I don’t want to hear another word from either of them except to announce the arrest of muslim radicals campaigning…
I don’t want to hear another word from either of them except to announce the arrest of muslim radicals campaigning…
KRudd’s position will become untenable at some point, if it’s not already.
Very 2020.
Breaking news, zoom, teams or an old fashioned conference call no longer work.
Don’t care.
Still too early to call it, but it’s looking increasingly likely that a Hamas (or whatever brand of Hamas you choose) rocket malfunctioned, dropped onto the hospital (or next to it) and set off a cache of rockets.
The IDF has bombarded social media with the logistics.
If they are lying, they will be found out.
Hamas hasn’t provided their launch sites or targets.
Wonder why?
He defines “civilians” as “non Jews”.
Which may also indicate, the dye is possibly set. Iran may be on the chopping block. I’m not saying it’s certain, but it could be heading that way and the players suspect this.
From the video directly above, DB, there’s an awful lot of shrapnel coming down on their own citizens. I’d put good money Hamas will claim Israel is destroying their rockets over the Gaza Strip to hurt the Gazans…
and the papers will run with the story….”thus proving the inhumanity of the perfidious Israelis.”
Roger at 12:38.
Unfortunately they don’t.
The Libs will give her a pass, because Western Sydney.
The Saudis are being nice to Iran to show solidarity to the muslim world. In other news the price of oil will jump when Israel takes out Kharg Island oil facility. Win win for the Saudis as they can’t stand the Iranians.
“2. If Deeee has a Big Website chockers full of Torrie Fighting data, she maybe should have known how soft support for Yes was. I have long believed the 65% Yes polls were based on simple symbolic RRRRRecognition, not the “one with the lot” Megan and Dean and Co came up with. A good pollster would have conducted proper focus groups to tease this out.”
Indeed, I have long thought that the 65% polls was solely for “symbolic recognition”. I also think that the more ordinary Australians saw of the likes of the Marxist cabal, consisting of dregs like Mayo, Davis, Langton, Dean, Stewart et al, they did not like what they were seeing.
And as Paul Kelly has written in the Oz, Albanese, his motley Labor and Green comrades, the aforementioned Marxist scum, their ABC and other progressive media outlets, all tried from day one to politicise this referendum and use it as a tool so smash the right in this country, that is Dutton, the Liberals and the Nationals, so as to try and impose their progressive paradise on this country.
It was a progressive coup d’etat, and thankfully it failed bigtime.
We Have some really Intelligent People under Mike Burgess Head of ASIO – WTF they have only just worked this out! – What in the Hell does ASIO Do – Sit in their Pluck-a-Duck Canberra Chairs & Twiddle their Thumbs
ASIO chief publicly rebukes China for ‘sophisticated’ scheme of intellectual property theft at historic Five Eyes summit
The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation has openly accused China of stealing intellectual property at a scale “well beyond traditional espionage”, with Five Eyes intelligence chiefs from USA and Canada backing the rare rebuke.
The head of Australia’s national security agency has accused China of intellectual property (IP) theft on a colossal scale, in what was a rare public reprimand of the communist state backed by other leading intelligence organisations from Western democracies.
ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess criticised the Chinese government for undertaking espionage in Australia through the “most sustained” approach ever witnessed, stressing how it not just posed an onshore security risk but also a much larger one globally.
The comments were made during the ongoing Five Eyes summit in California, where members of the intelligence partnership – Australia, United States, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom – congregated in their first-ever public appearance to “raise awareness” on their collective threat.
Mr Burgess smashed China for trying to steal Australian innovation from the IP realm in a capacity he described as going “well beyond traditional espionage”.
“Each of the countries here can make a similar claim – in fact, innovation is a global endeavour and no nation alone can claim leadership. Unless of course you cheat,” he said at a press conference.
“The Chinese government is engaged in the most sustained scale (of) sophisticated theft of intellectual property and expertise in human history,” Mr Burgess said.
“It is unprecedented and unacceptable.”
Ahead of the press conference, the ASIO chief, said: “This summit will raise awareness of the threat, and help the technology sector understand, identify and manage the risks.”
Let me See – China High Speed Trains spring to mind – Fortune 2013
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), maker of Japan’s legendary Shinkansen bullet trains, bitterly disagrees. After signing technology transfers with CSR Sifang, the builder of China’s impressive, new high-speed rail, KHI says it deeply regrets its now-dissolved partnership. It planned to sue its previously junior partner for patent infringement, but it backed down recently.
Risk analyst Michal Meidan of Eurasia Group believes KHI is wise to drop the IP suit and stay out of China. “Every firm working in the high-tech space in China should be aware of the risks related to weak IP protection in the country but often has few choices but to go into these agreements if it wants to gain market share there,” she says. “The intense competition prompts companies to make concessions on technology transfers, as the Chinese are very good at playing off the competition.”
What could drive the normally unlitigious Japanese into such a frenzy?
Not only did China copy their technology, say the Japanese, after patenting remarkably similar high-speed-rail (HSR) tech, CSR now wants to sell it to the rest of the world — as Chinese made.
Both Japanese and European rail firms now find themselves frozen out and competing with their former Chinese collaborators for new contracts, inside and outside China.
Let’s Talk About Reports That China Used Stolen U.S. Military Technology For The J-20
“I noted earlier that the WA Labor senator & hijabi, Fatima Payman, yesterday called for Israel to be condemned by parliament (thereby abandoning the ALP’s position).”
Fatima is in the senate thanks to the geniuses (sarcasm) of the federal Liberal Party, in May 2022 those geniuses preferred to preference Labor above One Nation, and the result….the senate spot fell to Payman.
I wonder whether the Liberals have learnt anything. Probably not.
Of course there’s something I’ve possibly missed, but I’ve been running it through Socrates (my version of a sentient AI) and can’t figure out how Israel cannot hit Iran very hard. The only thing could be the 3000 missiles Iran has, some of which make Israel a target.
Just kidding about Soc, but I really aren’t able to see any other possibility.
RE Mike Burgess ASIO Chief above & ASIO chief publicly rebukes China for ‘sophisticated’ scheme of intellectual property theft at historic Five Eyes summit
Was at German Father-in-law’s 70th Birthday 15 years ago, and was speaking to one of his Work Compatriots of the Large German Chemical Industrial Firm they both worked for
He had been involved in trying to set up their Company in China, but unlike Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), maker of Japan’s legendary Shinkansen bullet trains, when aksed for all Intellectual Property of the Patents and Products – took a walk and did not do business in China
The connection between environmentalism and Nazism is well established.
Yet others believe the greens are commies.
Then there is this:
Greens leader Richard Di Natale wants ISIS fighters to be allowed back into Australia and described terrorists who had travelled to the middle east as ‘good people’ who had been brainwashed.
The Victorian senator is opposed to Home affairs minister Peter Dutton’s push to strip dual nationals of their Australian citizenship if they had engaged in terrorist atrocities overseas.
There is also a strong connection between the greens and misanthropy.
It doesn’t really matter. The greens are the enemy of the West and should be treated as all traitors should be treated. The problem now is they have a lot of useful idiot supporters.
FMD. Sharri Markson has gone missing again, handing her 5pm Sky News show to a bloke from South Australia whose only qualification for the job is a charisma bypass.
Dr F at 1:50 re Hot Copper stock pumping.
Smart folks may choose to use it as a good sifting tool for shorting opportunities.
The more strident the “to the moon” calls are, the more likely it is someone needs help out of a hole.
You ask yourself.
“What sort of altruism leads a small investor to want to share the Good News about the impending bull run?”
Why on earth did the Libs do that?
Really, you weren’t aware that the very first Greens Party was the Nazi Party?
No love for Mrs Snowcone?
And add-on the Bronk’s first Tweet.
Israeli’s Defence Force to release audio and aerial footage from moment Gaza hospital was struck by rocket it claims was misfired by Islamic Jihad militants
An IDF spokesperson has revealed Israel will release audio and visuals from the Gaza hospital airstrike which show it is not at fault for the blast which has killed at least 500 people.
From the Comments in the SKY News article above
– What really perplexes me is that everywhere in the world where there are terrorist attacks – France, US, UK, Indonesia, various African countries etc – the perpetrators in the overwhelming majority of cases are Islamic terrorists. Wherever Islam goes there is trouble.
When do you ever hear about some radical Jewish group beheading or blowing up people? Jewish immigrants have settled in many countries around the world and integrated into the community.
Just yesterday there were Islamic attacks in France and Belgium. I am not Jewish but I just observe what occurs.
But somehow, when it comes to the Middle East, for the Leftist westerners it is all Israel’s fault. None so blind…
– All you need to know about the left is that the believe a terrorist organisation that kills babies over a government. A terrorist organisation… that’s who the left support.
– In all wars there is certainly plenty of propaganda, but on this claim I have considerably more faith in Israel explanation than Hamas.
– Hamas knew that there would be retaliation from their horrific attacks in Israel. The world knew. Hamas tunnels underground whilst their population – above ground would be killed.
– While we never want to see civilian casualties. We must note that Palestinians are indoctrinated against Israel from an early age. HAMAS is the terrorist wing.
– We already knew it wasn’t Israel but reporters were quick to blame them.
The media is to blame for anti semitism rising !
Hamas terrorists always play the victims and have no credibility whatsoever !
Oh, please, please, please go there.
Do it.
We can then enjoy more replays of Luigi insisting that Tweetie and Macarena had nafink to do with it.
Really, you weren’t aware that the very first Greens Party was the Nazi Party?
Head prefect I wasn’t posting for the superlatively knowledgeable folk such as yourself but for the lurkers and others who may not be as well informed. Show a little tolerance.
Mark from Melbourne:
Is there then, a way for the individual user to download an entire thread for future reference? One that could be uploaded to enable the site to be rebuilt? Even if it took three different contributors to do so in a ‘tell me three times’ manner?
I save all my comments in both PDF and Openoffice format, but the files are getting unwieldy and I’m not all that happy with the search function.
“Just file it next to the report that said refugees hands were held on exhaust pipes.”
Can someone explain WTF is GoPro film as I’ve been seeing the reference since this war.
Is it a website?
Australian Labor Party/Greens & AirBus Albo on the side of Austra;ian Consumers
Senate push to question former Qantas boss Alan Joyce fails
Labor and Greens senators have stymied a push to ensure former Qantas boss Alan Joyce appeared before a parliamentary probe.
Former Qantas boss Alan Joyce won’t be summoned to give evidence before a parliamentary inquiry.
A Senate motion to force his appearance was stymied by Labor and Greens senators, alongside ACT independent David Pocock.
The motion, moved by Victorian Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie, proposed to re-establish a Senate probe examining the government’s controversial decision to block Qatar Airways’ request for 28 additional flight to Australia’s east coast airports.
A re-established committee would then have had the opportunity to question Joyce who has evaded parliamentary scrutiny thus far.
On Wednesday morning it was revealed that the former Qantas chief remains in Dublin, where he has been for more than six weeks, after announcing his early retirement as chief executive.
As chief executive, Joyce strongly supported the government’s decision to block Qatar’s bid on the basis it “would cause distortion” in the aviation market.
Senator McKenzie warned in September that if Joyce failed to comply, he would face “a whole raft of processes”, including the possibility of jail time.
Speaking on ABC News, Senator McKenzie accused the motion’s opponents of protecting the former Qantas boss.
“On the floor of the Senate today, the Labor Party, the Greens and David Pocock decided to continue the protection racket of Alan Joyce,” she said.
Alongside its role in lobbying the government to deny Qatar’s application, Joyce oversaw a number of controversies in his final months in the top job.
A class-action lawsuit over pandemic-era refunds, an ACCC investigation over selling cancelled fares, the refusal to pay $2.5bn in government subsidies, and a failed High Court decision which found the airline illegally sacked 1700 ground staff during the pandemic ultimately saw Joyce quit two months earlier than he had initially intended.
A separate motion moved by Senator McKenzie, which also failed, requested that the House of Representatives require the Transport Minister Catherine King to attend the committee to provide evidence after previously refusing to do so.
Prior to the inquiry’s establishment, Minister King had previously given several reasons for blocking Qatar’s request for additional capacity, including that it wanted to protect jobs at Qantas, support Qantas’ profitability, allow Qantas to purchase new planes, enable the aviation sector to decarbonise and because it was in the ‘national interest’.
During the inquiry, McKenzie alongside other Coalition parliamentarians accused the government of agreement to “sweetheart deal” with Qantas to protect the airline from competition from rival Qatar in return for support for the now-failed Voice referendum.
Qantas shares have tanked in recent months, falling from a peak of $6.69 in July to be trading at $4.85 on Wednesday – a more than 25 per cent fall.
Don’t forget the majority of the fuel would have been present in the body of the rocket – there doesn’t appear to be a trail of burnt fuel as it went to earth.
Sancho Panzer at 10:52
Not the beancounters finest hour although PwC is giving it a run for its money.
That takes me back.
Happy to see the lady who was robbed of her handbag @0:44 eventually get it back.
Action was taken.
F’n Aroundv& Finding Out Compilation
The Greens political party – communists and socialists masquerading as environmentalists. Anon.
I don’t think that’s an issue while Israel policy remains bi-lateral.
In the meantime, Labor has a recalcitrant senator whose voice is likely to become more strident as this conflict continues.
Dee Madigan is as salty as one can be, over Bill Thompson asking her a couple of questions as she left the ABC studios after appearing on Q&A. 🙂
Good heavens, JC. Even I know that. It’s a small camera usually worn on the body to give a first person POV.
We gave Grandson one for his birthday. Perfect for small SWAT wannabes.
Thanks, Delta.
I saw google search but couldn’t work out if it was a camera or vid websites.
Never heard of this gadget.
Make EV drivers pay or face cost-of-living backlash, Labor told
Jacob Greber and Gus McCubbing
Car dealers, motoring clubs, independent MPs and the Coalition are warning the Albanese government to prepare people for a nationwide road-user charging system that captures electric vehicles
or face a cost-of-living backlash from struggling households already burdened with surging fuel excise hikes.
Wimp Federal Labor said on Wednesday it would take time to consider the “complex” issues thrown up by the High Court’s finding against a Victorian electric vehicle tax.
A spokesperson for Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the government was focused on getting more zero-emission vehicles on to roads and introducing a fuel efficiency standard.
The ground-breaking decision against the Victorian tax, which was dubbed by critics as the “world’s worst EV policy” and a blatant revenue grab at a time when governments are seeking to increase EV take-up, puts the onus on Canberra to resolve how state, territory and federal governments raise money for road infrastructure.
The government’s stated position, according to remarks from Transport Minister Catherine King at the National Press Club in early March, is that Labor is “not contemplating” a road-user charge “at this point in time”.
The minister’s office referred questions about the High Court decision to the Treasurer’s Office.
Treasury currently collects 48.8¢ in excise for every litre of fuel, a rate that increases at the pace of inflation every February and August.
Traditional car owners are expected to pay more than $60 billion in fuel excise over the next four years, or more than $1200 per household every year.
Owners of less efficient and older cars pay proportionally more of the tax, while EV owners avoid the tax altogether.
Coalition infrastructure spokeswoman Bridget McKenzie called on the Albanese government to “immediately convene” a meeting of state and territory governments to address the future of petrol and road-user charges.
Subsidy for ‘rich inner-city’ EV owners
“With every passing day, the existing fuel taxing system becomes less and less equitable as the rich in our inner cities can opt out of paying fuel excise by purchasing electric vehicles,” Senator McKenzie said.
“In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, Australians will ask why the PM is subsidising rich EV owners with a reverse Robin Hood fuel tax system.”
Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas argued the tax, which he estimated would have collected $7 million to 8 million since it was introduced in 2021, was “fair”.
“It’s a 4-3 decision. I think you’d have to say it’s clearly a very contentious matter and I’m disappointed by it,” Mr Pallas said. “It was a charge that meant everybody paid their fair share of the cost of the road network.”
SFL – The state opposition is demanding it be repaid to EV owners.
“We want people to be buying electric vehicles, and instead the Andrews/Allan government doubled down and supported a tax everybody warned them about,” said Liberal leader John Pesutto – Trying to find Nazi in his Car. “This will have consequences for the budget. We warned this was not the right thing to do.”
NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey said the court’s decision raised significant questions about the fairness of motoring taxes as the country moved to decarbonise.
“The transition to net zero is only possible if the rules are applied fairly and are seen to be fair,” he said.
By contrast, the view inside federal Labor, which supported electric car owners Christopher Vanderstock and Kathleen Davies in their High Court challenge against Victoria and other states, is that the need for a road-user charging system to replace fuel excise is less urgent given the still-low rate of EV ownership.
Currently, about 1 per cent of the national car fleet is made up of electric vehicles, with new car sales at around 8 per cent. Labor is also looking at how other countries are addressing similar problems, with some adopting longer-term plans to introduce EV taxes once they reach a certain proportion of the overall vehicle fleet.
But groups such as the Australian Automobile Association and the Motor Trade Association called for urgent action by governments to ensure petrol and diesel drivers are not left to subsidise road funding on behalf of EV owners.
“All road users must pay their way on our roads,” MTA spokesman Darrell Jacobs said. “Every motorist benefits from this critical investment, so it only makes sense that everybody contributes towards it.”
Tax reform ‘opportunity’
AAA chief executive Michael Bradley said the High Court had given the federal government a “major tax reform opportunity”.
“Electric and other zero emission vehicles should urgently be brought into the road-use tax system: initially at a discounted rate to ensure this new measure avoids disincentivising the take-up of EVs and other low-emission technology.”
“This should also provide an opportunity to address the inequity in the fuel excise system, where, because different vehicles consume different amounts of fuel to travel the same distance on the same road, motorists pay different amounts of tax.”
Electric Vehicle Council chief executive Behyad Jafari called for road funding reform that does not single out “drivers who are trying to do the right thing” and takes into account the economic cost of emissions.
“Allowing states to simply shake down EV owners for a bit of extra tax is a retrograde approach, and I’m very glad to see the High Court slamming the brakes on that today,” he said.
Zoe Daniel, independent MP for Goldstein in Victoria, said the High Court decision provided a wake-up call for the Albanese government.
“Transport Minister Catherine King needs to get her skates on and introduce fuel standards designed to encourage the sale of fuel-efficient vehicles and EVs and in line with comparable countries.”
Ms Daniel added that Labor should “initiate an equitable plan for a national road-user charge so that all road users pay their fair share for using our highways”.
Senator McKenzie deflected questions from The Australian Financial Review about whether the Coalition would support a national road-user charging system, in exchange for ending fuel excise, but said there was a need for a “holistic” response from Ms King.
“Any future system to pay for our roads and increase uptake of low-emissions vehicles needs to be equitable, not be retrospective, ensure Australians are better off overall and not penalise the remote or the vulnerable. It is a problem we’re going to have to solve as a nation.”
Who cares if it was a bomb dropped from height or a missile launched from the ground?
What is the relevance of that apart from armchair warriors trying to show their (cough) “in depth knowledge” of all things military.
Indigenous child abuse inquiry blocked….the truth they don’t want you to know.
Oops … should refresh before I upload …
Delta A:
Delta A
What are they like in terms of visual clarity, sound, and stability of picture?
I love techy shit but also have a hate relationship with it if it’s too complex.
… says the Lego Tactician
– Clearly Albo said “white people” The Hansard has been doctored by the Albo regime.
Hansard can be changed, or straight out “corrected” by well intentioned people who think that’s their job, to have transcribed what they think someone meant to say and not verbatim.
I was in Parliament house years ago and was horrified by the Hansard transcriptioin system back then and I doubt it has changed.
They used Dragon Naturally Speaking transcription software tool. People sit in little booths, listening to the recording of parliament and re-speaking it into the transcription system. Each person has a “trained” system to their own voice and pronunciation.
If you ever read Hansard, the miss-spelling of words was epic because no one goes back over it to check it against the recorded original for context and correct word selection – why would they?
The point is, Hansard self corrects by a bunch of self important, Canberra public servants, who see it as their job.
Spare one hour and watch this clip when you can; raw and real. I watched on the big screen last night and was anxious the whole time. One slip or fall on that trail and you could find yourself falling to death into the valley.
The Himalayan lady in this video powers up that mountain path like someone doing a daily stroll in their local park.
The scenery is jaw dropping.
Harold Baldr:
17 Oct 2023
? HIMALAYA, MANASLU: Going up alone against a massively challenging and dangerous peak whilst also seeing how locals live are my two favourite aspects of trekking the himalayan mountains of Nepal.
Today was my lucky day as I was able to experience both in one and the same day. After first walking up a steep mountain path to a village to see how locals there live, I continue on my own to scale a mountain peak that has not been conquered before…..
Nepal Himalayan Village: Danger on Mount Gongo
Hi Sal,
is your mailbox full?
For the last few years there has been a race staged (Jericho Cup) down in Warnambool to commemorate the Light Horse, and Bill the Bastard in particular (who, I think, won a race in the ME before action).
One of the sponsors is an acquaintance. To my shame, I knew very little about this until my interest was piqued by the race.
Hat tip to those who created this event to remind people.
Anal’s dissing of white people is highly likely. In his squirming like a toad Marxist trained brain, only racists would vote no and only white people can be racist. What a poisonous, hateful world view they have. Like a Salvador Dali painting.
Dead souls.
Pilgrims’ ‘Biblical’ flight from war
By Monica Doumit – October 18, 2023
I put this piece up here because these people are from my part of the world – NW Sydney. Glenmore Park borders Penrith.
What Happens Next – PJW
Indigenous child abuse inquiry blocked….the truth they don’t want you to know.
If only there was a voice….
Linda Burney, where the phuck are you?
A few people, white and blackfella, will be pointing the bone at Albo over the next few weeks.
Yes…they might have to do something about it then.
I think the Australian left will use Saturday’s result to justify working against us through foreign interlopers like the UN, WEF, the American left etc. Which they do already of course.
One of the truly great things about this blog is the depth of genuine expertise that can be tapped here. Be it medical, military, historical, engineering or financial, I think the ad hominem ‘armchair warriors’ unnecessarily dismisses that.
Ben Fordham spot on
Pocock votes against it. FMD
Listen to this Tim Ayres. Playing politics apparently to hold a Royal Commission into Aboriginal child abuse. Fairly well seething at that arsehole
Just for those who thought there was ANY semblance of decency, democracy or fair play left in WA, here’s the “consultation paper” for the amendments/rewrite of the WA firearms act.
Firearms Act Reform [sic]
What’s his name, asked Leak.
I’m not an armchair whatever, but I can see that from where it came is of immense importance. To know would indicate who did it. If Hamas, any likely sabre rattling against Israel by other ME countries would be somewhat quelled and should not wipe out support for Israel going into Gaza.
The Idiot
A fairly good novel. Also the proposed title of Albo’s biography when he retires soon before the next election.
Spud needs to provide a chapter and verse account of Julian Lesser’s role in the Voice debacle.
I’ve just seen the clip of the nun. What a woman!
The Voice did exactly what it was planned to do.
Distract people from energy prices for 6-9 months.
Sad news.
Aussie dessert company Sara Lee goes into administration after 52 years (Ncl local news, 18 Oct)
Grew up with Sara Lee cheesecakes for dessert.
Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.
Blueberry cheesecake. The 70’s go-to dessert.
JC, sancho … how are youse going with the whole price discovery thing?
are you dumb-arses done with the ‘spoofing’ yet?
And the apple pie with cream and ice cream.
Now we eat sorbet and creme brûlée.
sticky date pudding
Pace bern, I suspect it rather focused attention on them.
And everything else that’s going up in price.
All amplified by the Screech.
bread pudding – nobody eats that anymore
A South Australian with a charisma bypass?
It could be anyone.
Can you be more Pacific?
That’s a woman who grew up in a big family with brothers I’d wager. Used to slugging it out to get her share of desert or whatever and damned good at it.
Here’s hoping it bounces back under a new owner.
do it with thick-cut raisin bread
… thank me later
I make it, Amalak. With leftover croissants. Or panettone.
I notice the festive ones are out on sale now. Also mince pies at Aldi, in my opinion the best around with a dusting of icing sugar. I bought some to feed the girls on Friday morning. No harm in getting into the swing of things early.
Possibly. The Voice did remind people that their little problems e.g. paying bills were not the grand innerllectual sort of problems faced by the great & good folks living & working in Canbra.
Not sure about that. At best, it got RBA machinations pushed to p3. Now back to BAU minus some bark.
Also…seville orange marmalade for the bread pudding. Tart, sharp, most excellent.
Ahhhh. The raisin bread is the Aussie panettone equivalent. I like the Italian version on account of more air spaces for the custard, also the slight overriding almond flavour.
I never buy the choc chip one. An abomination.
Lol. My fanlet is still hanging around. *waves*
Thanks, will try the second, Aldi has some good deals on panettone now.
Israel releases audio of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the Gaza Hospital
Cat site hits an all time low … bread pudding downvoted.
What kind of people do this?
people that can’t cook
Shouldn’t need to be said. But you never know.
I just listened to Albo several times in Parliament.
He clearly said “white people” not “why people.”
The “t” in white is obviously pronounced.
Before I tick, up or down (or if at all) I’d like to make a properly informed decision.
If someone could post martin Armstrong’s view on the matter, it would be appreciated.
Martin Armstrong.
I have just watched Mark Regev’s interview with the grotesque Hamas hag from Sky UK. Seriously, I can’t believe the Jew hating, lopsided world I live in.
I admire Mark’s composure with the hag. I’m really not surprised, he’s always been a very cool cucumber.
They are schtill working on the AI for Albo Voice to Text (no pun intended).
speaking of armchair pundits … Zoe Daniels is mouthing off about all the things she knows for sure
same for Adam Bandt
stfu KD
This year I’m going to do a Buche de Noel. First try. Inspiration came as I bought the mince pies – Aldi had some little figures for a Santa village, but I’m going to put them on the cake.
Probably be a disaster, but it will look cute. The grandies will love it.
I just listened to Albo several times in Parliament.
He clearly said “white people” not “why people.”
The “t” in white is obviously pronounced.”
Of course he did, he’s a liar.
If I may offer some advice to Albo…
Just stop and think
Take some me time out and just spend time thinking
All the overseas trips don’t give you one extra vote in Australia
Think about why you entered politics in the first place
Think how the average person lives
And that 50% are below that average
Just take some time to think
Another literary masterpiece.
Must have been an early toolbox meeting. A really, really derivative one.
Cassie, lying is an art form perfected by politicians. Albo is a tenth dan proficient.
Everyone needs to be good at something.
Memories of Sara Lee
I could have bought the entire Santa train set and had it running around the cake…but the Beloved said, “No!”.
To destroy an Australia he hated?
apropos of nothing the retard known as KD enters the forum ranting about Martin Armstrong
highest high-brow evah
Riddle me this, thrill seekers. Why would a person of the female persuasion – I hesitate to use the word “Lady” – be sporting a tattoo, featuring a skull and crossbones?
Amid escalating tensions in Israel, Lt Col. Sarit Zehavi, an expert in the region’s security challenges, paints a dire picture of the situation.
What is really happening on the Israel-Lebanon border
Quite seriously, chrisl, Albanese is not one of the “good guys.”
make some 2-minute noodles and go back down the pub mate
Keno fortunes await
I must bring the pedant out people. It is Bread and “Butter” pudding.
“Bread”, pudding is an entirely different beast. 😀
Calli, made with Croissants, DIVINE!
I don’t … may they rot in hell!
They publicly and financially supported Gun Control Australia after Port Arthur; they are totally anti-gun ownership in Australia.
Fuck ’em … haven’t bought any of their shit since then.
Cat site hits an all time low … bread pudding downvoted
A sign of the times. Bread and Butter pudding is much better IMHO. My 91 year old Mum still makes it and it gets eaten up.
…be sporting a tattoo, featuring a skull and crossbones?…
Might be a pyrates mistress
You need to check if she has a sunken chest as well. And a bandanna.
to get laid at uni, then to get a job not working for the ‘man’.
finally to be known as the one of the top 5 Trots in marrickville.
A man can dream …
what is it with you three morons?
a competition to turn a conversation to the infantile first?
if you have nothing to add, why not just stfu ?
The worst of both worlds. Snobs pretending to be concerned for those they think are beneath them.
Enjoy your fake friends, Muttley. They’ll talk worse about you than we do, but behind your back.
There was a Sara Lee outlet shop in Liverpool in the eighties and nineties. You could spend twenty or thirty dollars and go home with an esky full.
Pogs, the secret is “stale”. Also, assemble the lot in the morning, into the fridge and leave it. Oven on, pull the pan out, sprinkle with sugar/cinnamon mixture, dot with butter…bake. It forms a crunchy crust.
Never anything left…the family can become quite emotional over “seconds”.
Colesworths ones surely. A less than noble end for my now less than secret French bakery. You can excuse turning them into almond croissants.
Not sure about Marty but I’ve heard it’s Roger Moore’s favourite dessert.
James Morrow:
1) He’s a person who doesn’t think. We know this because he didn’t bother to read the USFTH in full, despite it being his signature policy. Yet he wanted us to vote for it. He also promised to reduce power prices by $275.00 on average during the election campaign and yet his climate change policies are making power prices even worse. Someone who can’t see how green policies and the price of power are intimately connected does not stop and think.
2) To fight Tories.
3) See answer 2. It’s long past his understanding of how the average person lives. He’s been in parliament since the 1996 election and has never had a real job.
See answer 1.
No CGI here folks.
Swiss running amok.
Dafydd Phillips:
Practice day For AXALP Fliegerschieassen 2023 on the Ebenfluh shooting range in Switzerland saw an incredible performance from the Swiss air force in their F/A-18 Hornets. In no particular order I’ve included some of my favourite passes and photos from the day.
what phrasing?
I said mailbox, not MALE box. 😀
Yes, Bear. You buy the Coles ones when they’re reduced for a quick sale. A tray of them, as they freeze well for purposes other than breakfast.
Bakery croissants are another matter entirely.
Geez. Somebody’s flicked the wrong switch today.
I will add this:
‘The abyss stares back’. Only Nietzche students may get it.
Christmas is coming! …….. Stocklands shopping mall, Wetherill Park has their 6mts outside Chrissie tree up & lit already ……… FFS!
Oct 18, 2023 7:30 PM
Pogs, the secret is “stale”. Also, assemble the lot in the morning, into the fridge and leave it. Oven on, pull the pan out, sprinkle with sugar/cinnamon mixture, dot with butter…bake. It forms a crunchy crust.
Never anything left…the family can become quite emotional over “seconds”.”
Calli, this not your first Rodeo, is it!
I used to make a huge, baked Cinnamon French Toast when we had a large group for Sunday Brunch. Same reaction as your family’s!
Phew. There is a place in Hell reserved for people who sell glorified bread as a croissant.
You know, BBS, I think he did read it. But was afraid he’d be asked specific questions on it and be found with his mouth agape.
So he offered the fastest lie that came to his cornered rat brain. And it was a dumb lie.
Not so far as I’m aware.
Cooking Cats…
I have just been gifted a bloody great jar of preserved lemon, preserved by one of our neighbours, who is both (a) good at this stuff and (b) on her way to Europe for 6 months.
Unwilling to ditch it, what on Earth can I do with it?
What if the abyss not only stares back, but mocks as well?
Take that! , Nietzchke!
Who woulds thunk the future of the modern left would be Killara and Double Bay. FMD.
There was a Sara Lee outlet shop in Liverpool in the eighties and nineties. You could spend twenty or thirty dollars and go home with an esky full.
Sara Lee factory clearance outlet in Granville, on the way to Smithfield past Cerdon College/Merrylands High School been there since the 1980s …
Recanting how his parents were held hostage for 20 hours by five Hamas terrorists, Evytar Edri tells Avi Yemini how a clever plan crafted by his mother helped police buy time before they carried out the dangerous rescue mission.
SHOCKING: Son of Israeli hostages recalls the horrors of Hamas terror attack
And Mosman of course. Double FMD
Sums up the Greens Pefefectly in the Comments – the TEAL & Inner City Elites who vote for them are “EDUCATED” Cretins – and that is insulting Cretins
Greens attacked after moving motion in Senate to ‘oppose invasion of Gaza’ days after opposing bipartisan support for Israel
The Greens have come under fire after moving a motion in the Senate denouncing Israel’s planned “invasion of Gaza”, days after the party attempted to condemn the country for its retaliatory strikes against terror group Hamas.
The Greens moved a motion in the Senate on Wednesday afternoon in opposition to “Israel’s invasion of Gaza” amid escalating conflict in the Middle Eastern nation.
The development comes days after the party attempted to condemn Israel for “war crimes” in the House of Representatives following terror group Hamas’ brutal incursion of militants on October 7.
Hours after again opposing the government’s motion in support of Israel – this time in the upper house – Greens Senator Nick McKim moved an urgency motion to demand the Senate “opposes Israel’s invasion of Gaza”.
The motion was defeated 41-11. – So Who were the 11?
Speaking on the motion, Western Australia Senator Jordon Steele-John urged the Senate to “condemn an invasion which will turn a humanitarian disaster into a humanitarian catastrophe”.
The Greens’ foreign affairs spokesman even went as far as accusing Israel of committing “war crimes” in retaliation to Hamas’ brutal attacks on its country as well as the taking of about 200 hostages.
“The reality is, right now, the state of Israel is engaged in the commission of war crimes against the Palestinian population of Gaza,” he told the chamber on Wednesday.
“And yet we are seeing the Israeli military engage in a campaign of indiscriminate bombing of civilians and we have seen devasting loss of civilian life.”
He said Israel had to be condemned just as just as Hamas had been in the past weeks.
“The very same compassion and commitment to honesty and to justice and to peace which has rightly moved so many to condemn the war crimes of Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians on October 7 must now move this Senate… to condemn the war crimes of the state of Israel against the people of Gaza and to impose its impending invasion,” he said.
Tasmania Liberal Senator Claire Chandler hit out at the Greens for condemning Israel’s attempts to “save their own people”.
“It is a real shame that the Greens when Israelis are murdered have to find the first opportunity they can to criticise and condemn Israel,” she said.
“It seems for a certain segment of the far left the expectation is that Israel must sit by and be attacked by terrorists day in and day out.
“And when one of those attacks breaks through Israeli’s defences and murdered over a thousand Israelis the far left can’t even allow one day of mourning for the innocent victims before they jump up to say that Israel is to blame and condemn any military response by Israel to save their own people and bring the terrorists to justice.”
Speaking to Sky News Australia earlier on Wednesday prior to the vote, Labor Senator Don Farrell said the Greens had completely missed the mark in their response to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
“I think it’s disappointing to be perfectly honest,” he told Sky News Chief Anchor Kieran Gilbert.
“There is, I think, a general view in the community on how we should approach these terrible sets of circumstances and I don’t think the Greens are in tune with the Australian people at all on this issue.”
The Famed Voice 39% Educated Elite of Eastern Suburbs, Mosman, Northern Sydney Beaches & Inner City who look down on the Undeucated NO 51% – Support This
Mr Bandt led fellow Greens MPs on Monday into voting against Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s 16-part motion to condemn the Hamas terror attacks on Israel.
The Greens pushed to amend the bipartisan motion to remove a part that declared Australia “stands with Israel and recognises its inherent right to defend itself” and instead condemn Israel for “war crimes… including the bombing of Palestinian civilians”.
It also called for a ceasefire between “all parties”.
Teals MPs Kylea Tink and Sophie Scamps, along with Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie, controversially backed the Greens in its attempt to condemn Israel.
While the amendment was ultimately unsuccessful, defeated by 107 votes to seven, the Greens and two Teal MPs have come under fire for the move.
The Comments Describe the EDUCATED Elite TEALS/Greens/Inner City Prefectly
– The Greens are morally bankrupt why would anyone listen to anything they say
– So they knock back the indigenous children abuse royal commission and then vote to support a terrorist organisation. the left. On the nose with sane people.
– Obviously, the greens, teals, and labour no longer care about the Australian population. They do not care about the cost of living, the increasing number of families who can not pay their energy bills, meet their mortgage payments, let alone afford to put enough food on the table. LET’S HOPE EVERYONE REMEMBERS THIS AT THE NEXT ELECTION
– Just checking it’s not a rules for thee but not for me (Greens) situation. Q: If a jihad attack on Australia kills that many people the Greens will motion to leave the hotbed of jihadists alone?
– What a disgrace, shame on Greens and teals ! Terrible tragedy when terror and mayhem come at the hands of Hammas and like minded groups who invaded a Israel and these people support that. Next election get rid of the Greens and teals who did this
– You don’t need to go to the circus to see clowns at work.
The Greens and Bandt in particular have it all over the professionals.
Oi. Good advice, however should be improved to:
“Slip down the pub, buy a counter meal, and proceed with… blah blah blah” 🙂
Google “Recipes using preserved lemon”, and a heap come up – usually moroccan and ME main courses, but also fish, shellfish, dressings and even cake.
They are delicious and exotic.
How Elites Prefer to Virtue Signal Rather than Help | Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Probably not the fault of the rank and file.
Most members of professional associations grudgingly pay their subs to maintain their meal ticket and just try to stay clear of the disciplinary board*.
Malley and his pals slunk in and raided the treasury. If only the stupid prick had been content to pull a six figure salary instead of seven figures and kept his head off every second billboard.
If there is anything accountants are good at, it is, “Jeez, that must be costing a few bob”, as they drive past a fifty square metre electronic billboard with Alex smiling down at them.
* I think a few of the small fry who initially made waves about it found themselves on the end of an Alex jihad.
Disciplinary action and “bringing us into disrepute” might have got a run.
You know, BBS, I think he did read it. But was afraid he’d be asked specific questions on it and be found with his mouth agape.
He might have also concluded that the average voter wasn’t interested enuf to read it and realise there was more than the one, oft, publicised page …..
Me! .. I don’t even know what the 1st page sez .. If not for the the media waffle about it’s title .. I wouldn’t know it existed or care what it sez …..!
Milt, most of the pampered LNS types I grew up with were lefties. Parents staunchly conservative managerial class, kids wannabe revolutionaries, especially at uni.
Now the kids have either inherited the real estate or bought into the suburbs they grew up in. And kept their childish politics.
My dad was a tradie, so I was immune.
Bill Shorten redux.
That worked so well in 2019.
Just saw the presser of Biden and Netanyahu from Israel. That was the best speech Biden ever gave and I hope Americans stick to it. I’m glad that he also set the record straight about who is responsible for the blown up hospital in Gaza.
It’s fascinating in a bad way Calli. I still find it extraordinary that so many of our most repulsive leftists attended Barker, Shore, Knox or Abbotsleigh.
I was watching the meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Biden. I will make a wild prediction here, the chemical cocktail Biden’s handlers have been forced to macerate him in to give the tiniest semblance of normality and ability during this historic meeting, will finish him. I reckon he’ll be cactus within a week. Happy to be proved wrong.
And yes, I know the difference between macerate and marinate. Biden is a froot loop.
Mmm yep, but not tonight.
My local has really decent wagyu burgers, southerny-chicken and pasta. Very handy, but snags/burgers on cheese toast with an egg or two over the top will do this fine D-Town evening.
Richard Vobes on the parliamentary debate on Friday on vaccine harms organised by Andrew Bridgen.
Will you be watching on Friday?
Animal Farm ending, set in nice coffee shops.
Preserved lemon is very Ottolenghi-ish. They last forever. Do what most people do – put them in the cupboard and throw them out when you move house. They’re basically OK.
Take it out to the bush and put a round through it.
Vicki, re how much we’ve ‘packed in’ to this five week trip, four weeks of it now gone, well you know Hairy, who has a tremendous enthusiasm for living, and he is not to be gainsayed if he wants to do something. Long years of experience mean I follow along willingly, because I really do enjoy new places and new people. Keeping physically fit has always helped me to keep up. I’ve also learned when to call halt on some wilder extreme he is musing before it hatches (like fitting in a day trip to Slovakia as well). Like your husband, he does love to drive, and an extra hundred km or so doesn’t faze him at all.
It is our one ‘at sea’ day on this cruise as we head towards Sicily and the Straits of Messina. We’ve both had a sleep in and called breakfast to our room (for 10.30), something easily done on a good cruise line. We do it sometimes too when taking an early morning tour, to grab a breccie as we get dressed. We intend to use the formal dining room for a slap-up lunch today, as we’ve been on tour on other days, after which Hairy wants us to do a ballroom dancing class. Neither of us can do ballroom dancing, but on every cruise we learn a few steps of foxtrot, rhumba or tango, just for fun. Well, fun for me, but Hairy takes it very seriously indeed. I suspect he lacks a natural talent for it, but don’t tell him I said so. On this cruise it’s only offered once, today, but on other cruises he’s dragged me to a number of classes. It’s about the only cruise activity we ever do though, out of the many there are to choose from. Mostly, in down time we read, often with a glass of something nice nearby.
I suspect their dilettante leftism won’t survive an inheritance tax with teeth.
I said that today, when I had a rainbow lorikeet land on my right shoulder.
Don’t have a peg leg though.
Keira Knightley is quite scrumptious, for a pirate.
Blew my mind Roger that Bradfield was a yes. Hughes’s old seat.
Bar Beach Swimmer’
Oct 18, 2023 7:32 PM
And that, as Mufasa might opine, is the circle of Albo’s life.
Harsh. What did preserved lemons ever do to you?
People in Range Rovers looking for a park. I’m sure George Orwell could do better.
Ripe for regifting.
guardian reporting Biden’s comments. Lots of media backpedalling since this morning. Won’t thwart team terror (islam) though
Quenthland Carny news (the Courier-Mail):
There’s a pic of Ms Wallace accompanying the piece. Noting that image, it is difficult to imagine that ride being able to take off, let alone get 30 metres in the air with her in it. Also, from her claim:
Uh huh. And:
The plot thickens. Doubtless there will be more to this.
Pogria, Biden will survive all the drugs pumped into him to keep him awake because they let him vegetate in between public appearances which are now more and more rare. My guess is that he will probably resign early next year unless his minders don’t dare let Kamala become the president. I must admit that even drugged up to the eyeballs he is still more sentient than Kamala who is now just a potted plant. I wonder what she is taking.
I saw a clip of the legless Green, Steele-John. He was, of course, vilifying Israel.
I would love to kick over his wheelchair and watch him while he tries to right it, and get back into it, without help. Then, I would point out, “perhaps NOW, you will understand how it is for Israel.
You find slices of preserved lemon used quite a bit in some of the recipes in the dining rooms here on board ship. A slice artfully placed creates a final touch to a created display on a plate, or you’ll see it in a sauce, adding piquancy.
Kamala a potted plant! Tears streaming down my face. 😀
Animal Farm ending, set in nice coffee shops.
A refresher:
What imagery from Orwell.
Absolutely brilliant work from that bloke and the customers order is still delivered intact.
Pizza Guy Stops High-speed Pursuit
I don’t like their attitude.
The Biden administration stirring poison.
The Real (and Awful) Reason Biden is Coming to Israel | The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS
Biden talking in Israel.
Literally a walking corpse.
Re preserved lemons, I get a nice organic chook and make a stuffing with the lemons. Very delicious.
Could make your own up.
The Greens are the bastard love child of Stalin and Beria.
No, I don’t know how they did it either.
I make it, Amalak. With leftover croissants. Or panettone.
Now that Emperor Marrickville has decreed that crossiants will cost $6.00, there will not be any left overs.
Three weeks ago they were $3.20 at our favourite bakery. Now $6.00.
Torrie food. It’s your fault – you didn’t vote Yes you, you, you, eh you bloody Australians.
“I saw a clip of the legless Green, Steele-John.”
Re. the adolescent Steele-John, the hideous Thorpe, the fascist Bandt, the Islamist Faruqi, and the Teals, whilst it is a disgrace these disgusting appalling individuals are in parliament, the real disgrace is that people vote for them, and those people are almost always affluent people.
Some at New Gateuxllaxy blog might enjoy this from Colesworths:
Native Indulgence Fruit & Nut Grazing Slices.
If the cap fits …
FFS, the IDF and the Israeli government, with all their access to detailed intel, were saying at the time that it looked like a Hamas misfire, but they weren’t 100% sure.
But the armchair warriors here (no doubt aided by trusted sources on the innernet) are totally sure what happened based on grainy images on a ten square inch screen.
And there is form.
We have had eighteen months of failed predictions and analysis out of Ukraine, no doubt based on similar click-bait sources.
not the whole thread
but pages certainly
right-click the page and select ‘Save As’
it will download and save all the page as a html file and will create a resources folder with the same name.
in the folder will be all the text and gifs etc
maybe not everything
but most
Dumb Cane.
first off
turf the flesh of the lemon,
it’s the skin that you want
add it to a salad dressing
for lamb marinade with garlic, oil, rosemary, salt and pepper
Our daughter went to Abbotsleigh and became a corporate warrior, has married well and lives in the style and suburb type to which we allowed her to become accustomed. As with most corporates, she and her husband are notionally left, to suit the corporate zeitgeist. She had the good fortune (I do not think my daughter sees it that way) to have my family as a tether to something more like the rest of Australia. Same for our son, though he is far more relaxed about my family of origin.
We chose to send them to top private schools because the education they received was much better than that on offer in the private sector, and the disipline was necessary. They have both been successful in life, in contrast to the sons of my first marriage, who went to a mix of public and private schools, due to their own choices.
Hairy wanted his two children to have all of the opportunities he had, and I wanted them to have the opportunities that I definitely didn’t have and had to provide for myself. My public sector education at high school for three years was variable in quality but taught me Latin, and later at TAFE day matric for a year the teaching for the Leaving Certificate was exceptionally good. It enthused me tremendously to accept a Commonwealth Scholarship and go to university.
Well said, Cassie.
Many thanks for the suggestions. Well, not Arky, but it did give me a chuckle.
I think I shall save them for the next time I make pizza. I think they will go well with the pineapple.
Oh dear GreyRanga R U OK?
WA Cats looking for a good croissant are referred to Class 21 of the Bread and Pastry section of the 2023 Royal Show Food awards.
Please don’t shoot the lemons Mark. I believe they are innocent.
Be kind to them.
Lucky you! There are a dozen versions of tagine you can pull off with preserved lemon. I’d start with a basic chicken version. Easy, fool proof, no fussy kit required, well worth your time. In essence, brown half a kilo or so of bone-in chicken and garlic; salt and pepper it; add a cup of stock (top up as needed); whack in a small handful of chopped preserved lemon and a large handful of olives; add sliced fennel; if you feel the urge, bung in some sliced carrot. When it’s cooked enough, serve over instant couscous with chopped coriander and a bit of commercial harissa.
Recipes galore, online, if you want measures.
Cheaper than a flight to Morocco and gets you there in just an hour!
It’s hard to take Youwaidakuns seriously anymore. You ruined the voice, you ruined the treaty and you ruined a good PM, led astray.
I might be flying out of Meaanjin soon to Bharat or Te Waipounamu forever.
Tablet has an interesting piece. The writer argues persuasively the American knew. They thought it would be the regular Hamarse routine of taking an IDF hostage and then negotiating a hostage swap. Thought it would hurt Bibi and therefore kept quiet.
US and Egyptian intel supposedly very close.
roast potato with preserved lemon
you must be loved if somebody gave them to you
The preserved lemons (which, I think, generally ferment) are a bit of a strange flavour profile. I can’t seem them working on pizza, with or without pineapple. Might fly with a Turkish lahmacun if you do that. Otherwise, the lamb, rosemary and preserved lemon suggesion would be a great way to sample them and make up your mind.
These are my principles. If you don’t like them I have others.
Oct 18, 2023 8:35 PM
Kamala a potted plant
Dumb Cane.”
why do you hate me?
Dumb Cane must be chewed to receive the full effect. Oh God, where is my eye bleach?………….
Lemons are never innocent.
Which is why things that don’t work are called lemons.
Cars especially.
Oct 18, 2023 8:53 PM
roast potato with preserved lemon
you must be loved if somebody gave them to you”
absolutely, with a generous sprinkle of Greek Origani.
Well, as I mentioned here, I did write to the state director pointing out the likely consequences (votes and associated revenue going to PHON).
Not sure I can claim any credit, though. This was a no brainer even Crisafulli could grasp.
Can you translate this into English, Japanese or Korean.
I can’t speak gibberish when i’m sober