Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
16 minute vid on the difficulty of tunnel fighting. Clearly bombing them out will save many Israeli lives.
Police update regarding pro-Palestine rallies
From Cassie’s link above re. Andrew Lawrence. Bang on.
Pumping them full of seawater?
Arafat with assistence from Soviets was the initiator of the cynical use of Arabs to disenfranchise the Jewish state of Israel. The first sign of success was his invitation as guest of honour at the UN as a reward for hijacking planes and ships. He would have known then that his efforts were gaining international welcome. Much of the world recognised slanderous images of Israel could be the pathway to lay aside pity for Holocaust dead Jews. It has taken six decades for Arfat’s foul campaign to bear fruit where a successful slaughter in Israel is taken as the rallying call as far afield as Dagestan. This is still the exact same war. Hundred year religious wars didn’t occur only in the past.
Whacky world of islam:
Palestinian’ woman who was featured in Vogue to Jews: ‘We will drink your blood and eat your skull’
Tulane University: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Break Nose of Jewish Student at Pro-Israel Rally
Palestinian Muslim cleric rejects support from ‘Queers for Palestine’ as an ‘abomination’
Nigeria: ‘In less than 48 hours, we recovered over 80 dead bodies, and we recovered 20 headless bodies’
According to a news report I saw on my phone earlier but can’t locate now:
Australia’s “Arab community leaders” have warned the ALP it risks losing the Arab vote if it continues to uphold Israel’s right to defend itself.
Said to number c. 300 000, concentrated in certain Sydney seats.
Given the lack of alternatives, presumably they won’t turn out to vote at all.
Had a call today from a farmer near Rochester, a bloke I’ve done mechanical work for in the past. He was wondering if I may know of anyone to drive his header or truck this harvest. I didn’t but we had a good catch up on the season, including the state of things a year ago when the whole country seemed submerged. He told me he burned 12,000lts+ of diesel running a pump to keep his house and sheds dry!
He’s a Trump fan so I asked him what he thought of what’s going on everywhere.
In a sign of how pervasive the propaganda has been his first comments were about “Israel going too far in Gaza”.
I set him straight on a couple of issues but we both had to get going and said goodbye.
It was saddening.
Ben Shapiro on fire here
wow the hamas apologist trying so hard with the Dresden Defence when she didn’t even know about Dresden.
Bandt would take them in, in a flash.
Also that despite the fact that hamas has started every conflict by committing atrocities against Israeli civilians, Israel must yield when the claimed Gazan body count is greater than the Israeli one, based on the bogus ‘proportionality’ argument.
The last attempt being the Rudd goat rodeo.
That’ll work.
BTW what happened to the muslim party?
It’ll certainly hit the ALP’s bottom line in those seats.
Reminder, the rest at the link.
I think Australia is at the flexing stage.
Muslim invasion. The writing is on the wall
History tells us that Muslims follow a similar pattern when they emigrate from their countries of origin in Dar al-Islam (the Islamic world) to infidel lands such as those in the West.
First, a fairly small number go to the U.K. and establish a presence, a beachhead or colony if you will. Because they are small in number, they take pains not to cause trouble or attract attention.
“Uh huh, bloke, if shitheads turned up at your place early one Sunday morning, raped any of your daughters older than 8, cut the fingers off your sons, raped your missus until she was dead (could take a few hours of non-stop raping) then went off driving any of your machinery they could start, taking your kids with them as hostages.
then you came back from down the paddock & found all this, would it be fair to say you’d be happy to call it “even” if they just apologised?
At some point, h@m@s will herd their civilian population into threatened tunnel systems, claim they were sheltering from the Isr@elis, and kill them.
h@m@s (and allies) are playing for time. Why? As I asked a few days ago, what is the victory state they have in mind?
Imagine Jews had a military during the Holocaust.
Would anyone dare tell them when they should stop.
Daily Mail.
If they don’t turn out, the Liars are vindictive enough to hit them with fines for not voting Labor. That should get them fired up.
Got an al Jazeera article in my time line about the unprovoked killing of an innocent west bank Palestinian by an Israeli while harvesting olives on his own land.
Meanwhile at the Jpost
Palestinian shot dead by settler
Any Queenslanders want to explain this away?
Out of Place Animals Photograph of Gayndah Bear taken late February 2000 by Peter Raffels at Gayndah Queensland Australia They have been seen walking on hind legs and were about 3 feet tall they may be descended from American black bears or Malayan sun bears escaped from crashed circus truck 1959.
– – – – – – –
The wide range of exotic and rare feral animals we have here is crazy. Remember the Lion Park at Wallacia couldn’t account for all of their lions.
Vengeance is mine, says the Lord; I will repay.
I would be tempted to convert to Islam so there would be no limits on the depravity that people would accept from me when I found them.
And then I wouldn’t.
Anyhow Tracey Holmes is on the money, you want high quality even handed coverage of the Gaza war, go to al Jazeera.
Film footage of the air strike (and secondary explosions) in the so-called ‘refugee camp’ reveal the depth of at least one of the craters to be far deeper than it looks in still photographs. There was clearly a substantial area beneath one or more buildings, the contents of which blew up and outwards.
Do we have any ordnance or explosives experts to explain the simple physics here? (Blast patterns, for example).
“If these reporters lived in the 1940’s they would have said look at how many Germans are dead…”
Dennis Prager DESTROYS the msm narrative
I’m taking a break from current affairs and watching an episode of Time Team on YouTube. They’re hoping to find a Roman Temple, and it reminded me of the 82,000 year-old temple complex they found at Dubbo (I think?) about a decade ago. Though I believe there was some disagreement about whether it was a temple, a library, or a bath house?
You misspelled ‘Tartaria’.
I really don’t what to think.
I’m not getting into that man-sweat and lycra dance, Knuckles!
“Sliante” to all you mob. I’ve poured myself a Tobermorey, from the bottle presented to me, by my niece, for my birthday.
Yes, 2013, at 102.
Tempus fugit.
Well, Last Stop Larrimah is only just bearable. Stayed in the pub a few times but before ol’ mate Paddy disappeared. Netflix has it.
Happy Birthday Zulu.
Irene goodnight
A bloody good idea. Imagine having these arseholes around during WWII with Iwo Jima? They’d have rules of engagement where they could only kill by hand to hand combat, and lose at a ratio of 2:1 because “fairness”. They could shoot them when they come out of the tunnels with their guns. Sounds like fair game to me.
Another ton for Q. de Kock. That’s four now. Van der Dussen has a ton too. Great batting line up Seth Efrica.
Rumour is that Paddy ended up in the roadhouse pies.
it reminded me of the 82,000 year-old temple complex they found at Dubbo (I think?) about a decade ago. Though I believe there was some disagreement about whether it was a temple, a library, or a bath house?
Nearly right.
It was an aqueduct, feeding a bath system, which was heated by a hypocaust. Nearby was a library, which had a printing press next door.
Whitey destroyed all of it. No trace remains.
Professor Bruce Pascoe – described by Geoffrey Blainey recently as “an engaging speaker who by pretending to be Aboriginal tended to convince young people” – can tell us all more about this magnificent civilisation.
He hates Tories, so the only conclusion means that we’re all Tories, even though only Alexander Downer is the only Australian i can think of that could be plausibly called one.
Do we have any ordnance or explosives experts to explain the simple physics here? (Blast patterns, for example).
I’m by no means an expert but I know a bit about military explosives. I have not seen the video but I can say a few things based on your description. If the Israelis knew or suspected there was underground facilities and/or munitions or explosives stocks they would have used bunker buster bombs which penetrate the ground for a predetermined time which correlates to depth before detonating. The detonation, in reasonably close proximity to other explosives detonates that as well in what is called sympathetic detonation.
The sympathetic detonation potential is considerably improved because the bunker busters hold nearly 650 pounds (295 kg) of tritonal explosive material. Tritonal is a mixture of TNT (80 percent) and aluminium powder (20 percent). The aluminium improves the brisance of the TNT — the speed (shattering effect) at which the explosive develops its maximum pressure.
From the way the Israelis are demolishing large buildings with a single bomb it is pretty evident they are using a few bunker busters… good thing.
You’ve got an Aldi knock-off there, Zulu
Steve Inman:
How Brazilians Handle Armed Robbers
Catturd ™
LMAO – It’s all about their money laundering scheme in Ukraine.
All of the complete brainwashed morons who fell for Plandemic Hoax and got vaxxed will microchip their arms for convenience.
Abraham Accords here to stay despite war, says Emirati official
Biden’s ‘Democracy Is At Risk’ Scaremongering Puts Democracy At Risk
Speaker Johnson Passes First Difficult Test on Second Amendment
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was billed hundreds of dollars for mystery overseas calls made by JOE – just days before president received $200,000 check from his brother
Nice try. Failed. Re – test in three months.
Thanks, Digger.
The craters I was asking me can be found here (you might need to scroll down a touch).
I wondered if the seeming absence of debris in the nearest crater was indicative of an explosive force (secondary?) which had blown upwards and out, rather than an air strike from above which I assumed would collapse the building leaving a pile of debris within the crater? Even a bunker buster would have blown out the lower levels but collapsed the upper structure on top, correct?
asking about
Cash 2.0 Great Dane on Halloween night 2023
Some clown tried to rob a country bank, here, in Australia, several years ago.
He discharged his shotgun into the ceiling and yelled “Freeze everybody, this is a stickup.”
One of the customers turned around “Yeah, and that’s a double barrelled shotgun, and you just let both barrels go.’
Local coppers are said to have taken their time, finishing morning smoke- oh, while the enraged customers beat the would be robber to a pulp..
JC, for your consideration:
On the one hand, to have an entitlement to $X is not the same as $X physically sitting in a box.
But onnn the other hannnnd… the amount people spend is proportional to what they think they have in their account to be spent, and the unfunded liabilities (of the loan) increase spending by one party without anyone else foregoing their own spending to the same amount, so in that sense money was created.
More for JC.
– https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1057521915001477
Swap out Temba Bavuma for Rilee Roussouw, and that line up is stacked. I am barracking for those mofos.
A reasonable article, though not revealing a great deal (especially nothing about the claim that the intention was to move as far as Tel Aviv!).
There are other elements about the intelligence context that some including the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy have written of, but the author makes a solid point or two.
(The more I read about the complexity of planning, the more ridiculous the notion that h@m@s are no more than oppressed rock-throwers looks).
M3 is causal to M1.
OK, that was a pretty lame spell-check i admit.
Did you tell us the titles of yer new history tomes?
Okay, so the bank receives Mike’s deposit of $100 and lends out $50. In order for the bank to make money, it also has to lend the other $50 or purchase a bond.
That doesn’t create an increase in the money supply. The bank’s balance sheet is in balance, with a liability (deposit) of $100 and two assets (loans) of $50 broken up.
Say Mike comes in and wants to take back his deposit of $100 to hire a cute owl that night. The bank counts out the 100 and gives it to him. The bank then has either of two alternatives to avoid bankruptcy that evening. It can borrow the $100 from someone else (the inter-bank) overnight market or it can sell the bond and call back the loan. There’s no increase in the money supply.
Remember this basic rule. Credit is not money. It’s credit.
The money supply can only be increased by the central bank either by adding permanent reserves to the system or by buying bonds it’s previously issued (it can buy private paper too). If money leaves the central bank, that’s an addition to the system. If the reverse occurs, there will be a reduction in the money supply.
If a bank lends money, it has to balance its books by borrowing the sum it lent out.
Now this process can be multiplied in fast motion which means there is an increase in velocity (V). Velocity is impacted by the central bank either increasing the money supply (faster V) or the opposite.
M0 = ?
On the ‘refugee camp’ bombing:
Caveat. My experience is in commercial/mining explosives, so there may well be significant military differences. But:
The image of the neat, symmetrical crater suggests:
The extensive surrounding building damage in the video suggests the area had been previously bombed. The shape, style and extent of the structural damage doesn’t appear consistent with radiating air blast from a single charge that formed the crater.
My take (ignorant as it is) is that the refugee camp story is probably bullshit – unless Hamas is forming up refugees into bombed areas with a target on them.
Alternatively, the IDF is using some very extraordinary, game-changing munitions.
Alternatively, I may be very wrong.
This can’t happen as the money in the system is a defined quantity. If there’s $100 in the entire economy, that’s all there is as banks can only lend out what they can borrow or have in reserve The weakness in the example is the money lent out has to come back to the bank through the way I suggested.
Thanks Muddy,
My take on the photo of the crater and surrounding vista is the blast was quite large and it has knocked back the buildings. As you can see all the debris and damaged buildings are leaning away from the impact site. Because it is military grade high brisance explosive the debris is thrown a fair distance from the site and the blast wave is very strong. Lower explosives, as used in construction and mining, just lift the rubble and drop it back on itself. Military explosives tend to blow it away. It would be interesting to see the site before the bomb hit. A bunker buster can be set to various depths and this seems to have come from a blast not far below the surface rather than on the surface or deep down so it blew the debris away. The steel skeleton of the building on the right suggests a strong blast has blown the cladding through the building and away from the impact site. Not sure about a secondary explosion but there may have been one from a cache of Hamas weapons.
Dr Faustus
Nov 2, 2023 12:09 AM
Thanks, Doc, very interesting. That was the type of analysis I was seeking.
(I think others have suggested the ‘refugee camp’ tag was historical?).
There are other elements about the intelligence context that some including the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy have written of, but the author makes a solid point or two.
I think an over reliance on technology was their greatest downfall. I can imagine a bunch of screen watchers some distance from the breach sites chasing their tail and calling electricians and electronics people to find out why their vision and other monitors were cut. This would have happened with multiple stations reporting an ‘outage’ and military/civilian ‘managers’ second guessing everything and using even more technology to try and find answers. All the time the butchers were busy butchering…
Excellent. Thanks for that, Digger.
The ‘cleanliness’ of the crater/s had me intrigued.
(This is what I like about The Cat: Where else can you find such a range of conversation topics, and participants with such broad backgrounds?).
Digger, I think we in the west think we are the sharpest of pencils, but ego/hubris/pride blinds us. (Conservatives have the same limitations, but that’s another subject).
Good night. Thanks for responding.
The confusion with respect to fractional reserve is that people don’t really know what that means. They think it means a bank can borrow $100 and then lend out multiples of that. That’s wrong. It doesn’t mean that at all. Money looks, feels, and is the same (fungible), but it’s categorized differently. Fractional reserve simply means that a bank can lend out multiples of the amount of capital it holds. Capital is not a deposit. It’s equity, or shareholder funds. So if a bank has $100 in equity and can leverage 10 times, it means that it can take in deposits of $1000 and lend out the same, $1,000. Every dollar of a loan has to be matched by a dollar of deposit. There is no leverage in this. Leverage is only a ratio of capital to loans.
Not quite right. The fractional part applies between deposits and money held in reserve (or at the central bank) and has no direct link to bank capital. Bank capital grows when banks make a profit on lending and falls when they make losses or fail to match deposit costs with interest income.
Actually, it’s 100% right.
Which is the liability side of the balance sheet. What’s your point, because leverage by definition is leverage to equity? This sentence makes zero sense. Reserves are held as further cover for a bank in case it has liquidity issues.
Yeah, and so what? If a bank makes money and keeps it 100% with distrinbution it has more money to lend and the reverse is true if it loses money and doesn’t mitigate with an equity raising.
PS. it’s actually doesn’t matter if you want to use either side of the balance to measure leverage because both side must equal. One dollar of deposit has to equal one dollar of loan.
should read, with no distribution.
No, thats something different to fractional reserve. better if you keep things simple and focus of $$$ deposited and loaned or held in reserve.
Nov 2, 2023 12:42 AM
Well it certainly bamboozled this little black duck, sorry but I don’t understand any of it.
Just as well I’m a baker not a banker.
Put it simply, do you mean a bank can have a capital of $100 and lend out a $1000?
Basically a bank could not go broke if all borrowers would pay their due, but not all do.
After boycotting the Qatar world cup, looks like I’ll be doing the same in 2034 if I live that long.
Australia dropping out was news a couple of days ago.
I did not know about the FIFA deadline.
In a move that would seem bizarre if it weren’t so blatently criminal, FIFA, soccer’s global governing body, has restricted bidding for the 2034 World Cup to only countries from Asia and Oceana. It’s also requiring applications — which typically take years to complete — to be handed in by November 30th. For a tournament that’s 11 years away.
That leaves only Saudi Arabia with a hope of submitting a bid by the deadline now that Australia has dropped out.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight. More here.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
This is a special kind of evil.
Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated; We Are Victims – Everything We Do Is Justified #Hamas #Gaza #Palestinians
Share it far & wide.
Especially to spokespeople for the mob that support this.
Aaron Berg
You mean “time out” cuz you’re losing after you started the fight with a sucker punch?
It’s a fix to ensure Saudi Arabia are the hosts.
Nov 2, 2023 4:12 AM
This is a special kind of evil.
Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated; We Are Victims – Everything We Do Is Justified #Hamas #Gaza #Palestinians
I don’t think that HamArse will ever get that opportunity again. The IDF is on the march mate.
Thanks once again Tom.
Andrew Bolt:
Pretty easy to tell Mr Bolt. It ain’t Israel and as you say, western civilisation.
Has any journalist ever asked Albo about his addressing a pro Palestinian rally?
Has anyone asked if Wong has sent her counterpart in Jerusalem any words of condolence or assistance? But $25 million which no doubt will be used for weaponry?
Staggering to think we are governed by such filth. Yet here we are.
Zatara thank you that is the one, and a keeper with which to inform the uninformed — sorry just saw your helpful comment had a very early night due to very early mornings. Cheers much appreciated.
Too right BB but at least they’re exposing themselves as the filth that they really are. Wong (aka Ms Hardcastle) following the standard Marxist line- “settler violence against Palestinians.” Interesting that being a “settler” is a bad thing now.
Tunnels need air. Portions of them can be sealed off once a reccy on air vents is done. Then various options are open to Israel. Flood with water or poison the air, which would kill anyone there; not a good option if hostages are there, brutal anyway. But didn’t the Russians during an Islamist attack on a theatre use drugs that can knock people out temporarily? This would surely be a solution of sorts to try to save hostages. Go in wearing respirators and drag out hostages first. Those above ground essentially control the air, electricity and water supply. Hamas can only have a certain number of hours of respirators available to maintain a tunnel presence.
My money is on the IDF having a plan for all of this.
Civilian infrastructure, especially mosques, hospitals and schools, is simply the cover for the openings of the tunnel network, as shown on the 16 min vid including maps put up a few scrolls back on this OT.
Someone should show Albo the map and tell him to spruik the removal of all civilians out of tunnel areas, as warned by Israel, but ignored, in a WAR CRIME, by Hamas.
Jetlag, even after a week, is still giving me late nites (hate to miss Sky’s Late Debate) and 4.30am mornings, awake like clockwork on the dot. Will have to video The Late Debate and get to bed earlier, watch it the next day.
Under present routine, I have to catch up on some sleep during the day.
Irritating when I have lots of other things to do too, involving endless govt paperwork.
Cheers, Tinta. Great to see you at Jupes’ dinner on Sunday.
Because these are their own tactics in the theatre of politics. Wong demonstrates it in her own comments and actions.
I suppose it had to happen. The creatures who masterminded and partook in the murderous, perverted rampage against innocent families and individuals on Oct 7 have given their deeds a rousing name – The Al-Aqsa Flood.
Nothing near as anodyne as The Final Solution, it places the disgusting event fair and square, if only figuratively, at the Temple Mount. No need to wonder what they desire for the rest of Israel, beginning in the heart of Jerusalem.
“Cheers, Tinta. Great to see you at Jupes’ dinner on Sunday.”
It was great seeing you all at Jupes’ place.
The second video on this tweet shows the cascading effects of ammunition exploding & the force it comes up via the air ducts.
“Has any journalist ever asked Albo about his addressing a pro Palestinian rally?”
A very good question. Of course not. Now just imagine, for one brief shining moment, if a media outlet found archival footage of Dutton, or Morrison, or Abbott, or any other Liberal or National addressing a far-right rally? Ya reckon a media outlet would have filed such footage in a box and stored in an attic somewhere? Ya reckon their ABC would not have gone berserk over it? Here’s my hunch, such footage would be making headlines for weeks, for months, until the Liberal or National in question had been forced to resign in humiliation. We all know this to be true, the never ending hypocrisy and double standards. Sleazy and his comrades, in both Labor and the Greens, are NEVER ever held to account for their ideological misdemeanours and associations. NEVER. There’s a picture of Sleazy taken with Corbyn, only a few years ago, when Corbyn was leader of UK Labour. Sleazy is pictured smiling with his Jew hating buddy. But Sleazy has never been asked any questions about this ‘association’. Not once, not ever. He’s never been asked if he distances himself from Comrade Corbyn’s Jew hatred, and now we know, Sleazy is no different to his great mate, Comrade Corbyn.
A few months ago Sleazy attended a Ramadan Ding Dong dinner where in attendance was a “mullah’ from south-west Sydney, the same mullah who, on Sunday night, 8 October, when the corpses of Jewish men, women and children were still warm, stood smiling on a Sydney Street and proclaimed how he was ‘elated’ by the the murders of Jews in Southern Israel. I ask, why isn’t Sleazy being held to account for attending such a dinner where such a dubious person was also in attendance? Where is the accountability? We know the media would be going to town if this was Dutton, or Morrison, or Abbott or even Turnbull. It is just another example of double standards and hypocrisy.
Here’s the truth, Sleazy has long been an Israel hater and as far as I’m concerned, a Jew hater. They’re two sides of the same coin. I’ve long thought so and the pogrom of 7 October 2023 has proved this. It’s flushed out Jew hatred for the whole world to see. It is why he and his utterly evil foreign minister, Senator Strap-on Wonk, are paralysed by what happened on 7 October 2023. Their sympathies are not with Israel or the Jewish people, they loathe us. They don’t care that over 1400 Jews are dead, and 230 Jews remain in Gaza, held hostage against their will, and the media doesn’t care either. I watched again the footage of Sleazy entering the St Kilda Shul a few weeks ago, it was like he had to be dragged there, I’ve never seen a person more uncomfortable in a synagogue.
Anthony Albanese is a disgrace.
But anyway, they get away with this Jew hatred because they have the benefit of a lazy, partisan far-left media that also loathes Jews and Israel, and they get away with it because of cowardice and ineptness from the right in this country. After the January 6 Capital Hill ‘riot’ in 2021, I remember reading how various Labor and Green scum were sending around a picture of Morrison with Trump, trying to smear Morrison by “association”. So, I rang Liberal HQ here in Sydney and I asked why the Liberals weren’t doing the same and sending around a picture of Anthony Albanese pictured, smiling, with his good mate, an anti-Semite by the name of Jeremy Corbyn. There was silence and a little cough and the person said that they’ll ‘pass it on’. Of course the Liberals did nothing, they just stood there like sitting ducks.
Until the right get down and get dirty….and I mean dirty, nothing will change.
Leakes cartoon .. what’s a VAD patient? ..
VAD .. Voluntary Assisted Death .. I think.
And today the media is focussed on the 20 or so ‘Australians’ (yeah…cough) who are being allowed to leave Gaza.
When will the kidnapped 230 Israelis be allowed to leave Gaza?
Australian banks don’t have reserve requirements with the RBA. In other words they don’t have to send reserves to the CB. Does that mean Australian banks don’t practice fractional lending? Of course it doesn’t. You’ve been really annoying of late. Stop.
Yes and yes.
If you’ve lost Laurie Oakes…
‘Incompetent dill’: Laurie Oakes slams Albanese over Voice failure (Sky mainpage headline, 1 Nov)
Ok not about Gaza and Hamas, but it was nice to see an Oakes zinger applied to Albo like that.
If you’ve lost Laurie Oakes…
Quite a surprise! .. I thought Oakes was “brown bread” ………
Sorry to have missed gathering at Jupes’. Both of us caught “ the lurgy” around the time of the Referendum & have been pretty crook. Must be getting old – despite very healthy lifestyle & daily vitamin supplements. Discussed with a switched on doctor – & she agreed that the lockdown prevented the normal immunity built up through circulating infections. She especially thought the lockdown of kids was significant.
I think Lozza Fox says it best……he uploaded this overnight.
Crime and Punishment by Laurence Fox
Please watch.
How Black Was My Valley.
Sky News reports Musk’s warning about AI. But they don’t seem interested in his warning about and summary of George Soros!
I can now hear Anthony Luigi the Unbelievable Albanese at the next election if he lasts that long, ” Your not Muzzie if you don’t vote Labor Liars”. Channelling that other POS The Chief Thief.
Who else are they going to vote for?
It was tops.
Although, I must say, I think the cheesecake was Sara Lee.
Just saw this..
Cassie of Sydney
Nov 1, 2023 4:01 PM
I am sure of, even in the midst of a fog, and that is Shani Louk would still be alive had it not been for homicidal barbarians invading Israel on 7 October 2023, raping, slaughtering, murdering, decapitating and so on.
100%, completely agree with you.
The point I was making was about the form and content of this “news” item, where we are given totally implausible, almost certainly false information.
All designed to create an uncritical, emotional response from the reader, regardless of the facts of this already hideous event.
Exactly what the most evil Goebblesian propaganda was designed to achieve (there’s a great YT video of Jordan Peterson lecturing his students on this).
It would be nice to believe that only one side of this war descended to using such deceptions.
Sky continues with its Roast An Israeli approach, basically taking the same line as the UN.
Francine’s opinion on Saudi Arabian tourism.
Laurie Oakes is a farquen cane toad.
Why statements of fact like this get downvoted (the post had no other content) is beyond me.
I can dig up the reference this week. I know what book it is in but I can’t remember who they referenced.
Econometric Models, Techniques, and Applications
Bodkin, Ronald G., Hsiao, Cheng, Intriligator, Michael D., 1995, Pearson.
ISBN 10: 0132247755 / ISBN 13: 9780132247757
But didn’t the Russians during an Islamist attack on a theatre use drugs that can knock people out temporarily? This would surely be a solution of sorts to try to save hostages. Go in wearing respirators and drag out hostages first
No doubt Hamas is anticipating some such strategy Lizzie – but like you, I believe that the IDF will have countermeasures.
Ironic that garbage truck with “Net Zero” on the side catches fire and blocks the M5 this morning.
I believe it was Sharri Markson’s 5pm weeknights show on Sky News that did what the rest of the Australian media refused to do and aired archival footage of Elbow addressing a rally of radical Arabs in Sydney.
In other words, 99.9% of the media censored the news to aid the Labor government, which — as Hamas launches its deadliest attack on Jews sincee the holocaust — is revealing itself as a hotbed of anti-semitic radicals.
To put it bluntly, 99% of the Australian media is campaigning for the genocide of Jews and the destruction of their homeland.
Harsh but fair.
I thought every month was Islamophobia Awareness Month.
They don’t really mean all communities.
Just the one community Blair and Brown created to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”.
Nov 1, 2023 4:02 PM
Perhaps Israel had her DNA available from previous health tests,
perhaps they requested DNA samples from close relatives…
Maybe the hamas rapists smashed her across the head to stop her struggling…
All plausible perhapses.. as are any number of other, unstated “explanations” which could, and should, have been explicitly stated upfront.
Without the background information that even a child might seek, to make sense of it, the default position (not necessarily the correct position) is that the story, as stated, is BS.
I would urge everyone to watch and subscribe to this guy’s Youtube channel, he’s an Israeli whose channel is called….travelingisrael.com
It’s really good….
The Hostility of the Left and the Arab World Toward Israel (and Why You Should Care)
To put it bluntly, 99% of the Australian media is campaigning for the genocide of Jews and the destruction of their homeland.
Didn’t Benny’s parents move from Malaysia to “settle” in Australia? Doesn’t that make her a “settler”?
Gary Varvel meme …..
If the Welsh want to be black all they have to is to pass a law saying so.
Welsh Government Looks to Redefine Women to Include Transgender Biological Males (31 Oct)
You can see where this is going. After a few years the Welsh Parliament will contain only men: half of which wear skirts and say they’re women.
Gilas, the last report about Shani Louk was that her body had not been recovered, only evidence of her death and its location mapped.
From what I can surmise, her body remains in Gaza where it was taken for public display and desecration by the mob.
The Prayer of IDF Soldiers Moments Before Battle in Gaza
It has brought tears to my eyes. There’s is zero moral equivalence between Israel and the scum who rule Gaza. Zero. And anyone who says there is, like that putrid dyke of a foreign minister, is a Jew hater, and wishes to see the annihilation of the Jewish people.
Never again.
I am a proud Islamophobe.
No the story as clearly evident is thar she was murdered in situ, her leg was badly broken (you can ponder why) and she was killed in a manner that left a skull splinter behind (is that the alleged one falsehood by the Israelis in the litany of barbaric murders performed by hamas for their adoring audiences?)
Her body clad only in underpants and a pulled up bra was then thrown on the back of a ute and pararaded around the streets of gaza.
Irrefutably she was murdered, most likely she waa raped, dead or alive, and then her body taken as a grotesque trophy.
Why is the precise method of her death, shot, bludgeoned, head partially removed so important and why does there need to be some sort of propaganda conspiracy around it?
Why dont you watch the video and give us your expert opinion.
Perhaps you could alsi take a squiz at some of the other video still apparently available on Telegram
Except that
1) former Israeli border guards have stated that the *standard* response to even a single (let alone multiple) comms failure was to mobilise the QRF, not to call tech support
2) the people under attack were making ‘000’ calls from the time it started
I still think something smells very bad about this, with the bulk of the security forces stood down on the anniversary of Yom Kippur and the astonishingly slow response. I still think it all adds up to Israel knowing this was coming and allowing it to happen for domestic political purposes – and you can bet the US Military Industrial Complex is loving all the smart weapons being demonstrated and used up.
Legalised murder victim.
Nothing “phobic” about my attitude to Islam. More “kataphroneo” – active disgust, and nothing irrational about it.
For all of the fanatical moonbattery against fractional reserve (i.e., normal banking) no one has explained how 100% reserve requirement banking would work.
It’s not as if such a bank can’t experience a bank run. What if mortgage holders default and interest can’t get paid, so depositors demand deposits back? Someone still takes a haircut and only in the very best of business conditions does the bank not fold.
Now what if there is 100% reserve requirements and OBS like RBMS?
The banks still have (real) depreciation, wages, on costs, utilities and so on so if there is a shortfall on the margin you still end up giving someone a haircut.
Some of the arguments revolve around demurrage.
Why would I want the bank to deprecate my funds as a trade off for having a much higher interest rate? I can keep crypto and international currencies in Coin Jar for free and I can keep real physical gold and silver myself.
Shani Louk had reached adulthood. It is unsurprising that she has become a symbol of sorts as she was also photogenic.
To my mind, this fascination with Ms Louk has come at the expense of the infants tied together and burned alive, or decapitated, or cooked in ovens – and the evidence of that absolutely cannot be disputed.
Value Added Death
What happens when jobsworths hold the levers of “health”.
Tsk, tsk, “settlers” are only the white Europeans, every other newcomer is an adopted native.
I Meme Therefore I Am
The West Has Fallen.
In America a man got arrested for posting memes.
In Canada a man got arrested for misgendering his daughter.
In England a man got arrested for criticizing Palestinian flags in his neighborhood.
In Germany a man got arrested for speaking out against his country’s war policy in Ukraine.
How Did Things Get This Bad?
It Begins. Biden’s DOJ Starts Arresting Trump Supporters Who Stood Outside the US Capitol and Committed No Violence – Despite Registered Rallies on Capitol Grounds that Day
Calli, you are right. Bureaucrats can’t afford any funds to treat sick people, they need that money for their pay rises and super contributions. A death injection is quick and cheap.
Knuckles, I think the focus is on her because it’s amongst the first footage out. Also because in comparison to the other stuff it’s slightly more bearable.
When I saw the map of the multiple massacre sites, my mind closed down and winged back to that grass-grown hillside in Montana with its little markers. It’s how the over-imaginative deal with such things. Some things are too hideous to process in a single leap.
Tin foil hat to page 4.
You have to be more specific, Aaron.
Aluminium foil is solid electricity and quite valuable. Let’s not waste any.
I still think it all adds up to Israel knowing this was coming and allowing it to happen for domestic political purposes
duk, put the crack pipe down.
“I still think it all adds up to Israel knowing this was coming and allowing it to happen for domestic political purposes”.
Yeah right…
Let’s think about this. The old CAR rules went down to 8% and in practice banks went down to 13%.
How are interest rates going to change if the loanable funds (excluding private debentures and bonds such as RBMS) declines by around 86%?
Banks make between 24 – 30% ROE, what if they struggled to make 3.9% to 4.0% ROE? Take CBA in recent years for example. Their current dividend yield is 4.5%. Their prior net interest margin was 1.9%. Their retained profit/reinvestment rate was 20 – 32%.
People really haven’t thought this 100% reserve requirement through to the end.
I also posit it would be impossible without tracking individual bills or tokens loaned out or using physical gold and silver as money with no bank notes.
no doubt they do, but:
1) Bear in mind Moltke’s aphorism: ‘no battle plan survives contact with the enemy’
2) Its not all about the tunnels, we have already seen that Gaza is densely built up (which makes it excellent defensive terrain to start with), *and* a significant number of hi rise buildings have already been reduced to rubble. Stalingrad and Monte Cassino both showed that destroying a city makes it even harder to assault.
3) Given the asymmetric nature of the conflict here, there are different victory conditions for the 2 sides: the stronger side (Israel) ‘loses by not winning’ , the weaker side (Hamas) ‘wins by not losing’. Unless the Israelis have the military, financial, diplomatic and political power to eliminate Hamas *permanently* from Gaza, (and I fear they do not) they *cannot* win this fight, however much damage to infrastructure they are capable of causing.
The Vietnam war was a great example of this – after the war, the top US (Westmoreland) and North Vietnamese (Giap) commanders reportedly met. Westmoreland told Giap ‘you never beat us on the battle field, not once..’ to which Giap apparently replied, screwing up his face, ‘true…. but irrelevant’.
And a final thing to understand about ‘asymmetric’ or ‘guerrilla’ warfare – these usually take place between a lesser power fighting in their homeland, and a stronger power who has invaded it. The aim of the guerrillas is simply to make the cost of occupying them too high, such that the invading power *goes home*. In the case of Israel, they are already ‘home’ – they have nowhere to go back to. This means that they cannot stop fighting and withdraw. This conundrum means there will never be a solution to this conflict by guerrilla warfare.
Oh. I see. Tragic that the reasoning went there and not to the obvious, crystal clear point. This is what marginalisation does. Not always, but sometimes.
Two points for Gilas.
First, look at the video of the botched attempt to behead the Thai worker with a blunt hoe. It is easy to believe that a similar attempt on the lass left a part of her skull behind, to be recovered and compared to DNA from relatives. (Her family is in Germany, getting DNA from them within a couple of weeks should not have been difficult.)
Second, another photo, probably taken later, had her underpants, and probably her bra, removed. When that occurred cannot be known, but it was almost certainly part of the barbaric desecration of her body.
There was sufficient barbarity in her treatment, dead and alive, to make quibbles about the details irrelevant.
100% reserve requirement nutters should look into Islamic banking. It isn’t some sort of honest John Birch paradise. There’s layers of complexity to get the same job done as in the west but with hat tips to ideas like all loans are usury.
As it has been proven that M3 is causal to M1 I doubt even if 100% reserve banking is practically possible in the medium to long run.
Considering the scrutiny Israel comes under for absolutely everything, over the next 6 months I would expect to see where the real failings came from on the intelligence & military sides of this.
I would be very wary of having any concrete views at this stage.
The solution is to be open to peace and comity but to annex and end forever as a nation state those who persist in molesting Israel. Dynamic disincentives matter.
The Psychological Playbook: Brainwashing Techniques to Increase “Vaccine” Uptake
And quite possibly this is just one more outcome.
Dancing With The Stars winner’s cause of death revealed after shock incident aged 42
They’re assuming it’s a stroke but are skipping an autopsy. I wonder why,
Exactly as planned, then.
Biden’s Green Agenda Is Making Every Part Of Owning A Home More Expensive, Watchdog Says
Bank of Biden? Second ‘Loan Repayment’ Raises Questions About Joe Biden’s Financial Ties to Family
I still think it all adds up to Israel knowing this was coming and allowing it to happen for domestic political purposes”
Absolutely offensive codswallop.
You do know I have my own page in ‘Cookerpedia’ don’t you?
Current maps of the IDF into Gaza show while they have bombed the shit out of the north & moving forward at a deliberate snails pace, they appear to have cut Gaza in half already just above the “refugee line” where they’ve been telling Gazans to get to for the last couple of weeks.
You don’t have to take a city block by block.
It aint Stalingrad.
Hamas terrorist: Shot crying children ‘until we didn’t hear noise anymore’
Horrific video shows subway carriage chanting ‘F*** the Jews, long live Palestine, we are Nazis and proud’ on Paris metro as France sees surge in anti-Semitism following Israel war
Hamas vows to repeat October 7 attacks and bring about the ‘annihilation’ of Israel while cynically saying it ‘did not want to hurt civilians’ as it slaughtered 1,400 people ‘but there were complications on the ground’
World’s Largest Offshore Wind Energy Company Abandons 2 Major U.S Projects as Green Agenda Crumbles
I am very wary of the Tablet Mag’s reporting that the US thought there might be minor skirmishes coming (even though it was reported by a top notch journo).
To me, it sounds like the soft truth (like someone just getting back from their bucks in Thailand).
LA Times’ Owner ‘Activist’ Daughter Stuns with Pro-Hamas Statements
Rumour is that Paddy ended up in the roadhouse pies.
Check it out KD, and give me your theory. I reckon it might match mine. (The pie theory gets a mention but…)
The Romans taught us this.
LI diner boycotted over Israeli flags, hostage posters before being backed by the Jewish community
The Israelis advanced further towards the coast today.
They are reportedly less than 800 metres away from cutting Gaza in two.
This chap is pro West Turk based in DC.
Migrant caravan headed north swells by a THOUSAND people in 24 hours to 7,000 people as Chinese influencers are showing migrants how to cross US southern border
This degrading perversion should justify the total demolition of the mosque it is named after.
Nov 1, 2023 6:09 PM
OldOzzie is the pepsi max to disguise the bundy or the other way round?
Thought Provoking Question – Actually you are right, I have never drunk Bundy Rum neat – Single Malt Whiskey Yes – I was originally a Coke Drinker and Pepsi Max is the closest I have come to a Coke Taste, besides the Sugar Free.
During 35 trips to Boston over 3 years in late 70s for Software Development, I aquired a taste for Cuban Rum & Coke, and on 4WD Trips in OZ, adapted to Pepsi Max & Bundy Rum – as unusual Australian – Non Beer Drinker – Pepsi Max & Bundy became the staple 1st Drink after finishing setting up camp for the night, and sitting around the Camp Fire – Cask Wine & and well stored bottles of Fine Red were also imbibed.
Pepsi Max & Bundy Rum, now my F1 drink of choice watching Reruns of F1 Races on Foxtel
Some things are too hideous to process in a single leap.
For me, the events of 7/10 have perhaps caused more anguish that 9/11 almost certainly because of the horrendous individual assaults. Perhaps it would have been better not have seen many of the videos and photographic records. But being the person I am who “must know”, there it is. Many people that I know have merely read the headlines & have come to often naive conclusions. They are people who “don’t want to go there”.
The changing world, with the movement of peoples to foreign lands and cultures, sadly promises a response to these atrocities based on cultural and religious affiliations, rather than humanity and analysis.
The post war era of affluence and complacency in the western world is gone.
That’s retarded.
I’m guessing you think the twin towers were a demolition job as well?
The biggest problem here is Jewish observance of the religious holiday, all very well and good and necessary for people of faith but they have been caught napping twice now at the same time of year.
If those military bases were fully manned this would not have happened, or at least not to this extent.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
Charlie Hebdo massacre.
Various drive by and lone wolf murders.
Leads to this in France.
1) crying ‘offensive’ is not an argument
2) to quote Ben Shapiro ‘Facts don’t care about your feelings’
3) ‘codswallop’, whilst a concise argument, lacks sufficient detail to refute my thesis
Given you think I am wrong, how about you help me understand just 2 things:
– why was the bulk of the Israeli security apparatus ‘stood down’ on such a momentous anniversary date as Yom Kippur?
– why was the QRF not despatched when the first surveillance failure occurred – let alone dozens?
I would be very wary of having any concrete views at this stage.
Bern there is only one concrete view. It is the destruction of Hamas. By any means.
SloJo and Kameltoe are worried people are being judged by their actions.
The Australian citizens and permanent residents being evacuated from Gaza via the Rafah crossing are bringing family members with them and it seems possible – from what Penny Wong does and doesn’t say – those Gazans will be resettled in Australia.
I hope they’ll be grateful.
Meanwhile, the IDF is engaged in gun battles with Hamas in northern Gaza and trying to create a corridor for civilians to escape south, which Hamas is attempting to thwart.
The ABC continues to report Hamas’s civilian casualty figures as fact.
After hearing and reading the trusted words of those who had seen, I decided that I did not want to see.
Somethings cannot be unheard, somethings cannot be unseen.
I glanced a headline this morning that the idiot Chalmers has been out and about calling for a heavier hand by government on industry to achieve net zero (whatever that means) in Australia. Has anyone come across the article? It was either in Oz or Fin Review.
Correct. Dr Duk.
Which means we’ll just have wait for the day the Arabs hate their children less than they hate the Jews.
Nov 1, 2023 8:17 PM
Nov 1, 2023 8:08 PM
During that time period, it might be empathetic to provide them with a therapy pet.
I hear green ants are soothing and affectionate.
still my favourite recollection, 4wd Driving in Victoria High Country, sheltering in Licola Victoria during 2008 bushfires unable to leave due Bushfires all around and having come througha ferocius bushfire to get there – sitting with some Foresters, also in the Campgound who really hated Greenies,
A couple of months previously, they had some Greenies chain themselves to trees – one of the Forestry workers got a Volvo Front End Loader drove out and dug up a Big Bulls Ant’s nest, then drove back and dumped it next to the chained Greenies – soon cries of pain with the Greenies accusing the Foresters of assault – the Forester who dropped the Bull Ants Nest next them said – “You are Communing with Nature”
Has anyone asked if Wong has sent her counterpart
That’s Mr Wong, or the Wong chap.
On a different note, I see the mushroom lunch lady has been arrested.
I apologise for my lax terminology Top Ender 🙂
The Five Year Plan – The Great Leap Forward.
This thinking still pulsates in the minds of the comrades of the Labor Canberra Soviet.
Perhaps leave the speculation untill later when emotions aren’t so high and facts become clear.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 1, 2023 9:20 PM
16 minute vid on the difficulty of tunnel fighting. Clearly bombing them out will save many Israeli lives.
Pumping them full of seawater?
would maybe drown a few Hamas, but if there is a ceasefire, the infrastructure is still in place and Hamas would just pump it out
Barnes Wallis Tallboy aka Grand Slam could be a good solution
Big speech today, mem.
Expect more centralised powers & planning and punitive measures for the recalcitrant.
Large companies will have to audit the carbon emissions of their workers’ travel, for example. Once up and running the regime will be applied to smaller businesses.
Say, do you think big business has woken up to the fact that Labor is not their friend?
“The aim of the guerrillas is simply to make the cost of occupying them too high, such that the invading power *goes home*. In the case of Israel, they are already ‘home’ – they have nowhere to go back to. This means that they cannot stop fighting and withdraw. This conundrum means there will never be a solution to this conflict by guerrilla warfare”.
Without scruples, anything is possible.
Lidice. Ask the Nazis or Romans.
Mem – it was in the Oz:
A heavier invisible hand to hit greenfilth target: Chambers
Dim Chambers has warned Australia cannot meet its net year zero emissions targets without more robust interference from government, paving the way for a new “invisible” hands-on industry policy.
P.S. Some edits have been made to the utterly absurd text above.
Mushroom poisoning suspect Erin Patterson has allegedly been arrested and is being questioned by homicide detectives.
It has been reported Ms Patterson — who served a lunch that allegedly killed three people in July — has been taken to Wonthaggi police station.
Local police are also searching her Leongatha home.
More to come …
Kameltoe reaches for #I’llRideWithYou
…what a statesperson
Old Aussie: Ouch! That’s a ripper story about the ants. Pity there wasn’t a tigersnake in the hopper as well.