Okay second best.
Okay second best.
One of Trump’s senior advisors warned him not to appoint ACB to SCOTUS.
Yikes! I can do whole fish, but not an entire school looking at me!
And buggery. Ask Lawrence of Arabia.
Have you heard of Rheimetall, Saab, and the like? They could certainly could service their requirements.
Winnie, the one we bought for Grandie was only around the $60.00 mark because we knew he’d lose it pretty quickly… which he did for three weeks in the dorpers’ paddock.
Clarity was so-so, much like a grainy movie. Sound okay and, tbh, I think picture quality might have been improved with better settings. Boy just wanted it to record him arresting us every 10 minutes and reading us our rights.
Google has good info. With a few dollars more I think you could get quite a nice unit.
A tram ride out along Sydney Rd in Brunswick was one of my “tourist in your own city”trips. Perth is just about big enough to do this without feeling like a complete Wally.
I have fun imagining the miserable visage of the moaning misanthrope who keeps downticking anyone, not just me, who is having a light conversation around here. What Gollum hangs around the edges of this site doing such a thing in an attempt to set it on the straight and narrow? People come here as whole personalities, not just for political commentary. Most things have a political element anyway if you are smart enough to see that. Moan away, you sad creature, but don’t think you are saying anything worthwhile.
From what Caroline Glick is saying, the US under the Biden administration is going to deny Israel resupply, leaving the nuclear option as its only way out.
Ther ghost of Hewson’s cake? At least Hewson tried to answer the question. AnAl just lied to avoid it.
University qualifications and the Voice.
Wally Aly and honker Karvelas may wish to reflect on their opinions of education and university degrees.
Punters don’t give much store to hippies that get a BA majoring in gender studies.
And even less to the ones that go on to get a Masters in gender dysphoria.
They’re as much use as a fart in a lift.
The Hot lemon toddy with a shot of brandy is the panacea for man-flu sufferers
Lemons are the fruit of the gods.
Do the left just reference each other, believe each other, and reject anything not from their echo chamber?
Are they gullible or is it just the iron belief their sources MUST BE correct.
A couple of Yes voters I am acquainted with, looked no further than their usual go-to sources, Guardian, ABC, and that was it .. no further research necessary.
Truly, “everyone” they choose to come into contact with, has been vetted over time, for exactly the same views.
If you mention any other sources on any subject, they are horrified, as if you have just backed out a steamer on the carpet.
Mmmyes I am guessing there is a state election in Queensland not too far off in the future. The election ads for Labor write themselves.
“Crisafulli. How can you trust him?”
“Crisafulli. The out and out racist.”
Doctored ads with gravelly voice putting a KKK hood on him.
At least the Opposition leader has smelt the winds from the carcass of the referendum and changed tack.
If we manage to survive Hiden and Trump returns to the presidency, does Putin continue to make nice with China or do we begin to see a tilt? Assume Ukraine is quickly resolved. Also assume we survive the next 12 months without the Hiden administration completely ruining the world for the next 50 years.
Australia’s tertiary education sector makes a valuable contribution to food delivery services.
Simplest preserved lemon recipe?
Ice, water, couple of slices of preserved lemon, quite a nice hot weather drink.
Nothing like an election to focus the mind.
Many thanks for the suggestions! I’m not sure all are within my – very limited – grasp, but I’ll certainly give a couple a fling. And I learnt a new word… lahmacun! Which also looks strangely accessible even to a doofus like me.
The pizza suggestion was, of course, a lame attempt at humour. No one in their right mind would sully the purity of pineapple pizza with lemons.
Hooray for Pallywood?
Watching Lewis, and up pops one of my favourite paintings. Ucello.
And along with it, Sir Thomas Wyatt
Poor Sir Thomas. Many…many centuries earlier than the Ladypages reported here, but suffering the same treatment .
Uccello. At least get the spellin right.
Ron DeSantis on the Outrageous Anti-Semitism We’re Seeing on College Campuses After Israel Attack
He’s certainly got the right idea on this one. Time to take a much more jaundiced eye toward potential immigrants. Unlike Nikki Haley who yesterday suggested America should take in the Gazans because it’s the nice thing to do… or something.
With a 12′ dining table, this year I’m going to try this little sweetie:
Be PROUD, all you mob who voted for this disgusting specimen.
I’m glad you retracted that.
Nothing quite hits the spot like a slice of ham & pineapple pizza.
Oh, yes indeed.
So funny to look back on “The Role Lesser Had to Play in All This”.
Dutton decides to oppose da Voice. Lesser resigns and goes to the back bench, which is a matter of principle, right?
Except not totally.
Leaving Dutton without a ‘digenous affairs shadow right in the middle of this croissant melee*.
He’ll be soooo screwed.
Enter Jacinta Price.
* bun fight
The vibe and the right thing to do probably won’t fly politically in Australia for the time being.
Try again.
This little sweetie.
And that’s reprisals in Australia.
What a disgusting country we have become. All aided and abetted by grubs like Tink.
Preserved lemon skin blitzes very nicely into home-made mayonnaise and salad dressings.
All was revealed with the New Years release of the Cabinet Papers a few years back. They can’t say they weren’t warned.
Calli, it is possible that Luigi just lied. Just being in his line of “work” supports that theory.
However, apart from Rudd and Turnbull, I can’t think of another politician that would not have been across their signature policy documents.
Luigi was caught out at the last election not knowing some basis economic data points. Yet you’d think that he would’ve been across his brief, given the high stakes of the prime ministership. But there he was on national tv, flummoxed, not knowing and with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. After which he retreated to his abode – covid, I think – which took him away from the media onslaught. In his place Jason Clare steadied the ship and gave Luigi time to regroup. It was not the behaviour of a polished performer who has the facts at their fingertips.
On the voice, treaty and truth, perhaps when when the wording was released that representations would be to both the parliament and the executive and the angst came from messrs Craven and Leeser and Father Frank Brennan, having not been able to get the Yes23 Committee to agree to the change, he was wholly stuck. So he caved in, realising that he couldn’t walk back from something that supposedly was all about listening to the “First Nations”. How could he not? If he’d pulled it the left would have brought him undone.
Of course, he knew about treaty and truth, coming after, and would’ve gone down that path after the voice got up. But what I’m not sure about is whether he realised that the actual USFTH was more than the one pager with the pretty drawings.
In so many ways he’s a lazy type. And given his raison d’être is to fight Tories, being a “details” man is superfluous to needs.
Oh, JC, you optimist, you. As if that will ever be allowed to happen. Democracy will be “fortified” to ensure that it cannot.
For, if it were, the whole game would change overnight. Roughly, a return to as you were from a decade ago, plus or minus some tinkering at the edges… Xi a bit weaker, Euros slinking away to their corner, the Middle East as chaotic as ever (but with the name tags changed, again). Half a decade for the US armed forces to get back into stride.
And that would all be very inconvenient. Goodness, that would be inconvenient!
Delta A:
Ok, sounds like good advice.
I’m trying to organise plant minders and stuff for a visit to the Australian Armour and Artillery Museum in Cairns in the near future and looking at the options for recording the gear they have there.
From the size of the place, it will probably be about three days to cover it all plus 1000Km each way.
Winnie, there are much better units with higher quality sound and picture, but they cost more. Might be worth the investment for your trip to Cairns.
What a disgusting country we have become. All aided and abetted by grubs like Tink.
At least the scab is now off the Jew hatred on the left.
Piers Morgan interviews a bloke who dodges around using nothing but smart arsery.
Comments appear to be spammed with 100% love for him and not a single dissenting voice.
Spot the blackfella.
I see about four, maybe one young partly indig. gal.
The bleed of votes to Pauline Hanson must have been horrific (for Christ-what-a-fool & the SFLs)
Jeez Louise, Israel isn’t short of cashola if it needs to buy a few arms here and there.
For a country this size, its foreign currency reserves are pretty, pretty good, as Larry David says.
Of course.
Credit to Nanny Neil Mitchell for asking the direct question, “Have you read it?”, eliciting the fateful, “No. Why would I?”
He knew the follow up questions on Tweetie and Macarena would come. He knew canning Tweetie and Macarena would cause the activists to go feral, but confirming it would go down like a Leongatha Beef Wellington with the electorate.
What surprised me most was they apparently hadn’t war-gamed that question, just hoping to bluff through with “single page … ABC fact check … single page … modest and generous … single page”.
This thing was going down anyway, but I reckon that knocked 2-3 points off.
Israeli per capita income. It’s rich little country.
44,060 PPP dollars (2021)
Rigani rocks
those plastic bags of upside-down hanging on the end of the aisle at the continental deli
… more please
Monty, stop downticking Cassie. It’s not funny.
LOL. Beautifully put.
Bruce Avatar
These people lie.
Is a Leongatha beef Wellington like a Bondi cigar?
Perhaps the Voice is the catalyst for reality to set in for pollies who think that Twitter represents the views of the electorate.
Bends like a reed in the wind.
“Queensland LNP flips on support for Indigenous treaty”
It’s hard not to have contempt for them. It was the same with WA Liberals, all two of them, who flipped on support for both the Voice and the heritage laws after initially supporting both. The thing, the natural position, the default position of the Liberals and Nationals should be opposition to treaty, to Voice and to heritage laws.
Seriously, what do they stand for?
It took Jacinta Price, Warren Mundine, Fair Australia to lead the fight, it was no thanks to the Liberals.
Pallywood you say?
He can walk! It’s a miracle!
She’s a doll
I’m Ready For My Closeup Now Abdul
Monty, stop downticking Cassie. It’s not funny.
It of course is not humourous Zulu.
But it provides a snapshot into the mind of the fat lesbian.
As those of his side of politics say, “silence is complicity”. So by those very words, which could have been written by Alinsky, but couldn’t care less, monty is complicit in the sins of Hamas. Of those ‘pro Palestinian’ orgies of hate in our capital cities. Of the slaughter of babies.
A shameful individual.
It could create an interesting dynamic.
Ageing boomer hippies sitting on a pile worth $8 – $10 meg in the leafy Easterns, with a decent pile of super to boot.
In a desparate attempt to impress the rebellious Greta-Grandchildren, they decide that an inheritance tax is “the Right Thing To Do”. The reaction from the middle aged children, groaning under the weight of prahvate school fees and monster mortgages might be interesting.
“Monty, stop downticking Cassie. It’s not funny.”
His downticks don’t worry me, he’s such a lowlife. He appears here this morning, after hiding away, and smears Moira Deeming as a Nazi. Of course he says nothing about the real Nazis walking our streets screaming “Free Palestine, from the river to the sea”, and screeching “gas the Jews”. But then remember, he thinks they have “legitimate grievances”.
But not so much of a no brainer on Monday?
downticking lol
Weirdest little conversation with a patient today.
While washing hands before I treated him he, out of nowhere regales me with a tale of kids getting herpes from a Jewish circumcision ceremony.
I’d put it down to normal chatter most times, but I suspect some new Jew hating trope is making the rounds.
My post went into moderation hell … my language, I guess.
OK, how about “Phuck ’em with the rough end of a pineapple!!”
Happy now??
Not ok Tinta, I’ve stopped laughing and the gash wasn’t as bad but now have haematoma on my tibia. See what its like in the morning.
I will blow every cent I own on travel and booze … and waste the rest … before I will give these Rsoles a single cent. One of my kids earns now (at 37-y-o) >three times what I earn at my highest! She doesn’t need my money … nor does the want it!
And… Action!
I kinda like this dude.
Canadian opposition leader smacks down a leftwing interviewer, while eating an apple.
Why does anybody react to the sick turd?
I can think of some buildings in Canberra and on Sussex st in Sydney, where a fart in the lift would be quite useful.
He’s been giving Justine Turdeau a fairly hard time in parliament. Young Castro doesn’t much enjoy Pierre’s questions to him.
I will blow every cent I own on travel and booze … and waste the rest
The George Best doctrine. But add women
Haniyeh’s brother and nephew have been reportedly killed in the strike. The leader himself is currently in Qatar.
That is even better. Let the a…wipe feel some of the grief he has caused. Wait a week or two and then knock him off in Qatar…
If the Hamas ‘leader’ is several countries away during what is apparently his organisation’s best attempt to river/sea the Israelis in 50 years, then I would question whether this chap fits the definition of a leader at all.
I assume a Bondi cigar is like a Polly Waffle in the Pool?
Thanks Bruce WA
Sounds like Noel from Noosa in a hijab.
Is Canada out of onions?
Son back on site in Pilbara today, says the crew don’t want to hear anything about voice or woke business. They’re done with it.
MOSSAD are probably organizing the false passports as we speak.
Who’re these 13%?
A sequel to earlier news today (the Tele):
This is the tart who complained about a Bondi Icebergs worker ‘perving on her’ while she was in the aforementioned surf.
Without knowing the full details, I would imagine her membership was suspended because she was a gigantic pest.
Ah, making sense now. Although – i question just what sort of antics she got up to in in order to become a ‘former journalist’:
A 28 year old woman is shocked and chagrined by a bunch of 14 year olds. Whatever could she have been doing?
There we go. Universal adulation not really universal. Adore me, I say!
Perhaps the principal of the school should advise the students to throw rocks at this idiot show pony, on sight.
Leongatha beef Wellington
Background music.
Haven’t seen a single Aboriginal flag at half mast.
I know it was fluke but damn that was funny.
Steve Inman:
Dog Nailed It
Daily Mail.
“Reconciliation?” What’s that?
‘Is the PM deaf?’: Sky News hosts Andrew Bolt and Peta Credlin blast Anthony Albanese for sticking with commitment to Uluru Statement despite Voice referendum result
Andrew Bolt and Peta Credlin have blasted Anthony Albanese for refusing to abandon his commitment to implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart “in full” despite Australians overwhelmingly voting No in the Voice referendum.
Sky News hosts Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt have accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of refusing to accept the result of the Voice referendum.
Australians overwhelmingly voted to reject Labor’s Voice to Parliament proposal on Saturday, with over 60 per cent of Australians voting No – including majorities in every state and territory other than the ACT.
The Prime Minister’s decision to hold a referendum on the Voice to Parliament was just part of his commitment to implement the Uluru Statement to the Heart “in full” – the other parts being Truth and Treaty.
But according to Bolt and Credlin, the Prime Minister’s refusal to abandon his commitment to implement the Uluru Statement shows he “just doesn’t get it”.
“Albanese still can’t accept Australians said No to his agenda of racial division,” Bolt said during his Wednesday evening editorial.
“It wasn’t even close – 61 per cent voted No on Saturday to his Aboriginal-only Voice.
“But… Albanese still won’t promise to now scrap another key demand of the Uluru Statement that he promised to implement ‘in full’.”
“He’s refused, again today, to also scrap the Makarrata Commission that he wants to negotiate a treaty between Aborigines and the rest of us, including reparations.
“That’s exactly the agenda that Australians revolted against; No to dividing us by race.”
Bolt asked if Mr Albanese was “deaf, or just a puppet?”
after the Prime Minister told Parliament he couldn’t think of giving up the Makaratta Commission until he had spoken to Aboriginal activists about the issue.
“These activists are off on their ‘week of silence’ after losing the Voice – a week of sulking – and Albanese says he’ll have to wait until then before telling us what he’ll do,” Bolt said.
“For god’s sake, has Albanese learned nothing? These aboriginal activists seem to be the same ones who ordered him not to compromise on their radical Voice. See how that worked out.”
“Now Albanese is waiting for these same activists to give him his next orders?”
“You are the Prime Minister, not a puppet. You give orders, don’t take them – and certainly not from an unelected bunch of sooking radicals whose names are kept secret from the rest of us.
“This is not leadership.”
Credlin pointed out that Mr Albanese had spent months during the referendum downplaying his commitment to a treaty, yet he now refuses to abandon the commitment.
“For months and months and months, Anthony Albanese denied that a treaty was on the table, but here he is, in the immediate aftermath of that crushing defeat of his Voice, and he now refuses to take it off the table.
“So no treaty last week, and nothing but treaty this week… it was always about the indigenous separatist trifecta – all of it, Voice, Treaty and Truth.”
Credlin argued that if the Labor government pushed ahead with its Uluru Statement agenda it would backfire.
“I can’t think of anything more calculated to offend voters, and to make this a one term government,” she said.
“It’s just not right that a government can have a referendum and then try to ignore its result.”
From the Comments
– He’s not deaf. He’s just an ordinary, untrustworthy clueless leader.
– So he believes that 61 percent of people voting no……….is misinformation?
– Trust Labor?
Trust Albanese?
No way Albo.
– Albo is way out of his depth as PM.
– albo has to resign
This is first class! Rub their racist white noses in it. More, lots of more, of this at WTC pleaeeeeese.
ZKTA, we are in FNQ at present, voted early at home in Newie, I did early polling booth duty, just to do my bit. All quiet on the northern front, I think people have moved on already.
Chrisafulli has been taken out the back of the chook shed and shown the hole dug for him. Labor members of the George Street Troughers Club are wearing the same brown trousers.
The reason:
The midnight uncertainty:
Well, do ya, punk?
Oh the mushroom bitch! Thanks mole
Aye there’s the rub. Because Welcome To Country™ has no roots, it will become whatever the invoicer- read, generous performer- wants it to be.
Traditional owners will lead negotiations on what they want in their treaties, but may ask for repatriations, joint management of national parks, renaming of places, changes to school curriculums and reforms introduced in health, criminal justice and child protection
Ah yes ok. What Labor senators from the Sunshine State voted against the Royal Commission into Aboriginal child abuse?
Imagine for a moment being married to that absolute nightmare.
Traditional owners will lead negotiations on what they want in their treaties, but may ask for repatriations, joint management of national parks, renaming of places, changes to school curriculums and reforms introduced in health, criminal justice and child protection.?
Just to be very clear, I have no objection to the concept of making government policy appropriately fit the needs of indigenous Australians.
That said, the implied promise by the Palacechook Government of the possibility of 150+ independent approaches to school curricula, applications of criminal justice etc etc is dishonest bullshit.
Antony Green having a bit of trouble with the cope.
Can’t admit that there is an obvious correlation, but can’t make the 80% fantasy case neither.
From Queensland the rogue’s gallery is:
Penny Allman-Payne, Anthony Chisolm, Nita Green, Larissa Waters and the lamentable Murray Watt.
Those are the Queensland senators who voted against a Royal Commission into Aboriginal child abuse. Yet the state Labor phuckwits want to seen to be caring about such matters.
Like a square peg into a round hole. But push hard enough, like the rough end of the pineapple, it shall fit. FMD
That includes the Greens I should add.
For 140+ electorates he has a point because the percentage of indigenous electors is so low.
But for others – Lingiari, Kennedy etc – where the indigenous percentage is much higher AND the No vote was very high, the possibility that all indigenous voters went with Yes is vanishingly small.
Yes, but isn’t Antony Green supposed to be some guru on election days? His word as strong as teak? (HT Jerry Maguire)
Your bottom lip be quavering Mr Green.
Lingiari in the NT only at 56.9% counted, compared to the rest of the nation in the 70-80s. Maybe they have a lot of postals there or maybe a lot of the indigenous didn’t give a crap about the voice?
“Traditional owners” and PNG tribes are wonderful examples of the Stone Age failing to adapt. The Big Man culture is dreadful. My aunt was a Catholic nun in PNG from 1950s, and I spent tine with her around Wewak in 1980s,
Top End was very similar when Spouse and I first started visiting for work, he always said it was like his army days.
I didn’t watch the coverage Saturday night, or last election, but I always thought Green played a fairly straight bat.
btw, if I ever hear another welcome to my country, especially on the Jetstar thing going home tomorrow, it won’t be good.
For fans of Pierre Poilievre (Leader of Canada’s opposition) this is the extended “apple munching interview”
About 9 minutes, first class stuff. The j’ismist, perhaps broken by his Negus-vs-Thatcher style defeat (linked upthread & for the past couple of days has been all over the internet) lets Poilievre have a pretty fair run listing policies:
Some extracts, for those without the time to click through:
Red tape:
“We’re no longer going to accept that a gatekeeping bureaucracy stands in the way of common sense solutions”
“There’s going to be a lot of bureaucracies that’re going to be very unhappy when I’m Prime Minister”
“You make it, Trudeau takes it. I’m gonna cut taxes so people bring home the mortgage dollars they earn”
“I’m gonna bring in jail, not bail”
Govt spending:
“Defund the CBC, save a Billion dollars”
“A quarter billion dollars to the Asian Infrastructure Bank, Bridges & other projects that are to reestablish the ancient Silk Road of China, why would we use Canadian tax dollars to establish that for a communist dictatorship?”
Oops, extended interview here.
Four days after the election, & the laura norder fightback has begun. The right people are pisstoff already:
From the NZ Herald.
Great news on Qld treaty backflip.
The comments online and on talk back radio hard to ignore and knew losing voters.
It’s amazing all the MSM outlets saying Biden to travel here of there to discuss this or that in whatever country. It’s all for show. The senile w*anker could not even win a game of Connect Four.
I just watched him reading from palm cards in a sit down with Bibi.
…travel here or there.
According to Daily Telegraph Treaties in NSW no longer have Opposition support and seems Labor back tracking as well.
Not only has the referendum killed Federal efforts it is also now affecting state treaties..
The state Aboriginal leaders are not going to be happy with the elite gang pushing the Voice. Have done damage to their treaties plans.
Meanwhile NSW Premier did announce a train station will be called Gadigal.
Hopefully the MM leader is correct. Just like the promise to take away Welcome to Country if YES gets up.
It’s plain to all the world that he’s just a puppet on a string. What the string-pullers want is something that will be filtered further to Bibi’s people once the cameras stop rolling for the international news media.
But when the alternative is a pot plant, what other choice do they have than to medicate Biden to the hilt, keep him standing, capable of mumbling into his cards, and work behind the scenes for outcomes favourable to the US side that does deals with Iran?
O for a President Trump to be there handling this mess.
We’ve had a quiet day, a long lunch and soon a full-scale ‘American’ dinner in the specialist restaurant providing US Country Club food (the Polo Restaurant, they call it).
I am wearing something a bit loud and splashy. 🙂
We haven’t really chatted to many Americans on this cruise, although they predominate in numbers. Haven’t made efforts to ‘share tables’ this time, as we have been tired each night. On our first night we had a very good time with some Americans though. All were obviously Democrat leaning, from San Francisco, Chicago and Portland (Washington State). But all were dismayed at the way things have turned out in their States. Tell us about it, we encouraged.
We wanted to be accepting to migrants, said the Portland man (owner of a series of large manufacturing businesses – won’t say which as it might identify him) but it has rebounded badly on us. He didn’t say, but it was pretty clear he thought Trump was a possible solution, and that he might vote Republican. But the Chicago woman simply made a face at the mention of Trump, in spite of being quite upset about the state of Chicago’s downtown under the Democrats. So TDS still has its hooks in, despite all of the current messes.
To us though, assessing the general atmosphere, there’s a sort of undercurrent happening re US politics amongst well-heeled Democrats. It’s rather like during the lead up to the Referendum; lots of people intending to vote against virtue-signalling are not prepared in public to say so. Yet, anyway. Haven’t come across any Republicans, though I am sure they are here too.
MareeS at 12:06
Please report to the noble savage reeducation room. Cave 3 on the left. Daylight hours only.
My 5yo niece would regularly beat me at Connect Four much to her delight. I don’t want to talk about it.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight classic.
Peter Broelman.
David Pope.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
Matt Margolis.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley.
Henry Payne.
Gary Varvel.
Thanks for the Toons Tom.
Leak – brilliant!
Thanks Tom.
Sara Lee going bust reminded me of my first trip to Costco.
Costco had a caramel tart the size of a small tyre for 30 dollars.
Hard to compete.
I was surprised by the range the place had.
I walked out with a 1.2kilo bag of pistachio’s (a third of what you’d pay at Colesworth) & a years supply of Gillette razors (a quarter of the Colesworth price).
Two purchases paid for the 65 bucks membership.
I’ve told my family to familiarise themselves with the Costco website as it’s going to be a Costco Christmas.
The booze section surprised me.
A huge range of Penfolds and from what I could check on-line, they’d priced everything $5 a bottle below Dan Murphy’s.
More if you bought by the case.
Full disclosure.
I’m a Costco shareholder but had never experienced the place.
I was told I needed to go there on a full stomach (which I did) otherwise you’d destroy your diet.
Which was great advice (with reference to not buying the caramel tart).
Leak is brilliant, Albo’s now wearing just the ‘Treaty, Truth’ part of his shirt that had been cut off for the referendum campaign.
Overnight JC posted a link to Tablet Mag regarding US intelligence and what they knew regarding Israel.
It was from a journalist called Lee Smith who posted this story a few weeks back on the Iranian spy ring operating within the US security state.
Lee Smith has had a big couple of years breaking a lot of uncomfortable stories about the security state even though he’s been accused of being a front man for them considering he’s worked for a few CIA & Rand Corp funded operations.
Time will tell if he’s a Glenn Greenwald (solid) or Catherine Herridge (a security state front who is part of the soft sell of security state f*ck ups).
You know when Miranda Devine has a big story coming.
Catherine Herridge will either report a distraction squirrel or do some prep work why the pending Miranda Devine blockbuster isn’t a big deal.
New Evidence Shows Massive Hamas and Media Disinformation Campaign on ‘Bombed’ Hospital
Didn’t she get Marcia’s memo?
Broelman and Pope appear not to like Australians or the decisions they make.
Perhaps moving to a dictatorship might suit them better.
Women like Camilla Theakstone don’t make me want to give up on women, they make me want to give up on society.
Now to find a suitable cave in Yengo NP.
She is a literal scald.
No stake in the future!
Bro, it’s a very unappealing future.
Great link Zatara.
Best summary so far.
Zero chance 500 people were standing in the care park.
And the hospital structure itself is still standing minus broken windows.
The corporate media took the Pallywood story hook, line & sinker.
Car park.
Not care park.
They’ll just move on to the next bogus story of Israeli bestiality towards the doe eyed shy forest creatures of Palestine. They did their job – bought another day for Hamas, had the IDF dithering on the border while the cardboard cutout from the White House had “words” with Bibi.
Meanwhile the storm is gathering on Israel’s other borders.
The media is a malicious, mendacious, malignant force.
What was shocking over the past day & a half was how many people who had been silent about 250 innocent people being butchered at a dance party came out of the wood work almost gleefully reporting the Pallywood hoax of up to 500 people dying from an Israeli rocket flattening a hospital.
Now the entire thing has been disproved (the number dead, the damage) and being clear it was a Hamas screw up, to their credit the WSJ & NYT still have the story, amended, prominently on their websites.
To their shame, many of the twitterati who amplified the Pallywood Hoax yesterday are now silent today.
A coordinated lie told by a terrorist organization that the press faithfully parroted and even enhanced for hours with zero verification, causing more death and mayhem throughout the world.
Why did they (and others) lap it up like ice cream? Good question. Because they wanted it to be true?
In some good news……from The Oz….
The Supreme Court of India ruled on Tuesday against legalising same-sex marriage, dashing hopes that millions of LGBTQ people would see a dramatic change in their status and rights in the world’s most populous country.
In announcing the judgment, Chief Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud said the court recognised the right of gay people to form relationships, but that regulating marriage is the domain of parliament and state governments.
“The constitution doesn’t expressly recognise a fundamental right to marry,” Chandrachud said in the ruling.”
While Christafulli’s backtrack is good news in policy terms, it does highlight the lack of any anchoring principles in the so-called ‘conservative’ parties. They are just weathervanes.
Then, they wonder why voters are not willing to be attached to a weathervane.
Both parties have this problem, which is why smaller outfits are nibbling away at their core vote.
Why did they (and others) lap it up like ice cream? Good question. Because they wanted it to be true?
They were desperate for it to be true.
“Why did they (and others) lap it up like ice cream? Good question. Because they wanted it to be true?”
Of course they want it to be true. Jews aren’t allowed to fight back. No, no, no. We have to “turn the other cheek” to 1400 Jewish men, women and children being slaughtered in cold blood. Not content with that, the left now try and smear Israel.
I wake up and I read that Molotov cocktails have been thrown at a synagogue in Berlin…IN F*CKING GERMANY.
Here is a fact…
Anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism = Jew hatred.
Morn all
Expect the media to go into overdrive in the next few days. An unusually early Tropical Low looking like spinning up off PNG.
All models I’ve seen keep it well off the Queensland coast, despite SST are too low to sustain anything south of Townsville at the moment.
Cassie – I wish I could say this is not the case . But it is. I do not understand it. The worst instincts of human kind are on display in anti-Semitism.
It is quite incredible – reported this morning that Jordan is fearing a major uprising against the monarchy.
From what was said publicly, it’s hard to see what the real reason for Biden visiting Israel was.
The aid announcements and all that were pre-announced.
I wonder what was said face to face.
The Gaza Hospital story was a classic blood libel, a story Goebbels would have been proud of. We’ve had centuries of similar blood libels thrown at us, such as that we Jews murdered Jesus, that we poison wells, that we created and spread the Black Death, that we murder non-Jewish children to use their blood to make matza for Passover. All these libels, throughout our history, have been used to instigate massacres, pogroms, genocide, and the deliberate smearing of the sole Jewish nation on the planet.
We know a good blood libel when we see one and the hospital one was a corker.
I will say this though, I have noticed that the IDF have stepped up their public relations to combat the deliberate and real misinformation and disinformation spread by the disgusting MSM.
Jordan is 70% Palestinian. Chubby King Abdullah is not his father. In 1970 King Hussein was ruthless in putting down a Palestinian uprising in his country, so much so that Palestinians fled into Israel.
Chubby King Abdullah is shit scared.
Wow Chrisifulli is resembling a windvane. Doesn’t bode well for Queensland. Another ineffectual Liberal government if the ‘chook goes down.
Hate to say I think they’ll (LNP) will pull a Hewson ’93 or the undecided will swing back to the ‘chook. Gut feeling and the lack of fight or hunger to win from across the isle.
Listening to Seven News (the Beloved watches it on his laptop in order to protect the big screen from flying objects) – they’re persisting in giving the bogus story and the clear evidence equal weight. They even had a quick splice to the Hamas conversation.
As others have opined…they so want the “Israeli rocket flattens hospital and kills hundreds” to be true.
The real story is unbearable to them, that’s why there has been so little about the terrible Oct 7 attack on FTA TV. Firstly, because it’s not fit for prime time consumption, and secondly it doesn’t fit the prescribed narrative.
A story that does fit – a demmo in Washington of both Jews and Pallies calling for a ceasefire. Now that’s a perfect narrative booster.
Would have been paid to deliver that ‘welcome to country ‘.
More fool them.
It’s been evident for years via their deceptive reporting of the AGW scam, then COVID and now this. Although they’re always biased wrt Israel v anyone else, it’s now ramped up in line with the level of violence.
I posted this the other day –The Lefts Long War on Israel
We need to also recognize the dedicated sleuths of the internet who are tired of being lied to by the MSM and governments. As long as we can prevent censorship of the net they will eventually find the truth in almost all such cases.
Which is why the MSM as we currently know it is going the way of the Dodo. Confirmation bias is no replacement for trust and hard truths.
From Sal’s 11:28 pm last night:
Reminds me on this:
I didn’t get a Harumph out of that guy
O noes, that, after the big peo-Pali demonstrations in Aman, Jordan. ‘Tis terrible news for us if true, as Hairy told me only after the Israel attacks that we are booked from months back to fly business class on Royal Jordanian Airlines from Rome to Bangkok. He wanted to try them out, having been favourably impressed by Qatar Airways. If Royal terminolgy is under threat in Jordan then the airline may be affected?? There is also a 3 hour transit stop in Aman for us. They usually fly to Aman over Israel, but we hope they have changed the route somewhat now. Israeli air space wouldn’t be my flight choice right now.
Reminds me of the time we were flying down over Southern Saudi Arabia at the very time Bush’s ultimatum over Kurwait ran out and cruise missiles were about to fly from US ships in the Red Sea at anything in Southern Saudi Arabia. KLM turned back at the last minute, and how pleased were we all about that. I hope we aren’t in for the same sort of thing again. At least we won’t have two trusting little children with us this time.
I find the plummy voiced ppe Oxford graduates of the BBC particularly repulsive. Supercilious and condescending.
that’s pro-Pali, not peo-Pali.
Anxious fingers make for poor typing.
Nurses, doctors join Sydney rally to condemn ‘barbaric’ hospital attack
By Adam Vidler1 hour ago
Chances they are now collectively saying ‘bugger’?
About nil?
When hamas needed to call in the palliwood team for the hospital story you had to know it was bs.
They do it to stir up international muslim hate and trigger acts of terrorism as well as turn the world against Israel.
Most of the rest of the world might realise they were wrong, muslims just joyfully roll around in the lies.
We need to also recognize the dedicated sleuths of the internet who are tired of being lied to by the MSM and governments.
Doesn’t really work tho! .. most folk find easier to watch a 90 second clip + commentary off the TV than read a lengthy & comprehensive report, with pix, on the computer/phone ect ……..
The “big” screen “news” will always pull in more viewers/believers than scrolling the net … cos easier …..!
António Guterres
Clarification today?
All the media images so far show nothing more than a few cooked cars in a parking lot – nothing that would produce the nearly 500 dead that Hamas claims.
I’m wondering about that scab of an ABC journalist, the one who insisted last week, on the story about decapitated Jewish babies, that it was “bullshit” (his words). When called out, he insisted the media needed verification and confirmation.
I’m wondering whether yesterday this same scab of a journalist also called “bullshit” on the Hamas Hospital story, and whether he demanded that the media wait for verification and confirmation?
Why do I think not?
Well, hear this, I won’t ever be going to Liverpool Hospital for a treatment.
Cars are people too.
Oh they meant mostly muslims who happened to work at Liverpool Hospital.
I wouldn’t go there either if I were you Cassie.
Fair enough shatterzzz!
I’ve created a bullet version for the low information, sound bite addicted, bias confirmation loving numbnutz:
– A Hamas or PIJ rocket was launched towards Israel
– It either malfunctioned or was intercepted
– The remains of the rocket impacted in a parking lot
– No IDF bombs or missiles were involved
– No hospital was struck and no mass casualty event occurred
(Feel free to forward this to them as needed)
What is also interesting is the absence of the following headline:
Islamic Jihad Rocket Landed on Gaza Hospital
None of the media sites is reporting that with the blaring headlines they used yesterday. Instead there’s…nothing.
The MSM is as bad for what they choose not to report as for the lies they do report.
Our local medicos weren’t so concerned about their Hippocratic oath and humanity a couple of years ago. Hypocrites, I’d say…
Does he still have a good control of his military, Cassie?
The day after tomorrow we go straight from Cittivechia in Rome, where the cruise docks, to Rome airport to board that flight. Hairy says not to worry, and maybe he’s right, but I still wonder.
Tomorrow, beautiful Sicily, where we drove around in 2014 on another of Hairy’s road trips. We are booked to go on a panoramic view tour of Messina (not been there before) and also to an archaeological site and to see a famous Black Madonna.
The “big” screen “news” will always pull in more viewers/believers than scrolling the net … cos easier …..!
Channel 9 news has more interactions on their TikTok channel than people who view their news on TV.
“Cassie of Sydney
Oct 19, 2023 7:46 AM
Well, hear this, I won’t ever be going to Liverpool Hospital for a treatment.”
Liverpool Hospital has had a shocking reputation almost from inception. Nobody ever went there willingly. Now, it basically caters to the Middle Eastern crowd from Campbelltown to Granville.
They knew but they figured it was worth a try.
Credlin gives Mavis a well deserved serve in today’s Paywallian. As soon as the kneepads are returned he can return to BAU.
Well, hear this, I won’t ever be going to Liverpool Hospital for a treatment.
Just like the Jewish population of NY will be avoiding Lennox Hill hospital after an ER doctor was caught out liking videos of the Hamas butchery on day one.
In This Time It Really Will Work news:
New solar farm to replace Windorah’s failed dishes as Queensland seeks outback renewable projects
So, lower capture fixed frame panels and a bigger battery for the same output. And no good well-paying jerbs for the community.
When a plan comes together…
A friend just send this to me – a simple change of the first letter from B to A and we have the Australian version
The Daily Mail had an extensive article, with many pix, yesterday on the Hospital “bombing”.
If you have a squiz, see how many scenes you can recognise from the “Pallywood” links that were so kindly posted here at the Cat yesterday.
hmm, wonder if the Mail will post a correction? hah, who am I kidding.
Calli, mission accomplished. The window has now closed for IDF to take out Hamas en masse. They will have to go after them one by one which is never ending and still results in massacres like those on 7 October.
Another thing not being reported.
Hold on a minute, did these pro-Palestinian protesters just storm the Capitol? I thought that was called an INSURRECTION! (18 Oct)
Silence. Compare and contrast with the hysteria in the media on 6/1/2021.
The msm has a very selective approach to the ‘fog of war.’
Their preferred side has a clear view all the way to Mt Olympus, while the other side resembles the lower parts of the Marianas Trench.
I take all of it with plenty of salt. However, the willingness and enthusiasm of US colleges, the more Ivy League the more willing, to blame Israel is very disturbing.
While ‘Jews control everything’ comes out of one side of their mouths, openly supporting and promoting ‘drive them into the sea’ comes out of the other.
They can’t both be true. Which one is it?
In the 1970s and subsequently, I knew quite a few pro-Palestinian activists. None of them had any connection to Israel or Palestine or any part of the Middle East. I asked one or two of them what it was all about, and they looked at me like I was crazy. Justice!
It seems to be a sort of displacement activity for white Australian leftists.
Someone should send this to Liverpool Hospital and ask that they make a statement to this effect.
Surely no hospital wants to see its staff so misinformed?/sarc off
B B B But Duk, there were 100 palis in each car.
Pics of not-hit-by-bomb hospital taken this AM
Thanks to the Cat who posted the ADH YouTube video on the Hamas rally in Hyde Park.
I just got to it.
I can not remember any mainstream media organisation reporting on the recital of the “commandments”.
Very scary shit.
When did Palestine last have an election ? It is not a democracy what did Hamas do the opposition Some history please’
Daily mail featured two photos from different angles of the palliwood mum with child Duncan linked yesterday. There are also two different photos of the same grubby faced toddler being held by a green vested ‘medic’ as well as a picture of an uninjured small boy being rushed by someone somewhere.
I heard from a nurse in the ED at Liverpool hospital that they see 3 times the number of stabbings than anywhere in Sydney. This was quite a few years ago but doubt if anything has changed.
Well, hear this, I won’t ever be going to Liverpool Hospital for a treatment.
Sounds good but doesn’t work in reality if you live out west .. Liverpool is the main & best equipped hospital in the area, Fairfield, Blacktown & Mt Druitt tho all quite large don’t have the range of specialist services available at Liverpool (no Cancer treatment facilities) .. You have to go to Nepean Hospital to get equivalent levels of service …
Oct 19, 2023 8:12 AM”
That was me Bern.
I agree but they now have antibiotics for clap.
Johanna at 6.52am:
Truth bomb of the day.
Hamas was “elected” as the govt of Gaza in 2007. They haven’t bothered with an election since because… why would they?
Tangential to those Pali supporters shouting in the Capitol.
1,000 Days Without a Trial: Jan. 6 Prisoner Shares His Story of ‘Endurance, Perseverance, and Hope’ (18 Oct)
The depths of depravity the Left sinks to is still amazing and horrifying. Hell is going to be full of lefties.
the BBC slowly walking back
Johanna above is right about both parties being weathervanes but I think the Liberals excel at it. The Liberals, be it on the the Voice or climate, don’t know whether they’re arthur or martha.
I’ve never found Crisafulli impressive, perhaps I’m too harsh.
The mantra of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is a child, is……
one election, once.
In Tiptoe news:
Anthony Albanese on Wednesday expressed his horror at the destruction of a Gaza hospital with hundreds of deaths but refused to say which side he believed was responsible.
[unlinkable Oz]
Further explaining to come (depending on what Caucus explains to him).