded an consoled us us that tonight we celebrate the giving of the Torah by Hashem, and that we Jews will always prevail, that unlike eight years ago when Jews were slaughtered, we now have an army who will fight for us and we now have Israel, always was, always will be the eternal homeland of the Jewish people. He said to us tonight that we Jews will prevail. I am reminded of the words from Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)….
A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break and a time to build.
I add this here….
A time for vengeance, a time for justice. of which there will both. There will be no turning the other cheek to this.
And for those Jew haters, particularly those on the progressive left, many of whom now populate our government, beginning from the top, who like to spend their time trivialising and equating the violence, who fund the violence with our taxes, and who insist that Hamas has “legitimate grievances”, hear this, there is zero comparison, one side is a murderous terrorist group that likes to kill Jews for the pleasure of killing Jews, the other side is an army that, like any army, can make mistakes, but is perhaps, echoing the words of Colonel Richard Kemp, the most moral and efficient army in the world, and this army will defend the Jewish people.
And let me add this, Israel has become affluent, spoilt, and this combined with months of leftist protests, funded by the Biden administration and Soros, has dented it.
Time to get tough again.
Most punchable face of 2023.
Basically, the policy of all nuclear powers.
HEAR HEAR, Cassie.
“Basically” has any organization or individual country threatened Russia with a first strike?
Oct 7, 2023 10:03 PM
Your lisp seems to be getting worse. Maybe more treatment is needed. Any good doctors in NY?
It would show the world once again not to mess with them.
Anyway, Hamas has gone way too far this time and Israel is at war. Has been since day one.
As WolfmanOz said with the Bette Davis post – It will be a bumpy ride.
Oct 7, 2023 10:57 PM
“Basically” has any organization or individual country threatened Russia with a first strike?
Nazi Germany in WW2.
I bet Alcosleezy and Wong are having a quiet celebration tonight.
Such a bullshit excuse.
Truth is, most TDs can be drawn down early for a modest reduction in interest rate.
They are taking the piss.
Then, from the part-timer:
Ah, no. In fact, it was the opposite. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
We are not murderers.
Yes you are.
Knuckle Dragger
Oct 7, 2023 11:13 PM
Hello Sheep Shagger. Talking about part timers, back from the Pub now?
Or just woken up?
Nazi Germany did it and Stalin was warned before it happened.
Being a paranoid ‘commie’, he did not believe his own advisers. The West saved his backside.
Please keep up with events. Sheep Shagger.
‘We are at war’ – Benjamin Netanyahu to Israeli citizens
Benjamin Netanyahu has addressed Israeli citizens on the ongoing hostilities between IDF and Hamas, declaring ‘the enemy will pay the price’ at a scale it hasn’t so far seen
Oct 7, 2023 10:56 PM
HEAR HEAR, Cassie.”
Thank you C.L. Please pray for Israel, please pray for the Jewish people. As the rabbi reminded us tonight, God hears our prayers.
Lego-man to the rescue
in the building game?
got yrself in a cash-flow pickle?
bitten of more than you can chew?
call 1800 Lego Man
Catturd ™
The world is on fire because we have this installed, brainless, world laughingstock, embarrassing, Iran loving, decaying bag of oatmeal for pResident.
Whilst Captain Carbon and his buddies were tearing their Alinta badges off their gear in disgust about “dirty coal” they happily lined up in front of Aramco signs at the T20 World Cup.
Because Aramco is a major sponsor of the IPL.
And Aramco will take action against recalcitrants but Alinta will not.
Yes, but Stalin was not warned by the Krauts, let alone threatened by them. That was original premise – has anyone ever threatened Russia with a first strike, remember?
Oh, you poor thing, you probably don’t.
Speaking of events, I told you yesterday. There are no sheep in the NT. I realise this is difficult for you.
it’s a ‘bullshit excuse’
…. tell them Lego-man and Yosemite Sam said so
gawd you two clowns are full of shit
A German deserter who crossed the lines, and warned the Soviets that the attack was imminent, was shot, on Stalin’s orders.
You typically don’t advertise a first strike. Still, this is probably about the problem of escalation then anything else. It’s like reminding someone that you are carrying a gun and that the situation can quickly escalate from what is at the moment nothing more than a push and a shove.
Eric Matheny
Why is it that I’ve seen more footage of war in Israel just in the last ten minutes than I’ve seen of war in Ukraine during the last year?
Jim Ferguson
Breaking Israel: Entire families and car loads of Israeli civilians have been slaughtered in the most brutal surprise attack on the Sabbath when many Israelis were celebrating #Shabat
The Israeli Defence forces appear to have been completely caught off-guard and the feared #Mossad intelligence services have failed spectacularly in preventing this horrific attack.
We are likely to see a retaliation so severe that Palestine may cease to exist.
Iran watches with interest and considers whether to take advantage of a blindsided Israel and push the attack to destroy the nation of Israel once and for all.
Fevered imagination.
No reportage can be complete without the obligatory
palestinian ambulance destroyed by Israeli air strike.
You’re not supposed to notice the rest of the picture.
The BCCI tells them how to suck eggs.
wheres me money
sorry mate its on td
oh ok no worries
how long
five years
oh well thats alright then
cant be helped
Joe Biden Faces Fury Over Iran Deal as Israel Attacked
Palestine may cease to exist? There’s a down side to this?
Seeing use of UAVs by Hamas. This is going to make things difficult for IDF.
The animals have posted a video which would hasten that,
were it ever broadcast, uncensored.
JC, I’m not seeing any news angle in Russia saying it will retaliate if it is subjected to a nuclear attack.
Yes, Russia is somewhat gung-ho about nuclear weapons – a fetish that has allowed it to make the world’s most deadly arsenal of massive and advanced hypersonic missiles. Its alleged over-enthusiasm led to the breakdown of the INF treaty – which the US was gleefully eager to abandon. The US has its own new programs to counter China’s. Personally, I think the INF’s demise was a gentleman’s agreement between Moscow and Washington to allow each to do its desired thing.
What Putin is really saying is that if foreign armies are mobilised to ‘retake’ Crimea, say, that will be regarded as an attack on Russia. If, thereafter, consideration was given in the West to attacking Russia pre-emptively (on the moral pretext of protecting those foreign troops), the attacker – understood as the Western allies conjointly – will run the risk of being conjointly annihilated.
It doesn’t exist already.
is it …
Speaking of events, I told you yesterday. There are no sheep in the NT. I realise this is difficult for you.
Never saw any post on that subject. And why are there no sheep in the C U in the NT?
Did you shag them all silly”. Baaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
Our Parish Priest (He’s a very solid citizen who has hung out with the likes of Pell and Rabbi Sachs) offered Mass this evening for Israel and our Hebrew “godparents” (an affectionate Catholic term for the Jewish). I pray your friends/family are safe as we also have friends who were literally bunkered down in Galilee.
I’ve seen a lot of awful sh!t in my years but none has so filled me with rage as it has this evening. I sincerely hope “Palestine” is turned into a car park.
There are sheep in the NT. My granddaughter has a flock.
Honestly don’t know how Leftards tweet “f*** Israel” and the like.
Do they really think the pig f**kers care? They have throat slitting plans for those Leftards too, ya know. As if Charlie Hebdo (and others) wasn’t enough to prove that…
Week In Pictures.
Re that week in pics shot of 40’s beauties. I think in the 40’s and 50’s all girls had more natural figures, with no thin thighs. The pointy bras of course were just for show. We didn’t always fill them. Especially if like me you were still ‘developing’.
We are in Villath in Austria, having descended on an autobahn for 185 km from Bechestgaden, through massive tunnels from scenic valley to valley, for these Alps are never-ending. We are still at 500 ft. But the trip has been much easier driving on these engineered highways with major bridges and tunnels to keep the traffic flowing. Hairy says, with heavy irony, that Austria will have good roads when they finish the endless road works for they kept us at 80km per hour for much of the way. They are prepar ou ng for winter, I say, because now the weather has turned. It’s warm in the day but nights and mornings are becoming cold. Almost into the foothills now in an apartment doing some washing.
Terrible news from Isreal.
Memo to Hamas.
Most non-neanderthals don’t like seeing footage of dead or unconscious IDF personal, half stripped out of their uniforms in the back tray of your 4WD’s while your Hamas apes cheer it on.
And it’s especially ripe if they are female.
The footage that these subhumans are uploading onto TikTok & twitter is some of the worst I’ve seen.
Operation Swords of Iron: Israel hits 100 dead and 900 injured RTWT
Having been very unwell and incommunicado since Friday afternoon after dental surgery, I’ve awoken this morning to the terrible news of the terrorist attack on Israel. I pray the state of Israel will do what must be done. God bless and protect Israel and the Jewish people. Amen
Amen. We live in dangerous times.
Even in this situation, the communists can’t help being what they are.
How on earth is this the fault of Netanyahu?
He may have many but not this.
It’s a shame Powerline doesn’t allow hotlinks any more.
The Shakespeare one is pertinent to Israel and Hamas.
I fervently hope they discover the hard way.
Albanese courting the Imams this week has aged well.
He’s an even better tactician than ScoMo.
One wonders about the future if Obama’s Israeli judges once (if) this is over.
How to make a Rangers fan.
In its wisdom the BBC, only English news channel we have, said that they had decided not to show the Hammas displaying of hostages. Yet they show fake shots of Palestinian women carrying ‘dead’ babies. Bias, as usual…
We turn it off and return to the internet. We commend your prayers for Israel, Tinta.
Tomorrow we head to Treviso, your home territory, for 3 days in an Italian Villa hotel before driving to Trieste to get on the ship.
Interesting that the headline reports and detailed news of the Gaza war are so completely dominated by Al-Jazeera.
Oh, and the Guardian, but they are the same outfit.
They must be such professional journalists to have obtained so much inside information so quickly. One would be tempted to think that they were part of the plan. An unworthy thought, I know.
Al-Jizz will rise even further in SBS’s scale of favourites.
Piers Akerman:
Is the attack on Israel the result of the leftist government that they had for a while, allowing terrorists to hatch plans because they weren’t having to watch their own backs? For this to have happened I can only think Mossad have been nobbled during this time. We all know Israel will prevail and the Palis’ will continue to blame everyone but themselves. My thoughts are with you Cassie and your worldwide family.
Sorry, Calli, we won’t have much info on Trieste for your visit as we are driving in from Treviso on the morning of the cruise, dropping the car off at the airport from its Milan to Trieste hire, and taking a cab then to the wharf.
Hairy assures me the timings will be perfect. I hope so, for I am more of a contingency planner than he is. But I can’t win all of our timing discussions.
good thing we don’t have that here on the cat
Their “hypersonic missiles” are overhyped like everything else in their third world arsenal. Hypersonic if dropped from a fast jet whilst launched, at altitude. Their actual speed is around half of what Russia claims.
Remember the literal thousands of Armata tanks that were going to smash Ukraine?
They have literal cities dedicated to building these! By the end of late 2022, Ukraine will be reincorporated back into Russia!
Well that never happened. They probably haven’t fielded a single T-14. They have on the other hand fielded thousands of T-55s with rocks in metal cages as top down attack HEAT warhead defence.
Top tier, first world tech. Their economy must be going ticketty boo as well, not being able to mass produce (or at all) any new elaborate machinery.
m0nty Putin: Any day now. Any day!
What we get is histrionics and the firehose of misinformation to save face.
Another fetish that needs to be looked at is revanchist tendencies and the cult of Peter the Great.
Haaretz’s incredibly bad hot takes on Bibi being a dictator now should respectfully shut up after they lobbied for the bench and a prosecutor to rule the country as a shadow government.
Israel will prevail. The old saying that Israel will be secure when the Palestinians care about Israel as much as their own children is ringing in my head.
The hostage taking is what’s going to get them burned to the ground IMO.
There is absolutely NO excuse for that (as with the murders, but the world is used to those).
The news of Israel is blood boiling. Hamas won’t be around much longer with this shit, I expect a massive retaliation.
What are your thoughts monty?
Looking at the Daily Telegraph website, you need to scroll down 20 items before any mention of these atrocities are mentioned. Before that, we have Wayne Cooper marrying again, Bathurst, Albo voting and the school ban on mobile devices. FMD
It sometimes hits 2 degrees of separation. Wifey was texted by her Jewish pal in the US that her niece was taken hostage in Israel. The family is beyond panicked.
Yup, Hamas really poked the bear this time. As they are about to find out.
That nincompoop Biden just gave Iran US$6 billion for reasons nobody half sentient seems to understand. He has Israeli blood on his hands.
Truly, in terms of foreign policy alone, this Administration must be the worst since Woodrow Wilson’s.
“Brendan O’Neill has written an excellent article at Spiked about the attack on Israel.”
He mentions, as Cassie did earlier about the internal problems Israel has been having has been a major contributor to Security Services having taken their eye off the ball, so to speak.
For what it’s worth, I am glad Netanyahu is back. He is the only one who will deal with this atrocity with the cold ferocity needed. Also, I believe the filthy sand apes had inside help. No way they could have kept the planning for such a gigantic operation off the radar.
Brendan is also correct in how he calls out the media’s reporting of the attack. The article is well worth read.
I expect our
bettersequivocators will be calling for a measured and proportionate response.Roman would be my preference.
The Aboriginal “sports star” has culturally appropriated (ie. stolen) a sport which has no cultural anchors in aboriginality.
They should retire immediately and give back any of their ill gotten gains acquired from this sport.
Then I might consider their claims of theft and racism. Until then, pi55 off.
In the papers today , there is war and there’s waste
But I turn right over to the TV page …
Fascinating that the Obama directed Israeli smartasses who have been demanding that reservists refuse to report for training are suddenly demanding a 100% call-up now that their relatives are being murdered and kidnapped.
Reality has always been the deadly enemy of the Left.
New Elbow “Zinger”
You know it makes sense.
Israel has levelled the Palestine tower in Gaza City.
They are fighting back hard.
We think alike Pogria.
What the hell is this dribbling idiot inflicting on us now?
Prayers for Israel from our household. It will be fascinating to see the reactions from certain suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne.
Oct 8, 2023 12:25 AM
Palestine may cease to exist?
It doesn’t exist already.”
Correct, and may it never, because here’s the thing, “Palestine” does not deserve to exist.
I can’t look at the coverage, I just can’t.
Gaza is a shit hole, it should be levelled. As for the scum on the left who howl “occupation”, Gaza has not been occupied for eighteen years. Israel pulled out in 2005, and since then Gaza and Gazans, under Hamas, instead of trying to build and create a prosperous state (where Jews would have happily helped them), instead preferred to engage in plain old fashioned Jew hatred. That is the raison d’etre for Gaza……JEW HATRED. Palestine itself, as a whole, is defined by Jew hatred, nothing else. They still want to push the Jews into the sea.
There’s an American youtuber by the name of Corey Gil-Shuster. He has a Youtube channel where he goes into the West Bank, to cities such as Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hebron (never Gaza) to speak to Palestinians, young and old. It’s a vox populi type channel. His project it to “ask a Palestinian/ask an Israeli” questions. It’s interesting, and more often than not, sickening. His forays into “Palestine”, where he asks questions such as “do you believe Israel has a right to exist?”, “do you believe in two state solution?”, “what will you do with the Jews once you destroy Israel?” are interesting because they provide us with a frightening insight into the mentality of Palestinian Muslims, young and old…in fact the young are worse. These people have no interest in “peace”, they don’t believe a Jewish state has a right to exist, they want the Jews pushed into the sea. Nothing has changed, nothing will change.
An interesting aspect to Gil Shuster’s videos is the radical difference in mentality between Palestinian Christians and Muslims. Sometimes, if he’s in Ramallah or Bethlehem, he speaks to a Palestinian Christian. I have a lot of sympathy for Palestinian Christians, they are caught between a rock and a hard place. But the difference in outlook between the Christians and Muslims is staggering.
Last night, in synagogue, I spoke to a prominent person in our community. He says that there are multiple reasons for what is happening in Israel, among them…
1. Leftist protests, financed by Biden and Soros.
2. The fact that Israel and Saudi Arabia are about to sign a pact. Oh and again, one of the major achievements of Trump was the Abraham Accords, and friendlier ties between Israel and Saudi. We can thank Trump for this.
3. Affluence, Israel has become too affluent and comfortable.
4. The Sniffer’s administration’s payoff to Iran last week. All it has done is to empower Iran further. Iran finances both Hamas and Hezbollah. And remember, Israel has Hezbollah on it’s northern border, I suspect Israel and Israelis are very nervous today.
Lastly, the left here, including Jew haters like Lidia Thorpe, like to talk about Aboriginal land never being ceded. Well here’s a fact, the Jews never ceded their rights to the land known as Judea and Samaria. We never did, and we never will. That land has always been, and always will be, the eternal homeland of the Jewish people. After losing six million, all Jews wanted was a homeland IN their homeland.
Here’s my message to Hamas, Hezbollah, leftists, progressives, to the pervert apologist, and to all the others, the Jews are back in their homeland, the Jews will stay in their homeland, the Jews are not going anywhere.
The West has become steeped in a deadly cocktail of wokeness, of affluence, of vacuousness and of historical amnesia, caused by the collapse of its foundations, particularly the collapse of religion. Now the West is drenched in woke progressive ideology. People don’t quite understand just how insidious and dangerous wokeism is, wokeism is exactly like acid, it destroys everything. Westerners, be they here in OZ, the UK, USA or Canada, have fallen into a Rip Van Winkle sleep, forgetting history, ignoring basic facts, and so what happens? In Canada two weeks ago, under an utterly despicable cockroach by the name of Justin Trudeau, a man with a long history of putting on blackface for cheap vulgar entertainment, a man who loves to screech “Nazis” at his political opponents, decided to honour a real Nazi, a man who’d been a member of the Waffen SS. Do you laugh or do you cry when you see this? Whilst I fumed watching the scenes of what ensued in the Canadian parliament, I can’t say I was very surprised because this is what happens when a culture forgets its history. Trudeau, Andrews, the pervert apologist here on this blog, and others who just love to scream Nazis, who love to fantasise about punching Nazis, well, the descendants of the Waffen SS are Hamas and Hezbollah, they are today’s Nazis, and yesterday, on a Jewish holy day, Jews in Israel are under attack from REAL Nazis.
Here’s a thought, if Monty wants to punch some Nazis, I suggest he head off to Gaza pronto, because there are lots of Nazis there, real Nazis, killing Jews as I write.
Rishi Sunak weighs in:
All well and good from the ABC website. But Sunak did this on Twitter. What’s wrong with being a statesman and delivering this at a lecturn?
Could be the net zero he keeps looking for.
Babylon Bee is now doing actual news…
White House Issues Condemnation Of Attack Biden Funded (7 Oct, via Instapundit)
The disgraceful tweet he is referring to has since been deleted.
Donald Trump Jr.
This is from the US Embassy in Israel urging Israel to not retaliate under unprecedented circumstances… a literal attack on their very existence. It’s absolutely unbelievable. Like so many examples here in the United States. The left thinks you should be OK with your own demise at the hands of animals. They’re oppressed or something. You’re not allowed to fight back against someone trying to kill you and should refrain from violence and allow it. Like the leftist killed in New York this week, whose own girlfriend witnessed the murder, but wouldn’t identify the suspect because he wouldn’t want to further the oppression or something.
The left wants you weak, they’re training you to be weak, while these savages laugh and will use our weakness to overrun us and our civilization.
BB @ 8.08, you are expecting a lot of mutley. Thinking…… I have people to do that for me.
Hmmm. How many Israeli civilians have been killed or injured? The same to the enemy, plus 100% interest.
How many Israeli hostages have been taken, the same in return, with interest, and executions if the Palis start executing hostages.
Imodium might be more appropriate.
That US embassy tweet tells you everything you need to know about the current US government’s attitude to Israel.
They became a failed state through deception in 2020, unless they change tack on this one, they’ll be finished sooner rather than later. That’s no threat from a pleb like me, it’s a promise from someone far higher up the line. At the Top, if you like.
Calamity Jen
Israel: US arms left in Afghanistan reach Gaza
June 17, 2023
MSN news blocks comments after 13 got thru (which are also blocked) on Luigi statement on Israel.. I never, ever listen to Luigi so I’m guessing whatever he’s got to say isn’t one of his finer moments ..
Men, women, children, babies, grandparents, mothers, fathers, taken hostage by Palestinian Nazis. We don’t know if they’re alive, the daughter and women no doubt raped.
Hey pervert apologist, go punch those Nazis. Go on big boy.
Benny Johnson
RIGHT NOW: Iran’s parliament is chanting “Death to Israel! Death to America!” as their terror cells massacre Israeli women and children
This is the regime that JOE BIDEN just gave $6BILLION & a pathway to nuclear weapons too
Pure evil
You are just an observer of reality.
Benny Johnson
Obama celebrating an Iranian National winning the “Peace Prize” at this hour is absolute perfection
Thankfully it was captured before they deleted it.
Daily Mail
Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘rubble’: Israeli PM tells Palestinians to ‘leave now’ and says Hamas will pay an ‘unprecedented price’ after they kidnapped grans and launched shocking attack that has left hundreds dead on both sides
Please forgive my ignorance,
I thought (roughly) Hamas was backed by the MB and Hezbollah by Iran through Syria.
Obviously it might be much more complicated than that.
So has the KSA got a zero tolerance of the MB as a possible rival power base? Is this a new thing?
Or has Hamas been “turned” to (primarily) Iranian patronage?
This has bigger implications than just for Israel.
Biden’s Iran Hostage ‘Swap’ Allows Iranian Agents to Remain in U.S.
Message for Luigi.
The attack on Israel is the end result of stoking division and dissent for generations.
Take a look.
For what it’s worth, I am glad Netanyahu is back. He is the only one who will deal with this atrocity with the cold ferocity needed. Also, I believe the filthy sand apes had inside help. No way they could have kept the planning for such a gigantic operation off the radar.”
Rowan Dean is not mincing words.
None of the voters I encountered was as hostile as one prominent Aboriginal sports star who told a No worker she was a racist and that she was on his land, which she had stolen.
Name & shame! .. if it was a “white” sports star naming would have been compulsory ..
problem with “journos’ is even when they, temporarily, stray off the “left ” reservation they can’t quite bring themselves to go the full “wordsmith” ……….