Open Thread – Wed 8 Nov 2023

Sunlight, Afternoon, La Rue de l’Epicerie, Rouen, Camille Pissarro, 1898

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November 10, 2023 8:44 pm

Hamas doesn’t appear to have released any proof of live videos lately but they still have value as a bargaining chip so there is a glimmer of hope.

Hamas hostage taking strategy is much more than bargaining chips. They add another layer as human shields. It generates a division within Israeli society over priorities. It makes a final resolution last over decades and by shifting them out of Gaza, leaves it open so even if Hamas is gone Israel won’t know who to deal with for negotiations. It’s an extremely effective, utterly cynical and cunning strategy. It’s evil – a long way beyond anything addressed in the Geneva Conventions.

It’s a warfare innovation dredged up from the deepest foul depths of hell. Especially including infants and beloved alte kakers. Has this ever been done before in warfare in history.

November 10, 2023 8:48 pm

Correction, ‘Cenotaph’.

Note to self – Check twice, post once.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 10, 2023 8:49 pm

The Oz is running this article, with a photograph of the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum, having tea and bikkies with Adolph Hitler, in Berlin…..

Global anti-Semitism is having a rebirth. But did it ever die?

The old anti-Semitism insisted the Holocaust didn’t happen. The new anti-Semitism is closer to: what did you expect?
By Tanya Gold
From The Weekend Australian Magazine
2 hours ago
6 minute read

Just after the British police announced a 1300 per cent rise in antisemitic hate crime due to the atrocities of October 7, there was a march for Palestine in London. There were signs that read: The Zionist lies more than it breathes. The irony of becoming what you hated. There is blood on your hands. (The “a” is replaced by a Star of David). Keep the world clean. (An image of a stick-man throwing a Star of David in a bin, a pastiche of an anti-littering advert, is next to it.) On the London Underground a train driver led a chant of “Free Palestine” from his cab. At a rally the week before, an Iranian man with an Israeli flag was chased down an alley off Whitehall and had to be protected by police. Photographs of Israeli hostages have been torn down all over London, usually by young women. They chant “From the river to the sea”: a call for Jewish annihilation, though they do not always acknowledge it. The marches intensified throughout October across the world. Social media is a maelstrom of Jew hate. Jewish sites are defaced with graffiti or picketed by people denouncing Jewish violence, or existence. There was a would-be pogrom in southern ­Russia, only thwarted because the pogromists could find no Jews. They looked.

The British Jewish community of 270,000 has responded in many ways, some of which overlap: silence; contrition; rage; fear; defiance. But this isn’t a piece about Jews. It’s about non-Jews and what they do, or don’t do.
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Three synagogues were attacked that week: in Spain, Tunisia, and Berlin. (The one in Tunisia is unused. The community has long since fled. The mob burned it down anyway because antisemitism, as Sartre said, is a passion, and a passion makes no sense). In Barcelona, a Jewish hotel was surrounded and Palestinian flags erected on its balconies. In Germany Jewish stars were painted on Jewish houses. In France, the front door of a Jewish house was set alight. A march in Poland, the site of the Holocaust, had a copy of the Star of David as a litter placard. (The Nazis used cyanide-based pesticide to kill Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau: the sign is more apt here). In 1940 there were 3,500,000 in Poland. Now there are 5000: too many still, it seems.

What has happened? How, after the Holocaust, which eradicated two-thirds of Europe’s Jews, can a call for a further eradication be ­accepted – even tolerated? To paraphrase Woody Allen’s Hannah and her Sisters: It’s the wrong question. The right question is, why didn’t it happen before?

Any analysis of the anti-Semitism brewing in Europe now must begin with the Gospels, which charge Jews with the rejection, and murder, of Christ. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do”. (John). “When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” “So, when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves’.” (Matthew). “And all the people answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!’” These are the foundation documents of anti-Semitism: they establish the demonic ­quality of the Jew in antisemitic discourse, and his power. If you can kill a god, what can’t you do? What won’t you do?

Medieval Christian Europe used its Jews as sin eaters: one society projecting its evils onto the other. Vasily Grossman put it best in his novel Life and Fate (1959): “It is a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures, and state systems. Tell me what you accuse the Jews of, I’ll tell you what you are guilty of.” It is “a measure of the contradictions yet to be ­resolved”. When societies were excitable or ­unstable – during the crusades, the Black Death – Jews were tormented, expelled, and murdered. A pogrom was a party amid mud: as Leon Trotsky (born Lev Bronstein) said: “The doss-house tramp is king. A trembling slave an hour ago, hounded by police and starvation, he now feels himself an unlimited despot. Everything is allowed to him, he is capable of anything, he is the master of property and honour, of life and death.” Christians were forbidden usury, but Jews, who were not allowed to enter the professions or own land, were not: hence the trope of the Jewish love of money. anti-Semitism is ­religious in its beginnings and its acts: it has ­always come from a place beneath thought, too deep to probe, and too deep to forget. Jews were blamed for every ill afflicting the wider society: Communism and Capitalism. If they were ­secular, they were a fifth column. If they were religious, they did not mix. The German towns that voted most enthusiastically for Hitler were also the towns that in the medieval period most enthusiastically murdered their Jews. We will be able to foretell some of the pogroms of the future this way, though in many places there are no Jews left to kill.

One phenomenon of anti-Semitism is its ­ability to mutate over history: from religious hatred to ethnic hatred to hatred of Israel in any form. If the marchers want a two-state ­solution, a pathway to peace, they do not say so. They chant “From the river to the sea”, which is a call for ethnic cleansing at best, and genocide at worst, though many do not know the name of the river, or the name of the sea.

European antisemites fall into three categories. There is the old style, which is waning, and two new ones. The first are affluent bourgeois Leftists who, marinated in anti-racist discourse but unwilling to give up any material privilege, launder their souls using Jews. Increasingly they are very young, and they are fond of groupthink. They want to think themselves good, and, with every atrocity against Jews, they project Jews as a greater evil to keep up with themselves. There are narcissistic, and immune to facts: they are also, for progressives, laughably in tune with the gospels. They are the type that will not call Hamas terrorists despite all evidence; the type that, when told by the BBC that Israel bombed a hospital, would not wait before spreading the blood libel around the world. There are ensconced in universities, the arts, and parts of the media: they are the pseudo-intelligentsia and their acolytes. They want to think themselves apart from the ­Capitalist world they benefit from so richly, and this is one of the ways they do it.

There is also a Muslim fundamentalist element: parts of the Middle East are soaked in Hitlerite rhetoric, and it is transported back to Europe with immigration. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was an employee of the Third Reich: he took 900 marks a month from them and was assured that the Final Solution would be enacted in the Middle East. The Hamas Charter quotes the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – a Russian libel insisting the Jews control the world – as fact. anti-Semitism is useful to the ­tyrants of the Middle East: there is always someone else to blame.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Adolf Hitler. Picture: Getty

Much of it is unconscious expiation. What joy it brings them to accuse us of genocide, though the Palestinian population has ­quadrupled since 1948. But genocide sounds better than occupation: genocide is what ­happened to the Jews. The old anti-Semitism insisted the Holocaust didn’t happen. The new anti-Semitism is closer to: what did you expect? One Holocaust does not justify­another, stated a sign at the Palestine rally in London. I wonder if, for its holder, this other “Holocaust” absolves the first.

As for the root of it, if I had to wager, it’s the separateness that offends, and the desire for separateness. An ancient tribe of the ancient world still existing, and still, despite everything, thriving? They must be mad! People shouldn’t think they are better than other people, my builder posted ponderously on Facebook, when the war began. I think that’s it. The rest is habit.

As for us, I quote Simon Dubnow, a Russian-Jewish historian murdered in Riga in 1941. “Every generation in Israel carries within itself the remnants of worlds created and destroyed during the course of the previous history of the Jewish people. Each generation in turn builds and destroys worlds in its form and image but in the long run continues to weave the thread that binds all the links of the nation into the chain of generations… thus each generation in Israel is more the product of history than its creator”. That, I think, is what people cannot bear. We do not bend: we just keep talking. God hated it, too. What’s next? I don’t know, but nothing good.

November 10, 2023 8:52 pm

For good ol’ JC:

Hey Ladies! 🙂

November 10, 2023 8:57 pm


I’m too old to be looking at young girls. Stop. That’s for spritely 50 year olds.

November 10, 2023 8:59 pm

Squire – as a man, you are never too old to admire female pulchritude, FFS – otherwise you may as well be dead. 🙂

November 10, 2023 9:00 pm


I gave up cigs 10yrs ago, having smoked mostly a packet a day for 53yrs.
There is not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could have a smoke. It’s easier now than it was. I’ll always be a smoker, it is just that I don’t smoke now. Went cold turkey.
They say it takes 10yrs off your life if you smoke. They may well be right. but at this time I’m still here.

November 10, 2023 9:04 pm

There’s a book review about Bridgewater Associates, a massive hedge fund based in the US and run by a lunatic who turned the place into a cult of sniping, arse-covering and pile ons between staff. I won’t go into it except , guess who worked there?

Hired as CEO in 2003, Britt Harris discovers upon arrival that he’ll only oversee marketing while he “finds his box”. In a familiar storyline, the CEO is flogged publicly for failing basic tasks assigned to him outside of his expertise. Within weeks, Harris “was pallid, often non-verbal, broken”, amazingly lasting six months before exiting to seek intensive treatment for depression.

A better cultural fit is James Comey, who served as Bridgewater’s “general counsel” before heading the FBI, but largely focuses on prosecuting employee trials. When evidence is lacking, he creates it, placing a binder labelled with a senior executive’s name as a trap for a staffer then fired for opening it.

Comey showcases his enhanced interrogation techniques on co-CEO Eileen Murray after it’s learned that one of her hires was let go from his previous company. Security camera footage reveals that a subordinate helped Murray draft a memo about the staffer for her interrogators, despite claiming she hadn’t discussed the matter with anyone. Dalio distributes weekly videos of her nine-month trial to all of the firm, labelling them Eileen Lies.

Other well-known figures make cameos in Copeland’s white-collar procedural. Walter Isaacson is given red-carpet treatment when invited to Bridgewater HQ, ostensibly to promote his Steve Jobs biography, but in fact part of Dalio’s campaign to become Isaacson’s next biographical subject.

Nothing changed running the FBI.

November 10, 2023 9:05 pm

“There is a God – he created beautiful women”

A quote from your good self, not so many moons ago.

Referencing a blonde Hollyweirdette, though, which was less than ideal.

Just Brunettes. They are the Best. 🙂

November 10, 2023 9:07 pm


I’m basically three a day and max four if I’m out with pals (without my wife). If three of four kill me then so be it. However, that drug offers lots of hope. 🙂

Really, is there anything better than a fag and a coffee in the mornings?

November 10, 2023 9:11 pm

Greetings, graegooglery, you inadequate imbecile! 🙂

November 10, 2023 9:12 pm

Really, is there anything better than a fag and a coffee in the mornings?


When I gave up cigs I also gave up coffee for the next few years. The association was too great.
I drink coffee now, but it’s now the same.

November 10, 2023 9:12 pm

now not the same

November 10, 2023 9:18 pm

Nov 10, 2023 9:05 PM

“There is a God – he created beautiful women”

A quote from your good self, not so many moons ago.

And yes, that’s correct. I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world. However, I suspect she’s a bit of a headcase, so it’s a case of look, but never get close.

November 10, 2023 9:20 pm

having smoked mostly a packet a day for 53yrs

Take that, ‘elf nayzees! 🙂

November 10, 2023 9:20 pm

Nov 10, 2023 8:05 PM
Love this crazy country!

Me too Delta. Granddaughters birthday party tomorrow. BBQ, inflatable castle and a gaggle of squealing little girls.

Don’t mean to be a damper on the celebration, but please make sure they tie down the jumping castle properly bro.

Bruce in WA
November 10, 2023 9:23 pm

I gave up cigs 10yrs ago, having smoked mostly a packet a day for 53yrs.
There is not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could have a smoke. It’s easier now than it was. I’ll always be a smoker, it is just that I don’t smoke now. Went cold turkey.
They say it takes 10yrs off your life if you smoke. They may well be right. but at this time I’m still here.

I was a 60 a day man (Chesterfields, American Marlboro, Winston); gave up 25 years ago. Still miss it about once a week. Couldn’t afford it now. I’d given them up once before, about 5 years prior, before I went back on them. My wife cried for a week … 🙁

Bruce in WA
November 10, 2023 9:24 pm

Really, is there anything better than a fag and a coffee in the mornings?

Oh … I didn’t realise you were British.

November 10, 2023 9:26 pm

My 2c worth.

Been a very dry winter/spring in NQ. The harsh el nino feels right mostly even before BOM declared it in this part of the woods. Tomatoes went nuts this year and other vege’s we planted did well this year that like hot dry days and cool nights. We haven’t had that for probably 5 years.

Last week though I have finally noticed a belated build up for our wet season, we got a few mm last night that was welcome but from an easterly flow that convective showers were able to form from. Back in early Sept we had a similar set up that lasted about 5 days.

Today na different, definite change back to lack of humidity and no showers. Weird for November, no real heat.

I still think the Tongan volcano is affecting climate on a scale that even climate scientists don’t understand.

November 10, 2023 9:27 pm

Cats – tomorrow night’s radio show is imminently imminent, but there still is not a “theme”, so to speak.

Some mentioned “Cities”, some mentioned some other concepts …

The topic of tomorrow night’s thread will be “Cities” …

Here’s a taster: “Mooooooo ….” 🙂

November 10, 2023 9:35 pm

I was a 60 a day man (Chesterfields, American Marlboro, Winston); gave up 25 years ago. Still miss it about once a week. Couldn’t afford it now. I’d given them up once before, about 5 years prior, before I went back on them. My wife cried for a week …

I don’t know how someone with an average income can afford a pack a day. A pack of 20s is 57 bucks. That’s 22k a year after tax.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 10, 2023 9:37 pm

Mole at 4:01 and KD at 7:10 re the Rooter Scorned.
Themes which jumped out at me:-
1. The cut-off came at a very inopportune time. Just as his career (and earnings) took off, and her career “flat-lined”, aged in her late 30’s. Someone switched the points on the gravy train track.
2. He became “distant” and didn’t join in her fabulous Halloween party under the 12 foot ceiling. It is just possible he didn’t like her vacuous friends and had no time for American holidays.
3. Speaking of 12 foot ceilings, the loss of “the beautiful flat” seemed to matter more than the loss of the husband.
4. The loss of the marriage meant s.f.a. actually. It seems she spent her whole life manipulating situations to her advantage. Suddenly she was publicly humiliated with no recourse and no ability to “steer the narrative”.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
November 10, 2023 9:39 pm

Nothing changed running the FBI.

No, reading the article, that’s a cult.

November 10, 2023 9:39 pm

I don’t know how someone with an average income can afford a pack a day. A pack of 20s is 57 bucks. That’s 22k a year after tax.

Why do you think I gave them up?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 10, 2023 9:42 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

Nov 10, 2023 8:02 PM

It will come as no surprise whatsoever to readers that the author of this self-serving exercise in self-pity is named Karen.

I had the locks changed, on my soon to be ex….

Err, wut?
Have things taken a turn for the worse at Chateau Zulu?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 10, 2023 9:42 pm

xWhy do you think I gave them up?

Mme Zulu is surprised at how much money she saves by not smoking…

November 10, 2023 9:48 pm

A pack of 20s is 57 bucks.

Not where I shop.

November 10, 2023 9:50 pm

Nov 10, 2023 9:48 PM

A pack of 20s is 57 bucks.

Not where I shop.

711. It was actually $57 and change two evenings ago. Yeah, i know that they can be cheaper in certain places.

November 10, 2023 9:51 pm


November 10, 2023 9:51 pm

Squire – as a man, you are never too old to admire female pulchritude, FFS – otherwise you may as well be dead

Or Robert Morley who preferred baked potatoes.

I prefer this.

November 10, 2023 9:53 pm


November 10, 2023 9:53 pm

There was an amusing story I read a few years ago. This drug dealing dude who specialized mostly in cocaine reckoned he was getting out of the drug business and heading to cigs and tobacco. The margins were better and the punishment was much less if you were caught. Win win.

November 10, 2023 9:54 pm

Yeah servo and B&H sounds pricey.

November 10, 2023 9:56 pm

I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world.

She looks like a bank teller.

This is beauty.

November 10, 2023 9:57 pm

I prefer this.

That’s not real, Cronkers. You couldn’t keep a boat in that sort of water. It’s an artist image.

November 10, 2023 9:59 pm

That’s not real, Cronkers.

Of course it’s real; I’ve been there.

November 10, 2023 9:59 pm

Nov 10, 2023 9:56 PM

I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world.

She looks like a bank teller.

This is beauty.

At least it’s good to see you’re finally giving up on the indeterminates and skulking back to the real thing.

November 10, 2023 10:01 pm

A pack of 20s is 57 bucks

But, yeah, this sort of extortion will never, ever result in a black market …

Until it did/does … 😕

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 10, 2023 10:02 pm

Boambee John

Nov 10, 2023 8:27 PM

‘But I brought peanut butter’

Apparently her suggestion of kinky sex was spurned.

A while back a younger relative of Mrs P made a sudden discovery of infidelity on her husband’s laptop.
She is, let’s just say, a highly volatile young lady (which may have contributed to the aforementioned crawling under the fence by the hubby).
I wasn’t fully apprised of every aspect of the unfolding drama – by choice – and wasn’t aware she had flown the coop immediately.
Anyway, apparently he turned up on the doorstep with some fresh fish, hoping to cook a peace offering dinner.
“F-ckin’ hell” I said. “I hope he’s still got the spear-gun or he is a dead man.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
November 10, 2023 10:03 pm

JC earlier.

Really, is there anything better than a fag and a coffee in the mornings?

Err, are you in the ACT Greens?

November 10, 2023 10:04 pm

There was nothing indeterminate about Liz; ad she was an original cute owl. The modern cute owls follow her lead. You’ve obviously got macular issues.

November 10, 2023 10:04 pm

There was nothing indeterminate about Liz; and she was an original cute owl. The modern cute owls follow her lead. You’ve obviously got macular issues.

The Beer Whisperer
The Beer Whisperer
November 10, 2023 10:04 pm

Cats – tomorrow night’s radio show is imminently imminent, but there still is not a “theme”, so to speak.

Some mentioned “Cities”, some mentioned some other concepts …

Why not just a free-for-all, Rabz? that way i’m not restricted 🙂

November 10, 2023 10:05 pm

Nov 10, 2023 9:59 PM

That’s not real, Cronkers.

Of course it’s real; I’ve been there.

Yeah, wearing your virtue reality goggles. Which is perfectly fine as we can all dream a little.

November 10, 2023 10:08 pm

There was nothing indeterminate about Liz; and she was an original cute owl. The modern cute owls follow her lead. You’ve obviously got macular issues.

Burton claimed she was too hairy. (True) And he’d know.

November 10, 2023 10:10 pm

… is the best looking gal in the world

Go and get your eyes, checked, Squire.

Brunette Bimbages Trout Pouting

Hey man, where’d ya get that lotion, I asks ya

Well dance like hypnotising chickens …

The Beer Whisperer
The Beer Whisperer
November 10, 2023 10:10 pm

And yes, that’s correct. I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world. However, I suspect she’s a bit of a headcase, so it’s a case of look, but never get close.

Very rootable, but i’d suggest a fake driver’s license in case you’re a good root. I doubt you’d want a Hollywood actress coming back for more.

November 10, 2023 10:14 pm

Nov 10, 2023 7:01 PM

Then in apparent all seriousness he said he couldn’t say ‘air conditioning’ but could only say ‘conditioning’.

“But I can’t say Sylvester, George!”

November 10, 2023 10:14 pm

Why not just a free-for-all

Rabz’ Radio Show 11 November 2023 – There is no theme …

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 10, 2023 10:15 pm

‘I’ll kill her’: male heritage adviser’s death threats ignored ‘because he’s Aboriginal’

By janet albrechtsen
and stephen rice
NSW Editor
10:01PM November 10, 2023

An Indigenous adviser to Transport for NSW who threatened to kill a senior female executive has been allowed to stay in his job “because he is Aboriginal and a cultural knowledge holder”, with the woman’s bosses fearing a $2.2bn infrastructure project might be shut down if he was sacked.

Ian Brown, who was contracted as cultural heritage manager on the massive Coffs Harbour Bypass project, made the death threat against senior Transport for NSW executive Rochelle Hicks during a meeting at the Coffs Harbour Local Aboriginal Land Council in June, stating: “If I see Rochelle I will kill her.”

Ms Hicks, deputy project director for the Coffs Harbour Bypass, was not present at the meeting but was left terrified and distraught when informed of the threat.
Read Next

Her fears were compounded when her bosses refused to sack or take effective action against Mr Brown, who had previously called her a “white c..t”.

“When I was told by the managers above me I was not permitted to terminate Ian Brown’s contract or remove him … because he was Aboriginal and a cultural knowledge holder and it may be a political risk, I thought it was absolutely ridiculous and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” she told The Weekend Australian.

A respected executive who has held several senior project management roles with the NSW government, Ms Hicks, 43, said she had been “used as a sacrificial lamb” by executives who baulked at taking action against an Aboriginal man over conduct that would never be accepted from a white man.

“Their response is completely inadequate and my ability to lead and my safety, and that of my staff, is being compromised,” she said.

“If it was any other contract, it would be an immediate dismissal with no questions asked.”

Mr Brown was the subject of apprehended violence orders in 2020 made for the protection of two individuals The Weekend Australian has chosen not to name, requiring that he not assault or threaten them, stalk, harass or intimidate them, or destroy any property belonging to them.

In 2018, Mr Brown pleaded guilty to driving with an illegal drug present in his blood and was disqualified from driving for three months. Ms Hicks said she now lived in fear and had upgraded the security system at her home.

“I’m frightened. I am hyper-vigilant. I feel anxious when I’m out in public places. I’m constantly looking sideways to see if Ian Brown is there looking at me.”

Mr Brown was employed on a contract as cultural heritage manager on the Coffs Harbour Bypass project to advise on any adverse impact on local Aboriginal heritage and salvage any artefacts of significance to the Indigenous community. But Ms Hicks said that in meetings she was often confronted with a tirade of foul language from Mr Brown, including calling her a “white c..t”.

“He yelled at meetings and they were always talking about sovereignty – ‘We’re not going to accept what’s happening’ – and very righteous and very vocal, and often confused about what we’re trying to do on the project with these blanket statements about impacting on Aboriginal heritage,” Ms Hicks said.

An Indigenous woman who acted as liaison between the department and the Coffs Harbour & District Local Aboriginal Land Council, which contracted Mr Brown, was told “she needs to decide whether she was black or white”, Ms Hicks said.

Although the previously negotiated salvage operations on the bypass had been completed, Ms Hicks agreed to a further “walk­over” of one site, after representations from the Land Council.

“I said yes to that, and then they decided they wanted to get a mechanical sieve in there and an excavator and the scope grew and I said, ‘No, we’re not doing it – the major works are coming through, the scope is finished’.”

When that decision was relayed to the Land Council at the meeting on June 21, Mr Brown made his threat to kill Ms Hicks if he saw her. When a departmental staffer told Mr Brown he couldn’t make such threats, he responded: “It’s not a threat, it’s a fact.”

Witnesses said Mr Brown was “very agitated and erratic” at the meeting and made similar threats against the principal archaeolo­gist on the site, Matthew Kelleher.

Contacted by The Weekend Australian, Mr Brown at first denied he had made a death threat.

“It’s all bullshit, mate, she’s nothing but a liar”, he said before hanging up.

In a second phone call, confronted with the threat reported by witnesses, Mr Brown said: “That’s just f..king words, mate … it’s just bullshit words. I don’t care what they say, this has not got to do with anything.

“She has lied the whole f..king time I was at that job. She’s f..king trashed my f..king Aboriginal sites. Listen mate, I’m not getting involved, don’t ring me again,” he said, before hanging up again.

November 10, 2023 10:18 pm

Very rootable

This is the sort of high qualitee commentage that makes this esteemed blogue so readable, Cats. 🙂

November 10, 2023 10:18 pm
November 10, 2023 10:19 pm

Not doing too flash tonight, but they’re a good team Afgornystorn. Where have they risen from so suddenly? Are they all Pakis of Afghan heritage maybe?

November 10, 2023 10:25 pm

JC – seriously?

This is what it is all about – Flashing Lights … 🙂

November 10, 2023 10:26 pm

JC Avatar
Nov 10, 2023 10:18 PM

Miss Dior, the final scene, in Closer. The walk.

I reckon that’s a real street scene. The blokes who looked around recognized her and looked around in surprise. The Deli that you see at the end of the clip is the famous Roxy Deli, which I think is on 6th Ave (?) and we used to order in great sangas for lunch when working in the area.

The Beer Whisperer
The Beer Whisperer
November 10, 2023 10:26 pm

Rabz’ Radio Show 11 November 2023 – There is no theme …

There will be. Bwahahahaha…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 10, 2023 10:29 pm

“Sliante” to all you mob.

Ladies and gentlemen, charge your glasses, and be upstanding to the memory of one of the greatest Englishmen, who ever lived – Winston Churchill included.

I give you Enoch John Powell……and his “Rivers of Blood” speech…

The Beer Whisperer
The Beer Whisperer
November 10, 2023 10:31 pm

This is the sort of high qualitee commentage that makes this esteemed blogue so readable, Cats. ?

Which poof downvoted it?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 10, 2023 10:32 pm

According to Turkish media, Turkey is ready to treat wounded Gazans in its hospitals, but not to accept refugees from Gaza.


November 10, 2023 10:37 pm

Dude I live with said the quota system for South African sport has been axed. He lived there until 13 then emigrated to Aus. Good to hear. Look at their team tonight in the cricket. All there on merit.

November 10, 2023 10:40 pm

I think Miss Dior is the best looking gal in the world.

Elbows are too pointy.

November 10, 2023 10:51 pm

Elbows are too pointy

As well as the hip bones …

Goils tread a fine line – between being 9.9s and the rest.

Skinny chicks do get lusted after for reasons that are beyond a dinosaur like myself.

Curves, thanks. 🙂

November 10, 2023 10:54 pm

Cities … heh?

Dschinghis Khan

November 10, 2023 11:01 pm
November 10, 2023 11:12 pm

Old mate of mine once said that his favourite type of women were the ones that liked him.

I never normally drink craft beer. Just stick with the old tried and true etc. Bought a six pack of Mountain Goat organic steam ale LOL. After first sip I sneezed about ten times.
Very fruity. Smooth though and starting to go down OK.

November 10, 2023 11:27 pm
November 10, 2023 11:36 pm

Afgorns ended up with a half-decent score of 244 considering they were 6/130 at one point. Bloke at no.5 held them together and was 97 not out. no.11 couldn’t get off strike to give him a chance for a ton.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
November 10, 2023 11:49 pm

Xi won the Solomon Islands and Albo won Tuvalu.
So China is still ahead by about 700,000 people and 3100km in proximity.

If Aussie can’t keep Vanuatu on-side we’ll be coconut juice.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
November 10, 2023 11:57 pm

I don’t know how someone with an average income can afford a pack a day. A pack of 20s is 57 bucks. That’s 22k a year after tax.

Here in Meanjin a pack of 20 imported Chinese readymades costs ~$15, openly available in Sunnybank (cheaper if you buy a 200 carton). Loose choppy is less again if you roll your own.

Canbra Top Men have inadvertently brought acceptable crime to the average smoking man. However, nobody could have foreseen this outcome.

November 10, 2023 11:59 pm

There was a big riot in the Solomons not long back where the locals went ape shit on the Chinese, no?

November 11, 2023 12:04 am
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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x