Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
That’s not really how that might work. Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of…
Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Arabism has appealed to many poms. A culture of laziness, living in tents, attractive camels.
A tale of two girls, both girls loved to read, both girls were murdered for one reason and one reason only, they were Jews…
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt Germany in 1929. Anne loved to read, and to wonder about the world around her. Sadly, Anne’s life was cut short. Anne was murdered by Nazis in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in early 1945.
Noya Dan was a 12-year-old autistic Israeli girl. Noya loved to read Harry Potter. Sadly, Noya’s life was cut short. Noya was murdered by Nazis in Kibbutz Kissufim on 7 October 2023.
Please don’t ever forget.
If you don’t like my comments then scroll past
LOL Junior Cretin. If you don’t like the Martin Armstrong re-posts then just scroll past.
But you can’t as secretly you are in love with him and his work.
BTW, how are the Anger Management Classes going?
I would caution against a Bush style early declaration of victory here. This is an asymmetric conflict, and the side with higher combat power usually appears to be winning early on – they ‘win the war but lose the peace’.
The same will happen here, irrespective of how many hamas assets they destroy, enough will remain for the problem to regenerate.
Given the asymmetric victory conditions in irreguar war (Hamas wins by not losing – ie by surviving- Israel loses by not winning), sadly there is no way for Israel to win here, at best, they will knock the problem down for a while, and have to do it again and again ad infinitum.
Remember, wars are fought for reasons – in this case the irreconcilable differences between muslims and jews. If an Israeli military victory fails to address that (pro tip – it wont , not unless it eliminates every muslim in the world – permanently), then future rematches are inevitable.
Sadly, given every such conflict is an existential one for Israel (but not for Islam) – at some stage, the IDF loses and Israel ceases to exist.
One of my medics was involved in a single car incident – straight line up to a roundabout. Witnesses said the car suddenly sped up, and continuing in straight line into the bushes and shrubbery. Totalled the car, no one hurt.
The few epileptic incidents I’ve seen were that the person goes rigidly straight initially, which explains the sudden acceleration – the feet go down on the accelerator. That was my initial thought, but until the person was cleared not saying much.
God knows what would have caused the fit – if it was a fit – but brain scans will probably give us a reason.
Scroll wars.
The civilised West can’t afford to fall behind in a new age of robot warfare
In Ukraine and Gaza, the impact of AI is being felt in war. Totalitarian states could soon be beating us
In their fascinating conversation about Artificial Intelligence last week, Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk perhaps wisely steered off the subject of its effect upon future warfare, although in a sense it underlay everything about the recent conference on the technology’s international regulation.
The advantages robots enjoy over humans on the battlefield are immense: they can be faster, smaller, lighter and much more dexterous.
They can operate in all weathers, don’t need to sleep, can cross all terrains, are impervious to chemical and biological weapons, and will commit suicide if necessary.
They can also take cover when their radar detects incoming fire. They feel no guilt, cowardice, pity or remorse, of course, but as General David Petraeus, who was commander of coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, points out, no officer ever has to write a condolence letter to the parents of a machine.
Increasingly, whenever humans are pitted against robots, including in fighter jets in simulated dogfights, the human loses.
So we shall soon see robot-on-robot warfare, with battles fought in the skies between unmanned combat aerial vehicles.
Robots are able near-instantaneously to identify patterns of conduct in an opponent and adopt actions to counteract them.
The US Air Force has already undertaken warplane flights without human overrides. As an official at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has pointed out, because pilots black out at extreme gravitational forces, “the human is becoming the weak link in defence systems”.
AI, meanwhile, is able to comb through photographic data in order to locate individual park benches, let alone nuclear facilities. It can, in the words of Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt, the former head of Google, “deploy machines and systems employing rapid logic and emergent and evolving behaviour to attack, defend, survey, and spread disinformation”. It has already been used in the Russo-Ukrainian war in areas such as developing face-recognition software, making military supply chains more efficient, and producing deep-fake videos.
P?W Singer, who worked in the Pentagon, State Department and CIA, has written about how, in the future, “machines will take on greater roles, not just in executing missions, but also in planning them. Our robotic creations are creating new dimensions and dynamics for our human wars and politics that we are only just beginning to fathom.” It is therefore vital that our defence establishment is fully alive to future threats, not least because we know our likely antagonists already are.
“Whoever becomes the leader in [AI],” Vladimir Putin told Russian schoolchildren on Russia’s Knowledge Day in 2017, “will become the ruler of the world.” For once, he was right. The counterinsurgency expert David Kilcullen has also warned that “China has made swift and significant advances in fields (such as 5G mobile telecommunications, cyber operations, nanotechnology, AI, robotics, human performance enhancement, quantum computing, genomics and biotech political warfare, as well as financial manipulation) that lie outside the ken of Western war-fighters”.
He is not correct that these “lie outside the ken” of the Ministry of Defence, since Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the Chief of the Defence Staff, and General Sir Patrick Sanders, the Chief of the General Staff, and others, regularly warn of the need to update Britain’s defence in such spheres. But their sense of foreboding has to go beyond the British equivalent of what the late US senator John McCain called “the military-industrial-congressional complex”.
For all that most politicians and almost all the military high command recognise that we need to be constantly updating how we can project strength, there is not yet a general societal appreciation that we need to be willing to bear the huge extra costs involved. The necessary move from a small number of large platforms to a large number of small ones will require a bipartisan political approach as well as a far more generous contribution from taxpayers than hitherto.
For to slip behind is not an option in the incredibly fast-moving world of AI and robotics.
The costs are immense: the US Air Force estimates that keeping a single Predator UAV in the air needs a crew of 168 military personnel to maintain, arm, fuel, fix, and fly it, as well as to process, exploit, analyse, store and disseminate the intelligence it gathers.
The larger Reaper and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles require as many as 300 people per orbit. “The number one manning problem in the Air Force,” jokes one of its generals, “is manning our unmanned platforms.”
We can be certain that antagonists such as Presidents Xi, Putin, Khamenei and Kim Jong-Un will be unrestrained by any moral considerations about the use of AI in warfare. If the human monopoly on war is about to come to an end, we must ensure that Western robots are not forced to fight totalitarian ones with one arm tied behind their backs. This will require the West to be at the cutting-edge of all the newest technologies and perfecting all the latest state-of-the-art equipment.
Because the free market is more innovative than the closed societies the West competes against, we presently lead in AI and robotics research, despite unrelenting Chinese industrial espionage.
In the 20th century, advances were pioneered by the military in areas such as computing, cryptography, radar, plastic surgery and the internet, but today civilian companies are leading the charge.
The political scientist Dr Elinor Sloan has said that robots might even fight to higher ethical standards, pointing out that they “will not carry out revenge attacks on civilians, commit rape, or panic in the heat of battle. They do not have human emotions like fear, anger and guilt, which may lead to war crimes, and they are not constrained by desire for self-preservation.”
Yet that assumes that our future antagonists will not programme atrocity into their robots’ algorithms. Seeing the deliberate brutality of the Russians in Ukraine and Hamas in southern Israel, how can we be sure they would not? That is why we must always stay at least one step ahead of our opponents, giving Civilisation the edge over Barbarism.
Andrew Roberts is the author with General David Petraeus of Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare From 1945 to Ukraine, published by HarperCollins
Argue with God? Oy Vey!
Moshe goes to the Wailing Wall and cries out “God, am I not observant? I attend the synagogue, it’s only kosher for me, I read the Torah, but I am poor, so please please God just let me win the lottery”.
A week goes by and Moshe returns crying out while davvening “God, am I not a good Jew?, just once, just once let me win the lottery”.
Again, the same next week. The forth week comes and Moshe is beside himself and about to rent his clothes and plead.
Suddenly a deep voice comes from above “Moshe, Moshe, meet me half way, at least buy a ticket”
Knuckles 6/11 @ 8:36am
I was there with my wife. We were outside sitting on the picnic tables, we just decided our orders, I looked to my right, (I was facing the Main Street) when I saw the BMW suv go over the curb, the road curves at that sop. The wooden stump/bollard was flattened, thump sound, mute sound, then the first picnic table, a guy there with a white t shirt being dragged along with the table, when the table dislodged from the grill of the car he went backwards, the other two tables were thumped faster, bodies on road with body parts missing.
My wife ex nurse was a hero, she told me to stay put as there were people with body parts missing on the road. She nursed the boy. The publican was a hero and this guy in a suns t shirt knew what to do
Indeed, Calli. Psalm 51, especially verses 10-12, speaks to that most strongly.
The poetry of the Psalms is captivating and engaging on its own.
Symptom not cause.
Robot v robot.
Will that decide an outcome or only delay it?
Where do civilian aka collateral damage fit in to the discussions?
Bill P
Shaping the conversation, Bill. The media are trying to focus us on the miscreant who caused the tragedy, and the aim is at older male drivers – rich ones that can afford a “sporty Beemer.”
It’s subtle, which is how it works. Just read the comments and articles to see the way it is done. In this case, it’s pale stale males. Not doctors wives or 20 year old Lebanese rich kid who has no visible means of support.
No one has suggested ‘radical’ Islam is able to be defeated but it has to be managed and eradicating hamas leaders is a must do in the short term.
Of course many hamas members will melt back into the general population and they will bred up another generation, the current war will fuel a thousand grievances.
I think Israel has been pretty clear there will be a one kilometre exclusion zone inside the strip and an end to Gazans being allowed to work in Israel.
The hand wringers in Arab countries and the west can take over Gaza.
The only difference in this case is that unlike the American wars in the Mid East this is a neighborhood war. The orcs are literally next door, which means Israelis have far better reach and much more flexibility in terms of going in there next time they try something. It’s much easier when the enemy is in such close proximity. Where are their supplies going to come from if even food is had to get through?
Winston Smith
Nov 7, 2023 10:48 AM
That is not enough as they are also expansionist. Guarding the gates would be necessary, but that’s also too late.
At this point it’s a tragic accident and I’m not seeing any finger pointing at BMW SUV drivers of any shade in the msm.
Just statements of fact about the cause of the accident.
Of course in the light of the tragic event in Melbourne CDB a few years ago people would naturally wonder if it was deliberate.
Nov 7, 2023 11:00 AM
Now if Dover could introduce to the blog text that fades into the distance…
They’re up against it with New German parents, who are triggered by the concept of a memorial to a murdered Jew.
Whereas Muhammed added a few verses saying Allah gave him special privileges.
It’s a despicable religion.
Well said Cassie.
I always thought Anne Frank was born in Holland.
no-one’s interested. Funny then that last year’s carnival turnover was a record $871 million
Everyone should read the Diary of Anne Frank.
It’s only a little book.
Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
– Mark Twain
While Junior Cretin is just a cabbage,
– JR
Oh, come on, the mindset of these primitives allowed in the West is not expansionist. They moved there for a better life, presumably, and because the West has become soft with crummy ideals like multiculturalism, they were never integrated. Also, too many of them were allowed in at one time. However, to suggest there was ever an expansionist mindset with these primitives is really taking things too far. They’re barely literate and very backward. They packed themselves in enclaves, mind you, pretty much like all new arrivals, and then they became resentful because the natives didn’t really accept them or their ways. Having said that, in relative terms, the UK and US experiments have been relatively more successful than those in France, Sweden, or Germany. Housten, France, has a real problem on its hands because the labor market is not open enough to provide work for the lowly skilled. I said relative.
That’s horrific. Well done your wife and others. Give her a hug.
Everyone should read the Diary of Anne Frank.
Yes. I think I shall read it again.
Give it a rest.
I fail to see how posts about Armstrong is promoting a Ponzi scheme
After all you and Sancho have warned people a gazillion times of the dangers.
By the way what is a limey wog? Seems like a contradiction.
Now why don’t you take your anger management meds and have a lie down. You are taking the blog prefect role a bit too seriously.
All the Light We Cannot See.
A very good series.
There is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. It is clearly useful in promoting cohesion in low trust, low literacy societies (aka shitholes) as evidenced by its history and spread. Muslims (or at least a not insignificant proportion of them) are incapable of living alongside other religious or ethnic groups except in the most limited cases in countries I would not wish to live in. Segregation or expulsion seems to be the only thing that works, for example the Moors and Pakistan/lndia. We will have to relearn the lessons.
JC at 9:32.
Very telling that Wodney’s buddy claims he isn’t promoting the Armstrong Ponzi to his friends.
Why is that?
If you truly believed in Armstrong’s “investment plans” wouldn’t you want to share the spoils with your besties?
Unless, of course, you know it is dodgy, so you are happy to push it to strangers but don’t want any blow-back from the inner circle.
Nov 7, 2023 9:52 AM
Every msm outlet leading with 10,000 killed.
Instead of demanding Israel give hamas a free pass how about demanding this?
The Gaza-Hamas conflict could be resolved in a *day* if Hamas were to release the kidnapped Israelis, including dozens of children, and if they were to surrender the leaders responsible for the massacres of October 7, or negotiate their expulsion. It would be #over_in_a_day.
Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu had an even quicker solution when he suggested nuking the pallis.
Why don’t you give it a rest.
Go tell Americans, that you, Rooster-from-Qld, thinks it’s a contradiction. It’s American slang for a low class limey.
And seriously, just as you’re giving me advice on how to handle Marty Farts, let me give you some advice too. Stop with the boring stories that few people read. Be a little more selective.
JC, IIRC, you said the attacks weren’t even happening. As to what I said, I wondered how much of this they were prepared to suffer before moving out of Syria and Iraq. Where am I now on this? I think the tempo needs to keep rising so that the cost of keeping them outweighs the benefits of staying.
Neocons Pushing War Everywhere
I have warned that Biden’s Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and his #1, Victoria Nuland, are hardline Neocons with their own agenda, which is neither in the best interests of Israel nor the United States. They have control of the Biden Administration amid rising criticism. Blinken, on November 6th, 2023, said a ceasefire in Gaza would allow Hamas to regroup and carry out similar attacks. Blinken has also rejected peace in Ukraine and pushes for war everywhere he can. He is endangering the entire world, which appears to be his agenda.
Even Obama and other Democrats are starting to break with Biden. Biden is NOT in charge. He is too senile to make any rational decisions. He is doing as he is told, and there is nobody putting any checks against the Neocon agenda of engulfing the entire world in war.
Here’s a plan.
Why don’t you also scroll past stuff you don’t like without making comment?
Re the tragedy in Daylesford:
Two similar incidents in Sydney recently, fortunately with no fatalities of injuries. At Balmoral beach a vehicle driven by a female P plater ( I think of Asian extraction) inexplicably launched forward over substantial barricades (including concrete wall) & landed on the beach below. Fortunately sunbathers had recently left the location. More recently another female P plater (Indian from recollection) launched into a crowded cafe in the western suburbs. Again, miraculously, no people were injured badly.
My husband wonders how these drivers got their licences. Both were women under 40, by appearance.
I questioned the veracity of an anonymous twitter comment and suggested we’d have to also see some chatter through the msm in order to confirm it’s real. Ironically, you’ve linked to Poltico as confirmation.
There’s no tempo, because the Americans will blow the source of these attacks sky high if it continues and they’re not leaving because of this.
Nov 7, 2023 11:44 AM
Scroll you jumped up Pompous Windbag. You know it makes cents. Pretend Yank.
What’s the definition of an American bra?
One Yank and it’s off.
What odds on a certain fractious minority trying for an anniversary “celebration”?
Nov 7, 2023 2:23 AM
I’ll chuck my two bobs worth in here, Muddy.
You’ve posed a serious question which deserves a serious answer. In the past I’ve put up the point that things will get much worse before they get better, and I think events have proven me partway (the things getting worse part).
It’s like the alcoholic partner:
They get drunk and drive, then get up in the morning to check the car for damage. They get drunk and park it sideways in the driveway, and it’s still not triggering the need to get their shit together.
They wake up in some strange street – not knowing how they got there, and the fact that they have an alcohol problem is still refused.
Then this morning, they’ve woken up in a getter, battered and bruised, covered in vomit and they’ve pissed themselves.
That is the position our Western Society finds itself in.
The question now is “Will this make us wake up to the problem and deal with it?”
Or, as I’ve said earlier, do we choose the only three alternatives left to us and was so eloquently put to Germany this morning?
Young Islamists in Germany say Muslims will become the majority in Germany, abolish the German Constitution & introduce Sharia law:
.1 Surrender to the Islamic hordes?
.2 Take the sugar off the table and expel them ALL?
.3 Wait another generation and endure the Ethnic Cleansing which is a feature of ALL Islamic conquest scenarios, and not knowing if we will win it.
It’s not looking real flash is it?
Plenty of shit, white drivers out there too. Old, young, P plate – you name it. If we must disparage collectively let’s keep it to Boomers.
Another Marty gas release by Johnny Rotten (aka Wodney Woddenhead, aka Bovver Boy)
Martin Armstrong is a convicted fraud.
Here’s a blog describing his current scam.
Here’s a link to the US attorney’s office – Southern District of New York showing Marty admitted to the fraud.
Wodney is peddling a scam.
That was me, Gabor. As a young PMG Clerk – that dates me dunnit?- in City South Telephone Exchange, and an older German bloke who had survived the war made the comment:
“They were always there – the Nazis just gave them the opportunity.”
Look, Bourne.
JC might be the only guy who can go far enough with the barbs to make me feel sorry for a bunch of blokes who pump out made up rubbish with themselves at the centre like COVID bowel movements and Mr Tiger’s constant sycophancy might be more nauseating than eating them…
But despite your beef with them, perhaps avoid the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” stuff here?
What Rotten is doing is no more and no less than posting advertising spam – and it should be no more allowed than him constantly spamming links to his Mum’s OnlyFans site.
Don’t you just love the Labor Party?
New poll reveals majority of Australians support govt subsidising energy bills and fuel prices to help with rising cost of living (Sky, 7 Nov)
Since the ALP caused all this with their idiotic energy policies they’re stuck. So what will we do? Aha, I know, says Marles, we’ll fight Tories!
‘Lost decade’: Marles slams former government’s ‘revolving door’ of ministers (Sky, 7 Nov)
They must think voters are mugs. Not looking good for the next election Dickie birdie. Fortunately for you the Libs are hopeless, and the punters know that also.
Voters beginning to view two major parties as ‘worse and worser’ (Sky, 7 Nov)
Tumbrils please. Lots of tumbrils. And tar and feathers.
suggestion: a separate thread for anything related to this Armstrong guy and related matters
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.
– Mark Twain
It’s not ironic to satisfy a request. Still, the US via Politico is underplaying these attacks. As someone on Twitter suggested, we have several ongoing Benghazis happening in Syria and Iraq with more casualties then are being admitted.
The attacks are increasing in tempo. No one is deterred.
Military Mission with Rachel King could do well today.
suggestion: a separate thread for anything related to this Armstrong guy and related matters
Suggestion. A separate fred for anyfink’ related to Junior Cretin.
With manuals you have to work the clutch and the gears. Much less likely to hit the accelerator instead of the brake. And then just keeping on pressing on it wondering why the brakes aren’t working.
Trannies are sick fks:
BREAKING: Nashville Covenant School Trans Shooter’s Manifesto Has Been Leaked
Hi Roger,
Quite right about the cult of saints – I should simply have said saints. Some weird word-association-football got me there.
I looked over a few places to see where I had accumulated the tidbits of knowledge (I was never a student of Anglicanism – or an Anglican myself) and found there seems to be ongoing disputation as to whether the C of E is or is not strictly speaking protestant. Much comes down to the definition of how protestantism is defined. And then, of course, the C of E has a higher Church and a lower, with the latter very similar to the Catholic church (so I have read) and the lower very much opposed.
The point about taking the Bible the only authority could probably have been better expressed. What I was getting at was that the Catholic tradition of course relies on the Bible, but it has over its time made sense of the Bible as at times being literal, sometimes allegorical, sometimes providing a moral direction, and sometimes as inspiring or hopeful, so the Catholic Church has built up within itself a set of traditions from earlier deliberations over the last couple of millennia which are not themselves spelt out in the Bible itself.
I did read another article (In History for Atheists) which makes the point that literalism is in fact a new creation – mostly in America. That I had not realised. I had thought it was older., harking back to the time when people were told that they did not need a priest or minister to interpret the Bible for them.
There ya go.
As does much of the Muslim world. If you don’t think that there is a plan for Operation Samson, when Masada falls for the final time, you need to think again.
Done – again.
suggestion: a separate thread for anything related to this Armstrong guy and related matters
Who is the Armstrong guy? And if he gets a separate thread where’s mine.
Has Crowder’s release of portions of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto been mentioned here yet? She mentioned ‘white privilege’ and ‘crackers’ as the targets of her rage. No wonder the FBI have sat on this, and now Google and Meta are banning its dissemination on their platforms.
Well yes and no. Yes, because the MSM has finally confirmed there are injuries. No, because it is ironic we had to wait for confirmation through legitimate channels rather than anon Twiiter
How do you know Politico is underplaying the attacks when they actually gave out specific stats on injuries etc? And why is the twitter account credible?
Are the Politico accounts about those thwarted attempts accurate?
To be honest, 2 serious injuries and the rest pretty much so, so don’t sound like a big deal to me.
All money is a matter of belief.
– Adam Smith
Everyone should get a prize, its only fair.
Is it on Twitter?
If so where?
Dover – They’re playing up the local MSM and their own rank and file guys. The Hezbies are trying to do just enough to sell to the Arab-on-the-street that they are supporting the heroic brothers in Gaza. But at the same time they know that if they cross the red line a very large asteroid will land on them. Same goes for the Iranian proxies in Iraq.
So on the northern border you have almost kabuki of Hezbies and other odds and sods firing a few rockets and AT rounds at the Israelis and the IDF doing counterbattery fire. The Hezbies aren’t serious, at least not yet, and the IDF is happy to keep it to a single front war if they can.
But there’s a lot of expectation from the average muzzo, and so appearances must be maintained.
Is there a link to the manifesto? I’d rather make up make up my own mind about it. Plus I must be getting old because I’m sick of the circus Crowder represents.
only boys and men in Gaza, and am I wrong in thinking a couple of older boys just behind the leaders are grinning? Not to mention the group of old blokes on the right who aren’t running anywhere , or the other men further in the background all of whom have their backs to the camera
Laughing out loud at the dudes entered for the Melbourne Cup’s fashions on the field at Flemington. Astonishingly, most of them would appear NOT to be horses’ hooves, just showoffs with very small dicks.
PS: I love the female strappers wearing fascinators in the parade ring.
The racing industry would barely exist without the love of horses from girls manning the stables fresh out their adolescence as members of pony clubs.
If moral righteousness was to be paired with honesty, we’d admit that this Armstrong business (in which I have neither position nor interest) is simply the most recent justification for an extensive pattern of online anti-social behaviour, masking a set of profound insecurities. Everyone possesses the latter to varying degrees (I could give you all a run for your money if you wanted to make the comparison competitive), but not everyone ditches attempts at humility to inflict their deficiencies on those around them with undisguised joy and rapture.
Yes, it’s a word salad, but they’re the only greens I consume, so grow the feck up you pathetic, inbred, puberty-revisiting stains on the remains of conservative flaccidity.
Has anyone heard anything from the Assistant Minister for the Republic lately and who exactly is this Minister assisting? Sounds like a rort and a job for the kiddies to me.
UDF finding all sorts of interesting things as they penetrative into Gaza.
Now that the dust has settled on the Daylesford prang, it’s time for the frontline lawyers to do their thing.
Initially I had thought it was highly improbable that a car could hit the outdoor area at the pub, from what I could remember from many visits there.
However it seems the dining area had extended out onto a small grassy park in front of the pub during Covid.
Which is public land.
Which would require a council permit.
Which would need a risk assessment.
Many, many Top Men will be poring over those documents as we speak, looking for the bit which mentions that the new dining area is directly in line with a moderately steep roadway.
I suspect we will now see two things.
Firstly, many “pop-up” outdoor hospitality areas set up over parking bays on busy streets will be hastily dismantled.
Secondly, those that remain will have their cutesy plastic picket fences replaced by those massive water filled barriers.
Bruce of Newcastle
Nov 7, 2023 12:25 PM
The attacks are increasing in tempo. No one is deterred.
Dover – They’re playing up the local MSM and their own rank and file guys. The Hezbies are trying to do just enough to sell to the Arab-on-the-street that they are supporting the heroic brothers in Gaza. But at the same time they know that if they cross the red line a very large asteroid will land on them. Same goes for the Iranian proxies in Iraq.
So on the northern border you have almost kabuki of Hezbies and other odds and sods firing a few rockets and AT rounds at the Israelis and the IDF doing counterbattery fire. The Hezbies aren’t serious, at least not yet, and the IDF is happy to keep it to a single front war if they can.
Hezbollah’s Nasrallah & The Future Of The War
TUESDAY, NOV 07, 2023 – 08:20 AM
Authored by As’ad AbuKhalil via Consortium News,
The expectations for Hizbullah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s speech on Friday were very high; even the U.S. National Security Council’s spokesperson at the White House admitted that they too were awaiting the speech. In the Arab world there was anticipation or a general wish that Nasrallah would declare an official entry into the larger war, thereby igniting a regional conflict that would change the shape of the Middle East.
Hizbullah, unwisely, increased expectations by releasing video teasers showing Nasrallah walking or seated. Israelis and much of the world were holding their breaths. Lebanese were nervous but hopeful that Nasrallah would take their plight into consideration.
But Nasrallah does not operate in a vacuum. There is a very complex context in which he does. In the Arab world, the Western-Gulf alliance has spent billions to demonize Nasrallah and to undermine his standing in the Arab and Muslim worlds; and his standing reached new heights in the wake of the 2006 war with Israel.
Hizbulllah is the first Arab political party, or even state if we add them to the mix, which devotes energy and resources to engage in psychological warfare against the Israelis.
The PLO had no notion of that, and the speeches of its leaders (and of Arab leaders) were bombastic and emotional and did not rely on a base of military power and preparedness.
Nasrallah is an expert on Israel; he spends hours reading about Israel and its politics and military.
Tied Hands
Nasrallah must have felt enormous pressure before the speech. For a leader who uniquely (in the history of Arab leaders and of Israel) makes decisions on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis, Nasrallah’s hands were a bit tied in Lebanon.
Half of the country (at least) is under the influence of Gulf regimes and have relatives in the Gulf and fear for their expulsion (Gulf regimes remind Lebanon regularly that if Lebanon were to take stands against the Gulf regimes, those Lebanese immigrants would be expelled en masses).
Furthermore, there is an enormous U.S. media apparatus headquartered in Dubai that coordinates with Israel and Gulf countries in the war on enemies of Israel, especially those who are engaged in resistance against Tel Aviv.
Weeks before Nasrallah’s speech, journalists on the payroll of Gulf regimes and journalists who work for media funded by NATO governments and George Soros came together and promoted a petition rejecting the war between Lebanon and Israel, insisting that Lebanon is too fatigued to participate in a war against Israel.
Money was mysteriously made available for those people to buy billboards sending the same message: that Hizbullah should keep Lebanon out of the war.
The movement did not spread much, but it registered with people who are worried about their living conditions, in the wake of the economic collapse and the elimination of people’s life savings.
It did not help that Israeli leaders make weekly threats that they would turn Lebanon back to the pre-industrial age or that they would threaten to eliminate Lebanon altogether.
Three Signals
When it comes to war with Israel, Nasrallah is the ultimate decision maker.
The entire political class in Lebanon (in the form of the government and the prime minister) has said that Lebanon does not want war with Israel.
So Nasrallah did not declare war, but sent out these important signals:
There’s some pretty humorous twitter accounts popping up.
Then of course, there’s the mossad:
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Did the media actually use the phrase “Sporty Beemer”?
I saw descriptions of a “white BMW SUV” but that’s about all.
I think the “Sporty Beemer” phrase is a Cat thing.
Nelson, that was a particularly horrible thread. It looks as though everyone went nuts.
Well, it crossed my mind, from my memory of where the seating used to be, tucked in under the verandah. Knowing that they had since extended this out onto the public park in front makes an accidental event entirely plausible.
Which, as I say, raises a lot of legal liability questions.
The google reviews of Shifa hospital in Gaza are worth reading:
UDF finding all sorts of interesting things as they penetrative into Gaza.
Who the fark is the UDF?
Nelson, that was a particularly horrible thread. It looks as though everyone went nuts.
I never bothered to read it, but I encourage others to use it as necessary. 🙂
It may be a touch problematic to implement an asymmetric strategy when your total battlespace is a hole in the ground.
Old Ozzie – yes there was a lot of expectation about the Big Announcement from the Hezbies on Nov 3 and it turn out to be beige boilerplate.
Hezbollah are on the nose in Lebanon at the moment, since they’ve effectively controlled the government for a decade, but all that resulted in was Beirut port being blown up, hyperinflation and banks refusing to allow people to withdraw their own money. Governing is hard.
They’ve also been losing fighters in the Syrian war. I expect they need the guys they have to keep on top in Lebanon and the areas they control in Syria, as other groups will be eyeing their chances. If they committed their forces against Israel that would leave the home front weakened. Likewise if they got pasted the way Hamas is being pasted then they’d not have enough left after the dust settled to keep their territory. The Lebanese Army such as it is must be itching to re-establish sovereignty.
And, of course, Indian truck drivers.
Speak for yourself, little lady.
On the subject of outdoor dining Hobson Bay are currently in dispute with various cafes and restaurants over post covid dining arrangements.
I’m guessing Hobson Bay want a massively increased slice of the pie as traders are claiming the changes aren’t economically viable.
I guess if that’s true they’ll withdraw indoors.
Part of Pier St Altona has been permanently blocked to through traffic to create an outdoor dining space.
Given how many hoons used to migrate there each summer (and might still do) that might be worth keeping.
Frightening. Absolutely frightening!
video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1721503291564015616/pl/AEjoP59bUlaSjL0x.m3u8?tag=16&container=fmp4 from Good Morning America’s post
That other one in the middle.
Hamas -> Winning == not Losing 100%
Israel -> Losing == not Winning 100%
Palestinians. -> Winning == not Losing 100%
Israel -> Losing == not Winning 100%
SA plod providing stellar service to the public.
Did anyone see George Conway yapping with Jan Psaki last week?
Absolutely disgusting.
“Trump is guilty of fraud because a biased judge erroneously and massively undervalued his assets”
Bon you forgot the piano wire and Madam Guillotine.
Nov 7, 2023 11:44 AM
If you can’t stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.
14 down thumb bum bums against you and counting.
JC, please, not the Rooster. Anything, but not the Rooster.
Get it up to at least 45 Wodney seeing gaming thumbs is your occupation now, you crooked limey piece of manure. You’re so freaking thick – as though no one knows what you’re up to.
Ahed Tamimi is our old friend Shirley Temper.
I remember reading that she was a lot older than claimed, and the mother of several children. Now she is supposed to be 22.
Looks more like late 20s early 30s to me.
Might be the hard life of the Palestinian activist.
LOL The rooster is the most heavily read, most popular guy in town according to the song.
Ulster Defence Force? The Fighting Irish have arrived?
Cats will recall the epic photograph of the crazy woman howling at the moon when Trump was elected. I saw it again yesterday.
I often wonder, but not care, how she must feel about still being trotted out for almost every meme sneering at the loony left.
I imaging that caring souls ensure thst she is sent copies of all of them.
United Dairy Farmers. They’re not to be underestimated. Supported by cows with guns and chickens in choppers.
There is no formal driving test in India live we do here.
What time today do they announce interest rate change or not?
Why are today’s young people so angry at us oldies? asks James Whale
It’s a long time since I was young but, thinking back, did I hate the older generation as much as young people today seem to have it in for us? I don’t think so.
There’s something about the current generation that, if I’m honest, puts my back up.
They’re spoiled, judgmental and utterly entitled.
They seem to think they can lecture us about pretty much everything. And they’re hypocrites too.
They preach about sustainability then stock up on sweatshop-made fast-fashion which they wear once and throw away; they attack us for global warming then enjoy several holidays a year in exotic locations; and they lecture us about the evils of the British Empire via Chinese-made smartphones put together by, you guessed it, indentured workforces paid a pittance in huge factories.
And don’t get me started on the trans debate. Or politics. Or Net Zero (or, whisper it, on the evils of Hamas).
Or pretty much any other topic where my perfectly commonsense views seem to engender howls of outrage from the younger generation.
Like entitled children, they scream and shout if they don’t get their own way.
The thing is, it’s fine to disagree. That’s a story as old as time.
Every generation thinks it knows better than its forebears, and maybe some of them do. On some things.
It’s the vitriol that astonishes me, the angry, hectoring attitude towards everyone over the age of 35 who doesn’t automatically kowtow to the progressive agenda.
When I was growing up in the Sixties, the older generation really did feel a lot older. Many politicians had fought in the Second World War and your parents were just that, your parents. Not your best friends. There was respect and a certain deference.
Now I’m not saying we should turn back the clock to the Sixties, but perhaps we could all take a breath and start again.
With age comes wisdom… it just does.
Looks like we have two blog prefects including Sancho.
It is easy to say scroll but when the BS goes on for hours with multiple repetitive posts it makes the Cat a pain to read. There is no point in commenting as it is drowned out by drivel.
Another point to consider. Do the blog prefects seriously believe there are people who are reading the Rotten Armstrong posts who are then going to be fooled into signing up for whatever Armstrong is currently trying to sell. If there are some so gullible I am sure by now they have had plenty of warning from the multiple daily posts from the bleating tag team.
If JC and Sancho want to work in business regulation get a job with the SEC or ACCC but give this blog and its readers a break.
I won’t have it.
I know Wodney is trying to recruit the unwary to Martin Armstrong’s Ponzi, but manipulating downticks?
Surely he wooden stoop to that?
Rooster, forgive me for asking, but aren’t you like, trying to monitor the “monitors” here?
Aren’t you uograding yourself to chief monitor? You’re such an old woman.
I know, I know.
But still Wodney persists with his Armstrong Ponzi spam.
OK, thanks ML.
I wouldn’t get too hung up on the general term Protestant
Strictly speaking, the only people entitled to it are the German Lutherans who protested at the Diet of Spires II.
Anglo-Catholic Anglicanism, which was always ecclesial cosplay, is just about dead.
On official Anglican doctrine, best not to rely on secondary sources but, as always, the primary sources – most editions of the Book of Common Prayer include the Articles of Religion and the Catechism.
Anybody wonder why it is the blog prefects who are most outspoken about down ticking ?
Simple, because they know it shows them and the rest of us how people feel about their drivel.
Now please continue with the JC and Sancho show. I think today is a write off in terms of good discussion.
It’s God’s work.
If we save just one pensioner’s savings account …
Chinese dentist time.
I was in agreement untill “With age comes wisdom… it just does.”, OldOzzie.
Lots of boomers championing the latest trends to stay relevant.
I certainly hope security is tight at the races.
It would be an excellent opportunity for the mohammedan community to demonstrate their untouchableness.
Nobody asks that because it’s a straight lie, rooster. Complete made up lie.
Now tell us what’s happening in the next door electorate as we’re been waiting with baited breath.
Check out this bird.
Woodcock dances to Stayin Alive
I’ve added to the discussion, rooster. Other than posting selective whines, what are your contributions to general knowledge today? Oh that’s right, zero.
Meanwhile the limey crook you’re trying to protect is going nuts. You’re just useless.
Tell that to the north Vietnamese.
That being said, the IDF is rather highly motivated.
All the MSM has done is report what the Pentagon is prepared to concede at the present time.
Two ways, because they underplayed it at the beginning, and by inference.
It’s always not a big deal until it is a big deal.
Bourne1879 Nov 7, 2023 1:36 PM+ 2000% & then another 2000%
Redneck deplorables know what matters.
You’d have to be pretty stupid, in fact downright moronic, to believe that if you don’t post 200+ warnings per day about Johnny Rotten, otherwise someone may base a financial decision upon something posted by him.
Daily Tele.
Very deep thoughts, Dover.
Johnny Rotten gets on the goat of all the right people, making him a most valuable contributor to the Cat.
For those of us with a gutful of the permanent news bullsh!t avalanche, some some recent TV series are worth gorging on…
Silo Season 1 from Apple+ or your favourite free-download cubby hole. Ticks many woke boxes (blacks are heroic hunky-dories, all women are strong and virtuous etc..) but still has an engaging plot and a surprising end to the first season.. quite clever.
Season 2 not yet available, being held up by the writers’ strike.
Cell 8 on SBS on-demand: hints of.. no.. plenty of wokery for those of us with femto-woke-detectors, but a typical Swedish Nordic Noir production, with realistic drama, extensive character development and very few holes in the plot.
Outstanding last episode, with a surprise ending.
Highly recommended.
On my Facebook feed for some reason I’m getting more clips of Pierre Poillievre than any other politician. Which is an entirely good thing, the bloke is seriously impressive, delivers a strong clear presentation.
LNP politicians should be watching and taking notes.
Winston Smith
Nov 7, 2023 1:45 PM
I certainly hope security is tight at the races.
It would be an excellent opportunity for the mohammedan community to demonstrate their untouchableness.
Chaotic scenes at Flemington as large group of pro-Palestine activists obstruct Melbourne Cup proceedings with demonstration
Heavy chaos has erupted outside the Melbourne Cup after dozens of pro-Palestine activists staged a demonstration blocking entry roads to the Flemington Racecourse on Tuesday afternoon.
In vision circulating on social media, protesters can be seen blocking the road leading to the venue’s entrance, with dozens of police officers attempting to break up demonstrations by dragging people away.
Footage shows one person standing atop a van with a flare in hand while several others circle the area with Palestinian flags in hand and chanting the slogan “free Palestine”.
The protest has also led to heavy traffic chaos in the vicinity, with reports of particular disruptions at the roundabout of Epsom Road, Ascot Vale Road and Racecourse Road near Flemington.
“Cops trying desperately to clear the road, people continue to walk on. The group have taken the road preceding scuffles with cops on the scene,” a user wrote to X just before midday.
Once again the road has been completely blocked. pic.twitter.com/j6UUXcyczP
— Matt (@MattH093) November 7, 2023
Activists a blocking a main intersection at the Melbourne Cup today to demand a complete seize fire, end the siege, end to the occupation. From Naarm to Gaza, Palestine and this continent will be free#FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/XeV9FOydBW
— Scheherazade Bloul (@scherrybloul) November 7, 2023
“Activists blocking a main intersection at the Melbourne Cup today to demand a complete seize (cease) fire, end the siege, end to the occupation. From Naarm to Gaza, Palestine and this content will be free,” another said.
A caller told local radio station 3AW there were about 50 protesters “all in the middle of the road” and no motor traffic was being able to get through as a result.
Police will be coming down hard to clear the scene within the next few hours as crowds of thousands flock to the venue for what is the biggest racing event in the country.
Celebrations commenced earlier on Tuesday ahead of the main race at 3pm, with
Comments Not Kind
+ 2000% & then another 2000%
Two days to Kristallnacht and two more to Remembrance Day.
Nov 7, 2023 1:45 PM
I was in agreement untill “With age comes wisdom… it just does.”, OldOzzie.
Lots of boomers championing the latest trends to stay relevant.
They are called TEALS/Greens
So Vicplod will only intervene if the sacred cup is threatened.
Little chance of breaking even on the Cup unless one of the lightweight roughies storms home – but it’s all fun.
Five each-way bets:
“My husband wonders how these drivers got their licences. “
Now THAT, per chance, is a question I can answer – I had a friend whose job was license testing, although she has since moved interstate and we have lost contact.
For at least the last 10 years or more, such testers have had to go through a rather rigorous and demeaning “Please explain” if their pass rate for license tests exceeded a fixed amount. I have been told that “they weren’t good enough!” is not sufficient reason. So, as you might expect, such testers regularly give people a pass who do not deserve a pass – most especially towards the end of the month.
In short, there is NO objective standard one needs to meet to gain a drivers license in NSW – you merely need to get tested at the right time and to get tested in an area where most learner drivers are very bad. In other words, you can have the physical coordination of a spastic in a tumble drier and still get a drivers license in NSW. Explains a lot eh, fellow New South Welshmen?
QLD’s unemployed public defender makes a move. I’m quite surprised as I would have thought he’d begin inching in last evening.
You need to explain this to the readers. I reply to Wodney’s Marty farts with a simple disclaimer that Marty is a crook.
It’s not a long post or anything like that and you can scroll past like we all do with disclaimers, so what’s eggsactly triggering you about a garden variety tiny little disclaimer? What’s the upset here, roost?
“Speed” is an upcoming 2024 Australian movie focused on the Australian economy where terrorist, Jim Chalmers attempts to drive the Australian people off a bridge into an economic abyss.
Michelle Bullock attempts to be the heroine of the show by slowing everything down but is too little too late.
(May be a fictional work in my mind)
Shall we put that on the shelf with “Sunday’s anti-Israel protest will not go ahead”?
Yup… up 25 points!
RBA lifts cash rate 0.25pc to 4.35pc
Sarah Jones
The number: The Reserve Bank of Australia raised the cash rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4.35 per cent as widely expected.
Why it matters: Inflation is still too high, crimping household budgets and businesses, and sits well outside the central bank’s 2 per cent to 3 per cent target band.
What has changed: This is the first interest rate rise since July and follows alarmingly high price growth for the three months through September and strong retail sales numbers.
What next: The RBA will hold its next policy meeting in December, the last opportunity to act on rates before an extended break over the summer. The central bank will update its full quarterly economic projections on Friday.
Lysander, reality following art!
Up 25 points, and a fairly big F-U to Chalmers:
Dimbo & Elbow own this one.
Inflation is still too high, crimping household budgets and businesses, and sits well outside the central bank’s 2 per cent to 3 per cent target band.
so we’ll put even more pressure on household budgets- these garbage people with their garbage degrees and doctorates are way more dangerous than theologians that talked about angels on pinheads.
Still way overpriced, IMHO.
[Goldbugging intensifies]
Some people have the best nicknames.
Best I ever got was K-9.
Some people are so unimaginative and think rabies worth comment.
Now hang on while I take off my shoes so I can scratch behind my ear…
UNE- a lightweight institution if ever there was one
LSE- speaks for itself
1, 5, 8, 11, 21.
Banking on Maher and Eustace to get a couple in the top three.
Hey! Jim Hacker went to LSE!!!
LSE started by the loathsome Webbs iirc
Listen to me.
Mortgages. Were. Always. Going. To. Rise.
The banks don’t rely on foreign-funded RMBS but their loan books are going backwards. If the OCR doesn’t go up, then there is less short-term capital invested here in money markets. The overseas funding of RMBS would pull back but otherwise, the rate going up moderates the effect of that anyway. If we didn’t have the devaluation over the year or prior two years, then we would have had less capital inflow.
We’re better off hitting inflation as the mortgage rises are inevitable. Having inflation to run along and then let mortgages go up even more later on is worse.
This could have been nipped in the bud.
Why thank you, but it’s just a truism. It’s other names are: death by a thousand cuts; or, The straw that broke the camels back, and so on. You get the idea.
My four each way bets:
15. Lastotchka
16. Magical Lagoon
17. Military Mission
23. Kalapour
Moops. The Moops and Pakistan/India.
Being ‘silenced’ by a judge was a win for cantankerous Trump
Former US president is told ‘this is not a political rally’, as he tries to use courtroom as his stage
By Susie Coen,
Sitting at the witness stand in his freshly pressed navy suit with his arms staunchly folded, Donald Trump could not restrain himself.
Pulling no punches, the 77-year-old, accused the judge of being biased, claimed the “crazy trial” was a politically motivated “witch-hunt” and branded Attorney General Letitia James a “political hack”.
Each of Mr Trump’s blows were parried by Judge Arthur Engoron in New York Supreme Court which descended into a circus as Mr Trump became the first the former US president to take the stand as a defendant in more than a century.
Throughout the tiring day, Judge Engoron pleaded with the Republican frontrunner’s lawyers to “control” their client, criticised Mr Trump’s “irrelevant” and “rambling” answers and told him curtly: “This is not a political rally.”
But if it wasn’t a political rally – it may have had a similar effect.
As he does in the arenas and parking lots of the campaign trail, Mr Trump used Courtroom 300 as his stage.
The former president has spent the last three months telling America that the cases against him in four states are politically motivated, and in court he did so on the record.
Mr Trump had a good go at painting himself as the victim in a day that was as much about the theatre as it was about the substance of his testimony.
However, it was not all good news. Mr Trump admitted in court that he had tweaked the figures on his company’s financial statements.
Amid the protracted tangents and passionate ramblings about his real estate prowess and “cash flow”, when asked whether he ever thought the values were “off” in his statements, Mr Trump said: “Yes, on occasion. Both high and low.”
Mr Trump said that two properties, his triplex apartment in Trump Tower and his sprawling Seven Springs estate in New York’s Westchester County, were overvalued and had to be adjusted in his financial statement.
He said he had lowered the latter because he “thought it was too high”.
The $250 million civil trial accuses Mr Trump and his two eldest sons, Donald Jnr and Eric, and their company of fraudulently inflating their assets by up to $2.2 billion from 2011 to 2021 in order to secure better loan rates.
But while Donald Jr downplayed his understanding of accounting when he took to the stand last week, his father could not resist flexing his expertise.
He said he knew the value of a building “just by looking at it”. Acknowledging he helped assemble documents stating the value of his properties, he said: “I would look at them, I would see them, and I would maybe on occasion have some suggestions.”
Mr Trump said many of his properties, such as his Mar-a-Lago estate and Doral golf course in Florida were undervalued.
He said that should not matter because the estimates included language saying they might not be accurate and banks did not take them seriously.
Along with the admissions, Mr Trump appeared to make a gaffe by claiming he was tied up with presidential duties after leaving the White House.
Asked whether he was involved in valuations in 2021, he said: “I was busy at the White House… my threshold was China, Russia, and keeping our country safe.”
State lawyer Kevin Wallace responded saying: “Just to clarify, you weren’t president in 2021, correct?”, to which Mr Trump replied: “No, I wasn’t.”
But the main thing to have filled the courtroom adorned with 12 chandeliers on the third floor of the New York Supreme Court on Monday were slinging matches.
Mr Trump’s careful attempts to create the demeanour of an untouchable man wasting his time was cracked with an outburst in which he raised his voice and railed against Mr Engoron.
“You ruled against me before knowing anything about me”, he said, audibly hurt. “You ruled me a fraud.”
Later, Mr Trump said the trial was “a political witch hunt and I think she [Ms James] should be ashamed of herself”.
“I’m sure the judge will rule against me because he always rules against me,” was another remark, along with: “This is a very unfair trial, very, very unfair and I hope the public is watching.”
Mr Trump said he wanted a jury and accused Ms James of focusing on his political persecution rather than focusing on crime in New York City.
At one point, Mr Trump gestured his hands in and out so swiftly it was as if he was playing an accordion.
Earlier, when Judge Engoron had been arguing with defence lawyers Chris Kise and Alina Habba, Mr Trump turned to his left and pulled a face like a petulant child.
Meanwhile, Judge Engoron’s rage was so apparent it would not have been surprising had Mr Trump’s hair caught fire from the strength of his stare.
He Engoron told Mr Kise and Ms Habba to “control” Mr Trump “if you can” and warned the former president he might remove him from the stand if he did not answer questions directly.
“Mr Kise, can you control your client?” Judge Engoron said. “This is not a political rally. This is a courtroom.”
At one point when Mr Trump was on the stand, Judge Engoron asked Mr Kise to take Mr Trump to the back of the courtroom and “explain the rules.” “The former and again soon to be president of the United States understands the rules,” Mr Kise responded.
The charged exchanges, which lasted all day, appeared to directly contrast the delicately painted mural adorning the wall behind them by Italian-born painter, Attilio Pusterla, which depicts a group of men in an orderly court, over which the judge appears to have control.
Earlier on Monday Ms James brushed aside Mr Trump’s attacks ahead of his testimony, knowing to expect them. “At the end of the day, the only thing that matters are the facts and the numbers. The numbers, my friends, don’t lie,” Ms James said outside the courthouse. Ivanka Trump, Mr Trump’s daughter, is expected to testify on Wednesday, although she is not a defendant.
I don’t mind watching the races, but the Channel 7 filler is excruciating.
Mrs Panzer says she only watches for the filler.
She has backed “Breakup” and “Without a Fight”.
Listen to me.
Mortgages. Were. Always. Going. To. Rise.
No. You listen to me.
We have inflation because the political class are attacking to real economy.
Nov 7, 2023 2:40 PM
Inflation is still too high, crimping household budgets and businesses, and sits well outside the central bank’s 2 per cent to 3 per cent target band.
so we’ll put even more pressure on household budgets- these garbage people with their garbage degrees and doctorates are way more dangerous than theologians that talked about angels on pinheads.
Scientists inscribe entire Bible onto pinhead
And you thought that fellow who managed to fit your entire name — middle initial included — onto a grain of rice was hot stuff. Apparently, a team of nanotechnology experts at the Technion institute in Haifa were able to etch some 300,000 words (Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible) onto a minuscule silicon surface “less than half the size of a grain of sugar.” The feat was accomplished by “blasting tiny particles called gallium ions at an object that then rebounded, causing an etching affect,” and was reportedly done in order to show that copious quantities of data could eventually be stored on bio-molecules and DNA. Oh, and it only took about sixty minutes to finish the job.
Saw Dim Chalmers on Sky. Looked like a deer in the headlights. Has he just had a haircut or are those ears getting bigger? They are huge.
https://10play.com.au/live/ten Melbourne Cup
Sounds like missus is sending you subliminal messages Thancho.
They certainly are but it is always important (but tough) to distinguish between what causes bottlenecks and what does more and in fact lowers output (they can be the same as well).
Also, consider that M0 (“currency”) annualised from April 2020 to August 2023 had a compound annual growth rate calculated to be 49.5%.
That inadvertently does attack the real economy in the medium to long run.
M0- printed money ? 49.5%? Unbelievable.
I think we have inflation because the long term debt cycle always said we were going to, and your mortgage rates are going to where they are going to go more or less regardless of official rates.
So Mrs Panzer is now a racing expert.
He’s a bloke who writes a weekly newsletter. Similar to American Thinker, or Andrew Bolt, or many other people.
Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don’t.
He’s worth reading just for the intellectual exercise.
Darn it, didn’t have Sheraz in my trifectas.
Yeah, it certainly is, here is a chart.
Set the timeline to five years and probably also the maximum option.
Without A Fight (J: M. Zahra; T: A&S Freedman) wins the Caulfield Cup-Melbourne Cup double!
Reading Benny Morris’s classic work “The Birth Of the Palestinian Refugee Problem 1947-1949.”
Morris is a balanced historian – he’s described by the Israeli right wing, as a stooge of the Palestinians, and by the Palestinians as the mouthpiece of the Israeli Right.
Most of my investment was steparty winnings so no biggie.
I don’t think peeps will care about the “economics of it all”
On a pretty low $600K mortgage, since the SFLs lost, you’re paying, at least, an extra $1000 per month!
People on that mortgage level aren’t rich so that’s a fair whack to take over the space of 18 months.
Sure, it’s terrible how people were mugged at gunpoint, beaten up and forced to borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Who knew interest rates change over time?
killed in the attack. (Israel Police)
A Border Police officer was stabbed to death and another was injured in a terrorist attack Monday morning near the Herod’s Gate entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City.
The two victims, one of them in critical condition, were taken to Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital where the critically wounded officer died of her wounds. She was named by police as Sgt. Rose Elisheva Lubin, 20, from Kibbutz Sa’ad in southern Israel.
Two members of the Just Stop Oil culy destroyed a classical painting at the London National Gallery on Monday.
The two anti-humanist radicals who want no oil production in England used hammers to smash the glass cover of a painting once famously slashed by a suffragette. They are demanding the government immediately halt all new oil and gas projects in the UK.
“Known to police and authorities” is such a common refrain now.
2% interest-only loans turning into 7%, 8% or 9% principal and interest loans even on modest mortgages sounds like hell on earth with 20% quarterly utility bill increases.
If Soulcombe could learn to get moving when the barrier stalls open, it would win a good race. FFS. Kudos to the winner, he’s top notch.
Dot, money printing isn’t the primary problem. If that were the case, Japan would be going through severe hyperinflation after around 20 years of quantitative easing. If wages start to feel the effects of inflation through higher nominal wages, that’s when things get difficult. Japan has an inflation rate of about three percent or higher.
This government’s Fair Work tribunal increased the minimum wage by 8.75% and award wages by 5.75% last year. As a result of these unaffordable wages increases in the face of very high inflation, the inflation rate is stuck at little over 6%. In an effort to ostensibly preserve real wages, Fair Work will increase pay once more this year. Under this governent, the inflation vortex has started. Not to mention the onerous labor laws and regulations they are attempting to enact, all of which add to inflation.
Hope like God it’s a one term government. It’s actually as bad as the Hiden Administration. Both places have semi-alive idiots.
Nov 7, 2023 11:44 AM
Junior – 21 down thumb bum bums and counting. You piece of chicken shite. Not a rooster at all and never will be. More like a turkey. Gobble, gobble, gobble.
More Armstrong on the way BTW.
He is a litmus test.
If someone reposts his stuff, you should not trust anything the reposter says without independent confirmation.
And the Reserve Bank does its bit to tell this LayBore Guv’ment that its crazy spending is all wrong. That is a Voice BUT no one at Laybore HQ is listening.
Funny peculiar that? Not really. Who in this Feral Laybore Guv’ment has ever had a real Job and made or done anything in the real World?
Thanks for letting me know, Wodney. The quality of your contributions are Faulty-like outstanding.
And more disclaimers to accompany your spamming on the way too Champ.
If someone reposts his stuff, you should not trust anything the reposter says without independent confirmation.
Junior Cretin can give you his/her/its angle on the whole thing. Not anyway unbiased at all. LOL.
The Gawd oracle and Pompous Windbag as well as the Mouth from the South.
Hope like God it’s a one term government. It’s actually as bad as the Hiden Administration. Both places have semi-alive idiots.
yes it’s all the same economy wrecking, society wrecking stuff- insanely high immigration, wreck energy supplies, marxist identity politics. Same with Justine- like they’re all following the same orders. Even the stuff they puke up on twitter sounds similar- blah blah blah that’s why we’re doing blah blah blah.
More Armstrong on the way BTW.
so you’re spamming the blog
Nov 7, 2023 4:00 PM
LOL. Get back into your play pen and play with your willy wonka.
Even better, go and play in the traffic at rush hour and do us ALL a favour. You Pompous Windbag. GO NOW.
Pretty much no Labor politician has ever had a real job. Look at Dan Andrews’ CV. Liberals are somewhat better in that regard.
Has there ever been anything like this? I reckon the whole kit and caboodle of the Western left going completely bonkers is climate change. I reckon it’s provided the simmering heat underneath their belief system. It’s sent them insane.
Just mooching around the interwebs and saw something that most Kittehs can relate to.
WalletWizard && Albo – Labor has two leaders who studied Economics but they seem to have managed an A+ on the CON part yet failed the subject overall.
I think they’re horrible, spoilt hard core marxists filled with hate towards the society that has nurtured them.
Nov 7, 2023 3:31 PM
2% interest-only loans turning into 7%, 8% or 9% principal and interest loans even on modest mortgages sounds like hell on earth with 20% quarterly utility bill increases.
besides Home & Contents Insurance last month up by 34.8% – just got 2 x Car Insurance bundled into 1 Account up 21.7%, & Gas & Electricity much more than 20% Quarterly Increase
Don’t know from where Reserve Bank & The Labor Government get their Inflation Figures – LuLu Land?
so you’re spamming the blog
How so? You should be more worried about Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen wrecking this country.
And Junior Cretin is the Bog, I mean Blog wrecker as he/she/it doesn’t like free speech or opinions that he/she/it doesn’t like here.
Dear Australian Taxpayer Patsy,
Today, millions of Australians have been hit by another interest rate rise.
This is the twelfth rate rise since Labor was elected.
A family with a $750,000 mortgage is now paying an extra $24,000 per year.
Interest rates are at their highest levels since 2011.
Higher interest rates mean higher rents. Renters are experiencing the highest increases since 2009.
Interest rates increase because inflation is too high.
Australia’s inflation is higher than almost every major advanced economy.
And Labor’s economic and energy policies are making inflation worse.
Labor promised a $275 reduction in power bills. In just 15 months, the cost of electricity is up 18.2%, while gas is up 28%.
Productivity is in freefall, having fallen by 6.6% in 15 months.
However, Labor is putting the demands of union bosses ahead of small businesses.
Labor’s added $188 billion to spending, further fuelling inflation.
Australians are already struggling to find affordable housing. Yet Labor is bringing a record 1.5 million more people to Australia over five years while simultaneously cutting infrastructure projects across the country.
Labor needs a plan to tackle inflation and interest rates.
Instead, it has been obsessed with its $450 million referendum.
Australians deserve better.
Jane Hume
Shadow Minister for Finance
Anything from Zerohedge, Armstrong Economics, OR the Guardian Green-Left Daily Three Minute Hate (and a few other similar sources) is automatically a scroll-by flag, and unless well justified is a black mark against the author.
You may disagree; I don’t care.
He’ll be wearing a blue painted on mask soon.
He supped from the font of Keating and learned…nothing.
But he did get a PhD, so there dummies!